subtomosetup(1) General Commands Manual subtomosetup(1) NAME subtomosetup - Sets up command files for reconstructing multiple sub- volumes SYNOPSIS subtomosetup options DESCRIPTION Subtomosetup creates a set of command files for directly reconstructing multiple numbered subvolumes from an aligned tilt series. Its main use is to allow subtomogram alignment and averaging to be done on unbinned data after selecting particle positions on a binned-down tomogram, without having to build a full unbinned tomogram. It also allows one to apply CTF correction to the aligned stack for a series of Z depths in the tomogram, and use the appropriate corrected stack in recon- structing each subvolume. Note that if the unbinned tomogram already exists, the program Boxstartend can be used to extract subvolumes from it. Rules of Operation The program allows considerable flexibility as long as several restric- tions are followed. 1) The program must be run from the dataset reconstruction directory, and the command files provided to it should ideally be ones managed and output by Etomo. Do not try to use a constructed with what seem to be the minimum required entries. 2) The raw tilt series stack must still be present. Alternatively, a file with the same name as the stack containing just the header can be used, but in this case the aligned stack must be present at the desired size and binning. 3) The tomogram on which points were selected for reconstruction must be available and entered with the -volume option, although it need not be in the current directory. Alternatively, a file with just the header of this volume can be supplied. 4) The tilt series alignment, tomogram positioning parameters, the X- axis tilt, and the tilt angle offset in the Tomogram Generation panel of Etomo must not be changed between the binned tomogram and subvolume reconstructions. Whether to use a GPU may be changed, and the current choice will determine whether a GPU is used for the reconstructions. 5) If you apply any processing to that volume outside of Etomo, the header entries for pixel spacing, origin, and tilt angles must be pre- served in the file entered with the -volume option. If you need to trim some more, use Trimvol; if you need to bin, use Binvol. 6) If you need to apply other software that does not preserve these header entries, follow these procedures: Make sure that the file ana- lyzed has the same dimensions as the IMOD-based file from which it was derived. Enter the name of the IMOD-based file instead of the analyzed file with the -volume option. Supply a point coordinate file instead of a model file for the -center option (use Model2Point(1) with the -float option to make such a file). Other alternatives are to load a model onto the IMOD-based file with the -m option and save it again, or to run Imodtrans on a model with the -image option and the name of the IMOD-based files, and use the resulting model. To make a file with a copy of the header from the raw stack or modeled volume, you can use the script "copyheader" with two arguments: the name of the input image file and the file in which to write the header, e.g.: copyheader You are free to make an aligned stack from a centered subarea or an over-sized area and to change this area between the binned and subvol- ume reconstructions. You can apply any trimming options in the Post- processing panel in Etomo. Note that the subvolumes will be reoriented the same way that the binned tomogram was. 3-D CTF Correction 3-D CTF correction is activated with the -zlevels option, which speci- fies the number of levels in Z at which to compute CTF corrections, or with the -extent option, which sets the range in Z over which each CTF correction is used The total Z range of the subvolume centers will be divided into levels based on one or the other entry, and each subvolume will be reconstructed from the aligned stack for its Z-level. The com- mand files are set up to process the Z-levels in order, with the CTF- corrected stack from the previous Z-level deleted before going on to a new Z-level. The command file for correction ("" by default) must already include the necessary options before running this program, including the correct pixel size for the aligned stack. The aligned stack must not already be CTF-corrected, but it may have gold fiducials erased already. Alternatively, fiducials can be erased in each corrected stack with the -erase option. If so, the command file for erasing ("" by default) must also have the correct options before running this program. Reconstructions from the Raw Stack Reconstructions can also be done directly from the raw stack when doing 3-D CTF correction. The aligned stack need not exist in this case, but desired parameters must be set in the command file for CTF correction, and the defocus file must exist. If 2-D filtering is to be done, it will be done on the raw stack by the command files produced here, and parameters must be set already in the command file for filtering. If gold beads are to be erased, that will happen after creating the CTF- corrected raw stack for each defocus level, the parameters must be set in the gold erasing command file, and the model for erasing must exist already. Reconstructions from raw images cannot take account of corrections for a distortion field or magnification gradients and will not be valid if either of these corrections were used when making the aligned stack. The program will examine the Newstack log and/or command files from making both the coarse and final aligned stacks and issue a warning if either of these contains distortion corrections. Using One or More GPUs A GPU can be used for both correction and reconstruction, for neither, or for correction but not reconstruction. The -gpu option can be used to control when the GPU is used. If that is not entered, the command files determine what will happen. If the reconstruction command file specifies use of the GPU, then it will be used for CTF correction as well, regardless of the setting in the command file for correction. However, if the reconstruction command file does not specify using the GPU, the setting in the correction command file determines whether cor- rection is done on a GPU. When reconstruction is run on CPUs and cor- rection on a GPU, correction will be run on only one GPU, and the first machine in the machine list given to Processchunks must have a GPU. It may be more efficient to do correction on one GPU even when many CPUs are available, because correction with CPUs will be split into many jobs to be run in parallel, which incurs some overhead and delays. When correction is done on CPUs, the operation will be split up by assuming there are 8 CPUs, unless a specific number is specified with -proc. Also, if reconstruction is set to be done on a GPU, correction (on the GPU) will be split into jobs when -proc is entered with a value higher than 1. X-axis Tilt When reconstructing from an aligned stack, if an X-axis tilt is included in either the reconstruction or correction command files, then the program evaluates whether it is similar enough in the two opera- tions. If an X-axis tilt is being applied at all during correction, it should closely match the value used for reconstruction, otherwise the program gives a warning. If there is an X-axis tilt in reconstruction but not correction, the program will determine the maximum difference in defocus produced by the two different X-axis tilt values, which occurs at the extremes of the reconstruction in Y. If this defocus is larger than a certain fraction of the Z-level extent, the program issues a warning. When reconstructing from the raw stack, the X-axis tilt in the recon- struction command file is unconditionally used for the correction. There is no additional time involved in using the X-axis tilt in this case because the CTF correction has to be done in diagonal strips of full-sized FFTs anyway. Chunks, Subvolumes, and Running the Jobs Subtomosetup generates command files named with the root name of the Tilt command file ("tilt" by default) plus "", etc. By default, each command file will produce ten subtomograms named "root- name-N.mrc" where "rootname" is the dataset root name, and "N" is a number that increases sequentially for all subvolumes computed, but with enough leading zeros so that all files have the same number of digits and will list in order. The numbers will be in the same order as the points in the model or point file, but with 3-D CTF correction, they will not be computed in order. If a position is too close to the top or bottom of the Y-extent that can be reconstructed from the cur- rent aligned stack, the particle will be skipped, but output files will still be numbered sequentially unless the -skip option is entered. For positions not quite so close to the limits in Y, a Tilt run will be included to generate a subvolume with up to 1/6 of the extent blank in that direction. Multiple Tilt runs are put in each command file in order to reduce the overhead in starting and monitoring commands, and to reduce the number of .com and .log files in the directory. The division of runs into jobs can be controlled by the -proc and -runs options. When doing 3-D CTF correction, runs at each Z level are apportioned into chunks using the same strategy, but with the same target for the total number of reconstruction chunks. Subvolumes can be stacked into a much smaller number of volume stacks to reduce the number of files that have to be handled. See the -vol- stack option. The command files can be run with Subm, Processchunks, or the generic parallel processing interface in Etomo. For example subm tilt-sub*.com to run all files in sequence, or processchunks 8 tilt-sub to run in parallel on 8 processors, as can also be done in the Etomo interface. A GPU will be used if specified in the original command file. The Etomo interface can be used to run on multiple GPUs located on different machines, but to run on multiple GPUs in one machine, pro- cesschunks must be run directly, such as with processchunks -G localhost:1:2:3 OPTIONS Subtomosetup uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -root (-ro) OR -RootName Text string Root name of dataset. For one axis of a dual-axis data set, include the "a" or "b" in this name. This option is required. -center (-ce) OR -CenterPositionFile File name Name of an IMOD model file or a point coordinate file with the center positions of the desired subvolumes. A point coordinate file should have one point per line, with its X, Y, and Z coor- dinates separated by spaces, not commas. These coordinates should correspond to pixels in the full file specified with -volume, where the first pixel in any dimension spans coordi- nates from 0 to 1. This option is required. -volume (-v) OR -VolumeModeled File name Name of the image volume in which points were selected. If a model file is supplied for the -center option, this entry should be the image volume that was modeled. If a point coordinate file is supplied with -center, the coordinates must correspond to pixel positions in this volume file. This option is required. -raw (-ra) OR -RawStackFile File name Name of raw image stack. This option is needed only if this filename cannot be determined by analyzing command files in the directory. -axis (-ax) OR -AxisAngle Floating point Angle that the tilt axis is rotated from vertical (counterclock- wise positive) in the raw image stack, used to determine whether the X and Y sizes of a full aligned stack are transposed from those of the raw stack. This entry is needed only if it cannot be found in an alignment log file. -objects (-o) OR -ObjectsToUse List of integer ranges If only a subset of objects in the model contain points to be reconstructed, this option can be used to enter a list of those objects (comma-separated ranges are allowed). -size (-si) OR -SizeInXYZ Three integers Final size of subvolumes in X, Y, and Z, in unbinned pixels. If the modeled volume was reoriented by rotation or flipping, sub- volumes will be treated similarly, and this entry specifies the size after reorienting. If the aligned stack is binned, the actual size will the specified size divided by its binning. This option is required. -dir (-d) OR -DirectoryForOutput File name Name of directory to place subvolumes into. By default, the subvolumes will be written into the dataset directory; this option can be used to place them in a subdirectory or, in fact, in a directory located anywhere. If the directory does not exist yet, it will be created. -chunk (-ch) OR -DirectoryForChunkFiles File name Name of directory in which to place the command files. By default, these chunk files will be written to the dataset direc- tory; with this option they can be in a subdirectory or other location. The log files will be created in the same directory. If the directory does not exist yet, it will be created. The command files must still be run from the dataset directory. -skip (-sk) OR -SkipSubVolNumbers Skip subvolume numbers whenever points near the border of the volume are skipped, thus keeping the subvolume and point numbers in register even when points are skipped. The default is to put out sequentially numbered subvolumes with no gaps, which is required when processing the subvolumes in PEET with template specifications for a series of volumes. -stackvols (-st) OR -MakeVolumeStacks Integer Stack the subvolumes into one or more MRC volume stacks, each containing up to the given number of subvolumes. The individual subvolumes will then be deleted. For each volume stack, the program will also produce a model file with a point at the cen- ter of each subvolume, as required for using these stacks in PEET. 3dmod will load a volume stack as multiple subvolumes, each at a different time index, so the model has each point in its own contour at the appropriate time index. The volume stacks will be named "rootname-vol#.mrc" and the models will be named "rootname-vol#.mod", where "#" is a value numbered from 1, with enough leading 0's so that the numbers for all files have the same number of decimal places. -com (-co) OR -CommandFile File name Starting command file for running Tilt to make the reconstruc- tions. The default is to use "", so this option is needed for a dual-axis data set or to use a copy of the file. -binali (-b) OR -NewAlignedBinning Integer Make a new aligned stack with the given binning instead of using the existing aligned stack. Any operations that were done on the previous aligned stack need to be specified with options here; they will not be redone automatically. Also note that the program will run Newstack to create a temporary aligned stack with one image in order to analyze its header settings. This option cannot be entered with -unaligned. -newstcom (-n) OR -NewstackComFile File name Name of command file to use for making a new aligned stack, which can be entered with or without its extension of ".com". If this option is not entered, "newst" will be substituted for "tilt" in the name of the command file for reconstruction. -unaligned (-un) OR -UseUnalignedImages Use the raw, unaligned stack for CTF correction and reconstruc- tion. This should be the only option that is needed to use the raw stack, other than the -reduce option if desired, when this program is run inside a directory with a full set of processing files from one data set. This option can be used only with 3-D CTF correction. The option cannot be entered with -binali. -reduce (-red) OR -FourierReduceByFactor Integer Reduce the raw stack by the given factor by using Newstack to crop its Fourier transform and use this reduced stack for pro- cessing from unaligned images. -zlevels (-z) OR -NumberOfZLevels Integer Number of different depths in Z at which to make CTF-corrected aligned stacks. Either this option or -thickness must be entered, but not both. An entry of 1 is allowed and will result in CTF correction being done at the defocus corresponding to the midpoint of the subtomogram Z depths. -extent (-ex) OR -ExtentOfZLevelsInNm Integer The maximum depth in Z over which to use one CTF correction, in nanometers. A large value can be used to do CTF correction only once, in which case the correction will be at the defocus corre- sponding to the midpoint of the subtomogram Z depths. -invert (-i) OR -InvertZLevelOffsets Integer Enter 1 to invert the sign of the offset in Z applied when doing the CTF correction for each Z level. This would be needed if the tomogram is upside-down from its orientation in the micro- scope, by rotation and/or inversion in Z. Tests with the most common sources of this problem indicate that this occurs when- ever tilt angles need inversion in Ctfplotter and Ctfphase- flip(1); thus the default is to use the value of the -invert option in the command file for CTF correction, with the option here available to override that value. See the section on .B Inverting Tilt angles in the Ctfplotter man page for more details. -adjust (-ad) OR -AdjustForAlignZShift Adjust for Z shift of tomogram away from the height that would have been produced by the cross-correlation alignment alone. The original cross-correlation (coarse) alignment would produce a tomogram in which the contrast-producing material is centered in Z, on average. If the same material is responsible for the signals used to measure the CTF, then a CTF correction with zero Z offset would be appropriate for the middle of a tomogram based on that alignment. With this option, the program finds the total shift imposed by the Z offset values in and and adds that to the Z offset used in Ctfphaseflip so that the subtomograms shifted by that amount have zero Z off- set in the correction. -ctfcom (-ct) OR -CorrectionComFile File name Command file for CTF correction, which can be entered with or without its extension of ".com". If this option is not entered, "ctfcorrection" will be substituted for "tilt" in the name of the command file for reconstruction. -erase (-er) OR -EraseFiducials Run a command file to erase gold, which will occur after after CTF correction of the aligned stack, if any. Gold may be erased in the aligned stack prior to CTF correction when using an existing aligned stack, but this option can be used to erase after correction, which is the preferred order of operations in Etomo and Batchruntomo. That order is better in principle but may make little difference in practice. -goldcom (-go) OR -GoldEraserComFile File name Name of command file to use for erasing gold, which can be entered with or without its extension of ".com". If this option is not entered, "golderaser" will be substituted for "tilt" in the name of the command file for reconstruction. -filter (-f) OR -FilterIn2D Filter images in 2-D. If filtering is desired, this entry is needed when reconstructing from a raw stack, but when using an existing aligned stack, the filtering may be done either before- hand or with this option. -2dcom (-2) OR -2DFilterComFile File name Name of command file to use for 2-D filtering. If this option is not entered, "mtffilter" will be substituted for "tilt" in the name of the command file for reconstruction. -gpu (-gp) OR -WhenToUseGPU Integer The entry overrides the default behavior described above based on the entries in the command files. Enter 0 to use just CPUs, 1 to use GPUs for both reconstruction and CTF correction, or 2 to use a single GPU for CTF correction and CPUs for reconstruc- tion. In the latter case, the first computer in the machine list must have a GPU. -pixel (-pi) OR -RawPixelSize Floating point Pixel size of raw image stack in nanometers. This entry is needed when using unaligned images only if the pixel size is 1.0 in the image file header, and the pixel size is not found in a file. -xform (-x) OR -AlignTransformFile File name File with the linear transformations that were used to align the images. This option is needed when using unaligned images only if this filename cannot be determined by analyzing command files in the directory. -reorient (-reo) OR -ReorientionType Integer This option can be used to specify the type of reorientation that was applied to the original reconstruction to obtain the modeled volume, in the unlikely event that the program cannot detect which was used. Reorientation by rotation around the X axis can be detected by the tilt angles in the volume header; swapping of Y and Z can be detected only if the "clip: flipyz" title is still present. If necessary, the program will assume that swapping occurred if the Y dimension is more than twice the Z dimension, or that no reorientation occurred if the Z dimen- sion is more than twice the Y dimension. If the program makes a wrong assumption or insists that this option be used, enter a 0 for no reorientation, 1 for swapping of Y and Z, or -1 for rota- tion around X. -proc (-pr) OR -ProcessorNumber Integer Number of processing units, either CPUs or GPUs, that the jobs will be run on. The program will divide the jobs into 10 com- mand files (chunks) per processor if this results in fewer than 1000 chunks, or with fewer chunks per processor, down to 5, in an attempt to keep the number of chunks under 1000. -runs (-ru) OR -RunsPerChunk Integer Number of Tilt runs per command file (chunk). The program will create chunks with this number of runs, or with more runs to keep the total number of chunks under 100,000. This option can- not be entered with -proc. The default is 10. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES All temporary files are removed by each command file as it runs, and command and log files except "-finish.log" file are removed by the "" file. AUTHOR David Mastronarde SEE ALSO tilt, subm, processchunks, boxstartend, trimvol, bin- vol(1), model2point, imodtrans BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 subtomosetup(1)