trimvol(1) General Commands Manual trimvol(1) NAME trimvol - Trim a volume and optionally rotate or scale to bytes or integers SYNOPSIS trimvol [options] input_file output_file DESCRIPTION Trimvol provides an interface to the program Newstack for trimming out, scaling, and rotating a selected portion of an MRC image volume. There are options for specifying the volume to be extracted, and for controlling the scaling. By default, coordinates are numbered from 1. Scaling can be specified in several different ways. The -c option specifies a scaling to bytes given black and white contrast settings from 3dmod. The -mm option will scale the minimum and maximum of the file to the specified values, converting to integers by default or to a data mode entered with -mode. Other scaling involves analyzing a region of the volume in one of two ways. One way is to run Findcon- trast(1), which chooses a scaling that saturates the intensities of one pixel per slice, on average, at the dark and the light end. The other way is to run Densmatch to find the scaling to a specified mean and standard deviation. The latter method is invoked by the -meansd option and can be used to scale to bytes or to a specified mode. If -meansd is not entered, scaling with Findcontrast is invoked by entering the -sz option, and scaling must be to bytes. When computing a scaling, by default, regions within 10% of the lateral borders of each section are omitted, but a different region can be set with -sx and -sy. The coordinates specified with these options and -sz will be treated as coming from a flipped volume only if the -f option is entered. By default, the origin of the output file will be adjusted so that a model built on the input volume will display correctly on the output file. This will even work for a volume rotated with -rx but not for one flipped with -yz. This adjustment can be turned off with the -k option. OPTIONS You can enter only one of -c, -mm, or a combination of -sz and -meansd. Similarly, you cannot enter both -x and -nx, both -y and -ny, or both -z and -nz. You can also enter only one of -yz and -rx. It is possible to enter limits for -x, -y, or -z that are outside the range of the volumes, provided that the specified volume includes some pixels within range for in each dimension. Regions in X and Y out of range will be filled with the mean value, and blank slices will be put for Z values out of range. Trimvol uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -x OR -XStartAndEnd Two integers Starting and ending X coordinate of region to cut out -y OR -YStartAndEnd Two integers Starting and ending Y coordinate of region to cut out -z OR -ZStartAndEnd Two integers Starting and ending Z coordinate of region to cut out -nx OR -XSize Integer Number of pixels to cut out in X, centered on the middle in X -ny OR -YSize Integer Number of pixels to cut out in Y, centered on the middle in Y -nz OR -ZSize Integer Number of slices to cut out in Z, centered on the middle in Z -sz OR -ZFindStartAndEnd Two integers Scale to bytes, or to another mode specified by -mode, by ana- lyzing intensities from sections between the two given numbers, inclusive. Coordinates are treated as coming from a flipped volume only if the "-f" option is given. Slices are numbered from 1 regardless of whether the "-i" option is used. If the -meansd option is entered, scaling will be found by running Densmatch and can be to any mode; if -meansd is not entered, scaling will be determined by running Findcontrast and must be to bytes. -sx OR -XFindStartAndEnd Two integers Analyze the region between this starting and ending coordinate in X to determine the scaling invoked by either --sz or -meansd. The default is to use 80% of the range in X. -sy OR -YFindStartAndEnd Two integers Analyze the region between this starting and ending coordinate in Y to determine the scaling invoked by either --sz or -meansd. The default is to use 80% of the range in Y. -c OR -ContrastBlackWhite Two integers Scale to bytes, with relative intensities between the two entered numbers (representing black and white values on a scale of 0 to 255) stretched to occupy the full range of byte values. -meansd (-me) OR -ScaleToMeanAndSD Two floats Scale the image intensities to the given mean and standard devi- ation, then convert values to bytes (mode 0) unless the -modeop- tion is entered with a different mode. -mm OR -IntegerMinMax Two floats Scale image intensities so that the minimum and maximum of the file become the given values of minimum and maximum, then con- vert values to integers (mode 1) unless the -modeoption is entered with a different mode. Newstack is run with the -scale option and the entered values. This option has this name because it was originally used only to scale to integers. -mode (-mo) OR -ModeToOutput Integer The storage mode of the output file; 0 for byte, 1 for 16-bit signed integer, 6 for 16-bit unsigned integer, 2 for 32-bit floating point, or 12 for 16-bit floats. This option can be used to modify the output mode for the -mm and -meansd options or when not applying any scaling at all, but cannot be used with the scaling to bytes invoked by the -sz or -c options. Mode 12 is allowed only if the output format is MRC. -rx (-r) OR -RotateX Rotate the output volume by -90 degrees around the X axis, by first creating a temporary trimmed volume with newstack then running "clip rotx" on this volume to create the final output file. The slices will look the same as with the "-yz" option but rotating instead of flipping will preserve the handedness of structures. -yz OR -FlipYZ Flip Y and Z in the output volume by first creating a temporary trimmed volume with newstack then running "clip flipyz" on this volume to create the final output file. Do not use this option unless you intend to invert handedness. -format (-fo) OR -FormatOfOutputFile Text string Set output file format to MRC, TIFF, or HDF by entering MRC, TIF, TIFF, HDF, or any lower case form of these. This entry overrides a default format set with the environment variable IMOD_OUTPUT_FORMAT. -i OR -IndexCoordinates Interpret "-x", "-y", "-z", "-sx", and "-sy" entries as index coordinates numbered from 0, rather than as 3dmod coordinates numbered from 1. -f OR -FlippedCoordinates Interpret "-y", "-z", "-ny", "-nz", "-sy", and "-sz" entries as referring to a volume viewed in flipped orientation in 3dmod, with Y and Z sizes swapped. This option allows you to enter the coordinates as they appear in 3dmod when the volume is loaded with flipping (the -Y option). The program assumes that flip- ping occurred by rotating around the X axis, unless the "-old" option is given. -old (-o) OR -OldFlippedCoordinates Integer This option indicates that Z coordinates were obtained by load- ing the volume with the -Y option into a version of 3dmod prior to 4.6.18, where flipping was done by exchanging the Y and Y axes instead of rotating around X. Enter the sum of 1 if the "-z" entry is based on such flipping and 2 if the "-sz" entry is based on such flipping. -k OR -KeepOrigin Keep the origin the same in the output from Newstack instead of passing it the -origin option to adjust the origin for the location of the subvolume being created. This option can be used to reproduce a volume created with earlier versions of IMOD. -PID Print process ID -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES If the output file already exists a backup image of the original is created with the ~ extension. The temporary file needed when flipping or rotating is created in the current directory with ".tmp.nnn" added to the input filename, where "nnn" is the process ID. AUTHOR David Mastronarde <mast at colorado dot edu> SEE ALSO newstack, findcontrast IMOD 5.2.1 trimvol(1)