newstack(1)                 General Commands Manual                newstack(1)

       newstack - Make a new mrc image stack.

       newstack  [options]  input_file(s)  output_file

       Newstack is a general stack editor to move images into, out of, or
       between stacks.  It can float the images to a common range or mean of
       density. It can bin images and apply a general linear transformations
       as well as a specified rotation or expansion. It can put the output
       into a smaller or larger array and independently recenter each image
       separately from the transformation.  Images can be taken from multiple
       input files and placed into multiple output files.

       Newstack uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for
       pip) and can take input interactively only for options available
       before conversion to PIP, to maintain compatibility with old command
       files.  The options accepted by the old newst script are all accepted
       by newstack.  Almost all options can be abbreviated to one or two let-
       ters.  The following options can be specified either as command line
       arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter
       file (without the -).  Options can be abbreviated to unique letters;
       the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in paren-
       theses.  However, if you are using short names in a script or command
       file, always use at least 3 letters, because new options might use the
       same one or two initial letters.

       In Windows, Newstack expands wildcards ('*' and '?') for input file-
       names internally, which is particularly useful without Cygwin.  It can
       also be used in Cygwin when the command line is too long after expan-
       sion; enclose the names with wildcards in quotes to keep the shell from
       expanding then.  On other systems, when there are too many input files,
       use the script Expandargs to produce a file that can be used with
       the -filein option.  That script can also handle ranges enclosed in
       square brackets.

         These options are involved in specifying input and output files.

       -input (-in) OR -InputFile     File name
              Input image file.  Input files may also be entered after all
              arguments on the command line, as long as an output file is the
              last name on the command line.  Files entered with this option
              will be processed before files at the end of the command line,
              if any.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -output (-ou) OR -OutputFile   File name
              Output image file.  The last filename on the command line will
              also be treated as an output file, following any specified by
              this option.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -fileinlist (-filei) OR -FileOfInputs    File name
              Name of file with list of input files and sections to read.  The
              format of the file is:
                 number of input files
                 name of first file to read
                 list of sections to read from first file
                 name of second file to read
                 list of sections to read from second file
              If this option is used, no input filenames may be specified with
              the -input option or as non-option arguments on the command
              line.  The section lists are allowed to have 8 times as many
              characters as the maximum number of sections, which is 1,000,000
              by default but can be changed with the -megasec option.  A file
              list can be constructed for a set of input files with the
              Expandargs script.

       -fileoutlist (-fileo) OR -FileOfOutputs       File name
              Name of file with list of output files and number of sections to
              place in each.  The format of the file is the number of output
              files on the first line, the first file to write on the next
              line, number of sections to write on next line, next filename on
              next line, etc.  If this option is used, no output filenames may
              be specified with the -output option or as the last file on the
              command line.

       -reverse (-rev) OR -ReverseInputFileOrder     Integer
              Process some or all of the input files in reverse order.  Enter
              0 to reverse the order for all files, a number N greater than 0
              to process only the first N files in reverse order, or a number
              N less than 0 to reverse only the last N files.  This option
              allows you to stack sequentially numbered files in a desired
              order and still enter them with wild cards on a command line.
              No other entries, such as multiple section lists, are reversed;
              they all apply to the files in the order that they are pro-
              cessed.  There must be at least the given number of input files,
              entered with -input or as non-option arguments.

       -split (-sp) OR -SplitStartingNumber     Integer
              Starting number for a series of numbered output files, where one
              section will be placed in each file.  There must be only one
              output file name entered, and it will be taken as the root name
              for the output files.  A dot and the number will be appended to
              the root name for each file unless an extension is entered with
              the -append option.  The number of digits used for the number
              will be the same for all files so that they will list in order.

       -append (-appe) OR -AppendExtension      Text string
              Extension to append to the filenames in a series of numbered
              files.  With this option, files will be named like "rootnnn.ext"
              instead of "root.nnn", where "root" is the root name entered as
              the output file name, and "ext" is the extension entered with
              this option.

       -format (-fo) OR -FormatOfOutputFile     Text string
              Set output file format to MRC, TIFF, HDF (if the package sup-
              ports HDF), or JPEG (if the package supports JPEG) by entering
              MRC, TIF, TIFF, HDF, JPG, JPEG, or any lower case form of these.
              Only a single image can be output to a JPEG file.  This entry
              overrides a default format set with the environment variable

       -compression (-com) OR -HDFCompressionIndex   Integer
              Sets the level of ZIP compression when writing to an HDF file.
              Compression values range from 1 (fastest, least compressed) to 9
              (slowest, most compressed), or 0 for no compression.  This entry
              overrides a value for compression set by the IMOD_HDF_COMPRES-
              SION environment variable.

       -volumes (-vo) OR -VolumesToRead    List of integer ranges
              If any HDF files containing multiple volumes are included in the
              input file list, this option must be entered to specify which
              volume to read from such a file.  Enter a volume number for each
              input file, numbered from 1, at least up until the last multi-
              volume HDF file in the input file list.  Enter 1 for an HDF file
              with only one volume or a stack of 2D images, or for other file

       -3d (-3) OR -Store3DVolumes    Integer
              This option controls whether data are stored in a 3D volume in
              an HDF file.  If 1 is entered, a new HDF file will be created
              (overriding the default output type) and data will be stored as
              3D volume rather than a stack of 2D images.  If 2 or 3 are
              entered, the output file must be an existing HDF file with data
              stored as volumes, and data will be stored in a new 3D volume.
              A value of 3 is used by Makepyramid to cause Newstack to
              insert the attribute "image_pyramid".  By default, if an HDF
              output file is being created, it will be stored as a volume if
              the first input file is an HDF file with volume storage.  A
              value of -1 will cause an output HDF file to be organized as a
              stack even if the input file has volumes.

       -chunk (-ch) OR -ChunkSizesInXYZ    Three integers
              Set target chunk sizes in X, Y, and Z for 3D volumes stored in
              HDF files.  Based on the target, an actual chunk size will be
              chosen in each dimension that minimizes the amount of extra
              image area created by making a set of full tiles.  When the tar-
              get value already evenly divides the image size in a dimension,
              that target will be used.  If this option is entered, the output
              file will be an HDF file with data stored as a 3D volume, making
              it unnecessary to enter -3d or -format.  The default is for 3D
              volumes to be stored with no tiling in X and Y and a chunk size
              of 1 in Z, or with the tiling and chunk size of the first input
              file if it is an HDF file stored as a 3D volume.

       -mdoc (-md) OR -UseMdocFiles
              This option allows data about each image section in metadata
              autodoc (.mdoc) files to be transferred and managed much as data
              in the extended header of an MRC file are.  With it selected,
              the program will search for a matching .mdoc file for each input
              file that is not HDF, and create a matching .mdoc file for each
              output file that is not HDF.  (A matching file is one with .mdoc
              appended to the image filename, as SerialEM creates).  Metadata
              about each image slice in ZValue sections will be transferred
              between autodocs and the ZValue will be renumbered appropri-
              ately.  Thus, data can be transferred from one .mdoc to another,
              if input and output files are MRC; from an .mdoc into the
              attributes of an HDF file if input is MRC and output is HDF; or
              from HDF attributes into an .mdoc if input is HDF and output is
              MRC.  When input and output are both HDF, attributes are trans-
              ferred automatically.  As of IMOD 4.11, metadata in autodoc sec-
              tions other than ZValue ones will be transferred in their
              entirety.^ If there is a single image in the input file, an
              .mdoc file produced by SerialEM along with a stack of frames
              will also be accepted as a valid source of metadata for the
              image.  These .mdoc files have a single section named "FrameSet"
              and no global information about the image size or mode at the
              top.  Their contents will be transferred to ZValue sections in
              the new .mdoc file

       -remove (-rem) OR -RemoveForMdocName     Text string
              This entry and the next one allow use of .mdoc files whose name
              endings do not match those of the corresponding image files.
              The two entries specify how to get from the current name of the
              input image file to the image file name upon which the .mdoc is
              based.  For this option, enter the text to be removed from the
              end of the image file name.  If necessary, use the -addback
              option to restore the full original image file name.  For exam-
              ple, if a stack of frames is saved into "originalName.tif" and
              the metadata into "originalName.tif.mdoc", then they are aligned
              and summed into a single image file "originalName_ali.mrc", the
              entry to this option would be "_ali.mrc" to get to "original-
              Name".  The entry to -addback would be ".tif" to restore the
              original extension and get back to "originalName.tif".  The pro-
              gram would then look for and find the .mdoc "original-

       -addback (-ad) OR -AddBackForMdocName    Text string
              String to add back to image file name after removing the string
              specified by the -remove option (which must also be entered), to
              obtain a file name for which there is a matching .mdoc.

       -pixel (-pi) OR -PixelSizeFromMdoc
              Set the pixel size in the header of each output file from the
              value of "PixelSpacing" in an .mdoc file associated with the
              input file, or in the metadata of an HDF file.  Specifically,
              the pixel size for an output file is set from the value for the
              first section going into that file.  When outputting one image
              per file, such as with the -split option, each file will have
              the correct pixel size.  Output .mdoc files are not created
              unless -mdoc is also entered.

       -tilt (-ti) OR -TiltAngleFile       File name
              Name of file with tilt angles, one per line, to substitute or
              insert into the metadata of the output file(s).  The successive
              angles in the file will be placed into the output in order, so
              the angles in the file should be in the same order as the
              intended order of the output.  Angles can subsequently be
              retrieved with Extracttilts.  If the input file(s) have
              extended headers with either the SerialEM or Agard/FEI format,
              the new values will be substituted for existing angles and other
              extended header items will be preserved.  (There must already be
              angles in the SerialEM header, and all input files must have the
              same type of extended header.)  If the input file(s) have no
              extended header, angles will be placed into an extended header
              in the Agard/FEI format (just 1 floating point number per sec-
              tion).  (In this case, all input files must have no extended
              header.)  Tilt angles can also be replaced or inserted if output
              file(s) are HDF, with or without an incoming .mdoc file; and
              tilt angles in .mdoc files associated with MRC files will be
              maintained as well.  If just an extension is entered (for exam-
              ple, ".tlt"), the program will look for a file with the root
              name of the input image file and this extension.

       -reorder (-reo) OR -ReorderByTiltAngle   Integer
              Reorder sections by tilt angle, which are taken either from an
              extended header or from a file of current angles specified with
              the -angle option.  If any input file does not have angles in
              its extended header, the angles must be supplied with the -angle
              option.  Enter 1 or -1 to have sections put in increasing or
              decreasing order by angle.  If angles are provided with the
              -angle option, you can also enter 2 or -2 to have the reordered
              angles inserted into the extended header.  Reordering is compat-
              ible with the section selection options below except -twodir;
              the subset of sections specified by them will be output in order
              by their angles.  The -tilt option cannot be combined with this
              one.  There must be only one output file.  If there is more than
              one input file, the sections will be ordered separately for each

       -angle (-ang) OR -AngleFileToReorder     File name
              File with tilt angles to use for reordering sections by angle
              with the -reorder option.  The file must contain one angle per
              output section, each on its own line (not one per section in the
              input file, if a subset of sections is being used.)  The angles
              should be in the same order as the input sections.  The angles
              in this file override any angles present in the extended header,
              but they will replace the angles copied over in the extended
              header only if -reorder is entered with 2 or -2.

       -newangle (-new) OR -NewAngleOutputFile       Integer
              File for output of tilt angles after reordering with the
              -reorder option.  This option can be used regardless of whether
              original angles are supplied with the -angle option.

         These options are used to specify which sections are read and written

       -secs (-se) OR -SectionsToRead      List of integer ranges
              List of sections to read from an input file, numbered from 0
              unless -fromone is entered.  Ranges may be entered (e.g.,
              1-3,5,8), and / may be used to specify all sections in the file.
              If multiple lists are entered with multiple input files, each
              one will be applied to the respective input file.  If no list is
              entered for a file, all sections will be read.  When there is a
              single input file, multiple entries will simply be concatenated
              to make one list.  Such entries may be necessary for entering
              very long lists, because each list entry is limited to 100,000
              characters.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -samesec (-sa) OR -SameSectionsToRead
              Read the same set of sections from all input files, without hav-
              ing to enter a section list for each file.  The -secs options
              must be entered only once.

       -fromone (-fr) OR -NumberedFromOne
              With this option section numbers entered with the -secs,
              -replace, and -exclude options, line numbers entered with -use-
              lines, and field numbers entered with -fields are numbered from
              1 instead of 0.

       -exclude (-exc) OR -ExcludeSections      List of integer ranges
              List of sections to exclude from the input file(s).  Exclusion
              is applied to the entire section list after it has been composed
              from other section-specifying options.  Any number in the sec-
              tion list contained in this exclusion list is removed from the
              section list, no matter how many times that number appears.
              Thus, one exclude entry can be used to exclude the same set of
              section numbers from multiple input files. The list can consist
              of ranges; sections are numbered from 0 unless -fromone is

       -twodir (-tw) OR -TwoDirectionTiltSeries
              Combine two files from the two halves of a bidirectional tilt
              series, where each half is taken in opposite directions of tilt
              from a common starting angle.  The sections will be stacked in
              inverted order for the first file.  There must be two input
              files, and section lists cannot be entered.

       -skip (-sk) OR -SkipSectionIncrement     Integer
              Increment for reading a regularly spaced subset of the sections
              in the list from the input file.  Enter 2 to take every other
              section, 3 to take every third section, etc.  Note that the
              increment is used to select from the input list, not from all
              the sections in the file.

       -numout (-nu) OR -NumberToOutput    Multiple integers
              Number of sections to write to each output file, when there are
              multiple output files.  These numbers may be listed in sequence
              in one entry, or in several entries.  (Successive entries accu-

       -replace (-rep) OR -ReplaceSections      List of integer ranges
              List of section numbers at which to write images into an exist-
              ing output file, numbered from 0 unless -fromone is entered.
              There must be only a single output file, its size in X and Y
              must be appropriate, and the given sections must already exist
              in the file.  The minimum and maximum density in the file header
              will be modified by the min and max of the sections being writ-
              ten, so they can become more extreme but not less extreme.  The
              mean density will not be changed.

       -blank (-bl) OR -BlankOutput
              Output blank sections for nonexistent section numbers in input
              file, namely for section numbers less than 0 or more than the NZ
              - 1.  The sections are filled with the mean value of the input
              file or with a fill value if one is entered with the -fill
              option; this value is then scaled in the same way that actual
              data are.

         These options specify geometrical operations performed on the images.

       -offset (-of) OR -OffsetsInXandY    Multiple floats
              X and Y center offsets for each section.  This is an offset to
              the center of the area from which image will be taken, so a pos-
              itive offset in X will move images to the left.  If images are
              being reduced with -bin, -shrink, or -ftreduce, the entry should
              be in unbinned pixels.  Enter one X,Y pair to apply a single
              offset to all sections.  If other transformations are being
              applied to the sections, these offsets will generally be com-
              bined with those operations, and non-integer offsets are mean-
              ingful.  Otherwise, the nearest integer offset will generally be
              applied, except when the -phase, -ftreduce, or -ftexpand option
              is used and the offsets are applied in Fourier space.  (Succes-
              sive entries accumulate)

       -applyfirst (-appl) OR -ApplyOffsetsFirst
              Apply offsets in X and Y before transforming image, which will
              make a rotated image come from a predictable location.  The
              default is to apply offsets after, which shifts the transformed
              image instead.  This option is relevant only when offsets are
              combined with either general linear transformations or rotation,
              expansion, or shrinkage; when shifts are applied in Fourier
              space with the -ftreduce option, they are always considered as
              unbinned shifts and thus occur before the reduction.

       -xform (-x) OR -TransformFile       File name
              File with one or more linear transformations to apply to images;
              if there is only one transform it will be applied to all images.

       -uselines (-use) OR -UseTransformLines   List of integer ranges
              A list of the line numbers of lines of transforms to use in the
              transform file (numbered from 0 unless -fromone is entered).
              Ranges are allowed.  The default is for the line numbers to
              match the input section numbers, unless there is just one trans-
              form in the file.  To have a single transform applied to all of
              the sections, just enter a single number.  (Successive entries

       -onexform (-on) OR -OneTransformPerFile
              Apply one transform line for each input file.  The default is
              for the first transform to be applied to the first file, the
              second transform to the second file, etc., in which case the
              transform file must have at least one line per input file.  Oth-
              erwise, -uselines can be used to specify which transform to
              apply for each file, in which case at least one line must be
              specified per input file.

       -phase (-ph) OR -PhaseShiftFFT
              Shift images by taking a Fourier transform, changing phases
              appropriately, and taking an inverse Fourier transform, rather
              than by interpolating in real space.  In principle, this method
              preserves high frequencies better than interpolation does.  The
              method can be used only if images are just being shifted or
              scaled with the -ftreduce or -ftexpand option, not when they are
              rotated, expanded, shrunk, stretched, warped, or undistorted.
              The shifts can be specified in two ways: with the -offset
              option, or as linear transforms that contain only shifts (i.e.,
              transform lines containing "1 0 0 1" followed by the shifts in X
              and Y).  This option can be used together with either -bin or
              -shrink, but not both, because the data are scaled down when
              read in.  The option need not be entered when doing image reduc-
              tion in Fourier space with the -ftreduce option, as any shifts
              will then be applied as addition phase shifts in the cropping

       -rotate (-ro) OR -RotateByAngle     Floating point
              Rotate all images by the given angle in degrees, positive for a
              counterclockwise rotation.  Rotation is applied after binning
              and transformation, if any.  It can be combined with linear
              transforms but not with warping transforms.  If the rotation is
              by +90 or -90 degrees and no output size is specified, then the
              X and Y sizes of the image will be transposed so the the output
              file will show the whole rotated image.  For any other rotation
              angles, you will get the same output size as the input image
              unless you enter a new size explicitly.

       -expand (-exp) OR -ExpandByFactor   Floating point
              Scale all images up in size by the given factor, greater than 1
              to expand, or less than 1 to shrink with ordinary interpolation.
              Scaling is applied after binning and transformation, if any.  It
              can be combined with linear transforms but not with warping
              transforms.  If no output size is specified, the size of the
              input image will be scaled appropriately so that the output will
              contain the entire image.

       -shrink (-sh) OR -ShrinkByFactor    Floating point
              Scale all images down in size by the given factor, a value
              greater than 1, using antialias filtering.  This option should
              be used for large image reductions, because using ordinary
              interpolation will give aliasing artifacts that appear primarily
              as noise.  Even binning will give some aliasing, especially for
              images rich in information above the highest frequency that will
              be retained in the reduced image.  Shrinking can be applied
              either after binning or in place of binning.  With no binning,
              it can be followed by rotation, general transformation, or dis-
              tortion correction, although only an integer shrinkage factor
              can be used with warping transformations.  With binning, it can-
              not be used with these other operations.  If no output size is
              specified, the size of the input image will be scaled appropri-
              ately so that the output will contain the entire image.

       -antialias (-ant) OR -AntialiasFilter    Integer
              Type of antialiasing filter to use when reducing images with the
              -shrink option.  In addition, if this option is entered along
              with -bin and without -shrink, it will cause image reduction to
              be done with antialias filtering instead of by simple binning.
              The available types of filters are:
                  1: Box - equivalent to binning
                  2: Blackman - fast but not as good at antialiasing as slower
                  3: Triangle - fast but smooths more than Blackman
                  4: Mitchell - good at antialiasing, smooths a bit
                  5: Lanczos 2 lobes - good at antialiasing, less smoothing
                                than Mitchell
                  6: Lanczos 3 lobes - slower, even less smoothing but more
                                risk of ringing
              The default is 6 for Lanczos 3 as of IMOD 4.7.  Although many
              people consider Lanczos 2 the best compromise among the various
              factors, that sentiment may be based on images of natural scenes
              where there are sharp edges. Enter a negative number to select
              the default, whatever it is set to.

       -bin (-bi) OR -BinByFactor     Integer
              Use ordinary binning to reduce images in size by the given fac-
              tor, or use antialias filtering to reduce images by this factor
              if the -antialias option is entered and -shrink is not.  The
              value of a binned pixel is the average of pixel values in each
              block of pixels being binned. Binning is applied before all
              other image transformations.  If no output size is specified,
              the size of the input image will be scaled appropriately so that
              the output will contain the entire image.  If the -oddeven
              option is not entered, the binned size in a dimension will be
              made even or odd depending on whether the input file's size is
              even or odd, respectively, which can result in an output size
              one pixel bigger even when the input size divided by the binning
              is an integer.

       -oddeven (-od) OR -AllowOddEvenChange
              Allow the output size from binning in a dimension to be odd when
              the input size is even, or even when the input size is odd, but
              only when this will add just 1 pixel to the size that results
              from integer division instead of 2.

       -ftreduce (-ftr) OR -FourierReduceByFactor    Floating point
              Scale all images down in size by the given factor by cropping
              the Fourier transform.  This reduction method provides complete
              removal of frequencies above the highest frequency being
              retained (i.e., antialiasing) with no attenuation of the
              retained frequencies.  However, this option is slower than image
              reduction in real space and cannot be used with any other image
              transformation, reduction, or warping except simple shifting.
              Shifts to keep the image centered will be applied in Fourier
              space during the cropping operation, so this option implies the
              -phase option and any other shifts that you choose to enter will
              be applied along with this.  Shifts can be entered either with
              the -offset option or as linear transformations containing only
              shifts.  Currently, the reduction factor must be either an inte-
              ger, or an integer divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10.  Thus,
              2.7, 1.375, 3.75, 1.333, and 2.167 are all acceptable factors.
              Factors that are integers divided by 3 or 6 must be entered with
              three decimal places, as in the last two examples.  The actual
              factor applied in those cases will be a ratio of integers, not
              the entered number, and be within 0.001 of the entered factor.
              If the factor is not acceptable, the program exits with an

       -ftexpand (-fte) OR -FourierExpandByFactor    Floating point
              Scale all images up in size by the given factor by padding the
              Fourier transform.  This expansion method provides complete
              preservation of the existing spatial frequencies without intro-
              ducing any higher frequencies in the result, as linear or cubic
              interpolation would.  However, this option is slower than real-
              space interpolation and has all the features and limitations
              just described for the -ftreduce option.

       -noise (-no) OR -NoisePadForFFT
              Use tapered noise based on nearby pixels along the edge of an
              image to pad an image for reduction and/or shifting in Fourier
              space.  The default is to pad with a simple taper that makes
              streaks outside the edge of the image, which may appear as
              structure if shifted into the image area.  For low-dose images,
              these streaks may look odd or otherwise cause trouble, which can
              be avoided by using this option.  This is the padding method
              used in Alignframes.

       -distort (-d) OR -DistortionField   File name
              Image distortion field file to use for undistorting images.  The
              undistortion is applied before any transformations.

       -imagebinned (-im) OR -ImagesAreBinned   Floating point
              The current binning of the images, so that the distortion field
              can be applied correctly.  This entry is required unless the
              program can determine the binning unambiguously from the image

       -fields (-fie) OR -UseFields   List of integer ranges
              A list of the distortion fields to apply for each section (num-
              bered from 0 unless -fromone is entered).  Ranges are allowed.
              The default is for the field numbers to match the input section
              numbers, unless there is only one field in the file.  To have a
              single field applied to all of the sections, just enter a single
              number.  This option was added when the only way to warp images
              was with distortion field files but it is not needed with cur-
              rent warping files.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -subarea (-su) OR -SubareaOffsetsXandY   Multiple floats
              X and Y offsets between the center of a distortion field and the
              center of each section.  A subarea from the upper right of the
              full image on which the field was based will have a positive
              offset in X and Y.  If images are being binned, the entry should
              be in unbinned pixels.  Enter one X,Y pair to use a single off-
              set for all sections.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -gradient (-g) OR -GradientFile     File name
              File with magnification gradients to be applied for each image.
              This should be a file listing the tilt angle, the percent magni-
              fication change per micron of Z height, and the degrees of rota-
              tion per micron of Z height for each image, such as is produced
              by Extractmaggrad.  The mag gradient correction is applied
              before a distortion field correction and before any transforma-

       -origin (-or) OR -AdjustOrigin
              Adjust the origin values in the image file header for changes in
              image size or the centering of a subarea.  With this adjustment,
              a model built on the input stack should be correctly located
              when loaded onto the output stack in 3dmod.  Model points
              will be correctly located in Z provided that a contiguous set of
              sections is output.  They will be correct in X and Y provided
              that the only operations on the data are a change in size of the
              output, binning with -bin, scaling with -expand, or -shrink, and
              shifting with -offset.

       -linear (-l) OR -LinearInterpolation
              Use linear instead of cubic interpolation to transform images.
              Linear interpolation is more suitable when images are very
              noisy, but cubic interpolation will preserve fine detail better
              when noise is not an issue.  Images are transformed when the
              -xform, -expand, -rotate, -distort, or -gradient option is

       -nearest (-nea) OR -NearestNeighbor
              Use nearest neighbor interpolation instead of cubic interpola-
              tion to transform images.  This method simply picks the nearest
              existing pixel value instead of interpolating between surround-
              ing values, so it can be used when pixels have discrete or mean-
              ingful values that need to be preserved.  This option and -lin-
              ear are mutually exclusive.   Images are transformed when the
              -xform, -expand, -rotate, -distort, or -gradient option is

         These options control the size, form, or density scaling of the out-

       -size (-si) OR -SizeToOutputInXandY      Two integers
              The dimensions of the output image in X and Y.  The default size
              is the same as that of the first input file, except in two situ-
              ations where the input sizes are transposed for the output: when
              -rotate is entered with an angle within 40 degrees of plus or
              minus 90, or when non-warping transforms are entered that all
              contain a rotation closer to plus or minus 90 degrees than to 0.

       -mode (-mo) OR -ModeToOutput   Integer
              The storage mode of the output file; 0 for byte, 1 for 16-bit
              signed integer, 6 for 16-bit unsigned integer, 2 for 32-bit
              floating point, 12 for 16-bit floating point, or 101 for 4-bit
              data.  The default is the mode of the first input file, with two
              exceptions.  1) For a 4-bit input file, the default is to output
              as bytes. If you create a file in mode 101, the standard header
              listing will show the "Map mode" as 0, but there will be a line
              above that indicating that the mode is truly 101.  2) The
              default mode of floating point output for MRC files is governed
              by the value of environment variable IMOD_WRITE_FLOATS_16BIT.
              Without this set non-zero, mode 2 is output by default for any
              floating point input. Mode 12 is allowed only if the output for-
              mat is MRC.  The range for mode 12 is -65504 to 65504; values
              are stored with 11-bit precision down to 6.1e-5 and 10-bit pre-
              cision down to 6.0e-8.

       -bytes (-by) OR -BytesSignedInOutput     Integer
              This entry controls how bytes are stored in the output file and
              overrides both the default for this version of IMOD and the set-
              ting of the environment variable WRITE_MODE0_SIGNED.  Enter 0
              for unsigned numbers or 1 for signed numbers.  Unsigned output
              is needed to work with versions of IMOD before IMOD 4.2.23;
              signed output may be needed for compatibility with external
              software that has followed recent documentation of the MRC for-
              mat.  Regardless of the representation in the file, bytes are
              read into IMOD programs as unsigned with a range of 0 to 255.

       -strip (-st) OR -StripExtraHeader
              Do not transfer extra header information in input file(s) to
              output file(s).  The default is to transfer this information
              whenever possible.

       -float (-fl) OR -FloatDensities     Integer
              Adjust densities of sections individually.  Enter 1 for each
              section to fill the data range, 2 to scale sections to common
              mean and standard deviation, 3 to shift sections to a common
              mean without scaling, or 4 to shift sections to a common mean
              then rescale the resulting minimum and maximum densities to the
              Min and Max values specified with the -scale option (which must
              be entered in this case).  When floating to mean and SD, the
              program will express the minimum and maximum densities for each
              image as the number of SDs from the mean and analyze these min-
              ima and maxima for extreme outliers.  Images with extreme ranges
              will be truncated to preserve the dynamic range for the rest of
              the images.  If no truncation is warranted from this analysis,
              the output when transforming images while floating to bytes may
              have a variable SD to keep the data after transformation within
              the byte range.  If this is problematic, float to an integer
              mode output and then restack into bytes with the default or a
              specified constant scaling.

       -meansd (-mea) OR -MeanAndStandardDeviation   Two floats
              Scale all images to the given mean and standard deviation.  This
              option implies -float 2 and is incompatible with all other scal-
              ing options.  There is no check that the scaling is sensible for
              the data mode, so be sure to change data modes to prevent exces-
              sive truncation or loss of resolution.  For example, change from
              unsigned bytes to integers if setting the mean to 0 or the SD to
              a large number (> 50); change from bytes or integers to floating
              point if setting the SD to a small number (< 10).

       -contrast (-con) OR -ContrastBlackWhite       Two integers
              Rescale densities to match the contrast seen in 3dmod with
              the given black and white values.  This works properly only when
              the output file will be bytes.  If the data were loaded into
              3dmod with intensity scaling, add the -map option with the
              intensity range given to 3dmod.  If you already have a byte file
              and want to reverse the contrast, you can do so with "contrast
              0,255 -map 255,0".

       -scale (-sc) OR -ScaleMinAndMax     Two floats
              Without the -float option, this option will rescale the densi-
              ties of all sections by the same factors so that the original
              minimum and maximum density will be mapped to the Min and Max
              values that are entered.  The Max can be less than or greater
              than the Min.  With "-float 4", the minimum and maximum result-
              ing from the initial shifting of densities will be mapped to the
              entered values.  If you want to reverse the contrast of the
              file, use Header to determine the existing minimum and maxi-
              mum of the file and then use "-scale Max,Min".

       -map (-ma) OR -MapFromRange    Two floats
              Scale from the given range of densities rather than the current
              min and max when using -contrast or -scale without "-float 4".
              The second number can be either less than or greater than the
              first.  Combined with -scale, this option allows an arbitrary
              mapping of two density values to two other values.  Combined
              with -contrast and "-mode 0", the option has the same effect as
              using mrcbyte with its -s and -c options.

       -multadd (-mu) OR -MultiplyAndAdd   Two floats
              Rescale the densities of all sections by multiplying by the
              first entered value then adding the second value.  This option
              must be entered either once only, or once per input file.  (Suc-
              cessive entries accumulate)

       -fixrange (-fix) OR -FixRangeIfNeeded    Two floats
              This option controls the conditional scaling and shifting of
              data described in detail in the section below on Density Scal-
              ing.  Such operations will occur only for integer image data
              that are being transformed in some way, and only if the data
              distribution fits some criteria.  The first value entered is the
              number of standard deviations from the mean within which data
              should be protected from truncation after image transformations;
              it must be at least 2.  The second value is a scaling factor
              that will be applied when the SD is below a criterion value (10
              by default); the default scaling is 1.  This option cannot be
              used with any other scaling specifications.

       -rfparam (-rf) OR -RangeFixingParams     Two floats
              This option sets two parameters relevant to the -fixrange
              option: the criterion SD value below which data should be scaled
              (default 10), and the factor by which the range of the data
              might expand on each end upon interpolation or shifting by phase
              shifts in Fourier space (i.e, the default of 1.2 allows for an
              increase in total range of 1.4).

       -fill OR -FillValue       Floating point
              Value to fill areas of the output image that have no image data.
              The filling is done before intensity scaling, so the value in
              the filled areas will be modified by any scaling that is done.
              As of IMOD 4.12.7, the default is to fill with the mean at the
              edge of the input image if it can be loaded entirely into memory
              at once, otherwise to use the image mean.

       -taper (-ta) OR -TaperAtFill   Two integers
              To taper an output image at a border between real image and a
              filled area, just as is done with Mrctaper, enter this option
              with two values: 1) the distance over which to taper or 1 for a
              default distance, and 2) a 0 for tapering outside or 1 for
              tapering inside the border.  The default distance is 0.5% of the
              mean of the X and Y sizes of the output image, but at least 16
              pixels and no more than 127.  The program will exit with an
              error if there is not enough memory to hold the entire output

         These include options for testing and memory control, and generic PIP

       -memory (-mem) OR -MemoryLimit      Integer
              Use this entry to specify the amount of memory used by the pro-
              gram for its main array, in megabytes.  The use of memory and
              the default limits for memory allocation are described above in
              the section "Memory Usage and Size Limitations."  Limiting the
              memory can keep it from using more memory than available but may
              result in it operating on the images in chunks.  Entering a
              value larger than its default limit will allow it to use more
              memory and avoid writing to a scratch file.  The main array is
              used to hold both the input image (in whole or in part) and a
              transformed image (in whole or in part).

       -test (-te) OR -TestLimits     Two integers
              To test the code for reading in and binning images in chunks,
              enter limits for the total size of the working array, and for
              the size of the array used for binning.  The sizes are the num-
              ber of 4-byte elements.

       -megasec (-meg) OR -MaxMegaSections      Integer
              Maximum number of sections that will be processed, divided by
              1,000,000.  The default is 1, which means that the program will
              set up arrays for a million section numbers.  If you get the
              error message "ERROR: PARSELIST - TOO MANY LIST VALUES FOR
              ARRAY" and are trying to process more than a million sections,
              enter this option with a higher value.

       -quiet (-q) OR -QuietOutput
              Suppress image file opening and min/max/mean output

       -print (-pr) OR -PrintXYSizeAndExit
              Determine output file size in X and Y, print it, and exit

       -verbose (-ve) OR -VerboseOutput    Integer
              1 for diagnostic output

       -param (-pa) OR -ParameterFile      Parameter file
              Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter

       -help (-h) OR -usage
              Print help output

              Read parameter entries from standard input.

       If no command line arguments are entered, inputs are prompted interac-
       tively.  The input is as follows; lines starting with IF are entered
       only if a particular option is selected.

       Number of input files, or -1 to enter list of files from a file

       IF you enter a number >0, then for each input file, enter two lines:
          File name
          list of section numbers to take from that file.  The first
            section is numbered 0 and ranges may be entered (e.g. 0-4,5,7-9)

       OTHERWISE, IF you enter -1, then enter the name of the file with list
            of files and sections.  The format of this file should be
          Number of input files
          File name
          list of section numbers (numbered from 0), ranges allowed
          next file and list of sections, etc.

       Number of output files, or -1 to enter list of files from a file

       IF you enter 1, next enter the name of the single output file.

       OR IF you enter a number >1, then for each output file, enter two
          File name
          Number of sections to put in that file

       OR IF you enter -1, then enter the name of the file with the list of
            files and numbers of sections.  The format of this file is:
          Number of output files
          File name
          number of sections to place in that file
          next file and number of sections, etc.

       The X and Y dimensions of the output file, or / to take the same
            dimensions as the first input file

       The data mode of the output file, or / to take the same mode as the
            first input file.  Mode can be 0 for bytes, 1 for 16-bit integers,
            2 for 32-bit real numbers, or 9 to 15 for 9 to 15 bit values.

       0 for no offsets, or 1 to apply X and Y offsets separately to each
            section, or -1 to apply the same X and Y offset to all sections

       IF offsets are selected, next specify the X and Y center offsets of
          each of the sections (they need not be on separate lines), or the
          single offset to apply to all sections.
          Hint: offsets of 50,50 will take the center of the output image
          from the upper right quadrant of the input image.

       0 for no transforms, or 1 to transform images using cubic
          interpolation, or 2 to transform using bilinear interpolation

       IF transforming is selected, next specify the file for transforms, and
          on a separate line, a list of lines to use in the file (numbered
          from 0).  Ranges are allowed here, but all must be on one line.  To
          have a single transform applied to all of the sections, just enter a
          single number.

       0 for no floating of densities, 1 to float densities so that each
           section occupies the same RANGE of densities (the optimum range for
           the particular data mode), 2 to float so that all sections have the
           same MEAN and STANDARD DEVIATION of density (which requires the
           input sections to be read twice), -1 to specify a single scaling
           that will be applied equally to all sections, -2 to scale all
           sections by the same amount, determined by black and white contrast
           settings, in order to convert to bytes with stretched contrast, 3
           to SHIFT sections to the same mean value without rescaling, or 4 to
           SHIFT sections to the same mean then rescale all sections by the
           same specified scaling.

       IF single rescaling is selected with "-1", next specify the density
          values to which the minimum and maximum in the data file should be
          mapped, or just enter "/" to have them mapped to the full-scale
          range for the data mode, or enter "1,1" to override any scaling of
          data that would otherwise occur because of a change of mode.  This
          scaling method can be used to invert densities by entering, e.g.,

       IF scaling by black and white contrast settings is selected with -2,
          next enter the black and white settings (see mrcbyte).

       OR, IF shifting and rescaling was selected with "4", next specify the
          density values to which the new, shifted minimum and maximum values
          should be mapped, or just enter "/" to have them mapped to the full-
          scale range for the data mode.

Additional Notes
       Pixel size.  The program will adjust the pixel spacing in the header of
       the output file if binning and/or the expansion or shrinkage options
       are used.  Models built on the input file in 3dmod should display cor-
       rectly on a file scaled by these three options.  However, the image
       origin is not adjusted for images that are a subset of the input image
       unless the -origin option is entered as well.  Without this option, it
       would be necessary to shift a model manually in 3dmod to display it on
       a subset.

       Density Scaling  When there is a change of modes, data are rescaled
       optimally in most cases. If floating or other scaling is not specified,
       the scaling is by an amount that would map the range for the input data
       mode into the range for the output data mode (e.g., going from mode 0
       to mode 1, it would scale data up by a factor of 128).  Generally, all
       sections will be rescaled by the same amount, thus preserving relative
       differences between sections.  However, if either the input or the out-
       put mode is 2 (real), this kind of rescaling will not occur.  Data will
       also be scaled down by default if being stored in 4-bit mode (101), but
       not scaled up when going from 4 bits to bytes.  In general, if your
       input mode is real and you are outputting to bytes or integers, you
       need to specify some kind of floating, shifting, or scaling in order to
       get usable values.  These same kinds of automatic scalings upon change
       of mode will occur with shifting to a common mean (option 3), but here
       the program is more careful to apply the same scaling to all sections.
       To disable the scaling upon change of mode, use the option "-mult 1,0,"
       or the "-1" floating option with interactive input.

       At the end, the program will report how many pixels have been truncated
       at the low or high limits of the output range.  If this happens after
       shifting with a specified output range, try again with a slightly
       smaller range.

       When the image is being transformed, automatic scaling or shifting of
       integer values can be selected with the -fixrange option to avoid trun-
       cation of values or loss of intensity resolution.  Truncation can occur
       when densities are at the bottom of the range for the data mode,
       because transformations (especially with phase shifting in Fourier
       space) can produce values outside the original range.  Loss of resolu-
       tion can occur if input values with few gray levels (such as from elec-
       tron counting cameras) are interpolated but then rounded to the same
       few gray levels.  When given the -fixrange option, the program will
       decide whether the data need to have their range shifted, their values
       scaled, or both to avoid these effects.  The decision is controlled by
       the two values entered with that option.  The first is the number of
       standard deviations from the mean within which data should be protected
       from truncation.  (If the actual minimum or maximum of the data are
       within this range, they will be used for the decision instead of the
       mean minus or plus the given number of SDs.)  When the program decides
       that a change is needed and can be done without saturating the high end
       of the data, it will either shift signed data (mode 1) that starts at
       -32768 up by 32768, or change the mode of unsigned data (mode 6) to
       signed (mode 1).  A value around 5 should be adequate.  The second
       value is a scaling factor, which can be 1 to have no scaling.  Data
       will be scaled by this factor if its SD is below a criterion value (10
       by default, copntrolled by the -rfparam option), and if that does not
       produce truncation on the high end.  Scaling in the range of 10-20
       should be adequate to preserve resolution in unscaled electron counting

       Warping Transformations.  The transformation file entered with -xform
       can contain warping transformations as well as simple linear trans-
       forms.  The transforms can consist of either displacements at a set of
       control points, as output directly by Midas, or displacements on a
       regular grid, as produced by Xftoxg.  Such warping files contain
       information about the size of the images that were aligned and their
       pixel size.  The transforms will be adjusted for a difference between
       that pixel size and the pixel size of the image file being transformed.
       They will also be extrapolated as necessary to cover an image area
       larger than that specified in the warping file; however, the program
       assumes that the input images are centered on the images with which the
       warping file was prepared.  The warping will be incorrect if this is
       not the case.

       Warping cannot be used with distortion corrections.  If this is neces-
       sary, consider using Blendmont, which can combine such operations.
       The -expand and -rotate options also cannot be used with warping trans-
       formations because such transformation would occur after the warping
       while the linear transform included in a warping file occurs before the
       warping.  If these operations are necessary, you can avoid transforming
       the images twice by preparing a one-line text file with
          factor  0.  0.  factor  0.  0.
       for expansion by the factor, or with
          cos(angle)  -sin(angle)  sin(angle)  cos(angle)  0.  0.
       for rotation by the angle.  Then use Xfproduct to multiply the warp-
       ing transforms by the single linear transform, and transform the images
       with the product.

       Complex and Color Data.  Complex data (Fourier transforms) can be
       stacked but not otherwise manipulated.  Don't try to change the size or
       center of the FFT's.

       Newstack can read in color data (MRC data mode 16, TIFF RGB or colormap
       files) as floats, but it cannot preserve the color channels and output
       color data again.  If the input data are mode 16 and you want to com-
       bine the channels, you must specify a different output mode.  If you
       want to preserve the color, there is a script, Colornewst, that will
       split the color channels into three byte-mode files with "clip
       splitrgb", use Newstack to perform identical operations on each of the
       three files, and recombine the data into a color file with "clip join-

       Memory Usage and Size Limitations. By default, the amount of memory
       that the program will try to use depends on the operations being done
       and on the amount of memory in the system.  When data are being trans-
       formed in real space, it will seek to hold the entire input image and
       the transformed image in memory, at 4 bytes per pixel.  For other oper-
       ations, including shifting and reduction in Fourier space, the same
       memory may be used for input and output, although there are some cases
       where it would need separate input and output memory.  The memory to be
       allocated is limited to the minimum of 3/4 of system memory, system
       memory minus 1 GB, and 15 GB when there is up to 30 GB of system mem-
       ory, or to half of system memory when there is more than 30 GB.  For
       large images, it can work with less memory than the ideal amount by
       reading, operating on, and writing strips of the image if necessary.
       The ability to work on the image in strips is limited when images are
       rotated by large angles (30-90 degrees); in such cases the program will
       need at least enough memory to hold the whole input images.  If there
       is image scaling that requires seeing the entire image to be output
       before knowing how to scale it (i.e., with the -float option), the pro-
       gram may even write these strips to a scratch file then reread them for
       final scaling into the output file. On a 32-bit system, if the memory
       allocation fails, it will try to work with just under 2 GB of memory.
       Memory allocation will probably not fail on a 64-bit system.  In either
       case, system performance will suffer if the program allocates more than
       the amount of memory actually available, and it may be necessary for
       you to limit the memory as appropriate with the -memory option.  Con-
       versely, when you have a lot of memory for handling large images, you
       may be able to use that option to allow the program to use more memory
       and avoid writing to a scratch file.  The sign that a scratch file is
       being used is a line of output starting with "SCRATCH image file on
       unit   3 :".

       The program can manipulate and transform images bigger than 4 gigapix-
       els, but distortion correction is currently limited to 2 gigapixel

       Format of Linear Transformations.  Each linear transformation in a
       transform file is specified by a line with six numbers:
         A11 A12 A21 A22 DX DY
       where the coordinate (X, Y) is transformed to (X', Y') by:
         X' = A11 * (X - Xci) + A12 * (Y - Yci) + DX + Xco
         Y' = A21 * (X - Xci) + A22 * (Y - Yci) + DY + Yco
       where (Xci, Yci) and (Xco, Yco) are the center coordinates of the input
       and output images, respectively.

       DNM (mast) for VAX    8/88
       5/4/89 changed to float to same mean and sd rather than mean and min.
       12/19/89 added full control of density scaling; fixed bug in
       interpolation that was generating half-pixel error half the time.
       4/19/90 added line-by-line prompts for file and section entry and
       added time/date stamp
       1/23/91: fixed so that it can correctly pad images and extract
       subsets of images with either center-shifting or transforms
       6/11/91: fixed bug if trying to output scaled real values les than 0
       Feb 94 : Ported to SGI by Paul Furcinitti.
       Jul 94 : PSF (Furcinitti) Fixed bug when writing byte files.
       11/16/94: DNM added shifting to mean, rationalized scaling somewhat
       9/24/01: changed to read and write in chunks if images are big
       12/24/03: converted to PIP input, added undistorting and binning
       June 2011: Added support for warping

       mrcbyte, tif2mrc, clip

       Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu.

IMOD                                 5.2.1                         newstack(1)