binvol(1)                   General Commands Manual                  binvol(1)

       binvol - Reduce a 3D volume in size isotropically or anisotropically

       binvol  [options]  input_file  output_file

       Binvol can reduce a volume in all three dimensions, with the reduction
       done isotropically or by different amounts in X, Y, and Z, and can also
       expand volumes.  The default is now to use antialiased image reduction
       instead of binning in Z, as well as in X and Y when the reduction is
       equal in X and Y.  In these cases, reduction factors need not be inte-
       gers.  The previous default of binning can be used by entering 0 for
       the -antialias option.  Binning means summing (actually averaging) all
       of the values in a block of voxels (e.g., 2x2x2 or 1x1x3) in the input
       volume to create one voxel in the output volume, so it can be done only
       by an integer amount in each dimension, but X and Y can have different
       binnings.  It is also possible to do reduction by taking the 3-D
       Fourier transform and cropping it, which gives perfect antialiasing but
       requires more memory and may introduce ringing near the edges.  In
       addition, a volume can be expanded by padding the 3-D FFT.  Both of
       these operations require equal scaling in X and Y.  The output file
       from reduction or expansion will have appropriately larger or smaller
       pixel spacings in its header.

       Binvol uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip).
       The following options can be specified either as command line arguments
       (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -).
       Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid
       abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses.

       -input (-i) OR -InputFile      File name
              Input image file to bin down in 3D

       -output (-o) OR -OutputFile    File name
              Output file for binned volume

       -mode (-mo) OR -ModeToOutput   Integer
              The storage mode of the output file; 0 for byte, 1 for 16-bit
              signed integer, 6 for 16-bit unsigned integer, 2 for 32-bit
              floating point, or 12 for 16-bit floating point.  Floating point
              would be useful to preserve intensity resolution in the averaged
              data, particularly important when applying a large amount of
              binning to relatively small byte or integer values.  The default
              is the mode of the input file, although the default mode of
              floating point output for MRC files is governed by the value of
              environment variable IMOD_WRITE_FLOATS_16BIT..  Mode 12 is
              allowed only if the output format is MRC.

       -binning (-b) OR -BinningFactor     Floating point
              Overall factor to reduce by.  Antialiasing must be specified if
              the value is not an integer.  The default is 2.

       -xbinning (-x) OR -XBinningFactor   Floating point
              Factor to reduce by in X.  It must be an integer unless
              antialiasing is specified and reductions in X and Y are equal.
              The default is to use the overall reduction factor.

       -ybinning (-y) OR -YBinningFactor   Floating point
              Factor to reduce by in Y.  It must be an integer unless
              antialiasing is specified and reductions in X and Y are equal.
              The default is to use the overall reduction factor.

       -zbinning (-z) OR -ZBinningFactor   Floating point
              Factor to reduce by in Z.  It must be an integer unless
              antialiasing is specified.  The default is to use the overall
              reduction factor.

       -antialias (-a) OR -AntialiasZFilter     Integer
              The Z dimension will be reduced with antialiased filtering
              instead of with binning by default or if a number between 2 and
              6 is entered to specify the filter type.  If the reduction is
              equal in X and Y (and greater than 1), then antialiased reduc-
              tion will be applied in those dimensions as well, even if it is
              different from the Z reduction.  The result will be slightly
              shifted from that obtained with the -shrink option to New-
              stack(1) if the X or Y dimension is not a multiple of the bin-
              ning.  The filters are as in Newstack:
                  2: Blackman - fast but not as good at antialiasing as slower
                  3: Triangle - fast but smooths more than Blackman
                  4: Mitchell - good at antialiasing, smooths a bit
                  5: Lanczos 2 lobes - good at antialiasing, less smoothing
                                than Mitchell
                  6: Lanczos 3 lobes - slower, even less smoothing but more
                                risk of ringing
                 -1: The default filter, which is Lanczos 3

       -spread (-sp) OR -SpreadSlicesInZ
              Output slices in Z that sample, or are centered on, Z values as
              close to the starting and ending input slices as possible.  This
              option can be used only when doing antialiased reduction in Z.
              By default, the first output slice is centered on the middle of
              the first set of slices corresponding to the binning in Z.  The
              bottom edge of this slice is the same as the bottom edge of the
              first input slice and the Z origin is unchanged.  The number of
              slices is truncated to an integer after division by the reduc-
              tion factor.  With this option, if the size in Z is not evenly
              divisible by the reduction factor, an additional slice is pro-
              duced, the centering of the first slice is moved down, and the Z
              origin is increased to adjust for this.

       -ftreduce (-ftr) OR -FourierReduceByBinning
              Use cropping of the 3-D Fourier transform to reduce the volume
              by the binning factors entered with other options.  This reduc-
              tion method provides complete removal of frequencies above the
              highest frequency being retained (i.e., antialiasing) with no
              attenuation of the retained frequencies, but might produce some
              ringing near the edges.  The reduction must be equal in X and Y.
              Also, the entire input and output volumes (plus some padding)
              must fit in the allowed memory at 4 bytes per pixel.  For inte-
              ger reduction factors, the output should be in good register
              with that from real-space reduction.  Currently, the reduction
              factor must be either an integer, or an integer divided by 2, 3,
              4, 5, 6, 8, or 10.  Thus, 2.7, 1.375, 3.75, 1.333, and 2.167 are
              all acceptable factors.  Factors that are integers divided by 3
              or 6 must be entered with three decimal places, as in the last
              two examples.  The actual factor applied in those cases will be
              a ratio of integers, not the entered number, and be within 0.001
              of the entered factor.  If the factor is not acceptable, the
              program exits with an error.

       -ftexpand (-fte) OR -FourierExpandByBinning
              Use padding of the 3-D Fourier transform to scale the volume up
              by the binning factors entered with other options.  This method
              will produce a smoother result than 3-D interpolation, e.g.,
              with Matchvol.  The expansion must be equal in X and Y.
              Also,  the entire input and output volumes (plus some padding)
              must fit in the allowed memory at 4 bytes per pixel. The allowed
              factors have the same limitations as described for -ftreduce.

       -shifts (-sh) OR -ShiftsInXYZ       Three floats
              Shifts in X, Y, and Z to apply to the input before Fourier
              reduction or expansion, in addition to whatever internal shifts
              are applied to make the volume be in register with output from
              real-space reductions. This option has been used to determine
              those internal shifts.

       -memory (-me) OR -MemoryLimit       Integer
              Maximum size of working array in megabytes.  The size of the
              array determines whether data are read in and reduced in chunks
              or as whole slices, which is more efficient.  The default value
              is 1000 megabytes if the system physical memory cannot be deter-
              mined; otherwise the size is the minimum of 15 GB, 3/4 of physi-
              cal memory, and physical memory minus 1 GB, for memory up to 30
              GB, and half of physical memory above 30 GB; but in any case at
              least 400 MB.  The maximum allowed value is 8000 if system mem-
              ory is not determined, or 80% of physical memory.

       -verbose (-v) OR -VerboseOutput     Integer
              Output debugging information: 1 for basic, 2 for output per

       -help (-h) OR -usage
              Print help output

              Read parameter entries from standard input.

       Written by David Mastronarde
       Converted to PIP input and added to package, 10/28/04
       Implemented non-integer reduction, 4/2/23
       Implemented Fourier reduction and expansion, 12/30/23

       Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu.

IMOD                                 5.2.1                           binvol(1)