densmatch(1) General Commands Manual densmatch(1) NAME densmatch - Scale densities in one volume to match another volume or to have a given mean/SD SYNOPSIS densmatch [options] Reference_file File_to_scale [Output_file] DESCRIPTION Densmatch scales the density values in one volume so that its mean and standard deviation match that of another volume or match a given mean and SD. To determine the mean and S.D. for each volume, by default it samples up to 1000000 pixels in the central eighth of each volume (cen- tral half in X, Y, and Z). There are options to control the region sampled or to use all pixels instead of sampling. The program can write the scaled values either to a new file or back into the file of the volume being scaled. THE LATTER WILL DESTROY THE ORIGINAL VALUES IN THAT FILE. OPTIONS Densmatch uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) and can still take sequential input interactively, but with no options. The following options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in paren- theses. -reference (-ref) OR -ReferenceFile File name Input file with reference volume (the one being matched to). This file can be entered on the command line as the first non- option argument. -scaled (-s) OR -ScaledFile File name Input file with volume to be scaled to match. This file can be entered on the command line as the second non-option argument, or as the first non-option argument if -target is entered instead of a reference file. -output (-ou) OR -OutputFile File name Output file for the scaled volume. This file can be entered on the command line as the third non-option argument, or the second non-option argument if -target is entered instead of a reference file. If this file is omitted, the program will write the scaled values back to the input file. -target (-t) OR -TargetMeanAndSD Two floats Mean and standard deviation to scale the volume to (the one entered with -scaled). The reference file is not entered in this case. If you have a byte or integer image file and you want to scale to a small target SD value (such as 1, as opposed to 40), then you need to change the mode of the output file to floating point. -mode (-m) OR -ModeToOutput Integer The storage mode of the output file; 0 for byte, 1 for 16-bit signed integer, 6 for 16-bit unsigned integer, 2 for 32-bit floating point, or 12 for 16-bit floating point. The default is the mode of the input file, although the default mode of float- ing point output for MRC files is governed by the value of envi- ronment variable IMOD_WRITE_FLOATS_16BIT. This entry is allowed only when writing to a new output file. Mode 12 is allowed only if the output format is MRC. -report (-rep) OR -ReportOnly Report scaling factors without writing scaled data to file. The program will report two numbers, a factor to multiply by then a constant to add; these numbers can be supplied to the -multadd option of Newstack. -xminmax (-x) OR -XMinAndMax Two integers Starting and ending X coordinates of region to analyze for mean and SD in reference volume. An ending X of 0 will be converted to NX - 1, so 0,0 can be entered to use the full extent in X. The default is NX/4, 3*NX/4, where NX is the size of the scaled volume in X. X, Y, and Z coordinates are numbered from 0. -yminmax (-y) OR -YMinAndMax Two integers Starting and ending Y coordinates of region to analyze in refer- ence volume. An ending Y of 0 will be converted to NY - 1. The default is NY/4, 3*NY/4, where NY is the size of the scaled vol- ume in Y. -zminmax (-z) OR -ZMinAndMax Two integers Starting and ending Z values of region to analyze in reference volume. An ending Z of 0 will be converted to NZ - 1. The default is NZ/4, 3*NZ/4, where NZ is the number of slices in the scaled volume. -all (-a) OR -UseAllPixels Compute mean and SD from all pixels in the files, not from a sample of pixels. With this option, it is not necessary or allowed to enter any minimum and maximum coordinates. Use this option to get an exact match to target values for small volumes (say, several megapixels). For larger volumes, use "-xm 0,0 -ym 0,0 -zm 0,0" instead to sample the entire volume, unless you really need a precise match; with sampling, the SD will be accu- rate to within about 0.2%. -offset (-of) OR -OffsetRefToScaledXYZ Three integers Displacement of the volume being scaled relative to the refer- ence volume in X, Y, and Z; namely, the amount to add to a pixel coordinate in the reference volume to obtain the coordinate of the corresponding pixel in the file being scaled. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. INTERACTIVE INPUT If there are no command-line arguments, Densmatch takes sequential input the old way, with the following entries: Name of the first volume, the one whose densities are being matched Name of the second volume, the one being scaled Name of an output file, or a blank line to have the scaled values writ- ten back into the second file. HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, November 1995 Converted to PIP input, added reporting option, 8/23/04 Added options for target, mode, and all pixels, increased sample size by 10, 2/11/15 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 densmatch(1)