xfmodel(1) General Commands Manual xfmodel(1) NAME xfmodel - solves for transformations and applies them to models SYNOPSIS xfmodel [options] input_model output_file DESCRIPTION Xfmodel will take an IMOD model, and either a) use corresponding points in two sections to obtain a transformation between the sections, or b) transform the points in the model to match a new alignment of images To solve for transforms, the model objects should consist of corre- sponding points in two or more successive sections. The program con- siders each pair of successive sections independently. If an object contains two points in the same section, the program will take the point whose Z value is closer to that of the other section in the pair. The program can "edit" an existing list of f transforms (transforms that relate each section to the previous one). That is, the model may have points from only a few sections, or one may specify which sections to find transforms for, and the program will output a list containing new transforms for those sections and transforms from the existing list for the rest. In solving for transforms, the model can be built on unaligned images or on images that have been aligned with a previously existing set of transforms. In the latter case, if you specify the file of g trans- forms that were used to prealign the images, then the new transforms will apply to the original images; otherwise, the new transforms are incremental to the first alignment and would apply to the prealigned images. When the program solves for the transformation between a pair of sec- tions, it applies the transformation to the points on the second sec- tion of the pair, and computes the displacement, or deviation, between each point and the corresponding point on the first section of the pair. It then reports the mean deviation for all of the points, the maximum deviation, and the object number of the point with maximum deviation. In addition, you may elect to have a complete report of the deviations of all points for particularly bad sections. If you choose this option, you control which sections are reported by specifying cri- terion values for the mean and maximum deviations; the full report will be made for any sections with mean or maximum deviations greater than the respective criteria. If the images are montaged, this is specified by entering the the name of the file of piece coordinates. The Z values in this list of pieces are used to establish the correspondence between Z values in the model and transform number in the list of transforms. If the image is miss- ing some sections, you should specify whether the transform lists con- tain a transform only for each existing section or a transform for each section number, including the missing sections. The choice here will be applied both to lists of existing transforms that are read in and to the list that is computed by the program, if any. In either case, if there are model objects that bridge a gap over missing sections, the program can compute a transform between the sections on either side of the gap. Instead of solving for transforms between pairs of adjacent sections, the typical mode of operation, the program can solve for transforms between a single specified section and each other section. It is possible to find the X/Y translation alone that best aligns the set of points on a section to those on a previous section. The result- ing transformations (which involve no rotations or size changes) can be used in a second stage of model alignment to remove progressive shifts in position while retaining trends in size and rotation. It is also possible to find the translation and rotation alone that best aligns two sections. The resulting transformations (which involve no size changes) can be used in a second stage of model alignment to remove progressive shifts in position and rotations while retaining trends in size. Finally, you can also obtain transformations that include trans- lation, rotation, and magnification change but no stretch. Transforming Models A model that was built on unaligned images can be transformed to match with aligned images. A model built on aligned images can be back- transformed to match the raw, unaligned images, or it can be trans- formed to match a new alignment of the images. This behavior is con- trolled by specifying the transforms used for prealignment. The possi- bilities can be illustrated with operations on a fiducial model for tilt series alignment, which was built on images prealigned with the transforms in setname.prexg. Tiltalign produces transforms in set- name.tltxf that could be used to bring the prealigned images into final alignment. To transform the fiducial model to the final aligned stack, use: xfmodel -xf setname.tltxf setname.fid setname.fidali Once setname.tltxf and setname.prexg are multiplied to obtain the full alignment transforms setname.xf, the same result is achieved with: xfmodel -xf setname.xf -pre setname.prexg setname.fid setname.fidali To transform the model back to the raw stack, use: xfmodel -back -pre setname.prexg setname.fid setname.fidunali When a distortion field is specified, it is important to indicate the prealignment transforms, if any, because the distortion field is accu- rate only for the original images. The program can behave in 4 differ- ent ways: 1) -distort only: the model is assumed to be built on unaligned images and is simply undistorted (or redistorted, if -back in included) 2) -distort and -xform: the model is assumed to be built on unaligned images and is undistorted then transformed by the given transforms. 3) -distort and -prealign: the model was built on prealigned images. It is back-transformed, undistorted, then re-transformed into alignment with undistorted prealigned images. 4) -distort, -prealign, -xform: the model was built on prealigned images. The transforms specified by -xform must be ones that would apply to original rather than prealigned images. The model is back- transformed by the prealignment transforms, undistorted, then re-trans- formed by the transforms specified by -xform. Each linear transformation in a transform file is specified by a line with six numbers: A11 A12 A21 A22 DX DY where the coordinate (X, Y) is transformed to (X', Y') by: X' = A11 * X + A12 * Y + DX Y' = A21 * X + A22 * Y + DY OPTIONS Xfmodel uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) and can take input interactively only for options available when the program was converted to PIP input, to maintain compatibility with old command files. The following options can be specified either as com- mand line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -input (-in) OR -InputFile File name Input model file to be transformed, or from which transforma- tions will be found. -output (-o) OR -OutputFile File name Output file, either transformed model or list of transforma- tions. -image (-im) OR -ImageFile File name Image file that model was built on, used to determine center coordinate for transformations. If neither this nor Center- InXandY are entered, the image size will be used from the model header. -piece (-pi) OR -PieceListFile File name Name of piece list file for a montaged image file -allz (-al) OR -AllZhaveTransforms When there is a list of piece coordinates that has gaps in the Z values, use this entry to indicate that transform files have transforms for all Z values; otherwise the files will be assumed to have matching gaps in Z. -center (-ce) OR -CenterInXandY Two floats Center coordinates of image in X and Y. If neither this nor ImageFile are entered, the image size will be used from the model header. -transonly (-t) OR -TranslationOnly Solve for transformations that include only translations in X and Y. -rottrans (-r) OR -RotationTranslation Solve for transformations that include rotations and transla- tions. -magrot (-m) OR -MagRotTrans Solve for transformations that include magnifications, rotations and translations, i.e. no stretch. -sections (-se) OR -SectionsToAnalyze List of integer ranges List of sections to find transformations for. identified by the second one of each pair, numbered from 0. The default is all sections. -single (-si) OR -SingleSection Integer Align all sections to a single reference section with the given section number. -full (-f) OR -FullReportMeanAndMax Two floats A detailed report will be printed for any section that exceeds either the given mean deviation or the given maximum deviation. -prealign (-pr) OR -PrealignTransforms File name File of g transforms that were used to prealign the images on which the model was built -edit (-e) OR -EditTransforms File name Name of file with existing f transforms to be replaced by any transforms that are solved for -xforms (-x) OR -XformsToApply File name File of g transforms to apply to transform the model -useline (-use) OR -UseTransformLine Integer Line number of single transform to apply to all points in model, regardless of their Z values. Line numbers start at 0. This option can be used only when forward or back-transforming the model. This option will be invoked automatically if there is only one transform in the file. If prealignment transforms are specified when transforming or undistorting a model, they will be applied as usual, with a separate transform used for each Z value. -chunks (-ch) OR -ChunkSizes List of integer ranges If the model consists of a set of blocks in Z, such as a model built on a set of serial tomograms, then this option can be used to apply one transform per chunk of Z values. Enter a list giv- ing the number of sections in each chunk. Z values beyond the total of these chunk sizes will not be transformed. The same chunk structure will be used when applying prealignment trans- forms if -prealign is entered. -back (-ba) OR -BackTransform If no distortion field is involved, apply the inverse of the transforms specified by -prealign or -xforms. Either of these two options may be used to specify transforms, but not both. If a distortion field or mag gradient is specified, this option can be used to transform a model built on undistorted images to match original images. In this case, prealignment transforms will be treated differently depending on how they are specified: with -xforms, the model will be back-transformed to match the raw images; with -prealign, the model will be transformed to match prealigned but distorted images. -scale (-sc) OR -ScaleShifts Floating point Factor by which to scale X/Y translations in the transforms before applying them. Use this option if a set of transforms is appropriate for images at one scale but the model was built on images at another scale. For example, if images are scaled by binning, the factor would be the binning of the images that the transforms apply to, divided by the binning of the images on which the model was built. -adjust (-ad) OR -AdjustForRotationBy90 Integer When transforming the model, adjust for a rotation near 90 degrees by shifting by the difference between center coordinates in X and Y. This operation assumes that the model is going to be used with an image file whose X and Y sizes are transposed from the original image. Newstack automatically transposes sizes when it detects that the transformations make this size fit the transformed images better. However, this option should not be used when the rotated image was made with the -adjust option to Newstack, because origin values inserted by New- stack(1) will already result in an appropriate shift in the model in Xfmodel. Enter 1 to detect a 90-degree rotation and adjust if it is detected, or 2 to apply the adjustment regard- less, which would be useful if the detection fails because a small fraction of images are not rotated enough. -distort (-d) OR -DistortionField File name File with image distortion field to be applied in transforming model. If BackTransform is specified, the model will be redis- torted, i.e. transformed to match original distorted images. -binning (-bi) OR -BinningOfImages Floating point The camera binning at which images were taken. This entry may be required when undistorting if the program cannot deduce the binning unambiguously. -gradient (-g) OR -GradientFile File name File with magnification gradients to be applied for each image. This should be a file listing the tilt angle, the percent magni- fication change per micron of Z height, and the degrees of rota- tion per micron of Z height for each image, such as is produced by Extractmaggrad. The mag gradient correction is applied before a distortion field correction and before any transforma- tions. -param (-pa) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. INTERACTIVE INPUT If the program is started with no command line arguments, it reverts to interactive input with the following entries: Name of image file that model was built on, or blank line to enter cen- ter coordinates instead IF you entered an image file name, next enter the name of a piece list file if the image is a montage, otherwise enter a blank line OR if you did not enter an image file, next enter the X and Y index coordinates of the center of the image (NX/2, NY/2) IF there are gaps in the Z values described by the piece list, next enter 0 if transform files have transforms only for the Z values that exist, or 1 if they have transforms for all Z values Name of model file Enter one of: -1 to back-transform the model to fit a raw image stack 0 to find linear transformations 1 to transform the model with a set of transformations 2 to find X/Y translations only 3 to find translations and rotations 4 to find translation, ratation, and mag change IF you entered any option other than -1 to back-transform, next enter 0 if the model was built on raw sections, or the sections that you want to further transform; or 1 if the model was built on pre-aligned sec- tions and you want to reference transforms to the raw sections IF you are back-transforming OR if you entered 1 to the last query, next enter the file name of the g transforms used to pre-align the sec- tions IF you are transforming or back-transforming the model, next enter the name of the output model file. This is the final entry for option -1 IF you are transforming, enter the name of the file with transforms to apply; this is the final entry for option 1 IF you finding transforms instead, continue with the following entries: Name of file with existing f transforms to be replaced by any trans- forms that are solved for Name of output file for new f transforms A list of section numbers to find transforms for (the second section of each pair, sections numbered from zero), or / to find transforms for all sections with data in the model, or -999 to find transforms of all sections relative to a single section IF you entered -999, next enter: The number of the single section The real list of transforms to find sections for, or / for all 1 for complete reports of the deviations for each point on sections with bad fits, or 0 for no detailed reports IF you entered 1, then enter a criterion for the mean deviation and a criterion for the maximum deviation; a complete report will be given for any section that exceeds either criterion. HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, 1988 DNM 7/20/89 changes for new model format DNM 1/10/90 have it transform only existing model points, not all points in p_coord array, to avoid bad Z values DNM 5/28/90 fix bug in rounding 0.5 values, implement ability to transform relative to a single section. DNM 3/31/92 Implement translation only finding DNM 5/1/92 Implement translation and rotation only finding DNM 4/24/95 changed model reading/writing to be portable DNM 9/23/97 Add translation, rotation, and mag change finding DNM 9/4/02 Change to take scaling from model and scale properly DNM 12/27/03 Convert to PIP input, add distortion correction BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 xfmodel(1)