mrctaper(1) General Commands Manual mrctaper(1) NAME mrctaper - Tapers edges of images between actual and filled-in values SYNOPSIS mrctaper [-i] [-t #] [-z min,max] input_file [output_file] DESCRIPTION mrctaper will taper the edges between actual image data and areas that have been filled in with a constant value, thus eliminating the sharp transitions produced when images are transformed by programs such as newstack or blendmont. By default, the program will taper out- side the actual image data by replicating the pixels along the edge and attenuating their intensity toward the filled-in value for pixels far- ther from the edge. This makes the features on the edge of the area appear smeared out into the filled-in area. This tapering will pre- serve all of the actual data but may produce undesirable artifacts in some cases. Optionally, the program can taper inside, by attenuating the intensity of actual pixels toward the filled-in value and doing so progressively less for pixels farther from the edge. This method will throw away some information but will be most successful at preventing artifacts in Fourier transforms. OPTIONS -i Taper inside rather than outside. -t # Taper over the given number of pixels. The default value is 1% of the mean of the X and Y sizes of the image, but at least 16 pixels and no more than 127. -z min,max Operate only on sections from min to max. Sections are numbered from 0. If a new output file is being created, it will contain only the sections from min to max in the input file. FILES If no output file name is given, the data are written back into the input file. AUTHOR David Mastronarde <mast at colorado dot edu> SEE ALSO newstack, blendmont IMOD 5.2.1 mrctaper(1)