mtlengths(1) General Commands Manual mtlengths(1) NAME mtlengths - compute lengths of MTs in a model SYNOPSIS mtlengths DESCRIPTION Mtlengths computes the lengths, in microns, of contours in IMOD models, and produces a list giving the object number and contour length for each contour. This list may be used to generate a histogram of lengths with a program such as Genhstplt. One may optionally add a certain amount of length to each contour at its high Z end, so that the length calculation will include the thickness of every section in which a con- tour appears. If the reconstruction is from serial sections that were significantly tilted during microscopy, the program can adjust for these tilts given the proper information. Prepare a file in which the first line shows the Z value and the tilt of the first tilted section (or of the first section, if that one was tilted), and each successive line shows the Z value and tilt for each section on which tilt was changed. Z values should occur in ascending order. If the contours are mainly perpendicular in the model (e.g., micro- tubules in good cross-section in tilted images), then this simple adjustment for tilting is adequate. However, if trajectories are oblique, the program can do a more complex adjustment for the tilting if it is given information about the location of the tilt axis in the images. This information consists of the angle of the axis in raw images (i.e., the angle of rotation from the vertical to the tilt axis), and optionally the list of transformations applied to align the raw images. When the program adjusts for obliqueness, there is a potential ambiguity about the sign of the tilt angles. It thus com- putes lengths both with the tilt angles as given and with their signs inverted. It reports the fraction of line segments that come out longer with the angles as given than with the angles inverted. This fraction is referred to as the fraction that are "better", because it is assumed that the tilting was done in the direction that reduced the obliqueness of the fibers by as much as possible. This fraction is reported for each range of Z values at a single tilt angle, and over- all. If the fraction better is less than 0.5, one should rerun the program, selecting the option to invert tilt angles. On this run, the angles will be considered to be specified as the negative of the angles in the tilt file, and the fraction of segments that are longer with the angles as specified will be greater than 0.5. These adjustments for tilting are irrelevant for a tomographic recon- struction. The program can also be provided with an object containing a contour that serves as a length marker. It will report the length of this con- tour both without and with the correction for obliqueness, and with the length given for both polarities of the tilt angle. If one corrects for obliqueness, there is also an option to produce a set of transformations that can be applied to produce the model that would have been obtained if the sections had not been tilted. Imod- trans(1) or Xfmodel can be used to transform the model. The output of the program depends on whether one is correcting for obliqeness. If one is not, the output consists of the object number and the length for each MT. With obliqueness correction, the output consists of the object and contour number, the length uncorrected for obliqueness, the length with angles as specified, and the length with angles inverted. On the final run, with the polarity of angles selected as inverted if necessary, the desired lengths will be in the fourth column. OPTIONS Mtlengths uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) and can take input interactively if correction for obliqueness is not required. The following options can be specified either as com- mand line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -model (-mo) OR -ModelFile File name Input model file. -output (-o) OR -OutputFile File name Output file for lengths. The output file may be omitted for output to terminal or log file. -tilt (-t) OR -TiltFile File name File with tilt information in the format described above. -extra (-ext) OR -ExtraLength Floating point Fraction of a section to add at the high Z end of each contour to account for section thickness. The default is 0. -magnification (-mag) OR -Magnification Floating point Magnification of film images, or 1 if CCD images. This option is required if there is no scale in the model header. -scale (-sc) OR -ScaleDigitized Floating point Microns per pixel at which film was digitized, or pixel size in microns for CCD images. This option is required if there is no scale in the model header. -section (-se) OR -SectionThickness Floating point Section thickness in nanometers. This option is required if there is no scale in the model header. -exclude (-exc) OR -ExcludeObjects List of integer ranges Objects to exclude from length measurement. -marker (-mar) OR -MarkerObject Integer Object number of length marker for measuring overall spindle length. -correct (-c) OR -CorrectObliques Correct lengths of oblique MTs when sections are tilted. -axis (-ax) OR -AxisAngle Floating point Rotation angle from the vertical to the tilt axis in the raw images. This entry is required when correcting for obliqueness. -align (-al) OR -AlignmentTransforms File name File with transforms used to align the images. This entry is optional and is relevant only when correcting for obliqueness. -invert (-i) OR -InvertAngles Change the sign of the tilt angles when adjusting lengths of oblique fibers. -untilt (-un) OR -UntiltTransforms File name Output file for transforms that will correct model for tilted sections. -param (-p) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output. -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. For compatibility with older command files, the program will also accept input interactively if started with no command line arguments, but it will not be able to correct for obliqueness. The interactive entries to the program are: Name of model file Name of file with tilt information, or Return if none IF the model has no scaling information in its header, make the follow- ing three entries: Magnification of negatives (without any commas), or 1000 Scale, in microns per pixel, at which negatives were digitized, or pixel size on specimen in nanometers Section thickness in nanometers Amount to add to the high Z end of each object in order to account for section thickness. For example, enter 1 to allow a section's worth of length for each section that an object appears in. Name of output file in which to place list of lengths, or Return for output to the terminal List of IMOD objects to exclude from the output, or Return to output all objects. HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, 1/27/90; modified for IMOD 4/24/97; incorporated obliqueness correction and switched to PIP input, 9/4/03 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 mtlengths(1)