finishjoin(1) General Commands Manual finishjoin(1) NAME finishjoin - Join serial section tomograms after finding alignments SYNOPSIS finishjoin [options] rootname DESCRIPTION finishjoin will complete the operations required to join serial section tomograms together, after one has made a command file with "makejoin- com", run the command file, and found alignments between the tomograms. "rootname" is the root name for various intermediate files and the joined tomogram, as already specified to "makejoincom". OPTIONS Finishjoin uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -name (-na) OR -RootName Text string Rootname for info file, joined tomogram, and other intermediate files. If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be taken as the root name. -use OR -UseSliceRange Two integers Starting and ending slices to include from one tomogram. This option must be entered for each tomogram if it is entered at all. If the option is not entered, the second and following non-option arguments will be used for the entries. Thus, the program may be run as finishjoin [options] root_name slice_range1 slice_range2 (Successive entries accumulate) -ref (-r) OR -ReferenceTomogram Integer Make the given tomogram be the reference for alignment, in which case slices from it will not be transformed, and other tomograms will be transformed into alignment with it. By default, all tomograms will be transformed into alignment to a position aver- aged over all tomograms with similar orientations. -angle (-a) OR -AngleRange Floating point Base the average alignment on tomograms whose rotation angles fall within the given range of each other (default 50 degrees). If a minority of the tomograms are rotated by large angles like 90 or 180 degrees relative to the rest, then they will be excluded when determining the average alignment. This prevents all of the sections from being rotated to an intermediate orien- tation. -size (-s) OR -SizeInXandY Two integers Set the size of the output slices to X by Y pixels. The default size will be the maximum X size by the maximum Y size of the input tomograms. Enter a size in unbinned pixels if binning is being used. -offset (-o) OR -OffsetInXandY Two integers Set the X and Y offsets for the output slices, in unbinned pix- els if binning is being used. These follow the same sign con- vention as in Newstack; namely, the numbers entered should be the offsets from the center of the current image to the image point which is intended to end up in the center of the output image. A positive offset in X will thus shift the image to the left. -trial (-t) OR -TrialInterval Integer Build a trial joined tomogram using only slices at the given interval. The first and last slice of each slice range will always be included. The output file will be named "root- name"_trial.join. -binning (-b) OR -BinningForTrial Integer Bin images by the given value when building a trial joined tomo- gram. -local (-l) OR -LocalFits When running Xftoxg on the primary alignment transforms, run the program in its default mode, which does local fits to 7 adjacent sections. This option may eliminate unwanted trends in data sets with many sections. When it is not entered, Xftoxg is run with "-nfit 0", which computes a global alignment. -xform (-x) OR -TransformFile File name Use the refinement transforms contained in the given file to compute the transforms to apply to the tomograms. The file should contain global transforms as computed by Xfjointomo. -maxsize (-m) OR -MaximumSizeOnly Just compute the maximum size and offsets needed to contain the transformed images from all of the sections, given the current transformations. No image file will be created. -gaps (-g) OR -FillGaps Create blank slices when the slice ranges include values out of bounds (below 1 or above the number of slices in the file). This option can be used to make the gap between two sections bigger than what would be provided by simply stacking all the slices from each file. Without this option, values out of bounds are not allowed. -no OR -NoImage Do not run anything that requires complete image files, specifi- cally, Newstack, and output a file with the Newstack input. -PID Print process ID -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES The program assumes the existence of several files with the given root name, especially "rootname".info and "rootname".xf. The final trans- formation file is named "rootname".tomoxg, regardless of whether refin- ing transformations are done. AUTHOR David Mastronarde <mast at colorado dot edu> SEE ALSO newstack, xftoxg, xfjointomo HISTORY Makejoincom was a originally a C-shell script. In June 2011 it was converted to Python. IMOD 5.2.1 finishjoin(1)