edmont(1) General Commands Manual edmont(1) NAME edmont - to edit, combine, split apart, bin, and restack montages SYNOPSIS edmont [options] input_file(s) output_file DESCRIPTION Edmont is a general montage editor than can be used to extract a subset of a montage, combine multiple montaged files or split a montage into multiple files, rescale images to a common range or mean of density, and bin the montage pieces. If there are piece coordinates in the extended header of the image file, the program will transfer those coordinates to the output file. These coordinates can be used instead of ones from a piece list file. If one wishes to have sections numbered sequentially from zero, or the X and Y coordinates of an extracted subset of pieces shifted to start at zero, the coordinates in the header of the output file will be modi- fied appropriately. The general requirement when combining multiple montages is that they all have the same image size and overlap between adjacent pieces, and that they all fit on the same regular grid of positions. They may have different numbers of pieces in each direction, and pieces at different locations; indeed, it is possible to assemble a montage from different files containing laterally adjacent pieces. If floating is not selected, data are rescaled uniformly, if necessary, to fit a new output data mode. Specifically, data will be rescaled when going between byte and signed or unsigned integer modes, but only by the difference in data range between input and output modes. Use the -1 floating option to have the data scaled to fill the data range instead. If the input file has real data (mode 2) that is not confined to the range of the output mode, then you must specify one of the three kinds of floating to avoid truncating the data. OPTIONS Edmont uses the PIP package for input exclusively (see the manual page for pip). The following options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or param- eter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique let- ters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -imin (-imi) OR -ImageInputFile File name Montaged image input file. If there is more than one non-option argument, all except the last one are also taken as image input files, following any files entered with this option. (Succes- sive entries accumulate) -plin (-pli) OR -PieceListInput File name File with list of piece coordinates for image input file. This file may be omitted if the image file has piece coordinates in its header, but if this entry is made for any image file, there must be an entry for each image file. However, a filename of "none" can be entered if some image files have coordinates in the header and some do not. (Successive entries accumulate) -imout (-imo) OR -ImageOutputFile File name Output file for montaged images. If there are any non-option arguments, the last one is also taken as an output image file, following any filenames entered with this option. (Successive entries accumulate) -plout (-plo) OR -PieceListOutput File name File for list of coordinates of pieces in output image file. This entry may be omitted if the coordinates are being placed in the image header, but is required if there are input piece list files. (Successive entries accumulate) -mdoc (-md) OR -UseMdocFiles This option allows data about each image section in metadata autodoc (.mdoc) files to be transferred and managed much as data in the extended header of an MRC file are. With it selected, the program will search for a matching .mdoc file for each input file that is not HDF, and create a matching .mdoc file for each output file that is not HDF. (A matching file is one with .mdoc appended to the image filename, as SerialEM creates). Metadata about each image slice in ZValue sections will be transferred between autodocs and the ZValue will be renumbered appropri- ately. Thus, data can be transferred from one .mdoc to another, if input and output files are MRC; from an .mdoc into the attributes of an HDF file if input is MRC and output is HDF; or from HDF attributes into an .mdoc if input is HDF and output is MRC. When input and output are both HDF, attributes are trans- ferred automatically. -secs (-se) OR -SectionsToRead List of integer ranges List of sections to read from an input file, numbered from 0. Ranges may be entered (e.g., 1-3,5,8), and / may be used to specify all sections in the file. If multiple lists are entered, each one will be applied to the respective input file. If no list is entered for a file, all sections will be read. Note that montages can have missing sections, and a list that includes such missing sections will generate an error. (Succes- sive entries accumulate) -fromone (-fr) OR -NumberedFromOne With this option section numbers entered with the -secs option are numbered from 1 instead of 0. -numout (-n) OR -NumberToOutput Multiple integers Number of sections to write to each output file, when there are multiple output files. These numbers may be listed in sequence in one entry, or in several entries. If there is one output file per section being written, then one section will be written to each file and this entry is not needed. (Successive entries accumulate) -mode (-mo) OR -ModeToOutput Integer The storage mode of the output file; 0 for byte, 1 for 16-bit signed integer, 6 for 16-bit unsigned integer, 2 for 32-bit floating point, or 12 for 16-bit floating point. The default is the mode of the first input file, although the default mode of floating point output for MRC files is governed by the value of environment variable IMOD_WRITE_FLOATS_16BIT. Mode 12 is allowed only if the output format is MRC. -xminmax (-xm) OR -XMinAndMax Two integers Minimum and maximum X coordinates to include in output. Any piece containing pixels within this range will be included in the output. Thus, you need to pick coordinates that are far enough away from the edges of a piece to exclude overlapping pieces that you do not want. -yminmax (-ym) OR -YMinAndMax Two integers Minimum and maximum Y coordinates to include in output. Any piece containing pixels within this range will be included in the output. -xframes (-xf) OR -XFrameMinAndMax Two integers Starting and ending frames in X to include in the output. Frames are numbered from one for the leftmost frame in any of the input files, up to the rightmost frame in any of the input files. -yframes (-yf) OR -YFrameMinAndMax Two integers Starting and ending frames in Y to include in the output. Frames are numbered from 1 for the bottommost frame of any input file, up to the topmost frame in any input file. -float (-fl) OR -FloatDensities Integer Adjust densities of sections individually or together. Enter 1 for each section to fill the data range, 2 to scale sections to common mean and standard deviation, or -1 to scale all sections by the same factors to fill the data range. The latter scaling occurs only when changing from one fixed point mode (0, 1, or 6) to another. It is most useful when converting from an integer to a byte mode, because otherwise the data will fill only the fraction of the byte range that they occupy in the integer range. -bin (-b) OR -BinByFactor Integer Use binning to reduce images in size by the given factor. Because coordinates are kept as integers, binning may not pro- duce exactly the same spacing between pieces as in the original data. This is not a problem if the data are still to be blended, since Blendmont can adjust for any shifts induced by the binning. However, if data are already blended, the pieces will not be precisely aligned unless both the original image size and overlap are evenly divisible by the the binning. Use Reducemont for binning if this is not the case. -exclude (-e) OR -ExclusionModel File name Model file with points on pieces to exclude from output. This option allows you to remove bad pieces from a montage. To make a model, set the object type to scattered points and turn on a symbol display so that you can see the points. Place points near the middle of the unwanted pieces. A point must be in the region outside the overlap zones, if overlap is less that one quarter of the piece size, or within the central half of the piece if overlap is higher than that. If overlap is high, you will have to anticipate where the entire piece is located in the 3dmod display, since pieces are generally overlaid on two sides by overlapping pieces that occur later in the image file. All points in the model will be used as exclusion points. -renumber (-r) OR -RenumberZFromZero Renumber Z values to be sequential and start at zero. This option can be used to close up gaps from missing sections or to shift the Z values of a subset stack down to start at zero. It is required if you are combining two montages that have pieces at the same coordinates. -shift (-sh) OR -ShiftXYToZero Adjust X and Y piece coordinates to start at zero. If the data are going into multiple output files, the coordinates of the entire collection of output sections will start at zero, but the coordinates in any one file may not start at zero. To achieve other shifts of piece coordinates, use Edpiecepoint. -param (-pa) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, 5/9/89 1999: added ability to knock out pieces. 1/3/00: made it handle extra header data, made scaling logic more like NEWSTACK and made sure it could handle negative integers. 10/24/00: made it actually use coordinates in header and renumber sections sequentially. 7/2/10: Converted to PIP, used memory allocation, added many error checks, default section lists, binning, shifting, subsetting by frame number, and more flexibility in assembling montages. SEE ALSO blendmont, newstack, reducemont BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 edmont(1)