dualvolmatch(1) General Commands Manual dualvolmatch(1) NAME dualvolmatch - Find initial transformation between dual-axis volumes SYNOPSIS dualvolmatch [options] rootname DESCRIPTION This program will find the initial transformation between the two sin- gle-axis tomograms of a dual-axis dataset without using the correspond- ing fiducials or modeled points that are required by Solvematch. It can do this automatically even when the rotation angle between the two axes is not close to 90 degrees, and when The program starts by binning down each of the two volumes, both to speed up the computations and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. It then reprojects each volume at a small set of tilt angles and runs Matchrotpairs to find which pair of reprojections match the best. This process is repeated at least once (by default) to yield an esti- mate of the relative tilts needed to align the volumes, as well of the 2D linear transformation that aligns their reprojections. The result- ing tilt angles are accurate to within 0.5 degrees. These values pro- vide a preliminary estimate of the 3D transformation needed to align the volumes. This transformation is applied to one binned-down volume, then corresponding patches from this transformed volume and the other binned-down volume are cross-correlated by Corrsearch3d. These correlations use a single layer of patches that extend through the whole depth of the volume and are relatively large in the plane of the section as well. Refinematch is then used to obtain a better esti- mate of the initial transformation that includes the shift in the depth dimension. If the error of the fit in Refinematch is too high, the program drops back to using the preliminary estimate of the transforma- tion, and refines the shifts in there with a single large patch corre- lated between the centers of the two volumes. OPTIONS Dualvolmatch uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -name (-n) OR -RootName Text string Root name of dataset, excluding a and b -atob (-a) OR -MatchAtoB Match A to B instead of B to A -binning (-b) OR -BinningToApply Integer Amount to bin reconstructions for reprojection and patch corre- lations. The default is to bin by an amount up to 4 that brings the smallest dimension (in the plane of the section) to between 512 and 1023. -tilt (-ti) OR -TiltAngleMaxAndStep Two floats Maximum tilt angle to reproject and the increment between angles. The default is 4 and 2. If the best matching pair of reprojections is at the end of this tilt range, the program will reproject again with the same range and step size but centered on the best pair of views, then repeat the tilt matching. This process will be repeated up to 2 times, allowing a maximum tilt angle of 10 degrees by default. If is necessary to allow a larger range, it is more efficient use a larger increment as well, and increase the number of refinement cycles with the -refine option. -refine (-r) OR -RefineTiltAngles Integer Number of times to refine tilt angle estimates. On each cycle of refinement, the step size will be cut by two, and new repro- jections made centered at the previous best (uninterpolated) tilt angles. The angular range will also be cut by 2, unless there were fewer than 5 tilts reprojected in the original range. -center (-c) OR -CenterShiftLimit Floating point Maximum shift in Z between tomograms at the patch nearest the center. This shift is obtained from the residual of the of that patch in the Refinematch fit greater than the -maxresid entry. If the shift is greater than the limit, the program will exit with an error so that an appropriate entry for the initial shift can be made before doing patch correlations. The default value is 10. A value of 0 disables the test. -maxresid (-m) OR -MaximumResidual Floating point The limiting value for the mean residual from running Refine- match(1). The reported mean residual will be scaled by the bin- ning and compared with this value, which should be entered in unbinned pixels. When the mean residual is too high, the pro- gram will discard the 3D transformation from Refinematch and use the initial estimate based on the tilt matching. It will rerun Corrsearch3d with one very large central patch to mod- ify the shifts in this transformation. -scan (-sc) OR -ScanRotationMaxAndStep Two floats Either the maximum angle and angular step size at which to apply rotation in order to estimate the best rotation; or a single rotation angle to apply and a 0 step size; or 0,0 for no rota- tion scan. This entry is passed directly to Matchrotpairs. The default is 20, 4. -final (-f) OR -FinalOutputFile File name Name for output file with final 3D transformation (default solve.xf) -style (-st) OR -NamingStyle Integer 0 if image files have descriptive extensions like ".preali", or 1 or 2 if descriptive text is before the extension ".mrc" or ".hdf". This entry is needed only if the style cannot be deter- mined from files in the dataset. -test (-te) OR -TestMode Integer 1 to print out all output from Matchrotpairs and Refine- match(1), 2 to save large temporary files created locally by this script in addition, or 3 to have Matchrotpairs leave its temporary files in the temporray directory that is uses. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES Since temporary files produced by this procedure can be rather large, they are placed into the current directory instead of a temporary directory. They are all deleted when the program exits unless the -test option is used to retain them. AUTHOR David Mastronarde SEE ALSO binvol, xyzproj, matchrotpairs, corrsearch3d, refine- match(1), matchvol BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 dualvolmatch(1)