alttomosetup(1)             General Commands Manual            alttomosetup(1)

       alttomosetup - Exchange tilt series files for making tomogram with same

       alttomosetup  -from otherRoot -to saveRoot [options] rootname

       Alttomosetup will set up command files for efficiently processing an
       alternative raw stack and making a new tomogram using the same align-
       ment parameters.  This is useful for STEM data taken simultaneously
       with multiple detectors, and for sums of even and odd aligned frames.
       In addition to the essential commands for making the aligned stack and
       making a reconstruction, it can include optional steps, namely pre-pro-
       cessing to remove extreme values and all of the modifications of the
       aligned stack, and it can include a trimming step.  It produces one set
       of command files to make the single-axis tomograms for one or both axes
       of a dual-axis data set, or for both the even and odd frame sums of a
       single-axis data set.  The Swaptomostacks script is used to exchange
       the alternative stacks and other files for the current ones; see that
       man page for details and restrictions.

       Alttomosetup uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for
       pip).  Options can be specified either as command line arguments
       (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -).
       Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid
       abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses.

       -rootname (-ro) OR -RootnameToProcess    Text string
              Enter rootname of the alternative stack to process, omitting the
              extension, and omitting a or b for a dual-axis data set.  Both
              axes of a dual-axis set are processed unless the -axis option is
              entered, but even in that case, omit a or b from this entry.

       -evenodd (-ev) OR -EvenAndOddPairs
              Process even and odd aligned sums from Alignframes, or any
              pair of stacks with the data set rootname followed by "_even"
              and "_odd".  You cannot use this option for a dual-axis data
              set; in that case you would have to enter the -rootname option
              separately for the even or odd stacks and do two separate pro-
              cessing runs.  Note that in order for the even and odd stacks to
              have valid dual-axis names, you should enter 2 for the -evenodd
              option to Alignframes.

       -axis (-a) OR -AxisToProcess   Text string
              Axis of dual-axis data set to process.  Enter a, A, b, or B to
              process just a single axis for a dual-axis set.

       -preproc (-pre) OR -PreprocessForExtremes     Integer
              Enter 1 (or any non-zero value) to remove extreme values in the
              raw stack with the "eraser" command file; enter 2 to run
              Archiveorig afterwards to archive the original stack.

       -ctf (-ct) OR -CorrectCTF
              Correct CTF in aligned stack with the "ctfcorrection" command
              file.  The choice of whether to use the GPU is determined from
              the "tilt" command file, which overrides the value in the "ctf-
              correction" command file.

       -erase (-er) OR -EraseFiducials
              Erase gold in aligned stack with the "golderaser" command file.

       -filter (-f) OR -FilterIn2D
              Filter images in 2-D using the command file for running Mtffil-

       -trim (-t) OR -TrimVolume
              Run Trimvol on the reconstruction using parameters stored in
              the Etomo ".edf" file.  If Postprocessing was just run in the
              Etomo interface, be sure to Postpone or otherwise close the
              Postprocessing panel so that current parameters are saved in the
              ".edf" file.  This command should work even if the trimming was
              done in a batch run and the data set has not yet been opened in
              Etomo.  This option cannot be used for a dual-axis data set.
              The full reconstruction file for the main data stack must still
              be present.

       -clean (-cl) OR -CleanUpIntermediates
              When the reconstruction is done, remove the aligned stack; and
              when trimming is done, remove the untrimmed reconstruction.

       -procs (-pro) OR -NumberOfProcessors     Integer
              Use this option to specify the number of processors or GPUs that
              you expect to run the command files on.  If it is 1, no process-
              ing is divided into chunks.  A higher value is passed directly
              to Splittilt and used to determine the maximum number of
              views to pass to Splitcorrection.  The default is 8 unless
              the Tilt command file contains the option to use the GPU, in
              which case it is 1.

       -restore (-re) OR -JustRestoreInitialSet
              When the processing is stopped or fails at some point, files
              will be left in a swapped state, with the alternate stack(s)
              having the regular set name.  With this option, the program will
              restore files if they are in such a state, then exit without
              making any command files.  Without this option, the program will
              detect whether files are swapped, swap them back, and make new
              command files.

       -help (-h) OR -usage
              Print help output

              Read parameter entries from standard input

       Suppose data are taken with bright-field, dark-field and HAADF detec-
       tors, the three stacks are named series1.mrc, series1-DF.mrc, and
       series1-HAADF.mrc.  If the bright-field stack is processed first, then
       one can run
          alttomosetup -erase -filt -trim -root series1-DF -proc 6
       then run the resulting set of files in the Etomo Parallel Processing
       interface or use Processchunks directly to run it on 6 CPU cores
       with this command:
          processchunks 6 alttomo
       (This would not be a suitable command if running on GPUs; a more com-
       plex command would be needed in that case).  When the processing is
       done, you would repeat these steps for series1-HAADF.

       The current files are renamed by adding "_primts" after their root

       David Mastronarde  <mast at colorado dot edu>

IMOD                                 5.2.1                     alttomosetup(1)