fitpatches(1) General Commands Manual fitpatches(1) NAME fitpatches - manage and fit to patch vector files for supermontaging SYNOPSIS fitpatches options supermontage_info_file DESCRIPTION Fitpatches is a Python program that assists with the evaluation and editing of patch vector files produced by Edgepatches and provides information on aberrant vectors to Stitchalign. It uses Refine- match(1) to fit a single linear transformation to the original patch vectors and produce a set of "reduced" vectors with the often large linear component removed. The resulting patch vector file retains the correlation coefficients originally produced by Corrsearch3d. The program also runs Findwarp on these reduced vectors and shows the mean and maximum residual and outlier information provided by fitting in Findwarp. The resulting patch vector file contains a residual value for each vector and a value for the fraction of fits on which the vector was excluded as an outlier. This file will be used by Stitchalign to determine which vectors to exclude as outliers or because of their high residuals. Fitpatches also manages making vector models from the patch files when the latter are newly derived, and con- verting vector models back to patch files after they have been edited. The files managed by this program have the following names: edgename.patch - Original patch vectors with CCCs edgename_ccc.mod - Original vector model with CCCs edgename_reduce.patch - Reduced patch vectors with CCCs edgename_reduce.mod - Reduced vector model with CCCs edgename_resid.patch - Reduced vectors with residuals/outlier fractions edgename_resid.mod - Reduced vector model with residuals The program is designed to perform appropriate operations after you edit any one of the patch vector models. Specifically, each time it is run, it first determines whether the vector model corresponding to each of the three kinds of patch files has been edited; i.e., whether it contains fewer vectors than the current patch file does. If so, that vector model is converted back to a patch file, and the current file is saved as a backup by adding "~" to its name. Next, the program determines whether to make new reduced vectors from the original vectors. It will do this if the reduced vectors do not yet exist, or if the original vectors have been edited while the reduced vectors have not been edited, either now or on a previous run of the program. In other words, once you have edited the reduced vec- tors with CCCs, they are protected from being overwritten. When the program makes a new set of reduced vectors, it will also make a vector model from the patch file. Finally, the program always runs Findwarp to make a new set of vec- tors with residual and outlier information. The input patch vectors for this are either the reduced vectors or the existing set of vectors with residuals. The reduced vectors are used if the vectors with residuals do not exist yet, or if the vectors with residuals have not been edited yet and the reduced vectors are new in some manner (i.e., have just been edited, or have just been produced from the original vectors). Otherwise, the residual vectors themselves are used as input to Findwarp to make a new set of vectors with residuals. In other words, once you have edited the vectors with residuals, they will not be overwritten by running Findwarp on the reduced vectors. After running Findwarp, the program makes a new vector model from the patch file. If you go back to Edgepatches to make new original patches, Edgepatches will remove the entries for the derived patches from the supermontage info file, and Fitpatches will make new patch files uncon- ditionally when you run it again. You should run Fitpatches immediately after Edgepatches, and also after any editing of the vector models, to ensure that Stitchalign has up-to-date information on the residuals and outliers. You are free to edit any of the vector models in any sequence, but there is no rea- son to edit the original vectors, since it is easier to see problems in reduced vectors. It is probably more useful to edit the patches with residuals than the reduced patches with CCCs. If you do want to edit both kinds of patches, it is recommended that you first edit the reduced patches with CCCs, then run Fitpatches to make new patches with residuals, then edit the patches with residuals. OPTIONS Fitpatches uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -info (-i) OR -InfoFile File name Name of a supermontage info file in which all data about files is be stored. It will be read in when the program starts, and renamed to filename~ before writing a new version when the pro- gram exits. If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be taken as the name of the info file. -xrun (-x) OR -XRunStartEnd Two integers Starting and ending frame number in X for patch files to analyze -yrun (-y) OR -YRunStartEnd Two integers Starting and ending frame number in Y for patch files to analyze -zrun (-z) OR -ZRunStartEnd Two integers Starting and ending Z value for patch files to analyze -target (-t) OR -TargetMeanResidual Multiple floats One or more mean residual values to try to reach when Find- warp(1) searches for the best warping. Multiple values should be entered in increasing order. Findwarp will try to find a warping with the largest number of included patches that gives a mean residual below the first value; then it tries again with the second value, etc. The default values are designed to pro- duce a successful fit even with rather bad patches. -clip (-c) OR -ClippingPlaneBoxSize Integer Four clipping planes will be added to the reduced and residual models to allow a small square of the patch vector model to be viewed in isolation. Use this option to change the size from the default of 600 pixels. -scale (-s) OR -ScaleFactor Floating point Factor for scaling vectors in reduced and residual models. The default is 10, is is used for vectors when combining tomograms. Note that the original vectors are always scaled by 5 in Edgepatches because they tend to be so long. -rescale (-r) OR -RescaleModels Remake the reduced and residual models with the current scale factor. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES The files managed by the program are listed above. Every time the info file is modified, the existing copy is renamed to a backup with the ~ extension. AUTHOR David Mastronarde SEE ALSO corrsearch3d, edgepatches, patch2imod, imod2patch, stitchalign Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.0 fitpatches(1)