IMOD Binary File Format. Version 1, Revision 2

The IMOD binary file format is similar to the IFF format standard in that it uses chunk id's for data headings. Each chunk id is 4 bytes long and is defined as a string of 4 characters. This is the format used by IMOD Version 2.0 and onward. All numbers are stored in big-endian format regardless of machine architecture. In the descriptions of flags below, bits are numbered from 0.

The File Header

All binary model files begin with a 8 byte ID followed by a 232 byte header. The ID format begins with the IMOD file id, (IMOD = 0x494d4f44) followed by the 4 byte version id, (V1.2 = 0x56312e32). The end of the file is marked by an end of data marker, (IEOF = 0x49454f46).

Model Coordinate Conventions

Models are generally stored with pixel coordinates rather than coordinates scaled by the pixel size. 3dmod always stores a model with coordinates based upon the volume it is displayed on, or relative to the subset loaded when the full volume is not loaded. Coordinates range from 0 to NX in X and 0 to NY in Y, but from -0.5 to NZ - 0.5 in Z (NX, NY, NZ being the size of volume loaded). The offset of 0.5 in Z occurs because integer coordinates are used for points drawn on X/Y slices, even though such points are displayed in the middle of the pixel in Z when viewed in X/Z or Y/Z slices.

The Model Data Structure

The Model structure data is 232 bytes long and contains the following data. A lot of this data is used by the 3dmod program to retain user settings.

Length Type Name           Description
128    char  name          Name of model file.

4      int   xmax          Maximum values for x,y and z. These are usually 
4      int   ymax          set to the image dimensions.
4      int   zmax

4      int  objsize        Number of objects in model.

4      uint flags          Model flags  (IMODF_FLAG...)
                             Bit 10 on : Z coordinates start from -0.5
                             Bit 11 on : Model has not been written by 3dmod yet
                             Bit 12 on : multiple clip planes are possible
                             Bit 13 on : mat1 and mat3 are stored as bytes
                             Bit 14 on : otrans has image origin values
                             Bit 15 on : current tilt angles are stored correctly
                             Bit 16 on : model last viewed on Y/Z flipped or
                                         rotated image
4      int   drawmode      1 to draw model, -1 not to
4      int   mousemode     Mouse editing mode. (0=movie,1=model)

4      int   blacklevel    Contrast adjustment. (0-256) Default = 0.
4      int   whitelevel    Contrast adjustment. (0-256) Default = 255.

4      float xoffset       Offsets used for display & conversion,
4      float yoffset       should be set to 0.
4      float zoffset       (unused, superceded by MINX information)

4      float xscale        Scaling for pixel size. xscale and yscale should
4      float yscale        be 1.0 and zscale should be adjusted to account
4      float zscale        for the image thickness.

4      int   object        Current object, contour and point, used for
4      int   contour       model editing.
4      int   point 

4      int   res           Minimum number of pixels between points when adding
                           points by dragging mouse with middle button down.
4      int   thresh        Threshold level for auto contour generator.

4      float pixsize       Size of one pixel, in the units given next
4      int   units         0 = pixels, 3 = km, 1 = m, -2 = cm, -3 = mm, 
                           -6 = microns, -9 = nm, -10 = Angstroms, -12 = pm

4      int   csum          Checksum storage. Used for autosave only.

4      float alpha         Angles used for orientation of the model with
4      float beta          image. Should be set to 0.0
4      float gamma         (unused, superceded by MINX information)

The Object Data Structure

Each object in the model will have an object data structure. The id value is (OBJT = 0x4f424a54) The data structure is 176 bytes long with the following format.
Length Type  Name       Description
64     char  name       Name of Object. Null terminated string.
64     uint             Extra data for future use, indexed by IOBJ_EX_ defines
                          0 (PNT_LIMIT): Limit on number of points per contour 

4      int   contsize   Number of Contours in object.
4      uint  flags      bit flags for object (IMOD_OBJFLAG...).
                        Bit 1 on : Off - turns off display
                        Bit 2 on : Draw using depth cue
                        Bit 3 on : Open - contours are not closed
                        Bit 4 on : Wild - contours not constrained in Z
                        Bit 5 on : Inside-out  - light inside surface
                        Bit 6 on : Use fill color for spheres
                        Bit 7 on : Draw spheres on central section only
                        Bit 8 on : Fill - draw filled polygons
                        Bit 9 on : Scattered - contours have scattered points
                        Bit 10 on : Mesh - draw mesh data in 3D
                        Bit 11 on : Lines - do not draw contours in 3D
                        Bit 12 on : Use stored values to modify drawing
                        Bit 13 on : Keep contours planar in open object
                        Bit 14 on : Fill color - use instead of regular color
                        Bit 15 on : Anti-aliasing on
                        Bit 16 on : Normals have magnitudes
                        Bit 17 on : Draw stored values with false color
                        Bit 18 on : Time - contours have time indexes
                        Bit 19 on : Light both sides of surface
                        Bit 20 on : Draw current contour thicker in model view
                        Bit 21 on : Draw extra object in model view
                        Bit 22 on : Allow extra object editing in model view
                        Bit 23 on : Do not draw spheres in model view
                        Bit 24 on : Draw extra object only in model view
                        Bit 31 reserved for temporary use
                        In 3dmodv, Draw Data Type - Contour = Mesh flag off,
                                                    Mesh    = Mesh flag on
                        Drawing Style - Points = Lines flag on, Fill flag off
                                        Lines  = Lines flag off, Fill flag off
                                        Fill   = Lines flag on, Fill flag on
                                 Fill Outline  = Lines flag off, Fill flag on

4      int   axis       Z = 0, X = 1, Y = 2. (unused)
4      int   drawmode   Tells type of scattered points to draw (unused)

4      float red        Color values, range is (0.0 - 1.0)
4      float green      
4      float blue       

4      int   pdrawsize    Default radius in pixels of scattered points in 3D.

1      uchar symbol       Point Draw symbol in 2D, default is 1.
                             0 = circle, 1 = none, 2 = square, 3 = triangle,
                             4 = star.
1      uchar symsize      Size of 2D symbol; radius in pixels.
1      uchar linewidth2   Linewidth in 2-D view.
1      uchar linewidth    Linewidth in 3-D view.
1      uchar linesty      Line draw style, 0 = solid; 1 = dashed (unused).
1      uchar symflags     Bit 0 on : Fill the symbol.
                          Bit 1 on : Draw beginning and end symbols.
1      uchar sympad       Set to 0, for future use.
1      uchar trans        Transparency, range is (0 to 100), maps to
                             (1.0 to 0.0) in call to glColor4f or glMaterialfv

4      int   meshsize     Number of meshes in object.
4      int   surfsize     Max surfaces in object.

The Contour Data Structure

The contour ID is (CONT = 0x434f4e54) and the basic structure is 16 bytes long. Point data follows the contour header. Empty contours are allowed.
Length    Type         Name      Description.
4         int          psize   Number of points in contour.
4         uint         flags   Bit 3 on : open, do not connect endpoints
                               Bit 4 on : wild, not in one Z plane
                               Bit 5 on : draw stippled lines
                               Bit 6 on : draw if  mouse in window, ignore Z
                               Bit 7 on : draw on all planes, regardless of Z
                               Bit 8 on : draw only in model mode
                               Bit 17 on : contour has pairs of scan lines
                               Bits 18, 19, 20, 31: reserved for temporary use 
4         int          time    The time index used by this contour.
4         int          surf    The surface index used by this contour.
12*psize  float * 3    pt      Array of point triplets.

The Mesh Data Structure

The mesh ID is (MESH = 0x4d455348) and the basic structure is 20 bytes long. Vertex data and index data follow the mesh header.
Length    Type         Name    Description
4         int          vsize   # of elements in vert array (# of triple floats)
4         int          lsize   # of elements in list array (indexes).
4         uint         flag    Bit 16 on  : normals have magnitudes.
                               Bits 20-23 are resolution : 0 for high, 
                                  1 for lower resolution, etc.
2         short        time    Contains a time index or 0
2         short        surf    Contains a surface number or 0
12*vsize  float * 3    vert    Array of points.
4*lsize   int          list    Array of ints.

A point can be either a vertex position or a normal vector at a vertex. In current model files, vert consists of a sequence of vertex/normal pairs; i.e. vertex, normal, vertex, normal... The list array has a list of indices into the vert array plus negative index values with following meanings:

  -1   end of list array                
  -20  next item on list is normal vector.
  -21  begin polygon with vertices and vertex indices only
  -22  end polygon
  -23  begin vertex,normal polygon pairs with normal,vertex indices
  -24  begin large convex polygon with normals
  -25  begin vertex,normal polygon pairs with vertex indices

Currently, meshes in model files consist only of polygons with vertex, normal pairs, starting with -23 or -25 and ending with -22. In polygons starting with -23, each set of 6 indices describes a triangle as follows:
index to normal 1
index to vertex 1
index to normal 2
index to vertex 2
index to normal 3
index to vertex 3
In polygons starting with -25, each normal is assumed to follow its corresponding vertex, and each triangle is described by only 3 indices:
index to vertex 1
index to vertex 2
index to vertex 3
In polygons starting with -21, there are only vertices, no normals, and each triangle is described by the 3 indices as shown above for polygons starting with -25. Polygons have never started with -24, but if they did, normals would follow vertices and the indices would be to the vertices only.

Optional extra data chunks.

Optional chunks can be put at the end of any data structure that the information is intended for, or at the end of the file. Unknown data chunks can be skipped since the size is included after the ID.
Length Type Description
4      int  (Chunk ID)
4      int  (Chunk Size)
size   (Chunk Data) length of (Chunk Size) bytes.

Description of current optional data chunks.

MINX  Model to image transformation information.    (72 bytes data)

Coordinates are stored in an IMOD model file as image index coordinates relative to the last subset of image file that the model was displayed on. The information here has two main uses. 1) It is used by 3dmod to display the model correctly when going between having a subset or the full image file loaded, or when displaying on an image file with different origin, scaling, or rotation angles in its header. 2) It is used by other programs to get back to the index coordinates of the full image file. These data consist of 9 floats for old transformation values followed by 9 floats for current transformation values.

Length Type         Name     Description
12     float * 3    oscale   Old scale values (unused in file) 
12     float * 3    otrans   Old translations (file stores image origin values)
12     float * 3    orot     Old rotations around X, Y, Z axes (unused in file)
12     float * 3    cscale   New scale values in X, Y, Z
12     float * 3    ctrans   New translations in X, Y, Z
12     float * 3    crot     New rotations around X, Y, Z axes
These values are based on the header information in the last image that the model was displayed on:

To get from coordinates in a model file to an image file coordinate system, first Y and Z are exchanged if the FLIPYZ flag is set, then coordinates are multiplied by the scale values, translation values are subtracted, then points are rotated by the negative of the rotation angles around X, then Y then Z. In the simple case of no rotation, to get from an X coordinate in the model to the X pixel coordinate in the full image file, one would add (otrans.x - ctrans.x) / cscale.x . When 3dmod loads a model onto an image file, it first transforms coordinates as just described to fit the coordinate system of the file it was last loaded on, then it does a forward rotation by the current Z, Y, and X angles of the new file, adds the translation values for the loaded subvolume of the new file, and divides by its scale values. (Rotation is skipped if the old and new angles match).

LABL  Label contour and point data.    (Variable data size)
Each contour has a pointer to a label structure.
Length Type  Description
4     int    # of label items for points in contour.
4     int    size of contour label
size  char   contour label string padded to 4 byte chunks.

for each point label item:
4     int    point index.
4     int    size of label string.
size  char   point label string padded to 4 byte chunks.

OLBL  Label surfaces in object.    (Variable data size)
Each object has a pointer to a label structure.
Length Type  Description
4     int    # of label items for surfaces in object
4     int    size of top-level label = 0 (unused)
size  char   unused

for each surface label item:
4     int    surface index.
4     int    size of label string.
size  char   surface label string padded to 4 byte chunks.

CLIP  Clipping planes for object.    (Variable data size)
MCLP  Global clipping planes for model.    (Variable data size)
As of IMOD 2.4.9, the object structure, model view structure, and object view structure each has a clipping planes structure as a member, named clips. The latter structures are currently defined to hold 6 clipping planes, but these chunks are written with only the number of planes that exist, so their size is 4 + 24 * (# of planes stored).
Prior to IMOD 4.2.18, when there was only one plane and it was turned off, count was written as 0 for backwards compatibility to IMOD 2.4. Thus, the number of planes to read must be determined from (chunk size - 4) / 24 rather than from the value of count that is read in, and if count is read in as zero it should be set to 1.
Length     Type      Name  Description
1         uchar      count  Number of clipping planes stored, or 0 if one
                            turned-off plane was stored prior to IMOD 4.2.18
1         uchar      flags  Which clipping planes are on; for object planes,
                             bit 7 means ignore global planes
1         uchar      trans  Transparency for clipped area. (future)
1         uchar      plane  Current clipping plane.
12*count  float * 3  normal Normals to clipping planes
12*count  float * 3  point  Point values of clipping planes

IMAT  material definition for object.    (16 bytes data)
Length Type         Description
1  uchar ambient    Ambient property.  Range 0-255, scaled to 0-1, multiplied
                       by red, green and blue to set the GL_AMBIENT property.
1  uchar diffuse    Diffuse property.  Range 0-255, scaled to 0-1, multiplied
                       by red, green and blue to set the GL_DIFFUSE property.
1  uchar specular   Specular property.  Range 0-255, scaled to 0-1, added
                       to red, green and blue to set the GL_SPECULAR property.
1  uchar shininess  Shininess exponent in specular term.  Range 0-255, scaled
                       to 6.1 to 1.1 to set the GL_SHININESS property.
1  uchar fillred    Fill color red.
1  uchar fillgreen  Fill color green.
1  uchar fillblue   Fill color blue.
1  uchar quality    Sphere quality.
4  uint  mat2       Set to 0, use as flags.  Unused.
1  uchar valblack   Black level for showing stored values.
1  uchar valwhite   White level for showing stored values.
1  uchar matflags2  Flags: bit 0 on: skip low end data in value draw 
                           bit 1 on: skip high end data in value draw
                           bit 2 on: keep color constant, not varied with value
1  uchar mat3b3     Unused.

Prior to IMOD 2.7.1, the 4 bytes of mat1 (fillred to quality) and the 4 bytes 
of mat3 (valblack to mat3b3) were stored
as a UINT (big-endian, thus reversed from the current definition).  If bit 13
of model flags is off, mat1 and mat3 are assumed to be UINTs.

SIZE  Sizes for each point in a contour.    (4 bytes per point)
Length   Type       Description
4*psize  float      Size value for each point

VIEW  Stored model and object view data structures.    (Variable size)
This chunk can be only 4 bytes, in which case it contains just the value of an INT for the current view number, which is stored as cview in the model structure. Otherwise, it contains stored view data. Various versions of 3dmod have stored 56, 156, or 176 bytes; after stored views began to contain properties for each object, this chunk became larger than that and variable-sized.
Length Type     Name    Description
4     float     fovy    field of view of camera, perspective in degrees.  
4     float     rad     viewing radius of sphere encloseing bounding box. 
4     float     aspect  aspect ratio 
4     float     cnear   clip near: range 0.0 to 1.0, default 0.0. 
4     float     cfar    clip far: range 0.0 to 1.0 
12    float * 3 rot     Model transformation values for model view: rotation
12    float * 3 trans   translation
12    float * 3 scale   scale
64    float * 16 mat    World OpenGL transformation matrix (Unused)
4     int       world   flags for lighting and transformation properties
                        Bit 1 on : Light - draw with lighting
                        Bit 2 on : Depth cue - draw with depth cue
                        Bit 3 on : Wireframe - draw wireframes, not surfaces
                        Bit 7 on : Draw lower resolution meshes
                        Bits 8,9,10 : Global point quality
                        Bit 11 on : Set Z clipping planes farther out
                        Bit 12 on : Adjust all clipping planes together
32    char      label   Name for the view
4     float     dcstart Fog starting distance
4     float     dcend   Fog ending distance
4     float     lightx  X coordinate of light
4     float     lighty  Y coordinate of light
4     float     plax    Parallax angle for stereo
4     int       objvsize  Number of Iobjview structures following
4     int       bytesObjv Bytes per Iobjview structure

Currently there are 187 bytes per object view, as follows:
4     uint      flags        bit flags IMOD_OBJFLAG... (see above)
4     float     red          Red (0 - 1.0)                 
4     float     green        Green (0 - 1.0)               
4     float     blue         Blue (0 - 1.0)                
4     int       pdrawsize    size to draw scattered objs   
1     uchar     linewidth    linewidth in 3-D              
1     uchar     linesty      line draw style               
1     uchar     trans        transparency                 
1     uchar     clips.count  number of additional clip planes. 
1     uchar     clips.flags  Which clip planes are on.         
1     uchar     clips.trans  Transparency for clipped area    
1     uchar     clips.plane  Current clip plane
12    float * 3 clips.normal Normal for first clipping plane
12    float * 3 clips.point  Point value for first clipping plane
1     uchar     ambient      Ambient property.  (see above)
1     uchar     diffuse      Diffuse property.  (see above)
1     uchar     specular     Specular property.  (see above)
1     uchar     shininess    Shininess exponent in specular term.  (see above)
1     uchar     fillred      Fill color red.
1     uchar     fillgreen    Fill color green.
1     uchar     fillblue     Fill color blue.
1     uchar     quality      Sphere quality.
4     uint      mat2         Set to 0, use as flags.  Unused.
1     uchar     valblack     Black level for showing stored values.
1     uchar     valwhite     White level for showing stored values.
1     uchar     mat3b2       Flags: bit 0 on: skip low end data in value draw
                                    bit 1 on: skip high end data in value draw
1     uchar     mat3b3       Unused.
60    float * 3 clips.normal Normals for clipping planes 2-6
60    float * 3 clips.point  Point values for clipping planes 2-6

Prior to IMOD 2.7.1, the 4 bytes of a variable called mat1 (now the uchars
fillred to quality) and the 4 bytes of a variable called mat3 (now the uchars
valblack to mat3b3) were stored as a UINT (big-endian, thus reversed from the
current definition).  If bit 13 of model flags is off, mat1 and mat3 are
assumed to be UINTs.

MOST  General storage information for model.    (Variable size)
OBST  General storage information for object.    (Variable size)
COST  General storage information for contour.    (Variable size)
MEST  General storage information for mesh.    (Variable size)
These chunks contain extra information for their respective entities. They were designed to hold fine-grained display properties for objects, contours, and meshes, but could be used for any kind of additional information that will fit in the Store data structure. The chunk consists of a series of Store entries, each 12 bytes long:
Length Type     Name    Description
2      short    type    Type of information.  Currently defined types are:
                          1  Color change
                          2  Fill color change
                          3  Transparency change
                          4  Do not connect to next point or do not display
                          5  A connection number for meshing
                          6  3D line width change
                          7  2D line width change
                          8  Symbol type
                          9  Symbol size
                          10 General floating point value
                          11 Min and max of general values
2      short    flags   16 bits of flags.  Currently defined flags are:
                          Bits 0 and 1 indicate type of "index" and 2 and 3
                            indicate type of "value", with 0 for int, 1 for
                            float, 2 for short and 3 for byte
                          Bit 4 on : "index" is not really an index
                          Bit 5 on : Revert to default value
                          Bit 6 on : Index is surface number, not contour
                          Bit 7 on : The change applies to only one point
4      union    index   Can contain one int or float, 2 shorts, or 4 bytes,
                          generally has index of point or contour, or surface #
                          has minimum for the min/max type
4      union    value   Can contain one int or float, 2 shorts, or 4 bytes
                          For colors, 3 bytes hold red, green, and blue
                          Transparency is stored as an int from 0 to 255
                          Symbol type is 0, 2, 3 for open circles, squares, or
                            triangles, -1, -3, -4 for closed circles, squares,
                            or triangles
                          For min/max type, this holds the max

SLAN  Slicer angles and positions.    (60 bytes)
These chunks contain time-specific slicer angles and positions as managed by the Slicer Angles dialog box. (Added IMOD 3.10.10)
Length Type     Name    Description
4     int       time      Time value of image file to which angles apply
12    float*3   angles    Rotation angles around X, Y, and Z axes
12    float*3   center    Center coordinate of volume in slicer display
32    char      label     Text label

MEPA  Meshing parameters    (76 bytes)
This chunk contains parameters used in meshing an object. If capSkipNz is nonzero, there needs to be an SKLI chunk with the Z values listed.
Length Type     Name         Description
4     uint      flags        Bit flags for meshing
                              Bit 2 on : 
                              Bit 2 on : Do things sloppy and fast.
                              Bit 3 on : Join data that skips sections.     
                              Bit 4 on : Calculate normals.                 
                              Bit 5 on : Force connection of stray contours.
                              Bit 6 on : Connect to same surface only       
                              Bit 7 on : Open contours are tubes.
                              Bit 8 on : Connect to same time (type) only.
                              Bit 9 on : Cap ends of tubes
                              Bit 10 on : Object is already a copy
                              Bit 11 on : Use mean Z not starting Z to flatten
                              Bit 12 on : Turn off overlap warnings
                              Bit 13 on : Cap ends of tubes with domes
4     int       cap          Capping parameter: 1 to cap just min and max ends, 2
                              to cap all ends
4     int       passes       Number of passes for skipped sections
4     int       capSkipNz    Number of Z values not to cap to
4     int       inczLowRes   Z increment for low resolution mesh
4     int       inczHighRes  Z increment for high resolution mesh
4     int       minz         Starting Z to mesh
4     int       maxz         Ending Z to mesh
4     int       reserved
4     float     overlaps     Fractional overlap required if nonzero
4     float     tubeDiameter Diameter when meshing tubes
4     float     xmin         X and Y limits for triangle output
4     float     xmax     
4     float     ymin
4     float     ymax
4     float     tolLowRes    Point reduction tolerance for low and high resolution
4     float     tolHighRes
4     float     flatCrit     Criterion Z difference for rotating contours
4     float     reserved

SKLI  Z values not to cap to when meshing.    (variable data size)
This chunk contains the list of Z values not to cap to when meshing an object. The size in bytes is 4 times the number of values.
Length Type     Name          Description
4 * n  float    capSkipZlist  List of Z values not to cap to

OGRP  Object group list.    (variable data size)
This chunk contains a name and list of object numbers for one object group. The size in bytes is 32 plus 4 times the number of objects in the group.
Length Type     Name     Description
32     char     name     String with user's name for the group
4 * n  int      objList  Set of object numbers in the group