Tomography Guide Advanced Topics for IMOD 4.11
University of Colorado, Boulder
Table of Contents
1.0. Command Files
1.1. Command Files Used for Tilt Series Processing
2.0. Entries to Programs
3.0. Making a Tomogram with Correlation Alignment.
4.0. Combining Tomograms with Few or No
Fiducials Using Matching Models
5.0. Importing Two Tomograms into Tomogram Combination
6.0. Combining with Over-sized Reconstructions
7.0. Tracking Additional Gold for Erasing
from a Tomogram
8.0. Building Aligned Stacks and
Tomograms with a Small Change in Size
1.0. Command Files
Nearly all of the processing for tomography is done by running command
files. The format of these files was originally based on the batch files used
in VMS. In our command files, every line that runs a command or program must
start with "$"; comments can be inserted anywhere in the file on lines
that start with "#". To skip over part of a command file, you can
insert the lines:
$goto label ("label" can be any label you choose)
$label: (This must be on a line by itself)
You can run a command file with "subm", which is an alias defined in the
IMOD startup files; for example, for tcsh users it is:
alias subm 'submfg \!* &'
(An equivalent function is provided for bash users, and a script is provided
for Windows users without Cygwin to run submfg in the background.)
Submfg is a script
that will run one or more command
files in sequence, creating a log file for each and reporting on their
success or failure. It uses the script Vmstopy to
convert a command file to a Python script.
With this alias, you can enter, e.g., "subm track", and a file named will be executed in the background, with a log file created
called track.log. The bell will ring and a message will be printed
when the command file is completed.
You can also enter "subm track." or "subm prenewst". You can
actually define variables and include Python statements in a command file; see
the Vmstopy man page.
If you need to interrupt a command file after you have started it,
one way is to use the "imodkillgroup" command with the process ID (PID) that was
printed out
when you entered the "subm" command. For example, if the PID was 1234, enter
"imodkillgroup 1234". Another way (except on Windows without Cygwin) is to
bring the process to
the foreground with "fg", then used CTRL-C to interrupt it. If there is
more than one process in the background, you can give the command
"jobs" first to determine which one is the process in question, then use,
for example, "fg %2" to bring job 2 to the foreground.
1.1. Command Files Used for Tilt Series Processing
This section describes the command files used in the different processing steps.
Command files are initially created by
Copytomocoms, and additional files
for optional steps are generated by Etomo or Batchruntomo using
Makecomfile. The following refers to
the files involved in a single-axis, non-montaged data set.
- Preprocessing: uses to run
Ccderaser to erase X-rays from images
- Coarse Alignment: uses to run
Tiltxcorr to get an initial
alignment by correlation;
uses to run Xftoxg and
Newstack to get a temporary pre-aligned stack.
- Fiducial Model Generation: uses to run
Beadtrack to generate a fiducial
For automatic seed finding, it uses to run
For patch tracking, it uses, based on, to run
Tiltxcorr to track patches.
- Fine Alignment: uses to run
Tiltalign to get the alignment.
For cross-validation, it uses to run
- Tomogram Positioning: for positioning with three samples, uses to run Newstack and then a
script, Sampletilt, to run
Tilt on the three regions with modified
options from
It uses to run Tomopitch
to find the pitch of the section from a model on the three regions.
For generating a whole tomogram, it uses to run
Newstack with binning, and to
run Tilt.
For automatic boundary detection, Etomo runs
Findsection either directly, for
samples, or through for a whole tomogram.
For automatic boundary detection in a cryo sample, it uses
to run Cryoposition.
- Final Aligned Stack: uses to run
Newstack to make an aligned stack;
optionally uses to run
Ctfplotter and to run
Ctfphaseflip for correction of
the microscope CTF;
optionally uses to run
Mtffilter to filter the aligned stack.
For gold-erasing, it uses to run
To detect gold in 3-D, it
uses to make an appropriately binned aligned stack, to make a and appropriately thick tomogram, to
run Findbeads3d to find the beads,
and to reproject the bead positions with
- Tomogram Generation:
uses to run Tilt to generate a tomogram.
To make a SIRT reconstruction, it uses to run
Sirtsetup and generate command files
for the iterative reconstruction.
For filter trials, it uses to run
Multifiltsetup to generate
command files for running Tilt with a
series of parameters.
For a 3-D CTF-corrected reconstruction, it uses to run
ctf3dsetup to generate command files
for making a series of CTF-corrected stacks, reconstructing slabs from them, and
assembling the slabs into a tomogram.
2.0. Entries to Programs
The programs that you will run have many parameters or options to control
their behavior. There are three basic ways that options and
can be entered: as arguments
on the command line after the program name, interactively in response to
queries from the program after it starts, or as a set of lines
containing keyword and values. The first way follows the
conventions that are common for Unix commands, the most typical form being
command [options] input_file output_file
The [ ] around "options" signifies that this is an optional entry; this is a
common convention when summarizing how to invoke a program. Optional
arguments are usually single letters or abbreviations starting with a dash
(-). Some options must be followed by another entry, which could be a
filename, a single number, or a list of numbers. Other options stand on their
own, without an additional entry. Command line entries are finicky in that
they require spaces separating all of the elements, including a space between
an option and its value, and no embedded spaces in the entries. For example:
newstack -sec 0-7,13-21 -xf images.xg images.ali
Here the -sec option is followed by a list of section numbers (with no
embedded spaces), the -xf option is followed by the name of file with
transformations in it, and the last two arguments are the names of the input
and output files.
A program that takes command line arguments will almost always print a
summary of its usage when you type in the program name with no
arguments, or with the argument -h.
Programs that take entries interactively print out a query for an entry,
accept a line of input, then go on to the next entry. In the command files
used to run the tomography software, the answer to each query will appear on a
separate line after the line on which such a program is invoked. When you
look at the log file produced by running a command file, you will see all of
the queries but none of the entries, because the entries are not echoed into
the log file.
Because there are several disadvantages to the latter approach, a new
input method was devised called PIP,
which stands for "parse input
parameters". A program that uses PIP
can take parameters either as
command line arguments or as a set of lines of input, with each line
containing the keyword for an option and its value. Typically each option
has a short name and a long name defined for it. The short names are meant
to be used on the command line, while the long names are more explanatory
and are suitable for command files. Option names can be abbreviated to
a unique set of characters, which makes command line use even more
convenient, although it is better not to abbreviate options in command files.
In fact, the command files used for standard processing in IMOD all have full
option names, and many Python scripts that need to edit these files assume
that the full names are present.
All text starting with a '#' is treated as a comment and ignored.
It may help to be aware of the underlying structure of the programs in
the IMOD package. Other than Etomo, they are written primarily in three
languages: C, Fortran, and Python. (There are still a few specialized scripts
in shell
script language.) The C programs take command line arguments; only a few of
the older ones
have been converted to use PIP for input but
a number of newer ones do use it. The Python and
shell scripts also take command line arguments, and almost all Python programs
use PIP.
The Fortran programs, which are the predominant programs used for tomography,
originally all took inputs interactively.
Fortran programs used for tomography
have almost all been converted to use PIP for
Fortran programs have several conventions for numeric interactive input,
and PIP follows essentially the same conventions
when used from a Fortran program:
- When several numbers are expected in response to a query, they can be
separated by commas or spaces. In addition, they can be entered on more than
one line. However, in command files processed by Etomo, numbers should be
separated only by commas and should not continue on more than one line.
- A slash (/) at the beginning of an entry will accept the default values
for all of the entries expected on that line.
- When several numbers are being entered, specific values can be entered
for some of the numbers, followed by a slash to accept the defaults for the
rest of the entries (e.g., if 6 numbers are expected, 128,384/ will enter two
and accept the defaults for the other four).
- Entering a comma without a number will accept the default for the
number expected before that comma (e.g., ,,,,128,384 will accept the defaults
for the first four numbers and enter values for the last two).
- Once the program has received all the numbers that it is expecting, it
ignores the text on the rest of the line, as long as it is appropriately
separated from the last numeric entry (by a tab or space). Command files
can take
advantage of this feature by having comments after numeric entries.
However, when Etomo processes command files, it places such comments on
a separate line before the entry.
Filename or other text entries do not follow these conventions for
numeric input, and cannot be followed by comments on the same line in the
command file.
Some programs accept lists of numbers for specific entries.
Lists are comma-separated ranges of numbers, such as 1,3,6-9,12-10, which
would enter the numbers 1,3,6,7,8,9,12,11,10. Lists follow slightly different
- A list must be confined to a single line (which can be 10240 characters
- A slash (/) at the beginning of the entry will accept the default
values for the list (or leave a previous entry unmodified), but there is no
way to enter defaults for only some of the numbers in the list.
- A character other than space, minus, comma, or a digit will terminate
the list; text after that character will be ignored, thus allowing comments
after lists.
3.0. Making a Tomogram with Correlation Alignment.
This section describes in detail the steps involved if you need to make as
good a tomogram as possible with the cross-correlation alignment. It was
written before patch tracking was available; that is generally a better option
for trying to improve on what comes out with coarse alignment only.
- Options in the cross-correlation. In Advanced mode you will see
several options that may help to optimize the alignment. The only way to
assess the affect of these options may be to build a series of trial
tomograms, which you could do on a subset of slices. The Cumulative
correlation option makes the reference for alignment at each step be a
sum of the lower-tilt views that have already been aligned. This may give
a more globally correct alignment. If you experiment with this, try it
with Absolute Cosine Stretch both checked and unchecked, because we
have not seen one consistently give a better result.
If features of interest are located in a
subset of the area, you might also experiment with defining the area of
correlation. The area can be made smaller, but still symmetric around the
center, with the Pixels to trim (x,y) entry. It can be offset from
the center by specifying X or Y axis min and max values.
- Positioning. When you think that you have the best
alignment for the final tomogram,
go to the Tomogram Positioning page.
You have the same two choices as when
there are fiducials: generating 3 small samples or generating a whole
tomogram (presumably binned down) to draw boundary lines in. After you run
Compute Z Shift & Pitch Angles, your positioning parameters will appear
on the screen just as they do with a fiducial alignment. However, the
Tilt angle offset and Z-shift shown here will be input to the
tomogram generation program, not the alignment program. They are the same
parameters visible in Advanced mode on the Tomogram Generation.
These entries have the same effect as, and are additive to, the
entries that appear on the Tomogram Positioning page when
Tiltalign is being run.
As of IMOD 3.8.26, both sets of parameters can be present and will be properly
taken into account when Solvematch
uses the fiducial coordinates to obtain the initial
transformation between dual-axis tomograms.
- Final Aligned Stack. There is one parameter that can be adjusted to
affect the results at this stage, the angle of the tilt axis. A possible
strategy is to examine the aligned stack and see what rotation angle is needed
to keep features as close as possible to the same horizontal line through the
whole series. Once you have a reconstruction, the X/Z slices of the tomogram
will probably give the best indications of deficiencies in the alignment.
- Suggested Sequence. A possible sequence of iterative operations
would be:
- Compute the cross-correlation. Check Fiducialless alignment and
press Done (remember, there is no need to generate the coarse aligned
- Go to Tomogram Positioning and determine the positioning
- Go to Final Aligned Stack and generate and view an aligned stack.
If features are not staying in one horizontal line,
adjust the Tilt axis rotation and make a new aligned stack to try to
improve this.
- Go to Tomogram Generation and specify a subset of slices and
possibly a reduced width. Specify a trial tomogram name and compute the trial
- Go back to Coarse Alignment and try different parameters (e.g.,
cumulative correlation or a subset area).
- Go to Final Aligned Stack and make a new aligned stack and then
go to Tomogram Generation and make a new trial tomogram.
- Repeat the last two steps until optimal parameters are determined then
compute the correlation again, if necessary.
- Go to Final Aligned Stack, generate
the aligned stack. Apply 2D filtering if needed. Go to Tomogram
Generation, reset the slice limits and
width, and make the final tomogram.
4.0. Combining Tomograms with Few or No Fiducials Using Matching Models
This section describes how to use models of corresponding points to get
the initial match between two tomograms when there are too few, or no,
fiducials and the automated volume matching by image correlations has failed.
To get an adequate solution for the initial transformation, there should be at
least 6 well-distributed corresponding points, preferably 8-10.
To make matching models,
do this:
- Select the Use matching models only button on the
Tomogram Combination Setup page.
- If your tomograms are too large for both to fit into memory, select
Load binned by 2, which will reduce memory requirements 8-fold.
- Press
Create Matching Models in 3dmod to load both tomograms with
appropriate filenames set up. Change the object type to "Scattered points"
and set a useful symbol or sphere size so that you can see the points. It
will be easy to see corresponding points if you open a Slicer window for one
tomogram and rotate by 90 degrees in Z until you see an image whose
orientation matches that of the other tomogram. You can model in
this Slicer windows just as easily as in the Zap window.
Model 8-10 well-distributed corresponding points.
Be sure to have points distributed in Z
as well as in X and Y. See the man page for
Solvematch for more details on choosing
points. If you are
marking gold particles, put the model point on the section with the strongest
white side bands around the black bead. Save the models.
- Make sure that you have corresponding fiducial point numbers entered if
you do have some fiducials.
- Start the combine operation.
5.0. Importing Two Tomograms into Tomogram Combination
This section describes how you can use Etomo to combine tomograms from tilt
series taken around two axes and reconstructed in other software.
The instructions assume that you are starting with tomograms
that are oriented so that the Z slices in the file correspond to
X/Y planes through the specimen, as in IMOD after post-processing.
- Make sure that
the tilt axis is along the Y axis for each tomogram, and that
the X and Y dimensions of the A tomogram match the Y and X dimensions of
the B tomogram, respectively. For example, suppose the tilt axis is at
70 degrees counterclockwise from the Y axis, and that the A tomogram is
1950 by 2048 pixels while the B tomogram is 2048 by 2000 pixels.
You need to rotate both by -70
degrees. Minimally, you would rotate them as follows:
newstack -size 2048,1950 -rot -70 original-a setnamea.rot
newstack -size 1950,2048 -rot -70 original-b setnameb.rot
Here, "original-a" and "original-b" refer to your original volumes.
However, if you want to preserve all the data in the original tomograms, you
could make the rotated volumes larger. The data loss from rotation becomes
increasingly important the farther the rotation is from 0 or +/- 90 degrees;
to prevent it completely, one would need to increase the size of the area by
the sine of the rotation angle. For
example, these sizes would completely preserve the data:
newstack -size 2700,2600 -rot -70 original-a setnamea.rot
newstack -size 2600,2700 -rot -70 original-b setnameb.rot
- To process in IMOD, you need
to have the tomograms in the orientation produced by Tilt, in which
the tilt axis is along the Z dimension of the file and the Y dimension is
depth (i.e., Z slices in the file correspond to X/Z planes through the
specimen). Rotate the volumes with:
clip rotx original-a setnamea_rec.mrc
clip rotx setnamea.rot setnamea_rec.mrc
depending on whether you rotated the volumes or not, and similarly for B.
- You need text files "setnamea.tlt" and "setnameb.tlt" with either the
full list of tilt angles for each data set, or simply with two lines in each,
listing the starting and ending angles of that tilt series.
- To get through the setup process, you need to have some kind of files or
links usable as raw stacks, such as "" and
"". Except on Windows,
the simplest thing to do is to create links:
ln -s setnamea_rec.mrc
ln -s setnameb_rec.mrc
Alternatively, you can rename either "original-a" or "setnamea.rot" to be
"", as in:
mv setnamea.rot
mv original-a
and similarly for B.
- Start Etomo. On the Setup page, use the A stack, "",
to define the data set.
Make sure Dual axis is selected. Fill in the pixel size, fiducial
size, and rotation with 1, 10, and 0. Check Specify the starting angle
and step for each axis. Press Create Com Scripts.
- Go directly to the Tomogram Combination panel. Proceed to make
matching models as described in
Combining Tomograms with Few or No Fiducials.
- If you made the volumes bigger to preserve
data after rotation,
you should draw a patch region model enclosing the original data. You only
need to draw one contour. To avoid spurious correlations from the border
between actual data and filled regions, you may need to place this contour
inside the border of the original data by as much as half the X/Y size of the
patches used for patch correlations.
- Set other parameters as usual and start the combine operation.
6.0. Combining Over-sized Reconstructions
When you make over-sized reconstructions, there will be substantial regions
near the edges that have inadequate or no backprojected information; these
regions need to be excluded from patch correlation when combining. When you
use a patch region model to define the area with good reconstruction in the A
tomogram, Corrsearch3d assumes that
everything from the B tomogram that matches into that area is suitable for
correlation, unless it is within 36 pixels of the edge in X or Y. Indeed,
the material in such regions would be suitable, but the reconstruction of it
may not. Thus, you may need to define a region model for the second axis.
Specifically, this would be the case when the two tomograms are not nearly the
same size in X and Y after rotating one by 90 degrees, or when there is a
substantial shift between their centers.
The steps for this would be:
- Open the volume being transformed in 3dmod. Draw a contour around the
region with good reconstruction. In the X dimension, keep the borders to
within the original field of view of the camera to avoid data that may be
smeared out in Z. Save the model as "matched_region.mod".
- After pressing Create Combine Scripts, press Postpone.
- Edit and insert the line
BRegionModel matched_region.mod
among the other parameter inputs.
- Reopen the Combine page and press Start Combine
In the final step of combining, Filltomo
is used to fill the combined tomogram with data from A in areas where the the
B tomogram does not have good data. The program is given information
about the size of the original tilt series and the transformations that were
applied in reconstructing and combining the B axis. This information should
allow the program to fill in data appropriately when combining
7.0. Tracking Additional Gold for Erasing from a Tomogram
If you want to erase gold that was not modeled as fiducials, then you need to
make a more complete model than the fiducial model. This section describes
the steps for
adding seeds to the fiducial model and tracking it to get a more complete
You make your complete model on
the coarse aligned stack. It will be named "setname.fid", and you will be
able to use
the gold-erasing interface in Etomo to transform the model and apply it to the
aligned stack. However, before you start, you should copy your existing
fiducial model to another filename in case you need to reuse it for aligning
at some point.
cp setname.fid setname_real.fid
Also save the original seed model if it has not
been saved previously; i.e., if "setname_orig.seed" does not exist, then
cp setname.seed setname_orig.seed
One option with this method is to add seed points by hand. The easiest way to
do this is to rename the fiducial file as a seed file:
mv setname.fid setname.seed
then use View Seed Model to open the model with the Bead Fixer in
seeding mode. Add seed points and proceed to track and refine as needed.
A second option, particularly useful if you have many unmarked beads, is to use
Imodfindbeads to find the gold. The
command for doing that is:
imodfindbeads -size diameter -sp 0.9 -add setname.fid \
-sec section setname_preali.mrc setname.seed
Here "diameter" is the diameter of the beads in pixels, "section" is the
section number, numbered from 0, to analyze, and the "-sp 0.9" allows beads
to be spaced apart by at least 0.9 times their diameter. A spacing down to
0.8 may be useful for getting more overlapping beads.
Run this way, the program will analyze the correlation strengths of beads
(referred to as relative peak strengths) and
try to determine a threshold between true beads and spurious correlations.
It will store the positions of what it thinks are the true beads and up to the
same number of points with peak strengths below the threshold. It is
important that you remove the points below threshold before proceeding.
To do this, close the Bead Fixer if it is open, then use View Seed
Model to reload the model and reopen the Bead Fixer. Now it will show a
set of controls for
dealing with contours that have values. Use the slider to
adjust the threshold to the best value if necessary, the checkbox for seeing
all the points below threshold as well, and the button for deleting all of the
points below your chosen threshold. If you find this step unnecessary with
your data, you can avoid it by adding the
Imodfindbeads option "-store -1" to get
only points above threshold stored in the model.
There are more options to try if Imodfindbeads has trouble finding the threshold
peak strength. You can use "-guess" to provide a value for the minimum
number of beads present, or enter a higher fraction than the default (0.05) for
the "-peakmin" option to reduce the large number of spurious peaks included in
the analysis. You can bypass the automatic threshold finding by entering
a positive value (either a relative peak strength or a number of peaks) for the
"-threshold" and "-store" options. See the man page for more guidance.
Once you are satisfied with the seed model, proceed to track and refine as
usual. When the model is complete, return to the Final Aligned Stack
panel, transform the model, and use it to erase the gold.
8.0. Building Aligned Stacks and Tomograms with a Small Change in Size
It is possible to make a reconstruction with a relatively small change to a
smaller or larger pixel size. This may be needed to match other
reconstructions take with a different pixel size. To do so, set up the
reconstruction in Etomo in the Tomogram Setup or Batch interface with a
template containing the directive:
comparam.newst.newstack.ExpandByFactor = factor
where "factor" is the desired change in size and can be below 1 for a
reduction in size. This expansion factor is applied in Newstack(1) by
modifying the alignment transforms, so it can be used along with binning and
anti-aliased reduction. Copytomocoms will not only insert the
"ExpandedByFactor" option into, it will add the "ExpandedByFactor"
option to,, and If gold erasing is
done in 3D, the template entry will also make this option be added to when the file is generated later by Etomo or Batchruntomo(1).
Here are some points to be aware of:
- Etomo is unaware of these options and will get a few things wrong,
particularly in bead erasing.
- If you enter a specific aligned stack size in Size to output (X,Y -
unbinned), it will be taken literally and not adjusted for the
expansion, only for the binning.
- If you are finding beads in 3D, the
size of beads shown in Bead diameter (pixels) will not be adjusted
for the expansion factor, but it will be adjusted by Findbeads3d, so that is
not a problem. However Etomo may choose the wrong binning. Multiply this
diameter by the expansion factor and divide by the binning that Etomo
picked. If the result is 4 or less, decrease the binning.
- The entry for Diameter to erase (pixels) will aslo be wrong, and
this does matter. This is supposed to be the diameter in the actual aligned
stack being erased, so you need to adjust this by the expansion factor.
- Reconstruction can be done with 3D CTF correction, but only using
aligned images, not raw images. Etomo will show the wrong number of slabs
to be built.
- Subtomosetup cannot be used.
- If you need to add these options on an existing data set, make sure that
Etomo is closed or postponed, and edit the ExpandByFactor option into, and the ExpandedByFactor option (with the factor) into at least,
and also into,, and if those are
being used.