bsplt(1)                    General Commands Manual                   bsplt(1)

       BSPLT - an interactive 2-D plotting routine called by Genhstplt
              and other programs

       Subroutine BSPLT allows one to plot one variable against another, with
       graphical display in a graphics window and output to a Postscript
       printing file.

       The first entry controls where the graph is displayed; it is not asked
       if the calling program (e.g., Genhstplt) was told to always use
       screen plots:
          0 for plot in the graphics window (which must have been enabled by
             selecting the appropriate option in the calling program)
          1 for plot on the terminal

       The next entry allows you to type or file the data or allows you to
       specify some aspects of a Postscript plot:
          0 for none of these options
          1 to type the data on the terminal
          -1 to store the data in the file
          n+1 to draw n lines in Postscript plot; e.g. 4 to draw 3 lines
          -n-1 to connect points with lines of thickness n in the Postscript
             plot; e.g. -2 to connect with lines of thickness 1.  For
             standard usage of the routine, subtract 100 to connect only
             points within the same (e.g. -102).  When the routine is
             called specifically to generate error bars, it will connect
             only within groups with -n-1, and subtracting 100 will make
             it connect all points.  Sorry about this.

       IF you elect to write the data to a file, next enter a file name.
          If the file already exists, the data will be appended to the file.

       The next entry can select a Postscript plot:
          0 for no plot - return to calling program
          6, 7, 8, 9 for Postscript plots in the upper left, lower left,
             upper right, or lower right quadrants of a page, or 10 to left,
             specify the size and location of the graph on the page.  The
             range of X and Y units plotted will be the same as in the
             plot on the screen.
          -6 to -10 for plots in the fixed or specified location, if you
             wish to change the range of X and Y units that will be plotted
             or control the number of ticks, and the grid and symbol size
             and thickness

       IF you selected a negative plot number, next make these entries:

          Lower and upper limits of the range of X units to be plotted,
             lower and upper limits for Y, and the number of ticks for the
             X and for the Y axis.  If one or both of these units are
             logarithmic, you will be informed of the range of the actual
             values (not of their logarithms), and you can then enter the
             lower and upper limits of the actual values, not of the
             logarithms.  For a linear axis, the "number of ticks" is
             actually the number of divisions along the axis; but for a
             logarithmic axis, it is the number of tick marks, which is
             the number of divisions plus 1.  Sorry again.  Enter negative
             the number of ticks to get unidirectional ticks.

          Tick and symbol size (in inches), grid and symbol thickness (small
             integers), 1 for a complete box, i.e. axes on all 4 sides.
             If you selected unidirectional ticks, positive and negative
             tick lengths give ticks toward the inside and outside of the
             box, respectively.

          If you are plotting error bars, next enter the total length of
             ticks at the ends of the bars, in inches.

       IF you selected graph 10 (or -10), make these entries:
             X and Y size of graph, and lower left X and Y coordinates, in
             inches.  Enter the negative of the left X coordinate to offset
             the vertical grid lines from the edge of the graphing area,
             and/or the negative of the lower Y coordinate to offset the
             horizontal grid lines.  (Sorry again)

          IF you entered a negative left X coordinate, enter the amount to
             offset the vertical grid lines in the X direction

          IF you entered a negative lower Y coordinate, enter the amount to
             offset the horizontal grid lines in the Y direction

          IF you are plotting fraction boxes, enter the box width, height
             and tick size

       IF you selected a graph and are plotting Tukey box plots, enter:
             Width of box, size of tick at 10/90% points, gap between
             ticks and outlying points (points closer than this amount to
             a tick will be omitted), and line thickness.  The first three
             values are all in inches.

       IF you selected a graph, enter 1 for a new page, or 0 to plot on the
          same page as any previous graphs

       IF you selected a negative graph number and the X-axis is logarithmic,
       enter the values at which X ticks should be drawn

       IF you selected a negative graph number and the Y-axis is logarithmic,
       enter the values at which Y ticks should be drawn

       IF you said that you wanted to draw some lines, next enter the
          specification for each line.  The format is:
          Slope (Y/X), Y-intercept, starting and ending X coordinate (all in
          your units, not inches), line thickness (small integer), and
          0,0 for a solid line or length of dash and length between dashes
          for a dashed line.  If you enter the negative of line thickness,
          then X and Y are inverted, so the entries are the X/Y slope, the
          X-intercept, and the starting and ending Y coordinates.

       IF you selected a negative graph number, then you can next make many
          entries to label the axes and add other symbols and lines to the

       First, for the X axis, enter:

          # of ticks to label with numeric labels, and number of lines of
             text labels.

          IF you specified a nonzero number of ticks to label, next enter:

            If the ticks are to be labeled at regular intervals, enter the
               number of the first tick to label (first tick is #1) and
               the interval between labeled ticks (e.g. 2 for every other
               tick or enter 0,0 to specify a list of ticks to label.

               IF you entered 0,0, next enter the #'s of the ticks to label

            Labels for the ticks, in one line, separated by commas or spaces.
               Use one or the other separator.  If there are any commas,
               embedded spaces will be preserved.

            Numeric label size and separation from axis, in inches

          IF you specified a nonzero number of text labels, next enter for
              each label in turn:

             Text label size, separation from axis, and offset along axis
                  between center of axis and center of text.

             Text label

       Next enter these parameters in the same order for the Y axis

       Finally, the program calls the psMiscItems subroutine.  Here,
          coordinates may be specified in one of three ways independently for
          each of the entries to the program.  The coordinates may be in
          "user" units (the units of the numbers being graphed), in absolute
          units of inches on the plotter page, or in units relative to the
          frame of the graph (e.g. 0.1,0.9 for a position in the upper left
          corner, or 0.5,1.1 for a position centered above the graph frame).

          Enter the number of text labels, # of letters in circles,
             # of symbols in boxes, and # of dashed or solid lines to draw

          IF you entered a non-zero # of text labels, then for each, enter:

             X and Y position, and 0 for user or 1 for absolute or -1 for
                 relative units

             0 to center, -1 to left justify, or 1 to right justify the
                 character string on this position

             Size of characters in inches, and orientation angle in
                 degrees (usually 0 or 90)

             Text, on one line

          IF you entered a non-zero # of circled letters, then for each:

             X and Y position, and 0 for user or 1 for absolute or -1 for
                relative units

             Diameter of circle in inches, line thickness

             Size of character in inches

             Letter (upper case)

          IF you entered a non-zero # of boxed symbols, then for each:

             X and Y position, and 0 for user or 1 for absolute or -1 for
                 relative units

             Symbol type (or 0 for no symbol), symbol size in inches,
                 symbol thickness (a small integer), box size in inches
                 (or 0 for no box), box line thickness

          IF you entered a non-zero # of lines, then for each, enter:

              0 for user, 1 for absolute, or -1 for relative units

              A line specification as described above, in the units just

       NOTE FOR SIMPLEST USE: If you just want some standard graphs, with the
       same scaling as appears on the screen, then there are only 4 entries:
          0 for graphics window, 1 for terminal plot
          0, or -2 if you need connected points
          6, 7, 8, or 9 (in that sequence)
          1 for new page Be sure to note down the range of X and Y values

       Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu.

IMOD                                 5.2.0                            bsplt(1)