File Formats and Other Documentation
Image Metadata Files
Navigator Files
Importing Externally Defined Navigator
Settings and Calibration File Entries
Other Notes
SerialEM stores metadata about images in text files in the IMOD "autodoc" format.
This format consists of keyword-value pairs organized into blocks called
sections. These sections can be of different types with different kinds of
data in them, although SerialEM's files use essentially only one kind of
section. A section begins with a bracketed key-value pair:
[sectionType = name]
where the section "name" or value will typically be unique but is not required
to be so by the IMOD autodoc reader. Lines below a section header of the
key = value
provide data associated with that section. In addition, key-value pairs
can occur at the beginning of the file, before any section header, and these are
referred to as global values.
Although all values are stored as text strings in the autodoc file, software that expects information of a particular kind will often convert these strings to or from one or more floating point or integer values. The autodoc module in the IMOD library libcfshr contains functions for storing or retrieving one, two, three, or many floating point or integer values in specified sections of the file. The autodoc format was chosen for SerialEM because of the ready availability of this library, the convenience of using such functions, and compatibility with the autodoc-reading capability in IMOD. IMOD also has a simple Python module,, with a function to take a set of autodoc lines and produce a top-level dictionary of the different types of sections, keyed by 'sectionType', with each entry containing an array of dictionaries, one for each section. Other functions will return a list of integer or floating point values from the value in a key-value pair.
There are two kinds of image-associated autodoc files produced by SerialEM:
1) The ".mdoc" file provides data about an MRC file and has the same name as the image file, with the additional extension ".mdoc". In these files, the section type is "ZValue" and the name for each section is the Z value of the image in the file, numbered from 0.
2) The ".idoc" file provides information that allows a series of single-image TIFF files to be treated interchangeably with MRC files. The section type here is "Image" and the name for each section is the name of the TIFF file.
Global data replicate some of the information that is in an MRC file header. In addition, the titles for an MRC file are stored in section headers of the type "T".
It is important to realize that no steps in IMOD tilt series processing rely on information directly from an .mdoc file or require the presence of one. An .mdoc file is used for dose weighting, but only if the user specifies that as the source of dose information. It can be used with Alignframes to create a tilt series from frame files. Extracttilts and Extractpieces will fall back to looking for an .mdoc file if tilt angle or piece list values, respectively, are not in the image file header.
The IMOD library used by SerialEM uses the same internal autodoc structure to access the metadata in HDF files. It is thus simple to extract all of these metadata information into a text file in the autodoc format, with a command like:
extracttilts -attr filename.hdf filename.hdf.mdoc
Global Data | |
DataMode | MRC file mode |
ImageSize | X and Y size of images |
Montage | 1 if the file is a montage |
ImageSeries | 1 for an .idoc file describing a series of single-image files |
ImageFile | In a .mdoc file, contains the name of the image file |
PixelSpacing | Pixel spacing in Angstroms that would be in MRC header (or in 1/Angstroms for diffraction images) |
Section Data | |
TiltAngle | Tilt angle in degrees |
PieceCoordinates | Pixel coordinates in X and Y and section Z value for montage piece |
StagePosition | X and Y stage position in microns |
NominalStageXY | Stage position that a piece would be take at without image shift for a hybrid montage using image shift in blocks |
StageZ | Z stage position in microns |
Magnification | "Film" magnification value |
CameraLength | Camera length in mm for image in diffraction mode |
MagIndex | Magnification index |
Intensity | Raw intensity value between 0 and 1 |
SuperMontCoords | X and Y pixel coordinates of frame in a supermontage |
PixelSpacing | Pixel spacing in Angstroms for individual image (or in 1/Angstroms for diffraction image) |
RefinedPixelSpacing | Pixel spacing based on the pixel size entered for the magnification with a 'RefinedPixelSize' property |
ExposureDose | Dose on specimen during camera exposure time in electrons/sq. A, excluding pre-exposure time |
DoseRate | Dose rate to the camera, in electrons per physical pixel per second |
SpotSize | Microscope spot size |
ProbeMode | For Thermo/FEI scopes, 1 for microprobe or 0 for nanoprobe |
Defocus | Relative defocus readout from microscope (microns) |
TargetDefocus | Current target for autofocus (microns) |
ImageShift | X and Y image shift in basic units (close to microns for Thermo/FEI, much larger than microns for JEOL) |
RotationAngle | Rotation of image from having the tilt axis along its X axis (CCW +). This corresponds to the definition of the approximate rotation angles reported by Thermo/FEI scripting. It is different from the 'Tilt axis angle' in the second title of the file header and .mdoc, which follows the IMOD convention of tilt axis rotation relative to the Y axis of the image. Thus, the latter will be 90 degrees less than the RotationAngle in a system with no axis inversions. |
ExposureTime | Image exposure time |
Binning | Image binning on the camera |
UsingCDS | 1 if image was taken with CDS mode on |
CameraIndex | Index of the CameraProperties section for the camera used |
DividedBy2 | 1 if image was divided by 2 |
RotationAndFlip | RotationAndFlip property of K2 or K3 camera |
LowDoseConSet | Control set index plus 1 if image taken in Low Dose, or negative of index if not in Low Dose (index 0-6 for View, Focus, Trial, Record, Preview, Search, Mont-map; 7 for tracking, 8 for montage) |
MinMaxMean | Minimum, maximum, and mean value for this image |
PriorRecordDose | For an image in a tilt series taken in Low Dose mode, the cumulative dose in the Record area prior to this image, including Record and Preview images and View images taken in tasks |
XedgeDxy | Edge displacement in X and Y for montage piece to the right of this piece |
YedgeDxy | Edge displacement in X and Y for piece above this piece |
XedgeDxyVS | Edge displacement for piece to right, computed with very sloppy option |
YedgeDxyVS | Edge displacement for piece above, computed with very sloppy option |
XedgeMaxSD | 95th percentile value of local SD in area correlated to find shift of piece to the right. |
YedgeMaxSD | 95th percentile value of local SD in area correlated to find shift of piece above. |
XedgeMaxSDVS | 95th percentile value of local SD in area correlated with very sloppy parameters to find shift of piece to the right. |
YedgeMaxSDVS | &95th percentile value of local SD in area correlated with very sloppy parameters to find shift of piece above. |
StageOffsets | When aligning montage pieces with image shift, this is the effective stage position (actual position plus the stage equivalent to the image shift adjustment) minus the nominal stage position of the piece. |
AlignedPieceCoords | Piece coordinates adjusted by the solved shifts for each piece when pieces are aligned in overview with 'Very sloppy' option off. |
AlignedPieceCoordsVS | Piece coordinates adjusted by the solved shifts for each piece when pieces are aligned in overview with 'Very sloppy' option on. |
SubFramePath | Directory or file in which subframes of exposure were stored |
NumSubFrames | Number of subframes stored |
FrameDosesAndNumbers | Dose per frame in electrons per square Angstrom followed by number of frames at that dose; variable-sized frame sums will have multiple pairs of such values |
DateTime | Time and date of image acquisition; the format of the date is dd-Mon-yy regardless of locale. The year was changed to yyyy in SerialEM 4.1, 7/15/22. |
TimeStamp | Time of image acquisition in integer seconds since Jan. 1, 2020. |
NavigatorLabel | Label of Navigator item, added if Acquire at Items is being run and a tilt series is not |
FilterSlitAndLoss | Energy filter slit width and energy loss if slit is in, 0 0 otherwise |
ChannelName | Detector name for a STEM image |
MultishotHoleAndPosition | Hole identifier and position within hole when taking multiple record images; peripheral positions are numbered from 1 and the center is numbered 0. For a regular pattern, hole identifiers are a pair of numbers relative to the center of the pattern; for a custom pattern, they are simply numbers starting at 1. |
CameraPixelSize | For diffraction image, the size of the image pixel on the camera in microns, namely the physical chip pixel size times the binning. |
Voltage | High voltage in kV for diffraction image. |
FlashCounter | Cumulative counter of number of FEG flashes done by SerialEM. |
FEGCurrent | The FEG beam current in nanoamps, which is read from the scope every 5 minutes. |
EDMPercent | Dose modulation duty cycle percentage. |
Direct Electron Specific Section Data | |
DE12-ServerSoftwareVersion | Server software version |
DE12-PreexposureTime(s) | Pre-exposure time |
DE12-TotalNumberOfFrames | Total number of frames in acquisition |
DE12-FramesPerSecond | Frame rate in frames per second |
DE12-CameraPosition | Whether camera was retracted or inserted |
DE12-ProtectionCoverMode | Whether protection cover is kept open or open and closed for this shot |
DE12-ProtectionCoverOpenDelay(ms) | Delay after opening prtection cover |
DE12-TemperatureDetector(C) | Detector temperature |
DE12-FaradayPlatePeakReading(pA/cm2) | Current reading from Faraday plate during exposure |
DE12-SensorModuleSerialNumber | Serial number of sensor |
DE12-SensorReadoutDelay(ms) | Delay before starting to read out sensor during exposure |
DE12-IgnoredFramesInSummedImage | Number of frames ignored in a summed image |
Additional Data in MontSection | |
FullMontSize | Full size of montage in X and Y if all pieces are present |
BufISXY | Image shift associated with overview buffer |
ProbeMode | 1 for microporbe, 0 for nanoprobe |
MoveStage | 1 if for a stage montage |
ConSetUsed | Control set used for the montage (0 = View, 3 = Record, 5 = Search, 6 = MontMap |
MontBacklash | The nominal backlash for this montage, or 0 0 if using an anchor at the center |
ValidBacklash | The nominal backlash for this montage, or 0 0 if using an anchor at the center or doing a zigzag pattern |
DriftSettling | Drift settling in control set used |
CameraModes | Shutter mode and read mode |
FocusOffset | Focus offset for low dose View or Search, assigned to map item DefocusOffset if a map is made |
NetViewShifts | Image shift offsets for low dose View or Search |
ViewBeamShifts | Beam shift offsets for low dose View or Search |
ViewBeamTilts | Incremental beam tilts for low dose View or Search |
ViewDefocus | Focus offset for low dose View or Search, assigned to image buffer when reading in |
Alpha | Alpha value on JEOL |
FilterState | 0/1 if slit is out/in, and slit width |
AdjustedOverlaps | Overlap between pieces when using multiple Record routine and overlap is increased by tilt-foreshortening |
XEdgeExpectedShifts | Expected shift in X and Y in overlap zones between pieces in X direction when using multiple Record routine |
YEdgeExpectedShifts | Expected shift in X and Y in overlap zones between pieces in Y direction when using multiple Record routine |
If an ".idoc" file is being constructed for a set of TIFF files, the essential elements are the "DataMode", "ImageSize", and "ImageSeries" entries, as well as a section header for each image. The global "PixelSpacing" may be helpful in some contexts. For a montage, the "Montage" entry must be present with the value 1, and there must be a "PieceCoordinates" entry in each section. The X and Y values must fall on a regularly spaced grid, so that the coordinates can be analyzed to deduce the spacing and overlap between pieces unambiguously. Not all pieces in a rectangle need to be present, and there need not be pieces at 0. Pixel coordinates are in a right-handed system despite the ubiquitous inversion of images in Y.
If the alignment between montage pieces is known, this information can be placed in both the XedgeDxy/YedgeDxy and the XedgeDxyVS/YedgeDxyVS entries, so that the alignment can be used by SerialEM regardless of whether the Very Sloppy option is checked. The entries are the amount that an "upper" piece, i.e., one to the right (for X) or above (for Y), is displaced from being aligned in the overlap zone. This is the negative of the amount that the upper piece needs to be shifted to align the two pieces in the overlap zone. The program uses the IMOD library routine findPieceShifts to solve for the best shifts to be applied to each piece to bring all of them into best alignment. There is a fixed (but easily raised) limit to the size of montage for which this solution will be found, based on the nominal number of pieces in X and Y rather than the actual number.
In SerialEM 3.6, the Navigator output was switched from one tab-delimited line
per item to an autodoc format, with an option to output as XML instead.
XML or autodoc files can be read back in, as well as the tab-delimited files
from earlier versions. There are two lines of global data,
AdocVersion = x.xx
LastSavedAs = x\y.nav
where the second is the full absolute path and name of the file as it was last
saved. Then every item is in a section of type 'Item' and with its label string as the
value. The following table lists all of the keys that can occur in a
section, the kind of value that is expected, and whether it is required, or if
it is not required, what default value is set.
Key | Type of value | Default value, or Required | CMapDrawItem member(s) | Description |
Color | Integer | Req | mColor | Color index (0-5) |
StageXYZ | Three Floats | Req (unless external) | mStageX/Y/Z | Stage position adjusted for current mag |
NumPts | Integer | Req | mNumPoints | Number of points |
Corner | Integer | 0 | mCorner | Flag for corner point |
Draw | Integer | 1 | mDraw | Flag to draw |
RegPt | Integer | 0 | mRegPoint | Registration point number |
Regis | Integer | Req | mRegistration | Registration at which item exists |
Type | Integer | Req | mType | Type: 0-2 for point, polygon, map |
Note | String | blank | mNote | Note string |
GroupID | Integer | 0 | mGroupID | ID of group thatitem belongs to |
PolyID | Integer | 0 | mPolygonID | ID of polygon used to define supermontage |
FitToPolygonID | Integer | 0 | mFitToPolygonID | ID of polygon that this montage map was fit to |
Imported | Integer | 0 | mImported | Indicator of an imported map or point drawn on one |
RegisteredToID | Integer | 0 | mRegisteredToID | For an imported map, ID of map that it was registered to for transforming |
SuperMontXY | Two Integers | -1,-1 | SuperMontX/Y | Camera coordinate of a montage in supermontage |
OrigReg | Integer | Regis | mOriginalReg | Original registration (default is Registration) |
DrawnID | Integer | 0 | mDrawnOnMapID | ID of map point/polygon was drawn on |
Flags | Integer | 0 | mFlags | Bit flags: bit 1 on if item was drawn on an FFT |
BklshXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mBacklashX/Y | Backlash when a montage was taken or associated with item |
SamePosId | Integer | 0 | mAtSamePosID | Items with this matching were taken at same raw stage position |
RawStageXY | Two Floats | -10000,-10000 | mRawStageX/Y | Raw stage position before adjustments |
Acquire | Integer | 0 | mAcquire | Flag for acquiring |
PieceOn | Integer | -1 | mPieceDrawnOn | Index of montage piece item was drawn on (piece_#_in_X * #_of_pieces_in_Y + piece_#_in_Y), or index of nearest piece if item is on a missing piece, in which case XYinPc will not be written to file. |
XYinPc | Two Floats | -1,-1 | mX/YinPiece | X,Y coordinates in the montage piece, in right-handed pixels of stored montage |
MapFile | String | Req if Map | mMapFile | Full or relative path of map file (see Read & Open) |
MapID | Integer | Req if Map | mMapID | Unique ID (all items get one, not just maps) |
FocusAxisPos | Float | -1.e8 | mFocusAxisPos | Stored position of Focus area on inter-area axis |
LDAxisAngle | Two Integers | 0,0 | mRotateFocusAxis, mFocusAxisAngle | First value: 1 to rotate inter-area axis from tilt axis, 0 not to; second value: angle of rotation |
FocusOffsets | Two Integers | 0,0 | mFocusX/Yoffset | Offset of focus subarea in X and Y in unbinned pixels (Y inverted) |
HoleArray | Two Integers | 0,0 | mNumX/Yholes | # of positions in X and Y for multiple Record |
SkipHoles | List of integers | none | mSkipHolePos | Pairs of X,Y indexes for positions to skip from that array specified in HoleArray. Positions are numbered from 0 at lower-left in stage coordinates |
HoleISXspacing | Three Floats | 0,0,0 | mXHoleISSpacing | X component of vectors from hole finding converted to image shift for use with multiple Records |
HoleISYspacing | Three Floats | 0,0,0 | mYHoleISSpacing | Y component of hole vectors converted to image shift |
TSstartEndAngles | Two Floats | -1.e8,-1.e8 | mTSstartAngle, mTSendAngle | Starting and ending angles of range for tilt series item |
TSbidirAngle | Float | -1.e8 | mTSbidirAngle | Bidirectional starting angle for tilt series item |
TargetDefocus | Float | -1.e8 | mTargetDefocus | Target defocus for Acquire or tilt series item |
FileToOpen | String | none | mFileToOpen | Name of file to open for Acquire or tilt series item |
TSParamIndex | Integer | -1 | mTSParamIndex | Index of into parameter array for tilt series |
MontParamIndex | Integer | -1 | mMontParamIndex | Index into array of parameters for montages to open |
FilePropIndex | Integer | -1 | mFilePropIndex | Index into array of file options for file to open |
MapMontage | Integer | Req if Map | mMapMontage | Flag that map is a montage |
MapSection | Integer | Req if Map | mMapSection | Section number in file |
MapBinning | Integer | Req if Map | mMapBinning | Binning at which map was taken, or of initial overview map image for montage |
MapMagInd | Integer | Req if Map | mMapMagInd | Magnification index of map, or of non-map image a point or polygon was drawn on |
MapCamera | Integer | Req if Map | mMapCamera | Camera index |
MapScaleMat | Four Floats | Req if Map | mMapScaleMat | Stage to pixel scale matrix for drawing, based on pixels of initial map image. For montage, needs to be adjusted by ratio of currently loaded map width/height to initial map width/height |
GridMapXform | Six Floats | none | mGridMapXform | Transformation matrix and shift found by the last run of the routine to realign a reloaded grid that transformed items |
MapWidthHeight | Two Integers | Req if Map | mMapWidth/Height | Size of initial map image at which scale matrix was defined |
MapMinMaxScale | Two Floats | 0,0 | mMapMin/MaxScale | Min and max scale values of image when map was defined |
MapFramesXY | Two Integers | 0,0 | mMapFramesX/Y | Number of montage frames when acquired |
MontBinning | Integer | 0 | mMontBinning | Actual binning of montage used to make the map |
MapExposure | Float | 0. | mMapExposure | Exposure time for original map images |
MapSettling | Float | 0. | mMapSettling | Drift settling |
ShutterMode | Integer | -1 | mShutterMode | Shutter mode |
K2ReadMode | Integer | 0 | mK2ReadMode | Read mode for K2/K3 camera |
MapSpotSize | Integer | 0 | mMapSpotSize | Spot size at which map was taken |
MapIntensity | Double | 0 | mMapIntensity | Intensity at which map was taken |
MapSlitIn | Integer | 0 | mMapSlitIn | Filter slit state when map was taken |
MapSlitWidth | Float | -1. | mMapSlitWidth | Filter slit width when map was taken |
RotOnLoad | Integer | 0 | mRotOnLoad | Flag to rotate when load |
RealignedID | Integer | 0 | mRealignedID | ID of lower mag map with nearby realign error |
RealignErrXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mRealignErrX/Y | Final stage error of that realign operation |
LocalErrXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mLocalRealiErrX/Y | Error in second round of realign operation |
RealignReg | Integer | 0 | mRealignReg | Original registration of that realign |
ImageType | Integer | 0 | mImageType | Map file type 0-3 for MRC, IMOD, TIFF, IDOC |
MontUseStage | Integer | -1 | mMontUseStage | 1 if montage was taken with stage, 0 if not, -1 if unknown |
DefocusOffset | Float | 0. | mDefocusOffset | Defocus offset for map based on View images |
K2ReadMode | Integer | 0 | mK2ReadMode | Read mode for K2/K3 camera |
NetViewShiftXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mNetViewShiftX/Y | Net IS offset for a View image map |
MapAlpha | Integer | -999 | mMapAlpha | JEOL alpha value |
ViewBeamShiftXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mViewBeamShiftX/Y | Incremental beam shift to apply for a View map |
ViewBeamTiltXY | Two Floats | 0,0 | mViewBeamTiltX/Y | Incremental beam tilt to apply for a View map |
MapProbeMode | Integer | -1 | mMapProbeMode | Probe mode (0 for nano, 1 for micro) |
MapLDConSet | Integer | -1 | mMapLowDoseConSet | Set # (0-4) used for map taken in low dose |
MapTiltAngle | Float | -10000. | mMapTiltAngle | Tilt angle at which map was taken |
MarkerShift | Two Floats | -1.e8 | mMarkerShiftX/Y | Marker shift applied to map |
ShiftCohortID | Integer | 0 | mShiftCohortID | ID of shift cohort with which marker shift was applied |
PtsX | NumPts Floats | Req | mPtX | X stage cordinates of points |
PtsY | NumPts Floats | Req | mPtY | Y stage cordinates of points |
UserValueN | String | none | mUserValueMap | Arbitrary value set by script; N is # (currently1-8) |
TSParam - a section containing tilt series parameters. See TiltSeriesParam.h in the source code for a description of each item. | ||||
MontParam - a section containg montage parameters. See MontageParam.h in the source code for a description of each item. | ||||
FileOptions - a section containing properties for opening a file. See FileOptions.h in the source code in case this has descriptions. | ||||
StateParam - a section containing an imaging state, which has a
State entry matching the StateParameters line in settings,
and may have a LowDose entry matching LowDoseParameters in settings; see Settings and Calibration File Entries. |
Importing Externally Defined Navigator Items
It is possible to add items to a Navigator file whose positions are specified by image coordinates in a map and have SerialEM do the conversion to stage coordinates. Instead of the StageXYZ entry, the item can have one of these entries:
The following points apply to externally defined items:
Detailed error reporting is available for items that have been read in successfully from the Navigator file. A summary of the types of errors when processing the items is given in the log, and if Debug Output is set to 'n', then the type of error will be reported for each item, identified by its label. However, there is no detail when the item is initially rejected either because it lacked a required entry or because there was an error (such as too few values on a line) reading data from the autodoc.
Settings and Calibration File Entries
This section is for lengthy entries to the settings or calibration file that sometimes need to be interpreted. Entries will be added upon need or request. All alpha values are numbered from 0, not 1.
Settings file entries:
0 for non-low dose, -area # - 1 for low dose, 1 for old LD Record
camera index
mag index
spot size
filter slit in
filter energy loss
filter slit width
zero loss flag
frame size in X
frame size in Y
exposure time
drift settling
read mode
probe mode
dose fractionation
save frames
align frames
1 to use framealign, 2 to align in IMOD
frame alignment parameter set index
View read mode
Focus read mode
Trial read mode
Preview read mode
focus axis position
alpha on JEOL, -999 otherwise
defocus target
low dose focus offset
low dose shift offset X
low dose shift offset Y
flag that it is Mont-map
mag index
spot size
1 to
use centroid
probe mode
1 to
shift beam for centering
beam shift in microns
added X beam shift
added Y beam shift
Beam diameter for display
Distance to off-center shots in main ring
Number of shots in main ring
Do center shot: -1 before, 0 none, 1 after
Early return: 1 for last only, 2 for all, 3 for full sum on first
Number of frames in early return
Whether to save Record shot
Additional delay after image shift
Whether to use illuminated area for drawing diameter
Whether to adjust beam tilt if possible
1 to do pattern in hole, 2 to do multi-hole, 3 to do both
Use the list of custom holes
Factor by which to increase regular IS delay between holes
X component of image shift vector in 'X' direction
Y component of image shift vector in 'X' direction
X component of image shift vector in 'Y' direction
Y component of image shift vector in 'Y' direction
Number of holes in 'X' direction
Number of holes in 'Y' direction
Mag at which regular pattern hole positions are measured
Mag at which custom holes are defined
Take cross pattern when it is 3x3
Do a second ring of shots
Number of shots in second ring
Distance to off-center shots in second ring
Tilt angle at which regular pattern was defined
Tilt angle at which custom holes were defined
Angle found in hole finder associated with regular array
1 to do hex array, 0 not to
Number of hex rings
X component of image shift vector in first direction
Y component of image shift vector in first direction
X component of image shift vector in second direction
Y component of image shift vector in second direction
X component of image shift vector in third direction
Y component of image shift vector in third direction
Mag at which hex hole positions are measured
Tilt angle at which hex holes were defined
Original mag of rectangular pattern, negative if not transformed
Original mag of hexagonal pattern, negative if not transformed
Original mag of custom pattern, negative if not transformed
Mag transformation is from
Mag transformation is to
X change at 'to' mag per X change at 'from' mag
X change at 'to' mag per Y change at 'from' mag
Y change at 'to' mag per X change at 'from' mag
Y change at 'to' mag per Y change at 'from' mag
Minute time stamp when transformation was defined
StandardLMFocus: This entry contains the recorded standard focus in LM or
the eucentric focus in nonLM.
Magnification index
Focus value in microprobe, -999 if none
Focus value in nanoprobe, -999 if none
Focus values are either absolute values between 0 and 1, or on JEOL, a large
value that encodes coarse and fine focus components
mag index
camera number
Slope in X: shift in X in unbinned pixels per micron defocus per unit of beam tilt
Slope in Y: shift in Y per micron per unit of beam tilt
beam tilt: Beam tilt in mrad or % at which calibration was done
number of points
direction index: 0 for +X tilt; 1 for +X, +Y; 2 for +Y; 3 for -X, +Y
probe mode
Each line then has the adjusted defocus value (where 0 would be 0 defocus) and the unbinned shifts in X and Y
SpotIntensities: There may be two tables if either nanoprobe or
microprobe has two calibrations, one below crossover and
one above crossover. However, a table can have one condition done below
crossover and the other above. It all gets sorted out into separate tables
internally. Each row contains:
Spot size
Microprobe intensity ratio, intensity at which acquired, and crossover intensity
Nanoprobe intensity ratio, intensity at which acquired, and crossover intensity
where a ratio of 0 indicates no measurement for that spot size.
BeamShiftCalibration: This calibration is a 2x2 transformation matrix from image shift to
beam shift at the given magnification:
mag index
X change in beam shift per X change in image shift
X change in beam shift per Y change in image shift
Y change in beam shift per X change in image shift
Y change in beam shift per Y change in image shift
probe mode
1 to retain the calibration when a new one is done in the same mag range and
beam conditions, 0 not to
HighFocusMagCal and HighFocusISCal:
spot size
probe mode
mag change
aperture size
Mag index (0 for mag cals)
Mag index
spot size
probe mode
aperture size
X change in beam tilt needed per X change in image shift
X change in beam tilt needed per Y change in image shift
Y change in beam tilt needed per X change in image shift
Y change in beam tilt needed per Y change in image shift
X change in astigmatism needed per X change in image shift
X change in astigmatism needed per Y change in image shift
Y change in astigmatism needed per X change in image shift
Y change in astigmatism needed per Y change in image shift
Stage Calibration and 2x2 transformation matrices
The stage calibration consists of 4 matrix terms, and like all such 2x2 transformation matrices, they are expressed as a change in output X value per change in X input value (xpx), change in X per change in Y (xpy), change in Y per change in X (ypyx), and change in Y per change in Y (ypy). They are written to file in this order. In this case the input value is the change in stage position in microns, and the output value is the negative of the amount that the image shifts in unbinned pixels, or the position of the new centered coordinate in the image relative to the original center. This negative value is unfortunate in that it inverts the typical stage coordinate system relative to the underlying "specimen" coordinate system that has its X along the tilt axis.
The StageCalibration line has
Mag index
Camera number
Absolute focus at which calibration taken (compound of coarse and fine values for JEOL)
Other Notes
Image Rotation
The 'specimen' coordinate system is a right-handed system with its X axis along the positive tilt axis. (Looking toward the origin along the positive tilt axis, a positive tilt rotates the stage counterclockwise). Image rotation is defined as the amount that the camera image has rotated CCW from the image at the specimen plane, i.e., the angle (CCW positive) from the positive X axis of the image to the positive tilt axis in the image.
If there is only one camera and there is no RotationAndPixel line with a calibrated absolute rotation, the rotation at one magnification is estimated from a fallback value, the sum of that mag's rotation value in the MagnificationTable, the GlobalExtraRotation, and the ExtraRotation for that camera. If there are relative rotations in the table, the fallback is assigned to one mag as the absolute rotation, and this allows a rotation to be derived for the others. This is an ambiguous situation because there is no way to know just which mag that fallback angle should apply to.
Once there is a calibrated absolute angle, the MagnificationTable rotation, GlobalExtraRotation, and ExtraRotation become irrelevant for all the mags that are listed in the RotationAndPixel table and linked by relative rotations to a mag with an absolute rotation. The relative rotation for a mag equals the rotation angle of that mag minus the rotation of the next lower mag; this relationship allows a rotation angle to be propagated outward from the mag with the calibrated absolute angle. If any of these mags have an image shift calibration, other mags in the same mag range that have an image shift calibration can also be assigned a rotation by assuming that image shift is invariant at the specimen within that mag range. On a Thermo/FEI scope, the mag ranges are LM and nonLM; on a JEOL using image shift deflections there are other boundaries across which rotation cannot be transferred; on a JEOL scope using PLA, rotation cannot be transferred at all. The MagnificationTable rotations retain a fallback role for other mags that have not been assigned a rotation by one of these mechanisms; the rotation for such a mag is derived from the nearest mag with an assigned rotation by adding the difference between the MagnificationTable rotation of the mag in question and that of the nearby mag.
The situation is even more complicated when there is more than one camera at the same level, i.e., more than one non-energy filter camera or more than one energy filter camera, and one lacks a calibrated absolute angle. The program will use image shift calibrations if possible to get an absolute angle from another camera. All of the assignments described here are listed when the program is started with DebugOutput set to 'c'. See also ShiftManager::PropagateRotations().
The image rotation value is intimately related to the stage calibration. For a Thermo/FEI scope or JEOL scope without omega filter, an image rotation of 0 produces this pattern of image movement
^ image movement for positive Y stage move | | | | ---------> image movement for positive X stage moveThe image rotation angle is the amount by which the axes of image movement are rotated counterclockwise relative to this pattern. The image rotation (and the tilt axis angle) should equal atan2(-ypx, -xpx) (from the X axis rotation) or atan2(-ypy, -xpy) - 90 ( from the Y axis rotation); the program averages these two estimates when it reports the rotation angle with a stage calibration. More common angles for Thermo/FEI scopes (except Krios) are near 90 degrees and the pattern of movement is
^ image movement for positive X stage move | | | | <--------- image movement for positive Y stage move
A typical stage calibration will have values like: -54 261 -262 -55, which indicates that an X movement produces predominantly a negative Y change in camera coordinate, while a Y movement produces a positive change in X coordinate. This is inverted from the diagram because a positive shift of the image corresponds to a negative change in the (right-handed) camera coordinates of the centered point. Similarly, a Krios or a JEOL F200 has an axis angle near 180 with a pattern
<--------- image movement for positive X stage move | | | | V image movement for positive Y stage moveand a typical calibration of 490 44 -67 464.
For a JEOL with omega filter with the tilt axis near horizontal (.e.g, 2200FS), the pattern is this:
---------> image movement for positive X stage move | | | | V image movement for positive Y stage moveThe X axis is inverted and this requires the property InvertStageXAxis to be set. In this case the image rotation is estimated from atan2(ypx, xpx) and atan2(-ypy, -xpy) - 90. These estimates are simply reported and never used directly by the program; they must be placed into the RotationAndPixel lines to have any effect. A typical stage calibration would be -799 -109 -104 823 (again, because of the inversion between direction of movement and sign of the matrix), and the program would report an angle around 180 from stage calibration once the InvertStageXAxis property is set.