We maintain a Google group that is actively used for discussions or news, and a seldom-used mailing list server for major notifications about IMOD.
The IMOD discussion discussion group provides a forum for users to pose questions or present problems, offer solutions to others' problems, or make suggestions about improvements. We may also occasionally send notices of new versions or other general news. There is an average of about 10 messages per week. Digests and posting via email (i.e. list server functionality) are provided. Additional capabilities, including browsable / searchable archives, are available through a web interface. Access to the web interface requires a Google login profile, which must be associated with the email address at which you wish to be contacted. (Non Gmail addresses can be used with a Google login, with or without a Gmail address. See the Email section of your Google Account settings). The postings are not moderated, but joining requires approval.
To subscribe or visit the group via the web interface please visit
If you do not have and are not willing to create a Google
login and are satisfied with email only access, you can also request
membership by sending an email to
asking to be added to the IMOD list, and you will be added manually. Be
sure that this email is sent from the same address as you would use to post to
the list.
After your request is approved, you will be added to the group and will receive a confirmation email with additional instructions. Once subscribed, we request that you edit your membership settings for this group so that your display name is your real name. To post to the forum you can either use the web interface or simply email your posting to imod@colorado.edu
To cancel your subscription, use the web interface or send an email to imod+unsubscribe@colorado.edu.
When replying to a previous posting via email, you will have the option to reply to the sender or to the list.
Messages are sent to this group only a few times a year, for notices about new versions and IMOD trainings. It was a mailing list but was transitioned to a Google group in 2023. Subscribers cannot post to this group. Joining does not require approval.
To subscribe via the web interface please visit
If you do not have and are not willing to create a Google
login and are satisfied with email only access, you can also request
membership by sending an email to
asking to be added to the imod-notify list, and you will be added manually.