makejoincom(1) General Commands Manual makejoincom(1) NAME makejoincom - Create files for joining tomograms SYNOPSIS makejoincom [options] rootname DESCRIPTION Makejoincom generates a command file and an information file to start the process of joining (stacking) a set of serial tomograms into one volume. OPTIONS Makejoincom uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -root (-roo) OR -RootName Text string Rootname for info file, joined tomogram, and other intermediate files. If this option is not entered, the last non-option argu- ment will be taken as the root name. -input (-i) OR -InputTomogram File name Input tomogram from one section. If this option is used to enter any tomogram name, it must be used for all of them. If the option is not entered, the first and following non-option arguments will be used for the entries. (Successive entries accumulate) OPTIONS THAT APPLY TO INDIVIDUAL TOMOGRAMS These options apply only to a single tomogram. All such options should be entered before the tomogram name is entered. The name can be entered either with the -input option or as a non-option argument at the command line, but in either case it must be entered after all of the options that apply to it, and before the options that apply to the next tomogram. -top (-to) OR -TopSlices Two integers Starting and ending slices of sample from top of section. "Top" does not necessarily mean high Z; it is the end of the Z range that is contiguous to the next section. This option must be entered for all but the last section. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -bottom (-b) OR -BottomSlices Two integers Starting and ending slices of sample from bottom of section. "Bottom" means the end of the Z range that is contiguous to the previous section. This option must be entered for all but the first section. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -flip (-fl) OR -FlipYandZ Flip Y and Z of tomogram to make X/Y be in plane of section. This option will invert handedness. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -rotate (-rot) OR -RotateByAngles Three floats Run Rotatevol on tomogram with given rotation around X, Y, and Z axes, or just take account of this rotation if the -already option is entered. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -already (-a) OR -AlreadyRotated Rotatevol was already run with the rotations entered with -rotate (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -xyzsize (-x) OR -XYZsizeForRotation Three integers Set output size from Rotatevol to given values in X, Y, Z for this section. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -fullsize (-fu) OR -FullSizeRotation Set Rotatevol output size to the maximum needed to hold the whole rotated section in X, Y, and Z (Multiple entries linked to a different option) -maxxysize (-ma) OR -MaxXYsizeForRotation Set Rotatevol output size in X and Y only to the maximum needed to hold this rotated section; some portions of the original tomogram will be out of range in Z, but those are probably por- tions that have no sectioned material in them. (Multiple entries linked to a different option) GENERAL OPTIONS These options are entered only once and can appear anywhere among the other entries. -dir (-d) OR -DirectoryOfSource File name Default directory for source tomograms. If this option is entered, tomograms that do not include a directory in their path will be sought in the given directory instead of the current directory. -srcext (-sr) OR -SourceExtension Text string It is possible to enter filenames without extensions, in which case a default extension will be attached. This option sets the default, which is otherwise "rec". This is an unsafe option to use because no extension will be attached to a filename that has a dot in it before the extension. -tmpext (-tm) OR -TemporaryExtension Text string When a flipped or rotated file is created, a different extension is attached to it, which is "tmp" by default. Use this option to change the extension. -reference (-re) OR -ReferenceForDensity Integer Tomogram to use as the reference for density scaling (numbered from 1). This tomogram will be unscaled in the joined file and others will be scaled to match. In addition, the mode of this tomogram will be used for the mode of the joined file. The default is 1. -midaslim (-mi) OR -MidasSizeLimit Integer Size to which sample slices will be squeezed for aligning in Midas, if they are larger than the given sizein X or Y. The default is 1024. Sampled slices will be scaled down with antialiasing using the -shrink option in Newstack. -style (-st) OR -NamingStyle Integer 0 for output image files to have descriptive extensions like ".sample", 1 for extension ".mrc", 2 for extension ".hdf", or 3 for extension "tif". In the latter three cases the usual descriptive text is put before the extension, and the command file will contain an environment variable setting to make pro- grams generate files of the corresponding type. -pcm (-p) OR -MakeComExtensionPcm Integer 0 or 1 to name the output command file with extension ".com" or ".pcm". The latter is not yet supported by Etomo. -test (-te) OR -TestMode Do not run anything that requires complete image files, specifi- cally, Densmatch. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES The command file is always named "", the information file is "rootname".info, and transform files if sample images are shrunk are "rootname".sqzxf and "rootname".xpndxf. Existing copies of files will be made into backup files by adding the extension ~. AUTHOR David Mastronarde BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu SEE ALSO newstack, densmatch, midas HISTORY Makejoincom was a originally a C-shell script. In June 2011 it was converted to Python. IMOD 5.2.0 makejoincom(1)