header(1)                   General Commands Manual                  header(1)

       header - to read and display the header of an MRC image file.

       header [options] filename(s)

       Header will read and display the information in the header of an MRC
       image file - image size, data type, min, max, etc.  The program will
       accept the file name either from the command line or as an entry to the
       program after it is started.  If there is no file name or other argu-
       ments on the command line, the program asks for an input file name.

       If no options are given, the program will print the complete standard
       header output, which is the same as what other Fortran programs output
       when reading an image file header.  If any of the output options
       describe below are given, then the program prints only the numeric out-
       put for the given options, without any descriptive labels.  If multiple
       options are given, each option will produce one line of numeric output,
       with the output in the order that the options appear below (and that
       the output appears in the standard header output). If multiple file
       names are entered, then all of the header entries will be printed for
       one file, then for the next, etc.

       The origin values are reported with the original IMOD sign convention
       (subareas have more negative origins).  When they are stored in the
       file with the MRC standard convention (as is currently the case), then
       the standard header output will show the text "..(inverted_in_file).."
       on the origin line, unless the origins are all zero.

       If the program finds that the file has an extended header from Seri-
       alEM, it will report what items are stored there and summarize the com-
       mands needed to extract them.  If the file has an Agard/FEI-style
       extended header, the program will report a pixel size and rotation
       angle from there.  In such a case, if the pixel spacing in the standard
       header is 2, 3, or 4, the program will assume that this represents bin-
       ning that was applied in IMOD, and it will report the original pixel
       size times this binning.  If the file came from the FEI acquisition
       software, the sign of the rotation angle is inverted to conform with
       the conventions used in IMOD.

       The program will look for an ".mdoc" file corresponding to the image
       file (i.e., named as the full image file name with ".mdoc" appended) if
       either: 1) the pixel spacing is 1.0 in the main header and there is no
       pixel size from the extended header; or 2) there is no title line with
       "Tilt axis angle" and no rotation angle from the extended header.  If
       there is no pixel size information, a PixelSpacing entry in the global
       section of such an ".mdoc" file will be used to output the size in
       nanometers in a line near the end.  If there is no rotation angle
       information, the value from a title line (section named "T" in the
       ".mdoc" file) with "Tilt axis angle" will be printed near the end of
       the output.  If a title with "TiltAxisAngle" is found instead, the pro-
       gram will also look for a RotationAngle entry in the first image sec-
       tion of an ".mdoc" file.  The latter value is defined relative to the X
       axis and should be 90 degrees higher than the value from a title line,
       which is relative to the Y axis.  With these two values, it can recog-
       nize that it is a faulty ".mdoc" file from 2024 ThermoFisher software
       and print a correct value.

       The options are processed by the PIP package (see man page for pip).
       Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid
       abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses.  They are:

       -input (-i) OR -InputFile      File name
              Input image file.  All nonoption arguments will be treated as
              input files.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -size (-s) OR -Size
              Output image dimensions

       -mode (-mo) OR -Mode
              Output data mode

       -pixel (-p) OR -PixelSize
              Output pixel spacing in angstroms

       -origin (-o) OR -Origin
              Output origin values

       -minimum (-mi) OR -Minimum
              Output minimum value of data

       -maximum (-ma) OR -Maximum
              Output maximum value of data

       -mean (-me) OR -Mean
              Output mean value of data

       -rms (-r) OR -RootMeanSquare
              Output the RMS value (root-mean-square deviation from the mean)
              stored in the header.

       -volume (-v) OR -VolumeNumber       Integer
              For an HDF file with multiple volumes, the program will report
              the number of volumes and output the header of the first.  Use
              this option to specify a different volume number to see the
              header of, numbered from 1.

       -brief (-b) OR -Brief
              Output brief header with dimensions, pixel size, mode, minimum,
              maximum, and mean value, the first and last title, and a one-
              line summary of items in a SerialEM extended header if any.
              This is the only way to get a brief header output; the
              IMOD_BRIEF_HEADER environment variable is ignored when running
              this program.

       -eer (-e) OR -FullSizeOfEERFile
              Output the full super-resolution size and the number of frames
              in an EER file, overriding settings of the environment variables
              default, the program will output whatever size these variable
              settings produce.

       -tag (-t) OR -TiffStringTagToPrint       Integer
              Number of a TIFF tag for which a string should be retrieved and
              printed if the field with that tag is present in the file.  This
              value overrides a value in the environment variable
              TIFF_STRING_TAG_TO_PRINT.  The tag for metadata in EER files is
              65001, and the tag for defects in a Falcon gain reference file
              is 65100.

       -help (-h) OR -usage
              Print help output

              Read parameter entries from standard input.

       Originally written as part of the MRC image processing package.
       Converted to run on SGI by Paul Furcinitti and David Mastronarde, 1994.
       Converted to PIP input with simplified output options, 2/15/06.

       Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu.

IMOD                                 5.2.0                           header(1)