extractpieces(1) General Commands Manual extractpieces(1) NAME extractpieces - Extract piece coordinates from header of image file SYNOPSIS extractpieces [options] input_image_file output_piece_list_file DESCRIPTION EXTRACTPIECES will extract piece coordinates from the header of an image file, if they are present, and produce a file with those coordi- nates (a piece list file). In addition, it can extract coordinates from an image metadata file produced by SerialEM, and can do so auto- matically if the image file itself does not have piece coordinates. The program can also extract coordinates stored as attributes in an HDF file, or from an ".idoc" file saved by SerialEM. OPTIONS Extractpieces uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Thus, the following options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -): -input OR -InputFile File name Image file with header information to extract. If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be taken as the input file. An image file name is required unless the -other option is entered. -output OR -OutputFile File name Output file for header values. If this option is not entered, the second non-option argument will be taken as the output file. -mdoc OR -MdocMetadataFile Obtain values from a metadata file named with the name of the input file plus ".mdoc", instead of from the extended header of the image file. A file with this name is generated by SerialEM when an option is selected to save extra information in a meta- data file, or when the coordinates are too large to fit in the extended header. You do not supply the name of the .mdoc file when you use this option. As of IMOD 4.8.7, the program will look for such a file automatically if the requested values are not present in the image file header. Thus, this option is no longer necessary except for forcing the program to ignore values in the header and access the .mdoc file first. -other OR -OtherMetadataFile File name Obtain values from the metadata file with the given name, instead of from the extended header of the image file. With this option, no input image file needs to be supplied; but if you do omit the input file, you must specify the output file with -output instead of as a non-option argument. -help OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. If the program is started with no command line arguments, it reverts to interactive input with the following entries: Image file with piece list information in header Output file for piece coordinates HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, October 1999 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.0 extractpieces(1)