IMOD Library libcfshr
The libcfshr library contains various utility functions, the PIP and Autodoc
modules, and also functions
easily callable from C and Fortran. It includes some image processing
functions, but excludes model-related ones, which are in libimod.
Modules shared with SerialEM are also maintained in this library.
Whenever the documentation indicates that a function returns a
non-zero number for an error, it returns 0 for success.
- List functions for working with an
Ilist, a structure for holding arrays of arbitrary items.
- Utility functions for version and
copyright, getting stripped program name, making a backup file, doing
large-file I/O, and handling errors from library functions.
- Functions for tapering and padding images
- Functions for Fourier correlation,
filtering, and image transformation
- Functions for interpolation, reduction, and
linear transforms
- Simple statistics and statistical functions
- Functions for sorting and robust statistics
- Functions for regression, fitting, and
- Other utility functions, defined in
separate files.
- PIP package for parsing input
- Autodoc functions for accessing and manipulating
an autodoc-like file.
- Extra header functions for getting
values from MRC file extended headers or corresponding values from autodoc
files, and manipulating extended headers.
- Slice functions for doing the most basic
operations on Islice structures, plus some filtering functions that libimod
depends on (most slice functions are in libiimod).