2/17/12: Fixed programs using warping code for images with Y size bigger than X size.
2/13/12: Fixed default object properties in 3dmod when there is no setting saved.
2/2/12: Fixed ctfplotter to link against the libtiff distributed in package
1/25/12: Made all Qt-based programs reset the locale after starting the Qt application to prevent errors reading floating point numbers.
12/19/11: Updated program list for hyperlinks in man page.
12/18/11: Fixed imodpsview and install script for change in tcsh behavior.
12/2/11: Fixed test for whether copying from current object in object edit dialog.
12/2/11: Fixed explosion of memory usage in undo-redo module when combining objects or moving all contours from one to another.
12/1/11: Fixed 3dmod crash when deleting object with no current contour is set.
11/29/11: Fixed crash when current surface only is selected in Model View Edit Objects window and there are empty contours.
11/29/11: Fixed initial height of Info window when there is a long filename.
11/29/11: Changes to Noske plugins; livewire works in blocks.
11/28/11: Fixed Last Fill Color button in finegrain dialog.
11/22/11: Fixed pysed.py to allow ^ and + in filenames again.
11/18/11: In eTomo - Final Aligned Stack, added OffsetToAdd to the Ctfplotter dialog.
11/17/11: Added option to Ctfplotter to specify a data offset, and made it detect need for offset automatically with FEI data.
11/17/11: Fixed Rotatevol problem when run on a volume with NZ = 1.
11/9/11: In eTomo - Fiducial Model, fixed failure in patch tracking when the there is an existing tilt file.