The MRC file format used by IMOD.

The MRC header, length 1024 bytes.  Names are the names used in C code.


  0 000  4   int     nx;	Number of Columns 
  4 004  4   int     ny;        Number of Rows
  8 010  4   int     nz;        Number of Sections.

 12 014  4   int     mode;      Types of pixel in image.  Values used by IMOD:
         	       	 0 = unsigned or signed bytes depending on flag in imodStamp
                             only unsigned bytes before IMOD 4.2.23
         	       	 1 = signed short integers (16 bits)
         	       	 2 = float
         	       	 3 = short * 2, (used for complex data)
         	       	 4 = float * 2, (used for complex data)
                         6 = unsigned 16-bit integers
                        12 = half-float (16 bits, IEEE 754 standard)
         	       	16 = unsigned char * 3 (for rgb data, non-standard)
                       101 = 4-bit values (non-standard)

 16 020  4   int     nxstart;     Starting point of sub image (not used in IMOD)  
 20 024  4   int     nystart;
 24 030  4   int     nzstart;

 28 034  4   int     mx;         Grid size in X, Y, and Z       
 32 040  4   int     my;
 36 044  4   int     mz;

 40 050  4   float   xlen;       Cell size; pixel spacing = xlen/mx, ylen/my, zlen/mz
 44 054  4   float   ylen;
 48 060  4   float   zlen;

 52 064  4   float   alpha;      cell angles - ignored by IMOD
 56 070  4   float   beta;
 60 074  4   float   gamma;

         	       	 These need to be set to 1, 2, and 3 for pixel spacing
                                   to be interpreted correctly
 64 100  4   int     mapc;       map column  1=x,2=y,3=z.       
 68 104  4   int     mapr;       map row     1=x,2=y,3=z.       
 72 110  4   int     maps;       map section 1=x,2=y,3=z.       

                                 These need to be set for proper scaling of data
 76 114  4   float   amin;       Minimum pixel value.
 80 120  4   float   amax;       Maximum pixel value.
 84 124  4   float   amean;      Mean pixel value.

 88 130  4   int     ispg;       space group number, should be 0 for an image stack, 1
                                 for a volume, but is mostly ignored by IMOD
 92 134  4   int     next;       number of bytes in extended header (called nsymbt in
                                   MRC standard)
 96 140  2   short   creatid;    used to be an ID number, is 0 as of IMOD 4.2.23
 98 142  6   ---     extra data  (not used, first two bytes should be 0)
104 150  4   char    extType     Type of extended header, includes 'SERI' for
                                 SerialEM, 'FEI1', 'FEI2', etc for FEI, 'AGAR'
                                 for Agard
108 154  4   int     nversion    MRC version that file conforms to, otherwise 0
112 160  16  ---     extra data  (not used)

                                 These two values specify the structure of data in the
                                 extended header; their meaning depend on whether the
                                 extended header has the FEI/Agard format, a series of
                                 4-byte integers then real numbers, or has data 
                                 produced by SerialEM, a series of short integers.  
                                 The short integers are signed, except for
                                 piece coordinates.
                                 SerialEM stores a float as two shorts, s1 and s2, by:
                                   value = (sign of s1)*(|s1|*256 + (|s2| modulo 256))
                                      * 2**((sign of s2) * (|s2|/256))
128 200  2   short   nint;       Number of integers per section (FEI/Agard format) or
                                 number of bytes per section (SerialEM format)
130 202  2   short   nreal;      Number of reals per section (FEI/Agard format) or bit
                                 flags for which types of short data (SerialEM format):
                                 1 = Tilt angle in degrees * 100  (2 bytes)
                                 2 = X, Y, Z piece coordinates for montage (6 bytes)
                                 4 = X, Y stage position in microns * 25   (4 bytes)
                                 8 = Magnification / 100 (2 bytes)
                                 16 = Intensity * 25000  (2 bytes)
                                 32 = Exposure dose in e-/A2, a float in 4 bytes
                                 128, 512: Reserved for 4-byte items
                                 64, 256, 1024: Reserved for 2-byte items
                                 If the number of bytes implied by these flags does
                                 not add up to the value in nint, then nint and nreal
                                 are interpreted as ints and reals per section

132 204  20  ---     extra data (not used)

152 230  4   int     imodStamp   1146047817 indicates that file was created by IMOD or 
                                 other software that uses bit flags in the following field
156 234  4   int     imodFlags   Bit flags:
                                 1 = bytes are stored as signed (the default
                                     as of IMOD 4.9)
                                 2 = pixel spacing was set from size in extended header 
                                 4 = origin is stored with sign inverted from definition
                                     below (the default as of IMOD 4.11)
                                 8 = RMS value is negative if it was not computed
                                 16 = Bytes have two 4-bit values, the first one in the
                                      low 4 bits and the second one in the high 4 bits
                                 32 = CTF correction has been done on stack

                              Explanation of type of data.
160 240  2   short   idtype;  ( 0 = mono, 1 = tilt, 2 = tilts, 3 = lina, 4 = lins)
162 242  2   short   lens;
164 244  2   short   nd1;	for idtype = 1, nd1 = axis (1, 2, or 3)     
166 246  2   short   nd2;
168 250  2   short   vd1;                       vd1 = 100. * tilt increment
170 252  2   short   vd2;                       vd2 = 100. * starting angle

                		Current angles are used to rotate a model to match a
                                new rotated image.  The three values in each set are
                                rotations about X, Y, and Z axes, applied in the order
                                Z, Y, X.
172 254  24  float   tiltangles[6];  0,1,2 = original:  3,4,5 = current 

                               The image origin is the location of the origin of the
                               coordinate system relative to the first pixel in the
                               file.  It is in pixel spacing units rather than in
                               pixels.  If an original volume has an origin of 0, a
                               subvolume should have negative origin values.
        NEW-STYLE MRC image2000 HEADER - IMOD 2.6.20 and above:
196 304  4   float   xorg;      Origin of image
200 310  4   float   yorg;
204 314  4   float   zorg;
208 320  4   char    cmap;      Contains "MAP "
212 324  4   char    stamp;     First two bytes have 17 and 17 for big-endian or 
                                  68 and 65 for little-endian
216 330  4   float   rms;       RMS deviation of densities from mean, should
                                  be negative if not computed

        OLD-STYLE MRC HEADER - IMOD 2.6.19 and below:
196 304  2   short   nwave;     # of wavelengths and values
198 306  2   short   wave1;
200 310  2   short   wave2;
202 312  2   short   wave3;
204 314  2   short   wave4;
206 316  2   short   wave5;
208 320  4   float   zorg;      Origin of image.
212 324  4   float   xorg;
216 330  4   float   yorg;

        ALL HEADERS:
220 334  4   int     nlabl;  	Number of labels with useful data.
224 340  800 char[10][80]    	10 labels of 80 charactors, blank-padded to end

Offsets are given as bytes in decimal and octal.
Total size of header is 1024 bytes plus the size of the extended header.
Image data follows with the origin in the lower left corner, looking down on
the volume.  The first pixel in the file is the lower left corner of the
first image; the first nx values are the lowest line of that image in Y.  IMOD
will always write files in this orientation but will recognize files with an
inversion in Y (first row of pixels as the highest line in the image) in two
cases: 1) the extType is FEI1, FEI2, etc. and the imodStamp is not present; or
2) the mapr value is -2.  The latter has been discussed as a convention but
will likely crash software not recognizing it.  IMOD will invert images from
these files when reading them in, unless the environment variable
IMOD_IGNORE_MRC_INVERTED is set (set it to the sum of 1 and 2 to 
suppress inversion in case 1 and 2, respectively).

The size of the image is nx * ny * nz * (mode data size).

Fourier transforms are stored as complex floats.  The 2D or 3D transform of a
nx * ny * nz image file has dimensions (nx / 2 + 1) * ny * nz.  The origin (0
spatial frequency) is at (0, ny / 2) on each plane of a 2D transform, and at
(0, ny / 2, nz / 2) in a 3D transform, where coordinates are numbered from 0
and each division rounds downward to an integer.  The frequencies at the first
and last lines of the transform are -int(ny / 2) / ny and 
int((ny - 1) / 2) / ny, respectively, and similarly in Z for a 3D transform.

For 4-bit data (mode 101), each byte contains a pair of pixels, and the first
pixel (the one with lower coordinate) is in the lower 4 bits, while the second
pixel is in the higher 4 bits.  This fill order is the same for little-endian
and big-endian files.  Each line has int((nx + 1) / 2) bytes, with 4-bits of
padding at the end of each line when nx is odd.

The latest standard for the MRC format was described in:
Cheng et al. (2015) MRC2014: Extensions to the MRC format header for electron
cryo-microscopy and tomography. J. Struct. Biol. 192, 146-150.

A link to this paper and the formal standard description are at:

Potential deviations from the 2014 MRC standard are the use of mode 16 for RGB
data, the use of mode 101 for 4-bit data, writing bytes (mode 0) unsigned, and
the use of negative origins for subvolumes. Files with any of these
non-conformities should have a zero in the NVERSION field.  For a conforming
file, NVERSION would be 10 times the year of the standard plus a version
number within the year.  Since this field was not zeroed out by SerialEM
before version 3.3, IMOD code tests for NVERSION >= 20140 and < 10 *
(current year + 2).  Other non-standard items, in bytes 152-195, are at the
top of the extra data section and do not conflict with other known uses.

It is suggested that other developers willing to follow the conventions in the
imodFlags field and wishing to indicate that files originated from their
software use the same imodStamp value and designate another bit in imodFlags,
to be listed here.  However, the best way to indicate that a byte file is
signed is simply to conform with the standard and set the NVERSION field.