subimage(1) General Commands Manual subimage(1) NAME subimage - subtracts one image from another SYNOPSIS subimage [options] input_file_A input_file_B output_file DESCRIPTION Subimage will subtract one image from another, or a series of images from one file from a series in another file. It will report the mini- mum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of each difference image. OPTIONS Subimage uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) and can still take sequential input interactively. The follow- ing options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -afile (-af) OR -AFileSubtractFrom File name Input image file to subtract images from (file A). If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be used for this input file. -bfile (-bf) OR -BFileSubtractOff File name Input image file B with images to subtract from A. If this option is not entered, the second non-option argument will be used for this input file, if it exists. If this file is not specified at all, a backup file to A will be used (the A file- name with ~ appended). -output (-o) OR -OutputFile File name Output file C for difference images. If this option is not entered, the third non-option argument will be used for this output file, if it exists. If this file is not specified at all, only statistics will be reported for each section. -text (-t) OR -DifferenceTextFile File name Output file for a copy of the difference statistics, which will still be printed to standard out. The file will include the header line and "all" line. -mode (-mo) OR -ModeOfOutput Integer Mode for output file (1 for signed integers, 2 for 32-bit float- ing point, or 12 for 16-bit floating point). Bytes (mode 0) are rarely suitable for a difference image since they are unsigned, as is mode 6. The default is the mode of the input file, although the default mode of floating point output for MRC files is governed by the value of environment variable IMOD_WRITE_FLOATS_16BIT. Mode 12 is allowed only if the output format is MRC. -asections (-as) OR -ASectionList List of integer ranges List of sections in file A (numbered from 0, default is all sec- tions) -bsections (-bs) OR -BSectionList List of integer ranges List of sections in file B. Sections are numbered from 0. The default is to use the first N sections in the file, where N is the number of sections in the list for file A. -zero (-z) OR -ZeroMeanOutput Make the mean of the output be zero for each section by sub- tracting the mean difference between sections from the differ- ence. -lower (-l) OR -LowerThreshold Floating point Truncate the output by replacing values below this theshold with the threshold value. -upper (-up) OR -UpperThreshold Floating point Truncate the output by replacing values above this theshold with the threshold value. -xstats (-x) OR -StatisticsXminAndMax Two integers Minimum and maximum X for computing the minimum, maximum, mean and SD of the difference that are reported in the output. Coor- dinates are numbered from 0; the default is the full area in X. -ystats (-y) OR -StatisticsYminAndMax Two integers Minimum and maximum Y for computing the minimum, maximum, mean and SD of the difference that are reported in the output. Coor- dinates are numbered from 0; the default is the full area in Y. This entry and the next one do not affect the size of the output images; use Clip to obtain a difference volume from a subarea in one step. -frac (-f) OR -FractionalValues Output an additional line expressing the summary statistics for all sections as fractions of the data range of the two input files. -minmax (-mi) OR -ErrorMinMaxLimit Floating point Exit with error if the absolute value of the minimum or maximum exceeds the given value, over the region where statistics were computed. -sdlimit (-s) OR -ErrorSDLimit Floating point Exit with error if the overall standard deviation over the region where statistics were computed exceeds the given value. -param (-p) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. INTERACTIVE INPUT If there are no command-line arguments, Subimage takes sequential input the old way, with the following entries: Image file A List of section numbers for the images from file A; ranges may be entered, or / for all sections in the file Image file B, or a blank line to use the backup of file A (A~). List of corresponding section numbers for the images from file B; again, ranges may be entered, and / will sections from the beginning of the file Output file for difference A minus B, or a blank line for no output file, if only statistics are desired HISTORY Written by Sam Mitchell, 2/8/89 Revised by David Mastronarde to do multiple sections, 11/4/00 Revised by David Mastronarde to provide statistics and omit output file, 11/6/01 Converted to PIP input and to work on unlimited file sizes, 12/24/03 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 subimage(1)