preNAD(1) General Commands Manual preNAD(1) NAME preNAD - 2D anisotropic diffusion filter for tilt projections SYNOPSIS preNAD [options] DESCRIPTION preNAD is an anisotropic diffusion pre-reconstruction filtering program that aims to improve image quality for electron microscopy tilt projec- tion images. The aim of the preNAD program is to improve the image quality of reconstructed volumes by improving the quality of each tilt projection. Specifically, a family of Non-Linear Anisotropic Diffusion (NAD) fil- ters parametrized by the tilt angle is implemented. The stopping cri- terion for iteration in the preNAD filter is based on the Masked Vari- ance Difference. However, in addition to options to control the algo- rithm itself, this version provides the automatic selection of the Masked Variance Difference using the -MinIterations and -MaxIterations options. For a more detailed description of the algorithm used in this code, see Mauro Maiorca, Eric Hanssen, Edmund Kazmierczak, Bohumil Maco, Misha Kudryashev, Richard Hall, Harry Quiney and Leann Tilley, "Improving the quality of electron tomography image volumes using pre-reconstruction filtering", Journal of Structural Biology, (2012) 180: 132-142. Please reference this article if you use the filter. OPTIONS preNAD uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -input (-i) OR -InputStack File name Input image file with tilt projections. PreNAD algorithm will be applied to this image. -output (-o) OR -OutputFileName File name Output filtered image file -angles (-a) OR -AnglesFile File name File with tilt angles, one per line. This file has usually a .tlt extension. -MVD (-MV) OR -MaskedVarianceDifference Floating point User-defined Masked Variance Difference (MVD). MVD is an image- dependent parameter which defines a stopping condition for pre- NAD. The user-defined MVD is optional. However, generic users are suggested to ignore this parameter and use MinItera- tions/MaxIterations for an automatic estimation of the MVD. -s OR -sigma Floating point Initial sigma for smoothing the structure tensor (in pixels). Default initial sigma is 1 pixel. -minite (-mi) OR -MinIterations Integer Minimum Number of Iterations allowed for each tilt projection. -maxite (-ma) OR -MaxIterations Integer Maximum Number of Iterations allowed for each tilt projection. -views (-v) OR -ViewsToProcess List of integer ranges List of views to process from input file, numbered from 1. List should be in the form 1,3-6,9,19. Other views will be copied to the output file, unchanged. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input AUTHOR Mauro Maiorca SEE ALSO nad_eed_3d BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 preNAD(1)