gpuallocator(1) General Commands Manual gpuallocator(1) NAME gpuallocator SYNOPSIS gpuallocator options DESCRIPTION Gpuallocator keeps track of a set of GPUs available for a collection of related processes and assigns free GPUs to processes upon request. Calling processes identify themselves by their machine name and process ID. They request GPUs by sending the full list of ones available and a maximum number that are desired. If there are any free, this program adds information to its usage file and outputs a line for each allo- cated GPU: either a machine name by itelf or a name followed by a colon and a specific GPU number. As few as one GPU may be allocated. If there are none free, the program outputs the line No GPUs were free [GPA1] When a process is done with the operation needing the GPUs, it should run this program again with no GPU list or maximum number, and the allocation will be removed from the usage file. On any run of the pro- gram, it will first remove any existing allocations to the calling process, check that each other process assigned to is still running, and remove any allocations to processes no longer running. Simultaneous access to the usage file is prevented by using a lock file, where the lock on the file can be obtained by only one instance of this program at a time. OPTIONS Gpuallocator uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -rootname (-r) OR -RootNameForProcesses Text string Root name common to the processes; i.e., all processes should pass this same name. This entry is required. -pid (-p) OR -ProcessID Integer Process ID of the calling process. This entry is required. -controller (-con) OR -ControllingMachine Text string Name of machine with process requesting use. This should be the first component of the full hostname (i.e., with with domain name omitted). This entry is required. -fulllist (-f) OR -FullListOfGPUs Text string Full list of machines and GPUs available, in the same format as is given to the -G option to Processchunk(1), for example, host:1:2,host2,host3:2. If this option is entered, -maxgpu must be entered also. -maxgpu (-m) OR -MaximumGPUsToAssign Integer Maximum number of GPUs to allocate for this request. If this option is entered, -fullist must be entered also. -common (-com) OR -CommonDirectory Text string Directory in which the usage list will be kept. All calling processes should provide the same entry if any do. The default is the current directory. -verbose (-v) OR -VerboseOutput Give diagnostic output about allocations and removals. This option cannot be used unless the calling program can distinguish this output from allocated -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES The allocator creates two files with the root name followed by ".gpu- Use" and ".gpuUse.lock" in either the directory where it is run or the directory given by the -common option. AUTHOR David Mastronarde SEE ALSO splitbatch BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 gpuallocator(1)