filltomo(1) General Commands Manual filltomo(1) NAME filltomo - Replace pixels in dual-axis tomogram with values from one SYNOPSIS filltomo [options] matched_to_tomogram tomogram_to_fill DESCRIPTION Filltomo improves a combined tomogram from a two-axis tilt series by replacing pixels in locations where the "matching" tomogram had no data with the values from the tomogram that was matched to. It determines a linear scaling between the latter tomogram and the combined tomogram so that the intensities will match as well as possible. It can also be applied to fill the tomogram from the axis that is transformed to match, prior to combining. Three files need to be considered to understand how the program works: 1) The tomogram from the axis being matched to, which is the source for replacement pixels; 2) the tomogram from the other axis, which needed to be transformed into alignment with the first one; 3) the tomogram in which pixels are being replaced, which is either the transformation of the second tomogram, or the combination of that transformed tomogram with the first axis. The decision of whether to replace a pixel is made in up to four stages. First, the program determines if the pixel back-transforms to a location outside the boundaries of the tomogram from the other axis, in which case it was filled with a mean value during the transforma- tion. Second, if options are entered to define the region containing valid data in the tomogram from the other axis, then the program can also determine if a pixel back-transforms to a location outside that defined region. Third, if options are entered to define the region containing valid data in the tomogram being matched to, the program will refrain from replacing pixels outside those regions. Fourth, if regions near the edges are specified where the pixels should be replaced regardless of these other criteria, then pixels in such regions will be replaced unconditionally. There are two different ways to define the region containing valid data in a tomogram. "Valid data" refers to regions where there is a rela- tively complete set of views providing back-projected data, not just to regions that have material suitable for correlations. One way is to create an IMOD model with a contour surrounding the area with valid data, when viewing the raw tomogram in flipped orientation (perpendicu- lar to the plane of section). The other way is to provide the size of the original unaligned image data and the transformations used to align them. The latter way works only if the tomogram is centered on the original image data (i.e., the aligned stack was centered on the origi- nal stack and neither an X nor a Y shift was used in building the tomo- gram). If a tomogram is not centered, then a boundary model needs to be used instead. Specifying the valid data area in the tomogram from the other axis becomes increasingly important the greater the rotation of the tilt axis from vertical or horizontal, the bigger the shift between the two volumes, and the greater the difference between reconstruction and raw data size. In the context of combining data from two axes, however, there appears to be no merit in specifying the valid data region in the tomogram being matched to. OPTIONS Filltomo uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) but can take input interactively for basic operations, to main- tain compatibility with old command files. The following options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -matched (-ma) OR -MatchedToTomogram File name Tomogram that was matched to, typically "...a.rec" when matching the B to the A axis. This tomogram is the source of pixels used for replacement. This input file is required. If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be used for the filename. -fill (-f) OR -FillTomogram File name Transformed or combined tomogram to fill with pixels from the tomogram that was matched to, typically named "...b.mat" (when matching B to A) or "sum.rec", respectively. This output file is required. If this option is not entered, the second non- option argument will be used for the filename. This file must have the same dimensions as the tomogram that was matched to. -source (-so) OR -SourceTomogram Text string Name of tomogram that was transformed to produce a matching tomogram, typically named "...b.rec" when matching B to A. This entry is required. -inverse (-i) OR -InverseTransformFile File name File with inverse of 3D transform applied to produce matching tomogram. This file is typically named "inverse.xf" and is pro- duced when Refinematch is run by Matchorwarp. This entry is required. -xfill (-x) OR -LeftRightFill Two integers Number of pixels to fill regardless on left and right sides of tomogram -yfill (-y) OR -BottomTopFill Two integers Number of pixels to fill regardless on bottom and top sides of tomogram -binning (-b) OR -ImagesAreBinned Integer The binning of the aligned images used to beuild the tomomgrams, relative to the original data. The default is 1. This entry is needed if options specifying stack transforms are entered with unbinned sizes and binning was not 1. -sraw (-sr) OR -SourceRawStackSize Three integers Size in X, Y, and Z of the unaligned tilt series used to build the tomogram that was transformed to match. If images were binned to make the aligned stack, either enter a binned size here, or enter an unbinned size and the -binning option. This entry is required if -sxform is entered. -sxform (-sx) OR -SourceStackTransforms File name File of 2D transforms applied to align the tilt series images used to build the tomogram that was transformed to match. With this option, the program will replace pixels that come from regions where there was not complete projection data available for backprojection. -sboundary (-sb) OR -SourceBoundaryModel File name File with model drawn on the tomogram that was transformed to match, where the boundary contour indicates the region where data are good, and outside which data should be replaced. This option cannot be used together with -sxform. If there is more than one contour, the one closest to the midplane of the tomo- gram is used. -mraw (-mr) OR -MatchedToRawStackSize Three integers Size in X, Y, and Z of the unaligned tilt series used to build the tomogram that was matched. Enter either a size adjusted for binning, or the unbinned size along with the -binning option. This entry is required if -mxform is entered. -mxform (-mx) OR -MatchedToStackTransforms File name File of 2D transforms applied to align the tilt series images used to build the tomogram that was matched to. With this option, the program will refrain from using replacement pixels from regions where there was not complete projection data avail- able for backprojection, unless they are inside edge regions to be filled regardless (set by -xfill and -yfill options). -mboundary (-mb) OR -MatchedToBoundaryModel File name File with model drawn on the tomogram that was matched to, where the boundary contour indicates the region where data are good, and outside of which data should be not be used for replacement. Pixels inside of edge regions set by -xfill and -yfill options will still be replaced. This option cannot be used together with -mxform. If there is more than one contour, the one clos- est to the midplane of the tomogram is used. -param (-p) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. INTERACTIVE INPUTS If no command line arguments are entered, inputs are prompted interac- tively. Inputs to the program: Name of combined tomogram file Name of the tomogram that was matched TO, which will be the source of replacement values Either the name of the tomogram that was transformed to match, or the X, Y and Z dimensions of that file Name of file containing inverse transformation used by MATCHVOL Number of pixels to replace unconditionally along the four sides of the tomogram when in flipped orientation. Enter four numbers, for the number of pixels on the left (lower X), right (upper X), bottom (lower Y in flipped tomogram), and top (upper Y) edges. HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde, November 1995 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 filltomo(1)