copytomocoms(1) General Commands Manual copytomocoms(1) NAME copytomocoms - Create command files for generating tomograms SYNOPSIS copytomocoms [options] -name rootname DESCRIPTION Copytomocoms generates the command files needed for nearly all of the processing involved in generating a tomogram. The program is run by the setup page of Etomo. There are several ways in which tilt angles can be entered: as a start- ing and increment tilt angle, in a file with a list of angles (which can be extracted from the image file or supplied separately), or directly as a list of angles. For each axis, one of these option must be entered for the tilt angle entry, but only one way can be specified. OPTIONS Copytomocoms uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -name (-n) OR -RootName File name Root name of data set (omit a or b for dual-axis set) -stackext (-sta) OR -StackExtension Text string Extension of raw stack excluding the period. If this is not specified, the program will assume the extension ".st" unless the -style option is entered. With a -style option and no spec- ified stack extension, it will look for ".st", ".mrc", ".hdf", ".tif", and ".tiff" and require that only one of those types is present. With this entry, which could in principle be arbi- trary, it will not care if files with other extensions are present. -dual (-du) OR -DualAxis Dual-axis data set -montage (-m) OR -MontagedImages Data are montaged -backup (-bac) OR -BackupDirectory File name Directory for backing up small files. Commands to save such files are placed in a script named "savework", which is run at end of every command file. The directory need not exist yet. -pixel (-pi) OR -PixelSize Floating point Pixel size of images in nanometers. This entry is required. -gold (-go) OR -GoldBeadSize Floating point Size of gold beads in nanometers. This entry is required. Enter 0 if you are not going to track fiducials. -rotation (-ro) OR -RotationAngle Floating point Angle from the vertical to the tilt axis in raw images for the A axis or only axis. This entry is required. -brotation (-bro) OR -BRotationAngle Floating point Angle from the vertical to the tilt axis for B axis. The default for a dual-axis set is the angle entered for A. -firstinc (-fi) OR -FirstAndIncAngle Two floats First tilt angle and tilt angle increment for the A axis or only axis. -bfirstinc (-bfi) OR -BFirstAndIncAngle Two floats First tilt angle and tilt angle increment for B axis -userawtlt (-use) OR -UseRawtltFile Take tilt angle from a .rawtlt file for the A axis or only axis. -buserawtlt (-bu) OR -BUseRawtltFile Take tilt angle from a .rawtlt file for B axis -extract (-e) OR -ExtractAngles Extract tilt angles from data file for the A axis or only axis if the file does not already exist. This entry implies -user- awtlt. -bextract (-be) OR -BExtractAngles Extract tilt angles from data file for B axis -angles (-a) OR -TiltAngles List of integer ranges Complete list of tilt angles for the A or only axis, on one line with no spaces. -bangles (-ban) OR -BTiltAngles List of integer ranges Complete list of tilt angles for the B axis -twodir (-t) OR -TwoDirectionsAngle Floating point The tilt series was taken in two directions starting at the given angle. The first half of the series will be defined as a separate view group for Tiltalign and Beadtrack, from the first view through the first occurrence of the given angle. -btwodir (-bt) OR -BTwoDirectionsAngle Floating point Tilt series for B axis was bi-directional from given starting angle -reversed (-re) OR -ReversedBidirectional The part of the tilt series acquired first is the second part of the tilt series stack. Without this option, the program assumes that the tilt series is in the same order as the file produced by automated acquisition software, in which the part acquired first is inverted in order and placed in the beginning of the stack. -breversed (-bre) OR -BReversedBidirectional First acquired part of B axis tilt series is second part of stack -dosesym (-do) OR -DoseSymmetricAngle Floating point The tilt series was taken with a dose-symmetric scheme, starting at the given angle. This angle is assumed to correspond to zero tilt of the specimen itself, so with this option, the negative of this angle will be set as an angle offset in,, and -bdosesym (-bd) OR -BDoseSymmetricAngle Floating point The tilt series for the B axis was taken with a dose-symmetric scheme, starting at the given angle. -skip (-sk) OR -ViewsToSkip List of integer ranges List of views to exclude from processing for A or only axis. This entry and the next are fed into view exclusion lists in track*.com, align*.com, and tilt*.com. -bskip (-bs) OR -BViewsToSkip List of integer ranges List of views to exclude from processing for B axis -distort (-di) OR -DistortionField File name Correct image distortion with the given .idf file. The file will be copied to the current directory. -binning (-bi) OR -BinningOfImages Floating point Binning of the raw images; this entry is needed for distortion correction unless there is no ambiguity about whether they are binned; i.e., unless the images are not binned and are too large to be considered binned. -gradient (-gr) OR -GradientTable File name Correct for magnification gradients using the given .mgt file. Extractmagrad will be run to extract mag gradient files for each axis. -focus (-fo) OR -FocusWasAdjusted Focus was adjusted between frames when acquiring montage for the A axis or the only axis -bfocus (-bfo) OR -BFocusWasAdjusted Focus was adjusted between montage frames for the B axis -voltage (-v) OR -VoltageInKV Integer Microscope voltage in kV -Cs OR -SphericalAberration Floating point Spherical aberration -ctfnoise (-ct) OR -NoiseConfigFile File name Configuration file listing noise files for ctfplotter -defocus (-de) OR -Defocus Floating point Defocus in nanometers, with underfocus positive -CTFfiles (-CT) OR -CopyCTFfiles Integer Just copy files for CTF plotting and correction (1 for plotting, 2 for correction, 3 for both) -fei (-fe) OR -SetFEIPixelSize Set the standard pixel spacing in the header of each image file if it comes from FEI software. The pixel size from the extended header will be multiplied by the binning of the images, if any, and placed in the standard header location, so that it will propagate through the processing. If there is already a stan- dard pixel spacing not equal to 1, 2, 3, or 4, it will not be modified. -change (-ch) OR -ChangeParametersFile File name Name of file with directives for changing parameters. A direc- tive has the form "comparam.comfile.process.option=value" where "comparam" is a required prefix for directives to be processed by Copytomocoms, "comfile" is the root name of the command file with optional "a" or "b", "process" is the name of a program being run on a line starting with "$", "option" is an option to add or modify, and "value" is its value. An example is "com- param.xcorra.tiltxcorr.FilterSigma1=0.02". Files are processed in order, and a duplicate entry for an option generally over- rides an earlier one. However, for a dual-axis data set, a directive specific to a particular axis, such as that example, will always be preferred over a generic directive with no "a" or "b" on the command file name. For a single-axis data set, directives with a "b" are ignored and ones with an "a" or with no "a" or "b" are treated equivalently, such that later ones override earlier ones. (Successive entries accumulate) -one (-o) OR -OneParameterChange Text string One directive for changing parameters, in the format just described. Entries with this option are processed after, and can override, ones entered from files, and later ones override earlier ones. (Successive entries accumulate) -style (-sty) OR -NamingStyle Integer 0 for output image files to have descriptive extensions like ".preali", 1 for extension ".mrc", or 2 for extension ".hdf". In the latter two cases the usual descriptive text is put before the extension, and command files will contain an environment variable setting to make programs generate files of the corre- sponding type. -halffloat (-ha) OR -HalfFloatModeOutput Integer 2 to set the mode for output files to half-floats (16-bit floats) unconditionally, or 1 to do so only when the input file is floating point. Half-floats are useful for producing smaller files when the input stack is floating point, and may also be useful if a wide range of values need to be represented. The range of 16-bit floats is -65504 to 65504; values are stored with 11-bit precision down to 6.1e-5 and 10-bit precision down to 6.0e-8. This option currently governs the aligned stack, outputs from CTF correction and 2-D filtering, and reconstruc- tion. The output from gold erasing will also be affected if this option is entered through a template. -pcm (-pc) OR -MakeComExtensionPcm Integer 0 or 1 to name output command files with extension ".com" or ".pcm". The latter is not yet supported by Etomo. -xsize (-x) OR -XImageSize Integer X size of image data (needed if data file not present) -ysize (-y) OR -YImageSize Integer Y size of image data (needed if data file not present) -help (-he) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input FILES All files are modified from the master files in the $IMOD_DIR/com directory. Existing copies of the command files will be made into backup files by adding the extension ~. AUTHOR David Mastronarde BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu SEE ALSO extracttilts, extractpieces, extractmagrad HISTORY Copytomocoms was a original a C-shell script. In February 2011 it was converted to Python. IMOD 5.2.1 copytomocoms(1)