clonevolume(1) General Commands Manual clonevolume(1) NAME clonevolume - clone copies of a volume (typically a PEET averaged sub- volume) back to the aligned positions and orientations in a starting volume. SYNOPSIS clonevolume [options] -at csv_file -into into_vol inVol outVol DESCRIPTION After aligning and averaging a set of subvolumes with PEET, it is often useful to copy the averaged subvolume back into a copy of an input vol- ume at the positions and orientations of the individual aligned parti- cles. Clonevolume performs this operation. The in_vol will be cloned into into_vol at locations and orientations specified by csv_file, and the output written to out_vol. The comma-separated value location/ori- entation file csv_file will typically have been created by PEET program createAlignedModel(1). The out_vol will be silently overwritten if it already exists. Neither in_vol, into_vol nor csv_file will be modified. The PEET alignment and corresponding average must have beem created with "Align Averages Vertically" disabled for proper orientations of the cloned subvolumes. While clonevolume is designed for use with a csv location file and an input volume created by PEET, this is not required. Except for the first, header line, which is always ignored, each line in the location file must contain 7 comma-separated fields representing contour number, X, Y, and Z center coordinates in pixels, and Z-Y-X Slicer angles in degrees, (stored in the order X, Y, Z), respectively, representing the rotation to be applied to the input volume. OPTIONS Clonevolume uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip). Options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -input (-inp) OR -InputFile File name Input volume file to clone. If this option is not entered, the first non-option argument will be used for the input file. -output (-o) OR -OutputFile File name Name to give the output volume. If this option is not entered, the second non-option argument will be used. -at OR -AtPoints File name Name of the summary file giving coordinates and orientations at which clones are to be inserted. -into (-int) OR -IntoFile File name The volume to which the output should be initialized prior to inserting any clones of the input. (Required). -x OR -XRange Two integers The input volume will not be cloned at points outside this range. -y OR -YRange Two integers The input volume will not be cloned at points outside this range. -z OR -ZRange Two integers The input volume will not be cloned at points outside this range. -help (-h) OR -usage Print help output. -contours (-c) OR -ContourNumbers List of integer ranges A comma and dash separated list of contour numbers. If entered, clones will be created only at points belonging to one of the specified contours in the model of the original volume. -alpha (-al) OR -AlphaTransparency Floating point A floating point number between 0 and 1 specifying the trans- parency to be used when cloning volumes (default 0). If 0, cloned voxels will simply replace the originals. More generally, the output voxels will be alpha times the cloned voxel plus (1 - alpha) times the previous value. -mask (-m) OR -MaskFile File name The name of a byte (mode 0) file which will be used to mask the input volume. Non-zero values in this file indicate voxel loca- tions in the input volume which should be cloned. -rmin (-rmi) OR -rMin Integer The input volume will not be cloned at radii smaller than this. -rmax (-rma) OR -rMax Integer The input volume will not be cloned at radii larger than this. AUTHOR John Heumann <heumannj at colorado dot edu> SEE ALSO createAlignedModel(1), clonemodel IMOD 5.0.2 clonevolume(1)