ccderaser(1) General Commands Manual ccderaser(1) NAME ccderaser - erase X-rays, defects and fiducial markers from images SYNOPSIS ccderaser [options] input_file [output_file] DESCRIPTION This program replaces deviant pixels with interpolated values from sur- rounding pixels. It is designed to correct defects in electron micro- scope images from CCD cameras. It can use two algorithms to automati- cally remove peaks in intensity caused by X-rays. It can also take an IMOD model file with specifications of regions to be replaced; in this mode it can be used to erase gold fiducial markers. With a model, the program can replace a group of adjacent pixels with interpolated val- ues, or all of the pixels along a line. It can do this on only a spe- cific image, or on all of the sections in the file. The program can operate in trial mode, without making an output file, and it can output a model file with points at the pixels to be replaced. Automatic X-Ray Removal The automatic removal of X-rays works by dividing the area of each image into patches for scanning. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of the pixels in a patch are computed. The patch is then scanned for pixels that deviate from the mean by more than a criterion number of SDs (the scan criterion, a relatively low number to keep from missing peaks). When such a pixel is found, the program searches neighboring pixels to find a peak in intensity. It then computes the mean and SD of pixels in an annulus around the peak and makes sure that the peak deviates from this local mean by more than a criterion number of SDs (the peak criterion). Neighboring pixels inside the inner radius of the annulus are added to the list of pixels to be replaced if they deviate by a lower criterion (the grow criterion). The patch of pixels is then replaced by fitting a polynomial to adjacent pixels and inter- polating from the polynomial. If the peak does not deviate suffi- ciently from this local mean, but is stronger than the mean of the scan area by the scan criterion plus 1, then the mean and SD is again com- puted in a larger annulus. If the peak deviates from this mean by a number of SDs bigger than another criterion for extra-large peaks, a patch of pixels is found, but it is replaced only if enough pixels dif- fer from adjacent ones by large enough amounts (see the -big option below). The reason for these two stages is that the inner radius for the first stage must be set safely smaller than the radius of gold beads to avoid erasing part of the beads, whereas the second stage can work with larger areas because it has more stringent criteria that reject gold beads. After the peaks are found in a scanning patch, the program next finds the difference between each pixel and the mean of the eight adjacent pixels. The mean and SD of this difference is computed, then pixels are sought that deviate from the mean by yet another criterion, the difference criterion. When such a pixel is found, neighboring pixels are examined and added to the patch of pixels to replace if their dif- ference exceeds the grow criterion. If the number of pixels in the patch does not exceed a specified maximum, replacement proceeds as above; otherwise the patch is ignored. Two methods are used because the first method is probably more reliable for dealing with strong peaks that extend over several pixels, while the second method is definitely better for finding small X-rays. After all the patches have been scanned for a section, the program then searches for single pixels with large interpixel differences at the edges of the image, over the width set by the -border option. A dif- ference between a pixel and the mean of whatever adjacent pixels exist is computed and its deviation from the overall mean interpixel differ- ence is divided by the maximum SD of interpixel differences over all of the scans. When this value exceeds the difference criterion and the interpixel difference is greater than that of its neighbors, the pixel is replaced with the mean. This procedure is iterated up to 4 times to catch adjacent extreme pixels. Tuning the removal of X-rays would primarily involve adjusting two of the criteria. The peak and difference criteria would be adjusted down or up to increase or decrease the number of deviant pixels that are found. The grow criterion could also be adjusted down or up depending on whether too few or too many pixels are included in a patch that is replaced, but this step is not usually done in practice. If there are strong, large artifacts that are not being removed, the big difference criterion for extra-large peaks should be lowered first, then if neces- sary, the maximum radius and criterion strength for extra-large peaks can be adjusted. Manual Removal of Defects and Markers For manual removal of defects, prepare an IMOD model file to specify the points to be replaced. There can be four kinds of objects: 1) Pixel objects, in which there is a point inside of every pixel to be replaced, and each contour corresponds to a separate patch of points. 2) Boundary objects, in which each contour encloses a separate patch of pixels to be replaced. 3) Line objects, in which each contour defines a horizontal or vertical line of points to be replaced. 4) Circle objects, used to replace pixels in a circle around each point. Pixel, boundary, and line objects can be applied either on the section where they are drawn, or on all sections. For example, one might have two different pixel objects, one for patches to be replaced on a single section and one for patches to be replaced on all sections. Note that if you are working with a montage, "all sections" means "all pieces". If you are modeling on images displayed as a montage with no overlap between the pieces, you only need to draw a patch on one of the pieces to have it erased on all the pieces at each view. TO set up a pixel object, make the object type be scattered points, and turn on drawing of circles, but leave the sphere radius at zero. To specify a patch of points, start a new contour and place a point inside of EVERY pixel in the patch. Each separate patch should be in a sepa- rate contour. If the correction is to be made on only a single sec- tion, all of the points must lie on that section; but the points for a patch to be corrected on all sections can be on more than one section, because sometimes they are more discernable on particular sections. A boundary object should be the default, closed contour type. Draw a contour around each patch of pixels to be erased. A pixel will be included in the erasure if its center is inside or on the boundary line. Contours can be arbitrarily large, and there is tapering of intensities inside contours that are bigger than 1000 pixels. A line object should be closed or open contour type. To specify a line of points, make a contour with two points, at the start and end of the line to be replaced. Lines must be horizontal or vertical. Each pixel will be replaced by the average of the two pixels on either side of the line. Put each line in a different contour. Ajdacent lines will be detected and erased together. To set up a circle object, make the object type be scattered points, set the sphere radius to an appropriate value, and check the option to display spheres only on their center section. If necessary, you can give some of the points sizes that are different from the default by opening a dialog with Edit-Point-Size. A pixel will be replaced if its center lies inside or on the circle. For small radii, the fact that the default sphere radius is constrained to an integer may be a prob- lem; if so, use the -better option to enter a floating point default radius for Ccderaser to use. For using circle objects to remove gold markers, -merge should also be used so that adjacent markers are removed together, and -exclude will help keep dark pixels just outside the circle from making the filled in region too dark. OPTIONS Ccderaser uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for pip) and can take input interactively only for specifying manual replacement with a model file, to maintain compatibility with old com- mand files. The following options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the -) or one per line in a command file or param- eter file (without the -). Options can be abbreviated to unique let- ters; the currently valid abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses. -input (-in) OR -InputFile File name Input image file. This may also be entered after all arguments on the command line. -output (-outp) OR -OutputFile File name Output image file. This may also be entered after an input file name on the command line. If no output file is specified and the program is not run in trial mode, pixels will be replaced in the input file. USE REPLACEMENT OPTION WITH CAUTION. -halffloat (-half) OR -HalfFloatModeOutput Integer Enter 2 to set the mode for output files to half-floats (16-bit floats) unconditionally, or 1 to do so only when the input file is floating point. -piece (-pi) OR -PieceListFile File name File with piece coordinates for a montaged image file. With this entry, the program will assume that an input model was drawn on a display of the montage with overlaps adjusted to be either 0,0 or the amount indicated by the -overlaps option. The output model file with points found will also be formatted to fit on such a display. -overlaps (-ov) OR -OverlapsForModel Two integers Overlaps in X and Y at which a montaged image is being viewed both when producing an input model and viewing the output model of pixels being replaced. The same values should be used as are provided to the -o option of 3dmod. The default is 0,0, which represents no overlap between images. -find (-f) OR -FindPeaks Find and erase peaks a criterion # of SDs above or below back- ground. This option must be included for automatic removal of X-rays. -peak (-pe) OR -PeakCriterion Floating point Criterion # of SDs above local mean for erasing peak based on intensity (the default is 10 SDs). -diff (-d) OR -DiffCriterion Floating point Criterion # of SDs above mean pixel-to-pixel difference for erasing a peak based on differences (the default is 10 SDs) -grow (-gr) OR -GrowCriterion Floating point Criterion # of SDs above mean for adding points to peak (the default is 4 SDs). -scan (-sc) OR -ScanCriterion Floating point Criterion # of SDs of mean of scan area for picking peaks in initial scan (the default is 3 SDs). -radius (-r) OR -MaximumRadius Floating point Maximum radius of peak area to erase (the default is 2.1 pix- els). -giant (-gi) OR -GiantCriterion Floating point Criterion # of SDs above local mean for erasing extra-large peak based on intensity (the default is 12 SDs). Enter 0 to disable this second stage of peak removal. -large (-la) OR -ExtraLargeRadius Floating point Maximum radius of extra-large peak area to erase (the default is 8 pixels). -big (-bi) OR -BigDiffCriterion Floating point An extra-large peak will be erased only if the value for the maximum difference between adjacent pixels, averaged over the most extreme one-fourth of the pixels in the patch, exceeds this criterion, evaluated as the number of SDs above the mean abso- lute difference between adjacent pixels in the scan area. The default is 19. This high a value is needed to prevent gold era- sure on low-noise data sets with small gold particles, and a lower value may be needed to make extra-large peak removal use- ful. -maxdiff (-ma) OR -MaxPixelsInDiffPatch Integer Maximum number of pixels in a patch that exceeds the difference criterion. If the number of pixels that satisfy the criteria exceed this limit, none of the pixels in the patch will be replaced. The default is 2. -outer (-oute) OR -OuterRadius Floating point Outer radius of annulus around a peak in which to calculate local mean and SD (the default is 4.1 pixels). This option and -width are mutually exclusive. -width (-w) OR -AnnulusWidth Floating point Difference between outer and inner radius of the annulus around a peak in which to calculate local mean and SD (the default is 2.0 pixels). This option and -radius are mutually exclusive. -xyscan (-x) OR -XYScanSize Integer Size of regions to compute mean and SD in for initial scans (the default is 100 pixels). -edge (-ed) OR -EdgeExclusionWidth Integer Width of area to exclude on all edges of image in pixels (default 0). -iterations (-it) OR -SearchIterations Integer Number of times to iterate search for peaks. For a given sec- tion, the iterations will be terminated after an iteration with no changes. Moreover, the program will keep track of which scan regions have changes on each iteration and stop redoing regions that have had no changes. The default is 3. -points (-po) OR -PointModel File name Output model file with points replaced in peak search. Each patch of points will be in a separate contour. Patches are sorted into separate objects based on how much the peak exceeds a criterion. -model (-mo) OR -ModelFile File name Input model file specifying points or lines to be erased. -lines (-li) OR -LineObjects List of integer ranges List of objects that define lines to be replaced. Ranges can be entered, and / to specify all objects. -boundary (-bou) OR -BoundaryObjects List of integer ranges List of objects that contain boundary contours around pixels to be replaced. Ranges can be entered, and / to specify all objects. Boundary contours can be arbitrarily large. When a contour encloses more than 1000 pixels, a different procedure is use to erase the points, and intensities are tapered down over 8 pixels on the inside of the patch from the value of the nearest pixel just outside the patch to the mean of the surrounding pix- els. -allsec (-a) OR -AllSectionObjects List of integer ranges List of objects with points to be replaced on all sections. Ranges can be entered, and / to specify all objects. -circle (-c) OR -CircleObjects List of integer ranges List of objects that contain scattered points for replacing pix- els within a circle around each point. The sphere radius, which can be an individual value for each point, is used to indicate the size of circle to replace. Ranges can be entered, and / to specify all objects. -better (-be) OR -BetterRadius Multiple floats For circle objects, this entry specifies a radius to use for points without an individual point size instead of the object's default sphere radius. This entry is floating point and can be used to overcome the limitations of having an integer default sphere radius. If there are multiple circle objects, enter one value to apply to all objects or a value for each object. -expand (-exp) OR -ExpandCircleIterations Integer Number of iterations of a procedure that expands the area erased around the points of a circle object. This procedure analyzes the intensity of pixels adjacent to the patch being erased and adds pixels in the appropriate tail of the intensity distribu- tion to the patch. Iterating simply repeats the procedure. If edges of gold particles are left because points are not very well centered, try this option instead of just increasing the radius, as it will tend to erase just the remaining points on the edge instead of a whole ring of points. -halo OR -IncludeHaloInExpand Include the most extreme intensities of the opposite polarity from the bead (e.g., brighter intensities when beads are dark) when expanding the patch. This option may give a minor reduc- tion in the visible halo around a bead due to underfocus, and often makes the intensity in the erased region seem to match the background better. -target (-ta) OR -TargetRadiusForExpand Floating point This option makes the expansion of patches in images with a small pixel size more effective in two ways: 1) The pixels to be added to the patch are detected in images smoothed with a real-space Gaussian kernel. The Gaussian sigma is chosen to pro- duce about the same amount of averaging as scaling down images by the amount that would make the maximum radius to be erased equal to the entered value. In fact, the sigma is just the ratio of that maximum radius to the given value. 2) The number of iterations is multiplied by that sigma value so that a compa- rable fraction of the bead size can be expanded into as when the pixel size is larger. In addition, when filling with noise, the border region in which noise will be measured is expanded by the sigma value. The option has no effect if the maximum radius is not bigger than the entered value. -merge (-me) OR -MergePatches Merge patches in the model if they touch each other, as long as the resulting patch is still within the maximum radius. Patches from objects with points to be replaced on all sections are ignored. This option should be used if an output model from automatic peak finding is modified and used as an input model. -skip (-sk) OR -SkipTurnedOffPoints Skip points in the model with contour values below threshold if they are not visible in 3dmod, namely if "Turn off below thresh- old" is set in the Bead Fixer, or "Turn off Low" is set in the Values panel of the Model View Object Edit dialog. -border (-bor) OR -BorderSize Integer Size of border around points in patch, which contains the points which will be fit to (the default is 2 pixels) -order (-or) OR -PolynomialOrder Integer Order of polynomial to fit to border points. The default is 2, which includes terms in x, y, x**2, y**2 and x*y. The order can be between -1 and 3, where 0 will simply replace the pixels with the mean of the border points instead of fitting to them, and -1 will fill the area with noise matching the standard deviation in surrounding pixels. -exclude (-exc) OR -ExcludeAdjacent Exclude points adjacent to patch points from the fit; in other words, compute the polynomial fit to points that do not touch the ones being replaced. -trial (-tr) OR -TrialMode Analyze for replacement points without writing output image file. -verbose (-v) OR -Verbose Print details on patches being replaced -PID (-PI) OR -ProcessID Output process ID -param (-pa) OR -ParameterFile Parameter file Read parameter entries as keyword-value pairs from a parameter file. -help (-he) OR -usage Print help output -StandardInput Read parameter entries from standard input. INTERACTIVE INPUT If the program is started with no command line arguments, it reverts to interactive input with the following entries: Input image file Output image file, or <Return> to place modified sections back into the input file. USE REPLACEMENT OPTION WITH CAUTION Model file A list of objects which specify points or lines to be replaced on all sections, or / if all objects do so, or Return if none do. Ranges may be entered. A list of objects which specify lines to be replaced, or / if all objects do so, or Return if none do. Ranges may be entered. Size of the border around the points in a patch, which contains the points which will be fit to (/ for default of 2 pixels) Order of polynomial (/ for default of 2, which includes terms in x, y, x**2, y**2 and x*y) 0 to exclude or 1 to include points adjacent to the points being replaced in the polynomial fit (/ for default of 1) HISTORY Written by David Mastronarde 11/10/98 Automatic X-ray removal and pioneer use of PIP input, 6/9/03 BUGS Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu. IMOD 5.2.1 ccderaser(1)