assemblevol(1)              General Commands Manual             assemblevol(1)

       assemblevol - assemble an image file from an array of subvolumes


       Assemblevol will assemble a single MRC file from separate files that
       form an array of subvolumes in X, Y, and Z.  In effect, it can take
       montaged images and compose them into single images, just as Reduce-
       mont(1) can, but its advantage is that it can take the images from mul-
       tiple files.  Its primary use is for reassembling a tomogram after it
       has been chopped into pieces, using the coordinates output by Tomo-
       pieces(1).  A second use to concatenate reprojections computed in par-
       allel by Tilt.

       If there is no overlap between the subvolumes to be assembled, then the
       simplest way to run the program is with the -nxfiles, -nyfiles, and
       -nzfiles options to indicate how many subvolumes there are in the three
       dimensions.  Otherwise, it is necessary to enter the starting and end-
       ing coordinates to extract from the subvolumes at each position in X,
       Y, and Z.

       Assemblevol uses the PIP package for input (see the manual page for
       pip) and can still take sequential input interactively.  The follow-
       ing options can be specified either as command line arguments (with the
       -) or one per line in a command file or parameter file (without the -).
       Options can be abbreviated to unique letters; the currently valid
       abbreviations for short names are shown in parentheses.

       -input (-i) OR -InputFile      File name
              Input file.  Files must be entered in the order of left to right
              in X, then bottom to top in Y, then lower to upper in Z.  For
              example, if there are files only in X and Y, enter all of the
              files in the first row in Y in order by increasing X, then the
              files in the second row, etc.  Non-option arguments will also be
              taken as input files after the ones specified by this option.
              (Successive entries accumulate)

       -output (-o) OR -OutputFile    File name
              Output file for assembled volume.  If this entry is omitted, the
              last non-option argument will be used for the output filename.

       -xextract (-x) OR -StartEndToExtractInX       Two integers
              Starting and ending coordinates to extract at one file position
              in X, numbered from 0, or 0,0 to use all pixels in X, or -1,-1
              to use just the first pixel in X.  If there is more than one
              file position in X, this option must be entered for each posi-
              tion in X, unless the number of files in X is entered with the
              -nxfiles option and all pixels are to be taken from each file.
              If neither this option nor -nxfiles is entered, the default is
              to assume one position in X with all pixels used.  Note that the
              use of 0,0 to specify using all pixels requires the different
              special entry of -1,-1 to use just the first pixel when the size
              in X is greater than 1.  (Successive entries accumulate)

       -yextract (-y) OR -StartEndToExtractInY       Two integers
              Starting and ending coordinates to extract at one file position
              in Y, numbered from 0, or 0,0 to use all pixels in Y.  The same
              rules apply to this option as to -xextract.  (Successive entries

       -zextract (-z) OR -StartEndToExtractInZ       Two integers
              Starting and ending coordinates to extract at one file position
              in Z, numbered from 0, or 0,0 to use all pixels in Z.  The same
              rules apply to this option as to -xextract.  (Successive entries

       -nxfiles (-nx) OR -NumberOfFilesInX      Integer
              Number of input files in the X direction.  This option can be
              used if all pixels are to be used in X from all files; it cannot
              be entered along with -xextract.

       -nyfiles (-ny) OR -NumberOfFilesInY      Integer
              Number of input files in the Y direction.  This option can be
              used if all pixels are to be used in Y from all files; it cannot
              be entered along with -yextract.

       -nzfiles (-nz) OR -NumberOfFilesInZ      Integer
              Number of input files in the Z direction.  This option can be
              used if all pixels are to be used in Z from all files; it cannot
              be entered along with -zextract.

       -param (-p) OR -ParameterFile       Parameter file
              Read parameter entries from file

       -help (-h) OR -usage
              Print help output

              Read parameter entries from standard input.

       If there are no command-line arguments, Assemblevol takes sequential
       input the old way, with the following entries:

       Name of output file for the assembled volume

       Number of input files in the X, Y and Z dimensions

       For each position in X, enter a line with the starting and ending X
       index coordinates (numbered from 0) to be extracted from the files at
       that position.  These coordinates should be chosen to eliminate any
       overlap between the files at successive positions.  For example, if
       there are two files in X, each 1000 pixels wide, and they overlap by 20
       pixels, you would enter 0,989 and 10,999.  If all the pixels are to be
       taken from the files at a position, you can enter 0,0 for that posi-
       tion.  If the size in X is greater than 1, it is necessary to enter
       -1,-1 to take just the first pixel.

       Similarly, for each position in Y, enter a line with starting and end-
       ing Y index coordinates to be extracted from files at that position, or
       0,0 to use all pixels, or -1,-1 to use just the first pixel.

       For each position in Z, enter a line with starting and ending Z index
       coordinates to be extracted from files at that position, or 0,0 to use
       all pixels, or -1,-1 to use just the first pixel.

       The input file names, one per line, in order by increasing X, then
       increasing Y, then increasing Z.  For example, if there are files only
       in X and Z, enter all of the files in the first row in Z in order by
       increasing X, then the files in the second row, etc.

       Written by David Mastronarde  3/1/01

       Email bug reports to mast at colorado dot edu.

IMOD                                 5.2.1                      assemblevol(1)