Model View Menus
- File Menu
- Open Model: Load a new model to view (3dmodv only).
- Save Mode: Save the current model (3dmodv only).
- Save Model As...: Save model under a different name (3dmodv only).
- Snap TIFF As...: Save a snapshot to a specified TIFF file.
- Snap NonT As...: Save a snapshot to a specified non-TIFF file.
- Zero Snap File #: Reset the counter for snapshot files to 0.
- Set Snap Dir...: Set a directory to put snapshots into. The
same directory will be used for snapshots from image windows. The directory
chooser will start in the current browser directory but the browser
directory will not be changed to the chosen directory.
- Movie/Montage...: Program a series of displays and take
snapshots of them, or take a high-resolution snapshot of the window.
- Movie Sequence...: Store and run a sequence of movies with
different display settings.
- Close: Quit 3dmodv or close model view window in 3dmod.
- Edit Menu
- Objects...: Open the object edit dialog.
- Controls...: Open the display control dialog.
- Rotation...: Open the rotation tool. The arrows rotate the
model or clipping planes, + and - increase or decrease the
angular step size together with the model rotation speed, and the circular
arrow in the middle toggles continuous rotation on and off. If this tool is
open when Model View closes, it will be reopened automatically along with
Model View.
- Object List...: Show objects by name and color with On/Off
buttons and define object groups.
- Background...: Change the background color.
- Models...: Control the display of multiple models.
- Views...: Open a dialog to save and restore views.
- Image...: Display image slices on the model (3dmod only).
- Isosurface...: Display surface rendering of image data (3dmod
- Save Dock: Save the current list of dialogs docked to the
Model View Window and their open/closed state in settings.
- Reopen Dock: Reopen and restack dialogs to recreate the previously
saved state. Ones that were already open will be inserted at the saved
position in the stack; open dialogs that were not in the saved list will go to
the end of the stack.
- View Menu: Rendering options and added display features;
several of these are stored in the model as flags.
- Low Res: Display low resolution mesh (a model flag).
- Bounding Box: Display box around loaded volume. The box
is in an extra object that can be modified in the object edit dialog.
- Object Box: Display bounding box around the current object. The box
is in an extra object that can be modified in the object edit dialog. It is
not updated when drawing in 3dmod but is updated on many changes in model display
- Current Point: Display a sphere at the location of the current
point (3dmod only). The sphere is in an extra object that can be modified in
the object edit dialog; the sphere size sets the displayed radius.
- Point Labels: Display the labels that can be defined in
the 3dmod Surf/Cont/Point dialog for individual points. The label will be
drawn to the right of the point, or to the right of a sphere drawn at the
- Stereo...: Open stereo control dialog.
- Depth Cue...: Control dimming of display with distance.
- Scale bar...: Open window to draw scale bar.
- Window Size...: Open dialog to adjust size of Model View
window without changing the zoom of the display.
- Invert Z: Invert the Z dimension when displaying the model (a
model flag).
- Lighting: Turn rendering with a light on or off (a model flag).
- Wireframe: Render data in wireframe only (a model flag).
- Transparent Bkgd: Display with a transparent background; use
this to take a PNG snapshot or montage with a transparent background.
Drawing of the isosurface may take noticeably longer because it needs to be
drawn without the vertex buffers that allow rapid redrawing.
- Double Buffer: Change between double and single buffer visual.
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