Many of these hot keys are available in the HotKey menu, which gives you another way to look up the keys or execute the operations.
Keys | Command |
Model Positioning and Rotation | |
Arrows | Translate model in X and Y, or translate clipping plane with Ctrl held down, or translate current point with Ctrl and Shift held down, if it is a scattered point. |
PageUp/PageDown | Translate model in Z, or translate clipping plane with Ctrl held down, or translate current point with Ctrl and Shift held down, if it is a scattered point. |
Keypad | Rotates model in X, Y and Z, or rotates clipping plane with Ctrl held down |
Keypad-2/8 | Rotate around X viewing axis |
Keypad-4/6 | Rotate around Y viewing axis |
Keypad-3/9 | Rotate around Z viewing axis |
Keypad-Enter | Toggle continuous rotation on and off (Keypad-5 may also do this) |
Substitute Keypad | The key cluster centered on U can also be used for rotating the model or clipping plane (the Rotation tool provides another substitute to the keypad) |
7/J | Rotate around X viewing axis |
Y/I | Rotate around Y viewing axis: but Ctrl+U, not Ctrl+Y, rotates clipping plane |
6/H | Rotate around Z viewing axis |
U | Toggle continuous rotation on and off (follow with mouse action or keyboard entry that rotates model) |
T | Show top of model |
B | Show bottom of model |
L | Show left side of model |
R | Show right side of model |
F | Show front of model |
K | Show back of model |
Drawing Type and Clipping Plane Operations (with Object Edit window open | |
F1 | Switch to drawing Contours - Lines (can modify multiple objects/models) |
F2 | Switch to drawing Mesh - Fill (can modify multiple objects/models) |
F3 | Switch to drawing Mesh - Lines (can modify multiple objects/models) |
F4 | Cycle between Contours - Lines, Mesh - Fill, and Mesh - Lines (can modify multiple objects/models) |
Ctrl+M | Mesh current object |
C | Output current clipping plane information |
Ctrl+C | Toggle current clipping plane on and off |
Ctrl+V | Toggle drawing of current clipping plane on and off (works wih Object Edit closed) |
Ctrl+1 | Toggle current object clipping plane 1 on and off |
Ctrl+2 | Toggle current object clipping plane 2 on and off |
Ctrl+3 | Toggle global clipping plane 1 on and off |
Ctrl+4 | Toggle global clipping plane 2 on and off |
Dialog Opening Keys | |
M | Open movie control window |
Shift+N | Open Movie Sequences window |
Shift+O | Open Object Edit window |
Shift+C | Open controls window |
Shift+R | Open Rotation tool with buttons for rotating model or clipping plane |
Shift+B | Open background color window |
Shift+L | Open Object List window |
Shift+M | Open model selection window |
Shift+V | Open view editing window |
Shift+I | Open image overlay control window (only when run from 3dmod) |
Shift+U | Open isosurface display control window (only when run from 3dmod) |
Display Control Operations | |
-/= | Decrease/Increase zoom by small steps |
Keypad + | Increase zoom by small steps |
_/+ | Decrease/Increase zoom by big steps |
Shift+X | Toggle display of X image planes (only when run from 3dmod) |
Shift+Y | Toggle display of Y image planes (only when run from 3dmod) |
Z | Toggle display of Z image planes (only when run from 3dmod) |
Ctrl+R | Toggle low resolution drawing of mesh and spheres |
P | Toggle display of current point (only when run from 3dmod) |
G/Shift+G | Increase/Decrease the quality of sphere drawing |
F11 or & | Switch threshold for isosurface to other side of distribution |
S | Toggle stereo mode |
[/] | Adjust parallax for stereo viewing |
A | Invert the parallax angle |
,/. | Decrease/Increase rotation increment and speed |
1/2 | Decrease/Increase time for 4D models |
8 | Toggle displaying all models or one model |
9/0 | Previous/Next model |
Model Editing Operations | |
Ctrl+Shift+Delete | Delete the current point if it is in a scattered point object and 3dmod is in model mode. |
Ctrl+A | Select all visible contours in current object |
Shift+D | Delete selected contour(s) if picked in model view |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Change both current model object and selected object for editing in Object Editing dialog to previous object. If they are not synchronized, both selections will still change by 1. |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Change both current model object and selected object for editing in Object Editing dialog to next object |
Ctrl+Shift+X | Previous contour in scattered point object |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Previous contour in scattered point object |
Ctrl+{ or [ or 9 or ( | Previous point in scattered point object |
Ctrl+} or ] or 0 | Next point in scattered point object |
Ctrl+F | Apply last change applied in the Fine Grain dialog to the currently selected item, if the Last button for that change is enabled in that dialog. |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the last change to model. Undo/redo does work when the program is run as 3dmodv, but the list of actions that can be undone is cleared if you switch between models. |
Ctrl+Y | Redo the last undone change to model |
Other Operations | |
Shift+S | Snapshot image as a non-TIFF file to |
Ctrl+S | Snapshot image as a TIFF file to modvnnnn.tif |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Snapshot image in second non-TIFF format to |
Ctrl+Shift+L | Toggle linking of model view angles to angles in the top Slicer window. |
D | Toggle double buffering |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Toggle use of vertex buffer objects, which greatly accelerate model display but can cause artifacts in some cases |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Toggle between the new point picking method and the old method using deprecated OpenGL selection mode. |
O | Output transformation information and movie frames/sec |
Esc/Q | Close Model View or Quit 3dmodv |