Contour Joining
Contour joining will
make a single contour from two or more separate contours and
remove the old contours. Basically, one first selects the contours to join and
then presses Apply or the hot key Shift+J.
There are two ways to select contours to join. The easiest is to use
multiple contour selection.
First select a model point within the first contour, then select
a point in the second contour with Ctrl and the first mouse
button. If two or more contours are selected in this way, they will be the
ones joined, regardless of any set points appearing in the dialog box.
The second way is to
select a point in the first contour and press the
Set 1 button, then select a point in the second contour and
press Set 2. The latter step is actually superfluous, because if
only one join point is set and another point is selected as the
current point, that point will be used as the second point.
How the contours are joined depends on the type of object and the options
selected by the radio buttons.
- For closed contour type objects, the
contours can either be joined by a closely-spaced pair of connecting lines or
concatenated end to end. The connecting lines will be up to two pixels
apart, or
closer together if the spacing between contour points is less than 2 pixels
around the points chosen for joining.
- If Concatenate is selected, all of the points from one contour will be
added after all of the points in the other contour, so that the contours will
appear joined at their nearest endpoints.
- If Join near pts is
selected, a pair of connecting lines will be generated between the contours at their
points of closest approach.
- If Auto-choose is selected, the program
will automatically choose between these two approaches based upon whether a
pair of contours have openings at their ends larger than the distance between
their endpoints.
- If Join set pts is selected, two contours will be
joined with a pair of connecting lines between the selected points in the contours.
Thus, these options give you complete control over the process, but the
default Auto-choose will probably do what you want.
- For open contour type objects, the contours can be concatenated end to
end or spliced at the selected points.
- If Concatenate is selected, a
pair of contours will be joined end to end just as described above for closed
- If Splice set pts is selected, the new contour will contain
points from the first contour up to first set point then points from the
second contour starting at the second set point through the end of the
contour. Other points are discarded.
- For scattered point type objects, all of the points from the selected
contours will be combined into one contour, regardless of
which points are selected. No points will be discarded.
When more than two contours are selected, the pairs with the least distance
between them are joined first.
The hot key Shift+J can be used in place of the Apply button. It can
also be used when the join dialog is not open, when two or more contours are
selected. The radio box selections will be remembered and applied after the
dialog is closed.
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