Multiple Grid Settings Manager Dialog

This dialog lets you store separate settings for individual grids in six different categories.  The first category consists of a few general program settings that would typically differ between gold and carbon grids.  The next three categories are for autocontouring, hole finding, and multiple Record acquisition; in each of these, a subset of parameters are stored.  The fifth section lets you set different Low Dose Focus area positions, including center offsets if a subarea is to be acquiring for Focus.  Each section for the top five categories has two summary lines.  One is labeled either 'Global', showing the current settings, or 'Saved global', showing the global settings before they were modified for individual grids.  The other summary is labeled 'Grid' and shows the stored settings for the current grid in the Multiple Grid Operations dialog, if any, or simply saying that there are none. The last section is for the Final Data parameters in the Navigator Acquire at Items  dialog, which can be modified and stored in their entirety.  The dialog simply indicates whether these are stored or not for the current grid.  The selected grid can be changed in the Multiple Grid Operations dialog and this dialog will respond appropriately.

Unlike in the Navigator dialog, there is no inheritance of modified parameters from one item to the next; separate settings must be stored for each grid needing them.

Top Five Parameter Categories

Setting parameters for these categories is bit odd because this dialog does not have control over the other dialogs or procedures involved in those settings.  Here, the procedure to set parameters for a grid when none are stored yet is:

  1. Press Save Global for Restoring so that you can modify settings and then easily return to the global ones.  If there is a dialog for those settings, it will be opened or brought to the foreground.
  2. Change settings in the appropriate dialog, menu item, or control panel, or define a new Focus area position by clicking in a View image.  When you make changes in the respective dialogs, they do not need be closed afterwards.
  3. Press Set for Grid to save the settings for that grid.
  4. To apply the same settings to other grids, select each other grid in turn in the Multiple Grid Operations dialog and press Set for Grid.
  5. Press Restore Global to put the saved settings back in place.

When a grid has settings, the first button is labeled Apply Grid Settings to Global.  Pressing it both saves the current settings, if they were not saved previously, and imposes the ones stored for the grid as the global settings, which can be modified.  Thus, to modify stored settings, you go through the same sequence of steps as just described.

General Settings

This category currently captures three settings:

Final Data Acquire Settings

To set these parameters for one grid, simply press Set/View for Grid to open the Navigator Acquire at Items dialog, adjust the parameter settings there, and press the 'Close' button.  The settings will be stored without affecting the global settings to be used for the other grids.  The same button is used if you want to check or modify previously stored parameters.  The Discard Grid Settings button can be used to discard the stored settings and return to using the globally set one.

To apply the same settings to other grids without having to make the individual changes over and over, press Apply Grid Settings to Global.  Then select each other grid in turn, pressing Set/View for Grid and just closing the Navigator Acquire at Items dialog, which has the modified settings already.  When done, press Restore Global to restore the global parameters.