// ShiftManager.h: interface for the CShiftManager class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_SHIFTMANAGER_H__FF4BB03C_5BFC_4142_BD0F_9A1A257FABE9__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_SHIFTMANAGER_H__FF4BB03C_5BFC_4142_BD0F_9A1A257FABE9__INCLUDED_ #include #include //#include "MontageParam.h" // Added by ClassView #include "MagTable.h" // Added by ClassView #include "EMscope.h" #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #define MAX_IS_DELAYS 30 #define MAX_REL_ROT 10 #define NOTRIM_LOWDOSE_TS 1 #define NOTRIM_LOWDOSE_ALL 2 #define NOTRIM_TASKS_TS 4 #define NOTRIM_TASKS_ALL 8 #define NOTRIM_REALIGN_ITEM 16 #define AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR 0x1 #define AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS 0x2 #define AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS 0x4 #define AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTA 0x8 #define AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTC 0x10 #define AUTOALIGN_MORE_SPOTS 0x20 #define AUTOALIGN_NO_ROT_ADJUST 0x40 #define AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP 0x80 // Globals ScaleMat MatMul(ScaleMat aa, ScaleMat bb); ScaleMat MatInv(ScaleMat aa, bool yInverted = false); void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat & mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, float &xTo, float &yTo, bool incremental = false, bool testXpx = true); void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat & mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, double &xTo, double &yTo, bool incremental = false, bool testXpx = true); // Structure for keeping transforms that align rotated images, for deriving stretch struct RotStretchXform { int camera; int magInd; ScaleMat mat; }; // Structure for keeping measurements of shifts between sets struct STEMinterSetShifts { int binning[5]; int magInd[5]; int sizeX[5]; int sizeY[5]; float exposure[5]; float shiftX[5]; float shiftY[5]; }; struct HighFocusMagCal { int spot; float defocus; double intensity; int probeMode; int magIndex; float scale; float rotation; double crossover; int measuredAperture; }; typedef CArray HighFocusCalArray; class CShiftManager { public: GetMember(int, NumBeamShiftCals) ScaleMat *GetBeamShiftMatrices() { return &mIStoBS[0]; }; ShortVec *GetBeamCalMagInd() { return &mBeamCalMagInd; }; ShortVec *GetBeamCalAlpha() { return &mBeamCalAlpha; }; ShortVec *GetBeamCalProbe() { return &mBeamCalProbe; }; ShortVec *GetBeamCalRetain() { return &mBeamCalRetain;}; ShortVec *GetBeamShiftBoundaries() {return &mBeamShiftBoundaries;}; GetSetMember(BOOL, InvertStageXAxis) GetSetMember(int, StageInvertsZAxis) void ResetAllTimeouts(); ScaleMat CameraToIS(int magInd); ScaleMat CameraToSpecimen(int magInd); GetSetMember(BOOL, TrimDarkBorders); GetSetMember(BOOL, ErasePeriodicPeaks); GetSetMember(int, NoDefaultPeakErasing); BOOL CanTransferIS(int magFrom, int magTo, BOOL STEMcamera = false, int GIFcamera = -1); void TransferGeneralIS(int fromMag, double fromX, double fromY, int toMag, double &toX, double &toY, int toCam = -1); double TransferImageRotation(double fromAngle, int fromCam, int fromMag, int toCam, int toMag); void SetBeamShiftCal(ScaleMat inMat, int inMag, int inAlpha, int inProbe, int retain); ScaleMat GetBeamShiftCal(int magInd, int inAlpha = -3333, int inProbe = -1); float PredictISDelay(double ISX, double ISY); float ComputeISDelay(double delX, double delY); ScaleMat FallbackSpecimenToStage(double adjustX, double adjustY); ScaleMat SpecimenToStage(double adjustX, double adjustY); double RadialShiftOnSpecimen(double inISX, double inISY, int inMagInd); UINT GetAdjustedTiltDelay(double tiltChange); BOOL ResettingIS() {return mResettingIS || mStartedStageMove;}; void ResetISDone(); void ResetISCleanup(int error); GetSetMember(float, TiltDelay) GetSetMember(float, RegularShiftLimit) GetSetMember(float, LowMagShiftLimit) GetSetMember(BOOL, MouseMoveStage) GetSetMember(float, MouseStageThresh) GetSetMember(float, MouseStageAbsThresh) GetMember(BOOL, ShiftingDefineArea) GetSetMember(float, TrimFrac) GetSetMember(float, TaperFrac) GetSetMember(float, Sigma1) GetSetMember(float, Radius2) GetSetMember(float, Sigma2) GetSetMember(int, NormalizationDelay) GetSetMember(int, LowMagNormDelay); GetSetMember(int, StageMovedDelay) GetSetMember(float, DefocusZFactor) SetMember(int, StageDelayToUse); int ResetImageShift(BOOL bDoBacklash, BOOL bAdjustScale, int waitTime = 5000, float relaxation = 0.); float *GetISmoved() {return &mISmoved[0];}; float *GetISdelayNeeded() {return &mISdelayNeeded[0];}; SetMember(int, NumISdelays); GetSetMember(float, DelayPerMagDoubling); GetSetMember(float, StartupForISDelays); void SetISTimeOut(float inDelay); void SetGeneralTimeOut(UINT inTime); void SetGeneralTimeOut(UINT inTicks, int interval); UINT GetGeneralTimeOut(int whichSet); UINT GetNormalizationTimeOut(bool leavingLMalso); float GetLastISDelay(); void EndMouseShifting(int index); void AlignmentShiftToMarker(BOOL forceStage); void StartMouseShifting(BOOL shiftPressed, int index); ScaleMat IStoGivenCamera(int inMagInd, int inCamera); double GetImageRotation(int inCamera, int inMagInd); int AutoAlign(int bufIndex, int inSmallPad, BOOL doImShift = true, int corrFlags = 0, float *peakVal = NULL, float expectedXshift = 0., float expectedYshift = 0., float conical = 0., float scaling = 0., float rotation = 0., float *CCC = NULL, float *fracPix = NULL, BOOL trimOutput = true, float *xShiftOut = NULL, float *yShiftOut = NULL, float probSigma = 0.); void AutoalignCleanup(); BOOL MemoryError(BOOL inTest); BOOL ImageShiftIsOK(double newX, double newY, BOOL incremental); int SetAlignShifts(float inX, float inY, BOOL incremental, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, BOOL doImShift = true); void Initialize(); ScaleMat AdjustedISmatrix(int iCamCal, int iMagCal, int iCamWant, int iMagWant); float GetCalibratedImageRotation(int inCamera, int inMagIndex); float GetPixelSize(int inCamera, int inMagIndex); ScaleMat SpecimenToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd); ScaleMat AveragedStageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd); ScaleMat StageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int specOnly = 0); ScaleMat IStoCamera(int inMagInd); ScaleMat IStoSpecimen(int inMagInd, int toCam = -1); CShiftManager(); virtual ~CShiftManager(); GetSetMember(float, GlobalExtraRotation) GetSetMember(float, RoughISscale) GetSetMember(float, STEMRoughISscale) float GetLMRoughISscale() {return mLMRoughISscale ? mLMRoughISscale : mRoughISscale;}; SetMember(float, LMRoughISscale) GetSetMember(int, NumRelRotations) GetMember(BOOL, AnyCalPixelSizes); GetSetMember(BOOL, LastTimeoutWasIS); ScaleMat MatMul(ScaleMat aa, ScaleMat bb); ScaleMat MatInv(ScaleMat aa); RelRotations *GetRelRotations() {return &mRelRotations[0];}; GetSetMember(int, MinTiltDelay) GetSetMember(ScaleMat, StageStretchXform) GetSetMember(float, ISdelayScaleFactor) GetSetMember(BOOL, BacklashMouseAndISR) GetSetMember(int, DisableAutoTrim); GetSetMember(float, HitachiStageSpecAngle); GetSetMember(float, C2SpacingForHighFocus); GetMember(BOOL, MouseShifting); SetMember(float, NextAutoalignLimit); GetSetMember(int, UseSquareShiftLimits); CArray *GetRotXforms() {return &mRotXforms;}; STEMinterSetShifts *GetSTEMinterSetShifts() {return &mInterSetShifts;}; HighFocusCalArray *GetFocusMagCals() { return &mFocusMagCals; }; HighFocusCalArray *GetFocusISCals() { return &mFocusISCals; }; private: CSerialEMApp * mWinApp; MagTable *mMagTab; ControlSet * mConSets; CString * mModeNames; EMimageBuffer *mImBufs; CArray mRotXforms; HighFocusCalArray mFocusMagCals; HighFocusCalArray mFocusISCals; ScaleMat mStageStretchXform; STEMinterSetShifts mInterSetShifts; int *mActiveCameraList; float mGlobalExtraRotation; // Image rotation to add to that reported by microscope float mRoughISscale; // Starting scale for microns per unit of image shift float mLMRoughISscale; // Starting scale for low mag float mSTEMRoughISscale; // And for STEM int mMagIndex; CameraParameters *mCamParams; int mCurrentCamera; CEMscope *mScope; CCameraController *mCamera; EMbufferManager *mBufferManager; float mRegularShiftLimit; // Limit of image shift on specimen in regular mags float mLowMagShiftLimit; // Limit of image shift on specimen in low mag (LM) int mUseSquareShiftLimits; // Flag to apply these limits to each axis separately int mMaxNumPeaksToEval; // Maximum number to evaluate float mPeakStrengthToEval; // Minimum fraction of highest peak strength to evaluate float *mPeakHere; // Temporary arrays for peak data float *mXpeaksHere; float *mYpeaksHere; BOOL mTrimDarkBorders; // Flag to trim borders in Autoalign - default in low dose BOOL mErasePeriodicPeaks; // Use setting flag to erase periodic peaks int mNoDefaultPeakErasing; // Flags to override default in calibrations and realign float mTrimFrac; // Trimming fraction for correlation float mTaperFrac; // Fraction of area to taper inside for correlation float mSigma1; // Low frequency cutoff sigma float mRadius2; // High frequency start of rolloff float mSigma2; // High frequency rolloff sigma float *mArray, *mBrray, *mCrray; BOOL mDeleteA, mDeleteC; void *mDataA, *mDataC; KImage *mImA, *mImC; float mCTFa[8193]; // CTF for autoalign float *mTmplXpeaks; // Variables used by autoalign for template correlation float *mTmplYpeaks; float *mTmplPeak; KImage *mTmplImage; int mTmplBinning; float mNextAutoalignLimit; // Limit in microns for next autoalignment BOOL mMouseShifting; // Flag that image is shifting with mouse, ImShift deferred float mMouseStartX; // Starting shifts in the image when button down float mMouseStartY; BOOL mMouseEnding; // Flag that mouse has been released BOOL mShiftPressed; // Flag for shift key pressed at start of mouse move BOOL mMouseMoveStage; // Flag to move stage for big mouse moves float mMouseStageThresh; // Threshold fraction of camera field for stage move float mMouseStageAbsThresh; // Absolute threshold in microns for stage move BOOL mShiftingDefineArea; // Flag that Low dose define area is being shifted BOOL mAnyCalPixelSizes; // Derivation level corresponding to full fallback int mLastISDelay; // Recommended delay time for settling last image shift UINT mISTimeOut; // Time for end of delay BOOL mLastTimeoutWasIS; // Keep track if last timeout set came from an IS int mNumISdelays; // Number of delay times in table float mISmoved[MAX_IS_DELAYS]; // Image shift movements in microns on specimen float mISdelayNeeded[MAX_IS_DELAYS]; float mDelayPerMagDoubling; // Extra delay per halving of Record pixel below 1 nm float mISdelayScaleFactor; // Overall factor for scaling delay float mStartupForISDelays; // Startup value to be assumed built in to IS delays float mDefocusZFactor; // Fudge factor to get from actual Z to defocus change BOOL mInvertStageXAxis; // Flag that the X axis of stage coordinates is inverted int mStageInvertsZAxis; // Flag that Z axis in inverted (Hitachi) int mNormalizationDelay; // Delay after normalizing lenses, in msec int mLowMagNormDelay; // Delay after normalizing in LM, or 0 to use same int mStageMovedDelay; // Delay after moving stage, in msec int mStageDelayToUse; // Value to use: Set AFTER the stage move StageMoveInfo mMoveInfo; // coordinates for resetting shift BOOL mBacklashMouseAndISR; // Flag to correct backlash in mouse move or reset IS BOOL mResettingIS; // flag that reset is being done BOOL mStartedStageMove; // Flag that stage movement was started from mouse shift float mTiltDelay; // Tilt delay value double mResetStageMoveX; // last stage displacement computes by ResetImageShift double mResetStageMoveY; double mResetStageAdjustX; // Adjustment factor applied last time to stage moves double mResetStageAdjustY; ScaleMat mIStoBS[MAX_MAGS]; // Beam shift calibrations ShortVec mBeamCalMagInd; // Mags that they were done at ShortVec mBeamCalAlpha; // And alpha values ShortVec mBeamCalProbe; // And probe modes ShortVec mBeamCalRetain; // And whether to protect from replacement int mNumBeamShiftCals; // NUmber of calibrations stored ShortVec mBeamShiftBoundaries; // Mag boundaries across which beam shift cal differs int mNumRelRotations; // Number of relative rotations RelRotations mRelRotations[MAX_REL_ROT]; int mMinTiltDelay; // Minimum tilt delay int mDisableAutoTrim; // Flags for kinds of trimming in autoalign to disable float mHitachiStageSpecAngle; // Angle to add to account for specimen X (tilt) onn stage Y int mLastAlignXTrimA, mLastAlignYTrimA; // Trimming in last align with original binning int mLastAlignXTrimRef, mLastAlignYTrimRef; float mLastFocusForMagCal; int mLastApertureForMagCal; bool mAnyAbsRotCal; // FLag for there being any absolute rotation calibrations std::set mCamWithRotFallback; // Set of cameras with full rotation fallbacks std::vector mMagsWithRotFallback[MAX_CAMERAS]; float mC2SpacingForHighFocus; public: void PropagateRotations(void); void PropagateCalibratedRotations(int actCamToDo, int &derived); void FallbackToRotationDifferences(int actCamToDo, int &derived); int NearestIScalMag(int inMag, int iCam, BOOL crossBorders); void PickMagForFallback(int camToDo, int & calMag, int & regCam); int ReportFallbackRotations(int onlyAbs); int CheckStageToCamConsistency(float rotCrit, float magCrit, bool debug); void PropagatePixelSizes(void); double TransferPixelSize(int fromMag, int fromCam, int toMag, int toCam); float NearbyFilmCameraRatio(int inMag, int inCam, int derived); double GoodAngle(double angle); void ShiftCoordinatesToOverlap(int widthA, int widthC, int extra, int & baseXshift, int & ix0A, int & ix1A, int & ix0C, int & ix1C); ScaleMat StretchCorrectedRotation(int camera, int magInd, float rotation); ScaleMat StretchCorrectedRotation(float rotation); ScaleMat UnderlyingStretch(ScaleMat raMat, float &smagMean, double & thetad, float & str, double & alpha); int GetDefocusMagAndRot(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float & scale, float & rotation, float &nearestFocus, double nearC2Dist[2], int nearC2ind[2], int &numNearC2, int magIndForIS = 0); int GetDefocusMagAndRot(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float & scale, float & rotation); void AddHighFocusMagCal(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float scale, float rotation, int magIndForIS); bool ImposeImageShiftOnScope(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float delX, float delY, int magInd, int camera, BOOL incremental, BOOL mouseShifting); float GetPixelSize(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, float *rotation = NULL); int FindBoostedMagIndex(int magInd, int boostMag); bool ShiftAdjustmentForSet(int conSet, int magInd, float & shiftX, float & shiftY, int camera = -1, int recBin = -1); void MaintainOrImposeBacklash(StageMoveInfo *smi, double delX, double delY, BOOL doBacklash); void SetPeaksToEvaluate(int maxPeaks, float minStrength); UINT AddIntervalToTickTime(UINT ticks, int interval); void GetLastAlignTrims(int &xA, int &yA, int &xRef, int &yRef) {xA = mLastAlignXTrimA; yA = mLastAlignYTrimA; xRef = mLastAlignXTrimRef; yRef = mLastAlignYTrimRef;}; ScaleMat FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int spot, int probe, double intensity, float defocus, bool forIS = false); ScaleMat FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, bool forIS = false); int GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, float &scale, float &rotation); ScaleMat FocusAdjustedISToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int spot, int probe, double intensity, float defocus); ScaleMat FocusAdjustedISToCamera(EMimageBuffer *imBuf); ScaleMat MatScaleRotate(ScaleMat aMat, float scale, float rotation); void MakeScaleRotTransXform(float xf[6], float scale, float rot, float dx, float dy); void ScaleMatToIMODxform(ScaleMat mat, float delx, float dely, float xf[6]); ScaleMat IMODxformToScaleMat(float xf[6], float &delx, float &dely); void AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(ScaleMat & aMat, float angle); void AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(ScaleMat & aMat, float angle); void AdjustStageMoveAndClearIS(int camera, int magInd, double &delStageX, double & delStageY, ScaleMat bInv); void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat & mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, float &xTo, float &yTo, bool incremental = false, bool testXpx = true); void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat & mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, double &xTo, double &yTo, bool incremental = false, bool testXpx = true); void ListBeamShiftCals(); bool BeamShiftToSpecimenShift(ScaleMat & IStoBS, int magInd, double beamDelX, double beamDelY, float & specX, float & specY); double GetStageTiltFactors(float &xTiltFac, float &yTiltFac); bool CrossesBeamShiftBoundary(int mag1, int mag2); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_SHIFTMANAGER_H__FF4BB03C_5BFC_4142_BD0F_9A1A257FABE9__INCLUDED_)