// ShiftManager.cpp: Does autoalignment, mouse moving, reset image shift, and has // all the routines for getting coordinate // transformation matrices // // Copyright (C) 2003 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron // Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include ".\ShiftManager.h" #include "ShiftCalibrator.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\\cfft.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #pragma warning ( disable : 4244 ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CShiftManager::CShiftManager() { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mModeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); mConSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); mMagTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mActiveCameraList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); mScope = NULL; mRegularShiftLimit = 15.0; mLowMagShiftLimit = 150.0; mRoughISscale = 1.0; mLMRoughISscale = 0.0; mSTEMRoughISscale = 0.0; mTrimDarkBorders = false; mErasePeriodicPeaks = false; mNoDefaultPeakErasing = 2; mDisableAutoTrim = 0; SetPeaksToEvaluate(0, 0.); mTrimFrac = 0.04f; // Fraction to trim for correlations mTaperFrac = 0.1f; // Fraction to taper, applied separately to X and Y mSigma1 = 0.03f; // Sigma1 for the filtering mSigma2 = 0.05f; mRadius2 = 0.25f; mMouseShifting = false; mMouseEnding = false; mShiftingDefineArea = false; mNumISdelays = 2; mISmoved[0] = 0.; mISdelayNeeded[0] = 0.; mISmoved[1] = 1.; mISdelayNeeded[1] = 1.; mDelayPerMagDoubling = 0.25; mISdelayScaleFactor = 1.; mStartupForISDelays = 0.8f; mISTimeOut = GetTickCount(); mDefocusZFactor = 1.; mNormalizationDelay = 2000; mLowMagNormDelay = 0; mStageMovedDelay = 2000; mStageDelayToUse = 2000; mResettingIS = false; mStartedStageMove = false; mTiltDelay = 2.; mNumBeamShiftCals = 0; mMouseMoveStage = false; mShiftPressed = false; mMouseStageThresh = 0.7f; mMouseStageAbsThresh = 3.0f; mInvertStageXAxis = false; mNumRelRotations = 0; mMinTiltDelay = 200; mRotXforms.SetSize(0, 4); mStageStretchXform.xpx = 0.; mTmplImage = NULL; mNextAutoalignLimit = -1.; mLastTimeoutWasIS = false; mBacklashMouseAndISR = false; mStageInvertsZAxis = -1; mHitachiStageSpecAngle = -90.; mLastFocusForMagCal = 999.; mLastAlignXTrimA = mLastAlignXTrimRef = mLastAlignYTrimA = mLastAlignYTrimRef = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) mInterSetShifts.binning[i] = 0; mUseSquareShiftLimits = -1; mC2SpacingForHighFocus = 0.2f; } CShiftManager::~CShiftManager() { } // Further initialization of program component addresses void CShiftManager::Initialize() { float oldDefaults[14] = {0.1f, 0.f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 3.f, 3.f, 3.5f, 3.5f, 4.f, 3.7f}; float newDefaults[8] = {0.1f, 0.f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f}; bool stillOldDflt = false, stillNewDflt = false; int ind; mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; if (!mSTEMRoughISscale) mSTEMRoughISscale = mRoughISscale; // Determine if IS delays are still the old default if (fabs(mISdelayScaleFactor - 1.) < 1.e-3) { if (mNumISdelays == 7) { stillOldDflt = true; for (ind = 0; ind < 7; ind++) { if (fabs(oldDefaults[2 * ind] - mISmoved[ind]) > 1.e-3 || fabs(oldDefaults[2 * ind + 1] - mISdelayNeeded[ind]) > 1.e-3) { stillOldDflt = false; break; } } } // IF not, see if they are the new default if (mNumISdelays == 4 && !stillOldDflt) { stillNewDflt = true; for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { if (fabs(newDefaults[2 * ind] - mISmoved[ind]) > 1.e-3 || fabs(newDefaults[2 * ind + 1] - mISdelayNeeded[ind]) > 1.e-3) { stillNewDflt = false; break; } } } } // Identifiably modern scopes with old defaults: make them the new ones, adjust mag // dependence if (stillOldDflt && (mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2() || mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() > 0)) { mNumISdelays = 4; for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { mISmoved[ind] = newDefaults[2 * ind]; mISdelayNeeded[ind] = newDefaults[2 * ind + 1]; } ACCUM_MIN(mDelayPerMagDoubling, 0.1f); SEMTrace('1', "Image shift delays were at old defaults and are being set to new " "recommended values"); mStartupForISDelays = 0.25f; } // Scopes with the new default: adjust mag doubling if (stillNewDflt && FEIscope) { if (mDelayPerMagDoubling > 0.1f) SEMTrace('1', "Image shift delay table has new recommended values, " "reducing mag dependency factor"); ACCUM_MIN(mDelayPerMagDoubling, 0.1f); mStartupForISDelays = 0.25f; } // JEOL scopes still need a distance dependent delay but lower scaling if (stillOldDflt && JEOLscope) { mISdelayScaleFactor = 0.2f; SEMTrace('1', "Image shift delays were at old defaults; ISdelayScaleFactor is being" " set to new recommended value, %.2f", mISdelayScaleFactor); mStartupForISDelays = 0.25f; } if (mUseSquareShiftLimits < 0) { mUseSquareShiftLimits = 0; if (!FEIscope || mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2() || mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() > 0) mUseSquareShiftLimits = 1; } } // Sets the max # of peaks and minimum peak strength to retain and evaluate by correlation // Or resets the default defined here, if an argument is 0 void CShiftManager::SetPeaksToEvaluate(int maxPeaks, float minStrength) { if (maxPeaks > 0) mMaxNumPeaksToEval = maxPeaks; else mMaxNumPeaksToEval = 10; if (minStrength > 0.) mPeakStrengthToEval = minStrength; else mPeakStrengthToEval = 0.33f; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Autoalignment and image alignment ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SHIFT_DELAY_FACTOR 0.75f // Set the shift of an image, and possibly change the image shift as well int CShiftManager::SetAlignShifts(float newX, float newY, BOOL incremental, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, BOOL doImShift) { float oldX, oldY, delX, delY, defocus = 0.; double delISX, delISY, fracX, fracY, angle, intensity, xTiltFac, yTiltFac; double fieldFrac = 0.; double absMove = 0.; int limitX, limitY, magInd, camera, spot; ScaleMat bMat, bInv; int binning; MontParam *montParam = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); int alignBuf = mBufferManager->AutoalignBasicIndex(); EMimageBuffer *activeImBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); int shiftedBuf = mBufferManager->MainImBufIndex(imBuf); BOOL montOverview = mWinApp->Montaging() && shiftedBuf == 1 && imBuf->IsMontageOverview(); BOOL imposeShift = true; if (!imBuf->mImage) return 1; imBuf->mImage->getShifts(oldX, oldY); // Get the new shift if incremental; if it is beyond image range, just return // silently if (incremental) { newX += oldX; newY += oldY; imBuf->mImage->getSize(limitX, limitY); limitX -= 4; limitY -= 4; if (newX < -limitX || newX > limitX || newY < -limitY || newY > limitY) return 2; } // reject the change unless it is for buffer A, montage // overview, the autoalign buffer, or a reset to 0,0., or an anchor buffer if (!(!shiftedBuf || (shiftedBuf == alignBuf) || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && shiftedBuf == alignBuf + 1) || (newX == 0. && newY == 0.) || montOverview || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_ANCHOR)) return 1; // Apply a change in scope image shift if this is the A buffer or overview // of montage with user shift. Do not apply for processed buffer if (doImShift && (!shiftedBuf || (montOverview && !incremental)) && imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_PROCESSED) { if (!mShiftPressed) mShiftingDefineArea = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ImageAlignmentChange(newX, newY, oldX, oldY, mMouseShifting); magInd = imBuf->mMagInd ? imBuf->mMagInd : mScope->GetMagIndex(); binning = imBuf->mBinning; // Invert Y at this point; and invert the whole expression; get unbinned pixels delX = binning * (newX - (mMouseShifting ? mMouseStartX : oldX)); delY = binning * ((mMouseShifting ? mMouseStartY : oldY) - newY); // Now compute fraction of field shifted if necessary camera = mImBufs->mCamera >= 0 ? mImBufs->mCamera : mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if ((mMouseShifting || mMouseEnding) && !mShiftPressed && mMouseMoveStage) { fracX = delX / mCamParams[camera].sizeX; fracY = delY / mCamParams[camera].sizeY; fieldFrac = sqrt(fracX * fracX + fracY * fracY); absMove = sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY) * GetPixelSize(camera, magInd); } // If conditions for stage move are not met, continue with image shift logic if (!((mMouseShifting || mMouseEnding) && (mShiftPressed || (mMouseMoveStage && (fieldFrac >= mMouseStageThresh || absMove >= mMouseStageAbsThresh)) || (montOverview && montParam->moveStage)))) { imposeShift = ImposeImageShiftOnScope(imBuf, delX, delY, magInd, camera, incremental, mMouseShifting); // Otherwise, proceed with stage move if at end of shift } else if (mMouseEnding) { if (mScope->StageBusy() > 0) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Stage is busy - shift cancelled")); imposeShift = false; // return 3; } // Get the stage movement based on nearest calibration, negative needed here // as for image shift if (imBuf->mLowDoseArea && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed) && magInd >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() && imBuf->GetSpotSize(spot) && imBuf->GetIntensity(intensity)) defocus = imBuf->mViewDefocus; bMat = FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(camera, magInd, spot, imBuf->mProbeMode, intensity, defocus); bInv = MatInv(bMat); delISX = -(bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY); delISY = -(bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY); angle = DTOR * mScope->GetTiltAngle(); xTiltFac = HitachiScope ? cos(angle) : 1.; yTiltFac = HitachiScope ? 1. : cos(angle); // If transformation exists, try to zero image shift too AdjustStageMoveAndClearIS(camera, magInd, delISX, delISY, bInv); // Get the stage position and change it. Set a flag and update state // to prevent early pictures, use reset shift task handlers mScope->GetStagePosition(mMoveInfo.x, mMoveInfo.y, mMoveInfo.z); MaintainOrImposeBacklash(&mMoveInfo, delISX / xTiltFac, delISY / yTiltFac, mBacklashMouseAndISR && fabs(angle / DTOR) < 10.); mMoveInfo.axisBits = axisXY; mStartedStageMove = true; imBuf->mStageShiftedByMouse = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mScope->MoveStage(mMoveInfo, mMoveInfo.backX != 0. || mMoveInfo.backY != 0.); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, TASK_RESET_SHIFT, 0, 30000); } } // Now make the change in displayed image shift if (imposeShift) { imBuf->mImage->setShifts(newX, newY); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.EnableSetViewShiftIfOK(); } imBuf->SetImageChanged(1); if (shiftedBuf < 0) mWinApp->mActiveView->DrawImage(); else mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); return imposeShift ? 0 : 3; } // If transformation exists, zero image shift and adjust stage move to compensate void CShiftManager::AdjustStageMoveAndClearIS(int camera, int magInd, double &delStageX, double &delStageY, ScaleMat bInv) { double fracX, fracY, roughScale; ScaleMat bMat, aMat; aMat = IStoGivenCamera(magInd, camera); if (aMat.xpx) { if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) roughScale = mSTEMRoughISscale; else roughScale = (magInd < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(&mCamParams[camera]) && mLMRoughISscale) ? mLMRoughISscale : mRoughISscale; mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(fracX, fracY); SEMTrace('i', "Base stage shift of %.2f %.2f with IS of %.2f %.2f", delStageX, delStageY, fracX, fracY); if (sqrt(fracX * fracX + fracY * fracY) * roughScale > 0.01) { bMat = MatMul(aMat, bInv); delStageX += bMat.xpx * fracX + bMat.xpy * fracY; delStageY += bMat.ypx * fracX + bMat.ypy * fracY; SEMTrace('i', "Final stage shift of %.2f %.2f", delStageX, delStageY); mScope->IncImageShift(-fracX, -fracY); SetISTimeOut(GetLastISDelay()); } } } // Convert the image shift (already in right-handed coordinates) to a scope image shift // and impose it if possible bool CShiftManager::ImposeImageShiftOnScope(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float delX, float delY, int magInd, int camera, BOOL incremental, BOOL mouseShifting) { double delISX, delISY, bufISX, bufISY; ScaleMat bMat, bInv; CString str; int curMag; bMat = FocusAdjustedISToCamera(imBuf); if (!bMat.xpx) bMat = IStoGivenCamera(magInd, camera); if (!bMat.xpx) { if (!incremental) { SEMMessageBox(_T("There is no image shift calibration available\n" " for this mag range so images cannot be shifted")); return false; } } else { bInv = MatInv(bMat); bufISX = -(bInv.xpx * delX + bInv.xpy * delY); bufISY = -(bInv.ypx * delX + bInv.ypy * delY); curMag = mScope->FastMagIndex(); TransferGeneralIS(magInd, bufISX, bufISY, curMag, delISX, delISY); if (!ImageShiftIsOK(delISX, delISY, true)) { // for now, give a message unless this is being done by mouse if (!incremental) { str.Format(_T("Cannot apply scope image shift of %.4g %.4g units (for shift in " "image of %.1f %.1f at mag %d):\nit would go beyond the end of its allowed " "range"), delISX, delISY, delX, delY, magInd); SEMMessageBox(str); return false; } } else if (!mouseShifting) { // Make the change in image shift mScope->IncImageShift(delISX, delISY); SetISTimeOut(SHIFT_DELAY_FACTOR * GetLastISDelay()); } } return true; } // When mouse button goes down, set flag and record current shift void CShiftManager::StartMouseShifting(BOOL shiftPressed, int index) { if (!mImBufs->mImage) return; mMouseShifting = true; mShiftingDefineArea = false; mShiftPressed = shiftPressed; mImBufs[index].mImage->getShifts(mMouseStartX, mMouseStartY); } // When it goes up, make sure flag is set, then get current shift, restore // starting shift, and call for the move void CShiftManager::EndMouseShifting(int index) { float newX, newY; if (!mMouseShifting) return; mImBufs[index].mImage->getShifts(newX, newY); mImBufs[index].mImage->setShifts(mMouseStartX, mMouseStartY); mMouseShifting = false; mShiftingDefineArea = false; mMouseEnding = true; SetAlignShifts(newX, newY, false, &mImBufs[index]); mMouseEnding = false; } // Call SetAlignShifts with the shift that brings marker to center; set ShiftPressed // to force stage move void CShiftManager::AlignmentShiftToMarker(BOOL forceStage) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (!(imBuf->mHasUserPt || imBuf->mIllegalUserPt) || !imBuf->mImage || (mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->GetJustNavAcquireOpen())) return; mMouseEnding = true; mShiftPressed = forceStage; SetAlignShifts(-(float)(imBuf->mUserPtX - imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.), -(float)(imBuf->mUserPtY - imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.), false, imBuf); mMouseEnding = false; mShiftPressed = false; } // Align the image in A against the image in the autoalign buffer or the buffer indicated // by bufIndex > 0, or to an autocorrelation if bufIndex is -1 // inSmallPad can be 1 for padding by only a small fraction, 0 for default padding by // by 0.45, or -1 for full padding by 0.9; a value > 1 indicates template corr // doImShift (default true) controls whether it does scope image shift // corrFlags (default 0) can be set 1 to put cross-correlation in A plus 2 to try to // eliminate peaks in FFT from periodic structures // peakVal is returned with the raw correlation peak value if non-NULL // expectedXshift, expectedYshift are the expected shifts so that correlation is over the // region of overlap (default 0,0) // conical non-zero makes it do a conical tilt alignment with the given rotation // scaling non-zero makes it apply that scaling to A before correlating // rotation non-zero makes it apply that rotation to A before correlating // CCC is returned with the correlation coefficient if non-null // fracPix is returned with the fractional overlap at the chosen peak if non-null // trimOutput (default true) controls whether the image trimming is reported // if xShiftOut and yShiftOut are non-NULL, the shift is returned in them without imposing // on the image or scope or accounting for shift in C // If probSigma is non-zero, CCC values will also be weighted by a gaussian that depends // on the image shift of the peak as fraction of area extent, with this sigma int CShiftManager::AutoAlign(int bufIndex, int inSmallPad, BOOL doImShift, int corrFlags, float *peakVal, float expectedXshift, float expectedYshift, float conical, float scaling, float rotation, float *CCC, float *fracPix, BOOL trimOutput, float *xShiftOut, float *yShiftOut, float probSigma) { BOOL doTrim, swapStretch; int nxUse, nxPad, nyUse, nyPad; int needBinA, needBinC; int nxTaper, nyTaper, nyTrimCtop; int nxTrimA, nyTrimA, nxTrimC, nyTrimC, nxTrimAright, nyTrimAtop, nxTrimCright; int targetSize = 512; int trimTestSize = 10; int trimDelta = 5; float trimCenFrac = 0.2f; float trimPassRatio = 0.3f; float oversizeFrac = 0.1f; float freqScale = 1., hiFreqScale = 1.; bool centered = true; int numPeaks = mMaxNumPeaksToEval; int xInd, yInd; int iPeak, indMaxPeak, numRealPeaks; float fracPad = 0.45f; // 11/2/10: Make this "half-padded" float trimFrac = mTrimFrac; if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetRealigning() || mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS()) trimFrac = 0.04f; bool tmplCorr = inSmallPad > 1; bool transformedA = false; bool showCor = (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR) != 0; bool fillSpots = (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS) != 0 || (mErasePeriodicPeaks && !(corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS)); BOOL debugTime = GetDebugOutput('T'); float boostNumSpots = (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_MORE_SPOTS) ? 2.6f : 0.; if (inSmallPad > 0) fracPad = 0.05f; else if (inSmallPad < 0) fracPad = 0.9f; // And make this really fully padded (maybe thought 0.45 was) float delta, frac; int toBuf = bufIndex; float stretch; int typeA, typeC; int heightA, widthA, heightC, widthC, nxUseA, nxUseC, nyUseA, nyUseC; int extra, baseXshift, ix0A, ix1A, ix0C, ix1C, baseYshift, iy0A, iy1A, iy0C, iy1C; //int height, width; //int minWidth, minHeight; int binA, binC, peakXoffset, peakYoffset, retval = 0; float cshiftX, cshiftY; void *tempA, *tempC; //short int *crray; float xPeak[2], yPeak[2]; float *Xpeaks, *Ypeaks, *peak; float tiltA = 0., tiltC = 0., tiltAngles[2] = {0., 0.}, axisAngle = 0.; float *fillArray = NULL, *fillBrray = NULL, *fillCrray = NULL; bool failed = true; int commonBin, size, sizeC, maxBin; float stretchAxis, alignLimit = -1.; ScaleMat str, strInv; float tempX, tempY; int numPixel, minPixel; float CCCmax, fracMax, wgtCCCmax; double singam, cosgam; float CCChere, fracHere, CCCbest, fracBest, wgtCCC, bestWgtCCC, distsq, probFac; float *CCCptr = CCC, *fracPtr = fracPix; double overlapPow = 0.166667; BOOL autoCorr = bufIndex < 0; bool disableLDtrim = (mDisableAutoTrim & NOTRIM_LOWDOSE_ALL) || ((mDisableAutoTrim & NOTRIM_LOWDOSE_TS) && mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries()); bool disableTaskTrim = (mDisableAutoTrim & NOTRIM_TASKS_ALL) || ((mDisableAutoTrim & NOTRIM_TASKS_TS) && mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries()); bool disableItemTrim = (mDisableAutoTrim & NOTRIM_REALIGN_ITEM) != 0; double startTime, time1, time2, time3, time4, time5; // Set up pointers and flags for cleanup on error or completion mArray = NULL; mBrray = NULL; mCrray = NULL; mDeleteA = false; mDeleteC = false; mPeakHere = NULL; mXpeaksHere = NULL; mYpeaksHere = NULL; // Set the align limit in pre-binning pixels and use up the set value before any returns // Shifts are limited in simulation mode! if (mNextAutoalignLimit >= 0.) { tempX = GetPixelSize(mImBufs); if (tempX > 0) alignLimit = mNextAutoalignLimit / tempX; mNextAutoalignLimit = -1.; } // Assign the supplied arrays (one way or another) or create arrays for peak values if (tmplCorr) { Xpeaks = mTmplXpeaks; Ypeaks = mTmplYpeaks; peak = mTmplPeak; if (!peak || !Xpeaks || !Ypeaks) return 1; } else { NewArray(mPeakHere, float, numPeaks); NewArray(mXpeaksHere, float, numPeaks); NewArray(mYpeaksHere, float, numPeaks); if (MemoryError(mPeakHere == NULL || mXpeaksHere == NULL || mYpeaksHere == NULL)) return 1; Xpeaks = mXpeaksHere; Ypeaks = mYpeaksHere; peak = mPeakHere; } if (debugTime) startTime = wallTime() * 1000.; if (!CCCptr) CCCptr = &CCChere; if (!fracPtr) fracPtr = &fracHere; // Align to the given buffer, or to the autoalign buffer if none if (!toBuf) toBuf = mBufferManager->AutoalignBufferIndex(); if (autoCorr) { toBuf = 0; targetSize = 2048; //?? } if (fillSpots) { targetSize = 768; freqScale = 0.75f; } if (scaling == 1.) scaling = 0.; if (tmplCorr && mTmplImage) { mImA = mTmplImage; binA = mTmplBinning; } else { mImA = mImBufs[0].mImage; binA = mImBufs[0].mBinning; } mImC = mImBufs[toBuf].mImage; binC = mImBufs[toBuf].mBinning; if (mImA == NULL) return 1; if (mImC == NULL) { mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("No image to align to in the expected " "buffer")); return 1; } typeA = mImA->getType(); typeC = mImC->getType(); heightA = mImA->getHeight(); widthA = mImA->getWidth(); heightC = mImC->getHeight(); widthC = mImC->getWidth(); // Look for a common binning starting at the bigger binning maxBin = binA > binC ? binA : binC; for (commonBin = maxBin; commonBin < 64; commonBin++) { // Evaluate only for common multiples of the two binnings if (commonBin % binA || commonBin % binC) continue; needBinA = commonBin / binA; needBinC = commonBin / binC; // Find the biggest binned-down dimension of each image but use the smaller image // as of 3/14/12 size = B3DMAX(heightA, widthA) / needBinA; sizeC = B3DMAX(heightC, widthC) / needBinC; size = B3DMIN(size, sizeC); // If the images are less than half the target and this is not the // first try, quit if (size < targetSize / 2 && commonBin > maxBin) { commonBin = 64; break; } // Stop when size reaches the target if (size <= targetSize) break; } if (commonBin == 64) { mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Image binnings cannot be matched up - " "cannot autoalign")); return 1; } mWinApp->mMainView->SetFocus(); //app->CallStatusUpdate(4); // Images get unlocked by cleanup routine in case of error mImA->Lock(); mDataA = (void *)mImA->getData(); mImC->Lock(); mDataC = (void *)mImC->getData(); if (needBinA > 1) { NewArray(tempA, short int, (typeA == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1) * (size_t)heightA * widthA / (needBinA * needBinA)); if (MemoryError(tempA == NULL)) return 1; XCorrBinByN(mDataA, typeA, widthA, heightA, needBinA, (short *)tempA); // Replace the types, size, and image pointers if (typeA == kUBYTE || typeA == kRGB) typeA = kSHORT; heightA /= needBinA; widthA /= needBinA; mDataA = (void *)tempA; mDeleteA = true; // A negative value here signals that image was scaled up by this amount, so it is // appropriate to scale the filters by this divided by the binning here if (mImBufs[0].mEffectiveBin < 0) hiFreqScale = B3DMIN(1.f, -1.f / (mImBufs[0].mEffectiveBin / (float)needBinA)); } if (needBinC > 1) { NewArray(tempC, short int, (typeC == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1) * (size_t)heightC * widthC / (needBinC * needBinC)); if (MemoryError(tempC == NULL)) { return 1; } XCorrBinByN(mDataC, typeC, widthC, heightC, needBinC, (short *)tempC); // Replace the types, size, and image pointers if (typeC == kUBYTE || typeC == kRGB) typeC = kSHORT; heightC /= needBinC; widthC /= needBinC; mDataC = (void *)tempC; mDeleteC = true; if (mImBufs[toBuf].mEffectiveBin < 0) hiFreqScale = B3DMIN(hiFreqScale, -1.f / (mImBufs[toBuf].mEffectiveBin / (float)needBinC)); } if (debugTime) time1 = wallTime() * 1000.; // Get amount to stretch A to align to C; stretch = 1.0; if (!tmplCorr) { if (mImBufs[0].GetTiltAngle(tiltA) && mImBufs[toBuf].GetTiltAngle(tiltC)) { stretch = cos(DTOR * tiltC) / cos(DTOR * tiltA); } else if (conical) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Tilt angle must be available for\nboth images to do " "conical tilt alignment"), MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (!mImBufs[0].GetAxisAngle(stretchAxis)) stretchAxis = (float)GetImageRotation(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mScope->GetMagIndex()); stretchAxis -= 90.; } if (mImBufs[0].GetAxisAngle(axisAngle)) { tiltAngles[0] = tiltC; tiltAngles[1] = tiltA; } // Initialize str in case of no stretch str.xpx = str.ypy = 1.; str.xpy = str.ypx = 0.; if (scaling || rotation) stretch = 1.; swapStretch = stretch < 1.0 || conical != 0 || (scaling && scaling < 1.); // Set up transform for conical tilt if (conical) { stretch = 1./cos(DTOR * tiltC); cosgam = cos(DTOR * stretchAxis); singam = sin(DTOR * stretchAxis); str.xpx = cosgam * stretch; str.xpy = singam * stretch; str.ypx = -singam; str.ypy = cosgam; strInv.xpx = cos(DTOR * conical); strInv.ypx = sin(DTOR * conical); strInv.xpy = -strInv.ypx; strInv.ypy = strInv.xpx; strInv = MatMul(str, strInv); stretch = cos(DTOR * tiltA); str.xpx = cosgam * stretch; str.xpy = -singam; str.ypx = singam * stretch; str.ypy = cosgam; str = MatMul(strInv, str); } // Now stretch one of the images if (scaling > 1. || (stretch > 1.0 && !conical) || (rotation != 0. && !scaling)) { // If > 1, stretch A, delete the binned data if it was created if (typeA == kUBYTE) { NewArray2(tempA, unsigned char, heightA, widthA); } else if (typeA == kRGB) { NewArray2(tempA, unsigned char, 3 * heightA, widthA); } else { NewArray2(tempA, short int, (typeA == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1) * heightA, widthA); } if (MemoryError(tempA == NULL)) { return 1; } if (scaling > 1. || rotation != 0.) { if (scaling && !rotation) { str.xpx = scaling; str.ypy = scaling; } else { str = StretchCorrectedRotation(mImBufs->mCamera, mImBufs->mMagInd, rotation); if (scaling > 1.) { str.xpx *= scaling; str.xpy *= scaling; str.ypx *= scaling; str.ypy *= scaling; } } XCorrFastInterp(mDataA, typeA, tempA, widthA, heightA, widthA, heightA, str.xpx, str.xpy, str.ypx, str.ypy, widthA / 2.f, heightA / 2.f, 0.f, 0.f); } else XCorrStretch(mDataA, typeA, widthA, heightA, stretch, stretchAxis, tempA, &str.xpx, &str.xpy, &str.ypx, &str.ypy); transformedA = true; if (mDeleteA) delete [] mDataA; mDataA = tempA; //if (typeA == kUBYTE) //typeA = kSHORT; mDeleteA = true; } else if (swapStretch) { // Otherwise, need to invert value, set flag, stretch C, and delete if binned if (typeC == kUBYTE) { NewArray2(tempC, unsigned char, heightC, widthC); } else if (typeC == kRGB) { NewArray2(tempC, unsigned char, 3 * heightC, widthC); } else { NewArray2(tempC, short int, (typeC == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1) * heightC, widthC); } if (MemoryError(tempC == NULL)) { return 1; } if (scaling && !rotation) { str.xpx = 1. / scaling; str.ypy = 1. / scaling; } else if (rotation) { str = StretchCorrectedRotation(mImBufs->mCamera, mImBufs->mMagInd, -rotation); str.xpx /= scaling; str.xpy /= scaling; str.ypx /= scaling; str.ypy /= scaling; } if (conical || scaling) { XCorrFastInterp(mDataC, typeC, tempC, widthC, heightC, widthC, heightC, str.xpx, str.xpy, str.ypx, str.ypy, widthC / 2.f, heightC / 2.f, 0.f, 0.f); } else { stretch = 1.f / stretch; XCorrStretch(mDataC, typeC, widthC, heightC, stretch, stretchAxis, tempC, &str.xpx, &str.xpy, &str.ypx, &str.ypy); } if (mDeleteC) delete [] mDataC; mDataC = tempC; //if (typeC == kUBYTE) //typeC = kSHORT; mDeleteC = true; } strInv = MatInv(str); // Temporary replacement of imC: /* mImC->UnLock(); mDeleteC = false; mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(toBuf, toBuf + 1); mBufferManager->ReplaceImage((char *)tempC, typeC, widthC, heightC, toBuf, 1, 2); mImC = mImBufs[toBuf].mImage; mImC->Lock(); */ // To erase peaks from periodic signals, take the full-sized image with minimal padding // and standard tapering if (fillSpots) { nxUse = B3DMAX(widthA, widthC); nyUse = B3DMAX(heightA, heightC); nxPad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)(1.05 * nxUse), 2, niceFFTlimit()); nyPad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)(1.05 * nyUse), 2, niceFFTlimit()); NewArray2(fillArray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); NewArray2(fillBrray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); NewArray2(fillCrray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); if (fillArray && fillBrray && fillCrray) { nxTaper = (int)(mTaperFrac * nxUse); nyTaper = (int)(mTaperFrac * nyUse); XCorrTaperInPad(mDataA, typeA, widthA, 0, widthA - 1, 0, heightA - 1, fillArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); XCorrTaperInPad(mDataC, typeC, widthC, 0, widthC - 1, 0, heightC - 1, fillBrray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); // Do the periodic correlation only up to point of erasing. If it did erase, // it returns fillBrray and fillArray erased, otherwise it will just return and // we will use original images SEMTrace('1', "Erasing peaks if sufficient # found"); if (XCorrPeriodicCorr(fillBrray, fillArray, fillCrray, nxPad, nyPad, 0., mCTFa, tiltAngles, axisAngle, 1, boostNumSpots)) { // Repack the images to match the original nxTrimA = nxPad / 2 - widthA / 2; nyTrimA = nyPad / 2 - heightA / 2; repackFloatImage(fillArray, fillArray, nxPad + 2, nxTrimA, nxTrimA + widthA - 1, nyTrimA, nyTrimA + heightA - 1); nxTrimA = nxPad / 2 - widthC / 2; nyTrimA = nyPad / 2 - heightC / 2; repackFloatImage(fillBrray, fillBrray, nxPad + 2, nxTrimA, nxTrimA + widthC - 1, nyTrimA, nyTrimA + heightC - 1); failed = false; trimFrac = B3DMAX(trimFrac, 0.1f); } } if (failed) { DELETE_ARR(fillArray); DELETE_ARR(fillBrray); fillSpots = false; } DELETE_ARR(fillCrray); } //height = heightA > heightC ? heightA : heightC; //width = widthA > widthC ? widthA : widthC; //minHeight = heightA < heightC ? heightA : heightC; //minWidth = widthA < widthC ? widthA : widthC; nxTrimA = nyTrimA = nxTrimC = nyTrimC = (int)(trimFrac * size + 1); nxTrimAright = nyTrimAtop = nxTrimCright = nyTrimCtop = nxTrimA; // Whether to trim: it is disallowed completely if doing template correlation, // calibrating IS, or script has disabled it // Otherwise the choice for realign governs it for realign; // the choice for tasks governs it for tasks // the choice for low dose governs it in low dose if neither task nor realign // Or finally the option governs it doTrim = false; if (!(tmplCorr || mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS() || mWinApp->mParticleTasks->DoingTemplateAlign() == 1 || (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetDisableAlignTrim()))) { if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetRealigning() == 1 || mWinApp->mParticleTasks->DoingTemplateAlign() > 1) doTrim = !disableItemTrim; else if (mWinApp->mComplexTasks->InLowerMag()) doTrim = !disableTaskTrim; else if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) doTrim = !disableLDtrim; else doTrim = mTrimDarkBorders; } // If rotating, find the trimming needed for rotated image if (rotation != 0.) { if (fabs(fabs(rotation) - 90.) < 0.05f) { // 90 degree rotation: trim the long dimension if (widthA > heightA) nxTrimA += (widthA - heightA) / 2; else nyTrimA += (heightA - widthA) / 2; } else if (fabs(rotation) > 0.05f && fabs(fabs(rotation) - 180.) > 0.05f) { // Other rotations: get the rotated corners double xcorn[5], ycorn[5], maxArea, xx, yy, minx, xtmp; int j, bestx, besty, ytrim; xcorn[0] = xcorn[1] = xcorn[4] = widthA / 2.; xcorn[2] = xcorn[3] = - widthA / 2.; ycorn[0] = ycorn[3] = ycorn[4] = -heightA / 2.; ycorn[1] = ycorn[2] = heightA / 2.; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { xtmp = str.xpx * xcorn[j] + str.xpy * ycorn[j]; ycorn[j] = str.ypx * xcorn[j] + str.ypy * ycorn[j]; xcorn[j] = xtmp; } // Find trimming that fits in rotated box and has largest area: for each possible // Y trimming, find minimum intersection of upper line with the rotated box maxArea = 0.; for (ytrim = nyTrimA; ytrim < heightA / 2 - 2; ytrim++) { yy = heightA / 2. - ytrim; minx = widthA / 2. - nxTrimA; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { xx = fabs(xcorn[j] + (yy - ycorn[j]) * (xcorn[j+1] - xcorn[j]) / (ycorn[j+1] - ycorn[j])); minx = B3DMIN(minx, xx); } if (yy * minx > maxArea) { maxArea = yy * minx; besty = ytrim; bestx = B3DNINT(widthA / 2. - minx); } } nxTrimA = bestx; nyTrimA = besty; } nxTrimAright = nxTrimA; nyTrimAtop = nyTrimA; // If flag set, low dose mode, or low mag, or first round of realign, // find needed trimming to avoid bad corners } else if (doTrim) { int nTrim = nxTrimA; centered = fabs(stretch - 1.) > 0.0005; CString report; ProcTrimCircle(mDataA, typeA, widthA, heightA, trimCenFrac, trimTestSize, trimDelta, nxTrimA, nyTrimA, trimPassRatio, centered, nxTrimA, nyTrimA, nxTrimAright, nyTrimAtop); ProcTrimCircle(mDataC, typeC, widthC, heightC, trimCenFrac, trimTestSize, trimDelta, nxTrimC, nyTrimC, trimPassRatio, centered, nxTrimC, nyTrimC, nxTrimCright, nyTrimCtop); if (nTrim != nxTrimA || nTrim != nxTrimC || nTrim != nxTrimAright || nTrim != nxTrimCright || nTrim != nyTrimA || nTrim != nyTrimC || nTrim != nyTrimAtop || nTrim != nyTrimCtop) { if (centered) report.Format("Trimming A by %d %d, reference by %d %d", nxTrimA, nyTrimA, nxTrimC, nyTrimC); else report.Format("Trimming A by %d %d %d %d, reference by %d %d %d %d", nxTrimA, nxTrimAright, nyTrimA, nyTrimAtop, nxTrimC, nxTrimCright, nyTrimC, nyTrimCtop); if ((!scaling && trimOutput) || GetDebugOutput('1')) mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); } } mLastAlignXTrimA = (nxTrimA + nxTrimAright) * needBinA; mLastAlignYTrimA = (nyTrimA + nyTrimAtop) * needBinA; mLastAlignXTrimRef = (nxTrimC + nxTrimCright) * needBinC; mLastAlignYTrimRef = (nyTrimC + nyTrimCtop) * needBinC; // Get coordinate limits of usable extent ix0A = nxTrimA; iy0A = nyTrimA; ix1A = widthA - nxTrimAright - 1; iy1A = heightA - nyTrimAtop - 1; ix0C = nxTrimC; iy0C = nyTrimC; ix1C = widthC - nxTrimCright - 1; iy1C = heightC - nyTrimCtop - 1; baseXshift = (int)(expectedXshift / needBinA); baseYshift = (int)(expectedYshift / needBinA); peakXoffset = -baseXshift; peakYoffset = -baseYshift; if (baseXshift || baseYshift) { extra = (int)(oversizeFrac * size); ShiftCoordinatesToOverlap(widthA, widthC, extra, baseXshift, ix0A, ix1A, ix0C, ix1C); ShiftCoordinatesToOverlap(heightA, heightC, extra, baseYshift, iy0A, iy1A, iy0C, iy1C); } else if (!centered) { // Set a base shift for non-centered trim if there is not one ix1A -= (ix1A + 1 - ix0A) % 2; ix1C -= (ix1C + 1 - ix0C) % 2; int offA = (widthA - B3DMIN(widthA, widthC)) / 2; int offC = (widthC - B3DMIN(widthA, widthC)) / 2; baseXshift = ((ix0C + 1 + ix1C) /2 - offC) - ((ix0A + 1 + ix1A) /2 - offA); iy1A -= (iy1A + 1 - iy0A) % 2; iy1C -= (iy1C + 1 - iy0C) % 2; offA = (heightA - B3DMIN(heightA, heightC)) / 2; offC = (heightC - B3DMIN(heightA, heightC)) / 2; baseYshift = ((iy0C + 1 + iy1C) /2 - offC) - ((iy0A + 1 + iy1A) /2 - offA); } // The change in the base shift is the amount the peak should be offset from middle peakXoffset += baseXshift; peakYoffset += baseYshift; // Determine padded image size, etc, and get the CTF nxUseA = ix1A + 1 - ix0A; nxUseC = ix1C + 1 - ix0C; nyUseA = iy1A + 1 - iy0A; nyUseC = iy1C + 1 - iy0C; // Back to the old way: take the larger area nxUse = B3DMAX(nxUseA, nxUseC); nyUse = B3DMAX(nyUseA, nyUseC); nxPad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)((1. + fracPad) * nxUse), 2, niceFFTlimit()); nyPad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)((1. + fracPad) * nyUse), 2, niceFFTlimit()); if (autoCorr) { nxPad = B3DMAX(nxPad, nyPad); nyPad = nxPad; } XCorrSetCTF(mSigma1 * freqScale, mSigma2 * freqScale * hiFreqScale, 0.f, mRadius2 * freqScale * hiFreqScale, mCTFa, nxPad, nyPad, &delta); if (delta) for (int jj = 0; jj < 8193; jj++) mCTFa[jj] = (float)sqrt((double)mCTFa[jj]); NewArray2(mArray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); NewArray2(mBrray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); NewArray2(mCrray, float, nyPad, (nxPad + 2)); if (MemoryError(mArray == NULL || mBrray == NULL || mCrray == NULL)) { return 1; } if (debugTime) time2 = wallTime() * 1000.; // Get tapered, padded images and correlate them. // It used to be taperFrac * (nxUseA + 2 * nxTrimA; i.e., trim size added back because // before that it was based on the the full width regardless of trim // hence the adjustment of the fraction here; but it should be a fraction of used width frac = mTaperFrac / (1.f - 2.f * trimFrac); nxTaper = (int)(frac * nxUseA); nyTaper = (int)(frac * nyUseA); XCorrTaperInPad(fillArray ? fillArray : mDataA, fillArray ? SLICE_MODE_FLOAT : typeA, widthA, ix0A, ix1A, iy0A, iy1A, mArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); if (tmplCorr) { nxTaper = 8; nyTaper = 8; } else { nxTaper = (int)(frac * nxUseC); nyTaper = (int)(frac * nyUseC); } XCorrTaperInPad(fillArray ? fillBrray : mDataC, fillArray ? SLICE_MODE_FLOAT: typeC, widthC, ix0C, ix1C, iy0C, iy1C, mBrray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); if (debugTime) time3 = wallTime() * 1000.; XCorrCrossCorr(mBrray, mArray, nxPad, nyPad, delta, mCTFa, mCrray); DELETE_ARR(fillArray); DELETE_ARR(fillBrray); if (debugTime) time4 = wallTime() * 1000.; if (alignLimit > 0) { iPeak = (int)(alignLimit / needBinA) + 2; setPeakFindLimits(-iPeak - baseXshift, iPeak - baseXshift, -iPeak - baseYshift, iPeak - baseYshift, 1); } XCorrPeakFindWidth(mBrray, nxPad + 2, nyPad, &Xpeaks[0], &Ypeaks[0], &peak[0], NULL, NULL, numPeaks, mPeakStrengthToEval); numRealPeaks = 0; // For template correlations, convert to coordinates in C and return if (tmplCorr) { for (iPeak = 0; iPeak < numPeaks; iPeak++) { if (peak[iPeak] < -1.e29) continue; numRealPeaks++; // Does Y need inversion here? Xpeaks[iPeak] = binC * (Xpeaks[iPeak] + widthC / 2.); Ypeaks[iPeak] = binC * (Ypeaks[iPeak] + heightC / 2.); } AutoalignCleanup(); return 0; } // Loop through the peaks, evaluating the CCC at each of the 4 alternative actual shifts indMaxPeak = 0; minPixel = 0.05 * B3DMIN(nxUseA, nxUseC) * B3DMIN(nyUseA, nyUseC); bestWgtCCC = -10.; CCCbest = 0.; fracBest = 0.; for (iPeak = 0; iPeak < numPeaks; iPeak++) { if (peak[iPeak] < -1.e29 || peak[iPeak] < peak[0] * mPeakStrengthToEval) continue; if (mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS() && fabs((double)Xpeaks[iPeak]) < 0.25 && fabs((double)Ypeaks[iPeak]) < 0.25 && (iPeak > 0 || peak[1] > -1.e29)) { SEMTrace('c', "Rejecting peak at 0,0, # %d, value %g, next peak %g", iPeak, peak[iPeak], peak[B3DMIN(numPeaks - 1, iPeak + 1)]); for (xInd = iPeak; xInd < numPeaks - 1; xInd++) { peak[xInd] = peak[xInd + 1]; Xpeaks[xInd] = Xpeaks[xInd + 1]; Ypeaks[xInd] = Ypeaks[xInd + 1]; } iPeak--; continue; } numRealPeaks++; xPeak[0] = Xpeaks[iPeak]; yPeak[0] = Ypeaks[iPeak]; xInd = 0; yInd = 0; wgtCCCmax = -10.; // set up shifts of the alternative solutions if (xPeak[0] < 0) xPeak[1] = xPeak[0] + nxPad; else xPeak[1] = xPeak[0] - nxPad; if (yPeak[0] < 0) yPeak[1] = yPeak[0] + nyPad; else yPeak[1] = yPeak[0] - nyPad; for (int iy = 1; iy >= 0; iy--) { for (int ix = 1; ix >= 0 ; ix--) { if (alignLimit > 0. && sqrt(pow(xPeak[ix] + baseXshift, 2) + pow(yPeak[iy] + baseYshift, 2)) * needBinA > alignLimit) continue; CCChere = CCCoefficientTwoPads(mCrray, mArray,nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, xPeak[ix], yPeak[iy], (nxPad - nxUseC) / 2, (nyPad - nyUseC) / 2 + 2, (nxPad - nxUseA) / 2 + 2, (nyPad - nyUseA) / 2 + 2 , minPixel, &numPixel); if (numPixel >= minPixel) { fracHere = (float)numPixel / (B3DMIN(nxUseA, nxUseC) * B3DMIN(nyUseA, nyUseC)); wgtCCC = CCChere * pow((double)fracHere, overlapPow); if (probSigma > 0) { distsq = (float)((pow((double)xPeak[ix] + peakXoffset, 2.) + pow((double)yPeak[iy] + peakYoffset, 2.)) * needBinA * needBinA); probFac = (float)exp(-0.5 * distsq / (probSigma * probSigma)); wgtCCC *= probFac; SEMTrace('a', "%.1f %.1f Peak %g CCC %.4f frac %.2f prob %.3f, wgtCCC " "%.4f%s", xPeak[ix], yPeak[iy], peak[iPeak], CCChere, fracHere, probFac, wgtCCC, wgtCCC > bestWgtCCC ? "*" : ""); } else { SEMTrace('a', "%.1f %.1f Peak %g CCC %.4f frac %.2f wgtCCC %.4f%s", xPeak[ix], yPeak[iy], peak[iPeak], CCChere, fracHere, wgtCCC, wgtCCC > bestWgtCCC ? "*" : ""); } // Find the best of the 4 alternatives if (wgtCCC > wgtCCCmax) { wgtCCCmax = wgtCCC; CCCmax = CCChere; fracMax = fracHere; xInd = ix; yInd = iy; } } } } // Replace the peak position and keep track of best weighted CCC if (wgtCCCmax >= -1.) { Xpeaks[iPeak] = xPeak[xInd]; Ypeaks[iPeak] = yPeak[yInd]; if (wgtCCCmax > bestWgtCCC) { bestWgtCCC = wgtCCCmax; indMaxPeak = iPeak; CCCbest = CCCmax; fracBest = fracMax; } } } // Better give distinct error return when no peak is within limits if (bestWgtCCC < 0.) { AutoalignCleanup(); return -1; } *fracPtr = fracBest; *CCCptr = CCCbest; if (mWinApp->mScope->GetSimulationMode() && nxPad > 128 && nyPad > 128 && (mImBufs->GetSaveCopyFlag() != 0 || mImBufs->mCaptured)) { tempX = (float)(0.02 * B3DMIN(nxUseA, nxUseC)); tempY = (float)(0.02 * B3DMIN(nyUseA, nyUseC)); B3DCLAMP(Xpeaks[indMaxPeak], -tempX, tempX); B3DCLAMP(Ypeaks[indMaxPeak], -tempY, tempY); } Xpeaks[indMaxPeak] += baseXshift; Ypeaks[indMaxPeak] += baseYshift; if (mWinApp->mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS()) SEMTrace('c',"Peak # %d has highest CCC, %.4f %.4f",indMaxPeak, CCCbest, bestWgtCCC); // To see the correlation, set it now because mBrray used to get reused if (showCor) { float corMin, corMax; mImA->UnLock(); if (toBuf < mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire()) mImC->UnLock(); // Images have to be handled differently: get a new array and repack into it if (corrFlags & (AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTA | AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTC)) { float *imArr = (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTA) ? mArray : mCrray; short *tmpArr; NewArray2(tmpArr, short int, nxPad, nyPad); if (!tmpArr) { AutoalignCleanup(); return 1; } for (int iy = 0; iy < nyPad; iy++) for (int ix = 0; ix < nxPad; ix++) tmpArr[ix + iy * nxPad] = (short)imArr[ix + iy * (nxPad + 2)]; mWinApp->mProcessImage->NewProcessedImage((corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_SHOW_FILTA) ? mImBufs : &mImBufs[bufIndex], tmpArr, kSHORT, nxPad, nyPad, commonBin / mImBufs->mBinning); } else { mWinApp->mProcessImage->CorrelationToBufferA(mBrray, nxPad, nyPad, commonBin / mImBufs->mBinning, corMin, corMax); } // Reaquire pointers to image now in B mImA = mImBufs[1].mImage; mImA->Lock(); if (!mDeleteA) mDataA = (void *)mImA->getData(); if (autoCorr) { mImC = mImA; AutoalignCleanup(); return 0; } if (toBuf < mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire()) { mImC = mImBufs[toBuf + 1].mImage; mImC->Lock(); if (!mDeleteC) mDataC = (void *)mImC->getData(); } } if (peakVal) *peakVal = peak[0]; if (debugTime) time5 = wallTime() * 1000.; // This returned the shift to apply to A to align it to C, except that Y is inverted // But deStretch the shift if A was stretched; invert Y for this operation // This is needed for scaled data too, but not for rotated in original use because // NavRotAlign was going to transform image and wanted the shift that applied to it. // Now it is required to pass this flag to suppress correction for rotation if (transformedA && (rotation == 0. || !(corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_NO_ROT_ADJUST))) { tempX = Xpeaks[indMaxPeak]; tempY = -Ypeaks[indMaxPeak]; Xpeaks[indMaxPeak] = strInv.xpx * tempX + strInv.xpy * tempY; Ypeaks[indMaxPeak] = -(strInv.ypx * tempX + strInv.ypy * tempY); } if (needBinA > 1) { Xpeaks[indMaxPeak] *= needBinA; Ypeaks[indMaxPeak] *= needBinA; } if (debugTime) PrintfToLog("%.1f to bin, %.1f to stretch/erase, %.1f to pad, %.1f to correlate\r\n" "%.1f to find %d peaks and get CCCs", time1 - startTime, time2 - time1, time3 - time2, time4 - time3, time5 - time4, numRealPeaks); // If shift values are desired, set them and skip the rest of this, but apply the // adjustement to the expected shift for scaling if (xShiftOut && yShiftOut) { *xShiftOut = Xpeaks[indMaxPeak]; *yShiftOut = Ypeaks[indMaxPeak]; if (scaling) { *xShiftOut += (1. - 1. / scaling) * expectedXshift; *yShiftOut += (1. - 1. / scaling) * expectedYshift; } AutoalignCleanup(); return 0; } // Get the current shift of C and add it to the peak shifts after adjusting for the // difference in binning between A and C mImC->getShifts(cshiftX, cshiftY); tempX = (cshiftX * binC) / binA; tempY = -(cshiftY * binC) / binA; // But also need to adjust shift to center the tilt on the center of shifted image // and this turns out to be the stretch (or destretch) of C's shift // Need to invert Y before and after this operation // 1/17/24: I think this applies only to true stretch between different tilts if (swapStretch && stretch != 1.0) { cshiftX = str.xpx * tempX + str.xpy * tempY; cshiftY = -(str.ypx * tempX + str.ypy * tempY); } else if (stretch != 1.0) { cshiftX = strInv.xpx * tempX + strInv.xpy * tempY; cshiftY = -(strInv.ypx * tempX + strInv.ypy * tempY); } // To prevent memory problem destroying safearray, need to unlock buffers here // before other routines access it mImA->UnLock(); mImC->UnLock(); BOOL lookingAtB = mWinApp->GetImBufIndex() == 1; mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); cshiftX += Xpeaks[indMaxPeak]; cshiftY += Ypeaks[indMaxPeak]; // If there is expected shift, subtract it from both C and A shift so that A shift // and image shift will be just enough to center desired point in A if (expectedXshift || expectedYshift) { cshiftX -= expectedXshift; cshiftY -= expectedYshift; mImC->getShifts(tempX, tempY); tempX -= (expectedXshift * binA) / binC; tempY -= (expectedYshift * binA) / binC; mImC->setShifts(tempX, tempY); mImBufs[toBuf].SetImageChanged(1); if (scaling) { cshiftX += (1. - 1. / scaling) * expectedXshift; cshiftY += (1. - 1. / scaling) * expectedYshift; } } if (showCor) { mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } else { // Have to make sure A is the current buffer : but this doesn't work, so pass // the A buffer to SetAlignShifts so it knows who to modify retval = SetAlignShifts(cshiftX, cshiftY, false, mImBufs, doImShift && !mScope->GetNoScope()); // If montaging and this is montage center and overview is in B, shift // overview also, if (mWinApp->Montaging() && mImBufs->IsMontageCenter() && mImBufs[1].mImage && mImBufs[1].IsMontageOverview()) { binC = mImBufs[1].mBinning; mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(1); retval = SetAlignShifts((cshiftX * binA) / binC, (cshiftY * binA) / binC, false, mImBufs + 1); // restore display to A unless show overview at end is set and we were still // looking at it if (!(mWinApp->GetMontParam()->showOverview && lookingAtB)) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } } // Something in here (not SetCurrentBuffer or DrawImage) is making the mini-tilt series // window lose keyboard focus with no messages detectable: so set focus to the window // that should have it ((CMainFrame *)(mWinApp->m_pMainWnd))->MDIGetActive(NULL)->SetFocus(); AutoalignCleanup(); return retval; } // Adjust coordinates to be correlated when there is an expected shift so that the // region correlated is the overlap zone plus some extra amount void CShiftManager::ShiftCoordinatesToOverlap(int widthA, int widthC, int extra, int & baseXshift, int & ix0A, int & ix1A, int & ix0C, int & ix1C) { int dx0A, dx0C, dx1A, dx1C, dx0, dx1; // Get coordinates of each image range centered around the middle of C dx0A = ix0A + baseXshift - widthA / 2; dx1A = ix1A + baseXshift - widthA / 2; dx0C = ix0C - widthC / 2; dx1C = ix1C - widthC / 2; // Get intersection of this coordinate range // (Since we're not padding smaller, no longer try to keep half of C - NOW THAT WE // ARE BACK TO PADDING, THAT FEATURE IS GONE, BUT SHIFTED IMAGES ARE ALWAYS SAME SIZE?) // increase extra if this leaves no range dx0 = B3DMAX(dx0A, dx0C); dx1 = B3DMIN(dx1A, dx1C); if (dx1 < dx0) extra += dx0 - dx1; // Expand opposite sides of intersection by the extra amount, but limit amount to // the original limits if (baseXshift < 0) { extra = b3dIMin(3, extra, dx0 - dx0A, dx1C - dx1); dx0A = dx0 - extra; dx1A = dx1; dx0C = dx0; dx1C = dx1 + extra; } else { extra = b3dIMin(3, extra, dx0 - dx0C, dx1A - dx1); dx0A = dx0; dx1A = dx1 + extra; dx0C = dx0 - extra; dx1C = dx1; } // Keep each extent even then get new coordinate values and new base shift dx1A = dx0A + 2 * ((dx1A + 1 - dx0A) / 2) - 1; dx1C = dx0C + 2 * ((dx1C + 1 - dx0C) / 2) - 1; ix0A = dx0A + widthA / 2 - baseXshift; ix1A = dx1A + widthA / 2 - baseXshift; ix0C = dx0C + widthC / 2; ix1C = dx1C + widthC / 2; baseXshift = (ix1C + 1 + ix0C - widthC) / 2 - (ix1A + 1 + ix0A - widthA) / 2; } BOOL CShiftManager::MemoryError(BOOL inTest) { if (inTest) { mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox(_T("Error getting image memory - " "cannot autoalign")); AutoalignCleanup(); } return inTest; } void CShiftManager::AutoalignCleanup() { mImA->UnLock(); mImC->UnLock(); delete [] mArray; delete [] mBrray; delete [] mCrray; delete [] mPeakHere; delete [] mXpeaksHere; delete [] mYpeaksHere; if (mDeleteA) delete [] mDataA; if (mDeleteC) delete [] mDataC; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESET IMAGE SHIFT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CShiftManager::ResetImageShift(BOOL bDoBacklash, BOOL bAdjustScale, int waitTime, float relaxation) { double shiftX, shiftY, delX, delY, angle, specX, specY; double adjustX, adjustY, roughScale; int magInd, area; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); float defocusFac = mDefocusZFactor * (mStageInvertsZAxis ? -1 : 1); float xTiltFac, yTiltFac; bool setBacklash; StageMoveInfo smi; ScaleMat aMat, dMat; // Wait used to be 2000; it said not to wait long since this is not supposed to be // called unless stage is ready, but that doesn't work from macros. Default is 5000 if (mScope->WaitForStageReady(waitTime)) { SEMMessageBox(_T("Reset shift aborted - stage not ready")); return 1; } smi.axisBits = axisXY; mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(shiftX, shiftY); if (shiftX == 0. && shiftY == 0.) return 0; magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); // Use shift in microns based on calibrated conversion if available, otherwise fall back // to rough scale delX = RadialShiftOnSpecimen(shiftX, shiftY, magInd); if (!delX) { if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) roughScale = mSTEMRoughISscale; else roughScale = (magInd < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() && mLMRoughISscale) ? mLMRoughISscale : mRoughISscale; delX = sqrt(shiftX * shiftX + shiftY * shiftY) * roughScale; } if (delX < 0.01) return 0; SEMTrace('i', "Resetting image shift of %f %f", shiftX, shiftY); // Get image shift calibration; if none, just reset and finish aMat = IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (!aMat.xpx) { mScope->IncImageShift(-shiftX, -shiftY); SetISTimeOut(GetLastISDelay()); return 0; } specX = aMat.xpx * shiftX + aMat.xpy * shiftY; specY = aMat.ypx * shiftX + aMat.ypy * shiftY; // Compute the stage displacement with no adjustments // Use the nearest stage to camera matrix for this, so use IS not specimen coords angle = DTOR * GetStageTiltFactors(xTiltFac, yTiltFac); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && IS_AREA_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(mScope->GetLowDoseArea())) { // If in low dose mode and current area is view or search, use focus-adjusted // transformations area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); ldp += area; dMat = MatMul(FocusAdjustedISToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd, ldp->spotSize, ldp->probeMode, ldp->intensity, mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area)), MatInv(FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd, ldp->spotSize, ldp->probeMode, ldp->intensity, mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area)))); } else { dMat = MatMul(IStoCamera(magInd), MatInv(StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd))); } delX = (dMat.xpx * shiftX + dMat.xpy * shiftY) / xTiltFac; delY = (dMat.ypx * shiftX + dMat.ypy * shiftY) / yTiltFac; adjustX = adjustY = 1.; if (bAdjustScale) { // Adjust scale based on last displacement minus amount left // Just do Y for now. Accumulate with last time's adjustment if (fabs(mResetStageMoveY) > 0.1) adjustY = (mResetStageMoveY - delY) / mResetStageMoveY; adjustY *= mResetStageAdjustY; // Limit adjustment to move stage as little as half as much (2) // or as much as 1.67 times nominal amount (0.6) if (adjustY > 2.) adjustY = 2.; if (adjustY < 0.6) adjustY = 0.6; dMat = SpecimenToStage(adjustX, adjustY); delX = (dMat.xpx * specX + dMat.xpy * specY) / xTiltFac; delY = (dMat.ypx * specX + dMat.ypy * specY) / yTiltFac; } SEMTrace('i', "spec X,Y = %.2f, %.2f; delX,Y = %.2f, %.2f, adjustY = %.3f", specX, specY, delX, delY, adjustY); // Save displacements and adjustments mResetStageMoveX = delX; mResetStageMoveY = delY; mResetStageAdjustX = adjustX; mResetStageAdjustY = adjustY; mScope->GetStagePosition(smi.x, smi.y, smi.z); SEMTrace('i', "Stage at %.2f, %.2f moving to %.2f %.2f", smi.x, smi.y, smi.x + delX, smi.y + delY); setBacklash = bDoBacklash && (mBacklashMouseAndISR || mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetRealigning() || mWinApp->mParticleTasks->DoingTemplateAlign()) && fabs(angle / DTOR) < 10.; smi.relaxX = smi.relaxY = 0.; MaintainOrImposeBacklash(&smi, delX, delY, setBacklash); // relaxation is in the same direction as backlash if (setBacklash && relaxation > 0) { if (smi.backX) smi.relaxX = (smi.backX > 0. ? relaxation : -relaxation); if (smi.backY) smi.relaxY = (smi.backY > 0. ? relaxation : -relaxation); } SEMTrace('n', "RIS: backlash %.2f %.2f relax %.3f %.3f", smi.backX, smi.backY, smi.relaxX, smi.relaxY); // Do scope actions mResettingIS = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "RESETTING SHIFT"); // Adjust focus, but only on first iteration // Do all scope actions before moving stage because of single Tecnai problem if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) defocusFac = -1. / mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetSTEMdefocusToDelZ(-1); if (!bAdjustScale && magInd >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag()) mScope->IncDefocus(specY * defocusFac * tan(angle)); mScope->IncImageShift(-shiftX, -shiftY); mScope->MoveStage(smi, smi.backX != 0. || smi.backY != 0., false, 0, smi.relaxX != 0. || smi.relaxY != 0.); SetISTimeOut(GetLastISDelay()); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, TASK_RESET_SHIFT, 0, 30000); return 0; } void CShiftManager::ResetISDone() { mResettingIS = false; mStartedStageMove = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } void CShiftManager::ResetISCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) mWinApp->mTSController->TSMessageBox( _T("Time out trying to move stage while resetting image shift")); ResetISDone(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Get the current backlash if the position in smi is still valid, or set the backlash // from montaging at this mag, provided that the user's flag is set to do this void CShiftManager::MaintainOrImposeBacklash(StageMoveInfo *smi, double delX, double delY, BOOL doBacklash) { float backX, backY; double startX = smi->x, startY = smi->y; smi->backX = smi->backY = 0.; smi->x += delX; smi->y += delY; if (!doBacklash) return; if (mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(startX, startY, backX, backY)) { if ((smi->x - startX) * backX < 0 && (smi->y - startY) * backY < 0) { mScope->CopyBacklashValid(); return; } } else { // This could be a mistake... it is not integrated with mapping and backlash moves /*backX = backY = mWinApp->mMontageController->GetStageBacklash(); if (smi->x > startX) backX = - backX; if (smi->y > startY) backY = - backY;*/ mWinApp->mMontageController->GetColumnBacklash(backX, backY); } smi->backX = backX; smi->backY = backY; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Routines for getting transformation matrixes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // There are 5 coordinate systems to consider: // // 1) Tecnai specimen coordinates. The X axis points to the tip of the rod, the // Y axis to the front of the microscope, and positive tilt is a CCW rotation around // the X axis in this orientation. // // 2) Camera coordinates in unbinned pixels. The Tecnai rotation angle is a correct // estimate of the rotation from the specimen to the camera coordinate system; namely // at mid-range mags the X axis is at 77-86 degrees. The basis for getting from // specimen to camera coordinates is a calibration of pixel size and actual rotation // of the tilt axis. // // 3) Image coordinates in binned pixels. Y is inverted relative to camera coordinates. // The shift in an image display is maintained in image coordinates. // // 4) Image shift coordinates. The IS coordinate of a point is the IS needed to bring // the point to the center of the field. The IS calibration is a true mapping from // IS to camera coordinates. // // 5) Stage coordinates. The stage coordinate of a point is the Tecnai stage readout // when the point is in the center of the field. The stage calibration is a true // mapping from stage to camera coordinates. However, an increase in stage X moves // the specimen to its positive X axis, and an increase in stage Y moves it to its // positive Y axis, which implies that positive X or Y stage coordinates are near the // negative X or Y specimen axis. Thus the stage coordinates are 180 degrees rotated // from the specimen coordinates. // Get the matrix relating specimen coordinates in microns to // camera coordinates in pixels // This is referred to as the A matrix ScaleMat CShiftManager::SpecimenToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd) { ScaleMat mat = {0., 0., 0., 0.}; double angle; float pixel; angle = GetImageRotation(inCamera, inMagInd); // Compute matrix to get from microns to pixels pixel = GetPixelSize(inCamera, inMagInd); if (angle > 900 || pixel <= 0.) return mat; mat.xpx = (float)cos(angle * DTOR) / pixel; mat.xpy = -(float)sin(angle * DTOR) / pixel; mat.ypy = mat.xpx; mat.ypx = -mat.xpy; return mat; } // Matrix to get from current camera to specimen, which is what most routines need ScaleMat CShiftManager::CameraToSpecimen(int magInd) { ScaleMat mat = SpecimenToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd); if (!mat.xpx) return mat; return MatInv(mat); } // Get the matrix relating image shift to camera coordinates - this is what gets // calibrated by image shift calibration // This is referred to as the B matrix ScaleMat CShiftManager::IStoCamera(int inMagInd) { mCurrentCamera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); return IStoGivenCamera(inMagInd, mCurrentCamera); } // Matrix to get from camera to image shift for current camera ScaleMat CShiftManager::CameraToIS(int magInd) { mCurrentCamera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); ScaleMat mat = IStoGivenCamera(magInd, mCurrentCamera); if (!mat.xpx) return mat; return MatInv(mat); } ScaleMat CShiftManager::IStoGivenCamera(int inMagInd, int inCamera) { ScaleMat mat; mat.xpx = 0.; int iCam, iMag, iAct; int iDir, delta, limlo, limhi; BOOL STEMcamera = mCamParams[inCamera].STEMcamera; int EFTEM = mCamParams[inCamera].GIF ? 1 : 0; bool debug = GetDebugOutput('c') && (GetDebugOutput('i') || GetDebugOutput('l')); MagTable *magtab = &mMagTab[inMagInd]; float xpx = magtab->matIS[inCamera].xpx; // If the IS is calibrated here, return matrix if (mMagTab[inMagInd].matIS[inCamera].xpx != 0.) return mMagTab[inMagInd].matIS[inCamera]; // Look for another camera calibrated at this mag, but not a GIF-nonGIF pair and // not involving any STEM for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (iCam != inCamera && !mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera && !STEMcamera && (mCamParams[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0) == EFTEM ) { if (mMagTab[inMagInd].matIS[iCam].xpx != 0.) { mat = AdjustedISmatrix(iCam, inMagInd, inCamera, inMagInd); if (debug) SEMTrace('c', "IStoGivenCamera at cam %d mag %d by specimen transfer " "from cam %d at same mag: %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inCamera, inMagInd, iCam, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); return mat; } } } // Now look for a nearby calibrated IS in this camera mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(inCamera, inMagInd, limlo, limhi); for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { iMag = inMagInd + delta * iDir; if (iMag < limlo || iMag > limhi) continue; if (mMagTab[iMag].matIS[inCamera].xpx != 0.) { if (!STEMcamera && mScope->GetUsePLforIS() && mScope->BothLMorNotLM(iMag, false, inMagInd, false)) { if (debug) SEMTrace('c', "IStoGivenCamera at cam %d mag %d by direct copy of PLA cal " "from mag %d:", inCamera, inMagInd, iMag); return mMagTab[iMag].matIS[inCamera]; } else if (CanTransferIS(iMag, inMagInd, STEMcamera, EFTEM)) { mat = AdjustedISmatrix(inCamera, iMag, inCamera, inMagInd); if (debug) SEMTrace('c', "IStoGivenCamera at cam %d mag %d by specimen transfer " "from mag %d in same cam: %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inCamera, inMagInd, iMag, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); return mat; } } } } if (STEMcamera) return mat; // Finally, look for the nearest calibrated IS in any non-STEM camera for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (iCam == inCamera || mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera) continue; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { iMag = inMagInd + delta * iDir; if (iMag < 1 || iMag >= MAX_MAGS) continue; if (mMagTab[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx != 0. && CanTransferIS(iMag, inMagInd, false, mCamParams[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { mat = AdjustedISmatrix(iCam, iMag, inCamera, inMagInd); return mat; } } } } return mat; } // Get the matrix relating Image Shift to specimen coordinates (toCam is optional) // This is referred to as the C matrix, which is A-inverse * B ScaleMat CShiftManager::IStoSpecimen(int inMagInd, int toCam) { ScaleMat mat, bMat, aInv; mCurrentCamera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if (toCam < 0) toCam = mCurrentCamera; aInv = SpecimenToCamera(toCam, inMagInd); if (!aInv.xpx) return aInv; aInv = MatInv(aInv); bMat = IStoGivenCamera(inMagInd, toCam); // If no image shift calibration, return that if (bMat.xpx == 0.0) return bMat; // These traces make it give output during updates /*SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d: camera to specimen %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g\r\n IS to camera " "%.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inMagInd, aInv.xpx, aInv.xpy, aInv.ypx, aInv.ypy, bMat.xpx, bMat.xpy, bMat.ypx, bMat.ypy); */ mat = MatMul(bMat, aInv); //SEMTrace('c', " IS to specimen %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, //mat.ypy); return mat; } // Get matrix relating stage to camera coordinates, based on averaged stage cal (UNUSED) ScaleMat CShiftManager::AveragedStageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd) { ScaleMat prod; prod = MatMul(MatInv(SpecimenToStage(1., 1.)), SpecimenToCamera(inCamera, inMagInd)); return prod; } // Get matrix relating stage to camera coordinates, // based on a direct calibration if possible or derived from one ScaleMat CShiftManager::StageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int specOnly) { ScaleMat mat, ISthisCam, ISotherCam, ISinv, prod; mat.xpx = 0.; int iCam, iMag, iAct, limlo, limhi; int iDirM, deltaM, iDirC; bool doTrace = GetDebugOutput('c') && !mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->CalibratingIntensity(); MagTable *magtab = &mMagTab[inMagInd]; // If the stage is calibrated here, return matrix if (magtab->matStage[inCamera].xpx != 0. && (specOnly & 2) == 0) return magtab->matStage[inCamera]; // Use this image shift to convert from another calibration on first round, // only from same camera with transferrable IS // On second round use specimen to camera transformation ISthisCam = IStoGivenCamera(inMagInd, inCamera); for (int source = ((specOnly & 1) ? 1 : 0); source < 2; source++) { if (source) ISthisCam = SpecimenToCamera(inCamera, inMagInd); if (ISthisCam.xpx == 0.) continue; // Find the closest mag that has a stage calibration // Look first in the same camera then in other cameras for (iDirC = 0; iDirC < 2; iDirC++) { for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if ((iDirC && iCam != inCamera && source) || (!iDirC && iCam == inCamera)) { // Not between cameras if either is STEM if (iCam != inCamera && (mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera || mCamParams[inCamera].STEMcamera)) continue; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, inMagInd, limlo, limhi); for (deltaM = 1; deltaM < MAX_MAGS; deltaM++) { for (iDirM = -1; iDirM <= 1; iDirM += 2) { iMag = inMagInd + deltaM * iDirM; if (iMag < limlo || iMag > limhi) continue; if (mMagTab[iMag].matStage[iCam].xpx != 0.) { if (!source && CanTransferIS(iMag, inMagInd, mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera, mCamParams[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { // Transform the other stage to camera calibration via the // inverse of the IS cal times this mag/cam IS cal ISotherCam = IStoGivenCamera(iMag, iCam); ISinv = MatInv(ISotherCam); prod = MatMul(mMagTab[iMag].matStage[iCam], ISinv); mat = MatMul(prod, ISthisCam); if (doTrace) SEMTrace('c', "StageToCamera at cam %d mag %d by IS transfer from mag" " %d: %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inCamera, inMagInd, iMag, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); return mat; } else if (source) { // Or do the same thing with Specimen to Camera ISotherCam = SpecimenToCamera(iCam, iMag); ISinv = MatInv(ISotherCam); prod = MatMul(mMagTab[iMag].matStage[iCam], ISinv); mat = MatMul(prod, ISthisCam); if (doTrace) SEMTrace('c', "StageToCamera at cam %d mag %d by specimen transfer " "from cam %d mag %d: %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inCamera, inMagInd, iCam, iMag, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); return mat; } } } } } } } } // Fallback to inverse of fallback specimen to stage times specimen to camera mat = FallbackSpecimenToStage(1., 1.); ISinv = MatInv(mat); mat = SpecimenToCamera(inCamera, inMagInd); prod = MatMul(ISinv, mat); if (doTrace) SEMTrace('c', "StageToCamera at cam %d mag %d by fallback: %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", inCamera, inMagInd, mat.xpx, mat.xpy, mat.ypx, mat.ypy); return prod; } // Modify a stage to camera matrix or its inverse to work at the given tilt angle void CShiftManager::AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(ScaleMat &aMat, float angle) { ScaleMat aInv = MatInv(aMat); AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(aInv, angle); aMat = MatInv(aInv); } void CShiftManager::AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(ScaleMat &aInv, float angle) { float cosAng = (float)cos(DTOR * angle); aInv.ypx /= cosAng; aInv.ypy /= cosAng; } // Get the Specimen to Stage transformation, which should be mag and camera // independent. So we use the average of available data ScaleMat CShiftManager::SpecimenToStage(double adjustX, double adjustY) { ScaleMat cum, mat; int iCam, iMag, nCum, iAct; cum.xpx = cum.xpy = cum.ypx = cum.ypy = 0.; nCum = 0; // Find all stage calibrations and get product of specimen to camera // and inverse of stage to camera. Accumulate the sum for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (mMagTab[iMag].matStage[iCam].xpx != 0.) { mat = MatMul(SpecimenToCamera(iCam, iMag), MatInv(mMagTab[iMag].matStage[iCam])); nCum++; cum.xpx += mat.xpx; cum.xpy += mat.xpy; cum.ypx += mat.ypx; cum.ypy += mat.ypy; } } } // Return the average of this matrix, with the X and Y scaling (?) if (nCum) { mat.xpx = adjustX * cum.xpx / nCum; mat.ypx = adjustX * cum.ypx / nCum; mat.xpy = adjustY * cum.xpy / nCum; mat.ypy = adjustY * cum.ypy / nCum; return mat; } return FallbackSpecimenToStage(adjustX, adjustY); } // This is a fallback for specimen to stage transformation ScaleMat CShiftManager::FallbackSpecimenToStage(double adjustX, double adjustY) { double thetaX = 0.; double thetaY = 0.; double scaleX = adjustX * (mInvertStageXAxis ? -1 : 1); double scaleY = adjustY; ScaleMat dMat; if (HitachiScope) { thetaX += mHitachiStageSpecAngle; thetaY += mHitachiStageSpecAngle; } // 3/5/04: invert the signs of everything because stage is 180 deg // around from specimen dMat.xpx = -(float)(scaleX * cos(DTOR * thetaX)); dMat.ypx = -(float)(scaleX * sin(DTOR * thetaX)); dMat.xpy = (float)(scaleY * sin(DTOR * thetaY)); dMat.ypy = -(float)(scaleY * cos(DTOR * thetaY)); return (MatInv(dMat)); } // Get pixel size for the current camera at the specified mag index (replaced 11/30/06) float CShiftManager::GetPixelSize(int inCamera, int inMagIndex) { return mMagTab[inMagIndex].pixelSize[inCamera]; } // Get the pixel size of an image float CShiftManager::GetPixelSize(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float *focusRot) { float scale, rotation, pixel = 0.; if (focusRot) *focusRot = 0.; if (imBuf ) { if (imBuf->mPixelSize > 0) pixel = imBuf->mPixelSize; else if (imBuf->mBinning && imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && imBuf->mMagInd) pixel = (float)(imBuf->mBinning * GetPixelSize(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mMagInd)); if (imBuf->mMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() && GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation)) { pixel /= scale; if (focusRot) *focusRot = rotation; } } return pixel; } // Get the image rotation: replaced by new methods 11/30/06 double CShiftManager::GetImageRotation(int inCamera, int inMagInd) { CString warning; if (inCamera < 0 || inCamera >= MAX_CAMERAS) { warning.Format("WARNING: camera index %d out of range in call to GetImageRotation", inCamera); } else if (mCamParams[inCamera].STEMcamera) { return mCamParams[inCamera].imageRotation; } else if (inMagInd < 0 || inMagInd >= MAX_MAGS) { warning.Format("WARNING: mag index %d out of range in call to GetImageRotation", inMagInd); } else { return mMagTab[inMagInd].rotation[inCamera]; } if (mScope->GetNoScope()) return 0.; warning += "\r\nPlease send this log with backtrace to David; this is NOT a crash"; AddBackTraceToMessage(warning); mWinApp->AppendToLog(warning); return 0.; } // Compute a pixel size for all mags by propagating any calibration information, // from direct pixel sizes and image shift calibrations, and falling back to scope mag void CShiftManager::PropagatePixelSizes(void) { int iAct, iCam, iMag, regCam, mag2, iDir, calMag, delta, derived, iAct2, iCam2; int limlo, limhi, numRanges, range, lowestMicro; int midFilmMag = 15000; int numCam = mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); int lowestMmag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); float ratio; CameraParameters *camP = mCamParams; MagTable *magT = mMagTab; BOOL anyCal = false; mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetNonMacroDeferLog(true); // Clear out existing derived calibrations; see if there are any calibrated pixels for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] && !magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam]) anyCal = true; else { magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = 0.; magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = 1000000; // To make comparisons easier } } } // If there are no direct calibrations, pick a camera and mag to set the fallback in derived = 1; if (!anyCal) { PickMagForFallback(-1, calMag, regCam); magT[calMag].pixelSize[regCam] = camP[regCam].pixelMicrons / (MagForCamera(regCam, calMag) * camP[regCam].magRatio); magT[calMag].pixDerived[regCam] = derived++; SEMTrace('c', "Set initial pixel fallback %f for mag %d camera %d", magT[calMag].pixelSize[regCam] * 1000., calMag, regCam); } mAnyCalPixelSizes = anyCal; anyCal = true; while (anyCal) { anyCal = false; // Propagate calibrations between mags with image shifts for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx) continue; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, iMag, limlo, limhi); for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS && !magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam]; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { mag2 = iMag + delta * iDir; // If the other mag has a calibrated pixel at a lower level of derivation // and it has an image shift cal that can transfer, get the pixel size if (mag2 >= limlo && mag2 <= limhi && magT[mag2].pixDerived[iCam] < derived && magT[mag2].matIS[iCam].xpx && CanTransferIS(mag2, iMag, camP[iCam].STEMcamera, camP[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = TransferPixelSize( mag2, iCam, iMag, iCam); magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Pixel = %.3f by IS transfer from mag %d" ", derived %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] * 1000., mag2, derived); break; } } } } } derived++; // Propagate calibrations between cameras at same mag by image shift cal for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) continue; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx || magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam]) continue; for (iAct2 = 0; iAct2 < numCam; iAct2++) { iCam2 = mActiveCameraList[iAct2]; if (camP[iCam2].STEMcamera) continue; // Require calibrated size at a lower level of derivation than what was // just done, and IS cal if (iCam2 != iCam && magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam2] < derived - 1 && magT[iMag].matIS[iCam2].xpx) { magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = TransferPixelSize(iMag, iCam2, iMag, iCam); magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Pixel = %.3f by IS transfer from Cam %d" ", derived %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] * 1000., iCam2, derived); break; } } } } derived++; } // For a camera with any calibrations, try to use pixel size ratio from another similar // camera then complete the calibrations using nearby film to camera ratios for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; mWinApp->GetNumMagRanges(iCam, numRanges, lowestMicro); for (range = 0; range < numRanges; range++) { mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, range * lowestMicro, limlo, limhi); for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) if (magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam]) break; if (iMag <= limhi) { for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] && MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)) { // Find closest previously calibrated mag anyCal = false; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS && !anyCal && !camP[iCam].STEMcamera; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { mag2 = iMag + delta * iDir; if (mag2 >= limlo && mag2 <= limhi && magT[mag2].pixDerived[iCam] < derived) { // Look for a camera with both mags calibrated for (iAct2 = 0; iAct2 < numCam; iAct2++) { iCam2 = mActiveCameraList[iAct2]; if (iCam2 != iCam && magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam2] < derived && magT[mag2].pixDerived[iCam2] < derived && !camP[iCam2].STEMcamera && (camP[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0) == (camP[iCam2].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = magT[mag2].pixelSize[iCam] * magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam2] / magT[mag2].pixelSize[iCam2]; magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = derived; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Pixel = %.3f by ratio to mag %d" " in cam %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] * 1000., mag2, iCam2); break; } } anyCal = true; break; } } } // Now fallback using mean of nearby film to camera ratios if (!magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam]) { ratio = NearbyFilmCameraRatio(iMag, iCam, derived); magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = camP[iCam].pixelMicrons / (MagForCamera(iCam, iMag) * ratio); magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = derived + 1; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Pixel = %.4f by fallback with nearby ratio %f" , iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] * 1000., ratio); } } } } } } derived += 2; // Now find uncalibrated cameras and set up complete fallback for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] && MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)) { magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] = camP[iCam].pixelMicrons / (MagForCamera(iCam, iMag) * camP[iCam].magRatio); magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] = derived; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Pixel = %.3f by fallback", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].pixelSize[iCam] * 1000.); } } } mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetNonMacroDeferLog(false); if (mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); } // Transfer a pixel size from one mag and camera to another via image shift calibrations double CShiftManager::TransferPixelSize(int fromMag, int fromCam, int toMag, int toCam) { ScaleMat aInv, aProd; aInv = MatInv(mMagTab[toMag].matIS[toCam]); aProd = MatMul(aInv, mMagTab[fromMag].matIS[fromCam]); return mMagTab[fromMag].pixelSize[fromCam] * 0.5 * (sqrt(aProd.xpx * aProd.xpx + aProd.xpy * aProd.xpy) + sqrt(aProd.ypx * aProd.ypx + aProd.ypy * aProd.ypy)); } // Compute a film to camera ratio from the nearest mags whose calibrations are // less derived than the given value float CShiftManager::NearbyFilmCameraRatio(int inMag, int inCam, int derived) { int delta, iDir, mag2, limlo, limhi; int numAvg = 0; int numMax = 5; float ratSum = 0.; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(inCam, inMag, limlo, limhi); for (delta = 0; delta < MAX_MAGS && numAvg < numMax; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1 && numAvg < numMax; iDir += 2) { if (!delta && iDir > 0) continue; mag2 = inMag + delta * iDir; if (mag2 >= limlo && mag2 <= limhi && mMagTab[mag2].pixDerived[inCam] < derived) { ratSum += mCamParams[inCam].pixelMicrons / (mMagTab[mag2].pixelSize[inCam] * MagForCamera(inCam, mag2)); numAvg++; } } } if (numAvg) return (ratSum / numAvg); return mCamParams[inCam].magRatio; } // Compute a rotation angles for all mags by propagating any calibration information, // from absolute and relative rotations and image shift calibrations, and falling back to // changes in scope rotation angles void CShiftManager::PropagateRotations(void) { int iAct, iCam, iMag, regCam, calMag, derived, iAct2, iCam2; int numRanges, range, limlo, limhi, lowestMicro, midFilmMag = 15000; int numCam = mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); int lowestMmag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); bool anyCal = false, anyOK; CameraParameters *camP = mCamParams; MagTable *magT = mMagTab; int camFallbackDerived[MAX_CAMERAS]; mAnyAbsRotCal = false; mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetNonMacroDeferLog(true); // Clear out existing derived calibrations; see if there are any calibrated rotations for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900. && !magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam]) { if (!camP[iCam].STEMcamera) { if (!mAnyAbsRotCal) SEMTrace('c', "First calibrated absolute rotation of %.2f found at mag %d " "for camera %d", magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], iMag, iCam); mAnyAbsRotCal = true; } } else { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = 999.; magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = 1000000; // To make comparisons easier } } } // If there are no direct calibrations, pick a camera and mag to set the fallback in derived = 1; if (!mAnyAbsRotCal) { PickMagForFallback(-1, calMag, regCam); if (camP[regCam].STEMcamera) magT[calMag].rotation[regCam] = 0.; else magT[calMag].rotation[regCam] = GoodAngle((camP[regCam].GIF ? magT[calMag].EFTEMtecnaiRotation : magT[calMag].tecnaiRotation) + mGlobalExtraRotation + camP[regCam].extraRotation); magT[calMag].rotDerived[regCam] = derived++; SEMTrace('c', "Set initial rotation fallback %f for mag %d camera %d", magT[calMag].rotation[regCam], calMag, regCam); } PropagateCalibratedRotations(-1, derived); // For a camera with no calibrations yet, take one angle from another camera by // difference in extra rotation for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; mWinApp->GetNumMagRanges(iCam, numRanges, lowestMicro); for (range = 0; range < numRanges; range++) { mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, range * lowestMicro, limlo, limhi); anyCal = false; for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900.) { anyCal = true; break; } } if (anyCal) continue; if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) { // Uncalibrated STEM camera: just set to zero; extraRotation is added to this for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].STEMmag) { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = 0; magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; } } // regular camera: look for another non-STEM camera } else { for (iAct2 = 0; iAct2 < numCam && !anyCal; iAct2++) { iCam2 = mActiveCameraList[iAct2]; if (iCam2 == iCam || camP[iCam2].STEMcamera) continue; for (iMag = B3DMAX(lowestMmag, limlo); iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam2] < 900.) { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[iMag].rotation[iCam2] + camP[iCam].extraRotation - camP[iCam2].extraRotation); anyCal = true; magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived + 1; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f assigned from Cam %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], iCam2); break; } } } } } } derived++; for (iCam = 0; iCam < MAX_CAMERAS; iCam++) camFallbackDerived[iCam] = derived; derived++; // Now look at each uncalibrated one and find nearest calibrated mag FallbackToRotationDifferences(-1, derived); derived += 2; // Now find uncalibrated cameras and pick an individual fallback mCamWithRotFallback.clear(); for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; anyCal = false; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900. && MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)) { anyCal = true; break; } } if (!anyCal) { mCamWithRotFallback.insert(iCam); PickMagForFallback(iAct, calMag, regCam); if (camP[regCam].STEMcamera) magT[calMag].rotation[regCam] = 0.; else magT[calMag].rotation[regCam] = GoodAngle((camP[regCam].GIF ? magT[calMag].EFTEMtecnaiRotation : magT[calMag].tecnaiRotation) + mGlobalExtraRotation + camP[regCam].extraRotation); magT[calMag].rotDerived[regCam] = derived++; SEMTrace('c', "Set rotation fallback %f for mag %d in camera %d", magT[calMag].rotation[regCam], calMag, regCam); // Rerun the propagations - the fallback should cover it completely PropagateCalibratedRotations(iAct, derived); camFallbackDerived[iCam] = derived; FallbackToRotationDifferences(iAct, derived); derived++; } } // Make lists of mags relying on nominal rotation differences for other cameras for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].clear(); anyOK = false; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].pixDerived[iCam] || magT[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx != 0.) { if (magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] >= camFallbackDerived[iCam]) mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].push_back(MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)); else anyOK = true; } } if (mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].size() > 0 && !anyOK) { mCamWithRotFallback.insert(iCam); mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].clear(); } } mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetNonMacroDeferLog(false); if (mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->mLogWindow->FlushDeferredLines(); } // Spreads rotation information via calibrated relative rotation or by IS transfer void CShiftManager::PropagateCalibratedRotations(int actCamToDo, int & derived) { int iAct, iCam, iMag, mag2, delInd, iDir, delta, iAct2, iCam2; int fromMag, toMag, numRanges, range, limlo, limhi, lowestMicro; double rotation; int numCam = mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); bool anyProp, anyCal = false; CameraParameters *camP = mCamParams; MagTable *magT = mMagTab; int actStart = actCamToDo < 0 ? 0 : actCamToDo; int actEnd = actCamToDo < 0 ? numCam - 1 : actCamToDo; anyCal = true; while (anyCal) { anyCal = false; // Propagate calibrated rotations by relative rotations within camera for (iAct = actStart; iAct <= actEnd; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; mWinApp->GetNumMagRanges(iCam, numRanges, lowestMicro); for (range = 0; range < numRanges; range++) { mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, range * lowestMicro, limlo, limhi); SEMTrace('c', "cam %d range %d lo %d hi %d", iCam, range, limlo, limhi); anyProp = true; while (anyProp) { anyProp = false; for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900.) { // Go one step forward then backward // Don't do anything if a mag is calibrated already or there is no delta for (delInd = 0; delInd < 2; delInd++) { iDir = 1 - 2 * delInd; mag2 = iMag + iDir; if (mag2 < limlo || mag2 + delInd > limhi || magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] < 900. || magT[mag2 + delInd].deltaRotation[iCam] > 900.) continue; magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[mag2 - iDir].rotation[iCam] + iDir * magT[mag2 + delInd].deltaRotation[iCam]); magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; anyProp = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation by delta = %.1f, derived %d", mag2, iCam, magT[mag2].rotation[iCam], derived); // Skip the mag we just assigned to to avoid propagating it forward if (iDir > 0) iMag++; } } } } // Now search for and satisfy any relative rotations in the special table for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900.) { for (iDir = 0; iDir < mNumRelRotations; iDir++) { if (mRelRotations[iDir].camera == iCam) { fromMag = mRelRotations[iDir].fromMag; toMag = mRelRotations[iDir].toMag; mag2 = 0; if (fromMag == iMag && magT[toMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.) { mag2 = toMag; rotation = mRelRotations[iDir].rotation; } if (toMag == iMag && magT[fromMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.) { mag2 = fromMag; rotation = -mRelRotations[iDir].rotation; } if (mag2) { magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] + rotation); magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation by special = %.1f, derived %d", mag2, iCam, magT[mag2].rotation[iCam], derived); } } } } } } } derived++; // Propagate calibrations between mags with image shifts // Skip STEM camera because 1) image shift needs to be calibrated after relative // angles are stabilized; 2) not sure of the sign for (iAct = actStart; iAct <= actEnd; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) continue; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx) continue; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS && magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { mag2 = iMag + delta * iDir; // If the other mag has a calibrated rotation at a lower level of // derivation and it has an image shift cal that can transfer, get the // rotation if (mag2 >= 1 && mag2 < MAX_MAGS && magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam] < derived && magT[mag2].matIS[iCam].xpx && CanTransferIS(mag2, iMag, false, camP[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = TransferImageRotation( magT[mag2].rotation[iCam], iCam, mag2, iCam, iMag); magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f by IS transfer from mag" " %d, derived %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], mag2, derived); break; } } } } } derived++; // Propagate calibrations between cameras at same mag by image shift cal // Skip STEM cameras for this if (actCamToDo < 0) { for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) continue; for (iMag = 1; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (!magT[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx || magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900.) continue; for (iAct2 = 0; iAct2 < numCam; iAct2++) { iCam2 = mActiveCameraList[iAct2]; // Require calibrated rotation at a lower level of derivation than the // preceding IS transfer, and require IS cal if (iCam2 != iCam && magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam2] < derived - 1 && magT[iMag].matIS[iCam2].xpx && !camP[iCam2].STEMcamera && (camP[iCam].GIF == camP[iCam2].GIF || BOOL_EQUIV(iMag < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(camP[iCam].GIF != 0), iMag < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(camP[iCam2].GIF) != 0))) { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = TransferImageRotation( magT[iMag].rotation[iCam2], iCam2, iMag, iCam, iMag); magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; anyCal = true; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f by IS transfer from Cam %d" ", derived %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], iCam2, derived); break; } } } } } derived++; } } // For remaining mags, uses nominal differences in mag table as fallback void CShiftManager::FallbackToRotationDifferences(int actCamToDo, int & derived) { int iAct, iCam, iMag, mag2, iDir, delta, iAct2, iCam2; int numRanges, range, limlo, limhi, lowestMicro; int numCam = mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); CameraParameters *camP = mCamParams; MagTable *magT = mMagTab; int actStart = actCamToDo < 0 ? 0 : actCamToDo; int actEnd = actCamToDo < 0 ? numCam - 1 : actCamToDo; for (iAct = 0; iAct < numCam; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; mWinApp->GetNumMagRanges(iCam, numRanges, lowestMicro); for (range = 0; range < numRanges; range++) { mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, range * lowestMicro, limlo, limhi); for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900. || !MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)) continue; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS && magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { mag2 = iMag + delta * iDir; if (mag2 >= limlo && mag2 <= limhi && magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam] < derived) { // See if another camera has calibrations at these two mags and if so // take use the difference in rotations to adjust rotation at mag2 // But this will not work between GIF and nonGIF for (iAct2 = 0; iAct2 < numCam && !camP[iCam].STEMcamera; iAct2++) { iCam2 = mActiveCameraList[iAct2]; if (iCam2 != iCam && !camP[iCam2].STEMcamera && (camP[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0) == (camP[iCam2].GIF ? 1 : 0) && magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam2] < derived && magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam2] < derived) { magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] + magT[iMag].rotation[iCam2] - magT[mag2].rotation[iCam2]); magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f by rotation difference" " to mag %d in cam %d", iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], mag2, iCam2); break; } } // Otherwise, fall back to difference in nominal rotations if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.) { if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = magT[mag2].rotation[iCam]; else magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] + (camP[iCam].GIF ? (magT[iMag].EFTEMtecnaiRotation - magT[mag2].EFTEMtecnaiRotation) : (magT[iMag].tecnaiRotation - magT[mag2].tecnaiRotation))); magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived + 1; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f by nominal diff from mag %d" , iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], mag2); } break; } } } } // Pick up from nearest mag if nothing was in the mag range for (iMag = limlo; iMag <= limhi; iMag++) { if (magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] < 900. || !MagForCamera(iCam, iMag)) continue; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS && magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] > 900.; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { mag2 = iMag + delta * iDir; if (magT[mag2].rotDerived[iCam] < derived && MagForCamera(iCam, mag2)) { if (camP[iCam].STEMcamera) magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = magT[mag2].rotation[iCam]; else magT[iMag].rotation[iCam] = GoodAngle(magT[mag2].rotation[iCam] + (camP[iCam].GIF ? (magT[iMag].EFTEMtecnaiRotation - magT[mag2].EFTEMtecnaiRotation) : (magT[iMag].tecnaiRotation - magT[mag2].tecnaiRotation))); magT[iMag].rotDerived[iCam] = derived + 1; SEMTrace('c', "Mag %d Cam %d Rotation = %.1f by nominal diff from mag %d" , iMag, iCam, magT[iMag].rotation[iCam], mag2); } break; } } } } } } // Finds a mag for assigning a fallback pixel size or rotation angle to that is // in the middle of the image shift calibrated range (in M mode) for a nonGIF // camera if possible. void CShiftManager::PickMagForFallback(int actCamToDo, int & calMag, int & regCam) { int iAct, iCam, iMag, gifCam, midMag, minWithIS, maxWithIS, gifMin, gifMax, regMin; int regMax, stemMin, stemMax, limlo, limhi, numRanges, lowestMicro, range, stemCam = -1; int midFilmMag = 15000; int numCam = mWinApp->GetNumReadInCameras(); int lowestMmag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); BOOL anyCal = false; int actStart = actCamToDo < 0 ? 0 : actCamToDo; int actEnd = actCamToDo < 0 ? numCam - 1 : actCamToDo; gifCam = -1; regCam = -1; for (iAct = actStart; iAct <= actEnd; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; // Find min and max mag with IS cal and closest mag to mid-range mag if (!mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera) { minWithIS = 200; maxWithIS = 0; midMag = lowestMmag; for (iMag = lowestMmag; iMag < MAX_MAGS; iMag++) { if (mMagTab[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx) { minWithIS = B3DMIN(minWithIS, iMag); maxWithIS = B3DMAX(maxWithIS, iMag); } if (fabs((double)(MagForCamera(iCam, iMag) - midFilmMag)) < fabs((double)(MagForCamera(iCam, midMag) - midFilmMag))) midMag = iMag; } // Default it to mid-range mag if none; keep track of whether any regular if (minWithIS > maxWithIS) minWithIS = maxWithIS = midMag; else if (!mCamParams[iCam].GIF) anyCal = true; // Keep track of camera with biggest range for GIF and nonGIF if (mCamParams[iCam].GIF) { if (gifCam < 0 || maxWithIS - minWithIS > gifMax - gifMin) { gifCam = iCam; gifMin = minWithIS; gifMax = maxWithIS; } } else if (regCam < 0 || maxWithIS - minWithIS > regMax - regMin) { regCam = iCam; regMin = minWithIS; regMax = maxWithIS; } } else { // STEM camera mWinApp->GetNumMagRanges(iCam, numRanges, lowestMicro); for (range = 0; range < numRanges; range++) { minWithIS = 200; maxWithIS = 0; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, range * lowestMicro, limlo, limhi); midMag = mScope->GetLowestSTEMnonLMmag(range); for (iMag = midMag; iMag < limhi; iMag++) { if (mMagTab[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx) { minWithIS = B3DMIN(minWithIS, iMag); maxWithIS = B3DMAX(maxWithIS, iMag); } } if (minWithIS > maxWithIS) minWithIS = maxWithIS = midMag; if (stemCam < 0 || maxWithIS - minWithIS > stemMax - stemMin) { stemCam = iCam; stemMin = minWithIS; stemMax = maxWithIS; } } } } // Use GIF camera if it is the only one or if it is the only one with IS cals if (regCam < 0 || (gifCam >= 0 && !anyCal && gifMax > gifMin)) { regCam = gifCam; regMin = gifMin; regMax = gifMax; } if (regCam < 0 && stemCam >= 0) { regCam = stemCam; regMin = stemMin; regMax = stemMax; } // Get mag in midpoint of this big IS range iMag = (regMin + regMax) / 2; calMag = NearestIScalMag(iMag, regCam, true); if (calMag < 0) calMag = iMag; } // Prints the warnings about problems with rotations int CShiftManager::ReportFallbackRotations(int onlyAbs) { int iAct, iCam, ind, retval = 0; CString str, str2; if (!mAnyAbsRotCal || mCamWithRotFallback.size() > 0) { str2 = "WARNING: There is no calibrated absolute rotation information for "; if (!mAnyAbsRotCal) str2 += "any camera"; else { ind = 0; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (mCamWithRotFallback.count(iCam)) { if (ind++) str2 += " or "; str2 += mCamParams[iCam].name; } } } if (!mAnyAbsRotCal || ind > 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(str2 + ".\r\n All rotations will rely on GlobalExtraRotation " "and ExtraRotation properties", LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); retval = 1; } } if (onlyAbs) return retval; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].size() > 0) { str = " "; mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: camera " + mCamParams[iCam].name + " is missing some" " information on calibrated relative rotations.\r\n Relative rotations will rely" " on differences between nominal mag table rotations for mags:", LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam].size(); ind++) { str2.Format(" %d", mMagsWithRotFallback[iCam][ind]); str += str2; if (str.GetLength() > 90) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(str, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); str = " "; } } if (str.GetLength() > 4) mWinApp->AppendToLog(str, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); retval = 1; } } return retval; } // Compares stage cal matrices derived multippe ways and reports discrepancies int CShiftManager::CheckStageToCamConsistency(float rotCrit, float magCrit, bool debug) { int iAct, iCam, ind, direct, loop, retval = 0; float theta, smag, phi, strtch; bool anyForCam; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); CString str, saveKeys = mWinApp->GetDebugKeys(); ScaleMat fromIS, fromSpec, invProd; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; for (direct = 0; direct < 2; direct++) { anyForCam = false; for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_MAGS; ind++) { // Check any mag where there is either a defined pixel size, or absolute or relative // rotation value if (mMagTab[ind].mag && BOOL_EQUIV(mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam].xpx != 0., direct > 0) && (!mMagTab[ind].pixDerived[iCam] || mMagTab[ind].rotDerived[iCam] <= (mAnyAbsRotCal ? 1 : 2))) { fromIS = StageToCamera(iCam, ind, 2 * direct); fromSpec = StageToCamera(iCam, ind, 1 + 2 * direct); if (fromIS.xpx && fromSpec.xpx) { for (loop = 0; loop <= direct; loop++) { if (direct) { if (!loop && fromIS.xpx == fromSpec.xpx && fromIS.xpy == fromSpec.xpy && fromIS.ypx == fromSpec.ypx && fromIS.ypy == fromSpec.ypy) continue; invProd = MatMul(loop ? fromSpec : fromIS, MatInv(mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam])); } else invProd = MatMul(fromIS, MatInv(fromSpec)); amatToRotmagstr(invProd.xpx, invProd.xpy, invProd.ypx, invProd.ypy, &theta, &smag, &strtch, &phi); if (fabs(theta) > rotCrit || fabs(smag - 1.) > magCrit || fabs(strtch - 1.) > magCrit || strtch < 0) { if (!anyForCam) { if (direct) mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nThere are inconsistencies between the stage" " calibration done at a mag and one derived\r\n from another mag " "using image shift or rotation and pixel values for camera " + mCamParams[iCam].name); else mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nThere are inconsistencies between stage to " "camera matrices derived from image shift cals\r\n and ones derived" " from rotation and pixel information for camera " + mCamParams[iCam].name); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Index Mag rotation scaling stretch between " "matrices"); anyForCam = true; } str.Format("%3d %8d %7.1f %6.2f %6.2f", ind, MagForCamera(iCam, ind), theta, smag, strtch); if (direct) str += loop ? " (derived from rotation/pixel)" : " (derived from IS cals)"; mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); if (debug) { mWinApp->SetDebugOutput("c"); if (direct) { PrintfToLog("Calibrated matrix %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam].xpx, mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam].xpy, mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam].ypx, mMagTab[ind].matStage[iCam].ypy); StageToCamera(iCam, ind, loop + 2); } else { StageToCamera(iCam, ind, 0); StageToCamera(iCam, ind, 1); } mWinApp->SetDebugOutput(saveKeys); } retval++; } } } } } } } return retval; } // Use image shift matrices to transfer rotation angle from one mag to another double CShiftManager::TransferImageRotation(double fromAngle, int fromCam, int fromMag, int toCam, int toMag) { ScaleMat aInv = MatInv(mMagTab[fromMag].matIS[fromCam]); ScaleMat aProd = MatMul(aInv, mMagTab[toMag].matIS[toCam]); double xtheta = atan2(aProd.ypx, aProd.xpx) / DTOR; double ytheta = atan2(-aProd.xpy, aProd.ypy) / DTOR; double ydtheta = GoodAngle(ytheta - xtheta); xtheta = GoodAngle(fromAngle + (xtheta + 0.5 * ydtheta)); return xtheta; } // Get an image rotation based on calibrated information of some kind // Note the treatment of relative angles is different from the propagation method // Here it assigns an angle from the closest linked absolute angle float CShiftManager::GetCalibratedImageRotation(int inCamera, int inMagIndex) { float backAngle = 999.f; float forAngle = 999.f; float cumAngle = 0.f; int iBack, iFor, limlo, limhi; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(inCamera, inMagIndex, limlo, limhi); // If a measured absolute angle was entered, return it if (mMagTab[inMagIndex].rotation[inCamera] < 900. && !mMagTab[inMagIndex].rotDerived[inCamera]) return mMagTab[inMagIndex].rotation[inCamera]; // Search back for a link to a calibrated angle for (iBack = inMagIndex - 1; iBack >= limlo; iBack--) { // Accumulate delta angles to the current mag, but stop if none if (mMagTab[iBack + 1].deltaRotation[inCamera] < 900.) cumAngle += mMagTab[iBack + 1].deltaRotation[inCamera]; else break; // If find a measured angle, compute backAngle and stop if (mMagTab[iBack].rotation[inCamera] < 900. && !mMagTab[iBack].rotDerived[inCamera]) { backAngle = mMagTab[iBack].rotation[inCamera] + cumAngle; break; } } // Search forward similarly cumAngle = 0.f; for (iFor = inMagIndex + 1; iFor <= limhi; iFor++) { if (mMagTab[iFor].deltaRotation[inCamera] < 900.) cumAngle += mMagTab[iFor].deltaRotation[inCamera]; else break; if (mMagTab[iFor].rotDerived[inCamera] < 900. && !mMagTab[iFor].rotDerived[inCamera]) { backAngle = mMagTab[iFor].rotation[inCamera] - cumAngle; break; } } // Take closest result if both exist if (backAngle < 900.) { if (forAngle < 900.) { if (inMagIndex - iBack > iFor - inMagIndex) return forAngle; else return backAngle; } else return backAngle; } else if (forAngle < 900.) return forAngle; return 999.f; } // Adjust the image shift matrix from one mag/camera combination to the desired one ScaleMat CShiftManager::AdjustedISmatrix(int iCamCal, int iMagCal, int iCamWant, int iMagWant) { ScaleMat bCal, aCal, aInv, aWant, prod1, prod2; bCal = mMagTab[iMagCal].matIS[iCamCal]; aCal = SpecimenToCamera(iCamCal, iMagCal); aInv = MatInv(aCal); prod1 = MatMul(bCal, aInv); aWant = SpecimenToCamera(iCamWant, iMagWant); prod2 = MatMul(prod1, aWant); return prod2; } // Returns whether IS values are consistent between the two mags BOOL CShiftManager::CanTransferIS(int magFrom, int magTo, BOOL STEMcamera, int GIFcamera) { int i, mag; if (!mScope) return false; if (GIFcamera < 0) GIFcamera = mCamParams[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()].GIF ? 1 : 0; int *boundaries = mScope->GetShiftBoundaries(GIFcamera); // For a STEM camera, check each LM-M boundary (JEOL????) if (STEMcamera) { for (i = 0; i < (FEIscope ? 2 : 1) ; i++) { mag = mScope->GetLowestSTEMnonLMmag(i); if ((magFrom < mag && magTo >= mag) || (magFrom >= mag && magTo < mag)) return false; } return true; } // Check each boundary and return false if mags cross a boundary for (i = 0; i < mScope->GetNumShiftBoundaries(); i++) { mag = boundaries[i]; if ((magFrom < mag && magTo >= mag) || (magFrom >= mag && magTo < mag)) return false; } return true; } // Returns whether two mags are separated by a beam shift boundary bool CShiftManager::CrossesBeamShiftBoundary(int mag1, int mag2) { int ind; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mBeamShiftBoundaries.size(); ind++) if ((mag1 < mBeamShiftBoundaries[ind] && mag2 >= mBeamShiftBoundaries[ind]) || (mag1 >= mBeamShiftBoundaries[ind] && mag2 < mBeamShiftBoundaries[ind])) return true; return false; } // Transfer a general image shift from one mag to another; toCam is optional void CShiftManager::TransferGeneralIS(int fromMag, double fromX, double fromY, int toMag, double &toX, double &toY, int toCam) { ScaleMat cMat, cTo, cProd; int iCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); toX = toY = 0; if (!fromMag || !toMag) return; toX = fromX; toY = fromY; if (toMag == fromMag || CanTransferIS(toMag, fromMag, mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera, mCamParams[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0)) { SEMTrace('l', "TransferGeneralIS %d to %d direct copy", fromMag, toMag); return; } else { cMat = IStoSpecimen(fromMag); cTo = IStoSpecimen(toMag, toCam); if (!cTo.xpx || !cMat.xpx) return; cProd = MatMul(cMat, MatInv(cTo)); toX = cProd.xpx * fromX + cProd.xpy * fromY; toY = cProd.ypx * fromX + cProd.ypy * fromY; SEMTrace('l', "TransferGeneralIS %d to %d (cam %d to %d): %f %f to %f %f", fromMag, toMag, iCam, toCam, fromX, fromY, toX, toY); } } // Find the nearest mag with calibrated image shift; look across image shift // boundaries if crossBorders is true int CShiftManager::NearestIScalMag(int inMag, int iCam, BOOL crossBorders) { int iDir, delta, iMag, limlo, limhi; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(iCam, inMag, limlo, limhi); if (mMagTab[inMag].matIS[iCam].xpx) return inMag; for (delta = 1; delta < MAX_MAGS; delta++) { for (iDir = -1; iDir <= 1; iDir += 2) { iMag = inMag + delta * iDir; if (iMag < limlo || iMag > limhi) continue; if (mMagTab[iMag].matIS[iCam].xpx && (CanTransferIS(iMag, inMag, mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera, mCamParams[iCam].GIF ? 1 : 0) || crossBorders)) return iMag; } } return -1; } // Add a beam shift calibration at the given mag; pass a negative mag for JEOL EFTEM mode void CShiftManager::SetBeamShiftCal(ScaleMat inMat, int inMag, int inAlpha, int inProbe, int retain) { int i, j, mag, ind, calMag, sign; int *boundaries = mWinApp->mScope->GetShiftBoundaries(); int numBound = mWinApp->mScope->GetNumShiftBoundaries(); ind = -1; // Treat negative mags as a separate set of mags (JEOL EFTEM mode) sign = inMag < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Look at each existing beam shift cal and see if it is on same side of all // boundaries as the new mag for (j = 0; j < mNumBeamShiftCals; j++) { calMag = mBeamCalMagInd[j]; if ((calMag < 0 ? -1 : 1) != sign) continue; if (mBeamCalProbe[j] != inProbe) continue; // Alpha test: replace only if old one has no alpha or the alphas match // This is somewhat flawed as it may arbitrarily pick one of several to replace if (!(mBeamCalAlpha[j] < 0 || mBeamCalAlpha[j] == inAlpha)) continue; if (mBeamCalRetain[j] && calMag != inMag) continue; if (CrossesBeamShiftBoundary(sign * calMag, sign * inMag)) continue; for (i = 0; i < numBound; i++) { mag = boundaries[i]; if ((sign * calMag < mag && sign * inMag >= mag) || (sign * calMag >= mag && sign * inMag < mag)) break; } // If got through loop, then on same side as new mag; replace this calibration // in this case or if there was no mag index at all if (!calMag || i == numBound) { ind = j; break; } } if (ind < 0) { ind = mNumBeamShiftCals++; mBeamCalMagInd.push_back(inMag); mBeamCalAlpha.push_back(inAlpha); mBeamCalProbe.push_back(inProbe); mBeamCalRetain.push_back(retain); } else { mBeamCalMagInd[ind] = inMag; mBeamCalAlpha[ind] = inAlpha; mBeamCalProbe[ind] = inProbe; mBeamCalRetain[ind] = retain; } mIStoBS[ind] = inMat; } // Get a beam shift calibration for the given mag and alpha (default -3333, means use // FastAlpha value) ScaleMat CShiftManager::GetBeamShiftCal(int magInd, int inAlpha, int inProbe) { int j, dir, diff, calMag, loop, skipBound, numBoundLoop, numLoop, calSign = 1; int bestJ = -1, bestMag; ScaleMat mat, mat2, currIStoSpec, calSpecToIS; mat.xpx = 0.; if (!mNumBeamShiftCals) return mat; currIStoSpec = IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (inAlpha < -1000) inAlpha = mScope->FastAlpha(); if (inProbe < 0) inProbe = mScope->GetProbeMode(); numLoop = inAlpha < 0 ? 1 : 2; numBoundLoop = mBeamShiftBoundaries.size() > 0 ? 2 : 1; // Access only ones with negative mag index for JEOL EFTEM mode if (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode()) calSign = -1; // Loop through this twice if alpha; first try to match alpha // First look through calibrations, and if there is one that can transfer IS, use its // matrix directly; then fall back to specimen transformations for (loop = 1; loop <= numLoop; loop++) { // And loop through this twice if there are boundaries: first obey the boundaries, // then ignore them for (skipBound = 0; skipBound < numBoundLoop; skipBound++) { for (j = 0; j < mNumBeamShiftCals; j++) { calMag = calSign * mBeamCalMagInd[j]; if (calMag < 0) continue; if (inProbe != mBeamCalProbe[j]) continue; // If it not the last time through the loop, require a matching alpha if (loop < numLoop && mBeamCalAlpha[j] != inAlpha) continue; // Assume old calibration is from M mode range if (!calMag) calMag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); if (CanTransferIS(calMag, magInd) && (skipBound || !CrossesBeamShiftBoundary(calMag, magInd))) { if (bestJ < 0 || B3DABS(calMag - magInd) < B3DABS(bestMag - magInd)) { bestJ = j; bestMag = calMag; if (bestMag == magInd) break; } } } if (bestJ >= 0) { if (JEOLscope) SEMTrace('c', "For mag %d alpha %d returning BS cal from mag %d alpha %d", magInd, inAlpha + 1, bestMag, mBeamCalAlpha[bestJ] + 1); return mIStoBS[bestJ]; } // Must have a IS to specimen transformation for this mag for next loops if (!currIStoSpec.xpx) continue; // Look at calibrations, from closest to farther mags, and find one with an // IS to specimen transformation and use it to transform the calibrated BS matrix // But loop twice if alpha; first try to match alpha for (diff = 1; diff < MAX_MAGS; diff++) { for (dir = 1; dir >= -1; dir -= 2) { for (j = 0; j < mNumBeamShiftCals; j++) { calMag = calSign * mBeamCalMagInd[j]; if (calMag < 0) continue; if (inProbe != mBeamCalProbe[j]) continue; if (loop < numLoop && mBeamCalAlpha[j] != inAlpha) continue; if (!calMag) calMag = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); if (!skipBound && CrossesBeamShiftBoundary(calMag, magInd)) continue; // Check a mag only if it is on the same side of LM-M as given mag if (magInd + dir * diff == calMag && mScope->BothLMorNotLM(calMag, false, magInd, false)) { mat2 = IStoSpecimen(calMag); if (mat2.xpx) { calSpecToIS = MatInv(mat2); mat2 = MatMul(calSpecToIS, mIStoBS[j]); mat = MatMul(currIStoSpec, mat2); SEMTrace('c', "For mag %d alpha %d using specimen transfer of BS cal" " from mag %d alpha %d", magInd, inAlpha + 1, calMag, mBeamCalAlpha[j] + 1); return mat; } } } } } } } return mat; } // List the beam shift calibrations void CShiftManager::ListBeamShiftCals() { int ind, jnd, iCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), useMag; CString str1, str2; ScaleMat prod, specToIS; IntVec calInds; bool hasAlpha = JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha(); if (!mNumBeamShiftCals) return; // Sort on alpha/probe then on mag within alpha/probe for (ind = 0; ind < mNumBeamShiftCals; ind++) calInds.push_back(ind); for (ind = 0; ind < mNumBeamShiftCals - 1; ind++) { for (jnd = ind + 1; jnd < mNumBeamShiftCals; jnd++) { if ((hasAlpha && mBeamCalAlpha[calInds[ind]] > mBeamCalAlpha[calInds[jnd]]) || (FEIscope && mBeamCalProbe[calInds[ind]] > mBeamCalProbe[calInds[jnd]])) B3DSWAP(calInds[ind], calInds[jnd], useMag); } } for (ind = 0; ind < mNumBeamShiftCals - 1; ind++) { for (jnd = ind + 1; jnd < mNumBeamShiftCals; jnd++) { if ((HitachiScope || (JEOLscope && (!hasAlpha || mBeamCalAlpha[calInds[ind]] == mBeamCalAlpha[calInds[jnd]])) || (FEIscope && mBeamCalProbe[calInds[ind]] == mBeamCalProbe[calInds[jnd]])) && mBeamCalMagInd[calInds[ind]] > mBeamCalMagInd[calInds[jnd]]) { B3DSWAP(calInds[ind], calInds[jnd], useMag); } } } mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nBeam shift calibrations as specimen to beam shift matrices:"); str1 = "Ind "; if (FEIscope) str1 += "Probe"; else if (hasAlpha) str1 += "Alpha"; mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 4); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str1 + " Matrix Mag" + CString(JEOLscope ? " Refined" : "")); for (jnd = 0; jnd < mNumBeamShiftCals; jnd++) { ind = calInds[jnd]; str1.Format("%2d ", mBeamCalMagInd[ind]); str2 = ""; if (FEIscope) str2 = mBeamCalProbe[ind] ? " uP " : " nP "; else if (hasAlpha) str2.Format(" %d ", mBeamCalAlpha[ind] + 1); str1 += str2; // JEOL GIF calibrations are at negative mag indexes useMag = B3DABS(mBeamCalMagInd[ind]); specToIS = MatInv(IStoSpecimen(useMag)); if (specToIS.xpx) { prod = MatMul(specToIS, mIStoBS[ind]); str2.Format(" %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %12d", prod.xpx, prod.xpy, prod.ypx, prod.ypy, mMagTab[useMag].mag); if (JEOLscope) str2 += mBeamCalRetain[ind] ? " 1" : " 0"; } else { str2.Format(" No image shift to specimen matrix available %12d", MagForCamera(iCam, useMag)); } str1 += str2; mWinApp->AppendToLog(str1); } } // Convert a beam shift at the given mag to a specimen shift, return true if possible bool CShiftManager::BeamShiftToSpecimenShift(ScaleMat & IStoBS, int magInd, double beamDelX, double beamDelY, float & specX, float & specY) { ScaleMat BStoIS, IStoSpec, BStoSpec; specX = specY = 0; if (IStoBS.xpx && magInd) { BStoIS = MatInv(IStoBS); IStoSpec = IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (IStoSpec.xpx) { BStoSpec = MatMul(BStoIS, IStoSpec); ApplyScaleMatrix(BStoSpec, beamDelX, beamDelY, specX, specY); return true; } } return false; } // Returns factors needed to adjust a camera or IS to stage matrix for stage tilt, the // return value is the tilt angle double CShiftManager::GetStageTiltFactors(float & xTiltFac, float & yTiltFac) { double angle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); float cosa = cos(DTOR * angle); xTiltFac = (HitachiScope ? cosa : 1.f); yTiltFac = (HitachiScope ? 1.f : cosa); return angle; } // Given any angle, returns a value between -180 and 180. double CShiftManager::GoodAngle(double angle) { return UtilGoodAngle(angle); } // Multiply two matrices: aa is matrix applied first ScaleMat MatMul(ScaleMat aa, ScaleMat bb) { ScaleMat cc = {0., 0., 0., 0.};; if (!aa.xpx || !bb.xpx) return cc; cc.xpx = bb.xpx * aa.xpx + bb.xpy * aa.ypx; cc.xpy = bb.xpx * aa.xpy + bb.xpy * aa.ypy; cc.ypx = bb.ypx * aa.xpx + bb.ypy * aa.ypx; cc.ypy = bb.ypx * aa.xpy + bb.ypy * aa.ypy; return cc; } // Inverts a matrix, with optional parameter to do it for a matrix that operates between // left-handed and right-handed coordinates ScaleMat MatInv(ScaleMat aa, bool yInverted) { ScaleMat inv; float ySign = yInverted ? -1.f : 1.f; float det = ySign * (aa.xpx * aa.ypy - aa.xpy * aa.ypx); inv.xpx = 0.; if (!aa.xpx) return inv; inv.xpx = aa.ypy * ySign / det; inv.xpy = -aa.xpy / det; inv.ypx = -aa.ypx / det; inv.ypy = ySign * aa.xpx / det; return inv; } ScaleMat CShiftManager::MatMul(ScaleMat aa, ScaleMat bb) { return ::MatMul(aa, bb); } ScaleMat CShiftManager::MatInv(ScaleMat aa) { return ::MatInv(aa); } // Apply a scale matrix to x and Y values, adding to existing values if incremental is set // (default false). Set testXpx to false for simple 90-degree matrix! // Double/float to float must have separate output from input void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat &mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, float &xTo, float &yTo, bool incremental, bool testXpx) { if (!incremental) xTo = yTo = 0.; if (testXpx && !mat.xpx) return; xTo += (float)(mat.xpx * xFrom + mat.xpy * yFrom); yTo += (float)(mat.ypx * xFrom + mat.ypy * yFrom); } // Double/float to double can have the output the same as the input void ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat &mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, double &xTo, double &yTo, bool incremental, bool testXpx) { float fxTo = (float)xTo; float fyTo = (float)yTo; ApplyScaleMatrix(mat, xFrom, yFrom, fxTo, fyTo, incremental, testXpx); xTo = fxTo; yTo = fyTo; } void CShiftManager::ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat &mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, float &xTo, float &yTo, bool incremental, bool testXpx) { ::ApplyScaleMatrix(mat, xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, incremental, testXpx); } void CShiftManager::ApplyScaleMatrix(ScaleMat &mat, double xFrom, double yFrom, double &xTo, double &yTo, bool incremental, bool testXpx) { ::ApplyScaleMatrix(mat, xFrom, yFrom, xTo, yTo, incremental, testXpx); } // Scales and rotates a matrix ScaleMat CShiftManager::MatScaleRotate(ScaleMat aMat, float scale, float rotation) { ScaleMat rotMat; rotMat.xpx = rotMat.ypy = cos(rotation * DTOR) * scale; rotMat.xpy = -sin(rotation * DTOR) * scale; rotMat.ypx = -rotMat.xpy; return MatMul(aMat, rotMat); } // Sets up an IMOD-style transform qith scale, rotation, and shift void CShiftManager::MakeScaleRotTransXform(float xf[6], float scale, float rot, float dx, float dy) { xf[0] = scale * (float)cos(rot * DTOR); xf[2] = -scale * (float)sin(rot * DTOR); xf[1] = -xf[2]; xf[3] = xf[0]; xf[4] = dx; xf[5] = dy; } // Sets up an IMOD-style transform from a ScaleMat and delta values. void CShiftManager::ScaleMatToIMODxform(ScaleMat mat, float delx, float dely, float xf[6]) { xf[0] = mat.xpx; xf[2] = mat.xpy; xf[1] = mat.ypx; xf[3] = mat.ypy; xf[4] = delx; xf[5] = dely; } // Returns a ScaleMat and delta values from an IMOD-style transform ScaleMat CShiftManager::IMODxformToScaleMat(float xf[6], float &delx, float &dely) { ScaleMat mat; mat.xpx = xf[0]; mat.xpy = xf[2]; mat.ypx = xf[1]; mat.ypy = xf[3]; delx = xf[4]; dely = xf[5]; return mat; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Image shift checking and timing routines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Verify that image shift is OK given current limits BOOL CShiftManager::ImageShiftIsOK(double newX, double newY, BOOL incremental) { double oldX, oldY; ScaleMat cMat; float specX, specY; int magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); float limit = magInd >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() ? mRegularShiftLimit : mLowMagShiftLimit; if (incremental) { mScope->FastImageShift(oldX, oldY); newX += oldX; newY += oldY; } if (mUseSquareShiftLimits) { cMat = IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (cMat.xpx == 0.) return true; // Test specimen distance on each axis separately specX = newX * cMat.xpx; specY = newX * cMat.ypx; if (sqrt(specX * specX + specY * specY) >= limit) return false; specX = newY * cMat.xpy; specY = newY * cMat.ypy; return (sqrt(specX * specX + specY * specY) < limit); } // Compute distance in specimen plane and compare to its limit return (RadialShiftOnSpecimen(newX, newY, magInd) < limit); } // Compute the radial distance on specimen corresponding to an image shift double CShiftManager::RadialShiftOnSpecimen(double inISX, double inISY, int inMagInd) { ScaleMat cMat = IStoSpecimen(inMagInd); if (cMat.xpx == 0.) return 0.; double specX = inISX * cMat.xpx + inISY * cMat.xpy; double specY = inISX * cMat.ypx + inISY * cMat.ypy; return sqrt(specX * specX + specY * specY); } // Get the delay needed for an anticipated image shift float CShiftManager::PredictISDelay(double ISX, double ISY) { double delX, delY; mScope->GetImageShift(delX, delY); delX = ISX - delX; delY = ISY - delY; return ComputeISDelay(delX, delY); } // Get the delay needed for the last image shift float CShiftManager::GetLastISDelay() { double delX, delY; mScope->GetLastISChange(delX, delY); return ComputeISDelay(delX, delY); } // Get the delay needed for the given incremental image shift float CShiftManager::ComputeISDelay(double delX, double delY) { int i; int ind = mScope->FastMagIndex(); float delay, frac; if (!delX && !delY) return 0.; // Convert each component to distance on the specimen separately ScaleMat aMat = IStoSpecimen(ind); if (aMat.xpx == 0.) return 2.5f; float delSpecX = (float)sqrt(pow(delX * aMat.xpx, 2) + pow(delX * aMat.ypx, 2)); float delSpecY = (float)sqrt(pow(delY * aMat.xpy, 2) + pow(delY * aMat.ypy, 2)); if (delSpecY > delSpecX) delSpecX = delSpecY; // In low mag mode the effective distance is much less because lower coil setting // is needed for a given movement if (ind < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) delSpecX /= 10.; // Find first entry in table above this value for (i = 0; i < mNumISdelays - 2; i++) { if (delSpecX < mISmoved[i + 1]) break; } // Interpolate/extrapolate from this segment if (mNumISdelays < 2) { delay = mISdelayNeeded[0]; } else { frac = (delSpecX - mISmoved[i]) / (mISmoved[i + 1] - mISmoved[i]); delay = (1.f - frac) * mISdelayNeeded[i] + frac * mISdelayNeeded[i + 1]; } if (delay < 0.) delay = 0.; // Increase delay logarithmically for smaller Record pixel sizes than 1 nm if (mDelayPerMagDoubling) { float pixel = GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ind) * mConSets[RECORD_CONSET].binning; delSpecX = 0.001 / pixel; if (delSpecX > 1.) delay += mDelayPerMagDoubling * log(delSpecX) / log(2.); } // For STEM, the delay just needs to be less. This is about right when calibrating // IS on a Tecnai if (mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) delay /= 5.; return mISdelayScaleFactor * delay; } static void CheckTimeout(UINT value, const char * descrip) { float crit = 300000.; // This gives interval from current time to value double interval = SEMTickInterval(value); if (interval < -crit) PrintfToLog("WARNING (please report): Timeout for %s is too long (%.2f sec, timeout" " %u, ticks %u)", descrip, -0.001 * interval, value, GetTickCount()); } // Set the time out time to be present time plus the delay, but do not make // it smaller than a current value. If it is later than the current value, mark that it // came from a true IS timeout void CShiftManager::SetISTimeOut(float inDelay) { UINT newTime = AddIntervalToTickTime(GetTickCount(), (int)(1000. * inDelay)) ; CheckTimeout(newTime, "IS Timeout"); if (SEMTickInterval(newTime, mISTimeOut) > 0.) { mISTimeOut = newTime; mLastTimeoutWasIS = true; } } // Store a requested timeout time in the IS timeout variable but mark it as not an IS void CShiftManager::SetGeneralTimeOut(UINT inTime) { CheckTimeout(inTime, "general timeout"); if (SEMTickInterval(mISTimeOut, inTime) < 0) mISTimeOut = inTime; mLastTimeoutWasIS = false; } void CShiftManager::SetGeneralTimeOut(UINT inTicks, int interval) { CheckTimeout(inTicks, "general timeout before adding interval"); SetGeneralTimeOut(AddIntervalToTickTime(inTicks, interval)); } UINT CShiftManager::GetAdjustedTiltDelay(double tiltChange) { double scaleFac = 1.; double baseInc = mScope->GetBaseIncrement(); // Get the basic tilt delay from TS if doing one and not doing a task float tiltDelay = mTiltDelay; TiltSeriesParam *tsParam = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); if (mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() && !mWinApp->mComplexTasks->DoingTasks()) tiltDelay = tsParam->tiltDelay; if (tiltChange > 0. && baseInc > 0) scaleFac = sqrt(tiltChange / baseInc); scaleFac = B3DMAX(0.33, B3DMIN(2., scaleFac)); // 6/12/10: limit scale factor to 1 by a tilt delay of 8 (fix stupid bug from 4/09) if (scaleFac > 1.) scaleFac = 1. + B3DMIN(6., B3DMAX(0., (8. - tiltDelay))) * (scaleFac - 1.) / 6.; return (UINT)(1000. * scaleFac * tiltDelay); } UINT CShiftManager::GetGeneralTimeOut(int whichSet) { // Calculate a tilt timeout for certain defined functions: Record shots, and // autofocusing and ??? UINT tiltTimeOut = 0; if (whichSet != TRACK_CONSET && (whichSet > 2 || mWinApp->mFocusManager->DoingFocus())) { tiltTimeOut = AddIntervalToTickTime(mScope->GetLastTiltTime(), GetAdjustedTiltDelay(mScope->GetLastTiltChange())); CheckTimeout(tiltTimeOut, "Tilt timeout with adjusted tilt delay"); } else { tiltTimeOut = AddIntervalToTickTime(mScope->GetLastTiltTime(), mMinTiltDelay); CheckTimeout(tiltTimeOut, "Tilt timeout with min tilt delay"); } // Get timeout since last normalization and take max UINT normTimeOut = GetNormalizationTimeOut(false); if (SEMTickInterval(normTimeOut, tiltTimeOut) < 0) normTimeOut = tiltTimeOut; // Compute a timeout since the last stage move and take max, based on a delay time that // Was reset to default at end of stage move and possibly changed by routine after that tiltTimeOut = AddIntervalToTickTime(mScope->GetLastStageTime(), mStageDelayToUse); CheckTimeout(tiltTimeOut, "Stage move timeout"); if (SEMTickInterval(normTimeOut, tiltTimeOut) < 0) normTimeOut = tiltTimeOut; // Compare with the IS timeout and if it is later, mark as not being true IS timeout if (SEMTickInterval(normTimeOut, mISTimeOut) > 0) mLastTimeoutWasIS = false; return (SEMTickInterval(normTimeOut, mISTimeOut) > 0 ? normTimeOut : mISTimeOut); } // Compute a timeout since last normalization UINT CShiftManager::GetNormalizationTimeOut(bool leavingLMalso) { CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); int normDelay = mNormalizationDelay; if (mLowMagNormDelay > 0 && mScope->GetLastNormMagIndex() > 0 && (mScope->GetLastNormMagIndex() < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(camP) || (leavingLMalso && mScope->GetPrevNormMagIndex() > 0 && mScope->GetPrevNormMagIndex() < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(camP)))) normDelay = mLowMagNormDelay; UINT normTimeOut = AddIntervalToTickTime(mScope->GetLastNormalization(), normDelay); CheckTimeout(normTimeOut, "normalization delay"); return normTimeOut; } void CShiftManager::ResetAllTimeouts() { DWORD reset = AddIntervalToTickTime(GetTickCount(), -60000); mISTimeOut = reset; mScope->SetLastNormalization(reset); mScope->SetLastTiltTime(reset); mScope->SetLastStageTime(reset); } // Add a millisecond interval to a tick count and get a valid tick count with wraparound UINT CShiftManager::AddIntervalToTickTime(UINT ticks, int interval) { double newTicks = (double)ticks + interval; while (newTicks < 0) newTicks += 4294967296.; while (newTicks >= 4294967296.) newTicks -= 4294967296.; return (UINT)newTicks; } // Return a matrix for rotating an image that is corrected for underlying stretch if one // has been entered with properties ScaleMat CShiftManager::StretchCorrectedRotation(int camera, int magInd, float rotation) { ScaleMat mat, raMat, bb; float smagMean, str; double thetad, alpha; int dist, minDist = 1000; int lowestM = mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(&mCamParams[camera]); RotStretchXform rotXform; // Get rotation matrix to start with mat.xpx = mat.ypy = cos(DTOR * rotation); mat.ypx = sin(DTOR * rotation); mat.xpy = -mat.ypx; if (camera < 0 || magInd <= 0) return mat; // Find nearest transform in the same mag range and camera for (int i = 0; i < mRotXforms.GetSize(); i++) { rotXform = mRotXforms[i]; if (camera == rotXform.camera && ((magInd < lowestM && rotXform.magInd < lowestM) || (magInd >= lowestM && rotXform.magInd >= lowestM))) { dist = magInd - rotXform.magInd; if (dist < 0) dist = -dist; if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; raMat = rotXform.mat; } } } if (minDist == 1000) return mat; bb = UnderlyingStretch(raMat, smagMean, thetad, str, alpha); // Modify rotation matrix by destretching, rotating, and restretching mat = MatMul(MatMul(MatInv(bb), mat), bb); return mat; } // Return a matrix for rotating stage coordinates that is corrected for underlying // stretch if a transformation matrix has been saved as a calibration ScaleMat CShiftManager::StretchCorrectedRotation(float rotation) { ScaleMat mat, bb; float smagMean, str; double thetad, alpha; // Get rotation matrix to start with mat.xpx = mat.ypy = cos(DTOR * rotation); mat.ypx = sin(DTOR * rotation); mat.xpy = -mat.ypx; if (mStageStretchXform.xpx == 0) return mat; bb = UnderlyingStretch(mStageStretchXform, smagMean, thetad, str, alpha); // Modify rotation matrix by destretching, rotating, and restretching mat = MatMul(MatMul(MatInv(bb), mat), bb); return mat; } // Given a transformation between rotated images or coordinates, return the underlying // no-mag stretch transformation, mean mag, actual rotation, stretch and axis of stretch ScaleMat CShiftManager::UnderlyingStretch(ScaleMat raMat, float &smagMean, double &thetad , float &str, double &alpha) { ScaleMat bb; float theta, smag, phi; double bfac, ssqr, sinsqa; // This is translated from finddistort.f // From transform between rotated images, determine rot-mag-stretch // take out the net mag change and get the no-mag transform amatToRotmagstr(raMat.xpx, raMat.xpy, raMat.ypx, raMat.ypy, &theta, &smag, &str, &phi); smagMean = (float)(smag * sqrt((double)str)); rotmagstrToAmat(theta, smag / smagMean, str, phi, &bb.xpx, &bb.xpy, &bb.ypx, &bb.ypy); // Get underlying rotation angle and derive underlying stretch thetad = acos(0.5 * (bb.xpx + bb.ypy)) * (bb.xpy - bb.ypx >= 0 ? 1. : -1.); bfac = (bb.ypx - bb.xpy) / sin(thetad); if (fabs(bfac) < 2.) ssqr = -bfac / 2.; else ssqr = (-bfac + sqrt(bfac * bfac - 4.)) / 2.; str = (float)sqrt(ssqr); sinsqa = (bb.xpy / sin(thetad) - ssqr) / (1. / ssqr - ssqr); alpha = 0.; if (sinsqa >= 0.) alpha = asin(sqrt(sinsqa)) * ((cos(thetad) - bb.ypy) / (sin(thetad) * (1. / ssqr - ssqr)) >= 0. ? 1. : -1.); // convert str and alpha to a transformation matrix bb.xpx = (float)(str + (1. / str - str) * sin(alpha) * sin(alpha)); bb.ypy = (float)(str + (1. / str - str) * cos(alpha) * cos(alpha)); bb.xpy = (float)((str - 1. / str) * cos(alpha) * sin(alpha)); bb.ypx = bb.xpy; return bb; } // Find the mag index needed for autofocusing with boosted mag, starting at given magInd int CShiftManager::FindBoostedMagIndex(int magInd, int boostMag) { int lowerMag, upperMag, ind, curcam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int retval = magInd; double pixDiff, wantPixel, minPdiff = 1.e30; if (!boostMag) return magInd; wantPixel = GetPixelSize(curcam, magInd) / boostMag; if (boostMag == 1) wantPixel *= 2; mWinApp->GetMagRangeLimits(curcam, magInd, lowerMag, upperMag); for (ind = lowerMag; ind <= upperMag; ind++) { if (!MagForCamera(curcam, ind)) continue; pixDiff = fabs(GetPixelSize(curcam, ind) - wantPixel); if (pixDiff < minPdiff) { minPdiff = pixDiff; retval = ind; } } return retval; } // Find the shift adjustment for a given set conSet at the mag magInd, provided that // it is appropriate and the shift measurement matches bool CShiftManager::ShiftAdjustmentForSet(int conSet, int magInd, float &shiftX, float &shiftY, int camera, int recBin) { LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int setMag = magInd; int recMag = magInd; int recSet = RECORD_CONSET; int conArea = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(conSet); double exprat; ControlSet *camSets = mConSets; if (camera >= 0) camSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + camera * MAX_CONSETS; if (recBin < 0) recBin = camSets[recSet].binning; shiftX = shiftY = 0.; // Require STEM mode and measurements for both sets if (!mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() || conSet > 4 || !mInterSetShifts.binning[conSet] || !mInterSetShifts.binning[recSet]) return false; // If low dose, replace mags and require no shift in axis position if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { setMag = ldp[conArea].magIndex; recMag = ldp[recSet].magIndex; if (fabs(ldp[conArea].axisPosition - ldp[recSet].axisPosition) > 0.01) return false; } // For focus, find the higher mag if appropriate if (conSet == FOCUS_CONSET && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && camSets[conSet].boostMag) setMag = FindBoostedMagIndex(magInd, camSets[conSet].boostMag); if (mInterSetShifts.binning[conSet] != camSets[conSet].binning || mInterSetShifts.binning[recSet] != recBin || mInterSetShifts.magInd[conSet] != setMag || mInterSetShifts.magInd[recSet] != recMag || fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeX[conSet] * camSets[conSet].binning - (camSets[conSet].right - camSets[conSet].left))) > 10. || fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeY[conSet] * camSets[conSet].binning - (camSets[conSet].bottom - camSets[conSet].top))) > 10. || fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeX[recSet] * recBin - (camSets[recSet].right - camSets[recSet].left))) > 10. || fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeY[recSet] * recBin - (camSets[recSet].bottom - camSets[recSet].top))) > 10.) { SEMTrace('s', "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", mInterSetShifts.binning[conSet], camSets[conSet].binning, mInterSetShifts.binning[recSet], recBin, mInterSetShifts.magInd[conSet], setMag , mInterSetShifts.magInd[recSet] , recMag, fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeX[conSet] * camSets[conSet].binning - (camSets[conSet].right - camSets[conSet].left))), fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeY[conSet] * camSets[conSet].binning - (camSets[conSet].bottom - camSets[conSet].top))) , fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeX[recSet] * recBin - (camSets[recSet].right - camSets[recSet].left))) , fabs((double)(mInterSetShifts.sizeY[recSet] * recBin - (camSets[recSet].bottom - camSets[recSet].top)))); return false; } exprat = mInterSetShifts.exposure[conSet] / camSets[conSet].exposure; if (exprat < 0.65 || exprat > 1.55) return false; shiftX = mInterSetShifts.shiftX[conSet]; shiftY = mInterSetShifts.shiftY[conSet]; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HIGH-DEFOCUS MAGNIFICATION AND ROTATION CALIBRATIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get interpolated values for scaling and rotation at the given conditions from the // nearest calibrations. Returns number if interpolated values are provided int CShiftManager::GetDefocusMagAndRot(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float &scale, float &rotation, float &nearestFocus, double nearC2Dist[2], int nearC2ind[2], int &numNearC2, int magIndForIS) { bool anyMode0 = false, anyMode1 = false; int ind, dirFoc, dirInt, indFoc, indInt, nearIntInd[2][2], numNearInt[2], nearestInd; int minInd[2][2] = {-1, -1, -1, -1}; int spotDiff, minSpotDiff = 100, magDiff, minMagDiff = 1000; bool aboveTol, closerIntFoc; double focDiff, minFocDiff, intDiff, minIntDiff, bestInt[2][2], focTol = 5.; float bestFocus[2][2] = {999., 999., 999., 999.}; double dist[2], distInt, nearIntDist[2][2]; float oneScale[2], oneRot[2], frac, oneFocus[2] = {9999., 9999.}; int aboveCross = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetAboveCrossover(spot, intensity, probeMode) ? 1 : 0; double crossover = mScope->GetCrossover(spot, probeMode); HighFocusCalArray *focusCals = magIndForIS ? &mFocusISCals : &mFocusMagCals; scale = 1.; rotation = 0.; if (!focusCals->GetSize()) return 0; // See if there are any calibrations in nanoprobe or microprobe for (ind = 0; ind < focusCals->GetSize(); ind++) { HighFocusMagCal& cal = focusCals->ElementAt(ind); if (cal.probeMode) anyMode1 = true; else anyMode0 = true; } // If probe mode is not specified and there is only one kind of calibration, use it // (This is probably never invoked) if (probeMode < 0 && !anyMode1) probeMode = 0; else if (probeMode < 0 && !anyMode0) probeMode = 1; // Otherwise insist on a probe mode match if (!((probeMode == 0 && anyMode0) || (probeMode == 1 && anyMode1))) return 0; // Find the nearest calibration in each direction for focus and intensity for (dirFoc = -1; dirFoc <= 1; dirFoc += 2) { indFoc = (dirFoc + 1) / 2; for (dirInt = -1; dirInt <= 1; dirInt += 2) { indInt = (dirInt + 1) / 2; minFocDiff = minIntDiff = 1.e10; for (ind = 0; ind < focusCals->GetSize(); ind++) { HighFocusMagCal& cal = focusCals->ElementAt(ind); if (cal.probeMode == probeMode && aboveCross == (mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->GetAboveCrossover(cal.spot, cal.intensity, cal.probeMode) ? 1 : 0)) { intDiff = cal.intensity - intensity; focDiff = cal.defocus - defocus; spotDiff = B3DABS(cal.spot - spot); magDiff = B3DABS(cal.magIndex - magIndForIS); aboveTol = fabs(bestFocus[indFoc][indInt] - cal.defocus) >= focTol; // A calibration is better if it is from a closer spot size, or they are // at about the same focus and at a closer intensity, or the focus is closer closerIntFoc = (fabs(intDiff) < minIntDiff && !aboveTol) || (fabs(focDiff) < minFocDiff && aboveTol); if (dirInt * intDiff >= 0. && dirFoc * focDiff >= 0 && (spotDiff < minSpotDiff || (spotDiff == minSpotDiff && closerIntFoc))) { // Keep track of focus and intensity at best cal bestInt[indFoc][indInt] = cal.intensity; minIntDiff = fabs(intDiff); bestFocus[indFoc][indInt] = cal.defocus; minFocDiff = fabs(focDiff); minInd[indFoc][indInt] = ind; minSpotDiff = spotDiff; minMagDiff = magDiff; } } } } } // First process each focus level for (dirFoc = -1; dirFoc <= 1; dirFoc += 2) { // Eliminate farther one out in defocus indFoc = (dirFoc + 1) / 2; if (minInd[indFoc][0] >= 0 && minInd[indFoc][1] >= 0) { if (dirFoc * (bestFocus[indFoc][1] - bestFocus[indFoc][0]) > focTol) minInd[indFoc][1] = -1; else if (dirFoc * (bestFocus[indFoc][0] - bestFocus[indFoc][1]) > focTol) minInd[indFoc][0] = -1; } // compute inverse distances from crossover numNearInt[indFoc] = 0; distInt = intensity; if (crossover > 0) distInt = 1. / fabs(intensity - crossover); for (ind = 0; ind < 2; ind++) { if (minInd[indFoc][ind] >= 0) { HighFocusMagCal& cal = focusCals->ElementAt(minInd[indFoc][ind]); dist[ind] = cal.intensity; if (crossover > 0) dist[ind] = 1. / fabs(dist[ind] - crossover); nearIntInd[indFoc][numNearInt[indFoc]] = minInd[indFoc][ind]; nearIntDist[indFoc][numNearInt[indFoc]] = fabs(dist[ind] - distInt); numNearInt[indFoc]++; } } // If still two left, interpolate if (minInd[indFoc][0] >= 0 && minInd[indFoc][1] >= 0) { HighFocusMagCal& cal0 = focusCals->ElementAt(minInd[indFoc][0]); HighFocusMagCal& cal1 = focusCals->ElementAt(minInd[indFoc][1]); if (dist[1] < dist[0]) frac = (float)((distInt - dist[0]) / B3DMIN(-1.e-6, dist[1] - dist[0])); else frac = (float)((distInt - dist[0]) / B3DMAX(1.e-6, dist[1] - dist[0])); oneScale[indFoc] = (1.f - frac) * cal0.scale + frac * cal1.scale; oneRot[indFoc] = (1.f - frac) * cal0.rotation + frac * cal1.rotation; oneFocus[indFoc] = cal0.defocus; } else if (minInd[indFoc][0] >= 0) { // Or assign from one or the other HighFocusMagCal& cal0 = focusCals->ElementAt(minInd[indFoc][0]); oneScale[indFoc] = cal0.scale; oneRot[indFoc] = cal0.rotation; oneFocus[indFoc] = cal0.defocus; } else if (minInd[indFoc][1] >= 0) { HighFocusMagCal& cal1 = focusCals->ElementAt(minInd[indFoc][1]); oneScale[indFoc] = cal1.scale; oneRot[indFoc] = cal1.rotation; oneFocus[indFoc] = cal1.defocus; } } // Assign or interpolate between focuses if (oneFocus[0] > 9000. && oneFocus[1] > 9000.) { return 0; } else if (oneFocus[0] > 9000.) { rotation = oneRot[1]; scale = oneScale[1]; nearestInd = 1; } else if (oneFocus[1] > 9000.) { frac = defocus / B3DMIN(-1., oneFocus[0]); rotation = frac * oneRot[0]; scale = 1. + frac * (oneScale[0] - 1.); nearestInd = 0; } else { frac = (defocus - oneFocus[0]) / B3DMAX(1., oneFocus[1] - oneFocus[0]); scale = (1.f - frac) * oneScale[0] + frac * oneScale[1]; rotation = (1.f - frac) * oneRot[0] + frac * oneRot[1]; nearestInd = B3DCHOICE(oneFocus[1] - defocus > defocus - oneFocus[0], 0, 1); } // Return the nearest focus, and the two intensities around it nearestFocus = oneFocus[nearestInd]; numNearC2 = numNearInt[nearestInd]; for (ind = 0; ind < numNearInt[nearestInd]; ind++) { nearC2ind[ind] = nearIntInd[nearestInd][ind]; nearC2Dist[ind] = nearIntDist[nearestInd][ind]; } SEMTrace('c', "For focus %.2f intensity %.5f %s scale = %.4f rotation = %.2f", defocus, intensity, magIndForIS ? " IS" : "stage", scale, rotation); return (oneFocus[0] > 9000. || oneFocus[1] > 9000.) ? 1 : 2; } // Version for those who don't care about details int CShiftManager::GetDefocusMagAndRot(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float &scale, float &rotation) { double nearC2dist[2]; float nearestFocus; int nearC2Ind[2], numNearC2; return GetDefocusMagAndRot(spot, probeMode, intensity, defocus, scale, rotation, nearestFocus, nearC2dist, nearC2Ind, numNearC2); } // Add one calibration to the array void CShiftManager::AddHighFocusMagCal(int spot, int probeMode, double intensity, float defocus, float scale, float rotation, int magIndForIS) { double focTol = 5.; double distC2tol = mC2SpacingForHighFocus; double nearC2dist[2]; int ind, nearC2Ind[2], numNearC2, numRemove = 0, remove[2], newAp = 0; float nearScale, nearRot, nearFoc; HighFocusCalArray *focusCals = magIndForIS ? &mFocusISCals : &mFocusMagCals; HighFocusMagCal cal; GetDefocusMagAndRot(spot, probeMode, intensity, defocus, nearScale, nearRot, nearFoc, nearC2dist, nearC2Ind, numNearC2, magIndForIS); cal.crossover = mScope->GetCrossover(spot, probeMode); if (cal.crossover <= 0.) distC2tol /= 4.f; // Remove existing one(s) if inverse intensity is close enough if (focusCals->GetSize() && fabs((double)defocus - nearFoc) < focTol) { for (ind = 0; ind < numNearC2; ind++) if (nearC2dist[ind] < distC2tol) remove[numRemove++] = nearC2Ind[ind]; if (numRemove == 2 && remove[0] == remove[1]) numRemove = 1; for (ind = 0; ind < numRemove; ind++) { HighFocusMagCal& cal = focusCals->ElementAt(remove[ind]); if (magIndForIS && magIndForIS == cal.magIndex && spot == cal.spot) { PrintfToLog("Removing nearby calibration at defocus %.2f intensity % .3f%s", cal.defocus, mScope->GetC2Percent(spot, cal.intensity, probeMode), mScope->GetC2Units()); focusCals->RemoveAt(remove[ind]); } } } // Manage aperture dependence when defocus changes if (mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2()) { if (fabs((double)defocus - mLastFocusForMagCal) < 5.) { newAp = mLastApertureForMagCal; } else { newAp = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->RequestApertureSize(); if (newAp) { mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ScaleTablesForAperture(newAp, false); } else mWinApp->AppendToLog("No aperture size is being recorded for this calibration"); } } // Store the calibrations mLastApertureForMagCal = newAp; mLastFocusForMagCal = defocus; cal.measuredAperture = newAp; cal.defocus = defocus; cal.intensity = intensity; cal.probeMode = probeMode; cal.rotation = rotation; cal.scale = scale; cal.spot = spot; cal.magIndex = magIndForIS; focusCals->Add(cal); mWinApp->mDocWnd->CalibrationWasDone(CAL_DONE_HIGH_FOCUS); } // Return a stage to camera matrix adjusted for the given conditions ScaleMat CShiftManager::FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int spot, int probe, double intensity, float defocus, bool forIS) { float scale, rotation, nearFoc; double nearC2dist[2]; int nearC2Ind[2], numNearC2; ScaleMat aMat = forIS ? IStoGivenCamera(inMagInd, inCamera) : StageToCamera(inCamera, inMagInd); if (defocus >= 0. || inMagInd < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() || !GetDefocusMagAndRot(spot, probe, intensity, defocus, scale, rotation, nearFoc, nearC2dist, nearC2Ind, numNearC2, forIS ? inMagInd : 0)) return aMat; aMat = MatScaleRotate(aMat, scale, rotation); SEMTrace('c', "Adjusted %s cal %.5g %.5g %.5g %.5g", forIS ? "IS" : "stage", aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy); return aMat; } // Variant for using an image buffer ScaleMat CShiftManager::FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, bool forIS) { float defocus = 0.; int spot = 1; double intensity = 0.5; ScaleMat aMat = {0., 0., 0., 1.}; if (imBuf->mCamera < 0 || !imBuf->mMagInd) return aMat; if (imBuf->mLowDoseArea && imBuf->mMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed)) { defocus = imBuf->mViewDefocus; if (!imBuf->GetSpotSize(spot) || !imBuf->GetIntensity(intensity)) defocus = 0.; } return FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mMagInd, spot, imBuf->mProbeMode, intensity, defocus, forIS); } // Return scale and rotation values for an image buffer, returns number of focus cals // involved if any returned int CShiftManager::GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &scale, float &rotation) { double intensity; int spot; scale = 1.; rotation = 0.; if (imBuf->mLowDoseArea && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed) && imBuf->GetSpotSize(spot) && imBuf->GetIntensity(intensity)) return GetDefocusMagAndRot(spot, imBuf->mProbeMode, intensity, imBuf->mViewDefocus, scale, rotation); return false; } // Return a stage to camera matrix adjusted for the given conditions ScaleMat CShiftManager::FocusAdjustedISToCamera(int inCamera, int inMagInd, int spot, int probe, double intensity, float defocus) { return FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(inCamera, inMagInd, spot, probe, intensity, defocus, true); } ScaleMat CShiftManager::FocusAdjustedISToCamera(EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { return FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(imBuf, true); }