#pragma once #include "MagTable.h" #include #define MAX_SHIFTS 30 class CEMscope; struct STEMinterSetShifts; class CShiftCalibrator { public: CShiftCalibrator(void); ~CShiftCalibrator(void); GetSetMember(float, StageCalBacklash) GetSetMember(float, MaxLMCalShift) GetSetMember(float, MaxCalShift) GetSetMember(int,GIFofsFromMag) GetSetMember(int, GIFofsToMag) GetSetMember(double, GIFofsISX) GetSetMember(double, GIFofsISY) GetSetMember(BOOL, WholeCorrForStageCal); GetSetMember(float, StageCycleX) GetSetMember(float, StageCycleY) GetSetMember(float, CalISOstageLimit) GetSetMember(float, MaxStageCalExtent) GetSetMember(BOOL, UseTrialSize) GetSetMember(BOOL, UseTrialBinning) GetMember(double, ISStimeStampLast); SetMember(bool, SkipLensNormNextIScal); GetSetMember(int, CalToggleInterval); GetSetMember(int, NumCalToggles); GetSetMember(float, MinFieldSixPointCal); BOOL CalibratingIS() {return mShiftIndex >= 0;}; void Initialize(); void CalibrateIS(int ifRep, BOOL calStage, BOOL fromMacro); void DoNextShift(); void ShiftCleanup(int error); void ShiftDone(); void StopCalibrating(); void CalibrateISoffset(void); void CalISoffsetNextMag(void); void CalISoffsetDone(BOOL ifStop); BOOL CalibratingOffset() {return mCalISOindex >= 0;}; private: CSerialEMApp * mWinApp; MagTable *mMagTab; ControlSet * mConSets; CString * mModeNames; CameraParameters *mCamParams; EMimageBuffer *mImBufs; CEMscope *mScope; CCameraController *mCamera; EMbufferManager *mBufferManager; FilterParams *mFiltParam; CShiftManager *mSM; BOOL mActPostExposure; // Flag for doing post-actions in current task int mMagIndex; int mCurrentCamera; double mBaseISX, mBaseISY; // Starting image shift values BOOL mFirstCal; // Flag that there is no previous cal data ScaleMat mFirstMat; // Matrix from first calibration bool mSixPointIScal; // Flag for doing 6-point instead of 9-point cal float mMinFieldSixPointCal; // Min field size for using 6-point cal bool mCalIsHighFocus; // Calibration is being done for high defocus float mHighDefocusForIS; // Focus applied for high defocus IS cal int mLastISFocusTimeStamp; // Time when last hi focus IS cal was done float mLastISZeroFocus; // Value of 0 focus at that time bool mWarnedHighFocusNotCal; // Flag the warning was given about base cal not done int mCalIndex; // Mag index int mShiftIndex; // Index into calibration list int mNumShiftCal; // Number of images to do for calibration double mCalOutX[MAX_SHIFTS]; // IS coordinates for calibration double mCalOutY[MAX_SHIFTS]; int mCalCamSizeX; // Camera size during calibration int mCalCamSizeY; float mMaxCalShift; // Upper limit for shift when calibrating float mMaxLMCalShift; // Upper limit for shift when calibrating in low mag float mCalDelayFactor; // Factor for scaling delays in calibration int mCalBinning; // binning for calibration BOOL mCalStage; // Flag that we doing stage instead of IS cal BOOL mCalMovingStage; // Flag for alternating between stage moves and shots float mStageCalBacklash; // Backlash amount for stage calibrating int mNumStageShiftsX; // Number of shifts to do in X and Y int mNumStageShiftsY; float mStageCycleX; // Cycle length of stage variations, which defines float mStageCycleY; // optimal range over which to calibrate stage float mMaxStageCalExtent; // Maximum extent of stage calibration BOOL mWholeCorrForStageCal; // Use whole-image correlation for stage cals int mBaseShiftX[MAX_SHIFTS]; // Expected pixel shifts in calibrating int mBaseShiftY[MAX_SHIFTS]; float mTotalShiftX[MAX_SHIFTS], mTotalShiftY[MAX_SHIFTS]; // Pixel shifts found float mCTFa[8193]; // CTF for autoalign float mCCCmin, mCCCsum; // Minimum and sum of CCC's std::set mMagsTransFrom; // List of mags that IS cal was transferred from BOOL mFocusModified; // Only modify focus cals once after a request to do so int mCalISOindex; // Index of image shift offset calibration double mCalISX[MAX_MAGS]; // Image shift values recorded during calibration steps double mCalISY[MAX_MAGS]; double mCalISOstageX, mCalISOstageY, mCalISOstageZ; // Stage position at start, int mGIFofsFromMag; // Regular mag at which GIF offset measured int mGIFofsToMag; // EFETM mag at which GIF offset measured double mGIFofsISX; // Offset double mGIFofsISY; int mZeroOffsetMode; // Mode (EFTEM or regular) where one offset should be zero BOOL mSavedMouseStage; // Saved value of whether mouse shift moves stage float mCalISOstageLimit; // Limit on stage movement during IS offset cal BOOL mTakeTrial; // Take trial on each new mag int mFirstGIFCamera; // Actual not active camera numbers int mFirstRegularCamera; int mLowestISOmag; // Lowest mag index at which to do IS offset cal BOOL mUseTrialSize; // Use Trial size for shift calibrations BOOL mUseTrialBinning; // Use Trial binning for shift calibrations BOOL mFromMacro; // Flag to suppress messages, running from macro int mISSindex; // Index in interset shift measurement STEMinterSetShifts *mISSshifts; // Pointer to the shifts int mISSmagAllShotsSave; // Saved user's setting of mag All shots int mISSsetLast; // Last set it was done on double mISStimeStampLast; // Time stamp of that image double mISSscaleLast; // Scale and binning used int mISSbinningLast; bool mSkipLensNormNextIScal; // Flag to skip lens normalization on next IS cal bool mGaveFocusMagMessage; int mCalToggleInterval; // MSec interval between toggling images int mNumCalToggles; // Number of times to toggle public: void SetFirstCameras(); BOOL CheckStageGetShift(void); void CalibrateEFTEMoffset(void); void ConvertIS(int fromCam, int fromMag, double fromISX, double fromISY, int toCam, int toMag, double &toISX, double &toISY); int GetZeroOffsetMode(void); void AdjustNonzeroMode(int mode); int MagRangeWithoutIScal(int camera); BOOL BothModesHaveIScal(void); void OptimizeStageSteps(float range, double &xOut, int & numCal); float MatrixMaximum(ScaleMat *mat); int MeasureInterSetShift(int fromTS); void InterSetShiftNextTask(int param); void StopInterSetShift(void); void InterSetShiftCleanup(int error); BOOL DoingInterSetShift() {return mISSindex >= 0;}; void SaveLastInterSetShift(void); void ReviseOrCancelInterSetShifts(void); bool MatrixIsAsymmetric(ScaleMat *mat, float symCrit, float *asymm = NULL); int CalibrateHighDefocus(int fromScript, float *outScale, float *outRot); int CalibrateISatHighDefocus(bool interactive, float curFocus); void FinishHighFocusIScal(); };