//race('1' SerialEMView.cpp: Standard MFC MDI component, does the image display; // one instance manages the main image window that // displays the stack of image buffers, and others // can be created for secondary image windows // // Copyright (C) 2003 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron // Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "afxtempl.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include ".\SerialEMView.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ChildFrm.h" #include "EMbufferWindow.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "MapDrawItem.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "MultiHoleCombiner.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "ScreenShotDialog.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "ComaVsISCalDlg.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "RemoteControl.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #include "Image\KStoreIMOD.h" #include "Shared\ctffind.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "XFolderDialog/XWinVer.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define USER_PT_CLICK_TIME 500 #define PAN_THRESH 5 static double zoomvals[] = {0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.125, 0.185, 0.25, 0.37, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 15.0}; #define MAXZOOMI 21 bool CSerialEMView::mTakingSnapshot = false; SnapshotData *CSerialEMView::mSnapshotData = NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMView IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSerialEMView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSerialEMView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSerialEMView) ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL() ON_WM_KEYDOWN() ON_WM_SYSKEYDOWN() ON_WM_KEYUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_HELPINFO() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_SIZE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMView construction/destruction CSerialEMView::CSerialEMView() { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mImBufs = NULL; mImBufNumber = 1; mImBufArraySize = 0; mResizingToFit = false; mZoom = 1.0; m_iOffsetX = 0; m_iOffsetY = 0; mNonMapPanX = 0; mNonMapPanY = 0; mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mFirstDraw = true; mMadeFonts = false; mMouseShifting = false; mMainWindow = false; mStackWindow = false; mFFTWindow = false; mShiftPressed = false; mCtrlPressed = false; mPanning = false; mViewEffectiveZoom = 0.; mSearchEffectiveZoom = 0.; mScaleParams.draw = true; mScaleParams.white = false; mScaleParams.minLength = 50; mScaleParams.thickness = 5; mScaleParams.vertical = false; mScaleParams.position = 0; mScaleParams.indentX = 30; mScaleParams.indentY = 25; mScaleParams.useCustom = false; mScaleParams.customVal = 25; mScaledFont = NULL; mZoomAroundPoint = false; mFlashNextDisplay = false; mWheelDeltaPending = 0; mLastWinSizeX = 0; mLastWinSizeY = 0; mDoingMontSnapshot = 0; } CSerialEMView::~CSerialEMView() { if (mImBufs && !mMainWindow && !mFFTWindow) { if (mImBufArraySize > 1) delete [] mImBufs; else delete mImBufs; } } BOOL CSerialEMView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { int iBordTop, iBordLeft, iBordBottom, iBordRight, type, width; static int windowNum = 1; CString str; // The parent is good for getting the rect but it is not really the mainFrame - it is // the client window under the mainframe. So we have to get menu from THE mainFrame CChildFrame *childFrame = (CChildFrame *)CWnd::FromHandle(cs.hwndParent); CWnd *client = (CWnd *)childFrame->GetParent(); CRect rect; client->GetClientRect(&rect); type = mWinApp->GetNewViewProperties(this, iBordLeft, iBordTop, iBordRight, iBordBottom, mImBufs, mImBufNumber, mImBufIndex); if (type != 1 && mWinApp->mMainFrame->GetRebuiltMenu()) { childFrame->SetSharedMenu(mWinApp->mMainFrame->GetRebuiltMenu()); } if (type == 1) { // If this is the static window, set the size to fill the client area childFrame->SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left + iBordLeft, rect.top + iBordTop, rect.Width() - iBordLeft - iBordRight, rect.Height() - iBordTop - iBordBottom, SWP_NOZORDER); childFrame->SetStaticFrame(); childFrame->SetWindowText("Main Window"); mMainWindow = true; } else if (type == 3) { width = (rect.Width() - iBordLeft - iBordRight); childFrame->SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left + iBordLeft, rect.top + iBordTop, width, rect.Height() - iBordTop - iBordBottom, SWP_NOZORDER); childFrame->SetWindowText("FFT"); mFFTWindow = true; } else { // Otherwise use the size that is passed in, put in lower right corner if (iBordRight > rect.Width() - iBordLeft) iBordRight = rect.Width() - iBordLeft; childFrame->SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.right - iBordRight, rect.bottom - iBordBottom, iBordRight, iBordBottom, SWP_NOZORDER); if (type == 2) { mImBufArraySize = 1; str = mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetScriptWindowTitle(); if (str.IsEmpty()) str = mWinApp->m_strTitle; if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetAssessingRange()) str = "Tilt Range Sample"; mStackWindow = true; } // Get window title if (str.IsEmpty()) { str.Format("Window %d", windowNum); windowNum++; KGetOneString("Title for new window:", str); } childFrame->SetWindowText(str); mWinApp->ViewOpening(); // So that the frame can close us up properly //childFrame->SetChildView(this); } if (mFFTWindow) { mCreateTime = GetTickCount(); mFFTresizeCount = 0; } return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMView drawing void CSerialEMView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CSerialEMDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); DrawImage(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CSerialEMView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } void CSerialEMView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } CSerialEMDoc* CSerialEMView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline { ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSerialEMDoc))); return (CSerialEMDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMView message handlers void CSerialEMView::OnDestroy() { if (mMainWindow) mWinApp->mMainView = NULL; else mWinApp->ViewClosing(mStackWindow, mFFTWindow); CView::OnDestroy(); } void CSerialEMView::CloseFrame() { mWinApp->mActiveView = mWinApp->mMainView; CChildFrame *childFrame = (CChildFrame *)GetParent(); childFrame->OnClose(); } #define DSB_SCALE(a) B3DNINT(sd->sizeScaling * (a)) #define DSB_DPI_SCALE(a) mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(sizeScaling * (a)) // Takes an image snapshot and saves it, managing all the changes needed before and // after calling the general draw routine // NOTE: Hans Windohoff worked out how to draw to a bitmap and changed the draw routines // to work with CDC instead of CClientDC int CSerialEMView::TakeSnapshot(float zoomBy, float sizeScaling, int skipExtra, int fileType, int compression, int quality, CString &filename) { CRect rectWin; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = NULL; KImage *imageRect; unsigned int pixelLimit = 32768 * 16384; CClientDC cdcWin(this); int nxImage, nyImage, nxDrawn, nyDrawn, nxWin, nyWin, err = 0; int xyReduction; SnapshotData *sd; double wallStart = wallTime(); // Get window size GetClientRect(&rectWin); nxWin = rectWin.Width(); nyWin = rectWin.Height(); // Make sure there is an image and get its size if (mImBufs) { imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; imageRect = imBuf->mImage; } if (!imBuf || !imageRect) return 1; imageRect->getSize(nxImage, nyImage); mSnapshotData = new SnapshotData; sd = mSnapshotData; sd->view = this; // Fill in the fileOpt; sd->filename = filename; sd->fileOpt.compression = compression; sd->fileOpt.fileType = fileType; sd->fileOpt.jpegQuality = quality; sd->fileOpt.montageInMdoc = false; sd->fileOpt.typext = 0; sd->fullBuf = NULL; sd->buffer = NULL; sd->oldBitmap = NULL; sd->xOffsetSave = m_iOffsetX; sd->yOffsetSave = m_iOffsetY; sd->xReduction = 1; sd->yReduction = 1; sd->nxFull = 0; sd->sizeScaling = sizeScaling; sd->skipExtra = skipExtra; sd->zoomSave = mZoom; sd->pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf) * 1.e4f; // For 1:1 whole image drawing, set size to fill image and zoom to 1 if (zoomBy <= 0) { sd->zoomUse = 1.; sd->memBMX = nxImage; sd->memBMY = nyImage; } else { // Otherwise, draw the component of the image in the window by taking the min of the // zoomed image size and window size; then zoom up by desired factor nxDrawn = B3DMIN((int)(mZoom * nxImage), nxWin); nyDrawn = B3DMIN((int)(mZoom * nyImage), nyWin); sd->memBMX = (DWORD)zoomBy *nxDrawn; sd->memBMY = (DWORD)zoomBy *nyDrawn; sd->zoomUse = mZoom * zoomBy; } // Scale sizes by change in zoom, assign to sizeScaling so macros work right if (sd->sizeScaling <= 0.) sizeScaling = sd->sizeScaling = (float)B3DMAX(1., sd->zoomUse / mZoom); // The # of bytes in the bitmap is limited if ((size_t)sd->memBMX * sd->memBMY > pixelLimit) { if (sd->zoomUse != 1.) return 5; xyReduction = ((size_t)sd->memBMX * sd->memBMY + pixelLimit - 1) / pixelLimit; sd->xReduction = (int)ceil(sqrt((double)xyReduction)); B3DCLAMP(sd->xReduction, 1, xyReduction); sd->yReduction = (xyReduction + sd->xReduction - 1) / sd->xReduction; sd->nxFull = sd->memBMX; sd->nyFull = sd->memBMY; SetupMontageStarts(sd->nxFull, sd->xReduction, sd->memBMX, sd->xStarts, sd->xOffsets, 1); SetupMontageStarts(sd->nyFull, sd->yReduction, sd->memBMY, sd->yStarts, sd->yOffsets, -1); } // Get compatible device context to window sd->memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&cdcWin); // Get bitmap of the desired size and make sure it is 24 or 32 bit if (!sd->bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&cdcWin, sd->memBMX, sd->memBMY)) err = 2; if (!err && !sd->bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(BITMAP), &sd->bm)) err = 3; if (!err && sd->bm.bmBitsPixel != 24 && sd->bm.bmBitsPixel != 32) err = 4; // Get buffer to copy into if (!err && sd->nxFull) { NewArray2(sd->fullBuf, char, sd->nxFull, sd->nyFull * 3); if (!sd->fullBuf) err = 2; } if (err) { CleanupSnapshotData(); return err; } NewArray2(sd->buffer, char, sd->bm.bmWidthBytes, sd->memBMY); if (!sd->buffer) { CleanupSnapshotData(); return 2; } sd->oldBitmap = (CBitmap *)sd->memDC.SelectObject(&sd->bitmap); // Adjust various things for size scaling here mZoom = sd->zoomUse; if (sd->sizeScaling > 1.) { sd->barParamSaved = mScaleParams; mScaleParams.minLength = DSB_SCALE(mScaleParams.minLength); mScaleParams.thickness = DSB_SCALE(mScaleParams.thickness); mScaleParams.indentX = DSB_SCALE(mScaleParams.indentX); mScaleParams.indentY = DSB_SCALE(mScaleParams.indentY); CString fontName = Is2000OrGreater() ? "Microsoft Sans Serif" : "MS Sans Serif"; mScaledFont = new CFont(); mScaledLabelFont = new CFont(); mScaledFont->CreateFont(DSB_DPI_SCALE(36), 0, 0, 0, FW_MEDIUM, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontName); mScaledLabelFont->CreateFont(DSB_DPI_SCALE(24), 0, 0, 0, FW_MEDIUM, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontName); } // Start the draw if (sd->xReduction * sd->yReduction == 1) { SnapshotNextTask(0); } else { mTakingSnapshot = true; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "TAKING SNAPSHOT"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_SNAPSHOT_TO_BUF, 0, 0); } return 0; } // Do any cleanup tasks and delete the snapshot data structure, which handles its members void CSerialEMView::CleanupSnapshotData() { SnapshotData *sd = mSnapshotData; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (!sd) return; if (sd->oldBitmap) sd->memDC.SelectObject(sd->oldBitmap); delete [] sd->buffer; delete [] sd->fullBuf; sd->view->RestoreMembersFromSnapshot(); B3DDELETE(mSnapshotData); if (mTakingSnapshot) { mTakingSnapshot = false; winApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); winApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } } void CSerialEMView::RestoreMembersFromSnapshot() { SnapshotData *sd = mSnapshotData; mZoom = sd->zoomSave; m_iOffsetX = sd->xOffsetSave; m_iOffsetY = sd->yOffsetSave; if (mScaledFont) { mScaleParams = sd->barParamSaved; B3DDELETE(mScaledFont); delete mScaledLabelFont; } } // Compute the memory window size and starting index in image and the display offsets for // a montage along one axis void CSerialEMView::SetupMontageStarts(int image, int red, DWORD &win, IntVec &starts, IntVec &offsets, int offSign) { int extra, rem, overlap, ind; starts.push_back(0); if (red == 1) { win = image; offsets.push_back(0); return; } win = (image + red - 1) / red; win = 4 * ((win + 3) / 4); extra = red * win - image; overlap = extra / (red - 1); rem = extra % (red - 1); for (ind = 1; ind < red; ind++) starts.push_back(starts[ind - 1] + win - (overlap + (ind <= rem ? 1 : 0))); for (ind = 0; ind < red; ind++) offsets.push_back(offSign * (image - (2 * starts[ind] + (int)win)) / 2); } // Next task for snapshot: take a panel, and start save if done void CSerialEMView::SnapshotNextTask(int shotNum) { int iy, ix, inAdd, err, ixShot, iyShot; bool drew, lastPiece; char *bufIn, *bufOut; int addDPI = mWinApp->GetAddDPItoSnapshots(); CString report; SnapshotData *sd = mSnapshotData; if (!sd) return; // Get the window rectangle CRect rect(0, 0, sd->memBMX, sd->memBMY); iyShot = shotNum / sd->xReduction; ixShot = shotNum % sd->xReduction; lastPiece = ixShot == sd->xReduction - 1 && iyShot == sd->yReduction - 1; if (sd->nxFull) { mDoingMontSnapshot = lastPiece ? 2 : 1; mXSrc = sd->xStarts[ixShot]; mYSrc = sd->nyFull - (sd->memBMY + sd->yStarts[iyShot]); m_iOffsetX = sd->xOffsets[ixShot]; m_iOffsetY = sd->yOffsets[iyShot]; } drew = DrawToScreenOrBuffer(sd->memDC, sd->memDC.m_hDC, rect, sd->sizeScaling, sd->skipExtra, true); err = drew ? 0 : 1; mDoingMontSnapshot = 0; // Get the buffer copy if (!err && !sd->bitmap.GetBitmapBits(sd->bm.bmWidthBytes * sd->memBMY, sd->buffer)) err = 3; if (err) { CScreenShotDialog::GetSnapshotError(err, report); SEMMessageBox(report); CleanupSnapshotData(); return; } // Pack the buffer to contiguous RGB or into part of fullBuf: it is BGR or BRGA bufOut = sd->buffer; inAdd = sd->bm.bmBitsPixel / 8; for (iy = 0; iy < (int)sd->memBMY; iy++) { bufIn = sd->buffer + iy * sd->bm.bmWidthBytes; if (sd->nxFull) bufOut = sd->fullBuf + ((iy + sd->yStarts[iyShot]) * (size_t)sd->nxFull + sd->xStarts[ixShot]) * 3; for (ix = 0; ix < (int)sd->memBMX; ix++) { *bufOut++ = *(bufIn + 2); *bufOut++ = *(bufIn + 1); *bufOut++ = *bufIn; bufIn += inAdd; } } shotNum++; if (shotNum < sd->xReduction * sd->yReduction) { mTakingSnapshot = true; if (shotNum == 1) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "TAKING SNAPSHOT"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_SNAPSHOT_TO_BUF, shotNum, 0); return; } // Put it in a KImage and save it KImageRGB *image = new KImageRGB(); if (sd->nxFull) { image->useData(sd->fullBuf, sd->nxFull, sd->nyFull); DELETE_ARR(sd->buffer); sd->fullBuf = NULL; } else { image->useData(sd->buffer, sd->memBMX, sd->memBMY); sd->buffer = NULL; } if ((sd->pixel && addDPI > 0) || addDPI > 1) { EMimageExtra *extra = new EMimageExtra(); if (addDPI > 1) extra->mPixel = (float)(25400. / addDPI); else extra->mPixel = sd->pixel / (float)sd->zoomUse; image->SetUserData(extra); } KStoreIMOD *store = new KStoreIMOD(sd->filename, sd->fileOpt); CleanupSnapshotData(); if (shotNum > 1) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); if (!store->FileOK()) { SEMMessageBox(CString("Error opening file for snapshot: ") + b3dGetError()); delete image; delete store; return; } mWinApp->mBufferManager->CheckAsyncSaving(); mWinApp->mBufferManager->StartAsyncSave(store, image, 0, 3); } // Entry point for a regular image draw to screen void CSerialEMView::DrawImage(void) { if (mWinApp->GetInRestoreViewFocus() || (mWinApp->mNavHelper && mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetDoingMultipleFiles())) return; CRect rect; GetClientRect(rect); CClientDC cdcWin(this); // Get the device context for the bitmap drawing calls HDC hdc = ::GetDC(m_hWnd); // handle to device context DrawToScreenOrBuffer(cdcWin, hdc, rect, 1., 0, false); ::ReleaseDC(m_hWnd, hdc); mWinApp->SetLastActivityTime(GetTickCount()); } // Main drawing routine to screen or buffer. Skipextra is one to skip some items plus // 2 to skip navigator items plus 4 to skip the scale bar bool CSerialEMView::DrawToScreenOrBuffer(CDC &cdc, HDC &hdc, CRect &rect, float sizeScaling, int skipExtra, bool toBuffer) { int iSrcWidth, iSrcHeight, iDestWidth, iDestHeight, crossLen, xSrc, ySrc, needWidth; int tmpWidth, tmpHeight, ierr, ifilt, numLines, thick, loop, ix, iy, group, numGroups; int adjSave; float imXcenter, imYcenter, halfXwin, halfYwin, tempX, tempY, ptX, ptY; float minXstage = 1.e30f, maxXstage = -1.e30f, minYstage = 1.e30f, maxYstage = -1.e30f; float cenX, cenY, scale, rotation, filtMean = 128., filtSD, boost, targetSD = 40.; float crossXoffset = 0., crossYoffset = 0., minLimX, minLimY, maxLimX, maxLimY; double defocus; unsigned char **filtPtrs; int zoomFilters[] = {5, 4, 1, 0}; // lanczos3, 2, Blackman, box int numZoomFilt = sizeof(zoomFilters) / sizeof(int); int zoomWidthCrit = 20; bool bufferOK, drawUserPt, filtering = false, saveCurHolePos = false; BOOL drawIncluded, drawExcluded, bufIsFFT = false; CNavigatorDlg *navigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; CProcessImage *processImg = mWinApp->mProcessImage; MapItemArray *itemArray = NULL; MapItemArray *polyArray; CMapDrawItem *item, *polygon; int *showGroup; COLORREF contColors[MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS] = {RGB(220,0,0), RGB(245,160,0), RGB(255,255,0), RGB(0,255,0), RGB(0,255,255), RGB(0,0,255), RGB(178,107,210), RGB(255,0,255)}; FloatVec zeroRadii, zeroRadii2; FloatVec *curHoleXYpos, *xHoleCens, *yHoleCens; IntVec *curHoleIndex, *pieceOn; ShortVec *holeExcludes, *polyGroups; CFont *useFont, *useLabelFont; CPoint point; LowDoseParams *ldp; CString letString, firstLabel, lastLabel, fontName; ScaleMat aInv, isToCamNoFoc, isToCam; double transX, transY; COLORREF bkgColor = RGB(48, 0, 48); COLORREF flashColor = RGB(192, 192, 0), lowExcludeColor = RGB(0, 255, 255); COLORREF includeColor = RGB(255, 0, 160), highExcludeColor = RGB(0, 100, 255); COLORREF userIncludeColor = RGB(255, 160, 0), userExcludeColor = RGB(0, 180, 80); int scaled5 = DSB_DPI_SCALE(5); int scaled10 = DSB_DPI_SCALE(10); int scaled140 = DSB_DPI_SCALE(140); int thick1 = DSB_DPI_SCALE(1); int thick2 = DSB_DPI_SCALE(2.); // If this is the first draw, set up the zoom optimally // 7/7/03: no longer need to fix main frame window title; set child titles if (mFirstDraw && !(mWinApp->GetStartingProgram() && (!mImBufs || !mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImage))) { FindEffectiveZoom(); CChildFrame *childFrame = (CChildFrame *)GetParent(); mFirstDraw = false; if (mFFTWindow) ((CMDIChildWnd *)(mWinApp->mMainView->GetParent()))->MDIActivate(); } EMimageBuffer *imBuf = NULL; KImage *imageRect; if (mImBufs) { imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; imageRect = imBuf->mImage; bufIsFFT = mFFTWindow || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_AUTOCOR_OVERVIEW; } if (mWinApp->mNavigator) { saveCurHolePos = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetHolePositionVectors(&curHoleXYpos, &curHoleIndex); curHoleXYpos->clear(); curHoleIndex->clear(); } // If there is no image, fill the whole area if (mFlashNextDisplay || imBuf == NULL || imageRect == NULL) { cdc.FillSolidRect(rect, mFlashNextDisplay ? mFlashColor : bkgColor); mFlashNextDisplay = false; return false; } // Get fonts for drawing letter in corner and other text on first real draw if (!mMadeFonts) { fontName = Is2000OrGreater() ? "Microsoft Sans Serif" : "MS Sans Serif"; mFont.CreateFont(mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(36), 0, 0, 0, FW_MEDIUM, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontName); mLabelFont.CreateFont(mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(24), 0, 0, 0, FW_MEDIUM, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontName); mMadeFonts = true; // Also scale the scale bar constants mScaleParams.minLength = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(mScaleParams.minLength); mScaleParams.thickness = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(mScaleParams.thickness); mScaleParams.indentX = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(mScaleParams.indentX); mScaleParams.indentY = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(mScaleParams.indentY); } useFont = sizeScaling > 1. ? mScaledFont : &mFont; useLabelFont = sizeScaling > 1. ? mScaledLabelFont : &mLabelFont; // Update the pixmap and its scaling and image data imBuf->UpdatePixMap(); KPixMap *pixMap = imBuf->mPixMap; // Loop twice if zooming around point; get offset first time, then determine image // position of the same window position and adjust offset to bring image back there for (loop = 0; loop < (mZoomAroundPoint ? 2 : 1); loop++) { if (loop && mZoomAroundPoint && ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imageRect, &mZoomupPoint, cenX, cenY)) { m_iOffsetX += B3DNINT(cenX - mZoomupImageX); m_iOffsetY -= B3DNINT(cenY - mZoomupImageY); } if (mDoingMontSnapshot) { mXDest = 0; mYDest = 0; iSrcWidth = rect.Width(); iSrcHeight = rect.Height(); } else { // Set the image and window offsets for drawing, given sizes and mouse shifts // This routine thinks these things are bottom-based b3dSetImageOffset(rect.Width(), imageRect->getWidth(), mZoom, &iSrcWidth, &m_iOffsetX, &mXDest, &mXSrc); if (!m_iOffsetX && mXSrc > 0) { crossXoffset = (float)((imageRect->getWidth() / 2. - mXSrc) * mZoom - rect.Width() / 2.); if (crossXoffset > 0.5 * mZoom) { mXSrc++; crossXoffset -= (float)mZoom; } } mXDest += rect.left; b3dSetImageOffset(rect.Height(), imageRect->getHeight(), mZoom, &iSrcHeight, &m_iOffsetY, &mYDest, &mYSrc); if (!m_iOffsetY && mYSrc > 0) crossYoffset = (float)((imageRect->getHeight() / 2. - mYSrc) * mZoom - rect.Height() / 2.); if (crossYoffset > 0.5 * mZoom) crossYoffset -= (float)mZoom; } } mZoomAroundPoint = false; if (!toBuffer) { if (imBuf->mMapID) { imBuf->mPanX = m_iOffsetX; imBuf->mPanY = m_iOffsetY; } else { mNonMapPanX = m_iOffsetX; mNonMapPanY = m_iOffsetY; } } // Workaround to problem that it displays the top of the array instead of the bottom // when source is at 0,0 and Y image size is bigger than display if (iSrcHeight < imageRect->getHeight() && !mXSrc && !mYSrc) { mYSrc++; m_iOffsetY--; } mYDest += rect.top; // but this is top-based in the call KImage *bitImage = pixMap->getImRectPtr(); // Set variables for draw from pixmap, then see if criteria for zoom filter are met iDestWidth = (int)floor(mZoom * iSrcWidth + 0.5); iDestHeight = (int)floor(mZoom * iSrcHeight + 0.5); xSrc = mXSrc; ySrc = mYSrc; if (mZoom < 0.8 && mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetAntialias() && bitImage && bitImage->getRowData(0) && !mPanning) { // Get truncated width to avoid error from filter routine // Get a pixmap if needed, and set the image levels in there tmpWidth = (int)floor(mZoom * iSrcWidth); tmpHeight = (int)floor(mZoom * iSrcHeight); if (!imBuf->mFiltPixMap) imBuf->mFiltPixMap = new KPixMap(); // The width has to be padded. The pixmap image is reusable as is if it exists and // its type and size match, and if the zoom and pan match when it was created KImage *filtImage = imBuf->mFiltPixMap->getImRectPtr(); needWidth = 4 * ((tmpWidth + 3) / 4); bool sizeTypeOK = filtImage && filtImage->getType() == bitImage->getType() && filtImage->getWidth() == needWidth && filtImage->getHeight() == tmpHeight; bool byteMap = bitImage->getType() == kUBYTE; filtering = true; if (!sizeTypeOK || imBuf->mFiltZoom != mZoom || imBuf->mFiltXpan != m_iOffsetX || imBuf->mFiltYpan != m_iOffsetY) { // If the image doesn't match up, get a new pixmap image if needed or reuse if (!sizeTypeOK) { if (UtilOKtoAllocate((byteMap ? 1 : 3) * needWidth * tmpHeight)) { if (byteMap) filtImage = new KImage(needWidth, tmpHeight); else filtImage = new KImageRGB(needWidth, tmpHeight); } else { filtImage = new KImage(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("There is not enough memory for filtering array; " "delete some buffers"); } } else { filtImage = new KImage(filtImage); } // Select a filter as in 3dmod for (ifilt = 0; ifilt < numZoomFilt; ifilt++) { ierr = selectZoomFilter(zoomFilters[ifilt], mZoom, &numLines); if (!ierr && (numLines * tmpWidth * tmpHeight) / (250000 * numOMPthreads(8)) <= zoomWidthCrit) break; } // Get the line points and get the zoomed down image // The ySrc is from the bottom of the image, which works because of the negative // height in the BMI, but need to get it to be top line in image here filtPtrs = makeLinePointers(bitImage->getRowData(0), bitImage->getWidth(), bitImage->getHeight(), byteMap ? 1 : 3); if (filtImage->getWidth() && filtPtrs && !ierr && !zoomWithFilter(filtPtrs, bitImage->getWidth(), bitImage->getHeight(), (float)mXSrc, (float)(bitImage->getHeight() - 1 - (mYSrc + iSrcHeight - 1)), tmpWidth, tmpHeight, needWidth, 0, byteMap ? SLICE_MODE_BYTE : SLICE_MODE_RGB, filtImage->getRowData(0), NULL, NULL)) { imBuf->mFiltPixMap->useRect(filtImage, true); } else { filtering = false; } delete filtImage; B3DFREE(filtPtrs); } // If all worked out, commit to using this as the pixmap if (filtering) { bitImage = imBuf->mFiltPixMap->getImRectPtr(); pixMap = imBuf->mFiltPixMap; boost = 1.; if (byteMap && !(imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT)) { CorDefSampleMeanSD(bitImage->getRowData(0), SLICE_MODE_BYTE, needWidth, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, &filtMean, &filtSD); if (filtSD < targetSD) boost = targetSD / filtSD; } pixMap->setLevels(imBuf->mImageScale->GetBrightness(), imBuf->mImageScale->GetContrast(), imBuf->mImageScale->GetInverted(), imBuf->mImageScale->GetFalseColor(), boost, filtMean); xSrc = 0; ySrc = 0; iDestWidth = tmpWidth; iDestHeight = tmpHeight; iSrcWidth = tmpWidth; iSrcHeight = tmpHeight; imBuf->mFiltZoom = mZoom; imBuf->mFiltXpan = m_iOffsetX; imBuf->mFiltYpan = m_iOffsetY; } } // Recover pixmap image memory if not filtering if (!filtering && imBuf->mFiltPixMap) imBuf->mFiltPixMap->doneWithRect(); // Draw the image data in the window char *cPixels = NULL; if (bitImage) cPixels = bitImage->getRowData(0); BITMAPINFO *bMI = pixMap->getBMInfo(); SetStretchBltMode(hdc, COLORONCOLOR); if (cPixels) { StretchDIBits(hdc, mXDest, mYDest, iDestWidth, iDestHeight, xSrc, ySrc, iSrcWidth, iSrcHeight, (VOID *)cPixels, bMI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); } else { cdc.FillSolidRect(rect, bkgColor); mWinApp->AppendToLog("There is not enough memory to display this image; " "you need to delete some buffers"); } // Fill sides if needed if (mYDest > rect.top) cdc.FillSolidRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), mYDest - rect.top, bkgColor); if (mYDest + iDestHeight < rect.bottom) cdc.FillSolidRect(rect.left, mYDest + iDestHeight, rect.Width(), rect.bottom - (mYDest + iDestHeight), bkgColor); if (mXDest > rect.left) cdc.FillSolidRect(rect.left, mYDest, mXDest - rect.left, iDestHeight, bkgColor); if (mXDest + iDestWidth < rect.right) cdc.FillSolidRect(mXDest + iDestWidth, mYDest, rect.right - (mXDest + iDestWidth), iDestHeight, bkgColor); // Draw crosshairs if mouse shifting is underway if (!toBuffer&& (mMouseShifting || mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetDrawCrosshairs() || (navigator && navigator->MovingMapItem()))) { CPen pnSolidPen (PS_SOLID, 1, mShiftManager->GetShiftingDefineArea() ? RGB(0, 255, 0) : RGB(255, 0, 0)); crossLen = (rect.Width() < rect.Height() ? rect.Width() : rect.Height()) / 5; CPoint point = rect.CenterPoint(); point.x += B3DNINT(crossXoffset); point.y += B3DNINT(crossYoffset); DrawCross(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, point, crossLen); } if (mMouseShifting) { // Check for user point in autoalign buffer int autoIndex = mWinApp->mBufferManager->AutoalignBufferIndex(); EMimageBuffer *autoBuf = &mImBufs[autoIndex]; KImage *autoIm = autoBuf->mImage; if (autoIm && autoBuf->mHasUserPt) { float shiftX, shiftY; autoIm->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); CPen pnRedPen (PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0)); CPoint point; crossLen = 7; // Get the projection positions by referencing to center of each image float projX = autoBuf->mUserPtX + shiftX - autoIm->getWidth() / 2 + imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2; float projY = autoBuf->mUserPtY + shiftY - autoIm->getHeight() / 2 + imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2; // the rest is from below float pixMapY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() - projY; point.x = (int)((projX - mXSrc) * mZoom + mXDest); point.y = rect.Height() - 1 - (int)((pixMapY- mYSrc) * mZoom + mYDest) + ZoomedPixelYAdjustment(&rect, imBuf->mImage); DrawCross(&cdc, &pnRedPen, point, crossLen); } } // Draw user point if one is set, otherwise draw line if that flag is set drawUserPt = imBuf->mHasUserPt || imBuf->mIllegalUserPt; if ((drawUserPt || imBuf->mHasUserLine) && !(skipExtra & 1)) { CPen pnSolidPen (PS_SOLID, thick2, RGB(0, 255, 0)); CPoint point, point2; crossLen = DSB_DPI_SCALE(drawUserPt ? 7 : 1); MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mUserPtY, &point); if (!imBuf->mDrawUserBox) DrawCross(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, point, crossLen); if (!drawUserPt) { MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, imBuf->mLineEndX, imBuf->mLineEndY, &point2); if (!imBuf->mDrawUserBox) DrawCross(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, point2, crossLen); CPen pnSolid1(PS_SOLID, thick1, RGB(0, 255, 0)); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnSolid1); cdc.MoveTo(point); if (imBuf->mDrawUserBox) { cdc.LineTo(point.x, point2.y); cdc.LineTo(point2); cdc.LineTo(point2.x, point.y); cdc.LineTo(point); } else { cdc.LineTo(point2); } cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } } // Draw letter in corner if this is main window, or number for multibuffer window int scaleCrit = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetDrawScaleBar(); if (!toBuffer && (mImBufNumber > 1 || mImBufArraySize)) { CFont *def_font = cdc.SelectObject(useFont); int defMode = cdc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); COLORREF defColor = cdc.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); if (mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) { char letter = 'A' + mImBufIndex; letString = letter; if (mFFTWindow) letString += "F"; cdc.TextOut(scaled5, scaled5, letString); if (imBuf->mCaptured > 0 && imBuf->mConSetUsed >= 0 && imBuf->mConSetUsed < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS && imBuf->mLowDoseArea) { cdc.SelectObject(useLabelFont); letString = CString(" - ") + (mWinApp->GetModeNames())[imBuf->mConSetUsed]; cdc.TextOut(mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(25), scaled10, letString); } if (!mFFTWindow && !mStackWindow && scaleCrit > 0 && mImBufIndex <= mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire()) { cdc.SelectObject(useLabelFont); cdc.TextOut(scaled5, mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(35), "Rolling"); } // Dose rate output for direct detector and channel name for STEM bufferOK = !imBuf->IsProcessed() && (imBuf->mCaptured > 0 || imBuf->ImageWasReadIn() ||imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_CALIBRATION || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_TRACKING || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_ANCHOR || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_PIECE || (imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW && imBuf->mMapID)); if (mMainWindow && imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && scaleCrit > 0 && !mDoingMontSnapshot && (bufferOK || mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras() > 1)) { CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + imBuf->mCamera; cdc.SetTextColor(RGB(0, 255, 40)); cdc.SelectObject(useLabelFont); if (imBuf->mSampleMean > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && bufferOK && !camP->STEMcamera && !mWinApp->mProcessImage->DoseRateFromMean(imBuf, imBuf->mSampleMean, boost)) { if (mWinApp->mCamera->IsDirectDetector(camP)) { letString.Format("%.2f e/physpix/s at camera", boost); cdc.TextOut(scaled140, scaled10, letString); } else if (mWinApp->mScope->GetNoScope() && imBuf->mMagInd > 0) { letString.Format("%.3f e/sq A at camera", boost / pow(10000. * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf), 2.)); cdc.TextOut(scaled140, scaled10, letString); } } if (mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras() > 1) cdc.TextOut(mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(420), scaled10, camP->name); if (bufferOK && camP->STEMcamera && camP->numChannels > 1) { EMimageExtra *extra = imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); if (extra && !extra->mChannelName.IsEmpty()) cdc.TextOut(scaled140, scaled10, extra->mChannelName); } if (imBuf->mMapID && mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetGridMapLabel(imBuf->mMapID, letString)) cdc.TextOut(scaled140, mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(35), letString); // Image black-white and mean if available if (imBuf->mImageScale) { letString.Format("B - W: %s - %s", (LPCTSTR)FormattedNumber(imBuf->mImageScale->GetMinScale(), "", 0, 3, 1.99f), (LPCTSTR)FormattedNumber(imBuf->mImageScale->GetMaxScale(), "", 0, 3, 1.99f)); if (imBuf->mSampleMean > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { firstLabel.Format(" mean: %s", (LPCTSTR)FormattedNumber(imBuf->mSampleMean, "", 0, 3, 1.99f)); letString += firstLabel; } if (mWinApp->mCamera->IsDirectDetector(camP) && imBuf->mK2ReadMode >= 0) letString += imBuf->mK2ReadMode > 0 ? " counted" : " linear"; cdc.TextOut(mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(25), rect.Height() - mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(40), letString); } } } else { cdc.SelectObject(useLabelFont); if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mSecNumber < 0) letString.Format("%d: tilt = %.1f", mImBufIndex + 1, mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mTiltAngleOrig); else letString.Format("%d: Z = %d", mImBufIndex + 1, mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mSecNumber); cdc.TextOut(scaled5, scaled5, letString); } cdc.SelectObject(def_font); cdc.SetTextColor(defColor); cdc.SetBkMode(defMode); } // Get navigator array now so that we can tell if there is an LD area draw // But if the image is an FFT, see if there are any points drawn on FFT if (navigator) { itemArray = GetMapItemsForImageCoords(imBuf, false); if (itemArray && bufIsFFT) { iy = 0; for (ix = 0; ix < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ix++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ix); if (item->mFlags & NAV_FLAG_DRAWN_ON_FFT) { iy++; break; } } // If there are no FFT points, set as no array so drawing etc gets skipped if (!iy) { itemArray = NULL; delete mAcquireBox; mAcquireBox = NULL; } } } mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt = itemArray && ((mAcquireBox && mAcquireBox->mNumPoints == 1) || navigator->GetShowingLDareas()) && !bufIsFFT; if (mMainWindow) { // If this is a view image in low dose, draw record and trial/focus areas as long as // there won't be one around Nav point bufferOK = (imBuf->mCaptured > 0 || imBuf->ImageWasReadIn() || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW) && (imBuf->mConSetUsed == VIEW_CONSET || imBuf->mConSetUsed == SEARCH_CONSET) && imBuf->mLowDoseArea && !(skipExtra & 1); if (bufferOK && !mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt) { DrawLowDoseAreas(cdc, rect, imBuf, 0., 0., thick1, -2); } // Draw tilt axis if option set or when defining LD area on View if (((bufferOK && mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_iDefineArea > 0) || (mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetDrawTiltAxis() && (imBuf->mCaptured > 0 || imBuf->ImageWasReadIn() || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_PRESCAN || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER) && !(skipExtra & 1))) && imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && (imBuf->mMagInd > 0 || (imBuf->GetTimeStamp(ix) && imBuf->GetAxisAngle(tempY) && ix > 116846126 && (!imBuf->ImageWasReadIn() || imBuf->mWrittenByVersion >= 40100)))) { tempX = (float)(0.75 * B3DMIN(rect.Width(), rect.Height())); CPoint point = rect.CenterPoint(); if (imBuf->mMagInd > 0) { tempY = 0.; if (imBuf->mMagInd >= mWinApp->mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, ptX, tempY); tempY += (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mMagInd); } if (imBuf->mRotAngle) tempY += imBuf->mInverted ? -imBuf->mRotAngle : imBuf->mRotAngle; ptX = (float)cos(DTOR * tempY) * tempX; ptY = -(float)sin(DTOR * tempY) * tempX; CPen pnSolidPen(PS_SOLID, thick1, RGB(255, 255, 0)); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnSolidPen); // Make our own dashes point.x -= B3DNINT(0.48 * ptX); point.y -= B3DNINT(0.48 * ptY);; for (loop = 0; loop < 10; loop++) { cdc.MoveTo(point); point.x += B3DNINT(0.06 * ptX); point.y += B3DNINT(0.06 * ptY); cdc.LineTo(point); point.x += B3DNINT(0.04 * ptX); point.y += B3DNINT(0.04 * ptY); } } } // Draw rings at CTF zeros determined by ctffind if ((mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && !(skipExtra & 1) && (imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT && !mWinApp->mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()) && imBuf->mCtfFocus1 > 0 && !mDoingMontSnapshot) { double defocus = imBuf->mCtfFocus1; float pixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (processImg->GetTestCtfPixelSize()) pixel = processImg->GetTestCtfPixelSize(); boost = processImg->GetDrawExtraCtfRings() > 0 ? imBuf->mMaxRingFreq : 0.f; processImg->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, pixel, boost, &zeroRadii, defocus, imBuf->mCtfPhase); defocus = imBuf->mCtfFocus2; processImg->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, pixel, boost, &zeroRadii2, defocus, imBuf->mCtfPhase); cenX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f; cenY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f; // Dashed lines can only be drawn with thickness 1: no DPI scaling CPen pnDashPen (PS_DASHDOT, 1, RGB(255, 255, 0)); for (int zr = 0; zr < (int)B3DMIN(zeroRadii.size(), zeroRadii2.size()); zr++) DrawEllipse(&cdc, &pnDashPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX, cenY, zeroRadii[zr] * cenX, zeroRadii2[zr] * cenX, imBuf->mCtfAngle, zr >= processImg->GetNumFFTZeros()); // Draw rings at zeros on an FFT if clicked and configured } else if ((mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && !(skipExtra & 1) && !mDoingMontSnapshot && processImg->GetFFTZeroRadiiAndDefocus(imBuf, &zeroRadii, defocus)) { cenX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f; cenY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f; // Dashes etc do not work above thickness 1, but don't even work with that when // drawing to a buffer CPen pnDashPen (PS_DASHDOT, 1, RGB(0, 255, 0)); for (int zr = 0; zr < (int)zeroRadii.size(); zr++) DrawCircle(&cdc, &pnDashPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX, cenY, zeroRadii[zr] * cenX); // Otherwise Draw circle on Live FFT } else if ((mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && !(skipExtra & 1) && !mDoingMontSnapshot && imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT && processImg->GetCircleOnLiveFFT()) { float *radii = processImg->GetFFTCircleRadii(); float pixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); double defocus = processImg->GetFixedRingDefocus(); cenX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f; cenY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f; CPen pnDashPen (PS_DASHDOT, 1, RGB(0, 255, 0)); if (defocus > 0 && pixel > 0.) { processImg->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, pixel, 0., &zeroRadii, defocus); for (int zr = 0; zr < (int)zeroRadii.size(); zr++) DrawCircle(&cdc, &pnDashPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX, cenY, zeroRadii[zr] * cenX); } else { for (int ir = 0; ir < processImg->GetNumCircles(); ir++) DrawCircle(&cdc, &pnDashPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX, cenY, radii[ir] * cenX); } } // Scale bar if window big enough if (scaleCrit > 0 && rect.Width() >= scaleCrit && !(skipExtra & 4) && imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && imBuf->mMagInd && imBuf->mBinning && (!imBuf->IsProcessed() || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_PROCESSED) && mDoingMontSnapshot != 1 && (imBuf->mCaptured != 0 || (!imBuf->mCaptured && imBuf->GetSaveCopyFlag() >= 0)) && imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_STACK_IMAGE) DrawScaleBar(&cdc, &rect, imBuf, sizeScaling); // Draw coma vs IS cal locations if (imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_FFT && imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_LIVE_FFT && mWinApp->mNavHelper->mComaVsISCalDlg && imBuf->mLowDoseArea && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && imBuf->mBinning > 0 && imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed)) { ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; // What did not work: IS to specimen * specimen to stage * focus-adjusted stage to cam // But this does work much better: mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, scale, rotation); isToCamNoFoc = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(imBuf->mMagInd, imBuf->mCamera); isToCam = mShiftManager->MatScaleRotate(isToCamNoFoc, scale, rotation); cenX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f; cenY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f; boost = 0.; for (ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++) { mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsISVector(ldp->magIndex, mWinApp->mNavHelper->mComaVsISCalDlg->m_fDistance, mWinApp->mNavHelper->mComaVsISCalDlg->m_iRotation, ix, tempX, tempY); mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(ldp->magIndex, tempX, tempY, imBuf->mMagInd, transX, transY); ApplyScaleMatrix(isToCam, (float)transX, (float)transY, ptX, ptY); ptX /= (float)imBuf->mBinning; ptY /= (float)imBuf->mBinning; DrawLowDoseAreas(cdc, rect, imBuf, ptX, -ptY, thick2, -1, ix); boost += sqrtf(ptX * ptX + ptY * ptY) / 4.f; } CPen pnSolidPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, RGB(0, 255, 0)); DrawCircle(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX, cenY, boost); } // Various tests for skipping navigator display if (!itemArray || (skipExtra & 2) || (imBuf->GetUncroppedSize(ix, iy, &ierr) && ix > 0 && ierr < 1)) { if (itemArray) delete mAcquireBox; return true; } // Determine stage coordinate limits of image. This is IS-adjusted Nav stage positions aInv = MatInv(mAmat); for (ix = 0; ix <= 1; ix ++) { for (iy = 0; iy <= 1; iy ++) { ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, ix * imageRect->getWidth() - mDelX, iy * imageRect->getHeight() - mDelY, tempX, tempY); ACCUM_MIN(minXstage, tempX); ACCUM_MIN(minYstage, tempY); ACCUM_MAX(maxXstage, tempX); ACCUM_MAX(maxYstage, tempY); } } // Get the stage limits of the image, see if the image goes outside them and if so draw // a red dashed rectangle minLimX = mWinApp->mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_X); minLimY = mWinApp->mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_Y); maxLimX = mWinApp->mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_X); maxLimY = mWinApp->mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_Y); if (!bufIsFFT && (minXstage < minLimX || maxXstage > maxLimX || minYstage < minLimY || maxYstage > maxLimY)) { FloatVec limCornX, limCornY; CPen pnDashPen(PS_DASHDOT, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0)); limCornX.push_back(minLimX); limCornY.push_back(minLimY); limCornX.push_back(maxLimX); limCornY.push_back(minLimY); limCornX.push_back(maxLimX); limCornY.push_back(maxLimY); limCornX.push_back(minLimX); limCornY.push_back(maxLimY); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnDashPen); DrawVectorPolygon(cdc, &rect, NULL, imBuf, limCornX, limCornY, 0., 0., 0., 0., NULL, NULL); cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } // Need the stage limits of the window instead for limiting drawing minXstage = 1.e30f, maxXstage = -1.e30f, minYstage = 1.e30f, maxYstage = -1.e30f; imXcenter = (float)(imageRect->getWidth() / 2. - m_iOffsetX); imYcenter = (float)(imageRect->getHeight() / 2. + m_iOffsetY); halfXwin = (float)(rect.Width() / (2 * mZoom)); halfYwin = (float)(rect.Height() / (2 * mZoom)); for (ix = -1; ix <= 1; ix += 2) { for (iy = -1; iy <= 1; iy += 2) { mWinApp->mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, imXcenter + ix * halfXwin - mDelX, imYcenter + iy * halfYwin - mDelY, tempX, tempY); ACCUM_MIN(minXstage, tempX); ACCUM_MIN(minYstage, tempY); ACCUM_MAX(maxXstage, tempX); ACCUM_MAX(maxYstage, tempY); } } tempX = 0.05f * (maxXstage - minXstage); tempY = 0.05f * (maxYstage - minYstage); minXstage -= tempX; maxXstage += tempX; minYstage -= tempY; maxYstage += tempY; mStageErrX = mStageErrY = 0.; // Draw hole finder points in two colors if (!bufIsFFT && mWinApp->mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetHolePositions(&xHoleCens, &yHoleCens, &pieceOn, &holeExcludes, drawIncluded, drawExcluded)) { CPen pnIncludePen(PS_SOLID, thick2, includeColor); CPen pnLowExclPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, lowExcludeColor); CPen pnHighExclPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, highExcludeColor); CPen pnUserExclPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, userExcludeColor); CPen pnUserInclPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, userIncludeColor); CPen *holePens[5] = {&pnUserInclPen, &pnIncludePen, &pnLowExclPen, &pnHighExclPen, &pnUserExclPen}; short exclude; crossLen = DSB_DPI_SCALE(9); iy = (int)pieceOn->size(); for (ix = 0; ix < (int)xHoleCens->size(); ix++) { tempX = xHoleCens->at(ix); tempY = yHoleCens->at(ix); exclude = holeExcludes->at(ix); if ((exclude > 0 && !drawExcluded) || (exclude <= 0 && !drawIncluded) || exclude < -1 || exclude > 3 || tempX < minXstage || tempX > maxXstage || tempY < minYstage || tempY > maxYstage) continue; StageToImage(imBuf, tempX, tempY, ptX, ptY, iy ? pieceOn->at(ix) : -1); MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX, ptY, &point); DrawCross(&cdc, holePens[1 + exclude], point, crossLen); } } // Draw autocontour polygons if (!bufIsFFT) polyArray = mWinApp->mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->GetPolyArrayToDraw(&polyGroups, &holeExcludes, numGroups, &showGroup); if (!bufIsFFT && polyArray) { for (group = 0; group < numGroups; group++) { if (!showGroup[group]) continue; ix = group % MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetReverseAutocontColors()) ix = (MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS - 1) - ix; CPen polyPen(PS_SOLID, thick2, CMapDrawItem::GetContourColor(ix)); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&polyPen); for (ix = 0; ix < (int)polyArray->GetSize(); ix++) { float delPtX = 0., delPtY = 0.; if (holeExcludes->at(ix) || polyGroups->at(ix) != group) continue; item = polyArray->GetAt(ix); if (!item) continue; adjSave = mAdjustPt; GetSingleAdjustmentForItem(imBuf, item, delPtX, delPtY); DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, item->mNumPoints, 0., 0., delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); mAdjustPt = adjSave; } cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } } // Now draw navigator items float lastStageX, lastStageY, tiltAngle, acquireRadii[2], labelDistThresh = 40.; int lastGroupID = -1, lastGroupSize, size, numPoints, pieceDrawnOn; int regMatch = imBuf->mRegistration ? imBuf->mRegistration : navigator->GetCurrentRegistration(); std::set *selectedItems = navigator->GetSelectedItems(); bool highlight, draw, doInHole; CMapDrawItem holeItem; MultiShotParams *msParams; int msNumXholes = 0, msNumYholes = 0, useXholes, useYholes; int numFullSpecHoles, numSpecHoles, lastSpecialXholes = 0, lastSpecialYholes = 0; FloatVec specialFullISX, specialFullISY, delISX, delISY; IntVec fullHoleIndex, holeIndex; int currentIndex = navigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item); if (!navigator->GetAcquiring()) item = navigator->GetSingleSelectedItem(¤tIndex); int currentGroup = (currentIndex >= 0 && item != NULL) ? item->mGroupID : -1; int groupThresh = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetPointLabelDrawThresh(); bool showCurPtAcquire = !imBuf->mHasUserPt && mAcquireBox; bool doMultiHole = mWinApp->mNavHelper->MultipleHolesAreSelected(); BOOL useMultiShot = ((mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetEnableMultiShot() & 1) && navigator->m_bShowAcquireArea) || mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg; if (useMultiShot) { msParams = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); doInHole = (msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole & MULTI_IN_HOLE) > 0; useMultiShot = doInHole || doMultiHole; if (doMultiHole) mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetNumHolesFromParam(msNumXholes, msNumYholes, ix); } bool showMultiOnAll = useMultiShot && (mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetEnableMultiShot() & 2) && !(mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt && navigator->m_bShowAcquireArea); bool showOnlyCombined = mWinApp->mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg && !mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetMHCenableMultiDisplay(); if (useMultiShot && !imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle)) tiltAngle = -999.; FloatVec drawnXinHole, drawnYinHole, drawnXallHole, drawnYallHole; FloatVec convXinHole, convYinHole, convXallHole, convYallHole; for (int iDraw = -1; iDraw < itemArray->GetSize(); iDraw++) { adjSave = mAdjustPt; float delPtX = 0., delPtY = 0.; if (iDraw < 0) { if (!mAcquireBox || bufIsFFT) continue; item = mAcquireBox; thick = 1; highlight = false; numPoints = B3DMIN(5, item->mNumPoints); } else { item = itemArray->GetAt(iDraw); if (!item) continue; thick = (item->IsPoint() || (item->IsPolygon() && item->mGroupID)) ? 3 : 2; highlight = selectedItems->count(iDraw) > 0; thick = highlight ? thick : 1; numPoints = item->mNumPoints; } thick = DSB_DPI_SCALE(thick); if (!item->mNumPoints || (!item->mDraw && iDraw >= 0) || (item->mRegistration != regMatch && !mDrawAllReg && iDraw >= 0) || !BOOL_EQUIV(bufIsFFT, (item->mFlags & NAV_FLAG_DRAWN_ON_FFT) != 0)) continue; pieceDrawnOn = (imBuf->mMapID && item->mDrawnOnMapID == imBuf->mMapID) ? item->mPieceDrawnOn : -1; SetStageErrIfRealignedOnMap(imBuf, item); crossLen = DSB_DPI_SCALE(item->IsPoint() ? 9 : 5); CPen pnSolidPen(PS_SOLID, thick, item->GetColor(highlight)); // Single point if (item->mNumPoints == 1) { if (item->mPtX[0] < minXstage || item->mPtX[0] > maxXstage || item->mPtY[0] < minYstage || item->mPtY[0] > maxYstage) continue; if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->ItemIsEmptyMultishot(item)) continue; StageToImage(imBuf, item->mPtX[0], item->mPtY[0], ptX, ptY, pieceDrawnOn); // Draw low dose areas around current point if (mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt && (iDraw < 0 || ((item->mAcquire || item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) && navigator->m_bShowAcquireArea))){ cenX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f; cenY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f; DrawLowDoseAreas(cdc, rect, imBuf, ptX - cenX, ptY - cenY, thick1, iDraw); if (iDraw < 0) { mNavLDAreasXcenter = ptX; mNavLDAreasYcenter = ptY; } } // Otherwise draw a cross at a single point if (!mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt || iDraw >= 0) { MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX, ptY, &point); DrawCross(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, point, crossLen); } } else { // For a map, find the adjust that applies to the center, turn off adjustment for // the corner points, and adjust them all by the center adjustment to get a square if (item->IsMap() || (iDraw < 0 && !useMultiShot && !imBuf->mHasUserPt) || (item->IsPolygon() && item->mGroupID)) GetSingleAdjustmentForItem(imBuf, item, delPtX, delPtY); // Draw lines if there is more than one point CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnSolidPen); if (!(iDraw < 0 && useMultiShot)) DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, numPoints, 0., 0., delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); if (item->IsMap() && item->mFitToPolygonID && item->mMapSection > 0){ polygon = mWinApp->mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(item->mFitToPolygonID, false); if (polygon && polygon->mDraw > 0) { CPen pnDashPen(PS_DASHDOT, 1, polygon->GetColor(false)); cdc.SelectObject(&pnDashPen); DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, polygon, imBuf, polygon->mNumPoints, item->mStageX - polygon->mStageX, item->mStageY - polygon->mStageY, delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); cdc.SelectObject(&pnSolidPen); } } // Draw multi-shot pattern if (iDraw < 0 && useMultiShot) { float holeXoffset = 0, holeYoffset = 0; int inHoleEnd = item->mNumPoints - 2; int inHoleStart = inHoleEnd - B3DCHOICE(doInHole, msParams->numShots[0] + (msParams->doSecondRing ? msParams->numShots[1] : 0) , 0); GetSingleAdjustmentForItem(imBuf, item, delPtX, delPtY); // If there is multishot in hole, draw them either centered or in the last hole if (doInHole) { holeXoffset = doMultiHole ? item->mPtX[inHoleStart - 1] : 0; holeYoffset = doMultiHole ? item->mPtY[inHoleStart - 1] : 0; // Draw rectangles in the off-center positions, then center if needed for (int pt = inHoleStart; pt < inHoleEnd; pt++) DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, numPoints, item->mPtX[pt] - item->mStageX + holeXoffset, item->mPtY[pt] - item->mStageY + holeYoffset, delPtX, delPtY, &drawnXinHole, &drawnYinHole); if (msParams->doCenter) DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, numPoints, holeXoffset, holeYoffset, delPtX, delPtY, &drawnXinHole, &drawnYinHole); // Adjust the list of drawn points to be relative to their center after adding // absoulte points to the list of multihole points for (int pt = 0; pt < (int)drawnXinHole.size(); pt++) { drawnXallHole.push_back(drawnXinHole[pt]); drawnYallHole.push_back(drawnYinHole[pt]); drawnXinHole[pt] -= holeXoffset; drawnYinHole[pt] -= holeYoffset; } // Get the convex boundary convXinHole.resize(drawnXinHole.size()); convYinHole.resize(drawnYinHole.size()); if (drawnXinHole.size() > 0) { convexBound(&drawnXinHole[0], &drawnYinHole[0], (int)drawnXinHole.size(), 0., 0., &convXinHole[0], &convYinHole[0], &size, &ptX, &ptY, (int)drawnXinHole.size()); convXinHole.resize(B3DMAX(0, size)); convYinHole.resize(B3DMAX(0, size)); } } // If there are hole positions without multi-shot in hole, then need basic box // in each position with current pen // Hole positions are relative and multi in hole positions are absolute if (doMultiHole && !doInHole) { for (int pt = numPoints; pt < inHoleStart; pt++) DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, numPoints, item->mPtX[pt], item->mPtY[pt], delPtX, delPtY, &drawnXallHole, &drawnYallHole); } else if (doMultiHole) { for (int pt = numPoints; pt < inHoleStart - 1; pt++) DrawVectorPolygon(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, convXinHole, convYinHole, item->mPtX[pt], item->mPtY[pt], delPtX, delPtY, &drawnXallHole, &drawnYallHole); } // Adjust all-hole vectors to item center and get the convex boundary for (int pt = 0; pt < (int)drawnXallHole.size(); pt++) { drawnXallHole[pt] -= item->mStageX; drawnYallHole[pt] -= item->mStageY; } // Get the convex boundary convXallHole.resize(drawnXallHole.size()); convYallHole.resize(drawnYallHole.size()); if (drawnXallHole.size() > 0) { convexBound(&drawnXallHole[0], &drawnYallHole[0], (int)drawnXallHole.size(), 0., 0., &convXallHole[0], &convYallHole[0], &size, &ptX, &ptY, (int)drawnXallHole.size()); convXallHole.resize(B3DMAX(0, size)); convYallHole.resize(B3DMAX(0, size)); } // Setup to draw circles, switch color and draw them // Get radii of Record and multishot in hole StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, cenX, cenY); for (int pt = item->mNumPoints - 2; pt < item->mNumPoints; pt++) { StageToImage(imBuf, item->mPtX[pt], item->mPtY[pt], ptX, ptY); acquireRadii[pt + 2 - item->mNumPoints] = sqrtf((ptX - cenX) * (ptX - cenX) + (ptY - cenY) * (ptY - cenY)); } CPen circlePen(PS_SOLID, thick1, COLORREF( RGB(mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetLastHolesWereAdjusted() ? 255 : 0, 255, 0))); // Now if doing multiholes, draw a circle on each that is either acquire or // multi inhole radius if (doMultiHole && item->mDraw) { for (int pt = numPoints; pt < inHoleStart; pt++) { StageToImage(imBuf, item->mPtX[pt] + item->mStageX, item->mPtY[pt] + item->mStageY, ptX, ptY); DrawCircle(&cdc, &circlePen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX + delPtX, ptY + delPtY, doInHole ? acquireRadii[1] : acquireRadii[0]); } } // Inside a hole, circle around each area if (doInHole && item->mDraw) { for (int pt = inHoleStart; pt < inHoleEnd; pt++) { StageToImage(imBuf, item->mPtX[pt] + holeXoffset, item->mPtY[pt] + holeYoffset, ptX, ptY); DrawCircle(&cdc, &circlePen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX + delPtX, ptY + delPtY, acquireRadii[0]); } StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX + holeXoffset, item->mStageY + holeYoffset, ptX, ptY); if (msParams->doCenter) DrawCircle(&cdc, &circlePen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX + delPtX, ptY + delPtY, acquireRadii[0]); } } cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } // Draw polygons for full acquire area on all acquire points if selected, or on // current/selected points if (iDraw >= 0 && item->mAcquire && item->mNumPoints == 1 && mAcquireBox && (showMultiOnAll && (!showOnlyCombined || (item->mNumXholes != 0 && item->mNumYholes != 0) || mWinApp->mNavHelper->mCombineHoles->IsItemInUndoList(item->mMapID)) || (showCurPtAcquire && highlight && doMultiHole))) { GetSingleAdjustmentForItem(imBuf, item, delPtX, delPtY); CPen pnAcquire(PS_SOLID, thick1, item->GetColor(highlight)); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnAcquire); mAcquireBox->mDraw = true; if (useMultiShot) { // If this point has special hole pattern and does not match the default from the // params, need to get specific list of holes for it numSpecHoles = 0; useXholes = (doMultiHole && item->mNumXholes) ? item->mNumXholes : msNumXholes; useYholes = (doMultiHole && item->mNumYholes) ? item->mNumYholes : msNumYholes; if (useXholes && useYholes && (useXholes != msNumXholes || useYholes != msNumYholes || item->mNumSkipHoles || highlight)) { // Get full hole list if this doesn't match last one used if (useXholes != lastSpecialXholes || useYholes != lastSpecialYholes) { numFullSpecHoles = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetHolePositions(specialFullISX, specialFullISY, fullHoleIndex, mWinApp->mNavigator->GetMagIndForHoles(), mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCameraForHoles(), useXholes, useYholes, tiltAngle, false); lastSpecialXholes = useXholes; lastSpecialYholes = useYholes; } // Reduce it by any skipped ones numSpecHoles = numFullSpecHoles; delISX = specialFullISX; delISY = specialFullISY; holeIndex = fullHoleIndex; if (item->mNumSkipHoles) { mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SkipHolesInList(delISX, delISY, holeIndex, item->mSkipHolePos, item->mNumSkipHoles, numSpecHoles); } holeItem.mNumPoints = 0; mWinApp->mNavigator->AddHolePositionsToItemPts(delISX, delISY, holeIndex, false, numSpecHoles, &holeItem); } if (numSpecHoles) { mAcquireBox->mDraw = true; if (highlight && saveCurHolePos) *curHoleIndex = holeIndex; for (int hole = 0; hole < numSpecHoles; hole++) { ptX = item->mStageX + holeItem.mPtX[hole] - mAcquireBox->mStageX; ptY = item->mStageY + holeItem.mPtY[hole] - mAcquireBox->mStageY; if (highlight && saveCurHolePos) { curHoleXYpos->push_back(item->mStageX + holeItem.mPtX[hole]); curHoleXYpos->push_back(item->mStageY + holeItem.mPtY[hole]); } if (doInHole) DrawVectorPolygon(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, convXinHole, convYinHole, ptX, ptY, delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); else DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, mAcquireBox, imBuf, B3DMIN(5, mAcquireBox->mNumPoints), ptX, ptY, delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); } } if ((!numSpecHoles || numSpecHoles == numFullSpecHoles) && useXholes == msNumXholes && useYholes == msNumYholes) { DrawVectorPolygon(cdc, &rect, item, imBuf, convXallHole, convYallHole, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); } } else { DrawMapItemBox(cdc, &rect, mAcquireBox, imBuf, B3DMIN(5, mAcquireBox->mNumPoints), item->mStageX - mAcquireBox->mStageX, item->mStageY - mAcquireBox->mStageY, delPtX, delPtY, NULL, NULL); cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } mAdjustPt = adjSave; // Draw the label if any if (iDraw >= 0 && !item->mLabel.IsEmpty() && navigator->m_bDrawLabels) { // The rule is to draw first and last in a group and up to 5 around the current // point if the group is above the threshold size draw = true; if (groupThresh > 0 && !item->IsMap() && (iDraw < currentIndex - 2 || iDraw > currentIndex + 2 || item->mGroupID != currentGroup) && item->mGroupID > 0) { if (item->mGroupID == lastGroupID) { size = lastGroupSize; } else { size = lastGroupSize = navigator->CountItemsInGroup(item->mGroupID, firstLabel, lastLabel, ierr); lastGroupID = item->mGroupID; } draw = size <= groupThresh || item->mLabel == firstLabel || item->mLabel == lastLabel || (iDraw > 0 && item->IsPoint() && sqrt(pow((double)lastStageX - item->mStageX, 2.) + pow((double)lastStageY - item->mStageY, 2.)) > labelDistThresh); } if (draw) { StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, ptX, ptY, pieceDrawnOn); MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX, ptY, &point); if (item->mNumPoints == 1) point = point + CPoint(10, 0); CFont *def_font = cdc.SelectObject(useLabelFont); int defMode = cdc.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); COLORREF defColor = cdc.SetTextColor(item->GetColor(highlight)); cdc.TextOut(point.x, point.y, item->mLabel); cdc.SelectObject(def_font); cdc.SetTextColor(defColor); cdc.SetBkMode(defMode); } lastStageX = item->mStageX; lastStageY = item->mStageY; } } delete mAcquireBox; return true; }// end of CSerialEMView::DrawImage // For drawing a map rectangle or other shape that should not be distorted by montage // adjusts at each point, get the adjustment, return it, and turn off further adjustments // for this item void CSerialEMView::GetSingleAdjustmentForItem(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CMapDrawItem *item, float &delPtX, float &delPtY) { float ptX, ptY; int drawnOn = (imBuf->mMapID && item->mDrawnOnMapID == imBuf->mMapID) ? item->mPieceDrawnOn : -1; StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, delPtX, delPtY, drawnOn); mAdjustPt = -1; StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, ptX, ptY, drawnOn); delPtX -= ptX; delPtY -= ptY; } // Draw a box for a map item with a given stage offset from the item points and with a // common montage adjustment, potentially saving the points in vectors void CSerialEMView::DrawMapItemBox(CDC &cdc, CRect *rect, CMapDrawItem *item, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int numPoints, float delXstage, float delYstage, float delPtX, float delPtY, FloatVec *drawnX, FloatVec *drawnY) { CPoint point; float stX, stY, ptX, ptY; for (int bpt = 0; bpt < numPoints; bpt++) { stX = item->mPtX[bpt] + delXstage; stY = item->mPtY[bpt] + delYstage; if (drawnX && drawnY) { drawnX->push_back(stX); drawnY->push_back(stY); } if (item->mDraw) { StageToImage(imBuf, stX, stY, ptX, ptY); MakeDrawPoint(rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX + delPtX, ptY + delPtY, &point); if (bpt) cdc.LineTo(point); else cdc.MoveTo(point); } } } // Draw a polygon from points in a vector, with the given adjustment to the stage // positions, a common montage adjustment, and potentially storing in more vectors void CSerialEMView::DrawVectorPolygon(CDC &cdc, CRect *rect, CMapDrawItem *item, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, FloatVec &convX, FloatVec &convY, float delXstage,float delYstage, float delPtX, float delPtY, FloatVec *drawnX, FloatVec *drawnY) { CPoint point; float stX, stY, ptX, ptY; int numPoints = (int)convX.size(); if (!numPoints) return; for (int bpt = 0; bpt <= numPoints; bpt++) { stX = convX[bpt % numPoints] + delXstage; stY = convY[bpt % numPoints] + delYstage; if (drawnX && drawnY) { drawnX->push_back(stX); drawnY->push_back(stY); } if (!item || item->mDraw) { StageToImage(imBuf, stX, stY, ptX, ptY); MakeDrawPoint(rect, imBuf->mImage, ptX + delPtX, ptY + delPtY, &point); if (bpt) cdc.LineTo(point); else cdc.MoveTo(point); } } } void CSerialEMView::MakeDrawPoint(CRect *rect, KImage *image, float inX, float inY, CPoint *point, bool skipShift) { float shiftX = 0., shiftY = 0.; if (!skipShift) image->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); // Need to convert from image coordinates to pixmap coordinate, hence add shifts // Need to invert the Y pixmap coordinate, apply equation, then invert resulting // Y window coordinate float pixMapY = image->getHeight() - (inY + shiftY); point->x = (int)((inX + shiftX - mXSrc) * mZoom + mXDest); point->y = rect->Height() - 1 - (int)((pixMapY- mYSrc) * mZoom + mYDest) + ZoomedPixelYAdjustment(rect, image); } // Draw Record and area being defined for low dose void CSerialEMView::DrawLowDoseAreas(CDC &cdc, CRect &rect, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float xOffset, float yOffset, int thick, int curInd, int recOnly) { COLORREF areaColors[6] = {RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB(0, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 128, 0), RGB(255, 0, 0)}; float cornerX[4], cornerY[4], cenX, cenY, radius; CPoint point; StateParams state; int newInd; bool useDash = mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt && recOnly < 0; state.camIndex = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetSingleSelectedItem(&newInd) && (curInd == -1 || curInd == newInd) && recOnly < 0) { curInd = newInd; useDash = false; } if (recOnly < 0) mWinApp->mNavHelper->FindFocusPosForCurrentItem(state, !mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt, imBuf->mRegistration, curInd); for (int type = (recOnly >= 0 ? 1 : 0); type < 2; type++) { int area = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.DrawAreaOnView(type + (recOnly >= 0 ? 1 : 0), imBuf, state, cornerX, cornerY, cenX, cenY, radius); if (area) { CPen pnSolidPen(useDash ? PS_DASHDOT : PS_SOLID, mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt ? 1 : thick, areaColors[(recOnly >= 0 ? recOnly : 0) + area - 1]); CPen *pOldPen = cdc.SelectObject(&pnSolidPen); for (int pt = 0; pt < 5; pt++) { MakeDrawPoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, cornerX[pt % 4] + xOffset, cornerY[pt % 4] + yOffset, &point, true); if (pt) cdc.LineTo(point); else cdc.MoveTo(point); } cdc.SelectObject(pOldPen); // Draw circle around center for area being defined if ((!type || recOnly >= 0) && !mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) DrawCircle(&cdc, &pnSolidPen, &rect, imBuf->mImage, cenX + xOffset, cenY + yOffset, radius, true); } } } // Since coordinates are referenced to the bottom of the image when computing their // position in zoomed image, this adjustment is needed to account for fact that full // pixels are drawn at top of image. In image smaller than the window, when the border // is odd the bigger part is at the top not the bottom int CSerialEMView::ZoomedPixelYAdjustment(CRect *rect, KImage *image) { float pixInWin = (float)(rect->Height() / mZoom); if (pixInWin < image->getHeight()) return (int)(mZoom * (1. - (pixInWin - (int)pixInWin))); return -((rect->Height() - (int)(mZoom * image->getHeight())) % 2); } // Call to set up the use of StageToImage to get image coordinates of nav points MapItemArray *CSerialEMView::GetMapItemsForImageCoords( EMimageBuffer *imBuf, bool deleteAcqBox) { MapItemArray *itemArray = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetMapDrawItems (imBuf, mAmat, mDelX, mDelY, mDrawAllReg, &mAcquireBox); if (deleteAcqBox) delete mAcquireBox; if (!itemArray) return NULL; mAdjustPt = mWinApp->mNavHelper->PrepareMontAdjustments(imBuf, mRmat, mRinv, mRdelX, mRdelY); return itemArray; } // Set the stage error if this item has been aligned on the given map void CSerialEMView::SetStageErrIfRealignedOnMap(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CMapDrawItem *item) { mStageErrX = mStageErrY = 0.; if (imBuf->mMapID && (imBuf->mMapID == item->mRealignedID)) { mStageErrX = item->mRealignErrX; mStageErrY = item->mRealignErrY; } } // External call to get image coordinates after setting it up with call above void CSerialEMView::GetItemImageCoords(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CMapDrawItem *item, float &outX, float &outY, int pcInd) { SetStageErrIfRealignedOnMap(imBuf, item); StageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, outX, outY, pcInd); } // Transform stage position to image position, with optional adjustment in montage void CSerialEMView::StageToImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float inX, float inY, float &outX, float &outY, int pcInd, float *pcCenDist) { MiniOffsets *mini = imBuf->mMiniOffsets; float testX, testY, delX, delY; int ixPiece, iyPiece, index, ind2, ix, iy, minDist, dist; outX = mAmat.xpx * (inX - mStageErrX) + mAmat.xpy * (inY - mStageErrY) + mDelX; outY = mAmat.ypx * (inX - mStageErrX) + mAmat.ypy * (inY - mStageErrY) + mDelY; if (mAdjustPt < 0) { // Optional return of distance from piece or image center if (pcCenDist) *pcCenDist = sqrtf(powf(outX - (float)imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f, 2.f) + powf(outY - (float)imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f, 2.f)); return; } testX = outX; testY = outY; // Back rotate position to original image if (mAdjustPt) { testX = mRinv.xpx * (outX - mRdelX) + mRinv.xpy * (outY - mRdelY); testY = mRinv.ypx * (outX - mRdelX) + mRinv.ypy * (outY - mRdelY); } // The incoming coordinates are inverted in Y. These montage piece indices are inverted // in Y from the normal right-hand numbering // Use piece drawn on if one is supplied; it is in right-handed numbering if (pcInd >= 0 && pcInd < (int)mini->offsetX.size() && !mini->subsetLoaded) { index = pcInd; ixPiece = pcInd / mini->yNframes; iyPiece = mini->yNframes - 1 - pcInd % mini->yNframes; } else { // Or look up the piece it is in ixPiece = (int)(testX - mini->xBase) / mini->xDelta; B3DCLAMP(ixPiece, 0, mini->xNframes - 1); iyPiece = (int)(testY - mini->yBase) / mini->yDelta; B3DCLAMP(iyPiece, 0, mini->yNframes - 1); index = (ixPiece + 1) * mini->yNframes - 1 - iyPiece; } if (mini->offsetX[index] == MINI_NO_PIECE) { // If necessary, find closest existing piece minDist = 10000000; for (ix = 0; ix < mini->xNframes; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < mini->yNframes; iy++) { ind2 = (ix + 1) * mini->yNframes - 1 - iy; if (mini->offsetX[ind2] == MINI_NO_PIECE) continue; dist = (ix - ixPiece) * (ix - ixPiece) + (iy - iyPiece) * (iy - iyPiece); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; index = ind2; } } } if (minDist >= 1000000) return; } // Compute center distance before offsetting and rotating back if (pcCenDist) { ixPiece = index / mini->yNframes; iyPiece = mini->yNframes - 1 - index % mini->yNframes; delX = testX - (float)(ixPiece * mini->xDelta + mini->xBase + mini->xDelta / 2.); delY = testY - (float)(iyPiece * mini->yDelta + mini->yBase + mini->yDelta / 2.); *pcCenDist = sqrtf(delX * delX + delY * delY); } // Offset the point, rotate it back testX += mini->offsetX[index]; testY += mini->offsetY[index]; outX = testX; outY = testY; if (mAdjustPt) { outX = mRmat.xpx * testX + mRmat.xpy * testY + mRdelX; outY = mRmat.ypx * testX + mRmat.ypy * testY + mRdelY; } } // External call for one conversion needs to be supplied with the transformation, which // is stored, then it sets up montage adjustments and can call StageToImage void CSerialEMView::ExternalStageToImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, ScaleMat &aMat, float delX, float delY, float inX, float inY, float &outX, float &outY, float *pcCenDist) { mStageErrX = mStageErrY = 0.; mAmat = aMat; mDelX = delX; mDelY = delY; mAdjustPt = mWinApp->mNavHelper->PrepareMontAdjustments(imBuf, mRmat, mRinv, mRdelX, mRdelY); StageToImage(imBuf, inX, inY, outX, outY, -1, pcCenDist); } // Draw a cross with the given pen and length void CSerialEMView::DrawCross(CDC *cdc, CPen *pNewPen, CPoint point, int crossLen) { CPen *pOldPen = cdc->SelectObject(pNewPen); point.x -= crossLen; cdc->MoveTo(point); point.x += 2 * crossLen; cdc->LineTo(point); point.x -= crossLen; point.y -= crossLen; cdc->MoveTo(point); point.y += 2 * crossLen; cdc->LineTo(point); cdc->SelectObject(pOldPen); } // Draw a circle with the given pen void CSerialEMView::DrawCircle(CDC *cdc, CPen *pNewPen, CRect *rect, KImage *image, float cenX, float cenY, float radius, bool skipShift) { CPoint point; float ptX, ptY; CPen *pOldPen; if (pNewPen) pOldPen = cdc->SelectObject(pNewPen); for (int pt = 0; pt < 91; pt++) { ptX = (float)(cenX + radius * cos(DTOR * pt * 4)); ptY = (float)(cenY + radius * sin(DTOR * pt * 4)); MakeDrawPoint(rect, image, ptX, ptY, &point, skipShift); if (pt) cdc->LineTo(point); else cdc->MoveTo(point); } if (pNewPen) cdc->SelectObject(pOldPen); } // Draw an ellipse with the given pen, given two radii and the right-handed angle of // radius 1 (i.e., take negative of angle to draw in inverted coordinates) void CSerialEMView::DrawEllipse(CDC *cdc, CPen *pNewPen, CRect *rect, KImage *image, float cenX, float cenY, float radius1, float radius2, float angle, bool drawHalf) { CPoint point; float ptX, ptY, xOnAx, yOnAx; CPen *pOldPen = cdc->SelectObject(pNewPen); float sinAng = (float)sin(-DTOR * angle); float cosAng = (float)cos(-DTOR * angle); for (int pt = 0; pt < (drawHalf ? 46 : 91); pt++) { xOnAx = (float)(radius1 * cos(DTOR * (pt * 4 + angle - 90.))); yOnAx = (float)(radius2 * sin(DTOR * (pt * 4 + angle - 90.))); ptX = cenX + xOnAx * cosAng - yOnAx * sinAng; ptY = cenY + xOnAx * sinAng + yOnAx * cosAng; MakeDrawPoint(rect, image, ptX, ptY, &point); if (pt) cdc->LineTo(point); else cdc->MoveTo(point); } cdc->SelectObject(pOldPen); } // Draw a scale bar in appropriate images (code doctored from 3dmod) void CSerialEMView::DrawScaleBar(CDC *cdc, CRect *rect, EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float sizeScaling) { double expon, minlen, loglen, normlen, custlen, pixsize; float truelen; int xst, yst, pixlen, xsize, ysize; int winx = rect->Width(); int winy = rect->Height(); CString label; if (!mScaleParams.draw) return; pixsize = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); // Get minimum length in units, then reduce that to number between 0 and 1. minlen = pixsize * mScaleParams.minLength / mZoom; loglen = log10(minlen); expon = floor(loglen); normlen = pow(10., loglen - expon); // If a custom length is specified, just use it; adjust by 10 either way if (mScaleParams.useCustom) { custlen = mScaleParams.customVal / 10.; if (custlen < normlen) custlen *= 10.; if (custlen >= 10. * normlen) custlen /= 10.; normlen = custlen; } else { // Otherwise set to next higher standard number if (normlen < 2.) normlen = 2.; else if (normlen < 5.) normlen = 5.; else normlen = 10.; } // Get real length then pixel length, starting points truelen = (float)(normlen * pow(10., expon)); pixlen = B3DNINT(truelen * mZoom / pixsize); xsize = mScaleParams.vertical ? mScaleParams.thickness : pixlen; ysize = mScaleParams.vertical ? pixlen : mScaleParams.thickness; xst = mScaleParams.indentX; if (mScaleParams.position == 0 || mScaleParams.position == 3) xst = winx - mScaleParams.indentX - xsize; yst = winy - mScaleParams.indentY; if (mScaleParams.position == 2 || mScaleParams.position == 3) yst = winy - mScaleParams.indentY - ysize; cdc->FillSolidRect(xst, yst, xsize, ysize, RGB(255,255,252)); cdc->FillSolidRect(xst, yst + ysize, xsize, ysize, RGB(0, 0, 0)); if (truelen < 1.) label.Format("%g nm", truelen * 1000.); else label.Format("%g um", truelen); CFont *def_font = cdc->SelectObject(sizeScaling > 1. ? mScaledFont : &mFont); int defMode = cdc->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); COLORREF defColor = cdc->SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); CSize labsize = cdc->GetTextExtent(label); //cdc->TextOut(xst + xsize / 2 - labsize.cx / 2 - 4, yst - ysize - labsize.cy, label); cdc->TextOut(xst + xsize / 2 - labsize.cx / 2 - DSB_DPI_SCALE(10), yst - ysize - labsize.cy - DSB_DPI_SCALE(4), label); cdc->SetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255)); //cdc->TextOut(xst + xsize / 2 - labsize.cx / 2 - 1, yst - ysize - labsize.cy - 3, label); cdc->TextOut(xst + xsize / 2 - labsize.cx / 2 - DSB_DPI_SCALE(8), yst - ysize - labsize.cy - DSB_DPI_SCALE(6), label); cdc->SelectObject(def_font); cdc->SetTextColor(defColor); cdc->SetBkMode(defMode); } // Adjust image offset to be in range and set the offsets for drawing on one axis void CSerialEMView::b3dSetImageOffset(int winsize, /* window size in wpixels. */ int imsize, /* image size in ipixels */ double zoom, /* zoom factor. */ int *drawsize, /* size drawn in ipixels */ int *offset, /* offset from center in ipixels. */ int *woff, /* window offset in wpixels. */ int *doff) /* data offset in ipixels */ { /* Fits completely inside of window. */ if ( (imsize * zoom) < winsize ){ *drawsize = imsize; *woff = (int)(( winsize - (imsize * zoom)) / 2); *doff = 0; *offset = 0; // NEW: eliminate the shift if it fits }else{ /* Draw sub image. */ *woff = 0; *drawsize = (int)(((double)winsize) / zoom); *doff = (int)((imsize / 2 ) - (winsize / zoom / 2)); *doff -= *offset; /* Offset in lower corner. */ if (*doff < 0){ /* maxborder. */ int maxwoff = 0; // was winsize/6; *woff = (int)(-(*doff) * zoom); if (*woff > maxwoff) *woff = maxwoff; *doff = 0; *drawsize = (int)(((double)(winsize - (*woff))) / zoom); *offset = (int)(((float)imsize*0.5f) - ((((float)winsize*0.5f) - (float)*woff)/(float)zoom)); /* try and fill corners. */ if (*drawsize < (imsize-1)) (*drawsize)++; //PrintfToLog("ds do offset wo %d %d %d %d", *drawsize, *doff, *offset, *woff); return; } /* Offset in upper corner */ if ( (*doff + *drawsize) > (imsize - 1)){ /* The minimum drawsize. */ int minds = (int)((winsize * 1.0)/zoom); // was * 0.8333333 *drawsize = imsize - *doff; if (*drawsize < minds){ *drawsize = minds; *doff = imsize - *drawsize; *offset = (int)(((float)imsize * 0.5) - (float)(*doff) - (((float)winsize*0.5f)/(float)zoom) - 2.0f); } //PrintfToLog("ds do offset wo %d %d %d %d", *drawsize, *doff, *offset, *woff); return; } if (*drawsize < (imsize-1)) (*drawsize)++; } //PrintfToLog("ds do offset wo %d %d %d %d", *drawsize, *doff, *offset, *woff); return; } double CSerialEMView::b3dStepPixelZoom(double czoom, int step) { double *zv = zoomvals; int i=0; int zoomi; if (mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetFixedZoomStep()) { if (step < 0) { if (czoom < zv[0]) return czoom; return czoom / sqrt(2.); } else { if (czoom > zv[MAXZOOMI]) return czoom; return czoom * sqrt(2.); } } if (step > 0) { /* DNM: need to cast both to floats because czoom was stored as a float and some comparisons can fail on PC */ for(i = 0; i < MAXZOOMI; i++) if ((float)zv[i] > (float)czoom) break; zoomi = (i - 1) + step; } else { for(i = MAXZOOMI; i >= 0; i--) if ((float)zv[i] < (float)czoom) break; zoomi = (i + 1) + step; } if (zoomi < 0) zoomi = 0; if (zoomi > MAXZOOMI) zoomi = MAXZOOMI; /* printf ("%f %d %d %f\n", czoom, step, zoomi, zv[zoomi]); */ return(zv[zoomi]); } void CSerialEMView::ZoomUp() { double oldZoom = mZoom; mZoom = b3dStepPixelZoom(mZoom, 1); // Nice idea but too unpredictable, no good way to not have marker, etc /*// Expand around a drawn point if there is one if (mZoom > oldZoom && mImBufs) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; if (imBuf->mHasUserPt && !imBuf->mHasUserLine && imBuf->mImage) { m_iOffsetX = -B3DNINT(imBuf->mUserPtX - imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.); m_iOffsetY = B3DNINT(imBuf->mUserPtY - imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.); } } */ NewZoom(); } void CSerialEMView::ZoomDown() { mZoom = b3dStepPixelZoom(mZoom, -1); NewZoom(); } void CSerialEMView::SetZoom(double inZoom) { mZoom = B3DMIN(20.0, B3DMAX(0.002, inZoom)); NewZoom(); } // Notify image level window of new zoom void CSerialEMView::NewZoom() { double effZoom; float binning; if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImage) DrawImage(); if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImageScale) mWinApp->mImageLevel.NewZoom(mZoom); // Set effective zoom unless it is a map binning = GetBufferBinning(); if (binning > 0. && !mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mMapID) { effZoom = mZoom / binning; // Set separately for View, Search, and general if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mLowDoseArea && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mConSetUsed == VIEW_CONSET) { mViewEffectiveZoom = effZoom; } else if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mLowDoseArea && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mConSetUsed == SEARCH_CONSET) { mSearchEffectiveZoom = effZoom; } else { mEffectiveZoom = effZoom; } } mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mZoom = mZoom; } // Left button down // Capture the mouse; save the current point void CSerialEMView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { SetCapture(); m_iPrevMX = point.x; // Integer values for panning m_iPrevMY = point.y; mMouseDownTime = GetTickCount(); // Get start time and set flag mDrawingLine = false; // that it may not be a or line draw CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } // Record information for zooming around the mouse point void CSerialEMView::SetupZoomAroundPoint(CPoint *point) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); mZoomAroundPoint = mImBufs && ConvertMousePoint(&rect, mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImage, point, mZoomupImageX, mZoomupImageY); mZoomupPoint = *point; } // Left double click goes to Navigator for editing points void CSerialEMView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (mWinApp->mNavigator && !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2) && mWinApp->mNavigator->InEditMode()) mWinApp->mNavigator->MouseDoubleClick(VK_LBUTTON); } // Middle double click goes to Navigator for loading map void CSerialEMView::OnMButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (mWinApp->mNavigator && (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2) && !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2)) mWinApp->mNavigator->MouseDoubleClick(VK_MBUTTON); } // Release mouse if it was captured by this window void CSerialEMView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { float shiftX, shiftY, angle, pixScale, crossLen; int imX, imY; double defocus; BOOL legal, used = false, showStage = false; CString lenstr; bool shiftKey = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; bool ctrlKey = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; CProcessImage *processImg = mWinApp->mProcessImage; CRect rect; FloatVec radii; mNavUsedLastLButtonUp = false; if (GetCapture() == this) { ReleaseCapture(); if (mImBufs && !mPanning && !mDrawingLine && SEMTickInterval(mMouseDownTime) <= USER_PT_CLICK_TIME) { // If the up event is within the click time and we haven't started panning, // get the user point and redraw imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; GetClientRect(&rect); legal = ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, shiftX, shiftY); if (mWinApp->mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts() && !shiftKey && ctrlKey) { crossLen = (float)(2 * mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(9) / (mZoom < 1 ? mZoom : 1.)); mNavUsedLastLButtonUp = mWinApp->mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->MouseSelectPoint( imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, crossLen, false); } // Navigator gets first crack if it is either a legal point or a valid hit for // selection if (!mNavUsedLastLButtonUp && ((!mDrewLDAreasAtNavPt || (!shiftKey && ctrlKey)) && mWinApp->mNavigator && (legal || (!shiftKey && (ctrlKey || mWinApp->mNavigator->InEditMode())) || (shiftKey && mWinApp->mNavigator->InEditMode())))) mNavUsedLastLButtonUp = mWinApp->mNavigator->UserMousePoint(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, mPointNearImageCenter, VK_LBUTTON); if (legal && !mNavUsedLastLButtonUp) { // If the point is legal and was not used by navigator, commit it and output // stats. But first see if low dose needs to snap it to axis and act on it mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.UserPointChange(shiftX, shiftY, imBuf); if ((mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && !imBuf->mCtfFocus1) processImg->ModifyFFTPointToFirstZero(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY); imBuf->mHasUserPt = !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2); imBuf->mHasUserLine = false; imBuf->mDrawUserBox = false; imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = false; imBuf->mUserPtX = shiftX; imBuf->mUserPtY = shiftY; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.Update(); if ((mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && processImg->GetFFTZeroRadiiAndDefocus(imBuf, &radii, defocus)) { lenstr.Format("Defocus -%.2f um", defocus); imBuf->mCtfFocus1 = 0.; imX = 0; if (processImg->GetCtffindOnClick() && !mWinApp->mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()) { imX = FitCtfAtMarkedPoint(imBuf, lenstr, defocus, radii); } if (processImg->GetPlatePhase() > 0.001 || imX > 0) lenstr += ": PP"; mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, lenstr); } else { imX = (int)imBuf->mUserPtX; imY = (int)imBuf->mUserPtY; ShowImageValue(imBuf->mImage, imX, imY, MEDIUM_PANE); showStage = true; } if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->UpdateAddMarker(); } if (!legal && !mNavUsedLastLButtonUp) { if (!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2)) { imBuf->mHasUserPt = false; imBuf->mHasUserLine = false; imBuf->mDrawUserBox = false; imBuf->mUserPtX = shiftX; imBuf->mUserPtY = shiftY; imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = true; showStage = true; } else imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = false; if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->UpdateAddMarker(); used = true; } if (legal || used) DrawImage(); if (mWinApp->mNavigator && showStage) { if (mWinApp->mNavigator->MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY)) { lenstr.Format("%.2f, %.2f um", shiftX, shiftY); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, lenstr, true); } } } else if (mImBufs && mDrawingLine) { // If done drawing a line, output the length to log window imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; if (!imBuf->mDrawUserBox) { if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.CanActOnUserPointChange(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY)) { shiftX += imBuf->mLineEndX - imBuf->mUserPtX; shiftY += imBuf->mLineEndY - imBuf->mUserPtY; imBuf->mHasUserPt = true; imBuf->mHasUserLine = false; imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = false; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.UserPointChange(shiftX, shiftY, imBuf); imBuf->mUserPtX = shiftX; imBuf->mUserPtY = shiftY; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.Update(); DrawImage(); } else { GetLineLength(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, angle); if (shiftY) { pixScale = shiftY >= 1000. ? 0.001f : 1.f; lenstr.Format("Drawn line is %.1f pixels, " + mWinApp->PixelFormat(shiftY, pixScale) + " at %.1f degrees", shiftX, shiftY * pixScale, angle); } else lenstr.Format("Drawn line is %.1f pixels at %.1f degrees", shiftX, angle); mWinApp->AppendToLog(lenstr, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); } } } else if (mPanning && mZoom < 0.8 && mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetAntialias()) { // If we were panning and suspended antialias drawing, do antialias draw now mPanning = false; DrawImage(); } mPanning = false; } CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); } int CSerialEMView::FitCtfAtMarkedPoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CString &lenstr, double &defocus, FloatVec &radii) { int imX, imY, loop, astigPhase = 1; float phase = 0., plotterPhase = 0., fitStart = -1.; float plotterDef, astig, angle, fitToFreq, CCC, reduction; double mmDefocus, newRad; CProcessImage *processImg = mWinApp->mProcessImage; EMimageBuffer *mainImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); CtffindParams param; CString command, filename, saveName, results; BOOL usePlotter = processImg->GetClickUseCtfplotter(); float resultsArray[7]; for (imX = 0; imX < MAX_BUFFERS; imX++) if (imBuf->mTimeStamp == mainImBufs[imX].mTimeStamp && imBuf != &mainImBufs[imX]) break; // For an FFT, run Ctffind or ctfplotter if option selected if (imX >= MAX_BUFFERS) return -1; if (processImg->InitializeCtffindParams(&mainImBufs[imX], param)) return -2; // Adjust search parameters based on options param.slower_search = processImg->GetSlowerCtfFit() > 0; param.compute_extra_stats = processImg->GetExtraCtfStats() > 0; // Turn off astigmatism if Ctrl key down if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2) { param.astigmatism_is_known = true; param.known_astigmatism = 0.; param.known_astigmatism_angle = 0.; astigPhase = 0; } // Assumed phase is stored in radians, passed here in radians and // the params to ctffind are in radians if (processImg->GetPlatePhase() > 0.001 || processImg->GetCtfFindPhaseOnClick()) { param.minimum_additional_phase_shift = param.maximum_additional_phase_shift = (float)(processImg->GetPlatePhase()); param.find_additional_phase_shift = true; plotterPhase = (float)(processImg->GetPlatePhase() / DTOR); if (processImg->GetMinCtfFitResIfPhase() > 0.) fitStart = processImg->GetMinCtfFitResIfPhase(); // But the min and max for fitting are stored as degrees if (processImg->GetCtfFindPhaseOnClick()) { astigPhase += 2; param.minimum_additional_phase_shift = (float)(processImg->GetCtfMinPhase() * DTOR); param.maximum_additional_phase_shift = (float)(processImg->GetCtfMaxPhase() * DTOR); if (processImg->GetCtfFixAstigForPhase()) { param.astigmatism_is_known = true; param.known_astigmatism = 0.; param.known_astigmatism_angle = 0.; astigPhase -= 1; } } // Get defocus and radii from middle of phase search range for setting the params phase = (param.minimum_additional_phase_shift + param.maximum_additional_phase_shift) / 2.f; if (usePlotter && processImg->GetCtfFindPhaseOnClick()) { plotterPhase = (float)processImg->GetCtfExpectedPhase(); phase = (float)(plotterPhase * DTOR); param.minimum_additional_phase_shift = phase - (float)(60. * DTOR); param.maximum_additional_phase_shift = phase + (float)(60. * DTOR); } processImg->GetFFTZeroRadiiAndDefocus(imBuf, &radii, defocus, phase); } processImg->SetCtffindParamsForDefocus(param, defocus, false); // Use radii of first and second zeros to determine a smaller defocus // range from that at the second zero to that halfway of the zero // spacing below the first if (radii.size() > 1) { imY = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2; for (loop = 0; loop < (param.find_additional_phase_shift ? 2 : 1); loop++) { phase = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; if (param.find_additional_phase_shift) phase = loop ? param.maximum_additional_phase_shift : param.minimum_additional_phase_shift; newRad = radii[0] - B3DMAX(10. / (imY * mZoom), (usePlotter ? 2.0 : 1.0) * (radii[1] - radii[0])); if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(newRad, 1, param.pixel_size_of_input_image / 10.f, 0., NULL, mmDefocus, phase)) ACCUM_MIN(param.maximum_defocus, (float)(mmDefocus * 10000.)); newRad = radii[0] + B3DMAX(10. / (imY * mZoom), (usePlotter ? 1.0 : 0.5) * (radii[1] - radii[0])); if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->DefocusFromPointAndZeros(newRad, 1, param.pixel_size_of_input_image / 10.f, 0., NULL, mmDefocus, phase)) ACCUM_MAX(param.minimum_defocus, (float)(mmDefocus * 10000.)); } } imBuf->mMaxRingFreq = 0.; if (usePlotter) { // CTFPLOTTER: Tried wider defocus range and sending expected defocus, it did not // help with highly astigmatic images (> 0.8 micron?) if (processImg->MakeCtfplotterShrMemFile(imX, filename, reduction)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(filename); return -3; } if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->MakeCtfplotterCommand(filename, reduction, imX, 0., -param.minimum_defocus / 10000.f, -param.maximum_defocus / 10000.f, 0.,//-defocus, astigPhase, plotterPhase, 1, 0., fitStart, 0., 0, saveName, command)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(command); processImg->DeletePlotterShrMemFile(); return -3; } if (processImg->RunCtfplotterOnBuffer(filename, command, 5000)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(command); return -3; } if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->ReadCtfplotterResults(plotterDef, astig, angle, phase, astigPhase, fitToFreq, CCC, results, command)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(command); return -3; } // Store the result for use in tuning etc. mWinApp->AppendToLog(results); imBuf->mCtfFocus1 = -plotterDef + astig / 2.f; imBuf->mCtfFocus2 = -plotterDef - astig / 2.f; imBuf->mCtfAngle = angle; imBuf->mCtfPhase = (float)(param.find_additional_phase_shift ? phase * DTOR : EXTRA_NO_VALUE); lenstr.Format("Defocus %.2f astig %.3f um", plotterDef, astig); if (fitToFreq > 0) imBuf->mMaxRingFreq = param.pixel_size_of_input_image / fitToFreq; } else { // CTFFIND // Boost search step for big defocus ranges if (param.slower_search) ACCUM_MAX(param.defocus_search_step, (param.maximum_defocus - param.minimum_defocus) / 100.f); SEMTrace('1', "Search defocus range %.0f %.0f step %.0f resolution " "range %.1f %.1f", param.minimum_defocus, param.maximum_defocus, param.defocus_search_step, param.minimum_resolution, param.maximum_resolution); if (processImg->RunCtffind(&mainImBufs[imX], param, resultsArray)) return -3; imBuf->mCtfFocus1 = resultsArray[0] / 10000.f; imBuf->mCtfFocus2 = resultsArray[1] / 10000.f; imBuf->mCtfAngle = resultsArray[2]; imBuf->mCtfPhase = param.find_additional_phase_shift ? resultsArray[3] : (float)EXTRA_NO_VALUE; lenstr.Format("Defocus -%.2f astig %.3f um", (imBuf->mCtfFocus1 + imBuf->mCtfFocus2) / 2., imBuf->mCtfFocus1 - imBuf->mCtfFocus2); if (param.compute_extra_stats && resultsArray[5] > 0.) imBuf->mMaxRingFreq = param.pixel_size_of_input_image / resultsArray[5]; } return param.find_additional_phase_shift ? 1 : 0; } // Convert a mouse point to an image coordinate, returning true if it is inside image BOOL CSerialEMView::ConvertMousePoint(CRect *rect, KImage *image, CPoint *point, float &outX, float &outY) { float shiftX, shiftY; float centerTol = 5.; if (!image) return false; // The problem is that we want the point coordinates to be with inverted Y // while the border-start (Src-Dest) equations are written in terms of // non-inverted coordinate system. Thus, need to invert the Y mouse, compute and scale // offset and invert back. Inversion of integer mouse coordinates uses height - 1, // but inversion of floating image coords uses height because they range from 0-height int my = rect->Height() - 1 - (point->y - ZoomedPixelYAdjustment(rect, image)); image->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); outX = (float)((point->x + 0.5 - mXDest) / mZoom + mXSrc) - shiftX; outY = (float)(image->getHeight() - ((my + 0.5 - mYDest) / mZoom + mYSrc)) - shiftY; mPointNearImageCenter = fabs(outX - image->getWidth() / 2.) / mZoom < centerTol && fabs(outY - image->getHeight() / 2.) / mZoom < centerTol; return (outX >= 0 && outX < image->getWidth() && outY >= 0 && outY < image->getHeight()); } // Return the image coordinates of the corners of the window void CSerialEMView::WindowCornersInImageCoords(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float *xCorner, float *yCorner) { CRect rect; CPoint point; GetClientRect(&rect); point.x = 0; point.y = 0; ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, xCorner[0], yCorner[0]); point.x = rect.Width(); ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, xCorner[1], yCorner[1]); point.y = rect.Height(); ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, xCorner[2], yCorner[2]); point.x = 0; ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, xCorner[3], yCorner[3]); } // Middle button down: zoom up if control, or add a point in edit mode void CSerialEMView::OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { float shiftX, shiftY, pixel; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; CString str; CRect rect; BOOL legal, isFFT; bool ctrl = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; bool shifted = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; if (ctrl && !shifted) { SetupZoomAroundPoint(&point); ZoomUp(); } else if (mImBufs && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImage) { GetClientRect(&rect); imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; legal = ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, shiftX, shiftY); isFFT = imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT; if (ctrl && shifted && legal && mMainWindow && mWinApp->mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SinglePolygonMode() && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()) { mWinApp->mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->MakeSinglePolygon(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY); } else if (legal && (isFFT || (mWinApp->mNavigator && ((mWinApp->mNavigator->TakingMousePoints() && !shifted) || (shifted && !ctrl))))) { if (isFFT) { pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (pixel) { shiftY = (float)(sqrt(pow(shiftX - imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2., 2.) + pow(shiftY - imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2., 2.)) / imBuf->mImage->getWidth()); shiftX = 10000.f * pixel / B3DMAX(0.0001f, shiftY); str.Format("Freq. %.3g/A Period %.1f A", 1. / shiftX, shiftX); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, str); } } else { mWinApp->mNavigator->UserMousePoint(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, mPointNearImageCenter , VK_MBUTTON); DrawImage(); } } } CView::OnMButtonDown(nFlags, point); } // Right button down: zoom down if control // Otherwise, store values for image shifting, and either start a clock in edit mode // or just start shifting; notify shifter if this is the A buffer void CSerialEMView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { BOOL shiftKey = ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; BOOL ctrlKey = ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; if (ctrlKey && !shiftKey) { SetupZoomAroundPoint(&point); ZoomDown(); } else { SetCapture(); m_iPrevMX = point.x; // Integer values for panning m_iPrevMY = point.y; m_dPrevMX = point.x; // Double values to keep better track in image shift m_dPrevMY = point.y; if (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->TakingMousePoints()) { mMouseDownTime = GetTickCount(); // Get start time } else if (mMainWindow) { mShiftManager->StartMouseShifting(shiftKey, mImBufIndex); mMouseShifting = true; } } CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } // Right button up: notify shifter that it is time to shift, or do nav edit mode move void CSerialEMView::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { float shiftX, shiftY; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; CRect rect; if (GetCapture() == this) { ReleaseCapture(); if (mMainWindow && mMouseShifting) { mShiftManager->EndMouseShifting(mImBufIndex); mMouseShifting = false; DrawImage(); } else if (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->TakingMousePoints() && mImBufs && !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2) && !(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2)) { imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; GetClientRect(&rect); if (ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, shiftX, shiftY)) { mWinApp->mNavigator->UserMousePoint(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, mPointNearImageCenter, VK_RBUTTON); DrawImage(); } } } CView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); } // Mouse move: process many situations void CSerialEMView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { int iDx, iDy, pDx, pDy; double zoomFac = mZoom < 1 ? mZoom : 1.; float shiftX, shiftY, prevX, prevY, angle, pixScale, crossLen; BOOL shiftKey = ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; BOOL ctrlKey = ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; bool navEdit = mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->m_bEditMode; bool haveHoles = mWinApp->mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts(); bool dragSelect = (navEdit || haveHoles) && ctrlKey && !shiftKey && (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON) && !mDrawingLine; EMimageBuffer *imBuf; CRect rect; CString lenstr; if (mImBufs != NULL && GetCapture() == this && (!ctrlKey || shiftKey || dragSelect)) { if (nFlags & MK_RBUTTON) { // Right button: if there is a change in position, and mouse shifting is either // underway or the change is big enough or enough time has passed, then shift iDx = (int) floor((point.x - m_dPrevMX) / mZoom + 0.5); iDy = (int) floor((point.y - m_dPrevMY) / mZoom + 0.5); if ((iDx || iDy) && (mMouseShifting || (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->TakingMousePoints() && SEMTickInterval(mMouseDownTime) > USER_PT_CLICK_TIME) || iDx < -PAN_THRESH || iDx > PAN_THRESH || iDy < -PAN_THRESH || iDy > PAN_THRESH)) { if (mMainWindow) { if (!mMouseShifting) { // Initiate shifting if not underway yet mShiftManager->StartMouseShifting(shiftKey, mImBufIndex); mMouseShifting = true; } mShiftManager->SetAlignShifts((float)iDx, (float)iDy, true, &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]); } m_iPrevMX = point.x; m_iPrevMY = point.y; m_dPrevMX += iDx * mZoom; m_dPrevMY += iDy * mZoom; } } else { // Pan 1:1 with image for zooms below 1, and 1:1 with pixels for zooms above 1 pDx = point.x - m_iPrevMX; iDx = B3DNINT(pDx / zoomFac); pDy = point.y - m_iPrevMY; iDy = -B3DNINT(pDy / zoomFac); // Take this as a panning move if there is a move, and either panning // has already started, or click time is expired, or the move is greater // than a threshold if ((iDx || iDy) && (mPanning || mDrawingLine || dragSelect || GetTickCount() - mMouseDownTime > USER_PT_CLICK_TIME || pDx < -PAN_THRESH || pDx > PAN_THRESH || pDy < -PAN_THRESH || pDy > PAN_THRESH)) { // Start or continue panning if panning already or no shift key GetClientRect(&rect); imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; if (mPanning || (!mDrawingLine && !shiftKey && !dragSelect)) { mPanning = true; m_iOffsetX += iDx; m_iOffsetY += iDy; m_iPrevMX += B3DNINT(zoomFac * iDx); m_iPrevMY -= B3DNINT(zoomFac * iDy); DrawImage(); } else if (ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, shiftX, shiftY) || dragSelect) { if (dragSelect) { crossLen = (float)(2 * mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(9) / zoomFac); if (haveHoles) navEdit = !mWinApp->mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->MouseSelectPoint( imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, crossLen, true); if (navEdit) mWinApp->mNavigator->MouseDragSelectPoint(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, crossLen); // Otherwise start or continue drawing a line if point is within image } else if (!mDrawingLine && !(imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT)) { CPoint prev(m_iPrevMX, m_iPrevMY); if (!ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &prev, prevX, prevY)) { prevX = shiftX; prevY = shiftY; } mDrawingLine = true; imBuf->mHasUserPt = false; imBuf->mHasUserLine = true; imBuf->mIllegalUserPt = false; imBuf->mCtfFocus1 = 0.; imBuf->mUserPtX = prevX; imBuf->mUserPtY = prevY; if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->UpdateAddMarker(); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.Update(); } if (mDrawingLine) { imBuf->mLineEndX = shiftX; imBuf->mLineEndY = shiftY; imBuf->mDrawUserBox = ctrlKey; if (ctrlKey) { GetUserBoxSize(imBuf, iDx, iDy, shiftX, shiftY); if (shiftX) { pixScale = B3DMIN(shiftX, shiftY) >= 1000. ? 0.001f : 1.f; lenstr.Format("%d x %d: " + mWinApp->PixelFormat(shiftX, pixScale) + " x " + mWinApp->PixelFormat(shiftY, pixScale), iDx, iDy, shiftX * pixScale, shiftY * pixScale); } else lenstr.Format("%d x %d pixels", iDx, iDy); } else { GetLineLength(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, angle); if (shiftY) { pixScale = shiftY >= 1000. ? 0.001f : 1.f; lenstr.Format("%.1f pix, " + mWinApp->PixelFormat(shiftY, pixScale) + " at %.1f deg", shiftX, shiftY * pixScale, angle); } else lenstr.Format("%.1f pix at %.1f deg", shiftX, angle); } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, lenstr); DrawImage(); } } } } // If not a specific action, do continuous update in complex pane } else if (!mWinApp->DoingComplexTasks() || !mWinApp->DoingTasks() || mWinApp->GetJustChangingLDarea() || mWinApp->GetJustDoingSynchro()) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int imX, imY; float shiftX, shiftY; if (ConvertMousePoint(&rect, imBuf->mImage, &point, shiftX, shiftY)) { imX = (int)shiftX; imY = (int)shiftY; ShowImageValue(imBuf->mImage, imX, imY, !mWinApp->DoingComplexTasks() ? COMPLEX_PANE : MEDIUM_PANE); } } CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); } // Zoom image with mouse wheel BOOL CSerialEMView::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt) { int clicksPerZoom = 3, deltaSign = mWinApp->GetReverseWheelZoom() ? 1 : -1; double stepZoom, lastStep; int numClicks, step = 1; BOOL inWin, inLog = false, inNav = false; CRect rect; if (nFlags & MK_CONTROL) return false; // Just in case there are continuously scrolling devices, accumulate changes and respond // only when the standard threshold is exceeded mWheelDeltaPending += zDelta; if (B3DABS(mWheelDeltaPending) >= WHEEL_DELTA) { // Derive an equivalent number of clicks and set the step sign numClicks = B3DNINT(B3DABS(mWheelDeltaPending) / (double)WHEEL_DELTA); if (zDelta < 0) { numClicks = -numClicks; step = -1; } // Determine if in the image window, nav, or log window GetWindowRect(rect); inWin = rect.PtInRect(pt); if (!inWin) { if (mWinApp->mNavigator) { mWinApp->mNavigator->GetWindowRect(rect); inNav = rect.PtInRect(pt); } if (mWinApp->mLogWindow) { mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetWindowRect(rect); inLog = rect.PtInRect(pt); } // If not in window and in nav and either not in log or nav was last clicked, do nav if (inNav && (!inLog || mWinApp->GetNavOrLogHadFocus() > 0)) { int top = mWinApp->mNavigator->m_listViewer.GetTopIndex(); mWinApp->mNavigator->m_listViewer.SetTopIndex(top - numClicks); mWheelDeltaPending = 0; return true; } // If not in window and in log and not in nav or log has focus last, do log if (inLog && (!inNav || mWinApp->GetNavOrLogHadFocus() < 0)) { mWinApp->mLogWindow->m_editWindow.LineScroll(-numClicks); mWheelDeltaPending = 0; return true; } // Otherwise do nothing if not in window return false; } // Leave the difference pending and skip if at end of range mWheelDeltaPending -= numClicks * WHEEL_DELTA; if ((mZoom <= zoomvals[0] && step * deltaSign < 0) || (mZoom >= zoomvals[MAXZOOMI] && step * deltaSign > 0)) { mWheelDeltaPending = 0; return true; } // Determine next step and previous one and make a zoom change that will give full // step in given number of clicks stepZoom = b3dStepPixelZoom(mZoom, step * deltaSign); lastStep = b3dStepPixelZoom(stepZoom, -step * deltaSign); mZoom *= pow(stepZoom / lastStep, fabs(numClicks / (double)clicksPerZoom)); if ((mZoom < stepZoom && step * deltaSign < 0) || (mZoom > stepZoom && step * deltaSign > 0)) mZoom = stepZoom; NewZoom(); } return true; } #define VK_MINUS 189 #define VK_EQUALS 187 void CSerialEMView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { int iTrial, iDir, iBuf; float arrowInc = mWinApp->mRemoteControl.GetBeamIncrement(); float brightInc = mWinApp->mRemoteControl.GetIntensityIncrement(); float fdx =0., fdy = 0.; EMimageBuffer *mainBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); char cChar = char(nChar); bool mainOrFFT = mMainWindow || mFFTWindow; bool ctrl = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; bool shift = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; bool navCanProcess = mWinApp->mNavigator && !mWinApp->mNavigator->mNavAcquireDlg; mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetKeyPressed((int)cChar); // Keep track of ctrl and shift (ONLY IF WE GET KEYUP TOO) /*if (nChar == VK_CONTROL) mCtrlPressed = true; if (nChar == VK_SHIFT) mShiftPressed = true; */ if (!BOOL_EQUIV(ctrl, mCtrlPressed)) mWinApp->mRemoteControl.CtrlChanged(ctrl); if (!BOOL_EQUIV(shift, mShiftPressed)) mWinApp->mRemoteControl.ShiftChanged(shift); mCtrlPressed = ctrl; mShiftPressed = shift; SEMTrace('k', "Code %u, char %c ctrl %d shift %d", nChar, cChar, mCtrlPressed, mShiftPressed); // Zoom up and down with these non standard keys if (nChar == VK_MINUS) { ZoomDown(); } else if (nChar == VK_EQUALS) { ZoomUp(); // Invert contrast } else if (nChar == VK_F11) { mWinApp->mImageLevel.ToggleInvertContrast(); } else if (nChar == VK_F12) { mWinApp->mImageLevel.ToggleFalseColor(); // Beam shift with shifted arrow keys; change increment with < or > } else if (mShiftPressed && nChar >= VK_LEFT && nChar <= VK_DOWN) { if (nChar % 2) fdx = (float)((nChar - 38.) * arrowInc); else fdy = (float)((39. - nChar) * arrowInc); mWinApp->mProcessImage->MoveBeamByCameraFraction(fdx, fdy, true); } else if (mShiftPressed && (nChar == VK_OEM_COMMA || nChar == VK_OEM_PERIOD)) { arrowInc *= (nChar == VK_OEM_COMMA ? 0.707107f : 1.414214f); mWinApp->mRemoteControl.SetBeamIncrement(arrowInc); // Change percent C2 with Ctrl arrow keys and increment with Ctrl , . } else if (mCtrlPressed && (nChar == VK_UP || nChar == VK_DOWN)) { mWinApp->mRemoteControl.ChangeIntensityByIncrement(39 - nChar); } else if (mCtrlPressed && (nChar == VK_OEM_COMMA || nChar == VK_OEM_PERIOD)) { brightInc *= (nChar == VK_OEM_COMMA ? 0.707107f : 1.414214f); mWinApp->mRemoteControl.SetIntensityIncrement(brightInc); // If navigator open let arrows be used to move in list } else if (mWinApp->mNavigator && (nChar == VK_UP || nChar == VK_DOWN)) { mWinApp->mNavigator->MoveListSelection(nChar == VK_UP ? -1 : 1); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'A' && (!mCtrlPressed || mShiftPressed)) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessAkey(mCtrlPressed, mShiftPressed); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'C' && !mCtrlPressed && !mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessCKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'R' && !mCtrlPressed && !mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessRKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'D' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessDKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'T' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessTKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'N' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessNKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'V' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessVKey(); } else if (navCanProcess && cChar == 'H' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mNavigator->ProcessHKey(); } else if (cChar == 'X' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mImageLevel.ToggleExtraInfo(); } else if (cChar == 'H' && !mCtrlPressed && mShiftPressed) { mWinApp->mImageLevel.ToggleCrosshairs(); // Otherwise use arrow keys to adjust offset } else if (nChar >= VK_LEFT && nChar <= VK_DOWN) { int iDx = 0; int iDy = 0; if (nChar % 2) iDx = nChar - 38; else iDy = 39 - nChar; m_iOffsetX += iDx; m_iOffsetY += iDy; DrawImage(); // PageUp, PageDn, Home, End move in multibuffer window } else if (nChar >= VK_PRIOR && nChar <= VK_HOME && mImBufNumber > 1) { if ((mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_PRIOR) || (!mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_NEXT)) { // Page up: go toward 0 buffer iTrial = mImBufIndex - 1; iDir = -1; } else if ((!mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_PRIOR) || (mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_NEXT)) { // Page down: go toward last buffer iTrial = mImBufIndex + 1; iDir = 1; } else if ((mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_END) || (!mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_HOME)) { // End: go to last, search back from there iTrial = mImBufNumber - 1; iDir = -1; } else if ((!mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_END) || (mainOrFFT && nChar == VK_HOME)) { // Home: go to first, search forward from there iTrial = 0; iDir = 1; } mWinApp->SetBufToggleCount(0); TryToChangeBuffer(iTrial, iDir); // Insert key to get to Autoalign image } else if (nChar == VK_INSERT) { mWinApp->SetBufToggleCount(0); iBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->AutoalignBufferIndex(); if (mainBufs[iBuf].mImage) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(iBuf); // Delete key to get to read-in image } else if (nChar == VK_DELETE) { mWinApp->SetBufToggleCount(0); iBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (iBuf >= 0 && mainBufs[iBuf].mImage) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(iBuf); // Backspace key to delete in navigator } else if (nChar == VK_BACK && mMainWindow && mWinApp->mNavigator) { mWinApp->mNavigator->BackspacePressed(); // Ctrl-B to toggle blank when down } else if (cChar == 'B' && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ToggleBlankWhenDown(); } CView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } // Catch Alt keys and Alt itself: pass it on for anything but Alt or if nothing is running void CSerialEMView::OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { char cChar = char(nChar); SEMTrace('k', "SysKey code %u, char %c", nChar, cChar); if (nChar != VK_MENU || (!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !(mWinApp->mCamera && mWinApp->mCamera->CameraBusy()))) CView::OnSysKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CSerialEMView::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { bool ctrl = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; if (!BOOL_EQUIV(ctrl, mCtrlPressed)) mWinApp->mRemoteControl.CtrlChanged(ctrl); mCtrlPressed = ctrl; CView::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CSerialEMView::OnActivateView(BOOL bActivate, CView* pActivateView, CView* pDeactiveView) { if (bActivate && !mWinApp->mMainFrame->GetClosingProgram()) { // Yes it can inform the App that it is in charge; also set scale mWinApp->SetActiveView(this); NewImageScale(); NewZoom(); if (mWinApp->mBufferWindow) mWinApp->mBufferWindow.UpdateSaveCopy(); } CView::OnActivateView(bActivate, pActivateView, pDeactiveView); } // Intercept the Erase Background messages and return TRUE to indicate that // no erasure is needed; we paint the whole window. BOOL CSerialEMView::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return TRUE; // return CView::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC); } EMimageBuffer *CSerialEMView::GetActiveImBuf() { if (!mImBufs || mImBufIndex < 0 || mImBufIndex >= mImBufNumber) return NULL; return &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; } // Inform the image level dialog of a new scale if this is the active view void CSerialEMView::NewImageScale() { if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImageScale && mWinApp->mActiveView == this) mWinApp->mImageLevel.NewImageScale(mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImageScale); } // Resize to fit client area with borders - should only happen for main and FFT windows void CSerialEMView::ResizeToFit(int iBordLeft, int iBordTop, int iBordRight, int iBordBottom, int useHalf) { CChildFrame *childFrame = (CChildFrame *)GetParent(); CMainFrame *mainFrame = (CMainFrame *)childFrame->GetParent(); CRect rect; int useWidth, useLeft, fullWidth; mainFrame->GetClientRect(&rect); useWidth = fullWidth = rect.Width() - iBordLeft - iBordRight; useLeft = rect.left + iBordLeft; if (useHalf) useWidth = (int)(useWidth * mWinApp->GetMainFFTsplitFrac()); if (useHalf > 0) { useLeft += useWidth; useWidth = fullWidth - useWidth; } mResizingToFit = true; childFrame->SetWindowPos(NULL, useLeft, rect.top + iBordTop, useWidth, rect.Height() - iBordTop - iBordBottom, SWP_NOZORDER); mResizingToFit = false; } // Report a resize event other than one caused by ResizeToFit or one of the first two // right after opening the FFT window void CSerialEMView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CRect rect; float xRatio, yRatio; CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if (mFFTWindow) mFFTresizeCount++; // Adjust zoom instead resizing to fit if (mLastWinSizeX > 0 && cx > 0 && cy > 0 && mMainWindow) { xRatio = (float)cx / mLastWinSizeX; yRatio = (float)cy / mLastWinSizeY; if ((xRatio >= 1. ? xRatio : 1. / xRatio) < (yRatio >= 1. ? yRatio : 1. / yRatio)) xRatio = yRatio; mZoom *= xRatio; mEffectiveZoom *= xRatio; mLastWinSizeX = cx; mLastWinSizeY = cy; for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_BUFFERS; ind++) mImBufs[ind].mZoom *= xRatio; } if (!mResizingToFit && (mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) && !(mFFTWindow && SEMTickInterval(mCreateTime) < 1000. && mFFTresizeCount < 3)) { GetWindowRect(&rect); mWinApp->MainViewResizing(rect, mFFTWindow); } } // Try to change to the buffer iTrial, moving in direction iDir void CSerialEMView::TryToChangeBuffer(int iTrial, int iDir) { if (iTrial < 0) iTrial = 0; if (iTrial >= mImBufNumber) iTrial = mImBufNumber; // Take the first buffer in the given direction that has an image // If none is found, do not change anything if (iTrial != mImBufIndex) { while (iTrial >= 0 && iTrial < mImBufNumber) { if (mImBufs[iTrial].mImage) { SetCurrentBuffer(iTrial); break; } iTrial += iDir; } } } // This entry for setting the current index should take care of // all necessary update calls. void CSerialEMView::SetCurrentBuffer(int inIndex) { float binning; mImBufIndex = inIndex; if (mFirstDraw || mBasisSizeX < 0) FindEffectiveZoom(); // Autozoom: if there is a binning, set the zoom based on the effective zoom // times the binning; notify level window of new zoom binning = GetBufferBinning(); if (mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetAutoZoom() && binning > 0.) { // But if it is a map with a defined zoom, or View or Search, use previous zoom if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mMapID && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mZoom > 0.001) mZoom = mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mZoom; else if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mLowDoseArea && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mConSetUsed == VIEW_CONSET && mViewEffectiveZoom > 0.) { mZoom = mViewEffectiveZoom * binning; } else if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mLowDoseArea && mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mConSetUsed == SEARCH_CONSET && mSearchEffectiveZoom > 0.) { mZoom = mSearchEffectiveZoom * binning; } else { mZoom = mEffectiveZoom * binning; } if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImageScale) mWinApp->mImageLevel.NewZoom(mZoom); } mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mZoom = mZoom; // Take pan from the buffer for map, from stored value for non-map if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mMapID) { m_iOffsetX = mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mPanX; m_iOffsetY = mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mPanY; } else { m_iOffsetX = mNonMapPanX; m_iOffsetY = mNonMapPanY; } DrawImage(); if (mMainWindow || mFFTWindow) mWinApp->SetImBufIndex(mImBufIndex, mFFTWindow); NewImageScale(); if (mMainWindow) mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } // The effective zoom is the zoom that would make a full-sized unbinned image from the // current camera fill the current window size void CSerialEMView::FindEffectiveZoom() { double critErr = 0.05; // Criterion error for using a preset zoom float binning = 1.; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); int bufCam = mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mCamera; int curCam = B3DCHOICE(bufCam < 0 || camParam[bufCam].sizeX <= 0, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), bufCam); int sizeX, sizeY; double ratioX, ratioY; int i; // Get the window rectangle CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); // Save basis sizes used for this computation mBasisSizeX = camParam[curCam].sizeX; mBasisSizeY = camParam[curCam].sizeY; mLastWinSizeX = rect.Width(); mLastWinSizeY = rect.Height(); // Get the binning if there is an image if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImage && GetBufferBinning() > 0.) binning = GetBufferBinning(); // If this is the main view or somehow there is no image, base size on camera if (mMainWindow || !mImBufs->mImage) { sizeX = mBasisSizeX; sizeY = mBasisSizeY; } else { // Otherwise take the image size times binning sizeX = (int)(mImBufs->mImage->getWidth() * binning + 0.5); sizeY = (int)(mImBufs->mImage->getHeight() * binning + 0.5); } // Take the smaller ratio of window to image size as the one to fit ratioX = (double)rect.Width() / sizeX; ratioY = (double)rect.Height() / sizeY; if (ratioY < ratioX) ratioX = ratioY; // Take a preset zoom if it close enough mEffectiveZoom = 0.; for (i = 0; i <= MAXZOOMI; i++) { double err = ratioX / zoomvals[i] - 1.; if (err < 0.) err = -err; if (err < critErr) { mEffectiveZoom = zoomvals[i]; break; } } // Otherwise take the exact ratio if (mEffectiveZoom == 0.) mEffectiveZoom = ratioX; // Now set the actual zoom too mZoom = mEffectiveZoom * binning; if (mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mImageScale) mWinApp->mImageLevel.NewZoom(mZoom); mImBufs[mImBufIndex].mZoom = mZoom; } // Get the binning of the buffer to use when multiplying by effective zoom, which may or // may not be based on effective binning, and is adjusted by ratio between original // camera basis size and size of current camera float CSerialEMView::GetBufferBinning() { float bX, bY; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[mImBufIndex]; int iCam = imBuf->mCamera < 0 ? mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() : imBuf->mCamera; CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); bool useEffective = imBuf->IsMontageOverview() || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_AUTOCOR_OVERVIEW || (mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->ImBufIsImportedMap(imBuf)) || (imBuf->mCamera && camP[iCam].STEMcamera && imBuf->mConSetUsed == FOCUS_CONSET && imBuf->mCaptured > 0); float binning = (float) (useEffective ? imBuf->mEffectiveBin : imBuf->mBinning); bX = (binning * mBasisSizeX) / camP[iCam].sizeX; bY = (binning * mBasisSizeY) / camP[iCam].sizeY; return bX < bY ? bX : bY; } // 7/7/03: Eliminate task to refresh title of main frame int CSerialEMView::AddBufferToStack(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, int angleOrder) { EMimageBuffer *newBufs; int i, ind = mImBufNumber; if (!mImBufArraySize) return -1; // First look for a matching section number for (i = 0; i < mImBufNumber; i++) { if ((imBuf->mSecNumber >= 0 && imBuf->mSecNumber == mImBufs[i].mSecNumber) || (imBuf->mSecNumber < -1 && i == -imBuf->mSecNumber - 2)) { mImBufs[i].DeleteImage(); delete mImBufs[i].mPixMap; delete mImBufs[i].mFiltPixMap; delete mImBufs[i].mImageScale; ind = i; break; } } // If need bigger array, get it, copy elements, clear out old, and delete it if (ind >= mImBufArraySize) { NewArray(newBufs, EMimageBuffer, mImBufArraySize + 10); // If it fails just clean up the imbuf completely if (!newBufs) { delete imBuf; return 1; } for (i = 0; i < mImBufNumber; i++) { newBufs[i] = mImBufs[i]; mImBufs[i].ClearForDeletion(); } if (mImBufArraySize > 1) delete [] mImBufs; else delete mImBufs; mImBufs = newBufs; mImBufArraySize += 10; } // If an angle order is specified, add it before the appropriate one if (angleOrder && ind == mImBufNumber) { for (i = 0; i < mImBufNumber; i++) if (angleOrder * (mImBufs[i].mTiltAngleOrig - imBuf->mTiltAngleOrig) > 0) break; ind = i; for (i = mImBufNumber; i > ind; i--) mImBufs[i] = mImBufs[i - 1]; mImBufNumber++; } else if (ind == mImBufNumber) mImBufNumber++; // Add to the array and clean up imbuf mImBufs[ind] = *imBuf; SetCurrentBuffer(ind); imBuf->ClearForDeletion(); delete imBuf; return 0; } // Return the memory usage of all buffers double CSerialEMView::BufferMemoryUsage(CPtrArray *refArray) { double size, sum = 0.; int byteSize, type; int *reference; int found; KImage *image; for (int i = 0; i < mImBufNumber; i++) { // Loop three time, first with the image then with the pixmaps for (int j = 0 ; j < 3; j++) { image = NULL; if (!j) image = mImBufs[i].mImage; if (j == 1 && mImBufs[i].mPixMap) image = mImBufs[i].mPixMap->getImRectPtr(); if (j == 2 && mImBufs[i].mFiltPixMap) image = mImBufs[i].mFiltPixMap->getImRectPtr(); if (image) { reference = image->getRefPtr(); // If the reference pointer is non-null, look it up in the array found = 0; if (reference) { for (int k = 0; k < refArray->GetSize(); k++) { if (reference == (int *)refArray->GetAt(k)) { found = 1; break; } } // If not found add it to the array if (!found) refArray->Add(reference); } // Count the image if not already found if (!found) { type = image->getType(); byteSize = 2; if (type == kUBYTE) byteSize = 1; if (type == kRGB) byteSize = 3; if (type == kFLOAT) byteSize = 4; size = byteSize * image->getWidth() * image->getHeight(); sum += size; /*SEMTrace('1', "buf %d iter %d ref %x type %d size %.2f", i, j, image->getRefPtr(), type, size/1.e6); */ } } } } return sum; } // Look for all buffers with matching ID and registrations and change to new registration void CSerialEMView::ChangeAllRegistrations(int mapID, int fromReg, int toReg) { for (int i = 0; i < mImBufNumber; i++) { if (mImBufs[i].mMapID == mapID && mImBufs[i].mRegistration == fromReg) mImBufs[i].mRegistration = toReg; } } // Find the image value at the given point and display it in the given pane void CSerialEMView::ShowImageValue(KImage * image, int imX, int imY, int pane) { float val; int red, green, blue; CString message; image->Lock(); if (image->getMode() == kGray) { val = image->getPixel(imX, imY); message.Format("(%d, %d) = %g", imX, imY, val); } else { ((KImageRGB *)image)->getPixel(imX, imY, red, green, blue); message.Format("(%d, %d) = %d,%d,%d", imX, imY, red, green, blue); } image->UnLock(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(pane, message); } void CSerialEMView::GetLineLength(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &pixels, float &nanometers, float &angle, bool skipAngleAndjust) { double dx = imBuf->mLineEndX - imBuf->mUserPtX; double dy = imBuf->mUserPtY - imBuf->mLineEndY; float focusRot; pixels = (float)sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); nanometers = (float)(1000. * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf, &focusRot) * pixels); angle = 0.; if (pixels) angle = (float)(atan2(dy, dx) / DTOR) - (skipAngleAndjust ? 0.f : focusRot); } void CSerialEMView::GetUserBoxSize(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int & nx, int & ny, float & xnm, float & ynm) { int top, left, bottom, right; float pixSize; left = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) + 1); right = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) - 1); top = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) + 1); bottom = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) - 1); nx = right + 1 - left; ny = bottom + 1 - top; if (nx % 2) nx--; pixSize = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); xnm = (float)(nx * pixSize); ynm = (float)(ny * pixSize); } // Returns true if the given buffer is part of this view's stack bool CSerialEMView::IsBufferInStack(EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { for (int ind = 0; ind < mImBufNumber; ind++) if (imBuf == &mImBufs[ind]) return true; return false; }