// SerialEMDoc.h : interface of the CSerialEMDoc class // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_SERIALEMDOC_H__A0C8625F_02C5_4A68_9EAF_11F5AC5BA286__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_SERIALEMDOC_H__A0C8625F_02C5_4A68_9EAF_11F5AC5BA286__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "FileOptions.h" class CReadFileDlg; enum {MRC_OPEN_NOERR = 0, MRC_OPEN_CANCEL, MRC_OPEN_ALREADY_OPEN, MRC_OPEN_ERROR, MRC_OPEN_NOTMRC, MRC_OPEN_ADOC, MRC_OPEN_HDF}; #define USE_ACTIVE_BUF -999 DLL_IM_EX const char *SEMDefaultSysPath(void); class DLL_IM_EX CSerialEMDoc : public CDocument { protected: // create from serialization only CSerialEMDoc(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CSerialEMDoc) // Attributes public: // Operations public: // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSerialEMDoc) public: virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation public: MontParam * GetStoreMontParam(int which); BOOL StoreIsMontage(int which); KImageStore * GetStoreMRC(int which); int LookupProtectedStore(int which); int SaveBufferToFile(int bufNum, int fileNum, int inSect = -1); int StoreIndexFromName(CString name); void RestoreCurrentFile(); void NewPointerForCurrentStore(KImageStore *inStore); bool FileAlreadyOpen(CString filename, CString message); void CloseAllStores(); GetMember(int, NumStores) GetMember(int, CurrentStore) int GetSaveOnNewMap() {return mCurrentStore < 0 ? 0 : mStoreList[mCurrentStore].saveOnNewMap;}; void SetSaveOnNewMap(int inVal); int SetToProtectedStore(int which); void EndStoreProtection(int which = -1); void ProtectStore(int which); void SetCurrentStore(int which); void AddCurrentStore(); void SwitchToFile(int which); void LeaveCurrentFile(); void ReadNewSettingsFile(CString newSettings); void PostSettingsRead(); void ManageReadInCurrentDir(); CString GetCurrentSettingsDir(); void DirFromCurrentOrSettingsFile(const CString &curFile, CString &direc); void PreSettingsRead(); GetMember(CTime, StartupTime) GetMember(CString, OriginalCwd) void SetShortTermNotSaved() {mShortTermNotSaved = true;}; void SaveCalibrations(); void SaveShortTermCal(); void AppendToProgramLog(BOOL starting); GetSetMember(BOOL, AutoSaveNav); GetSetMember(BOOL, AutoSaveSettings); GetSetMember(BOOL, IgnoreShortTerm); SetMember(int, DefaultMontXpieces); SetMember(int, DefaultMontYpieces); GetSetMember(double, OverlapFraction); GetMember(int, MaxMontagePieces); GetMember(int, MinMontageOverlap); GetMember(float, MaxOverlapFraction); void SetMaxOverlapFraction(float inVal) { B3DCLAMP(inVal, 0.25f, 0.75f); mMaxOverlapFraction = inVal; }; SetMember(int, STEMfileMode); GetSetMember(int, STEMunsignOpt); GetSetMember(BOOL, SkipFileDlg); SetMember(bool, DeferWritingFrameMdoc); GetSetMember(bool, ReadScriptPack); void AutoSaveFiles(); int AppendToLogBook(CString inString, CString title); GetSetMember(CString, Title); GetSetMember(CString, FrameTitle); int DoOpenNewFile(CString filename = ""); void DoCloseFile(); void ManageExposure(bool noMessage); int GetMontageParamsAndFile(int frameSet, int xNframes = -1, int yNframes = -1, CString filename = ""); void InitMontParamsForDialog(MontParam *param, int frameSet, int xNframes = -1, int yNframes = -1, CString filename = ""); int OpenMontageDialog(BOOL locked); FileOptions *GetDefFileOpt() {return &mDefFileOpt;}; FileOptions *GetFileOpt() {return &mFileOpt;}; FileOptions *GetOtherFileOpt() {return &mOtherFileOpt;}; int SaveSettingsOnExit(); void ManageBackupFile(CString strFile, BOOL &bBackedUp); void ManageScriptPackBackup(); int OfferToSaveSettings(CString strWhy); SetMember(CString, LogBook); GetMember(CString, SystemPath); GetMember(CString, FullSystemDir); void SetSystemPath(CString sysPath); GetMember(CString, SysPathForSettings); GetMember(CString, CurrentSettingsPath); GetMember(CString, OriginalSettingsPath); GetMember(BOOL, SettingsOpen); SetMember(CString, CurrentDirReadIn); GetSetMember(CString, PluginPath) GetSetMember(CString, PluginPath2) GetMember(CString, FlybackName); GetMember(int, DfltUseMdoc); GetMember(int, FrameAdocIndex); GetMember(bool, HDFsupported); GetSetMember(CString, CurScriptPackPath); GetSetMember(BOOL, ScriptPackBackedUp); SetMember(CString, SettingsName); GetSetMember(CString, BasicModeFile); GetSetMember(BOOL, AbandonSettings); CArray *GetGlobalAdocKeys() { return &mGlobalAdocKeys; }; CArray *GetGlobalAdocValues() { return &mGlobalAdocValues; }; void SetDfltUseMdoc(int inval); void ReadSetPropCalFiles(); void FixSettingsForIALimitCal(); void SaveActiveBuffer(); void SaveRegularBuffer(); int SettingsSaveAs(); int ExtSaveSettings(); void SetPointers(EMbufferManager *inManager, CEMbufferWindow *inWindow); virtual ~CSerialEMDoc(); #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif KImageStore * OpenSaveFile(FileOptions *fileOptp); WINDOWPLACEMENT * GetReadDlgPlacement(void); FileOptions *GetStoreFileOptions(int which); CReadFileDlg *mReadFileDlg; protected: // Generated message map functions protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CSerialEMDoc) afx_msg void OnFileOpennew(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOpennew(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileOpenold(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOpenold(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileMontagesetup(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileMontagesetup(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileClose(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileClose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSave(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSaveactive(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSaveactive(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSaveother(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSaveother(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileTruncation(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileTruncation(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileRead(); afx_msg void OnFileReadother(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileReadother(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateWindowNew(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileRead(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSettingsOpen(); afx_msg void OnSettingsReadagain(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsReadagain(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSettingsSave(); afx_msg void OnSettingsSaveas(); afx_msg void OnSettingsClose(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsClose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSettingsReaddefaults(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsReaddefaults(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSettingsSavecalibrations(); afx_msg void OnFileReadpiece(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileReadpiece(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileOverwrite(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOverwrite(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsSavecalibrations(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsOpen(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSet16bitpolicy(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSet16bitpolicy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSettingsAutosave(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsAutosave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSetsignedpolicy(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSetsignedpolicy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileNewmontage(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileNewmontage(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); //}}AFX_MSG afx_msg void OnSettingsRecent(UINT nID); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsRecent(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CEMbufferWindow * mBufferWindow; EMbufferManager * mBufferManager; CSerialEMApp * mWinApp; CRecentFileList *mRecentSettings; CArray mStoreList; // List of open stores (image files) int mNumStores; // Number of open stores int mCurrentStore; // Current one FileOptions mFileOpt; FileOptions mDefFileOpt; FileOptions mOtherFileOpt; // File options for other file float mMaxTrunc; CParameterIO *mParamIO; CArray mGlobalAdocKeys; // Key-value pairs to add to global CArray mGlobalAdocValues; // section of autodoc CString mSystemPath; // Path for system settings & properties CString mSysPathForSettings; // String to rewrite into settnigs file CString mFullSystemDir; // Full system directory path CString mSettingsName; // Root name of default settings files CString mSystemSettingsName; // Root name of system settings file CString mCurrentSettingsPath; // Full name of current settings file CString mOriginalSettingsPath; // Full name of settings file read in at startup CString mCurrentDirReadIn; // Current directory read from settings CString mPropertiesName; // Root name of properties file CString mCalibrationName; // Root name of calibration file CString mOriginalCwd; // Original working directory CString mTitle; // Title string CString mFrameTitle; // Title for frame files CString mLogBook; // Name of file to log tilt series in CString mShortTermName; // Name of file for short term calibrations (dose) CString mPluginPath; // Path name for plugins; replaces PF/SEM/Plugins CString mPluginPath2; // Second path name for plugins; additional location CString mFlybackName; // Name of flyback time file CString mCurScriptPackPath; // Full name of current script package file BOOL mSettingsOpen; // flag that settings file open BOOL mSettingsReadable; // flag that settings file is readable BOOL mSysSettingsReadable; // Flag that system file is rereadable int mTrueLDArea; // Saved Low dose area when reading settings BOOL mCalibBackedUp; // Calibration file was backup in this session BOOL mSettingsBackedUp; // Current settings file was backed up this session BOOL mScriptPackBackedUp; // Current script package is backed up BOOL mAutoSaveSettings; // Flag to autosave settings BOOL mAutoSaveNav; // Flag to do autosave of navigator BOOL mShortTermBackedUp; // Flag that short-term cal file is backed up BOOL mShortTermNotSaved; // Flag that there are unsaved changes BOOL mIgnoreShortTerm; // Flag not to read or write short-term cals int mNumCalsDone[NUM_CAL_DONE_TYPES]; // Keep track of # of calibrations done int mNumCalsAskThresh[NUM_CAL_DONE_TYPES]; // Threshold for each type for ask if save BOOL mFlybackBackedUp; // Flag to keep track if flyback file is backed up int mMaxMontagePieces; // Maximum pieces in one dimension int mMinMontageOverlap; // Minimum overlap double mOverlapFraction; // Fraction of larger dimension to overlap int mDefaultMontXpieces; // Default number of montage pieces int mDefaultMontYpieces; float mMaxOverlapFraction; // Maximum allowed overlap as fraction of frame size float mMinAnchorField; // Default minimum field size for montage anchor images CTime mStartupTime; // Program start time int mSTEMfileMode; // STEM values for file properties int mSTEMunsignOpt; int mNonSTEMunsignOpt; // Variables to save non-STEM values of file options int mNonSTEMfileMode; BOOL mSavedNonSTEMprops; // Flag that they were saved WINDOWPLACEMENT mReadDlgPlace; int mFrameAdocIndex; // Index for frame-saving .mdoc file int mFrameSetIndex; // Index for next set to save CString mFrameFilename; // Filename for frame mdoc int mDfltUseMdoc; // Default setting for whether to use mdoc int mLastFrameSect; // Index of last section in frame mdoc int mLastWrittenFrameSect; // Sect index of last set written to file bool mDeferWritingFrameMdoc; // Flag to wait until write call and do last section only BOOL mSkipFileDlg; // Settings flag to skip the file dialog bool mShowFileDlgOnce; // Flag to be able to show it once BOOL mAbandonSettings; // Flag not to save settings on exit or autosave bool mReadScriptPack; // Flag that a settings file had a script package path CString mBasicModeFile; // File with disables/hides for basic mode CString mPreReadBasicFile; // Filename before reading settings bool mHDFsupported; // Flag that HDF files are supported public: KImageStore * OpenNewFileByName(CString cFilename, FileOptions * fileOptp); int UserOpenOldMrcCFile(CFile ** file, CString &cFilename, bool imodOK); int OpenOldMrcCFile(CFile **file, CString cFilename, bool imodOK); int OpenOldFile(CFile *file, CString cFilename, int err, bool skipMontDlg); KImageStore * GetStoreForSaving(int type); int FilePropForSaveFile(FileOptions * fileOptp, int openAnyway); int FilenameForSaveFile(int fileType, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, CString & cFilename); void ManageSaveSingle(void); void SetFileOptsForSTEM(void); void RestoreFileOptsFromSTEM(void); void CopyMasterFileOpts(FileOptions * fileOptp, int fromTo); void MontParamInitFromConSet(MontParam *param, int setNum, float overlapFrac = 0.); void MontParamInitFromFrame(MontParam *param, int camNum, int xFrame, int yFrame, float overlapFrac); CString DateTimeForFrameSaving(void); void MakeSerialEMTitle(CString & titleStr, char * fullTitle); int OpenNewReplaceCurrent(CString filename, bool useMdoc, int fileType); CString DateTimeForTitle(bool year4digits = false); const char **GetMonthStrings(); afx_msg void OnFileOpenMdoc(); afx_msg void OnFileCloseMdoc(); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileCloseMdoc(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int SaveFrameDataInMdoc(KImage * image); afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOpenMdoc(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int GetTextFileName(bool openOld, bool originalDir, CString &pathname, CString *filename = NULL, CString *initialDir = NULL, const char *filter = NULL, bool allowOverwrite = false); void DateTimeComponents(CString & date, CString & time, BOOL numericDate, bool unique = true); int AddValueToFrameMdoc(CString key, CString value); int WriteFrameMdoc(void); void SetInitialDirToCurrentDir(); const char *GetInitialDir(); int UpdateLastMdocFrame(KImage * image); void ComposeTitlebarLine(void); void CalibrationWasDone(int type); int SaveToOtherFile(int buffer, int fileType, int compression, CString *filename); bool FieldAboveStageMoveThreshold(MontParam *param, BOOL lowDose, int camInd); afx_msg void OnSkipFilePropertiesDlg(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSkipFilePropertiesDlg(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); void CopyDefaultToOtherFileOpts(void); afx_msg void OnSettingsDiscardOnExit(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsDiscardOnExit(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int AddTitlesToFrameMdoc(CString &message); int DoOpenFrameMdoc(CString & filename); void DoCloseFrameMdoc(); afx_msg void OnSettingsBasicmode(); afx_msg void OnUpdateSettingsBasicmode(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int DoFileOpenold(); afx_msg void OnCloseAllFiles(); afx_msg void OnUpdateCloseAllFiles(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnReadBasicModeFile(); afx_msg void OnUpdateReadBasicModeFile(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnFileSetCurrentDirectory(); }; // FILE DIALOG CLASS and associated thread class and data struct MyFileDlgThreadData { BOOL bOpenFileDialog; LPCTSTR lpszDefExt; LPCTSTR lpszFileName; DWORD dwFlags; LPCTSTR lpszFilter; LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir; CString fileName; CString pathName; int retval; BOOL done; BOOL bSetCurrentDir; }; class MyFileDialog { public: MyFileDialog(BOOL bOpenFileDialog, LPCTSTR lpszDefExt = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL, DWORD dwFlags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, LPCTSTR lpszFilter = NULL, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, BOOL setCurrentDir = true); ~MyFileDialog(); int DoModal(); CString GetFileName() {return mfdTD.fileName;}; CString GetPathName() {return mfdTD.pathName;}; MyFileDlgThreadData mfdTD; #ifndef USE_SDK_FILEDLG private: CFileDialog *mFileDlg; #endif }; #ifdef USE_SDK_FILEDLG #define USE_DUMMYDLG #define USE_THREAD int RunSdkFileDlg(MyFileDlgThreadData *mfdTDp); class MyFileDlgThread : public CWinThread { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(MyFileDlgThread) public: MyFileDlgThread() {}; BOOL InitInstance(); MyFileDlgThreadData *mfdTDp; }; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_SERIALEMDOC_H__A0C8625F_02C5_4A68_9EAF_11F5AC5BA286__INCLUDED_)