// SerialEM.cpp The main module, has top level routines and // miscellaneous message handlers // // Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include ".\SerialEM.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ChildFrm.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "CameraSetupDlg.h" #include "FileOptions.h" #include "Image\KStoreMRC.h" #include "Image\KStoreADOC.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ShiftCalibrator.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "MacroEditer.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "MacroToolbar.h" #include "MacroControlDlg.h" #include "OneLineScript.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "FilterTasks.h" #include "DistortionTasks.h" #include "GainRefMaker.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "NavAcquireDlg.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "NavRotAlignDlg.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "MultiGridDlg.h" #include "MGSettingsManagerDlg.h" #include "ComaVsISCalDlg.h" #include "AutocenSetupDlg.h" #include "CalibCameraTiming.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "ZbyGSetupDlg.h" #include "TSViewRange.h" #include "ReadFileDlg.h" #include "Mailer.h" #include "GatanSocket.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "StateDlg.h" #include "FalconHelper.h" #include "StageMoveTool.h" #include "PiezoAndPPControl.h" #include "ScreenShotDialog.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "MultiCombinerDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #include "PythonServer.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "XFolderDialog/XWinVer.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define VERSION_STRING "SerialEM Version 4.2.0beta" #define TAG_STRING "(Tagged SEM_4-1-15, 8/21/24)" #define DEPRECATED_PYTHON "3.5-64" // Offsets for static window inside main frame #define STATIC_BORDER_TOP 0 #define STATIC_BORDER_LEFT 150 #define STATIC_BORDER_BOTTOM 0 #define STATIC_BORDER_RIGHT 0 // Camera-specific constants #define CAMERA_NO_DEFAULT -1 #define CAMERA_MODULO_X 4 #define CAMERA_MODULO_Y 1 #define BUILT_IN_SETTLING 0.25f #define BEAM_SHUTTER 1 #define INSERT_DELAY 5.0f #define CAMERA_START_DELAY 0.15f #define EXTRA_UNBLANK_TIME 0.012f #define EXTRA_BEAM_TIME 0.075f #define MINIMUM_DRIFT 0.075f #define MIN_BLANKED_EXPOSURE 0.3f #define EXTRA_OPEN_SHUTTER_TIME 0.12f static LONG WINAPI SEMExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo); static void SEMInvalidParameterHandler(const wchar_t* expression, const wchar_t* function, const wchar_t* file, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved); static void SEMTerminateHandler(); static void CommonErrorHandler(const char *cause); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS) (HANDLE, PBOOL); typedef USHORT(WINAPI *BackTraceFunc)(ULONG, ULONG, PVOID *, PULONG); // Initial state of tool dialogs static int initialDlgState[MAX_TOOL_DLGS] = {3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // Tool dialog colors static COLORREF dlgBorderColors[] = {RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,0,170), RGB(0,255,0), RGB(255,128,0), RGB(255,183,120), RGB(0,128,255), RGB(0,140,60), RGB(255,255,0), RGB(255,0,255), RGB(128,64,64), RGB(0,255,255), RGB(127,0,192), RGB(150,160,0), RGB(255,170,255), RGB(75,75,0), RGB(0,0,0), RGB(255,255,255)}; static UINT sToolDlgIDs[] = {IDD_BUFFERSTATUS, IDD_BUFFERCONTROL, IDD_IMAGELEVEL, IDD_SCOPESTATUS, IDD_REMOTE_CONTROL, IDD_TILTCONTROL, IDD_CAMERA_MACRO, IDD_ALIGNFOCUS, IDD_LOWDOSE, IDD_MONTAGECONTROL, IDD_STEMCONTROL, IDD_FILTERCONTROL, IDD_DETOOLDLG}; // Static variable for com and other errors to be reported in, watched by OnIdle static int sThreadError = 0; // A mutex and static data for trace output to log window static HANDLE traceMutexHandle; #define TRACE_MUTEX_WAIT 1000 #define MAX_TRACE_LIST 20 static CString sTraceMsg[MAX_TRACE_LIST]; static bool sTraceIsDebug[MAX_TRACE_LIST]; static int sNumTraceMsg = 0; static double sStartTime; static CString debugOutput = ""; static DWORD appThreadID; static CString sBuildDate; static CString sBuildTime; static int sBuildDayStamp; static CString sAboutVersion; static CString sFunctionCalled = ""; static bool sIgnoreFunctionCalled = false; static DWORD sMainThreadID; CComModule _Module; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMApp BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSerialEMApp, CWinApp) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSerialEMApp) ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, OnAppAbout) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_CAMERA_PARAMETERS, OnUpdateCameraParameters) ON_COMMAND(ID_CAMERA_SIMULATION, OnCameraSimulation) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_CAMERA_SIMULATION, OnUpdateCameraSimulation) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_OPENLOG, OnFileOpenlog) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_OPENLOG, OnUpdateFileOpenlog) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_SAVELOG, OnFileSavelog) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_SAVELOG, OnUpdateFileSavelog) ON_COMMAND(ID_CALIBRATION_ADMINISTRATOR, OnCalibrationAdministrator) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_CALIBRATION_ADMINISTRATOR, OnUpdateCalibrationAdministrator) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_SAVELOGAS, OnFileSavelogas) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_HELP, OnHelp) ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_USING, OnHelpUsing) ON_COMMAND(ID_RESIZE_MAIN, OnResizeMain) ON_COMMAND(ID_CAMERA_PARAMETERS, OnCameraParameters) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_SAVELOGAS, OnUpdateFileSavelog) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_READAPPEND, OnFileReadappend) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP // Standard file based document commands ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_NEW, CWinApp::OnFileNew) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_OPEN, CWinApp::OnFileOpen) ON_COMMAND( ID_HELP_INDEX, OnHelpIndex ) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_CONTINUOUSSAVE, OnFileContinuousSave) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_CONTINUOUSSAVE, OnUpdateFileContinuousSave) ON_COMMAND(ID_WINDOW_SHOWSCOPECONTROLPANEL, OnShowScopeControlPanel) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_WINDOW_SHOWSCOPECONTROLPANEL, OnUpdateShowScopeControlPanel) ON_COMMAND(ID_WINDOW_RESCUELOGWINDOW, OnWindowRescuelogwindow) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_WINDOW_RESCUELOGWINDOW, OnUpdateWindowRescuelogwindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_USEMONOSPACEDFONT, OnFileUseMonospacedFont) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_USEMONOSPACEDFONT, OnUpdateFileUseMonospacedFont) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_AUTOSAVELOG, OnFileAutosaveLog) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_AUTOSAVELOG, OnUpdateFileAutosaveLog) ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_AUTOPRUNELOGWINDOW, OnFileAutopruneLogWindow) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_FILE_AUTOPRUNELOGWINDOW, OnUpdateFileAutopruneLogWindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_LOGWINDOW_USERTFFORMATTOSAVE, OnUseRTFformatToSave) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_LOGWINDOW_USERTFFORMATTOSAVE, OnUpdateUseRTFformatToSave) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMApp construction CSerialEMApp::CSerialEMApp() { // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance unsigned char palette[MAX_PALETTE_COLORS][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {128, 128, 128}, {244, 75, 63}, {0, 176, 80}, {25, 118, 210}, {174, 2, 154}, {153, 102, 0}}; int i, j, k; EnableHtmlHelp(); mBufferManager = NULL; mMacroProcessor = NULL; mShiftManager = NULL; mShiftCalibrator = NULL; mMontageController = NULL; mFocusManager = NULL; mComplexTasks = NULL; mBeamAssessor = NULL; mProcessImage = NULL; mTSController = NULL; mFilterTasks = NULL; mDistortionTasks = NULL; mMailer = NULL; mGatanSocket = NULL; mPluginManager = NULL; mFalconHelper = NULL; mPiezoControl = NULL; mParamIO = NULL; m_pMainWnd = NULL; mNeedStaticWindow = true; mNeedFFTWindow = false; mMainView = NULL; mStackViewImBuf = NULL; mViewOpening = false; mStackView = NULL; mFFTView = NULL; mFFTbufIndex = 0; mViewClosing = false; mMontaging = false; mStoreMRC = NULL; mScope = NULL; mSavingOther = false; mLogWindow = NULL; mContinuousSaveLog = false; mSaveAutosaveLog = false; mAutoPruneLogLines = 2500; mSaveLogAsRTF = false; mNavigator = NULL; mNavHelper = NULL; mStageMoveTool = NULL; mScreenShotDialog = NULL; mAdministrator = false; mAdministratorMode = 0; mShiftScriptOnlyInAdmin = false; mCalNotSaved = false; mEFTEMMode = false; mSTEMMode = false; mAppExiting = false; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_STOCK_COLORS; j++) mPaletteColors[j][i] = palette[j][i]; mPaletteColors[ERROR_COLOR_IND][i] = palette[2][i]; // red mPaletteColors[WARNING_COLOR_IND][i] = palette[2][i]; // red mPaletteColors[INSERTED_COLOR_IND][i] = palette[4][i]; // blue mPaletteColors[DEBUG_COLOR_IND][i] = palette[1][i]; // gray mPaletteColors[VERBOSE_COLOR_IND][i] = palette[1][i]; // gray } for (i = 0; i < MAX_MACROS; i++) { mMacroEditer[i] = NULL; mMacroSaveFile[i] = ""; mMacroFileName[i] = ""; mMacroName[i] = ""; mLongMacroName[i] = ""; } mMacroToolbar = NULL; // Settings to be overridden by settings file for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSETS; i++) { mModeName[i] = ""; mCamConSets[0][i].right = 0; } mModeName[0] = "View"; mModeName[1] = "Focus"; mModeName[2] = "Trial"; mModeName[3] = "Record"; mModeName[4] = "Preview"; mModeName[5] = "Search"; mModeName[6] = "Mont-map"; mModeName[7] = "Track"; mPctLo = 0.1f; mPctHi = 0.1f; mAreaFrac = 0.8f; mTruncDiamOfFFT = 0.004f; mBkgdGrayOfFFT = 32; mCurrentCamera = 0; mCurrentActiveCamera = 0; mActiveCameraList[0] = 0; mActiveCamListSize = 1; mNumAvailCameras = 1; mLastCamera = 0; mAssumeCamForDummy = -1; mInitialCurrentCamera = -1; mNonGIFMatchPixel = false; mNonGIFMatchIntensity = false; mSTEMmatchPixel = true; mProcessHere = true; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) { mCamParams[i].sizeX = CAMERA_NO_DEFAULT; mCamParams[i].sizeY = CAMERA_NO_DEFAULT; mCamParams[i].unsignedImages = FALSE; mCamParams[i].returnsFloats = false; mCamParams[i].moduloX = CAMERA_MODULO_X; mCamParams[i].moduloY = CAMERA_MODULO_Y; mCamParams[i].coordsModulo = false; mCamParams[i].squareSubareas = false; mCamParams[i].refSizeEvenX = 0; mCamParams[i].refSizeEvenY = 0; mCamParams[i].leftOffset = 0; mCamParams[i].topOffset = 0; mCamParams[i].fourPort = false; // Wasn't initialized mCamParams[i].TietzType = 0; mCamParams[i].failedToInitialize = false; mCamParams[i].AMTtype = 0; mCamParams[i].FEItype = 0; mCamParams[i].ReadoutInterval = 0.; mCamParams[i].CamFlags = 0; mCamParams[i].DE_camType = 0; // Wasn't init mCamParams[i].DE_ImageInvertX = 0; mCamParams[i].DE_ImageRot = 0; mCamParams[i].DE_FramesPerSec = -1.; mCamParams[i].DE_CountingFPS = -1.; mCamParams[i].DE_MaxFrameRate = -1.; mCamParams[i].alsoInsertCamera = -1; mCamParams[i].samePhysicalCamera = -1; mCamParams[i].K2Type = 0; mCamParams[i].OneViewType = 0; mCamParams[i].useSocket = false; mCamParams[i].STEMcamera = false; mCamParams[i].beamShutter = BEAM_SHUTTER; mCamParams[i].setAltShutterNC = false; // Wasn't init mCamParams[i].onlyOneShutter = 0; mCamParams[i].TietzCanPreExpose = false; mCamParams[i].restoreBBmode = -1; mCamParams[i].TietzGainIndex = 1; mCamParams[i].LowestGainIndex = -1; mCamParams[i].TietzImageGeometry = -1; // So even a property 0 will be sent out mCamParams[i].TietzBlocks = 0; mCamParams[i].dropFrameFlags = 0; mCamParams[i].cropFullSizeImages = -1; mCamParams[i].builtInSettling = BUILT_IN_SETTLING; mCamParams[i].pixelMicrons = CAMERA_NO_DEFAULT; mCamParams[i].magRatio = 1.25f; mCamParams[i].extraRotation = 0; mCamParams[i].numBinnings = 1; mCamParams[i].binnings[0] = 1; for (j = 0; j < MAX_BINNINGS; j++) { mCamParams[i].gainFactor[j] = 1.; mCamParams[i].halfSizeX[j] = 0; mCamParams[i].halfSizeY[j] = 0; mCamParams[i].quarterSizeX[j] = 0; mCamParams[i].quarterSizeY[j] = 0; mCamParams[i].minFrameTime[j] = 0.; mCamParams[i].frameTimeDivisor[j] = 0.; } mCamParams[i].autoGainAtBinning = 0; mCamParams[i].numExtraGainRefs = 0; mCamParams[i].processHere = -1; mCamParams[i].retractable = TRUE; mCamParams[i].insertDelay = INSERT_DELAY; mCamParams[i].retractDelay = INSERT_DELAY; mCamParams[i].order = i; mCamParams[i].insertingRetracts = -1; mCamParams[i].name.Format("Default Camera %d", i + 1); mCamParams[i].GIF = FALSE; mCamParams[i].filterIsFEI = 0; mCamParams[i].hasTVCamera = FALSE; mCamParams[i].useTVToUnblank = 0; mCamParams[i].checkTemperature = false; mCamParams[i].sideMount = false; mCamParams[i].canTakeFrames = -1; mCamParams[i].useGPUforAlign[0] = mCamParams[i].useGPUforAlign[1] = false; mCamParams[i].startupDelay = CAMERA_START_DELAY; mCamParams[i].startDelayPerFrame = -0.0001f; mCamParams[i].DMbeamShutterOK = TRUE; mCamParams[i].DMsettlingOK = TRUE; mCamParams[i].DMopenShutterOK = TRUE; mCamParams[i].extraUnblankTime = EXTRA_UNBLANK_TIME; mCamParams[i].extraBeamTime = EXTRA_BEAM_TIME; mCamParams[i].minimumDrift = MINIMUM_DRIFT; mCamParams[i].maximumDrift = 0.; mCamParams[i].maxExposure = 0.; mCamParams[i].minBlankedExposure = MIN_BLANKED_EXPOSURE; mCamParams[i].extraOpenShutterTime = EXTRA_OPEN_SHUTTER_TIME; mCamParams[i].deadTime = 0.; mCamParams[i].minExposure = 0.001f; mCamParams[i].postBlankerDelay = 0.; mCamParams[i].postIntensityTimeout = 0.; mCamParams[i].defects.wasScaled = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.K2Type = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.rotationFlip = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.usableTop = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.usableLeft = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.usableBottom = 0; mCamParams[i].defects.usableRight = 0; mCamParams[i].numHotColumns = 0; mCamParams[i].maxXRayDiameter = 3; mCamParams[i].hotPixImodCoord = 0; mCamParams[i].darkXRayAbsCrit = 0.; mCamParams[i].darkXRayNumSDCrit = 0.; mCamParams[i].darkXRayBothCrit = 0; mCamParams[i].imageXRayAbsCrit = 200.; mCamParams[i].imageXRayNumSDCrit = 15.; mCamParams[i].imageXRayBothCrit = 1; mCamParams[i].showImageXRayBox = 0; mCamParams[i].gainRefFrames = 10; mCamParams[i].gainRefTarget = 4000; mCamParams[i].gainRefBinning = 0; // This is OK, handled in dialog mCamParams[i].gainRefAverageDark = false; mCamParams[i].gainRefNumDarkAvg = 5; mCamParams[i].TSAverageDark = false; mCamParams[i].numBinnedOffsets = 0; mCamParams[i].useMinDDDBinning = false; mCamParams[i].countsPerElectron = 0.; mCamParams[i].corrections = -1; mCamParams[i].sizeCheckSwapped = 0; mCamParams[i].subareasBad = 0; mCamParams[i].centeredOnly = 0; // Wasn't init mCamParams[i].matchFactor = 1.f; mCamParams[i].useContinuousMode = -1; mCamParams[i].useFastAcquireObject = true; mCamParams[i].continuousQuality = 0; mCamParams[i].setContinuousReadout = false; mCamParams[i].balanceHalves = -1; mCamParams[i].ifHorizontalBoundary = -1; mCamParams[i].halfBoundary = -1; mCamParams[i].shutterLabel1 = ""; mCamParams[i].shutterLabel2 = ""; mCamParams[i].shutterLabel3 = ""; mCamParams[i].cameraNumber = 0; mCamParams[i].pluginName = ""; mCamParams[i].noShutter = false; mCamParams[i].pluginCanProcess = 0; mCamParams[i].canPreExpose = false; mCamParams[i].rotationFlip = 0; mCamParams[i].imageRotation = 0; mCamParams[i].DMrotationFlip = -1; mCamParams[i].setRestoreRotFlip = 2; mCamParams[i].rotFlipToRestore = -1; mCamParams[i].postActionsOK = -1; // -1 = Unspecified and OK mCamParams[i].addToExposure = -999.; mCamParams[i].addToEERExposure = .02f; mCamParams[i].falcon3ScalePower = 4; mCamParams[i].falconEventScaling = 0.; mCamParams[i].falconVariant = 0; mCamParams[i].linear2CountingRatio = 8.; mCamParams[i].linearOffset = 0.; mCamParams[i].K3CDSLinearRatio = 1.5f; mCamParams[i].origDefects = NULL; mCamParams[i].defNameHasFrameFile = false; mCamParams[i].taskTargetSize = 512; mCamParams[i].specToCamDoseFac = 0.; mCamParams[i].invertFocusRamp = false; mCamParams[i].numChannels = 0; mCamParams[i].JeolDetectorID = -1; for (j = 0; j < MAX_STEM_CHANNELS; j++) { mCamParams[i].availableChan[j] = true; mCamParams[i].needShotToInsert[j] = false; mCamParams[i].minMultiChanBinning[j] = 0; } for (k = 0; k < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS; k++) { // NEED TO SPLIT OFF NON SIZE_DEPENDENT ITEMS IN PARAMIO AND CALL HERE mCamConSets[i][k].useFrameAlign = 1; mCamConSets[i][k].faParamSetInd = 0; mCamConSets[i][k].lineSync = 0; mCamConSets[i][k].dynamicFocus = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAX_STEM_CHANNELS; j++) mCamConSets[i][k].channelIndex[j] = -1; mCamConSets[i][k].channelIndex[0] = 0; mCamConSets[i][k].boostMag = 0; mCamConSets[i][k].magAllShots = 0; mCamConSets[i][k].integration = 1; mCamConSets[i][k].correctDrift = -1; } mCamParams[i].minPixelTime = -0.1f; mCamParams[i].maxPixelTime = 0.; mCamParams[i].pixelTimeIncrement = 0.; mCamParams[i].maxIntegration = 0; mCamParams[i].maxScanRate = 0.f; mCamParams[i].advisableScanRate = 0.f; mCamParams[i].basicFlyback = 50.; mCamParams[i].addedFlyback = 0.; mCamParams[i].subareaInCorner = false; } mMontParam.adjustFocus = false; mMontParam.focusAfterStage = false; mMontParam.repeatFocus = false; mMontParam.driftLimit = 2.f; mMontParam.correctDrift = true; mMontParam.shiftInOverview = false; mMontParam.verySloppy = false; mMontParam.overviewBinning = 1; mMontParam.prescanBinning = 1; mMontParam.binning = 1; mMontParam.maxOverviewBin = 8; mMontParam.maxPrescanBin = 1; mMontParam.insideNavItem = -1; mMontParam.skipOutsidePoly = false; mMontParam.skipCorrelations = false; mMontParam.skipRecReblanks = false; mMontParam.wasFitToPolygon = false; mMontParam.focusBlockSize = 3; mMontParam.maxBlockImShiftNonLM = mMontParam.maxBlockImShiftLM = 0.; mMontParam.focusInBlocks = false; mMontParam.imShiftInBlocks = false; mMontParam.hqDelayTime = 5.f; mMontParam.useHqParams = false; mMontParam.minOverlapFactor = 0.1f; mMontParam.minMicronsOverlap = 0.5f; mMontParam.realignInterval = 64; mMontParam.realignToPiece = false; mMontParam.maxAlignFrac = 0.25f; mMontParam.ISrealign = false; mMontParam.maxRealignIS = 10.; mMontParam.useAnchorWithIS = false; mMontParam.anchorMagInd = -1; mMontParam.setupInLowDose = false; mMontParam.forFullMontage = false; mMontParam.useViewInLowDose = false; mMontParam.useSearchInLowDose = false; mMontParam.useMontMapParams = false; mMontParam.useMultiShot = false; mMontParam.useContinuousMode = false; mMontParam.continDelayFactor = 0.5f; mMontParam.noDriftCorr = true; mMontParam.noHQDriftCorr = false; mMontParam.closeFileWhenDone = false; mSelectedConSet = 3; mActPostExposure = true; mSmallFontsBad = false; mDisplayNotTruly120DPI = false; mToolTitleHeight = mToolExtraWidth = mToolExtraHeight = 0; mFilterParams.autoCamera = true; mFilterParams.autoMag = false; mFilterParams.energyLoss = 0.; mFilterParams.zeroLoss = false; mFilterParams.slitIn = false; mFilterParams.slitWidth = 20.; mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera = -1; mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera = -1; mFilterParams.matchPixel = true; mFilterParams.matchIntensity = true; mFilterParams.binFactor = 1.; mFilterParams.alignedMagInd = 0; mFilterParams.alignedSlitWidth = 0.; mFilterParams.lastFeiZLPshift = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mFilterParams.doMagShifts = true; mFilterParams.currentMagShift = 0.; mFilterParams.alignZLPTimeStamp = 0.; mFilterParams.refineZLPOffset = 0.; mFilterParams.refineWithTrial = false; mFilterParams.cumulNonRunTime = 0; mFilterParams.usedOldAlign = false; mRetractOnEFTEM = false; mStartupInfo = true; // Initialize Mag table for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAGS; i++) { mFilterParams.magShifts[i] = -999.; mMagTab[i].mag = 0; mMagTab[i].STEMmag = 0.; mMagTab[i].tecnaiRotation = 0.; mMagTab[i].offsetISX = 0.; mMagTab[i].offsetISY = 0.; mMagTab[i].focusTicks = 1; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { mMagTab[i].calOffsetISX[j] = mMagTab[i].calOffsetISY[j] = 0.; mMagTab[i].neutralISX[j] = 0.; mMagTab[i].neutralISY[j] = 0.; } for (j = 0; j < MAX_CAMERAS; j++) { mMagTab[i].deltaRotation[j] = 999.; mMagTab[i].rotation[j] = 999.; mMagTab[i].rotDerived[j] = 0; mMagTab[i].pixelSize[j] = 0.; mMagTab[i].pixDerived[j] = 0; mMagTab[i].matIS[j].xpx = 0.; mMagTab[i].matIS[j].ypx = 0.; mMagTab[i].calibrated[j] = 0; mMagTab[i].matStage[j].xpx = 0.; mMagTab[i].matStage[j].ypx = 0.; mMagTab[i].stageCalibrated[j] = 0; mMagTab[i].stageCalFocus[j] = -999.; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMLENS; i++) { mCamLengths[i] = 0; mCamLenCalibrated[i] = 0.; mDiffModeRotations[i] = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } mIdleArray.SetSize(0,5); mCheckThreshold = 1000; mMemoryLimit = 0.; // Set macro controls mMacControl.limitIS = false; mMacControl.limitTiltUp = false; mMacControl.limitTiltDown = false; mMacControl.limitMontError = false; mMacControl.limitRuns = false; mMacControl.limitScaleMax = false; mMacControl.ISlimit = 10.0; mMacControl.runLimit = 500; mMacControl.tiltUpLimit = 80.; mMacControl.tiltDownLimit = -80.; mMacControl.scaleMaxLimit = 50; mMacControl.montErrorLimit = 1.0; InitializeLDParams(); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mNavAcqParams[i].macroIndex = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].preMacroInd = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].preMacroIndNonTS = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].postMacroInd = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].postMacroIndNonTS = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].nonTSacquireType = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].runPremacro = false; mNavAcqParams[i].runPremacroNonTS = false; mNavAcqParams[i].runPostmacro = false; mNavAcqParams[i].runPostmacroNonTS = false; mNavAcqParams[i].skipInitialMove = false; mNavAcqParams[i].skipZmoves = false; mNavAcqParams[i].skipZinRunAtNearest = false; mNavAcqParams[i].restoreOnRealign = true; mNavAcqParams[i].sendEmail = false; mNavAcqParams[i].sendEmailNonTS = false; mNavAcqParams[i].cycleDefocus = false; mNavAcqParams[i].cycleDefFrom = -2.; mNavAcqParams[i].cycleDefTo = -1.; mNavAcqParams[i].cycleSteps = 10; mNavAcqParams[i].earlyReturn = false; mNavAcqParams[i].numEarlyFrames = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].mapWithViewSearch = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].noMBoxOnError = false; mNavAcqParams[i].closeValves = false; mNavAcqParams[i].hideUnusedActs = false; mNavAcqParams[i].acqDlgSelectedPos = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].highFlashIfOK = true; mNavAcqParams[i].DEdarkRefOperatingMode = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].astigByBTID = false; mNavAcqParams[i].adjustBTforIS = false; mNavAcqParams[i].relaxStage = false; mNavAcqParams[i].hybridRealign = false; mNavAcqParams[i].hideUnselectedOpts = false; mNavAcqParams[i].mapWithViewSearch = 0; mNavAcqParams[i].retractCameras = false; mNavAcqParams[0].saveAsMapChoice = i == 0; mNavAcqParams[i].useMapHoleVectors = false; mNavAcqParams[i].runEndMacro = false; mNavAcqParams[i].endMacroInd = 1; mNavAcqParams[i].realignToScaledMap = false; mNavAcqParams[i].conSetForScaledAli = PREVIEW_CONSET; } mNavParams.warnedOnSkipMove = false; mNavParams.stockFile = ""; mNavParams.autosaveFile = ""; mNavParams.numImportXforms = 1; mNavParams.importXform[0].xpx = 10.; mNavParams.importXform[0].ypx = 0.; mNavParams.importXform[0].xpy = 0.; mNavParams.importXform[0].ypy = -10.; mNavParams.idField[0].tag = 0; mNavParams.xField[0].tag = 0; mNavParams.yField[0].tag = 0; mNavParams.xformName[0] = "None"; mNavParams.xformID[0] = ""; mNavParams.importXbase = 0.; mNavParams.importYbase = 0.; mNavParams.gridInPolyBoxFrac = 0.75f; mNavParams.holeInPolyBoxFrac = 1.1f; mNavParams.stageBacklash = 0.; mNavParams.overlayChannels = "121"; mNavParams.maxMontageIS = 7.f; mNavParams.maxLMMontageIS = 35.f; mNavParams.fitMontWithFullFrames = 0.; mNavParams.maxReconnectsInAcq = 0; mNavParams.minPtsForCombineInPMM = 10; mCookParams.intensity = -1.; mCookParams.magIndex = -1; mCookParams.spotSize = -1; mCookParams.targetDose = 2000; mCookParams.trackImage = true; mCookParams.cookAtTilt = false; mCookParams.tiltAngle = 60.f; mCookParams.timeInstead = false; mCookParams.minutes = 10.f; mCookerDlg = NULL; mAutocenDlg = NULL; mVPPConditionSetup = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mTSRangeParams[i].eucentricity = false; mTSRangeParams[i].walkup = false; mTSRangeParams[i].autofocus = false; mTSRangeParams[i].startAngle = 50.; mTSRangeParams[i].endAngle = 60.; mTSRangeParams[i].angleInc = 2.; mTSRangeParams[i].imageType = 0; mTSRangeParams[i].direction = 0; } mScreenShotParams.imageScaleType = 0; mScreenShotParams.imageScaling = 2.; mScreenShotParams.ifScaleSizes = 1; mScreenShotParams.sizeScaling = 0.; mScreenShotParams.fileType = 0; mScreenShotParams.compression = 1; mScreenShotParams.jpegQuality = 80; mScreenShotParams.skipOverlays = 0; mAddDPItoSnapshots = 1; mHitachiParams.IPaddress = ""; mHitachiParams.port = "12050"; mHitachiParams.beamBlankAxis = 0; mHitachiParams.beamBlankDelta = 0.5f; mHitachiParams.usePAforHRmodeIS = 0; mHitachiParams.imageShiftToUm = 50.; mHitachiParams.beamShiftToUm = 100.; mHitachiParams.beamTiltScale = 100.; mHitachiParams.objectiveToUm[0] = 10000.; mHitachiParams.objectiveToUm[1] = 10000.; mHitachiParams.objectiveToUm[2] = 10000.; mHitachiParams.screenAreaSqCm = 150.; mHitachiParams.stageTiltSpeed = 100; mHitachiParams.stageXYSpeed = 80000; mHitachiParams.flags = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MAGS; i++) mHitachiParams.baseFocus[i] = HITACHI_LENS_MAX / 2; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TSS_PANELS; i++) mTssPanelStates[i] = (!i || i == NUM_TSS_PANELS - 1) ? 1 : 0; // Initialize dialog panel placements and log window status for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOOL_DLGS; i++) mDlgPlacements[i].right = NO_PLACEMENT; mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mNavPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mCamSetupPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mScreenShotPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mFirstSEMplacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mStageToolPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mRightBorderFrac = 0.; mBottomBorderFrac = 0.; mMainFFTsplitFrac = 0.5f; mRightFrameWidth = 0; mBottomFrameWidth = 0; mReopenLog = false; mExitWithUnsavedLog = false; mReopenMacroToolbar = false; for (i = 0; i <= MAX_MACROS; i++) mReopenMacroEditor[i] = false; mOpenStateWithNav = true; mSkipGainRefWarning = false; mTestGainFactors = false; mDeferBufWinUpdates = false; mScopeHasSTEM = false; mFirstSTEMcamera = -1; mSettingSTEM = false; mSettingEFTEM = false; mScreenSwitchSTEM = false; mInvertSTEMimages = false; mRetractToUnblankSTEM = false; mBlankBeamInSTEM = false; mMustUnblankWithScreen = false; mRetractOnSTEM = false; mStartingProgram = true; mMinimizedStartup = false; mNoExceptionHandler = 0; mDummyInstance = false; mNoCameras = false; mComModuleInited = false; mPlugDoingFunc = NULL; mPlugStopFunc = NULL; mPlugImagingTask = false; mAnyDirectDetectors = false; mAnySuperResMode = false; mHasK2OrK3Camera = false; mAnyRetractableCams = false; mFrameAlignMoreOpen = false; mShowRemoteControl = true; mHasFEIcamera = false; mKeepEFTEMstate = true; // Changed for 3.7.6 mKeepSTEMstate = false; mUseRecordForMontage = false; mUseViewForSearch = false; mIdleBaseCount = 0; mMadeLittleFont = false; mMadeBoldFont = false; mAllowCameraInSTEMmode = false; mDoseLifetimeHours = 24; mBasicMode = false; mInUpdateWindows = false; mNavOrLogHadFocus = 0; mMonospacedLog = false; mSuppressSomeMessages = false; mLastSystemDPI = 0; mIdleScriptIntervalSec = 60; SEMUtilInitialize(); mSpecialDebugLevel = 0; mNextLogColor = -1; mNextLogStyle = -1; mStartCameraInDebug = false; traceMutexHandle = CreateMutex(0, 0, 0); sStartTime = GetTickCount(); mLastIdleScriptTime = sStartTime; mLastActivityTime = sStartTime; appThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); } // Zero out the low dose params void CSerialEMApp::InitializeLDParams(void) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; i++) { InitializeOneLDParam(mCamLowDoseParams[j][i]); } mCamLowDoseParams[j][VIEW_CONSET].delayFactor = 0.3f; mCamLowDoseParams[j][FOCUS_CONSET].delayFactor = 1.5f; mCamLowDoseParams[j][TRIAL_CONSET].delayFactor = 0.6f; mCamLowDoseParams[j][RECORD_CONSET].delayFactor = 0.9f; mCamLowDoseParams[j][SEARCH_AREA].delayFactor = 0.05f; } } void CSerialEMApp::InitializeOneLDParam(LowDoseParams &ldParam) { ldParam.magIndex = 0; ldParam.camLenIndex = 0; ldParam.spotSize = 0; ldParam.intensity = 0.0; ldParam.probeMode = -1; ldParam.ISX = 0.; ldParam.ISY = 0.; ldParam.axisPosition = 0.; ldParam.beamDelX = 0.; ldParam.beamDelY = 0.; ldParam.axisPosition = 0.; ldParam.delayFactor = 1.0f; ldParam.slitIn = false; ldParam.slitWidth = 0.; ldParam.energyLoss = 0.; ldParam.zeroLoss = false; ldParam.beamAlpha = -999.; ldParam.diffFocus = -999.; ldParam.beamTiltDX = 0.; ldParam.beamTiltDY = 0.; ldParam.darkFieldMode = 0; ldParam.dfTiltX = 0.; ldParam.dfTiltY = 0.; } // Clean up everything so we can detect memory leaks CSerialEMApp::~CSerialEMApp() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) delete mCamParams[i].origDefects; delete mBufferManager; delete mMacroProcessor; delete mShiftManager; delete mShiftCalibrator; delete mMontageController; delete mFocusManager; delete mComplexTasks; delete mMultiTSTasks; delete mParticleTasks; delete mMultiGridTasks; delete mBeamAssessor; delete mProcessImage; delete mTSController; delete mParamIO; delete m_pMainWnd; delete mFilterTasks; delete mDistortionTasks; delete mGainRefMaker; delete mCalibTiming; delete mNavHelper; delete mMailer; delete mGatanSocket; delete mFalconHelper; delete mPiezoControl; delete mAutoTuning; delete mExternalTools; delete mPythonServer; CBaseSocket::UninitializeWSA(); delete mPluginManager; for (int i = 0; i < mIdleArray.GetSize(); i++) delete mIdleArray[i]; KStoreADOC::AllDone(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only CSerialEMApp object CSerialEMApp theApp; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSerialEMApp initialization BOOL CSerialEMApp::InitInstance() { int iSet, iCam, iAct, mag, indSpace, indQuote1, indQuote2; bool anyFrameSavers = false; char fullPath[MAX_PATH + 10]; CameraParameters *camP; CString message, dropCameras, settingsFile, str; void *toolDlgs[] = {&mStatusWindow, &mBufferWindow, &mImageLevel, &mScopeStatus, &mRemoteControl, &mTiltWindow, &mCameraMacroTools, &mAlignFocusWindow, &mLowDoseDlg, &mMontageWindow, &mSTEMcontrol, &mFilterControl, &mDEToolDlg}; for (mag = 0; mag < sizeof(toolDlgs) / sizeof(void *); mag++) mToolDlgs[mag] = (CToolDlg *)toolDlgs[mag]; AfxEnableControlContainer(); sMainThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); AfxInitRichEdit2(); // Uncomment lines in stdafx.h to enable this. The break can be used if you can get // leaks to come out at the same memory allocation # #ifdef _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(64098); #endif // Get executable path for macro editor, plugin manager iCam = GetModuleFileName(NULL, fullPath, MAX_PATH + 10); if (iCam && iCam < MAX_PATH + 10) UtilSplitPath(CString(fullPath), mExePath, str); // Standard initialization // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size // of your final executable, you should remove from the following // the specific initialization routines you do not need. // Got rid of Enable3DControls // Parse the command line for arguments and the remainder, a subpath for system path mDummyInstance = false; if (m_lpCmdLine && strlen(m_lpCmdLine)) { mSysSubpath = CString(m_lpCmdLine).Trim(); while (1) { indSpace = mSysSubpath.Find(" "); if (mSysSubpath.Find("/DUMMY") == 0) { mDummyInstance = true; } else if (mSysSubpath.Find("/NoCam") == 0) { dropCameras = mSysSubpath; if (indSpace > 0) dropCameras = dropCameras.Left(indSpace); } else if (mSysSubpath.Find("/Settings=") == 0 && (indSpace > 10 || (indSpace < 0 && mSysSubpath.GetLength() > 10))) { settingsFile = mSysSubpath; if (indSpace > 0) settingsFile = settingsFile.Left(indSpace); settingsFile = settingsFile.Mid(10); // The path could have quotes if it has a space, but it is not required } else if (mSysSubpath.Find("/PlugDir=") == 0) { indQuote1 = mSysSubpath.Find("\""); indQuote2 = mSysSubpath.Find("\"", 10); if (indQuote1 == 9 && indQuote2 > 0) { mArgPlugDir = mSysSubpath.Left(indQuote2); mArgPlugDir = mArgPlugDir.Mid(10); indSpace = mSysSubpath.Find(" ", indQuote2); } else if (indQuote1 < 0) { mArgPlugDir = mSysSubpath; if (indSpace > 0) mArgPlugDir = mSysSubpath.Left(indSpace); mArgPlugDir = mArgPlugDir.Mid(9); } } else if (mSysSubpath.Find("/Minimized") == 0) { mMinimizedStartup = true; } else if (mSysSubpath.Find("/#") == 0) { } else break; if (indSpace > 0) mSysSubpath = mSysSubpath.Mid(indSpace + 1); else mSysSubpath = ""; } mSysSubpath = mSysSubpath.Trim(); } //if (!AfxOleInit()){ if (CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) != S_OK) { AfxMessageBox(_T("COM Initialization failed!")); return FALSE; } /*if (CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL) != S_OK) AfxMessageBox(_T("CoInitializeSecurity failed!")); */ _Module.Init(NULL, m_hInstance); mComModuleInited = true; // No longer get the windows version // Change the registry key under which our settings are stored. SetRegistryKey(_T("BL3DFS Applications")); LoadStdProfileSettings(); // Load standard INI file options (including MRU) // Create this first so ANY created class can set this pointer // All but this class can set pointer to mDocWnd too mShiftManager = new CShiftManager(); // Register the application's document templates. Document templates // serve as the connection between documents, frame windows and views. CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate; pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate( IDR_SERIALTYPE, RUNTIME_CLASS(CSerialEMDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CChildFrame), // custom MDI child frame RUNTIME_CLASS(CSerialEMView)); AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate); // create main MDI Frame window CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame; if (!pMainFrame->LoadFrame(IDR_MAINFRAME)) return FALSE; m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame; mMainFrame = (CMainFrame *)m_pMainWnd; // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdInfo); // Dispatch commands specified on the command line if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo)) return FALSE; // Try to find the document mDocWnd = NULL; POSITION pos = GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); if (pos) { CDocTemplate *pDocTemp = GetNextDocTemplate(pos); if (pDocTemp) { POSITION dPos = pDocTemp->GetFirstDocPosition(); if(dPos) { mDocWnd = (CSerialEMDoc *)pDocTemp->GetNextDoc(dPos); } } } if (!mDocWnd) { AfxMessageBox("No document class found"); return FALSE; } if (!settingsFile.IsEmpty()) mDocWnd->SetSettingsName(settingsFile); // Initialize the buffer manager mBufferManager = new EMbufferManager(mModeName, mImBufs); mMacroProcessor = new CMacCmd(); // Get the various task managers // Don't forget to add new ones to the destructor mShiftCalibrator = new CShiftCalibrator(); mMontageController = new EMmontageController(); mFocusManager = new CFocusManager(); mComplexTasks = new CComplexTasks(); mMultiTSTasks = new CMultiTSTasks(); mParticleTasks = new CParticleTasks(); mMultiGridTasks = new CMultiGridTasks(); mBeamAssessor = new CBeamAssessor(); mProcessImage = new CProcessImage(); mTSController = new CTSController(); mFilterTasks = new CFilterTasks(); mDistortionTasks = new CDistortionTasks(); mGainRefMaker = new CGainRefMaker(); mCalibTiming = new CCalibCameraTiming(); mNavHelper = new CNavHelper(); mFalconHelper = new CFalconHelper(); mPiezoControl = new CPiezoAndPPControl(); mAutoTuning = new CAutoTuning(); mExternalTools = new CExternalTools(); mPythonServer = new CPythonServer(); mMailer = new CMailer(); mGatanSocket = new CGatanSocket(); mPluginManager = new CPluginManager(); CBaseSocket::InitSocketStatics(); // Get the scope mScope = new CEMscope(); // Get the camera controller: can do this early now that there are no smart pointers // But no earlier than this: the constructor assumes scope pointer etc exist already mCamera = new CCameraController(); // Detect if display is not 120 DPI and initialize accordingly HDC screen = GetDC(0); mSystemDPI = GetDeviceCaps(screen, LOGPIXELSX); ReleaseDC(0, screen); mDisplayNotTruly120DPI = mSystemDPI == 120; mag = mSystemDPI; b3dSetStoreError(1); // Initialize the ParameterIO class and read properties and settings; reopen log // now in case someone has debugging output to the log mParamIO = new CParameterIO; mDocWnd->ReadSetPropCalFiles(); if (mNoExceptionHandler <= 0) { SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(SEMExceptionFilter); _set_invalid_parameter_handler(SEMInvalidParameterHandler); set_terminate(SEMTerminateHandler); } if (mScope->GetNoScope() && mNoCameras && mScope->GetSimulationMode()) mDummyInstance = true; if (!mDummyInstance) { // If there is a previous instance, this will return a good handle with an error HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, "SerialEMSingleInstance"); if (hMutex) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { AfxMessageBox("There is a non-DUMMY instance of SerialEM still running.\n" "It must be closed or killed before you can start another."); return FALSE; } } } // The main window has been initialized, so show and update it. pMainFrame->ShowWindow(m_nCmdShow); pMainFrame->UpdateWindow(); if (mDummyInstance) { mScope->SetNoScope(true); mCamera->SetSimulationMode(true); mNoCameras = true; if (mAssumeCamForDummy >= 0 && mAssumeCamForDummy < MAX_CAMERAS) { if (mCamParams[mAssumeCamForDummy].GIF) mEFTEMMode = true; else if (mCamParams[mAssumeCamForDummy].STEMcamera) mSTEMMode = true; mInitialCurrentCamera = mAssumeCamForDummy; } CopyCameraToCurrentLDP(); } if (mScope->GetNoScope() && mShiftManager->GetStageInvertsZAxis() < 0) { mShiftManager->SetStageInvertsZAxis(0); } if (mSystemDPI != 120) mDisplayNotTruly120DPI = false; FixInitialPlacements(mMinimizedStartup); if (mReopenLog && !mMinimizedStartup) { if (mLogWindow) { if (mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) mLogWindow->SetWindowPlacement(&mLogPlacement); } else { OnFileOpenlog(); } } SEMTrace('1', "Detected system DPI of %d, using DPI %d%s", mag, mSystemDPI, mDisplayNotTruly120DPI ? " but not scaling for 120" : ""); if (mStartCameraInDebug) { AdjustKeysForCameraDebug(true); mCamera->SetDebugMode(true); SEMAppendToLog("\"StartCameraInDebugMode\" is obsolete: use DebugOutput Z instead"); } // Set constants based on DPI if not supplied by user if (!mToolTitleHeight) { mToolTitleHeight = mSystemDPI <= 120 ? 24 : 40; // This is based on a post about what is used in Firefox for a resizeable window, // where a commenter found that scaling the resizing frame by a dpi ratio worked mag = (int)ceil(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) * mSystemDPI / 96.); mToolTitleHeight = B3DMAX(mToolTitleHeight, mag); if (mSystemDPI < 120) { mToolExtraWidth = 8; mToolExtraHeight = 5; } else { mToolExtraWidth = 10; mToolExtraHeight = 6; } } // Initialize the gain ref now that extra refs are known mGainRefMaker->InitializeRefArrays(); // Trim the active camera list if command line argument says to if (!dropCameras.IsEmpty()) { iSet = 0; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mActiveCamListSize; iAct++) { message.Format("%d", mActiveCameraList[iAct]); if (dropCameras.Find(message) < 0) mActiveCameraList[iSet++] = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; } if (!iSet) { AfxMessageBox("You cannot remove all of the active cameras with /NoCam"); return false; } mActiveCamListSize = iSet; } if (!mMontParam.maxBlockImShiftNonLM) { mMontParam.maxBlockImShiftNonLM = mNavParams.maxMontageIS; mMontParam.maxBlockImShiftLM = mNavParams.maxLMMontageIS; } // Find out if STEM interface is to be started and check K2 scaling iSet = 0; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mActiveCamListSize; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera) mScopeHasSTEM = true; else if (mCamParams[iCam].FEItype) mHasFEIcamera = true; if (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type) { iSet++; if (mCamParams[iCam].countsPerElectron > 0. && mCamParams[iCam].countsPerElectron < 2.) { message.Format("The camera property CountsPerElectron is set to %1.f for camera" " %d\n\nFor a K2 camera, it needs to be the number of\nlinear mode counts per" " electron, not a value near 1.\nFor a K3, it needs to be 32 and the entry" " is not needed", mCamParams[iCam].countsPerElectron, iCam); AfxMessageBox(message, MB_EXCLAME); } } // Check for transposed usable area limits CameraDefects *def = &mCamParams[iCam].defects; bool longInY = def->usableBottom > mCamParams[iCam].sizeY + 4 && def->usableRight < mCamParams[iCam].sizeX - 4; if (longInY || (def->usableBottom < mCamParams[iCam].sizeY - 4 && def->usableRight > mCamParams[iCam].sizeX + 4)) { message.Format("The camera property UsableArea for camera %d extends beyond\r\n" "the camera size in %s and is less than the size in %s\r\n" "Should it be UsableArea %d %d %d %d instead?", iCam, longInY ? "Y" : "X", longInY ? "X" : "Y", def->usableLeft, def->usableTop, def->usableRight, def->usableBottom); AfxMessageBox(message, MB_EXCLAME); AppendToLog(message); } } if (iSet > 0 && mCamera->GetScalingForK2Counts() > 0. && mCamera->GetScalingForK2Counts() < 2.) { message.Format("The general property ScalingForK2Counts is set to %1.f\n\n" "It needs to be close to the number of linear mode\ncounts per" " electron, not a value near 1.", mCamera->GetScalingForK2Counts()); AfxMessageBox(message, MB_EXCLAME); } // Double sizes for K2 camera and define the DM and Gatan camera flags iAct = 0; for (iCam = 0; iCam < MAX_CAMERAS; iCam++) { mCamParams[iCam].DMCamera = !(mCamParams[iCam].TietzType || mCamParams[iCam].FEItype || mCamParams[iCam].DE_camType || !mCamParams[iCam].pluginName.IsEmpty()); mCamParams[iCam].GatanCam = mCamParams[iCam].DMCamera && !mCamParams[iCam].AMTtype; if (!mCamParams[iCam].GatanCam) mCamParams[iCam].K2Type = 0; if (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type) AdjustSizesForSuperResolution(iCam); } // Load plugins now, in case there is a microscope plugin mPluginManager->LoadPlugins(); // Initialize the scope now that properties are set if (mScope->Initialize() && mExitOnScopeError) return false; // Check initialization of parameter sets for first active camera now that we know size int numInit = 0; int camMScopied, numMontSearchCopy = 0; iCam = mActiveCameraList[0]; for (iSet = 0; iSet < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS; iSet++) { if (!mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].right) { if (iSet == SEARCH_CONSET || iSet == MONT_USER_CONSET) { if (iSet == SEARCH_CONSET) mCamConSets[iCam][iSet] = mCamConSets[iCam][VIEW_CONSET]; else mCamConSets[iCam][iSet] = mCamConSets[iCam][RECORD_CONSET]; numMontSearchCopy = 1; } else { mParamIO->SetDefaultCameraControls(iSet, &mConSets[iSet], mCamParams[iCam].sizeX, mCamParams[iCam].sizeY); } numInit++; } } // Finish scope-dependent or other initialization of camera parameters for (iCam = 0; iCam < MAX_CAMERAS; iCam++) { if (mCamParams[iCam].restoreBBmode < 0) mCamParams[iCam].restoreBBmode = JEOLscope ? 1 : 0; if (mCamParams[iCam].FEItype && !mCamParams[iCam].STEMcamera && !mCamParams[iCam].minExposure) mCamParams[iCam].minExposure = DEFAULT_FEI_MIN_EXPOSURE; } // Check the rest of the cameras for uninitialized parameter sets and transfer them // from camera 0, unless ALL sets were initialized for camera 0 for (iAct = 0; iAct < mActiveCamListSize; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; camMScopied = 0; if (mCamParams[iCam].sizeX <= 0 || mCamParams[iCam].sizeY <= 0 || mCamParams[iCam].pixelMicrons <= 0) { message.Format("%s is not defined for camera %d", mCamParams[iCam].pixelMicrons <= 0 ? "Pixel size" : "Camera size in X and Y" , iCam); AfxMessageBox(message, MB_EXCLAME); return false; } for (iSet = 0; iSet < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS; iSet++) { if (!mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].right) { if (iSet == SEARCH_CONSET || iSet == MONT_USER_CONSET) { mCamConSets[iCam][iSet] = B3DCHOICE(iSet == SEARCH_CONSET, mCamConSets[iCam][VIEW_CONSET], mCamConSets[iCam][RECORD_CONSET]); camMScopied = 1; } else if (numInit < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS) { TransferConSet(iSet, mActiveCameraList[0], iCam); } else { mParamIO->SetDefaultCameraControls(iSet, &mCamConSets[iCam][iSet], mCamParams[iCam].sizeX, mCamParams[iCam].sizeY); } } // If camera has only one shutter, set to beam blank if (mCamParams[iCam].onlyOneShutter) mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].shuttering = USE_BEAM_BLANK; B3DCLAMP(mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].right, 0, mCamParams[iCam].sizeX); B3DCLAMP(mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].bottom, 0, mCamParams[iCam].sizeY); // Backwards compatibility for Oneview drift correction which was stored in // alignFrames: if it is -1, it was not read in, so transfer alignFrames to it // and zero out alignFrames if (mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].correctDrift < 0 && mCamParams[iCam].OneViewType) { mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].correctDrift = mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].alignFrames; mCamConSets[iCam][iSet].alignFrames = 0; } } mCamParams[iCam].canBlock = mCamParams[iCam].retractable; numMontSearchCopy += camMScopied; // 10/1/13: subareas no longer need to be square with rotations; but needs testing /*if (mCamParams[iCam].TietzType && mCamParams[iCam].TietzImageGeometry > 0 && (mCamParams[iCam].TietzImageGeometry & 20)) mCamParams[iCam].squareSubareas = true; */ // If no individual entry was made, set to global default if (mCamParams[iCam].processHere < 0) mCamParams[iCam].processHere = mProcessHere ? 1 : 0; if (!mCamera->CanProcessHere(&mCamParams[iCam])) mCamParams[iCam].processHere = 0; if (mCamera->IsDirectDetector(&mCamParams[iCam])) mAnyDirectDetectors = true; if (mCamParams[iCam].canTakeFrames & FRAMES_CAN_BE_SAVED) anyFrameSavers = true; if (mCamParams[iCam].retractable) mAnyRetractableCams = true; } if ((mAnyDirectDetectors || anyFrameSavers) && mDocWnd->GetDfltUseMdoc() < 0) mDocWnd->SetDfltUseMdoc(1); // Copy active list from properties into original active list // Check for 16-bit cameras and for GIF BOOL anyGIF = false; mDEcamCount = 0; //Max 3 cameras for DE int MAX_DE_Cams = 3; CString DE_camNames[] = {"","",""}; for (iCam = 0; iCam < mActiveCamListSize; iCam++) { mOriginalActiveList[iCam] = mActiveCameraList[iCam]; camP = &mCamParams[mActiveCameraList[iCam]]; if (camP->unsignedImages) mAny16BitCameras = true; if (camP->GIF) { anyGIF = true; // GIF without filterIsFEI indicates no Selectris filter control is available if (camP->FEItype) mCamera->SetNoFilterControl(!camP->filterIsFEI); } if (camP->DE_camType) { if (mDEcamCount < MAX_DE_Cams) { DE_camNames[mDEcamCount] = camP->name; mDEcamCount++; } } } mScopeHasFilter = anyGIF || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter(); // 9/13/12: Moved starting scope update from here to after camera initialization done // Further initialization of various task managers now that all pointers exist // Moved up here 6/3/13 since panels start updates and call at least shiftmanager mShiftManager->Initialize(); mMenuTargets.Initialize(); mShiftCalibrator->Initialize(); mFocusManager->Initialize(); mMontageController->Initialize(); mMacroProcessor->Initialize(); mComplexTasks->Initialize(); mMultiTSTasks->Initialize(); mParticleTasks->Initialize(); mMultiGridTasks->Initialize(); mBeamAssessor->Initialize(); mTSController->Initialize(); mFilterTasks->Initialize(); mDistortionTasks->Initialize(); mNavHelper->Initialize(); mAutoTuning->Initialize(); mProcessImage->Initialize(); mFalconHelper->InitializePointers(); CNavRotAlignDlg::InitializeStatics(); // Start the tool windows mNumToolDlg = 0; for (iSet = 0; iSet < MAX_TOOL_DLGS; iSet++) mDlgColorIndex[iSet] = iSet; #define CREATE_IF_SHOWING(cond, color) \ if (cond) { \ mToolDlgs[color]->Create(sToolDlgIDs[color]); \ mDlgColorIndex[mNumToolDlg] = color; \ mDialogTable[mNumToolDlg++].pDialog = mToolDlgs[color]; \ } CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-10), 0); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-11), 1); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-12), 2); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-13), 3); if (IsIDinHideSet(-14)) mShowRemoteControl = false; CREATE_IF_SHOWING(mShowRemoteControl, 4); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-15), 5); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-16), 6); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-17), 7); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-18), 8); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(!IsIDinHideSet(-19), 9); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(mScopeHasSTEM && !IsIDinHideSet(-20), 10); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(mScopeHasFilter && !IsIDinHideSet(-21), 11); CREATE_IF_SHOWING(mDEcamCount > 0 && !IsIDinHideSet(-22), 12); if (mDEcamCount > 0) mDEToolDlg.setUpDialogNames(DE_camNames,mDEcamCount); pMainFrame->InitializeDialogTable(mDialogTable, initialDlgState, mNumToolDlg, dlgBorderColors, mDlgColorIndex, mDlgPlacements); SetMaxDialogWidth(); pMainFrame->InitializeStatusBar(); RestoreViewFocus(); if (mMainView) DoResizeMain(); // More initializations mDocWnd->SetPointers(mBufferManager, &mBufferWindow); mMailer->Initialize(); mPiezoControl->Initialize(); if (!mMinimizedStartup) { if (mReopenMacroToolbar) mMacroProcessor->OpenMacroToolbar(); OpenOrCloseMacroEditors(); } mDocWnd->AppendToProgramLog(true); // INITIALIZE THE CAMERAS if (mCamera->Initialize(INIT_ALL_CAMERAS) < 0) return false; if (mNoCameras) { mNumActiveCameras = mActiveCamListSize; mNumAvailCameras = mActiveCamListSize; mNumReadInCameras = mActiveCamListSize; } // Build the calibrations of rotation and pixel size mShiftManager->PropagatePixelSizes(); mShiftManager->PropagateRotations(); // Make sure low dose parameters get copied in CopyCameraToCurrentLDP(); bool inSTEM = mScopeHasSTEM && mScope->GetInitialized() && mScope->GetSTEMmode(); // set default startup camera as non GIF camera if possible iCam = mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera >= 0 ? mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera : mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera; if (iCam < 0) iCam = 0; // Then if an initial current camera is entered, try to find that in active list if (mInitialCurrentCamera >= 0 && LookupActiveCamera(mInitialCurrentCamera) >= 0 && !(mKeepSTEMstate && ((inSTEM && !mCamParams[mInitialCurrentCamera].STEMcamera) || (!inSTEM && mCamParams[mInitialCurrentCamera].STEMcamera) ))) iCam = LookupActiveCamera(mInitialCurrentCamera); // And if not, stay in STEM mode if in STEM else if (inSTEM) iCam = mFirstSTEMcamera; // Or pick the camera that keeps the EFTEM state if flag set else if (mScopeHasFilter && mScope->GetInitialized() && mScope->GetCanControlEFTEM()) { BOOL inState = mScope->GetEFTEM(); mScope->SetSelectedEFTEM(inState); if (mKeepEFTEMstate && mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera >= 0) { iCam = inState ? mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera : mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera; mCurrentActiveCamera = iCam; } } if (iCam < 0) iCam = 0; SetActiveCameraNumber(iCam); mInitialCurrentCamera = mActiveCameraList[iCam]; for (iAct = 0; iAct < mActiveCamListSize; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(&mCamParams[iCam])) { mCamParams[iCam].unscaledCountsPerElec = mCamParams[iCam].countsPerElectron; mCamera->AdjustCountsPerElecForScale(&mCamParams[iCam]); } if (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type || (mCamParams[iCam].DE_camType && (mCamParams[iCam].CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT))) mAnySuperResMode = true; if (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type) mHasK2OrK3Camera = true; // For Falcon 2 or DE that can't align, if align is ON without using framealign, // turn it off for (iSet = 0; iSet < NUMBER_OF_USER_CONSETS; iSet++) { ControlSet *cs = &mCamConSets[iCam][iSet]; if (mCamParams[iCam].FEItype == FALCON2_TYPE || (mCamParams[iCam].DE_camType && !(mCamParams[iCam].CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_ALIGN))) { if (!cs->useFrameAlign && cs->alignFrames > 0) cs->alignFrames = 0; } if (IS_FALCON3_OR_4(&mCamParams[iCam])) cs->numSkipBefore = cs->numSkipAfter = 0; // Transition DE saving flags to new form if (mCamParams[iCam].DE_camType) { if ((cs->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_FRAMES) && (cs->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_SUMS)) cs->saveFrames |= DE_SAVE_MASTER | DE_SAVE_SINGLE; else if (cs->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_FRAMES) { cs->saveFrames |= DE_SAVE_MASTER; cs->DEsumCount = 1; } else if (cs->saveFrames & DE_SAVE_SUMS) { cs->saveFrames |= DE_SAVE_MASTER; } cs->saveFrames &= ~(DE_SAVE_FRAMES | DE_SAVE_SUMS) ; } // Make sure there are valid binnings if (!BinningIsValid(cs->binning, iCam, (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type && cs->K2ReadMode == SUPERRES_MODE) || (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type == K3_TYPE && cs->K2ReadMode > LINEAR_MODE))) { int newBin = NextValidBinning(cs->binning, -1, iCam, false); if (newBin == cs->binning) newBin = NextValidBinning(cs->binning, 1, iCam, false); cs->binning = newBin; } } } CopyConSets(mCurrentCamera); // Get the image shift offsets set up now that the camera is finalized mScope->SetApplyISoffset(mScope->GetApplyISoffset()); // Need to start update after cameras are initialized and active number set this way mScope->StartUpdate(); mScope->ReadProbeMode(); mAlignFocusWindow.Update(); // Zero the image shifts if (mScope->GetInitialized()) { BOOL doReset = !(JEOLscope && mScope->GetSTEMmode()); if (doReset && JEOLscope) { double startTime = GetTickCount(); while (!mScope->mJeolSD.bDataIsGood && SEMTickInterval(startTime) < 5000) { Sleep(100); } doReset = mScope->mJeolSD.bDataIsGood; if (doReset) mScope->ScopeUpdate(GetTickCount()); } if (doReset && HitachiScope) { iCam = mScope->GetMagIndex(); doReset = iCam >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() && iCam < mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag(); } if (doReset) mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(false, false); if (!mCamParams[mInitialCurrentCamera].noShutter) mScope->BlankBeam(false); } ManageSTEMBlanking(); // Initialize continuous aligning and assess GPU for it mFalconHelper->Initialize(-3); pMainFrame->SetWindowText("SerialEM"); if (!mStartupMessage.IsEmpty()) { SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); AppendToLog(mStartupMessage, LOG_MESSAGE_IF_NOT_ADMIN_OR_OPEN); } if (mStartupInfo) { GetStartupMessage(); SetNextLogColorStyle(5, 1); AppendToLog(mStartupMessage, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); if (mScope->GetNoScope()) AppendToLog("Running with no microscope connection", LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); } CString *dups = mParamIO->GetDupMessage(); if (!dups->IsEmpty()) AppendToLog((LPCTSTR)(*dups), LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); mBeamAssessor->InitialSetupForAperture(); if (mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) WarnIfUsingOldFilterAlign(); mParamIO->ReportSpecialOptions(); for (iAct = 0; iAct < mActiveCamListSize; iAct++) { iCam = mActiveCameraList[iAct]; if (mCamParams[iCam].K2Type == 1 && mCamParams[iCam].startupDelay >= 1.46 && mCamParams[iCam].startupDelay < mCamera->GetK2MinStartupDelay()) PrintfToLog("WARNING: Post-exposure actions will be disabled for camera %d " "because the\r\n camera property StartupDelay is too short. To enable " "Post-exposure actions,\r\n" " run Camera Timing in the Calibrate menu and update the StartupDelay.", iCam); } SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); AppendToLog("Read settings from: " + mDocWnd->GetOriginalSettingsPath(), mMinimizedStartup ? LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED : LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); AppendToLog("Read properties/calibrations from: " + mDocWnd->GetFullSystemDir(), mMinimizedStartup ? LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED : LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (mDocWnd->GetReadScriptPack()) { SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); AppendToLog("Read scripts from " + mDocWnd->GetCurScriptPackPath(), mMinimizedStartup ? LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED : LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } mDocWnd->ManageReadInCurrentDir(); std::vector *pyVersions = mMacroProcessor->GetVersionsOfPython(); message = ""; for (iCam = 0; iCam < (int)pyVersions->size(); iCam++) { message += CString(" ") + (*pyVersions)[iCam].c_str(); if ((*pyVersions)[iCam].find(DEPRECATED_PYTHON) == 0) AppendToLog("WARNING: No module for Python " DEPRECATED_PYTHON " will be included " "in the stable release of SerialEM 4.2"); } if (!message.IsEmpty()) AppendToLog("Paths are defined for Python version(s) " + message, mMinimizedStartup ? LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED : LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); message = mDocWnd->GetTitle(); for (iAct = 0; iAct < message.GetLength(); iAct++) { if ((unsigned char)message.GetAt(iAct) > 127) { AppendToLog("WARNING: MrcHeaderTitle properties has special (non-ASCII) characters;" "\r\n this may cause problems in other software"); break; } } iSet = mScope->GetMinInitializeJeolDelay(); if (JEOLscope && iSet > 0 && mScope->GetInitializeJeolDelay() < iSet) PrintfToLog("WARNING: The property InitializeJeolDelay is set to %d, less than the " "recommended minimum value of %d", mScope->GetInitializeJeolDelay(), iSet); mShiftManager->ReportFallbackRotations(!mAdministrator); if (mLogWindow) mLogWindow->SetUnsaved(false); if (mDummyInstance) SetTitleFile(""); sAboutVersion = VERSION_STRING; if (sAboutVersion.Find("beta") > 0) sAboutVersion += " " + sBuildDate; // Set memory limit if (mMemoryLimit <= 0.) { mMemoryLimit = 0.75f * (float)b3dPhysicalMemory(); #ifndef _WIN64 if (mMemoryLimit > 1.8e9) { LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS fnIsWow64Process; BOOL bIsWow64 = false; fnIsWow64Process = (LPFN_ISWOW64PROCESS)GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32")), "IsWow64Process"); if (NULL != fnIsWow64Process) fnIsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64); if (bIsWow64) mMemoryLimit = B3DMIN(3.7e9f, mMemoryLimit); else if (mMemoryLimit) mMemoryLimit = 1.9e9f; } #endif // _WIN64 } if (mBufferManager->GetStackWinMaxXY() <= 0) mBufferManager->SetStackWinMaxXY(mMemoryLimit > 5.e9 ? 1024 : 512); message = mParamIO->GetPropsWithComments(); if (!message.IsEmpty()) AppendToLog("WARNING: The following lines in SerialEMproperties.txt appear to \r\n" "have comments after a string entry; if so, the comments MUST be removed:" + message); float *gridLimits = mNavHelper->GetGridLimits(); if (gridLimits[0] || gridLimits[1] || gridLimits[2] || gridLimits[3]) { message = "There are Navigator settings for grid limits: "; for (iCam = 0; iCam < 4; iCam++) { if (gridLimits[iCam]) { str.Format(" %s%s %.0f", iCam % 2 ? "+" : "-", iCam > 1 ? "Y" : "X", gridLimits[iCam]); message += str; } } AppendToLog(message); } mExternalTools->AddMenuItems(); mMainFrame->RemoveHiddenItemsFromMenus(); UtilModifyMenuItem("Navigator", ID_MONTAGINGGRIDS_MULTIPLEGRIDOPERATIONS, mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader() ? "Mult&iple Grid Operations..." : "Mult&iple Operations on Grid..."); mStartingProgram = false; DoResizeMain(); SetTitleFile(""); if (mEnableExternalPython) SetEnableExternalPython(true); UpdateBufferWindows(); // The "Blanked" indicator is quire resistant to getting hidden on startup - this did it mLowDoseDlg.BlankingUpdate(true); mLowDoseDlg.BlankingUpdate(false); iCam = mMacroProcessor->FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(mScriptToRunAtStart); if (iCam >= 0) mMacroProcessor->Run(iCam); if (mSaveAutosaveLog) { if (!mLogWindow) OnFileOpenlog(); mLogWindow->SaveAndOfferName(); } return TRUE; } // Enable or disable void CSerialEMApp::SetEnableExternalPython(BOOL inVal) { mEnableExternalPython = inVal; if (mStartingProgram) return; if (inVal) mPythonServer->StartServerIfNeeded(EXT_PYTH_SOCK_ID); else mPythonServer->ShutdownSocketIfOpen(EXT_PYTH_SOCK_ID); } // Multiply sizes and binning and divide pixel sizes from properties by 2 for a camera // with super-resolution mode; or undo this operation (not used for DE after all!) void CSerialEMApp::AdjustSizesForSuperResolution(int iCam) { int iSet, mag; CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[iCam]; float pixelDiv = 2.f; if (camP->DE_camType && !(camP->CamFlags & DE_CAM_CAN_COUNT)) { pixelDiv = 0.5f; for (iSet = 1 ; iSet < camP->numBinnings; iSet++) camP->binnings[iSet - 1] = camP->binnings[iSet] / 2; camP->numBinnings--; } else { for (iSet = B3DMIN(camP->numBinnings - 1, MAX_BINNINGS - 2); iSet >= 0; iSet--) camP->binnings[iSet + 1] = camP->binnings[iSet] * 2; camP->binnings[0] = 1; camP->numBinnings = B3DMIN(camP->numBinnings + 1, MAX_BINNINGS); } camP->sizeX = B3DNINT(camP->sizeX * pixelDiv); camP->sizeY = B3DNINT(camP->sizeY * pixelDiv); if (camP->K2Type == K3_TYPE && (camP->leftOffset || camP->topOffset)) { camP->coordsModulo = true; ACCUM_MAX(camP->moduloX, 32); ACCUM_MAX(camP->moduloY, 16); } // Divide the pixel sizes by 2; they are based on native pixels camP->pixelMicrons /= pixelDiv; for (mag = 1; mag < MAX_MAGS; mag++) mMagTab[mag].pixelSize[iCam] /= pixelDiv; } CString CSerialEMApp::GetStartupMessage(bool original) { const char **months = mDocWnd->GetMonthStrings(); if (!original || mStartingProgram) { CString str2, str = GetVersionString(); CTime ctdt = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); str.Format("%s\r\n%s %s %d %d %02d:%02d:%02d", (LPCTSTR)str, mStartingProgram ? "Started" : "Current date", months[ctdt.GetMonth() - 1], ctdt.GetDay(), ctdt.GetYear(), ctdt.GetHour(), ctdt.GetMinute(), ctdt.GetSecond()); if (mStartingProgram) mStartupMessage = str; if (!original) return str; } return mStartupMessage; } CString CSerialEMApp::GetVersionString() { CString str; int iCam = 32; #ifdef _WIN64 iCam = 64; #endif str.Format("%s %d-bit, built %s %s", VERSION_STRING, iCam, (LPCTSTR)sBuildDate, (LPCTSTR)sBuildTime); return str; } // Return an integer of the form yyyymmdd int CSerialEMApp::GetBuildDayStamp(void) { return sBuildDayStamp; } // Return the version in the form 10000 * generation + 100 * major + minor int CSerialEMApp::GetIntegerVersion(CString verStr) { if (verStr.IsEmpty()) verStr = VERSION_STRING; int major, minor, gen, start = verStr.Find("ion ") + 4; verStr = verStr.Mid(start); sscanf((LPCTSTR)verStr, "%d.%d.%d", &gen, &major, &minor); return 10000 * gen + 100 * major + minor; } int CSerialEMApp::ExitInstance() { // Destructors have already been called for document... // Put checks for whether to exit in MainFrm OnClose // It already set this flag but do it in case we get here another way mAppExiting = true; if (mPluginManager) mPluginManager->ReleasePlugins(); if (mMacroProcessor) mMacroProcessor->TerminateScrpLangProcess(); if (mScope) delete mScope; if (mCamera) delete mCamera; if (mComModuleInited) _Module.Term(); return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); } // The exception filter for structured exceptions static LONG WINAPI SEMExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionInfo) { static bool first = true; CString func; CString message; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int startInd = winApp->mStartupMessage.Find('\r'); // It comes in twice; returning this only the second time allows the application error // box to come up once instead of twice if (!first) return (winApp->GetNoExceptionHandler() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH); try { func = winApp->mCamera->GetNewFunctionCalled(); if (!func.IsEmpty()) { message = "SerialEM is crashing trying to call\r\n" + func + "\r\nin its plugin to DigitalMicrograph.\r\n\r\n" "You need to upgrade the plugin to a version with this function,\r\n" "as well as one or two \"proxy-stub\" dlls (with \"ps\" in their names)"; } else if (!sFunctionCalled.IsEmpty()) { message = "SerialEM is crashing trying to call\r\n" + sFunctionCalled + "\r\nwhich may mean that function does not exist in\r\n" "the version of the object being called.\r\n\r\n"; } else { message.Format("%s is crashing due to an unhandled exception\r\n(Exception " "code 0x%x, address 0x%x, SEMTrace is 0x%x)", startInd > 0 ? (LPCTSTR)winApp->mStartupMessage.Left(startInd) : "SerialEM", ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, SEMTrace); AddBackTraceToMessage(message); } } catch (...) { } winApp->CleanupAndReportCrash(message); first = false; return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } // Handler for invalid parameter errors; these arguments are non-null only in debug build void SEMInvalidParameterHandler(const wchar_t* expression, const wchar_t* function, const wchar_t* file, unsigned int line, uintptr_t pReserved) { CommonErrorHandler("an invalid parameter in a function call"); } // Handler for errors that cause terminate void SEMTerminateHandler() { CommonErrorHandler("an error causing termination"); } // Handler for either of those; start the crash message, add backtrace, do cleanup void CommonErrorHandler(const char *cause) { CString message; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int startInd = winApp->mStartupMessage.Find('\r'); message.Format("%s is crashing due to %s", startInd > 0 ? (LPCTSTR)winApp->mStartupMessage.Left(startInd) : "SerialEM", cause); AddBackTraceToMessage(message); winApp->CleanupAndReportCrash(message); } // Try to do a backtrace by loading kernel32.dll and the needed function void AddBackTraceToMessage(CString &message) { BackTraceFunc btFunc; PVOID backTrace[15]; HMODULE module = AfxLoadLibrary("Kernel32.dll"); CString str; if (module) { // This requires WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 in preprocessor defs so we try to load it instead btFunc = (BackTraceFunc)GetProcAddress(module, "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"); if (btFunc) { int numBack = btFunc(2, 15, &backTrace[0], NULL); if (numBack) { str.Format("\r\nSEMTrace is 0x%x; backtrace:", SEMTrace); message += str; } for (int ind = 0; ind < numBack; ind++) { str.Format("\r\n0x%x", backTrace[ind]); message += str; } } FreeLibrary(module); } } // Do other cleanup and reporting operations for a crash void CSerialEMApp::CleanupAndReportCrash(CString &message) { CString name; if (mProcessImage->GetBufIndForCtffind() >= 0) mProcessImage->SaveCtffindCrashImage(message); try { // First try to close the valves immediately if (mTSController->GetMessageBoxCloseValves() && mTSController->GetMessageBoxValveTime() > 0. && !mScope->GetNoColumnValve()) { mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(false, true); message += "\r\n\r\nValves have been closed"; } } catch (...) { } try { // Clean up python process if any mMacroProcessor->TerminateScrpLangProcess(); // Then try to save the log somewhere if (mLogWindow) { AppendToLog(message); if ((mLogWindow->GetSaveFile()).IsEmpty()) { if (mStoreMRC) name = mStoreMRC->getName(); if (name.IsEmpty()) name = "SerialEMcrash"; mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, name); } else { mLogWindow->DoSave(); } if (!(mLogWindow->GetLastFilePath()).IsEmpty()) message += "\n\nThe log has been saved to:\n" + mLogWindow->GetLastFilePath(); } // Try to close files and rescue HDF mDocWnd->CloseAllStores(); } catch (...) { } if (LowDoseMode()) message += "\r\n\r\nWill try to leave low dose mode before closing..."; AfxMessageBox(message); if (LowDoseMode()) mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false); CBaseSocket::UninitializeWSA(); } // Winsock initialization is invoked by Mailer and by any socket class initialization // and happens only once. The program uninitializes once at end with the function in // BaseSocket // Insist on at least Winsock v1.1 const unsigned int VERSION_MAJOR = 1; const unsigned int VERSION_MINOR = 1; int SEMInitializeWinsock(void) { WSADATA WSData; CString report; CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (CBaseSocket::GetWSAinitialized()) return 0; // Attempt to initialize WinSock (1.1 or later). if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR), &WSData)) { report.Format("SEMInitializeWinsock: Cannot find Winsock v%d.%d or later!", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR); winApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); return 1; } CBaseSocket::SetWSAinitialized(true); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAboutDlg dialog used for App About class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public: CAboutDlg(); // Dialog Data //{{AFX_DATA(CAboutDlg) enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX }; //}}AFX_DATA // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CAboutDlg) protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CAboutDlg) //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: CString m_strVersion; CString m_strTag; }; CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) , m_strVersion(_T(sAboutVersion)) , m_strTag(_T(TAG_STRING)) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAboutDlg) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAboutDlg) //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATVERSION, m_strVersion); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STATTAG, m_strTag); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAboutDlg) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // App command to run the dialog void CSerialEMApp::OnAppAbout() { CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS RELATED TO INTERACTIONS WITH CSERIALEMVIEW void CSerialEMApp::SetCurrentBuffer(int index, bool fftBuf) { if (fftBuf) { if (mFFTView) { mFFTView->SetCurrentBuffer(index); } else { mNeedFFTWindow = true; DoResizeMain(); ViewOpening(); mMainFrame->OnWindowNew(); } } else mMainView->SetCurrentBuffer(index); } void CSerialEMApp::SetImBufIndex(int inIndex, bool fftBuf) { if (fftBuf) mFFTbufIndex = inIndex; else mImBufIndex = inIndex; } // Tell a new view about its size and image buffer to use int CSerialEMApp::GetNewViewProperties(CSerialEMView *inView, int &iBordLeft, int &iBordTop, int &iBordRight, int &iBordBottom, EMimageBuffer *&imBufs, int &iImBufNumber, int &iImBufIndex) { CRect rect; int userRight, userBot, fullWidth, needStatic = mNeedStaticWindow ? 1 : 0; float dpiScale = GetScalingForDPI(); int nonStatAddBot = 25; iBordLeft = STATIC_BORDER_LEFT; iBordRight = STATIC_BORDER_RIGHT; iBordTop = STATIC_BORDER_TOP; iBordBottom = STATIC_BORDER_BOTTOM; // If this is the static window, send border sizes // If it is not the static window, iBordRight and iBordBottom are used as sizes if (needStatic) { imBufs = &mImBufs[0]; iImBufNumber = MAX_BUFFERS; iImBufIndex = mImBufIndex; mNeedStaticWindow = FALSE; } else if (mNeedFFTWindow) { m_pMainWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); fullWidth = rect.Width() - mMaxDialogWidth - mRightFrameWidth; if (CountOpenViews() > 1) iBordRight += 30; userRight = B3DNINT(mRightBorderFrac * fullWidth); iBordRight = B3DMAX(iBordRight, userRight); iBordLeft = mMaxDialogWidth + B3DNINT(mMainFFTsplitFrac * (fullWidth - iBordRight)); userBot = B3DNINT(mBottomBorderFrac * (rect.Height() - mBottomFrameWidth)); iBordBottom = B3DMAX(iBordBottom, userBot); imBufs = &mFFTBufs[0]; iImBufNumber = MAX_FFT_BUFFERS; iImBufIndex = 0; needStatic = 3; mFFTView = inView; mNeedFFTWindow = false; } else if (mStackViewImBuf) { // If we need a stack view window, send the imbuf and send size / 2 // Here, store the view pointer; main view pointer was deferred until active signal imBufs = mStackViewImBuf; iBordLeft = mMaxDialogWidth; if (mMultiTSTasks->GetAssessingRange()) { iBordRight = B3DNINT(256 * dpiScale); iBordBottom = B3DNINT((256 + nonStatAddBot) * dpiScale); } else { iBordRight = B3DNINT(dpiScale * imBufs->mImage->getWidth() / 2); iBordBottom = B3DNINT(dpiScale * imBufs->mImage->getHeight() / 2 + nonStatAddBot); } iImBufNumber = 1; iImBufIndex = 0; needStatic = 2; mStackViewImBuf = NULL; mStackView = inView; } else { // Otherwise copy active buffer and send a size iBordLeft = mMaxDialogWidth; iBordRight = B3DNINT(512 * dpiScale); iBordBottom = B3DNINT(512 * dpiScale + nonStatAddBot); imBufs = new EMimageBuffer; EMimageBuffer *fromBuf = mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(fromBuf, imBufs); if (fromBuf->mImage) { int width = B3DNINT(dpiScale * fromBuf->mImage->getWidth()); int height = B3DNINT(dpiScale * fromBuf->mImage->getHeight() + nonStatAddBot); if (width < iBordRight) iBordRight = width; if (height < iBordBottom) iBordBottom = height; } iImBufNumber = 1; iImBufIndex = 0; } return needStatic; } void CSerialEMApp::RestoreViewFocus() { if (mActiveView && !mMainFrame->GetClosingProgram()) { mInRestoreViewFocus = true; mActiveView->SetFocus(); mInRestoreViewFocus = false; } } // Retain a pointer to the active view, and the first time, store // the pointer to the main view void CSerialEMApp::SetActiveView(CSerialEMView *inActiveView) { mActiveView = inActiveView; if (mMainView == NULL) { mMainView = inActiveView; mMainFrame->SetDialogOffset(mMainView); } if (mScreenShotDialog) mScreenShotDialog->UpdateActiveView(); } // Return the rectange and dialog offset of the main frame for positioning clients void CSerialEMApp::GetMainRect(CRect * rect, int & dialogOffset) { dialogOffset = mMaxDialogWidth; mMainFrame->GetWindowRect(rect); } // Add a buffer to the stack view; first time, set pointer and open window int CSerialEMApp::AddToStackView(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, int angleOrder) { if (mStackView) { return mStackView->AddBufferToStack(imBuf, angleOrder); } mStackViewImBuf = imBuf; ViewOpening(); mMainFrame->OnWindowNew(); return 0; } // When a view is closing, if it is stack view clear out pointer, set flag, resize void CSerialEMApp::ViewClosing(BOOL stackView, BOOL FFTview) { int nview; if (stackView) { if (mStackView && mMultiTSTasks->mRangeViewer) { mMultiTSTasks->mRangeViewer->DestroyWindow(); mMultiTSTasks->mRangeViewer = NULL; } mStackView = NULL; } if (FFTview) { mFFTView = NULL; for (nview = 0; nview < MAX_FFT_BUFFERS; nview++) { mFFTBufs[nview].DeleteImage(); mFFTBufs[nview].DeleteOffsets(); delete mFFTBufs[nview].mPixMap; mFFTBufs[nview].mPixMap = NULL; } mBufferWindow.UpdateSaveCopy(); } mViewClosing = true; nview = CountOpenViews(); if (mMainView && (nview < 2 + B3DCHOICE(mFFTView, 1, 0) || FFTview) && !mAppExiting) DoResizeMain(); mViewClosing = false; } // Stop keeping track of a stack view, tell it so void CSerialEMApp::DetachStackView(void) { if (mStackView) mStackView->StopBeingActiveStack(); mStackView = NULL; } // To resize the stack view with given borders from top and left void CSerialEMApp::ResizeStackView(int extraBordLeft, int bordTop) { if (mStackView) mStackView->ResizeToFit(mMaxDialogWidth + extraBordLeft, STATIC_BORDER_TOP + bordTop, STATIC_BORDER_RIGHT, STATIC_BORDER_BOTTOM, 0); } // This is the handler for the resize menu entry/shortcut, which resets the border // fractions to resize to the full area void CSerialEMApp::OnResizeMain() { mRightBorderFrac = 0.; mBottomBorderFrac = 0.; DoResizeMain(); } // Tell the main window to resize itself to fill space; come in a bit if other windows // whichBuf is 0 to do both, -1 for just main, 1 for just FFT void CSerialEMApp::DoResizeMain(int whichBuf) { // ResizeToFit crashes on very small screens (<= 800x600) on some systems so skip during // startup and do at very end of startup if (mStartingProgram || mMainFrame->GetClosingProgram()) return; CRect rect; m_pMainWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); int nview = CountOpenViews(); int ifFFT = B3DCHOICE(mFFTView || mNeedFFTWindow, 1, 0); int right = STATIC_BORDER_RIGHT + B3DCHOICE(nview > 1 + ifFFT, 30, 0); int userRight = B3DNINT(mRightBorderFrac * (rect.Width() - mMaxDialogWidth - mRightFrameWidth)); int userBottom = B3DNINT(mBottomBorderFrac * (rect.Height() - mBottomFrameWidth)); userBottom = B3DMAX(userBottom, STATIC_BORDER_BOTTOM); right = B3DMAX(userRight, right); if (whichBuf <= 0) mMainView->ResizeToFit(mMaxDialogWidth, STATIC_BORDER_TOP, right, userBottom, -ifFFT); if (mFFTView && whichBuf >= 0) mFFTView->ResizeToFit(mMaxDialogWidth, STATIC_BORDER_TOP, right, userBottom, 1); } // Either the main window or FFT window is resizing to the given rectangle: adjust border // fractions and possible the split between the two windows void CSerialEMApp::MainViewResizing(CRect &winRect, bool FFTwin) { CRect rect; float usableWidth; m_pMainWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); if (mStartingProgram) { mRightFrameWidth = B3DMIN(30, rect.right - winRect.right); mBottomFrameWidth = B3DMIN(100, rect.bottom - winRect.bottom); } else { usableWidth = (float)(rect.Width() - mMaxDialogWidth); // If FFT open, adjust right fraction only if this is FFT resizing if (!mFFTView || FFTwin) mRightBorderFrac = (float)(rect.right - mRightFrameWidth - winRect.right) / usableWidth; mBottomBorderFrac = (float)(rect.bottom - mBottomFrameWidth - winRect.bottom) / (float)rect.Height(); B3DCLAMP(mRightBorderFrac, 0.f, 0.9f); B3DCLAMP(mBottomBorderFrac, 0.f, 0.9f); // If FFT open, adjust the split between main and FFT and resize windows if (mFFTView) { mMainFFTsplitFrac = (float)((B3DCHOICE(FFTwin, winRect.left, winRect.right) - (rect.left + mMaxDialogWidth)) / ((1. - mRightBorderFrac) * usableWidth)); B3DCLAMP(mMainFFTsplitFrac, 0.1f, 0.9f); // This resizes the currently resizing window, but seems to work and results in // both windows having their zooms adjusted instead of just one DoResizeMain(0); } } } int CSerialEMApp::CountOpenViews(void) { int nview = (mViewOpening ? 1 : 0) - (mViewClosing ? 1 : 0); if (mDocWnd) { POSITION pos = mDocWnd->GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { mDocWnd->GetNextView(pos); nview++; } } return nview; } // Function to call resize when window is opening void CSerialEMApp::ViewOpening(void) { mViewOpening = true; DoResizeMain(); mViewOpening = false; } // Return active image buffer, but if active window is the stack view, use main view EMimageBuffer *CSerialEMApp::GetActiveNonStackImBuf(void) { if (mStackView == mActiveView || mFFTView == mActiveView) return mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); return mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IDLE TASK MANAGER // Add a task to the list for OnIdle to watch void CSerialEMApp::AddIdleTask(int (__cdecl *busyFunc)(void), void (__cdecl *nextFunc)(int), void (__cdecl *errorFunc)(int), int param, int timeOut) { AddIdleTask(busyFunc, nextFunc, errorFunc, 0, param, timeOut); } void CSerialEMApp::AddIdleTask(int (__cdecl *busyFunc)(void), int source, int param, int timeOut) { AddIdleTask(busyFunc, NULL, NULL, source, param, timeOut); } void CSerialEMApp::AddIdleTask(int source, int param, int timeOut) { AddIdleTask(NULL, NULL, NULL, source, param, timeOut); } void CSerialEMApp::AddIdleTask(int (__cdecl *busyFunc)(void), void (__cdecl *nextFunc)(int), void (__cdecl *errorFunc)(int), int source, int param, int timeOut) { IdleCallBack *idc = new IdleCallBack; idc->busyFunc = busyFunc; idc->nextFunc = nextFunc; idc->errorFunc = errorFunc; idc->source = source; idc->param = param; idc->extendTimeOut = timeOut > 0; mLastCheckTime = GetTickCount(); if (timeOut) idc->timeOut = mShiftManager->AddIntervalToTickTime(mLastCheckTime, B3DABS(timeOut)); else idc->timeOut = 0; mIdleArray.Add(idc); // Start the timer if necessary if not using the idle processing #ifdef TASK_TIMER_INTERVAL if (!mMainFrame->NewTask()) AfxMessageBox("Failed to start timer to monitor completion of tasks", MB_EXCLAME); #endif } // Remove an idle task from the list void CSerialEMApp::RemoveIdleTask(int source) { IdleCallBack *idc; for (int i = 0; i < mIdleArray.GetSize(); i++) { idc = mIdleArray[i]; if (idc->source == source) { mIdleArray.RemoveAt(i); delete idc; i--; } } } // Check the idle tasks, return true if any are still running BOOL CSerialEMApp::CheckIdleTasks() { BOOL bRtn = FALSE; int i, busy = 0; IdleCallBack *idc; DWORD time = GetTickCount(); static DWORD maxInt = 0; DWORD interval = 0; // If there is anything in array, get the interval since the last check // If the interval is greater than a threshold, add it to the timeouts if (mIdleArray.GetSize()) { interval = (DWORD)SEMTickInterval((UINT)time, (UINT)mLastCheckTime); if (interval > maxInt) maxInt = interval; mLastCheckTime = time; if (interval < mCheckThreshold) interval = 0; } // First check for com errors and have program act on them if (sThreadError) { ErrorOccurred(sThreadError); sThreadError = 0; } // Dump debug output to log window if (debugOutput && (WaitForSingleObject(traceMutexHandle, TRACE_MUTEX_WAIT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)) { for (i = 0; i < sNumTraceMsg; i++) { if (sTraceIsDebug[i]) SetNextLogColorStyle(DEBUG_COLOR_IND, 0); AppendToLog(sTraceMsg[i], LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } sNumTraceMsg = 0; ReleaseMutex(traceMutexHandle); } if (mIdleArray.GetSize()) mLastActivityTime = time; // Act on request for external control if (mMacroProcessor->mScrpLangData.externalControl < 0) { mMacroProcessor->CheckAndSetupExternalControl(); } // Check for scheduled script; pop it and start it if (mScheduledScripts.size() > 0) { i = mScheduledScripts.front(); mScheduledScripts.pop(); mMacroProcessor->SaveStatusPanes(i); mMacroProcessor->Run(i); } // Check for idle script if (!mIdleArray.GetSize() && !mScriptToRunOnIdle.IsEmpty() && mIdleScriptIntervalSec > 0 && SEMTickInterval(time, mLastIdleScriptTime) > 1000. * mIdleScriptIntervalSec) { i = mMacroProcessor->FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(mScriptToRunOnIdle); if (i >= 0) { mLastIdleScriptTime = time; mMacroProcessor->SaveStatusPanes(i); mMacroProcessor->Run(i); } } // Look through the list of tasks if any for (i = 0; i < mIdleArray.GetSize(); i++) { // Return TRUE if there is anything on list bRtn = TRUE; idc = mIdleArray[i]; busy = 0; if (idc->busyFunc) busy = (*(idc->busyFunc))(); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_SERIES) busy = mTSController->TiltSeriesBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MACRO_RUN) busy = mMacroProcessor->TaskBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_FOCUS || idc->source == TASK_CAL_ASTIG || idc->source == TASK_FIX_ASTIG || idc->source == TASK_COMA_FREE || idc->source == TASK_CTF_BASED) busy = mFocusManager->DoingFocus() ? 1 : 0; else if (idc->source == TASK_MONT_MACRO) busy = mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_COMA_VS_IS) busy = mAutoTuning->GetDoingCtfBased() ? 1 : 0; else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_DWELL) busy = mMontageController->CookingDwellBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONT_MULTISHOT) busy = mParticleTasks->DoingMultiShot() ? 1 : 0; else if (idc->source == TASK_DEL_OTHER_STORE || idc->source == TASK_LOAD_MAP) busy = mMontageController->DoingMontage(); else if (idc->source == TASK_COOKER) busy = mMultiTSTasks->TaskCookerBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_RANGE) busy = mMultiTSTasks->TiltRangeBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CONDITION_VPP) busy = mMultiTSTasks->VppConditionBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_EUCENTRICITY) busy = mComplexTasks->EucentricityBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_LD_SHIFT_OFFSET) busy = mComplexTasks->LDShiftOffsetBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_Z_BY_G) busy = mParticleTasks->ZbyGBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_TEMPLATE_ALIGN) busy = mParticleTasks->TemplateAlignBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM) busy = mParticleTasks->DewarsVacBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_FOCUS_VS_Z) busy = mFocusManager->FocusVsZBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_DUAL_MAP) busy = mNavHelper->DualMapBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE && mNavigator) busy = mNavigator->TaskAcquireBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_ACQ_RETRACT && mNavigator) busy = mCamera->TaskCameraBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_ASYNC_SAVE) busy = mBufferManager->AsyncSaveBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_GAIN_REF) busy = mGainRefMaker->GainRefBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_LONG_OPERATION) busy = mScope->LongOperationBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_STACK_FALCON) busy = mFalconHelper->StackingWaiting(); else if (idc->source == TASK_START_NAV_ACQ) busy = mMacroProcessor->StartNavAvqBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_SHOT) busy = mParticleTasks->MultiShotBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MOVE_APERTURE) busy = mScope->ApertureBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_WAIT_FOR_DRIFT) busy = mParticleTasks->WaitForDriftBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MACRO_AT_EXIT) busy = mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() ? 1 : 0; else if (idc->source == TASK_AUTO_CONTOUR) busy = mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->AutoContBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_GRID) busy = mMultiGridTasks->MultiGridBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULGRID_SEQ) busy = mMultiGridTasks->MulGridSeqBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_MAP_HOLES) busy = mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->MultiMapBusy(); else if (idc->source == TASK_SNAPSHOT_TO_BUF) busy = 0; // Increase timeouts after long intervals if (idc->extendTimeOut) idc->timeOut = mShiftManager->AddIntervalToTickTime(idc->timeOut, interval); // If not busy or the time is up if (busy <= 0 || (idc->timeOut && SEMTickInterval(idc->timeOut, (UINT)time) < 0)) { // Delete task from array now, to prevent multiple deletion mIdleArray.RemoveAt(i); // Otherwise, if OK, call next func with parameter, // or if error, call error function with return code if it exists // or if timeout, call error function with that code if (!busy) { if (idc->nextFunc != NULL) (*(idc->nextFunc))(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE && mNavigator) mNavigator->AcquireNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_ACQ_RETRACT && mNavigator) mNavigator->EndAcquireWithMessage(); else if (idc->source == TASK_LOAD_MAP && mNavigator) mNavigator->FinishLoadMap(); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_REALIGN) mNavHelper->RealignNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_DUAL_MAP) mNavHelper->DualMapDone(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_DISTORTION_STAGEPAIR) mDistortionTasks->SPNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_BEAMSHIFT) mBeamAssessor->ShiftCalImage(); else if (idc->source == TASK_REFINE_BS_CAL) mBeamAssessor->RefineShiftCalImage(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CCD_CAL_INTENSITY) mBeamAssessor->CalIntensityImage(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_SPOT_INTENSITY) mBeamAssessor->SpotCalImage(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_IA_LIMITS) mBeamAssessor->CalIllumAreaNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_RESET_REALIGN) mComplexTasks->RSRANextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_WALKUP) mComplexTasks->WalkUpNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_REVERSE_TILT) mComplexTasks->ReverseTiltNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_EUCENTRICITY) mComplexTasks->EucentricityNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_Z_BY_G) mParticleTasks->ZbyGNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_TEMPLATE_ALIGN) mParticleTasks->TemplateAlignNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM) mParticleTasks->DewarsVacNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_AFTER_MOVE) mComplexTasks->TASMNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_BACKLASH_ADJUST) mComplexTasks->BASPNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_LD_SHIFT_OFFSET) mComplexTasks->LDSONextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_COOKER) mMultiTSTasks->CookerNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_RANGE) mMultiTSTasks->TiltRangeNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_TEST_AUTOCEN) mMultiTSTasks->AutocenTestAcquireDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_AUTOCEN_BEAM) mMultiTSTasks->AutocenNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CONDITION_VPP) mMultiTSTasks->VppConditionNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_REMOTE_CTRL) mRemoteControl.TaskDone(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_SHOT) mParticleTasks->MultiShotNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_WAIT_FOR_DRIFT) mParticleTasks->WaitForDriftNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_RESET_SHIFT) mShiftManager->ResetISDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_IMAGESHIFT) mShiftCalibrator->ShiftDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_CAM_TIMING) mCalibTiming->CalTimeNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_DEAD_TIME) mCalibTiming->CalDeadNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_MAGSHIFT) mFilterTasks->CalMagShiftNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_REFINE_ZLP) mFilterTasks->RefineZLPNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_IS_NEUTRAL) mScope->CalNeutralNextMag(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_FOCUS || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_DWELL || idc->source == TASK_MONT_MULTISHOT || idc->source == TASK_MONT_MACRO) mMontageController->DoNextPiece(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_RESTORE) mMontageController->StageRestoreDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_REALIGN) mMontageController->RealignNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_SERIES) mTSController->NextAction(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MACRO_RUN) { do { mMacroProcessor->TaskDone(idc->param); } while (mMacroProcessor->GetLoopInOnIdle()); } else if (idc->source == TASK_ACQUIRE_RESETUP) ReopenCameraSetup(); else if (idc->source == TASK_SET_CAMERA_NUM) SetActiveCameraNumber(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_DEL_OTHER_STORE) mBufferManager->DeleteOtherStore(); else if (idc->source == TASK_FILM_EXPOSURE) mScope->FilmCleanup(0); else if (idc->source == TASK_STEM_FOCUS) mFocusManager->STEMfocusShot(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_FOCUS_VS_Z) mFocusManager->FocusVsZnextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_INTERSET_SHIFT) mShiftCalibrator->InterSetShiftNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_ASYNC_SAVE) mBufferManager->AsyncSaveDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_BIDIR_COPY) mMultiTSTasks->StartBidirFileCopy(true); else if (idc->source == TASK_BIDIR_ANCHOR) mMultiTSTasks->BidirAnchorNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_STAGE_TOOL && mStageMoveTool) mStageMoveTool->StageToolNextTask(); else if (idc->source == TASK_STACK_FALCON) mFalconHelper->StackNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_ALIGN_DE_FRAMES) mFalconHelper->AlignNextFrameTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_ASTIG) mAutoTuning->AstigCalNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_FIX_ASTIG) mAutoTuning->FixAstigNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_COMA_FREE) mAutoTuning->ComaFreeNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_ZEMLIN) mAutoTuning->ZemlinNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CTF_BASED) mAutoTuning->CtfBasedNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_COMA_VS_IS) mAutoTuning->ComaVsISNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_GAIN_REF) mGainRefMaker->AcquiringRefNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_FIND_HOLES) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ScanningNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_MAP_HOLES) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->MultiMapNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_MACRO_AT_EXIT) mMainFrame->DoClose(true); else if (idc->source == TASK_AUTO_CONTOUR) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->AutoContDone(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_GRID || idc->source == TASK_MULGRID_SEQ) mMultiGridTasks->MultiGridNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_SNAPSHOT_TO_BUF && CSerialEMView::mSnapshotData) CSerialEMView::mSnapshotData->view->SnapshotNextTask(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_FILE_RANGE && mNavigator) mNavigator->NewFileRangeNextTask(idc->param); } else { if (busy > 0 && idc->timeOut && (idc->timeOut <= time)) busy = IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR; if (idc->errorFunc != NULL) (*(idc->errorFunc))(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE && mNavigator) mNavigator->AcquireCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_ACQ_RETRACT && mNavigator) mNavigator->EndAcquireWithMessage(); else if (idc->source == TASK_NAV_REALIGN) mNavHelper->RealignCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_DUAL_MAP) mNavHelper->DualMapCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_DISTORTION_STAGEPAIR) mDistortionTasks->SPCleanUp(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_BEAMSHIFT || idc->source == TASK_REFINE_BS_CAL) mBeamAssessor->ShiftCalCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CCD_CAL_INTENSITY) mBeamAssessor->CalIntensityCCDCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_SPOT_INTENSITY) mBeamAssessor->SpotCalCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_RESET_REALIGN) mComplexTasks->RSRACleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_WALKUP) mComplexTasks->WalkUpCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_REVERSE_TILT) mComplexTasks->ReverseTiltCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_EUCENTRICITY) mComplexTasks->EucentricityCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_Z_BY_G) mParticleTasks->ZbyGCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_TEMPLATE_ALIGN) mParticleTasks->TemplateAlignCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM) mParticleTasks->DewarsVacCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_AFTER_MOVE) mComplexTasks->TASMCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_BACKLASH_ADJUST) mComplexTasks->BASPCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_LD_SHIFT_OFFSET) mComplexTasks->LDSOCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_COOKER) mMultiTSTasks->CookerCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_RANGE) mMultiTSTasks->TiltRangeCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_AUTOCEN_BEAM) mMultiTSTasks->AutocenCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CONDITION_VPP) mMultiTSTasks->VppConditionCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_REMOTE_CTRL) mRemoteControl.TaskCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_SHOT) mParticleTasks->MultiShotCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_WAIT_FOR_DRIFT) mParticleTasks->WaitForDriftCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_RESET_SHIFT) mShiftManager->ResetISCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_IMAGESHIFT) mShiftCalibrator->ShiftCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_CAM_TIMING) mCalibTiming->CalTimeCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_DEAD_TIME) mCalibTiming->CalDeadCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_MAGSHIFT) mFilterTasks->CalMagShiftCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_REFINE_ZLP) mFilterTasks->RefineZLPCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_RESTORE || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_FOCUS || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_REALIGN || idc->source == TASK_MONTAGE_DWELL || idc->source == TASK_MONT_MULTISHOT || idc->source == TASK_MONT_MACRO) mMontageController->PieceCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_TILT_SERIES) mTSController->TiltSeriesError(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_FILM_EXPOSURE) mScope->FilmCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_STEM_FOCUS) mFocusManager->STEMfocusCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_FOCUS_VS_Z) mFocusManager->FocusVsZcleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_INTERSET_SHIFT) mShiftCalibrator->InterSetShiftCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_ASYNC_SAVE) mBufferManager->AsyncSaveCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_BIDIR_ANCHOR) mMultiTSTasks->BidirAnchorCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_CAL_ASTIG) mAutoTuning->AstigCalCleanup(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_FIX_ASTIG) mAutoTuning->FixAstigCleanup(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_COMA_FREE) mAutoTuning->ComaFreeCleanup(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_ZEMLIN) mAutoTuning->ZemlinCleanup(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_CTF_BASED) mAutoTuning->CtfBasedCleanup(idc->param); else if (idc->source == TASK_GAIN_REF) mGainRefMaker->ErrorCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_MOVE_APERTURE) mScope->ApertureCleanup(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_FIND_HOLES) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->StopScanning(); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_MAP_HOLES) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->StopMultiMap(); else if (idc->source == TASK_AUTO_CONTOUR) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->CleanupAutoCont(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULTI_GRID) mMultiGridTasks->CleanupMultiGrid(busy); else if (idc->source == TASK_MULGRID_SEQ) mMultiGridTasks->CleanupMulGridSeq(busy); } // Delete task from memory and drop index delete idc; i--; // Try only completing one task each time through break; } } ManageBlinkingPane(time); return bRtn; } // On idle entry if timer not being used BOOL CSerialEMApp::OnIdle(LONG lCount) { BOOL bIdle = CWinApp::OnIdle(lCount); #ifdef TASK_TIMER_INTERVAL return bIdle; #else // Let the base class finish its tasks, as recommended usage // Except occasionally, sneak a cycle // (but when camera acquire is already done, it sets the count high to go right away) mIdleBaseCount++; if (bIdle && mIdleBaseCount < 100) return TRUE; mIdleBaseCount = 0; // Sleeping 1 is enough to keep it from eating lots of CPU during acquires, the average // tick count change during the sleep is only 1 ms longer than the sleep time Sleep(2); return CheckIdleTasks() || bIdle; #endif } // A global convenience routine to check if stage or camera are busy int SEMStageCameraBusy() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int stage = winApp->mScope->StageBusy(); if (stage < 0) return -1; return (stage > 0 || winApp->mCamera->CameraBusy()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ERROR REPORTING AND HANDLING // Central reporting location for error, so that complex tasks can be stopped void CSerialEMApp::ErrorOccurred(int error) { if (mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) mMacroProcessor->Stop(true); if (mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS()) mShiftCalibrator->StopCalibrating(); if (mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingOffset()) mShiftCalibrator->CalISoffsetDone(true); if (mShiftCalibrator->DoingInterSetShift()) mShiftCalibrator->StopInterSetShift(); if (mFocusManager->DoingFocus()) mFocusManager->StopFocusing(); if (mFocusManager->DoingSTEMfocus()) mFocusManager->StopSTEMfocus(); if (mFocusManager->DoingSTEMfocusVsZ()) mFocusManager->StopFocusVsZ(); if (mMontageController->DoingMontage()) mMontageController->StopMontage(error); if (mComplexTasks->DoingResetShiftRealign()) mComplexTasks->StopResetShiftRealign(); if (mComplexTasks->DoingWalkUp()) mComplexTasks->StopWalkUp(); if (mComplexTasks->ReversingTilt()) mComplexTasks->StopReverseTilt(); if (mComplexTasks->DoingEucentricity()) mComplexTasks->StopEucentricity(); if (mParticleTasks->DoingZbyG()) mParticleTasks->StopZbyG(); if (mParticleTasks->DoingTemplateAlign()) mParticleTasks->StopTemplateAlign(); if (mParticleTasks->GetDVDoingDewarVac()) mParticleTasks->StopDewarsVac(); if (mComplexTasks->DoingTiltAfterMove()) mComplexTasks->StopTiltAfterMove(); if (mComplexTasks->DoingBacklashAdjust()) mComplexTasks->StopBacklashAdjust(); if (mComplexTasks->DoingLDSO()) mComplexTasks->StopFindingShiftOffset(); if (mMultiTSTasks->GetCooking()) mMultiTSTasks->StopCooker(); if (mMultiTSTasks->GetAssessingRange()) mMultiTSTasks->StopTiltRange(); if (mMultiTSTasks->GetAutoCentering()) mMultiTSTasks->StopAutocen(); if (mMultiTSTasks->GetConditioningVPP()) mMultiTSTasks->StopVppCondition(); if (mShowRemoteControl && mRemoteControl.GetDoingTask()) mRemoteControl.TaskDone(0); if (mBeamAssessor->CalibratingIntensity()) mBeamAssessor->StopCalibratingIntensity(); if (mBeamAssessor->CalibratingBeamShift()) mBeamAssessor->StopShiftCalibration(); if (mBeamAssessor->CalibratingSpotIntensity()) mBeamAssessor->StopSpotCalibration(); if (mBeamAssessor->CalibratingIAlimits()) mBeamAssessor->StopCalIllumAreaLimits(); if (mFilterTasks->CalibratingMagShift()) mFilterTasks->StopCalMagShift(); if (mFilterTasks->RefiningZLP()) mFilterTasks->StopRefineZLP(); if (mGainRefMaker->AcquiringGainRef()) mGainRefMaker->StopAcquiringRef(); if (mDistortionTasks->DoingStagePairs()) mDistortionTasks->StopStagePairs(); if (mNavigator && mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) mNavigator->StopAcquiring(true); if (mNavHelper->GetRealigning()) mNavHelper->StopRealigning(); if (mNavHelper->GetAcquiringDual()) mNavHelper->StopDualMap(); if (mCalibTiming->Calibrating()) mCalibTiming->StopCalTiming(); if (mCalibTiming->DoingDeadTime()) mCalibTiming->StopCalDead(); if (mScope->CalibratingNeutralIS()) mScope->StopCalNeutralIS(); if (DoingTiltSeries()) mTSController->ExternalStop(error); if (mScope->GetMovingStage()) CEMscope::TaskStageDone(0); if ((mMultiTSTasks->DoingBidirCopy() < 0 && !mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop()) || mMultiTSTasks->DoingBidirCopy() > 0) mMultiTSTasks->StopBidirFileCopy(); if (mMultiTSTasks->DoingAnchorImage()) mMultiTSTasks->StopAnchorImage(); if (mParticleTasks->DoingMultiShot()) mParticleTasks->StopMultiShot(); if (mParticleTasks->GetWaitingForDrift()) mParticleTasks->StopWaitForDrift(); if (mStageMoveTool && mStageMoveTool->GetGoingToAcquire()) mStageMoveTool->StopNextAcquire(); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetFindingHoles()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->StopScanning(); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoingMultiMapHoles()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->StopMultiMap(); if (mCamera->GetWaitingForStacking()) mCamera->SetWaitingForStacking(-1); mCamera->StopFrameTSTilting(); if (mScope->GetDoingLongOperation() && mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop()) mScope->StopLongOperation(false); if (CSerialEMView::GetTakingSnapshot() && mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop()) CSerialEMView::CleanupSnapshotData(); if (mAutoTuning->GetDoingCalAstig()) mAutoTuning->StopAstigCal(); if (mAutoTuning->GetDoingFixAstig()) mAutoTuning->StopFixAstig(); if (mAutoTuning->GetDoingComaFree()) mAutoTuning->StopComaFree(); if (mAutoTuning->DoingZemlin()) mAutoTuning->StopZemlin(); if (mAutoTuning->GetDoingCtfBased()) mAutoTuning->StopCtfBased(); if (mAutoTuning->DoingComaVsIS()) mAutoTuning->StopComaVsISCal(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->DoingAutoContour()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->StopAutoCont(); if (mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMultiGrid()) mMultiGridTasks->StopMultiGrid(); if (mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq()) mMultiGridTasks->SetExtErrorOccurred(error); if (mPlugStopFunc && mPlugDoingFunc && mPlugDoingFunc()) mPlugStopFunc(error); mCamera->SetPreventUserToggle(0); } // Global function to call ErrorOccurred only if the call is from the main thread // otherwise leave the error for OnIdle to pick up void SEMErrorOccurred(int error) { if (GetCurrentThreadId() == appThreadID) ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->ErrorOccurred(error); else sThreadError = error; } void SEMReportCOMError(_com_error E, CString inString, CString *outStr, bool skipErr) { CString sDescription; ScopePluginFuncs *plugFuncs; if (E.Error() == JEOL_FAKE_HRESULT || E.Error() == PLUGIN_FAKE_HRESULT || E.Error() == NOFUNC_FAKE_HRESULT) { if (E.Error() == JEOL_FAKE_HRESULT) sDescription = _T("ERROR in call to JEOL ") + inString; else if (E.Error() == NOFUNC_FAKE_HRESULT) sDescription = _T("ERROR ") + inString + _T(": function not defined in microscope plugin"); else { sDescription = _T("ERROR in call to microscope ") + inString; plugFuncs = CEMscope::GetPlugFuncs(); if (plugFuncs && plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString) { if (CEMscope::ScopeMutexAcquire("SEMReportCOMError", false)) { sDescription += ": " + CString(plugFuncs->GetLastErrorString()); CEMscope::ScopeMutexRelease("SEMReportCOMError"); } } } if (outStr) *outStr = sDescription; else if (E.Error() == PLUGIN_FAKE_HRESULT || E.Error() == NOFUNC_FAKE_HRESULT || (debugOutput.IsEmpty() || debugOutput == "0")) SEMMessageBox(sDescription); else SEMTrace('1', (char *)((LPCTSTR)sDescription)); } else if (E.Error() == SOCKET_FAKE_HRESULT) { sDescription = _T("ERROR calling socket server Gatan camera: ") + inString; if (outStr) *outStr = sDescription; else SEMMessageBox(sDescription); } else { if (E.Description().length() > 0){ sDescription.Format(E.Description()); } else if (E.ErrorMessage() != NULL){ sDescription.Format(E.ErrorMessage()); } sDescription = _T("COM error ") + inString + _T(": ") + sDescription; if (outStr) *outStr = sDescription; else SEMMessageBox(sDescription); } if (!skipErr) SEMErrorOccurred(1); } BOOL SEMTestHResult(HRESULT hr, CString inString, CString *outStr, int *errFlag, bool skipErr) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false; if (inString) { CString message; message.Format(_T("Error 0x%x %s"), hr, inString); if (outStr && !(errFlag && *errFlag)) *outStr = message; else SEMMessageBox(message); if (errFlag) (*errFlag)++; } if (!skipErr) SEMErrorOccurred(1); return true; } // Global function to record latest build date of calling modules void SEMBuildTime(char *dateStr, char *timeStr) { int month, year, day, sec, hour, min; static CTime latestDate = CTime(2000,1,1,1,1,1); char monStr[10]; char stdMonth[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; sscanf(dateStr, "%s %d %d", &monStr[0], &day, &year); sscanf(timeStr, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &min, &sec); char *monPtr = strstr(stdMonth, monStr); if (!monPtr) return; month = (int)(monPtr - stdMonth) / 3 + 1; CTime thisDate = CTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); if (thisDate < latestDate) return; latestDate = thisDate; sBuildDate = dateStr; sBuildTime = timeStr; sBuildDayStamp = year * 10000 + month * 100 + day; } // Global function to get interval between two tick counts or from previous time to now // It will also return negative intervals; basically if the interval exceeds +/-28 days it // will be wrapped to the other sign double SEMTickInterval(double now, double then) { double retval = now - then; if (retval < -2147483648.) retval += 4294967296.; else if (retval > 2147483648.) retval -= 4294967296.; return retval; } double SEMTickInterval(double then) { return SEMTickInterval((double)GetTickCount(), then); } double SEMTickInterval(UINT now, UINT then) { return SEMTickInterval((double)now, (double)then); } // Returns time in seconds since program start double DLL_IM_EX SEMSecondsSinceStart() { return SEMTickInterval((double)GetTickCount(), sStartTime) / 1000.; } double SEMWallTime() { return wallTime(); } int SEMUseTEMScripting() { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mScope->GetUseTEMScripting(); } int DLL_IM_EX SEMUseUtapiScripting() { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mScope->GetUseUtapiScripting(); } int DLL_IM_EX SEMGetSimulationMode() { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mScope->GetSimulationMode(); } void DLL_IM_EX SEMSetUtapiConnected(unsigned int flags) { ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mScope->SetUtapiConnected(flags); } HitachiParams *SEMGetHitachiParams() { return &((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mHitachiParams; } int *SEMGetLastHitachiMember() { return &((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mHitachiParams.lastMember; } // Adds a script identified by name or number to queue to run on idle, return 1 if // no script found int SEMQueueScriptNextIdle(CString name) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); int i = winApp->mMacroProcessor->FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(name); if (i >= 0) winApp->mScheduledScripts.push(i); return i < 0 ? 1 : 0; } // Global convenience function for accessing TSMessageBox int SEMMessageBox(CString message, UINT type, BOOL terminate, int retval) { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mTSController->TSMessageBox (message, type, terminate, retval); } // And for getting the last message where the message box was suppressed CString DLL_IM_EX SEMLastNoBoxMessage() { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mTSController->GetLastNoBoxMessage(); } // Return an image from a specified buffer number, or NULL if the number is out of // or there is no image there. Return the type (an MRC mode) bytes per line and size void DLL_IM_EX *SEMGetBufferImage(int bufInd, int ifFFT, int &imType, int &rowBytes, int &sizeX, int &sizeY) { EMimageBuffer *imBufs; if (bufInd < 0 || (!ifFFT && bufInd >= MAX_BUFFERS) || (ifFFT && bufInd >= MAX_FFT_BUFFERS)) return NULL; if (ifFFT) imBufs = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetFFTBufs(); else imBufs = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetImBufs(); if (!imBufs[bufInd].mImage) return NULL; imType = imBufs[bufInd].mImage->getType(); rowBytes = imBufs[bufInd].mImage->getRowBytes(); imBufs[bufInd].mImage->getSize(sizeX, sizeY); return imBufs[bufInd].mImage->getRowData(0); } // Check if the image in the given array still exists in one of the buffers with those // specifications bool DLL_IM_EX SEMIsBufferImageValid(void *array, int imType, int rowBytes, int sizeX, int sizeY, int &bufInd, int &ifFFT) { int maxBuf = MAX_BUFFERS; EMimageBuffer *imBufs = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetImBufs(); KImage *image; for (ifFFT = 0; ifFFT < 2; ifFFT++) { for (bufInd = 0; bufInd < maxBuf; bufInd++) { image = imBufs[bufInd].mImage; if (image && image->getType() == imType && image->getWidth() == sizeX && image->getHeight() == sizeY && image->getRowBytes() == rowBytes && image->getRowData(0) == (char *)array) return true; } maxBuf = MAX_FFT_BUFFERS; imBufs = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetFFTBufs(); } return false; } BOOL DLL_IM_EX SEMUseAPI2ForDE() { return ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mCamera->GetUseAPI2ForDE(); } // And global function for accessing ThreeChoiceBox through TSMessageBox int SEMThreeChoiceBox(CString message, CString yesText, CString noText, CString cancelText, UINT type, int setDefault, BOOL terminate, int retval, bool noLineWrap, bool monofont) { CTSController *tsc = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mTSController; tsc->SetTCBoxYesText(yesText); tsc->SetTCBoxNoText(noText); tsc->SetTCBoxCancelText(cancelText); tsc->SetCallFromThreeChoice(true); tsc->SetTCBoxDefault(setDefault); tsc->SetTCBoxNoLineWrap(noLineWrap); tsc->SetTCBoxUseMonofont(monofont); return tsc->TSMessageBox(message, type, terminate, retval); } // Register the name of a function being called in case of a crash void SEMSetFunctionCalled(const char *name, const char *descrip) { if (sIgnoreFunctionCalled || sMainThreadID != GetCurrentThreadId()) return; sFunctionCalled = name; if (!sFunctionCalled.IsEmpty() && descrip) sFunctionCalled = sFunctionCalled + " " + descrip; } // Set flag to ignore the function called calls (for JEOL update thread) void DLL_IM_EX SEMIgnoreFunctionCalled(bool ignore) { sIgnoreFunctionCalled = ignore; } bool DLL_IM_EX SEMIsIgnoringFunctionCalled() { return sIgnoreFunctionCalled; } // Handy trace routine to log window, can be called from threads // Definitions: // 1 for general // A to autosave log on debug output // B for beam blank // C for focus calibrations // D for Direct Electron camera // E for Eagle camera // F for filter (refine ZLP) // G for verbose GIF and JEOL mag lookups // H for Hitachi // I for intensity changes during state changes and autocentering // J for all JEOL calls // K for socket interface // L for verbose low dose // M for Moran/montage time reports // P Reserved for other plugins // R for retraction // S for stage and montage info // T for Tietz setup/reset time, camera coords, auotoalign time // V for vacuum gauge status and output // W for Winkler's typing into axis pos bug or autoloader or leave DE inserted on exit // X for EMSIS and Dectris cameras // a for alignment correlation coefficients; GPU frame alignment choices/memory usage // b for beam shift // c for calibrations // d for electron dose // e for JEOL events // f for STEM Focus and JEOL objective focus // g for GIF and STEM state tracking functions // h for NavHelper // i for image shift // j for JEOL camera // k for key strokes // l for low dose // m to output all SEMMessageBox messages to log // n for Navigator // p for AlignWithScaling and FindBeamCenter output // r for references // s for STEM in general // t for exposure time/intensity changes in tasks and continuous timing // u for updates // w for JEOL stage wait // y for background save start/end reports // % list script commands allowing arithmetic // } Crash program on next image acquire // ! @ # $ used for special debug levels void SEMTrace(char key, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; CString str; CString specKeys = "!@#$"; int special = ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->GetSpecialDebugLevel(); int keyInd = specKeys.Find(key); if ((debugOutput.IsEmpty() || debugOutput == "0" || (key != '1' && debugOutput.Find(key) < 0)) && key != '0' && (keyInd < 0 || special <= keyInd)) return; if (WaitForSingleObject(traceMutexHandle, TRACE_MUTEX_WAIT) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return; if (sNumTraceMsg >= MAX_TRACE_LIST) sNumTraceMsg = MAX_TRACE_LIST - 1; sTraceIsDebug[sNumTraceMsg] = key != '0'; if (key == '0') sTraceMsg[sNumTraceMsg] = ""; else sTraceMsg[sNumTraceMsg].Format("%.3f: ", SEMSecondsSinceStart()); va_start(args, fmt); VarArgToCString(str, fmt, args); va_end(args); sTraceMsg[sNumTraceMsg++] += str; // If this is the main thread, dump the output immediately if (GetCurrentThreadId() == appThreadID) { for (int len = 0; len < sNumTraceMsg; len++) { if (sTraceIsDebug[len]) ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->SetNextLogColorStyle(DEBUG_COLOR_IND, 0); ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->AppendToLog(sTraceMsg[len], LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } sNumTraceMsg = 0; if (debugOutput.Find('A') >= 0) ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(false); } ReleaseMutex(traceMutexHandle); } // Safely print a message into a buffer and return it in the CString argumemt void VarArgToCString(CString &str, char *fmt, va_list args) { #define TRACE_BUF_SIZE 256 char buf[TRACE_BUF_SIZE]; char *useBuf = &buf[0]; char *bigBuf = NULL; int len; len = _vscprintf(fmt, args); if (len >= TRACE_BUF_SIZE) { bigBuf = (char *)malloc(len + 10); useBuf = bigBuf; } if (useBuf) { vsprintf(useBuf, fmt, args); str = useBuf; } B3DFREE(bigBuf); } void CSerialEMApp::SetDebugOutput(CString keys) { bool hasZ = keys.Find('Z') >= 0; if (!mStartingProgram || !BOOL_EQUIV(debugOutput.Find('Z') >= 0, hasZ)) mCamera->SetDebugMode(hasZ); debugOutput = keys; } void CSerialEMApp::AdjustKeysForCameraDebug(BOOL debugMode) { bool hasKey = debugOutput.Find('Z') >= 0; if (debugMode && !hasKey) debugOutput += "Z"; else if (!debugMode && hasKey) debugOutput.Remove('Z'); } BOOL GetDebugOutput(char key) { return (!(debugOutput.IsEmpty() || debugOutput == "0") && (key == '1' || debugOutput.Find(key) >= 0)); } CString CSerialEMApp::GetDebugKeys(void) { return debugOutput; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS FOR INTERACTIONS WITH CONTROL PANELS, MAIN FRAME ETC // A dialog box says it is changing size // Pass the state change on to manager in MainFrm void CSerialEMApp::DialogChangedState(CToolDlg *inDialog, int inState) { mMainFrame->DialogChangedState(inDialog, inState); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::GetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT *winPlace) { return m_pMainWnd->GetWindowPlacement(winPlace); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::SetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT *winPlace) { if (mFirstSEMplacement.rcNormalPosition.right == NO_PLACEMENT) mFirstSEMplacement = *winPlace; return m_pMainWnd->SetWindowPlacement(winPlace); } void CSerialEMApp::SetStatusText(int iPane, CString strText, bool skipBlink) { mMainFrame->SetStatusText(iPane, strText); if (iPane != SIMPLE_PANE) return; mBlinkText = skipBlink ? "" : strText; if (mBlinkText.IsEmpty()) return; mBlinkOn = true; mNextBlinkTime = GetTickCount() + BLINK_TIME_ON; } // Manage the blinking pane void CSerialEMApp::ManageBlinkingPane(DWORD time) { if (!mBlinkText.IsEmpty() && time > mNextBlinkTime && !mAppExiting) { if (mBlinkOn) { mNextBlinkTime += BLINK_TIME_OFF; mMainFrame->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, mBlinkText); } else { mNextBlinkTime += BLINK_TIME_ON; mMainFrame->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } mBlinkOn = !mBlinkOn; } } void CSerialEMApp::SetTitleFile(CString fileName) { CString progName = mDummyInstance ? "DUMMY SerialEM" : "SerialEM"; if (!mProgramTitleText.IsEmpty()) progName += " - " + mProgramTitleText; if (fileName.IsEmpty()) mMainFrame->SetWindowText(progName); else mMainFrame->SetWindowText(progName + " - " + fileName); } // Central call to update control panel dialogs when program state changes void CSerialEMApp::UpdateBufferWindows() { if (!mMaxDialogWidth || mDeferBufWinUpdates) return; mInUpdateWindows = true; mBufferWindow.UpdateSaveCopy(); mStatusWindow.Update(); mTiltWindow.UpdateEnables(); mAlignFocusWindow.Update(); mLowDoseDlg.Update(); mMontageWindow.Update(); mDEToolDlg.Update(); if (mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera >= 0 || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) mFilterControl.Update(); if (mShowRemoteControl) mRemoteControl.UpdateEnables(); if (mScopeHasSTEM) mSTEMcontrol.UpdateEnables(); if (mNavigator) mNavigator->Update(); else mNavHelper->UpdateStateDlg(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManagePanels(true); if (mDocWnd->mReadFileDlg) mDocWnd->mReadFileDlg->Update(); if (mStageMoveTool) mStageMoveTool->Update(); if (mAutocenDlg) mAutocenDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ManageEnables(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->ManageAll(true); if (mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (mNavHelper->mComaVsISCalDlg) mNavHelper->mComaVsISCalDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg) mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (mScreenShotDialog) mScreenShotDialog->UpdateRunnable(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg) mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg->ManageEnables(); UpdateAllEditers(); UpdateMacroButtons(); mInUpdateWindows = false; } // Central call to update all macro editers void CSerialEMApp::UpdateAllEditers(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MACROS; i++) if (mMacroEditer[i]) mMacroEditer[i]->UpdateButtons(); if (mMacroProcessor->mOneLineScript) mMacroProcessor->mOneLineScript->Update(); } // Central call to update macro buttons void CSerialEMApp::UpdateMacroButtons(void) { mCameraMacroTools.Update(); if (mMacroToolbar) mMacroToolbar->Update(); } // Central call to update control panel when settings might change void CSerialEMApp::UpdateWindowSettings() { mBufferWindow.UpdateSettings(); mImageLevel.UpdateSettings(); mTiltWindow.UpdateSettings(); mCameraMacroTools.UpdateSettings(); mAlignFocusWindow.UpdateSettings(); mMontageWindow.UpdateSettings(); mLowDoseDlg.UpdateSettings(); if (mShowRemoteControl) mRemoteControl.UpdateSettings(); if (mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera >= 0 || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); if (ScopeHasSTEM()) mSTEMcontrol.UpdateSettings(); mMacroProcessor->UpdateAllForNewScripts(true); if (mAutocenDlg) mAutocenDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mScreenShotDialog) mScreenShotDialog->UpdateSettings(); mNavHelper->UpdateSettings(); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg) mParticleTasks->mZbyGsetupDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg) mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg->UpdateSettings(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INFORMATION CALLS BOOL CSerialEMApp::DoingImagingTasks() { return (mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingIS() || mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingOffset() || mShiftCalibrator->DoingInterSetShift() || mMontageController->GetPieceIndex() >= 0 || mFocusManager->DoingFocus() || mFocusManager->DoingSTEMfocus() || mFocusManager->DoingSTEMfocusVsZ() || mComplexTasks->DoingTasks() || // Reports on MultiTSTasks too, and ParticleTasks mBeamAssessor->CalibratingIntensity() || mBeamAssessor->CalibratingBeamShift() || mBeamAssessor->CalibratingSpotIntensity() || mFilterTasks->CalibratingMagShift() || mFilterTasks->RefiningZLP() || mGainRefMaker->AcquiringGainRef() || mDistortionTasks->DoingStagePairs() || mCalibTiming->Calibrating() || mCalibTiming->DoingDeadTime() || mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq() || (mNavigator && ((mNavigator->GetAcquiring() && !mNavigator->GetStartedTS() && !mNavigator->StartedMacro() && !mNavigator->GetPausedAcquire()) || mNavHelper->GetRealigning() || mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMultiGrid() || mNavHelper->GetAcquiringDual())) || mAutoTuning->DoingAutoTune() || (mStageMoveTool && mStageMoveTool->GetGoingToAcquire()) || DoingTiltSeries() || (mPlugImagingTask && mPlugDoingFunc && mPlugDoingFunc())); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::DoingTasks() { bool trulyBusy = DoingImagingTasks() || mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() || mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->DoingAutoContour() || mShiftManager->ResettingIS() || mParticleTasks->GetDVDoingDewarVac() || mScope->CalibratingNeutralIS() || mBeamAssessor->CalibratingIAlimits() || mScope->GetDoingLongOperation() || mMultiTSTasks->DoingBidirCopy() > 0 || (mNavigator && (mNavigator->GetLoadingMap() || mNavigator->DoingNewFileRange())) || (mShowRemoteControl && mRemoteControl.GetDoingTask()) || (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg && mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetFindingHoles()) || (mPlugDoingFunc && mPlugDoingFunc()) || CSerialEMView::GetTakingSnapshot() || mScope->GetScanningMags() || mCamera->GetFilterWaiting() || mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoingMultiMapHoles(); mJustChangingLDarea = !trulyBusy && mScope->GetChangingLDArea() != 0; mJustDoingSynchro = !trulyBusy && (mScope->DoingSynchroThread() || mBufferManager->DoingSychroThread()); mJustNavAcquireOpen = !trulyBusy && mNavigator && mNavigator->mNavAcquireDlg; mJustMontRestoringStage = !trulyBusy && mMontageController->GetRestoringStage(); return trulyBusy || mJustChangingLDarea || mJustDoingSynchro || mJustNavAcquireOpen || mJustMontRestoringStage; } // Register a stop function of form "void stopFunc(int error)" to be called by // ErrorOccurred, with error value 0 for a user stop. Returns previous function if any; // call with NULL or previous function to stop being called PlugStopFunc CSerialEMApp::RegisterPlugStopFunc(PlugStopFunc func) { PlugStopFunc temp = mPlugStopFunc; mPlugStopFunc = func; return temp; } // Registers a function of form "bool doingFunc(void)" to be called by DoingTasks(), or // by DoingImagingTasks() if imaging is true. Returns previous function if any and // whether it was imaging function; call with NULL or previous function to stop being // called PlugDoingFunc CSerialEMApp::RegisterPlugDoingFunc(PlugDoingFunc func, bool imaging, bool &wasImaging) { PlugDoingFunc temp = mPlugDoingFunc; mPlugDoingFunc = func; wasImaging = mPlugImagingTask; mPlugImagingTask = imaging; return temp; } // For tilt series or macro to test if call is done bool CSerialEMApp::DoingRegisteredPlugCall(void) { return (mPlugDoingFunc && mPlugDoingFunc()); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::UserAcquireOK(void) { return (!DoingTasks() || mJustNavAcquireOpen || mShiftCalibrator->CalibratingOffset()) && (!mScope->GetMovingStage() || mScope->GetBkgdMovingStage()); } // Complex tasks are ones where parameters shouldn't be changed or that use complex pane BOOL CSerialEMApp::DoingComplexTasks() { return mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() || mNavHelper->GetAcquiringDual() || mComplexTasks->DoingComplexTasks() || StartedTiltSeries() || (mNavigator && mNavigator->GetAcquiring() && !mNavigator->StartedMacro() || mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq()); } int *CSerialEMApp::GetInitialDlgState() { return &initialDlgState[0]; } BOOL CSerialEMApp::DoingTiltSeries() { return mTSController->DoingTiltSeries(); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::StartedTiltSeries() { return mTSController->StartedTiltSeries(); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::NavigatorStartedTS() { return mNavigator && mNavigator->GetStartedTS(); }; BOOL CSerialEMApp::LowDoseMode() { return mScope->GetLowDoseMode(); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::ActPostExposure(ControlSet *conSet, bool alignHereOK) { return mActPostExposure && mCamera->PostActionsOK(conSet, alignHereOK); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSERIALEMAPP MESSAGE HANDLERS // 2/12/04: moved most message handlers to MenuTargets, retaining only the ones // that deal with member variables of this module. // Pass the command to any command targets that we have created, excluding ones // where we moved the target functions to MenuTargets BOOL CSerialEMApp::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) { if (mMenuTargets.OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE; if (mProcessImage && mProcessImage->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE; if (mFocusManager && mFocusManager->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE; if (mComplexTasks && mComplexTasks->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE; if (mMacroProcessor && mMacroProcessor->OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo)) return TRUE; return CWinApp::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateNoTasks(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingTasks()); } void CSerialEMApp::OnCameraParameters() { CCameraSetupDlg camDlg; if (mNoCameras) return; // Do not allow parameters or camera to change if stacking frames - come back when done if (mCamera->CheckFrameStacking(false, true)) { AddIdleTask(CFalconHelper::TaskStackingBusy, TASK_ACQUIRE_RESETUP, 0, 0); return; } camDlg.mCamParam = &mCamParams[0]; camDlg.mCurrentSet = mSelectedConSet; camDlg.mCurrentCamera = mCurrentActiveCamera; camDlg.mNumCameras = mNumActiveCameras; camDlg.mActiveCameraList = &mActiveCameraList[0]; camDlg.mModeNames = mModeName; camDlg.mConSets = &mCamConSets[0][0]; camDlg.mMontaging = mMontaging; camDlg.mStartedTS = StartedTiltSeries(); if (mNumActiveCameras > 1 && mLastCamera == mCurrentActiveCamera) mLastCamera = mCurrentActiveCamera ? mCurrentActiveCamera - 1 : mCurrentActiveCamera + 1; camDlg.mLastCamera = mLastCamera; camDlg.mAcquireAndReopen = false; camDlg.mPlacement = mCamSetupPlacement; camDlg.m_bMatchPixel = mNonGIFMatchPixel; camDlg.m_bMatchIntensity = mNonGIFMatchIntensity; camDlg.m_bKeepPixel = mKeepPixelTime; if (camDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { // Do not change camera parameters if user hits Cancel, but do copy control sets mLastCamera = camDlg.mLastCamera; mNonGIFMatchPixel = camDlg.m_bMatchPixel; mNonGIFMatchIntensity = camDlg.m_bMatchIntensity; mKeepPixelTime = camDlg.m_bKeepPixel; SetActiveCameraNumber(camDlg.mCurrentCamera); } else CopyConSets(mCurrentCamera); mSelectedConSet = camDlg.mCurrentSet; // Should this change if Cancel? mCamSetupPlacement = camDlg.mPlacement; RestoreViewFocus(); UpdateBufferWindows(); if (mAutocenDlg) mAutocenDlg->UpdateParamSettings(); if (camDlg.mAcquireAndReopen) { if (LowDoseMode() && mUseViewForSearch && mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == SEARCH_AREA && mSelectedConSet == VIEW_CONSET) mCamera->InitiateCapture(SEARCH_CONSET); else mCamera->InitiateCapture(mSelectedConSet); AddIdleTask(CCameraController::TaskCameraBusy, TASK_ACQUIRE_RESETUP, 0, 0); } } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateCameraParameters(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(UserAcquireOK() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } void CSerialEMApp::ReopenCameraSetup(void) { mProcessImage->OnProcessMinmaxmean(); OnCameraParameters(); } void CSerialEMApp::UserRequestedCapture(int whichMode) { RestoreViewFocus(); if (!UserAcquireOK() ) return; // If busy, set a pending capture; otherwise initiate a capture if (mCamera->CameraBusy()) { mCamera->StopCapture(0); mCamera->SetPending(whichMode); } else mCamera->InitiateCapture(whichMode); } // Simulation mode: inform camera, allow all camera with properties if in simulation void CSerialEMApp::OnCameraSimulation() { mCamera->SetSimulationMode(!mCamera->GetSimulationMode()); SetNumberOfActiveCameras(mNumAvailCameras, mNumReadInCameras); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateCameraSimulation(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!StartedTiltSeries()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mCamera->GetSimulationMode() ? 1 : 0); } void CSerialEMApp::SetMontaging(BOOL inVal) { mMontaging = inVal; mMontageController->SetMontaging(inVal); } // Common path for starting montage or trial montage void CSerialEMApp::StartMontageOrTrial(BOOL inTrial) { if (!Montaging()) if (mDocWnd->GetMontageParamsAndFile(false)) return; if (!mMontageController->DoingMontage()) mMontageController->StartMontage(inTrial ? MONT_TRIAL_IMAGE : MONT_NOT_TRIAL, false); } void CSerialEMApp::SetAdministratorMode(int inVal) { if (mAdministratorMode < 0) return; mAdministrator = inVal > 0; mAdministratorMode = inVal; } void CSerialEMApp::OnCalibrationAdministrator() { mAdministrator = !mAdministrator; mAdministratorMode = mAdministrator ? 1 : 0; if (mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera >= 0) mFilterControl.Update(); UpdateAllEditers(); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateCalibrationAdministrator(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mAdministratorMode >= 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mAdministrator ? 1 : 0); } void CSerialEMApp::OnShowScopeControlPanel() { int useInd; if (!mShowRemoteControl) { mRemoteControl.Create(IDD_REMOTE_CONTROL); mMainFrame->InsertOneDialog((CToolDlg *)(&mRemoteControl), REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX, dlgBorderColors, &mDlgPlacements[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX]); useInd = LookupToolDlgIndex(REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX); if (useInd >= 0) mMainFrame->InitializeOnePosition(useInd, REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX, initialDlgState[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX], &mDlgPlacements[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX]); mMainFrame->SetDialogPositions(); } else { if (mMainFrame->RemoveOneDialog(REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX, &mDlgPlacements[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX], false)) return; mRemoteControl.mInitialized = false; initialDlgState[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX] = mToolDlgs[REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX]->GetState(); } mShowRemoteControl = !mShowRemoteControl; mScope->RemoteControlChanged(mShowRemoteControl); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateShowScopeControlPanel(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mShowRemoteControl ? 1 : 0); } void CSerialEMApp::OnHelp() { CWinApp::OnHelp(); } void CSerialEMApp::OnHelpUsing() { if (m_eHelpType == afxHTMLHelp) HtmlHelp(0x10000 + ID_HELP_USING); else WinHelp(0x10000 + ID_HELP_USING); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOG WINDOW FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Open the log window void CSerialEMApp::OnFileOpenlog() { mLogWindow = new CLogWindow(); mLogWindow->Create(IDD_LOGWINDOW); mLogPlacement.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if (mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) mLogWindow->SetWindowPlacement(&mLogPlacement); RestoreViewFocus(); mNavOrLogHadFocus = -1; } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileOpenlog(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mLogWindow == NULL); } // Reset the position and size of the log window void CSerialEMApp::OnWindowRescuelogwindow() { int sizeX, sizeY, offset = 50; mLogWindow->GetWindowPlacement(&mLogPlacement); mLogPlacement.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; sizeX = B3DMAX(ScaleValueForDPI(500), mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right - mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.left); sizeY = B3DMAX(ScaleValueForDPI(300), mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.bottom - mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.top); mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = offset + sizeX; mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.bottom = offset + sizeY; mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.left = mLogPlacement.rcNormalPosition.top = offset; mLogWindow->SetWindowPlacement(&mLogPlacement); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateWindowRescuelogwindow(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mLogWindow != NULL); } // Append a string to the log window, with 3 alternatives if it is not open // yet: open window, put in message box, and swallow it // Lineflags can include 1 suppress the line ending, and 2 to remove back to the last line // ending void CSerialEMApp::AppendToLog(CString inString, int inAction, int lineFlags) { CString str; int color = mNextLogColor, style = mNextLogStyle; if (mAppExiting) return; // Use up color/style regardless of whether there is output mNextLogColor = -1; mNextLogStyle = -1; // Process complex administrative-dependent flags switch (inAction) { case LOG_IF_ADMIN_MESSAGE_IF_NOT: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else inAction = MESSAGE_ONLY; break; case LOG_MESSAGE_IF_NOT_ADMIN_AND_OPEN: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED; else inAction = MESSAGE_ONLY; break; case LOG_MESSAGE_IF_NOT_ADMIN_OR_OPEN: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else inAction = LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED; break; case LOG_SWALLOW_IF_NOT_ADMIN_OR_OPEN: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else inAction = LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED; break; case MESSAGE_ONLY_IF_ADMIN: if (mAdministrator) inAction = MESSAGE_ONLY; else return; break; case LOG_IF_ADMIN_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED; else return; break; case LOG_IF_ADMIN_OPEN_IF_CLOSED: if (mAdministrator) inAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; else return; break; case LOG_IF_DEBUG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED: if (!debugOutput) return; inAction = LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED; if (mLogWindow) { if (color >= 0 || style >= 0) mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(color, style); str.Format("%.3f: ", SEMSecondsSinceStart()); mLogWindow->Append(str, 0); } break; case LOG_IGNORE: return; default: break; } if (inAction == MESSAGE_ONLY || (!mLogWindow && inAction == LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED)) { AfxMessageBox(inString, MB_EXCLAME); return; } if (!mLogWindow) { if (inAction == LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED) return; OnFileOpenlog(); } if (inString.IsEmpty() || inString.GetAt(inString.GetLength() - 1) != '\n') { if (lineFlags & 1) inString += " "; else inString += "\r\n"; } if (color >= 0 || style >= 0) mLogWindow->SetNextLineColorStyle(color, style); mLogWindow->Append(inString, lineFlags); } // Convenience functions to avoid having to test if log is open and include LogWindow.h void CSerialEMApp::SetNextLogColorStyle(int colorInd, int style) { mNextLogColor = colorInd; mNextLogStyle = style; } void CSerialEMApp::VerboseAppendToLog(BOOL verbose, CString str) { if (!verbose) return; SetNextLogColorStyle(VERBOSE_COLOR_IND, 0); AppendToLog(str, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } // Handy formatted output to log with variable arguments void PrintfToLog(char *format, ...) { va_list args; int len; char *buffer; va_start(args, format); len = _vscprintf(format, args) + 4; NewArray(buffer, char, len); vsprintf_s(buffer, len, format, args); if (!buffer) return; ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->AppendToLog(CString(buffer)); delete [] buffer; } // To save the log file: save to new or existing file void CSerialEMApp::OnFileSavelog() { mLogWindow->Save(); } // Save to a new file even if one has been defined void CSerialEMApp::OnFileSavelogas() { mLogWindow->SaveAs(); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileSavelog(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mLogWindow != NULL); } // Read in existing log and set up to append to it void CSerialEMApp::OnFileReadappend() { if (!mLogWindow) OnFileOpenlog(); mLogWindow->ReadAndAppend(); } // Toggle continuous save of log void CSerialEMApp::OnFileContinuousSave() { mContinuousSaveLog = !mContinuousSaveLog; } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileContinuousSave(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mContinuousSaveLog ? 1 : 0); } // Toggle the log autosave, and save it when it is turned on void CSerialEMApp::OnFileAutosaveLog() { mSaveAutosaveLog = !mSaveAutosaveLog; if (mSaveAutosaveLog) { if (!mLogWindow) OnFileOpenlog(); mLogWindow->SaveAndOfferName(); } } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileAutosaveLog(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mSaveAutosaveLog ? 1 : 0); } void CSerialEMApp::OnFileAutopruneLogWindow() { if (!KGetOneInt("Log window text will be pruned when there is twice the minimum amount" " of text", "Minimum # of lines to keep in log window at 40 characters/line (or 0" " not to prune):", mAutoPruneLogLines)) return; if (mAutoPruneLogLines < 0) mAutoPruneLogLines = 0; else if (mAutoPruneLogLines > 0) mAutoPruneLogLines = B3DMAX(mAutoPruneLogLines, 25); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileAutopruneLogWindow(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingTasks() && !mSaveLogAsRTF && !(mLogWindow && mLogWindow->GetTypeOfFileSaved() > 1)); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mAutoPruneLogLines > 0 ? 1 : 0); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUseRTFformatToSave() { mSaveLogAsRTF = !mSaveLogAsRTF; } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateUseRTFformatToSave(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!DoingTasks()); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mSaveLogAsRTF ? 1 : 0); } // Toggle the option to use a monospaced font void CSerialEMApp::OnFileUseMonospacedFont() { mMonospacedLog = !mMonospacedLog; if (mLogWindow && CMacroEditer::mHasMonoFont > 0) mLogWindow->m_editWindow.SetFont(mMonospacedLog ? &CMacroEditer::mMonoFont : &CMacroEditer::mDefaultFont); } void CSerialEMApp::OnUpdateFileUseMonospacedFont(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck(mMonospacedLog); pCmdUI->Enable(CMacroEditer::mHasMonoFont > 0); } // Log window informs us if it is closing - it takes care of its own destruction void CSerialEMApp::LogClosing() { mLogWindow->GetWindowPlacement(&mLogPlacement); mLogWindow = NULL; } /////////////////////////////// // Other non-modal window items // Navigator closing void CSerialEMApp::NavigatorClosing() { mNavigator->GetWindowPlacement(&mNavPlacement); if (mNavigator->mNavAcquireDlg) mNavigator->mNavAcquireDlg->CloseWindow(); mNavigator = NULL; mMenuTargets.mNavigator = NULL; mNavHelper->NavOpeningOrClosing(false); mOpenStateWithNav = mNavHelper->mStateDlg != NULL; if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->CloseWindow(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->CloseWindow(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg->CloseWindow(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->CloseWindow(); if (mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg) mNavHelper->mMGSettingsDlg->CloseWindow(); } // Stage move tool void CSerialEMApp::OpenStageMoveTool() { if (mStageMoveTool) { mStageMoveTool->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mStageMoveTool = new CStageMoveTool(); mStageMoveTool->m_bImageAfterMove = mImageWithStageToolMove; mStageMoveTool->Create(IDD_STAGEMOVETOOL); if (mStageToolPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) SetPlacementFixSize(mStageMoveTool, &mStageToolPlacement); else mStageMoveTool->SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 500, 400, 100, 100, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CSerialEMApp::GetStageToolPlacement() { if (mStageMoveTool) { mStageMoveTool->GetWindowPlacement(&mStageToolPlacement); mImageWithStageToolMove = mStageMoveTool->m_bImageAfterMove; } return &mStageToolPlacement; }; // Image snapshot dialog void CSerialEMApp::OpenScreenShotDlg() { if (mScreenShotDialog) { mScreenShotDialog->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mScreenShotDialog = new CScreenShotDialog(); mScreenShotDialog->Create(IDD_SCREENSHOT); if (mScreenShotPlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) SetPlacementFixSize(mScreenShotDialog, &mScreenShotPlacement); else mScreenShotDialog->SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 500, 400, 100, 100, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CSerialEMApp::GetScreenShotPlacement() { if (mScreenShotDialog) mScreenShotDialog->GetWindowPlacement(&mScreenShotPlacement); return &mScreenShotPlacement; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FUNCTIONS FOR CAMERA AND EFTEM MODE SWITCHING // Set the number of cameras actually on system, and the number usable void CSerialEMApp::SetNumberOfActiveCameras(int inNum, int readIn) { mNumAvailCameras = inNum; mNumActiveCameras = mActiveCamListSize; mNumReadInCameras = readIn; // limit number of usable cameras to ones present, unless in simulation mode if (inNum < mNumActiveCameras && !mCamera->GetSimulationMode()) mNumActiveCameras = inNum; if (mCurrentActiveCamera >= mNumActiveCameras) SetActiveCameraNumber(mNumActiveCameras - 1); } // Give a camera index into arrays, finds the active camera number or returns -1 if none int CSerialEMApp::LookupActiveCamera(int camInd) { for (int i = 0; i < mNumActiveCameras; i++) if (mActiveCameraList[i] == camInd) return i; return -1; } // Set the active & current camera number, copy control sets, and inform controller void CSerialEMApp::SetActiveCameraNumber(int inNum) { int oldCam = mActiveCameraList[mCurrentActiveCamera]; float toFactor; bool eitherSTEM, matchPixel, matchIntensity; if (inNum >= mNumActiveCameras) inNum = mNumActiveCameras - 1; if (mAutocenDlg && mCurrentActiveCamera != inNum && !mAppExiting) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot change the current camera while\n" "the Beam Autocentering Setup Dialog is open"); ErrorOccurred(1); return; } // Do not switch cameras while stacking frames, come back here when done if (mCamera->CheckFrameStacking(true, true)) { AddIdleTask(CFalconHelper::TaskStackingBusy, TASK_SET_CAMERA_NUM, inNum, 0); return; } if (mNoCameras) { mCurrentActiveCamera = inNum; mCurrentCamera = mActiveCameraList[mCurrentActiveCamera]; return; } if (mCamera->CameraBusy()) mCamera->StopCapture(0); CopyCurrentToCameraLDP(); mCurrentActiveCamera = inNum; mCurrentCamera = mActiveCameraList[mCurrentActiveCamera]; CopyConSets(mCurrentCamera); mCamera->SetCurrentCamera(mCurrentCamera, mCurrentActiveCamera); eitherSTEM = mCamParams[oldCam].STEMcamera || mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera; // if auto-switching is on, set up EFTEM mode appropriately, also STEM if (mEFTEMMode && mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera) SetEFTEMMode(false); if (mSTEMMode && mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF) SetSTEMMode(false); if (!mSettingEFTEM && !mSettingSTEM && (mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera || !mAllowCameraInSTEMmode)) SetSTEMMode(mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera); if ((mFilterParams.autoCamera || eitherSTEM) && !mSettingEFTEM && !mSettingSTEM) { SetEFTEMMode(mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF); if (mEFTEMMode) mCamera->SetupFilter(); } matchPixel = (!eitherSTEM && mNonGIFMatchPixel); matchIntensity = !eitherSTEM && mNonGIFMatchIntensity; if (!LowDoseMode() && (matchPixel || matchIntensity) && !mCamParams[oldCam].GIF && !mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF && oldCam != mCurrentCamera) { toFactor = mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].matchFactor / mCamParams[oldCam].matchFactor; mScope->MatchPixelAndIntensity(oldCam, mCurrentCamera, toFactor, matchPixel, matchIntensity); } } // If pixel matching is on and this is a non-GIF camera different from the initial // camera on startup, switch back to startup camera so mag will be right when restarting void CSerialEMApp::RestoreCameraForExit(void) { CameraParameters *initP = &mCamParams[mInitialCurrentCamera]; CameraParameters *curP = &mCamParams[mCurrentCamera]; int iCam = LookupActiveCamera(mInitialCurrentCamera); if (mNonGIFMatchPixel && !curP->GIF && !curP->STEMcamera && !initP->GIF && !initP->STEMcamera && mInitialCurrentCamera != mCurrentCamera && iCam >= 0) SetActiveCameraNumber(iCam); } // Set the program into or out of EFTEM mode void CSerialEMApp::SetEFTEMMode(BOOL inState) { BOOL needed; int ldArea, magInd; int toCamera = mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera; if (toCamera < 0) toCamera = mFirstSTEMcamera; bool fromSTEM = inState && (mSTEMMode || mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera); bool toSTEM = !inState && (mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera || mSettingSTEM || (toCamera >= 0 && toCamera == mFirstSTEMcamera)); if (mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera < 0 || mSettingEFTEM) return; WarnIfUsingOldFilterAlign(); SEMTrace('g', "SetEFTEMMode: current state %d, desired state %d", mEFTEMMode ? 1 : 0, inState ? 1 : 0); mSettingEFTEM = true; if (!mSettingSTEM) { // Switch camera if necessary - this takes care of copying out low dose parameters if (mSTEMMode && inState) SetSTEMMode(false); if (mFilterParams.autoCamera || fromSTEM || toSTEM) { if (inState && !mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF) SetActiveCameraNumber(mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera); else if (!inState && toCamera >= 0 && mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF && !(toSTEM && JEOLscope)) SetActiveCameraNumber(toCamera); } } // Make some changes only if there is a change in mode if (inState && !mEFTEMMode || !inState && mEFTEMMode) { // If entering EFTEM and Retract flag is set, set blanking flag and retract upper // camera with blanking if (inState && mRetractOnEFTEM && mCamera->CameraReady()) { mCamera->SetBlankWhenRetracting(true); mCamera->Capture(RETRACT_BLOCKERS); } // If in low dose mode, turn off defining area and set the current parameters as the // "set area" params, since parameters get changed before the call to set the area if (LowDoseMode()) { if (mLowDoseDlg.GetDefining()) mLowDoseDlg.TurnOffDefine(); ldArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (ldArea >= 0) { mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); mScope->SetLdsaParams(&mCamLowDoseParams[mEFTEMMode ? 1 : 0][RECORD_CONSET]); } // 1/18/12 No longer call ChangeAllShifts! } // Change state and copy the proper LDP back in if not going to STEM mEFTEMMode = inState; if (mScope->GetApplyISoffset()) { if (FEIscope) { magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mScope->IncImageShift(mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISX[inState ? 1 : 0] - mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISX[inState ? 0 : 1], mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISY[inState ? 1 : 0] - mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISY[inState ? 0 : 1]); } mScope->SetApplyISoffset(true); } // If entering EFTEM mode, take slit out if (mEFTEMMode) mFilterParams.slitIn = false; // Switch EFTEM lens mode if needed needed = mEFTEMMode && (!mScope->GetCanControlEFTEM() || (mScope->GetScreenPos() == spUp || !mFilterParams.autoMag)) && !mScope->GetUseFilterInTEMMode(); mScope->SetEFTEM(needed); // Restore low dose params, go to the area officially if (!toSTEM) { CopyCameraToCurrentLDP(); if (LowDoseMode()) { if (ldArea >= 0) { if (ldArea != RECORD_CONSET) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(ldArea); } mLowDoseDlg.UpdateSettings(); } // Synchronize the window and set filter to settings mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); if (mEFTEMMode && mCamera->CameraReady()) mCamera->SetupFilter(); } } mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); mSettingEFTEM = false; } // Set the program into or out of STEM mode void CSerialEMApp::SetSTEMMode(BOOL inState) { int toCamera = mFilterParams.firstRegularCamera; if (toCamera < 0) toCamera = mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera; bool toEFTEM = !inState && (mSettingSTEM || mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF || (toCamera >= 0 && toCamera == mFilterParams.firstGIFCamera)); if (!mScopeHasSTEM || mSettingSTEM) return; SEMTrace('g', "SetSTEMMode to state %d", inState ?1:0); mSettingSTEM = true; // Turn off LD mode before switching camera if (LowDoseMode() && (mSTEMMode ? 1 : 0) != (inState ? 1 : 0)) mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false); if (!mSettingEFTEM) { // Switch camera if necessary. If came here from a camera switch, it is already right if (inState && mEFTEMMode) SetEFTEMMode(false); if (inState && !mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera) SetActiveCameraNumber(mFirstSTEMcamera); else if (!inState && toCamera >= 0 && mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera) SetActiveCameraNumber(toCamera); } // If entering STEM and Retract flag is set, set blanking flag and retract upper // camera with blanking if (inState && !mSTEMMode && mRetractOnSTEM && mCamera->CameraReady()) { mCamera->SetBlankWhenRetracting(true); mCamera->RetractAllCameras(); } // Change state, copy new LD params in mSTEMMode = inState; if (!toEFTEM) { CopyCameraToCurrentLDP(); mLowDoseDlg.Update(); if (mScopeHasFilter) mFilterControl.Update(); } mScope->SetSTEM(mSTEMMode && (mScope->GetScreenPos() == spUp || !DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen())); mSTEMcontrol.UpdateSTEMstate(mScope->GetProbeMode()); if (mSTEMMode) { if (DoDropScreenForSTEM() > 1) mScope->SetScreenPos(spDown); else if (mCamera->GetLowerScreenForSTEM() < -1) mScope->SetScreenPos(spUp); } mSettingSTEM = false; } // Return the gain factor for the given camera at the given binning float CSerialEMApp::GetGainFactor(int camera, int binning) { int i, binInd = -1; if (binning <= 0 || camera < 0 || camera >= MAX_CAMERAS) return 1.; for (i = 0; i < mCamParams[camera].numBinnings; i++) if (mCamParams[camera].binnings[i] == binning) return mCamParams[camera].gainFactor[i]; return 1.; } // Copy control sets for a camera to the master control sets void CSerialEMApp::CopyConSets(int inCam) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONSETS; i++) mConSets[i] = mCamConSets[inCam][i]; } // Synchronize the Search or Montage control set from View or Record if option selected void CSerialEMApp::CopyOptionalSetIfNeeded(int inSet, int inCam) { if (inCam < 0) inCam = mCurrentCamera; if (inSet == SEARCH_CONSET && mUseViewForSearch) { mCamConSets[inCam][SEARCH_CONSET] = mCamConSets[inCam][VIEW_CONSET]; mConSets[SEARCH_CONSET] = mConSets[VIEW_CONSET]; } if (inSet == MONT_USER_CONSET && mUseRecordForMontage) { mCamConSets[inCam][MONT_USER_CONSET] = mCamConSets[inCam][RECORD_CONSET]; mConSets[MONT_USER_CONSET] = mConSets[RECORD_CONSET]; } } // Transfer a control set from one camera to another, scaling the coordinates // for the change in size and adjusting binning as needed void CSerialEMApp::TransferConSet(int inSet, int fromCam, int toCam) { ControlSet *tocs = &mCamConSets[toCam][inSet]; ControlSet *fromcs = &mCamConSets[fromCam][inSet]; *tocs = *fromcs; tocs->left = (fromcs->left * mCamParams[toCam].sizeX) / mCamParams[fromCam].sizeX; tocs->right = (fromcs->right * mCamParams[toCam].sizeX) / mCamParams[fromCam].sizeX; tocs->top = (fromcs->top * mCamParams[toCam].sizeY) / mCamParams[fromCam].sizeY; tocs->bottom = (fromcs->bottom * mCamParams[toCam].sizeY) / mCamParams[fromCam].sizeY; tocs->binning = BinDivisorI(&mCamParams[toCam]) * fromcs->binning / BinDivisorI(&mCamParams[fromCam]); if (!BinningIsValid(tocs->binning, toCam, false)) { int newbin = NextValidBinning(tocs->binning, -1, toCam, false); if (newbin == tocs->binning) newbin = NextValidBinning(tocs->binning, 1, toCam, false); tocs->binning = newbin; } } // Provide a flag for being in EFTEM mode or having an omega filter BOOL CSerialEMApp::GetFilterMode() { return mEFTEMMode || (mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter() && !mSTEMMode); } //Copy the current low dose parameters to the camera-specific ones void CSerialEMApp::CopyCurrentToCameraLDP() { int dest = mEFTEMMode ? 1 : 0; if (mSTEMMode) dest = 2; if (LowDoseMode()) mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(false); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; i++) mCamLowDoseParams[dest][i] = mLowDoseParams[i]; } //Copy the camera-specific low dose parameters to the master parameter set void CSerialEMApp::CopyCameraToCurrentLDP() { int src = mEFTEMMode ? 1 : 0; if (mSTEMMode) src = 2; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS; i++) mLowDoseParams[i] = mCamLowDoseParams[src][i]; if (LowDoseMode()) mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(true); } // Return the low dose params for the given camera based on the current camera selection // Namely either the master set or the camera-specific set LowDoseParams *CSerialEMApp::GetLDParamsForCamera(int camNum) { int camInd = GetLDSetIndexForCamera(camNum); int cur = mEFTEMMode ? 1 : 0; if (mSTEMMode) cur = 2; if (camInd == cur) return mLowDoseParams; return &mCamLowDoseParams[camInd][0]; } // Return the index of the low dose parameter set for the given camera int CSerialEMApp::GetLDSetIndexForCamera(int camNum) { int camInd = mCamParams[camNum].GIF ? 1 : 0; if (mCamParams[camNum].STEMcamera) camInd = 2; return camInd; } // Provide a message if filter alignment is being used from old session void CSerialEMApp::WarnIfUsingOldFilterAlign() { CString str; if (!mFilterParams.usedOldAlign) return; str.Format("Using filter alignment from previous session (refinement offset %.1f)", mFilterParams.refineZLPOffset); AppendToLog(str, LOG_MESSAGE_IF_NOT_ADMIN_OR_OPEN); mFilterParams.usedOldAlign = false; } // Return a time stamp for the current time in minutes int CSerialEMApp::MinuteTimeStamp(void) { CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); return ((int)(time.GetTime() / 60)); } int CSerialEMApp::SecondTimeStamp(void) { CTime start(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); return (int)(time.GetTime() - start.GetTime()); } // Draws an image just read in void CSerialEMApp::DrawReadInImage(void) { mMainView->DrawImage(); SetImBufIndex(mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto()); mMainView->SetCurrentBuffer(mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto()); UpdateBufferWindows(); } // Return a format for printing pixel size in nm CString CSerialEMApp::PixelFormat(float pixelInNm, float pixScale) { CString format; int ndec = (int)floor(log10((pixScale < 1. ? 10000. : 1000.) / (pixelInNm *pixScale))); ndec = B3DMIN(3, B3DMAX(0, ndec)); format.Format("%%.%df %s", ndec, pixScale < 1. ? "um" : "nm"); return format; } // Set the placement for a fixed-size dialog and adjust size to current dialog size void CSerialEMApp::SetPlacementFixSize(CWnd *window, WINDOWPLACEMENT *lastPlacement) { WINDOWPLACEMENT origPlace; RECT *orig = &origPlace.rcNormalPosition; RECT *setting = &lastPlacement->rcNormalPosition; window->GetWindowPlacement(&origPlace); if (setting->right != NO_PLACEMENT){ setting->right = setting->left + orig->right - orig->left; setting->bottom = setting->top + orig->bottom - orig->top; lastPlacement->showCmd = 1; ConstrainWindowPlacement(lastPlacement, false); window->SetWindowPlacement(lastPlacement); } window->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } #define FIX_PLACEMENT(get) \ place = get; \ ConstrainWindowPlacement(place, true); void CSerialEMApp::FixInitialPlacements(bool startMinimized) { WINDOWPLACEMENT *place; WINDOWPLACEMENT appPlace; int ind; RECT *dlgRect; FIX_PLACEMENT(mScopeStatus.GetMeterPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mScopeStatus.GetDosePlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(GetNavPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetRotAlignPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetMultiShotPlacement(false)); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetMultiCombinerPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetAcquireDlgPlacement(false)); FIX_PLACEMENT(mProcessImage->GetCtffindPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mMultiTSTasks->GetAutocenPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mMultiTSTasks->GetConditionPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mParticleTasks->GetZbyGPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(GetScreenShotPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mNavHelper->GetStatePlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mDocWnd->GetReadDlgPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(GetStageToolPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mMacroProcessor->GetToolPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(GetLogPlacement()); FIX_PLACEMENT(mMacroProcessor->GetOneLinePlacement()); for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_MACROS; ind++) { FIX_PLACEMENT(mMacroProcessor->GetEditerPlacement() + ind); } for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_TOOL_DLGS; ind++) { dlgRect = &mDlgPlacements[ind]; ConstrainWindowPlacement((int *)&dlgRect->left, (int *)&dlgRect->top, (int *)&dlgRect->right, (int *)&dlgRect->bottom, true); } place = &appPlace; GetWindowPlacement(place); ConstrainWindowPlacement(place, true); if (mFirstSEMplacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) place->showCmd = mFirstSEMplacement.showCmd; if (place->rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT && place->rcNormalPosition.bottom > 0) { if (startMinimized) place->showCmd = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; SetWindowPlacement(place); } } // Returns the number of mag ranges to consider for a camera and the index of the second // mag range for STEM microprobe in FEI void CSerialEMApp::GetNumMagRanges(int camera, int &numRanges, int &lowestMicro) { lowestMicro = 1; numRanges = 1; if (FEIscope && mCamParams[camera].STEMcamera) { numRanges = 2; lowestMicro = mScope->GetLowestMicroSTEMmag(); return; } if (mCamParams[camera].STEMcamera || !mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag()) return; numRanges = 2; lowestMicro = mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag(); } // Returns the lower and upper limits of the mag range including the given mag index // for the given camera. The upper limit IS included in the mag range; loop with <= void CSerialEMApp::GetMagRangeLimits(int camera, int magInd, int &lowerLimit, int &upperLimit) { int lowest; lowerLimit = 1; upperLimit = MAX_MAGS - 1; if (FEIscope && mCamParams[camera].STEMcamera) lowest = mScope->GetLowestMicroSTEMmag(); else if (!mCamParams[camera].STEMcamera && mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag()) lowest = mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag(); else return; if (magInd < lowest) upperLimit = lowest - 1; else lowerLimit = lowest; } // Step to the next available mag for the given camera with increment delta; stay out // of LM if noLM is true (default is false) int CSerialEMApp::FindNextMagForCamera(int camera, int magInd, int delta, BOOL noLM) { int limlo, limhi, index, numChange; int secondary = mScope->GetLowestSecondaryMag(); int lowestM = mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd(); BOOL ifSTEM = mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].STEMcamera; bool inSecondary = !ifSTEM && secondary && magInd >= secondary; bool inDualLM = !ifSTEM && secondary && magInd < lowestM && mScope->GetSecondaryMode(); GetMagRangeLimits(mCurrentCamera, magInd, limlo, limhi); if (mScope->GetUseInvertedMagRange() && UtilMagInInvertedRange(magInd, mCamParams[mCurrentCamera].GIF)) delta = -delta; numChange = delta > 0 ? delta : -delta; if (noLM) { index = ifSTEM ? 1 : 0; if (ifSTEM && FEIscope && magInd >= mScope->GetLowestMicroSTEMmag()) index = 2; if (ifSTEM || !secondary || magInd < secondary) limlo = mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(index); } index = 0; while (index < numChange) { magInd += delta > 0 ? 1 : -1; if (inSecondary && magInd < limlo) { if (noLM) return -1; magInd = lowestM - 1; limlo = 1; inSecondary = false; } if (inDualLM && magInd >= lowestM) { magInd = secondary + magInd - lowestM; limhi = MAX_MAGS; inDualLM = false; } if (magInd < limlo || magInd > limhi) return -1; if ((!ifSTEM && mMagTab[magInd].mag > 0) || (ifSTEM && mMagTab[magInd].STEMmag > 0)) index++; } return magInd; } // Take care of changing noShutter property of STEM cameras and setting scope flag // if in STEM mode void CSerialEMApp::ManageSTEMBlanking(void) { int act, cam; for (act = 0; act < mNumActiveCameras; act++) { cam = mActiveCameraList[act]; if (mCamParams[cam].STEMcamera) mCamParams[cam].noShutter = mBlankBeamInSTEM ? 1 : 0; } if (mSTEMMode) mScope->SetShutterlessCamera(mBlankBeamInSTEM ? 1 : 0); } // Return flag for whether to lower screen for STEM, based on confusing variables int CSerialEMApp::DoDropScreenForSTEM(void) { if (mCamera->GetLowerScreenForSTEM() < 0) return 0; return mCamera->GetLowerScreenForSTEM() * ((!mRetractToUnblankSTEM || mMustUnblankWithScreen) ? 1 : 0); } BOOL CSerialEMApp::DoSwitchSTEMwithScreen(void) { return mScreenSwitchSTEM && !LowDoseMode(); } // Return the next valid binning in the given direction from the current one for the // given camera and given whether 1 is allowed for K2 camera int CSerialEMApp::NextValidBinning(int curBinning, int direction, int camera, bool allowFractional) { CameraParameters *cam = &mCamParams[camera]; int newVal = curBinning; int minInd = BinningIsValid(cam->binnings[0], camera, allowFractional) ? 0 : 1; for (;;) { newVal += direction; if (newVal < cam->binnings[minInd] || newVal > cam->binnings[cam->numBinnings - 1]) return curBinning; if (BinningIsValid(newVal, camera, allowFractional)) break; } return newVal; } // Returns whether the binning is valid for the given camera, which depends on whether // binning 1 (displayed as 0.5) is allowed for a K2 bool CSerialEMApp::BinningIsValid(int binning, int camera, bool allowFractional) { CameraParameters *cam = &mCamParams[camera]; for (int i = 0; i < cam->numBinnings; i++) { if (binning == cam->binnings[i] && (i > 0 || !cam->K2Type || (allowFractional && (mCamConSets[camera][RECORD_CONSET].K2ReadMode == SUPERRES_MODE || (cam->K2Type == K3_TYPE && mCamConSets[camera][RECORD_CONSET].K2ReadMode > LINEAR_MODE))))) return true; } return false; } // Return string for the binning, divided by 2 if necessary CString CSerialEMApp::BinningText(int binning, int divideBinToShow) { CString str; float trueBin = (float)binning / (float)B3DMAX(1, divideBinToShow); int intBin = B3DNINT(trueBin); if (fabs(trueBin - intBin) < 1.e-5) str.Format("%d", intBin); else str.Format("%.1f", trueBin); return str; } CString CSerialEMApp::BinningText(int binning, CameraParameters *camParam) { return BinningText(binning, BinDivisorI(camParam)); } CameraParameters *CSerialEMApp::GetActiveCamParam(int index) { if (index < 0) index = mCurrentActiveCamera; return &mCamParams[mActiveCameraList[index]]; } // Global functions for JEOL plugin int SEMSetSecondaryModeForMag(int index) { return CEMscope::SetSecondaryModeForMag(index); } BOOL SEMAcquireScopeMutex(char *name, BOOL retry) { return CEMscope::ScopeMutexAcquire(name, retry); } BOOL SEMReleaseScopeMutex(char *name) { return CEMscope::ScopeMutexRelease(name); } BOOL SEMScopeHasFilter() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return winApp->ScopeHasFilter(); } MagTable *SEMGetMagTable() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return winApp->GetMagTable(); } int *SEMGetCamLenTable() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return winApp->GetCamLenTable(); } static int sNumFEIChannels = 3; void SetNumFEIChannels(int inval) { B3DCLAMP(inval, 3, 4); sNumFEIChannels = inval; } int SEMNumFEIChannels() { return sNumFEIChannels; } void SEMAppendToLog(CString inString, int inAction, int lineFlags) { ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->AppendToLog(inString, inAction, lineFlags); }; double CSerialEMApp::ProgramStartTime(void) { return sStartTime; } BOOL CSerialEMApp::GetDummyInstance() { return mDummyInstance || (mScope && mScope->GetNoScope() > 0 && mNoCameras > 0); } // Toggle basic mode, managing tool dlgs and calling various things to manage menu/dialogs void CSerialEMApp::SetBasicMode(BOOL inVal) { int ind, useInd; if (mBasicMode == inVal) return; mBasicMode = inVal; if (mStartingProgram) return; for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_TOOL_DLGS; ind++) { if (mBasicIDsToHide.count(-10 - ind)) { if (ind == REMOTE_PANEL_INDEX) { if (BOOL_EQUIV(mShowRemoteControl, inVal)) OnShowScopeControlPanel(); } else if (inVal) { if (ind == LOW_DOSE_PANEL_INDEX && LowDoseMode()) mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false); mToolDlgs[ind]->mInitialized = false; initialDlgState[ind] = mToolDlgs[ind]->GetState(); mMainFrame->RemoveOneDialog(ind, &mDlgPlacements[ind], true); } else { mToolDlgs[ind]->Create(sToolDlgIDs[ind]); mMainFrame->InsertOneDialog(mToolDlgs[ind], ind, dlgBorderColors, &mDlgPlacements[ind]); useInd = LookupToolDlgIndex(ind); if (useInd >= 0) mMainFrame->InitializeOnePosition(useInd, ind, initialDlgState[ind], &mDlgPlacements[ind]); } } } ManageDialogOptionsHiding(); // Update any other non-model dialog SyncNonModalsToMasterParams(); if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) mNavHelper->mStateDlg->UpdateHiding(); if (mNavigator) mNavigator->UpdateHiding(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->ManagePanels(); mMainFrame->RemoveHiddenItemsFromMenus(); UpdateBufferWindows(); UpdateWindowSettings(); BOOL blanked = mScope->GetBeamBlanked(); mLowDoseDlg.BlankingUpdate(!blanked); mLowDoseDlg.BlankingUpdate(blanked); } // Central place to make sure parameters are unloaded before calling UpdateWindowSettings void CSerialEMApp::SyncNonModalsToMasterParams() { if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); } // Show or hide the options sections in control panels AND take care of calling // UpdateHiding if there is no adjustment from the option section to do that // This will manage both panels with tables and ones with simple hideable ID list void CSerialEMApp::ManageDialogOptionsHiding(void) { int ind; for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_TOOL_DLGS; ind++) { if (mToolDlgs[ind] != NULL && mToolDlgs[ind]->mInitialized) { if (!mToolDlgs[ind]->HideOrShowOptions(IsIDinHideSet(-30 - ind) ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW)) mToolDlgs[ind]->UpdateHiding(); } } mMainFrame->SetDialogPositions(); } // Given a color index for a tool panel, find its index in the dialog table int CSerialEMApp::LookupToolDlgIndex(int colorInd) { for (int ind = 0; ind < mNumToolDlg; ind++) if (mDlgColorIndex[ind] == colorInd) return ind; return -1; } // Compute the maximum width of tool panels void CSerialEMApp::SetMaxDialogWidth(void) { mMaxDialogWidth = 0; for (int ind = 0; ind < mNumToolDlg; ind++) ACCUM_MAX(mMaxDialogWidth, mDialogTable[ind].width); } // To be called on startup or after reading settings: opens ones set to be opened and // closes ones that are open if needed void CSerialEMApp::OpenOrCloseMacroEditors(void) { WINDOWPLACEMENT *place; if (!mMacroProcessor->GetRestoreMacroEditors()) return; for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_MACROS; ind++) { if (mReopenMacroEditor[ind] && !mMacroEditer[ind]) mMacroProcessor->OpenMacroEditor(ind); else if (!mReopenMacroEditor[ind] && mMacroEditer[ind]) { mMacroEditer[ind]->JustCloseWindow(); } else if (mMacroEditer[ind]) { place = mMacroProcessor->GetEditerPlacement() + ind; if (place->rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) mMacroEditer[ind]->SetWindowPlacement(place); } } mMacroProcessor->OpenOrJustCloseOneLiners(mReopenMacroEditor[MAX_MACROS]); UpdateBufferWindows(); RestoreViewFocus(); } // Sets all macros empty and updates open editors void CSerialEMApp::ClearAllMacros(void) { int set; for (set = 0; set < MAX_MACROS + MAX_ONE_LINE_SCRIPTS; set++) { mMacros[set] = ""; if (set < MAX_MACROS) { if (mMacroEditer[set]) mMacroEditer[set]->TransferMacro(false); else mMacroProcessor->ScanForName(set); } else if (mMacroProcessor->mOneLineScript) mMacroProcessor->mOneLineScript->m_strOneLine[set - MAX_MACROS] = ""; } mMacroProcessor->TransferOneLiners(false); } // Returns the little font based on the size of a regaulr font static text box // creates it the first time it is asked for CFont * CSerialEMApp::GetLittleFont(CWnd *stat) { CRect rect; int height = 8; // On UTMB 2200 XP system, 96 DPI, height of stat was 16 and a size of 12 was bad, // scaling 0.715 just gets it down to 11. But this scaling made MSSF too small, so // keep the 0.77 worked out before for that. Just revert to doing 80 MSSF for 96 DPI! if (mMadeLittleFont) return &mLittleFont; CString fontName = "Small Fonts"; if (mSmallFontsBad || (mSystemDPI >= 120 && !mDisplayNotTruly120DPI)) fontName = "Microsoft Sans Serif"; height = ScaleValueForDPI(height); if (stat) { stat->GetWindowRect(&rect); height = rect.Height(); } if (fontName == "Small Fonts" && mSystemDPI == 96) mLittleFont.CreatePointFont(80, "Microsoft Sans Serif"); else mLittleFont.CreateFont(B3DNINT(0.77 * height), 0, 0, 0, FW_MEDIUM, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, fontName); mMadeLittleFont = true; return &mLittleFont; } // Similar routine to return a common bold font given the size of static text CFont * CSerialEMApp::GetBoldFont(CWnd *stat) { CRect rect; if (!mMadeBoldFont && stat) { stat->GetWindowRect(&rect); mBoldFont.CreateFont(rect.Height(), 0, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, 0, 0, 0, DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS, CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE, "Microsoft Sans Serif"); mMadeBoldFont = true; } return &mBoldFont; } // Returns the scaling that is being applied for DPI float CSerialEMApp::GetScalingForDPI() { return (float)B3DCHOICE(mDisplayNotTruly120DPI, 1., mSystemDPI / 96.); } // Scale one integer for DPI int CSerialEMApp::ScaleValueForDPI(double value) { return B3DNINT(value * GetScalingForDPI()); }