// ProcessImage.cpp: Mostly has functions in the Process menu, also has // code for getting image means and for correcting // image defects // // Copyright (C) 2003 by Boulder Laboratory for 3-Dimensional Electron // Microscopy of Cells ("BL3DEMC") and the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "SerialEM.h" #include ".\ProcessImage.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\mrcslice.h" #include "Shared\iimage.h" #include "Shared\ctffind.h" #include "Shared\cfft.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "GainRefMaker.h" #include "CtffindParamDlg.h" #include "ExternalTools.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define KV_CHECK_SECONDS 60. static void ctffindPrintFunc(const char *strMessage); static int ctffindDumpFunc(const char *filename, float *data, int xsize, int ysize); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProcessImage // IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CProcessImage, CCmdTarget) CProcessImage::CProcessImage() { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mInnerXRayDistance = 1.2f; mOuterXRayDistance = 2.1f; mXRayCritIterations = 3; mXRayCritIncrease = 1.; mLiveFFT = false; mMoveBeamStamp = -1.; mCircleOnLiveFFT = false; mSideBySideFFT = false; mAutoSingleFFT = true; mNumCircles = 1; mFFTCircleRadii[0] = 0.33f; mGridLinesPerMM = 2160; mOverlayChannels = "ABA"; mPixelTargetSize = 0; mFindBeamOutsideFrac = 0.15f; mCatalaseForPixel = false; mShortCatalaseNM = 6.85f; mLongCatalaseNM = 8.75f; mGridMeshSize = 0; mPixelTimeStamp = 0; mPlatePhase = 0.; mNumFFTZeros = 5; mAmpRatio = 0.07f; mSphericalAber = 2.5; // It is very insensitive to Cs! mKVTime = -1.; mFixedRingDefocus = 0.; mReductionFactor = 4.; mThicknessCoefficient = 0.; mNextThicknessCoeff = 0.; mCtffindOnClick = false; mCtfFitFocusRangeFac = 2.5f; mSlowerCtfFit = true; mExtraCtfStats = false; mDrawExtraCtfRings = false; mUserMaxCtfFitRes = 0.; mDefaultMaxCtfFitRes = 0.; mTestCtfPixelSize = 0.; mMinCtfFitResIfPhase = 0.; mCtffindParamDlg = NULL; mCtffindDlgPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mCtfMinPhase = 30; mCtfMaxPhase = 120; mCtfExpectedPhase = 90; mCtfFindPhaseOnClick = false; mCtfFixAstigForPhase = true; mBufIndForCtffind = -1; mClickUseCtfplotter = false; mTuneUseCtfplotter = false; mRunningCtfplotter = 0; mMinCtfplotterPixel = 0.115f; // Nanometers mShrMemIIFile = NULL; ctffindSetPrintFunc(ctffindPrintFunc); ctffindSetSliceWriteFunc(ctffindDumpFunc); } CProcessImage::~CProcessImage() { } void CProcessImage::Initialize(void) { mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; if (!mDefaultMaxCtfFitRes) mDefaultMaxCtfFitRes = GetRecentVoltage() > 125. ? 5.f : 10.f; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CProcessImage, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CProcessImage) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_MINMAXMEAN, OnProcessMinmaxmean) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_FFT, OnProcessFft) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_FFT, OnUpdateProcess) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_BINNEDFFT, OnProcessBinnedfft) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_ROTATELEFT, OnProcessRotateleft) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_ROTATERIGHT, OnProcessRotateright) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_MINMAXMEAN, OnUpdateProcessMinmaxmean) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_ZEROTILTMEAN, OnProcessZerotiltmean) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_ZEROTILTMEAN, OnUpdateProcessZerotiltmean) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETINTENSITY, OnProcessSetintensity) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_SETINTENSITY, OnUpdateProcessSetintensity) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_MOVEBEAM, OnProcessMovebeam) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_MOVEBEAM, OnUpdateProcessMovebeam) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_FIXDARKXRAYS, OnProcessFixdarkxrays) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_FIXIMAGEXRAYS, OnProcessFiximagexrays) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETDARKCRITERIA, OnSetdarkcriteria) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_SETDARKCRITERIA, OnUpdateSetcriteria) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETIMAGECRITERIA, OnSetimagecriteria) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SHOWCROSSCORR, OnProcessShowcrosscorr) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_BINNEDFFT, OnUpdateProcess) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_ROTATELEFT, OnUpdateProcess) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_ROTATERIGHT, OnUpdateProcess) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_FIXDARKXRAYS, OnUpdateProcessNoRGB) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_FIXIMAGEXRAYS, OnUpdateProcessNoRGB) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_SETIMAGECRITERIA, OnUpdateSetcriteria) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_SHOWCROSSCORR, OnUpdateProcessShowcrosscorr) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_AUTOCORRELATION, OnUpdateProcessAutocorrelation) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_LIVEFFT, OnProcessLivefft) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_LIVEFFT, OnUpdateProcessLivefft) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_CENTERBEAM, OnTasksCenterbeam) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_CENTERBEAM, OnUpdateTasksCenterbeam) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_CIRCLEONLIVEFFT, OnProcessCircleonlivefft) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_CIRCLEONLIVEFFT, OnUpdateProcessCircleonlivefft) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_FINDPIXELSIZE, OnProcessFindpixelsize) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_FINDPIXELSIZE, OnUpdateProcessFindpixelsize) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_PIXELSIZEFROMMARKER, OnProcessPixelsizefrommarker) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_PIXELSIZEFROMMARKER, OnUpdateProcessPixelsizefrommarker) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_MAKECOLOROVERLAY, OnProcessMakecoloroverlay) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_MAKECOLOROVERLAY, OnUpdateProcessMakecoloroverlay) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_CROPIMAGE, OnProcessCropimage) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_CROPIMAGE, OnUpdateProcessCropimage) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_LISTRELATIVEROTATIONS, OnListRelativeRotations) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETBINNEDSIZE, OnProcessSetBinnedSize) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_AUTOCORRELATION, OnProcessAutocorrelation) ON_COMMAND(ID_PIXELSIZE_ADD_TO_ROTATION, OnPixelsizeAddToRotation) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PIXELSIZE_ADD_TO_ROTATION, OnUpdateProcess) ON_COMMAND(ID_TASKS_SET_DOSE_RATE, OnSetDoseRate) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_TASKS_SET_DOSE_RATE, OnUpdateSetDoseRate) ON_COMMAND(ID_PIXELSIZE_CATALASE_CRYSTAL, OnPixelsizeCatalaseCrystal) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PIXELSIZE_CATALASE_CRYSTAL, OnUpdatePixelsizeCatalaseCrystal) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_CROP_AVERAGE, OnProcessCropAverage) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_CROP_AVERAGE, OnUpdateProcessCropAverage) ON_COMMAND(ID_PIXELSIZE_MESHFORGRIDBARS, OnMeshForGridBars) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SIDE_BY_SIDE, OnProcessSideBySide) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_SIDE_BY_SIDE, OnUpdateProcessSideBySide) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_AUTOMATICFFTS, OnProcessAutomaticFFTs) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_AUTOMATICFFTS, OnUpdateProcessAutomaticFFTs) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETDEFOCUSFORCIRCLES, OnProcessSetDefocusForCircles) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_REDUCEIMAGE, OnProcessReduceimage) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_REDUCEIMAGE, OnUpdateProcess) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_DOCTFFINDFITONCLICK, OnProcessDoCtffindFitOnClick) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_PROCESS_DOCTFFINDFITONCLICK, OnUpdateProcessDoCtffindFitOnClick) ON_COMMAND(ID_PROCESS_SETCTFFINDOPTIONS, OnProcessSetCtffindOptions) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProcessImage message handlers void CProcessImage::OnProcessMinmaxmean() { float min, max, mean, sd, pixel; int nx, ny, left, right, top, bottom; CString report, rep2 = ""; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + imBuf->mCamera; if (!image) return; EMimageExtra *extra = (EMimageExtra *)image->GetUserData(); nx = image->getWidth(); ny = image->getHeight(); image->Lock(); if (imBuf->mHasUserLine && imBuf->mDrawUserBox) { left = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) + 1); right = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) - 1); top = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) + 1); bottom = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) - 1); ProcMinMaxMeanSD(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, left, right, top, bottom, &mean, &min, &max, &sd); rep2.Format(" in %d x %d subarea, (%d,%d) to (%d,%d): ", right + 1 - left, bottom + 1 - top, left, top, right, bottom); } else ProcMinMaxMeanSD(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, &mean, &min, &max, &sd); image->UnLock(); report.Format("Min = %.1f, max = %.1f, mean = %.2f, SD = %.2f", min, max, mean, sd); if (rep2.IsEmpty()) { pixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (pixel) rep2.Format(" Pixel size = " + mWinApp->PixelFormat(pixel), pixel); } report += rep2; // Add the dose rate for a direct detector if (imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && mCamera->IsDirectDetector(camP) && !DoseRateFromMean(imBuf, mean, pixel)) { sd = (float)(mean / (imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning * extra->mExposure / ((CamHasDoubledBinnings(camP) || (camP->DE_camType && (camP->CamFlags & DE_APOLLO_CAMERA))) ? 4. : 1.))); rep2.Format("\r\n %.3f electrons (%.2f counts) per physical pixel per second", pixel, sd); report += rep2; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessMinmaxmean(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); pCmdUI->Enable(imBuf->mImage != NULL && imBuf->mImage->getMode() == kGray); } // Set up the FFT with the given binning void CProcessImage::GetFFT(int binning, int capFlag) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); GetFFT(imBuf, binning, capFlag); } void CProcessImage::GetFFT(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int binning, int capFlag) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; float *fftarray; short int *brray; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); int bigBrray = image->getType() == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1; // Get padded size of a square frame for image int nFinalSize = (nx > ny ? nx : ny) /binning; int nPadSize = XCorrNiceFrame(nFinalSize, 2, niceFFTlimit()); // Get memory for the real FFT and for the scaled int image NewArray2(fftarray, float, nPadSize, (nPadSize + 2)); NewArray2(brray, short int, nFinalSize, nFinalSize * bigBrray); if (!fftarray || !brray) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for doing FFT", MB_EXCLAME); if (fftarray) delete [] fftarray; if (brray) delete [] brray; return; } image->Lock(); BeginWaitCursor(); ProcFFT(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, binning, fftarray, brray, nPadSize, nFinalSize); image->UnLock(); delete [] fftarray; NewProcessedImage(imBuf, brray, kSHORT, nFinalSize, nFinalSize, binning, capFlag, mSideBySideFFT); EndWaitCursor(); } // Unbinned FFT void CProcessImage::OnProcessFft() { GetFFT(1, BUFFER_FFT); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcess(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); pCmdUI->Enable(imBuf->mImage && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessNoRGB(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); pCmdUI->Enable(imBuf->mImage && imBuf->mImage->getMode() == kGray && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } // Bin to 1024 first, but limit binning to between 2 and 4 void CProcessImage::OnProcessBinnedfft() { int targetSize = 1024; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); int nx = imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); int ny = imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); if (ny > nx) nx = ny; int binning = (nx + targetSize - 1) / targetSize; if (binning < 2) binning = 2; if (binning > 4) binning = 4; GetFFT(binning, BUFFER_FFT); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessLivefft() { mLiveFFT = !mLiveFFT; if (mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()) mWinApp->SetStatusText(mLiveFFT ? MEDIUM_PANE : COMPLEX_PANE, ""); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessLivefft(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(true); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mLiveFFT ? 1 : 0); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessCircleonlivefft() { mCircleOnLiveFFT = !mCircleOnLiveFFT; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessCircleonlivefft(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(true); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mCircleOnLiveFFT ? 1 : 0); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessSideBySide() { mSideBySideFFT = !mSideBySideFFT; if (!mSideBySideFFT && mWinApp->mFFTView) mWinApp->mFFTView->CloseFrame(); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessSideBySide(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(true); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mSideBySideFFT ? 1 : 0); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessAutomaticFFTs() { mAutoSingleFFT = !mAutoSingleFFT; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessAutomaticFFTs(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mSideBySideFFT); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mAutoSingleFFT ? 1 : 0); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessSetDefocusForCircles() { float defocus = -mFixedRingDefocus; if(KGetOneFloat("Fixed defocus at which to draw circles (-microns):", defocus, 1)) mFixedRingDefocus = -(float)defocus; } void CProcessImage::OnProcessDoCtffindFitOnClick() { mCtffindOnClick = !mCtffindOnClick; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessDoCtffindFitOnClick(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(true); pCmdUI->SetCheck(mCtffindOnClick ? 1 : 0); } // Open the Ctffind option window if it is not open, leave it open void CProcessImage::OnProcessSetCtffindOptions() { if (mCtffindParamDlg) return; mCtffindParamDlg = new CCtffindParamDlg; mCtffindParamDlg->Create(IDD_CTFFINDDLG); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mCtffindParamDlg, &mCtffindDlgPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CProcessImage::GetCtffindPlacement(void) { if (mCtffindParamDlg) { mCtffindParamDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mCtffindDlgPlace); } return &mCtffindDlgPlace; } void CProcessImage::OnProcessRotateleft() { RotateImage(true); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessRotateright() { RotateImage(false); } void CProcessImage::RotateImage(BOOL bLeft) { short int *brray; float *frray; unsigned char *ubray; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); int type = image->getType(); /*static int operation = 0, invert = 0; int nxout, nyout;*/ DWORD start = GetTickCount(); if (type == kRGB) { NewArray2(ubray, unsigned char, 3 * nx, ny); brray = (short int *)ubray; } else if (type != kFLOAT) { NewArray2(brray, short int, nx, ny); } else { NewArray2(frray, float, nx, ny); brray = (short int *)frray; } if (!brray) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for rotated image", MB_EXCLAME); return; } image->Lock(); if (bLeft) ProcRotateLeft(image->getData(), type, nx, ny, brray); else ProcRotateRight(image->getData(), type, nx, ny, brray); image->UnLock(); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, brray, type == kUBYTE ? kSHORT : type, ny, nx, 1); /*ProcRotateFlip((short int *)image->getData(), type, nx, ny, operation, invert, brray, &nxout, &nyout); image->UnLock(); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, brray, type == kUBYTE ? kSHORT : type, nxout, nyout, 1); if (invert) operation = (operation + 1) % 8; invert = 1 - invert; SEMTrace('1',"Time %f", SEMTickInterval((double)start));*/ } // Filter the image in the given buffer with the standard filter parameters int CProcessImage::FilterImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int outBufNum, float sigma1, float sigma2, float radius1, float radius2, bool display) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx, ny, err; float *brray; int newProc = imBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() ? BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP : -1; image->getSize(nx, ny); err = FilterImage(image, &brray, sigma1, sigma2, radius1, radius2); if (err) return err; // If the destination buffer has no image, copy the source first to keep // NewprocessedImage happy if (!mImBufs[outBufNum].mImage) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf, &mImBufs[outBufNum], false); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, (short *)brray, kFLOAT, nx, ny, 1, newProc, false, outBufNum, display); return 0; } // Filter the image in the given KImage, allocating the output array int CProcessImage::FilterImage(KImage *image, float **outArray, float sigma1, float sigma2, float radius1, float radius2) { int nx, ny, nxpad, nypad, nxdim, dir = 1; float ctf[8193], delta, *brray; float padFrac = 0.05f; if (!image) return -1; if (image->getType() == kRGB) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot filter an RGB image"); return 1; } image->getSize(nx, ny); nxpad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)((1. + padFrac) * nx), 2, niceFFTlimit()); nypad = XCorrNiceFrame((int)((1. + padFrac) * ny), 2, niceFFTlimit()); nxdim = nxpad + 2; NewArray2(brray, float, nxdim, nypad); if (!brray) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for filtering image"); return 1; } *outArray = brray; XCorrSetCTF(sigma1, sigma2, radius1, radius2, ctf, nxpad, nypad, &delta); image->Lock(); XCorrFilter((float *)image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, brray, nxpad, nypad, delta, ctf); image->UnLock(); return 0; } // Do arithmetic operation between two images int CProcessImage::CombineImages(int bufNum1, int bufNum2, int outBufNum, int operation) { KImage *image1 = mImBufs[bufNum1].mImage; KImage *image2 = mImBufs[bufNum2].mImage; if (!image1 || !image2) return -1; int type1 = image1->getType(); int type2 = image2->getType(); int nx, ny, ind, delx, dely, ix, iy, ix2, iy2, ind2; float shiftX1, shiftY1, shiftX2, shiftY2; float *inArray1, *inArray2, *outArray; float coeff = (mNextThicknessCoeff > 0.) ? mNextThicknessCoeff : mThicknessCoefficient; int newProc = -1; image1->getSize(nx, ny); if (type1 == kRGB || type2 == kRGB) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot do arithmetic operations on RGB images"); return 1; } if (image2->getWidth() != nx || image2->getHeight() != ny) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot do arithmetic operations on different-sized images"); return 1; } if (operation == PROC_COMPUTE_THICKNESS && coeff <= 0.) { SEMMessageBox("There is no thickness coefficient set for computing thickness"); return 1; } if (mImBufs[bufNum1].IsProcessedOKforMap() && mImBufs[bufNum2].IsProcessedOKforMap()) newProc = BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP; // Get float array for result image1->Lock(); image2->Lock(); NewArray2(outArray, float, nx, ny); if (outArray) { //Either assign this as the input array if 1 already float, or copy 1 into the array if (type1 == kFLOAT) { inArray1 = (float *)image1->getData(); } else { sliceTaperOutPad(image1->getData(), type1, nx, ny, outArray, nx, nx, ny, 1, 0.); inArray1 = outArray; } // If 2 is already float use it as input, otherwise get array and copy to it if (type2 == kFLOAT) { inArray2 = (float *)image2->getData(); } else { NewArray2(inArray2, float, nx, ny); if (inArray2) sliceTaperOutPad(image2->getData(), type2, nx, ny, inArray2, nx, nx, ny, 1, 0.); else delete[] outArray; } } if (!outArray || !inArray2) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for combining two images"); image1->UnLock(); image2->UnLock(); return 1; } // Do the operation switch (operation) { case PROC_ADD_IMAGES: for (ind = 0; ind < nx * ny; ind++) outArray[ind] = inArray1[ind] + inArray2[ind]; break; case PROC_SUBTRACT_IMAGES: for (ind = 0; ind < nx * ny; ind++) outArray[ind] = inArray1[ind] - inArray2[ind]; break; case PROC_MULTIPLY_IMAGES: for (ind = 0; ind < nx * ny; ind++) outArray[ind] = inArray1[ind] * inArray2[ind]; break; case PROC_DIVIDE_IMAGES: for (ind = 0; ind < nx * ny; ind++) { if (inArray2[ind] != 0.) outArray[ind] = inArray1[ind] / inArray2[ind]; else outArray[ind] = 0.; } break; case PROC_COMPUTE_THICKNESS: // Unlike the others, this one takes image alignment into account image1->getShifts(shiftX1, shiftY1); image2->getShifts(shiftX2, shiftY2); delx = B3DNINT(shiftX2 - shiftX1); dely = B3DNINT(shiftY2 - shiftY1); for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { iy2 = iy - dely; if (iy2 < 0 || iy2 >= ny) { for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) outArray[ix + iy * nx] = 0.; } else { for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { ind = iy * nx + ix; ix2 = ix - delx; if (ix2 < 0 || ix2 >= nx) { outArray[ind] = 0.; } else { ind2 = iy2 * nx + ix2; if (inArray2[ind2] > 0. && inArray1[ind] > 0.) outArray[ind] = coeff * logf(inArray1[ind] / inArray2[ind2]); else outArray[ind] = 0.; } } } } break; } // Clean up and replace the buffer image1->UnLock(); image2->UnLock(); if (type2 != kFLOAT) delete[] inArray2; if (!mImBufs[outBufNum].mImage) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&mImBufs[bufNum1], &mImBufs[outBufNum], false); NewProcessedImage(&mImBufs[bufNum1], (short *)outArray, kFLOAT, nx, ny, 1, newProc, false, outBufNum); return 0; } // Transform the image buffer to match size/rotation of another magnification, allowing // a change of binning or camera, and extracting the image from the given center (default // at the middle) and making the image a specified size (default is scaled size, limited // by binned camera size) // otherScale and otherRotation are the high-defocus scaling and rotation to match // The IMOD-type transform is returned in xform int CProcessImage::TransformToOtherMag(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int outBufNum, int magInd, CString &errStr, int camera, int binning, float xcen, float ycen, int xsize, int ysize, float otherScale, float otherRotation, float *xform) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (!image) return -1; int type = image->getType(); int nx, ny, width, err = 0, scaleXsize, scaleYsize, cubXin, cubYin, dataSize, ind; int newProc = imBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() ? BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP : BUFFER_PROCESSED; float fromPixel, toPixel, fromRot, toRot, scaling, rotation, rotScale; float aMat[2][2], xfCen[6], xfTrans[6], xfProd[6], cosRot, sinRot, edgeMean; float zoomThresh = 0.8f, focusScale = 1., focusRot = 0.; int filtType = 5; bool doZoom; CString mess; void *imData; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); float *rotBuf = NULL, *sclBuf = NULL, *fltBuf = NULL, *inArray; image->getSize(nx, ny); // Basic sanity check and assign defaults for camera, binning, and center if (!imBuf->mMagInd || imBuf->mCamera < 0 || !imBuf->mBinning) { errStr = "The image buffer is missing mag, binning, or camera information"; return 1; } if (camera < 0) { camera = imBuf->mCamera; } else { if (camera >= mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize()) { errStr = "The camera number is out of range for the # of active cameras"; return 1; } camera = activeList[camera]; } if (binning <= 0) binning = imBuf->mBinning; if (xcen <= 0) xcen = (float)(nx / 2.); if (ycen <= 0) ycen = (float)(ny / 2.); if (xcen >= nx || ycen >= ny) { errStr = "The center coordinates for the transformation are out of range"; return 1; } // Compute the scaling and rotation between images, invert rotation for Y inversion mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(imBuf, focusScale, focusRot); fromPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); toPixel = (float)(mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, magInd) * binning) / otherScale; if (!imBuf->GetAxisAngle(fromRot)) fromRot = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mMagInd); fromRot += focusRot + imBuf->mRotAngle; toRot = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(camera, magInd) + otherRotation; scaling = fromPixel / toPixel; rotation = fromRot - toRot; cosRot = (float)cos(rotation * DTOR); sinRot = (float)sin(rotation * DTOR); // Compute the scaled size, limit to what the camera can take at the given binning scaleXsize = 2 * (((int)(scaling * nx)) / 2); scaleYsize = 2 * (((int)(scaling * ny)) / 2); if (scaling > 1) { ACCUM_MIN(scaleXsize, camParams[camera].sizeX / binning); ACCUM_MIN(scaleYsize, camParams[camera].sizeY / binning); } // But take supplied values as is. if (xsize > 0) scaleXsize = 2 * (xsize / 2); if (ysize > 0) scaleYsize = 2 * (ysize / 2); doZoom = scaling < zoomThresh; // Transform the center offset as in newstack "applyfirst" xfUnit(xfCen, 1., 2); xfCen[4] = (float)(nx / 2.) - xcen; xfCen[5] = (float)(ny / 2.) - ycen; mShiftManager->MakeScaleRotTransXform(xfTrans, scaling, rotation, 0., 0.); xfMult(xfCen, xfTrans, xfProd, 2); if (xform) for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind++) xform[ind] = xfProd[ind]; // Set up input for cubinterp and if scaling down, set up filter and modify the input rotScale = scaling; cubXin = nx; cubYin = ny; if (doZoom) { rotScale = 1.; cubXin = scaleXsize; cubYin = scaleYsize; err = selectZoomFilter(filtType, scaling, &width); if (err) { errStr.Format("Error %d selecting zoom filter type % for scaling %g", err, filtType, scaling); return 1; } } // Set up matrix for cubinterp aMat[0][0] = rotScale * cosRot; aMat[1][0] = -rotScale * sinRot; aMat[0][1] = -aMat[1][0]; aMat[1][1] = aMat[0][0]; image->Lock(); imData = image->getData(); mrc_getdcsize(type, &dataSize, &width); // Get arrays needed if (type == kFLOAT) { inArray = (float *)imData; } else { NewArray2(fltBuf, float, nx, ny); inArray = fltBuf; } if (inArray) NewArray2(rotBuf, float, scaleXsize, scaleYsize); if (inArray && rotBuf && doZoom) { NewArray2(sclBuf, float, scaleXsize, scaleYsize); } if (!rotBuf || (type != kFLOAT && !fltBuf) || !inArray || (doZoom && !sclBuf)) { err = 1; errStr = "Failed to allocate memory for new array"; } // Get the edge mean and convert to float if necessary if (!err) { edgeMean = imageEdgeMean(imData, type, image->getRowBytes() / dataSize, 1, nx - 2, 1, ny - 2); if (type != kFLOAT) sliceTaperOutPad(imData, type, nx, ny, inArray, nx, nx, ny, 1, edgeMean); } // Zoom down if (!err && doZoom) { err = zoomFiltInterp(inArray, sclBuf, nx, ny, scaleXsize, scaleYsize, (float)(nx / 2.), (float)(ny / 2.), 0., 0., edgeMean); if (err) { errStr.Format("Error %d from zoomFiltInterp to scale down image by %g", err, scaling); } inArray = sclBuf; cubXin = scaleXsize; cubYin = scaleYsize; } // Apply interpolation for rotation and scaling up if (!err) cubinterp(inArray, rotBuf, cubXin, cubYin, scaleXsize, scaleYsize, aMat, (float)(cubXin / 2.), (float)(cubYin / 2.), xfProd[4], xfProd[5], 1.f, edgeMean, 1); delete[] fltBuf; delete[] sclBuf; image->UnLock(); if (err) { delete[] rotBuf; return err; } // Assign the buffer properties if (!mImBufs[outBufNum].mImage) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf, &mImBufs[outBufNum], false); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, (short *)rotBuf, kFLOAT, scaleXsize, scaleYsize, 1, newProc, false, outBufNum, outBufNum == 0); mImBufs[outBufNum].mBinning = binning; mImBufs[outBufNum].mCamera = camera; mImBufs[outBufNum].mEffectiveBin = (float)binning; mImBufs[outBufNum].mMagInd = magInd; mImBufs[outBufNum].mPixelSize = toPixel; mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(outBufNum); return 0; } // Overloaded version that takes the other image buffer directly and supplies needed // values from it int CProcessImage::TransformToOtherMag(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, EMimageBuffer *otherBuf, int outBufNum, CString &errStr, float xcen, float ycen, int xsize, int ysize, float *xform) { float otherScale = 1., otherRot = 0., axisAngle; if (!otherBuf->mMagInd || otherBuf->mCamera < 0 || !otherBuf->mBinning) { errStr = "The other image buffer is missing mag, binning, or camera information"; return 1; } mShiftManager->GetScaleAndRotationForFocus(otherBuf, otherScale, otherRot); // Give priority to axis angle and pixel size that came in from an mdoc; // pass the difference or ratio of this value to the mag/camera derived value so the // main routine will replace mag/camera value with this // Add rotate-on-load image rotation if (otherBuf->GetAxisAngle(axisAngle)) otherRot += axisAngle - (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(otherBuf->mCamera, otherBuf->mMagInd); otherRot += otherBuf->mRotAngle; otherScale = (mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(otherBuf->mCamera, otherBuf->mMagInd) * (float)otherBuf->mBinning / otherScale) / mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(otherBuf); return TransformToOtherMag(imBuf, outBufNum, otherBuf->mMagInd, errStr, mWinApp->LookupActiveCamera(otherBuf->mCamera), otherBuf->mBinning, xcen, ycen, xsize, ysize, otherScale, otherRot, xform); } // Multiply by a factor and add an offset to the image in imBuf, put in the indicated // output buffer, keeping the same type if retainType is true int CProcessImage::ScaleImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int outBufNum, float factor, float offset, bool retainType) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx, ny, type, newType = kFLOAT, dataSize = 4, numChan = 1; unsigned char *array; double zoom = imBuf->mZoom; void *inArray; int newProc = imBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() ? BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP : -1; if (!image) return -1; type = image->getType(); if (type == kRGB && !retainType) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot scale an RGB image into a floating point image"); return 1; } // Going to scale into a new array regardless, get one of the right size if (retainType) { dataSizeForMode(type, &dataSize, &numChan); newType = type; } image->getSize(nx, ny); NewArray2(array, unsigned char, nx, ny * dataSize * numChan); if (!array) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for scaling image"); return 1; } // Convert the data into the float array here if not staying the same type image->Lock(); inArray = image->getData(); if (!retainType) { sliceTaperOutPad(inArray, type, nx, ny, (float *)array, nx, nx, ny, 1, 0.); inArray = array; } // Scale and get into output buffer ProcScaleImage(inArray, type == kRGB ? type : newType, nx * numChan, ny, factor, offset, array); image->UnLock(); if (!mImBufs[outBufNum].mImage) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf, &mImBufs[outBufNum], false); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, (short *)array, newType, nx, ny, 1, newProc, false, outBufNum); mImBufs[1].mZoom = zoom; return 0; } // Copy two images into one side by side or top/bottom int CProcessImage::PasteImages(EMimageBuffer *imBuf1, EMimageBuffer *imBuf2, int outBufNum, bool vertical) { EMimageBuffer copy1, copy2; KImage *image1 = imBuf1->mImage; KImage *image2 = imBuf2->mImage; int type1 = image1->getType(); int type2 = image2->getType(); int nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2, nxOut, nyOut; unsigned char *outBuf; double moreBin; if (!image1 || !image2) return -1; if (type1 == kRGB || type2 == kRGB) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot paste together RGB images"); return 1; } // Convert each to byte first - the size may change to be a multiple of 4 if (type1 != kUBYTE) { if (mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf1, ©1, false)) return 1; copy1.UpdatePixMap(); if (!copy1.ConvertToByte(0., 0.)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot convert first buffer to bytes for pasting images"); return 1; } image1 = copy1.mImage; image1->getSize(nx1, ny1); } if (type2 != kUBYTE) { if (mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf2, ©2, false)) return 1; copy2.UpdatePixMap(); if (!copy2.ConvertToByte(0., 0.)) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot convert second buffer to bytes for pasting images"); return 1; } } // Set sizes and output buffer image1->getSize(nx1, ny1); image2->getSize(nx2, ny2); if (vertical) { nxOut = B3DMAX(nx1, nx2); nyOut = ny1 + ny2; } else { nxOut = nx1 + nx2; nyOut = B3DMAX(ny1, ny2); } NewArray2(outBuf, unsigned char, nxOut, nyOut); if (!outBuf) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get array for for pasting images"); return 1; } // Call the processing routine image1->Lock(); image2->Lock(); ProcPasteByteImages((unsigned char *)image1->getData(), nx1, ny1, (unsigned char *)image2->getData(), nx2, ny2, outBuf, vertical); image1->UnLock(); image2->UnLock(); // Put it in the output buffer as usual, give it less binning so it displays fully // at same zoom if (!mImBufs[outBufNum].mImage) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf1, &mImBufs[outBufNum], false); moreBin = 1. / B3DMAX(nxOut / (float)nx1, nyOut / (float)ny1); NewProcessedImage(imBuf1, (short *)outBuf, kUBYTE, nxOut, nyOut, moreBin, -1, false, outBufNum); return 0; } // Common routine for putting a newly processed image based on the given buffer into // buffer A or one specified by toBufNum void CProcessImage::NewProcessedImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, short *brray, int type, int nx, int ny, double moreBinning, int capFlag, bool fftWindow, int toBufNum, bool display) { EMimageBuffer *toImBuf = B3DCHOICE(fftWindow, mWinApp->GetFFTBufs(), mImBufs) + toBufNum; BOOL hasUserPtSave = toImBuf->mHasUserPt; EMimageExtra *extra; float userPtXsave = toImBuf->mUserPtX; float userPtYsave = toImBuf->mUserPtY; int ind; // If imBuf has no image, switch to the buffer we are going to, then find any image if (!imBuf->mImage) imBuf = toImBuf; if (!imBuf->mImage) { for (ind = 0; ind < B3DCHOICE(fftWindow, MAX_FFT_BUFFERS, MAX_BUFFERS); ind++) { imBuf = B3DCHOICE(fftWindow, mWinApp->GetFFTBufs(), mImBufs) + ind; if (imBuf->mImage) break; } } // Make a temporary copy of the imBuf because it may get displaced on the roll EMimageBuffer imBufTmp; mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(imBuf, &imBufTmp, false); // Roll the buffers just like on acquire if going to A int nRoll = B3DCHOICE(fftWindow, MAX_FFT_BUFFERS - 1, mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire()); if ((!toImBuf->GetSaveCopyFlag() && toImBuf->mCaptured > 0 && mLiveFFT && toImBuf == mImBufs) || toBufNum > 0 || !display) nRoll = 0; for (int i = nRoll; i > 0; i--) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&toImBuf[i - 1], &toImBuf[i]); // Make sure it's OK to destroy A now: if not delete data if (!fftWindow && !mBufferManager->OKtoDestroy(toBufNum, "Processing this image")) { delete [] brray; return; } // Copy the imbuf to inherit any neat properties not managed by replaceImage imBufTmp.mCaptured = BUFFER_PROCESSED; mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&imBufTmp, toImBuf, false); // Replace the image, again cleaning up on failure if (mBufferManager->ReplaceImage((char *)brray, type, nx, ny, toBufNum, capFlag, imBuf->mConSetUsed, fftWindow, display) ) { delete [] brray; return; } // Fix the binning, transfer any extra data, and redisplay toImBuf->mBinning = B3DNINT(imBufTmp.mBinning * moreBinning); toImBuf->mPixelSize = imBufTmp.mPixelSize * (float)moreBinning; if (imBufTmp.mImage) { extra = imBufTmp.mImage->GetUserData(); toImBuf->mImage->SetUserData(extra); if (extra) { extra->mBinning *= (float)moreBinning; extra->mPixel *= (float)moreBinning; } imBufTmp.mImage->SetUserData(NULL); } imBufTmp.DeleteImage(); // Restore user point position and status for a live FFT if (mLiveFFT) { toImBuf->mHasUserPt = hasUserPtSave; toImBuf->mUserPtX = userPtXsave; toImBuf->mUserPtY = userPtYsave; } if (display) mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(toBufNum, fftWindow); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessCropimage() { int top, left, bottom, right; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); left = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) + 1); right = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX) - 1); top = (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) + 1); bottom = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY) - 1); CropImage(imBuf, top, left, bottom, right); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessCropimage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && imBuf && imBuf->mHasUserLine); } // Crop the image in the given buffer given the inclusive coordinate limits int CProcessImage::CropImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { Islice slice; Islice *newsl; int nx, ny, mode; float cenCrit = 3.f; bool centered; void *data; EMimageExtra *extra; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (!image) return 1; image->getSize(nx, ny); top = B3DMAX(0, top); bottom = B3DMIN(bottom, ny - 1); left = B3DMAX(0, left); right = B3DMIN(right, nx - 1); // Make it even in X if ((right + 1 - left) % 2) right--; if (bottom <= top || right <= left) return 2; switch (image->getType()) { case kUBYTE: mode = SLICE_MODE_BYTE; break; case kSHORT: mode = SLICE_MODE_SHORT; break; case kUSHORT: mode = SLICE_MODE_USHORT; break; case kFLOAT: mode = SLICE_MODE_FLOAT; break; case kRGB: mode = SLICE_MODE_RGB; break; default: return 3; } image->Lock(); data = image->getData(); sliceInit(&slice, nx, ny, mode, data); newsl = sliceBox(&slice, left, top, right + 1, bottom + 1); image->UnLock(); if (!newsl) return 4; centered = fabs((left + right) / 2. - nx / 2.) < cenCrit && fabs((top + bottom) / 2. - ny / 2.) < cenCrit; NewProcessedImage(imBuf, newsl->data.s, image->getType(), right + 1 - left, bottom + 1 - top, 1, centered ? imBuf->mCaptured : BUFFER_PROCESSED); free(newsl); extra = mImBufs->mImage->GetUserData(); if (extra && extra->mUncroppedX < 0) extra->mUncroppedX = -extra->mUncroppedX; if (extra && extra->mUncroppedY < 0) extra->mUncroppedY = -extra->mUncroppedY; if (extra) extra->mCenteredCrop = centered ? 1 : 0; if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->UpdateAddMarker(); return 0; } // Menu entry to reduce an image void CProcessImage::OnProcessReduceimage() { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); if (!imBuf) return; if (!KGetOneFloat("Factor (greater than 1) by which to reduce image:", mReductionFactor, 1)) return; mReductionFactor = B3DMAX(1.f, mReductionFactor); ReduceImage(imBuf, mReductionFactor); } // Reduce the image in the given buffer by the given amount, returning an optional error // string or just putting up a message box int CProcessImage::ReduceImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float factor, CString *errStr, int toBufInd, bool display) { int nx, ny, newX, newY, mode, retval = 0, dataSize, numChan, zoomErr = 0; void *data; float sxOff, syOff; char *filtImage = NULL; unsigned char **linePtrs = NULL; double zoom; CString mess, str; const char *messages[] = {"reduction factor not in allowed range", "unsupported type of data", "failed to allocate memory for arrays", "error in zoomWithFilter"}; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (errStr) *errStr = ""; if (!image) return 1; // Get new size and test it; keep X even image->getSize(nx, ny); newX = 2 * (int)(0.5 * nx / factor); newY = (int)(ny / factor); if (factor <= 1. || newX < 10. || newY < 10.) retval = 2; // Use Lanczos 2 for this zoom = 1. / factor; if (!retval) { if ((zoomErr = selectZoomFilter(4, zoom, &mode)) != 0) retval = 2; } // Center the image sxOff = (float)(0.5 * (nx - factor * newX)); syOff = (float)(0.5 * (ny - factor * newY)); mode = image->getType(); if (!retval && dataSizeForMode(mode, &dataSize, &numChan)) retval = 3; image->Lock(); data = image->getData(); // Get array and line pointers if (!retval) { NewArray2(filtImage, char, newX, newY * dataSize * numChan); linePtrs = makeLinePointers(data, nx, ny, dataSize * numChan); if (!filtImage || !linePtrs) { retval = 4; delete [] filtImage; image->UnLock(); } } // Do the reduction if (!retval) { zoomErr = zoomWithFilter(linePtrs, nx, ny, sxOff, syOff, newX, newY, newX, 0, mode, filtImage, NULL, NULL); image->UnLock(); if (zoomErr != 0) { retval = 5; delete [] filtImage; } else { NewProcessedImage(imBuf, (short *)filtImage, mode, newX, newY, factor, -1, false, toBufInd, display); } } B3DFREE(linePtrs); if (retval) { mess = CString("Error trying to reduce image: ") + messages[retval - 2]; if (zoomErr) { str.Format(" (error code %d)", zoomErr); mess += str; } if (errStr) *errStr = mess; else SEMMessageBox(mess); } return retval; } /* * AlignBetweenMagnifications aligns the image in A to the buffer toBufNum, or the * autoalign buffer if it is negative, with scaling and rotation based on the mags * If the higher mag image is in A, xcen, ycen specify the point to align to in the lower * mag image; otherwise it is the center point of the image to extract from A for aligning * to the higher mag image, where the default is the center if values are negative * maxShiftUm is either the maximum shift in microns, in which correlation will be done * with a lower mag image big enough to allow full overlap at that shift if possible; * or it is the negative of the number of FOV (geometric mean size of higher mag image) * to add to the size of the higher mag image. * scaleRange is the total range of scale values; if negative forces higher mag image in * to be scaled down for aligning to cropped reference; otherwise reference is scaled up * angleRange is the total range of rotations to try * doImShift true means to do the image shift * best scale and rotation are returned in scaleMax and rotation; error string in errStr */ int CProcessImage::AlignBetweenMagnifications(int toBufNum, float xcen, float ycen, float maxShiftUm, float scaleRange, float angleRange, bool doImShift, float &scaleMax, float &rotation, int corrFlags, CString &errStr) { int nxAli, nxRef, nyAli, nyRef, err, zoomInd, cropInd, ind; int nxCrop, nyCrop, ixCen, iyCen, ixStart, ixEnd, iyStart, iyEnd, type, dataSize; int bxOffset = 0, byOffset = 0, nroll = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); float fromPixel, toPixel, aMat[2][2] = {{1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 1.f}}, edgeMean; float zoomXform[6], aliXform[6], zoomXfInv[6], prodXf[6], xShift, yShift; float effBinSave; EMimageBuffer aliCopy, refCopy, zoomCopy; unsigned char *cropBuf; KImage *image; bool aliBigger = false, interpUp = false, useFOV = false, sameMagCam; if (toBufNum < 0) toBufNum = mBufferManager->AutoalignBufferIndex(); cropInd = toBufNum; zoomInd = 0; // Sanity checks of the buffer contents if (toBufNum >= MAX_BUFFERS || !mImBufs[toBufNum].mImage) { errStr = "Buffer to align to is out of range or has no image"; return 1; } fromPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[0]); toPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[toBufNum]); if (!fromPixel || !mImBufs->mMagInd || !mImBufs->mBinning || mImBufs->mCamera < 0) { errStr = "The image to align is missing pixel size, binning, mag, or camera " "information"; return 1; } if (!toPixel || !mImBufs[toBufNum].mMagInd || !mImBufs[toBufNum].mBinning || mImBufs[toBufNum].mCamera < 0) { errStr = "The reference image is missing pixel size, binning, mag, or camera " "information"; return 1; } sameMagCam = mImBufs->mMagInd == mImBufs[toBufNum].mMagInd && mImBufs->mCamera == mImBufs[toBufNum].mCamera; // Compare size of each image in microns and insist one be consistently bigger than // the other. mImBufs->mImage->getSize(nxAli, nyAli); mImBufs[toBufNum].mImage->getSize(nxRef, nyRef); if (nxAli * fromPixel > nxRef * toPixel && nyAli * fromPixel > nyRef * toPixel && !sameMagCam) { B3DSWAP(zoomInd, cropInd, err); aliBigger = true; } else if (!(nxAli * fromPixel < nxRef * toPixel && nyAli * fromPixel < nyRef * toPixel)) { errStr = sameMagCam ? "For images are from the same mag and camera, the reference" " image" : "One image"; errStr += " must have a larger field of view than the other in both dimensions"; return 1; } // Default is to scale reference up if higher mag is in A, overridden by a negative // scaleRange value interpUp = !aliBigger; if (scaleRange < 0) { interpUp = false; scaleRange = -scaleRange; } // Positive max shift is taken literally; negative is number of fields of view to add if (maxShiftUm < 0) { useFOV = true; maxShiftUm = -maxShiftUm; } image = mImBufs[cropInd].mImage; image->getSize(nxRef, nyRef); type = image->getType(); // Set up center to crop or scale from in the larger image: point to align to if (xcen < 0) xcen = (float)(nxRef / 2.); if (ycen < 0) ycen = (float)(nyRef / 2.); if (xcen >= nxRef || ycen >= nyRef) { errStr = "The center coordinate is outside the range of the image with larger field" " of view"; return 1; } // COMMON CASE OF HIGHER MAG IN A AND SCALING UP REFERENCE if (interpUp) { mImBufs[zoomInd].mImage->getSize(nxAli, nyAli); // Set up size to scale to toPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mImBufs); if (useFOV) { ind = (int)sqrt(nxAli * nyAli); nxCrop = B3DMIN(nxAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm * ind), 16000); nyCrop = B3DMIN(nyAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm * ind), 16000); maxShiftUm = B3DMAX(0.5f, B3DMIN((float)(nxCrop - nxAli) * toPixel / 2.f, (float)(nyCrop - nyAli) * toPixel / 2.f)); } else { nxCrop = nxAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm / toPixel); nyCrop = nyAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm / toPixel); } // Roll buffers except A if possible since scaled image will be put in B if (nroll == toBufNum) nroll--; for (ind = nroll; ind > 1; ind--) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(ind - 1, ind, false); if (toBufNum < nroll) toBufNum++; if (TransformToOtherMag(&mImBufs[toBufNum], mImBufs, 1, errStr, xcen, ycen, nxCrop, nyCrop, zoomXform)) return 1; // Pass the scaling that occurred to autoalign so it can adjust high frequency filter // to ignore empty resolution, setting this negative temporarily effBinSave = mImBufs[1].mEffectiveBin; mImBufs[1].mEffectiveBin = -(float)sqrt(zoomXform[0] * zoomXform[0] + zoomXform[1] * zoomXform[1]); // Do the alignment, restore effective bin, make error messages, and leave if (scaleRange > 0 || angleRange > 0) { err = mWinApp->mNavHelper->AlignWithScaleAndRotation(1, doImShift, scaleRange, angleRange, scaleMax, rotation, maxShiftUm, corrFlags); if (err == 1) { errStr = "The best correlation was at the end of the rotation search range and a " "wider range is needed"; return err; } } else { mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(maxShiftUm); err = mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 1, doImShift); } mImBufs[1].mEffectiveBin = effBinSave; if (err == 2) errStr = "No correlation peaks were found within the allowed range"; else if (err) errStr = "An error occurred in the autoalignments"; return err; } // SCALING HIGHER MAG IMAGE DOWN AND CROPPING FROM LOWER MAG ONE, the first way I tried // Still the only way if aligning lower to higher mag // Make copies of image buffers because the rolling is a mess in this case mrc_getdcsize(type, &dataSize, &err); toPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[cropInd]); mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(mImBufs, &aliCopy); mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&mImBufs[toBufNum], &refCopy); // Scale down entire higher mag image to match the lower mag ine if (TransformToOtherMag(&mImBufs[zoomInd], &mImBufs[cropInd], 0, errStr, -1., -1., -1, -1, zoomXform)) return 1; // Set up cropping size based on FOV or max shift that allows full area to overlap mImBufs->mImage->getSize(nxAli, nyAli); if (useFOV) { ind = (int)sqrt(nxAli * nyAli); nxCrop = B3DMIN(nxAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm * ind), nxRef); nyCrop = B3DMIN(nyAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm * ind), nyRef); maxShiftUm = B3DMAX(0.5f, B3DMIN((float)(nxCrop - nxAli) * toPixel / 2.f, (float)(nyCrop - nyAli) * toPixel / 2.f)); } else { nxCrop = B3DMIN(nxAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm / toPixel), nxRef); nyCrop = B3DMIN(nyAli + 2 * (int)(maxShiftUm / toPixel), nyRef); } // Save the zoomed down image if it is reference if (aliBigger) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(mImBufs, &zoomCopy); NewArray2(cropBuf, unsigned char, dataSize * nxCrop, nyCrop); if (!cropBuf) { errStr = "Failed to allocate memory for array to crop into"; return 1; } // Set up crop area and get mean ixCen = B3DNINT(xcen); iyCen = B3DNINT(ycen); ixStart = B3DMAX(0, ixCen - nxCrop / 2); ixEnd = B3DMIN(nxRef - 1, ixCen + (nxCrop - nxCrop / 2) - 1); iyStart = B3DMAX(0, iyCen - nyCrop / 2); iyEnd = B3DMIN(nyRef - 1, iyCen + (nyCrop - nyCrop / 2 - 1)); image = aliBigger ? aliCopy.mImage : refCopy.mImage; image->Lock(); edgeMean = imageEdgeMean(image->getData(), type, image->getRowBytes() / dataSize, ixStart + 1, ixEnd - 1, iyStart + 1, iyEnd - 1); err = B3DNINT(edgeMean); // Fill the output array with the mean // This could be a function in xcorr switch (type) { case MRC_MODE_BYTE: for (ind = 0; ind < nxCrop * nyCrop; ind++) cropBuf[ind] = err; break; case MRC_MODE_USHORT: for (ind = 0; ind < nxCrop * nyCrop; ind++) ((unsigned short *)cropBuf)[ind] = err; break; case MRC_MODE_SHORT: for (ind = 0; ind < nxCrop * nyCrop; ind++) ((short *)cropBuf)[ind] = err; break; case MRC_MODE_FLOAT: for (ind = 0; ind < nxCrop * nyCrop; ind++) ((float *)cropBuf)[ind] = edgeMean; break; default: delete[]cropBuf; errStr = "Reference image is an unsupported data type"; image->UnLock(); return 1; } // Set offsets if there is empty area on left/top, and extract it if (ixCen < nxCrop / 2) bxOffset = nxCrop / 2 - ixCen; if (iyCen < nyCrop / 2) byOffset = nyCrop / 2 - iyCen; err = extractAndBinIntoArray(image->getData(), type, image->getRowBytes() / dataSize, ixStart, ixEnd, iyStart, iyEnd, 1, cropBuf, nxCrop, bxOffset, byOffset, 0, &nxAli, &nyAli); image->UnLock(); if (err) { errStr.Format("Program error: extractAndBinIntoArray returned %d", err); delete[] cropBuf; return 1; } // taper edges if there is a fill area taperAtFill(cropBuf, type, nxCrop, nyCrop, b3dIMin(3, 16, nxCrop / 20, nyCrop / 20), 1); if ((nroll == 4 && toBufNum >= nroll) || nroll > 4) { err = aliBigger ? 2 : 1; for (ind = nroll - 1; ind - err >= 0; ind--) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(ind - err, ind, false); } // Put image in A or B, copy zoomed down one back to B if this went to A NewProcessedImage(aliBigger ? &aliCopy : &refCopy, (short *)cropBuf, type, nxCrop, nyCrop, 1., -1, false, aliBigger ? 0 : 1, false); if (aliBigger) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&zoomCopy, &mImBufs[1]); // Tricky rolling to preserve original A then reference if necessary if (nroll >= 3) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&aliCopy, &mImBufs[2], false); if (nroll >= 4 && toBufNum < nroll) mBufferManager->CopyImBuf(&refCopy, &mImBufs[3], false); // Align without doing image shift if (scaleRange > 0 || angleRange > 0) { err = mWinApp->mNavHelper->AlignWithScaleAndRotation(1, false, scaleRange, angleRange, scaleMax, rotation, maxShiftUm, corrFlags); if (err == 1) { errStr = "The best correlation was at the end of the rotation search range and a " "wider range is needed"; return err; } } else { mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(maxShiftUm); err = mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 1, doImShift); } if (err == 2) errStr = "No correlation peaks were found within the allowed range"; else if (err) errStr = "An error occurred in the autoalignments"; if (err || !doImShift) return err; mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(xShift, yShift); // If aligned image bigger, account for the shift in cropping if (aliBigger) { prodXf[4] = xShift - (ixCen - nxRef / 2); prodXf[5] = yShift - (iyCen - nyRef / 2); } else { // Or invert the zoom transform and multiply by that to get shift of center in 4 & 5 mShiftManager->MakeScaleRotTransXform(aliXform, 1., 0., xShift, yShift); xfInvert(zoomXform, zoomXfInv, 2); xfMult(aliXform, zoomXfInv, prodXf, 2); } return mShiftManager->ImposeImageShiftOnScope(&aliCopy, prodXf[4] * aliCopy.mBinning, -prodXf[5] * aliCopy.mBinning, aliCopy.mMagInd, aliCopy.mCamera, false, false) ? 0 : 1; } // Allocate a new array and copy a scaled correlation into, assign to buffer A int CProcessImage::CorrelationToBufferA(float *array, int nxpad, int nypad, int binning, float &corMin, float &corMax) { short int *crray; int kx, ky, kxout, kyout; corMin = 1.e30f; corMax = -1.e30f; float corVal; NewArray2(crray, short int, nxpad, nypad); if (!crray) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Error getting buffer to copy correlation into."), MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Get min and max for (ky = 0; ky < nypad; ky++) { for (kx = 0; kx < nxpad; kx++) { corVal = array[kx + ky * (nxpad + 2)]; if (corVal < corMin) corMin = corVal; if (corVal > corMax) corMax = corVal; } } // Copy and center array for (ky = 0; ky < nypad; ky++) { kyout = (ky + nypad / 2) % nypad; for (kx = 0; kx < nxpad; kx++) { kxout = (kx + nxpad / 2) % nxpad; crray[kxout + kyout * nxpad] = (short)(32000. * (array[kx + ky * (nxpad + 2)] - corMin) / (corMax - corMin)); } } NewProcessedImage(mImBufs, crray, kSHORT, nxpad, nypad, binning); // Set the scale limit to the known max; but save found limit first so autocorrelation // can set better value if (mImBufs->mImageScale) { mCorrMaxScale = mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMaxScale(); mImBufs->mImageScale->SetMinMax(mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMinScale(), 32000); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } return 0; } // Compute the mean of the image in the given buffer in the area foreshortened by tilt float CProcessImage::ForeshortenedMean(int bufNum) { KImage *image = mImBufs[bufNum].mImage; if (!image) return 1.; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); int nxuse = nx; int nyuse = ny; float tiltAngle; double retVal; if (mImBufs[bufNum].GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle)) { double factor = cos(DTOR * tiltAngle); // Foreshorten X if rotation puts tilt axis near Y axis, otherwise foreshorten Y if (fabs(tan(DTOR * mShiftManager->GetImageRotation( mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mImBufs[bufNum].mMagInd))) > 1.) nxuse = (int)(nx * factor); else nyuse = (int)(ny * factor); } image->Lock(); retVal = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, (nx - nxuse) / 2, (nx + nxuse) / 2 - 1, (ny - nyuse) / 2, (ny + nyuse) / 2 - 1); image->UnLock(); return (float)retVal; } // Compute a mean of a tilt-foreshortened subarea of a specified size or fraction of the // field, optionally applying stored shift int CProcessImage::ForeshortenedSubareaMean(int bufNum, float fracOrSizeX, float fracOrSizeY, bool useShift, float &mean, CString *message) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[bufNum]; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); int nx, ny, nxuse, nyuse, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, ixShift, iyShift; float tiltAngle, shiftX = 0., shiftY = 0.; double factor; // Check conditions: need camera and mag in buffer if doing fractions if (!image) { if (message) *message = "There is no image in the buffer passed to ForeshortenedSubareaMean"; return 1; } if (imBuf->mCamera < 0 || imBuf->mMagInd <= 0 || (imBuf->mBinning <= 0 && (fracOrSizeX <= 1. || fracOrSizeY <= 0.))) { if (message) *message = "The image buffer is missing information needed to get the foreshorted " "subarea mean"; return 1; } if (!imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle)) { if (message) *message = "The image buffer passed to ForeshortenedSubareaMean has no stored tilt " "angle"; return 1; } // Set up shifts if requested, and set up size to try to use image->getSize(nx, ny); if (useShift) image->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); ixShift = B3DNINT(shiftX); iyShift = B3DNINT(shiftY); nxuse = B3DNINT(fracOrSizeY); if (fracOrSizeY <= 1.) nxuse = B3DNINT(fracOrSizeY * camP[imBuf->mCamera].sizeY / imBuf->mBinning); nyuse = B3DNINT(fracOrSizeY); if (fracOrSizeY <= 1.) nyuse = B3DNINT(fracOrSizeY * camP[imBuf->mCamera].sizeY / imBuf->mBinning); if (nxuse > nx || nyuse > ny) { if (message) message->Format("The specified subarea size (%d x %d) is bigger than the image" "(%d x %d)", nxuse, nyuse, nx, ny); return 1; } // reduce the size perpendicular to the nearest axis factor = cos(DTOR * tiltAngle); if (fabs(tan(DTOR * mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mMagInd))) > 1.) nxuse = B3DNINT(nxuse * factor); else nyuse = B3DNINT(nyuse * factor); if (nxuse < 10 || nyuse < 10) { if (message) message->Format("The specified subarea is too small after foreshortening " "(%d x %d)", nxuse, nyuse); return 1; } // Get coordinate limits and make sure they are legal ix0 = B3DMAX(0, (nx - nxuse) / 2 - ixShift); ix1 = B3DMIN((nx + nxuse) / 2 - ixShift - 1, nx - 1); iy0 = B3DMAX(0, (ny - nyuse) / 2 - iyShift); iy1 = B3DMIN((ny + nyuse) / 2 - iyShift - 1, ny - 1); image->Lock(); mean = (float)ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); SEMTrace('1',"ForeshortenedSubareaMean using %d x %d, at %d, %d", ix1 + 1 - ix0, iy1 + 1 - iy0, (ix0 + ix1) / 2, (iy0 + iy1) / 2); image->UnLock(); return 0; } void CProcessImage::OnProcessZerotiltmean() { float mean; int bufNum = mWinApp->GetImBufIndex(); mean = ForeshortenedMean(bufNum); char bufChar = 'A' + bufNum; CString report; report.Format("Mean of foreshortened area in Buffer %c \r\n" "corresponding to the full area at zero tilt = %.1f", bufChar, mean); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessZerotiltmean(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mImBufs[mWinApp->GetImBufIndex()].mImage != NULL && mImBufs[mWinApp->GetImBufIndex()].mImage->getMode() == kGray); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessSetintensity() { DoSetIntensity(false, -1.); } int CProcessImage::DoSetIntensity(bool doseRate, float useFactor) { int bufNum = 0; int error, ldArea; double delta; float oldMean, fullMean, factor = 1.; CString *modeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); CString infoLine, query; if (mImBufs->IsProcessed()) { SEMMessageBox("This command operates on the image in Buffer A\n" "and there is a processed image in that buffer.\n\n" "Put an acquired image in Buffer A and try again.", MB_EXCLAME); return -1; } // Get mean of full image fullMean = (float)WholeImageMean(mImBufs); ldArea = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mImBufs->mConSetUsed) : -1; // For regular mode or Record/Preview in low dose, get zero-tilt mean and ask for // factor or value for it if (ldArea < 0 || ldArea == 3) { if (doseRate) { oldMean = ForeshortenedMean(bufNum); DoseRateFromMean(mImBufs, oldMean, oldMean); DoseRateFromMean(mImBufs, fullMean, fullMean); infoLine.Format("Dose rate in whole image = %.2f; rate in tilt-foreshortened " "area = %.2f electrons/physical pixel/sec", fullMean, oldMean); query = "Enter desired dose rate for the zero-tilt area:"; factor = oldMean; } else { oldMean = EquivalentRecordMean(bufNum); infoLine.Format("Mean of whole image = %.1f; implied mean of tilt-foreshortened " "area of %s image = %.1f", fullMean, modeNames[3], oldMean); query = "Enter factor to change intensity by (a value < 10) or desired mean " "(a value > 10) for the zero-tilt area in a " + modeNames[3] + " image :"; } } else { // For other areas in low dose, if (doseRate) { DoseRateFromMean(mImBufs, fullMean, fullMean); infoLine.Format("The dose rate of this %s image = %.2f electrons/physical pixel/sec" , modeNames[ldArea], fullMean); query = "Enter desired dose rate for the " + modeNames[ldArea] + " area :"; factor = fullMean; } else { infoLine.Format("The mean of this %s image = %.1f", modeNames[ldArea], fullMean); query = "Enter factor to change intensity by (a value < 10) or desired mean " "(a value > 10) for the " + modeNames[ldArea] + " area :"; } oldMean = fullMean; if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AutocenMatchingIntensity()) ldArea = -1; } if (useFactor <= 0) { if (!KGetOneFloat(infoLine, query, factor, 1)) return 0; } else { factor = useFactor; } if (factor <= 10. && !doseRate) delta = factor; else delta = factor / oldMean; error = mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->ChangeBeamStrength(delta, ldArea); if (error && useFactor <= 0.) { if (error == BEAM_STARTING_OUT_OF_RANGE || error == BEAM_ENDING_OUT_OF_RANGE) AfxMessageBox("Warning: attempting to set beam strength beyond" " calibrated range", MB_EXCLAME); else AfxMessageBox("Error trying to change beam strength", MB_EXCLAME); } return error; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessSetintensity(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { DoUpdateSetintensity(pCmdUI, false); } void CProcessImage::DoUpdateSetintensity(CCmdUI* pCmdUI, bool doseRate) { int ldArea, spot, junk, probe; double intensity; LowDoseParams *ldParm = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); BOOL enable = false; if (mImBufs->mImage != NULL && mImBufs->mExposure && mImBufs->mBinning && !mWinApp->GetSTEMMode() && (!doseRate || mImBufs->mCamera >= 0)) { ldArea = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mImBufs->mConSetUsed) : -1; if (ldArea < 0 || ldArea == 3) { spot = mScope->FastSpotSize(); intensity = mScope->GetIntensity(); } else { spot = ldParm[ldArea].spotSize; intensity = ldParm[ldArea].intensity; } probe = ldArea < 0 ? mScope->GetProbeMode() : ldParm[ldArea].probeMode; enable = !mWinApp->mBeamAssessor->OutOfCalibratedRange(intensity, spot, probe, junk); if (doseRate && enable) { CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mImBufs->mCamera; enable = mCamera->IsDirectDetector(camP) && camP->countsPerElectron > 0. && mImBufs->mExposure > 0.; } } pCmdUI->Enable(enable); } void CProcessImage::OnSetDoseRate() { DoSetIntensity(true, -1.); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateSetDoseRate(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { DoUpdateSetintensity(pCmdUI, true); } float CProcessImage::EquivalentRecordMean(int bufNum) { ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; float mean = ForeshortenedMean(bufNum); float gainRat, binRat, delFac = 1.; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if (mImBufs[bufNum].mExposure > 0. && mImBufs[bufNum].mBinning) { binRat = (float)conSet->binning / (float)mImBufs[bufNum].mBinning; gainRat = mWinApp->GetGainFactor(camera, conSet->binning) / mWinApp->GetGainFactor(camera, mImBufs[bufNum].mBinning); delFac = (float)(binRat * binRat * gainRat * conSet->exposure / mImBufs[bufNum].mExposure); } return delFac * mean; } ///////////////////////////////// // BEAM MOVING AND CENTERING ///////////////////////////////// void CProcessImage::OnProcessMovebeam() { int nx, ny; float shiftX, shiftY; // Get the shift coordinates relative to the center EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); imBuf->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); // Coordinates in field are sum of image align shift and user point coord shiftX += imBuf->mUserPtX - nx / 2; shiftY += imBuf->mUserPtY - ny / 2; // Need negative, probably because we are undoing an existing shift MoveBeam(imBuf, -shiftX, -shiftY); mMoveBeamStamp = imBuf->mTimeStamp; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessMovebeam(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { EnableMoveBeam(pCmdUI, false); } // Center beam with edges in active image void CProcessImage::OnTasksCenterbeam() { CenterBeamFromActiveImage(0., 0.); } int CProcessImage::CenterBeamFromActiveImage(double maxRadius, double maxError, BOOL useCentroid, double maxMicronShift) { float shiftX, shiftY, fitErr; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); float xcen, ycen, radius, xcenUse, ycenUse, radUse, fracUse; int binning, err, numQuadrant; double d1, d2, d3; if (useCentroid) { GetCentroidOfBuffer(imBuf, xcen, ycen, shiftX, shiftY, false, d1, d2, d3); MoveBeam(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, maxMicronShift); mMoveBeamStamp = imBuf->mTimeStamp; } // Or analyze from beam edges err = FindBeamCenter(imBuf, xcen, ycen, radius, xcenUse, ycenUse, radUse, fracUse, binning, numQuadrant, shiftX, shiftY, fitErr); if (err < 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog("No beam edges detectable in this image", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); else if (err > 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog("Error analyzing image for beam edges", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); else if (maxRadius > 0. && radius * binning > maxRadius) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Beam radius from fit is greater than allowed radius; beam " "was not moved", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); err = 6; } else if (maxError > 0. && fitErr > maxError * maxRadius) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Fit to beam edges has greater than allowed error; beam " "was not moved", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); err = 7; } else { MoveBeam(imBuf, shiftX, shiftY, maxMicronShift); mMoveBeamStamp = imBuf->mTimeStamp; } return err; } // Common routine to get the centroid of a buffer and, optionally, determine the second // order moments void CProcessImage::GetCentroidOfBuffer(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &xcen, float &ycen, float &shiftX, float &shiftY, bool doMoments, double &M11, double &M20, double &M02) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; float nSample = 10000.; float matt = 0.1f; int ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); image->Lock(); void *data = image->getData(); int type = image->getType(); double mean, border = 1.e20; // Compute the mean on the 4 edges, outer 1/16 of field; use the lowest ix0 = nx / 16; ix1 = nx - ix0; iy0 = ny / 16; iy1 = ny - iy0; border = ProcImageMean(data, type, nx, ny, 0, ix0 - 1, 0, ny - 1); mean = ProcImageMean(data, type, nx, ny, ix1, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1); border = B3DMIN(border, mean); mean = ProcImageMean(data, type, nx, ny, ix0, ix1 - 1, 0, iy0 - 1); border = B3DMIN(border, mean); mean = ProcImageMean(data, type, nx, ny, ix0, ix1 - 1, iy1, ny - 1); border = B3DMIN(border, mean); // This had no merit. It would work if the border could be defined to exclude // points outside the beam reliably, but without that it gives those points more // weight by downweighting the points inside the beam. /*KImageScale::PctStretch((char *)data, type, nx, ny, nSample, matt, 1.f, 1.f, &xcen, &cenPeak); thresh = border + threshFrac * (cenPeak - border); */ // Get centroid ProcCentroid(data, type, nx, ny, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, border, xcen, ycen); if (doMoments) { // For moments, we want to eliminate the periphery more reliably, so get a mean in // the center, set a threshold halfway up, and get new centroid FWIW ix0 = B3DMIN(ix0, iy0) / 2; mean = ProcImageMean(data, type, nx, ny, B3DNINT(xcen) - ix0, B3DNINT(xcen) + ix0, B3DNINT(ycen) - ix0, B3DNINT(ycen) + ix0); border = 0.5 * (border + mean); ProcCentroid(data, type, nx, ny, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, border, xcen, ycen); ProcMomentsAboveThreshold(data, type, nx, ny, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1, border, xcen, ycen, M11, M20, M02); } shiftX = (float)(nx / 2. - xcen); shiftY = (float)(ny / 2. - ycen); image->UnLock(); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateTasksCenterbeam(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { EnableMoveBeam(pCmdUI, true); } // Check if move beam or center beam will work void CProcessImage::EnableMoveBeam(CCmdUI * pCmdUI, bool skipUserPt) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); ScaleMat mat, mat2; mat.xpx = mat2.xpx = 0.; if (imBuf->mMagInd) { mat = mShiftManager->IStoCamera(imBuf->mMagInd); mat2 = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(imBuf->mMagInd); } pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mCamera->CameraBusy() && mat.xpx != 0. && mat2.xpx != 0 && imBuf->mImage != NULL && imBuf->mTimeStamp != mMoveBeamStamp && (skipUserPt || imBuf->mHasUserPt) && imBuf->mMagInd && imBuf->mBinning); } // Move the beam BY the given shift in X and Y, in pixels in the given buffer image, where // Y is inverted as typical for image pixels // Or if imBuf is NULL, move beam by given number of microns in camera coordinates, where // Y is NOT inverted int CProcessImage::MoveBeam(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float shiftX, float shiftY, double maxMicronShift) { double bsTot; float cenShiftX = 0., cenShiftY = 0., bsX, bsY; int magInd = imBuf != NULL ? imBuf->mMagInd : mScope->GetMagIndex(); float pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd); // Invert Y for buffer coordinates here if (imBuf) { shiftX *= imBuf->mBinning; shiftY *= -imBuf->mBinning; } else { shiftX /= pixel; shiftY /= pixel; } // Get the matrix for going from camera to Beam shift through image shift ScaleMat bInv = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magInd); ScaleMat IStoBS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(magInd); if (!bInv.xpx || !IStoBS.xpx) return 1; // First compute shift in microns for message, and to test against limit if (imBuf) { ScaleMat aInv = mShiftManager->CameraToSpecimen(magInd); if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetAutoCentering()) mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetCenteringBeamShift(cenShiftX, cenShiftY); ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, shiftX + cenShiftX / pixel, shiftY + cenShiftY / pixel, bsX, bsY); bsTot = sqrt(bsX * bsX + bsY * bsY); CString message; if (maxMicronShift > 0. && bsTot > maxMicronShift) { PrintfToLog("Beam shift of %.3f microns would exceed limit of %.2f; " "beam was not moved", bsTot, maxMicronShift); mBeamShiftFromImage = 0.; return 0; } else { message.Format("Beam was shifted %.3f microns", bsTot); mWinApp->AppendToLog(message, LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); mBeamShiftFromImage = (float)bsTot; } } ScaleMat camToBS = mShiftManager->MatMul(bInv, IStoBS); ApplyScaleMatrix(camToBS, shiftX, shiftY, bsX, bsY); mScope->IncBeamShift(bsX, bsY); return 0; } // Move the beam by a fraction of field of view on the current camera // Returns 1 if beam shift or image shift is not calibrated int CProcessImage::MoveBeamByCameraFraction(float shiftX, float shiftY, bool uncalOK) { double bsX, bsY, pixel; int magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); int cam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); CameraParameters *camp = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + cam; ScaleMat bInv = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magInd); ScaleMat IStoBS = mShiftManager->GetBeamShiftCal(magInd); float camSize = (float)sqrt((double)camp->sizeX * camp->sizeY); shiftX *= camSize; shiftY *= camSize; if (!bInv.xpx || !IStoBS.xpx) { if (!uncalOK) return 1; pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(cam, magInd); if (JEOLscope) pixel *= mScope->FastMagIndex() < mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd() ? mScope->GetJeol_LMCLA1_to_um() : mScope->GetJeol_CLA1_to_um(); mScope->IncBeamShift(pixel * shiftX, pixel * shiftY); return 0; } ScaleMat camToBS = mShiftManager->MatMul(bInv, IStoBS); if (!shiftX && !shiftY) return 0; bsX = camToBS.xpx * shiftX + camToBS.xpy * shiftY; bsY = camToBS.ypx * shiftX + camToBS.ypy * shiftY; mScope->IncBeamShift(bsX, bsY); return 0; } // Compute the beam center and amount to shift to center the beam from the given image // Fitted values for radius and center, and values actually used, are returned, all in // coordinates binned by the factor, while the shift is in image coordinates #define MAX_CPTS 370 int CProcessImage::FindBeamCenter(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, float & xcen, float & ycen, float &radius, float &xcenUse, float &ycenUse, float &radUse, float &fracUse, int &binning, int &numQuadrant, float &shiftX, float &shiftY, float &rmsErr) { int targetSize = 512; int smallSize, type, sizeX, sizeY, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, numPts, ipt1, ipt2, i; int nquad1, nquad2, nquad3, nquad4, failed3Pt, failed, iter; float centX, centY, meanVal, outCrit, edgeCrit, zcen, edgeCenX, edgeCenY; float arcLen, maxOutFrac, maxOut, delX, delY, fracX, fracY, minOut; float minArcToUseFit = 20.; float edgeFrac = 0.4f; float angleInc = 4.f; float minOutsideFrac = 0.025f; float Ktune = 4.685f; // From Matlab documentation for bisquare weighting double wgtSum, xcenLast, ycenLast, gradPower1 = 2., gradPower2 = 0.5; int border = 4; int boxLen = 8; int boxWidth = 3; int maxIter = 10; float dx, dy, dist, dist2, maxDist, median, MADN, uu; KImage *image; short *data; float xx[MAX_CPTS], yy[MAX_CPTS], angle[MAX_CPTS], grad[MAX_CPTS], weight[MAX_CPTS]; float resid[MAX_CPTS], temp[MAX_CPTS]; BOOL oneQuadrant; if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) return 1; image = imBuf->mImage; type = image->getType(); if (type != kSHORT && type != kUSHORT && type != kFLOAT) return 2; sizeX = image->getWidth(); sizeY = image->getHeight(); rmsErr = 0.; // Determine binning to get small dimension to target size smallSize = sizeX < sizeY ? sizeX : sizeY; for (binning = 1; binning < 64; binning++) if (smallSize / binning <= targetSize) break; // Bin data into new array if necessary image->Lock(); if (binning > 1) { NewArray(data, short int, (type == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1) *((size_t)sizeX * sizeY ) / (binning * binning)); if (!data) return 3; XCorrBinByN((void *)image->getData(), type, sizeX, sizeY, binning, data); sizeX /= binning; sizeY /= binning; smallSize /= binning; } else { data = (short *)image->getData(); } // Find centroid of image with zero base, and mean in a quarter centered on that ProcCentroid(data, type, sizeX, sizeY, 0, sizeX - 1, 0, sizeY - 1, 0., centX, centY); ix0 = (int)B3DMAX(centX - smallSize / 8, 0); ix1 = (int)B3DMIN(centX + smallSize / 8, sizeX - 1); iy0 = (int)B3DMAX(centY - smallSize / 8, 0); iy1 = (int)B3DMIN(centY + smallSize / 8, sizeY - 1); meanVal = (float)ProcImageMean(data, type, sizeX, sizeY, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1); outCrit = mFindBeamOutsideFrac * meanVal; edgeCrit = edgeFrac * meanVal; SEMTrace('p', "Centroid %.1f %.1f mean %.0f outside crit %.1f edge crit %.1f", centX, centY, meanVal, outCrit, edgeCrit); // Get points along edge then determine if one quadrant or more and get edge centroid numPts = ProcFindCircleEdges(data, type, sizeX, sizeY, centX, centY, border, angleInc, boxLen, boxWidth, outCrit, edgeCrit, xx, yy, angle, grad); image->UnLock(); if (binning > 1) delete [] data; if (!numPts) return -1; nquad1 = nquad2 = nquad3 = nquad4 = 0; edgeCenX = edgeCenY = 0.; wgtSum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { edgeCenX += xx[i] / numPts; edgeCenY += yy[i] / numPts; weight[i] = (float)pow((double)grad[i], gradPower1); wgtSum += weight[i]; if (angle[i] < -90.) nquad2++; else if (angle[i] < 0.) nquad1++; else if (angle[i] < 90.) nquad4++; else nquad3++; } for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) weight[i] *= (float)(numPts / wgtSum); numQuadrant = (nquad1 ? 1:0) + (nquad2 ? 1:0) + (nquad3 ? 1:0) + (nquad4 ? 1:0); oneQuadrant = numQuadrant == 1; SEMTrace('p', "# of points in quadrants 1 to 4: %d %d %d %d", nquad1, nquad2, nquad3, nquad4); // If one quadrant, use the center point instead if (oneQuadrant) { edgeCenX = xx[numPts / 2]; edgeCenY = yy[numPts / 2]; arcLen = angle[numPts - 1] - angle[0]; } // Get points along edge then find three points well separated if (numPts >= 3) { maxDist = 0.; for (i = 1; i < numPts; i++) { dx = xx[i] - xx[0]; dy = yy[i] - yy[0]; dist = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (dist > maxDist) { ipt1 = i; maxDist = dist; } } maxDist = 0; for (i = 1; i < numPts; i++) { dx = xx[i] - xx[0]; dy = yy[i] - yy[0]; dist = dx * dx + dy * dy; dx = xx[i] - xx[ipt1]; dy = yy[i] - yy[ipt1]; dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (B3DMIN(dist, dist2) > maxDist) { ipt2 = i; maxDist = B3DMIN(dist, dist2); } } // DO the 3-point fit then the fit to all points failed3Pt = circleThrough3Pts(xx[0], yy[0], xx[ipt1], yy[ipt1], xx[ipt2], yy[ipt2], &radius, &xcen, &ycen); // If that failed for points from more than one quadrant, give up if (failed3Pt && !oneQuadrant) return 5; SEMTrace('p', "Three point fit radius %.1f center %.1f %.1f", radius, xcen, ycen); if (numPts > 3 && !failed3Pt) { // Do full fit with initial weighting and then robust fitting with bisquare // weighting times a reduced gradient weighting for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) { xcenLast = xcen; ycenLast = ycen; fitSphereWgt(xx, yy, NULL, weight, numPts, &radius, &xcen, &ycen, &zcen,&rmsErr); SEMTrace('p', "Amoeba fit to %d points, radius %.1f center %.1f %.1f " "error %.2f", numPts, radius, xcen, ycen, rmsErr); if (fabs(xcen - xcenLast) < 0.1 && fabs(ycen - ycenLast) < 0.1) break; // Get absolute deviation residuals and their MADN for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { dx = xx[i] - xcen; dy = yy[i] - ycen; resid[i] = (float)fabs(sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) - radius); } rsMedian(resid, numPts, temp, &median); rsMADN(resid, numPts, median, temp, &MADN); wgtSum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { uu = resid[i] / (Ktune * MADN); if (uu < 1.) weight[i] = (float)((1 - uu * uu) * (1 - uu * uu) * pow((double)grad[i], gradPower2)); else weight[i] = 0.; wgtSum += weight[i]; } for (i = 0; i < numPts; i++) weight[i] *= (float)(numPts / wgtSum); } } } // For one quadrant and arc length below criterion compute a minimum radius based on // two adjacent corners of the image if (oneQuadrant && (failed3Pt || arcLen < minArcToUseFit)) { if (nquad1 || nquad3) failed = circleThrough3Pts(0., 0., (float)sizeX, (float)sizeY, edgeCenX, edgeCenY, &radUse, &xcenUse, &ycenUse); else failed = circleThrough3Pts((float)sizeX, 0., 0., (float)sizeY, edgeCenX, edgeCenY, &radUse, &xcenUse, &ycenUse); if (failed) return 5; SEMTrace('p', "Fit to edge center and corners gives minimal radius %.1f center %.1f" " %.1f (arc %.1f)", radUse, xcenUse, ycenUse, arcLen); maxOutFrac = 0.1f; if (numPts < 3 || failed3Pt) { xcen = xcenUse; ycen = ycenUse; radius = radUse; } minOut = minOutsideFrac * smallSize; } else { // Otherwise copy the fitted values, and ramp outside fraction up to 0.5 for // one quadrant and arc length up to 90 radUse = radius; xcenUse = xcen; ycenUse = ycen; maxOutFrac = 0.5; minOut = 0.; if (oneQuadrant) maxOutFrac = 0.1f + 0.4f * (arcLen - minArcToUseFit) / (90.f - minArcToUseFit); } // Compute the fraction of the move to allow by finding what fraction would bring // the center point out to the outside limits (either the max one or the min one) maxOut = maxOutFrac * smallSize; if (minOut > 0.) maxOut = minOut; delX = (float)(sizeX / 2. - xcenUse); delY = (float)(sizeY / 2. - ycenUse); fracX = fracY = 1.; if (delX > 0.5) fracX = (float)(sizeX + maxOut - edgeCenX) / delX; else if (delX < -0.5) fracX = -(maxOut + edgeCenX) / delX; if (delY > 0.5) fracY = (float)(sizeY + maxOut - edgeCenY) / delY; else if (delY < -0.5) fracY = -(maxOut + edgeCenY) / delY; fracUse = B3DMIN(fracX, fracY); // For point and corner estimate, make fraction > 1 to get a minimum distance out // For regular fit, make fraction < 1 to constrain to the maximum distance out if (minOut > 0.) fracUse = B3DMAX(fracUse, 1.f); else fracUse = B3DMIN(fracUse, 1.f); SEMTrace('p', "Use fraction %.1f of shifts %.1f %.1f", fracUse, delX, delY); // The shift to do must be scaled up by the binning shiftX = (float)(binning * fracUse * delX); shiftY = (float)(binning * fracUse * delY); return 0; } // Find the parameters of an elliptical area from the second moments int CProcessImage::FindEllipticalBeamParams(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &xcen, float &ycen, float &longAxis, float &shortAxis, float &axisAngle) { float shiftX, shiftY; double M11, M02, M20, lambda1, lambda2, discr; double pi4inv = 4. / 3.1415927; GetCentroidOfBuffer(imBuf, xcen, ycen, shiftX, shiftY, true, M11, M20, M02); if (!M11 || !M20 || !M02) { PrintfToLog("One of the computed moments for finding elliptic parameters is 0:" " %f %f %f", M11, M20, M02); return 1; } // This is directly from IMOD except we are doubling the axes and inverting angle discr = sqrt(4. * M11 * M11 + (M02 - M20) * (M02 - M20)); lambda1 = (M02 + M20 + discr) / 2.; lambda2 = (M02 + M20 - discr) / 2.; axisAngle = -(float)(atan2(M11, lambda1 - M20) / RADIANS_PER_DEGREE); if (axisAngle < 0.) axisAngle += 180.; longAxis = 2.f * (float)exp((log(pi4inv * pi4inv / lambda2) + 3. * log(lambda1)) / 8.); shortAxis = 2.f * (float)pow(pi4inv * lambda2 / longAxis, 0.3333333); xcen = -shiftX; ycen = -shiftY; return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEFECT CORRECTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MAX_REPLACED 40 void CProcessImage::RemoveXRays(CameraParameters *param, void *array, int type, int binning, int top, int left, int bottom, int right, float absCrit, float numSDCrit, int useBothCrit, BOOL verbose) { int nReplaced, nPatches, nSkipped, nTruncated; float sdev; int numHotColumns = 0; int numHotPixels = 0; int hotColumn[MAX_HOT_COLUMNS]; int hotPixelX[MAX_HOT_PIXELS], hotPixelY[MAX_HOT_PIXELS]; int replacedX[MAX_REPLACED], replacedY[MAX_REPLACED]; int i, col, row, maxSize, maxPixels, xOffset, yOffset; int sizeX = right - left; int sizeY = bottom - top; if (absCrit <= 0. && numSDCrit <= 0.) return; // Make table of hot columns in binned subset image mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->GetBinningOffsets(param, 1, binning, xOffset, yOffset); for (i = 0; i < param->numHotColumns; i++) { col = (param->hotColumn[i] - xOffset) / binning - left; if (col >= 0 && col < sizeX) hotColumn[numHotColumns++] = col; } // Make table of hot pixels in binned subset area for (i = 0; i < (int)param->hotPixelX.size(); i++) { if (param->hotPixImodCoord) { col = (param->hotPixelX[i] - 1 - xOffset) / binning - left; row = (param->sizeY - param->hotPixelY[i] - yOffset) / binning - top; } else { col = (param->hotPixelX[i] - xOffset) / binning - left; row = (param->hotPixelY[i] - yOffset) / binning - top; } if (col >= 0 && col < sizeX && row >= 0 && row < sizeY) { hotPixelX[numHotPixels] = col; hotPixelY[numHotPixels++] = row; } } // Compute max size of a patch maxSize = param->maxXRayDiameter / binning + 1; if (param->maxXRayDiameter % binning > 1) maxSize++; maxPixels = (int)(0.25 * 3.142 * maxSize * maxSize + 0.5); DWORD startTime = GetTickCount(); nPatches = ProcRemoveXRays(array, type, sizeX, sizeY, numHotColumns, hotColumn, numHotPixels, hotPixelX, hotPixelY, maxPixels, mInnerXRayDistance, mOuterXRayDistance, absCrit, numSDCrit, useBothCrit, mXRayCritIterations, mXRayCritIncrease, &sdev, &nReplaced, &nSkipped, &nTruncated, replacedX, replacedY, MAX_REPLACED); int elapsed = GetTickCount() - startTime; if (verbose) { CString report, fragment; report.Format("SD = %.2f Time = %d Replaced %d pixels in %d patches\r\n" "Truncated %d patches, and skipped %d pixels in oversized patches", sdev, elapsed, nReplaced, nPatches, nTruncated, nSkipped); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (nPatches > MAX_REPLACED) nPatches = MAX_REPLACED; report = ""; for (i = 0; i < nPatches; i++) { fragment.Format("%6d %6d ", replacedX[i], replacedY[i]); report += fragment; if (i % 5 == 4 || i == nPatches - 1) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); report = ""; } } } } void CProcessImage::OnProcessFixdarkxrays() { FixXRaysInBuffer(false); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessFiximagexrays() { FixXRaysInBuffer(true); } void CProcessImage::FixXRaysInBuffer(BOOL doImage) { CameraParameters *param = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->GetActiveNonStackImBuf(); short int *brray; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); NewArray2(brray, short int, nx, ny); float critFac = param->unsignedImages && mCamera->GetDivideBy2() ? 2.f : 1.f; if (!brray) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to get memory for corrected image", MB_EXCLAME); return; } int binning = imBuf->mBinning; int top = 0; int left = 0; int right = nx; int bottom = ny; image->Lock(); memcpy(brray, image->getData(), 2 * nx * ny); image->UnLock(); if (!binning) { binning = 1; KGetOneInt("Binning is unknown for this image; enter binning:", binning); if (binning <= 0) return; if (binning * nx < param->sizeX) { left = (param->sizeX - binning * nx) / 2; right = param->sizeX - left; } if (binning * ny < param->sizeY) { top = (param->sizeY - binning * ny) / 2; bottom = param->sizeY - top; } } RemoveXRays(param, brray, image->getType(), binning, top, left, bottom, right, (doImage ? param->imageXRayAbsCrit : param->darkXRayAbsCrit) / critFac, doImage ? param->imageXRayNumSDCrit : param->darkXRayNumSDCrit, doImage ? param->imageXRayBothCrit : param->darkXRayBothCrit, 1); NewProcessedImage(imBuf, brray, image->getType(), nx, ny, 1); } void CProcessImage::OnSetdarkcriteria() { CameraParameters *param = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); KGetOneFloat("Absolute deviation from mean for X-ray in dark reference (0 to not use)", param->darkXRayAbsCrit, 0); KGetOneFloat("Criterion number of standard deviations from mean (0 to not use)", param->darkXRayNumSDCrit, 1); KGetOneInt("0 to remove spot above either criterion, 1 to require both criteria", param->darkXRayBothCrit); } void CProcessImage::OnSetimagecriteria() { CameraParameters *param = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); KGetOneFloat("Absolute deviation from mean for X-ray in image (0 to not use)", param->imageXRayAbsCrit, 0); KGetOneFloat("Criterion number of standard deviations from mean (0 to not use)", param->imageXRayNumSDCrit, 1); KGetOneInt("0 to remove spot above either criterion, 1 to require both criteria", param->imageXRayBothCrit); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateSetcriteria(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } // Test for whether true spot mean meets criterion BOOL CProcessImage::ImageTooWeak(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float crit) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); double BWmean = UnbinnedSpotMeanPerSec(imBuf); /*double BWmean = imBuf->GetUnbinnedBWMeanPerSec(); if (BWmean < crit) { // 2/12/04: switch to using a foreshortened mean BWmean = ForeshortenedMean((int)(imBuf - mImBufs)); if (imBuf->mBinning && imBuf->mExposure) BWmean /= imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mExposure; } */ return BWmean < crit; } // Update a criterion; use true spot mean not Black/white mean void CProcessImage::UpdateBWCriterion(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &crit, float derate) { KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); double BWmean = derate * UnbinnedSpotMeanPerSec(imBuf); /*double BWmean = derate * imBuf->GetUnbinnedBWMeanPerSec(); // 2/12/04: make it base first criterion on a real mean; switch to foreshortened mean if (BWmean < 0.75 * crit || BWmean > 1.33 * crit) { // BWmean = derate * ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, 0, // nx - 1, 0, ny - 1); BWmean = derate * ForeshortenedMean((int)(imBuf - mImBufs)); if (imBuf->mBinning && imBuf->mExposure) BWmean /= imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mExposure; } */ crit = (float)BWmean; } float CProcessImage::UnbinnedSpotMeanPerSec(EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { float recordFrac = 0.33f;; float spotFrac = 0.5f;; float bufFrac = 0.5f; double mean; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (!image || !imBuf->mBinning || imBuf->mExposure < 1.e-4 || imBuf->IsProcessed() || imBuf->mConSetUsed < 0 || imBuf->mConSetUsed >= MAX_CONSETS) return 0.; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); int spotLeft, spotRight, spotTop, spotBottom, spotCenX, spotCenY; int bufLeft, bufRight, bufTop, bufBottom, nxBuf, nyBuf, bufArea; int nxSpot, nySpot, delxy, selectArea, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1; ControlSet *recordSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + 3; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + imBuf->mConSetUsed; if (conSet->exposure < 1.e-4) return 0.; // Compute the spot area from the fraction of the record area nxSpot = (int)(recordFrac * (recordSet->right - recordSet->left)); delxy = (recordSet->right - recordSet->left -nxSpot) / 2; spotLeft = recordSet->left + delxy; spotRight = recordSet->right - delxy; nySpot = (int)(recordFrac * (recordSet->bottom - recordSet->top)); delxy = (recordSet->bottom - recordSet->top - nySpot) / 2; spotTop = recordSet->top + delxy; spotBottom = recordSet->bottom - delxy; spotCenX = (recordSet->right + recordSet->left) / 2; spotCenY = (recordSet->bottom + recordSet->top) / 2; // Get the intersection of this buffer's area with the spot area bufLeft = conSet->left > spotLeft ? conSet->left : spotLeft; bufRight = conSet->right < spotRight ? conSet->right : spotRight; bufTop = conSet->top > spotTop ? conSet->top : spotTop; bufBottom = conSet->bottom < spotBottom ? conSet->bottom : spotBottom; nyBuf = conSet->bottom - conSet->top; nxBuf = conSet->right - conSet->left; bufArea = nxBuf * nyBuf; selectArea = (bufBottom - bufTop) * (bufRight - bufLeft); // If there is no intersection, or if its area is both less than a fraction // of the spot area and less than a fraction of the buffer area, compute // most centered fractional portion of buffer area if (bufBottom <= bufTop || bufRight <= bufLeft || (selectArea < spotFrac * (spotBottom - spotTop) * (spotRight - spotLeft) && selectArea < bufFrac * bufArea)) { nxSpot = (int)sqrt(bufFrac * bufArea); nySpot = nxSpot; if (nxSpot > nxBuf) { nxSpot = nxBuf; nySpot = (int)(bufFrac * bufArea) / nxBuf; } if (nySpot > nyBuf) { nySpot = nyBuf; nxSpot = (int)(bufFrac * bufArea) / nyBuf; } // Get centered coordinates then shift to fit into buffer coordinates bufLeft = spotCenX - nxSpot / 2; bufRight = spotCenX + nxSpot / 2; delxy = 0; if (bufLeft < conSet->left) delxy = conSet->left - bufLeft; if (bufRight > conSet->right) delxy = conSet->right - bufRight; bufLeft += delxy; bufRight += delxy; bufTop = spotCenY - nySpot / 2; bufBottom = spotCenY + nySpot / 2; delxy = 0; if (bufTop < conSet->top) delxy = conSet->top - bufTop; if (bufBottom > conSet->bottom) delxy = conSet->bottom - bufBottom; bufTop += delxy; bufBottom += delxy; } // Compute coordinates to average ix0 = (bufLeft - conSet->left ) / imBuf->mBinning; ix1 = (bufRight - conSet->left ) / imBuf->mBinning - 1; iy0 = (bufTop - conSet->top ) / imBuf->mBinning; iy1 = (bufBottom - conSet->top ) / imBuf->mBinning - 1; if (ix0 < 0) ix0 = 0; if (ix1 >= nx) ix1 = nx - 1; if (iy0 < 0) iy0 = 0; if (iy1 >= ny) iy1 = ny - 1; image->Lock(); mean = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1) / (imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mExposure * mWinApp->GetGainFactor(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mBinning)); image->UnLock(); return (float)mean; } // Simply get the mean of the whole image in the given buffer double CProcessImage::WholeImageMean(EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { double retval; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (!image) return 0.; int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); image->Lock(); retval = ProcImageMean(image->getData(), image->getType(), nx, ny, 0, nx - 1, 0, ny - 1); image->UnLock(); return retval; } // Compute percentile statistics from image patches int CProcessImage::PatchPercentileStats(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float lowPct, float highPct, float midCrit, float rangeCrit, int patchSize, float &lowMean, float &highMean, float &midAbove, float &rangeAbove, CString &errStr) { float lowSum = 0., highSum = 0., lowVal, highVal, totPatch; int numXpatch, numYpatch, delXpatch, delYpatch, ix, iy, xpat, ypat, xStart, yStart; int pixSize, chan; float *patch; int type, nx, ny, numMid = 0, numRange = 0, numPix; KImage *image; if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) { errStr = "Image buffer or image is NULL"; return 2; } image = imBuf->mImage; type = image->getMode(); if (type == MRC_MODE_RGB) { errStr = "RGB images are not supported"; return 3; } dataSizeForMode(type, &pixSize, &chan); image->getSize(nx, ny); numXpatch = (nx + patchSize - 1) / patchSize; numYpatch = (ny + patchSize - 1) / patchSize; delXpatch = (nx - patchSize) / (numXpatch - 1); delYpatch = (ny - patchSize) / (numYpatch - 1); xStart = (nx - (patchSize + (numXpatch - 1) * delXpatch)) / 2; yStart = (ny - (patchSize + (numYpatch - 1) * delYpatch)) / 2; numPix = patchSize * patchSize; if (numXpatch < 2 || numYpatch < 2) { errStr = "The image must be bigger than the patch in each dimension"; return 4; } NewArray(patch, float, patchSize * patchSize); if (!patch) { errStr = "Error allocating array for patches"; return 1; } image->Lock(); for (ypat = 0; ypat < numYpatch; ypat++) { iy = yStart + ypat * delYpatch; for (xpat = 0; xpat < numXpatch; xpat++) { ix = xStart + xpat * delXpatch; sliceTaperInPad(image->getData(), type, image->getRowBytes() / pixSize, ix, ix + patchSize - 1, iy, iy + patchSize - 1, patch, patchSize, patchSize, patchSize, 0, 0); lowVal = percentileFloat(B3DNINT(lowPct * numPix / 100.), patch, numPix); highVal = percentileFloat(B3DNINT(highPct * numPix / 100.), patch, numPix); lowSum += lowVal; highSum += highVal; if ((lowVal + highVal) / 2 > midCrit) numMid++; if (highVal - lowVal > rangeCrit) numRange++; } } image->UnLock(); totPatch = (float)(numXpatch * numYpatch); lowMean = lowSum / totPatch; highMean = highSum / totPatch; midAbove = (float)numMid / totPatch; rangeAbove = (float)numRange / totPatch; delete[] patch; return 0; } void CProcessImage::OnProcessShowcrosscorr() { mShiftManager->AutoAlign(0, 0, false, AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessShowcrosscorr(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mImBufs->mImage && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !(mBufferManager->GetAlignToB() && mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire() < 2)); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessAutocorrelation() { float sigma1save = mShiftManager->GetSigma1(); float sigma2save = mShiftManager->GetSigma2(); float radius2save = mShiftManager->GetRadius2(); mShiftManager->SetSigma1(0.); mShiftManager->SetSigma2(0.); mShiftManager->SetRadius2(0.); mShiftManager->AutoAlign(-1, 0, false, AUTOALIGN_SHOW_CORR | AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS); // Fix the scaling, 32000 is not really good if (mImBufs->mImageScale) { mImBufs->mImageScale->SetMinMax(mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMinScale(), mCorrMaxScale); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } mShiftManager->SetSigma1(sigma1save); mShiftManager->SetSigma2(sigma2save); mShiftManager->SetRadius2(radius2save); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessAutocorrelation(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(mImBufs->mImage && !mWinApp->DoingTasks()); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessMakecoloroverlay(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // PIXEL SIZE FINDING ROUTINES ///////////////////////////////////////// void CProcessImage::OnProcessFindpixelsize() { float vectors[4], dist = 0.; if (mImBufs->mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER && mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); FindPixelSize(0., 0., 0., 0., 0, 0, dist, vectors); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessFindpixelsize(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { int cap = mImBufs->mCaptured; pCmdUI->Enable(mImBufs->mImage && mImBufs->mImage->getMode() == kGray && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && cap != BUFFER_PROCESSED && cap != BUFFER_FFT && cap != BUFFER_LIVE_FFT && (cap != BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER || mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW)); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessPixelsizefrommarker() { float minScale = 0, maxScale = 0; float vectors[4], dist = 0.; KImage *image = mImBufs->mImage; float markedX = mImBufs->mUserPtX - (float)image->getWidth() / 2.f - 0.5f; float markedY = mImBufs->mUserPtY - (float)image->getHeight() / 2.f - 0.5f; if (mImBufs->mImageScale) { minScale = mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMinScale(); maxScale = mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMaxScale(); } mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); FindPixelSize(markedX, markedY, minScale, maxScale, 0, 0, dist, vectors); } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessPixelsizefrommarker(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { int cap = mImBufs[1].mCaptured; pCmdUI->Enable(mImBufs->mImage && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && (mImBufs->mCaptured == BUFFER_PROCESSED || mImBufs->mCaptured == BUFFER_AUTOCOR_OVERVIEW) && mImBufs->mHasUserPt && mImBufs[1].mImage && mImBufs[1].mImage->getMode() == kGray && cap != BUFFER_PROCESSED && cap != BUFFER_FFT && cap != BUFFER_LIVE_FFT); } void CProcessImage::OnProcessSetBinnedSize() { KGetOneInt("Target size to bin images to for finding pixel size, ", "or 0 for automatic target size based on expected # of blocks:", mPixelTargetSize); B3DCLAMP(mPixelTargetSize, 0, 2048); } void CProcessImage::OnPixelsizeCatalaseCrystal() { mCatalaseForPixel = !mCatalaseForPixel; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdatePixelsizeCatalaseCrystal(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck(mCatalaseForPixel ? 1 : 0); } void CProcessImage::OnMeshForGridBars() { KGetOneInt("Enter a mesh size to measure pixel size from the spacing of grid bars", " or enter 0 not to (the standard replica grating is 400):", mGridMeshSize); } #define MAX_GRID_PEAKS 10000 #define MAX_SCAN 64 #define MAX_AUTO_TARGET 7 #define MAX_MESS_BUF 200 // Find a pixel size either de novo or from point marked in autocorrelation // Pass in spacing non-zero to override catalase, grid mesh, and grid lines/mm int CProcessImage::FindPixelSize(float markedX, float markedY, float minScale, float maxScale, int bufInd, int findFlags, float &spacing, float *vectors) { void *data; float *array; short int *temp; float CTF[8193], Xpeaks[MAX_GRID_PEAKS], Ypeaks[MAX_GRID_PEAKS], peak[MAX_GRID_PEAKS]; int numPeaks = MAX_GRID_PEAKS; float sigma1 = 0.02f; float passRatio = 0.3f; float cenFrac = 0.2f; float testFrac = 0.02f; float trimFrac = 0.01f; float taperFrac = 0.05f; int targetMinBlocks[MAX_AUTO_TARGET] = {170, 125, 12, 8, 5, 3, 0}; int autoTargetSizes[MAX_AUTO_TARGET] = {2048, 1536, 1024, 768, 512, 384, 256}; double gridNM = B3DCHOICE(spacing != 0, 1000. / spacing, 1000000. / mGridLinesPerMM); float delta, corMin, corMax, tryX; int trimX, trimY, nxPad, nyPad, ix1, iy1, nxTaper, nyTaper, ind1, ind2, numDiv; double dist, pixel; float angle, dist1, dist2; double pixel1, pixel2; CString report, str; int num[3]; KImage *image = mImBufs[bufInd].mImage; if (!image) { SEMMessageBox("There is no image in buffer passed to FindPixelSize routine"); return 1; } int nx = image->getWidth(); int ny = image->getHeight(); int camera = mImBufs->mCamera; int size, testSize, delTrim, minTrim; bool readIn = mImBufs->GetSaveCopyFlag() >= 0 && mImBufs->mCaptured == 0; int imType = image->getType(); int needBin = 1; int targetSize = mPixelTargetSize; float catalFac = (!spacing && mCatalaseForPixel) ? 2.f * mLongCatalaseNM / mShortCatalaseNM : 1.f; CameraParameters *param = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); int binningShown = mImBufs->mBinning / mImBufs->mDivideBinToShow; image->Lock(); data = image->getData(); bool doCatalase = (!spacing && mCatalaseForPixel) && mGridMeshSize <= 0; float effectiveBin = mImBufs[bufInd].mEffectiveBin; int bufBin = mImBufs[bufInd].mBinning; bool isMontOverview = mImBufs[bufInd].IsMontageOverview() && effectiveBin > 0.; int magInd = mImBufs->mMagInd; char messBuf[MAX_MESS_BUF]; bool printTarget = !(findFlags & FIND_PIX_NO_TARGET); if (!spacing && mGridMeshSize > 0) gridNM = 2.54e7 / mGridMeshSize; // Handle automatic target selection if (!targetSize) { pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mImBufs); if (mGridMeshSize > 0) { targetSize = 512; if (printTarget) PrintfToLog("Setting target binned size to 512;\r\n there is no automatic " "target size selection when using grid bars"); } else if (doCatalase) { targetSize = 1024; if (printTarget) PrintfToLog("Setting target binned size to 1024;\r\n there is no automatic " "target size selection when using catalase"); } else if (pixel <= 0.) { targetSize = 512; if (printTarget) PrintfToLog("Setting target binned size to 512;\r\n the read-in image lacks " "information needed for automatic target size selection"); } else { numDiv = (int)(pixel * B3DMIN(nx, ny) / (0.001 * gridNM)); for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < MAX_AUTO_TARGET; ind1++) if (numDiv >= targetMinBlocks[ind1]) break; targetSize = autoTargetSizes[ind1]; if (printTarget) PrintfToLog("Setting target binned size to %d because image is expected to have " "%d repeats", targetSize, numDiv); } } // First bin down to target size if needed while (B3DMAX(nx, ny) > targetSize * needBin) needBin++; if (needBin > 1) { NewArray2(temp, short int, (nx / needBin), (ny / needBin) * (imType == kFLOAT ? 2 : 1)); if (!temp) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for binned image", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } XCorrBinByN(data, imType, nx, ny, needBin, temp); nx /= needBin; ny /= needBin; if (imType == kUBYTE || imType == kRGB) imType = kSHORT; data = temp; } // Find trimming in case it is inside grid bars size = B3DMIN(nx, ny); testSize = (int)(testFrac * size); delTrim = testSize / 2; minTrim = (int)(trimFrac * size); trimX = trimY = minTrim; if (!(findFlags & FIND_PIX_NO_TRIM)) ProcTrimCircle(data, imType, nx, ny, cenFrac, testSize, delTrim, minTrim, minTrim, passRatio, true, trimX, trimY, ix1, iy1); ix1 = nx - trimX - 1; iy1 = ny - trimY - 1; // Get padded size and array nxPad = XCorrNiceFrame(2 * (ix1 + 1 - trimX), 2, niceFFTlimit()); nyPad = XCorrNiceFrame(2 * (iy1 + 1 - trimY), 2, niceFFTlimit()); NewArray2(array, float, (nxPad + 2), nyPad); if (!array) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get memory for autocorrelation array", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Get tapering and pad the data nxTaper = (int)(taperFrac * (ix1 + 1 - trimX)); nyTaper = (int)(taperFrac * (iy1 + 1 - trimY)); XCorrTaperInPad(data, imType, nx, trimX, ix1, trimY, iy1, array, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); image->UnLock(); if (needBin > 1) delete [] temp; // Set up the filter and get the cross-correlation and find peaks XCorrSetCTF(sigma1, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CTF, nxPad, nyPad, &delta); XCorrCrossCorr(array, array, nxPad, nyPad, delta, CTF); ind2 = findAutoCorrPeaks(array, nxPad, nyPad, &Xpeaks[0], &Ypeaks[0], &peak[0], numPeaks, doCatalase ? 16 : 64, catalFac, findFlags & (FIND_ACPK_NO_WAFFLE | FIND_ACPK_BOTH_GEOMS | FIND_ACPK_HEX_GRID), markedX, markedY, &dist1, &dist2, &angle, vectors, num, &ind1, &messBuf[0], MAX_MESS_BUF); // Now take care of display regardless, display point if (!(findFlags & FIND_PIX_NO_DISPLAY) && !CorrelationToBufferA(array, nxPad, nyPad, 1, corMin, corMax)) { if (ind2 >= 0) { delta = 32000.f * (peak[1] - corMin) / (corMax - corMin); delta = delta + B3DMIN(0.1f * (32000.f - delta), 0.2f * delta); if (mImBufs->mImageScale) { if (!minScale && !maxScale) { minScale = mImBufs->mImageScale->GetMinScale(); maxScale = delta; } mImBufs->mImageScale->SetMinMax(minScale, maxScale); } mImBufs->mUserPtX = nxPad / 2 + Xpeaks[ind1] + 0.5f; mImBufs->mUserPtY = nyPad / 2 + Ypeaks[ind1] + 0.5f; mImBufs->mHasUserPt = true; mImBufs->mHasUserLine = false; mImBufs->mDrawUserBox = false; // For some reason, the display gives boxes the same size if I don't adjust binning if (isMontOverview) { mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_AUTOCOR_OVERVIEW; mImBufs->mEffectiveBin =(float)(effectiveBin * needBin); } mImBufs->mBinning = bufBin * needBin; } mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } delete [] array; if (ind2) { SEMMessageBox(messBuf); return 1; } dist1 *= needBin; dist2 *= needBin; for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < 4; ind1++) vectors[ind1] *= needBin; if (findFlags & FIND_ACPK_HEX_GRID) spacing = dist1; else spacing = (dist1 + dist2) / 2.f; if (findFlags & FIND_ACPK_NO_WAFFLE) return 0; if (doCatalase) { pixel1 = mShortCatalaseNM / dist1; pixel2 = 2. * mLongCatalaseNM / dist2; pixel = (pixel1 + pixel2) / 2.; report.Format("Pixel = %.4g from %d short intervals or %.4g from %d long intervals; " "(binned) pixel = %.4g nm, grid angle = %.2f deg", pixel1, num[0], pixel2, num[1], pixel, angle); } else { dist = (dist1 + dist2) / 2.; pixel = (gridNM / dist); report.Format("From %d intervals of %.2f and %d intervals of %.2f, (binned) pixel =" " %.4g nm, grid angle = %.2f deg", num[0], dist1, num[1], dist2, pixel, angle); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (magInd && camera >= 0 && binningShown && magTab[magInd].pixelSize[camera]) { dist = 0.001 * pixel / (mImBufs[1].mBinning * magTab[magInd].pixelSize[camera]); PrintfToLog(" this is %.3f times previous %s pixel size", dist, magTab[magInd].pixDerived[camera] ? "derived" : "measured"); } if (binningShown) { pixel /= binningShown; ind1 = (magInd && camera >= 0) ? MagForCamera(camera, magInd) : 0; report.Format("Camera %d, %dx, %snbinned pixel = %.4g nm", camera, ind1, readIn ? "APPARENT u" : "U", pixel); if (doCatalase) { str.Format(" (%.4g nm short axis only)", pixel1 / binningShown); report += str; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (magInd && !readIn && camera >= 0) { report.Format("%d %.4g %d", magInd, pixel, ind1); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } if (magInd && camera >= 0) { ind1 = LookupFoundPixelSize(camera, magInd); if (ind1 < 0) { mPixSizMagInd.push_back(magInd); mPixSizCamera.push_back(camera); mPixelSizes.push_back((float)pixel); mGridRotations.push_back((float)angle); // Try to adjust this added rotation if previous mag was measured ind2 = LookupFoundPixelSize(camera, magInd - 1); ind1 = 0; if (FEIscope && ind2 >= 0 && magInd > 0 && magTab[magInd - 1].mag > 0) { dist1 = angle - mGridRotations[ind2]; if (fabs(dist1) < 45.) { tryX = B3DCHOICE(param[camera].GIF, magTab[magInd].EFTEMtecnaiRotation - magTab[magInd - 1].EFTEMtecnaiRotation, magTab[magInd].tecnaiRotation - magTab[magInd - 1].tecnaiRotation); ind1 = 90 * B3DNINT(UtilGoodAngle(tryX - dist1) / 90.); if (ind1) PrintfToLog("Set added rotation to %d for this mag based on rotations" " in the magnification table", ind1); } } mAddedRotation.push_back(ind1); // And try to adjust the NEXT added rotation if that was measured ind2 = LookupFoundPixelSize(camera, magInd + 1); if (FEIscope && ind2 >= 0 && magTab[magInd + 1].mag > 0 && !mAddedRotation[ind2]){ dist1 = mGridRotations[ind2] - angle; if (fabs(dist1) < 45.) { tryX = B3DCHOICE(param[camera].GIF, magTab[magInd + 1].EFTEMtecnaiRotation - magTab[magInd].EFTEMtecnaiRotation, magTab[magInd + 1].tecnaiRotation - magTab[magInd].tecnaiRotation); ind1 = 90 * B3DNINT(UtilGoodAngle(tryX - dist1) / 90.); if (ind1) { PrintfToLog("Set added rotation to %d for next higher mag based on " "rotations in the magnification table", ind1); mAddedRotation[ind2] = ind1; } } } } else { mPixelSizes[ind1] = (float)pixel; mGridRotations[ind1] = (float)angle; } mPixelTimeStamp = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); mWinApp->mDocWnd->SetShortTermNotSaved(); } } mLastPixelSize = (float)pixel; mLastFPSAngle = (float)angle; return 0; } // Output the relative rotations between mags with pixel size measurements void CProcessImage::OnListRelativeRotations() { CString mess = ""; CString camMess; float diff, alternate; int mag, cam, lastInd, vecInd, xmag; for (cam = 0; cam < MAX_CAMERAS; cam++) { camMess.Format("\r\nFor camera # %d:\r\n", cam); lastInd = -1; for (mag = 1; mag < MAX_MAGS; mag++) { vecInd = LookupFoundPixelSize(cam, mag); if (vecInd >= 0) { xmag = MagForCamera(cam, mag); if (lastInd >= 0) { diff = mGridRotations[vecInd] - mGridRotations[lastInd]; if (diff < 45 && diff > -45) { mess.Format("RotationAndPixel %2d %7.2f 999 %7.4g # %d, p=%.0f", mag, UtilGoodAngle(diff + mAddedRotation[vecInd]), mPixelSizes[vecInd], xmag, xmag * mPixelSizes[vecInd]); } else { if (diff > 45) alternate = diff + mAddedRotation[vecInd] - 90.f; else alternate = diff + mAddedRotation[vecInd] + 90.f; mess.Format("# Verify ambiguous relative rotation between mags " "# %d and # %d and edit line below\r\n" "RotationAndPixel %2d %.2f (or %.2f?) 999 %.4g # %d, p=%.0f", (mag - 1), mag, mag, UtilGoodAngle(diff + mAddedRotation[vecInd]), UtilGoodAngle(alternate), mPixelSizes[vecInd], xmag, xmag * mPixelSizes[vecInd]); } } else { mess.Format("RotationAndPixel %2d 999 999 %7.4g # %d, p=%.0f", mag, mPixelSizes[vecInd], xmag, xmag * mPixelSizes[vecInd]); } if (!camMess.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(camMess); camMess = ""; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } lastInd = vecInd; } } if (mess.IsEmpty()) AfxMessageBox("No relative rotations are available", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); else mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\n\"p\" (mag * pixel size) is expected to be similar " "at all magnifications, re-check pixel size calibrations of outliers"); } // Add to the rotation for one pixel size (is this worth it?) void CProcessImage::OnPixelsizeAddToRotation() { int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd = 0, angle = 0; if (mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize() > 1 && !KGetOneInt("Camera number for which to add the rotation:", camera)) return; if (!KGetOneInt("Magnification index at which the rotation occurs:", magInd)) return; int vecInd = LookupFoundPixelSize(camera, magInd); if (vecInd < 0) { AfxMessageBox("The pixel size has not been measured for this camera and mag" " since the program was started", MB_EXCLAME); return; } if (!KGetOneInt("Enter approximate angle by which an image at this mag is rotated " "relative to the next lower mag", "I.e, enter a multiple of +/-90 to add to relative rotation:", angle)) return; mAddedRotation[vecInd] = (B3DNINT(angle / 90.) * 90); } // Return a pixel size from current calibrations if any, or 0 float CProcessImage::GetFoundPixelSize(int camera, int magInd) { int vecInd = LookupFoundPixelSize(camera, magInd); if (vecInd < 0) return 0.; return mPixelSizes[vecInd]; } // Find the index of a measurement at the given mag int CProcessImage::LookupFoundPixelSize(int camera, int magInd) { for (int vecInd = 0; vecInd < (int)mPixSizCamera.size(); vecInd++) if (mPixSizCamera[vecInd] == camera && mPixSizMagInd[vecInd] == magInd) return vecInd; return -1; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // COLOR OVERLAY ROUTINES ///////////////////////////////////////// // Combines 1-3 images into a single color image using their scaled pixmaps // returns false for an error bool CProcessImage::OverlayImages(EMimageBuffer *redBuf, EMimageBuffer *grnBuf, EMimageBuffer *bluBuf) { CString str; int i, ix, iy, xsize = -1, ysize = -1; char *color[3] = {"red", "green", "blue"}; EMimageBuffer *imbufs[3], *firstBuf; unsigned char *array, *inptr, *outptr; KImage *rect; BOOL gotScale = false; ScaleMat aMat; int newProc = -1; float delX, delY; imbufs[0] = redBuf; imbufs[1] = grnBuf; imbufs[2] = bluBuf; if (redBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() && grnBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() && bluBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap()) newProc = BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP; // Check the images for existence, gray scale, and matching sizes for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!imbufs[i]) continue; if (!imbufs[i]->mImage) { str.Format("Cannot overlay these images.\r\n" "There is no image in the buffer for the %s channel", color[i]); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); return false; } if (imbufs[i]->mImage->getMode() != kGray) { str.Format("Cannot overlay these images.\r\n" "The one for the %s channel is already a color image", color[i]); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); return false; } imbufs[i]->UpdatePixMap(); if (xsize < 0) { xsize = imbufs[i]->mImage->getWidth(); ysize = imbufs[i]->mImage->getHeight(); firstBuf = imbufs[i]; } else if (xsize != imbufs[i]->mImage->getWidth() || ysize != imbufs[i]->mImage->getHeight()) { AfxMessageBox("Cannot overlay these images; they are not all the same size", MB_EXCLAME); return false; } } if (xsize < 0) { AfxMessageBox("There is no image in any of the buffers to overlay", MB_EXCLAME); return false; } NewArray2(array, unsigned char, 3 * xsize, ysize); if (!array) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to get memory for overlaying the images", MB_EXCLAME); return false; } for (ix = 0; ix < 3 * xsize * ysize; ix++) array[ix] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!imbufs[i]) continue; if (!gotScale) gotScale = mWinApp->mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(imbufs[i], aMat, delX, delY); rect = imbufs[i]->mPixMap->getImRectPtr(); rect->Lock(); for (iy = 0; iy < ysize; iy++) { inptr = (unsigned char *)rect->getRowData(iy); outptr = &array[3 * iy * xsize] + i; for (ix = 0; ix < xsize; ix++) { *outptr = inptr[ix]; outptr += 3; } } rect->UnLock(); } NewProcessedImage(firstBuf, (short *)array, SLICE_MODE_RGB, xsize, ysize, 1, newProc); if (gotScale) { mImBufs->mStage2ImMat = aMat; mImBufs->mStage2ImDelX = delX; mImBufs->mStage2ImDelY = delY; } return true; } void CProcessImage::OnProcessMakecoloroverlay() { EMimageBuffer *imbuf[3]; int i, bufind; if (!KGetOneString("Examples for two color overlays: ABA = magenta && green; " "AAB = yellow && blue; AB0 = red && green", "Enter a buffer letter or 0 for each color channel (red, green, blue):", mOverlayChannels)) return; i = mOverlayChannels.GetLength(); if (i != 3) { AfxMessageBox("You did not enter 3 letters or 0", MB_EXCLAME); if (i > 3) mOverlayChannels.Truncate(3); else if (i == 2) mOverlayChannels += '0'; else mOverlayChannels = "ABA"; return; } mOverlayChannels = mOverlayChannels.MakeUpper(); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { bufind = (int)mOverlayChannels.GetAt(i) - (int)'A'; if (bufind == (int)'0' - (int)'A') imbuf[i] = NULL; else if (bufind < 0 || bufind >= MAX_BUFFERS) { AfxMessageBox("You did not enter 3 letters in range of buffer numbers, or 0", MB_EXCLAME); mOverlayChannels = "ABA"; return; } else { imbuf[i] = &mImBufs[bufind]; } } OverlayImages(imbuf[0], imbuf[1], imbuf[2]); } // This didn't work with my test images void CProcessImage::OnProcessCropAverage() { int boxXsize, boxYsize, top, left, nx, ny, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper, numAvg, mode; int groupID, ind, loop, pad, csize, dsize, xpeakLimit, ypeakLimit; size_t boxDim, corrDim, i; CNavigatorDlg *nav = mWinApp->mNavigator; float taperFrac = 0.1f; float padFrac = 0.1f; float findLimitFrac = 0.1f; float peak, xpeak, ypeak, dxSum, dySum, ctfDelta, ptX, ptY, edge; float unitMat[2][2] = {1., 0., 0., 1.}; CString label, lastlab; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; int zero = 0, one = 1, error = 0; float sigma1 = 0.03f, sigma2 = 0.05f, radius1 = 0., radius2 = 0.3f; float ctf[8193]; void *data; float *refArray, *boxArray, *sumArray, *tmpArray; short *finalArray; unsigned short *usFinal; std::vector boxSlices, xformSlices; std::vector xShifts, yShifts; IntVec itemIndex; Islice bufSlice; Islice *boxSlice; CMapDrawItem *item; MapItemArray *itemArray = mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(imBuf, true); if (!itemArray) { AfxMessageBox("An error occurred getting the Navigator item array", MB_EXCLAME); return; } mode = image->getType(); if (sliceModeIfReal(mode) < 0) { AfxMessageBox("You cannot average a color image", MB_EXCLAME); return; } mrc_getdcsize(mode, &dsize, &csize); image->getSize(nx, ny); boxXsize = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX)) + 1 - (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtX, imBuf->mLineEndX)); boxYsize = (int)ceil((double)B3DMAX(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY)) + 1 - (int)floor((double)B3DMIN(imBuf->mUserPtY, imBuf->mLineEndY)); boxXsize = 2 * ((boxXsize + 1) / 2); if (boxXsize < 10 || boxYsize < 10 || boxXsize > nx || boxYsize > ny) { AfxMessageBox("The box size or the image is too small", MB_EXCLAME); return; } xpeakLimit = B3DNINT(findLimitFrac * boxXsize); ypeakLimit = B3DNINT(findLimitFrac * boxYsize); groupID = nav->OKtoAverageCrops(); numAvg = nav->CountItemsInGroup(groupID, label, lastlab, top, &itemIndex); // Get the image and set the slice mean image->Lock(); data = image->getData(); sliceInit(&bufSlice, nx, ny, mode, data); ProcSampleMeanSD(data, mode, nx, ny, &bufSlice.mean, &peak); // Extract all the boxes for (ind = 0; ind < numAvg; ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(itemIndex[ind]); mWinApp->mMainView->GetItemImageCoords(imBuf, item, ptX, ptY); left = B3DNINT(ptX - boxXsize / 2.); top = B3DNINT(ptY - boxYsize / 2.); boxSlice = sliceCreate(boxXsize, boxYsize, MRC_MODE_FLOAT); if (boxSlice) { xformSlices.push_back(boxSlice); boxSlice = sliceBox(&bufSlice, left, top, left + boxXsize, top + boxYsize); } if (!boxSlice || sliceFloat(boxSlice)) { for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)ind; i++) sliceFree(boxSlices[i]); for (i = 0; i < (int)xformSlices.size(); i++) sliceFree(xformSlices[i]); AfxMessageBox("Failed to get memory for boxing out items", MB_EXCLAME); image->UnLock(); return; } boxSlices.push_back(boxSlice); } image->UnLock(); // Set up tapering/padding and get arrays pad = B3DMAX(4, (int)(padFrac * boxXsize)); nxPad = XCorrNiceFrame(boxYsize + 2 * pad, 2, niceFFTlimit()); pad = B3DMAX(4, (int)(padFrac * boxYsize)); nyPad = XCorrNiceFrame(boxYsize + 2 * pad, 2, niceFFTlimit()); nxTaper = B3DMAX(4, (int)(taperFrac * boxXsize)); nyTaper = B3DMAX(4, (int)(taperFrac * boxYsize)); boxDim = (size_t)boxXsize * boxYsize; corrDim = ((size_t)nxPad + 2) * nyPad; NewArray(sumArray, float, boxDim); NewArray(tmpArray, float, boxDim); NewArray(finalArray, short, boxDim); NewArray(refArray, float, corrDim); NewArray(boxArray, float, corrDim); if (!refArray || !boxArray || !sumArray || !tmpArray || !finalArray) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to get arrays for averaging", MB_EXCLAME); error = 1; } XCorrSetCTF(sigma1, sigma2, radius1, radius2, ctf, nxPad, nyPad, &ctfDelta); // Loop twice, first aligning to the first one, then aligning to a sum for (loop = 0; loop < 3 && !error; loop++) { dxSum = dySum = 0.; xShifts.clear(); yShifts.clear(); for (ind = 0; ind < numAvg; ind++) { XCorrTaperInPad(boxSlices[ind]->data.f, MRC_MODE_FLOAT, boxXsize, 0, boxXsize - 1, 0, boxYsize - 1, boxArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); // First loop, copy padded box to reference array for first item if (!ind && !loop) memcpy(refArray, boxArray, 4 * corrDim); // Otherwise get reference as sum minus this transformed box if (loop) { for (i = 0; i < boxDim; i++) tmpArray[i] = sumArray[i] - xformSlices[ind]->data.f[i]; XCorrTaperInPad(tmpArray, MRC_MODE_FLOAT, boxXsize, 0, boxXsize - 1, 0, boxYsize - 1, refArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad, nxTaper, nyTaper); } // Prepare the reference once or each time if (loop || !ind) { XCorrMeanZero(refArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad); twoDfft(refArray, &nxPad, &nyPad, &zero); XCorrFilterPart(refArray, refArray, nxPad, nyPad, ctf, ctfDelta); } // Except first time, transform box, get product, back-transform, find peak xpeak = ypeak = 0.; if (loop) { // || ind) { XCorrMeanZero(boxArray, nxPad + 2, nxPad, nyPad); twoDfft(boxArray, &nxPad, &nyPad, &zero); conjugateProduct(boxArray, refArray, nxPad, nyPad); twoDfft(boxArray, &nxPad, &nyPad, &zero); setPeakFindLimits(-xpeakLimit, xpeakLimit, -ypeakLimit, ypeakLimit, 1); XCorrPeakFind(boxArray, nxPad + 2, nyPad, &xpeak, &ypeak, &peak, 1); } xShifts.push_back(-xpeak); yShifts.push_back(-ypeak); dxSum -= xpeak; dySum -= ypeak; SEMTrace('1', "Loop %d pt %d shift %.2f %.2f", loop, ind, -xpeak, -ypeak); } if (error) break; // Get the average; adjust shifts by their mean memset(sumArray, 0, 4 * boxDim); for (ind = 0; ind < numAvg; ind++) { xShifts[ind] -= dxSum / numAvg; yShifts[ind] -= dySum / numAvg; // Transform the box into xform slice and add into sum edge = (float)sliceEdgeMean(boxSlices[ind]->data.f, boxXsize, 0, boxXsize - 1, 0, boxYsize - 1); cubinterp(boxSlices[ind]->data.f, xformSlices[ind]->data.f, boxXsize, boxYsize, boxXsize, boxYsize, unitMat, boxXsize / 2.f, boxYsize / 2.f, xShifts[ind], yShifts[ind], 1., edge, 1); for (i = 0; i < boxDim; i++) sumArray[i] += xformSlices[ind]->data.f[i] / numAvg; } } if (!error) { if (mode == MRC_MODE_USHORT) { usFinal = (unsigned short *)finalArray; for (i = 0; i < boxDim; i++) usFinal[i] = (unsigned short)sumArray[i]; } else { mode = MRC_MODE_SHORT; for (i = 0; i < boxDim; i++) finalArray[i] = (short)sumArray[i]; } NewProcessedImage(imBuf, finalArray, mode, boxXsize, boxYsize, 1, BUFFER_PROCESSED); finalArray = NULL; } // Cleanup at end or after error delete [] sumArray; delete [] tmpArray; delete [] boxArray; delete [] refArray; delete [] finalArray; for (ind = 0; ind < numAvg; ind++) { sliceFree(boxSlices[ind]); sliceFree(xformSlices[ind]); } } // Looks for bad stripes in an image at the specified correlation, returns the number of // transitions found; for K2/K3, finds out how many are close to expected locations int CProcessImage::CheckForBadStripe(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, int horizontal, int &numNear) { int nx, ny, numSums, iy, ix, isum, isumSq, type, idiff, retval = 0; int csizeX, csizeY, tLeft, tTop, tBot, tRight, tsizeX, tsizeY, k2Ind = -1; int imLeft, imTop, imRight, imBot, retInc; int indent = 8, numRoll = 32, nearCrit = 4; int firstExpected[2] = {511, 576}; int deltaExpected[2] = {512, 576}; int *intSums, *intSumSq; float *colDiffs, *temp; float crit = 18.; // SD's about mean using trimmed mean/SD float mean, SD, sem, median = 0., MADN = 1.; double allSum = 0.; bool lastHigh = false, atFirstOrLastExpected = false; unsigned short *usdata, *usdata2; short *data, *data2; CameraParameters *camParam; ControlSet *cset, *conSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); std::set nearExpected; numNear = 0; if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) return 0; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; type = image->getType(); if (type != kSHORT && type != kUSHORT) return 0; // For a K2/K3 camera, get the control set if (imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && imBuf->mConSetUsed >= 0 && imBuf->mBinning > 0) { camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + imBuf->mCamera; if (camParam->K2Type) { k2Ind = camParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE ? 1 : 0; cset = &conSets[imBuf->mConSetUsed + imBuf->mCamera * MAX_CONSETS]; } } // Get arrays for sums and Z scores image->getSize(nx, ny); numSums = (horizontal ? ny : nx) - 2; intSums = new int[numSums]; intSumSq = new int[numSums]; colDiffs = new float[numSums]; temp = new float[numSums]; for (ix = 0; ix < numSums; ix++) { intSums[ix] = 0; intSumSq[ix] = 0; } // Add up the difference across two pixels in the columns or rows image->Lock(); for (iy = 0; iy < ny - (horizontal ? 2 : 0); iy++) { data = (short *)image->getRowData(iy); usdata = (unsigned short *)data; if (horizontal) { isum = isumSq = 0; if (iy == ny - 1) continue; data2 = (short *)image->getRowData(iy + 2); usdata2 = (unsigned short *)data2; if (type == kSHORT) { for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { idiff = (int)*data++ - (int)*data2++; isumSq += idiff * idiff; isum += idiff; } } else { for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { idiff = (int)*usdata++ - (int)*usdata2++; isumSq += idiff * idiff; isum += idiff; } } intSums[iy] = isum; intSumSq[iy] = isumSq; } else { if (type == kSHORT) { for (ix = 0; ix < nx - 2; ix++) { idiff = (int)data[ix] - (int)data[ix + 2]; intSumSq[ix] += idiff * idiff; intSums[ix] += idiff; } } else { for (ix = 0; ix < nx - 2; ix++) { idiff = (int)usdata[ix] - (int)usdata[ix + 2]; intSumSq[ix] += idiff * idiff; intSums[ix] += idiff; } } } } image->UnLock(); // Get a mean and SD of the differences and get a Z score for (ix = 0; ix < numSums; ix++) { sumsToAvgSD((float)intSums[ix], (float)intSumSq[ix], (horizontal ? nx : ny), &mean, &SD); colDiffs[ix] = (float)fabs(mean / B3DMAX(1.e-6, SD)); } /*avgSD(colDiffs, numSums, &mean, &SD, &sem); rsMedian(colDiffs, numSums, temp, &median); rsMADN(colDiffs, numSums, median, temp, &MADN); PrintfToLog("mean diff Z %.3f sd %.3f med %.3f MADN %.3f", mean, SD, median,MADN);*/ // Sort them and exclude the expected number of higher points from 4 transitions // Without this the SD is horribly skewed upwards by a few transitions // The MADN is actually close to the trimmed SD but usuing the SD may be more // representative of the high end of the range below actual transitions memcpy(temp, colDiffs, 4 * numSums); rsSortFloats(temp, numSums); avgSD(temp, numSums - 12, &mean, &SD, &sem); //PrintfToLog("Trimmed mean diff Z %.3f sd %.3f", mean, SD); // Search for Z scores above the criterion number SD's from the mean for (ix = indent; ix < numSums - indent; ix++) { if ((colDiffs[ix] - mean) > crit * SD) { /*PrintfToLog("ix = %d, zdiff %.2f Z of that %.2f", ix, colDiffs[ix], (colDiffs[ix] - mean) / SD);*/ retInc = 1; // Only record the first one in a contiguous series if (!lastHigh) { if (k2Ind >= 0) { // Get the location of this line on the chip as tLeft // First get the left and right coordinates of the position on the chip imLeft = tLeft = cset->left / imBuf->mBinning; imTop = tTop = cset->top / imBuf->mBinning; imRight = tRight = cset->right / imBuf->mBinning; imBot = tBot = cset->bottom / imBuf->mBinning; csizeX = camParam->sizeX; csizeY = camParam->sizeY; tsizeX = tRight - tLeft; tsizeY = tBot - tTop; if (camParam->rotationFlip) CorDefUserToRotFlipCCD(camParam->rotationFlip, imBuf->mBinning, csizeX, csizeY, tsizeX, tsizeY, imTop, imLeft, imBot, imRight); // Need to set both sides to the actual coordinate of the line since either one // may end up as the left coordinate after the rotation/flip if (horizontal) { tTop += ix + 1; tBot = tTop; } else { tLeft += ix + 1; tRight = tLeft; } csizeX = camParam->sizeX; csizeY = camParam->sizeY; tsizeX = tRight - tLeft; tsizeY = tBot - tTop; if (camParam->rotationFlip) CorDefUserToRotFlipCCD(camParam->rotationFlip, imBuf->mBinning, csizeX, csizeY, tsizeX, tsizeY, tTop, tLeft, tBot, tRight); // Test positions for proximity for (iy = 0; iy < 20; iy++) { idiff = (firstExpected[k2Ind] + iy * deltaExpected[k2Ind]) / imBuf->mBinning; if (fabs((double)tLeft - idiff) < nearCrit) { // Only count transitions near the same boundary once both here and in // number of transitions return value if (nearExpected.count(iy)) { retInc = 0; } else { numNear++; nearExpected.insert(iy); if (idiff - deltaExpected[k2Ind] / imBuf->mBinning < imLeft || idiff + deltaExpected[k2Ind] / imBuf->mBinning> imRight) atFirstOrLastExpected = true; } } if (idiff - tLeft > tsizeX) break; } } retval += retInc; } lastHigh = true; } else lastHigh = false; } // Convert a single transition to -1 if it is at start/end if (numNear == 1 && atFirstOrLastExpected) numNear = -1; // Clean up and return delete[] temp; delete[] intSums; delete[] intSumSq; delete[] colDiffs; return retval; } void CProcessImage::OnUpdateProcessCropAverage(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); pCmdUI->Enable(!mWinApp->DoingTasks() && imBuf && imBuf->mImage && imBuf->mHasUserLine && mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->OKtoAverageCrops()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FFT zero routines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns the defocus of the user point, if the buffer is an FFT and parameters are // provided for drawing rings at zeros. Returns ring radii as fractions of Nyquist if // radii is not NULL. bool CProcessImage::GetFFTZeroRadiiAndDefocus(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, FloatVec *radii, double &defocus, float phase) { double pointRad, xcen, ycen, dx, dy; int nx, ny; if (!(imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT) || mSphericalAber <= 0. || !mNumFFTZeros || !imBuf->mHasUserPt || !imBuf->mImage) return false; float pixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (mTestCtfPixelSize) pixel = mTestCtfPixelSize; if (!pixel) return false; imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); xcen = nx / 2.; ycen = ny / 2.; if (fabs(imBuf->mUserPtX - xcen) <= 10. && fabs(imBuf->mUserPtY - ycen) <= 10.) return false; dx = (imBuf->mUserPtX - xcen) / xcen; dy = (imBuf->mUserPtY - ycen) / ycen; pointRad = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (pointRad > 1.2) return false; return DefocusFromPointAndZeros(pointRad, 1, pixel, 0., radii, defocus, phase); } // If there are already rings at zeros and en existing user point, takes the values for // a new mouse click and finds if it near an existing drawn ring; computes the new defocus // based on the click being at that zero, and adjusts the point to be at first zero for // that defocus void CProcessImage::ModifyFFTPointToFirstZero(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &shiftX, float &shiftY) { FloatVec radii, adjRadii; int nx, ny, ind, num; float lastRad, nextRad; double pointRad, critBelow, critAbove, defocus, xcen, ycen, dx, dy; if (mNumFFTZeros < 2 || !GetFFTZeroRadiiAndDefocus(imBuf, &radii, defocus)) return; float pixel = 1000.f * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf); if (mTestCtfPixelSize) pixel = mTestCtfPixelSize; num = (int)radii.size(); if (num < 2) return; imBuf->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); xcen = nx / 2.; ycen = ny / 2.; dx = (shiftX - xcen) / xcen; dy = (shiftY - ycen) / ycen; pointRad = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); lastRad = radii[num - 1]; nextRad = radii[num - 2]; for (ind = 1; ind < num; ind++) { critBelow = B3DMAX(2.5 / xcen, 0.4 * (radii[ind] - radii[ind - 1])); critAbove = B3DMAX(2.5 / xcen, 0.33 * (radii[ind] - radii[ind - 1])); if (ind < num - 1) critAbove = B3DMAX(2.5 / xcen, 0.4 * (radii[ind + 1] - radii[ind])); if ((pointRad >= radii[ind] - critBelow && pointRad <= radii[ind] + critAbove) || (ind == num - 1 && pointRad > B3DCHOICE(ind > 1, 0.5 * (lastRad + nextRad), lastRad) && pointRad < 2 * lastRad - nextRad) || ind == num - 2 && ind && pointRad > nextRad && pointRad < 0.5 * (lastRad + nextRad)) { if (!DefocusFromPointAndZeros(pointRad, ind + 1, pixel, 0., &adjRadii, defocus)) return; dx *= adjRadii[0] / pointRad; dy *= adjRadii[0] / pointRad; shiftX = (float)(xcen + xcen * dx); shiftY = (float)(ycen + ycen * dy); } } } // Computes the defocus implied by a given radius (as fraction of Nyquist) for the given // zero number; returns ring radii if radii is non-NULL. Defocus is positive in microns // If zeroNum is zero, it returns rings for a defocus value given in the argument; either // the number given in mNumFFTZeros or up to maxRingFreq in reciprocal pixels // Returns false if the radius is in a range where the equations have broken down // pixel is in nm, radii are in fraction of Nyquist bool CProcessImage::DefocusFromPointAndZeros(double pointRad, int zeroNum, float pixel, float maxRingFreq, FloatVec *radii, double & defocus, float phase) { double wavelength, csOne, csTwo, ampAngle, theta, thetaNew, delz, rootTemp; int ind, numZeros = mNumFFTZeros; double PI = 3.1415926535; GetRecentVoltage(); if (radii) radii->clear(); if (phase < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) phase = mPlatePhase; // This is adopted as closely as possible from defocusfinder in ctfplotter wavelength = 1.23984 / sqrt(mVoltage * (mVoltage + 1022.0)); csOne = sqrt(mSphericalAber * wavelength); csTwo = sqrt(sqrt(1000000.0 * mSphericalAber / wavelength)); ampAngle = 2. * atan(mAmpRatio / sqrt(1. - mAmpRatio * mAmpRatio)) / PI; if (zeroNum > 0) { theta = (pointRad * wavelength * csTwo) * 0.5 / pixel; // Empirically, the defocus given by this equation is wrong when theta > 1 if (theta > 1.) return false; defocus = csOne * (pow(theta, 4.) + 2. * zeroNum - ampAngle - 2. * phase / PI) / (2. * theta * theta); } if (!radii) return true; delz = defocus / csOne; if (zeroNum <= 0 && maxRingFreq > 0) numZeros = 50; for (ind = 0; ind < numZeros; ind++) { rootTemp = delz * delz + ampAngle + 2. * phase / PI - 2. * (ind + 1); if (rootTemp < 0. || sqrt(rootTemp) > delz) return true; thetaNew = sqrt(delz - sqrt(rootTemp)); // And if the first zero for the computed defocus does not regenerate if (zeroNum == 1 && !ind && fabs(thetaNew - theta) > 1.e-5 * theta) return false; if (zeroNum <= 0 && maxRingFreq > 0 && thetaNew * pixel / (wavelength * csTwo) > maxRingFreq) break; radii->push_back((float)(thetaNew * pixel * 2.0 / (wavelength * csTwo))); } return true; } // Returns microscope voltage, reading it only sparingly from scope double CProcessImage::GetRecentVoltage(bool *valueWasRead) { if (valueWasRead) *valueWasRead = false; if (mKVTime < 0 || SEMTickInterval(mKVTime) > 1000 * KV_CHECK_SECONDS) { mKVTime = GetTickCount(); mVoltage = mScope->GetHTValue(); if (valueWasRead) *valueWasRead = true; } return mVoltage; } double SEMRecentVoltage() { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (winApp->mProcessImage && winApp->mScope) return winApp->mProcessImage->GetRecentVoltage(); return 0.; } // Return the pixel size on the camera in diffraction mode for the given camera at the // current voltage and camera length void CProcessImage::GetDiffractionPixelSize(int camera, float &pixel, float &camLen) { float wavelength; int *camLens = mWinApp->GetCamLenTable(); float *camLenCal = mWinApp->GetCamLenCalibrated(); int index = mScope->GetLastCamLenIndex(); CameraParameters *camParam; // Camera length from scope is in meters and from the table is in mm camLen = (float)(1000. * mScope->GetLastCameraLength()); if (camera < 0 || camera >= MAX_CAMERAS) return; if (index >= 0 && index <= MAX_CAMLENS) { if (camLens[index] > 0.) camLen = (float)camLens[index]; if (camLenCal[index] > 0) camLen = camLenCal[index]; } camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + camera; GetRecentVoltage(); if (camParam->pixelMicrons <= 0. || mVoltage <= 0. || camLen <= 0.) return; // The voltage is in KV, the wavelength is in nm, the pixel size is microns, the // camera length is in mm // The factor is 10e-3 to get pixel size from um to mm, at which point we would have // 1/nm, and 0.1 to get from 1/nm to 1/A wavelength = (float)(1.241 / sqrt(mVoltage * (mVoltage + 1022.0))); pixel = 1.e-4f * camParam->pixelMicrons / (wavelength * camLen); } /* * CTFFIND SUPPORT FUNCTIONS */ // Print and image dump functions for debugging void ctffindPrintFunc(const char *strMessage) { CString str = strMessage; str.TrimRight('\n'); str.TrimLeft('\n'); str.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); PrintfToLog("Ctffind : %s", (LPCTSTR)str); } int ctffindDumpFunc(const char *filename, float *data, int xsize, int ysize) { Islice slice; sliceInit(&slice, xsize, ysize, MRC_MODE_FLOAT, data); return sliceWriteMRCfile((char *)filename, &slice); } // Initialize parameters as well as possible given an image, but not a defocus // The notable defaults here are: // box size 256 // slow search on // no phase shift // no extra stats // phase search step 0.1, defocus step 500 // If there is an image, minimum resolution to 0.05/pixel but limited to 50 A // maximum resoltuion 0.3/pixel, or 0.35/pixel for direct detector int CProcessImage::InitializeCtffindParams(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CtffindParams ¶ms) { CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); GetRecentVoltage(); params.acceleration_voltage = (float)mVoltage; params.spherical_aberration = mSphericalAber; params.amplitude_contrast = mAmpRatio; params.box_size = 256; params.defocus_search_step = 500.; params.astigmatism_tolerance = -100.; params.slower_search = true; params.astigmatism_is_known = false; params.find_additional_phase_shift = false; params.minimum_additional_phase_shift = 0.; params.maximum_additional_phase_shift = 0.; params.additional_phase_shift_search_step = 0.1f; params.compute_extra_stats = false; params.noisy_input_image = true; if (imBuf) { params.pixel_size_of_input_image = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(imBuf) * 10000.f; if (mTestCtfPixelSize) params.pixel_size_of_input_image = mTestCtfPixelSize * 10.f; if (!params.pixel_size_of_input_image) return 1; params.minimum_resolution = params.pixel_size_of_input_image / 0.05f; B3DCLAMP(params.minimum_resolution, 13.f, 50.f); params.maximum_resolution = params.pixel_size_of_input_image / 0.3f; if (imBuf->mCamera >= 0 && mCamera->IsDirectDetector (&camParams[imBuf->mCamera])) params.maximum_resolution = params.pixel_size_of_input_image / 0.35f; ACCUM_MAX(params.maximum_resolution, GetMaxCtfFitRes()); } return 0; } // Set or adjust some more parameters with a known target defocus in positive microns void CProcessImage::SetCtffindParamsForDefocus(CtffindParams ¶m, double defocus, bool justMinRes) { FloatVec radii; if (!justMinRes) { param.minimum_defocus = (float)(10000. * B3DMAX(0.3, defocus / mCtfFitFocusRangeFac)); param.maximum_defocus = (float)(10000. * B3DMIN(defocus * mCtfFitFocusRangeFac, defocus + 5.)); } DefocusFromPointAndZeros(0., 0, param.pixel_size_of_input_image / 10.f, 0., &radii, defocus); // Make sure minimum resolution is below first zero, and if it gets lower than the // default, potentially lower the maximum resolution to limit fitting range if (radii.size() > 0) ACCUM_MAX(param.minimum_resolution, param.pixel_size_of_input_image / (0.4f * radii[0])); if (param.minimum_resolution > 50.) ACCUM_MAX(param.maximum_resolution, param.minimum_resolution / 5.f); ACCUM_MAX(param.maximum_resolution, GetMaxCtfFitRes()); if (param.find_additional_phase_shift && mMinCtfFitResIfPhase > 0. && mMinCtfFitResIfPhase < param.minimum_resolution) param.minimum_resolution = B3DMAX(mMinCtfFitResIfPhase, 1.5f * param.maximum_resolution); } // Run int CProcessImage::RunCtffind(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CtffindParams ¶ms, float results_array[7], bool skipOutput) { float *spectrum; //float *rotationalAvg, *normalizedAvg, *fitCurve; float lastBinFreq, resampleRes; float pixelSave = params.pixel_size_of_input_image; float minFracOfNyquistForMaxRes = 0.6f; CString mess, str; double wallStart = wallTime(); int numPoints, padSize, err, useBox, start, end, val; KImage *image = imBuf->mImage; if (!image) return 1; // Determine whether to resample the power spectrum from a larger box resampleRes = minFracOfNyquistForMaxRes * params.maximum_resolution; useBox = params.box_size; if (resampleRes > params.pixel_size_of_input_image * 2.) useBox = 2 * (B3DNINT(1. + 0.5 * params.box_size * resampleRes / params.pixel_size_of_input_image) / 2); // Get the scaled spectrum; just flip image first and restore at end to make it match // IMOD and ctffind expectations NewArray2(spectrum, float, useBox, (useBox + 2)); if (!spectrum) return 1; image->Lock(); padSize = B3DMAX(image->getWidth(), image->getHeight()); padSize = XCorrNiceFrame(padSize, 2, niceFFTlimit()); image->flipY(); err = spectrumScaled(image->getData(), image->getType(), image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), spectrum, -padSize, useBox, 0, 0., -1, twoDfft); if (err) PrintfToLog("Error %d calling spectrumScaled", err); image->flipY(); image->UnLock(); if (!err && useBox > params.box_size) { start = (useBox - params.box_size) / 2; end = start + params.box_size - 1; err = extractAndBinIntoArray(spectrum, MRC_MODE_FLOAT, useBox + 2, start, end, start, end, 1, spectrum, params.box_size + 2, 0, 0, 0, &val, &val); if (err) PrintfToLog("Error %d extracting reduced spectrum from larger box to smaller", err); params.pixel_size_of_input_image *= (float)useBox / (float)params.box_size; } // Save parameters in case of crash mBufIndForCtffind = (int)(imBuf - mImBufs); if (mBufIndForCtffind >= MAX_BUFFERS) mBufIndForCtffind = -1; mCurCtffindParams = ¶ms; // Run the fit and report results if (!err && ctffind(params, spectrum, params.box_size + 2, results_array, NULL, NULL, NULL, numPoints, lastBinFreq)) { mBufIndForCtffind = -1; mess.Format("Ctffind: defocus: %.3f um, astig: %.3f um, angle: %.1f, ", -(results_array[0] + results_array[1]) / 20000., (results_array[0] - results_array[1]) / 10000., results_array[2]); if (params.find_additional_phase_shift) { str.Format("%s %.1f deg, ", params.minimum_additional_phase_shift < params.maximum_additional_phase_shift ? "phase shift" : "fixed phase", results_array[3] / DTOR); mess += str; } str.Format("score %.4f", results_array[4]); mess += str; if (params.compute_extra_stats) { str.Format(", fit to %.1f A", results_array[5]); mess += str; /*if (results_array[6]) PrintfToLog("Antialiasing detected at %.1f", results_array[6]);*/ } if (!skipOutput) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); //PrintfToLog("Elapsed time %.3f sec", wallTime() - wallStart); } else { err = 1; } mBufIndForCtffind = -1; delete [] spectrum; params.pixel_size_of_input_image = pixelSave; return err; } // Try to save image and output parameters for ctffind crash void CProcessImage::SaveCtffindCrashImage(CString &message) { CString name; CTime ctDateTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); if (mBufIndForCtffind < 0) return; message += "\r\nThis occurred calling ctffind\r\n"; name.Format("%s\\ctffindCrash%02d%02d%02d.mrc", mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetSystemPath(), ctDateTime.GetHour(), ctDateTime.GetMinute(), ctDateTime.GetSecond()); if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->SaveToOtherFile(mBufIndForCtffind, STORE_TYPE_MRC, 0, &name)) { message += "Failed to save image that crashed ctffind to file\r\n"; return; } message += "Image that crashed ctffind saved to file:\r\n" + name; name.Format("\r\n\r\nCtffind parameters:\r\n" "pixel_size_of_input_image: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->pixel_size_of_input_image); message += name; name.Format("acceleration_voltage: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->acceleration_voltage); message += name; name.Format("spherical_aberration: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->spherical_aberration); message += name; name.Format("amplitude_contrast: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->amplitude_contrast); message += name; name.Format("box_size: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->box_size); message += name; name.Format("minimum_resolution: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->minimum_resolution); message += name; name.Format("maximum_resolution: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->maximum_resolution); message += name; name.Format("minimum_defocus: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->minimum_defocus); message += name; name.Format("maximum_defocus: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->maximum_defocus); message += name; name.Format("defocus_search_step: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->defocus_search_step); message += name; name.Format("slower_search: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->slower_search?1:0); message += name; name.Format("astigmatism_tolerance: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->astigmatism_tolerance); message += name; name.Format("find_additional_phase_shift: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->find_additional_phase_shift?1:0); message += name; name.Format("minimum_additional_phase_shift: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->minimum_additional_phase_shift); message += name; name.Format("maximum_additional_phase_shift: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->maximum_additional_phase_shift); message += name; name.Format("additional_phase_shift_search_step: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->additional_phase_shift_search_step); message += name; name.Format("astigmatism_is_known: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->astigmatism_is_known?1:0); message += name; name.Format("known_astigmatism: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->known_astigmatism); message += name; name.Format("known_astigmatism_angle: %f\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->known_astigmatism_angle); message += name; name.Format("compute_extra_stats: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->compute_extra_stats?1:0); message += name; name.Format("noisy_input_image: %d\r\n", mCurCtffindParams->noisy_input_image?1:0); message += name; message += "\r\nPlease send the image, mdoc file, and this log to David\r\n"; } // Open a shared memory file for ctfplotter int CProcessImage::MakeCtfplotterShrMemFile(int bufInd, CString &filename, float &reduction) { float imPixel = 1000.f * mWinApp->mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(&mImBufs[bufInd]); if (!imPixel) { filename = "No pixel size is available for running Ctfplotter on this image"; return 1; } reduction = B3DMAX(1.f, mMinCtfplotterPixel / imPixel); mShrMemIIFile = mWinApp->mExternalTools->SaveBufferToSharedMemory(bufInd, "ctftmp.mrc", filename, reduction); if (!mShrMemIIFile) return 1; return 0; } // Clean up the file if necessary void CProcessImage::DeletePlotterShrMemFile() { if (mShrMemIIFile) iiDelete(mShrMemIIFile); mShrMemIIFile = NULL; } // Runs the already-developed command, // and waits until done, or timeout or user stop, terminating it in those case // Error string is returned in command, following practice with related functions here int CProcessImage::RunCtfplotterOnBuffer(CString &filename, CString &command, int timeOut) { int retVal = 0; DWORD waitResult, exitStatus; double startTime = GetTickCount(); if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->RunCreateProcess(command, filename, true, CString(""))) { DeletePlotterShrMemFile(); return 2; } mRunningCtfplotter = 1; while (SEMTickInterval(startTime) < timeOut && mRunningCtfplotter > 0) { waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, 20); if (waitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { mRunningCtfplotter = 0; break; } // Maybe implement user stop and updating windows later if needed... //SleepMsg(2); } if (!mRunningCtfplotter) { GetExitCodeProcess(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, &exitStatus); if (exitStatus) { command.Format("ctfplotter exited with status %d", exitStatus); if (exitStatus == 1) command += "\r\nSee " + CString(_getcwd(NULL, _MAX_PATH)) + "\\ctfplotter.log for error messages"; } } else if (mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess) { TerminateProcess(mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, 1); command = mRunningCtfplotter > 0 ? "Ctfplotter timed out and was killed" : "Ctfplotter was terminated by user"; retVal = 3; } mWinApp->mExternalTools->CloseFileHandles( mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hProcess, mWinApp->mExternalTools->mExtProcInfo.hThread); DeletePlotterShrMemFile(); mRunningCtfplotter = 0; return retVal; } // DOSE RATE AND LINEARIZATION ROUTINES // Return a dose rate in electrons per unbinned pixel per second given the mean value // in the given buffer; returns 2 if it cannot be computed; returns a linearized dose // rate for a K2 camera int CProcessImage::DoseRateFromMean(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float mean, float &doseRate) { float countsPerElectron; if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) return 1; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + imBuf->mCamera; countsPerElectron = CountsPerElectronForImBuf(imBuf); if (!countsPerElectron) return 2; doseRate = (float)(mean / (countsPerElectron * imBuf->mExposure * imBuf->mBinning * imBuf->mBinning / ((CamHasDoubledBinnings(camParam) || (camParam->DE_camType && (camParam->CamFlags & DE_APOLLO_CAMERA))) ? 4. : 1.))); if ((camParam->K2Type || IS_FALCON3_OR_4(camParam)) && imBuf->mK2ReadMode > 0) doseRate = LinearizedDoseRate(imBuf->mCamera, doseRate); if (imBuf->mDoseRatePerUBPix > 0.) doseRate = imBuf->mDoseRatePerUBPix; doseRate *= imBuf->mExposure / mCamera->SpecimenBeamExposure(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mExposure, 0., true); return 0; } // Returns the actual counts per electron for the image in a buffer, accounting for the // gain factor and other factors as needed float CProcessImage::CountsPerElectronForImBuf(EMimageBuffer * imBuf) { float countsPerElectron, gainFac = 1.; if (!imBuf || !imBuf->mImage) return 0.; EMimageExtra *extra = (EMimageExtra *)imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); if (!extra || imBuf->mCamera < 0 || imBuf->mBinning < 1 || extra->mExposure <= 0) return 0.; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + imBuf->mCamera; countsPerElectron = camParam->countsPerElectron; if (camParam->K2Type != K3_TYPE && imBuf->mK2ReadMode > 0) countsPerElectron = mCamera->GetCountScaling(camParam); if (countsPerElectron <= 0.) return 0.; // Use the total divisions by 2 if available and large, but then skip the gain factors // if they were imposed by autogain, since they are in the total divisions. // Otherwise, stick with the product of divided counts and gain factor if (extra->mDividedBy2 > 1) countsPerElectron /= powf(2.f, (float)extra->mDividedBy2); else if (imBuf->mDividedBy2) countsPerElectron /= 2.f; if (extra->mDividedBy2 <= 1 && !camParam->autoGainAtBinning) gainFac = mWinApp->GetGainFactor(imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mBinning); return gainFac * countsPerElectron; } // Computes a linearized dose rate for a K2 or Falcon camera. Will test camera type, // but caller needs to test if image was taken in counting mode float CProcessImage::LinearizedDoseRate(int camera, float rawRate) { CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + camera; const float K2counts200KV[] = {1.010f, 2.093f, 3.112f, 4.520f, 6.355f, 8.095f, 9.902f, 13.288f, 17.325f, 19.424f, 22.683f, 26.42f, 28.63f, 29.53f, 30.16f}; const float K2rates200KV[] = {0.909f, 1.950f, 2.984f, 4.491f, 6.583f, 8.705f, 11.071f, 16.107f, 23.707f, 28.698f, 38.486f, 53.90f, 65.78f, 71.37f, 75.54f}; const float K2counts300KV[] = {0.731f, 1.703f, 2.724f, 3.517f, 5.279f, 7.336f, 9.950f, 13.014f, 16.514f, 21.21f, 25.32f, 28.20f, 29.25f}; const float K2rates300KV[] = {0.789f, 1.890f, 3.107f, 4.092f, 6.388f, 9.252f, 13.213f, 18.480f, 25.744f, 39.14f, 56.29f, 72.61f, 79.76f}; const float K3counts200KV[] = {2.998f, 3.589f, 4.887f, 6.687f, 9.386f, 11.849f, 14.381f, 17.529f, 20.673f, 23.612f, 26.410f, 29.450f, 31.929f, 34.500f, 36.979f, 39.313f, 41.685f, 43.987f, 46.835f, 49.421f, 51.901f, 54.197f, 56.508f, 59.514f, 62.553f, 64.054f, 68.587f, 70.656f, 72.707f, 74.697f, 76.611f, 78.490f}; const float K3rates200KV[] = {2.956f, 3.617f, 5.078f, 7.132f, 10.281f, 13.230f, 16.341f, 20.329f, 24.452f, 28.442f, 32.373f, 36.797f, 40.533f, 44.539f, 48.536f, 52.427f, 56.519f, 60.633f, 65.931f, 70.959f, 75.993f, 80.853f, 85.959f, 92.952f, 100.477f, 104.378f, 117.021f, 123.277f, 129.833f, 136.559f, 143.420f, 150.570f}; const float Falcon3Counts200KV[] = {0.103f, 0.119f, 0.159f, 0.199f, 0.259f, 0.352f, 0.418f, 0.502f, 0.575f, 0.663f, 0.734f, 0.818f, 0.875f, 0.94f, 1.007f, 1.075f, 1.123f, 1.157f, 1.189f, 1.219f, 1.248f}; const float Falcon3Rates200KV[] = {0.101f, 0.119f, 0.161f, 0.201f, 0.271f, 0.377f, 0.461f, 0.577f, 0.693f, 0.838f, 0.981f, 1.159f, 1.302f, 1.486f, 1.711f, 1.968f, 2.226f, 2.422f, 2.651f, 2.894f, 3.191f}; const float Falcon4Counts200KV[] = {0.493f, 0.964f, 1.421f, 1.863f, 2.291f, 2.706f, 3.108f, 3.499f, 3.878f, 4.246f, 4.599f, 4.943f, 5.277f, 5.599f, 5.911f, 6.214f, 6.792f, 7.331f, 7.836f, 8.313f, 8.757f, 9.175f, 9.611f, 9.95f, 10.274f, 10.594f, 10.894f, 11.309f, 11.8f, 12.229f, 12.691f, 12.937f, 13.143f}; const float Falcon4Rates200KV[] = {0.495f, 0.993f, 1.494f, 1.993f, 2.496f, 2.998f, 3.500f, 4.011f, 4.517f, 5.032f, 5.539f, 6.053f, 6.571f, 7.090f, 7.607f, 8.128f, 9.176f, 10.236f, 11.308f, 12.393f, 13.490f, 14.605f, 15.885f, 16.953f, 18.069f, 19.265f, 20.489f, 22.391f, 25.064f, 27.945f, 31.989f, 34.777f, 37.706f}; const float Falcon4Counts300KV[] = {0.309f, 0.521f, 0.737f, 1.062f, 1.387f, 1.928f, 2.357f, 2.784f, 3.31f, 3.93f, 4.623f, 5.357f, 5.868f, 6.229f, 6.597f, 7.099f, 7.872f, 8.635f, 9.335f, 10.093f, 10.904f, 11.551f, 12.214f, 12.731f, 13.155f, 13.677f, 14.095f, 14.357f, 14.562f, 14.729f}; const float Falcon4Rates300KV[] = {0.311f, 0.53f, 0.756f, 1.107f, 1.463f, 2.077f, 2.576f, 3.096f, 3.752f, 4.569f, 5.538f, 6.631f, 7.434f, 8.03f, 8.66f, 9.565f, 11.071f, 12.714f, 14.403f, 16.463f, 19.035f, 21.459f, 24.426f, 27.234f, 30.f, 34.4f, 39.275f, 43.48f, 48.019f, 53.144f}; const float Falcon4iCounts200KV[] = {0.398f, 0.806f, 1.689f, 2.450f, 3.627f, 5.800f, 7.426f, 9.572f, 11.82f, 14.02f, 15.95f}; const float Falcon4iRates200KV[] = {0.4f, 0.81f, 1.75f, 2.59f, 3.98f, 6.84f, 9.31f, 13.15f, 18.28f, 25.09f, 34.2f}; const float *countsArr, *ratesArr; int numVals; float doseRate, ratio; if (camera < 0 || !(camParam->K2Type || IS_FALCON3_OR_4(camParam))) return rawRate; // First time for a camera, in no table read in from properties, assign the default // based on voltage if (!camParam->doseTabCounts.size()) { if (camParam->K2Type == K3_TYPE) { countsArr = &K3counts200KV[0]; ratesArr = &K3rates200KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(K3counts200KV) / sizeof(float); } else if (camParam->K2Type) { if (mScope->GetHTValue() > 250) { countsArr = &K2counts300KV[0]; ratesArr = &K2rates300KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(K2counts300KV) / sizeof(float); } else { countsArr = &K2counts200KV[0]; ratesArr = &K2rates200KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(K2counts200KV) / sizeof(float); } } else if (camParam->FEItype == FALCON3_TYPE) { countsArr = &Falcon3Counts200KV[0]; ratesArr = &Falcon3Rates200KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(Falcon3Counts200KV) / sizeof(float); } else if (camParam->falconVariant == FALCON4I_VARIANT) { countsArr = &Falcon4iCounts200KV[0]; ratesArr = &Falcon4iRates200KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(Falcon4iCounts200KV) / sizeof(float); } else { if (mScope->GetHTValue() > 250) { countsArr = &Falcon4Counts300KV[0]; ratesArr = &Falcon4Rates300KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(Falcon4Counts300KV) / sizeof(float); } else { countsArr = &Falcon4Counts200KV[0]; ratesArr = &Falcon4Rates200KV[0]; numVals = sizeof(Falcon4Counts200KV) / sizeof(float); } } camParam->doseTabCounts.insert(camParam->doseTabCounts.end(), countsArr, countsArr + numVals); camParam->doseTabRates.insert(camParam->doseTabRates.end(), ratesArr, ratesArr + numVals); } // If fit has not been done yet, fit to the table if (!camParam->doseTabScale) { FitRatesAndCounts(&camParam->doseTabCounts[0], &camParam->doseTabRates[0], (int)camParam->doseTabRates.size(), camParam->doseTabScale, camParam->doseTabConst, camParam->doseTabBase); } // Call dose rate routine for lookup FindDoseRate(rawRate, &camParam->doseTabCounts[0], &camParam->doseTabRates[0], (int)camParam->doseTabRates.size(), camParam->doseTabScale, camParam->doseTabConst, camParam->doseTabBase, ratio, doseRate); return doseRate; } // Do an initial fit to the counts and dose rates in the table and store the values int CProcessImage::FitRatesAndCounts(float *counts, float *rates, int numVals, float &scale, float &intercp, float &base) { float brackets[14]; int ind, err, numScanSteps, numCutsDone; double errSum, errMin; float curBase, slope, intcp, ro, initialStep; float minRatio = 1.e10; float *yy = new float[numVals]; for (ind = 0; ind < numVals; ind++) ACCUM_MIN(minRatio, counts[ind] / rates[ind]); // Search for a baseline value that gives the best exponential decay of the // attenuation ratio to a baseline curBase = 0.; numScanSteps = 20; initialStep = (float)(0.98 * minRatio / numScanSteps); numCutsDone = -1; errMin = 1.e30; for (;;) { for (ind = 0; ind < numVals; ind++) yy[ind] = (float)log((double)counts[ind] / rates[ind] - curBase); lsFit(rates, yy, numVals, &slope, &intcp, &ro); errSum = 0.; for (ind = 0; ind < numVals; ind++) errSum += pow((double)yy[ind] - slope * rates[ind] - intcp, 2.); if (errSum < errMin) { errMin = errSum; base = curBase; scale = slope; intercp = intcp; } err = minimize1D(curBase, (float)errSum, initialStep, numScanSteps, &numCutsDone, brackets, &curBase); if (err) break; if (numCutsDone > 0 && initialStep / pow((double)numCutsDone, 2.) < 0.0001) break; } delete [] yy; return err; } // Find the linearized rate for the given count value, given the table and its fitting // parameters. Returns the dose rate and the attenuation ratio; return value is an error // code from minimize1D int CProcessImage::FindDoseRate(float countVal, float *counts, float *rates, int numVals, float scale, float intercp, float base, float &ratioBest, float &doseRate) { int indBefore, indAfter; float initialStep, diffMin, resBefore, resAfter, frac, ratio1, diff, res; float count1, curRate, scanEnd; float brackets[14]; int ind, err = 0, numScanSteps, numCutsDone; // Find place in table to interpolate at indBefore = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numVals; ind++) { if (counts[ind] <= countVal) indBefore = ind; else break; } indAfter = indBefore + 1; indBefore = B3DMAX(0, indBefore); indAfter = B3DMIN(numVals - 1, indAfter); if (indAfter == indBefore) { ratioBest = counts[indBefore] / rates[indBefore]; } else { // Extend the scan 0.1 intervals below and above if possible curRate = rates[indBefore]; numScanSteps = 20; if (indBefore > 0) { curRate -= 0.1f * (rates[indBefore] - rates[indBefore - 1]); numScanSteps += 2; } scanEnd = rates[indAfter]; if (indAfter < numVals - 1) { scanEnd += 0.1f * (rates[indAfter + 1] - rates[indAfter]); numScanSteps += 2; } initialStep = (scanEnd - curRate) / numScanSteps; numCutsDone = -1; diffMin = 1.e30f; // Get the residual errors at the two ends of the interpolation resBefore = counts[indBefore] / rates[indBefore] - (exp(scale * rates[indBefore] + intercp) + base); resAfter = counts[indAfter] / rates[indAfter] - (exp(scale * rates[indAfter] + intercp) + base); // For the current dose rate, estimate the attenuation ratio from the fit and an // interpolated residual value, then the error to minimize is the difference between // the implied and actual count value for (;;) { frac = (curRate - rates[indBefore]) / (rates[indAfter] - rates[indBefore]); res = resBefore + frac * (resAfter - resBefore); ratio1 = exp(scale * curRate + intercp) + base + res; count1 = curRate * ratio1; diff = (float)fabs((double)count1 - countVal); if (diff < diffMin) { diffMin = diff; ratioBest = ratio1; } err = minimize1D(curRate, diff, initialStep, numScanSteps, &numCutsDone, brackets, &curRate); if (err) break; if (numCutsDone > 0 && initialStep / pow((double)numCutsDone, 2.) < 0.001) break; } } doseRate = countVal / ratioBest; return err; } // Return maximum resolution for fitting, in Angstroms float CProcessImage::GetMaxCtfFitRes(void) { return (mUserMaxCtfFitRes > 0 ? mUserMaxCtfFitRes : mDefaultMaxCtfFitRes); }