// ParticleTasks.cpp: Performs tasks primarily for single-particle acquisition // // Copyright (C) 2017 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "ZbyGSetupDlg.h" CParticleTasks::CParticleTasks(void) { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mMSCurIndex = -2; // Index when it is not doing anything must be < -1 mMSTestRun = 0; mNextMSParams = NULL; mWaitingForDrift = 0; mWDDfltParams.measureType = WFD_USE_FOCUS; mWDDfltParams.driftRate = 1.; mWDDfltParams.useAngstroms = false; mWDDfltParams.interval = 10.; mWDDfltParams.maxWaitTime = 60.; mWDDfltParams.failureAction = 1; mWDDfltParams.setTrialParams = false; mWDDfltParams.exposure = 0.2f; mWDDfltParams.binning = 4; mWDDfltParams.usePriorAutofocus = false; mWDDfltParams.priorAutofocusRate = 0.5f; mMSLastHoleStageX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mMSLastHoleISX = mMSLastHoleISY = 0.; mMSinHoleStartAngle = -900.; mMSNumSepFiles = -1; mMSHolePatternType = 2; mNextMSUseNavItem = -1; mMSsaveToMontage = false; mMSRunMacro = false; mMSRunningMacro = false; mMSMacroToRun = 0; mZBGIterationNum = -1; mZBGMaxIterations = 5; mZBGIterThreshold = 0.5f; mZBGSkipLastThresh = 0.075f; mZbyGUseViewInLD = false; mZbyGViewSubarea = 0; mZBGMaxTotalChange = 100; mZBGMaxErrorFactor = 1.67f; mZBGMinErrorFactor = 0.4f; mZBGMinMoveForErrFac = 2.; mZbyGsetupDlg = NULL; mZBGCalWithEnteredOffset = false; mZBGCalUseBeamTilt = false; mZBGSavedTop = -1; mATIterationNum = -1; mDVDoingDewarVac = false; } CParticleTasks::~CParticleTasks(void) { } // Set program pointers void CParticleTasks::Initialize(void) { mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mComplexTasks = mWinApp->mComplexTasks; mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mFocusManager = mWinApp->mFocusManager; mNavHelper = mWinApp->mNavHelper; mMSParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mZBGCalOffsetToUse = mFocusManager->GetDefocusOffset(); mZBGCalBeamTiltToUse = mFocusManager->GetBeamTilt(); } #define RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(a) mMSParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); return (a); /* * External call to start the operation with all the parameters * Returns positive for an error or negative of the number of positions being done * Call with numPeripheral -1 to do a multishot montage */ int CParticleTasks::StartMultiShot(int numPeripheral, int doCenter, float spokeRad, int numSecondRing, float spokeRad2, float extraDelay, BOOL saveRec, int ifEarlyReturn, int earlyRetFrames, BOOL adjustBT, int inHoleOrMulti) { float pixel, xTiltFac, yTiltFac, minTiltToCompenate = 10.; int nextShot, nextHole, testRun, ind, useXholes, useYholes; int numXholes = 0, numYholes = 0; double delISX, delISY, transISX, transISY, delBTX, delBTY, angle; CString str, str2; CMapDrawItem *item; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); ComaVsISCalib *comaVsIS = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); MontParam *montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); bool multiInHole = (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_IN_HOLE) != 0; bool multiHoles = (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_HOLES) != 0; int testImage = inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_TEST_IMAGE; bool testComa = (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_TEST_COMA) != 0; bool openingFiles = mMSNumSepFiles == 0; ScaleMat dMat; mMSNumPeripheral = multiInHole ? (numPeripheral + numSecondRing) : 0; mMSNumInRing[0] = mMSNumPeripheral - numSecondRing; mMSNumInRing[1] = numSecondRing; mMSDoCenter = multiInHole ? doCenter : 1; mMSExtraDelay = extraDelay; mMSIfEarlyReturn = ifEarlyReturn; mMSEarlyRetFrames = earlyRetFrames; mMSsaveToMontage = numPeripheral == -1; mMSAdjustBeamTilt = adjustBT && comaVsIS->magInd > 0; mRecConSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; mSavedAlignFlag = mRecConSet->alignFrames; mMSPosIndex.clear(); if (mNextMSParams) { mMSParams = mNextMSParams; mNextMSParams = NULL; } mMSUseCustomHoles = mMSParams->useCustomHoles; if (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_FORCE_CUSTOM) mMSUseCustomHoles = true; else if (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_FORCE_REGULAR) mMSUseCustomHoles = false; mMSNoCornersOf3x3 = mMSParams->skipCornersOf3x3; if (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_DO_CROSS_3X3) mMSNoCornersOf3x3 = true; else if (inHoleOrMulti & MULTI_NO_3X3_CROSS) mMSNoCornersOf3x3 = false; // Check conditions, first for test runs if (testImage && testComa) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot test both multishot image location and coma correction in " "one run"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } testRun = testImage; if (testImage) { if (mWinApp->Montaging() && ((mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (montP->useViewInLowDose || montP->useSearchInLowDose)) || montP->moveStage)) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot test multishot image location with a View or Search " "montage or a stage montage"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } } if (testComa) { testRun = MULTI_TEST_COMA; if (comaVsIS->magInd <= 0 && adjustBT) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot test multishot coma correction with\r\n""adjustment for" " image shift: there is no calibration of coma versus image shift"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } mMSSaveRecord = false; mMSDoCenter = -1; } mMSSkipAstigBT = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetSkipAstigAdjustment(); mMSAdjustAstig = mMSAdjustBeamTilt && comaVsIS->astigMat.xpx != 0. && mMSSkipAstigBT <= 0; mMSDoStartMacro = false; if (!testRun && mMSRunMacro) { if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Not doing script in multishot because it is being run from a" " script"); } else { if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->EnsureMacroRunnable(mMSMacroToRun)) { RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } mMSDoStartMacro = true; } } // Adjust some parameters for test runs if (testRun) { mMSIfEarlyReturn = 0; if (multiHoles) { mMSNumPeripheral = 0; multiInHole = false; mMSDoCenter = 1; } else if (testImage) mMSDoCenter = 0; } mMSSaveRecord = (mMSsaveToMontage || !(multiHoles && mWinApp->Montaging())) && !testComa && (saveRec || mMSNumSepFiles >= 0) && !mMSDoStartMacro; // Then test other conditions if (mMSIfEarlyReturn && !camParam->K2Type && !mMSDoStartMacro) { SEMMessageBox("The current camera must be a K2/K3 to use early return for multiple " "shots"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (multiInHole && (numPeripheral < 2 || numPeripheral > MAX_PERIPHERAL_SHOTS || numSecondRing == 1 || numSecondRing > MAX_PERIPHERAL_SHOTS)) { str.Format("To do multiple shots in a hole, the number of shots\n" "in one ring around the center must be between 2 and %s", MAX_PERIPHERAL_SHOTS); SEMMessageBox(str); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (multiHoles && !((mMSUseCustomHoles && mMSParams->customHoleX.size() > 0) || (!mMSUseCustomHoles && (mMSParams->holeMagIndex[0] > 0 || mMSParams->holeMagIndex[1] > 0)))) { SEMMessageBox("Hole positions have not been defined for doing multiple Records"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (mMSIfEarlyReturn == 2 && earlyRetFrames == 0 && mMSSaveRecord) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot save Record images from multiple\n" "shots when doing an early return with 0 frames"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (mMSSaveRecord && !mWinApp->mStoreMRC && !openingFiles) { SEMMessageBox("An image file must be open for saving\n" "before starting to acquire multiple Record shots"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (mMSSaveRecord && !mMSsaveToMontage && mWinApp->Montaging() && !openingFiles) { SEMMessageBox("Multiple Records are supposed to be saved but the current image file" " is a montage"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (!mMSsaveToMontage && mWinApp->mNavigator && (mNextMSUseNavItem >= 0 || mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring())) { if (!mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring()) { item = mWinApp->mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(mNextMSUseNavItem); if (!item) { SEMMessageBox("Index of Navigator item specified for next multishot is out of " "range"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } } else if (mWinApp->mNavigator->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item) < 0) { SEMMessageBox("Could not retrieve the Navigator item currently being acquired"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } numXholes = item->mNumXholes; numYholes = item->mNumYholes; if (ItemIsEmptyMultishot(item)) { PrintfToLog("Item %s has all holes set to be skipped, so it is being skipped", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(openingFiles ? -1 : 0); } } mNextMSUseNavItem = -1; // Set this after all tests and parameter settings, it determines operation of // GetHolePositions which is called from SerialEMView mMSTestRun = testRun; // Go to low dose area before recording any values if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); mMagIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); // Set up to adjust for defocus if angle is high enough angle = mScope->GetTiltAngle(); if (fabs(angle) < minTiltToCompenate && !mMSsaveToMontage) { mMSDefocusTanFac = 0.; } else { // This is the opposite sign from Reset Image Shift because that is taking away the // defocus at the given IS because the stage is sliding up to the 0 IS point, // here we need to impose that defocus for the given IS mMSDefocusTanFac = -(float)tan(DTOR * angle) * mShiftManager->GetDefocusZFactor() * (mShiftManager->GetStageInvertsZAxis() ? -1.f : 1.f); mIStoSpec = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(mMagIndex); if (!mIStoSpec.xpx) { SEMMessageBox("No image shift to specimen matrix available at the\n" "current magnification and one is needed to adjust defocus for tilt"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } mMSBaseDefocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); } mMSHoleIndex = 0; mMSHoleISX.clear(); mMSHoleISY.clear(); mMSDoingHexGrid = false; multiHoles = multiHoles || (numXholes && numYholes); if (numXholes && numYholes) mMSDoingHexGrid = numYholes == -1; else if (multiHoles) mMSDoingHexGrid = mMSParams->doHexArray && !mMSUseCustomHoles; if (multiHoles && !mMSUseCustomHoles && !mMSParams->holeMagIndex[mMSDoingHexGrid ? 1 : 0]) { SEMMessageBox("Hole positions have not been defined for doing this type of " "multiple Records"); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(1); } if (multiHoles) { mMSNumHoles = GetHolePositions(mMSHoleISX, mMSHoleISY, mMSPosIndex, mMagIndex, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), numXholes, numYholes, (float)angle, true); mMSUseHoleDelay = true; useXholes = B3DABS(numXholes ? numXholes : mMSParams->numHoles[0]); useYholes = B3DABS(numYholes ? numYholes : mMSParams->numHoles[1]); if (numXholes && numYholes && item->mNumSkipHoles) SkipHolesInList(mMSHoleISX, mMSHoleISY, mMSPosIndex, item->mSkipHolePos, item->mNumSkipHoles, mMSNumHoles); if ((!(mMSUseCustomHoles && mMSParams->customHoleX.size() > 0) || (numXholes && numYholes)) && !mMSDoingHexGrid) { // Adjust position indexes to be relative to middle, skip 0 for even # of holes for (ind = 0; ind < mMSNumHoles; ind++) { if (useXholes % 2 != 0 || mMSPosIndex[ind * 2] < useXholes / 2) mMSPosIndex[ind * 2] -= useXholes / 2; else mMSPosIndex[ind * 2] -= useXholes / 2 - 1; if (useYholes % 2 != 0 || mMSPosIndex[ind * 2 + 1] < useYholes / 2) mMSPosIndex[ind * 2 + 1] -= useYholes / 2; else mMSPosIndex[ind * 2 + 1] -= useYholes / 2 - 1; } } } else { // No holes = 1 mMSNumHoles = 1; mMSHoleISX.push_back(0.); mMSHoleISY.push_back(0.); } // If opening files, all checks and setup are done, set indexes and return if (openingFiles) { mMSCurIndex = mMSDoCenter < 0 ? -1 : 0; mMSLastShotIndex = mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter > 0 ? 0 : -1); RESTORE_MSP_RETURN(0); } if (!testRun || GetDebugOutput('W')) { str.Format("Starting multiple Records (%d position%s in %d hole%s) %s %s%s%s " "compensation", mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter ? 1 : 0), mMSNumPeripheral + mMSDoCenter > 1 ? "s" : "", mMSNumHoles, mMSNumHoles > 1 ? "s" : "", mMSAdjustBeamTilt? "WITH" : "WITHOUT", mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0 ? "beam tilt" : "", !mMSSkipAstigBT && mMSAdjustAstig ? "/" : "", (mMSAdjustAstig || (!mMSAdjustBeamTilt && mMSSkipAstigBT < 0)) ? "astigmatism" : ""); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } // Get the starting image shift and beam tilt, save BT as value to restore and value to // increment from when compensating mScope->GetImageShift(mBaseISX, mBaseISY); if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt) { mScope->GetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); mCenterBeamTiltX = mBaseBeamTiltX; mCenterBeamTiltY = mBaseBeamTiltY; if (mMSAdjustAstig) { mScope->GetObjectiveStigmator(mBaseAstigX, mBaseAstigY); mCenterAstigX = mBaseAstigX; mCenterAstigY = mBaseAstigY; } // If script hasn't already compensated for IS, get the IS to compensate and, compute // the beam tilt to apply, and set it as base for compensating position IS's if (!(mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetCompensatedBTforIS())) { mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY); mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mMagIndex, delISX, delISY, comaVsIS->magInd, transISX, transISY); if (mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) { delBTX = comaVsIS->matrix.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.xpy * transISY; delBTY = comaVsIS->matrix.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.ypy * transISY; } else { delBTX = delBTY = 0.; } mCenterBeamTiltX = mBaseBeamTiltX + delBTX; mCenterBeamTiltY = mBaseBeamTiltY + delBTY; if (mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedBeamTilt(mCenterBeamTiltX, mCenterBeamTiltY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); str.Format("For starting IS %.3f %.3f setting BT %.3f %.3f", delISX, delISY, delBTX, delBTY); if (mMSAdjustAstig) { delBTX = comaVsIS->astigMat.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.xpy * transISY; delBTY = comaVsIS->astigMat.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.ypy * transISY; mCenterAstigX = mBaseAstigX + delBTX; mCenterAstigY = mBaseAstigY + delBTY; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedStigmator(mCenterAstigX, mCenterAstigY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); str2.Format(" setting stig %.3f %.3f", delBTX, delBTY); str += str2; } if (GetDebugOutput('1')) mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } } // Set up axis of peripheral shots along tilt axis if tilted enough, otherwise along // short axis of camera mPeripheralRotation = 0.; if (fabs(mScope->GetTiltAngle()) > 20. || mMSinHoleStartAngle > 500.) mPeripheralRotation = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation( mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagIndex); else if (fabs(mMSinHoleStartAngle) < 500.) mPeripheralRotation = mMSinHoleStartAngle; else if (camParam->sizeY < camParam->sizeX) mPeripheralRotation = 90.f; mActPostExposure = mWinApp->ActPostExposure() && !mMSTestRun; mLastISX = mBaseISX; mLastISY = mBaseISY; pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagIndex); mMSRadiusOnCam[0] = spokeRad / pixel; mMSRadiusOnCam[1] = spokeRad2 / pixel; mCamToIS = mShiftManager->CameraToIS(mMagIndex); // Current index runs from -1 to mMSNumPeripheral - 1 for center before // 0 to mMSNumPeripheral - 1 for no center // 0 to mMSNumPeripheral for center after mMSCurIndex = mMSDoCenter < 0 ? -1 : 0; mMSLastShotIndex = mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter > 0 ? 0 : -1); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mMSDefocusIndex = -1; if (multiHoles && mMSUseCustomHoles && mMSParams->customHoleX.size() > 0 && mMSParams->customDefocus.size()) { if (!mMSDefocusTanFac) mMSBaseDefocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); mMSDefocusIndex = 0; } // Need to shift to the first position if doing holes or if center is not being done // first if (mMSUseHoleDelay || mMSDoCenter >= 0) SetUpMultiShotShift(mMSCurIndex, mMSHoleIndex, false); // Queue the next position if post-actions and there IS a next position if (mActPostExposure && GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole)) SetUpMultiShotShift(nextShot, nextHole, true); // Save stage position of the last hole mShiftManager->GetStageTiltFactors(xTiltFac, yTiltFac); dMat = MatMul(mShiftManager->IStoCamera(mMagIndex), MatInv(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagIndex))); mScope->GetStagePosition(mMSLastHoleStageX, mMSLastHoleStageY, delISX); ApplyScaleMatrix(dMat, mMSHoleISX[mMSNumHoles - 1], mMSHoleISY[mMSNumHoles - 1], delISX, delISY); mMSLastHoleStageX += delISX / xTiltFac; mMSLastHoleStageY += delISY / yTiltFac; mMSLastHoleISX = mMSHoleISX[mMSNumHoles - 1]; mMSLastHoleISY = mMSHoleISY[mMSNumHoles - 1]; mMSLastFailed = true; ind = StartOneShotOfMulti(); if (ind) return ind; return -(mMSNumHoles * (mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter ? 1 : 0))); } /* * Convenience function to start multishot with a given set of parameters */ int CParticleTasks::StartMultiShot(MultiShotParams *msParams, CameraParameters *camParams, int testValue) { return StartMultiShot(msParams->numShots[0], msParams->doCenter, msParams->spokeRad[0], msParams->doSecondRing ? msParams->numShots[1] : 0, msParams->spokeRad[1], msParams->extraDelay, (msParams->doEarlyReturn != 2 || msParams->numEarlyFrames != 0 || !camParams->K2Type) ? msParams->saveRecord : false, camParams->K2Type ? msParams->doEarlyReturn : 0, msParams->numEarlyFrames, msParams->adjustBeamTilt, msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole | (testValue << 2)); } /* * Do the next operations after a shot is done */ void CParticleTasks::MultiShotNextTask(int param) { int nextShot, nextHole, err, protectNum, storeNum; int numInHole = mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter ? 1 : 0); KImageStore *storeMRC; if (mMSCurIndex < -1) return; // Save Record mMSRunningMacro = false; mRecConSet->alignFrames = mSavedAlignFlag; if (mMSSaveRecord && mMSImageReturned) { if (mMSsaveToMontage) { err = mWinApp->mMontageController->SavePiece(); } else if (mMSNumSepFiles > 0) { protectNum = mMSFirstSepFile + mMSHoleIndex * numInHole + mMSCurIndex + (mMSDoCenter < 0 ? 1 : 0); storeNum = mWinApp->mDocWnd->LookupProtectedStore(protectNum); storeMRC = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(storeNum); if (!storeMRC) { StopMultiShot(); return; } err = mWinApp->mBufferManager->SaveImageBuffer(storeMRC); } else { err = mWinApp->mBufferManager->SaveImageBuffer(mWinApp->mStoreMRC); } if (err) { StopMultiShot(); return; } } // Set indices for next shot if there is one, otherwise quit if (GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole)) { mMSCurIndex = nextShot; mMSHoleIndex = nextHole; } else { mMSLastFailed = false; StopMultiShot(); return; } // Do or queue image shift as needed and take shot // For post-action queuing, get the hole and shot index of next position if (mActPostExposure) { if (GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole)) SetUpMultiShotShift(nextShot, nextHole, true); } else { SetUpMultiShotShift(mMSCurIndex, mMSHoleIndex, false); } StartOneShotOfMulti(); } int CParticleTasks::MultiShotBusy(void) { return (DoingMultiShot() && (mWinApp->mCamera->CameraBusy() || (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() && !mMSsaveToMontage) || mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetDoingCtfBased()) || (mMSRunningMacro && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro())) ? 1 : 0; } // Cleanup call on error/timeout void CParticleTasks::MultiShotCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out getting an image with multi-shot routine")); StopMultiShot(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Stop call: restore image shift void CParticleTasks::StopMultiShot(void) { if (mMSCurIndex < -1) return; if (mCamera->Acquiring()) { mCamera->SetImageShiftToRestore(mBaseISX, mBaseISY); if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt && mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) mCamera->SetBeamTiltToRestore(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); if (mMSAdjustAstig) mCamera->SetAstigToRestore(mBaseAstigX, mBaseAstigY); if (mMSDefocusTanFac || mMSDefocusIndex >= 0) mCamera->SetDefocusToRestore(mMSBaseDefocus); } else { mScope->SetImageShift(mBaseISX, mBaseISY); if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt && mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) mScope->SetBeamTilt(mBaseBeamTiltX, mBaseBeamTiltY); if (mMSAdjustAstig) mScope->SetObjectiveStigmator(mBaseAstigX, mBaseAstigY); if (mMSDefocusTanFac || mMSDefocusIndex >= 0) mScope->SetDefocus(mMSBaseDefocus); } // Montage does a second restore after it is no longer "Doing", so just set this mWinApp->mMontageController->SetBaseISXY(mBaseISX, mBaseISY); mRecConSet->alignFrames = mSavedAlignFlag; mMSCurIndex = -2; mMSTestRun = 0; mMSRunningMacro = false; mMSParams = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mMSsaveToMontage = false; } /* * Compute the image shift to the given position and queue it or do it */ void CParticleTasks::SetUpMultiShotShift(int shotIndex, int holeIndex, BOOL queueIt) { double ISX, ISY, delBTX, delBTY, delISX = 0, delISY = 0, angle; double transISX, transISY, delAstigX = 0., delAstigY = 0.; float delay, delFocus = 0.; int ring = 0, indBase = 0; CString str, str2; BOOL debug = GetDebugOutput('1'); bool doBacklash = mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0; int BTdelay; ComaVsISCalib *comaVsIS = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); // Compute IS from center for a peripheral shot: rotate (rad,0) by the angle if (shotIndex < mMSNumPeripheral && shotIndex >= 0) { if (shotIndex >= mMSNumInRing[0]) { ring = 1; indBase = mMSNumInRing[0]; } angle = DTOR * ((shotIndex -indBase) * 360. / mMSNumInRing[ring] + mPeripheralRotation); ApplyScaleMatrix(mCamToIS, mMSRadiusOnCam[ring] * (float)cos(angle), mMSRadiusOnCam[ring] * (float)sin(angle), delISX, delISY); } // Get full IS and delta IS and default delay for move from last position // Multiply by hole delay factor if doing hole; add extra delay delISX += mMSHoleISX[holeIndex]; delISY += mMSHoleISY[holeIndex]; ISX = mBaseISX + delISX; ISY = mBaseISY + delISY; if (debug || mMSTestRun) str.Format("For hole %d shot %d %s delIS %.3f %.3f", holeIndex, shotIndex, queueIt ? "Queuing" : "Setting", delISX, delISY); if (mMSDefocusTanFac != 0.) { delFocus = (float)(mIStoSpec.ypx * delISX + mIStoSpec.ypy * delISY) *mMSDefocusTanFac; } if (mMSDefocusIndex >= 0 && mMSDefocusIndex < (int)mMSParams->customDefocus.size()) { delFocus += mMSParams->customDefocus[mMSDefocusIndex++]; } if (debug || mMSTestRun) { if (mMSDefocusTanFac != 0. || mMSDefocusIndex >= 0) { str2.Format(" delFocus %.3f", delFocus); str += str2; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } delay = mShiftManager->ComputeISDelay(ISX - mLastISX, ISY - mLastISY); if (mMSUseHoleDelay) delay *= mMSParams->holeDelayFactor; if (mMSExtraDelay > 0.) delay += mMSExtraDelay; mMSUseHoleDelay = false; if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt) { BTdelay = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetBacklashDelay(); mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(mMagIndex, delISX, delISY, comaVsIS->magInd, transISX, transISY); if (mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) { delBTX = comaVsIS->matrix.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.xpy * transISY; delBTY = comaVsIS->matrix.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->matrix.ypy * transISY; } else { delBTX = delBTY = 0.; } if (debug) str.Format("%s incremental IS %.3f %.3f BT %.3f %.3f", queueIt ? "Queuing" : "Setting", delISX, delISY, delBTX, delBTY); if (mMSAdjustAstig) { delAstigX = comaVsIS->astigMat.xpx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.xpy * transISY; delAstigY = comaVsIS->astigMat.ypx * transISX + comaVsIS->astigMat.ypy * transISY; if (debug) { str2.Format(" Astig %.3f %.3f", delAstigX, delAstigY); str += str2; } } if (debug) mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } // Queue it or do it if (queueIt) { mCamera->QueueImageShift(ISX, ISY, B3DNINT(1000. * delay)); if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt && mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) mCamera->QueueBeamTilt(mCenterBeamTiltX + delBTX, mCenterBeamTiltY + delBTY, doBacklash ? BTdelay : 0); if (mMSAdjustAstig) mCamera->QueueStigmator(mCenterAstigX + delAstigX, mCenterAstigY + delAstigY, doBacklash ? BTdelay : 0); if (mMSDefocusTanFac || mMSDefocusIndex >= 0) mCamera->QueueDefocus(mMSBaseDefocus + delFocus); } else { mScope->SetImageShift(ISX, ISY); mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut(delay); if (mMSAdjustBeamTilt && mMSSkipAstigBT >= 0) mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedBeamTilt(mCenterBeamTiltX + delBTX, mCenterBeamTiltY + delBTY, doBacklash); if (mMSAdjustAstig) mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedStigmator(mCenterAstigX + delAstigX, mCenterAstigY + delAstigY, doBacklash); if (mMSDefocusTanFac || mMSDefocusIndex >= 0) mScope->SetDefocus(mMSBaseDefocus + delFocus); } mLastISX = ISX; mLastISY = ISY; } // Given current hole and shot index, this will give the next one bool CParticleTasks::GetNextShotAndHole(int &nextShot, int &nextHole) { nextShot = mMSCurIndex + 1; nextHole = mMSHoleIndex; if (nextShot > mMSLastShotIndex) { nextShot = mMSDoCenter < 0 ? -1 : 0; nextHole++; } return (nextHole < mMSNumHoles); } /* * Start an acquisition: Set up early return, start shot, set the status pane */ int CParticleTasks::StartOneShotOfMulti(void) { CString str; int nextShot, nextHole; int numInHole = mMSNumPeripheral + (mMSDoCenter ? 1 : 0); CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); bool earlyRet = ((mMSIfEarlyReturn == 1 && !GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole)) || mMSIfEarlyReturn == 2 || (mMSIfEarlyReturn > 2 && (mMSHoleIndex > 0 || mMSCurIndex > (mMSDoCenter < 0 ? -1 : 0)))) && camParams->K2Type && !mMSDoStartMacro; if (earlyRet && mCamera->SetNextAsyncSumFrames(mMSEarlyRetFrames < 0 ? 65535 : mMSEarlyRetFrames, false, GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole))) { StopMultiShot(); return 1; } if (earlyRet && mRecConSet->alignFrames && mRecConSet->useFrameAlign == 1) mRecConSet->alignFrames = 0; mMSImageReturned = false; if (mMSTestRun & MULTI_TEST_COMA) { mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(1, false, 1, true, false); } else if (mMSTestRun && mWinApp->Montaging()) { mWinApp->mMontageController->StartMontage(MONT_NOT_TRIAL, false); } else if (mMSDoStartMacro) { mMSRunningMacro = true; mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->Run(mMSMacroToRun); } else { mCamera->InitiateCapture(RECORD_CONSET); mMSImageReturned = !earlyRet || mMSEarlyRetFrames != 0; } // Return if error in starting capture if (mMSCurIndex < -1) return 0; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULTI_SHOT, 0, 0); str.Format("DOING MULTI-SHOT %d OF %d", mMSHoleIndex * numInHole + mMSCurIndex + (mMSDoCenter < 0 ? 2 : 1), numInHole * mMSNumHoles); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, str); return 0; } /* * Get relative image shifts of the holes into the vectors, transferred to the given * mag and camera */ int CParticleTasks::GetHolePositions(FloatVec &delISX, FloatVec &delISY, IntVec &posIndex, int magInd, int camera, int numXholes, int numYholes, float tiltAngle, bool startingMulti) { int numHoles = 0, ind, ix, iy, direction[2], startInd[2], endInd[2], fromMag, jump[2]; int ring, step, mainDir, sideDir, mainSign, sideSign, origMag, numRings; double xCenISX, yCenISX, xCenISY, yCenISY, transISX, transISY; BOOL crossPattern = startingMulti ? mMSNoCornersOf3x3 : mMSParams->skipCornersOf3x3; bool adjustForTilt = false; float holeAngle, specX, specY, cosRatio; std::vector fromISX, fromISY; IntVec holeOrder; ScaleMat IStoSpec, specToIS; int hexInd = ((mMSParams->doHexArray && !mMSParams->useCustomHoles) || (numXholes > 0 && numYholes == -1)) ? 1 : 0; if (startingMulti) hexInd = (mMSDoingHexGrid && !mMSUseCustomHoles) ? 1 : 0; delISX.clear(); delISY.clear(); posIndex.clear(); holeAngle = mMSParams->tiltOfHoleArray[hexInd]; fromMag = mMSParams->holeMagIndex[hexInd]; origMag = mMSParams->origMagOfArray[hexInd]; if (((!startingMulti && mMSParams->useCustomHoles) || (startingMulti && mMSUseCustomHoles)) && mMSParams->customHoleX.size() > 0 && !(numXholes || numYholes)) { // Custom holes are easy, the list is relative to the center position numHoles = (int)mMSParams->customHoleX.size(); for (ind = 0; ind < numHoles; ind++) { fromISX.push_back(mMSParams->customHoleX[ind]); fromISY.push_back(mMSParams->customHoleY[ind]); } fromMag = mMSParams->customMagIndex; holeAngle = mMSParams->tiltOfCustomHoles; origMag = mMSParams->origMagOfCustom; } else if (mMSParams->holeMagIndex[hexInd] > 0 && ((mMSParams->doHexArray && !(numXholes && numYholes)) || (numXholes > 0 && numYholes == -1))) { // Hex positions: start at center fromISX.push_back(0.); fromISY.push_back(0.); posIndex.push_back(0); posIndex.push_back(0); numRings = (numXholes > 0 && numYholes == -1) ? numXholes : mMSParams->numHexRings; ring = numRings; numHoles = 3 * ring * (ring + 1) + 1; // Loop on rings and steps in rings for (ring = 1; ring <= numRings; ring++) { for (step = 0; step < 6; step++) { // For minimum shifts, step out from last point of previous ring, so this backs // it up one position per ring ind = (step + 607 - ring) % 6; // Direction along side is 2 past main direction; set up indexes and signs of each DirectionIndexesForHexSide(ind, mainDir, mainSign, sideDir, sideSign); // Add each position along side for (ix = 0; ix < ring; ix++) { fromISX.push_back(ring * mMSParams->hexISXspacing[mainDir] * mainSign + ix * mMSParams->hexISXspacing[sideDir] * sideSign); fromISY.push_back(ring * mMSParams->hexISYspacing[mainDir] * mainSign + ix * mMSParams->hexISYspacing[sideDir] * sideSign); posIndex.push_back(ring); posIndex.push_back(ind * ring + ix); } } } } else if (mMSParams->holeMagIndex[0] > 0) { if (numXholes && numYholes) { crossPattern = numXholes == -3 && numYholes == -3; if (crossPattern) { numXholes = 3; numYholes = 3; } } else { numXholes = mMSParams->numHoles[0]; numYholes = mMSParams->numHoles[1]; } crossPattern = crossPattern && numXholes == 3 && numYholes == 3; // The hole pattern requires computing position relative to center of pattern numHoles = crossPattern ? 5 : (numXholes * numYholes); if (mMSTestRun) numHoles = B3DMIN(2, numXholes) * B3DMIN(2, numYholes); xCenISX = mMSParams->holeISXspacing[0] * 0.5 * (numXholes - 1); xCenISY = mMSParams->holeISYspacing[0] * 0.5 * (numXholes - 1); yCenISX = mMSParams->holeISXspacing[1] * 0.5 * (numYholes - 1); yCenISY = mMSParams->holeISYspacing[1] * 0.5 * (numYholes - 1); // Set up to do arbitrary directions in each axis direction[0] = direction[1] = 1; startInd[0] = startInd[1] = 0; endInd[0] = numXholes - 1; endInd[1] = numYholes - 1; jump[0] = jump[1] = 1; if (mMSsaveToMontage) { for (ix = 0; ix < numXholes; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < numYholes; iy++) { AddHolePosition(ix, iy, fromISX, fromISY, xCenISX, yCenISX, xCenISY, yCenISY, posIndex); } } } else if (mMSHolePatternType < 2 || crossPattern || mMSTestRun) { if (mMSTestRun && !crossPattern) { jump[0] = B3DMAX(2, numXholes) - 1; jump[1] = B3DMAX(2, numYholes) - 1; } for (iy = startInd[1]; (endInd[1] - iy) * direction[1] >= 0; iy += direction[1] * jump[1]) { for (ix = startInd[0]; (endInd[0] - ix) * direction[0] >= 0; ix += direction[0] * jump[0]) { if (!(crossPattern && ((ix % 2 == 0) && (iy % 2 == 0)) || (mMSTestRun && ix == 1 && iy == 1))) { AddHolePosition(ix, iy, fromISX, fromISY, xCenISX, yCenISX, xCenISY, yCenISY, posIndex); } } // Zigzag pattern unless raster specified if (mMSHolePatternType != 1) { ix = startInd[0]; startInd[0] = endInd[0]; endInd[0] = ix; direction[0] = -direction[0]; } } } else { // Spiral with extra rows/columns if needed MakeSpiralPattern(numXholes, numYholes, holeOrder); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)holeOrder.size(); ind++) { ix = holeOrder[ind] % numXholes; iy = holeOrder[ind] / numXholes; AddHolePosition(ix, iy, fromISX, fromISY, xCenISX, yCenISX, xCenISY, yCenISY, posIndex); } } } // Set up to adjust for tilt angle if both angles are defined, the adjust is big enough, // and the matrix exists if (tiltAngle > -900. && holeAngle > -900.) { cosRatio = (float)(cos(DTOR * tiltAngle) / cos(DTOR * holeAngle)); if (fabs(cosRatio - 1.) > 0.001) { IStoSpec = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (IStoSpec.xpx) { adjustForTilt = true; specToIS = MatInv(IStoSpec); } } } mLastHolesWereAdjusted = origMag > 0 && mMSParams->adjustingXform.xpx != 0. && magInd == fromMag && origMag == mMSParams->xformFromMag && fromMag == mMSParams->xformToMag; // Transfer the image shifts and add to return vectors for (ind = 0; ind < numHoles; ind++) { mWinApp->mShiftManager->TransferGeneralIS(fromMag, fromISX[ind], fromISY[ind], magInd, transISX, transISY, camera); if (adjustForTilt) { ApplyScaleMatrix(IStoSpec, (float)transISX, (float)transISY, specX, specY); ApplyScaleMatrix(specToIS, specX, cosRatio * specY, transISX, transISY); } delISX.push_back((float)transISX); delISY.push_back((float)transISY); } return numHoles; } // Add one position to the hole list void CParticleTasks::AddHolePosition(int ix, int iy, std::vector &fromISX, std::vector &fromISY, double xCenISX, double yCenISX, double xCenISY, double yCenISY, IntVec &posIndex) { fromISX.push_back((ix * mMSParams->holeISXspacing[0] - xCenISX) + (iy * mMSParams->holeISXspacing[1] - yCenISX)); fromISY.push_back((ix * mMSParams->holeISYspacing[0] - xCenISY) + (iy * mMSParams->holeISYspacing[1] - yCenISY)); posIndex.push_back(ix); posIndex.push_back(iy); } // Set up points in a numX x numY pattern in a spiral in initial square, the alternating // rows or columns void CParticleTasks::MakeSpiralPattern(int numX, int numY, IntVec &order) { int delX[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}, delY[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; int level, stepInd, dir, step, numSteps, extra; bool extraAbove = numY > numX; int baseNum = B3DMIN(numX, numY); int numExtra = B3DMAX(numX, numY) - baseNum; int ixCur, iyCur; // Set up starting position, step index, direction, and level for odd then even if (baseNum % 2) { level = 3; stepInd = 0; ixCur = iyCur = baseNum / 2; dir = extraAbove ? 1 : 0; } else { level = 2; stepInd = 1; ixCur = baseNum / 2 - (extraAbove ? 1 : 0); iyCur = baseNum / 2; dir = extraAbove ? 3 : 2; } order.clear(); // Loop until the square is full while ((int)order.size() < baseNum * baseNum) { // Add current point, step, and change direction order.push_back(ixCur + iyCur * numX); ixCur += delX[dir]; iyCur += delY[dir]; // Last step in initial square is special case if (level == 2 && stepInd == 3) { numSteps = 0; } else { // Otherwise change direction and set number of steps on this side dir = (dir + 1) % 4; numSteps = level - (3 - (stepInd + 1) / 2); // -3, -2, -2, -1 } if ((int)order.size() >= baseNum * baseNum) break; // Take the right number of steps in the new direction, add points and step for (step = 0; step < numSteps; step++) { order.push_back(ixCur + iyCur * numX); ixCur += delX[dir]; iyCur += delY[dir]; } // Advance to the next segment and increase level at segment 0 stepInd = (stepInd + 1) % 4; if (!stepInd) level += 2; } // Add extra rows in alternating directions for (extra = 0; extra < numExtra; extra++) { order.push_back(ixCur + iyCur * numX); for (step = 1; step < baseNum; step++) { ixCur += delX[dir]; iyCur += delY[dir]; order.push_back(ixCur + iyCur * numX); } // Step to next row/column and reverse if (extraAbove) iyCur++; else ixCur++; dir = (dir + 2) % 4; } } // Direction along side is 2 past main direction; set up indexes and signs of each void CParticleTasks::DirectionIndexesForHexSide(int step, int &mainDir, int &mainSign, int &sideDir, int &sideSign) { mainDir = step; sideDir = (step + 2) % 6; mainSign = 1; if (mainDir > 2) { mainSign = -1; mainDir -= 3; } sideSign = 1; if (sideDir > 2) { sideSign = -1; sideDir -= 3; } } /* To test: put this in your favorite macro command: IntVec order; mWinApp->mParticleTasks->MakeSpiralPattern(mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2], order); PrintfToLog("\r\n%d by %d:", mItemInt[1], mItemInt[2]); for (int ind = 0; ind < order.size(); ind++) PrintfToLog("%d %d", order[ind] % mItemInt[1], order[ind] / mItemInt[1]); return 0; */ /* * Given the existing vectors and their position indexes for holes, remove the ones * listed in the skipIndex list */ void CParticleTasks::SkipHolesInList(FloatVec &delISX, FloatVec &delISY, IntVec &posIndex, unsigned char *skipIndex, int numSkip, int &numHoles) { int pos, skip; for (pos = numHoles - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { for (skip = 0; skip < numSkip; skip++) { if (posIndex[2 * pos] == skipIndex[2 * skip] && posIndex[2 * pos + 1] == skipIndex[2 * skip + 1]) { delISX.erase(delISX.begin() + pos); delISY.erase(delISY.begin() + pos); posIndex.erase(posIndex.begin() + 2 * pos); posIndex.erase(posIndex.begin() + 2 * pos); numHoles--; break; } } } } // Returns true if the skip list is as big as the number of holes in multishot pattern bool CParticleTasks::ItemIsEmptyMultishot(CMapDrawItem * item) { int numHoles; if (!item->mNumSkipHoles) return false; if (item->mNumYholes == -1) { numHoles = 3 * item->mNumXholes * (item->mNumXholes + 1) + 1; } else { numHoles = item->mNumXholes * item->mNumYholes; if (item->mNumXholes == -3 && item->mNumYholes == -3) numHoles = 5; } return numHoles == item->mNumSkipHoles; } // Returns true and the number of the current hole and peripheral position numbered from // 1, and 0 for the center position; or returns false if not doing multishot bool CParticleTasks::CurrentHoleAndPosition(CString &strCurPos) { int curHole, curPos; if (mMSCurIndex < -1) return false; curHole = mMSHoleIndex + 1; if (mMSNumPeripheral) curPos = (mMSCurIndex + 1) % (mMSNumPeripheral + 1); else curPos = 0; if (mMSDoingHexGrid) { strCurPos.Format("R%dH%d-%d", mMSPosIndex[2 * mMSHoleIndex], mMSPosIndex[2 * mMSHoleIndex + 1] + 1, curPos); } else if (mMSPosIndex.size() > 0) { strCurPos.Format("X%+dY%+d-%d", mMSPosIndex[2 * mMSHoleIndex], mMSPosIndex[2 * mMSHoleIndex + 1], curPos); } else { strCurPos.Format("%d-%d", curHole, curPos); } return true; } // Open a file for each multishot position int CParticleTasks::OpenSeparateMultiFiles(CString &basename) { int err = 0; int nextShot, nextHole; CString root, ext, holePos, fullName; mWinApp->mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(false); if (mMSNumSepFiles > 0) { SEMMessageBox("Separate multishot files are already open"); return 1; } mMSNumSepFiles = 0; mMSFirstSepFile = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetNumStores(); UtilSplitExtension(basename, root, ext); // Get startup routine to do checks and set up indexes err = StartMultiShot(mMSParams, mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(), 0); if (err) return err; mWinApp->mBufferWindow.SetDeferComboReloads(true); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(true); // Cycle through the positions for (;;) { CurrentHoleAndPosition(holePos); fullName = root + "_" + holePos + ext; if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(fullName) >= 0) { SEMMessageBox("The separate multishot file to be opened,\n" + fullName + "\n" + "is already open."); CloseSeparateMultiFiles(); return 1; } err = mWinApp->mDocWnd->DoOpenNewFile(fullName); if (err) { CloseSeparateMultiFiles(); return err; } // Protect the store mWinApp->mDocWnd->ProtectStore(mMSFirstSepFile + mMSNumSepFiles); mMSNumSepFiles++; if (GetNextShotAndHole(nextShot, nextHole)) { mMSCurIndex = nextShot; mMSHoleIndex = nextHole; } else { break; } } // Get evreything updated when done mWinApp->mBufferWindow.SetDeferComboReloads(false); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(false); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mMSCurIndex = -2; return 0; } // Close all files, or whatever were opened before an error, and update UI void CParticleTasks::CloseSeparateMultiFiles() { int index; mWinApp->mBufferWindow.SetDeferComboReloads(true); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(true); for (index = mMSFirstSepFile + mMSNumSepFiles - 1; index >= mMSFirstSepFile; index--) { mWinApp->mDocWnd->SetToProtectedStore(index); mWinApp->mDocWnd->EndStoreProtection(index); mWinApp->mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); } mMSNumSepFiles = -1; mWinApp->mBufferWindow.SetDeferComboReloads(false); mWinApp->SetDeferBufWinUpdates(false); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WAITING FOR DRIFT // The routine to start it with given parameters. Returns 0 if it starts routine, -1 // if it just goes on because of prior autofocus, there are no error (1) returns yet int CParticleTasks::WaitForDrift(DriftWaitParams ¶m, bool useImageInA, float requiredMean, float changeLimit) { ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); CString str; int binInd, realBin, delay, shotType = FOCUS_CONSET; UINT tickTime, genTimeOut; DWORD lastAcquireTime = mCamera->GetLastAcquireStartTime(); int maxSecSinceAF = 10; double driftX, driftY, stz; float imStageX, imStageY, tol; mWDParm = param; // First check if the last autofocus was good enough if (param.measureType != WFD_USE_TRIAL && param.usePriorAutofocus && mFocusManager->GetLastDriftImageTime() == lastAcquireTime && SEMTickInterval(lastAcquireTime) < 1000 * maxSecSinceAF) { mScope->GetStagePosition(driftX, driftY, stz); tol = mScope->GetBacklashTolerance(); if (mImBufs->GetStagePosition(imStageX, imStageY) && fabs(imStageX - driftX) < tol && fabs(imStageY - driftY) < tol) { mFocusManager->GetLastDrift(driftX, driftY); mWDLastDriftRate = (float)sqrt(driftX * driftX + driftY * driftY); if (mWDLastDriftRate < param.priorAutofocusRate) { str.Format("Skipping wait for drift because drift from last autofocus was %s", (LPCTSTR)FormatDrift(mWDLastDriftRate)); mWDLastFailed = 0; mWinApp->AppendToLog(str, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); return -1; } } } // Set trial parameters if (param.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL) { shotType = TRACK_CONSET; conSets[TRACK_CONSET] = conSets[TRIAL_CONSET]; if (param.setTrialParams && param.exposure > 0.) conSets[TRACK_CONSET].exposure = param.exposure; if (param.setTrialParams && param.binning > 0) { conSets[TRACK_CONSET].binning = param.binning * BinDivisorI(camParam); mCamera->FindNearestBinning(camParam, &conSets[TRACK_CONSET], binInd, realBin); } conSets[TRACK_CONSET].mode = SINGLE_FRAME; } // Make sure conditions are all met for using the image in A if (useImageInA && !mImBufs->mImage || !mImBufs->mBinning || (shotType == TRACK_CONSET && mImBufs->mConSetUsed != TRIAL_CONSET) || (shotType == FOCUS_CONSET && mImBufs->mConSetUsed != FOCUS_CONSET) || !(param.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL || param.measureType == WFD_USE_FOCUS) || ((conSets[shotType].binning > mImBufs->mBinning && conSets[shotType].binning % mImBufs->mBinning != 0) || (mImBufs->mBinning > conSets[shotType].binning && mImBufs->mBinning % conSets[shotType].binning != 0))) useImageInA = false; // Initialize: save focus parameters mWDSavedTripleMode = mFocusManager->GetTripleMode(); mWDRefocusThreshold = mFocusManager->GetRefocusThreshold(); // Use time when last acquire actually started, or figure out when shot will start if (useImageInA) { mWDInitialStartTime = mWDLastStartTime = lastAcquireTime; } else { if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(param.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL ? TRIAL_CONSET : FOCUS_CONSET); tickTime = GetTickCount(); genTimeOut = mShiftManager->GetGeneralTimeOut(shotType); delay = (int)SEMTickInterval(genTimeOut, tickTime); if (delay > 0) tickTime = mShiftManager->AddIntervalToTickTime(tickTime, delay); mWDInitialStartTime = mWDLastStartTime = tickTime; } mWDSleeping = false; mWaitingForDrift = 1; mWDLastDriftRate = -1.; mWDLastFailed = DW_EXTERNAL_STOP; mWDUpdateStatus = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "WAITING for Drift"); // Take image or autofocus if (param.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL || param.measureType == WFD_USE_FOCUS) { mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); if (!useImageInA) mCamera->InitiateCapture(shotType); } else { mFocusManager->SetTripleMode(true); mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(1); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_WAIT_FOR_DRIFT, 0, 0); return 0; } // Next task when waiting for drift void CParticleTasks::WaitForDriftNextTask(int param) { CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); CString str; double driftX, driftY, delta, pixel; float shiftX, shiftY; double elapsed = 0.001 * SEMTickInterval(mWDInitialStartTime); if (!mWaitingForDrift) return; if (mWDSleeping) { // If sleeping, now start the next measurement if (mWDParm.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL || mWDParm.measureType == WFD_USE_FOCUS) mCamera->InitiateCapture(mWDParm.measureType == WFD_USE_TRIAL ? TRACK_CONSET : FOCUS_CONSET); else mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(1); mWDLastStartTime = GetTickCount(); mWDSleeping = false; mWDUpdateStatus = mWDLastDriftRate > 0; } else { // Otherwise first check image intensity if (mImBufs->mImage && mWDRequiredMean > 0. && mWinApp->mProcessImage->ImageTooWeak(mImBufs, mWDRequiredMean)) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_TOO_DIM, "image is too dim"); return; } // Then check for focus failure if (mWDParm.measureType == WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC && (mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() || mFocusManager->GetLastAborted())) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_AUTOFOCUS, "autofocus failed"); return; } // If this is not the first round, get the drift if (mWaitingForDrift > 1 || mWDParm.measureType == WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC) { if (mWDParm.measureType == WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC) { // From autofocus itself if (mFocusManager->GetLastDrift(driftX, driftY)) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_NO_INFO, "no drift value available from last autofocus"); return; } // If trying to maintain alignment, align to C to take out measured drift if (mWDParm.changeIS) { if (mShiftManager->AutoAlign(2, 1, true)) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_AUTOALIGN, "autoalignment failed"); return; } } } else { // Autoalign to B, apply image shift if option set if (mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 1, mWDParm.changeIS)) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_AUTOALIGN, "autoalignment failed"); return; } // Get the image shift then clear it, and convert to nm/sec pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mImBufs); delta = mImBufs[0].mTimeStamp - mImBufs[2].mTimeStamp; if (!pixel || delta <= 0.) { DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_NO_INFO, "images are missing needed information"); return; } mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); if (!mWDParm.changeIS) mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(0., 0.); pixel *= 1000. / delta; driftX = shiftX * pixel; driftY = shiftY * pixel; } // Drift rate: has it passed the criterion? mWDLastDriftRate = (float)sqrt(driftX * driftX + driftY * driftY); if (mWDLastDriftRate <= mWDParm.driftRate) { str.Format("Drift reached %s after %.1f sec, going on", (LPCTSTR)FormatDrift(mWDLastDriftRate), elapsed); mWDLastFailed = 0; StopWaitForDrift(); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); return; } // Or is the time up? if (elapsed + mWDParm.interval / 3. > mWDParm.maxWaitTime) { str.Format("drift is still %s after %.0f sec", (LPCTSTR)FormatDrift(mWDLastDriftRate), elapsed); DriftWaitFailed(DW_FAILED_TOO_LONG, str); return; } } // If not, then start sleeping mWDSleeping = true; mWaitingForDrift++; str = ""; if (mWDLastDriftRate > 0) { str = FormatDrift(mWDLastDriftRate); if (mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetVerbose() && mWDParm.measureType != WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC) PrintfToLog("Elapsed time %.1f sec: drift %s", elapsed, (LPCTSTR)str); } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "WAITING for Drift" + str); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_WAIT_FOR_DRIFT, 0, 0); } int CParticleTasks::WaitForDriftBusy(void) { CString str; if (mWaitingForDrift && mWDSleeping) { return (SEMTickInterval(mWDLastStartTime) < 1000. * mWDParm.interval) ? 1 : 0; } if (mWaitingForDrift && mWDUpdateStatus && SEMTickInterval(mWDLastStartTime) > 1500) { str = FormatDrift(mWDLastDriftRate); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "WAITING for Drift" + str); mWDUpdateStatus = false; } return (mWaitingForDrift && (mWinApp->mCamera->CameraBusy() || (mWDParm.measureType == WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC && mFocusManager->DoingFocus()))) ? 1 : 0; } // Cleanup call on error/timeout void CParticleTasks::WaitForDriftCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out getting an image with wait for drift routine")); StopWaitForDrift(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Stop call void CParticleTasks::StopWaitForDrift(void) { if (!mWaitingForDrift) return; mWDLastIterations = mWaitingForDrift; mWaitingForDrift = 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mFocusManager->SetTripleMode(mWDSavedTripleMode); mFocusManager->SetRefocusThreshold(mWDRefocusThreshold); } // Call to handle failure void CParticleTasks::DriftWaitFailed(int type, CString reason) { mWDLastFailed = type; reason = "Stopping the wait for drift: " + reason; StopWaitForDrift(); if (mWDParm.failureAction) SEMMessageBox(reason, MB_EXCLAME, true); // TODO: consult policy else mWinApp->AppendToLog(reason + "; going on"); } // Produce properly formatted string CString CParticleTasks::FormatDrift(float drift) { CString str; if (mWDParm.useAngstroms) str.Format(" %.1f A/sec", 10. * drift); else str.Format(" %.2f nm/sec", drift); return str; } // Set required mean and change limits if appropriate then start autofocus void CParticleTasks::StartAutofocus() { if (mWDRequiredMean > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) mFocusManager->SetRequiredBWMean(mWDRequiredMean); if (mWDFocusChangeLimit > 0.) mFocusManager->NextFocusChangeLimits(-mWDFocusChangeLimit, mWDFocusChangeLimit); mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EUCENTRICITY FROM FOCUS // Start the operation with flag whether to use view in low dose int CParticleTasks::EucentricityFromFocus(int useVinLD) { double stageX, stageY, stageZ; float backZ; StageMoveInfo smi; int index, error, paramInd, nearest, area = -1; double *focTab = mScope->GetLMFocusTable(); ZbyGParams *zbgParams; BOOL lowDose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); // Get the parameters if (mZbyGsetupDlg) mZbyGsetupDlg->UnloadControlParams(); zbgParams = GetZbyGCalAndCheck(useVinLD, index, area, paramInd, nearest, error); if (!zbgParams) { if (error == 1) { SEMMessageBox("Eucentricity by focus cannot be run from diffraction or STEM mode"); } else if (error == 2) { SEMMessageBox(CString("There is no calibration for eucentricity by focus " "for the current magnification and camera ") + (lowDose ? "and specified Low Dose area" : "outside of Low Dose")); } else { SEMMessageBox(CString("There is no calibration for eucentricity by focus " "for the current spot size and ") + (FEIscope ? "probe mode" : "alpha")); } return 1; } // Take care of many state-saving and setting details, then go to the standard focus PrepareAutofocusForZbyG(*zbgParams, true); mScope->SetFocus(zbgParams->standardFocus); mZBGTargetDefocus = zbgParams->targetDefocus; mZBGFocusOffset = zbgParams->focusOffset; // Initialize flags mZBGIterationNum = 0; mZBGFinalMove = false; mZBGTotalChange = 0.; mZBGErrorMess = ""; mZBGMeasuringFocus = 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); // Find out status of Z backlash and start with a backlash move if necessary, or focus mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); if (mScope->GetValidZbacklash(stageZ, backZ) && (backZ * mComplexTasks->GetFEBacklashZ() > 0.)) { mZBGMeasuringFocus = 1; mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1, mZBGUsingView ? 1 : 0); } else { smi.z = stageZ; smi.backZ = mComplexTasks->GetFEBacklashZ(); smi.axisBits = axisZ; mScope->MoveStage(smi, true); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_Z_BY_G, 0, mZBGMeasuringFocus ? 0 : B3DNINT(mComplexTasks->GetStageTimeoutFactor() * 30000)); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "EUCENTRICITY BY FOCUS"); return 0; } // Next operation in Z by G or calibration void CParticleTasks::ZbyGNextTask(int param) { double stageX, stageY, stageZ; float delZ, errFac, scaleDir, scaling, temp, zeroScale, prevFocus, prevScale; float oldThresh = 100., oldScale = 0.7f; StageMoveInfo smi; CString str; bool doBacklash; int ind, jnd, numScalings = (int)mZBGFocusScalings.size(); if (mZBGIterationNum < 0) return; if (mZBGMeasuringFocus) { if (mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() || mFocusManager->GetLastAborted()) { mZBGErrorMess = "The focus measurement failed when doing Eucentricity by Focus"; } else { // For calibrating, add to sum, save the parameters when done if (mZBGMeasuringFocus > 1) { mZBGCalParam.targetDefocus += mFocusManager->GetCurrentDefocus() / mZBGNumCalIterations; mZBGIterationNum++; if (mZBGIterationNum >= mZBGNumCalIterations) { if (mZBGIndexOfCal < 0) mZbyGcalArray.Add(mZBGCalParam); else mZbyGcalArray[mZBGIndexOfCal] = mZBGCalParam; PrintfToLog("Eucentricity by focus calibration done: measured defocus = %.2f" " at absolute focus %.6f", mZBGCalParam.targetDefocus, mZBGCalParam.standardFocus); StopZbyG(); if (mZbyGsetupDlg) mZbyGsetupDlg->OnButUpdateState(); return; } // Or start another iteration mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1, mZBGUsingView ? 1 : 0); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_Z_BY_G, 0, 0); return; } else { // Doing Z by G: If focus was measured, get value and determine a scaling delZ = -(mFocusManager->GetCurrentDefocus() - mZBGTargetDefocus); scaling = 1.; if (numScalings > 0) { // First work with calibrated scalings: make sure they are in order for (ind = 0; ind < numScalings - 2; ind += 2) { for (jnd = ind + 2; jnd < numScalings; jnd += 2) { if (mZBGFocusScalings[jnd] > mZBGFocusScalings[ind]) { B3DSWAP(mZBGFocusScalings[jnd], mZBGFocusScalings[ind], temp); B3DSWAP(mZBGFocusScalings[jnd + 1], mZBGFocusScalings[ind + 1], temp); } } } // Set up a virtual 1 at 0 if there is no measurement close to set zeroScale = 1.; prevFocus = 0.; prevScale = zeroScale; //offset = B3DMIN(0.f, mZBGCalParam.focusOffset); // Find index where the offset is between the last focus value and this one, // or just break out on last one for (ind = 0; ind < numScalings; ind += 2) { if ((mZBGFocusOffset <= prevFocus && mZBGFocusOffset > mZBGFocusScalings[ind]) || ind == numScalings - 2) break; prevFocus = mZBGFocusScalings[ind]; prevScale = mZBGFocusScalings[ind + 1]; } // Interpolate scaling = (prevScale + (mZBGFocusOffset - prevFocus) * (mZBGFocusScalings[ind + 1] - prevScale) / (mZBGFocusScalings[ind] - prevFocus)) / zeroScale; SEMTrace('1', "Interpolated scaling from reciprocity cal %f", scaling); } else { // If no calibrations, scale by factor from autofocus curve: the ratio of the // slope where the focus was measured to slope at 0 if (mFocusManager->GetRatioOfCalSlopes() > 0) scaling = mFocusManager->GetRatioOfCalSlopes(); SEMTrace('1', "Scaling from AF curve %f", scaling); } // Apply original scaling hack if above default threshold and measurement was past // end of curve by a lot (no extended calibration) scaleDir = delZ > 0 ? -1.f : 1.f; if (fabs(mFocusManager->GetDistPastEndOfCal()) > 0.5 * oldThresh && scaleDir * oldThresh > 0. && scaleDir * (-delZ - oldThresh) > 0.) { scaling *= oldScale; SEMTrace('1', "Change scale to %f for being past AF calibration", scaling); } delZ *= scaling / mShiftManager->GetDefocusZFactor(); // compute an error factor if (mZBGIterationNum) errFac = 1.f - delZ / mZBGLastChange; mZBGMeasuringFocus = false; // Check for various failures and compose message if (fabs(mZBGTotalChange + delZ) > mZBGMaxTotalChange) { mZBGErrorMess.Format("Error in Eucentricity by Focus: the last implied Z change" "\r\nof %.1f um made the total change be over the limit of %d um", delZ, mZBGMaxTotalChange); } else if (mZBGIterationNum > 0 && fabs(delZ) > mZBGIterThreshold && fabs(mZBGLastChange) > mZBGMinMoveForErrFac && (errFac > mZBGMaxErrorFactor || errFac < mZBGMinErrorFactor)) { mZBGErrorMess.Format("Error in Eucentricity by Focus: the last implied Z change" "\r\nof %.1f um was too inconsistent with the previous change of %.1f um", delZ, mZBGLastChange); } } } // If error, set up move back to starting position, stop now if no moves done if (!mZBGErrorMess.IsEmpty()) { delZ = -mZBGTotalChange; if (!mZBGIterationNum || mZBGMeasuringFocus > 1) { SEMMessageBox(mZBGErrorMess); StopZbyG(); return; } } // Skip another stage move if we are close enough if (fabs(delZ) < mZBGSkipLastThresh) { PrintfToLog("Eucentricity by focus: skipping last move of %.2f; total Z change %.2f" " in %d iterations", delZ, mZBGTotalChange, mZBGIterationNum + 1); StopZbyG(); return; } // set up the move with or without backlash mZBGLastChange = delZ; mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); smi.z = stageZ + delZ; mZBGTotalChange += delZ; smi.backZ = mComplexTasks->GetFEBacklashZ(); smi.axisBits = axisZ; doBacklash = delZ * smi.backZ > 0.; if (!doBacklash) mScope->CopyZBacklashValid(); SEMTrace('1', "Moving from %.2f to %.2f (delta %.2f) with%s backlash", stageZ, smi.z, delZ, doBacklash ? "" : "out"); mScope->MoveStage(smi, doBacklash); // Bump iteration number and set flag if it is the last move mZBGIterationNum++; mZBGFinalMove = !mZBGErrorMess.IsEmpty() || fabs(delZ) < mZBGIterThreshold || mZBGIterationNum >= mZBGMaxIterations; } else { // After last move, output error or summary message if (mZBGFinalMove) { if (!mZBGErrorMess.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox(mZBGErrorMess + "\r\nThe original Z has been restored"); } else PrintfToLog("Eucentricity by focus: total Z change %.2f in %d iterations", mZBGTotalChange, mZBGIterationNum); StopZbyG(); return; } // Or start measuring defocus mZBGMeasuringFocus = true; mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1, mZBGUsingView ? 1 : 0); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_Z_BY_G, 0, mZBGMeasuringFocus ? 0 : B3DNINT(mComplexTasks->GetStageTimeoutFactor() * 30000)); } // Stop or finish the Z by G operation: restore original focus and other state void CParticleTasks::StopZbyG() { LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); LowDoseParams ldsaParams; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + VIEW_CONSET; if (mZBGIterationNum < 0) return; mZBGIterationNum = -1; mScope->SetDefocus(mZBGInitialFocus); if (mZBGInitialIntensity > -900) mScope->SetIntensity(mZBGInitialIntensity); if (mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved >= 0) { ldsaParams = ldp[mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved]; mScope->SetLdsaParams(&ldsaParams); ldp[mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved] = mZBGSavedLDparam; mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved); } mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(mZBGSavedBeamTilt, "from StopZbyG"); mFocusManager->SetDefocusOffset(mZBGSavedOffset); if (mZBGUsingView) mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(mZBGSavedViewDefocus); if (mZBGSavedTop >= 0) { conSet->top = mZBGSavedTop; conSet->left = mZBGSavedLeft; conSet->bottom = mZBGSavedBottom; conSet->right = mZBGSavedRight; } mZBGSavedTop = -1; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } // Z by G busy function int CParticleTasks::ZbyGBusy() { if (mZBGMeasuringFocus) return mFocusManager->DoingFocus() ? 1 : 0; else return mScope->StageBusy(); } // Z by G cleanup function void CParticleTasks::ZbyGCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out doing eucentricity by measuring focus")); StopZbyG(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Open the setup/calibration dialog void CParticleTasks::OpenZbyGDialog() { if (mZbyGsetupDlg) { mZbyGsetupDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mZbyGsetupDlg = new CZbyGSetupDlg(); mZbyGsetupDlg->m_bUseOffset = mZBGCalWithEnteredOffset; mZbyGsetupDlg->m_fFocusOffset = mZBGCalOffsetToUse; mZbyGsetupDlg->m_bCalWithBT = mZBGCalUseBeamTilt; mZbyGsetupDlg->m_fBeamTilt = mZBGCalBeamTiltToUse; mZbyGsetupDlg->Create(IDD_Z_BY_G_SETUP); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mZbyGsetupDlg, &mZbyGPlacement); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CParticleTasks::GetZbyGPlacement(void) { if (mZbyGsetupDlg) mZbyGsetupDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mZbyGPlacement); return &mZbyGPlacement; } // Retrieve some cal parameters when closing void CParticleTasks::ZbyGSetupClosing() { GetZbyGPlacement(); mZBGCalWithEnteredOffset = mZbyGsetupDlg->m_bUseOffset; mZBGCalOffsetToUse = mZbyGsetupDlg->m_fFocusOffset; mZBGCalUseBeamTilt = mZbyGsetupDlg->m_bCalWithBT; mZBGCalBeamTiltToUse = mZbyGsetupDlg->m_fBeamTilt; mZbyGsetupDlg = NULL; } // Look for a Z by G calibration that matches the mag, low dose area, and camera, return // Null if none, return index of calibration if find it, mag index of nearest mag if not ZbyGParams *CParticleTasks::FindZbyGCalForMagAndArea(int magInd, int ldArea, int camera, int ¶mInd, int &nearest) { int ind; nearest = -1; paramInd = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mZbyGcalArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (ldArea == mZbyGcalArray[ind].lowDoseArea && mZbyGcalArray[ind].camera == camera) { if (magInd == mZbyGcalArray[ind].magIndex) { paramInd = ind; return &mZbyGcalArray[ind]; } if (nearest < 0 || B3DABS(magInd - mZbyGcalArray[ind].magIndex) < B3DABS(magInd - nearest)) nearest = mZbyGcalArray[ind].magIndex; } } return NULL; } // Look for a Z by G calibration that matches the low dose area to be used, mag and camera // plus require a match to probe/alpha and spot if not in low dose, and return an error // code along with a NULL for error ZbyGParams * CParticleTasks::GetZbyGCalAndCheck(int useVinLD, int &magInd, int &ldArea, int ¶mInd, int &nearest, int &error) { LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); ZbyGParams *zbgParams; ldArea = -1; mZBGUsingView = false; if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { if (useVinLD < 0) mZBGUsingView = mZbyGUseViewInLD; else mZBGUsingView = useVinLD > 0; ldArea = mZBGUsingView ? VIEW_CONSET : FOCUS_CONSET; magInd = ldp[ldArea].magIndex; } else magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); error = 1; if (magInd <= 0)// || mWinApp->GetSTEMMode()) // For Jaap to try return NULL; zbgParams = FindZbyGCalForMagAndArea(magInd, ldArea, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), paramInd, nearest); error = 2; if (!zbgParams) return NULL; error = 3; if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (zbgParams->spotSize != mScope->FastSpotSize() || (FEIscope && zbgParams->probeOrAlpha != mScope->GetProbeMode()) || (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha() && zbgParams->probeOrAlpha != mScope->FastAlpha()))) return NULL; error = 0; return zbgParams; } // Start a Z hy Z calibration with the given number of iterations, calInd is index if // using a calibration or -1 if using current conditions void CParticleTasks::DoZbyGCalibration(ZbyGParams ¶m, int calInd, int iterations) { mZBGCalParam = param; mZBGIndexOfCal = calInd; mZBGNumCalIterations = iterations; PrepareAutofocusForZbyG(param, calInd >= 0); mZBGUsingView = param.lowDoseArea == VIEW_CONSET; mZBGCalParam.standardFocus = mScope->GetFocus(); mZBGIterationNum = 0; mZBGMeasuringFocus = 2; mZBGCalParam.targetDefocus = 0.; mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(-1, param.lowDoseArea == VIEW_CONSET ? 1 : 0); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_Z_BY_G, 0, 0); } // Do common items to get prepared for running autofocus operation for either a Z by // G calibration or the operation itself void CParticleTasks::PrepareAutofocusForZbyG(ZbyGParams ¶m, bool saveAndSetLD) { LowDoseParams *ldp; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + VIEW_CONSET; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); int sizeX, sizeY, left, top, bottom, right; mZBGInitialIntensity = -999.; mZBGSavedLDparam.magIndex = 0; mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved = -1; // Save and set up needed beam tilt and defocus offset mZBGSavedBeamTilt = mFocusManager->GetBeamTilt(); mFocusManager->SetBeamTilt(param.beamTilt, "from PrepareAutofocusForZbyG"); mZBGSavedOffset = mFocusManager->GetDefocusOffset(); // For View area, make the offset value be the view defocus // zero the offset for all cases; it will applied below on one-time basis if (param.lowDoseArea == VIEW_CONSET) { mZBGSavedViewDefocus = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(); mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(param.focusOffset); } mFocusManager->SetDefocusOffset(0.); if (param.lowDoseArea >= 0) { // If flag is set (i.e., if using a calibration), save the low dose params for the // area and set the values in the Z by G param into that if (saveAndSetLD) { mZBGLowDoseAreaSaved = param.lowDoseArea; ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + param.lowDoseArea; mZBGSavedLDparam = *ldp; if (mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == param.lowDoseArea) mScope->SetLdsaParams(&mZBGSavedLDparam); ldp->intensity = param.intensity; ldp->spotSize = param.spotSize; if (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha()) ldp->beamAlpha = (float)param.probeOrAlpha; else if (FEIscope) ldp->probeMode = param.probeOrAlpha; } // Go to area so initial focus is correct mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(param.lowDoseArea); if (param.lowDoseArea == VIEW_CONSET && mZbyGViewSubarea > 0) { mZBGSavedTop = conSet->top; mZBGSavedLeft = conSet->left; mZBGSavedBottom = conSet->bottom; mZBGSavedRight = conSet->right; if (mZbyGViewSubarea == 1) { sizeX = (camParam->sizeX / 4) / conSet->binning; sizeY = (camParam->sizeY / 4) / conSet->binning; } else if (mZbyGViewSubarea == 2) { sizeX = ((3 * camParam->sizeX) / 8) / conSet->binning; sizeY = ((3 * camParam->sizeY) / 8) / conSet->binning; } else { sizeX = (camParam->sizeX / 2) / conSet->binning; sizeY = (camParam->sizeY / 2) / conSet->binning; } mCamera->CenteredSizes(sizeX, camParam->sizeX, camParam->moduloX, left, right, sizeY, camParam->sizeY, camParam->moduloY, top, bottom, conSet->binning); conSet->top = conSet->binning * top; conSet->left = conSet->binning * left; conSet->bottom= conSet->binning * bottom; conSet->right = conSet->binning * right; } mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetContinuousUpdate(false); } else { // For non LD, just set the intensity mZBGInitialIntensity = mScope->GetIntensity(); mScope->SetIntensity(param.intensity); } // Save the focus to restore and then do the defocus offset here mZBGInitialFocus = mScope->GetDefocus(); if (param.lowDoseArea != VIEW_CONSET) mScope->IncDefocus(param.focusOffset); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ALIGN TO TEMPLATE // // Start the task int CParticleTasks::AlignToTemplate(NavAlignParams & aliParams) { CMapDrawItem *map; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[aliParams.loadAndKeepBuf]; MontParam montParm; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + TRACK_CONSET; mATParams = aliParams; // Find map and check it map = mWinApp->mNavigator->FindItemWithString(mATParams.templateLabel, false, true); if (!map) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot find the template map in Navigator table for aligning to " "template"); return 1; } if (!map->IsMap()) { SEMMessageBox("The Navigator item designated as the template to align, with label " + mATParams.templateLabel + ", is not a map"); return 1; } if (map->mMapMontage) { SEMMessageBox("The Navigator item designated as the template to align, with label " + mATParams.templateLabel + ", ia a montage map"); return 1; } // See if it is in the buffer and load if not. Load gives messages on error if (!imBuf->mImage || imBuf->mMapID != map->mMapID) { if (mWinApp->mNavigator->DoLoadMap(true, map, mATParams.loadAndKeepBuf, false)) return 1; } mATDidSaveState = !mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); if (mATDidSaveState) { mNavHelper->SetTypeOfSavedState(STATE_NONE); mNavHelper->SaveCurrentState(STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE, 0, map->mMapCamera, 0); } mNavHelper->PrepareToReimageMap(map, &montParm, conSet, TRIAL_CONSET, (mATDidSaveState || !(mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && map->mMapLowDoseConSet < 0)) ? 1 : 0, 1); if (!mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD()) mNavHelper->SetMapOffsetsIfAny(map); mATResettingShift = false; mATIterationNum = 0; mATLastFailed = false; mMagIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mATSavedShiftsOnAcq = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(B3DMAX(1, mATSavedShiftsOnAcq)); mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture( mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD() ? mNavHelper->GetRIconSetNum() : TRACK_CONSET); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "ALIGNING TO TEMPLATE"); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_TEMPLATE_ALIGN, 0, 0); return 0; } // Next operation in align to template void CParticleTasks::TemplateAlignNextTask(int param) { int alignErr; double ISX, ISY, radialUM, stz; float backlashX, backlashY, shiftX, shiftY; ScaleMat mat; if (mATIterationNum < 0) return; if (mATResettingShift) { // Image shift was reset: stop if leaving at zero and IS was below threshold or this // was the last iteration mATResettingShift = false; mATIterationNum++; if (mATParams.leaveISatZero && (mATFinishing || mATIterationNum >= mATParams.maxNumResetIS)) { if (mATFinishing) PrintfToLog("Align to Template finished after %d IS resets with IS left at zero", mATIterationNum); else PrintfToLog("Align to Template stopped at limit of %d iterations, with IS left" " at 0", mATIterationNum); StopTemplateAlign(); return; } // Otherwise new image for align mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture( mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD() ? mNavHelper->GetRIconSetNum() : TRACK_CONSET); } else { // Got an image, align it mWinApp->mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(mATParams.maxAlignShift); alignErr = mWinApp->mShiftManager->AutoAlign(mATIterationNum ? 1 : mATParams.loadAndKeepBuf, 1, true, AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS, NULL, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., NULL, NULL, GetDebugOutput('1')); if (alignErr) { SEMMessageBox(alignErr < 0 ? "Template autoalignment failed to find a peak within" " the distance limit" : "Template autoalignment had a memory or other error"); mATLastFailed = true; StopTemplateAlign(); return; } // Assess shift for iterating or final message mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); if (!mATIterationNum) { mat = MatInv(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mMagIndex)); if (mat.xpx) { mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); shiftX *= mImBufs->mBinning; shiftY *= -mImBufs->mBinning; ApplyScaleMatrix(mat, shiftX, shiftY, backlashX, backlashY); PrintfToLog("Shift in Align to Template is %.3f, %.3f microns", backlashX, backlashY); } } radialUM = (float)mWinApp->mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(ISX, ISY, mMagIndex); // Done if iteration limit reached if (mATIterationNum >= mATParams.maxNumResetIS) { if (mATParams.maxNumResetIS > 0) PrintfToLog("Align to Template stopped at limit of %d iterations, with residual " "IS of %.2f um", mATIterationNum, radialUM); else PrintfToLog("Align to Template finished with residual IS of %.2f um", radialUM); StopTemplateAlign(); return; } // Otherwise assess shift, start a reset if above limit, or on final round if below // and leaving IS at zero mATFinishing = radialUM < mATParams.resetISthresh; if (mATFinishing && !mATParams.leaveISatZero) { PrintfToLog("Align to Template finished after %d IS resets with residual IS of " "%.2f, below threshold", mATIterationNum, radialUM); StopTemplateAlign(); return; } SEMTrace('1', "Resetting shift of %.2f um, iteration %d", radialUM, mATIterationNum); mScope->GetStagePosition(ISX, ISY, stz); mWinApp->mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(ISX, ISY, backlashX, backlashY), false); mATResettingShift = true; } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_TEMPLATE_ALIGN, 0, 0); } // Stop - restore state void CParticleTasks::StopTemplateAlign() { if (mATIterationNum < 0) return; mATIterationNum = -1; mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(mATSavedShiftsOnAcq); mNavHelper->RestoreLowDoseConset(); mNavHelper->RestoreMapOffsets(); if (mATDidSaveState) mNavHelper->RestoreFromMapState(); else if (!mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD() && mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bLowDoseMode ? 1 : 0) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); mATDidSaveState = false; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); } int CParticleTasks::TemplateAlignBusy() { if (mATResettingShift) return mWinApp->mShiftManager->ResettingIS() ? 1 : 0; return mCamera->TaskCameraBusy(); } void CParticleTasks::TemplateAlignCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out aligning to template")); StopTemplateAlign(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MANAGE DEWARS AND VACUUM // // Start the process int CParticleTasks::ManageDewarsVacuum(DewarVacParams & params, int skipOrDoChecks) { int longOps[5]; float hours[5]; int err = 0, busy, secToStart, numLongOps = 0; int capabilities = mScope->GetDewarVacCapabilities(); bool canGetTimeToFill = (FEIscope && (capabilities & 2)) || mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin(); bool doChecks = skipOrDoChecks >= 0; bool doNonChecks = skipOrDoChecks <= 0; mDVAlreadyFilling = false; mDVWaitForFilling = 0; mDVWaitAfterFilled = 0.; mDVStartedRefill = false; mDVStartedCycle = false; mDVParams = params; if ((capabilities & 2) == 0 && !mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin()) { mDVParams.checkDewars = false; mDVParams.refillDewars = false; } // Just handle nitrogen checking/filling here and leave other operations to next task // Check if dewars are already filling if it is either set to check or possibly // going to start it if (((doNonChecks && mDVParams.refillDewars) || (doChecks && mDVParams.checkDewars)) && mScope->AreDewarsFilling(busy) && busy) { mDVAlreadyFilling = true; // If not already filling and we can get time to next filling, do so } else if (((doNonChecks && mDVParams.refillDewars) || doChecks) && mDVParams.checkDewars && canGetTimeToFill) { if (mScope->GetDewarsRemainingTime(0, secToStart)) { // If it is within the pause interval, just set up to wait for it to start if (secToStart <= params.pauseBeforeMin * 60.) { mDVWaitForFilling = secToStart; mDVStartTime = GetTickCount(); // Or if it is within interval where we should trigger it, go ahead and set up // for immediate start } else if (params.startRefill && secToStart <= params.startIntervalMin * 60.) { SetupRefillLongOp(longOps, hours, numLongOps, 0.); } } } // If none of that resulted in waiting or starting, set up to do long operation if it // is time for it. if ((doNonChecks && mDVParams.refillDewars) && !mDVAlreadyFilling && !mDVWaitForFilling && !numLongOps) { SetupRefillLongOp(longOps, hours, numLongOps, params.dewarTimeHours); } // Set flags if buffer cycle operations should be done mDVNeedVacRuns = doNonChecks && FEIscope && (params.runBufferCycle || (params.runAutoloaderCycle && (capabilities & 1))); mDVNeedPVPCheck = doChecks && FEIscope && params.checkPVP; mDVDoingDewarVac = true; // Start long operation or not if (numLongOps) { err = mScope->StartLongOperation(longOps, hours, numLongOps); if (err > 0) { SEMMessageBox("Could not start a long operation for filling nitrogen;\n" + CString(err == 1 ? "The thread for long operations is already running" : "inappropriate parameters were sent to the long operation routine")); mDVDoingDewarVac = false; return 1; } mDVStartedRefill = !err; } mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "MANAGING SCOPE"); // Set up to go through busy if waiting or long op, or just go to next task now if (mDVAlreadyFilling || mDVWaitForFilling || mDVStartedRefill) { if (!mDVStartedRefill) mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, mDVAlreadyFilling ? "WAIT UNTIL FILLED" : "WAIT for FILL START"); if (mDVAlreadyFilling) { // If it fills on its own, record the time that it was found to be filling numLongOps = 0; SetupRefillLongOp(longOps, hours, numLongOps, -1.); mScope->StartLongOperation(longOps, hours, numLongOps); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM, 0, 2000 * mDVWaitForFilling); } else { DewarsVacNextTask(0); } return 0; } // Set the operation entries for a refill appropriate for the scope type with the given // value for the hours entry void CParticleTasks::SetupRefillLongOp(int *longOps, float *hours, int &numLongOps, float hourVal) { if (JEOLscope && mScope->GetJeolHasNitrogenClass()) { longOps[numLongOps] = LONG_OP_FILL_STAGE; hours[numLongOps++] = hourVal; longOps[numLongOps] = LONG_OP_FILL_TRANSFER; hours[numLongOps++] = hourVal; } else if ((FEIscope && (mScope->GetDewarVacCapabilities() & 2)) || mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin()) { longOps[numLongOps] = LONG_OP_REFILL; hours[numLongOps++] = hourVal; } } // Do next task in the series void CParticleTasks::DewarsVacNextTask(int param) { int longOps[5]; float hours[5]; int err, numLongOps = 0; BOOL state; if (!mDVDoingDewarVac) return; mDVWaitAfterFilled = 0.; // After waiting to start filling, set that it is filling if (mDVWaitForFilling) { mDVWaitForFilling = 0; mDVAlreadyFilling = true; SetupRefillLongOp(longOps, hours, numLongOps, -1.); mScope->StartLongOperation(longOps, hours, numLongOps); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAIT UNTIL FILLED"); } else if (mDVAlreadyFilling || mDVStartedRefill) { // If filling was doneby testing, or the long operation finished, set up for post-wait mDVAlreadyFilling = false; mDVStartedRefill = false; mDVWaitAfterFilled = mDVParams.postFillWaitMin; mDVStartTime = GetTickCount(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAIT AFTER FILL"); } // Put this idle task on if there is a something to do (0 wait = nothing to do) if (mDVAlreadyFilling || mDVWaitAfterFilled) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM, 0, 0); return; } // If buffer cycles done or PVP done, clear those flags mDVStartedCycle = false; mDVWaitForPVP = false; // Now check the buffer cycles with a long op call, clear their flag if (mDVNeedVacRuns && mDVParams.runBufferCycle) { longOps[numLongOps] = LONG_OP_BUFFER; hours[numLongOps++] = (float)(mDVParams.bufferTimeMin / 60.); } if (mDVNeedVacRuns && mDVParams.runAutoloaderCycle && (mScope->GetDewarVacCapabilities() & 1)) { longOps[numLongOps] = LONG_OP_LOAD_CYCLE; hours[numLongOps++] = (float)(mDVParams.autoloaderTimeMin / 60.); } mDVNeedVacRuns = false; // Start long operation if needed if (numLongOps) { err = mScope->StartLongOperation(longOps, hours, numLongOps); if (err > 0) { SEMMessageBox("Could not start a long operation for doing buffer cycle;\n" + CString(err == 1 ? "The thread for long operations is already running" : "inappropriate parameters were sent to the long operation routine")); StopDewarsVac(); return; } mDVStartedCycle = !err; } // Check for PVP if not doing any buffer cycles if (!mDVStartedCycle && mDVNeedPVPCheck && mScope->IsPVPRunning(state)) { mDVWaitForPVP = state; mDVNeedPVPCheck = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "WAITING FOR PVP"); } // Start task if anything to do, or stop if (mDVStartedCycle || mDVWaitForPVP) mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_DEWARS_VACUUM, 0, 0); else StopDewarsVac(); } // A simple stop function void CParticleTasks::StopDewarsVac() { mDVDoingDewarVac = false; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } // Testing for busy in the various cases int CParticleTasks::DewarsVacBusy() { int busy; BOOL state; // Long operation for refill or buffer cycle if (mDVStartedRefill || mDVStartedCycle) return mScope->LongOperationBusy(); // Testing for filling to start or end if (mDVWaitForFilling || mDVAlreadyFilling) { if (mScope->AreDewarsFilling(busy)) return ((mDVWaitForFilling && !busy) || (mDVAlreadyFilling && busy)) ? 1 : 0; return -1; } // Waiting a time after fill if (mDVWaitAfterFilled) return (SEMTickInterval(mDVStartTime) < 60000. * mDVWaitAfterFilled) ? 1 : 0; // Waiting for PVP to stop if (mDVWaitForPVP) { if (mScope->IsPVPRunning(state)) return state ? 1 : 0; return -1; } return 0; } void CParticleTasks::DewarsVacCleanup(int error) { }