// NavigatorDlg.cpp : Dialog class to manage the Navigator window and perform // all tasks associated with it // // // Copyright (C) 2003-2020 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde #include "stdafx.h" #include "direct.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include #include #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "MultiGridDlg.h" #include "MGSettingsManagerDlg.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "MacroEditer.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include ".\NavigatorDlg.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "NavAcquireDlg.h" #include "NavImportDlg.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "MultiCombinerDlg.h" #include "MultiHoleCombiner.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "ShiftToMarkerDlg.h" #include "FilterTasks.h" #include "GainRefMaker.h" #include "AutoTuning.h" #include "MapDrawItem.h" #include "Mailer.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "CameraMacroTools.h" #include "MontageSetupDlg.h" //#include "TiltSeriesParam.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\autodoc.h" #include "Image\KStoreIMOD.h" #include "Image\KStoreADOC.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\iimage.h" #include "Shared\imodel.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif static char *colorNames[] = {"Red", "Grn", "Blu", "Yel", "Mag", "NRI", "SKP", "Red", "Ora", "Yel", "Grn", "Cya", "Blu", "Vio", "Mag", "SPC", "SPC", "SPC", "SPC"}; static char *typeString[] = {"Pt", "Poly", "Map", "Imp", "Anc"}; #define MAX_REGPT_NUM 99 #define NAV_FILE_VERSION "2.00" #define VERSION_TIMES_100 200 // Simple derived drag list box class for notifying of a drag change CMyDragListBox::CMyDragListBox() : CDragListBox() { } // Selection change and clicking in empty space both generate this message, so // make sure it is legal new index void CMyDragListBox::Dropped( int nSrcIndex, CPoint pt ) { CDragListBox::Dropped(nSrcIndex, pt); int newIndex = GetCurSel(); if (newIndex == LB_ERR) { // This is the old way which was flawed when there was a scrolling change in the drop // Since we do a remove then insert below, index needs to be reduced for a higher // new value (a difference of 1 does nothing) newIndex = ItemFromPt(pt); if (newIndex > nSrcIndex) newIndex--; } if (newIndex >= 0 && nSrcIndex != newIndex) ((CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp())->mNavigator->OnListItemDrag(nSrcIndex, newIndex); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNavigatorDlg dialog CNavigatorDlg::CNavigatorDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CBaseDlg(CNavigatorDlg::IDD, pParent) , m_bRotate(FALSE) , m_bTiltSeries(FALSE) , m_bFileAtItem(FALSE) , m_bGroupFile(FALSE) , m_strFilename(_T("(Alongfilenameforyou)")) , m_bDualMap(FALSE) , m_strItemNum(_T("")) , m_bShowAcquireArea(FALSE) , m_bEditMode(FALSE) , m_bDrawLabels(TRUE) , m_bEditFocus(FALSE) , m_bTableIndexes(FALSE) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CNavigatorDlg) m_bRegPoint = FALSE; m_strLabel = _T(""); m_strPtNote = _T(""); m_bCorner = FALSE; m_strCurrentReg = _T(""); m_strRegPtNum = _T(""); m_bDrawOne = FALSE; m_iColor = -1; m_bAcquire = FALSE; m_bDrawNone = FALSE; m_bDrawAllReg = FALSE; m_bCollapseGroups = FALSE; srand(GetTickCount()); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT mInitialized = false; mNonModal = true; mNumDigitsForIndex = -1; mItemArray.SetSize(0, 5); mGroupFiles.SetSize(0, 4); mFileOptArray.SetSize(0, 4); mMontParArray.SetSize(0, 4); mTSparamArray.SetSize(0, 4); mAcqStateArray.SetSize(0, 4); mAddingPoints = false; mAddingPoly = 0; mMovingItem = false; mNavFilename = ""; mChanged = false; mAcquireIndex = -1; mPausedAcquire = false; mResumedFromPause = false; mNavBackedUp = false; mPreCombineBackedUp = false; mSuperNumX = 0; mSuperNumY = 0; mSuperOverlap = 0; mMontItem = NULL; mMarkerShiftReg = 0; mLoadingMap = false; mShiftAIndex = -1; mShiftDIndex = -1; mShiftTIndex = -1; mShiftNIndex = -1; mShiftVIndex = -1; mShiftHIndex = -1; mMinNewFileInterval = 1; mNumSavedRegXforms = 0; mSuperCoordIndex = -1; mShiftByAlignStamp = -1.; mStartedTS = false; mDualMapID = -1; mLastMoveStageID = -1; mRemoveItemOnly = false; mSkipBacklashType = 0; mNextFileOptInd = -1; mNextMontParInd = -1; mLast5ptRegis = -1; mNumExtraFileSuffixes = 0; mNumExtraFilesToClose = 0; mAcqDlgPostponed = false; mMaxAngleExtraFullMont = 15.; mSettingUpFullMont = false; mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; mLastGridAwayFromFocus = -1; mLastGridInSpacing = 0.; mAddingFoundHoles = false; mDeferAddingToViewer = false; mFocusCycleCounter = -1; mSavedBeamTiltX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mSavedAstigX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mNavAcquireDlg = NULL; mRunScriptAfterNextAcq = -1; mFRangeIndex = -1; mInRangeDelete = false; mIgnoreUpdates = false; mNumWrongMapWarnings = 0; mCurrentItem = -1; } void CNavigatorDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CBaseDlg::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CNavigatorDlg) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_MARKER, m_butGotoMarker); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_ACQUIRE, m_butAcquire); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NEW_MAP, m_butNewMap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ADD_STAGE_POS, m_butAddStagePos); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DELETEITEM, m_butDeleteItem); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_XY, m_butGotoXy); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GOTO_POINT, m_butGotoPoint); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_REGPT_NUM, m_statRegPtNum); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPINCURRENT_REG, m_sbcCurrentReg); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_REGPT_NUM, m_sbcRegPtNum); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_MOVE_ITEM, m_butMoveItem); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LOAD_MAP, m_butLoadMap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DRAW_POLYGON, m_butDrawPoly); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DRAW_POINTS, m_butDrawPts); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECKCORNER, m_butCorner); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PTNOTE, m_editPtNote); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_REGPOINT, m_butRegPoint); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LISTVIEWER, m_listViewer); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECKROTATE, m_butRotate); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECKROTATE, m_bRotate); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_REGPOINT, m_bRegPoint); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PTLABEL, m_strLabel); DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_strLabel, MAX_LABEL_SIZE); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PTNOTE, m_strPtNote); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECKCORNER, m_bCorner); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_CURRENTREG, m_strCurrentReg); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_REGPT_NUM, m_strRegPtNum); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DRAW_ONE, m_bDrawOne); DDX_CBIndex(pDX, IDC_COMBOCOLOR, m_iColor); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_ACQUIRE, m_bAcquire); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DRAW_NONE, m_bDrawNone); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DRAW_ALL_REG, m_bDrawAllReg); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_REALIGNTOITEM, m_butRealign); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATLISTHEADER, m_statListHeader); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_TS, m_butTiltSeries); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_TS, m_bTiltSeries); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATITEM, m_butFileAtItem); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATGROUP, m_butGroupFile); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATITEM, m_bFileAtItem); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATGROUP, m_bGroupFile); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STAT_NAV_FILENAME, m_statFilename); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_NAV_FILENAME, m_strFilename); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_STAT_NAVITEMNUM, m_strItemNum); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_NAV_FILEPROPS, m_butFileProps); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_UPDATEZ, m_butUpdateZ); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_NAV_STATE, m_butScopeState); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_NAV_TSPARAMS, m_butTSparams); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_NAV_FILENAME, m_butFilename); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_PTLABEL, m_editPtLabel); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBOCOLOR, m_comboColor); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DRAW_ONE, m_butDrawOne); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK_DUALMAP, m_checkDualMap); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_DUAL_MAP, m_butDualMap); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_CHECK_DUALMAP, m_bDualMap); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_COLLAPSE_GROUPS, m_bCollapseGroups); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COLLAPSE_GROUPS, m_butCollapse); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SHOW_ACQUIRE_AREA, m_bShowAcquireArea); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ADD_MARKER, m_butAddMarker); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MODE, m_butEditMode); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MODE, m_bEditMode); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_DRAW_LABELS, m_bDrawLabels); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUT_NAV_FOCUS_POS, m_butNavFocusPos); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_FOCUS, m_butEditFocus); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_EDIT_FOCUS, m_bEditFocus); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TABLE_INDEXES, m_butTableIndexes); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_TABLE_INDEXES, m_bTableIndexes); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CNavigatorDlg, CBaseDlg) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CNavigatorDlg) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ADD_STAGE_POS, OnAddStagePos) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_REGPOINT, OnCheckRegpoint) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECKCORNER, OnCheckcorner) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DELETEITEM, OnDeleteitem) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_POINTS, OnDrawPoints) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_POLYGON, OnDrawPolygon) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_GOTO_POINT, OnGotoPoint) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LISTVIEWER, OnSelchangeListviewer) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LOAD_MAP, OnLoadMap) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_MOVE_ITEM, OnMoveItem) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_NEW_MAP, OnNewMap) ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_SPIN_REGPT_NUM, OnDeltaposSpinRegptNum) ON_NOTIFY(UDN_DELTAPOS, IDC_SPINCURRENT_REG, OnDeltaposSpincurrentReg) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_PTLABEL, OnChangeEditPtlabel) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_PTNOTE, OnChangeEditPtnote) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_ONE, OnDrawOne) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_GOTO_XY, OnGotoXy) ON_WM_MOVE() ON_WM_ACTIVATE() ON_CBN_SELENDOK(IDC_COMBOCOLOR, OnSelendokCombocolor) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_ACQUIRE, OnCheckAcquire) ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_LISTVIEWER, OnDblclkListviewer) ON_LBN_SETFOCUS(IDC_LISTVIEWER, OnSetFocusListviewer) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_GOTO_MARKER, OnGotoMarker) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_NONE, OnDrawNone) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_ALL_REG, OnDrawNone) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECKROTATE, OnCheckrotate) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_REALIGNTOITEM, OnRealigntoitem) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_NAV_TS, OnCheckTiltSeries) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATITEM, OnCheckFileatitem) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_NAV_FILEATGROUP, OnCheckFileatgroup) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_NAV_FILEPROPS, OnButFileprops) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_NAV_STATE, OnButState) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_NAV_TSPARAMS, OnButTsparams) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_NAV_FILENAME, OnButFilename) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_UPDATEZ, OnButUpdatez) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK_DUALMAP, OnCheckDualMap) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_DUAL_MAP, OnButDualMap) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_COLLAPSE_GROUPS, OnCollapseGroups) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_PTNOTE, OnKillfocusEditBox) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_EDIT_PTLABEL, OnKillfocusEditBox) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ADD_MARKER, OnAddMarker) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHOW_ACQUIRE_AREA, OnShowAcquireArea) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EDIT_MODE, OnEditMode) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DRAW_LABELS, OnDrawLabels) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUT_NAV_FOCUS_POS, OnButNavFocusPos) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EDIT_FOCUS, OnEditFocus) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TABLE_INDEXES, OnTableIndexes) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INITIALIZATION AND WINDOW-RELATED MESSAGES BOOL CNavigatorDlg::OnInitDialog() { CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog(); mDocWnd = mWinApp->mDocWnd; mMagTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mMontParam = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; mParam = mWinApp->GetNavParams(); mHelper = mWinApp->mNavHelper; mLowDoseDlg = &mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg; mMacroProcessor = mWinApp->mMacroProcessor; CRect editRect, clientRect, wndRect; GetClientRect(clientRect); for (int ind = 0; ind < 9; ind++) { mListHeaderLefts[ind] = 0; CStatic *part = (CStatic *)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATLISTHEADER1 + ind); if (part) TopLeftForSetWindowPos(part, wndRect, clientRect, mListHeaderLefts[ind], mListHeaderTop); } m_editPtNote.GetWindowRect(editRect); mNoteBorderX = clientRect.Width() - editRect.Width(); mNoteHeight = editRect.Height(); m_listViewer.GetWindowRect(editRect); mListBorderX = clientRect.Width() - editRect.Width(); mListBorderY = clientRect.Height() - editRect.Height(); m_statListHeader.GetWindowRect(editRect); mHeaderBorderX = clientRect.Width() - editRect.Width(); mHeaderHeight = editRect.Height(); m_statListHeader.GetWindowText(mHeaderStart); m_statFilename.GetWindowRect(editRect); mFilenameBorderX = clientRect.Width() - editRect.Width(); mInitialized = true; m_bCollapseGroups = mHelper->GetCollapseGroups(); m_bTableIndexes = mHelper->GetShowTableIndexes(); m_iColor = 0; SetDropDownHeight(&m_comboColor, CONT_COLOR_BASE_IND + MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS); m_sbcCurrentReg.SetRange(1,MAX_CURRENT_REG); m_sbcRegPtNum.SetRange(1,MAX_REGPT_NUM); // Set up current registration // Set up default registration point number from first free value SetCurrentRegFromMax(); SetRegPtNum(GetFreeRegPtNum(mCurrentRegistration, 0)); FillListBox(); mNewItemNum = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() + 1; UpdateHiding(); UtilModifyMenuItem("Navigator", ID_MONTAGINGGRIDS_MULTIPLEGRIDOPERATIONS, mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader() ? "Mult&iple Grid Operations..." : "Mult&iple Operations on Grid..."); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } // Respond to new size by fitting note edit and list box to window void CNavigatorDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CRect rect; CBaseDlg::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if (!mInitialized) return; int newX = cx - mListBorderX; int newY = cy - mListBorderY; if (newX < 10) newX = 10; if (newY < 10) newY = 10; m_listViewer.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, newX, newY, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); newX = cx - mNoteBorderX; m_editPtNote.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, newX, mNoteHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); m_statFilename.GetClientRect(rect); newX = cx - mHeaderBorderX; m_statListHeader.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, newX, mHeaderHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); m_statFilename.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, cx - mFilenameBorderX, rect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); m_statFilename.Invalidate(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Clean up when window is being destroyed void CNavigatorDlg::PostNcDestroy() { mHelper->DeleteArrays(); delete this; CDialog::PostNcDestroy(); } // This override takes care of the closing situation, OnClose is redundant void CNavigatorDlg::OnCancel() { if (!OKtoCloseNav()) return; if (AskIfSave("closing window?")) return; mHelper->SetCollapseGroups(m_bCollapseGroups); mHelper->SetShowTableIndexes(m_bTableIndexes); if (!mWinApp->mMainFrame->GetClosingProgram()) Redraw(); // DO NOT call base class, it will leak memory //CDialog::OnCancel(); mWinApp->NavigatorClosing(); DestroyWindow(); } // Central place to test for whether it is OK to close the dialog bool CNavigatorDlg::OKtoCloseNav() { return !(mLoadingMap || mAcquireIndex >= 0 || mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq() || mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMultiGrid()); } // Returns come through here - needed to avoid closing window // can restore focus, but do not set up a kill focus handler that does // this because it makes other buttons unresponsive void CNavigatorDlg::OnOK() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CNavigatorDlg::OnMove(int x, int y) { CBaseDlg::OnMove(x, y); if (mInitialized) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CNavigatorDlg::OnActivate(UINT nState, CWnd * pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized) { CBaseDlg::OnActivate(nState, pWndOther, bMinimized); if (nState != WA_INACTIVE) mWinApp->SetNavOrLogHadFocus(1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UPDATE/ENABLE CONTROLS; ROUTINES FOR DETERMINING MENU ITEM ENABLING // Set the controls for the values of the current item void CNavigatorDlg::ManageCurrentControls() { CString *name; int index, trim, start, end, ind, doDraw = -1; std::set::iterator iter; CMapDrawItem *item; bool exists = false; bool group = false; bool enableDraw = true; bool regOK; m_strFilename = ""; m_strItemNum = ""; if (SetCurrentItem()) { exists = true; m_strItemNum.Format("# %d", mCurrentItem + 1); m_strPtNote = mItem->mNote; m_strLabel = mItem->mLabel; m_iColor = mItem->mColor; m_bDrawOne = mItem->mDraw; m_bCorner = mItem->mCorner; m_bRotate = mItem->mRotOnLoad; m_bDualMap = mItem->IsMap() && mItem->mMapID == mDualMapID; m_bRegPoint = mItem->mRegPoint > 0; if (m_bRegPoint) SetRegPtNum(mItem->mRegPoint); m_bTiltSeries = mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0; } else if (m_bCollapseGroups && mCurListSel >= 0) { group = true; GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem, index); mItem = mItemArray[mCurrentItem]; m_strItemNum.Format("# %d-%d", mCurrentItem + 1, index + 1); item = GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (item) m_strLabel = item->mLabel; for (ind = mCurrentItem; ind <= index; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (doDraw < 0) doDraw = item->mDraw ? 1 : 0; if (doDraw != (item->mDraw ? 1 : 0)) { enableDraw = false; break; } } if (enableDraw) m_bDrawOne = doDraw > 0; } // Manage selection list if necessary // Make sure current item is in selection list, or if // groups are collapsed, make sure at least one selected item is in group index = (int)mSelectedItems.count(mCurrentItem); if (m_bCollapseGroups && mCurListSel >= 0) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); index = 0; for (iter = mSelectedItems.begin(); iter != mSelectedItems.end() && !index; iter++) if (*iter >= start && *iter <= end) index = 1; } // If this is not the case, clear out the list and add current item if valid if (!index) { mSelectedItems.clear(); if (mCurrentItem >= 0) mSelectedItems.insert(mCurrentItem); } if (group || exists) { m_bAcquire = mItem->mAcquire; m_bFileAtItem = mItem->mFilePropIndex >= 0; index = GroupScheduledIndex(mItem->mGroupID); m_bGroupFile = mItem->mAcquire && index >= 0; if (m_bFileAtItem || m_bGroupFile) { if (m_bGroupFile) { ScheduledFile *sfile = (ScheduledFile *)mGroupFiles.GetAt(index); name = &sfile->filename; } else name = &mItem->mFileToOpen; trim = name->GetLength() - (name->ReverseFind('\\') + 1); m_strFilename = "(" + name->Right(trim) + ")"; } } regOK = exists && (mItem->IsPoint() || mItem->IsMap()) && !mNavAcquireDlg; m_butRegPoint.EnableWindow(regOK); m_sbcRegPtNum.EnableWindow(regOK); m_statRegPtNum.EnableWindow(regOK); exists = exists && !mNavAcquireDlg; m_butCorner.EnableWindow(exists && mItem->IsPoint()); m_butRotate.EnableWindow(exists && mItem->IsMap()); m_checkDualMap.EnableWindow(exists && (m_bDualMap || (mItem->IsMap() && !mItem->mImported))); m_editPtNote.EnableWindow(exists && mAcquireIndex < 0); m_editPtLabel.EnableWindow(exists && mAcquireIndex < 0); m_butDrawOne.EnableWindow(enableDraw); m_comboColor.EnableWindow(exists); UpdateData(false); if (m_bTableIndexes && mNumDigitsForIndex > 0) { if (mItemArray.GetSize() < pow(10, mNumDigitsForIndex - 1) || mItemArray.GetSize() >= pow(10, mNumDigitsForIndex)) FillListBox(true, true); } if (mHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mHelper->mMultiShotDlg->ManageEnables(); Update(); } // Manage the state of action buttons, some of which depend on task status void CNavigatorDlg::Update() { int index, i, start, end, numTS = 0, numAcq = 0, numFile = 0, numAcqInGroup = 0; int numLeft, numHoles, numShots; CMapDrawItem *item; CString str, str2; double timePerItem, sinceLastDone, remaining, montLeft = -1.; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[mWinApp->Montaging() ? 1 : 0]; BOOL noTasks = !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && mAcquireIndex < 0; BOOL justAcqOpen = mWinApp->DoingTasks() && mWinApp->GetJustNavAcquireOpen(); BOOL curExists = SetCurrentItem(); BOOL noDrawing = !(mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly || mMovingItem || mLoadingMap); BOOL stageMoveOK = curExists && noTasks && noDrawing && RegistrationUseType(mItem->mRegistration) != NAVREG_IMPORT; BOOL fileOK = curExists && noTasks; BOOL groupOK = false, anyAcqInGroup = false; BOOL propsNameStateOK, multishot = false; BOOL grpExists = GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); BOOL recordingHoles = mHelper->mMultiShotDlg &&mHelper->mMultiShotDlg->RecordingHoles(); if (mIgnoreUpdates) return; if (grpExists) { mItem = mItemArray[start]; for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mAcquire) numAcqInGroup++; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { numAcqInGroup = 0; break; } } } // If acquiring, update the number done and estimated completion if (mAcquireIndex >= 0 && mInitialNumAcquire > 0) { numLeft = mInitialNumAcquire - mNumDoneAcq; multishot = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT; if (multishot) mHelper->CountHoleAcquires(mAcquireIndex, -1, 0, numLeft, numHoles, numShots); str = FormatProgress(mNumDoneAcq, mInitialNumAcquire, numLeft, multishot ? "items" : "done"); if (multishot) str += "; " + FormatProgress(mNumTotalShotsAcq, mInitialTotalShots, numShots, "shots"); if (mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage()) montLeft = mWinApp->mMontageController->GetRemainingTime(); if (mNumDoneAcq || montLeft >= 0.) { sinceLastDone = SEMTickInterval(mLastAcqDoneTime); // For a montage, get estimated remaining time, and if this is the last one, then // set time per item to total time so this will come out as remaining time below, // otherwise set time per item based on estimated total of this plus previous runs if (montLeft >= 0.) { if (montLeft == mLastMontLeft) { timePerItem = mLastTimePerItem; } else { if (mNumDoneAcq == mInitialNumAcquire - 1) timePerItem = montLeft + sinceLastDone; else timePerItem = (mElapsedAcqTime + montLeft + sinceLastDone) /(mNumDoneAcq + 1); mLastMontLeft = montLeft; mLastTimePerItem = timePerItem; } } else { timePerItem = mElapsedAcqTime / mNumDoneAcq; } // If the current one is overdue, re-estimate time per item to give smooth increases // in total estimate at each completion if (sinceLastDone > timePerItem) timePerItem = (mElapsedAcqTime + sinceLastDone) / (mNumDoneAcq + 1); remaining = timePerItem * (mInitialNumAcquire - mNumDoneAcq) - B3DMIN(sinceLastDone, timePerItem); CTimeSpan ts(B3DNINT(B3DMAX(0., remaining) / 1000.)); if (ts.GetDays() > 0) str += ts.Format("; ETC %D da %H:%M"); else if (multishot) str += ts.Format("; ETC %H:%M"); else str += ts.Format("; ETC %H:%M:%S"); } ManageListHeader(str); } // Determine if it is OK to turn on file at group if ((fileOK && mItem->mFilePropIndex < 0 && mItem->mGroupID && mItem->mAcquire) || grpExists) { groupOK = true; if (fileOK) { start = 0; end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; } for (i = start; i <= end ; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mGroupID == mItem->mGroupID) { if (item->mAcquire) numAcq++; if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) numFile++; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) numTS++; } } groupOK = numAcq && !numTS && !numFile; } //m_butUpdatePos.EnableWindow(curExists && mItem->IsNotMap() && noDrawing && // mAcquireIndex < 0); m_butUpdateZ.EnableWindow((curExists || grpExists) && noTasks && noDrawing); m_butGotoPoint.EnableWindow(stageMoveOK && !recordingHoles); m_butGotoXy.EnableWindow(stageMoveOK); m_butGotoMarker.EnableWindow(noTasks && noDrawing); m_butGotoXy.SetWindowText(recordingHoles ? "IS To XY" : "Go To XY"); m_butGotoMarker.SetWindowText(recordingHoles ? "IS To Marker" : "Go To Marker"); m_butAddStagePos.EnableWindow(noTasks && noDrawing); if (curExists) item = FindMontMapDrawnOn(mItem); else item = FindMontMapDrawnOn(GetSingleSelectedItem()); m_butLoadMap.EnableWindow((curExists || item) && (noTasks || justAcqOpen) && noDrawing && !mCamera->CameraBusy() && (mItem->IsMap() || item != NULL)); m_butLoadMap.SetWindowText(item ? "Load Piece" : "Load Map"); m_butNewMap.EnableWindow(noDrawing && noTasks && mWinApp->mStoreMRC != NULL); m_butDualMap.EnableWindow(noDrawing && noTasks && mDualMapID >= 0); m_butDeleteItem.EnableWindow((curExists || grpExists) && noDrawing && mAcquireIndex < 0 && !mHelper->GetAcquiringDual() && !mWinApp->DoingComplexTasks() && !mNavAcquireDlg && mFRangeIndex < 0); m_butRealign.EnableWindow(curExists && noDrawing && mAcquireIndex < 0 && noTasks && !mCamera->CameraBusy()); m_listViewer.EnableWindow(!mAddingPoints && !mLoadingMap && mAcquireIndex < 0); index = -1; if (curExists || grpExists) index = GroupScheduledIndex(mItem->mGroupID); m_butAcquire.EnableWindow(!mNavAcquireDlg && ((fileOK && mItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) || (grpExists && noTasks && !numTS))); m_butTiltSeries.EnableWindow(fileOK && !mItem->mAcquire); m_butFileAtItem.EnableWindow(((fileOK && mItem->mAcquire && mItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) || (grpExists && noTasks && numAcqInGroup > 1)) && index < 0); m_butGroupFile.EnableWindow(groupOK && noTasks); propsNameStateOK = (fileOK && (mItem->mFilePropIndex >= 0 || index >= 0)) || (grpExists && noTasks && index >= 0); m_butFileProps.EnableWindow(propsNameStateOK); m_butFilename.EnableWindow(propsNameStateOK); m_butTSparams.EnableWindow(fileOK && mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0); m_butScopeState.EnableWindow(propsNameStateOK); m_butNavFocusPos.EnableWindow(curExists && noTasks && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (mItem->mAcquire || mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0)); mEditFocusEnabled = noTasks && noDrawing && mLowDoseDlg->GetTrulyLowDose() && !mLowDoseDlg->m_iDefineArea; m_butEditFocus.EnableWindow(mEditFocusEnabled); m_sbcCurrentReg.EnableWindow(noTasks); m_butCollapse.EnableWindow(mAcquireIndex < 0); mHelper->UpdateStateDlg(); if (mNavAcquireDlg) mNavAcquireDlg->ExternalUpdate(); UpdateAddMarker(); } // Compose a compact progress string with number done, left , and rate CString CNavigatorDlg::FormatProgress(int numDone, int numTot, int numLeft, const char *text) { CString str, str2; str.Format("%d/%d %s, %d left", numDone, numTot, text, numLeft); if (mElapsedAcqTime > 0.) { str2.Format(" (%.3g/hr)", numDone / (mElapsedAcqTime / 3600000.)); str += str2; } return str; } // A call specifically for the Add Marker and other buttons depend on the active buffer void CNavigatorDlg::UpdateAddMarker(void) { float delX, delY; ScaleMat aMat; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); BOOL curExists = SetCurrentItem(); BOOL noTasks = !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && mAcquireIndex < 0 && BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY); m_butMoveItem.EnableWindow(curExists && !(mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly || mLoadingMap) && noTasks); m_butDrawPts.EnableWindow(!(mAddingPoly || mMovingItem || mLoadingMap) && noTasks); m_butDrawPoly.EnableWindow(!(mAddingPoints || mMovingItem || mLoadingMap) && noTasks); m_butAddMarker.EnableWindow(OKtoAddMarkerPoint(true)); m_butGotoMarker.EnableWindow(OKtoAddMarkerPoint(false)); } // Return item type int CNavigatorDlg::GetItemType() { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return -1; return mItem->mType; } // Evaluate whether a transformation can be done BOOL CNavigatorDlg::TransformOK() { CMapDrawItem *item; int minPts = 1; int i, reg, nRegPt = 0; int maxRegis = 0, nCurRegPt = 0; // Count up number of registration points and get max registration for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (maxRegis < item->mRegistration) maxRegis = item->mRegistration; if (item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration && item->mRegPoint > 0) nCurRegPt++; } // Look at all other registrations and stop if one has more than 1 reg point if (nCurRegPt >= minPts) { for (reg = 1; reg <= maxRegis; reg++) { if (reg == mCurrentRegistration) continue; nRegPt = 0; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg && item->mRegPoint > 0) nRegPt++; } if (nRegPt >= minPts) break; } } return nRegPt >= minPts && nCurRegPt >= minPts; } // Find out if enough corners for a corner montage BOOL CNavigatorDlg::CornerMontageOK() { CMapDrawItem *item; int i, nCorner = 0; // Count up corners in current registration for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration && item->mCorner) nCorner++; } return nCorner > 2; } // Find out if there are any acquires of regular or TS type in current registration BOOL CNavigatorDlg::AcquireOK(bool tiltSeries, int startInd, int endInd) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (endInd < 0) endInd = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; startInd = B3DMAX(0, startInd); endInd = B3DMIN((int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1, endInd); for (int i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration && (!tiltSeries && item->mAcquire || tiltSeries && item->mTSparamIndex >= 0)) return true; } return false; } // Check if it is OK to add a grid of points BOOL CNavigatorDlg::OKtoAddGrid(bool likeLast) { CString label, lastlab; int num, numacq; bool points, polyMap; if (!NoDrawing()) return false; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return false; // No imports are allowed; only polygons or points with group ID if (mItem->mImported) return false; points = mItem->IsPoint() && mItem->mGroupID; polyMap = mItem->IsPolygon() || mItem->IsMap(); if (likeLast) return ((points && !mLastGridPatternPoly) || (polyMap && mLastGridPatternPoly > 0)); if (!points) return (polyMap); num = CountItemsInGroup(mItem->mGroupID, label, lastlab, numacq); // If there is only one point, it must match registration and conditions used for // last 5-point draw if (num == 1) { if (mItem->mRegistration != mLast5ptRegis) return false; return (FindBufferWithMontMap(mItem->mDrawnOnMapID) >= 0 ? 1 : 0) == (mLast5ptOnImage ? 1 : 0); } return (num == 3 || num == 5 || num == 7); } // Check if it is OK to average cropped-out areas marked by a group, if so return group ID int CNavigatorDlg::OKtoAverageCrops(void) { CString label, lastlab; int numacq; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return false; if (mItem->mImported || mItem->IsNotPoint() || !mItem->mGroupID) return false; if (CountItemsInGroup(mItem->mGroupID, label, lastlab, numacq) > 1) return mItem->mGroupID; return 0; } // Registration change is OK as long as it is not a registration point BOOL CNavigatorDlg::RegistrationChangeOK(void) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return false; return (mItem->mRegPoint <= 0); } // Find out whether current item is in a group BOOL CNavigatorDlg::CurrentIsInGroup(void) { if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return false; return mItem->mGroupID != 0; } // Find out if the current item is imported BOOL CNavigatorDlg::CurrentIsImported(void) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return false; return mItem->mImported != 0; } // Change the registration of an item int CNavigatorDlg::ChangeItemRegistration(void) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return 1; CString str; int reg = mItem->mRegistration; if (!KGetOneInt("New Registration number for current item:", reg)) return 1; if (ChangeItemRegistration(mCurrentItem, reg, str)) { AfxMessageBox(str); return 1; } return 0; } // Change the registration for given item index, put errors in str int CNavigatorDlg::ChangeItemRegistration(int index, int newReg, CString &str) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray[index]; int use, useold, regOld = item->mRegistration; if (newReg < 1 || newReg > MAX_CURRENT_REG) { str.Format("Registration number must be between 1 and %d", MAX_CURRENT_REG); return 1; } use = RegistrationUseType(newReg); useold = RegistrationUseType(regOld); if (use == NAVREG_IMPORT && useold == NAVREG_REGULAR) { str.Format("You cannot change item %d from a regular registration to one used for" " imported items (%d)", index, newReg); return 1; } if (useold == NAVREG_IMPORT && use == NAVREG_REGULAR) { str.Format("You cannot change item %d from a registration one used for" " imported items to a regular registration (%d)", index, newReg); return 1; } item->mRegistration = newReg; UpdateListString(index); SetChanged(true); // If it is a map look for buffers with this map loaded and change their registration if (item->IsMap()) mHelper->ChangeAllBufferRegistrations(item->mMapID, regOld, newReg); Redraw(); return 0; } // Invokes the realign routine for the current item, or for the item being acquired // if a macro is being run at acquire points int CNavigatorDlg::RealignToCurrentItem(BOOL restore, float resetISalignCrit, int maxNumResetAlign, int leaveZeroIS, int realiFlags, int setForScaled) { if (!GetAcquiring()) { mItem = GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (!mItem) return -1; } else if (GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(mItem) < 0) return -1; return RealignToAnItem(mItem, restore, resetISalignCrit, maxNumResetAlign, leaveZeroIS, realiFlags, setForScaled); } // Or, aligns to another item by index int CNavigatorDlg::RealignToOtherItem(int index, BOOL restore, float resetISalignCrit, int maxNumResetAlign, int leaveZeroIS, int realiFlags, int setForScaled) { if (!GetOtherNavItem(index)) { SEMMessageBox("The Navigator item index is out of range", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } return RealignToAnItem(mItem, restore, resetISalignCrit, maxNumResetAlign, leaveZeroIS, realiFlags, setForScaled); } // The actual routine for calling the helper and giving error messages int CNavigatorDlg::RealignToAnItem(CMapDrawItem * item, BOOL restore, float resetISalignCrit, int maxNumResetAlign, int leaveZeroIS, int realiFlags, int setForScaled) { int err = mHelper->RealignToItem(item, restore, resetISalignCrit, maxNumResetAlign, leaveZeroIS, realiFlags, setForScaled); if (err && err < 4) SEMMessageBox("An error occurred trying to access a map image file", MB_EXCLAME); if (err == 4 || err == 5) SEMMessageBox(err == 4 ? "There is no appropriate map image to align to" : "The only available map image is too small to align to", MB_EXCLAME); return err; } // Simply move to an item; current or acquire item if index < 0 int CNavigatorDlg::MoveToItem(int index, BOOL skipZ) { if (index < 0) { if (GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(mItem) < 0) return 1; } else { if (!GetOtherNavItem(index)) { SEMMessageBox("The Navigator item index is out of range", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } } return MoveStage(axisXY | (skipZ ? 0 : axisZ)); } // The button to realign is pressed void CNavigatorDlg::OnRealigntoitem() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); RealignToCurrentItem(true, 0., 0, 0, 0, -1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESPONSES TO USER CHANGE OF ITEM STATE CONTROLS void CNavigatorDlg::OnDrawNone() { UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); Redraw(); } void CNavigatorDlg::OnDrawLabels() { UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); Redraw(); } // The corner checkbox void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckcorner() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; mItem->mCorner = m_bCorner; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); Update(); } // The rotate on load checkbox void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckrotate() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; mItem->mRotOnLoad = m_bRotate; SetChanged(true); } // The checkbox for the dual map item void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckDualMap() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; if (m_bDualMap) { // Find existing item and update its string after setting new map ID mFoundItem = -1; if (mDualMapID > 0) FindItemWithMapID(mDualMapID); mDualMapID = mItem->mMapID; if (mFoundItem >= 0) UpdateListString(mFoundItem); } else mDualMapID = -1; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); Update(); } // Registration point number spin button void CNavigatorDlg::OnDeltaposSpinRegptNum(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_UPDOWN* pNMUpDown = (NM_UPDOWN*)pNMHDR; CMapDrawItem *item; int newPos = mRegPointNum + pNMUpDown->iDelta; int maxPtNum = 0; *pResult = 1; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (newPos < 1) return; if (pNMUpDown->iDelta > 0) { // Find maximum of all registration point numbers for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (maxPtNum < item->mRegPoint) maxPtNum = item->mRegPoint; } // Do not allow it to go one past the maximum if (newPos > maxPtNum + 1 || newPos > MAX_REGPT_NUM) return; } mRegPointNum = newPos; m_strRegPtNum.Format("%d", mRegPointNum); UpdateData(false); *pResult = 0; if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; if (mItem->mRegPoint > 0) mItem->mRegPoint = newPos; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); } // Current registration spin button void CNavigatorDlg::OnDeltaposSpincurrentReg(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_UPDOWN* pNMUpDown = (NM_UPDOWN*)pNMHDR; int newPos = mCurrentRegistration; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); do { newPos += pNMUpDown->iDelta; if (newPos < 1 || newPos > MAX_CURRENT_REG) { *pResult = 1; return; } } while (RegistrationUseType(newPos) == NAVREG_IMPORT); mCurrentRegistration = newPos; m_strCurrentReg.Format("%d", mCurrentRegistration); UpdateData(false); *pResult = 0; Update(); Redraw(); } // Registration point number is turned on or off void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckRegpoint() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; if (m_bRegPoint) { mItem->mRegPoint = GetFreeRegPtNum(mItem->mRegistration, mRegPointNum); SetRegPtNum(mItem->mRegPoint); UpdateData(false); } else { mItem->mRegPoint = 0; } UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); Update(); } // Color change void CNavigatorDlg::OnSelendokCombocolor() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; mItem->mColor = m_iColor; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); Redraw(); } // Label change void CNavigatorDlg::OnChangeEditPtlabel() { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; UpdateData(true); mItem->mLabel = m_strLabel; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); Redraw(); } // Note change void CNavigatorDlg::OnChangeEditPtnote() { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; UpdateData(true); mItem->mNote = m_strPtNote; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); } // Restore focus when leave the boxes void CNavigatorDlg::OnKillfocusEditBox() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Draw flag changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnDrawOne() { CMapDrawItem *item; int start, end, ind; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; UpdateData(true); if (m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; item->mDraw = m_bDrawOne; UpdateListString(ind); } } else { mItem->mDraw = m_bDrawOne; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } SetChanged(true); Redraw(); } // Show acquire area changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnShowAcquireArea() { UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); Redraw(); } // Edit mode changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnEditMode() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); UpdateData(true); if (m_bEditMode && !mHelper->GetEditReminderPrinted()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nEDIT MODE REMINDER:\r\n" " Left-click to select a point or a polygon\r\n" " Ctrl-Left-Click to add or remove from selected points or polygons\r\n" " Ctrl-Left Button down to add points or polygons to selection while moving mouse\r\n" " Left-double-click to delete point if already selected\r\n" " Shift-Left-double-click to remove one position from multiple Record array\r\n" " Middle-click to add a point\r\n Right-click to move current point\r\n" " Backspace to delete current point or polygon\r\n"); mHelper->SetEditReminderPrinted(true); } if (m_bEditFocus) { m_bEditFocus = false; UpdateData(false); Redraw(); } if (m_bEditMode) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); imBuf->mHasUserPt = false; } Update(); } // Edit Focus changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnEditFocus() { UpdateData(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (m_bEditMode) { m_bEditMode = false; UpdateData(false); } AddFocusAreaPoint(true); } // If edit focus is on and active, set that there is a user point and get it positioned void CNavigatorDlg::AddFocusAreaPoint(bool drawFirst) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mMainView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (m_bEditFocus && mEditFocusEnabled) { if (drawFirst) Redraw(); imBuf->mHasUserPt = true; mLowDoseDlg->FixUserPoint(imBuf, 0); } } // Flag to acquire changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckAcquire() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; UpdateData(true); if (m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0) { ToggleGroupAcquire(true); return; } mItem->mAcquire = m_bAcquire; if (!m_bAcquire) mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(mItem); UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); if (m_bAcquire) AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } // Call from menu to toggle the acquire state of current whole group, or from acquire // checkbox to toggle state of current collapsed group void CNavigatorDlg::ToggleGroupAcquire(bool collapsedGroup) { CMapDrawItem *item; BOOL acquire, needFocusArea = false; int start = 0, end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; if (!mItem->mGroupID || mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0) return; acquire = !mItem->mAcquire; if (collapsedGroup) GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mGroupID == mItem->mGroupID && mItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) { if (acquire) { if (!item->mAcquire) needFocusArea = true; item->mAcquire = true; } else if (item->mAcquire) { item->mAcquire = false; mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); } UpdateListString(i); } } ManageCurrentControls(); SetChanged(true); Redraw(); if (needFocusArea) AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } // Flag to take tilt series changed void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckTiltSeries() { if (UpdateIfItem()) return; if (mItem->mTSparamIndex < 0 && m_bTiltSeries) { // Do second message if fail? mHelper->NewAcquireFile(mCurrentItem, NAVFILE_TS, NULL); } else if (mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && !m_bTiltSeries) { mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(mItem); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } // Open a file at the single item void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckFileatitem() { int start, end; if (UpdateIfItem()) { if (GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end)) { ToggleNewFileOverRange(start, end); } return; } if (mItem->mFilePropIndex < 0 && m_bFileAtItem) { mHelper->NewAcquireFile(mCurrentItem, NAVFILE_ITEM, NULL); } else if (mItem->mFilePropIndex >= 0 && !m_bFileAtItem) { mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(mItem); } SetChanged(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ManageCurrentControls(); UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } // Open a file for the group void CNavigatorDlg::OnCheckFileatgroup() { ScheduledFile *sched; int index, groupID; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || !mItem->mGroupID) return; // Save the group ID, mItem does not stay set after opening dialogs groupID = mItem->mGroupID; UpdateData(true); index = GroupScheduledIndex(groupID); if (index < 0 && m_bGroupFile) { sched = new ScheduledFile; if (mHelper->NewAcquireFile(mCurrentItem, NAVFILE_GROUP, sched)) { delete sched; } else { sched->groupID = groupID; mGroupFiles.Add(sched); } } else if (index >= 0 && !m_bGroupFile) { mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(mItem, true); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ManageCurrentControls(); UpdateGroupStrings(groupID); } // Open file properties dialog void CNavigatorDlg::OnButFileprops() { ScheduledFile *sched; MontParam *montp; StateParams *state; int fileType, montInd, stateInd, lowdose; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || (m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0 && GroupScheduledIndex(mItem->mGroupID) < 0)) return; sched = mHelper->GetFileTypeAndSchedule(mItem, fileType); if (fileType >= 0) { mHelper->SetFileProperties(mCurrentItem, fileType, sched, true, false); SetChanged(true); } if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { stateInd = sched ? sched->stateIndex : mItem->mStateIndex; montInd = sched ? sched->montParamIndex : mItem->mMontParamIndex; if (stateInd >= 0 && montInd >= 0) { state = mHelper->ExistingStateParam(stateInd, true); if (state) { lowdose = -1 - RECORD_CONSET; montp = mMontParArray.GetAt(montInd); if (montp->useViewInLowDose) lowdose = -1 - VIEW_CONSET; else if (montp->useSearchInLowDose) lowdose = -1 - SEARCH_AREA; mHelper->StoreCurrentStateInParam(state, lowdose, 1, montp->cameraIndex, 0); } } } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Save the current state void CNavigatorDlg::OnButState() { ScheduledFile *sched; CString str; MontParam *montp; StateParams *state = NULL; int fileType, montInd, lowdose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? -1 - RECORD_CONSET : 0; int camNum = -1; int *indexp; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || (m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0 && GroupScheduledIndex(mItem->mGroupID) < 0)) return; indexp = &mItem->mStateIndex; montInd = mItem->mMontParamIndex; sched = mHelper->GetFileTypeAndSchedule(mItem, fileType); if (sched) { indexp = &sched->stateIndex; montInd = sched->montParamIndex; } if (mItem->mFilePropIndex < 0 && !sched) return; if (*indexp >= 0) { state = mHelper->ExistingStateParam(*indexp, true); if (!state) AfxMessageBox("Existing stored state for this item could not be found, creating" " a new one", MB_EXCLAME); } if (!state) { str.Format("Stored imaging state in a new parameter set for item # %d, label %s", mCurrentItem + 1, (LPCTSTR)mItem->mLabel); state = mHelper->NewStateParam(true); *indexp = (int)mAcqStateArray.GetSize() - 1; } else str.Format("Updated the stored imaging state for item # %d, label %s", mCurrentItem + 1, (LPCTSTR)mItem->mLabel); // Save the proper low dose state if it is set to open a montage if (montInd >= 0 && lowdose) { montp = mMontParArray.GetAt(montInd); if (montp->useViewInLowDose) lowdose = -1 - VIEW_CONSET; else if (montp->useSearchInLowDose) lowdose = -1 - SEARCH_AREA; camNum = montp->cameraIndex; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); mHelper->StoreCurrentStateInParam(state, lowdose, 1, camNum, 0); if (sched) UpdateGroupStrings(mItem->mGroupID); else UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); mHelper->UpdateStateDlg(); } // Open TS params dialog void CNavigatorDlg::OnButTsparams() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem() || mItem->mTSparamIndex < 0) return; mHelper->SetTSParams(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Change the filename for the new file void CNavigatorDlg::OnButFilename() { ScheduledFile *sched; int fileType; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || (m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0 && GroupScheduledIndex(mItem->mGroupID) < 0)) return; sched = mHelper->GetFileTypeAndSchedule(mItem, fileType); if (fileType >= 0) { mHelper->SetOrChangeFilename(mCurrentItem, fileType, sched); SetChanged(true); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ManageCurrentControls(); } // Store focus position void CNavigatorDlg::OnButNavFocusPos() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; mHelper->SaveLDFocusPosition(1, mItem->mFocusAxisPos, mItem->mRotateFocusAxis, mItem->mFocusAxisAngle, mItem->mFocusXoffset, mItem->mFocusYoffset, true); UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); } // Turn the collapsing of groups on or off void CNavigatorDlg::OnCollapseGroups() { int oldCurrent = mCurrentItem; UpdateData(true); mCurListSel = -1; mHelper->SetCollapseGroups(m_bCollapseGroups); // Tell FillListBox not to manage controls because current item needs to be restored if (m_bCollapseGroups) { MakeListMappings(); FillListBox(true); if (oldCurrent >= 0 && oldCurrent < mItemArray.GetSize()) { mCurListSel = mItemToList[oldCurrent]; IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); } } else { FillListBox(true); mCurListSel = mCurrentItem = oldCurrent; } if (mCurListSel >= 0) m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); // Do not cause a redraw before all of the above is settled ManageCurrentControls(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } void CNavigatorDlg::OnTableIndexes() { UpdateData(true); mHelper->SetShowTableIndexes(m_bTableIndexes); FillListBox(true, true); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LIST BOX MESSAGE RESPONSES AND ROUTINES TO MANAGE LIST BOX TEXT // The selection is changed in the viewer void CNavigatorDlg::OnSelchangeListviewer() { // Turn off moving of current item if (mMovingItem) OnMoveItem(); // Turn off adding a polygon if points have been added already if (mAddingPoly > 1) OnDrawPolygon(); // Get the new current point mSelectedItems.clear(); mCurListSel = m_listViewer.GetCurSel(); if (mCurListSel == LB_ERR) { mCurListSel = -1; mCurrentItem = -1; } else { IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); ManageCurrentControls(); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); AddFocusAreaPoint(true); Redraw(); } // An item has been dragged from the old index to the new void CNavigatorDlg::OnListItemDrag(int oldIndex, int newIndex) { // Remove item from old place in array and insert it in new int moveInc, toInd, fromInd, i, num; int sel = m_listViewer.GetCurSel(); CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray.GetAt(oldIndex); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!m_bCollapseGroups) { mItemArray.RemoveAt(oldIndex); mItemArray.InsertAt(newIndex, item); } else { // If there are collapsed groups, get number to move and starting index num = 1; if (IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(oldIndex, fromInd)) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(oldIndex, fromInd, num); num = num + 1 - fromInd; } // Moving up, they all come from and go to same place; going down, they come // from and go to successively higher places if (oldIndex < newIndex) { moveInc = 0; if (newIndex >= m_listViewer.GetCount() - 1) toInd = newIndex; else { IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(newIndex+1, toInd); toInd--; } } else { moveInc = 1; IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(newIndex, toInd); } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { item = mItemArray[fromInd]; mItemArray.RemoveAt(fromInd); mItemArray.InsertAt(toInd, item); fromInd += moveInc; toInd += moveInc; } MakeListMappings(); } SetChanged(true); // Overblown logic: the moved item is always the current selection! if (mCurListSel < 0 || mCurListSel == oldIndex) mCurListSel = newIndex; else if (oldIndex < newIndex && mCurListSel > oldIndex && mCurListSel <= newIndex) mCurListSel--; else if (oldIndex > newIndex && mCurListSel < oldIndex && mCurListSel >= newIndex) mCurListSel++; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); if (m_bCollapseGroups) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem, fromInd); m_strItemNum.Format("# %d-%d", mCurrentItem + 1, fromInd + 1); } else m_strItemNum.Format("# %d", mCurrentItem + 1); mSelectedItems.clear(); mSelectedItems.insert(mCurrentItem); UpdateData(false); } // Load a map if it is double clicked and conditions are right void CNavigatorDlg::OnDblclkListviewer() { if (!SetCurrentItem() || (mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !mWinApp->GetJustNavAcquireOpen()) || mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly || mMovingItem || !(mItem->IsMap() || FindMontMapDrawnOn(mItem)) || mCamera->CameraBusy()) return; OnLoadMap(); } void CNavigatorDlg::OnSetFocusListviewer() { } // Let arrow keys move the selection up and down void CNavigatorDlg::MoveListSelection(int direction) { int newIndex = mCurListSel + direction; if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= m_listViewer.GetCount()) return; mCurListSel = newIndex; IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); mSelectedItems.clear(); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessCKey(void) { if (mWinApp->DoingTasks() || !SetCurrentItem() || mItem->IsNotPoint()) return; mItem->mCorner = !mItem->mCorner; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); m_bCorner = mItem->mCorner; UpdateData(false); SetChanged(true); } void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessRKey() { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; if (mItem->IsPolygon()) return; UpdateData(true); m_bRegPoint = !m_bRegPoint; UpdateData(false); OnCheckRegpoint(); } // Variants on the A key to toggle acquire state void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessAkey(BOOL ctrl, BOOL shift) { CMapDrawItem *item; int start = 0; int end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; BOOL oldAcquire, acquire, toggle = false, needFocusArea = false; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; // Shift A means record current spot, then do between there and next selected spot acquire = !mItem->mAcquire; if (shift && !ctrl) { if (ProcessRangeKey("A again for acquire", mShiftAIndex, start, end)) return; toggle = true; } else if (!ctrl && !shift) { start = end = mCurrentItem; GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); } for (int index = start; index <= end; index++) { item = mItemArray[index]; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) continue; oldAcquire = item->mAcquire; if (toggle) item->mAcquire = !item->mAcquire; else item->mAcquire = acquire; if (!item->mAcquire && oldAcquire) mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); if (item->mAcquire && !oldAcquire) needFocusArea = true; UpdateListString(index); SetChanged(true); } mShiftAIndex = -1; ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); if (needFocusArea) AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } // Delete a contiguous set of points with Shift D at both ends of range void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessDKey(void) { CString str, onlyBut, onlyMess, str2; CMapDrawItem *item; BOOL allItems, saveCollapsed; int start, end, ind, numPt = 0, numPoly = 0, numMap = 0; if (ProcessRangeKey("D again to delete", mShiftDIndex, start, end)) return; // Count points in range for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->IsPoint()) numPt++; if (item->IsPolygon()) numPoly++; if (item->IsMap()) numMap++; } // Confirm and delete in inverse order, rather clumsily if ((numPt > 3 && !numPoly && !numMap) || (numPoly > 3 && !numPt && !numMap) || (numMap > 0 && !numPoly && !numMap)) { // For one kind of item, just do a simple confirmation str.Format("Do you really want to delete the %d %s from index %d to %d?", B3DCHOICE(numPt, numPt, numPoly ? numPoly : numMap), B3DCHOICE(numPt, "points", numPoly ? "polygons" : "maps"), start + 1, end + 1); if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return; allItems = true; } else if (numPoly || numMap) { // If there are polygons or maps, compose complete message but with a limited // choice of points or polygons only, vs all items str = "There are "; if (numPt) { str2.Format("%d points", numPt); str += str2; onlyBut = "Points Only"; onlyMess = "Press \"Points Only\" to delete only the points\n\n"; } else { onlyBut = "Polygons Only"; onlyMess = "Press \"Polygons Only\" to delete only the polygons\n\n"; } if (numPoly) { if (numPt) str += numMap ? ", " : " and "; str2.Format("%d polygons", numPoly); str += str2; } if (numMap) { if (numPt && numPoly) str += ","; str2.Format(" and %d maps", numMap); str += str2; } str2.Format(" from index %d to %d\n\n", start + 1, end + 1); str += str2; ind = SEMThreeChoiceBox(str + onlyMess + "Press \"All Items\" to delete all items in " "the range\n\nPress \"Cancel\" to delete nothing", onlyBut, "All Items", "Cancel", MB_YESNOCANCEL, 0); if (ind == IDCANCEL) return; allItems = ind == IDNO; } // Do the deletion, prevent the map warning mInRangeDelete = true; saveCollapsed = m_bCollapseGroups; SetCollapsing(false); for (ind = end; ind >= start; ind--) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->IsPoint() || allItems || (!numPt && item->IsPolygon())) { mCurrentItem = ind; mCurListSel = ind; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); OnDeleteitem(); } } SetCollapsing(saveCollapsed); mInRangeDelete = false; ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } // Start tilt series at contiguous set of points with Shift T at both ends of range void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessTKey(void) { CMapDrawItem *item; bool needFocusArea = false; int start, end, ind, allOn = true; if (ProcessRangeKey("T again for TS", mShiftTIndex, start, end)) return; // See if they are all already on, in which case they will be turned off // Here and in next loop, ignore a map if there is a higher mag map in range for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mTSparamIndex < 0 && !item->mAcquire && !AtSamePosAsHigherMagMapInRange(ind, start, end)) { allOn = false; break; } } // Then loop and turn on ones not on, or turn off if all on for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { if (AtSamePosAsHigherMagMapInRange(ind, start, end)) continue; item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mTSparamIndex < 0 && !item->mAcquire) { mHelper->NewAcquireFile(ind, NAVFILE_TS, NULL); UpdateListString(ind); needFocusArea = true; } else if (allOn && !item->mAcquire) { mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); UpdateListString(ind); } } SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); if (needFocusArea) AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } // Returns true if this item is a map and there is a higher mag map within the given range // of items bool CNavigatorDlg::AtSamePosAsHigherMagMapInRange(int itemInd, int startInd, int endInd) { CMapDrawItem *check, *item = mItemArray[itemInd]; if (!item->mAtSamePosID || item->IsNotMap()) return false; for (int ind = startInd; ind <= endInd; ind++) { if (ind == itemInd) continue; check = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mAtSamePosID == check->mAtSamePosID && check->IsMap() && item->mMapMagInd < check->mMapMagInd) return true; } return false; } // Start new file at item at contiguous set of points with Shift N at both ends of range void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessNKey(void) { int start, end; if (ProcessRangeKey("N again for new files", mShiftNIndex, start, end)) return; ToggleNewFileOverRange(start, end); SetChanged(true); } // Toggle drawing void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessVKey(void) { CMapDrawItem *item; int start, end, ind, num = 0; if (ProcessRangeKey("V again to toggle drawing", mShiftVIndex, start, end)) return; for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; item->mDraw = !item->mDraw; UpdateListString(ind); } SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } void CNavigatorDlg::ProcessHKey(void) { int start, end; if (ProcessRangeKey("H again to find holes in maps", mShiftHIndex, start, end)) return; if (!KGetOneInt("Enter 0 not to combine points for Multiple Records", "Otherwise enter minimum # of found holes required to do combining", mParam->minPtsForCombineInPMM)) return; mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ProcessMultipleMaps(start, end, mParam->minPtsForCombineInPMM); } // Do common actions for selecting a range of contiguous items with collapse off int CNavigatorDlg::ProcessRangeKey(const char *key, int &shiftIndex, int &start, int &end) { int grpStart, grpEnd; bool groupIsCur = GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, grpStart, grpEnd); if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return 1; if (shiftIndex < 0) { // Only allow one to be on, don't confuse the header line etc if (mShiftTIndex >= 0 || mShiftDIndex >= 0 || mShiftAIndex >= 0 || mShiftNIndex > 0) return 1; if (groupIsCur) { shiftIndex = grpStart; mRangeGroupEnd = grpEnd; } else { shiftIndex = mCurrentItem; mRangeGroupEnd = -1; } ManageListHeader(CString("Select other end of range, press Shift ") + key); return 1; } // Get ordered range if (mRangeGroupEnd < 0) mRangeGroupEnd = shiftIndex; if (!groupIsCur) { grpStart = grpEnd = mCurrentItem; } start = B3DMIN(shiftIndex, grpStart); end = B3DMAX(mRangeGroupEnd, grpEnd); ManageListHeader(); shiftIndex = -1; return 0; } // Allow Esc to clear the indexes and fix the header void CNavigatorDlg::ClearRangeKeys() { mShiftAIndex = mShiftVIndex = mShiftNIndex = mShiftTIndex = mShiftDIndex = -1; ManageListHeader(); } // Do the new file at item operation over a range of indexes void CNavigatorDlg::ToggleNewFileOverRange(int start, int end, int forMultiGrid) { CMapDrawItem *item; int ind, numAcq = 0; mFRangeCurrItemSave = mCurrentItem; mFRangeCurrSelSave = mCurListSel; mFRangeAnyPoly = false; mFRangeAllOn = true; mFRangeStart = start; mFRangeEnd = end; mFileRangeForMultiGrid = forMultiGrid; // See if they are all already on, in which case they will be turned off mFRangeNumOff = 0; for (ind = start; ind <= end; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mAcquire) { numAcq++; if (item->IsPolygon() && item->mFilePropIndex < 0) mFRangeAnyPoly = true; } if (item->mFilePropIndex < 0) { mFRangeAllOn = false; mFRangeNumOff++; } } if (!numAcq) return; // Offer tailored choices if (!mFRangeAllOn) { if (forMultiGrid) { mMinNewFileInterval = -2; } else if (mFRangeAnyPoly) { if (!KGetOneInt("Enter -1 or -2 for new file only at polygons; -2 for minimum # of " "reusable montage files", "Interval between items at which to set up new files " "(1 for file at all acquire items):", mMinNewFileInterval)) return; } else { if (!KGetOneInt("Enter 1 for new file at all acquire items", "Interval between items at which to set up new files:", mMinNewFileInterval)) return; } } // Set up for looping on task mFRangeInterval = mMinNewFileInterval < 0 ? mFRangeNumOff + 10 : mMinNewFileInterval; mFRangeIndex = start; mHelper->SetDoingMultipleFiles(mFRangeAnyPoly && mMinNewFileInterval < -1 ? 2 : 1); mHelper->SetDoingMultiGridFiles(forMultiGrid); mFRangeNumOff = 0; CLEAR_RESIZE(mFRangeMontInds, int, 0); // Start on-idle task if there is there enough polygon fitting if (mFRangeAnyPoly && !mFRangeAllOn && numAcq > 10) { NewFileRangeNextTask(0); return; } // Otherwise just loop to finish while (mFRangeIndex >= 0) NewFileRangeNextTask(1); } // Do the new file operation for one index, can be run as task or in a synchronous loop void CNavigatorDlg::NewFileRangeNextTask(int synchronous) { CMapDrawItem *item; int ind = mFRangeIndex, err = 0; // Turn on ones not on, or turn off if all on mCurrentItem = mCurListSel = ind; if (m_bCollapseGroups) mCurListSel = mItemToList[ind]; item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mAcquire && item->mFilePropIndex < 0) { mFRangeNumOff++; if ((mFRangeNumOff >= mFRangeInterval && !mFileRangeForMultiGrid) || item->IsPolygon()) { mItem = item; err = mHelper->NewAcquireFile(ind, NAVFILE_ITEM, NULL); if (!err) { UpdateListString(ind); mFRangeNumOff = 0; if (item->IsPolygon() && mMinNewFileInterval < -1 && item->mMontParamIndex >= 0) { mHelper->SetDoingMultipleFiles(3); mFRangeMontInds.push_back(item->mMontParamIndex); } } } } else if (mFRangeAllOn && item->mAcquire) { mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); UpdateListString(ind); } // If not done or error, return if synchronous or set up task to come back otherwise if (!err && mFRangeIndex < mFRangeEnd) { mFRangeIndex++; if (synchronous) return; if (mFRangeIndex == mFRangeStart + 1) { mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "SETTING UP FILES"); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAV_FILE_RANGE, 0, 0); return; } // Done mFRangeIndex = -1; if (!synchronous) { mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } // Fix any table entries that had to change to open if needed if (mFRangeAnyPoly && mMinNewFileInterval < -1 && mFRangeMontInds.size()) { mHelper->ModifyMontsForReusability(mFRangeMontInds); for (ind = mFRangeStart; ind <= mFRangeEnd; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0 && mMontParArray[item->mMontParamIndex]->reusability > 1) UpdateListString(ind); } } // Restore CLEAR_RESIZE(mFRangeMontInds, int, 0); mCurrentItem = mFRangeCurrItemSave; mCurListSel = mFRangeCurrSelSave; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); mHelper->SetDoingMultipleFiles(0); mHelper->SetDoingMultiGridFiles(0); } // Construct list box string for the given item void CNavigatorDlg::ItemToListString(int index, CString &string) { CDC *pDC = m_listViewer.GetDC(); CString substr; CMapDrawItem *item2; ScheduledFile *sched = NULL; int j, start, end, numAcq = 0, numTS = 0; CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray[index]; int type = (item->mImported == 1 || item->mImported == -1) ? ITEM_TYPE_MAP + 1 : item->mType; j = GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (j >= 0) sched = (ScheduledFile *)mGroupFiles.GetAt(j); if (m_bCollapseGroups && GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mItemToList[index], start, end)) { item = mItemArray[start]; item2 = mItemArray[end]; if (m_bTableIndexes) string.Format(" %d items, %d to %d, ID ...%04d, labels %s to %s", end + 1 - start, start + 1, end + 1, item->mGroupID % 10000, item->mLabel, item2->mLabel); else string.Format(" Group of %d items, ID ...%04d, labels %s to %s", end + 1 - start, item->mGroupID % 10000, item->mLabel, item2->mLabel); for (j = start; j <= end; j++) { item2 = mItemArray[j]; if (item2->mAcquire) numAcq++; if (item2->mTSparamIndex >= 0) numTS++; } if (numTS) string += (numTS < end + 1 - start) ? " Some TS" : " All TS"; if (numAcq) { string += (numAcq < end + 1 - start) ? " Some Acq" : " All Acq"; if (sched) { string += " G"; if (sched->stateIndex >= 0) string += "S"; } } } else { if (item->IsMap() && item->mMapID == mDualMapID) type = ITEM_TYPE_MAP + 2; string = ""; if (mNumDigitsForIndex) string.Format("%d\t", index + 1); string += item->mLabel + "\t" + CString(item->mDraw ? colorNames[item->mColor] : "Off") + "\t" + FormatCoordinate(item->mStageX, 7) + FormatCoordinate(item->mStageY, 7) + FormatCoordinate(item->mStageZ, 6) + typeString[type]; substr.Format("\t%d\t", item->mRegistration); if (item->mRegPoint > 0) substr.Format("\t%dR%d\t", item->mRegistration, item->mRegPoint); string += substr; if (item->mAcquire) { string += "A"; if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) { if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0) { if (mMontParArray[item->mMontParamIndex]->reusability) string += mMontParArray[item->mMontParamIndex]->reusability > 1 ? "O" : "L"; else string += "F"; } else string += "F"; } if (sched) { string += "G"; if (sched->stateIndex >= 0) string += "S"; } } else if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) string += "TS"; if (item->mStateIndex >= 0) string += "S"; if (item->mFocusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) string += "P"; string += CString(item->mCorner ? "C\t" : "\t") + item->mNote; } item->mTextExtent = (pDC->GetTextExtent(string)).cx; m_listViewer.ReleaseDC(pDC); } // Get a new string for the given item and replace it in list box void CNavigatorDlg::UpdateListString(int index) { CString string; if (mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mMacroProcessor->GetSuspendNavRedraw()) return; ItemToListString(index, string); if (m_bCollapseGroups) index = mItemToList[index]; m_listViewer.DeleteString(index); m_listViewer.InsertString(index, string); if (mCurListSel >= 0) m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); ManageListScroll(); } // Update the strings for all items in the group void CNavigatorDlg::UpdateGroupStrings(int groupID) { CMapDrawItem *item; int updated = -1; for (int index = 0; index < mItemArray.GetSize(); index++) { item = mItemArray[index]; if (item->mAcquire && item->mGroupID == groupID) { if (m_bCollapseGroups) { if (mItemToList[index] != updated) UpdateListString(index); updated = mItemToList[index]; } else UpdateListString(index); } } } // Fill the list box with all of the items in the array // Skip managing current controls by default, reset selection to 0 void CNavigatorDlg::FillListBox(bool skipManage, bool keepSel) { CString string; HDWP positions; int lim, offset = 0, updated = -1; int numDig = 0, noIndex = m_bTableIndexes ? 0 : 1, i = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); // label, color, X, Y, Z, type, reg, corner, extras const int numTabs = 11; int fields[numTabs] = {0,37,16,25,25,21,15,19,15,8,8}; int tabs[numTabs]; m_listViewer.ResetContent(); // Find number of digits to display if (m_bTableIndexes) { numDig = 1; while ((i = i / 10) > 0) numDig++; } // If it has changed, compute the first field width for the index and the offset to // apply to the label positions, both empirically done by finding offsets for // different digits and DPI scalings if (numDig != mNumDigitsForIndex) { m_statListHeader.GetWindowText(string); ShowDlgItem(IDC_STAT_HEADER_INDEX, (numDig > 0 && string.IsEmpty())); mNumDigitsForIndex = numDig; if (numDig) { fields[0] = B3DNINT(3.1 + 3.75 * numDig); offset = mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(23. * fields[0] / 12.); } tabs[0] = fields[noIndex]; for (i = 1; i < numTabs - noIndex; i++) tabs[i] = tabs[i - 1] + fields[i + noIndex]; // Set the tab stops and shift the column labels m_listViewer.SetTabStops(numTabs - noIndex, tabs); positions = BeginDeferWindowPos(9); if (positions) { for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { CStatic *part = (CStatic *)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATLISTHEADER1 + i); if (part && mListHeaderLefts[i]) positions = DeferWindowPos(positions, part->m_hWnd, NULL, mListHeaderLefts[i] + offset, mListHeaderTop, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); } EndDeferWindowPos(positions); } } // Fill the table with new list strings if (mItemArray.GetSize()) { for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { if (!m_bCollapseGroups || mItemToList[i] != updated) { ItemToListString(i, string); m_listViewer.AddString(string); if (m_bCollapseGroups) updated = mItemToList[i]; } } if (!keepSel) { mCurrentItem = 0; mCurListSel = 0; } else { lim = (int)(m_bCollapseGroups ? mListToItem.size() : mItemArray.GetSize()) - 1; B3DCLAMP(mCurListSel, 0, lim); } m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); ManageListScroll(); } else { mCurrentItem = -1; mCurListSel = -1; } if (!skipManage) ManageCurrentControls(); } // Determine maximum length of list strings and set extent for slider to work void CNavigatorDlg::ManageListScroll() { int i; int xmax = 0; CMapDrawItem *item; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (xmax < item->mTextExtent) xmax = item->mTextExtent; } m_listViewer.SetHorizontalExtent(xmax); } // Pad a number so that it is less than the given maximum length by 2 spaces // at the front for each missing digit - workaround to lack of right-tab CString CNavigatorDlg::FormatCoordinate(float inVal, int maxLen) { CString str; str.Format("%.1f\t", inVal); int nadd = maxLen + 1 - str.GetLength(); for (int i = 0; i < nadd; i++) str.Insert(0, i ? " " : " "); return str; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STAGE-RELATED AND ITEM DELETION MESSAGE HANDLERS // Add a point at the current stage position void CNavigatorDlg::OnAddStagePos() { CMapDrawItem *item = MakeNewItem(0); SetCurrentStagePos(mCurrentItem); item->AppendPoint(item->mStageX, item->mStageY); item->mRawStageX = (float)mLastScopeStageX; item->mRawStageY = (float)mLastScopeStageY; CheckRawStageMatches(); mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, item->mBacklashX, item->mBacklashY); UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Update the current point with the current stage position /*void CNavigatorDlg::OnUpdateStagePos() { float origX, origY; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; if (mItem->IsMap()) return; origX = mItem->mStageX; origY = mItem->mStageY; SetCurrentStagePos(mCurrentItem); ShiftItemPoints(mItem, mItem->mStageX - origX, mItem->mStageX - origY); SetChanged(true); UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); Redraw(); } */ // Common routine to shift component points of an item void CNavigatorDlg::ShiftItemPoints(CMapDrawItem *item, float delX, float delY) { for (int i = 0; i < item->mNumPoints; i++) { item->mPtX[i] += delX; item->mPtY[i] += delY; } } // Shift non-imported items at a registration int CNavigatorDlg::ShiftItemsAtRegistration(float shiftX, float shiftY, int reg, int saveOrRestore) { int i, numShift = 0, cohortID; CMapDrawItem *item; if (saveOrRestore > 0) { mHelper->ClearSavedMapMarkerShifts(); cohortID = MakeUniqueID(); } for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg && item->mImported != 1) { if (saveOrRestore > 0) mHelper->SaveMapMarkerShiftToLists(item, cohortID, 0., 0.); else if (saveOrRestore < 0) mHelper->RestoreMapMarkerShift(item); ShiftItemAndPoints(shiftX, shiftY, item, i, numShift); } } if (numShift) SetChanged(true); Update(); Redraw(); return numShift; } // Shift a subset of items matching the mag index and either the cohort ID or the fact // that they are not shifted. Select maps and points/polygons marked on them int CNavigatorDlg::ShiftCohortOfItems(float shiftX, float shiftY, int reg, int magInd, int cohortID, bool useAll, bool wasShifted, int saveOrRestore) { int i, numShift = 0; CMapDrawItem *item; std::set shiftedMapIDs; // If saving, both clear out the saved shifts and set all the parameters for undo if (saveOrRestore > 0) { mHelper->ClearSavedMapMarkerShifts(); mMarkerShiftReg = reg; mMarkerShiftX = shiftX; mMarkerShiftY = shiftY; mMarkerShiftType = useAll ? 1 : 2; mMarkerShiftMagInd = magInd; mMarkerShiftCohortID = cohortID; } // Loop on items and find maps that qualify, add to set for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg && item->mImported != 1 && item->mMapMagInd == magInd && (useAll || (wasShifted && item->mShiftCohortID == cohortID) || (!wasShifted && (!item->mShiftCohortID || item->mMarkerShiftX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST)))) { if (saveOrRestore > 0) mHelper->SaveMapMarkerShiftToLists(item, cohortID, shiftX, shiftY); else if (saveOrRestore < 0) mHelper->RestoreMapMarkerShift(item); shiftedMapIDs.insert(item->mMapID); ShiftItemAndPoints(shiftX, shiftY, item, i, numShift); } } // Loop again and find non-map items with drawnOnID in the set for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg && item->IsNotMap() && item->mDrawnOnMapID && shiftedMapIDs.count(item->mDrawnOnMapID)) { ShiftItemAndPoints(shiftX, shiftY, item, i, numShift); } } if (numShift) SetChanged(true); Redraw(); return numShift; } // Shift one item's position and points by given amount void CNavigatorDlg::ShiftItemAndPoints(float shiftX, float shiftY, CMapDrawItem *item, int itemInd, int &numShift) { item->mStageX += shiftX; item->mStageY += shiftY; ShiftItemPoints(item, shiftX, shiftY); UpdateListString(itemInd); numShift++; } // Shift all items at the current registration by distance from current item to marker void CNavigatorDlg::ShiftToMarker(void) { float delX, delY, ptX, ptY; float shiftX, shiftY; int registration; CMapDrawItem *map = NULL; CString mess; ScaleMat aMat; BaseMarkerShift *baseShift; BaseMarkerShift newBase; EMimageBuffer * imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); CShiftToMarkerDlg dlg; CArray *shiftArray = mHelper->GetMarkerShiftArray(); dlg.mOKtoShift = mHelper->OKtoShiftToMarker(); dlg.m_iApplyToWhich = mHelper->GetMarkerShiftApplyWhich(); dlg.m_iSaveType = mHelper->GetMarkerShiftSaveType(); // If multi-grid is open, set these to the kind of settings needed to save a shift if (mHelper->mMultiGridDlg) { ACCUM_MAX(dlg.m_iApplyToWhich, 1); ACCUM_MAX(dlg.m_iSaveType, 1); } if (dlg.mOKtoShift) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) { AfxMessageBox("The currently active image does not have enough information\n" "to convert the marker point to a stage coordinate.", MB_EXCLAME); return; } registration = imBuf->mRegistration ? imBuf->mRegistration : mItem->mRegistration; if (registration != mItem->mRegistration) { AfxMessageBox("The currently active image is not at the same registration\n" "as the currently selected Navigator item.", MB_EXCLAME); return; } MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY, ptX, ptY); shiftX = ptX - mItem->mStageX; shiftY = ptY - mItem->mStageY; dlg.mToMag = imBuf->mMagInd; dlg.mFromMag = 0; dlg.mBaseToMag = 0; dlg.mMapWasShifted = false; if (mItem->mDrawnOnMapID) { map = FindItemWithMapID(mItem->mDrawnOnMapID); if (map) { dlg.mFromMag = map->mMapMagInd; dlg.mMapWasShifted = map->mShiftCohortID && map->mMarkerShiftX > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST; } } else dlg.mFromMag = mItem->mMapMagInd; baseShift = mHelper->FindNearestBaseShift(dlg.mFromMag, dlg.mToMag); if (baseShift) dlg.mBaseToMag = baseShift->toMagInd; dlg.m_strMarkerShift.Format("The shift between the current item and the marker point" " is %.2f, %.2f microns", shiftX, shiftY); dlg.m_strWhatShifts.Format("All selected %sitems at " "registration %d will be shifted by that amount", (RegistrationUseType(registration) == NAVREG_IMPORT ? "non-imported " : ""), registration); } else { dlg.m_strMarkerShift = "No marker shift is available"; dlg.m_strWhatShifts = "Dialog opened just for viewing and removing saved shifts"; } if (dlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return; mHelper->SetMarkerShiftApplyWhich(dlg.m_iApplyToWhich); mHelper->SetMarkerShiftSaveType(dlg.m_iSaveType); if (!dlg.mOKtoShift) return; if (!dlg.m_iApplyToWhich || !dlg.mFromMag || !dlg.mToMag) { ShiftItemsAtRegistration(shiftX, shiftY, registration, 1); mMarkerShiftType = 0; } else { mMarkerShiftCohortID = (map && map->mShiftCohortID) ? map->mShiftCohortID : MakeUniqueID(); ShiftCohortOfItems(shiftX, shiftY, registration, dlg.mFromMag, mMarkerShiftCohortID, dlg.m_iApplyToWhich == 1, dlg.mMapWasShifted, 1); if (baseShift && dlg.m_iSaveType == 2) { baseShift->shiftX += shiftX; baseShift->shiftY += shiftY; } else if (dlg.m_iSaveType == 1 || (!baseShift && dlg.m_iSaveType > 0)) { if (baseShift && dlg.mBaseToMag == dlg.mToMag) { baseShift->shiftX = shiftX; baseShift->shiftY = shiftY; } else { newBase.fromMagInd = dlg.mFromMag; newBase.toMagInd = dlg.mToMag; newBase.shiftX = shiftX; newBase.shiftY = shiftY; shiftArray->Add(newBase); } } } mMarkerShiftReg = registration; mMarkerShiftX = shiftX; mMarkerShiftY = shiftY; } // Undo last shift to marker and zero out the shift registration void CNavigatorDlg::UndoShiftToMarker(void) { if (!mMarkerShiftType) { ShiftItemsAtRegistration(-mMarkerShiftX, -mMarkerShiftY, mMarkerShiftReg, -1); } else { ShiftCohortOfItems(-mMarkerShiftX, -mMarkerShiftY, mMarkerShiftReg, mMarkerShiftMagInd, mMarkerShiftCohortID, false, true, -1); } mMarkerShiftReg = 0; } // Shift items by the alignment of the image in A int CNavigatorDlg::ShiftItemsByAlign(void) { float delX, delY, ptX, ptY; float shiftX, shiftY; ScaleMat aMat, aInv; if (!BufferStageToImage(mImBufs, aMat, delX, delY)) { AfxMessageBox("The image in buffer A does not have enough information\n" "to convert its alignment shift to a stage shift.", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } if (mImBufs->mRegistration != mCurrentRegistration) { AfxMessageBox("The image in buffer A is not at the current registration\n" , MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(delX, delY); mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(ptX, ptY); // If this image has been aligned with already, shift to the new alignment if (mShiftByAlignStamp == mImBufs->mTimeStamp) { ptX -= mShiftByAlignX; ptY -= mShiftByAlignY; } aInv = MatInv(aMat); shiftX = aInv.xpx * ptX + aInv.xpy * ptY; shiftY = aInv.ypx * ptX + aInv.ypy * ptY; SEMTrace('1', "Shifting items at registration %d by %.3f, %.3f", mCurrentRegistration, -shiftX, -shiftY); ShiftItemsAtRegistration(-shiftX, -shiftY, mCurrentRegistration); // Record time stamp and shift applied mShiftByAlignStamp = mImBufs->mTimeStamp; mShiftByAlignX = delX; mShiftByAlignY = delY; return 0; } // Update a point with the current Z value in response to button void CNavigatorDlg::OnButUpdatez() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (SetCurrentItem(true)) DoUpdateZ(mCurrentItem, -1); } // Update Z: can be called from macro. ifGroup = 0 for single item, -1 for whatever // is currently displayed (group or item), 1 for whole group only int CNavigatorDlg::DoUpdateZ(int index, int ifGroup) { double stageZ; int start, end, i, groupID, num; CMapDrawItem *item; CString mess, label, lastlab; if (mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly ) return 1; if (!mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ)) return 2; start = end = index; item = mItemArray[index]; groupID = item->mGroupID; if (ifGroup > 0) { if (!groupID) return 3; start = 0; end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; num = CountItemsInGroup(groupID, label, lastlab, i); mess.Format("Changing Z value of %d items (labels %s - %s) to %.2f", num, label, lastlab, stageZ); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } else if (ifGroup < 0 && m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); mess.Format("Changing Z value of %d items (# %d - %d) to %.2f", end + 1 - start, start, end, stageZ); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (!groupID || item->mGroupID == groupID) { item->mStageZ = (float)stageZ; if (i == end || ifGroup > 0) UpdateListString(i); } } return 0; } // Add a point at the current marker position void CNavigatorDlg::OnAddMarker() { float delX, delY,stageX, stageY, xInPiece, yInPiece; int pcInd; ScaleMat aMat; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!OKtoAddMarkerPoint(true)) return; BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY); MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY, stageX, stageY, 0, &pcInd, &xInPiece, &yInPiece); CMapDrawItem *item = AddPointMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, stageX, stageY, MakeUniqueID()); item->mPieceDrawnOn = pcInd; item->mXinPiece = xInPiece; item->mYinPiece = yInPiece; UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Function for whether it is OK to add or marker point, or go to one, for that matter bool CNavigatorDlg::OKtoAddMarkerPoint(bool justAdd, bool fromMacro) { float delX, delY; ScaleMat aMat; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); if ((!imBuf->mHasUserPt && justAdd) || (!justAdd && !imBuf->mHasUserPt && !imBuf->mIllegalUserPt) || !BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY) || RegistrationUseType(imBuf->mRegistration) == NAVREG_IMPORT || (mWinApp->DoingTasks() && !fromMacro) || mAcquireIndex >= 0 || mAddingPoly || mAddingPoints || mMovingItem || mLoadingMap) return false; return true; } // Go to point in X,Y,Z void CNavigatorDlg::OnGotoPoint() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; MoveStage(axisXY | axisZ); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, -1, 0, 0); } // Go to point in X,Y only void CNavigatorDlg::OnGotoXy() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; MoveStageOrDoImageShift(axisXY); } // Go to the position of the user point in the active window void CNavigatorDlg::OnGotoMarker() { float delX, delY; CMapDrawItem *item; ScaleMat aMat; EMimageBuffer * imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!imBuf->mHasUserPt && !imBuf->mIllegalUserPt) { SEMMessageBox("There is no marker point in the currently active image.\n\n" "Click with the left mouse button to place a temporary marker point.", MB_EXCLAME); return; } if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) { SEMMessageBox("The currently active image does not have enough information\n" "to convert the marker point to a stage coordinate.", MB_EXCLAME); return; } if (RegistrationUseType(imBuf->mRegistration) == NAVREG_IMPORT) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot move to a position on an imported image until it has been" "\ntransformed into registration with regular images", MB_EXCLAME); return; } item = mItem = new CMapDrawItem; MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY, mItem->mStageX, mItem->mStageY); mItem->mDrawnOnMapID = imBuf->mMapID; if (!imBuf->mMapID) { mItem->mBacklashX = imBuf->mBacklashX; mItem->mBacklashY = imBuf->mBacklashY; } MoveStageOrDoImageShift(axisXY); delete item; } // Return the image marker as a stage position void CNavigatorDlg::MarkerStagePosition(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, ScaleMat aMat, float delX, float delY, float & stageX, float & stageY, int useLineEnd, int *pcInd, float *xInPiece, float *yInPiece) { float ptX, ptY; ScaleMat aInv; // Use the end of the line if the value is positive, or keep it in screen middle if < 0 ptX = useLineEnd > 0 ? imBuf->mLineEndX : imBuf->mUserPtX; ptY = useLineEnd > 0 ? imBuf->mLineEndY : imBuf->mUserPtY; if (useLineEnd < 0 && imBuf->mImage) { ptX = (float)(imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.); ptY = (float)(imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.); } mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY, pcInd, xInPiece, yInPiece); aInv = MatInv(aMat); stageX = aInv.xpx * (ptX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (ptY - delY); stageY = aInv.ypx * (ptX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (ptY - delY); } // Overload that handles getting transform too BOOL CNavigatorDlg::MarkerStagePosition(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &stageX, float &stageY) { float delX, delY; ScaleMat aMat; if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) return false; MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY, stageX, stageY); return true; } // Common routine to move stage to current item, with wait until it is ready int CNavigatorDlg::MoveStage(int axisBits, bool justCheck) { float backX, backY, montErrX, montErrY; // Check for outside limits if (mItem->mStageX < mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_X) || mItem->mStageX > mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_X) || mItem->mStageY < mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_Y) || mItem->mStageY > mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_Y)) { if (mAcquireIndex < 0) SEMMessageBox("This position is outside the limits for stage movement", MB_EXCLAME); return -1; } if (!axisBits || justCheck) return 0; // Make sure it is ready if (mScope->WaitForStageReady(5000)) { SEMMessageBox("The stage is busy or not ready; move aborted"); return 1; } // Now do the stage move and reset image shift MontErrForItem(mItem, montErrX, montErrY); BacklashForItem(mItem, backX, backY); mLastMoveStageID = mItem->mMoveStageID = GetTickCount() / 4; AdjustAndMoveStage(mItem->mStageX + montErrX, mItem->mStageY + montErrY, mItem->mStageZ, axisBits, backX, backY); return 0; } // Reset image shift or set it to value in leaveISX,Y and move stage to adjusted // coordinates for current settings void CNavigatorDlg::AdjustAndMoveStage(float stageX, float stageY, float stageZ, int axisBits, float backX, float backY, double leaveISX, double leaveISY, float tiltAngle) { StageMoveInfo smi; double shiftX, shiftY, curStageX, curStageY, curStageZ, moveX, moveY; float validX, validY, stageDx = 0., stageDy = 0.; bool validBack; BOOL doBacklash = mParam->stageBacklash != 0.; int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); ScaleMat aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(magInd, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()); // This compensates for the IS being imposed mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(shiftX, shiftY); // So this gets it back to a 0 IS readout as long as there is an IS calibration if (aMat.xpx) mScope->IncImageShift(leaveISX - shiftX, leaveISY - shiftY); AdjustISandMagForStageConversion(magInd, leaveISX, leaveISY); // If scope not applying mag offsets, this adjusts actual stage position to compensate mHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(magInd, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), leaveISX, leaveISY, (float)mScope->FastTiltAngle(), stageDx, stageDy); smi.x = stageX - stageDx; smi.y = stageY - stageDy; smi.z = stageZ; SEMTrace('n', "Nominal pos %.2f %.2f leave IS %.2f %.2f LDcenIS %.2f %.2f\r\ndelta" " %.2f %.2f final %.2f %.2f", stageX, stageY, leaveISX, leaveISY, shiftX, shiftY, stageDx, stageDy, smi.x, smi.y); smi.axisBits = axisBits; if (mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetHitachiWithoutZ()) smi.axisBits &= ~(axisZ); smi.backX = -mParam->stageBacklash; smi.backY = -mParam->stageBacklash; if (backX > -900. && backY > -900.) { doBacklash = backX != 0. || backY != 0.; smi.backX = backX; smi.backY = backY; } // Cancel backlash if move is in right direction and either it is big enough or there // is already valid backlash in that direction. if (doBacklash) { mScope->GetStagePosition(curStageX, curStageY, curStageZ); validBack = mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(curStageX, curStageY, validX, validY); moveX = smi.x - curStageX; moveY = smi.y - curStageY; SEMTrace('n', "Backlash for item %.2f %.2f move %.2f %.2f %svalid is %.2f %.2f", smi.backX, smi.backY, moveX, moveY, validBack ? "" : "IN", validX, validY); if ((moveX > 0 ? 1 : 0) == (smi.backX < 0 ? 1 : 0) && (moveY > 0 ? 1 : 0) == (smi.backY < 0 ? 1 : 0)) { if (fabs(moveX) >= fabs(backX) && fabs(moveY) >= fabs(backY)) { SEMTrace('n', "Cancel because direction is right and move is big enough"); doBacklash = false; mScope->SetBacklashFromNextMove(curStageX, curStageY, (float)B3DMAX(B3DABS(smi.backX), B3DABS(smi.backY))); } else if (validBack && validX * smi.backX > 0 && validY * smi.backY > 0) { doBacklash = false; SEMTrace('n', "Cancel because direction is right and backlash already set"); mScope->CopyBacklashValid(); } } } smi.backZ = 0.; if (axisBits & axisA) { smi.alpha = B3DCHOICE(tiltAngle > -1000., tiltAngle, 0.); smi.backAlpha = 0.; } mRequestedStageX = (float)smi.x; mRequestedStageY = (float)smi.y; mScope->MoveStage(smi, doBacklash); } // Either call the usual MoveStage routine, or do an image shift if recording holes in // mulishot dialog void CNavigatorDlg::MoveStageOrDoImageShift(int axisBits) { float stageX, stageY, stageZ, delX, delY, delISX, delISY; double areaX = 0, areaY = 0; ScaleMat stage2IS; int magInd, area; if (mHelper->mMultiShotDlg && mHelper->mMultiShotDlg->RecordingHoles()) { GetAdjustedStagePos(stageX, stageY, stageZ); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (area == VIEW_CONSET || area == SEARCH_AREA) mLowDoseDlg->GetNetViewShift(areaX, areaY, area); } magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); stage2IS = MatMul(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd), mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magInd)); if (stage2IS.xpx) { delX = mItem->mStageX - stageX; delY = mItem->mStageY - stageY; delISX = stage2IS.xpx * delX + stage2IS.xpy * delY; delISY = stage2IS.ypx * delX + stage2IS.ypy * delY; mScope->IncImageShift(delISX + areaX, delISY + areaY); } } else { MoveStage(axisXY); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, -1, 0, 0); } } // Delete an item or portion of collapsed group on one line void CNavigatorDlg::OnDeleteitem() { int start, end, delIndex = mCurrentItem; bool multipleInGroup = false; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); // This sets current item to actual item or beginning of group if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; // If coming in through backspace in edit mode instead of when adding points, set the // actual current item and make sure (again) that it is a point if (m_bEditMode && mRemoveItemOnly && !mAddingPoints) { mItem = GetSingleSelectedItem(&delIndex); if (!mItem || mItem->IsMap() || (mItem->IsPolygon() && !mItem->mGroupID)) return; if (m_bCollapseGroups) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); multipleInGroup = end > start; } } // Non-backspace case: Go to group deletion if groups collapsed or multiple if (!mRemoveItemOnly && ((m_bCollapseGroups && mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0) || mSelectedItems.size() > 1)) { DeleteGroup(true); return; } if (mItem->IsMap() && !mItem->mImported && !mInRangeDelete && AfxMessageBox("This item is a map image\n\n" "It includes critical information about the file\n and coordinate scaling that " "would be very hard to recreate.\n\n Are you sure you want to delete the item?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return; FinishSingleDeletion(mItem, delIndex, mCurListSel, multipleInGroup, 0); delIndex = B3DMAX(0, delIndex - 1); if (m_bCollapseGroups && m_bEditMode && mRemoveItemOnly && !mAddingPoints && mCurrentItem >= 0 && mItemToList[delIndex] == mItemToList[mCurrentItem]) mSelectedItems.insert(delIndex); // But when adding points, set selection to last point if (mRemoveItemOnly && mAddingPoints && mItemArray.GetSize() > mNumberBeforeAdd) mSelectedItems.insert((int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1); if (!mInRangeDelete) { ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DRAWING POINTS AND POLYGONS OR MOVING ITEMS WITH MOUSE // Initiate point drawing void CNavigatorDlg::OnDrawPoints() { m_butDrawPts.SetWindowText(mAddingPoints ? "Add Points" : "Stop Adding"); mAddingPoints = !mAddingPoints; mNumberBeforeAdd = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); mAddPointID = MakeUniqueID(); if (mAddingPoints) { ManageListHeader("Use Backspace to remove added points one by one"); } else { ManageListHeader(); Redraw(); } Update(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Initiate polygon drawing void CNavigatorDlg::OnDrawPolygon() { bool addedPoints = mAddingPoly > 1; m_butDrawPoly.SetWindowText(mAddingPoly ? "Add Polygon" : "Stop Adding"); if (mAddingPoly) { // If finishing with a polygon, turn off flag, delete item if empty mAddingPoly = 0; ManageListHeader(); if (SetCurrentItem()) { if (!mItem->mNumPoints) { OnDeleteitem(); } else if (addedPoints) { // Otherwise fix the center coordinate to be the mean of the corners SetPolygonCenterToMidpoint(mItem); // If one point, convert to a point type; if > 2, add point for closure if (mItem->mNumPoints == 1) mItem->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POINT; else if (mItem->mNumPoints > 2) mItem->AppendPoint(mItem->mPtX[0], mItem->mPtY[0]); UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } } else { // Starting poly, just set the flag mAddingPoly = 1; ManageListHeader("Use Backspace to remove added points one by one"); } Update(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Initiate moving an item; check if it a map and if it possible to revise raw stage pos void CNavigatorDlg::OnMoveItem() { CString mess; if (!mMovingItem) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; if (mItem->IsMap()) { mess = "This item is a map. Are you sure you want to change its position?"; if (RawStageIsRevisable(false)) mess += "\n\nIf you move to the exact center of the current image, the map will\n" "be assigned a new raw stage position at the current stage position"; if (AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return; } mRawStageIsMovable = false; } else if (mRawStageIsMovable && SetCurrentItem()) { mItem->mRawStageX = mMovedRawStageX; mItem->mRawStageY = mMovedRawStageY; mess.Format("Raw stage position of map was revised to %.2f, %.2f", mMovedRawStageX, mMovedRawStageY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); } m_butMoveItem.SetWindowText(mMovingItem ? "Move Item" : "Stop Moving"); mMovingItem = !mMovingItem; if (!mMovingItem) Redraw(); Update(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } // Determine whether the raw stage of a map can be changed: stage is at same position as // current image and item already has raw stage position bool CNavigatorDlg::RawStageIsRevisable(bool fastStage) { float bufX, bufY, tol; double stageX, stageY, stageZ; if (mItem->mRawStageX > RAW_STAGE_TEST && mWinApp->mActiveView) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (imBuf->GetStagePosition(bufX, bufY)) { if (fastStage) mScope->FastStagePosition(stageX, stageY, stageZ); else { mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ); stageX = mLastScopeStageX; stageY = mLastScopeStageY; } tol = mScope->GetBacklashTolerance(); if (fabs(stageX - bufX) < tol && fabs(stageY - bufY) < tol) { mMovedRawStageX = (float)stageX; mMovedRawStageY = (float)stageY; return true; } } } return false; } // Function to inform drawing routine that the cross should be drawn bool CNavigatorDlg::MovingMapItem(void) { if (!mMovingItem || !SetCurrentItem()) return false; return mItem->IsMap() && RawStageIsRevisable(true); } // Respond to a mouse point from the user BOOL CNavigatorDlg::UserMousePoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float inX, float inY, BOOL nearCenter, int button) { ScaleMat aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY,xInPiece, yInPiece; int pieceIndex; int groupID = 0; CMapDrawItem *item; BOOL acquire = false; bool ctrlKey = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 != 0; bool shiftKey = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; bool selecting = button == VK_LBUTTON && (!shiftKey || m_bEditMode) && (m_bEditMode || ctrlKey) && !mAddingPoints && !mAddingPoly; bool startingMultiDel = button == VK_LBUTTON && shiftKey && m_bEditMode && !mAddingPoints && !mAddingPoly && mCurItemHoleXYpos.size(); bool startingMapDblClick = button == VK_MBUTTON && !ctrlKey && shiftKey && !mAddingPoints && !mAddingPoly; bool addingOne = m_bEditMode && button == VK_MBUTTON && !mAddingPoints && !mAddingPoly; bool movingOne = (m_bEditMode || mAddingPoints) && button == VK_RBUTTON && !mAddingPoly; mLastSelectWasCurrent = false; if (!(mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly || mMovingItem || selecting || movingOne || addingOne || startingMultiDel || startingMapDblClick)) return false; if (mMovingItem && button == VK_MBUTTON) return false; if (!ConvertMousePoint(imBuf, inX, inY, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, xInPiece, yInPiece, pieceIndex)) return false; // Record stage position in same variables for multi-delete and map load, compute scale // of microns to pixels for map load if (startingMultiDel || startingMapDblClick) { mMultiDelStageX = stageX; mMultiDelStageY = stageY; mLastSelectWasCurrent = startingMultiDel; delX = (sqrtf(aInv.xpx * aInv.xpx + aInv.ypx * aInv.ypx) + sqrtf(aInv.xpy * aInv.xpy + aInv.ypy * aInv.ypy)) / 2.f; mMapDblClickScale = (delX > 1.e-20) ? 1.f / delX : 0.f; return true; } // Moving the current item if (mMovingItem || movingOne) { if (movingOne && m_bCollapseGroups) { item = GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (!item) return false; mItem = item; } else if (!SetCurrentItem()) return false; if (mItem->mRegistration != imBuf->mRegistration) return false; if (movingOne && mItem->IsNotPoint()) return false; ShiftItemPoints(mItem, stageX - mItem->mStageX, stageY - mItem->mStageY); mItem->mStageX = stageX; mItem->mStageY = stageY; // If this is actually a different map from the one drawn on, adjust the ID and Z if (mItem->mDrawnOnMapID && imBuf->mMapID && mItem->mDrawnOnMapID != imBuf->mMapID) { item = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); if (item) { mItem->mDrawnOnMapID = imBuf->mMapID; mItem->mStageZ = item->mStageZ; } } if (mItem->IsPoint()) { mItem->mPieceDrawnOn = pieceIndex; mItem->mXinPiece = xInPiece; mItem->mYinPiece = yInPiece; } UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); mRawStageIsMovable = mItem->IsMap() && nearCenter && RawStageIsRevisable(false); // Adding points or the first point of a polygon } else if ((mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly == 1 || addingOne) && button != VK_RBUTTON) { /*// If the buffer is a map and its registration doesn't match, don't draw on it // Otherwise set buffer registration to current reg if (mCurrentRegistration != imBuf->mRegistration && imBuf->mMapID) return false; imBuf->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; */ if (addingOne) { if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || mItem->IsNotPoint() || !mItem->mGroupID) return false; acquire = mItem->mAcquire; groupID = mItem->mGroupID; } else if (SetCurrentItem() && mItemArray.GetSize() > mNumberBeforeAdd && mAddingPoints) acquire = mItem->mAcquire; if (CheckIfMapIsInMultigridNav(imBuf->mMapID)) return false; item = AddPointMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, stageX, stageY, mAddingPoints ? mAddPointID : groupID); item->mAcquire = acquire; if (mAddingPoly) { mAddingPoly++; item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; } else { item->mPieceDrawnOn = pieceIndex; item->mXinPiece = xInPiece; item->mYinPiece = yInPiece; } if (imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_LIVE_FFT || imBuf->mCaptured == BUFFER_AUTOCOR_OVERVIEW) item->mFlags |= NAV_FLAG_DRAWN_ON_FFT; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); // Adding successive points of a polygon } else if (mAddingPoly) { if (!SetCurrentItem()) return false; if (button != VK_RBUTTON) { mItem->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); } else { mItem->mPtX[mItem->mNumPoints - 1] = stageX; mItem->mPtY[mItem->mNumPoints - 1] = stageY; } // Selecting nearest point } else if (selecting) { return SelectNearestPoint(imBuf, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, ctrlKey, 1.e9); } return true; } // Initial operations for adjusting a mouse point and converting it to stage coords bool CNavigatorDlg::ConvertMousePoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float &inX, float &inY, float &stageX, float &stageY, ScaleMat &aInv, float &delX, float &delY, float &xInPiece, float &yInPiece, int &pieceIndex) { ScaleMat aMat; if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) return false; mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, inX, inY, &pieceIndex, &xInPiece, &yInPiece); aInv = MatInv(aMat); stageX = aInv.xpx * (inX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (inY - delY); stageY = aInv.ypx * (inX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (inY - delY); return true; } // Selects or adds to selection the nearest point within the given distance limit bool CNavigatorDlg::SelectNearestPoint(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float stageX, float stageY, ScaleMat aInv, float delX, float delY, bool ctrlKey, float distLim) { std::set::iterator iter; float selXlimit[4], selYlimit[4], selXwindow[4], selYwindow[4]; float dist, distMin = 1.e10, distNext = 1.e10; int ind, indMin; CMapDrawItem *item; bool dragging = distLim < 1.e6; bool minIsPolyInGroup = false; if (!imBuf->mImage) return false; // If there is one item selected and it is a map, clear out selection list if (m_bEditMode && ctrlKey && mSelectedItems.size() == 1 && SetCurrentItem() && mItem->IsMap()) mSelectedItems.clear(); GetSelectionLimits(imBuf, aInv, delX, delY, selXlimit, selYlimit, selXwindow, selYwindow); // Loop on items; skip ones that should not be visible or are outside region for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray.GetAt(ind); if (item->mRegistration != imBuf->mRegistration && !m_bDrawAllReg) continue; if (!item->mDraw || item->IsMap()) continue; if (!(InsideContour(selXlimit, selYlimit, 4, item->mStageX, item->mStageY) || InsideContour(selXwindow, selYwindow, 4, item->mStageX, item->mStageY))) continue; // Find nearest item delX = item->mStageX - stageX; delY = item->mStageY - stageY; dist = delX * delX + delY * delY; if (dist < distMin) { distNext = distMin; distMin = dist; indMin = ind; minIsPolyInGroup = item->mGroupID > 0 && item->IsPolygon(); } } if (distMin > B3DCHOICE(dragging && minIsPolyInGroup, 10., 1.) * distLim || (dragging && distNext < 1.e9 && distMin > 0.5 * distNext)) return false; // If doing multiple selection and this item is already in selection, remove it and // switch current item to previous or next one if (m_bEditMode && ctrlKey && mSelectedItems.size() > 1 && mSelectedItems.count(indMin)) { if (dragging) return false; iter = mSelectedItems.find(indMin); if (iter == mSelectedItems.begin()) iter++; else iter--; ind = *iter; mSelectedItems.erase(indMin); indMin = ind; } // In edit mode, if there is a single point selected and it is clicked on, // set flag and return: this occurs before double click comes through if (m_bEditMode && !ctrlKey && mSelectedItems.size() == 1 && mSelectedItems.count(indMin)) { mLastSelectWasCurrent = true; return true; } // Switch to item mCurListSel = mCurrentItem = indMin; if (m_bCollapseGroups) mCurListSel = mItemToList[indMin]; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); if (!(m_bEditMode && ctrlKey)) mSelectedItems.clear(); mSelectedItems.insert(indMin); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); return true; } // Determines a region around the image and around the window for limiting selection with // the mouse; also used by holefinder void CNavigatorDlg::GetSelectionLimits(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, ScaleMat aInv, float delX, float delY, float selXlimit[4], float selYlimit[4], float selXwindow[4], float selYwindow[4]) { float selXLimitFrac[4] = {-0.03f, 1.03f, 1.03f, -0.03f}; float selYLimitFrac[4] = {-0.03f, -0.03f, 1.03f, 1.03f}; float dist; int nxBuf, nyBuf,ind; imBuf->mImage->getSize(nxBuf, nyBuf); mWinApp->mMainView->WindowCornersInImageCoords(imBuf, &selXwindow[0], &selYwindow[0]); for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { selXlimit[ind] = aInv.xpx * (selXLimitFrac[ind] * nxBuf - delX) + aInv.xpy * (selYLimitFrac[ind] * nyBuf - delY); selYlimit[ind] = aInv.ypx * (selXLimitFrac[ind] * nxBuf - delX) + aInv.ypy * (selYLimitFrac[ind] * nyBuf - delY); dist = aInv.xpx * (selXwindow[ind] - delX) + aInv.xpy * (selYwindow[ind] - delY); selYwindow[ind] = aInv.ypx * (selXwindow[ind] - delX) + aInv.ypy * (selYwindow[ind] - delY); selXwindow[ind] = dist; } } // Select point under mouse in edit mode bool CNavigatorDlg::MouseDragSelectPoint(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, float inX, float inY, float imDistLim) { ScaleMat aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY, xInPiece, yInPiece, distLim; int pieceIndex; if (!m_bEditMode || mAddingPoints || mAddingPoly || mMovingItem || mNavAcquireDlg) return false; if (!ConvertMousePoint(imBuf, inX, inY, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, xInPiece, yInPiece, pieceIndex)) return false; distLim = imDistLim * sqrtf(aInv.xpx * aInv.xpx + aInv.ypx * aInv.ypx); return SelectNearestPoint(imBuf, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, true, distLim); } // Double click on the currently selected point deletes it void CNavigatorDlg::MouseDoubleClick(int button) { int msNumXholes, msNumYholes, ind, jnd, minInd = -1, next; int numHoles = (int)B3DMIN(mCurItemHoleIndex.size(), mCurItemHoleXYpos.size()) / 2; double dist, minDist = 1.e20, minInterHole = 1.e20; float tval; bool shiftKey = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) / 2 != 0; unsigned char *newSkipPos; Ipoint pt1, pt2, ptm; CMapDrawItem *item; if (mLastSelectWasCurrent && button == VK_LBUTTON && m_bEditMode) { if (!shiftKey) { BackspacePressed(); } else if (mCurItemHoleXYpos.size() && (mItem = GetSingleSelectedItem()) != NULL && mHelper->GetNumHolesFromParam(msNumXholes, msNumYholes, ind)) { // Get interhole distance and distance to nearest for (ind = 0; ind < numHoles; ind++) { dist = sqrt(pow(mMultiDelStageX - mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * ind], 2.f) + pow(mMultiDelStageY - mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * ind + 1], 2.f)); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minInd = ind; } for (jnd = ind + 1; jnd < numHoles; jnd++) { dist = sqrt(pow(mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * jnd] - mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * ind], 2.f) + pow(mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * jnd + 1] - mCurItemHoleXYpos[2 * ind + 1], 2.f)); ACCUM_MIN(minInterHole, dist); } } // It must be close enough to one hole if (minDist < 0.33 * minInterHole) { if (!mItem->mNumXholes && !mItem->mNumYholes) { mItem->mNumXholes = msNumXholes; mItem->mNumYholes = msNumYholes; } newSkipPos = new unsigned char[2 * mItem->mNumSkipHoles + 2]; for (jnd = 0; jnd < 2 * mItem->mNumSkipHoles; jnd++) newSkipPos[jnd] = mItem->mSkipHolePos[jnd]; newSkipPos[jnd] = mCurItemHoleIndex[minInd * 2]; newSkipPos[jnd + 1] = mCurItemHoleIndex[minInd * 2 + 1]; delete[] mItem->mSkipHolePos; mItem->mSkipHolePos = newSkipPos; mItem->mNumSkipHoles += 1; if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->ItemIsEmptyMultishot(mItem)) { BackspacePressed(); } else { SetChanged(true); Redraw(); } } } // Or Ctrl double click to load map if clicked near edge } else if (button == VK_MBUTTON && shiftKey && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) / 2 == 0) { ptm.x = mMultiDelStageX; ptm.y = mMultiDelStageY; ptm.z = pt1.z = pt2.z = 0.; // Measure distance to edge line of each map and find the minimum for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->IsMap() && item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration && item->mDraw) { for (jnd = 0; jnd < item->mNumPoints; jnd++) { next = (jnd + 1) % item->mNumPoints; pt1.x = item->mPtX[jnd]; pt1.y = item->mPtY[jnd]; pt2.x = item->mPtX[next]; pt2.y = item->mPtY[next]; dist = imodPointLineSegDistance(&pt1, &pt2, &ptm, &tval); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; minInd = ind; } } } } // Scale it to pixels on screen, and compare to DPI-independent distance // Load the map and set current item if (minInd >= 0) { item = mItemArray[minInd]; minDist = sqrt(minDist) * mMapDblClickScale; if (minDist < mWinApp->ScaleValueForDPI(10.)) { DoLoadMap(false, item, -1); mCurrentItem = minInd; mCurListSel = minInd; if (m_bCollapseGroups) mCurListSel = mItemToList[minInd]; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); mSelectedItems.clear(); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } } } } // Return the vectors used to save positions for the holes drawn around current point // if appropriate for editing bool CNavigatorDlg::GetHolePositionVectors(FloatVec **xypos, IntVec **index) { CMapDrawItem *item = GetSingleSelectedItem(); *xypos = &mCurItemHoleXYpos; *index = &mCurItemHoleIndex; if (!m_bEditMode || !item) return false; return item->IsPoint() && item->mNumPoints == 1 && mSelectedItems.size() <= 1; } // Do common operations for adding a point marked on an image CMapDrawItem *CNavigatorDlg::AddPointMarkedOnBuffer(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float stageX, float stageY, int groupID) { CMapDrawItem *item; SEMTrace('1', "add point %f %f %d", stageX, stageY, groupID); item = MakeNewItem(groupID); item->mStageX = stageX; item->mStageY = stageY; SEMTrace('1', "item %p", item); SetupItemMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, item); SEMTrace('1', "setup with Z %f IDs %d %d", item->mStageZ, item->mMapID, item->mDrawnOnMapID); item->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); SEMTrace('1', "appended"); return item; } // Set properties for item marked on a buffer, transferring buffer values as available void CNavigatorDlg::SetupItemMarkedOnBuffer(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CMapDrawItem *item) { CMapDrawItem *mapItem; float stageZ; double stageX, stageY, zdbl; // The registration of the buffer rules. If it doesn't have one, assign current reg if (!imBuf->mRegistration) imBuf->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; item->mRegistration = imBuf->mRegistration; item->mOriginalReg = imBuf->mRegistration; item->mDrawnOnMapID = imBuf->mMapID; // Find map item from imbuf mapID and check its import flag, set this as imported too // If the imported map has been registered to a real one, set the drawn ID to that // Also inherit the backlash directly from that item, or from the buffer mapItem = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); if (mapItem && mapItem->mImported > 0) item->mImported = 2; if (mapItem && mapItem->mRegisteredToID && mapItem->mImported) item->mDrawnOnMapID = mapItem->mRegisteredToID; if (mapItem) item->mStageZ = mapItem->mStageZ; else if (imBuf->GetStageZ(stageZ)) item->mStageZ = stageZ; else { mScope->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY, zdbl); item->mStageZ = (float)zdbl; } if (!item->mDrawnOnMapID) item->mMapMagInd = imBuf->mMagInd; TransferBacklash(imBuf, item); } // Add a point item from a position on an image int CNavigatorDlg::AddImagePositionOnBuffer(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float imageX, float imageY, float stageZ, int groupID) { CMapDrawItem *item; ScaleMat aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY, xInPiece, yInPiece; int pieceIndex; if (!ConvertMousePoint(imBuf, imageX, imageY, stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, xInPiece, yInPiece, pieceIndex)) return 1; if (CheckIfMapIsInMultigridNav(imBuf->mMapID)) return 1; item = AddPointMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, stageX, stageY, groupID); item->mPieceDrawnOn = pieceIndex; item->mXinPiece = xInPiece; item->mYinPiece = yInPiece; item->mStageZ = stageZ; UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); return 0; } // Add a polygon from an array of positions on an image int CNavigatorDlg::AddPolygonFromImagePositions(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float *imageX, float *imageY, int numPts, float stageZ) { CMapDrawItem *item; ScaleMat aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY, xInPiece, yInPiece; int pieceIndex, ind; if (CheckIfMapIsInMultigridNav(imBuf->mMapID)) return 1; for (ind = 0; ind < numPts; ind++) { if (!ConvertMousePoint(imBuf, imageX[ind], imageY[ind], stageX, stageY, aInv, delX, delY, xInPiece, yInPiece, pieceIndex)) return 1; if (!ind) { item = AddPointMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, stageX, stageY, 0); item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; item->mStageZ = stageZ; } else { item->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); } } SetPolygonCenterToMidpoint(item); UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); return 0; } // Add either a point or a polygon from stage positions void CNavigatorDlg::AddItemFromStagePositions(float *stageX, float *stageY, int numPts, float stageZ, int groupID) { int ind; CMapDrawItem *item = MakeNewItem(groupID); item->mStageX = stageX[0]; item->mStageY = stageY[0]; item->mStageZ = stageZ; for (ind = 0; ind < numPts; ind++) item->AppendPoint(stageX[ind], stageY[ind]); if (numPts > 1) { item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; SetPolygonCenterToMidpoint(item); } UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); } // Convert a set of polygons from an IMOD model object to a set of items in polyArray int CNavigatorDlg::ImodObjectToPolygons(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, Iobj *obj, MapItemArray &polyArray) { ScaleMat aMat, aInv; float delX, delY, stageX, stageY, midX, midY, adjustX, adjustY; CMapDrawItem *item; int coNum, pt; Icont *cont; Ipoint lowLeft, upRight; float imageX, imageY, stageZ = 0.; if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) return 1; aInv = MatInv(aMat); for (coNum = 0; coNum < obj->contsize; coNum++) { cont = &obj->cont[coNum]; item = new CMapDrawItem(); polyArray.Add(item); item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; SetupItemMarkedOnBuffer(imBuf, item); item->AllocatePoints(cont->psize); // Get the midpoint of the contour, adjust it, and use that as single adjustment for // the rest of the points imodContourGetBBox(cont, &lowLeft, &upRight); midX = imageX = (lowLeft.x + upRight.x) / 2; midY = imageY = (lowLeft.y + upRight.y) / 2; mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, midX, midY, &item->mPieceDrawnOn, &item->mXinPiece, &item->mYinPiece); adjustX = midX - imageX; adjustY = midY - imageY; ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, midX - delX, midY - delY, item->mStageX, item->mStageY); for (pt = 0; pt < cont->psize; pt++) { imageX = cont->pts[pt].x + adjustX; imageY = cont->pts[pt].y + adjustY; ApplyScaleMatrix(aInv, imageX - delX, imageY - delY, stageX, stageY); item->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); } item->AppendPoint(item->mPtX[0], item->mPtY[0]); } return 0; } // Add the non-excluded items in the selected groups to the Naviigator array void CNavigatorDlg::AddAutocontPolygons(MapItemArray &polyArray, ShortVec &excluded, ShortVec &groupNums, int *groupShown, int numGroups, int &firstID, int &lastID, IntVec &indsInPoly) { int ind, group, numOut = 0, numPolys = (int)polyArray.GetSize(); int groupID; bool needFirst = true; CMapDrawItem *item = NULL; int color = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; CString str, conv = "Converted group"; indsInPoly.clear(); for (group = 0; group < numGroups; group++) { if (!groupShown[group]) continue; // New ID for each group: loop on points and add non-excluded ones in group groupID = MakeUniqueID(); str.Format(" %d", group + 1); conv += str; if (mHelper->GetKeepColorsForPolygons()) { color = group % MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; if (mHelper->GetReverseAutocontColors()) color = (MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS - 1) - color; color += CONT_COLOR_BASE_IND; } for (ind = 0; ind < numPolys; ind++) { if (excluded[ind] || groupNums[ind] != group) continue; item = polyArray.GetAt(ind); if (!item) continue; item->mGroupID = groupID; item->mColor = color; item->mMapID = MakeUniqueID(); if (needFirst) { firstID = item->mMapID; needFirst = false; } item->mLabel.Format("%d", mNewItemNum++); item->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; item->mOriginalReg = mCurrentRegistration; mItemArray.Add(item); polyArray.SetAt(ind, NULL); indsInPoly.push_back(ind); lastID = item->mMapID; } } mWinApp->AppendToLog(conv); RefillAfterAutocontPolys(); } // Put the added polygons back into the polyArray in the empty spots: it has to be checked // beforehand that this matches up void CNavigatorDlg::UndoAutocontPolyAddition( MapItemArray &polyArray, int numRemove, IntVec &indsInPoly) { CMapDrawItem *item; int ind, size = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); numRemove = B3DMIN(numRemove, size); for (ind = 0; ind < numRemove; ind++) { item = mItemArray.GetAt(ind + size - numRemove); polyArray.SetAt(indsInPoly[ind], item); item->mDraw = true; } mItemArray.RemoveAt(size - numRemove, numRemove); RefillAfterAutocontPolys(); } // Common operations after bulk changes in the table like these void CNavigatorDlg::RefillAfterAutocontPolys() { mCurrentItem = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; mCurListSel = mCurrentItem; if (m_bCollapseGroups && mCurrentItem >= 0) { MakeListMappings(); mCurListSel = mItemToList[mCurrentItem]; } FillListBox(false, true); SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); Update(); Redraw(); } // Delete points on backspace if drawing polygon, adding points, or in Edit mode BOOL CNavigatorDlg::BackspacePressed() { CMapDrawItem *item; if ((mAddingPoints || m_bEditMode) && !mAddingPoly) { if (mAddingPoints && mItemArray.GetSize() <= mNumberBeforeAdd) return false; if (m_bEditMode && !mAddingPoints) { item = GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (!item || item->IsMap() || (item->IsPolygon() && !item->mGroupID)) return false; } mRemoveItemOnly = true; DeleteItem(); mRemoveItemOnly = false; } else { if (mAddingPoly < 2) return false; SetCurrentItem(); if (!mItem->mNumPoints) return false; mItem->mNumPoints--; } Redraw(); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ROUTINES FOR PROVIDING ITEMS TO DRAW, AND GETTING DRAWING TRANSFORMS // The call for SerialEMView to get the items to draw MapItemArray *CNavigatorDlg::GetMapDrawItems( EMimageBuffer *imBuf, ScaleMat &aMat, float &delX, float &delY, BOOL &drawAllReg, CMapDrawItem **acquireBox) { float angle, tiltAngle; bool showMulti, asIfLowDose, showCurPtAcquire, curIsAcquire; int ring, magForHoles; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) mItem = NULL; if (m_bCollapseGroups) mItem = GetSingleSelectedItem(); *acquireBox = NULL; aMat.xpx = 0.; if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY) || m_bDrawNone) return NULL; drawAllReg = m_bDrawAllReg; MultiShotParams *msParams = mHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mMagIndForHoles = mCameraForHoles = 0; mWinApp->mParticleTasks->SetLastHolesWereAdjusted(false); // Show multishot somehow if one or other type is on, and either the dialog is open // or acquire is on and "Show shots when show acquire" is checked showMulti = ((msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole & MULTI_IN_HOLE) || mHelper->MultipleHolesAreSelected()) && ((m_bShowAcquireArea && (mHelper->GetEnableMultiShot() & 1)) || (mHelper->mMultiShotDlg && !mHelper->mMultiShotDlg->RecordingISValues())); // Show something on the current point if multi draw is on or show acquire is on and // there is no user point (turns off draw on the acquire box) showCurPtAcquire = !imBuf->mHasUserPt && mItem && (showMulti || (m_bShowAcquireArea && mItem->mAcquire && mItem->mNumPoints == 1 && mItem->mDraw)); curIsAcquire = mItem && (mItem->mAcquire || mItem->mTSparamIndex >= 0); mShowingLDareas = (curIsAcquire || m_bShowAcquireArea) && m_bEditFocus && mEditFocusEnabled && mLowDoseDlg->ViewImageOKForEditingFocus(imBuf); // Showing low dose area in edit mode: just provide a copy of current item if (mShowingLDareas && curIsAcquire) { *acquireBox = new CMapDrawItem(mItem); (*acquireBox)->AppendPoint(mItem->mStageX, mItem->mStageY); } else if (!mShowingLDareas && (imBuf->mHasUserPt || showCurPtAcquire) && (m_bShowAcquireArea || showMulti) && RegistrationUseType(imBuf->mRegistration) != NAVREG_IMPORT) { // If there is a user point and the box is on to draw acquire area, get needed // parameters: camera and mag index from current state or low dose or montage params ScaleMat s2c, c2s, st2is, is2cam; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); MontParam *montp; BOOL montaging = mWinApp->Montaging(); int *activeList; LowDoseParams *ldp; int magInd, sizeX, sizeY, ind, useLineEnd; float ptX, ptY, cornX, cornY, rotation; asIfLowDose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || mWinApp->GetDummyInstance() || showMulti; if (montaging) montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (asIfLowDose) { ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); magInd = ldp[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex; if (montaging && !showMulti) magInd = ldp[MontageLDAreaIndex(montp)].magIndex; } else if (montaging) { magInd = montp->magIndex; activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); camera = activeList[montp->cameraIndex]; } else magInd = mScope->FastMagIndex(); // Get the camera to stage matrix, determine the frame size, and make an item // with stage coordinates in the corners of that frame s2c = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camera, magInd); if (s2c.xpx) { c2s = MatInv(s2c); if (imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle) && fabs((double)tiltAngle) > 1.) mShiftManager->AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(c2s, tiltAngle); CMapDrawItem *box = new CMapDrawItem; *acquireBox = box; useLineEnd = imBuf->mHasUserLine ? 1 : 0; if (showMulti && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mLowDoseDlg->m_iDefineArea) useLineEnd = -1; if (showCurPtAcquire) { box->mStageX = mItem->mStageX; box->mStageY = mItem->mStageY; } else { MarkerStagePosition(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY, box->mStageX, box->mStageY, useLineEnd); } sizeX = conSet->right - conSet->left; sizeY = conSet->bottom - conSet->top; if (montaging && !showMulti) { sizeX = montp->binning * (montp->xFrame + (montp->xFrame - montp->xOverlap) * (montp->xNframes - 1)); sizeY = montp->binning * (montp->yFrame + (montp->yFrame - montp->yOverlap) * (montp->yNframes - 1)); } for (ind = 0; ind < 5; ind++) { cornX = (float)(0.5 * sizeX * (1 - 2 * ((ind / 2) % 2))); cornY = (float)(0.5 * sizeY * (1 - 2 * (((ind + 1) / 2) % 2))); ptX = box->mStageX + c2s.xpx * cornX + c2s.xpy * cornY; ptY = box->mStageY + c2s.ypx * cornX + c2s.ypy * cornY; box->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } // If showing circles, then get the parameters and compute stage coordinates for // each circle from camera coordinates; add more points to box if (showMulti) { float inHoleRadius = 0., beamRadius; float pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(camera, magInd); FloatVec delISX, delISY; IntVec holeIndex; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + camera; bool custom = msParams->useCustomHoles && msParams->customHoleX.size() > 0; magForHoles = custom ? msParams->customMagIndex : msParams->holeMagIndex[msParams->doHexArray ? 1 : 0]; // This is the inverse of the conversion of hole vectors to image shifts // it is done at the defined mag and hole IS positions are gotten at that st2is = MatMul(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camera, magForHoles), mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magForHoles)); is2cam = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(magInd, camera); if (pixel && is2cam.xpx) { if (st2is.xpx && mHelper->MultipleHolesAreSelected()) { mMagIndForHoles = magForHoles; mIStoStageForHoles = MatInv(st2is); } else { mIStoStageForHoles = MatMul(is2cam, c2s); mMagIndForHoles = magInd; } mCameraForHoles = camera; // Make multihole positions relative to center if (mHelper->MultipleHolesAreSelected()) { if (!imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle)) tiltAngle = -999.; int numHoles = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetHolePositions(delISX, delISY, holeIndex, mMagIndForHoles, camera, 0, 0, tiltAngle, false); AddHolePositionsToItemPts(delISX, delISY, holeIndex, custom, numHoles, box); } // Multishot positions in hole, with absolute positions if (msParams->inHoleOrMultiHole & MULTI_IN_HOLE) { rotation = 0.; if (imBuf->GetTiltAngle(tiltAngle) && fabs((double)tiltAngle) > 20.) rotation = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(camera, magInd); else if (camParam->sizeY < camParam->sizeX) rotation = 90.f; for (ring = 0; ring < (msParams->doSecondRing ? 2 : 1); ring++) { inHoleRadius = msParams->spokeRad[ring] / pixel; for (ind = 0; ind < msParams->numShots[ring]; ind++) { angle = (float)(DTOR * (ind * 360. / msParams->numShots[ring] + rotation)); cornX = inHoleRadius * (float)cos(angle); cornY = inHoleRadius * (float)sin(angle); ptX = box->mStageX + c2s.xpx * cornX + c2s.xpy * cornY; ptY = box->mStageY + c2s.ypx * cornX + c2s.ypy * cornY; box->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } } } // Add one more point with beam radius as a position in X in camera coords beamRadius = 0.5f * msParams->beamDiam / pixel; if (msParams->useIllumArea && mWinApp->mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2() && asIfLowDose) beamRadius = (float)(50. * mWinApp->mScope->IntensityToIllumArea(ldp[RECORD_CONSET].intensity) / pixel, ldp[RECORD_CONSET].spotSize, ldp[RECORD_CONSET].probeMode); ptX = box->mStageX + c2s.xpx * beamRadius; ptY = box->mStageY + c2s.ypx * beamRadius; box->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); // Add another point with outside radius for whole acquisition in hole ptX = box->mStageX + c2s.xpx * (beamRadius + inHoleRadius); ptY = box->mStageY + c2s.ypx * (beamRadius + inHoleRadius); box->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } } box->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; box->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; box->mColor = POINT_ACQUIRE_COLOR; box->mDraw = ((mItem && mItem->mDraw && !mItem->mNumSkipHoles) || imBuf->mHasUserPt); if (mItem) box->mPieceDrawnOn = mItem->mPieceDrawnOn; } } return &mItemArray; } // Make multihole positions relative to center and add them to given item void CNavigatorDlg::AddHolePositionsToItemPts(FloatVec &delISX, FloatVec &delISY, IntVec &holeIndex, bool custom, int numHoles, CMapDrawItem *item) { int ind, minInd = -1, indexInd; float dist, ptX, ptY, minDist = 1.e20f; for (ind = 0; ind < numHoles; ind++) { ptX = mIStoStageForHoles.xpx * delISX[ind] + mIStoStageForHoles.xpy * delISY[ind]; ptY = mIStoStageForHoles.ypx * delISX[ind] + mIStoStageForHoles.ypy * delISY[ind]; dist = sqrtf(ptX * ptX + ptY * ptY); if (dist < minDist) { minInd = item->mNumPoints; minDist = dist; indexInd = ind; } item->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } // Swap last point for closest point; if (!custom && numHoles > 0) { B3DSWAP(item->mPtX[minInd], item->mPtX[item->mNumPoints - 1], ptX); B3DSWAP(item->mPtY[minInd], item->mPtY[item->mNumPoints - 1], ptY); B3DSWAP(holeIndex[2 * indexInd], holeIndex[2 * numHoles - 2], ind); B3DSWAP(holeIndex[2 * indexInd + 1], holeIndex[2 * numHoles - 1], ind); } } // Compute the scale transformation from stage to image in given buffer BOOL CNavigatorDlg::BufferStageToImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, ScaleMat &aMat, float &delX, float &delY) { float stageX, stageY, tmpX, tmpY; int uncropX, uncropY, centered; ScaleMat rMat; if (!imBuf->mImage || (imBuf->GetUncroppedSize(uncropX, uncropY, ¢ered) && uncropX > 0 && centered < 1)) return false; float width = (float)imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); float height = (float)imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); // If the buffer has a map ID and a matching map item, return its scaling if ((item && imBuf->mUseWidth != 0) || imBuf->mStage2ImMat.xpx) { if (imBuf->mStage2ImMat.xpx) { aMat = imBuf->mStage2ImMat; delX = imBuf->mStage2ImDelX; delY = imBuf->mStage2ImDelY; } else if (item) { aMat = item->mMapScaleMat; // Because overview binning may not match when map was stored, adjust matrix // by the change in size and recompute delX and delY to fit this size aMat.xpx *= imBuf->mLoadWidth / imBuf->mUseWidth; aMat.xpy *= imBuf->mLoadWidth / imBuf->mUseWidth; aMat.ypx *= imBuf->mLoadHeight / imBuf->mUseHeight; aMat.ypy *= imBuf->mLoadHeight / imBuf->mUseHeight; delX = (item->mMapWidth / imBuf->mUseWidth) * imBuf->mLoadWidth / 2.f - aMat.xpx * item->mStageX - aMat.xpy * item->mStageY; delY = (2.f - item->mMapHeight / imBuf->mUseHeight) * imBuf->mLoadHeight / 2.f - aMat.ypx * item->mStageX - aMat.ypy * item->mStageY; /*SEMTrace('n', "Transform for map %s at %.3f %.3f: %f %f %f %f %.2f %.2f", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy, delX, delY); SEMTrace('n', "W/H for im: %.0f %.0f load: %d %d use: %.0f %.0f map: %d %d", width, height, imBuf->mLoadWidth, imBuf->mLoadHeight, imBuf->mUseWidth, imBuf->mUseHeight, item->mMapWidth, item->mMapHeight); */ } // Rotate the transformation if the map has been rotated. // But the cross-terms of rotation matrix need to be negated to operate on inverted Y if (imBuf->mRotAngle || imBuf->mInverted || width != imBuf->mLoadWidth || height != imBuf->mLoadHeight) { rMat = mHelper->GetRotationMatrix(imBuf->mRotAngle, false); rMat.xpy *= -1.; rMat.ypx *= -1.; if (imBuf->mInverted) { rMat.ypx *= -1.; rMat.ypy *= -1.; } aMat = MatMul(aMat, rMat); tmpX = delX - imBuf->mLoadWidth / 2.f; tmpY = delY - imBuf->mLoadHeight / 2.f; delX = rMat.xpx * tmpX + rMat.xpy * tmpY + width / 2.f; delY = rMat.ypx * tmpX + rMat.ypy * tmpY + height / 2.f; /*SEMTrace('n', "Transform after rotation (%.2f %d): %f %f %f %f %.2f %.2f", imBuf->mRotAngle, imBuf->mInverted?1:0, aMat.xpx, aMat.xpy, aMat.ypx, aMat.ypy, delX, delY); */ } /*SEMTrace('n', "Map polygon: %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f %.3f,%.3f", item->mPtX[0], item->mPtY[0], item->mPtX[1], item->mPtY[1], item->mPtX[2], item->mPtY[2], item->mPtX[3], item->mPtY[3]); */ return true; } if (!imBuf->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY)) return false; if (!imBuf->mBinning || !imBuf->mMagInd) return false; mHelper->ComputeStageToImage(imBuf, stageX, stageY, true, aMat, delX, delY); return true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MONTAGE SETUP // Setup a montage from corner points void CNavigatorDlg::CornerMontage() { // Make a temporary item to put points in, and use to set up montage mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); CMapDrawItem *itmp = new CMapDrawItem; FillItemWithCornerPoints(itmp); SetupMontage(itmp, NULL, false); delete itmp; } // Fill an item's points with the corner points void CNavigatorDlg::FillItemWithCornerPoints(CMapDrawItem *itmp) { CMapDrawItem *item; double cenX = 0., cenY = 0.; double *angles; double angTmp; float xyTmp; int i, j; // add positions for corners at this registration, and get centroid for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mCorner && item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration) { itmp->AppendPoint(item->mStageX, item->mStageY); cenX += item->mStageX; cenY += item->mStageY; } } // Calculate angle of each point around centroid and order them by angle cenX /= itmp->mNumPoints; cenY /= itmp->mNumPoints; itmp->mStageX = (float)cenX; itmp->mStageY = (float)cenY; angles = new double[itmp->mNumPoints]; for (i = 0; i < itmp->mNumPoints; i++) angles[i] = atan2(itmp->mPtY[i] - cenY, itmp->mPtX[i] - cenX); for (i = 0; i < itmp->mNumPoints - 1; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < itmp->mNumPoints; j++) { if (angles[i] > angles[j]) { angTmp = angles[i]; angles[i] = angles[j]; angles[j] = angTmp; xyTmp = itmp->mPtX[i]; itmp->mPtX[i] = itmp->mPtX[j]; itmp->mPtX[j] = xyTmp; xyTmp = itmp->mPtY[i]; itmp->mPtY[i] = itmp->mPtY[j]; itmp->mPtY[j] = xyTmp; } } } delete [] angles; } // Make a polygon from corner points so it can be used for later montage setup void CNavigatorDlg::PolygonFromCorners(void) { CMapDrawItem *item = MakeNewItem(0); FillItemWithCornerPoints(item); item->AppendPoint(item->mPtX[0], item->mPtY[0]); item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); Redraw(); if (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to delete the corner points used for\n" "the polygon from the Navigator table?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { for (int i = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mCorner && item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration) { mItemArray.RemoveAt(i); delete item; } } } else { // Turn off the corner setting for all these points to avoid errors if command // is used with new points for (int i = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mCorner && item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration) item->mCorner = false; } } FinishMultipleDeletion(); } // Setup a montage from a polygon int CNavigatorDlg::PolygonMontage(CMontageSetupDlg *montDlg, bool skipSetupDlg, int itemInd, float overlapFac, int source) { CMapDrawItem *item, *itmp; CString str; MontParam *montp; bool forMacro = source == SETUPMONT_FROM_MACRO; int err; if (!mHelper->GetDoingMultipleFiles()) mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (itemInd < 0) { if (!mHelper->GetDoingMultipleFiles() && !SetCurrentItem(false)) return 1; item = mItem; itemInd = mCurrentItem; } else { if (itemInd >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return 1; item = mItemArray.GetAt(itemInd); } if (item->IsNotPolygon()) return 1; itmp = new CMapDrawItem; for (int i = 0; i < item->mNumPoints; i++) itmp->AppendPoint(item->mPtX[i],item->mPtY[i]); err = SetupMontage(itmp, montDlg, skipSetupDlg, overlapFac, source); if (!err && (fabs(item->mStageX - itmp->mStageX) > 0.005 || fabs(item->mStageY - itmp->mStageY) > 0.005)) { if (!mHelper->GetDoingMultipleFiles()) { str.Format("Changing center of polygon from %.2f,%.2f to center for montage, " "%.2f,%.2f", item->mStageX, item->mStageY, itmp->mStageX, itmp->mStageY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } item->mStageX = itmp->mStageX; item->mStageY = itmp->mStageY; montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); montp->fitToPolygonID = item->mMapID; UpdateListString(itemInd); SetChanged(true); } delete itmp; return err; } // Setup a montage for the full area (or user specified area) int CNavigatorDlg::FullMontage(bool skipDlg, float overlapFac, int source) { float minX, minY, maxX, maxY, midX, midY, cornerX, cornerY; float minCornerX, maxCornerX, minCornerY, maxCornerY, maxOverNominal; float fullCornXmin, fullCornXmax, fullCornYmin, fullCornYmax, searchPix = 0., viewPix; float cornerExtra = 93.; float *gridLim = mHelper->GetGridLimits(); float nominalLim = JEOLscope ? 1200.f : 1000.f; int err = 0; bool inView, inSearch; bool forMacro = source == SETUPMONT_FROM_MACRO; bool forMultigrid = source == SETUPMONT_MG_FULL_GRID; MontParam *montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); CMapDrawItem *itmp = new CMapDrawItem; CMontageSetupDlg montDlg; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (forMultigrid) { montp = mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetGridMontParam(); if (!skipDlg) montDlg.mParam = *montp; montDlg.mForMultiGridMap = SETUPMONT_MG_FULL_GRID; montDlg.mSizeLocked = false; } // First get limits based on system defaults minX = mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_X); maxX = mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_X); minY = mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MIN_Y); maxY = mScope->GetStageLimit(STAGE_MAX_Y); midX = 0.5f * (minX + maxX); midY = 0.5f * (minY + maxY); // Setup corners with an extra amount added. Take maximum of corner indicated // by the defined limits and the corner for a full centered 1000 um area (but allow a // bigger limit to be entered for JEOL - 5/26/14). // Moving the corners outward in this step assumes the grid is centered at 0,0 fullCornXmin = 0.707f * B3DMIN(-1000.f, minX); fullCornXmax = 0.707f * B3DMAX(1000.f, maxX); fullCornYmin = 0.707f * B3DMIN(-1000.f, minY); fullCornYmax = 0.707f * B3DMAX(1000.f, maxY); cornerX = 1.414f * (maxX - minX) / 4.f; cornerY = 1.414f * (maxY - minY) / 4.f; maxOverNominal = 0.; // Phase out the extra addition to the corners when set stage limit approaches nominal ACCUM_MAX(maxOverNominal, -nominalLim - minX); ACCUM_MAX(maxOverNominal, maxX - nominalLim); ACCUM_MAX(maxOverNominal, -nominalLim - minY); ACCUM_MAX(maxOverNominal, maxY - nominalLim); cornerExtra = B3DMAX(0.f, cornerExtra - maxOverNominal); minCornerX = B3DMIN(midX - cornerX - cornerExtra, fullCornXmin - cornerExtra); maxCornerX = B3DMAX(midX + cornerX + cornerExtra, fullCornXmax + cornerExtra); minCornerY = B3DMIN(midY - cornerY - cornerExtra, fullCornYmin - cornerExtra); maxCornerY = B3DMAX(midY + cornerY + cornerExtra, fullCornYmax + cornerExtra); // Get user limits if any, and limit by system limits (new 6/16/11) if (gridLim[STAGE_MIN_X]) minX = B3DMAX(minX, gridLim[STAGE_MIN_X]); if (gridLim[STAGE_MAX_X]) maxX = B3DMIN(maxX, gridLim[STAGE_MAX_X]); if (gridLim[STAGE_MIN_Y]) minY = B3DMAX(minY, gridLim[STAGE_MIN_Y]); if (gridLim[STAGE_MAX_Y]) maxY = B3DMIN(maxY, gridLim[STAGE_MAX_Y]); // Now make the corners be no farther out than whatever the limit is minCornerX = B3DMAX(minCornerX, minX); maxCornerX = B3DMIN(maxCornerX, maxX); minCornerY = B3DMAX(minCornerY, minY); maxCornerY = B3DMIN(maxCornerY, maxY); midX = 0.5f * (minX + maxX); midY = 0.5f * (minY + maxY); if (maxX - minX < 10 || maxY - minY < 10) { AfxMessageBox("Your grid limits for the full montage are set less than 10 microns" " apart\n\nCannot set up a full montage with these limits", MB_EXCLAME); delete itmp; return 1; } itmp->AppendPoint(minX, midY); itmp->AppendPoint(minCornerX, maxCornerY); itmp->AppendPoint(midX, maxY); itmp->AppendPoint(maxCornerX, maxCornerY); itmp->AppendPoint(maxX, midY); itmp->AppendPoint(maxCornerX, minCornerY); itmp->AppendPoint(midX, minY); itmp->AppendPoint(minCornerX, minCornerY); // Switch to the current low dose area, view or search, if it is at least 5 times // bigger pixel size than the other one if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { inView = mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == VIEW_CONSET; inSearch = mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == SEARCH_AREA; viewPix = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ldp[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex); if (ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex > 0) searchPix = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex); if ((inView && (!searchPix || viewPix > 5. * searchPix)) || (inSearch && searchPix > 5. * viewPix)) { montp->useViewInLowDose = inView; montp->useSearchInLowDose = inSearch; } } mSettingUpFullMont = true; err = SetupMontage(itmp, (forMultigrid && !skipDlg) ? &montDlg : NULL, skipDlg, overlapFac, source); mSettingUpFullMont = false; if (!err && (mWinApp->Montaging() || forMultigrid)) { if (forMultigrid && !skipDlg) *montp = montDlg.mParam; montp->forFullMontage = true; montp->fullMontStageX = itmp->mStageX; montp->fullMontStageY = itmp->mStageY; } delete itmp; return err; } // Common routine to set up a montage int CNavigatorDlg::SetupMontage(CMapDrawItem *item, CMontageSetupDlg *montDlg, bool skipSetupDlg, float overlapFac, int source) { ScaleMat aInv; int i, err, binning; float extraSizeFactor = 0.05f; // Fraction to increase size overall int iCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); CameraParameters *camParam; ControlSet *conSet; float askLimitRatio = 0.9f; // Ask user if Record frame smaller than camera by this int magIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); BOOL lowDose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); int trial, numTry = 1, initCons = RECORD_CONSET, useCons; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); bool forMacro = source == SETUPMONT_FROM_MACRO; bool forMulti = source == SETUPMONT_MG_FULL_GRID || source == SETUPMONT_MG_POLYGON; MontParam *montParam = mMontParam; CString *modeNames = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); CString str; float viewPixel, searchPixel = 0.; BOOL forceStage = false; BOOL useViewSave, useSearchSave; int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); if (montDlg) { magIndex = montDlg->mParam.magIndex; montParam = &montDlg->mParam; forceStage = montDlg->mParam.wasFitToPolygon && montDlg->mParam.moveStage; } if (forMulti) { if (!montDlg) montParam = B3DCHOICE(source == SETUPMONT_MG_FULL_GRID, mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetGridMontParam(), mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetMMMmontParam());; lowDose = montParam->setupInLowDose; magIndex = montParam->magIndex; iCam = activeList[montParam->cameraIndex]; binning = montParam->binning; forceStage = true; } camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + iCam; useViewSave = montParam->useViewInLowDose; useSearchSave = montParam->useSearchInLowDose; // Check number - it should be OK but just in case if (item->mNumPoints < 3) { AfxMessageBox("There must be at least 3 points to define a montage area", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Leave the current file before touching the montage parameters if (!montDlg) mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetNextParamSetForMont()) { mWinApp->mMontageController->ChangeParamSetToUse(montParam, mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetNextParamSetForMont()); mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->SetNextParamSetForMont(0); } // Copy the item so it can be used for camera coords by skip list setup mMontItemCam = new CMapDrawItem; for (i = 0; i < item->mNumPoints; i++) mMontItemCam->AppendPoint(item->mPtX[i], item->mPtX[i]); if (item->mMapTiltAngle <= RAW_STAGE_TEST) item->mMapTiltAngle = (float)mScope->FastTiltAngle(); mMontItemCam->mMapTiltAngle = item->mMapTiltAngle; mMontItem = item; // If low dose, set up to loop on different areas if (lowDose && !forMulti) { viewPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(iCam, ldp[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex); if (ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex) searchPixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(iCam, ldp[SEARCH_AREA].magIndex); if (!useViewSave && !useSearchSave) { numTry = searchPixel > 0 ? 3 : 2; } else if ((useViewSave && searchPixel > 0. && searchPixel > viewPixel) || (useSearchSave && searchPixel > 0. && searchPixel < viewPixel)) { numTry = 2; initCons = useViewSave ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_CONSET; } } useCons = initCons; for (trial = 0; trial < numTry; trial++) { int consetNum = MontageConSetNum(montParam, false); if (lowDose && !forMulti) magIndex = ldp[MontageLDAreaIndex(montParam)].magIndex; conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + consetNum; if (!forMulti) binning = conSet->binning; // Check for Record area smaller than camera and ask if user wants that limit mFrameLimitX = camParam->sizeX; mFrameLimitY = camParam->sizeY; mWinApp->mMontageController->LimitSizesToUsable(camParam, iCam, magIndex, mFrameLimitX, mFrameLimitY, 1); if (!skipSetupDlg && (conSet->right - conSet->left < askLimitRatio * mFrameLimitX || conSet->bottom - conSet->top < askLimitRatio * mFrameLimitY) && !forMulti && AfxMessageBox("The " + modeNames[consetNum] + " area is significantly smaller than " "the camera frame size." "\n\nDo you want to keep the montage frame size from being bigger than this area?" "\n (Otherwise the frame might be as big as the full camera field).", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { mFrameLimitX = conSet->right - conSet->left; mFrameLimitY = conSet->bottom - conSet->top; } //montParam->minOverlapFactor = overlapFactor; ?? HUH?? if ((err = FitMontageToItem(montParam, binning, magIndex, forceStage, overlapFac, iCam, lowDose))) { // If it fails and there are more trials, switch from View to Search or vice-versa, // or do search if it is smaller pixel, or do view if (trial < numTry - 1) { if (montParam->useViewInLowDose) { montParam->useViewInLowDose = false; montParam->useSearchInLowDose = true; } else if (montParam->useSearchInLowDose) { montParam->useViewInLowDose = true; montParam->useSearchInLowDose = false; } else if (searchPixel > 0. && searchPixel < viewPixel) { montParam->useSearchInLowDose = true; } else { montParam->useViewInLowDose = true; } useCons = montParam->useViewInLowDose ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_CONSET; continue; } if (forMulti) { str.Format("The magnification of the current or selected state (%d) is too high" " for a full grid montage", MagForCamera(iCam, magIndex)); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } else { AfxMessageBox(err == 2 ? "The amount of overlap between frames required to do a\n" "montage with stage movement is too high (more than half the frame size) at this" " magnification.\nOpen the Montage Setup dialog from the File menu,\nselect" " \"Move stage\", reduce the minimum overlap in microns, press OK, and Cancel in" " the next dialog." : "This area would require more than the\n allowed number" " of montage pieces", MB_EXCLAME); } if (!montDlg) mDocWnd->RestoreCurrentFile(); mMontItem = NULL; delete mMontItemCam; montParam->useViewInLowDose = useViewSave; montParam->useSearchInLowDose = useSearchSave; return 1; } } if (numTry > 1 && initCons != useCons) AfxMessageBox("Turning on \"Use " + modeNames[useCons] + " in Low Dose\" because " "area could not be fit with " + modeNames[initCons] + " parameters", MB_EXCLAME); // Call with argument to indicate frame set up. It takes care of restoring current // file if it is aborted if (montDlg) { err = B3DCHOICE(!skipSetupDlg && montDlg->DoModal() != IDOK, 1, 0); } else if (forMulti) { err = 0; } else { if (forMacro && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) err = mDocWnd->GetMontageParamsAndFile(true, montParam->xFrame, montParam->yFrame, mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetEnteredName()); else err = mDocWnd->GetMontageParamsAndFile(true); } if (err) { mMontItem = NULL; delete mMontItemCam; return 1; } // If no cancel, redo the skip list in case of changes then move to center // Also set overview binning to 1 since that is the point of the overview montParam->overviewBinning = 1; mWinApp->mMontageWindow.UpdateSettings(); SetupSkipList(montParam); mMontItem = NULL; delete mMontItemCam; // Store new center stage position in the temporary item for fixing polygon center // Go to center only if not defining for future // This matrix adjusted stage to camera for tilt, so don't adjust the inverse again aInv = MatInv(mPolyToCamMat); item->mStageX = aInv.xpx * mCamCenX + aInv.xpy * mCamCenY; item->mStageY = aInv.ypx * mCamCenX + aInv.ypy * mCamCenY; if (!montDlg && !forMulti) { SEMTrace('S', "Moving to center of montage %.2f %.2f", item->mStageX, item->mStageY); AdjustAndMoveStage(item->mStageX, item->mStageY, 0., axisXY); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, -1, 0, 0); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } return 0; } // Find the smallest montage framing that covers the region of the polygon int CNavigatorDlg::FitMontageToItem(MontParam *montParam, int binning, int magIndex, BOOL forceStage, float overlapFac, int iCam, BOOL lowDose) { ScaleMat aMat; float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xx, yy, pixel, maxIS, tmpov, rotation; double maxISX, maxISY; int i, xNframes, yNframes, overlap, camSize, left, right, which, xFrame, yFrame; int top, bot, saveOverlap, set = -1; int binx2 = 2 * binning; int maxOverlap = (int)(mDocWnd->GetMaxOverlapFraction() * B3DMIN(mFrameLimitX, mFrameLimitY)); float extraSizeFactor = 0.05f; // Fraction to increase size overall float maxOverlapInc = 1.5f; // Maximum to increase overlap with restrictied sizes CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + iCam; CMapDrawItem *item = mMontItem; if (overlapFac <= 0. || overlapFac >= 0.5) overlapFac = montParam->minOverlapFactor; // Force a stage montage if there is no image shift calibration available aMat = mShiftManager->IStoCamera(magIndex); if (!aMat.xpx) forceStage = true; // When the image is at an oblique angle for a full montage, adding extra area can // lead to corner pieces being lost due to stage coordinates out of range. Try to // solve that by setting extra factor to 0 above a certain angle if (mSettingUpFullMont) { rotation = (float)mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(iCam, magIndex); while (rotation > 45.) rotation -= 90.; while (rotation < -45.) rotation += 90.; if (fabs(rotation) > mMaxAngleExtraFullMont) extraSizeFactor = 0.; } // Transform item to camera coordinates and save in second item, get min/max if (lowDose && montParam->useViewInLowDose) set = VIEW_CONSET; else if (lowDose && montParam->useSearchInLowDose) set = SEARCH_CONSET; PolygonToCameraCoords(item, iCam, magIndex, set, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax); xx = (1.f + extraSizeFactor) * (xMax - xMin); yy = (1.f + extraSizeFactor) * (yMax - yMin); camSize = B3DMAX(mFrameLimitX, mFrameLimitY); overlap = binx2 * ((int)(overlapFac * camSize) / binx2); pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(iCam, magIndex); maxIS = magIndex < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(&mCamParams[iCam]) ? mParam->maxLMMontageIS : mParam->maxMontageIS; // Use stage cal if no image shift cal if (magIndex < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(&mCamParams[iCam]) && !(mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magIndex)).xpx) forceStage = true; // Loop on doing image shift or stage montage for (which = forceStage ? 1 : 0; which < 2; which++) { xNframes = 0; yNframes = 0; // If have to do stage, adjust overlap upward and bail out if it is too high if (which && overlap < montParam->minMicronsOverlap / pixel) { overlap = binx2 * ((int)(montParam->minMicronsOverlap / pixel) / binx2); if (overlap > maxOverlap) return 2; } for (i = 1; i <= 65536 && (!xNframes || !yNframes); i++) { if (!xNframes && (xx + (i - 1) * overlap) / i <= mFrameLimitX) xNframes = i; if (!yNframes && (yy + (i - 1) * overlap) / i <= mFrameLimitY) yNframes = i; } if (!(xNframes * yNframes)) continue; xFrame = (int)(xx + (xNframes - 1 ) * overlap) / (xNframes * binning); yFrame = (int)(yy + (yNframes - 1 ) * overlap) / (yNframes * binning); saveOverlap = overlap; // If fitting to full frames, increase the overlap by the fraction of the extra frame // size indicated by the fractional part of the parameter if (mParam->fitMontWithFullFrames >= 1.) { tmpov = (float)(B3DMIN(mFrameLimitX / binning - xFrame, mFrameLimitY / binning - yFrame) * B3DMIN(mParam->fitMontWithFullFrames - 1., 1.)); overlap = binx2 * ((int)(B3DMIN(overlap + tmpov, maxOverlap) / binx2)); xFrame = mFrameLimitX / binning; yFrame = mFrameLimitY / binning; } if (mParam->fitMontWithFullFrames < 0 && xNframes == 1 && yNframes == 1) { xFrame = mFrameLimitX / binning; yFrame = mFrameLimitY / binning; } // If image shift, evaluate the maximum extent and either accept or restore overlap if (!which) { maxISX = (xx - xFrame) / 2.; maxISY = (yy - yFrame) / 2.; // 9-5-10: the comparison was to mMaxMontageIS and maxIS was unused... if (pixel * sqrt(maxISX * maxISX + maxISY * maxISY) < maxIS) break; overlap = saveOverlap; } } if (!(xNframes * yNframes) || xNframes * yNframes > 65536) { return 1; } // Adjust the sizes properly, set up parameters montParam->binning = binning; mCamera->CenteredSizes(xFrame, camParam->sizeX, camParam->moduloX, left, right, yFrame, camParam->sizeY, camParam->moduloY, top, bot, binning); montParam->xFrame = xFrame; montParam->yFrame = yFrame; montParam->xNframes = xNframes; montParam->yNframes = yNframes; montParam->xOverlap = overlap / binning; montParam->yOverlap = overlap / binning; montParam->moveStage = which > 0; // If restricted sizes, increase overlaps by up to 50% if (camParam->moduloX < 0) { tmpov = (xNframes * xFrame * binning - xx) / B3DMAX(1, xNframes - 1) + 1; montParam->xOverlap = ((int)B3DMIN(tmpov, maxOverlapInc * overlap)) / binning; tmpov = (yNframes * yFrame * binning - yy) / B3DMAX(1, yNframes - 1) + 1; montParam->yOverlap = ((int)B3DMIN(tmpov, maxOverlapInc * overlap)) / binning; } // Set up a skip list by examining each piece mCamCenX = (xMax + xMin) / 2.f; mCamCenY = (yMax + yMin) / 2.f; mExtraX = 0.5f * extraSizeFactor * (xMax - xMin); mExtraY = 0.5f * extraSizeFactor * (yMax - yMin); montParam->xOverlap = B3DMAX(montParam->xOverlap, 0); montParam->yOverlap = B3DMAX(montParam->yOverlap, 0); SetupSkipList(montParam); return 0; } void CNavigatorDlg::PolygonToCameraCoords(CMapDrawItem * item, int iCam, int magIndex, int adjustForFocusSet, float &xMin, float &xMax, float &yMin, float &yMax) { float xx, yy; mPolyToCamMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(iCam, magIndex); if (adjustForFocusSet && magIndex >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag()) mPolyToCamMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(iCam, magIndex, mScope->FastSpotSize(), mScope->GetProbeMode(), mScope->FastIntensity(), mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(adjustForFocusSet)); if (item->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)item->mMapTiltAngle) > 1) mShiftManager->AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(mPolyToCamMat, item->mMapTiltAngle); xMin = yMin = 1.e10; xMax = yMax = -1.e10; for (int i = 0; i < item->mNumPoints; i++) { xx = mPolyToCamMat.xpx * item->mPtX[i] + mPolyToCamMat.xpy * item->mPtY[i]; yy = mPolyToCamMat.ypx * item->mPtX[i] + mPolyToCamMat.ypy * item->mPtY[i]; mMontItemCam->mPtX[i] = xx; mMontItemCam->mPtY[i] = yy; SEMTrace('n', "-1 %.2f %.2f", xx, yy); if (xMin > xx) xMin = xx; if (xMax < xx) xMax = xx; if (yMin > yy) yMin = yy; if (yMax < yy) yMax = yy; } } // Analyze each piece of montage for being inside the polygon, add to skip list if not void CNavigatorDlg::SetupSkipList(MontParam * montParam) { float xOverlap, yOverlap, montCenX, montCenY, xMid, yMid; int ix, iy, xNframes, yNframes, xFrame, yFrame, binning, size; CMapDrawItem *item = mMontItemCam; binning = montParam->binning; xFrame = binning * montParam->xFrame; yFrame = binning * montParam->yFrame; xOverlap = (float)(binning * montParam->xOverlap); yOverlap = (float)(binning * montParam->yOverlap); xNframes = montParam->xNframes; yNframes = montParam->yNframes; montCenX = (float)(xNframes * xFrame - (xNframes - 1) * xOverlap) / 2.f; montCenY = (float)(yNframes * yFrame - (yNframes - 1) * xOverlap) / 2.f; montParam->numToSkip = 0; montParam->skipPieceX.clear(); montParam->skipPieceX.swap(std::vector(montParam->skipPieceX)); montParam->skipPieceY.clear(); montParam->skipPieceY.swap(std::vector(montParam->skipPieceY)); if (xNframes == 1 && yNframes == 1) return; for (iy = 0; iy < yNframes; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < xNframes; ix++) { if (!IsFrameNeeded(item, xFrame, yFrame, xOverlap, yOverlap, mExtraX, mExtraY, mCamCenX - montCenX, mCamCenY- montCenY, ix, iy, xNframes, yNframes, xMid, yMid)) { if ((int)montParam->skipPieceX.capacity() < montParam->numToSkip + 1) { size = (int)montParam->skipPieceX.capacity() + (xNframes * yNframes + 4) / 5; montParam->skipPieceX.resize(size); montParam->skipPieceY.resize(size); } SEMTrace('n', "SetupSkipList adding piece %d %d to list", ix, iy); montParam->skipPieceX[montParam->numToSkip] = ix; montParam->skipPieceY[montParam->numToSkip++] = iy; } } } } // Test whether a given frame is needed bool CNavigatorDlg::IsFrameNeeded(CMapDrawItem * item, int xFrame, int yFrame, float xOverlap, float yOverlap, float xExtra, float yExtra, float xOffset, float yOffset, int ix, int iy, int xNframes, int yNframes, float &xMid, float &yMid) { float xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, xCen, yCen; float cornf = 0.6f, cenf = 1.f - cornf; // Get start and end coordinates of piece, in camera coordinates, and // adjust by extra factor and overlaps xStart = (float)(ix * (xFrame - xOverlap) - xExtra) + xOffset; xEnd = xStart + (float)xFrame + xExtra; xMid = 0.5f * (xStart + xEnd); if (ix) xStart += xOverlap; if (ix < xNframes - 1) xEnd -= xOverlap; yStart = (float)(iy * (yFrame - yOverlap) - yExtra) + yOffset; yEnd = yStart + (float)yFrame + yExtra; yMid = 0.5f * (yStart + yEnd); if (iy) yStart += yOverlap; if (iy < yNframes - 1) yEnd -= yOverlap; xCen = 0.5f * (xStart + xEnd); yCen = 0.5f * (yStart + yEnd); SEMTrace('n', "%d%d %.2f %.2f\r\n%d%d %.2f %.2f\r\n%d%d %.2f %.2f\r\n%d%d %.2f %.2f", ix, iy, xStart, yStart, ix, iy, xStart, yEnd, ix, iy, xEnd, yEnd, ix, iy,xEnd,yStart); // Check for each edge line and each diagonal point a fraction cornf from center to // corner for being inside contours return (LineInsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, xStart, yStart, xStart, yEnd) || LineInsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, xStart, yEnd, xEnd, yEnd) || LineInsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, xEnd, yEnd, xEnd, yStart) || LineInsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, xEnd, yStart, xStart, yStart) || InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, xCen, yCen) || InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, cenf * xCen + cornf * xStart, cenf * yCen + cornf * yStart) || InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, cenf * xCen + cornf * xEnd, cenf * yCen + cornf * yStart) || InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, cenf * xCen + cornf * xStart, cenf * yCen + cornf * yEnd) || InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, cenf * xCen + cornf * xEnd, cenf * yCen + cornf * yEnd)); } // Determine if a line segment crosses inside a contour by sampling bool CNavigatorDlg::LineInsideContour(float * ptsX, float * ptsY, int numPoints, float xStart, float yStart, float xEnd, float yEnd) { float x, y; int i, numSample = 10; for (i = 0; i <= numSample; i++) { x = xStart + (i * (xEnd - xStart)) / numSample; y = yStart + (i * (yEnd - yStart)) / numSample; if (InsideContour(ptsX, ptsY, numPoints, x, y)) return true; } return false; } // Super montage setup void CNavigatorDlg::SetupSuperMontage(BOOL skewed) { float delX, delY, cenX, cenY, cornX, cornY, ptX, ptY; float imDelX, imDelY; double gamma, cosgam, singam, overlap; ScaleMat aMat, aInv, stepMat, imMat, imInv; int montSizeX, montSizeY, minSize, startNum, yOverlap; MontParam *montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); CMapDrawItem *item; BOOL adjust = false; BOOL acquire = false; int superID = MakeUniqueID(); int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); int camInd = activeList[montP->cameraIndex]; double stageZ; // Get the stage position and current montage size mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ); montSizeX = montP->xNframes * montP->xFrame - (montP->xNframes - 1) * montP->xOverlap; montSizeY = montP->yNframes * montP->yFrame - (montP->yNframes - 1) * montP->yOverlap; minSize = montSizeX < montSizeY ? montSizeX : montSizeY; // Get matrix for stage to point transformations EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, imMat, imDelX, imDelY)) { AfxMessageBox("The currently active image does not have enough information\n" "to convert the marker point to a stage coordinate.", MB_EXCLAME); return; } imInv = MatInv(imMat); if (!mSuperNumX) { mSuperNumX = mSuperNumY = 2; mSuperOverlap = (montSizeX > montSizeY ? montSizeX : montSizeY) / 10; } // Get the definition of the montage if (!KGetOneInt("Number of montages in X:", mSuperNumX)) return; if (mSuperNumX < 1) mSuperNumX = 1; if (mSuperNumX > 100) mSuperNumX = 100; if (!KGetOneInt("Number of montages in Y:", mSuperNumY)) return; if (mSuperNumY < 1) mSuperNumY = 1; if (mSuperNumY > 100) mSuperNumY = 100; if (!KGetOneInt("Pixels of overlap in X:", mSuperOverlap)) return; if (mSuperOverlap < 10) mSuperOverlap = 10; if (mSuperOverlap > montSizeX / 2) mSuperOverlap = montSizeX / 2; yOverlap = mSuperOverlap; // The overlap might need to be different for a rectangular montage but it varies // with the skew angle, so don't try to predict it if (!KGetOneInt("Pixels of overlap in Y:", yOverlap)) return; if (yOverlap < 10) yOverlap = 10; if (yOverlap > montSizeY / 2) yOverlap = montSizeY / 2; if (imBuf->mMiniOffsets) adjust = (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to adjust positions based on the\n" "aligned positions of pieces in this montage?\n(Do not answer yes if the pieces are" " not well lined up\n in the region covered by the supermontage.)", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); acquire = (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to turn on Acquire for all these new points?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); // Get matrix for getting from camera pixels to stage coordinates; add binning aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camInd, montP->magIndex); aInv = MatInv(aMat); aInv.xpx *= montP->binning; aInv.xpy *= montP->binning; aInv.ypx *= montP->binning; aInv.ypy *= montP->binning; // Set up step between frames stepMat.xpx = (float)(montSizeX - mSuperOverlap); stepMat.xpy = 0.; stepMat.ypx = 0.; stepMat.ypy = (float)(montSizeY - yOverlap); if (skewed) { // If skewing frames, get rotation angle and reduce it to -45 to 45 range gamma = mShiftManager->GetImageRotation(camInd, montP->magIndex); while (gamma > 45.) gamma -= 90.; while (gamma < -45.) gamma += 90.; cosgam = cos(DTOR * gamma); singam = sin(DTOR * gamma); // Adjust overlap and swing the interframe steps overlap = montSizeX - (montSizeX - mSuperOverlap) / cosgam; stepMat.xpx = (float)(cosgam * (montSizeX - overlap)); stepMat.ypx = (float)(singam * (montSizeX - overlap)); overlap = montSizeY - (montSizeY - yOverlap) / cosgam; stepMat.ypy = (float)(cosgam * (montSizeY - overlap)); stepMat.xpy = (float)(-singam * (montSizeY - overlap)); } startNum = mNewItemNum; cenX = (float)(0.5 * (mSuperNumX + 1)); cenY = (float)(0.5 * (mSuperNumY + 1)); // Matrix goes from step to supermont coords to stage to map image coords stepMat = MatMul(MatMul(stepMat, aInv), imMat); aMat = MatMul(aInv, imMat); for (int iy = 1; iy <= mSuperNumY; iy++) { for (int ix = 1; ix <= mSuperNumX; ix++) { item = MakeNewItem(superID); mNewItemNum--; item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_SUPER_COLOR; item->mLabel.Format("%d-%d-%d", startNum, ix, iy); delX = (ix - cenX) * stepMat.xpx + (iy - cenY) * stepMat.xpy; delY = (ix - cenX) * stepMat.ypx + (iy - cenY) * stepMat.ypy; ptX = imBuf->mUserPtX + delX; ptY = imBuf->mUserPtY + delY; if (adjust) mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY); item->mAcquire = acquire; item->mDrawnOnMapID = imBuf->mMapID; TransferBacklash(imBuf, item); item->mStageX = imInv.xpx * (ptX - imDelX) + imInv.xpy * (ptY - imDelY); item->mStageY = imInv.ypx * (ptX - imDelX) + imInv.ypy * (ptY - imDelY); item->mStageZ = (float)stageZ; item->mSuperMontX = (ix - 1) * (montSizeX - mSuperOverlap); item->mSuperMontY = (iy - 1) * (montSizeY - yOverlap); // Compute corners in map image coordinates so they can be adjusted too for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cornX = (float)(0.5 * montSizeX * (1 - 2 * ((i / 2) % 2))); cornY = (float)(0.5 * montSizeY * (1 - 2 * (((i + 1) / 2) % 2))); ptX = imBuf->mUserPtX + delX + aMat.xpx * cornX + aMat.xpy * cornY; ptY = imBuf->mUserPtY + delY + aMat.ypx * cornX + aMat.ypy * cornY; if (adjust) mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY); cornX = imInv.xpx * (ptX - imDelX) + imInv.xpy * (ptY - imDelY); cornY = imInv.ypx * (ptX - imDelX) + imInv.ypy * (ptY - imDelY); item->AppendPoint(cornX, cornY); } UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } } mNewItemNum++; SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); Update(); Redraw(); } // Setup a supermontage to fill the current polygon void CNavigatorDlg::PolygonSupermontage(void) { int montSizeX, montSizeY, minSize, startNum, overlap, superXnum, superYnum, ix, iy; float extraFactor = 0.4f; // Fraction of frame size to allow extra MontParam *montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); CMapDrawItem *item; BOOL acquire = false; ScaleMat aMat, aInv; int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); int camInd = activeList[montP->cameraIndex]; float extra, fullXsize, fullYsize, halfX, halfY, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xCen, yCen; float xMid, yMid, ptX, ptY, cornX, cornY; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); double stageZ; int superID, polyID; if (!SetCurrentItem()) return; // Get the stage position and current montage size and default overlap mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ); montSizeX = montP->xNframes * montP->xFrame - (montP->xNframes - 1) * montP->xOverlap; montSizeY = montP->yNframes * montP->yFrame - (montP->yNframes - 1) * montP->yOverlap; minSize = montSizeX < montSizeY ? montSizeX : montSizeY; if (!mSuperOverlap) mSuperOverlap = B3DMAX(montSizeX, montSizeY) / 10; if (!KGetOneInt("Pixels of overlap between montages:", mSuperOverlap)) return; mSuperOverlap = B3DMIN(minSize / 2, B3DMAX(10, mSuperOverlap)); // Convert to unbinned coords overlap = mSuperOverlap * montP->binning; montSizeX *= montP->binning; montSizeY *= montP->binning; acquire = (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to turn on Acquire for all these new points?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); // Manage map and supermont IDs if (mItem->mMapID) { superID = MakeUniqueID(); polyID = mItem->mMapID; } else { mItem->mMapID = MakeUniqueID(); superID = MakeUniqueID(); polyID = mItem->mMapID; } if (!montP->skipOutsidePoly) { if (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to turn on the option in Montage Setup to skip " "montage pieces outside of this polygon?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { montP->skipOutsidePoly = true; montP->insideNavItem = -1; } } // Copy points and then transform them to camera coords (unbinned also) mMontItemCam = new CMapDrawItem; for (int i = 0; i < mItem->mNumPoints; i++) mMontItemCam->AppendPoint(mItem->mPtX[i], mItem->mPtX[i]); PolygonToCameraCoords(mItem, camInd, montP->magIndex, -1, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax); // Get needed size with an extra allowance, compute number of supers and half coord extra = (float)(extraFactor * B3DMAX(montP->xFrame, montP->yFrame)); fullXsize = extra + xMax - xMin; superXnum = (int)((fullXsize - overlap + montSizeX - overlap - 1) / (montSizeX - overlap)); halfX = (float)(superXnum * (montSizeX - overlap) + overlap) / 2.f; xCen = 0.5f * (xMax + xMin); fullYsize = extra + yMax - yMin; superYnum = (int)((fullYsize - overlap + montSizeY - overlap - 1) / (montSizeY - overlap)); halfY = (float)(superYnum * (montSizeY - overlap) + overlap) /2.f; yCen = 0.5f * (yMax + yMin); // Loop on potential montages, test if any of 4 corners or center are inside polygon startNum = mNewItemNum; aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camInd, montP->magIndex); aInv = MatInv(aMat); for (iy = 0; iy < superYnum; iy++) { for (ix = 0; ix < superXnum; ix++) { if (IsFrameNeeded(mMontItemCam, montSizeX, montSizeY, (float)overlap, (float)overlap, extra / 2.f, extra / 2.f, xCen - halfX, yCen - halfY, ix, iy, superXnum, superYnum, xMid, yMid)) { item = MakeNewItem(superID); mNewItemNum--; item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_SUPER_COLOR; item->mLabel.Format("%s-%d-%d", (LPCTSTR)mItem->mLabel, ix + 1, iy + 1); item->mAcquire = acquire; item->mPolygonID = polyID; item->mStageX = aInv.xpx * xMid + aInv.xpy * yMid; item->mStageY = aInv.ypx * xMid + aInv.ypy * yMid; item->mStageZ = (float)stageZ; item->mSuperMontX = ix * (montSizeX / montP->binning - mSuperOverlap); item->mSuperMontY = iy * (montSizeY / montP->binning - mSuperOverlap); item->mBacklashX = mItem->mBacklashX; item->mBacklashY = mItem->mBacklashY; // Add the corners for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cornX = xMid + (float)(0.5 * montSizeX * (1 - 2 * ((i / 2) % 2))); cornY = yMid + (float)(0.5 * montSizeY * (1 - 2 * (((i + 1) / 2) % 2))); ptX = aInv.xpx * cornX + aInv.xpy * cornY; ptY = aInv.ypx * cornX + aInv.ypy * cornY; item->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } } UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } } mNewItemNum++; SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); Update(); Redraw(); delete mMontItemCam; } // Delete a whole group, or the part on one line of collapsed groups, or multiple // selected points. "collapsedGroups" is true literally or for multiple selected points void CNavigatorDlg::DeleteGroup(bool collapsedGroup) { CString message, label, lastlab; CMapDrawItem *item; bool doSelection = collapsedGroup && mSelectedItems.size() > 1; int i, curID, num, start = 0, end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; curID = mItem->mGroupID; if (!curID && !doSelection) return; if (doSelection) { num = (int)mSelectedItems.size(); message.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the %d selected items?", num); } else if (collapsedGroup) { GetCollapsedGroupLimits(mCurListSel, start, end); num = end + 1 - start; message.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the %d items summarized on the " "current line?", num); } else { num = CountItemsInGroup(curID, label, lastlab, i); message.Format("Are you sure you want to delete the %d items in this group?\n\n" "(The labels of the first and last items in the group are %s and %s)", num, (LPCTSTR)label, (LPCTSTR)lastlab); } if ((!doSelection || num > 2) && AfxMessageBox(message, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) != IDYES) return; for (i = end; i >= start; i--) { item = mItemArray[i]; if ((!doSelection && item->mGroupID == curID) || (doSelection && mSelectedItems.count(i))) { if (item->mAcquire) { item->mAcquire = false; mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); } mItemArray.RemoveAt(i); delete item; } } FinishMultipleDeletion(); } void CNavigatorDlg::FinishMultipleDeletion(void) { int num = B3DMIN(mCurrentItem, (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1); SetChanged(true); if (m_bCollapseGroups) MakeListMappings(); FillListBox(); mCurListSel = mCurrentItem = num; if (m_bCollapseGroups && num >= 0) mCurListSel = mItemToList[mCurrentItem]; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); mSelectedItems.clear(); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } // Add a circle of the given radius void CNavigatorDlg::AddCirclePolygon(float radius) { CString mess; if (DoAddCirclePolygon(radius, 0., 0., true, mess)) SEMMessageBox(mess); } int CNavigatorDlg::DoAddCirclePolygon(float radius, float stageX, float stageY, BOOL useMarker, CString &mess) { float delX, delY, ptX, ptY; int numPts = 120; double theta; ScaleMat aMat, aInv; CMapDrawItem *item; EMimageBuffer * imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); if (useMarker) { if (!imBuf->mHasUserPt) { mess = "There is no marker point in the currently active image"; return 1; } if (!BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY)) { mess = "The currently active image does not have enough information\n" "to convert the marker point to a stage coordinate."; return 1; } ptX = imBuf->mUserPtX; ptY = imBuf->mUserPtY; mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(imBuf, ptX, ptY); aInv = MatInv(aMat); stageX = aInv.xpx * (ptX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (ptY - delY); stageY = aInv.ypx * (ptX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (ptY - delY); } item = MakeNewItem(0); SetCurrentStagePos(mCurrentItem); item->mStageX = stageX; item->mStageY = stageY; item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_POLYGON; item->mColor = DEFAULT_POLY_COLOR; item->mDrawnOnMapID = imBuf->mMapID; if (!item->mDrawnOnMapID) item->mMapMagInd = imBuf->mMagInd; TransferBacklash(imBuf, item); for (int i = 0; i <= numPts; i++) { theta = i * DTOR * 360 / numPts; ptX = stageX + (float)(radius * cos(theta)); ptY = stageY + (float)(radius * sin(theta)); item->AppendPoint(ptX, ptY); } UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); return 0; } // Add regular grid of points based on a template and/or in a polygon void CNavigatorDlg::AddGridOfPoints(bool likeLast) { CString label, prompt1, prompt2; CMapDrawItem *item, *poly, *patItems[8], *searchPoly[2]; int i, j, k, kstart, kend, dir, registration, numInPat = 0; int jmn, kmn, imin, start1, start2, end1, end2, num; int jdir, jstart, jend, drawnOnID, labelIter; int numPairsOnAxes, numPairs, indPair[15], pairJ[15], pairK[15]; int groupInd, groupNum[6], grpj, grpk, numInGrp[6], groupTmp[6][6], lineGroup[6][6]; float vecx[6], vecy[6], length[6], angles[15], stageZ, polyArea[2], itemArea; float spacing, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, range, delX, delY, xcen, ycen; float inSpacing = mLastGridInSpacing > 0. ? mLastGridInSpacing : 1.0f; float incStageX1, incStageX2, incStageY1, incStageY2, groupExtent, jSpacing, kSpacing; float xcorner, ycorner; bool acquire, refresh, checkLabel, awayFromFocus = false; double err, errmin, diff, diffmax, axis; char *endPtr; ScaleMat aMat, aInv; LowDoseParams *ldParm = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return; registration = mItem->mRegistration; drawnOnID = mItem->mDrawnOnMapID; if (!drawnOnID) drawnOnID = -mItem->mMapMagInd; groupExtent = mHelper->GetDivideIntoGroups() ? mHelper->GetGridGroupSize() : 0.f; poly = NULL; stageZ = mItem->mStageZ; xmin = ymin = 100000.; xmax = ymax = -100000.; // See if the map the points were drawn on is still loaded and is montage; if so // set up to get image coordinates if (mItem->IsPoint()) { mDrawnOnMontBufInd = FindBufferWithMontMap(drawnOnID); if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0) { BufferStageToImage(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], aMat, delX, delY); aInv = MatInv(aMat); // This will null out mItem with groups collapsed, so set the item again after mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], true); SetCurrentItem(true); } for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mGroupID == mItem->mGroupID) { patItems[numInPat++] = item; xmin = B3DMIN(xmin, item->mStageX); xmax = B3DMAX(xmax, item->mStageX); ymin = B3DMIN(ymin, item->mStageY); ymax = B3DMAX(ymax, item->mStageY); if (numInPat > 7) break; } } xcen = (xmin + xmax) / 2.f; ycen = (ymin + ymax) / 2.f; if (numInPat == 5 || numInPat == 7 || numInPat == 1) { if (numInPat == 5 || numInPat == 7) { // Find the corner point errmin = 10000.; numPairsOnAxes = numInPat == 5 ? 2 : 6; for (i = 0; i < numInPat; i++) { // For each possible corner point, get all the vectors and lengths to the others // then get the angles between all pairs of vectors and sort them InterPointVectors(patItems, vecx, vecy, length, i, numInPat); numPairs = 0; for (j = 0; j < numInPat - 2; j++) { for (k = j + 1; k < numInPat - 1; k++) { angles[numPairs] = (float)(acos((vecx[j] * vecx[k] + vecy[j] * vecy[k]) / (length[j] * length[k])) / DTOR); indPair[numPairs] = numPairs; pairJ[numPairs] = j; pairK[numPairs++] = k; } } rsSortIndexedFloats(angles, indPair, numPairs); // Compute an error as sum of the angle for the two or 6 lowest and the sum of // the difference from 90 for the rest. err = 0.; for (j = 0; j < numPairs; j++) { if (j < numPairsOnAxes) err += angles[indPair[j]]; else err += fabs(90. - angles[indPair[j]]); } // Put points in groups from these lowest pairs (ugh!) numInGrp[0] = numInGrp[1] = 0; for (j = 0; j < numInPat - 1; j++) groupNum[j] = -1; groupInd = 0; for (j = 0; j < numPairsOnAxes; j++) { grpj = groupNum[pairJ[indPair[j]]]; grpk = groupNum[pairK[indPair[j]]]; if (grpj < 0 && grpk >= 0) { groupNum[pairJ[indPair[j]]] = grpk; groupTmp[grpk][numInGrp[grpk]++] = pairJ[indPair[j]]; } if (grpj >= 0 && grpk < 0) { groupNum[pairK[indPair[j]]] = grpj; groupTmp[grpj][numInGrp[grpj]++] = pairK[indPair[j]]; } if (grpj < 0 && grpk < 0) { groupNum[pairJ[indPair[j]]] = groupInd; groupTmp[groupInd][numInGrp[groupInd]++] = pairJ[indPair[j]]; groupNum[pairK[indPair[j]]] = groupInd; groupTmp[groupInd][numInGrp[groupInd]++] = pairK[indPair[j]]; groupInd++; } } // Save the groups if the error is a minimum and the groups are correct if (err < errmin && numInGrp[0] == numInPat / 2 && numInGrp[0] == numInPat / 2) { errmin = err; imin = i; for (j = 0; j < numInPat / 2; j++) { lineGroup[0][j] = groupTmp[0][j]; lineGroup[1][j] = groupTmp[1][j]; } } } if (errmin > 9000) { AfxMessageBox("Cannot sort points into equal numbers on two lines", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } // Get the vectors and lengths again and sort the groups by length InterPointVectors(patItems, vecx, vecy, length, imin, numInPat); rsSortIndexedFloats(length, &lineGroup[0][0], numInPat / 2); rsSortIndexedFloats(length, &lineGroup[1][0], numInPat / 2); // Get number of intervals in second vector, then if there is a third, get real // number of intervals in that vector as its length divided by better estimate // of interval from length of second vector end1 = mLast5ptEnd1 = B3DNINT(length[lineGroup[0][1]] / length[lineGroup[0][0]]); end2 = mLast5ptEnd2 = B3DNINT(length[lineGroup[1][1]] / length[lineGroup[1][0]]); if (numInPat == 7) { end1 = mLast5ptEnd1 = B3DNINT(length[lineGroup[0][2]] / (length[lineGroup[0][1]] / end1)); end2 = mLast5ptEnd2 = B3DNINT(length[lineGroup[1][2]] / (length[lineGroup[1][1]] / end2)); } // Get the increments in X and Y mIncX1 = mLast5ptIncX1 = vecx[lineGroup[0][numInPat / 2 - 1]] / end1; mIncY1 = mLast5ptIncY1 = vecy[lineGroup[0][numInPat / 2 - 1]] / end1; mIncX2 = mLast5ptIncX2 = vecx[lineGroup[1][numInPat / 2 - 1]] / end2;; mIncY2 = mLast5ptIncY2 = vecy[lineGroup[1][numInPat / 2 - 1]] / end2; mLast5ptRegis = registration; mLast5ptOnImage = mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0; mLast5ptOffsetX = xcen - mItem->mPtX[imin]; mLast5ptOffsetY = ycen - mItem->mPtY[imin]; xcorner = mItem->mPtX[imin]; ycorner = mItem->mPtX[imin]; } else { // One point: reuse last 5-point geometry end1 = mLast5ptEnd1; mIncX1 = mLast5ptIncX1; mIncY1 = mLast5ptIncY1; end2 = mLast5ptEnd2; mIncX2 = mLast5ptIncX2; mIncY2 = mLast5ptIncY2; xcorner = xcen; ycorner = ycen; xcen += mLast5ptOffsetX; ycen += mLast5ptOffsetY; imin = 0; } // Common actions for 5-point case start1 = start2 = 0; if (likeLast) { if (mLastGridFillItem) { // Search for smallest polygon or map that either center point or current point // is in. Loop on corner ([0]) then center ([1]) for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { searchPoly[j] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if ((item->IsPolygon() || item->IsMap()) && item->mRegistration == registration && InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, j ? xcen : xcorner, j ? ycen : ycorner)) { itemArea = ContourArea(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints); if (itemArea < 10. * mLastGridPolyArea && (!searchPoly[j] || itemArea < polyArea[j])) { searchPoly[j] = item; polyArea[j] = itemArea; poly = item; } } } } if (!poly) { AfxMessageBox("The last grid filled a map or polygon, but neither\n" "the current point nor the middle of the grid that\n" "would extend from the current point as a corner are\n" "inside any map or polygon.", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } // If both points are in different polygons, see if one point is in both // polygons, and if so its smallest polygon is the right one if (searchPoly[0] && searchPoly[1] && searchPoly[0] != searchPoly[1]) { if (InsideContour(searchPoly[1]->mPtX, searchPoly[1]->mPtY, searchPoly[1]->mNumPoints, xcorner, ycorner)) { poly = searchPoly[0]; } else if (InsideContour(searchPoly[0]->mPtX, searchPoly[0]->mPtY, searchPoly[0]->mNumPoints, xcen, ycen)) { poly = searchPoly[1]; } else { // Otherwise it is ambiguous, have to ask if (SEMThreeChoiceBox("It is ambiguous whether you want to fill polygon " + searchPoly[0]->mLabel + " or polygon " + searchPoly[1]->mLabel, "Use Polygon " + searchPoly[0]->mLabel, "Use Polygon " + searchPoly[1]->mLabel, "", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) poly = searchPoly[0]; else poly = searchPoly[1]; if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0) mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], true); SetCurrentItem(true); } } } } else { labelIter = 1; jstart = 0; jend = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; prompt1 = ""; while (labelIter > 0) { // Ask about polygon by label or index prompt2 = labelIter > 1 ? "Enter negative of table index" : "Enter label (or negative of table index)"; if (!KGetOneString(prompt1, prompt2 + " of a polygon or map to" " fill with this grid (OK for rectangular grid)", label, 0)) { mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } if (label.IsEmpty()) { labelIter = 0; } else { checkLabel = true; // If it seems to be a negative number, convert to integer and detect if // there were extra characters if (label.GetAt(0) == '-' && label.GetLength() > 1) { kstart = -strtol((LPCTSTR)label, &endPtr, 10); if (endPtr == ((char *)(LPCTSTR)label) + label.GetLength()) { // If OK number, make sure its OK and set range and real label checkLabel = false; if (kstart == 0 || kstart > jend + 1) { prompt1 = "The table index you entered is out of range"; labelIter++; } else { jstart = kstart - 1; jend = jstart; labelIter = 0; item = mItemArray[jstart]; label = item->mLabel; } } } // Check label for uniqueness if (checkLabel) { kstart = 0; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mLabel == label) kstart++; } if (kstart > 1) { prompt1 = "The label you entered is not unique"; labelIter++; } else if (!kstart) { prompt1 = "There is no item with the label that you entered"; labelIter = 1; } else { labelIter = 0; } } } } // Have to redo this after every message box because the redraw sets new transform! if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0) mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], true); SetCurrentItem(true); mLastGridFillItem = !label.IsEmpty(); if (mLastGridFillItem) { for (i = jstart; i <= jend; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mLabel == label) { if (item->IsNotPolygon() && item->IsNotMap()) { AfxMessageBox("This item is not a polygon or map", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } poly = item; break; } } if (!poly) { AfxMessageBox("No item was found with that label", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } if (poly->mRegistration != registration) { AfxMessageBox("This polygon is not at the same registration as the points", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } if (!(InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xcen, ycen) || InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xcorner, ycorner))) { AfxMessageBox("Neither the middle of the points in the group\n" "nor the corner point is inside the polygon", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } mLastGridPolyArea = ContourArea(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints); } } } else { // 3 points: find corner point as one with biggest difference between lengths diffmax = -1.; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { InterPointVectors(patItems, vecx, vecy, length, i, 3); diff = fabs(length[0] - length[1]); if (diff > diffmax) { diffmax = diff; imin = i; } } // Sort out short from long, get center, numer and increment InterPointVectors(patItems, vecx, vecy, length, imin, 3); if (length[0] < length[1]) { jmn = 0; kmn = 1; } else { jmn = 1; kmn = 0; } end1 = B3DNINT(length[kmn] / length[jmn]); mIncX1 = vecx[kmn] / end1; mIncY1 = vecy[kmn] / end1; start1 = start2 = end2 = 0; } StageOrImageCoords(patItems[imin], mCenX, mCenY); // To evaluate directions and spacing, we need actual stage increments GridImageToStage(aInv, delX, delY, mCenX + mIncX1, mCenY + mIncY1, incStageX1, incStageY1); incStageX1 -= patItems[imin]->mStageX; incStageY1 -= patItems[imin]->mStageY; spacing = (float)sqrt((double)incStageX1 * incStageX1 + incStageY1 * incStageY1); jSpacing = kSpacing = spacing; if (numInPat != 3) { GridImageToStage(aInv, delX, delY, mCenX + mIncX2, mCenY + mIncY2, incStageX2, incStageY2); incStageX2 -= patItems[imin]->mStageX; incStageY2 -= patItems[imin]->mStageY; kSpacing = (float)sqrt((double)incStageX2 * incStageX2 + incStageY2 * incStageY2); spacing = 0.5f * (spacing + kSpacing); } } else { // Polygon: get a spacing and set up increments // This value signals that the transformation irrelevant, positions become stage pos mDrawnOnMontBufInd = -1; poly = mItem; if (likeLast) { inSpacing = mLastGridInSpacing; } else { if (!KGetOneFloat("Spacing between points in microns:", inSpacing, 2)) { mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } if (inSpacing <= 0.05) { inSpacing = 1; AfxMessageBox("The spacing between points must be positive", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return; } mLastGridInSpacing = inSpacing; } jSpacing = kSpacing = spacing = inSpacing; incStageX1 = mIncX1 = spacing; incStageY1 = mIncY1 = 0.; incStageX2 = mIncX2 = 0.; incStageY2 = mIncY2 = spacing; mCenX = mItem->mStageX; mCenY = mItem->mStageY; } axis = ldParm[1].axisPosition - ldParm[3].axisPosition; refresh = false; if (ldParm[1].magIndex && ldParm[2].magIndex && fabs(axis) > 1.e-3 && groupExtent <= 0) { if (likeLast && mLastGridAwayFromFocus >= 0) { awayFromFocus = mLastGridAwayFromFocus > 0; } else { awayFromFocus = (SEMThreeChoiceBox("Do you want to lay out points so that movements" " from one to the next will be away from the current direction of the Low Dose" " Focus area?\n\nIf not, points will be laid out in a zigzag path, alternating " "direction between successive rows to minimize stage" " movements.\n\nPress:\n\"Away from Focus Area\" to move in direction away from" " focus area,\n\n\"Zigzag\" to move in a zigzag path, alternating direction " "between rows.", "Away from Focus Area", "Zigzag", "", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); refresh = true; mLastGridAwayFromFocus = awayFromFocus ? 1 : 0; } } if (likeLast) { acquire = mLastGridSetAcquire; } else { acquire = (AfxMessageBox("Do you want to turn on Acquire for all these new points?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES); refresh = true; } if (refresh) { if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0) mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], true); SetCurrentItem(true); } // Save flag as valid last grid mLastGridPatternPoly = mItem->IsPoint() ? 0 : 1; // Now for polygon, find the extent and make generous limits for start and end if (poly) { xmin = ymin = 1.e10; xmax = ymax = -xmin; for (i = 0; i < poly->mNumPoints; i++) { xmin = B3DMIN(xmin, poly->mPtX[i]); ymin = B3DMIN(ymin, poly->mPtY[i]); xmax = B3DMAX(xmax, poly->mPtX[i]); ymax = B3DMAX(ymax, poly->mPtY[i]); } range = B3DMAX(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin); num = (int)(range / spacing) + 3; start1 = start2 = -num; end1 = end2 = num; xcen = (xmax + xmin) / 2.f; ycen = (ymax + ymin) / 2.f; } // Set up the point position limits for zigzag or away from focus, and modify if away // from focus dir = 1; kstart = start2; kend = end2; jstart = start1; jend = end1; jdir = 1; if (awayFromFocus) { SetupForAwayFromFocus(incStageX1, incStageY1, incStageX2, incStageY2, jstart, jend, jdir, kstart, kend, dir); } // Call common routine to add points MakeGridOrFoundPoints(jstart, jend, jdir, kstart, kend, dir, poly, spacing, jSpacing, kSpacing, registration, stageZ, xcen, ycen, delX, delY, acquire, aInv, groupExtent, awayFromFocus, drawnOnID, likeLast); } // Actually add the points by the selected method, zigzag, away from focus, or in groups // jSpacing and kSpacing are the actual spacings in the two directions, "spacing" is // passed only to BoxedPointInPolygon and would be spacing for adding a grid or diameter // for adding found holes int CNavigatorDlg::MakeGridOrFoundPoints(int jstart, int jend, int jdir, int kstart, int kend, int dir, CMapDrawItem *poly, float spacing, float jSpacing, float kSpacing, int registration, float stageZ, float xcen, float ycen, float delX, float delY, bool acquire, ScaleMat &aInv, float groupExtent, bool awayFromFocus, int drawnOnID, bool likeLast) { int startnum, num, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax, j, k, jrange, krange, numInJgroup; int numInKgroup, curSelBefore, curItemBefore, numListStrBefore; int numJgroups, numKgroups, midj, midk, jgroup, kgroup, firstCurItem, kdir, i; int groupID = MakeUniqueID(); int retval = groupID; float xx, yy, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xrot, yrot; float cospr, sinpr, rotXmin, rotXmax, rotYmin, rotYmax, rotXrange, rotYrange; float longRange, shortRange, delLong; bool goodDivision, anyPoints; double err, errmin, diff, diffmax; float delXgroup, delYgroup, distMin; int polyRot, rotBest, shortDiv, shortStart, shortEnd, longDiv; int maxXind, maxYind, indX, indY, icen; ShortVec legalCenters, bestCenters; std::vector kIncluded, jIncluded; std::vector legalMaxDists; std::set selListBefore; CString label; CMapDrawItem *item; mDeferAddingToViewer = true; // No grouping: loop on the point positions and add them if (groupExtent <= 0.) { startnum = mNewItemNum; num = 1; // Exchange loop order when going away from focus and swapping axes if (awayFromFocus && mSwapAxesAddingPoints) { for (k = kstart; dir * (k - kend) <= 0; k += dir) for (j = jstart; jdir * (j - jend) <= 0; j += jdir) AddPointOnGrid(j, k, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); } else { // Or do loops in regular order for (j = jstart; jdir * (j - jend) <= 0; j += jdir) { for (k = kstart; dir * (k - kend) <= 0; k += dir) { AddPointOnGrid(j, k, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); } // For zigzag, invert the k direction for next iteration if (!awayFromFocus) { dir = -dir; k = kstart; kstart = kend; kend = k; } } } mNewItemNum++; FillListBox(false, true); firstCurItem = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; } else { // Grouping. First determine extent of polygon and revise start/ends if (poly) { jmin = jend; jmax = jstart; kmin = kend; kmax = kstart; for (j = jstart; jdir * (j - jend) <= 0; j += jdir) { for (k = kstart; dir * (k - kend) <= 0; k += dir) { GridStagePos(j, k, delX, delY, aInv, xx, yy); if (!BoxedPointOutsidePolygon(poly, xx, yy, spacing)) { kmin = B3DMIN(kmin, k); kmax = B3DMAX(kmax, k); jmin = B3DMIN(jmin, j); jmax = B3DMAX(jmax, j); } } } jstart = jmin; jend = jmax; kstart = kmin; kend = kmax; } jrange = jdir * (jend + 1 - jstart); krange = dir * (kend + 1 - kstart); // Find how many spacings in each direction give the biggest legal size numInJgroup = 1; numInKgroup = 1; for (j = 1; j < jrange; j++) { // For a given step in j, find the number of steps in k that give closest to 45 // degree line kmin = 0; errmin = 180.; for (k = 1; k < krange; k++) { err = fabs(atan(k * kSpacing / (j * jSpacing)) / DTOR - 45.); if (err < errmin) { errmin = err; kmin = k; } } // If point out there is acceptable distance, then record group extents if (sqrt(j * jSpacing * j * jSpacing + kmin * kSpacing * kmin * kSpacing) < groupExtent) { numInJgroup = 1 + 2 * j; numInKgroup = 1 + 2 * kmin; } else break; } // Save state before starting so group division can be rejected mNumberBeforeAdd = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); curSelBefore = mCurListSel; curItemBefore = mCurrentItem; selListBefore = mSelectedItems; numListStrBefore = m_listViewer.GetCount(); // For non-polygon, just add all the points and be done with it if (!poly && !mAddingFoundHoles) { // these numbers are a maximum, so we get a number of groups to keep size in range numJgroups = (jrange + numInJgroup - 1) / numInJgroup; numKgroups = (krange + numInKgroup - 1) / numInKgroup; // Loop on groups and get limits for the group for (jgroup = 0; jgroup < numJgroups; jgroup++) { UtilBalancedGroupLimits(jrange, numJgroups, jgroup, jmin, jmax); jmin = jstart + jdir * jmin; jmax = jstart + jdir * jmax; midj = (jmin + jmax) / 2; for (kgroup = 0; kgroup < numKgroups; kgroup++) { UtilBalancedGroupLimits(krange, numKgroups, kgroup, kmin, kmax); kmin = kstart + dir * kmin; kmax = kstart + dir * kmax; midk = (kmin + kmax) / 2; // Set up to add points, add the center point, then add all the other points startnum = mNewItemNum; num = 1; AddPointOnGrid(midj, midk, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); firstCurItem = mCurrentItem; kdir = dir; for (j = jmin; jdir * (j - jmax) <= 0; j += jdir) { for (k = kmin; kdir * (k - kmax) <= 0; k += kdir) { if (k != midk || j != midj) AddPointOnGrid(j, k, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); } // Zigzag k = kmin; kmin = kmax; kmax = k; kdir = -kdir; } // Prepare for next group groupID++; mNewItemNum++; } } numJgroups *= numKgroups; } else { // For a polygon, find the rotation that minimizes area errmin = 1.e30; for (polyRot = -45; polyRot < 45; polyRot++) { cospr = (float)cos(DTOR * polyRot); sinpr = (float)sin(DTOR * polyRot); xmin = ymin = 1.e10; xmax = ymax = -xmin; for (i = 0; i < (mAddingFoundHoles ? (int)mHFxCenters->size() : poly->mNumPoints); i++) { if (mAddingFoundHoles) { xx = mHFxCenters->at(i); yy = mHFyCenters->at(i); } else { xx = poly->mPtX[i]; yy = poly->mPtY[i]; } xrot = cospr * (xx - xcen) - sinpr * (yy - ycen); yrot = sinpr * (xx - xcen) + cospr * (yy - ycen); ACCUM_MIN(xmin, xrot); ACCUM_MIN(ymin, yrot); ACCUM_MAX(xmax, xrot); ACCUM_MAX(ymax, yrot); } if ((ymax - ymin) * (xmax - xmin) < errmin) { errmin = (ymax - ymin) * (xmax - xmin); rotXmin = xmin; rotXmax = xmax; rotYmin = ymin; rotYmax = ymax; rotBest = polyRot; } } cospr = (float)cos(DTOR * rotBest); sinpr = (float)sin(DTOR * rotBest); // Account for the border fraction before dividing up the range if (poly || mAddingFoundHoles) { xmin = 0.45f * spacing * (mAddingFoundHoles ? mParam->holeInPolyBoxFrac : mParam->gridInPolyBoxFrac); rotXmin += xmin; rotXmax -= xmin; rotYmin += xmin; rotYmax -= xmin; rotXrange = rotXmax - rotXmin; rotYrange = rotYmax - rotYmin; } longRange = B3DMAX(rotXrange, rotYrange); shortRange = B3DMIN(rotXrange, rotYrange); if (longRange <= 0. || shortRange <= 0) { AfxMessageBox((mAddingFoundHoles ? "The set of points" : "The polygon") + CString(" is too small to be analyzed for division into groups"), MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return 0; } // Loop on increasing divisions of long dimension, and for each one, try one // or two of the nearest equal divisions of the short dimension goodDivision = false; for (longDiv = 1; longDiv < 2. * longRange / (0.5 * (jSpacing + kSpacing)) && !goodDivision; longDiv++) { delLong = longRange / longDiv; shortEnd = (int)ceil(shortRange / delLong); shortStart = B3DMAX(1, shortEnd - 1); for (shortDiv = shortStart; shortDiv <= shortEnd && !goodDivision; shortDiv++) { // Set up deltas for figuring out group index if (rotXrange < rotYrange) { delXgroup = rotXrange / shortDiv; delYgroup = delLong; maxXind = shortDiv - 1; maxYind = longDiv - 1; } else { delYgroup = rotYrange / shortDiv; delXgroup = delLong; maxYind = shortDiv - 1; maxXind = longDiv - 1; } // Set up vectors kIncluded.clear(); jIncluded.clear(); jIncluded.resize(longDiv * shortDiv); kIncluded.resize(longDiv * shortDiv); bestCenters.clear(); bestCenters.resize(longDiv * shortDiv); // Loop on ALL points, with the zigzag pattern kdir = dir; kmin = kstart; kmax = kend; anyPoints = false; for (j = jstart; jdir * (j - jend) <= 0; j += jdir) { for (k = kmin; kdir * (k - kmax) <= 0; k += kdir) { GridStagePos(j, k, delX, delY, aInv, xx, yy); if (BoxedPointOutsidePolygon(poly, xx, yy, spacing)) continue; // Rotate point, get its group index in X and Y, and add to include list xrot = cospr * (xx - xcen) - sinpr * (yy - ycen); yrot = sinpr * (xx - xcen) + cospr * (yy - ycen); indX = (int)((xrot - rotXmin) / delXgroup); indY = (int)((yrot - rotYmin) / delYgroup); B3DCLAMP(indX, 0, maxXind); B3DCLAMP(indY, 0, maxYind); i = (maxXind + 1) * indY + indX; jIncluded[i].push_back(j); kIncluded[i].push_back(k); anyPoints = true; } // Zigzag k = kmin; kmin = kmax; kmax = k; kdir = -kdir; } if (!anyPoints) { AfxMessageBox("No points are sufficiently inside the polygon", MB_EXCLAME); mLastGridPatternPoly = -1; return 0; } // Loop on the groups goodDivision = true; for (jgroup = 0; jgroup < longDiv * shortDiv; jgroup++) { num = (int)jIncluded[jgroup].size(); bestCenters[jgroup] = 0; // Either an empty or a 1-point group is OK if (num <= 1) continue; // Now find points that could be legal center points legalCenters.clear(); legalMaxDists.clear(); distMin = 1.e30f; for (icen = 0; icen < num; icen++) { diffmax = 0.; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (i != icen) { xx = (float)(jIncluded[jgroup][i] - jIncluded[jgroup][icen]) * jSpacing; yy = (float)(kIncluded[jgroup][i] - kIncluded[jgroup][icen]) * kSpacing; diff = (float)sqrt((double)xx * xx + yy * yy); diffmax = B3DMAX(diff, diffmax); } } if (diffmax < groupExtent) { legalCenters.push_back(icen); legalMaxDists.push_back((float)diffmax); distMin = B3DMIN(distMin, (float)diffmax); } } // No legal centers means this division is no good, go on to next if (!legalCenters.size()) { goodDivision = false; break; } // Now find the best center point errmin = 1.e30; for (i = 0; i < (int)legalCenters.size(); i++) { if (legalMaxDists[i] < 1.05 * distMin) { xx = jIncluded[jgroup][legalCenters[i]] - (float)((jstart + jend) / 2.); yy = kIncluded[jgroup][legalCenters[i]] - (float)((kstart + kend) / 2.); diff = xx * xx + yy * yy; if (diff < errmin) { icen = legalCenters[i]; errmin = diff; } } } bestCenters[jgroup] = icen; } } } numJgroups = 0; for (jgroup = 0; jgroup < (int)jIncluded.size(); jgroup++) { if (!jIncluded[jgroup].size()) continue; // Set up to add points, add the center point, then add all the other points startnum = mNewItemNum; num = 1; midj = jIncluded[jgroup][bestCenters[jgroup]]; midk = kIncluded[jgroup][bestCenters[jgroup]]; AddPointOnGrid(midj, midk, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); firstCurItem = mCurrentItem; for (i = 0; i < (int)jIncluded[jgroup].size(); i++) { j = jIncluded[jgroup][i]; k = kIncluded[jgroup][i]; if (k != midk || j != midj) AddPointOnGrid(j, k, poly, registration, groupID, startnum, num, drawnOnID, stageZ, spacing, delX, delY, acquire, aInv); } // Prepare for next group groupID++; mNewItemNum++; numJgroups++; } } FillListBox(false, true); // See if this is a good division if (numJgroups && !likeLast && !mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mAcquireIndex < 0) { Redraw(); label.Format("There are %d groups with %.1f points per group\n\n" "Do you want to keep this set of groups?", numJgroups, (float)(mItemArray.GetSize() - mNumberBeforeAdd) / numJgroups); if (AfxMessageBox(label, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) { for (k = mNumberBeforeAdd; k < mItemArray.GetSize(); k++) { item = mItemArray[k]; delete item; } mItemArray.RemoveAt(mNumberBeforeAdd, mItemArray.GetSize() - mNumberBeforeAdd); mSelectedItems = selListBefore; mCurListSel = curSelBefore; mCurrentItem = curItemBefore; firstCurItem = -1; for (k = m_listViewer.GetCount() - 1; k >= numListStrBefore; k--) m_listViewer.DeleteString(k); m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); MakeListMappings(); retval = 0; } } } mDeferAddingToViewer = false; // Make the current item be the first in the last group added so it is highlighted if (firstCurItem >= 0) { mCurrentItem = firstCurItem; mSelectedItems.clear(); mSelectedItems.insert(mCurrentItem); } ManageCurrentControls(); Update(); Redraw(); return retval; } // Add one point on the grid given the index and other parameters void CNavigatorDlg::AddPointOnGrid(int j, int k, CMapDrawItem *poly, int registration, int groupID, int startnum, int &num, int drawnOnID, float stageZ, float spacing, float delX, float delY, bool acquire, ScaleMat &aInv) { CMapDrawItem *item; float xx, yy; GridStagePos(j, k, delX, delY, aInv, xx, yy); if (BoxedPointOutsidePolygon(poly, xx, yy, spacing)) return; item = MakeNewItem(groupID); mNewItemNum--; item->mLabel.Format("%d-%d", startnum, num++); item->mStageX = xx; item->mStageY = yy; item->mStageZ = stageZ; item->AppendPoint(xx, yy); item->mRegistration = registration; item->mOriginalReg = registration; item->mAcquire = acquire; if (drawnOnID < 0) item->mMapMagInd = -drawnOnID; else item->mDrawnOnMapID = drawnOnID; item->mPieceDrawnOn = mPieceGridPointOn; item->mXinPiece = mGridPtXinPiece; item->mYinPiece = mGridPtYinPiece; if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0) TransferBacklash(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], item); SetChanged(true); } // Test whether the given point is outside the polygon or close to being so // by simply testing if any corners of a box around point are outside it bool CNavigatorDlg::BoxedPointOutsidePolygon(CMapDrawItem *poly, float xx, float yy, float spacing) { float corn = 0.5f * spacing * (mAddingFoundHoles ? mParam->holeInPolyBoxFrac : mParam->gridInPolyBoxFrac); if (mAddingFoundHoles && xx < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) return true; return poly && !(InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xx, yy) && InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xx + corn, yy+corn) && InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xx - corn, yy+corn) && InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xx + corn, yy-corn) && InsideContour(poly->mPtX, poly->mPtY, poly->mNumPoints, xx - corn, yy-corn)); } // Get vectors and lengths between point i and other points void CNavigatorDlg::InterPointVectors(CMapDrawItem **gitem, float *vecx, float *vecy, float *length, int i, int num) { int j, k; float posXi, posXj, posYi, posYj; k = 0; StageOrImageCoords(gitem[i], posXi, posYi); for (j = 0; j < num; j++) { if (i == j) continue; StageOrImageCoords(gitem[j], posXj, posYj); vecx[k] = posXj - posXi; vecy[k] = posYj - posYi; length[k++] = (float)sqrt((double)(vecx[k] * vecx[k] + vecy[k] * vecy[k])); } } // Given stage increments in the two directions, set the starts and ends and directions // for moving away from the focus area void CNavigatorDlg::SetupForAwayFromFocus(float incStageX1, float incStageY1, float incStageX2, float incStageY2, int &jstart, int &jend, int &jdir, int &kstart, int &kend, int &dir) { double specX, specY, stageX, stageY, dot1, dot2; ScaleMat cInv = MatInv(mShiftManager->SpecimenToStage(1., 1.)); LowDoseParams *ldParm = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); double axis = ldParm[FOCUS_CONSET].axisPosition - ldParm[RECORD_CONSET].axisPosition; // Get specimen then stage coordinates of vector pointing away from LD focus area specX = -axis; specY = 0.; if (mLowDoseDlg->m_bRotateAxis) { specX = -axis * cos(DTOR * mLowDoseDlg->m_iAxisAngle); specY = -axis * sin(DTOR * mLowDoseDlg->m_iAxisAngle); } stageX = cInv.xpx * specX + cInv.xpy * specY; stageY = cInv.ypx * specX + cInv.ypy * specY; // If dot product of this vector with the increments is negative, invert a direction dot1 = stageX * incStageX1 + stageY * incStageY1; if (dot1 < 0) { B3DSWAP(jstart, jend, jdir); jdir = -1; } dot2 = stageX * incStageX2 + stageY * incStageY2; if (dot2 < 0) { B3DSWAP(kstart, kend, dir); dir = -1; } // And if the dot product of the first direction is bigger, change the loop order to // go in that direction on the inner loop mSwapAxesAddingPoints = jdir * dot1 > dir * dot2; } // Compute stage position of one item in grid, or get position of a found hole at that // grid position void CNavigatorDlg::GridStagePos(int j, int k, float delX, float delY, ScaleMat &aInv, float &xx, float &yy) { if (mAddingFoundHoles) { xx = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; yy = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; // Look for matching grid index for non-excluded point for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mHFgridXpos->size(); ind++) { if (mHFgridXpos->at(ind) == j && mHFgridYpos->at(ind) == k && (!mHFexclude->at(ind) || mHFexclude->at(ind) == -1)){ xx = mHFxCenters->at(ind); yy = mHFyCenters->at(ind); if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd >= 0 && mHFpieceOn->size() > 0 && mHFpieceOn->at(ind) >= 0) { mPieceGridPointOn = mHFpieceOn->at(ind); mGridPtXinPiece = mHFxInPiece->at(ind); mGridPtYinPiece = mHFyInPiece->at(ind); } return; } } } else { xx = mCenX + mIncX1 * j + mIncX2 * k; yy = mCenY + mIncY1 * j + mIncY2 * k; GridImageToStage(aInv, delX, delY, xx, yy, xx, yy); } } // If item was drawn on a buffer and image coordinate conversion was set up, this will // give image coordinates, or stage coordinates if not void CNavigatorDlg::StageOrImageCoords(CMapDrawItem *item, float &posX, float &posY) { if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd < 0) { posX = item->mStageX; posY = item->mStageY; } else { mWinApp->mMainView->GetItemImageCoords(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], item, posX, posY, item->mPieceDrawnOn); } } void CNavigatorDlg::GridImageToStage(ScaleMat aInv, float delX, float delY, float posX, float posY, float &stageX, float &stageY) { if (mDrawnOnMontBufInd < 0) { stageX = posX; stageY = posY; mPieceGridPointOn = -1; mGridPtXinPiece = mGridPtYinPiece = -1.; } else { mHelper->AdjustMontImagePos(&mImBufs[mDrawnOnMontBufInd], posX, posY, &mPieceGridPointOn, &mGridPtXinPiece, &mGridPtYinPiece); stageX = aInv.xpx * (posX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (posY - delY); stageY = aInv.ypx * (posX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (posY - delY); } } // Add holes found by the HoleFinder using all these passed vectors // The map ID should be the negative of the mag index if there was no map ID, this // will make it save the mag in mMapMagInd int CNavigatorDlg::AddFoundHoles(FloatVec *xCenters, FloatVec *yCenters, std::vector *exclude, FloatVec *xInPiece, FloatVec *yInPiece, IntVec *pieceOn, ShortVec *gridXpos, ShortVec *gridYpos, float spacing, float diameter, float incStageX1, float incStageY1, float incStageX2, float incStageY2, int registration, int mapID, float stageZ, CMapDrawItem *poly, int layoutType) { float xcen = 0., ycen = 0., groupExtent = 0.; int jstart = 0, jend, kstart = 0, kend, jdir = 1, dir = 1, ind; float delX = 0., delY = 0.; ScaleMat aInv; mAddingFoundHoles = true; mHFxCenters = xCenters; mHFyCenters = yCenters; mHFexclude = exclude; mHFxInPiece = xInPiece; mHFyInPiece = yInPiece; mHFpieceOn = pieceOn; mHFgridXpos = gridXpos; mHFgridYpos = gridYpos; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)xCenters->size(); ind++) { xcen += xCenters->at(ind) / (float)xCenters->size(); ycen += yCenters->at(ind) / (float)xCenters->size(); } mDrawnOnMontBufInd = FindBufferWithMontMap(mapID); if (layoutType == 2) groupExtent = mHelper->GetGridGroupSize(); jend = *std::max_element(gridXpos->begin(), gridXpos->end()); kend = *std::max_element(gridYpos->begin(), gridYpos->end()); if (layoutType == 1) SetupForAwayFromFocus(incStageX1, incStageY1, incStageX2, incStageY2, jstart, jend, jdir, kstart, kend, dir); // This returns the first group ID added, which is used to determine if original points // should still be displayed ind = MakeGridOrFoundPoints(jstart, jend, jdir, kstart, kend, dir, poly, diameter, spacing, spacing, registration, stageZ, xcen, ycen, delX, delY, true, aInv, groupExtent, layoutType == 1, mapID, false); mAddingFoundHoles = false; return ind; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TRANSFORM POINTS #define MSIZE 5 #define XSIZE 5 void CNavigatorDlg::TransformPts() { CMapDrawItem *item, *item1, *item2; int maxRegis = 0, maxPtNum = 0; int i, reg, pt, nPairs, ptMax, numDone, ixy, nCol, reg1, reg2, regDrawnOn, curDrawnOn; CString report, fitText; float x[MAX_REGPT_NUM][XSIZE], sx[MSIZE], xm[MSIZE], sd[MSIZE], b[MSIZE]; float ss[MSIZE][MSIZE], ssd[MSIZE][MSIZE], d[MSIZE][MSIZE], r[MSIZE][MSIZE]; int pairPtNum[MAX_REGPT_NUM]; float dxy[2], a[2][MSIZE], rsq, f, sinth, costh, gmag, xx, yy; float rotAngle, smag, stretch, phi, tmp, sign, smagMean, str; double xtheta, ytheta, ydtheta, absStr, thetad, alpha; ScaleMat aM, strMat, usMat, usInv; double devMax, devSum, devX, devY, devPnt, theta; int xsiz = XSIZE; bool fromImport, magFarOff; float meanDevCrit = 5.; // Criterion for warning of large deviations float maxDevCrit = 10.; // Criterion maximum deviation float magCrit = 0.8f; // Criterion for mag change float strCrit = 0.8f; // Criterion for stretch int minNumLinear = 5; // Number of points required for linear transform mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); // Find maximum of registrations and reg point numbers for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (maxRegis < item->mRegistration) maxRegis = item->mRegistration; if (maxPtNum < item->mRegPoint) maxPtNum = item->mRegPoint; } mNumSavedRegXforms = 0; // Loop on all registrations besides the current one for (reg = 1; reg <= maxRegis; reg++) { // Set up to find transformation from lower to higher registration number reg1 = mCurrentRegistration < reg ? mCurrentRegistration : reg; reg2 = mCurrentRegistration > reg ? mCurrentRegistration : reg; if (reg == mCurrentRegistration) continue; nPairs = 0; numDone = 0; regDrawnOn = curDrawnOn = -1; // Brute force approach - loop on all possible reg pt numbers and find pairs for (pt = 1; pt <= maxPtNum; pt++) { item1 = NULL; item2 = NULL; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg1 && item->mRegPoint == pt) { if (item1) { report.Format("The items labeled %s and %s\n" "have the same registration point number, %d\n\n" "You must correct this before transforming points", item->mLabel, item1->mLabel, pt); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); return; } item1 = item; } if (item->mRegistration == reg2 && item->mRegPoint == pt) { if (item2) { report.Format("The items labeled %s and %s\n" "have the same registration point number, %d\n\n" "You must correct this before transforming points", item->mLabel, item2->mLabel, pt); AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); return; } item2 = item; } // Count up items that need transforming too (1/12/07, count maps too) if (item->mRegistration == reg && !item->mRegPoint) numDone++; } // Found a pair, add to array if (item1 && item2) { x[nPairs][0] = item1->mStageX; x[nPairs][1] = item1->mStageY; x[nPairs][3] = item2->mStageX; x[nPairs][4] = item2->mStageY; pairPtNum[nPairs++] = pt; // Keep track if all points were drawn on the same map in each case if (item1->mDrawnOnMapID) { if (regDrawnOn < 0) regDrawnOn = item1->mDrawnOnMapID; else if (regDrawnOn > 0 && regDrawnOn != item1->mDrawnOnMapID) regDrawnOn = 0; } if (item2->mDrawnOnMapID) { if (curDrawnOn < 0) curDrawnOn = item2->mDrawnOnMapID; else if (curDrawnOn > 0 && curDrawnOn != item2->mDrawnOnMapID) curDrawnOn = 0; } } } // Skip if no transformation pairs or nothing to transform if (!nPairs || !numDone) continue; sign = 1.; devSum = 0.; if (nPairs < 2) { fitText = "X/Y shift only"; aM.xpx = aM.ypy = 1.; aM.xpy = aM.ypx = 0.; dxy[0] = x[0][3] - x[0][0]; dxy[1] = x[0][4] - x[0][1]; devMax = 0.; devPnt = pairPtNum[0]; } else { // Correct for stretch if possible strMat = mShiftManager->GetStageStretchXform(); if (strMat.xpx) { usMat = mShiftManager->UnderlyingStretch(strMat, smagMean, thetad, str, alpha); usInv = MatInv(usMat); dxy[0] = dxy[1] = 0.; for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++) { XfApply(usInv, dxy, x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][0], x[i][1]); XfApply(usInv, dxy, x[i][3], x[i][4], x[i][3], x[i][4]); } } if (nPairs > 2) { // If more than 2 points, do full linear transform solution fitText = "full linear transformation"; nCol = 3; for (ixy = 0; ixy < 2; ixy++) { for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++) x[i][2] = x[i][3 + ixy]; StatMultr(&x[0][0], &xsiz, &nCol, &nPairs, xm, sd, b, &a[ixy][0], &dxy[ixy], &rsq, &f, NULL); } aM.xpx = a[0][0]; aM.xpy = a[0][1]; aM.ypx = a[1][0]; aM.ypy = a[1][1]; SEMTrace('1', "Matrix of linear solution: %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f", aM.xpx, aM.xpy, aM.ypx, aM.ypy); // Determine if there is an inversion; if so invert Y of starting points xtheta = atan2(aM.ypx, aM.xpx) / DTOR; ytheta = atan2(-aM.xpy, aM.ypy) / DTOR; ydtheta = UtilGoodAngle(ytheta - xtheta); if (fabs(ydtheta) > 90.) sign = -1.; } // If 2 or 3 points, replace with rotation/translation solution if (nPairs < minNumLinear) { fitText = "rotation/translation"; StatCorrel(&x[0][0], XSIZE, 5, MSIZE, &nPairs, sx, &ss[0][0], &ssd[0][0], &d[0][0], &r[0][0], xm, sd, &nCol); // 1/12/07: switched to atan2 to get full range of angles. theta = atan2(-(sign * ssd[1][3] - ssd[0][4]), (ssd[0][3] + sign * ssd[1][4])); sinth = (float)sin(theta); costh = (float)cos(theta); SEMTrace('1', "Rotation solution angle %.1f sign %.0f", theta / DTOR, sign); if (nPairs > 2) { // With 3 points, get a scale factor as well fitText = "magnification/rotation/translation"; gmag = ((ssd[0][3] + sign * ssd[1][4]) * costh - (sign * ssd[1][3] - ssd[0][4]) * sinth) / (ssd[0][0] + ssd[1][1]); sinth *= gmag; costh *= gmag; } aM.xpx = costh; aM.xpy = -sign * sinth; aM.ypx = sinth; aM.ypy = sign * costh; dxy[0] = xm[3] - xm[0] * costh + sign * xm[1] * sinth; dxy[1] = xm[4] - xm[0] * sinth - sign * xm[1] * costh; } // Get mean and maximum deviation devMax = -1.; for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++) { XfApply(aM, dxy, x[i][0], x[i][1], xx, yy); devX = xx - x[i][3]; devY = yy - x[i][4]; devPnt = sqrt(devX * devX + devY * devY); devSum += devPnt; if (devMax < devPnt) { devMax = devPnt; ptMax = pairPtNum[i]; } } devSum /= nPairs; // Adjust for the stretch by multiplying us inverse * matrix * us if (strMat.xpx) { tmp = dxy[0] * usMat.xpx + dxy[1] * usMat.xpy; dxy[1] = dxy[0] * usMat.ypx + dxy[1] * usMat.ypy; dxy[0] = tmp; aM = MatMul(MatMul(usInv, aM), usMat); fitText += " (corrected for stage stretch)"; } } // Invert the transform if necessary to get one from other to current reg if (mCurrentRegistration < reg) { aM = MatInv(aM); tmp = -(aM.xpx * dxy[0] + aM.xpy * dxy[1]); dxy[1] = -(aM.ypx * dxy[0] + aM.ypy * dxy[1]); dxy[0] = tmp; i = regDrawnOn; regDrawnOn = curDrawnOn; curDrawnOn = i; } amatToRotmagstr(aM.xpx, aM.xpy, aM.ypx, aM.ypy, &rotAngle, &smag, &stretch, &phi); absStr = fabs(stretch); SEMTrace('1', "Matrix %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f; rot %.1f mag %.4f str %.4f at %.1f axis", aM.xpx, aM.xpy, aM.ypx, aM.ypy, rotAngle, smag, stretch, phi); // Test against criteria fromImport = RegistrationUseType(reg) == NAVREG_IMPORT; magFarOff = smag < magCrit || 1. / smag < magCrit; if (devMax > maxDevCrit || devSum > meanDevCrit || (!fromImport && magFarOff) || absStr < strCrit || 1. / absStr < strCrit) { report.Format("The fit from registration %d to the current registration is based\n" "on %d points with a mean deviation of %.2f um\n" "and a maximum deviation of %.2f at point %d\n\n" "The transformation rotates by %.1f degrees, scales by %.3f,\n" "and stretches by %.3f along the %.1f degree axis.\n\n", reg, nPairs, devSum, devMax, ptMax, rotAngle, smag, stretch, phi); if (devSum > meanDevCrit) report += "The mean deviation is suspiciously high.\n"; if (devMax > maxDevCrit) report += "The maximum deviation is suspiciously high.\n"; if (magFarOff) { if (fromImport) report += "The scale change is far from 1., but this could\n" "just be from not having a good scale for imported maps."; else report += "The scale change is suspiciously far from 1.\n"; } if (absStr < strCrit || 1. / absStr < strCrit) report += "The stretch factor is suspiciously far from 1.\n"; report += "\nYou should probably stop and examine the\n" "registration point numbering and locations.\n\n" "Do you want to stop before transforming items?"; if (AfxMessageBox(report, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) break; } else if (magFarOff) { report.Format("Warning: the fit from registration %d has a scale change of %.3f," "\r\n far from 1., but this could just be from not having a good scale for" " imported maps.", reg, smag); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } // See if coming from an import reg and all points are drawn on a pair of maps if (fromImport && regDrawnOn > 0 && curDrawnOn > 0 && (item = FindItemWithMapID(regDrawnOn)) != NULL) { item->mOldRegToID = item->mRegisteredToID; item->mRegisteredToID = curDrawnOn; } else { regDrawnOn = curDrawnOn = 0; } // Transform items that are not registration points numDone = TransformToCurrentReg(reg, aM, dxy, regDrawnOn, curDrawnOn); report.Format("Registration %d: %s found from %d points; \r\n" " deviation mean = %.2f um, max = %.2f at point %d; %d items transformed", reg, fitText, nPairs, devSum, devMax, ptMax, numDone); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } mLastTransformPairs = nPairs; mMarkerShiftReg = 0; Update(); Redraw(); } // Transform all non-registration points at given reg to current reg, return # done int CNavigatorDlg::TransformToCurrentReg(int reg, ScaleMat aM, float *dxy, int regDrawnOn, int curDrawnOn) { CMapDrawItem *item; ScaleMat IS2Spec, prod; int dir, numDone = 0; float xToAdopt = -9999.f, transX, transY; if (RegistrationUseType(reg) == NAVREG_IMPORT && curDrawnOn > 0) { item = FindItemWithMapID(curDrawnOn); if (item) xToAdopt = item->mStageZ; } for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg && (!item->mRegPoint || item->mType==ITEM_TYPE_MAP)) { numDone++; TransformOneItem(item, aM, dxy, reg, mCurrentRegistration); item->mOldReg = reg; item->mOldImported = item->mImported; // If item has hole vectors, transform from IS to specimen, apply this transform, // and transform back to IS if (item->IsMap() && (item->mXHoleISSpacing[0] != 0. || item->mYHoleISSpacing[0] != 0.)) { IS2Spec = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(item->mMapMagInd, item->mMapCamera); if (IS2Spec.xpx) { prod = MatMul(MatMul(IS2Spec, aM), MatInv(IS2Spec)); for (dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++) { ApplyScaleMatrix(prod, item->mXHoleISSpacing[dir], item->mYHoleISSpacing[dir], transX, transY); item->mXHoleISSpacing[dir] = transX; item->mYHoleISSpacing[dir] = transY; } } } // Set the imported flag negative now. Also, if this was drawn on the imported map, // switch the drawn on ID to the map it was registered to if (item->mImported > 0) { item->mImported = -item->mImported; if (xToAdopt > -9990.) item->mStageZ = xToAdopt; } if (regDrawnOn && item->mDrawnOnMapID == regDrawnOn) { item->mOldDrawnOnID = item->mDrawnOnMapID; item->mDrawnOnMapID = curDrawnOn; } UpdateListString(i); } } if (mNumSavedRegXforms < MAX_SAVED_REGXFORM) { mMatSaved[mNumSavedRegXforms] = aM; mDxySaved[mNumSavedRegXforms][0] = dxy[0]; mDxySaved[mNumSavedRegXforms][1] = dxy[1]; mFromRegSaved[mNumSavedRegXforms++] = reg; mLastXformToReg = mCurrentRegistration; } return numDone; } // Undo the last transformation void CNavigatorDlg::UndoTransform(void) { float dxy[2]; ScaleMat aM; CMapDrawItem *item; int i, indsave, reg; // Loop on different registrations transformed from, get inverse transform for (indsave = 0; indsave < mNumSavedRegXforms; indsave++) { aM = MatInv(mMatSaved[indsave]); dxy[0] = -(aM.xpx * mDxySaved[indsave][0] + aM.xpy * mDxySaved[indsave][1]); dxy[1] = -(aM.ypx * mDxySaved[indsave][0] + aM.ypy * mDxySaved[indsave][1]); reg = mFromRegSaved[indsave]; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; // For matching item, transform and restore import flag and other import items if (item->mRegistration == mLastXformToReg && item->mOldReg == reg) { TransformOneItem(item, aM, dxy, mLastXformToReg, reg); item->mImported = item->mOldImported; if (item->mOldDrawnOnID) item->mDrawnOnMapID = item->mOldDrawnOnID; if (item->mRegisteredToID) item->mRegisteredToID = item->mOldRegToID; UpdateListString(i); } } } // Clear out ALL old registrations and zero the saved count for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; item->mOldReg = 0; item->mOldDrawnOnID = 0; item->mOldRegToID = 0; } mNumSavedRegXforms = 0; Update(); Redraw(); } // Transform an item from one registration to another, including maps and errors void CNavigatorDlg::TransformOneItem(CMapDrawItem * item, ScaleMat aM, float * dxy, int fromReg, int toReg) { int pt; float tmp; XfApply(aM, dxy, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, item->mStageX, item->mStageY); for (pt = 0; pt < item->mNumPoints; pt++) XfApply(aM, dxy, item->mPtX[pt], item->mPtY[pt], item->mPtX[pt], item->mPtY[pt]); item->mRegistration = toReg; SetChanged(true); // A map needs to have its transformation matrix changed // Premultiply by the inverse of the transformation because that would // bring points back to the old coordinates, which can then be multiplied // by the map transformation to display at the right places if (item->IsMap()) { item->mMapScaleMat = MatMul(MatInv(aM), item->mMapScaleMat); // Also look for buffers with this map loaded and change their registration mHelper->ChangeAllBufferRegistrations(item->mMapID, fromReg, toReg); } // Also transform a stage error from realigning if present if (item->mRealignedID) { tmp = aM.xpx * item->mRealignErrX + aM.xpy * item->mRealignErrY; item->mRealignErrY = aM.ypx * item->mRealignErrX + aM.ypy * item->mRealignErrY; item->mRealignErrX = tmp; tmp = aM.xpx * item->mLocalRealiErrX + aM.xpy * item->mLocalRealiErrY; item->mLocalRealiErrY = aM.ypx * item->mLocalRealiErrX + aM.ypy * item->mLocalRealiErrY; item->mLocalRealiErrX = tmp; } } void CNavigatorDlg::XfApply(ScaleMat a, float *dxy, float inX, float inY, float &outX, float &outY) { float xTmp = a.xpx * inX + a.xpy * inY + dxy[0]; outY = a.ypx * inX + a.ypy * inY + dxy[1]; outX = xTmp; } // Transform items after the rotation alignment operation int CNavigatorDlg::TransformFromRotAlign(int reg, ScaleMat aM, float *dxy) { mNumSavedRegXforms = 0; int numDone = TransformToCurrentReg(reg, aM, dxy, 0, 0); mMarkerShiftReg = 0; Update(); Redraw(); return numDone; } // Rotate the map in the given buffer int CNavigatorDlg::RotateMap(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, BOOL redraw) { ScaleMat curMat, rMat, aMat; BOOL inverted, newInvert; float delX, delY, rotAngle, newAngle; float sizingFrac = 1.; int err, invertSign = 1; CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); if (!item && !imBuf->mStage2ImMat.xpx) return 1; if (item && item->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)item->mMapTiltAngle) > 2.5) { SEMMessageBox("You cannot rotate a map taken at a tilt higher than 2.5 degrees"); return 1; } if (item && item->mImported == 1) { // If imported, just get an angle rotAngle = 0.; if (!KGetOneFloat("Angle to rotate imported map by:", rotAngle, 0)) return 1; err = SEMThreeChoiceBox("Do you want to flip around X before rotating?", "Flip", "No Flip", "Cancel", MB_YESNOCANCEL, 1); if (err == IDCANCEL) return 1; if (err == IDYES) invertSign = -1; inverted = imBuf->mInverted; rotAngle = invertSign * rotAngle; } else { // Compute the angle for this image, and new total angle and inversion of imbuf curMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mScope->GetMagIndex()); BufferStageToImage(imBuf, aMat, delX, delY); rotAngle = RotationFromStageMatrices(curMat, aMat, inverted); } newAngle = (float)UtilGoodAngle((double)(rotAngle + imBuf->mRotAngle)); newInvert = ((imBuf->mInverted ? -1 : 1) * (inverted ? -1 : 1) * invertSign) < 0; // Find matrix needed for sizing, and real rotation matrix aMat = mHelper->GetRotationMatrix(newAngle, newInvert); rMat = mHelper->GetRotationMatrix(rotAngle, inverted); rMat.ypx = invertSign * rMat.ypx; rMat.ypy = invertSign * rMat.ypy; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "ROTATING MAP"); err = mHelper->TransformBuffer(imBuf, aMat, imBuf->mLoadWidth, imBuf->mLoadHeight, sizingFrac, rMat); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); if (err) { AfxMessageBox("Insufficient memory to rotate the map!", MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } imBuf->mRotAngle = newAngle; imBuf->mInverted = newInvert; if (redraw) { Redraw(); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } return 0; } // If there is a suitable transform for calibrating stage stretch, return it ScaleMat *CNavigatorDlg::XformForStageStretch(bool usingIt) { float smagMean, str; double theta, alpha; CString mess; if (mNumSavedRegXforms != 1) return NULL; mShiftManager->UnderlyingStretch(mMatSaved[0], smagMean, theta, str, alpha); if (fabs(theta /DTOR) - 90. > 20. || mLastTransformPairs < 5) return NULL; if (usingIt) { mess.Format("The last transformation computed:\n" " was based on %d points (at least 6 is recommended);\n" " contained a mean mag change of %.4f (this should be close to 1.000);\n" " and implies an underlying stretch of %.4f along an axis at %.1f degrees.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to use this transformation to calibrate stage stretch?", mLastTransformPairs, smagMean, 2. * str, alpha / DTOR); if (AfxMessageBox(mess, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { mShiftManager->SetStageStretchXform(mMatSaved[0]); mWinApp->SetCalibrationsNotSaved(true); } } return &mMatSaved[0]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAKING AND LOADING MAPS // Make a new map image void CNavigatorDlg::OnNewMap() { NewMap(); } // Defaults are unsuitableOK = false, addOrReplaceNote = 0, newNote = NULL int CNavigatorDlg::NewMap(bool unsuitableOK, int addOrReplaceNote, CString *newNote) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf, *readBuf; EMimageExtra *imExtra; float stageX, stageY, imX, imY, delX, delY, stageErrX, stageErrY, localErrX, localErrY; BOOL hasStage, cropped = false; CMapDrawItem *item, *item2; int trimCount, i, setNum, sizeX, sizeY, area, montSect = -1; int uncroppedX, uncroppedY; float slitIn; ScaleMat aInv; CString report; bool singleBufSaved, singleBufReadIn; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); MontParam *montp = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); LowDoseParams *ldParm = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; SEMMessageBox("There must be an image file currently open to specify a map", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } imBuf = &mImBufs[(mWinApp->Montaging() && mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW) ? 1 : 0]; cropped = imBuf->GetUncroppedSize(uncroppedX, uncroppedY) && uncroppedX > 0 && uncroppedY > 0; if (imBuf->mMapID) { if (SEMMessageBox("This image already has a map ID identifying it as a map.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to create another map from this image?", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return 2; } singleBufSaved = imBuf->GetSaveCopyFlag() < 0 && (imBuf->IsProcessedOKforMap() || cropped); singleBufReadIn = !imBuf->mCaptured && imBuf->mSecNumber >= 0; if ((mWinApp->Montaging() || singleBufSaved || singleBufReadIn) && imBuf->mCurStoreChecksum != mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getChecksum()) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; SEMMessageBox("In order to use this image as a map, it must be\n" "either saved into or read in from the current image file.\n" "This image is in a different file from the current one.\n\n" "Switch to the appropriate file if it is already open,\n" "or reopen it if it is not open, and rerun this command", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } SEMTrace('n', "NewMap montaging %d image %d captured %d BMO %d secno %d", mWinApp->Montaging() ? 1 : 0, imBuf->mImage, imBuf->mCaptured, BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW , imBuf->mSecNumber); if (mWinApp->Montaging()) { // Montaged images if (!imBuf->mImage || imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW || imBuf->mSecNumber < 0) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; SEMMessageBox("In order to use a montaged image as a map,\n" "Buffer B must contain a montage overview that was either\n" "newly captured into or read in from the current image file.\n\n" "This is not the case; no map was created.", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } hasStage = imBuf->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY); if (!hasStage && !cropped) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; if (SEMMessageBox("This image was read in from the file.\n" "Use it for a map only if the current stage position\n" "and the magnification, camera selection, and binning in\n" "the montage setup are the same as when the image was taken.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to create a map from this image?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return 2; } // Get the adoc section with montage data, be sure to release mutex if return early montSect = mWinApp->mMontageController->AccessMontSectInAdoc(mWinApp->mStoreMRC, imBuf->mSecNumber); } else { // Regular images imBuf = mImBufs; if (!imBuf->mImage || (imBuf->mCaptured < 0 && !cropped && imBuf->mCaptured != BUFFER_PROC_OK_FOR_MAP)) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; SEMMessageBox("Buffer A does not contain an image that can be saved as a\n" "map (one that is newly captured or read in from a file).", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } hasStage = imBuf->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY) && imBuf->mCaptured; if (!singleBufSaved) { // If the image is not already saved, first check for read in and confirm that if (singleBufReadIn) { if (unsuitableOK) return -1; report.Format("This image was apparently read in from a file.\n\n" "Use it for a map only if it is a full field image read in from the\n" " current open file, and if the %scamera selection and\n" "magnification are the same as when the image was taken.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to create a map from this image?", hasStage ? "" : "stage position, "); if (!cropped && !mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && SEMMessageBox(report, MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return 2; } else if (!mBufferManager->IsBufferSavable(imBuf)) { // Next complain if it can't be saved if (unsuitableOK) return -1; SEMMessageBox("Buffer A cannot be saved in the current file.\n\n" "Open or switch to a file that it can be saved in, save it, and try again.", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } else { if (!(mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mHelper->GetAcquiringDual())) { //If it can be saved, and they haven't been asked before, ask about auto save if (mDocWnd->GetSaveOnNewMap() < 0) { i = SEMMessageBox("This image is not saved yet and can be saved \ninto the " "current file.\n\nDo you always want to save images automatically into this" " file\nwhenever you press New Map and it is the current file?", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION); mDocWnd->SetSaveOnNewMap(i == IDNO ? 0 : 1); } // Even if they don't want auto save, ask if they want to save this one if (!mDocWnd->GetSaveOnNewMap()) { if (SEMMessageBox("This image is not saved yet.\n\n" "Do you want to save it into the current file?", MB_YESNO, MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return 2; } } // If we got here, they want it saved! if (mBufferManager->SaveImageBuffer(mWinApp->mStoreMRC)) return 1; } } } imExtra = imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); // Now check that the image isn't a map reduced to bytes if (imBuf->mImage->getType() == kUBYTE && mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getMode() != MRC_MODE_BYTE && !cropped) { SEMMessageBox("It seems that the image being displayed has been converted to\n" "bytes, so its scaling will not be correct when read in as a map.\n" "To fix this, turn off \"Convert Maps to Bytes\" in the Navigator\n" " menu, load this map item, and make a new map again.\n" "Then you should be able to turn on conversion to bytes again.", MB_EXCLAME); } // Get a new item and save map properties in it item = MakeNewItem(0); SetCurrentStagePos(mCurrentItem); item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_MAP; item->mColor = cropped ? NO_REALIGN_COLOR : DEFAULT_MAP_COLOR; item->mRawStageX = (float)mLastScopeStageX; item->mRawStageY = (float)mLastScopeStageY; // Save the stage position in regular and raw spot, regular is adjusted below for IS if (hasStage) { item->mStageX = stageX; item->mStageY = stageY; item->mRawStageX = stageX; item->mRawStageY = stageY; } if (!imBuf->GetStageZ(delX)) item->mStageZ = delX; CheckRawStageMatches(); item->mMapBinning = imBuf->mBinning; item->mMapCamera = imBuf->mCamera; item->mMapMagInd = imBuf->mMagInd; if (!imBuf->GetTiltAngle(item->mMapTiltAngle)) item->mMapTiltAngle = (float)mScope->GetTiltAngle(); item->mMapMontage = mWinApp->Montaging(); item->mMapFile = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getName(); // Not assigned here until 5/28/22 item->mImageType = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getStoreType(); trimCount = item->mMapFile.GetLength() - (item->mMapFile.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); item->mTrimmedName = item->mMapFile.Right(trimCount); mHelper->ComputeStageToImage(imBuf, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, hasStage, item->mMapScaleMat, delX, delY); item->mMapWidth = cropped ? uncroppedX : imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); item->mMapHeight = cropped ? uncroppedY : imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); item->mMapSection = imBuf->mSecNumber; item->mNote.Format("Sec %d - %s", item->mMapSection, item->mTrimmedName); if (newNote) { if (addOrReplaceNote > 0) item->mNote = item->mNote + " " + *newNote; else if (addOrReplaceNote < 0) item->mNote = *newNote + " " + item->mNote; else item->mNote = *newNote; } item->mMontBinning = item->mMapBinning; setNum = RECORD_CONSET; if (item->mMapMontage) { item->mMapFramesX = montp->xNframes; item->mMapFramesY = montp->yNframes; item->mFitToPolygonID = montp->fitToPolygonID; if (montSect >= 0) { AdocGetTwoIntegers(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_MONT_FRAMES, &item->mMapFramesX, &item->mMapFramesY); AdocGetInteger(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_FIT_POLY_ID, &item->mFitToPolygonID); } // A read-in montage with no MontSection will have this as MONTAGE_CONSET, so this is // reliable otherwise if (imBuf->mConSetUsed <= RECORD_CONSET) setNum = imBuf->mConSetUsed; if (imExtra && imExtra->mBinning > 0 && imExtra->mCamera >= 0) item->mMontBinning = B3DNINT(imExtra->mBinning * BinDivisorI(&mCamParams[imExtra->mCamera])); else item->mMontBinning = conSets[setNum].binning; // This is the protocol: set information the old way then overlay it with MontSection // value, so it falls back to old way if there is an error item->mMontUseStage = montp->moveStage ? 1 : 0; if (montSect >= 0) AdocGetInteger(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_STAGE_MONT, &item->mMontUseStage); } else { item->mMapFramesX = item->mMapFramesY = 0; if (imBuf->mCaptured > 0) setNum = imBuf->mConSetUsed; else { // If read in from file, this convoluted logic checks for match against record, // trial, then view sizes; if none found it leaves it as record mCamera->AcquiredSize(&conSets[RECORD_CONSET], imBuf->mCamera, sizeX, sizeY); if (sizeX != item->mMapWidth || sizeY != item->mMapWidth) { mCamera->AcquiredSize(&conSets[2], imBuf->mCamera, sizeX, sizeY); if (sizeX == item->mMapWidth && sizeY == item->mMapWidth) setNum = 2; else { mCamera->AcquiredSize(&conSets[0], imBuf->mCamera, sizeX, sizeY); if (sizeX == item->mMapWidth && sizeY == item->mMapWidth) setNum = 0; } } } } if (item->mMapMontage && item->mMontUseStage) { mWinApp->mMontageController->GetLastBacklash(item->mBacklashX, item->mBacklashY); if (montSect >= 0) AdocGetTwoFloats(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_MONT_BACKLASH, &item->mBacklashX, &item->mBacklashY); } else { item->mBacklashX = imBuf->mBacklashX; item->mBacklashY = imBuf->mBacklashY; } item->mMapExposure = B3DCHOICE(imExtra && imExtra->mExposure >= 0., imExtra->mExposure, conSets[setNum].exposure); item->mMapSettling = conSets[setNum].drift; item->mShutterMode = conSets[setNum].shuttering; item->mK2ReadMode = conSets[setNum].K2ReadMode; if (montSect >= 0) { AdocGetFloat(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_DRIFT, &item->mMapSettling); AdocGetTwoIntegers(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_CAM_MODES, &item->mShutterMode, &item->mK2ReadMode); } if (!imBuf->GetIntensity(item->mMapIntensity)) item->mMapIntensity = mScope->GetIntensity(); if (!imBuf->GetSpotSize(item->mMapSpotSize)) item->mMapSpotSize = mScope->GetSpotSize(); item->mMapProbeMode = imBuf->mProbeMode; if (imBuf->mLowDoseArea || (item->mMapMontage && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed))) item->mMapLowDoseConSet = imBuf->mConSetUsed; // For a LD View image, store the defocus offset, and get the net view IS shift and // convert it to a stage position for use in realign to item if (IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(item->mMapLowDoseConSet)) { area = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(item->mMapLowDoseConSet); item->mDefocusOffset = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area); mHelper->GetViewOffsets(item, item->mNetViewShiftX, item->mNetViewShiftY, item->mViewBeamShiftX, item->mViewBeamShiftY, item->mViewBeamTiltX, item->mViewBeamTiltY, area); if (montSect >= 0) { AdocGetFloat(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_FOCUS_OFFSET, &item->mDefocusOffset); AdocGetTwoFloats(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_NET_VIEW_SHIFT, &item->mNetViewShiftX, &item->mNetViewShiftY); AdocGetTwoFloats(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_VIEW_BEAM_SHIFT, &item->mViewBeamShiftX, &item->mViewBeamShiftY); AdocGetTwoFloats(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_VIEW_BEAM_TILT, &item->mViewBeamTiltX, &item->mViewBeamTiltY); } } // For any low dose image, store the alpha value so beam adjustments can be applied in // realign to item if (imBuf->mLowDoseArea || (item->mMapMontage && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(imBuf->mConSetUsed))) { item->mMapAlpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); if (montSect >= 0) AdocGetInteger(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_ALPHA, &item->mMapAlpha); } if (mCamParams[imBuf->mCamera].GIF || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) { item->mMapSlitIn = filtParam->slitIn; item->mMapSlitWidth = filtParam->slitWidth; if (montSect >= 0) { if (!AdocGetTwoFloats(ADOC_MONT_SECT, montSect, ADOC_FILTER, &slitIn, &item->mMapSlitWidth)) item->mMapSlitIn = slitIn != 0.; } } else { item->mMapSlitIn = false; item->mMapSlitWidth = 0; } // Release mutex now that access to section is done AdocReleaseMutex(); // Once there is a transformation, adjusted stage position by any image shift // when image was taken (which is already in the transformation) if (hasStage) mHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(imBuf->mMagInd, imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mISX, imBuf->mISY, item->mMapTiltAngle, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, imBuf); SEMTrace('n', "Raw stage %.3f %.3f adjusted %.3f %.3f", item->mRawStageX, item->mRawStageY, item->mStageX, item->mStageY); // Switch image to current registration and give it the map ID, clear out rotation info // Loop on image buffer then read buffer, changing read buffer only if it matches readBuf = imBuf; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { readBuf->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; readBuf->mMapID = item->mMapID; readBuf->mRotAngle = 0; readBuf->mInverted = false; readBuf->mLoadWidth = item->mMapWidth; readBuf->mLoadHeight = item->mMapHeight; readBuf->mUseHeight = (float)item->mMapHeight; readBuf->mUseWidth = (float)item->mMapWidth; readBuf = &mImBufs[mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto()]; if (!(readBuf->mImage && readBuf->mSecNumber == imBuf->mSecNumber && readBuf->mCurStoreChecksum == imBuf->mCurStoreChecksum)) break; } // Save scaling values, fixing them up for saved data, and convert to bytes if flag set item->mMapMinScale = imBuf->mImageScale->GetMinScale(); item->mMapMaxScale = imBuf->mImageScale->GetMaxScale(); if (imBuf->mChangeWhenSaved == SHIFT_UNSIGNED) { item->mMapMinScale -= 32768; item->mMapMaxScale -= 32768; } else if (imBuf->mChangeWhenSaved == SIGNED_SHIFTED) { item->mMapMinScale += 32768; item->mMapMaxScale += 32768; } else if (imBuf->mChangeWhenSaved == DIVIDE_UNSIGNED) { item->mMapMinScale /= 2.f; item->mMapMaxScale /= 2.f; } if (mHelper->GetConvertMaps() && !cropped) imBuf->ConvertToByte(0., 0.); // Make bounding box aInv = MatInv(item->mMapScaleMat); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { imX = (float)(((i + 1) / 2 == 1) ? item->mMapWidth : 0.); imY = (float)((i / 2 == 1) ? item->mMapHeight : 0.); stageX = (aInv.xpx * (imX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (imY - delY)); stageY = (aInv.ypx * (imX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (imY - delY)); item->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); } // Set the realign error if this point is within the bounding box of the last map // aligned to and also, for montage, within 10 microns of aligned point if (mHelper->GetLastStageError(stageErrX, stageErrY, localErrX, localErrY) == mCurrentRegistration) { i = mHelper->GetLastErrorTarget(imX, imY); item2 = FindItemWithMapID(i); stageX = item->mStageX - stageErrX; stageY = item->mStageY - stageErrY; if (item2 && InsideContour(&item2->mPtX[0], &item2->mPtY[0], item2->mNumPoints, stageX, stageY) && (!item2->mMapMontage || (fabs((double)(imX - stageX)) < 10. && fabs((double)(imY - stageY)) < 10.))) { item->mRealignedID = i; item->mRealignErrX = stageErrX; item->mRealignErrY = stageErrY; item->mLocalRealiErrX = localErrX; item->mLocalRealiErrY = localErrY; item->mRealignReg = mCurrentRegistration; report.Format("Stage position error of %.2f, %.2f assigned to this map from last " "realign to nearby item", stageErrX, stageErrY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); } } mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->mActiveView->NewImageScale(); UpdateForCurrentItemChange(); // Determine if backlash setting is needed delX = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd) * item->mMapBinning; delY = (float)sqrt(delX * item->mMapWidth * delX * item->mMapHeight); if (item->mBacklashX == 0. && mHelper->GetAutoBacklashNewMap() > mSkipBacklashType && delY >= mHelper->GetAutoBacklashMinField() && item->mMapMagInd >= mScope->GetLowestMModeMagInd()) { i = 1; if (mHelper->GetAutoBacklashNewMap() == 1) { if (SEMMessageBox("Do you want to run the routine to adjust the\nstage position" " of this map for backlash?\n\n(Use Navigator - Backlash Settings to set " "whether this question is asked)", MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) i = 0; } if (i) { AdjustBacklash(mCurrentItem, true); } } // Reset the skip flag always mSkipBacklashType = 0; return 0; } // Make a map from an arbitrary image void CNavigatorDlg::ImportMap(void) { CFile *file; CMapDrawItem *item, *oldItem; CString cFilename; ScaleMat aInv; TiffField *tfield; double dval, idval, fracErr; CString stringval; float minErr, stageX = 0., stageY = 0., imX, imY; MontParam montP; KImageStore *storeMRC; KStoreIMOD *storeIMOD, *store; KImageStore *imageStore = NULL; char chan; CFileStatus status; FileOptions fileOpt; EMimageBuffer *imbuf[3]; int i, idMatch, err, curStore = -1, trimCount, overfail, oldCurItem; static int lastXformNum = 0, lastRegNum = -1; err = mDocWnd->UserOpenOldMrcCFile(&file, cFilename, true); if (err == MRC_OPEN_NOTMRC) { // For TIFF or other IMOD type file storeIMOD = new KStoreIMOD(cFilename); if (!(storeIMOD && storeIMOD->FileOK())) { AfxMessageBox("Error: File is not an image file of a type that can be " "read by the program.", MB_EXCLAME); if (storeIMOD) delete storeIMOD; return; } imageStore = (KImageStore *)storeIMOD; // Try to find which import this matches idMatch = -1; minErr = 1.; for (i = 0; i < mParam->numImportXforms && minErr > 0.; i++) { tfield = &mParam->idField[i]; if (tfield->tag && !mParam->xformID[i].IsEmpty()) { if (storeIMOD->getTiffValue(tfield->tag, tfield->type, tfield->tokenNum, dval, stringval) > 0) { if (tfield->type == TIFFTAG_STRING) { // String or integer require exact match if (stringval == mParam->xformID[i]) { idMatch = i; minErr = 0.; } } else if (tfield->type == TIFFTAG_UINT16 || tfield->type == TIFFTAG_UINT32) { if (B3DNINT(dval) == atoi((LPCTSTR)mParam->xformID[i])) { idMatch = i; minErr = 0.; } } else { // For float/double value, compute fractional error idval = atof((LPCTSTR)mParam->xformID[i]); fracErr = 0.; if (idval != dval) fracErr = fabs(dval - idval) / B3DMAX(fabs(dval), fabs(idval)); if (fracErr < minErr) { idMatch = i; minErr = (float)fracErr; } } } } } // If there is a match, modify the lastXformNum if (idMatch >= 0 && minErr < 0.02) lastXformNum = idMatch; else idMatch = 0; // Try to get tag data for X, Y from match or from None entry tfield = &mParam->xField[idMatch]; if (tfield->tag && storeIMOD->getTiffValue(tfield->tag, tfield->type, tfield->tokenNum, dval, stringval) > 0) stageX = (float)(dval - mParam->importXbase); tfield = &mParam->yField[idMatch]; if (tfield->tag && storeIMOD->getTiffValue(tfield->tag, tfield->type, tfield->tokenNum, dval, stringval) > 0) stageY = (float)(dval - mParam->importYbase); err = 0; } else { // For MRC or ADOC files if (err && err != MRC_OPEN_ALREADY_OPEN && err != MRC_OPEN_ADOC) return; curStore = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(cFilename); if (curStore >= 0) storeMRC = mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(curStore); else if (err == MRC_OPEN_ADOC) storeMRC = new KStoreADOC(cFilename); else storeMRC = new KStoreMRC(file); if (!(storeMRC && storeMRC->FileOK())) { AfxMessageBox("Some error occurred trying to access this file", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } else if (storeMRC->CheckMontage(&montP)) { AfxMessageBox("This file is a montage and cannot be imported at this time.\n\n" "Try opening it, reading the image under a new registration, and making a map.", MB_EXCLAME); err = 1; } else { err = 0; imageStore = (KImageStore *)storeMRC; } } if (!err) { CNavImportDlg importDlg; importDlg.mNumSections = imageStore->getDepth(); importDlg.m_iSection = 0; importDlg.m_fStageX = stageX; importDlg.m_fStageY = stageY; importDlg.mXformNum = lastXformNum; importDlg.mOverlayOK = SetCurrentItem(); if (importDlg.mOverlayOK) importDlg.mOverlayOK = mItem->mImported == 1 && imageStore->getMode() != MRC_MODE_RGB && mItem->mMapWidth == imageStore->getWidth() && mItem->mMapHeight == imageStore->getHeight(); oldItem = mItem; importDlg.m_strOverlay = mParam->overlayChannels; // Make sure last registration is good or find a free one if (lastRegNum > 0 && RegistrationUseType(lastRegNum) != NAVREG_REGULAR) importDlg.mRegNum = lastRegNum; else { // Look for free number but default to last one even if not free! for (err = 1; err < MAX_CURRENT_REG; err++) if (RegistrationUseType(err) != NAVREG_REGULAR && err != mCurrentRegistration) break; importDlg.mRegNum = err; } if (importDlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { lastXformNum = importDlg.mXformNum; lastRegNum = importDlg.mRegNum; mParam->overlayChannels = importDlg.m_strOverlay; // Get a new item and save map properties in it oldCurItem = mCurrentItem; item = MakeNewItem(0); item->mType = ITEM_TYPE_MAP; item->mColor = DEFAULT_MAP_COLOR; item->mStageX = importDlg.m_fStageX; item->mStageY = importDlg.m_fStageY; item->mRegistration = lastRegNum; item->mOriginalReg = lastRegNum; item->mImported = 1; item->mImageType = imageStore->getStoreType(); item->mMapBinning = 1; item->mMapCamera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); item->mMapMagInd = 0; item->mMapMontage = false; item->mMapFile = cFilename; trimCount = item->mMapFile.GetLength() - (item->mMapFile.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); item->mTrimmedName = item->mMapFile.Right(trimCount); item->mMapScaleMat = mParam->importXform[lastXformNum]; item->mMapWidth = imageStore->getWidth(); item->mMapHeight = imageStore->getHeight(); item->mMapSection = importDlg.m_iSection; item->mNote.Format("Sec %d - %s", item->mMapSection, item->mTrimmedName); item->mMontBinning = 1; item->mMapFramesX = item->mMapFramesY = 0; item->mMapExposure = 0.; item->mMapSettling = 0.; item->mShutterMode = 0; item->mK2ReadMode = LINEAR_MODE; item->mMapIntensity = 0.; item->mMapSpotSize = 0; item->mMapSlitIn = false; item->mMapSlitWidth = 0; item->mMapMinScale = 0; item->mMapMaxScale = 0; // Make bounding box aInv = MatInv(item->mMapScaleMat); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { imX = (float)(0.5 * item->mMapWidth * (1 - 2 * ((i / 2) % 2))); imY = (float)(0.5 * item->mMapHeight * (1 - 2 * (((i + 1) / 2) % 2))); stageX = item->mStageX + aInv.xpx * imX + aInv.xpy * imY; stageY = item->mStageY + aInv.ypx * imX + aInv.ypy * imY; item->AppendPoint(stageX, stageY); } UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); // If an overlay is requested, need to load maps synchronously if (importDlg.m_bOverlay) { overfail = DoLoadMap(true, NULL, -1) ? -1 : 0; if (!overfail) { mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(), 0); mCurrentItem = oldCurItem; overfail = DoLoadMap(true, NULL, -1) ? -2 : 0; } // Then get the overlay image into A if (!overfail) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { chan = importDlg.m_strOverlay.GetAt(i); if (chan == '1') imbuf[i] = &mImBufs[mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto()]; else if (chan == '2') imbuf[i] = &mImBufs[0]; else imbuf[i] = NULL; } overfail = mWinApp->mProcessImage->OverlayImages(imbuf[0], imbuf[1], imbuf[2]) ? 0 : -3; } // Now get the filename and save the image if (!overfail) { for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { trimCount = oldItem->mMapFile.ReverseFind('.'); if (trimCount < 0) trimCount = oldItem->mMapFile.GetLength(); cFilename.Format("%s-ovla%d.tif", (LPCTSTR)oldItem->mMapFile.Left(trimCount), i); if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)cFilename, status)) break; } fileOpt = *(mDocWnd->GetFileOpt()); fileOpt.fileType = STORE_TYPE_TIFF; store = new KStoreIMOD(cFilename, fileOpt); overfail = store->FileOK() ? 0 : -4; if (!overfail) overfail = store->WriteSection(mImBufs->mImage); delete store; } // All good, make the map item if (!overfail) { item = MakeNewItem(0); stringval = item->mLabel; *item = *oldItem; item->mLabel = stringval; item->mNumPoints = 0; item->mMaxPoints = 0; item->mPtX = item->mPtY = NULL; item->mMapFile = cFilename; trimCount = item->mMapFile.GetLength() - (item->mMapFile.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); item->mTrimmedName = item->mMapFile.Right(trimCount); mImBufs->mMapID = item->mMapID; item->mMapSection = 0; item->mNote.Format("Overlay - %s", item->mTrimmedName); item->mImageType = STORE_TYPE_IMOD; for (i = 0; i < oldItem->mNumPoints; i++) item->AppendPoint(oldItem->mPtX[i], oldItem->mPtY[i]); UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } else { stringval.Format("Could not make overlay from the two imported maps; " "error code %d", overfail); AfxMessageBox(stringval, MB_EXCLAME); } } SetChanged(true); ManageCurrentControls(); } } if (imageStore && imageStore->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_IMOD) delete storeIMOD; else if (storeMRC && curStore < 0) delete storeMRC; } // Call Helper to make a dual map void CNavigatorDlg::OnButDualMap() { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); DoMakeDualMap(); } int CNavigatorDlg::DoMakeDualMap() { CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(mDualMapID, true); return mHelper->MakeDualMap(item); } // Load a map image void CNavigatorDlg::OnLoadMap() { if (!SetCurrentItem()) { mItem = GetSingleSelectedItem(); if (!mItem) return; } if (mItem->IsPoint()) { mHelper->LoadPieceContainingPoint(mItem, mFoundItem); AddFocusAreaPoint(false); } else DoLoadMap(false, NULL, -1); } int CNavigatorDlg::DoLoadMap(bool synchronous, CMapDrawItem *item, int bufToReadInto, BOOL display) { int err; static MontParam mntp; MontParam *montP = &mntp; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (item) mItem = item; else if (!SetCurrentItem()) return 1; mOriginalStore = mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore(); mLoadItem = mItem; mShowAfterLoad = display; // Get the pointers to file, open if necessary err = AccessMapFile(mItem, mLoadStoreMRC, mCurStore, montP, mUseWidth, mUseHeight); if (err) { if (err == 1) SEMMessageBox("The map file was not found (or just could not be opened) either\n" "under its original full path name or in the current directory.", MB_EXCLAME); else SEMMessageBox("The map file was found but no longer\nappears to be " "a valid MRC file or montage file.", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } mReadingOther = mCurStore < 0; if (mCurStore >= 0 && mCurStore != mOriginalStore) mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(mCurStore); // Save and set overview binning to 1 if selected, then mOverviewBinSave = masterMont->overviewBinning; if (mHelper->GetLoadMapsUnbinned()) masterMont->overviewBinning = 1; if (mHelper->GetConvertMaps()) { masterMont->byteMinScale = mLoadItem->mMapMinScale; masterMont->byteMaxScale = mLoadItem->mMapMaxScale; } // Read in the appropriate way for the file mLoadingMap = true; mBufToLoadInto = bufToReadInto >= 0 ? bufToReadInto :mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); if (mLoadItem->mMapMontage && !display) mWinApp->mMontageController->SetNoDrawOnRead(true); if (mLoadItem->mMapMontage && !mReadingOther) { err = mWinApp->mMontageController->ReadMontage(mLoadItem->mMapSection, NULL, NULL, false, synchronous, bufToReadInto); } else err = mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mLoadStoreMRC, mLoadItem->mMapSection, bufToReadInto, false, synchronous); if (!mLoadItem->mMapMontage) mLoadItem->mMapID = mHelper->FindMapIDforReadInImage(mLoadStoreMRC->getFilePath(), mLoadItem->mMapSection, true); if (err && err != READ_MONTAGE_OK) { SEMMessageBox("Error reading image from file.", MB_EXCLAME); LoadMapCleanup(); return 1; } if (synchronous) FinishLoadMap(); else mWinApp->AddIdleTask(NULL, TASK_LOAD_MAP, 0, 0); return 0; } // Finish up after loading a map void CNavigatorDlg::FinishLoadMap(void) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mImBufs + (mLoadItem->mMapMontage ? 1 : mBufToLoadInto); MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[B3DMAX(0, mLoadItem->mMapCamera)]; EMimageExtra *extra1; int uncroppedX, uncroppedY; float stageX, stageY, angle; bool noStage, noTilt, cropped, needDefocusData; LoadMapCleanup(); if (mLoadItem->mMapMontage && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetLastFailed()) { mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return; } if (mReadingOther) imBuf->mSecNumber = -mLoadItem->mMapSection - 1; // Set the registration and map ID, clear out rotation info imBuf->mRegistration = mLoadItem->mRegistration; imBuf->mMapID = mLoadItem->mMapID; imBuf->mRotAngle = 0.; imBuf->mInverted = false; imBuf->mUseWidth = mUseWidth; imBuf->mUseHeight = mUseHeight; imBuf->mLoadWidth = imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); imBuf->mLoadHeight = imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); imBuf->mCamera = mLoadItem->mMapCamera; imBuf->mMagInd = mLoadItem->mMapMagInd; if (mLoadItem->mMapLowDoseConSet >= 0) { imBuf->mLowDoseArea = true; imBuf->mConSetUsed = mLoadItem->mMapLowDoseConSet; } // Copy defocus offset and set other items needed to evaluate defocus adjustment needDefocusData = mLoadItem->mMapLowDoseConSet == VIEW_CONSET || mLoadItem->mMapLowDoseConSet == SEARCH_CONSET; if (needDefocusData && mLoadItem->mDefocusOffset) { imBuf->mViewDefocus = mLoadItem->mDefocusOffset; if (mLoadItem->mMapProbeMode >= 0) imBuf->mProbeMode = mLoadItem->mMapProbeMode; } // Attach the map stage position to the image if it is missing noStage = !imBuf->GetStagePosition(stageX, stageY); noTilt = !imBuf->GetTiltAngle(angle) && mLoadItem->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST; if (noStage || noTilt || needDefocusData) { extra1 = (EMimageExtra *)imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); if (!extra1) { extra1 = new EMimageExtra; imBuf->mImage->SetUserData(extra1); } if (noStage) { extra1->mStageX = mLoadItem->mStageX; extra1->mStageY = mLoadItem->mStageY; } if (noTilt) extra1->m_fTilt = mLoadItem->mMapTiltAngle; if (needDefocusData) { extra1->mSpotSize = mLoadItem->mMapSpotSize; extra1->m_fIntensity = (float)mLoadItem->mMapIntensity; } extra1->ValuesIntoShorts(); } // Set effective binning for imported map if (mLoadItem->mImported) imBuf->mEffectiveBin = B3DMIN(camP->sizeX / mUseWidth, camP->sizeY / mUseHeight); // Convert single frame map to bytes now if flag set cropped = mImBufs[mBufToLoadInto].GetUncroppedSize(uncroppedX, uncroppedY) && uncroppedX > 0; if (mHelper->GetConvertMaps() && !cropped && !mLoadItem->mMapMontage && mLoadItem->mMapMinScale != mLoadItem->mMapMaxScale) { mImBufs[mBufToLoadInto].UpdatePixMap(); mImBufs[mBufToLoadInto].ConvertToByte(mLoadItem->mMapMinScale, mLoadItem->mMapMaxScale); } // Copy montage to read buffer, get loaded size, rotate if requested, and display // 4/20/09: montage has already been copied there, but still work on buffer B first and // then copy it again so that both buffers have the map data if (mLoadItem->mMapMontage) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, mBufToLoadInto, mShowAfterLoad); if (mLoadItem->mRotOnLoad) RotateMap(&mImBufs[mBufToLoadInto], false); if (mShowAfterLoad) { mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(mBufToLoadInto); Redraw(); } } // Clean up from trying to load a map void CNavigatorDlg::LoadMapCleanup(void) { MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); masterMont->overviewBinning = mOverviewBinSave; masterMont->byteMinScale = 0.; masterMont->byteMaxScale = 0.; if (mReadingOther) { if (mLoadStoreMRC->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_MRC) delete (KStoreMRC *)mLoadStoreMRC; else if (mLoadStoreMRC->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_ADOC) delete (KStoreADOC *)mLoadStoreMRC; else delete (KStoreIMOD *)mLoadStoreMRC; } else if (mCurStore != mOriginalStore) mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(mOriginalStore); mLoadingMap = false; } // Set up access to the map file for the given item: return a KImageStore, the store // number if it is a current store, montage params, and the useWidth and useHeight values // Supply a pointer to a valid montage param structure, it may be replaced or used int CNavigatorDlg::AccessMapFile(CMapDrawItem *item, KImageStore *&imageStore, int &curStore, MontParam *&montP, float &useWidth, float &useHeight, bool readWrite) { CFile *file; CameraParameters *cam; int binInd, xNframe, yNframe; bool useNavPath = true; KImageStore *storeMRC; KStoreIMOD *storeIMOD; CFileStatus status; CString fullpath, navPathName, str; // If opening read-only, set the share permission to DenyNone so it will not try to // change the file's read/write status, which would be locked if a process has it open // read/write UINT openFlags = (readWrite ? (CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite) : (CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone)) | CFile::modeNoInherit; // Get the path/name of the file if it is located in the same directory as the nav file, // or use the current dir if there is no file GetCurrentNavDir(navPathName); navPathName += item->mTrimmedName; curStore = -1; if (item->mImageType == STORE_TYPE_MRC || item->mImageType == STORE_TYPE_ADOC || item->mImageType == STORE_TYPE_HDF) { curStore = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(item->mMapFile); // If this fails, check with the trimmed name and the nav/current directory, because // it is not possible to open a file twice and the open below would fail if (curStore < 0) curStore = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(navPathName); if (curStore >= 0) { storeMRC = mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(curStore); if (item->mMapMontage) { if (!mDocWnd->StoreIsMontage(curStore)) return 3; if (curStore == mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore()) montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); else montP = mDocWnd->GetStoreMontParam(curStore); } } else { // Otherwise try to open file under full name then under trimmed name // It used to be opened read-only, until dual map needed write // Only try if file exists to avoid crash under wine if (CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)item->mMapFile, status)) { try { file = new CFile(item->mMapFile, openFlags); useNavPath = false; } catch (CFileException *err1) { err1->Delete(); } } if (useNavPath) { try { file = new CFile(navPathName, openFlags); } catch (CFileException *err2) { SEMTrace('n', "Exception, cause %d, errcode %d, opening file %s", err2->m_cause, err2->m_lOsError, (LPCTSTR)err2->m_strFileName); err2->Delete(); return 1; } } // Check that it is still usable then use it if (KStoreMRC::IsMRC(file)) { storeMRC = new KStoreMRC(file); } else { fullpath = file->GetFilePath(); delete file; str = KStoreADOC::IsADOC(fullpath); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { // Removed async saving check put in for 3.5, before adoc mutex was added storeMRC = new KStoreADOC(fullpath); } else { if (!mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetHDFsupported() || !iiTestIfHDF((char *)(LPCTSTR)fullpath)) return 2; storeMRC = new KStoreIMOD(fullpath); if (!storeMRC->FileOK()) { delete storeMRC; return 2; } } } // Get montage params or return error if no good. Copy master set to fill in all if (item->mMapMontage) { *montP = *(mWinApp->GetMontParam()); if (storeMRC->CheckMontage(montP) <= 0) { delete storeMRC; return 3; } if (storeMRC->GetAdocIndex() >= 0 && !AdocGetMutexSetCurrent(storeMRC->GetAdocIndex())) { if (!AdocGetTwoIntegers(ADOC_MONT_SECT, 0, ADOC_MONT_FRAMES, &xNframe, &yNframe) && xNframe > 0 && yNframe > 0) { ACCUM_MAX(montP->xNframes, xNframe); ACCUM_MAX(montP->yNframes, yNframe); } AdocReleaseMutex(); } // Figure out the smallest binning that fits frame; fall back to 1 cam = &mCamParams[item->mMapCamera]; montP->binning = 1; for (binInd = cam->numBinnings - 1; binInd >= 0; binInd--) { if (montP->xFrame * cam->binnings[binInd] <= cam->sizeX && montP->yFrame * cam->binnings[binInd] <= cam->sizeY) { montP->binning = cam->binnings[binInd]; break; } } } } imageStore = storeMRC; } else { // For non-MRC, try to open under original and trimmed name storeIMOD = new KStoreIMOD(item->mMapFile); if (!(storeIMOD && storeIMOD->FileOK())) { if (storeIMOD) delete storeIMOD; storeIMOD = new KStoreIMOD(navPathName); if (!(storeIMOD && storeIMOD->FileOK())) { if (storeIMOD) delete storeIMOD; return 1; } } imageStore = (KImageStore *)storeIMOD; } // Adjust image size for montage based on the number of frames will actually be // created when the image is read from file useWidth = (float)item->mMapWidth; useHeight = (float)item->mMapHeight; if (item->mMapMontage && item->mMapFramesX && item->mMapFramesY) { useWidth = (float)((item->mMapWidth * (INT64)(montP->xNframes * montP->xFrame - (montP->xNframes - 1) * montP->xOverlap)) / (item->mMapFramesX * montP->xFrame - (item->mMapFramesX - 1) * montP->xOverlap)); useHeight = (float)((item->mMapHeight * (INT64)(montP->yNframes * montP->yFrame - (montP->yNframes - 1) * montP->yOverlap)) / (item->mMapFramesY * montP->yFrame - (item->mMapFramesY - 1) * montP->yOverlap)); } if (item->mMapMontage && item->mMontUseStage >= 0) montP->moveStage = item->mMontUseStage > 0; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NAVIGATOR FILE I/O // Calls to do the save and save as, with potential error returns int CNavigatorDlg::DoSave(bool autoSave) { if (!mItemArray.GetSize()) return 0; if (mNavFilename.IsEmpty()) return DoSaveAs(); mDocWnd->ManageBackupFile(mNavFilename, mNavBackedUp); OpenAndWriteFile(false); if (!autoSave) SavePreCombineFile(); return 0; } int CNavigatorDlg::DoSaveAs() { if (!mItemArray.GetSize()) return 0; if (GetNavFilename(false, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, false)) //| OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT)) not needed return 1; // Any time a new name is gotten, make backup file unconditionally mNavBackedUp = false; mDocWnd->ManageBackupFile(mNavFilename, mNavBackedUp); OpenAndWriteFile(false); RemoveAutosaveFile(); mPreCombineBackedUp = false; SavePreCombineFile(); if (mHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); return 0; } // Check if needs saving and ask user before proceding int CNavigatorDlg::AskIfSave(CString reason) { if (!mChanged && mParam->autosaveFile.IsEmpty()) return 0; if (mChanged && !mNavFilename.IsEmpty() && mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetAutoSaveNav()) return DoSave(false); UINT action = MessageBox("Save Navigator entries before " + reason, NULL, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION); if (action == IDCANCEL) return 1; else if (action == IDNO) { RemoveAutosaveFile(); return 0; } return DoSave(false); } // Do autosave if file is open, and things have changed void CNavigatorDlg::AutoSave() { if (!mChanged) return; if (!mNavFilename.IsEmpty()) DoSave(true); else { if (mParam->autosaveFile.IsEmpty()) { CString strCwd = mDocWnd->GetOriginalCwd(); CTime ctdt = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); mParam->autosaveFile.Format("AUTOSAVE%02d%02d%02d%02d.nav", ctdt.GetMonth(), ctdt.GetDay(), ctdt.GetHour(), ctdt.GetMinute()); if (!strCwd.IsEmpty()) { // append \ if necessary if (strCwd.GetAt(strCwd.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') strCwd += '\\'; mParam->autosaveFile = strCwd + mParam->autosaveFile; } mDocWnd->SetShortTermNotSaved(); mDocWnd->SaveShortTermCal(); } OpenAndWriteFile(true); } } // Clear out navigator in preparation for new use without closing it int CNavigatorDlg::SaveAndClearTable(bool askIfSave) { int retval = 0, ans = IDYES; if (mItemArray.GetSize() && mNavFilename.IsEmpty()) { ans = AfxMessageBox("Do you want to save the Navigator entries before loading a " "different file?", MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION); if (ans == IDCANCEL) return -1; } if (ans == IDYES) retval = DoSave(false); mHelper->DeleteArrays(); FillListBox(false); mNavFilename = ""; SetWindowText("Navigator"); return retval; } // Remove an autosave file if one is current; clear out name void CNavigatorDlg::RemoveAutosaveFile(void) { CFileStatus status; if (mParam->autosaveFile.IsEmpty()) return; if (CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mParam->autosaveFile, status)) { try { CFile::Remove(mParam->autosaveFile); } catch (CFileException *err) { err->Delete(); } } mParam->autosaveFile = ""; mDocWnd->SetShortTermNotSaved(); mDocWnd->SaveShortTermCal(); } // TEMPORARY routine for saving holes that have been combined, to track down bug in piece // positions void CNavigatorDlg::SavePreCombineFile(void) { MapItemArray tempArray; CString navSave = mNavFilename; CString root, ext; MapItemArray *holeArray = mHelper->mCombineHoles->GetPreCombineHoles(); mHelper->mCombineHoles->ClearSavedItemArray(false, true); if (!holeArray->GetSize()) return; tempArray.Append(mItemArray); mItemArray.RemoveAll(); mItemArray.Append(*holeArray); UtilSplitExtension(mNavFilename, root, ext); mNavFilename = root + "_pre-combine.holes"; mDocWnd->ManageBackupFile(mNavFilename, mPreCombineBackedUp); OpenAndWriteFile(false); mNavFilename = navSave; mItemArray.RemoveAll(); mItemArray.Append(tempArray); } // Finally, routine to write the file /* * HOW TO ADD ELEMENTS: * 1) If it is a map, it goes before Points; if it is not, it goes before Mapfile * 2) Increment file version * 3) Add entries to title row * 4) Add entries to relevant format statement and variable list * 5) If the elements are added to a map, add another entry like * if (version > 140) * mapSkip += 1; * AND add the same number of tabs to the nonmap output * 6) If it is a map, add the read conditionally to the end of the map section * Otherwise add the read conditionally before the map section * 7) When adding future items, add NextTabField(str, index); for each inside the * conditional for the new version. When using up a future item, still increase the * version number and take away the NextTabField(str, index); */ void CNavigatorDlg::OpenAndWriteFile(bool autosave) { CStdioFile *cFile = NULL; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); CString str, sub, filename; IntVec skipIndex; int adocInd, adocErr, ind, sectInd, outInd, ind2; float varyVals[NUM_VARY_ELEMENTS * MAX_TS_VARIES]; FILE *fp; if (autosave) filename = mParam->autosaveFile; else filename = mNavFilename; // Define macros for setting into autodoc for writing and XML #define ADOC_PUT(a) adocErr += AdocSet##a; #define ADOC_ARG "Item",sectInd adocErr = 0; if (mHelper->GetWriteNavAsXML()) { // If writing as XML, need to go through the autodoc structure, get mutex, etc if (!AdocAcquireMutex()) { AfxMessageBox("Could not acquire mutex for writing Navigator file as XML", MB_EXCLAME); return; } adocInd = AdocNew(); if (adocInd < 0) { AdocReleaseMutex(); AfxMessageBox("Error creating new autodoc structure for writing Navigator file as " "XML", MB_EXCLAME); return; } AdocSetWriteAsXML(1); if (AdocSetXmlRootElement("navigator")) adocErr++; if (AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, "AdocVersion", NAV_FILE_VERSION)) adocErr++; if (AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, "LastSavedAs", (LPCTSTR)filename)) adocErr++; // Save all the members in the include file for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray[ind]; sectInd = AdocAddSection("Item", item->mLabel); if (sectInd < 0) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocPuts.h" } } #define BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Integer(ADOC_ARG, a, b ? 1 : 0)); #define INT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Integer(ADOC_ARG, a, b)); #define FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Float(ADOC_ARG, a, b)); #define DOUBLE_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Float(ADOC_ARG, a, (float)b)); // Save tilt series parameters #undef ADOC_ARG #define ADOC_ARG "TSParam",sectInd #define SET_TEST_SECT3 #define NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS for (ind = 0; ind < mTSparamArray.GetSize(); ind++) { TiltSeriesParam *tsParam = mTSparamArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); sectInd = AdocAddSection("TSParam", str); if (sectInd < 0) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef SET_TEST_SECT3 #undef NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS // Save montage parameters #undef ADOC_ARG #define ADOC_ARG "MontParam",sectInd #define NAV_MONT_PARAMS for (ind = 0; ind < mMontParArray.GetSize(); ind++) { MontParam *montParam = mMontParArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); sectInd = AdocAddSection("MontParam", str); if (sectInd < 0) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef NAV_MONT_PARAMS // Save file options #undef ADOC_ARG #define ADOC_ARG "FileOptions",sectInd #define NAV_FILE_OPTS for (ind = 0; ind < mFileOptArray.GetSize(); ind++) { FileOptions *fileOpt = mFileOptArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); sectInd = AdocAddSection("FileOptions", str); if (sectInd < 0) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef NAV_FILE_OPTS if (adocErr) { str.Format("%d errors occurred setting Navigator data into autodoc structure before" " writing it as XML", adocErr); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } if (AdocWrite((LPCTSTR)filename)) AfxMessageBox("An error occurred writing Navigator file as an XML file",MB_EXCLAME); AdocClear(adocInd); AdocReleaseMutex(); } else { // redefine macros for direct writing to output file #undef ADOC_PUT #undef ADOC_ARG #define ADOC_PUT(a) adocErr += AdocWrite##a; #define ADOC_ARG fp fp = fopen((LPCTSTR)filename, "w"); if (!fp) { AfxMessageBox("An error occurred opening a new file for saving the Navigator file", MB_EXCLAME); return; } adocErr += AdocWriteKeyValue(fp, "AdocVersion", NAV_FILE_VERSION); adocErr += AdocWriteKeyValue(fp, "LastSavedAs", (LPCTSTR)filename); // Regular members for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray[ind]; fprintf(fp, "\n"); sectInd = AdocWriteSectionStart(fp, "Item", item->mLabel); if (sectInd) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocPuts.h" } } // Tilt series params #define SET_TEST_SECT3 #define NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS for (ind = 0; ind < mTSparamArray.GetSize(); ind++) { TiltSeriesParam *tsParam = mTSparamArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); fprintf(fp, "\n"); sectInd = AdocWriteSectionStart(fp, "TSParam", str); if (sectInd) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef SET_TEST_SECT3 #undef NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS // Montage params #define NAV_MONT_PARAMS for (ind = 0; ind < mMontParArray.GetSize(); ind++) { MontParam *montParam = mMontParArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); fprintf(fp, "\n"); sectInd = AdocWriteSectionStart(fp, "MontParam", str); if (sectInd) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef NAV_MONT_PARAMS // File options #define NAV_FILE_OPTS for (ind = 0; ind < mFileOptArray.GetSize(); ind++) { FileOptions *fileOpt = mFileOptArray[ind]; str.Format("%d", ind); fprintf(fp, "\n"); sectInd = AdocWriteSectionStart(fp, "FileOptions", str); if (sectInd) { adocErr++; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } } #undef NAV_FILE_OPTS if (adocErr) { str.Format("%d errors occurred writing Navigator data into file", adocErr); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); } fclose(fp); #undef ADOC_PUT #undef ADOC_ARG #undef INT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN #undef FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef DOUBLE_SETT_ASSIGN } mChanged = false; } // Macros for autodoc reading and handling of assignments of strings and booleans #define ADOC_OPTIONAL(a) \ retval = a; \ if (retval < 0) \ numAdocErr++; #define ADOC_REQUIRED(a) \ retval = a; \ if (retval < 0) \ numAdocErr++; \ if (retval > 0) \ numLackRequired++; #define ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(a) \ if (!retval && adocStr) { \ a = adocStr; \ free(adocStr); \ } #define ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(a) \ if (!retval) \ a = index != 0; // Macros for reading parameter sets to other sections #define INT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &b)); #define BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &index)); \ ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(b); #define FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloat(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &b)); #define DOUBLE_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloat(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &xx)); \ if (!retval) \ b = xx; #define SKIP_ADOC_PUTS #define ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(a) \ if (!retval && adocStr) { \ str2 = adocStr; \ free(adocStr); \ retval = a; \ if (retval > 0) \ numAdocErr++; \ } #define FIND_DUP_OR_ADD(arr, parm, parm2, nwind) \ ind2 = (int)arr.GetSize(); \ for (index = 0; index < ind2; index++) { \ parm2 = arr[index]; \ if (parm2->navID == parm->navID) \ ind2 = index; \ } \ if (ind2 == (int)arr.GetSize()) \ arr.Add(parm); \ else \ delete parm; \ nwind.push_back(ind2); // Loading a file int CNavigatorDlg::LoadNavFile(bool checkAutosave, bool mergeFile, CString *inFilename) { CString str, str2, navRoot, ext, extra, root, lastSavedRoot, name = ""; CStdioFile *cFile = NULL; CFileStatus status; int retval, externalErr, returnVal = 0; bool hasStage; BOOL found; int numSect, numAdocErr, numLackRequired, sectInd = 0, adocIndex = -1; int numToGet, numItemLack = 0, numItemErr = 0, numExtErr = 0; int extErrCounts[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; const char *extErrMess[16] = { "an entry for StageXYZ or more than one entry for a CoordsIn... key", "no map ID entry for DrawnOn", "no map matching the ID given in DrawnOn", "a CoordsIn... key indicating a montage, but the DrawnOn map is not a montage", "an error accessing the montage map file", "a CoordsInPiece entry but no PieceDrawnOn entry", "a montage map missing aligned piece coordinates in the mdoc file", "a montage map missing nominal piece coordinates in the mdoc file", "a montage map file having no mdoc file", "an error accessing the mdoc file by its autodoc index", "", "", "", ""}; int index, i, numPoints, trimCount, ind1, ind2, numFuture = 0, addIndex, highestLabel; float xx, yy, fvals[6], varyVals[NUM_VARY_ELEMENTS * MAX_TS_VARIES]; int numExternal, externalType, numParams, curNum, numDig, maxNum; int holeSkips[2000]; std::set filesNotFound; std::set::iterator fileIter; std::map filesFoundMap; std::map::iterator mapIter; std::string stdstr, stdstr2; IntVec newTSparamInds, newMontParamInds, newFileOptInds; const char *externalKeys[4] = {"CoordsInMap", "CoordsInAliMont", "CoordsInAliMontVS", "CoordsInPiece"}; char *adocStr; TiltSeriesParam *tsParam, *tsp2; TiltSeriesParam *tsMasterParam = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); FileOptions *fileOpt, *fileo2; MontParam *montParam, *montp2, *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); CMapDrawItem *item, *prev, *testItem; int originalSize = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); bool resetAcquireEnd = mAcquireIndex >= 0 && originalSize - 1 <= mEndingAcquireIndex; int version = 100; int mapSkip = 13; if (checkAutosave) { if (mParam->autosaveFile.IsEmpty()) return 1; if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)mParam->autosaveFile, status)) { RemoveAutosaveFile(); return 1; } if (AfxMessageBox("There is an autosaved Navigator file from your previous session:" "\n" + mParam->autosaveFile + "\n\nDo you want to recover this file?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) { RemoveAutosaveFile(); return 1; } else name = mParam->autosaveFile; } else { if (!mergeFile && AskIfSave("loading new data?")) return 1; // If name is supplied, assign to mergeName as happens when get filename from user, // and assign to navFilename if not merging if (inFilename) { mMergeName = *inFilename; if (!mergeFile) { SetCurrentNavFile(*inFilename); } } else { if (GetNavFilename(true, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, mergeFile)) return 1; } name = mMergeName; } mHelper->mCombineHoles->ClearSavedItemArray(true, true); UtilSplitPath(name, navRoot, str); try { // Open the file for reading and verify first line; get optional version cFile = new CStdioFile(name, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite); retval = cFile->ReadString(str); if (retval && (str.Left(11) == "AdocVersion") || (str.Left(5) == "Close(); delete cFile; if (!AdocAcquireMutex()) { SEMMessageBox("The Navigator file is an autodoc and the mutex for accessing it " "could not be acquired", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } adocIndex = AdocRead((LPCTSTR)name); if (adocIndex < 0) { str = "An error occurred reading in the Navigator file as an autodoc"; if (b3dGetError()) str += CString(":\n") + b3dGetError(); SEMMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); AdocReleaseMutex(); return 1; } if (!AdocGetString(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, "LastSavedAs", &adocStr) && adocStr) { str = adocStr; free(adocStr); UtilSplitPath(str, lastSavedRoot, str2); } numSect = AdocGetNumberOfSections("Item"); if (numSect < 0 || AdocGetFloat(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, "AdocVersion", &xx)) { AdocClear(adocIndex); SEMMessageBox(numSect < 0 ? "An error occurred reading the number of items in " "the Navigator file" : "This file is missing the AdocVersion entry " "required for a Navigator file", MB_EXCLAME); AdocReleaseMutex(); return 1; } version = B3DNINT(100. * xx); } else { // Or set up to process the old type of file if (retval && str.Left(7) == "Version") { index = 0; NextTabField(str, index); version = (int)(100. * atof(NextTabField(str, index)) + 0.5); if (version > VERSION_TIMES_100) { SEMMessageBox("The version number of this Navigator file is higher than can be " "read by this version of SerialEM", MB_EXCLAME); cFile->Close(); delete cFile; return 1; } retval = cFile->ReadString(str); } if (!retval || str.Left(5) != "Label") { SEMMessageBox("This file does not have the right starting line\n" " to be a Navigator file", MB_EXCLAME); cFile->Close(); delete cFile; return 1; } // ADD AN ENTRY HERE WHEN YOU ADD MAP ITEMS if (version > 100) mapSkip += 2; if (version > 110) mapSkip += 2; if (version > 130) mapSkip -= 2; if (version > 140) mapSkip += 1; if (version > 142) mapSkip += 1; if (version > 143) mapSkip += 3; if (version > 145) mapSkip += 14; if (version > 148) mapSkip += 2; if (version > 150) mapSkip += 4; if (version > 151) mapSkip += 4; } // Clean up existing data if (!mergeFile) { mHelper->DeleteArrays(); mSetOfIDs.clear(); mNewItemNum = 1; mDualMapID = -1; mHelper->ClearSavedMapMarkerShifts(); } mHelper->SetExtDrawnOnID(0); addIndex = mergeFile ? (int)mItemArray.GetSize() : 0; // Read in the params and file options first if (adocIndex >= 0) { // Tilt series params from macros in include file #define SET_TEST_SECT3 #define NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS #define SECT_NAME "TSParam" numParams = AdocGetNumberOfSections("TSParam"); for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < numParams; ind1++) { tsParam = new TiltSeriesParam; *tsParam = *tsMasterParam; #include "NavAdocParams.h" // Other tilt series items: three ints, extra recs ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetThreeIntegers("TSParam", ind1, "MagIndex", &tsParam->magIndex[0], &tsParam->magIndex[1], &tsParam->magIndex[2])); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetThreeIntegers("TSParam", ind1, "LowMagIndex", &tsParam->lowMagIndex[0], &tsParam->lowMagIndex[1], &tsParam->lowMagIndex[2])); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetThreeIntegers("TSParam", ind1, "BidirAnchMagIndReg", &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[0], &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[2], &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[4])); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetThreeIntegers("TSParam", ind1, "BidirAnchMagIndLD", &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[1], &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[3], &tsParam->bidirAnchorMagInd[5])); if (tsParam->numExtraExposures) { ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraExposures", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(1, str2, tsParam->numExtraExposures, NULL, tsParam->extraExposures,MAX_EXTRA_RECORDS)); } if (tsParam->numExtraFocus) { ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraFocuses", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(1, str2, tsParam->numExtraFocus, NULL, tsParam->extraFocus, MAX_EXTRA_RECORDS)); } if (tsParam->numExtraFilter) { ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraLosses", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(1, str2, tsParam->numExtraFilter, NULL, tsParam->extraLosses, MAX_EXTRA_RECORDS)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraSlits", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(3, str2, tsParam->numExtraFilter, tsParam->extraSlits, NULL, MAX_EXTRA_RECORDS)); } if (tsParam->numExtraChannels) { ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraChannels", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_TO_LIST(mWinApp->mParamIO->StringToEntryList(3, str2, tsParam->numExtraChannels, tsParam->extraChannels, NULL, MAX_STEM_CHANNELS)); } ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetString("TSParam", ind1, "ExtraSuffixes", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(tsParam->extraFileSuffixes); // Varying items if (tsParam->numVaryItems) { numToGet = tsParam->numVaryItems * NUM_VARY_ELEMENTS; ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloatArray("TSParam", ind1, "VaryArray", varyVals, &numToGet, MAX_TS_VARIES * NUM_VARY_ELEMENTS)); if (!retval) { i = 0; for (ind2 = 0; ind2 < tsParam->numVaryItems; ind2++) { tsParam->varyArray[ind2].angle = varyVals[i++]; tsParam->varyArray[ind2].plusMinus = varyVals[i++] != 0.; tsParam->varyArray[ind2].linear = varyVals[i++] != 0.; tsParam->varyArray[ind2].type = (short)varyVals[i++]; tsParam->varyArray[ind2].value = varyVals[i++]; } } } // Find if this param already exists (for a merge) and delete it if so, or add it FIND_DUP_OR_ADD(mTSparamArray, tsParam, tsp2, newTSparamInds); } #undef SET_TEST_SECT3 #undef NAV_OTHER_TS_PARAMS #undef SECT_NAME // Montage params #define NAV_MONT_PARAMS #define SECT_NAME "MontParam" numParams = AdocGetNumberOfSections("MontParam"); for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < numParams; ind1++) { montParam = new MontParam; #include "NavAdocParams.h" FinishMontParamLoad(montParam, ind1, numAdocErr); // Initialize remaining unsaved items montParam->minOverlapFactor = masterMont->minOverlapFactor; montParam->minMicronsOverlap = masterMont->minMicronsOverlap; FIND_DUP_OR_ADD(mMontParArray, montParam, montp2, newMontParamInds); } #undef NAV_MONT_PARAMS #undef SECT_NAME // File options #define NAV_FILE_OPTS #define SECT_NAME "FileOptions" numParams = AdocGetNumberOfSections("FileOptions"); for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < numParams; ind1++) { fileOpt = new FileOptions; #include "NavAdocParams.h" FIND_DUP_OR_ADD(mFileOptArray, fileOpt, fileo2, newFileOptInds); } #undef NAV_FILE_OPTS #undef SECT_NAME #undef INT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN #undef FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef DOUBLE_SETT_ASSIGN #undef SKIP_ADOC_PUTS #undef ADOC_STR_TO_LIST #undef FIND_DUP_OR_ADD } // Loop on entries in either case for (;;) { numAdocErr = numLackRequired = numExternal = externalErr = 0; if (adocIndex >= 0) { // Fetch values from autodoc until # of items satisfied if (sectInd >= numSect) break; item = new CMapDrawItem(); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetSectionName("Item", sectInd, &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(item->mLabel); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Color", &item->mColor)); // Get a stage coordinate or one of the four external pixel coordinate items // Store them all in the same place; require at least one here ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetThreeFloats("Item", sectInd, "StageXYZ", &item->mStageX, &item->mStageY, &item->mStageZ)); hasStage = retval == 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetThreeFloats("Item", sectInd, externalKeys[i], &item->mStageX, &item->mStageY, &item->mStageZ)); if (retval == 0) { numExternal++; externalType = i; } } if (!hasStage && numExternal == 0) numLackRequired++; ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "NumPts", &numPoints)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Corner", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mCorner); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Draw", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mDraw); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "RegPt", &item->mRegPoint)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Regis", &item->mRegistration)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Type", &item->mType)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetString("Item", sectInd, "Note", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(item->mNote); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "GroupID", &item->mGroupID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "PolyID", &item->mPolygonID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Imported", &item->mImported)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "SuperMontXY", &item->mSuperMontX, &item->mSuperMontY)); // The default original reg is the current one item->mOriginalReg = item->mRegistration; ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "OrigReg", &item->mOriginalReg)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Flags", &item->mFlags)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "DrawnID", &item->mDrawnOnMapID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "BklshXY", &item->mBacklashX, &item->mBacklashY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "SamePosId", &item->mAtSamePosID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "FitToPolygonID", &item->mFitToPolygonID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "RawStageXY", &item->mRawStageX, &item->mRawStageY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "Acquire", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mAcquire); // No need to subtract 1, it should be saved as is ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "PieceOn", &item->mPieceDrawnOn)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "XYinPc", &item->mXinPiece, &item->mYinPiece)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "FocusAxisPos",&item->mFocusAxisPos)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "LDAxisAngle", &item->mRotateFocusAxis, &item->mFocusAxisAngle)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "TSstartEndAngles", &item->mTSstartAngle, &item->mTSendAngle)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "TSbidirAngle", &item->mTSbidirAngle)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "TargetDefocus", &item->mTargetDefocus)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "FocusOffsets", &item->mFocusXoffset, &item->mFocusYoffset)); ind1 = ind2 = 0; ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "HoleArray", &ind1, &ind2)); item->mNumXholes = ind1; item->mNumYholes = ind2; numToGet = 0; ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetIntegerArray("Item", sectInd, "SkipHoles", &holeSkips[0], &numToGet, 2000)); if (numToGet) { item->mSkipHolePos = new unsigned char[numToGet]; for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < numToGet; ind1++) item->mSkipHolePos[ind1] = holeSkips[ind1]; item->mNumSkipHoles = numToGet / 2; } ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetThreeFloats("Item", sectInd, "HoleISXspacing", &item->mXHoleISSpacing[0], &item->mXHoleISSpacing[1], &item->mXHoleISSpacing[2])); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetThreeFloats("Item", sectInd, "HoleISYspacing", &item->mYHoleISSpacing[0], &item->mYHoleISSpacing[1], &item->mYHoleISSpacing[2])); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "MarkerShift", &item->mMarkerShiftX, &item->mMarkerShiftY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "ShiftCohortID", &item->mShiftCohortID)); for (ind1 = 1; ind1 <= MAX_NAV_USER_VALUES; ind1++) { str.Format("UserValue%d", ind1); retval = AdocGetString("Item", sectInd, (LPCTSTR)str, &adocStr); if (!retval && adocStr) { mHelper->SetUserValue(item, ind1, CString(adocStr)); free(adocStr); } } ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetString("Item", sectInd, "FileToOpen", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(item->mFileToOpen); // Adjust name to be unique if (!retval && (mHelper->NameToOpenUsed(item->mFileToOpen) || mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(item->mFileToOpen) >= 0)) { root = mHelper->DecomposeNumberedName(item->mFileToOpen, ext, curNum, numDig, extra); str = root; str.MakeUpper(); maxNum = curNum; // Find highest existing number matching the root name for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind1++) { testItem = mItemArray[ind1]; mHelper->CheckForSameRootAndNumber(str, ext, extra, testItem->mFileToOpen, maxNum, numDig); } for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < mDocWnd->GetNumStores(); ind1++) { str2 = (mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(ind1))->getName(); mHelper->CheckForSameRootAndNumber(str, ext, extra, str2, maxNum, numDig); } // Construct new name if (numDig) { str2.Format("%%0%dd", numDig); str.Format((LPCTSTR)str2, maxNum + 1); item->mFileToOpen = root + str + extra + ext; } else { item->mFileToOpen = root + "2" + ext; } } // Read in parameter indexes and map them to new values ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "TSparamIndex", &item->mTSparamIndex)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MontParamIndex", &item->mMontParamIndex)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "FilePropIndex", &item->mFilePropIndex)); if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && item->mTSparamIndex < (int)newTSparamInds.size()) item->mTSparamIndex = newTSparamInds[item->mTSparamIndex]; if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0 && item->mMontParamIndex < (int)newMontParamInds.size()) item->mMontParamIndex = newMontParamInds[item->mMontParamIndex]; if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 && item->mFilePropIndex < (int)newFileOptInds.size()) item->mFilePropIndex = newFileOptInds[item->mFilePropIndex]; if (item->IsMap()) { ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetString("Item", sectInd, "MapFile", &adocStr)); ADOC_STR_ASSIGN(item->mMapFile); if (!retval) UtilSplitPath(item->mMapFile, str, item->mTrimmedName); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapID", &item->mMapID)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapMontage", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mMapMontage); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapSection",&item->mMapSection)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapBinning",&item->mMapBinning)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapMagInd", &item->mMapMagInd)); ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapCamera", &item->mMapCamera)); numToGet = 4; ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloatArray("Item", sectInd, "MapScaleMat", &fvals[0], &numToGet, 4)); if (!retval) { item->mMapScaleMat.xpx = fvals[0]; item->mMapScaleMat.xpy = fvals[1]; item->mMapScaleMat.ypx = fvals[2]; item->mMapScaleMat.ypy = fvals[3]; } numToGet = 6; ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloatArray("Item", sectInd, "GridMapXform", &fvals[0], &numToGet, 6)); if (!retval) { item->mGridMapXform = new float[6]; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) item->mGridMapXform[i] = fvals[i]; } ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "MapWidthHeight", &item->mMapWidth, &item->mMapHeight)); // Make later map items optional item->mMapMinScale = item->mMapMaxScale = 0.; item->mMapFramesX = item->mMapFramesY = 0; item->mMontBinning = 0; item->mMapExposure = 0.; item->mMapSettling = 0.; item->mShutterMode = -1; item->mMapSpotSize = 0; item->mMapIntensity = 0.; item->mMapSlitIn = false; item->mMapSlitWidth = -1.f; ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "MapMinMaxScale", &item->mMapMinScale, &item->mMapMaxScale)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoIntegers("Item", sectInd, "MapFramesXY", &item->mMapFramesX, &item->mMapFramesY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MontBinning", &item->mMontBinning)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "MapExposure",&item->mMapExposure)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "MapSettling",&item->mMapSettling)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "ShutterMode", &item->mShutterMode)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapSpotSize", &item->mMapSpotSize)); // Preserve double precision if it is there ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetString("Item", sectInd, "MapIntensity", &adocStr)); if (!retval) { item->mMapIntensity = atof(adocStr); free(adocStr); } ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapSlitIn", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mMapSlitIn); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "MapSlitWidth", &item->mMapSlitWidth)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "RotOnLoad", &index)); ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(item->mRotOnLoad); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "RealignedID", &item->mRealignedID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "RegisteredToID", &item->mRegisteredToID)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "RealignErrXY", &item->mRealignErrX, &item->mRealignErrX)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "LocalErrXY", &item->mLocalRealiErrX, &item->mLocalRealiErrX)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "RealignReg",&item->mRealignReg)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "ImageType", &item->mImageType)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MontUseStage", &item->mMontUseStage)); // mBacklashX/Y was being saved twice since it was already in map when added // to regular output ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "DefocusOffset", &item->mDefocusOffset)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "K2ReadMode",&item->mK2ReadMode)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "NetViewShiftXY", &item->mNetViewShiftX, &item->mNetViewShiftY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapAlpha", &item->mMapAlpha)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "ViewBeamShiftXY", &item->mViewBeamShiftX, &item->mViewBeamShiftY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetTwoFloats("Item", sectInd, "ViewBeamTiltXY", &item->mViewBeamTiltX, &item->mViewBeamTiltY)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapProbeMode", &item->mMapProbeMode)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapLDConSet", &item->mMapLowDoseConSet)); ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetFloat("Item", sectInd, "MapTiltAngle", &item->mMapTiltAngle)); } else { ADOC_OPTIONAL(AdocGetInteger("Item", sectInd, "MapID", &item->mMapID)); } // Get all the points: optional for external item if (numPoints > 0) { item->mPtX = new float[numPoints]; item->mPtY = new float[numPoints]; item->mNumPoints = numPoints; item->mMaxPoints = numPoints; numToGet = numPoints; ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloatArray("Item", sectInd, "PtsX", &item->mPtX[0], &numToGet, numPoints)); numToGet = numPoints; ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloatArray("Item", sectInd, "PtsY", &item->mPtY[0], &numToGet, numPoints)); } else if (numExternal && item->IsPoint()) { item->AppendPoint(item->mStageX, item->mStageY); } else { numLackRequired++; } // Process an external item, first making sure there is only one entry if (numExternal && !numLackRequired && !numAdocErr) { if (hasStage || numExternal > 1) { ind1 = NEXERR_MULTIPLE_ENTRY; } else { ind1 = mHelper->ProcessExternalItem(item, externalType); } if (ind1) { extErrCounts[ind1]++; externalErr = 1; if (GetDebugOutput('n')) PrintfToLog("Error for external item %s: has %s", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, extErrMess[ind1]); } } sectInd++; } else { // Or read lines from old table until the end if (!cFile->ReadString(str)) break; index = 0; item = new CMapDrawItem(); item->mLabel = NextTabField(str, index); item->mColor = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mStageX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mStageY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mStageZ = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); numPoints = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mCorner = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) != 0; item->mDraw = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) != 0; item->mRegPoint = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRegistration = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mType = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mNote = NextTabField(str, index); if (version > 130) { item->mGroupID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mPolygonID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mImported = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version >= 142) { item->mSuperMontX = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mSuperMontY = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version >= 145) { item->mOriginalReg = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mDrawnOnMapID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version > 146) { item->mBacklashX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mBacklashY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version > 147) { item->mAtSamePosID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRawStageX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRawStageX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version > 149) { item->mAcquire = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) != 0; // Convert a placekeeper 0 to -1 for no piece index, saved index + 1 above item->mPieceDrawnOn = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) - 1; NextTabField(str, index); } if (item->IsMap()) { item->mMapFile = NextTabField(str, index); trimCount = item->mMapFile.GetLength() - (item->mMapFile.ReverseFind('\\') + 1); item->mTrimmedName = item->mMapFile.Right(trimCount); item->mMapID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapMontage = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) != 0; item->mMapSection = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapBinning = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapMagInd = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapCamera = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapScaleMat.xpx = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapScaleMat.xpy = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapScaleMat.ypx = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapScaleMat.ypy = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapWidth = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapHeight = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); if (version > 100) { item->mMapMinScale = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapMaxScale = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } else item->mMapMinScale = item->mMapMaxScale = 0.; if (version > 110) { item->mMapFramesX = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapFramesY = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } else item->mMapFramesX = item->mMapFramesY = 0; if (version > 120) { item->mMontBinning = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapExposure = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapSettling = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mShutterMode = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapSpotSize = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapIntensity = atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mMapSlitIn = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) > 0; item->mMapSlitWidth = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRotOnLoad = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)) > 0; item->mRealignedID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRealignErrX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRealignErrY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } else { item->mMontBinning = 0; item->mMapExposure = 0.; item->mMapSettling = 0.; item->mShutterMode = -1; item->mMapSpotSize = 0; item->mMapIntensity = 0.; item->mMapSlitIn = false; item->mMapSlitWidth = -1.f; } if (version > 143) { item->mLocalRealiErrX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mLocalRealiErrY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mRealignReg = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version > 140) item->mImageType = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); if (version > 142) item->mMontUseStage = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); if (version == 146) { item->mBacklashX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mBacklashY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } else if (version > 146) { item->mDefocusOffset = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mK2ReadMode = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } if (version > 148) { item->mNetViewShiftX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mNetViewShiftY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); } // Both 151 and 152 left 3 unused, then 152 used one up if (version > 150) { item->mMapAlpha = B3DNINT(atof(NextTabField(str, index))); numFuture = 3; } if (version > 151) { item->mViewBeamShiftX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mViewBeamShiftY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mViewBeamTiltX = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->mViewBeamTiltY = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); // Convert placekeeper 0 to a -1 for both probe and conset item->mMapProbeMode = B3DNINT(atof(NextTabField(str, index))) - 1; item->mMapLowDoseConSet = B3DNINT(atof(NextTabField(str, index))) - 1; numFuture = 1; } for (i = 0; i < numFuture; i++) NextTabField(str, index); } else { // If not reading map file entries, skip one, get map id, skip the rest if (version > 130) { NextTabField(str, index); item->mMapID = atoi(NextTabField(str, index)); } for (i = 0; i < mapSkip; i++) NextTabField(str, index); } for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { xx = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); yy = (float)atof(NextTabField(str, index)); item->AppendPoint(xx, yy); } } if (numAdocErr + numLackRequired + externalErr == 0) { // Check that map file is there and corect name if (item->IsMap() && !item->mTrimmedName.IsEmpty()) { // First see if it is in the map of found files, if so just assign name stdstr = (LPCTSTR)item->mMapFile; if (filesFoundMap.count(stdstr)) { mapIter = filesFoundMap.find(stdstr); item->mMapFile = mapIter->second.c_str(); } else { // Otherwise look for it where it is supposed to be, then in dir of nav file str = item->mMapFile; found = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)str, status); if (!found) { str = navRoot + "\\" + item->mTrimmedName; found = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)str, status); } // Then look for it in relative path locations indicated by ./ or ../, and // then go relative to the saved location of the nav file if (!found && item->mMapFile.Find("./") == 0 || item->mMapFile.Find(".\\") == 0 || item->mMapFile.Find("../") == 0 || item->mMapFile.Find("..\\") == 0) { str = navRoot + "\\" + item->mMapFile; found = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)str, status); } if (!found && !lastSavedRoot.IsEmpty()) { UtilSplitPath(item->mMapFile, str2, str); if (!UtilRelativePath(lastSavedRoot, str2, str)) { str = navRoot + "\\" + str + "\\" + item->mTrimmedName; found = CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)str, status); } } // If found add to map, if not add to set of not found ones if (found) { stdstr2 = (LPCTSTR)str; filesFoundMap.insert(std::pair(stdstr, stdstr2)); item->mMapFile = str; } else if (!found) { filesNotFound.insert(stdstr); } } } // For merging, check that the map ID is not previously present or that point is // not at the same position index = 1; if (mergeFile) { highestLabel = -1; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { prev = mItemArray.GetAt(i); if (prev->mMapID == item->mMapID && (item->mMapID || (fabs((double)prev->mStageX - item->mStageX) < 1.e-5 && fabs((double)prev->mStageY - item->mStageY) < 1.e-5))) { index = 0; break; } if (prev->mLabel == item->mLabel) { highestLabel = B3DMAX(highestLabel, 0); } else if (prev->mLabel.Find(item->mLabel + '-') == 0) { ind1 = item->mLabel.GetLength() + 1; ind2 = prev->mLabel.GetLength(); if (ind2 > ind1) { str = prev->mLabel.Right(ind2 - ind1); ind1 = atoi((LPCTSTR)str); highestLabel = B3DMAX(highestLabel, ind1); } } } if (index && highestLabel >= 0) item->mLabel.Format("%s-%d", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, highestLabel + 1); } // Add to array and get new item number past highest number in a label if (index) { if (numExternal && !item->mMapID) item->mMapID = MakeUniqueID(); mItemArray.InsertAt(addIndex++, item); i = atoi((LPCTSTR)item->mLabel) + 1; mNewItemNum = B3DMAX(mNewItemNum, i); if (item->mMapID) mSetOfIDs.insert(item->mMapID); if (item->mGroupID) mSetOfIDs.insert(item->mGroupID); if (item->mShiftCohortID) mSetOfIDs.insert(item->mShiftCohortID); } } else { // Upon any error for an item, toss it out and increment error count delete item; numItemErr += (numAdocErr ? 1 : 0); numItemLack += (numLackRequired ? 1 : 0); numExtErr += externalErr; } } } catch(CFileException *perr) { TCHAR szCause[255]; perr->GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255); perr->Delete(); str = "Error reading from file " + mNavFilename + ":" + szCause; SEMMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); returnVal = 1; } if (adocIndex >= 0) { AdocClear(adocIndex); AdocReleaseMutex(); } else if (cFile) { cFile->Close(); delete cFile; } mHelper->CleanupFromExternalFileAccess(); // Give error summaries if (numItemErr + numItemLack + numExtErr > 0) { str.Format("%d items could not be read in from Navigator file:\r\n" " %d items gave an error getting the data\r\n" " %d items were missing a required piece of data", numItemErr + numItemLack + numExtErr, numItemErr, numItemLack); if (numExtErr > 0) { str2.Format("\r\n %d externally added items with a processing error (see log for" " details)", numExtErr); str += str2; PrintfToLog("\r\nSummary of errors in processing externally added items:"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if (extErrCounts[i]) PrintfToLog(" %d item(s) with %s", extErrCounts[i], extErrMess[i]); if (GetDebugOutput('n')) PrintfToLog(" "); else PrintfToLog("Set Debug Output to \"n\" for details on each item\r\n"); } SEMMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); returnVal = 1; } if (filesNotFound.size()) { str = "The following map file(s) were not found either in \r\n" "their original location or with the Navigator file:\r\n\r\n"; for (fileIter = filesNotFound.begin(); fileIter != filesNotFound.end(); fileIter++) str += CString(fileIter->c_str()) + "\r\n"; str += "\r\nTo access these maps, move them into the directory with the current" " Navigator file"; mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); SEMMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); returnVal = 1; } mHelper->CheckForBadParamIndexes(); mHelper->RecomputeArrayRefs(); // Set up list box and counters SetCurrentRegFromMax(); SetRegPtNum(GetFreeRegPtNum(mCurrentRegistration, 0)); mCurrentItem = B3DMIN(B3DMAX(0, mCurrentItem), (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1); if (m_bCollapseGroups) MakeListMappings(); FillListBox(false, mergeFile); Redraw(); mChanged = mergeFile; if (resetAcquireEnd) { mEndingAcquireIndex = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; mHelper->CountAcquireItems(originalSize, mEndingAcquireIndex, numSect, numToGet); mInitialNumAcquire += (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? numToGet : numSect); } if (mHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); return returnVal; } // Finish loading a montage param from Nav file or multigrid session file void CNavigatorDlg::FinishMontParamLoad(MontParam *montParam, int ind1, int &numAdocErr) { int ind2, numToGet; int holeSkips[2000]; // Initialize unsaved items montParam->settingsUsed = false; montParam->warnedBinChange = false; montParam->warnedMagChange = false; montParam->warnedCamChange = false; montParam->warnedCalOpen = false; montParam->warnedCalAcquire = false; montParam->warnedConSetBin = false; montParam->zMax = 0; montParam->zCurrent = 0; montParam->byteMinScale = 0.; montParam->byteMaxScale = 0.; // Take care of skip list if (montParam->numToSkip > 0) { montParam->skipPieceX.resize(montParam->numToSkip); numToGet = montParam->numToSkip; if (AdocGetIntegerArray("MontParam", ind1, "SkipPieceX", holeSkips, &numToGet, 2000)) { numAdocErr++; } else { for (ind2 = 0; ind2 < montParam->numToSkip; ind2++) montParam->skipPieceX[ind2] = (short)holeSkips[ind2]; } montParam->skipPieceY.resize(montParam->numToSkip); if (AdocGetIntegerArray("MontParam", ind1, "SkipPieceY", holeSkips, &numToGet, 2000)) { numAdocErr++; } else { for (ind2 = 0; ind2 < montParam->numToSkip; ind2++) montParam->skipPieceY[ind2] = (short)holeSkips[ind2]; } } } // Get the filename for reading or writing int CNavigatorDlg::GetNavFilename(BOOL openFile, DWORD flags, bool mergeFile) { CString str, str2; static char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "Navigator files (*.nav)|*.nav|All files (*.*)|*.*||"; if (mHelper->mMultiGridDlg && !openFile && !mNavFilename.IsEmpty()) { UtilSplitPath(mNavFilename, str, str2); } MyFileDialog fileDlg(openFile, ".nav", NULL, flags, szFilter,NULL, !str.IsEmpty()); if (!str.IsEmpty()) fileDlg.mfdTD.lpstrInitialDir = str; int result = fileDlg.DoModal(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (result != IDOK) return 1; mMergeName = fileDlg.GetPathName(); if (mMergeName.IsEmpty()) return 1; if (mergeFile) return 0; SetCurrentNavFile(mMergeName); return 0; } // Get a filename for reading stock items; initialize to last file int CNavigatorDlg::GetStockFilename(void) { static char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "Navigator files (*.nav)|*.nav|All files (*.*)|*.*||"; LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL; if (!mParam->stockFile.IsEmpty()) lpszFileName = mParam->stockFile; MyFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, ".nav", lpszFileName, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilter); int result = fileDlg.DoModal(); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (result != IDOK) return 1; mParam->stockFile = fileDlg.GetPathName(); if (mParam->stockFile.IsEmpty()) return 1; return 0; } // Get next field of file CString CNavigatorDlg::NextTabField(CString inStr, int &index) { CString str = ""; if (index >= inStr.GetLength()) return str; int start = index;// ? index - 1 : 0; int next = inStr.Find('\t', start); if (next < 0) next = inStr.GetLength(); str = inStr.Mid(index, next - index); index = next + 1; return str; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ACQUIRING SEQUENCE OF MARKED AREAS AND MAKING MAPS / RUNNING MACRO / DOING TILT SERIES // Initiate Acquisition void CNavigatorDlg::AcquireAreas(int source, bool dlgClosing, bool useTempParams) { int loop, ind, loopStart, loopEnd, macnum, numNoMap = 0, numAtEdge = 0, acqIndex; int groupID = -1; BOOL rangeErr = false; BOOL runPremacro, runPostmacro; bool takingMap, takingImage, doingMultishot; bool fromMenu = source == 1; bool fromMultigrid = source > 1; int mgParamSet = B3DMIN(1, source - 2); CString *macros = mWinApp->GetMacros(); CString mess, mess2; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); DriftWaitParams *dwParam = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetDriftWaitParams(); CNavAcquireDlg *dlg; if (!dlgClosing && mNavAcquireDlg) { if (source) { mNavAcquireDlg->BringWindowToTop(); if (fromMultigrid) { mNavAcquireDlg->HijackByMultiGrid(B3DMIN(1, mgParamSet)); } } else SEMMessageBox("You cannot start Navigator acquisition with the acquire dialog " "open"); return; } mUseTempAcqParams = useTempParams; if (!dlgClosing) { mNavAcquireDlg = new CNavAcquireDlg(); dlg = mNavAcquireDlg; dlg->mNumArrayItems = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); if (fromMultigrid && source < NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_MMM) { dlg->m_bDoSubset = false; dlg->mLastNonTStype = mAcqParm->nonTSacquireType; dlg->m_iCurParamSet = mgParamSet; dlg->mOpenedFromMultiGrid = true; } else { // If postponed, set subset from postponed values; otherwise initialize to no subset if (mAcqDlgPostponed && !useTempParams) { dlg->m_iSubsetStart = B3DMIN(mPostponedSubsetStart, dlg->mNumArrayItems); dlg->m_iSubsetEnd = B3DMIN(mPostponedSubsetEnd, dlg->mNumArrayItems); dlg->m_bDoSubset = mPostposedDoSubset; } else { dlg->m_iSubsetStart = 1; dlg->m_iSubsetEnd = dlg->mNumArrayItems; dlg->m_bDoSubset = false; } dlg->mLastNonTStype = mAcqParm->nonTSacquireType; EvaluateAcquiresForDlg(dlg); } // Run the dialog if (source && source < NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_MMM) { dlg->AcquireTypeToOptions(mAcqParm->nonTSacquireType); if (dlg->mAnyTSpoints && !fromMultigrid) dlg->AcquireTypeToOptions(ACQUIRE_DO_TS); if (fromMultigrid) { dlg->mAnyTSpoints = true; dlg->mAnyAcquirePoints = true; } mNavAcquireDlg->Create(IDD_NAVACQUIRE); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mNavAcquireDlg, mHelper->GetAcquireDlgPlacement(false)); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); ManageCurrentControls(); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return; } else { if (!useTempParams || source == NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_ACQ) mAcqParm->acquireType = dlg->mAnyTSpoints ? ACQUIRE_DO_TS : mAcqParm->nonTSacquireType; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS && !dlg->mAnyAcquirePoints) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } } else { // When dialog closing, process results dlg = mNavAcquireDlg; if (dlg->mPostponed < 0 || (!dlg->mAnyAcquirePoints && !dlg->mAnyTSpoints && !dlg->mOpenedFromMultiGrid)) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } if (dlg->OptionsToAcquireType() != ACQUIRE_DO_TS) mAcqParm->nonTSacquireType = dlg->OptionsToAcquireType(); mAcqParm->acquireType = dlg->OptionsToAcquireType(); // Postponing: save subset parameters mAcqDlgPostponed = dlg->mPostponed > 0; if (mAcqDlgPostponed) { if (!dlg->mOpenedFromMultiGrid) { mPostponedSubsetStart = dlg->m_iSubsetStart; mPostponedSubsetEnd = dlg->m_iSubsetEnd; mPostposedDoSubset = dlg->m_bDoSubset; } ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } // Set up to run script at end if it is legal index mScriptToRunAtEnd = -1; if (!mResumedFromPause) { if (mAcqParm->runEndMacro && mAcqParm->endMacroInd >= 0 && mAcqParm->endMacroInd < MAX_MACROS) mScriptToRunAtEnd = mAcqParm->endMacroInd - 1; else if (mRunScriptAfterNextAcq >= 0 && mRunScriptAfterNextAcq < MAX_MACROS) mScriptToRunAtEnd = mRunScriptAfterNextAcq; mRunScriptAfterNextAcq = -1; if (mScriptToRunAtEnd >= 0 && mMacroProcessor->EnsureMacroRunnable(mScriptToRunAtEnd)) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } mRetractAtAcqEnd = mWinApp->GetAnyRetractableCams() && mAcqParm->retractCameras; runPremacro = mAcqParm->runPremacro; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS && (!useTempParams || fromMultigrid)) runPremacro = mAcqParm->runPremacroNonTS; runPostmacro = mAcqParm->runPostmacro; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS && (!useTempParams || fromMultigrid)) runPostmacro = mAcqParm->runPostmacroNonTS; setOrClearFlags(&mAcqActions[NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, runPremacro); setOrClearFlags(&mAcqActions[NAACT_RUN_POSTMACRO].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, runPostmacro); if (mAcqParm->skipInitialMove && OKtoSkipStageMove(mAcqParm) != 0 && (fromMenu || dlgClosing)) { loop = IDYES; if (mParam->warnedOnSkipMove) mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: Skipping stage move when possible; relying on your" " script to move stage or run Realign to Item"); else loop = AfxMessageBox("WARNING: You have selected to skip the stage move to " "item when possible. Your script must either run Realign to Item or do the stage " "move explicitly.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?", MB_QUESTION); mParam->warnedOnSkipMove = true; if (loop != IDYES) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } mSkipStageMoveInAcquire = mAcqParm->skipInitialMove; // Set up for macro, or check file if images if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO || runPremacro || runPostmacro) { loopStart = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO ? 0 : 1; loopEnd = (runPremacro || runPostmacro) ? 3 : 1; for (loop = loopStart; loop < loopEnd; loop++) { macnum = -1; if (loop == 1 && runPremacro) macnum = ((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS || useTempParams) ? mAcqParm->preMacroInd : mAcqParm->preMacroIndNonTS) - 1; if (loop == 2 && runPostmacro) macnum = ((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS || useTempParams) ? mAcqParm->postMacroInd : mAcqParm->postMacroIndNonTS) - 1; if (loop == 0) macnum = mAcqParm->macroIndex - 1; if (macnum >= 0 && mMacroProcessor->EnsureMacroRunnable(macnum)) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } // Set to nonresumable so it will not look like it is paused and we can go on mMacroProcessor->SetNonResumable(); } // Set convenience flag for early return and check conditions takingMap = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP; takingImage = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_IMAGE_ONLY; doingMultishot = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT; mDoingEarlyReturn = (takingMap || takingImage) && camParams->K2Type && !mWinApp->Montaging() && mAcqParm->earlyReturn; if (takingMap && mDoingEarlyReturn && !mAcqParm->numEarlyFrames) { AfxMessageBox("You must have a non-zero value for the number\n" "of early return frames when acquiring maps", MB_EXCLAME); ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } mHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(false); // If there is no file open for regular acquire, make sure one will be opened on // first item mSkippingSave = (mDoingEarlyReturn && !mAcqParm->numEarlyFrames) || mAcqParm->skipSaving; if (dlg->mNumAcqBeforeFile && ((!mWinApp->mStoreMRC && !mSkippingSave && (takingMap || takingImage)) || ((!mWinApp->mStoreMRC || mWinApp->Montaging()) && doingMultishot && mHelper->IsMultishotSaving()))) { loop = 1; if (source == NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_ACQ) { mIgnoreUpdates = true; loop = mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->OpenFileForFinalAcq(); mIgnoreUpdates = false; } else AfxMessageBox("There is no open " + CString(doingMultishot ? "single-frame " : "") + "image file and\nno file set to open on first acquire item.", MB_EXCLAME); if (loop) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } } // Now if realigning, make sure there are suitable maps; and check for mismatches // in camera between state and parameters, or for changes in binning // Set acquire on first so the map finding assumes the correct low dose area acqIndex = 0; mEndingAcquireIndex = dlg->mNumArrayItems - 1; if (dlg->m_bDoSubset) { acqIndex = B3DMAX(0, dlg->m_iSubsetStart - 1); mEndingAcquireIndex = B3DMIN(mEndingAcquireIndex, dlg->m_iSubsetEnd - 1); } if (mHelper->AssessAcquireProblems(acqIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex)) { ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); return; } mAcquireIndex = acqIndex; mStartingAcquireIndex = mAcquireIndex; // done with dialog mInitialNumAcquire = 0; ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(fromMenu, dlgClosing); // Initialize the action run-time data mAcquireCounter = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < mHelper->GetNumAcqActions(); ind++) { mAcqActions[ind].lastDoneAtX = -10000.; mAcqActions[ind].lastDoneAtY = -10000.; mAcqActions[ind].timeLastDone = -1; } mAcqCycleDefocus = mAcqParm->cycleDefocus && (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS || mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO || DOING_ACTION(NAACT_RUN_POSTMACRO) || DOING_ACTION(NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO) || DOING_ACTION(NAACT_AUTOFOCUS) || (DOING_ACTION(NAACT_WAIT_DRIFT) && dwParam->measureType == WFD_WITHIN_AUTOFOC)); if (mAcqCycleDefocus) mFocusCycleCounter = 0; mAcqStepIndex = -1; mSavedTargetDefocus = mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); mNumAcquired = 0; mNumAcqFilesLeftOpen = 0; mAcquireEnded = 0; mUsedPreExistingMont = false; mPausedAcquire = false; mResumedFromPause = false; mEmailWasSent = false; mResetAcquireIndex = false; mLastGroupID = 0; mGroupIDtoSkip = 0; mLastMapForVectors = -1; mSelectedItems.clear(); mNumReconnectsInAcq = 0; mReconnectedInAcq = false; mSaveCollapsed = m_bCollapseGroups; SetCollapsing(false); if (FindAndSetupNextAcquireArea()) { mAcquireIndex = -1; mFocusCycleCounter = -1; SetCollapsing(mSaveCollapsed); return; } mHelper->CountAcquireItems(mAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, loop, loopEnd); mInitialNumAcquire = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? loopEnd : loop; if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT) mHelper->CountHoleAcquires(mAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, 0, loop, loopEnd, mInitialTotalShots); mElapsedAcqTime = 0.; mLastAcqDoneTime = GetTickCount(); mLastAcquireTicks = mLastAcqDoneTime; mNumDoneAcq = 0; mNumTotalShotsAcq = 0; mLastMontLeft = -1.; if (!mScope->FastColumnValvesOpen()) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Opening valves for acquisition!"); mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(true, false); } if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) { mSaveAlignOnSave = mBufferManager->GetAlignOnSave(); mSaveProtectRecord = mBufferManager->GetConfirmBeforeDestroy(3); mBufferManager->SetAlignOnSave(false); mBufferManager->SetConfirmBeforeDestroy(3, 0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, "ACQUIRING AREAS"); } mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); AcquireNextTask(0); } // Function for cleaning up from either dialog closing or working with temporary dialog void CNavigatorDlg::ManageAcquireDlgCleanup(bool fromMenu, bool dlgClosing) { if (dlgClosing && !fromMenu && mHelper->mMGSettingsDlg) mHelper->mMGSettingsDlg->RestorePreDlgParams(mNavAcquireDlg->mPostponed); if (!fromMenu && !dlgClosing) delete mNavAcquireDlg; mNavAcquireDlg = NULL; if (dlgClosing) { mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); ManageCurrentControls(); } } // Perform next task in acquisition sequence void CNavigatorDlg::AcquireNextTask(int param) { int err, len, zval, act, ind, next, after, timeOut = 0, elsewhereInd = -100; int stopErr = 0; unsigned char lastChar; CString report, str; bool skippingGroup; float hours, target, oldTarget; double ISX, ISY, ticks; BOOL runIt, vppNearestSave; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); CMapDrawItem *item, *nextItem, *mapItem; TiltSeriesParam *tsp; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); MultiShotParams *msParams = mHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); DriftWaitParams *dwParam = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetDriftWaitParams(); VppConditionParams *vppParams = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->GetVppConditionParams(); ComaVsISCalib *comaVsIS = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetComaVsIScal(); NavAlignParams *aliParams = mHelper->GetNavAlignParams(); DewarVacParams *dvParams = mScope->GetDewarVacParams(); BOOL *tsStoreExtra = mWinApp->mTSController->GetStoreExtra(); int *tsExtraFileStarts = mWinApp->mTSController->GetExtraFileStarts(); mMovingStage = false; mStartedTS = false; int *actOrder = mHelper->GetAcqActCurrentOrder(mHelper->GetAcqParamIndexToUse()); const char *stepNames[ACQ_MAX_STEPS] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Setup next item", "Open file if needed", "Acquire image/montage", "Do multishot", "Run script", "Tilt series", "Move to item", "Manage backlash", "Move to other item", "Relax stage"}; if (mAcquireIndex < 0) return; if (mReconnectedInAcq && SEMTickInterval(mReconnectStartTime) < 5000) { Sleep(10); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE, 0, 0); return; } item = mItemArray[mAcquireIndex]; if (mAcqStepIndex < 0) { // SET UP THE SEQUENCE mNumAcqSteps = 0; mStepIndForDewarCheck = -1; mDidEucentricity = false; mWillDoTemplateAlign = false; mWillRelaxStage = false; mAcqMadeMapWithID = 0; for (after = 0; after < 2; after++) { // Do final things before primary action, at start of second loop if (after) { // Check for adding a stage relaxation after last move unless currently elsewhere if (mAcqParm->relaxStage && elsewhereInd == -1) { for (ind = mNumAcqSteps - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { if (mAcqSteps[ind] == ACQ_MOVE_TO_AREA || mAcqSteps[ind] == NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM || (mAcqSteps[ind] == NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE && aliParams->maxNumResetIS > 0)) { for (next = mNumAcqSteps - 1; next > ind; next--) mAcqSteps[next + 1] = mAcqSteps[next]; mNumAcqSteps++; mAcqSteps[ind + 1] = ACQ_RELAX_STAGE; mWillRelaxStage = true; break; } } } // Add another dewar/PVP check if it is being done, it was not just added, // flag is set to do checks before task and one of the checks is selected // Record the index where it should just check if (DOING_ACTION(NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS) && (!mNumAcqSteps || mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps - 1] != NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS) && dvParams->doChecksBeforeTask && (dvParams->checkDewars || dvParams->checkPVP)) { mStepIndForDewarCheck = mNumAcqSteps; mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS; } // Move stage if it is elsewhere, unless skipping is selected and the primary task // is a script. Not calling OKtoSkipStageMove with its current simple form if (elsewhereInd != -1 && !(mAcqParm->skipInitialMove && mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO)) { mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_MOVE_TO_AREA; elsewhereInd = -1; if (mAcqParm->relaxStage) { mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_RELAX_STAGE; mWillRelaxStage = true; } } //Open file if needed and run the primary task mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_OPEN_FILE; if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_RUN_MACRO; else if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS) mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_START_TS; else if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT) mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_DO_MULTISHOT; else mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_ACQUIRE; } // Loop on the actions, selecting the ones to run before the first time, after the // second time for (ind = 0; ind < mHelper->GetNumAcqActions(); ind++) { act = actOrder[ind]; if (!BOOL_EQUIV((mAcqActions[act].flags & NAA_FLAG_AFTER_ITEM) != 0, after > 0) || !DOING_ACTION(act)) continue; runIt = false; if (act == NAACT_HOLE_FINDER && mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP) continue; // See if it is to be run for this item switch (mAcqActions[act].timingType) { case NAA_EVERY_N_ITEMS: runIt = mAcqActions[act].everyNitems < 2 || mAcquireCounter % mAcqActions[act].everyNitems == 0; break; case NAA_GROUP_START: runIt = mFirstInGroup; break; case NAA_GROUP_END: nextItem = NULL; for (next = mAcquireIndex + 1; next <= mEndingAcquireIndex; next++) { nextItem = mItemArray[next]; if (IsItemToBeAcquired(nextItem, skippingGroup)) break; } runIt = nextItem && nextItem->mGroupID != item->mGroupID; break; case NAA_AFTER_TIME: // Hardware dark reference and FEG flashing times are kept track of by system if (act == NAACT_HW_DARK_REF || (JEOLscope && act == NAACT_FLASH_FEG)) { runIt = true; // Refine ZLP has its own time stamp } else if (act == NAACT_REFINE_ZLP) { if (mWinApp->GetEFTEMMode() && SEMTickInterval(1000. * filtParam->alignZLPTimeStamp) > 60000. * mAcqActions[act].minutes) runIt = true; // Everything else, the time is kept track of here } else if (mAcqActions[act].timeLastDone < 0 || mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp() - mAcqActions[act].timeLastDone >= mAcqActions[act].minutes) { runIt = true; mAcqActions[act].timeLastDone = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); } break; case NAA_IF_SEPARATED: if (sqrt(pow(item->mStageX - mAcqActions[act].lastDoneAtX, 2.f) + pow(item->mStageY - mAcqActions[act].lastDoneAtY, 2.f)) >= mAcqActions[act].distance) { runIt = true; mAcqActions[act].lastDoneAtX = item->mStageX; mAcqActions[act].lastDoneAtY = item->mStageY; } break; } // If running it, now see if it is done elsewhere and if it is not already there, // move there; if not to be done elsewhere and still elsewhere, go to area if (runIt) { // Any site OK, do not change location if (mAcqActions[act].flags & NAA_FLAG_ANY_SITE_OK) { // Realign to item DOES change to position } else if (act == NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM) { elsewhereInd = -1; // Other site, check if same and set it up if not } else if (mAcqActions[act].flags & NAA_FLAG_OTHER_SITE) { next = mHelper->FindNearestItemMatchingText(item->mStageX, item->mStageY, mAcqActions[act].labelOrNote, (mAcqActions[act].flags & NAA_FLAG_MATCH_NOTE) != 0); if (next != elsewhereInd) { mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_MOVE_ELSEWHERE; elsewhereInd = next; } // But if doing VPP, no other site specified here, but vpp params have a // different site, mark it as elsewhere, non-matching, and it will do the move } else if (act == NAACT_CONDITION_VPP && vppParams->useNearestNav) { elsewhereInd = 99; // If skipping selected and this is the ONLY macro being run, have to trust // them and say it is now moved to position } else if (act == NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO && mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQ_RUN_MACRO && mAcqParm->skipInitialMove) { elsewhereInd = -1; // Otherwise move to area if necessary } else if (elsewhereInd != -1 && act != NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM) { mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_MOVE_TO_AREA; elsewhereInd = -1; } if (act == NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE) mWillDoTemplateAlign = true; mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = act; } } // At the very end, find next item if any if (after) mAcqSteps[mNumAcqSteps++] = ACQ_FIND_SETUP_NEXT; } if (GetDebugOutput('n')) { for (ind = 0; ind < mNumAcqSteps; ind++) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(mAcqSteps[ind] < mHelper->GetNumAcqActions() ? mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[ind]].name : stepNames[mAcqSteps[ind]]); } } // Handle defocus target cycling if (mAcqCycleDefocus) { target = (float)(mAcqParm->cycleDefFrom + (mAcqParm->cycleDefTo - mAcqParm->cycleDefFrom) * mFocusCycleCounter / mAcqParm->cycleSteps); oldTarget = mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); mWinApp->mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(target); mScope->IncDefocus(target - oldTarget); mFocusCycleCounter = (mFocusCycleCounter + 1) % (mAcqParm->cycleSteps + 1); PrintfToLog("Target defocus set to %.2f um and scope defocus changed by %.2f", target, target - oldTarget); } // Handle hole vectors for multishot if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && !msParams->useCustomHoles && mAcqParm->useMapHoleVectors) { ind = mAcquireIndex; // Get map item and process vectors if it is different from last err = GetMapOrMapDrawnOn(mAcquireIndex, mapItem, str); if (err < 0) ind = mFoundItem; if (err > 0) { } else if (ind != mLastMapForVectors) { mLastMapForVectors = ind; if (mapItem->mXHoleISSpacing[0] == 0. && mapItem->mYHoleISSpacing[0] == 0.) { PrintfToLog("Cannot change hole shifts for map %s; there are no stored vectors", (LPCTSTR)mapItem->mLabel); err = 1; } else { // Assign the vectors and adjust them if possible mHelper->AssignNavItemHoleVectors(mapItem); if (msParams->adjustingXform.xpx && msParams->xformFromMag) { err = mHelper->AdjustMultiShotVectors(msParams, B3DCHOICE( msParams->useCustomHoles, 1, msParams->doHexArray ? -1 : 0), false, str); if (err) PrintfToLog("Cannot apply adjustment to hole shifts %s: %s", mapItem->mLabel, (LPCTSTR)str); } } if (!err) PrintfToLog("Changed hole shifts for items drawn on map %s", (LPCTSTR)mapItem->mLabel); } } } else { // Check for reconnect after timeout and advance to next point if (mReconnectedInAcq) { mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex] = ACQ_MAX_STEPS + 1; mReconnectedInAcq = false; } // PROCESS THE PRECEDING ACTION switch (mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]) { // After reconnect case ACQ_MAX_STEPS +1: SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, " that resulted in reconnecting to scope"); break; // After acquisition case ACQ_ACQUIRE: ManageNumDoneAcquired(); RestoreBeamTiltIfSaved(); if (!mSkippingSave || mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP) { if (mWinApp->Montaging()) { zval = mWinApp->mMontageWindow.m_iCurrentZ - 1; } else { if (!mBufferManager->IsBufferSavable(mImBufs)) { StopAcquiring(); SEMMessageBox("This image cannot be saved to the currently open file.\n\n" "Switch to a different file"); return; } if (mBufferManager->CheckAsyncSaving()) return; zval = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth(); if (mBufferManager->SaveImageBuffer(mWinApp->mStoreMRC)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } } } report.Format("%s acquired at item # %d with label %s", mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP ? "Map" : "Image", mAcquireIndex + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); if (!mSkippingSave || mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP) { str.Format(" saved at Z = %d", zval); report += str; } ticks = GetTickCount(); str.Format(" (in %.1f sec)", 0.001 * SEMTickInterval(ticks, mLastAcquireTicks)); report += str; mLastAcquireTicks = ticks; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP) report += "\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------"; mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); item->mDraw = mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP; SetItemSuccessfullyAcquired(item); if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP) break; mSkipBacklashType = 2; if (NewMap()) { StopAcquiring(); return; } SetCurrentItem(); mItem->mLabel = item->mLabel; len = item->mLabel.GetLength(); lastChar = item->mLabel[len - 1]; if (len > 1 && item->mLabel[len - 2] == '-' && lastChar >= 'A' && lastChar < 'Z') mItem->mLabel.SetAt(len - 1, lastChar + 1); else mItem->mLabel += "-A"; mItem->mNote = mItem->mNote + " - " + item->mNote; m_strLabel = mItem->mLabel; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); mAcqMadeMapWithID = mItem->mMapID; break; // After a script case ACQ_RUN_MACRO: ManageNumDoneAcquired(); if (mMacroProcessor->GetLastCompleted()) { if (mSkipAcquiringItem) SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "in main script", true); else SetItemSuccessfullyAcquired(item); // Allow acquisition to go on after failure if the flag is set } else if (mMacroProcessor->GetLastAborted() && !mMacroProcessor->GetNoMessageBoxOnError()) { mAcquireEnded = 1; } else mAcquireIndex++; break; // After a tilt series case ACQ_START_TS: ManageNumDoneAcquired(); // Count any success for now if (mWinApp->mTSController->GetLastSucceeded()) { mNumAcquired++; report.Format("Tilt series acquired at item # %d with label %s (item at %.2f, " "%.2f, TS at %.2f, %.2f)", mAcquireIndex + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, mWinApp->mTSController->GetStopStageX(), mWinApp->mTSController->GetStopStageY()); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report); item->mTargetDefocus = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } break; // After a multishot case ACQ_DO_MULTISHOT: ManageNumDoneAcquired(); err = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetMSLastFailed(); if (!err || !mRetValFromMultishot) SetItemSuccessfullyAcquired(item); if (mRetValFromMultishot) { ticks = GetTickCount(); PrintfToLog("%d Multiple Records at item # %d with label %s %s (in %.1f sec)" "\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------", -mRetValFromMultishot, mAcquireIndex + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, err ? " FAILED before completion" : "successfully completed", 0.001 * SEMTickInterval(ticks, mLastAcquireTicks)); mLastAcquireTicks = ticks; mNumTotalShotsAcq -= mRetValFromMultishot; // Stop or go on after error just like macro if (err && !mAcqParm->noMBoxOnError) { mAcquireEnded = 1; } else if (err) mAcquireIndex++; } break; // After hole finding, make Nav points and possibly combine case NAACT_HOLE_FINDER: err = 1; if (mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->HaveHolesToDrawOrMakePts()) { len = mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoMakeNavPoints(-1, (float)EXTRA_NO_VALUE, (float)EXTRA_NO_VALUE, -1., -1., -1., -1); if (len > 0) PrintfToLog("Hole finder made %d Navigator points", len); else SEMMessageBox("All of the holes found in the map were excluded by the " "criteria"); err = len > 0 ? 0 : 1; if (!err && mAcqParm->runHoleCombiner) { err = mHelper->mCombineHoles->CombineItems(0, mHelper->GetMHCturnOffOutsidePoly()); if (err) SEMMessageBox("Error trying to combine hole for multiple Records:\n" + CString(mHelper->mCombineHoles->GetErrorMessage(err))); } } else SEMMessageBox("No holes were found in the map that was just acquired"); if (err) { if (!mAcqParm->noMBoxOnError) mAcquireEnded = 1; else SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "in hole finder"); } break; // After pre-macro, if it set the skip flag, skip through to move // step; increase acquire index because it is still marked as acquire // The help says failure does not matter... not sure if this is a good idea case NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO: if (mSkipAcquiringItem) { SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "in pre-script"); } break; // This is the next step when resuming from a pause; back up and set it up again case ACQ_FIND_SETUP_NEXT: if (mResumedFromPause) { mAcqStepIndex--; mLastAcqDoneTime = GetTickCount(); if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, "ACQUIRING AREAS"); } mResumedFromPause = false; break; // Handle failed autofocus by ending or skipping to next item, an abort will not end case NAACT_AUTOFOCUS: if (mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() && !mAcqParm->noMBoxOnError) { mAcquireEnded = 1; } else if (mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetLastFailed() || mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetLastAborted()) { SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "in autofocus"); } break; // Handle other failures similarly case NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE: if (mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetATLastFailed()) { SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "aligning to template"); } break; case NAACT_WAIT_DRIFT: err = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetWDLastFailed(); if (err && err != DW_EXTERNAL_STOP) SkipToNextItemInAcquire(item, "waiting for drift"); break; // Record that eucentricity was done case NAACT_EUCEN_BY_FOCUS: case NAACT_ROUGH_EUCEN: case NAACT_FINE_EUCEN: mDidEucentricity = true; break; default: break; } } // NOW DO THE NEXT ACTION mSkipAcquiringItem = false; switch (mAcqSteps[++mAcqStepIndex]) { // Rough eucentricity case NAACT_ROUGH_EUCEN: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindEucentricity(FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE); break; // Run the realign routine; restore state based on flag for macro, otherwise restore // only when outside low dose case NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); mRealignedInAcquire = true; err = mHelper->RealignToItem(item, !mWinApp->LowDoseMode(), mWillDoTemplateAlign ? 0.f : aliParams->resetISthresh, mWillDoTemplateAlign ? 0 : aliParams->maxNumResetIS, mWillDoTemplateAlign ? false : aliParams->leaveISatZero, (mAcqParm->hybridRealign && mWillDoTemplateAlign && mAcqActions[NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE].timingType == NAA_EVERY_N_ITEMS && mAcqActions[NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE].everyNitems == 1) ? REALI2ITEM_JUST_MOVE : 0, mAcqParm->realignToScaledMap ? mAcqParm->conSetForScaledAli : -1); if (err && (err < 4 || err == 6)) { StopAcquiring(); if (err < 4) SEMMessageBox("An error occurred trying to access a map image file"); return; } if (err) { report.Format("Item %s could not be realigned to by correlating with another map." "\r\n Images will be acquired at the nominal stage position without any " "alignment", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (GotoCurrentAcquireArea((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP || mWillRelaxStage) && !mWinApp->Montaging())) { StopAcquiring(); } return; } break; // Align to template case NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); mRealignedInAcquire = true; stopErr = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->AlignToTemplate(*aliParams); break; // Cook specimen case NAACT_COOK_SPEC: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); stopErr = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->StartCooker(); break; // Fine eucentricity case NAACT_FINE_EUCEN: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindEucentricity( FIND_EUCENTRICITY_FINE | (mRealignedInAcquire ? REFINE_EUCENTRICITY_ALIGN : 0)); break; // Eucentricity by focus case NAACT_EUCEN_BY_FOCUS: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); stopErr = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->EucentricityFromFocus(-1); break; // Center beam case NAACT_CEN_BEAM: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); stopErr = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AutocenterBeam(); break; // Autofocus case NAACT_AUTOFOCUS: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); if (mAcqParm->focusChangeLimit > 0.) mWinApp->mFocusManager->NextFocusChangeLimits(-mAcqParm->focusChangeLimit, mAcqParm->focusChangeLimit); mWinApp->mFocusManager->AutoFocusStart(1); break; // Coma-free alignment case NAACT_COMA_FREE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); stopErr = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CtfBasedAstigmatismComa( mWinApp->mAutoTuning->GetCtfDoFullArray() ? 2 : 1, false, 0, false, mAcqParm->noMBoxOnError); break; // Astigmatism correction case NAACT_ASTIGMATISM: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); if (mAcqParm->astigByBTID) stopErr = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->FixAstigmatism(true); else stopErr = mWinApp->mAutoTuning->CtfBasedAstigmatismComa(0, false, 0, false, mAcqParm->noMBoxOnError); break; // Conditioning a phase plate case NAACT_CONDITION_VPP: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); vppNearestSave = vppParams->useNearestNav; if (mAcqActions[NAACT_CONDITION_VPP].flags & NAA_FLAG_OTHER_SITE) vppParams->useNearestNav = false; stopErr = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->ConditionPhasePlate(true); vppParams->useNearestNav = vppNearestSave; break; // Dark ref from DE or K2/3 case NAACT_HW_DARK_REF: hours = (float)(mAcqActions[NAACT_HW_DARK_REF].minutes / 60.); if (camParams->DE_camType) { stopErr = mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->MakeDEdarkRefIfNeeded(-1, hours, report); if (stopErr) SEMMessageBox("Cannot make a new dark reference in DE server:\n" + report); else SEMTrace('n', "%saking DE dark reference", mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->AcquiringGainRef() ? "M" : "NOT m"); } else if (camParams->K2Type) { err = mCamera->UpdateK2HWDarkRef(hours); if (err == 1) { SEMMessageBox("The thread for updating a dark reference is already busy"); StopAcquiring(); return; } SEMTrace('n', "%spdating HW dark reference", err ? "NOT u" : "U"); } break; // Wait for drift case NAACT_WAIT_DRIFT: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); err = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->WaitForDrift(*dwParam, false, 0., mAcqParm->focusChangeLimit); stopErr = B3DMAX(0, err); break; // Refine the ZLP case NAACT_REFINE_ZLP: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); stopErr = mWinApp->mFilterTasks->RefineZLP(false) ? 0 : 1; break; // Flash FEG case NAACT_FLASH_FEG: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); ind = 0; if (FEIscope) { // For FEIscope, check for high flash if allowed, then for low; set to do now if (mAcqParm->highFlashIfOK) { if (!mScope->GetIsFlashingAdvised(1, ind)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } if (ind) mScope->SetDoNextFEGFlashHigh(true); } if (!ind && !mScope->GetIsFlashingAdvised(0, ind)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } if (!ind) break; hours = 0.; } else { // For JEOL, it should be an interval for just doing it hours = (float)(mAcqActions[NAACT_FLASH_FEG].minutes / 60.); } ind = LONG_OP_FLASH_FEG; if (mScope->StartLongOperation(&ind, &hours, 1) > 0) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot flash FEG; the thread for long scope operations is busy"); StopAcquiring(); return; } break; // Check vacuum and nitrogen status case NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); next = 0; if (mStepIndForDewarCheck >= 0) next = (mAcqStepIndex == mStepIndForDewarCheck) ? 1 : -1; stopErr = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->ManageDewarsVacuum(*dvParams, next); break; // Start the hole finder case NAACT_HOLE_FINDER: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", (LPCTSTR)mAcqActions[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]].name); if (!mAcqMadeMapWithID) { SEMMessageBox("Program error: hole finder step is being called but no map ID was" " saved for a new map"); StopAcquiring(); return; } ind = FindBufferWithMapID(mAcqMadeMapWithID); if (ind < 0) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot run hole finder: the new map is no longer in a buffer"); StopAcquiring(); return; } stopErr = mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->DoFindHoles(&mImBufs[ind]); break; // Relax the stage case ACQ_RELAX_STAGE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); err = mMacroProcessor->DoStageRelaxation(mScope->GetStageRelaxation()); SEMTrace('1', "Relaxed stage err %d", err); if (err < 0) mWinApp->AppendToLog("Stage is not in known backlash state so relaxation cannot " "be done"); if (err > 0) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to get stage position for relaxing stage"); StopAcquiring(); return; } mMovingStage = true; break; // Open file if needed case ACQ_OPEN_FILE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); if (OpenFileIfNeeded(item, false)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } break; // Take a picture or montage case ACQ_ACQUIRE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); if (mAcqParm->adjustBTforIS && comaVsIS->magInd > 0) { mScope->GetImageShift(ISX, ISY); mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->AdjustBeamTiltAndAstig(ISX, ISY, mSavedBeamTiltX, mSavedBeamTiltY, mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY); } if (mWinApp->Montaging() && !(mSkippingSave && mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_IMAGE_ONLY)) { stopErr = mWinApp->mMontageController->StartMontage(MONT_NOT_TRIAL, false); if (!stopErr && mAcquireOpenedFile.IsEmpty()) mUsedPreExistingMont = true; } else { timeOut = 300000; mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); if (mDoingEarlyReturn && mCamera->SetNextAsyncSumFrames( mAcqParm->numEarlyFrames < 0 ? 65535 : mAcqParm->numEarlyFrames, false, false)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } ind = RECORD_CONSET; if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP || mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_IMAGE_ONLY) && mAcqParm->mapWithViewSearch) ind = mAcqParm->mapWithViewSearch > 1 ? SEARCH_CONSET : VIEW_CONSET; mCamera->InitiateCapture(ind); } break; // Run a pre-macro case NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); mMacroProcessor->Run((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? mAcqParm->preMacroInd : mAcqParm->preMacroIndNonTS) - 1); break; // Run a macro case ACQ_RUN_MACRO: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); report.Format("Running script %d at item %s (%.2f, %.2f)", mAcqParm->macroIndex, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, item->mStageX, item->mStageY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mMacroProcessor->Run(mAcqParm->macroIndex - 1); break; // Start a tilt series: open the file if possible, then go on to get the TS params // This should leave things resumable if there is a problem case ACQ_START_TS: tsp = (TiltSeriesParam *)mTSparamArray.GetAt(item->mTSparamIndex); // Check item tilt angles before copying param if (item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && mHelper->CheckTiltSeriesAngles(item->mTSparamIndex, item->mTSstartAngle, item->mTSendAngle, item->mTSbidirAngle, report)) { str.Format("For item %s, ", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); SEMMessageBox(str + report); StopAcquiring(); return; } // If extra files were set up, and they are only of one type, then set the starting // file number to the first file that was opened if (mNumExtraFilesToClose > 0) { len = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_EXTRA_SAVES; ind++) { if (tsStoreExtra[ind] || (ind == RECORD_CONSET && tsp->extraRecordType != NO_TS_EXTRA_RECORD)) { if (len >= 0) { len = -1; break; } len = ind; } } if (len >= 0) { ind = mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 1; tsExtraFileStarts[len] = B3DMAX(0, ind - mNumExtraFilesToClose); } } mWinApp->mTSController->CopyParamToMaster(tsp, true); // If there are item changes, set them in master now, leave stored param alone if (item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { tsp = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); if (item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) tsp->targetDefocus = item->mTargetDefocus; if (item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { tsp->startingTilt = item->mTSstartAngle; tsp->endingTilt = item->mTSendAngle; if (tsp->bidirAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && tsp->doBidirectional) tsp->bidirAngle = item->mTSbidirAngle; } mWinApp->mTSController->SyncParamToOtherModules(); } mHelper->ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, item->mTSparamIndex, -1); item->mTSparamIndex = -1; item->mTSstartAngle = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; item->mTSendAngle = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; item->mTSbidirAngle = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; SetChanged(true); mCurListSel = mCurrentItem = mAcquireIndex; UpdateListString(mAcquireIndex); ManageCurrentControls(); // If tilt series fails to start, the email should already be sent, but // if it is not postponed we have to close the file. // Set flag regardless so tasks work normally if (mWinApp->mTSController->StartTiltSeries(false, 1)) { if (!mWinApp->mTSController->GetPostponed()) CloseFileOpenedByAcquire(); } mStartedTS = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); break; // Do Multishot case ACQ_DO_MULTISHOT: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); mRetValFromMultishot = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->StartMultiShot(msParams, camParams, 0); stopErr = B3DMAX(mRetValFromMultishot, 0); break; // Run a post-macro case NAACT_RUN_POSTMACRO: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); mMacroProcessor->Run((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? mAcqParm->postMacroInd : mAcqParm->postMacroIndNonTS) - 1); break; // Adjust for backlash if needed: This step is no longer used case ACQ_BACKLASH: if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) { SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); AdjustBacklash(-1, true); } break; // Set up for next area if there is one case ACQ_FIND_SETUP_NEXT: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); if (mResetAcquireIndex) mAcquireIndex = mStartingAcquireIndex; mResetAcquireIndex = false; err = 0; if (mAcquireEnded || (err = FindAndSetupNextAcquireArea()) != 0) { if (mAcquireEnded && !err && mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq() && !mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetSuspendedMulGrid()) mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->SuspendMulGridSeq(); if (mAcquireEnded < 0) { mAcquireEnded = 0; mPausedAcquire = true; mMontCurrentAtPause = -1; if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC) mMontCurrentAtPause = mWinApp->Montaging() ? 1 : 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, "PAUSED NAV ACQUIRE"); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE, 0, 0); return; } if (EndAcquireWithMessage()) return; } mAcqStepIndex = -1; break; // Move to the area case ACQ_MOVE_TO_AREA: // This adds an idle task.... SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); if (GotoCurrentAcquireArea((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP || mWillRelaxStage) && !mWinApp->Montaging())) { StopAcquiring(); } return; case ACQ_MOVE_ELSEWHERE: SEMTrace('n', "Doing %s", stepNames[mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex]]); act = mAcqSteps[mAcqStepIndex + 1]; next = mHelper->FindNearestItemMatchingText(item->mStageX, item->mStageY, mAcqActions[act].labelOrNote, (mAcqActions[act].flags & NAA_FLAG_MATCH_NOTE) != 0); if (MoveToItem(next, mAcqParm->skipZinRunAtNearest)) { StopAcquiring(); return; } mMovingStage = true; break; } if (stopErr) { StopAcquiring(); return; } if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) m_listViewer.SetTopIndex(B3DMAX(0, mAcquireIndex - 2)); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE, 0, 0); } // This is called when the dialog is closing, it will either reenter the AcquireAreas // routine or change the flags for resuming from pause void CNavigatorDlg::AcquireDlgClosing() { int navState = mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetNavigatorState(); mHelper->GetAcquireDlgPlacement(true); SetCurAcqParmActions(mHelper->GetCurAcqParamIndex()); if (navState == NAV_PAUSED && mNavAcquireDlg->mPostponed == 0) { mMacroProcessor->SetNonResumable(); mNavAcquireDlg = NULL; // There is an idle task that will start the next task ResumeFromPause(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, ""); } else AcquireAreas(0, true, false); if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->WasStoppedInNavRun()) mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->ResumeMulGridSeq(0); } // Resuming from pause: test for a change in the output file type, change flags int CNavigatorDlg::ResumeFromPause() { CString str; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS && mMontCurrentAtPause >= 0 && mWinApp->mStoreMRC && !BOOL_EQUIV(mWinApp->Montaging(), mMontCurrentAtPause > 0)) { str.Format("The current file was a %s file when you paused and is now a %s file\n\n" "Are you sure you want to resume?", mMontCurrentAtPause ? "montage" : "single-frame" , mMontCurrentAtPause ? "single-frame" : "montage"); if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return 1; } mResumedFromPause = true; mPausedAcquire = false; return 0; } // Message box on normal stopping or ending from paused state int CNavigatorDlg::EndAcquireWithMessage(void) { CString report, scrp; int ind; MontParam *montp; bool runScript = mAcquireEnded == 10 && !mPausedAcquire && mScriptToRunAtEnd >= 0; if (mRetractAtAcqEnd) { mRetractAtAcqEnd = false; mCamera->RetractAllCameras(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAV_ACQ_RETRACT, 0, 60000); return 1; } StopAcquiring(); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, ""); if (mNumAcquired) { report.Format("%s at %d areas (%.4g/hr)", mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? "Tilt series acquired" : (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO ? "Script run to completion" : (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT ? "Multiple Records acquired" : "Images acquired")), mNumAcquired, mNumDoneAcq / (mElapsedAcqTime / 3600000.)); if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT) scrp.Format("; %d Records (%.4g/hr)", mNumTotalShotsAcq, mNumTotalShotsAcq / (mElapsedAcqTime / 3600000.)); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report + scrp); if (runScript) { scrp.Format("Running script %d next", mScriptToRunAtEnd + 1); mWinApp->AppendToLog(scrp); } else { if (!mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq() && !mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetSuspendedMulGrid()) AfxMessageBox(report, MB_EXCLAME); if (mNumAcqFilesLeftOpen) { report.Format("%d files were left open for reuse\n\nDo you want to close them?", mNumAcqFilesLeftOpen); if (mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq() || AfxMessageBox(report, MB_QUESTION) == IDYES) { for (ind = mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { montp = mDocWnd->GetStoreMontParam(ind); if (montp && montp->reusability) { mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mDocWnd->SwitchToFile(ind); mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); } } mDocWnd->SwitchToFile(mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 1); } } } } if (runScript) { mMacroProcessor->Run(mScriptToRunAtEnd); return 1; } return 0; } // Task boilerplate int CNavigatorDlg::TaskAcquireBusy() { int stage = 0; // If we started a resumable macro or a suspended tilt series, // take sleep to preserve CPU and say busy if ((StartedMacro() && !mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) || mPausedAcquire || (mStartedTS && ((mWinApp->StartedTiltSeries() && !mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries()) || mWinApp->mTSController->GetPostponed()))) { Sleep(10); return 1; } if (mMovingStage || mStartedTS && mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltedToZero()) stage = mScope->StageBusy(); if (stage < 0) return -1; return (stage > 0 || mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage() || mHelper->GetRealigning() || mWinApp->mFocusManager->DoingFocus() || mCamera->CameraBusy() || mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() || mWinApp->mComplexTasks->DoingTasks() || mWinApp->DoingTiltSeries() || mWinApp->mAutoTuning->DoingAutoTune() || mScope->GetDoingLongOperation() || mWinApp->mGainRefMaker->AcquiringGainRef() || mWinApp->mFilterTasks->RefiningZLP() || mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetDVDoingDewarVac() || mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->GetFindingHoles()) ? 1 : 0; } void CNavigatorDlg::AcquireCleanup(int error) { CString toText = B3DCHOICE(mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO, _T("Time out acquiring images"), _T("Time out running script")); if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) { if (JEOLscope && mParam->maxReconnectsInAcq > 0) { if (mNumReconnectsInAcq < mParam->maxReconnectsInAcq) { mWinApp->AppendToLog(toText + ": TRYING TO RENEW CONNECTION TO SCOPE; THE USER INTERFACE WILL FREEZE"); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "RENEWING SCOPE"); if (mScope->RenewJeolConnection()) { mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); toText += "; failed to renew connection to scope"; } else { mReconnectedInAcq = true; mNumReconnectsInAcq++; PrintfToLog("Reconnection # %d succeeded, skipping to next item", mNumReconnectsInAcq); mReconnectStartTime = GetTickCount(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE, 0, 0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); return; } } else { toText += " and the connection to the scope has been " "renewed the maximum number of times"; } } SEMMessageBox(toText); } // Should this be called? ErrorOccurred will call it too StopAcquiring(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // Stop the acquisitions unless a macro or a TS was started void CNavigatorDlg::StopAcquiring(BOOL testMacro) { MontParam *montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (mAcquireIndex < 0) return; if (testMacro && (StartedMacro() || mStartedTS)) return; if (!mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop()) { SendEmailIfNeeded(); } RestoreBeamTiltIfSaved(); CloseFileOpenedByAcquire(); if (mUsedPreExistingMont && mWinApp->Montaging() && montP->closeFileWhenDone) mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); mAcquireIndex = -1; mFocusCycleCounter = -1; mWinApp->mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(mSavedTargetDefocus); mPausedAcquire = false; ManageListHeader(); SetCollapsing(mSaveCollapsed); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); if (mAcqParm->closeValves && !HitachiScope && !mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(false)) AfxMessageBox("An error occurred closing the gun valve at the end of acquisitions.", MB_EXCLAME); if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) return; mBufferManager->SetAlignOnSave(mSaveAlignOnSave); mBufferManager->SetConfirmBeforeDestroy(3, mSaveProtectRecord); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, ""); } // Do common actions whenthe acquire step is done void CNavigatorDlg::SetItemSuccessfullyAcquired(CMapDrawItem * item) { item->mAcquire = false; item->mTargetDefocus = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; SetChanged(true); mNumAcquired++; UpdateListString(mAcquireIndex); if (mAcquireIndex == mCurrentItem) ManageCurrentControls(); } // Set up step position so it will go to next item after failure void CNavigatorDlg::SkipToNextItemInAcquire(CMapDrawItem *item, const char *failedStep, bool skipManage) { if (!skipManage) ManageNumDoneAcquired(); mAcqStepIndex = mNumAcqSteps - 2; PrintfToLog("Skipping item # %d with label %s due to failure %s", mAcquireIndex + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, failedStep); mAcquireIndex++; } // Restoring beam tilt and astig after acquire void CNavigatorDlg::RestoreBeamTiltIfSaved() { if (mSavedBeamTiltX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) return; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedBeamTilt(mSavedBeamTiltX, mSavedBeamTiltY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); mSavedBeamTiltX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; if (mSavedAstigX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) return; mWinApp->mAutoTuning->BacklashedStigmator(mSavedAstigX, mSavedAstigY, mScope->GetAdjustForISSkipBacklash() <= 0); mSavedAstigX = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } // Count items before file opening, # of files to open and type, and whether there are // any acquire or TS points in range specified in dialog parameters if doing a subset void CNavigatorDlg::EvaluateAcquiresForDlg(CNavAcquireDlg *dlg) { int i, groupInd, groupID, startInd = 0, endInd = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; if (dlg->m_bDoSubset) { startInd = B3DMAX(0, dlg->m_iSubsetStart - 1); endInd = B3DMIN(endInd, dlg->m_iSubsetEnd - 1); } // Count up the number of items to acquire before a file to open, and the number of // files to open. dlg->mNumFilesToOpen = 0; dlg->mNumAcqBeforeFile = 0; dlg->mOutputFile = ""; dlg->mIfMontOutput = mWinApp->Montaging(); if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC) dlg->mOutputFile = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getName(); for (i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; groupInd = GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (item->mAcquire && item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration) { if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 || (groupInd >= 0 && item->mGroupID != groupID)) { // Keep track of name and type of first file to open if (!dlg->mNumFilesToOpen && !dlg->mNumAcqBeforeFile) { dlg->mIfMontOutput = item->mMontParamIndex >= 0; dlg->mOutputFile = item->mFileToOpen; if (groupInd >= 0) { sched = (ScheduledFile *)mGroupFiles.GetAt(groupInd); dlg->mIfMontOutput = sched->montParamIndex >= 0; dlg->mOutputFile = sched->filename; } } dlg->mNumFilesToOpen++; if (groupInd >= 0) groupID = item->mGroupID; } else if (!dlg->mNumFilesToOpen) { dlg->mNumAcqBeforeFile++; } } } // See if any point of each type in range dlg->mAnyTSpoints = AcquireOK(true, startInd, endInd); dlg->mAnyAcquirePoints = AcquireOK(false, startInd, endInd); } // Take care of incrementing the done count and the elapsed time void CNavigatorDlg::ManageNumDoneAcquired(void) { double now = GetTickCount(); mNumDoneAcq++; mAcquireCounter++; mElapsedAcqTime += SEMTickInterval(now, mLastAcqDoneTime); mLastAcqDoneTime = now; } void CNavigatorDlg::SetAcquireEnded(int state) { mAcquireEnded = state; if (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO && mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS) mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, state > 0 ? "ENDING NAV ACQUIRE" : "PAUSING NAV ACQUIRE"); else mWinApp->AppendToLog(CString(state > 0 ? "Ending" : "Pausing") + " Navigator " "acquisition after current item"); } // Test for whether we started a macro and it is either running or resumable BOOL CNavigatorDlg::StartedMacro(void) { return (GetAcquiring() && (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO || mAcqParm->runPremacro || mAcqParm->runPostmacro) && (mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() || mMacroProcessor->IsResumable())); } // Send an email if requested and not sent yet void CNavigatorDlg::SendEmailIfNeeded(void) { CString mess; if (!((mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS && mAcqParm->sendEmail) || (mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS && mAcqParm->sendEmailNonTS)) || mEmailWasSent) return; mess.Format("Your Navigator Acquire at Items operation %s %d areas", mAcquireEnded ? "successfully acquired from" : "stopped with an error " "after acquiring from", mNumAcquired); mWinApp->mMailer->SendMail("Message from SerialEM Navigator", mess); mEmailWasSent = true; } // Find the next area marked as an acquire in this registration and handle some aspects // of doing a new area int CNavigatorDlg::FindAndSetupNextAcquireArea() { int ind, err, axisBits = axisXY | axisZ; bool skippedGroup = false, skippingGroup, acquire; CMapDrawItem *item; mRealignedInAcquire = false; for (ind = mAcquireIndex; ind <= mEndingAcquireIndex; ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; acquire = IsItemToBeAcquired(item, skippingGroup); if (skippingGroup && !skippedGroup) { PrintfToLog("Skipping point(s) with group ID %d", mGroupIDtoSkip); skippedGroup = true; } if (!acquire && skippingGroup) mNumDoneAcq++; if (!acquire) continue; SEMTrace('M', "Navigator Stage Start"); // Set the current item for the stage move! mItem = item; err = MoveStage(axisBits, true); if (err < 0) { item->mAcquire = false; UpdateListString(ind); if (ind == mCurrentItem) ManageCurrentControls(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Item " + item->mLabel + " is being skipped because it is " "outside the limits for stage movement", LOG_MESSAGE_IF_CLOSED); continue; } mAcquireIndex = ind; // Set state now err = OpenFileIfNeeded(item, true); if (err) return err; // Update the log file for tilt series with autosave policy if (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS && mWinApp->mTSController->GetAutoSavePolicy()) { if (mWinApp->mLogWindow && mWinApp->mLogWindow->SaveFileNotOnStack(item->mFileToOpen)) { mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); mWinApp->mLogWindow->CloseLog(); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle()); } mWinApp->AppendToLog("", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mWinApp->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, item->mFileToOpen); } // Set flag for first in group and maintain last group ID mFirstInGroup = item->mGroupID > 0 && item->mGroupID != mLastGroupID; mLastGroupID = item->mGroupID; UpdateListString(ind); return 0; } mAcquireEnded = 10; return -1; } // Actually do the move if called for int CNavigatorDlg::GotoCurrentAcquireArea(bool imposeBacklash) { int err, axisBits = axisXY | axisZ; float saveBackProp = mParam->stageBacklash; mItem = mItemArray[mAcquireIndex]; if (imposeBacklash && !saveBackProp) mParam->stageBacklash = mWinApp->mMontageController->GetStageBacklash(); if (mAcqParm->skipZmoves) axisBits = axisXY; err = MoveStage(axisBits); mParam->stageBacklash = saveBackProp; if (err > 0) return 1; mMovingStage = axisBits != 0; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_NAVIGATOR_ACQUIRE, 0, 60000); return 0; } // Open file and set state if called for for this item // This is called once for state only when going to next item, and again at File Open step int CNavigatorDlg::OpenFileIfNeeded(CMapDrawItem * item, bool stateOnly) { int j, ind, lastMatch; ScheduledFile *sched; FileOptions *fileOptp; CString root, extension, extraName; CString *namep; int *stateIndp; bool leaveOpen = false; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); MontParam *montp; StateParams *state; TiltSeriesParam *tsParam; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; BOOL *tsStoreExtra = mWinApp->mTSController->GetStoreExtra(); mNextFileOptInd = item->mFilePropIndex; mNextMontParInd = item->mMontParamIndex; stateIndp = &item->mStateIndex; namep = &item->mFileToOpen; j = GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (j >= 0) { sched = (ScheduledFile *)mGroupFiles.GetAt(j); mNextFileOptInd = sched->filePropIndex; mNextMontParInd = sched->montParamIndex; stateIndp = &sched->stateIndex; namep = &sched->filename; } // Change state before opening file; what to do if no state is found? if (*stateIndp >= 0) { state = mHelper->ExistingStateParam(*stateIndp, true); if (state) { mHelper->SetStateFromParam(state, conSet, RECORD_CONSET); // Uncomment to set state twice, once at start and once before acquires //if (!stateOnly) mHelper->RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_STATE, *stateIndp); *stateIndp = -1; } else { SEMMessageBox("The state to be set for this item cannot be found in array of" " states"); return 1; } } // Set low dose focus area if parameter was saved, overrides one in the state // This needs to be done the first time in when setting state only since autofocus step // is before File Open step if (item->mFocusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && stateOnly) { mHelper->SetLDFocusPosition(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), item->mFocusAxisPos, item->mRotateFocusAxis, item->mFocusAxisAngle, item->mFocusXoffset, item->mFocusYoffset, "position for item", false); } if (item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && stateOnly) mWinApp->mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(item->mTargetDefocus); if (stateOnly) { UpdateListString(mAcquireIndex); return 0; } if (mNextFileOptInd >= 0) { // Close current file if we opened it CloseFileOpenedByAcquire(); // Check for reusability, and if so, see if there is a match if (mNextMontParInd >= 0) { montp = mMontParArray.GetAt(mNextMontParInd); if (montp->reusability) { leaveOpen = true; lastMatch = mHelper->FindLastFileWithMatchingMontParams(montp); // No match goes on to open a file regardless, otherwise switch to file if (lastMatch >= 0) { if (lastMatch != mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore()) { mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mDocWnd->SwitchToFile(lastMatch); } // Close file if new one is to be opened if (montp->reusability == 1) { mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); } else { // Or fix the montage params with the current skip list and clear out the // parameters from arrays masterMont->numToSkip = montp->numToSkip; masterMont->skipPieceX = montp->skipPieceX; masterMont->skipPieceY = montp->skipPieceY; mHelper->ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, mNextMontParInd, -1); mHelper->ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, mNextFileOptInd, -1); item->mMontParamIndex = -1; item->mFilePropIndex = -1; item->mFileToOpen = ""; return 0; } } } } // Check if file is still OK if (mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(*namep) >= 0) { SEMMessageBox("The file set to be opened for this item,\n" + *namep + "\n" + "is already open."); return 1; } // Get suffixes from TS param if non defined by script if (!mNumExtraFileSuffixes && item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { tsParam = mTSparamArray.GetAt(item->mTSparamIndex); if ((tsParam->extraRecordType != NO_TS_EXTRA_RECORD || tsStoreExtra[0] || tsStoreExtra[1] || tsStoreExtra[2] || tsStoreExtra[4]) && !tsParam->extraFileSuffixes.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->mParamIO->ParseString(tsParam->extraFileSuffixes, mExtraFileSuffix, MAX_STORES - 1); for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_STORES - 1; ind++) { if (mExtraFileSuffix[ind].IsEmpty()) break; mNumExtraFileSuffixes++; } } } // Check the extra file(s) before proceeding too for (ind = 0; ind < mNumExtraFileSuffixes; ind++) { UtilSplitExtension(*namep, root, extension); extraName = root + mExtraFileSuffix[ind] + extension; if (mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(extraName) >= 0) { SEMMessageBox("The extra file set to be opened for this item,\n" + extraName + "\n" + "is already open."); return 1; } } // If Montaging, replace the master params with this param set before opening file // But leave the current file first because that copies master to current mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); if (mNextMontParInd >= 0) { *masterMont = *montp; masterMont->warnedConSetBin = true; } fileOptp = (FileOptions *)mFileOptArray.GetAt(mNextFileOptInd); if (mNextMontParInd < 0) { fileOptp->typext &= ~MONTAGE_MASK; fileOptp->montageInMdoc = false; } // Now open the extra file(s) for (ind = 0; ind < mNumExtraFileSuffixes; ind++) { UtilSplitExtension(*namep, root, extension); extraName = root + mExtraFileSuffix[ind] + extension; mWinApp->mStoreMRC = mDocWnd->OpenNewFileByName(extraName, fileOptp); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { mDocWnd->RestoreCurrentFile(); SEMMessageBox("An error occurred attempting to open an extra file:" "\n" + extraName); return 1; } mDocWnd->AddCurrentStore(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Opened extra file " + extraName, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); mExtraFileToClose[ind] = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getFilePath(); mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); } mNumExtraFilesToClose = mNumExtraFileSuffixes; mNumExtraFileSuffixes = 0; // And open the regular file mWinApp->mStoreMRC = mDocWnd->OpenNewFileByName(*namep, fileOptp); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { mDocWnd->RestoreCurrentFile(); SEMMessageBox("An error occurred attempting to open a new file:" "\n" + *namep); return 1; } mHelper->ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, mNextFileOptInd, -1); if (!leaveOpen) { mAcquireOpenedFile = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getFilePath(); } else { mNumAcqFilesLeftOpen++; // If a file is left open and the file limit is near, close oldest reusable file if (mDocWnd->GetNumStores() >= MAX_STORES - 2) { for (ind = 0; ind < mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 2; ind++) { montp = mDocWnd->GetStoreMontParam(ind); if (montp && montp->reusability) { mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mDocWnd->SwitchToFile(ind); mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); mDocWnd->SwitchToFile(mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 1); break; } } } } // Need to set montaging before adding the store if (mNextMontParInd >= 0) { mWinApp->SetMontaging(true); mHelper->ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, mNextMontParInd, -1); } mDocWnd->AddCurrentStore(); mWinApp->AppendToLog("Opened new file " + *namep, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); *namep = ""; if (j >= 0) { delete sched; mGroupFiles.RemoveAt(j); } else { item->mFilePropIndex = -1; item->mMontParamIndex = -1; } UpdateListString(mAcquireIndex); } return 0; } // Close either the main file or an extra file that was opened by AcquireAreas void CNavigatorDlg::CloseFileOpenedByAcquire(void) { int nz; if (!mAcquireOpenedFile.IsEmpty() && mDocWnd->GetNumStores() > 0 && mAcquireOpenedFile == mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getFilePath()) mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); for (int ind = mNumExtraFilesToClose - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { if (mDocWnd->GetNumStores() > 0 && mExtraFileToClose[ind] == mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getFilePath()) { nz = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getDepth(); mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); if (!nz) UtilRemoveFile(mExtraFileToClose[ind]); } } mNumExtraFilesToClose = 0; mAcquireOpenedFile = ""; } // Tell FindMapForRealigning what low dose area to realign for: current area (with Focus/ // Trial promoted to Record) if not // acquiring or running a macro; Record unless doing a montage with View parameters int CNavigatorDlg::TargetLDAreaForRealign(void) { int area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); BOOL montaging = mWinApp->Montaging(); MontParam *montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (area == TRIAL_CONSET || area == FOCUS_CONSET) area = RECORD_CONSET; if (mAcquireIndex < 0 || mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) return area; area = RECORD_CONSET; if (mNextFileOptInd >= 0) { // Accessing the array with a bad index will give "Encountered an improper argument" // error message and a weird state from exception being handled that way montaging = mNextMontParInd >= 0 && mNextMontParInd < mMontParArray.GetSize(); if (montaging) montP = mMontParArray.GetAt(mNextMontParInd); } if (montaging) area = MontageLDAreaIndex(montP); return area; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // Set the current registration from the max of all registrations in list void CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentRegFromMax() { mCurrentRegistration = 1; CMapDrawItem *item; for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (mCurrentRegistration < item->mRegistration && item->mImported <= 0) mCurrentRegistration = item->mRegistration; } m_sbcCurrentReg.SetPos(mCurrentRegistration); m_strCurrentReg.Format("%d", mCurrentRegistration); } // Set registration number externally int CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentRegistration(int newReg) { CMapDrawItem *item; int numNonTS, numTS, oldNumTS, oldNonTS, delta; if (newReg < 0 || newReg > MAX_CURRENT_REG || RegistrationUseType(newReg) == NAVREG_IMPORT) return 1; if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) mHelper->CountAcquireItems(mAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, oldNonTS, oldNumTS); mCurrentRegistration = newReg; m_sbcCurrentReg.SetPos(mCurrentRegistration); m_strCurrentReg.Format("%d", mCurrentRegistration); UpdateData(false); if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) { mResetAcquireIndex = true; mHelper->CountAcquireItems(mStartingAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, numNonTS, numTS); item = mItemArray[mAcquireIndex]; delta = item->mAcquire ? 1 : 0; mInitialNumAcquire += (mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? numTS + delta - oldNumTS: numNonTS + delta - oldNonTS); } return 0; } // Check the proposed registration point number at the given registration // and if it used, find the first free one int CNavigatorDlg::GetFreeRegPtNum(int registration, int proposed) { CMapDrawItem *item; int free, check; BOOL found; // Loop on possible numbers; the first time, evaluate proposed one for (free = 0; free < MAX_REGPT_NUM; free++) { check = free; if (!free) check = proposed > 0 ? proposed : 1; found = false; for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == registration && item->mRegPoint == check) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return check; } return free; } // Set a registration point number void CNavigatorDlg::SetRegPtNum(int inVal) { mRegPointNum = inVal; m_strRegPtNum.Format("%d", inVal); m_sbcRegPtNum.SetPos(mRegPointNum); } // Find the type of the current registration int CNavigatorDlg::RegistrationUseType(int reg) { CMapDrawItem *item; for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mRegistration == reg) return item->mImported > 0 ? NAVREG_IMPORT : NAVREG_REGULAR; } return NAVREG_UNUSED; } void CNavigatorDlg::SetChanged(BOOL inVal) { mChanged = inVal; if (inVal && mHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg) mHelper->mMultiCombinerDlg->UpdateEnables(); if (inVal && mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->ManageEnables(); } // Make a new item and make it current item CMapDrawItem *CNavigatorDlg::MakeNewItem(int groupID) { CString str; CMapDrawItem *item = new CMapDrawItem(); bool addstr = true; CMapDrawItem *lastItem; mItemArray.Add(item); item->mColor = DEFAULT_POINT_COLOR; item->mLabel.Format("%d", mNewItemNum++); item->mRegistration = mCurrentRegistration; item->mOriginalReg = mCurrentRegistration; item->mMapID = MakeUniqueID(); item->mGroupID = groupID; mCurrentItem = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; mCurListSel = mCurrentItem; if (m_bCollapseGroups) { lastItem = mItemArray[B3DMAX(0,mCurrentItem - 1)]; // If in same group, set current list sel to that item if (groupID > 0 && mCurrentItem > 0 && groupID == lastItem->mGroupID) { mCurListSel = mItemToList[mCurrentItem - 1]; addstr = false; } else { // Otherwise set to a new line if (mCurrentItem > 0) mCurListSel = mItemToList[mCurrentItem - 1] + 1; if (groupID > 0) mListToItem.push_back(-1 - mCurrentItem); else mListToItem.push_back(mCurrentItem); } mItemToList.push_back(mCurListSel); } if (!(mDeferAddingToViewer || (mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mMacroProcessor->GetSuspendNavRedraw()))) { ItemToListString(mCurrentItem, str); if (addstr) m_listViewer.AddString(str); m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); } mSelectedItems.clear(); mSelectedItems.insert(mCurrentItem); // No longer manage controls: caller must do it return item; } // Perform common steps for some forms of deleting an item void CNavigatorDlg::FinishSingleDeletion(CMapDrawItem *item, int delIndex, int listInd, bool multipleInGroup, int groupStart) { bool isCurrentInList = listInd == mCurListSel; if (item->mAcquire || item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { item->mAcquire = false; mHelper->EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); } if (item->IsMap() && item->mMapID == mDualMapID) mDualMapID = -1; // If removing a point while adding and groups are collapsed, set item to last entry in // array if it is not the only one; otherwise delete the string unless there will // still be items in it for edit-mode deletion if (mRemoveItemOnly && mAddingPoints && m_bCollapseGroups && mItemArray.GetSize() > mNumberBeforeAdd + 1) { delIndex = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; item = mItemArray[delIndex]; } else if (!multipleInGroup) { m_listViewer.DeleteString(listInd); } delete item; mItemArray.RemoveAt(delIndex); MakeListMappings(); if (!isCurrentInList) { if (listInd < mCurListSel && !multipleInGroup) { mCurListSel--; mCurrentItem--; } if (multipleInGroup) UpdateListString(groupStart); } if (mCurListSel >= m_listViewer.GetCount()) mCurListSel--; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); // Set current item to beginning of group if (isCurrentInList) { IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); if (multipleInGroup) UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); } SetChanged(true); mSelectedItems.clear(); } // External call to delete an item void CNavigatorDlg::ExternalDeleteItem(CMapDrawItem *item, int delIndex) { int groupStart, groupEnd, listInd = delIndex; bool multipleInGroup = false; if (delIndex < 0 || delIndex >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return; if (m_bCollapseGroups) { multipleInGroup = LimitsOfContiguousGroup(delIndex, groupStart, groupEnd) > 1; listInd = mItemToList[delIndex]; } FinishSingleDeletion(item, delIndex, listInd, multipleInGroup, groupStart); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } // Set the acquire flag for all items in a group void CNavigatorDlg::SetGroupAcquireFlags(int groupID, BOOL acquire) { CMapDrawItem *item; int numTS, numNonTS, numBefore, numAfter; if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) { mHelper->CountAcquireItems(mAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, numNonTS, numTS); numBefore = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? numTS : numNonTS; } for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray.GetAt(ind); if (item->mGroupID == groupID) { item->mAcquire = acquire; UpdateListString(ind); } } if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) { mHelper->CountAcquireItems(mAcquireIndex, mEndingAcquireIndex, numNonTS, numTS); numAfter = mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS ? numTS : numNonTS; mNumDoneAcq += numBefore - numAfter - 1; } } // Compute the bounding box of a polygon and set the stage position to the midpoint void CNavigatorDlg::SetPolygonCenterToMidpoint(CMapDrawItem * item) { float xmin = 1.e10, ymin = xmin, xmax = -xmin, ymax = -ymin; for (int i = 0; i < item->mNumPoints; i++) { ACCUM_MIN(xmin, item->mPtX[i]); ACCUM_MAX(xmax, item->mPtX[i]); ACCUM_MIN(ymin, item->mPtY[i]); ACCUM_MAX(ymax, item->mPtY[i]); } item->mStageX = (xmin + xmax) / 2.f; item->mStageY = (ymin + ymax) / 2.f; } // Common operations needed after adding an item or some operations on current item void CNavigatorDlg::UpdateForCurrentItemChange() { SetChanged(true); if (mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mMacroProcessor->GetSuspendNavRedraw()) return; UpdateListString(mCurrentItem); ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } // Make an ID number based on two random numbers and higher than a minimum value and // not already in the set; add to set int CNavigatorDlg::MakeUniqueID(void) { int randVal; for (;;) { randVal = (rand() | (rand() << 16)) & 0x7FFFFFFF; if (randVal >= MIN_INTERNAL_ID && !mSetOfIDs.count(randVal)) break; } mSetOfIDs.insert(randVal); return randVal; } // Set the current stage position into the given item void CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentStagePos(int index) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray[index]; GetAdjustedStagePos(item->mStageX, item->mStageY, item->mStageZ); } void CNavigatorDlg::GetAdjustedStagePos(float & stageX, float & stageY, float & stageZ) { double dStageZ, ISX, ISY; int magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, dStageZ); stageX = (float)mLastScopeStageX; stageY = (float)mLastScopeStageY; stageZ = (float)dStageZ; mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(ISX, ISY); AdjustISandMagForStageConversion(magInd, ISX, ISY); // Convert the current image shift into additional stage shift mHelper->ConvertIStoStageIncrement(magInd, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), ISX, ISY, (float)mScope->FastTiltAngle(), stageX, stageY); } // As one step in getting to and from mag-independent stage positions, adjust image shifts // for balance shifts, and set mag index to record mag if appropriate void CNavigatorDlg::AdjustISandMagForStageConversion(int &magInd, double &ISX, double &ISY) { double viewX, viewY, searchX, searchY; // In low dose mode, if balance shifts is on, need to add that IS if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; int area = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); if (mLowDoseDlg->ShiftsBalanced()) { ISX += ldp->ISX; ISY += ldp->ISY; } // And unless the compensation has been done (painfully) in realign or there are no // view offsets set in View or Search, set up to compensate to the Record area in // ConvertIStoStageIncrement mLowDoseDlg->GetFullViewShift(viewX, viewY, VIEW_CONSET); mLowDoseDlg->GetFullViewShift(searchX, searchY, SEARCH_AREA); if (!mHelper->GetRealigning() && ldp->magIndex && !(area == VIEW_CONSET && !viewX && !viewY) && !(area == SEARCH_AREA && !searchX && !searchY)) magInd = ldp->magIndex; } } // This is all that is needed for redraw void CNavigatorDlg::Redraw() { if (!(mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mMacroProcessor->GetSuspendNavRedraw())) { POSITION pos = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CSerialEMView *pView = (CSerialEMView *)mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetNextView(pos); pView->DrawImage(); } } // mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } // Get the current item into mItem and return true, or return false if no current item BOOL CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentItem(bool groupOK) { if (mCurrentItem < 0 || mCurrentItem >= mItemArray.GetSize() || mCurListSel < 0 || (!groupOK && m_bCollapseGroups && (mCurListSel >= (int)mListToItem.size() || mListToItem[mCurListSel] < 0))) return false; IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, mCurrentItem); mItem = mItemArray[mCurrentItem]; return true; } // Return the current item CMapDrawItem * CNavigatorDlg::GetCurrentItem(void) { if (SetCurrentItem()) return mItem; return NULL; } // Return the current item or one being acquired to another module int CNavigatorDlg::GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(CMapDrawItem *&item) { int index; if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) index = mAcquireIndex; else if (IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(mCurListSel, index)) index = -1; item = NULL; if (index >= 0 && index < mItemArray.GetSize()) { mItem = mItemArray[index]; item = mItem; } return index; } int CNavigatorDlg::GetMapOrMapDrawnOn(int index, CMapDrawItem *&item, CString &mess) { if (index < 0) { index = GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item); if (index < 0) { mess = "There is no current Navigator item"; return 1; } } else if (index > (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1) { mess.Format("Navigator item index %d is out of range", index + 1); return 1; } else { item = mItemArray[index]; } if (item->IsMap()) return 0; if (!item->mDrawnOnMapID) { mess.Format("Navigator item %d is not a map and does not have an ID for being " "drawn on a map", index + 1); return 1; } item = FindItemWithMapID(item->mDrawnOnMapID, true); if (!item) { mess.Format("The map that Navigator item %d was drawn on is no longer in the " " table", index + 1); return 1; } return -1; } // Return the current item of start of current group int CNavigatorDlg::GetCurrentOrGroupItem(CMapDrawItem *& item) { item = NULL; if (!SetCurrentItem(true)) return -1; item = mItem; return mCurrentItem; } // Return an arbitrary item by index; set mItem to it CMapDrawItem * CNavigatorDlg::GetOtherNavItem(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return NULL; mItem = mItemArray[index]; return mItem; } // Finds the next item to be acquired, returns its index CMapDrawItem *CNavigatorDlg::FindNextAcquireItem(int &index) { CMapDrawItem *item; bool skippingGroup; for (index = mAcquireIndex + 1; index <= mEndingAcquireIndex; index++) { item = mItemArray[index]; if (IsItemToBeAcquired(item, skippingGroup)) return item; } index = -1; return NULL; } // Tests whether a given item is to be acquired bool CNavigatorDlg::IsItemToBeAcquired(CMapDrawItem *item, bool &skippingGroup) { skippingGroup = false; if (item->mRegistration == mCurrentRegistration && ((item->mAcquire && mAcqParm->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS) || (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && mAcqParm->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS))) { if (item->mGroupID && item->mGroupID == mGroupIDtoSkip) skippingGroup = true; else return true; } return false; } // Return a map or other item with the given ID if it exists, otherwise return NULL CMapDrawItem * CNavigatorDlg::FindItemWithMapID(int mapID, bool requireMap, bool matchGroup) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mapID) return NULL; for (mFoundItem = 0; mFoundItem < mItemArray.GetSize(); mFoundItem++) { item = mItemArray[mFoundItem]; if ((item->IsMap() || !requireMap) && ((!matchGroup && item->mMapID == mapID) || (matchGroup && item->mGroupID == mapID))) return item; } mFoundItem = -1; return NULL; } // Return item whose label or note matchs the given string, case insensitive CMapDrawItem * CNavigatorDlg::FindItemWithString(CString & string, BOOL ifNote, bool caseSensitive) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (string.IsEmpty()) return NULL; for (mFoundItem = 0; mFoundItem < mItemArray.GetSize(); mFoundItem++) { item = mItemArray[mFoundItem]; if ((!caseSensitive && ((!ifNote && !string.CompareNoCase(item->mLabel)) || (ifNote && !string.CompareNoCase(item->mNote)))) || (caseSensitive && ((!ifNote && !string.Compare(item->mLabel)) || (ifNote && !string.Compare(item->mNote))))) return item; } mFoundItem = -1; return NULL; } // Return the montage map item that the item was drawn on. Item can be NULL CMapDrawItem *CNavigatorDlg::FindMontMapDrawnOn(CMapDrawItem *item) { CMapDrawItem *mapItem; if (!item || item->IsNotPoint() || item->mDrawnOnMapID <= 0) return NULL; mapItem = FindItemWithMapID(item->mDrawnOnMapID); if (!mapItem || !mapItem->mMapMontage) return NULL; return mapItem; } // Look for a montage map in a buffer with the given ID, return the buffer index // or -1 if it is not a montage or not in a buffer int CNavigatorDlg::FindBufferWithMontMap(int mapID) { CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(mapID); if (item && item->mMapMontage) for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) if (mImBufs[i].mMapID == mapID && mImBufs[i].mImage) return i; return -1; } // Look for any kind of map in a buffer with the given ID int CNavigatorDlg::FindBufferWithMapID(int mapID) { CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(mapID); if (item) for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BUFFERS; i++) if (mImBufs[i].mMapID == mapID && mImBufs[i].mImage) return i; return -1; } // If multigrid is open, make sure the map is in current table before adding point on it int CNavigatorDlg::CheckIfMapIsInMultigridNav(int mapID) { if (mapID && mHelper->mMultiGridDlg && !FindItemWithMapID(mapID)) { if (mNumWrongMapWarnings++ < 5) { mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(WARNING_COLOR_IND, 1); SEMAppendToLog("You cannot mark points on a map not in table;" " you need to open the Navigator file for this grid"); } return 1; } return 0; } // If the selection list has only a single item, return it and optionally return its index // if index not NULL (the default); otherwise return NULL CMapDrawItem *CNavigatorDlg::GetSingleSelectedItem(int *index) { std::set::iterator iter; if (mSelectedItems.size() != 1) return NULL; iter = mSelectedItems.begin(); if (*iter < 0 || *iter >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return NULL; if (index) *index = *iter; return mItemArray.GetAt(*iter); } // Get backlash used to acquire map montage or the one this item was drawn on // Return true if one exists, false and set values to -999 if not bool CNavigatorDlg::BacklashForItem(CMapDrawItem *item, float &backX, float &backY) { backX = backY = -999.; if (!item->mBacklashX && !item->mBacklashY && item->mDrawnOnMapID) { item = FindItemWithMapID(item->mDrawnOnMapID); if (!item) return false; } if ((!item->mBacklashX && !item->mBacklashY) || (mHelper->GetRealignTestOptions() & 1) == 0 || item->mRegistration != item->mOriginalReg) return false; backX = item->mBacklashX; backY = item->mBacklashY; return true; } void CNavigatorDlg::MontErrForItem(CMapDrawItem *inItem, float &montErrX, float &montErrY) { CMapDrawItem *item; MontParam montParam; MontParam *montP = &montParam; KImageStore *imageStore; std::vector pieceSavedAt; ScaleMat aMat; int curStore; float useWidth, useHeight, delX, delY; montErrX = montErrY = 0.; item = FindItemWithMapID(inItem->mDrawnOnMapID); if (!item || !item->mMapMontage || !item->mMontUseStage || item->mRegistration != item->mOriginalReg) return; if (AccessMapFile(item, imageStore, curStore, montP, useWidth, useHeight)) return; mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(imageStore, montP, item->mMapSection, pieceSavedAt); aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd); if (item->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)item->mMapTiltAngle) > 1) mShiftManager->AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(aMat, item->mMapTiltAngle); // Get stage then montage coordinate relative to center of the montage delX = inItem->mStageX - item->mStageX; delY = inItem->mStageY - item->mStageY; mHelper->InterpMontStageOffset(imageStore, montP, aMat, pieceSavedAt, delX, delY, montErrX, montErrY); // Finish up with the file if it was not open before if (curStore < 0) { if (imageStore->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_MRC) delete (KStoreMRC *)imageStore; else if (imageStore->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_ADOC) delete (KStoreADOC *)imageStore; else delete (KStoreIMOD *)imageStore; } } // Compute an image rotation from a stage to camera matrix in curMat and the // stage to image matrix of a map float CNavigatorDlg::RotationFromStageMatrices(ScaleMat curMat, ScaleMat mapMat, BOOL &inverted) { ScaleMat aProd; double xtheta, ytheta, ydtheta; // Get the transformation from the map's current matrix to the defined stage to camera // one as the inverse of the map transform times the stage to camera transform // But get the map transform back to right handed coordinates by inverting terms mapMat.ypx *= -1.; mapMat.ypy *= -1.; aProd = MatMul(MatInv(mapMat), curMat); xtheta = atan2(aProd.ypx, aProd.xpx) / DTOR; ytheta = atan2(-aProd.xpy, aProd.ypy) / DTOR; ydtheta = UtilGoodAngle(ytheta - xtheta); // If the angles differ by a lot, then there is an inversion, so adjust the // Y angle by 180 and recompute the difference inverted = false; if (ydtheta < -90 || ydtheta > 90) { ytheta = UtilGoodAngle(ytheta + 180.); ydtheta = UtilGoodAngle(ytheta - xtheta); inverted = true; } return ((float)UtilGoodAngle(xtheta + 0.5 * ydtheta)); } // Returns true if the item has a supermontage-type label and returns components BOOL CNavigatorDlg::SupermontLabel(CMapDrawItem * item, int & startNum, int & ix, int & iy) { int len = item->mLabel.GetLength(); int index2, index = item->mLabel.Find('-'); if (index <= 0 || index == len - 1 || item->IsNotPolygon()) return false; index2 = item->mLabel.Find('-', index + 1); if (index2 <= index || index2 == len - 1 || item->mLabel.Find('-', index2 + 1) >= 0) return false; startNum = atoi((LPCTSTR)(item->mLabel.Left(index))); ix = atoi((LPCTSTR)(item->mLabel.Mid(index + 1, index2 - index - 1))); iy = atoi((LPCTSTR)(item->mLabel.Right(len - index2 - 1))); return startNum > 0 && ix > 0 && iy > 0; } BOOL CNavigatorDlg::ImBufIsImportedMap(EMimageBuffer * imBuf) { CMapDrawItem *item = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); return (item && item->mImported); } // Count items with same group #, return first and last label encountered, optionally // return a list of indices in indexVec int CNavigatorDlg::CountItemsInGroup(int curID, CString & label, CString & lastlab, int &numAcquire, IntVec *indexVec) { CMapDrawItem *item; int num = 0; numAcquire = 0; label = ""; if (indexVec) indexVec->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < mItemArray.GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item && item->mGroupID == curID) { num++; if (item->mAcquire) numAcquire++; if (label.IsEmpty()) label = item->mLabel; lastlab = item->mLabel; if (indexVec) indexVec->push_back(i); } } return num; } // Return supermont coords of acquire item or item that a macro said to use void CNavigatorDlg::GetSuperCoords(int &superX, int &superY) { CMapDrawItem *item; int index = mAcquireIndex >= 0 ? mAcquireIndex : mSuperCoordIndex; if (index < 0 || index >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return; item = mItemArray[index]; superX = item->mSuperMontX; superY = item->mSuperMontY; } int CNavigatorDlg::GroupScheduledIndex(int ID) { ScheduledFile *sched; if (!ID) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < mGroupFiles.GetSize(); i++) { sched = (ScheduledFile *)mGroupFiles.GetAt(i); if (sched->groupID == ID) return i; } return -1; } // Sets the current item as long and runs UpdateData as long as it is not collapsed group bool CNavigatorDlg::UpdateIfItem(void) { mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return true; UpdateData(true); return false; } // Make the mappings between list box and item array when groups are collapsed // mItemToList gives the index in the list box of each item in the array // mListToItem has the item index for a list item without a group #, or it // -1 - item index of first item in a line corresponding to a collapsed group void CNavigatorDlg::MakeListMappings(void) { int i, list, lastGroup, num = (int)mItemArray.GetSize(); CMapDrawItem *item; CLEAR_RESIZE(mItemToList, int, num); lastGroup = -1; list = 0; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mGroupID <= 0) { lastGroup = -1; list++; } else if (item->mGroupID != lastGroup) { lastGroup = item->mGroupID; list++; } mItemToList[i] = list - 1; } CLEAR_RESIZE(mListToItem, int, list); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { item = mItemArray[i]; if (item->mGroupID <= 0) mListToItem[mItemToList[i]] = i; else if (!i || mItemToList[i] != mItemToList[i-1]) mListToItem[mItemToList[i]] = -1 - i; } } // Get the starting and ending item index for a collapsed group at listInd in list box // Returns true if it is collapsed group, false otherwise bool CNavigatorDlg::GetCollapsedGroupLimits(int listInd, int &start, int &end) { if (listInd < 0 || !m_bCollapseGroups || mListToItem[listInd] >= 0) return false; start = -1 - mListToItem[listInd]; if (listInd >= (int)mListToItem.size() - 1) end = (int)mItemArray.GetSize() - 1; else if (mListToItem[listInd+1] >= 0) end = mListToItem[listInd+1] - 1; else end = -2 - mListToItem[listInd+1]; return true; } // Get the item index of the element at listInd in the list box, or the index of the // first item if it is a group. Returns true if it is a collapsed group bool CNavigatorDlg::IndexOfSingleOrFirstInGroup(int listInd, int & itemInd) { itemInd = listInd; if (m_bCollapseGroups && listInd >= 0 && listInd < (int)mListToItem.size()) { if (mListToItem[listInd] < 0) { itemInd = -1 - mListToItem[listInd]; return true; } itemInd = mListToItem[listInd]; } return false; } // Change the collapse state internally void CNavigatorDlg::SetCollapsing(BOOL state) { if (m_bCollapseGroups && state || !m_bCollapseGroups && !state) return; m_bCollapseGroups = state; UpdateData(false); OnCollapseGroups(); } // Replace the title line with a string and hide its parts, or restore the parts if // str in Label, its default value. Separate parts stay lined up at different DPIs void CNavigatorDlg::ManageListHeader(CString str) { int ind, hideShow = str.IsEmpty() ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; m_statListHeader.SetWindowText(str); m_statListHeader.ShowWindow(!str.IsEmpty() ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); for (ind = 0; ind < 9; ind++) { CStatic *part = (CStatic *)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATLISTHEADER1 + ind); if (part) part->ShowWindow(hideShow); } ShowDlgItem(IDC_STAT_HEADER_INDEX, (str.IsEmpty() && m_bTableIndexes && mNumDigitsForIndex)); } // Store suffixes of extra files to open void CNavigatorDlg::SetExtraFileSuffixes(CString *items, int numItems) { mNumExtraFileSuffixes = numItems; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) mExtraFileSuffix[i] = items[i]; } // See if new current item raw stage position matches that of any other(s) and assign them // the same ID void CNavigatorDlg::CheckRawStageMatches(void) { CMapDrawItem *curItem, *item; bool pending; float tol = mScope->GetBacklashTolerance(); int lastMoveID = -1; curItem = mItemArray[mCurrentItem]; if (mLastMoveStageID > 0) { if (mScope->StageIsAtSamePos((double)curItem->mRawStageX, (float)curItem->mRawStageY, mRequestedStageX, mRequestedStageY)) lastMoveID = mLastMoveStageID; } for (int loop = 0; loop < 3; loop++) { pending = false; for (int ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (ind == mCurrentItem) continue; item = mItemArray[ind]; if ((item->mRawStageX > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)(curItem->mRawStageX - item->mRawStageX)) < tol && fabs((double)(curItem->mRawStageY - item->mRawStageY)) < tol) || (lastMoveID > 0 && item->mRawStageX < RAW_STAGE_TEST && item->mMoveStageID == lastMoveID)) { if (!loop) { // First time through, assign only if other item has a same pos ID already if (item->mAtSamePosID > 0) curItem->mAtSamePosID = item->mAtSamePosID; else pending = true; } else { // Otherwise, assign current item's same pos ID to matching item, or current // item's map ID to the same pos ID of both items, or the other items's map // ID to both. Second time, a pair with another nonmap is pending but this // is assigned on the third round if there was a map to pair with if (curItem->mAtSamePosID > 0) item->mAtSamePosID = curItem->mAtSamePosID; else if (curItem->mMapID > 0) item->mAtSamePosID = curItem->mAtSamePosID = curItem->mMapID; else if (item->mMapID > 0) item->mAtSamePosID = curItem->mAtSamePosID = item->mMapID; else pending = true; } } } if (!pending) break; } } // Assign the backlash to the given item either from the map item of a buffer, if there is // one, or from the image buffer void CNavigatorDlg::TransferBacklash(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, CMapDrawItem *item) { CMapDrawItem *mapItem = FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); item->mBacklashX = mapItem ? mapItem->mBacklashX : imBuf->mBacklashX; item->mBacklashY = mapItem ? mapItem->mBacklashY : imBuf->mBacklashY; } // When backlash adjustment measurement is done, adjust the item it was launched for and // for other items marked as being at the same position void CNavigatorDlg::BacklashFinished(float deltaX, float deltaY) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (mBacklashItemInd >= mItemArray.GetSize()) return; mItem = mItemArray[mBacklashItemInd]; for (int ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if ((mItem->mAtSamePosID > 0 && mItem->mAtSamePosID == item->mAtSamePosID) || ind == mBacklashItemInd) { // Adjust raw stage if any if (item->mRawStageX > RAW_STAGE_TEST) { item->mRawStageX += deltaX; item->mRawStageY += deltaY; } // Adjust stage and points item->mStageX += deltaX; item->mStageY += deltaY; ShiftItemPoints(item, deltaX, deltaY); mWinApp->mMontageController->GetColumnBacklash(item->mBacklashX, item->mBacklashY); UpdateListString(ind); SEMTrace('1', "Adjusted item %d (%s)", ind + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); } } Update(); Redraw(); } // Test for whether the current item can have a backlash adjusted: has a raw stage, // does not have a backlash, and stage is nominally at that position bool CNavigatorDlg::OKtoAdjustBacklash(bool fastStage) { double stageZ; float tol = mScope->GetBacklashTolerance(); if (!SetCurrentItem()) return false; if (mItem->mBacklashX != 0. || mItem->mRawStageX < RAW_STAGE_TEST) return false; if (fastStage) mScope->FastStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ); else mScope->GetStagePosition(mLastScopeStageX, mLastScopeStageY, stageZ); return fabs(mLastScopeStageX - mItem->mRawStageX) < tol && fabs(mLastScopeStageY - mItem->mRawStageY) < tol; } void CNavigatorDlg::AdjustBacklash(int index, bool showC) { CMapDrawItem *item; float backlashX, backlashY; mWinApp->mMontageController->GetColumnBacklash(backlashX, backlashY); if (!OKtoAdjustBacklash(false)) return; mBacklashItemInd = index >= 0 ? index : mCurrentItem; item = mItemArray[mBacklashItemInd]; if (item->mMapMontage) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, 0); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->BacklashAdjustStagePos(backlashX, backlashY, true, showC); } // Functions to provide central answer to whether initial stage move can be skipped int CNavigatorDlg::OKtoSkipStageMove(NavAcqParams *param) { return OKtoSkipStageMove(mAcqActions, param->acquireType); } int CNavigatorDlg::OKtoSkipStageMove(NavAcqAction *actions, int acqType) { if ((actions[NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO].flags & NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT) != 0 || acqType == ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO) return 1; return 0; } // Returns the number of point items in the current group; if maxPoints is > 0, returns // with maxPoints + 1 if number of items exceeds maxPoints; if stageX and stageY are // non-NULL, returns the stage coordinates of the points int CNavigatorDlg::GetCurrentGroupSizeAndPoints(int maxPoints, float *stageX, float *stageY, float *defocusOffset) { int ind, num = 0; CMapDrawItem *item; if (!SetCurrentItem(true) || mItem->IsNotPoint()) return 0; if (defocusOffset) *defocusOffset = mItem->mDefocusOffset; for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray[ind]; if (item->mGroupID == mItem->mGroupID && item->IsPoint()) { num++; if (maxPoints > 0 && num > maxPoints) return num; if (stageX) stageX[num - 1] = item->mStageX; if (stageY) stageY[num - 1] = item->mStageY; } } return num; } // Goes to the current item (with IS or not) and selects the next item in the given // direction if nonzero; intended to be used without collapsed groups void CNavigatorDlg::IStoXYandAdvance(int &direction) { OnGotoXy(); if (direction && mCurrentItem + direction >= 0 && mCurrentItem + direction < mItemArray.GetSize()) { SetCurrentSelection(mCurListSel + direction); } else direction = 0; } // Returns the index of first and last item in the same group as the given item and in // a contiguous set of items in same group; return value is number in that group int CNavigatorDlg::LimitsOfContiguousGroup(int itemInd, int &groupStart, int & groupEnd) { CMapDrawItem *item; int ind, groupID; item = mItemArray.GetAt(itemInd); groupID = item->mGroupID; groupStart = groupEnd = itemInd; if (!groupID) return 1; for (ind = itemInd; ind >= 0; ind--) { item = mItemArray.GetAt(ind); if (item->mGroupID == groupID) groupStart = ind; else break; } for (ind = itemInd; ind < mItemArray.GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray.GetAt(ind); if (item->mGroupID == groupID) groupEnd = ind; else break; } return groupEnd + 1 - groupStart; } // Sets the current selected item and updates display and window void CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentSelection(int listInd) { if (listInd < 0 || listInd >= m_listViewer.GetCount()) return; mCurListSel = listInd; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); if (!m_bCollapseGroups) mCurrentItem = mCurListSel; else if (mListToItem[listInd] < 0) mCurrentItem = -1 - mListToItem[listInd]; else mCurrentItem = mListToItem[listInd]; ManageCurrentControls(); Redraw(); } // Sets the given item as the current one and as the only selected item int CNavigatorDlg::SetSelectedItem(int itemInd, bool redraw) { if (itemInd < 0 || itemInd > mItemArray.GetSize()) return 1; if (mAcquireIndex >= 0) return 2; mCurrentItem = itemInd; if (m_bCollapseGroups) mCurListSel = mItemToList[itemInd]; else mCurListSel = itemInd; m_listViewer.SetCurSel(mCurListSel); mSelectedItems.clear(); mSelectedItems.insert(itemInd); ManageCurrentControls(); if (redraw) Redraw(); return 0; } // Returns the area inside the contour points float CNavigatorDlg::ContourArea(float *ptx, float *pty, int numPoints) { float sum = 0.; int i, next; if (numPoints < 3) return 0.; for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { next = (i + 1) % numPoints; sum += (ptx[i] * pty[next]) - (pty[i] * ptx[next]); } return (float)fabs(sum * 0.5f); } // Returns the directory of the nav file, or the current dir if there is no file void CNavigatorDlg::GetCurrentNavDir(CString &navPath) { CString str; if (mNavFilename.IsEmpty()) navPath = mDocWnd->GetOriginalCwd(); else UtilSplitPath(mNavFilename, navPath, str); if (!navPath.IsEmpty() && navPath.GetAt(navPath.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') navPath += '\\'; } void CNavigatorDlg::SetCurrentNavFile(CString & inFile) { CString str, str2; mNavFilename = inFile; UtilSplitPath(mNavFilename, str, str2); SetWindowText("Navigator: " + str2); } // The quick and dirty approach to hiding without panel tables void CNavigatorDlg::UpdateHiding() { int IDsToHide[] = {IDC_NEW_MAP, IDC_BUT_DUAL_MAP, IDC_CHECKCORNER, IDC_CHECKROTATE, IDC_CHECK_DUALMAP, IDC_DRAW_LABELS, IDC_DRAW_NONE, IDC_DRAW_ALL_REG, IDC_STAT_NAV_DRAW, IDC_STAT_NAV_SET, IDC_BUT_NAV_FILEPROPS, IDC_BUT_NAV_STATE, IDC_BUT_NAV_TSPARAMS, IDC_BUT_NAV_FILENAME, IDC_BUT_NAV_FOCUS_POS}; int numHide = sizeof(IDsToHide) / sizeof(int); for (int ind = 0; ind < numHide; ind++) ShowDlgItem(IDsToHide[ind], !mWinApp->IsIDinHideSet(IDsToHide[ind])); }