// NavHelper.cpp : Helper class for Navigator for task-oriented routines // // // Copyright (C) 2007 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include ".\NavHelper.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "FocusManager.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "NavAcquireDlg.h" #include "MapDrawItem.h" #include "NavFileTypeDlg.h" #include "NavRotAlignDlg.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "MontageSetupDlg.h" #include "BeamAssessor.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "StateDlg.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "TiltSeriesParam.h" #include "TSController.h" #include "MultiTSTasks.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "MGSettingsManagerDlg.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "holefinder.h" #include "MultiHoleCombiner.h" #include "MultiCombinerDlg.h" #include "ComaVsISCalDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "MultiGridDlg.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Image\KStoreADOC.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include "Shared\autodoc.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" enum HelperTasks {TASK_FIRST_MOVE = 1, TASK_FIRST_SHOT, TASK_SECOND_MOVE, TASK_SECOND_SHOT, TASK_FINAL_SHOT, TASK_RESET_IS, TASK_RESET_SHOT}; // Default order for task list (actions) in acquire int CNavHelper::mAcqActDefaultOrder[NAA_MAX_ACTIONS + 1] = { NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS, NAACT_FLASH_FEG, NAACT_COMA_FREE, NAACT_ASTIGMATISM, NAACT_CONDITION_VPP, NAACT_HW_DARK_REF, NAACT_REFINE_ZLP, NAACT_ROUGH_EUCEN, NAACT_EUCEN_BY_FOCUS, NAACT_CEN_BEAM, NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM, NAACT_COOK_SPEC, NAACT_FINE_EUCEN, NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE, NAACT_AUTOFOCUS, NAACT_WAIT_DRIFT, NAACT_RUN_PREMACRO, NAACT_HOLE_FINDER, NAACT_RUN_POSTMACRO, -1}; #define BEFORE_SETUP_EVERYN (NAA_FLAG_ONLY_BEFORE | NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP | NAA_FLAG_EVERYN_ONLY) CNavHelper::CNavHelper(void) { int i; SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); // Define local array here and copy to real arrays NavAcqAction actions[NAA_MAX_ACTIONS] = { {"Rough Eucentricity", 0, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Autocenter Beam", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Realign to Item", NAA_FLAG_ONLY_BEFORE | NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP | NAA_FLAG_HERE_ONLY, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Cook Specimen", NAA_FLAG_ONLY_BEFORE | NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Fine Eucentricity", 0, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Eucentricity by Focus", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Autofocus", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Coma-free Alignment", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Correct Astigmatism", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Condition Phase Plate", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Update Dark Reference", NAA_FLAG_ANY_SITE_OK, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Wait for Drift", BEFORE_SETUP_EVERYN, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Align to Template", BEFORE_SETUP_EVERYN, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Refine ZLP", 0, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Run Script before Action", NAA_FLAG_ONLY_BEFORE, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Run Script after Action", NAA_FLAG_AFTER_ITEM, 0, 1, 15,40.}, {"Flash FEG", NAA_FLAG_ANY_SITE_OK, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Manage Dewars/Vacuum", NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP | NAA_FLAG_EVERYN_ONLY | NAA_FLAG_ANY_SITE_OK, 0, 1, 15, 40.}, {"Hole Finder && Combiner", NAA_FLAG_AFTER_ITEM | NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP | NAA_FLAG_EVERYN_ONLY | NAA_FLAG_HERE_ONLY, 0, 1, 15, 40.} }; mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mDocWnd = mWinApp->mDocWnd; mMagTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); mCamParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mMontParam = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mBufferManager = mWinApp->mBufferManager; mFindHoles = new HoleFinder(); mCombineHoles = new CMultiHoleCombiner(); mHoleFinderDlg = new CHoleFinderDlg(); mAutoContouringDlg = new CAutoContouringDlg(); // Copy the default acquire action structures for (mNumAcqActions = 0; mNumAcqActions < NAA_MAX_ACTIONS; mNumAcqActions++) { if (mAcqActDefaultOrder[mNumAcqActions] < 0) break; mAcqActCurrentOrder[0][mNumAcqActions] = mAcqActCurrentOrder[1][mNumAcqActions] = mAcqActDefaultOrder[mNumAcqActions]; mAllAcqActions[0][mNumAcqActions] = actions[mNumAcqActions]; mAllAcqActions[1][mNumAcqActions] = actions[mNumAcqActions]; } mRealigning = 0; mAcquiringDual = false; mMaxMarginNeeded = 10.; mMinMarginWanted = 5.; mMinMarginNeeded = 1.5f; mRImaxLMfield = 15.; mRegistrationAtErr = -1; mStageErrX = mStageErrY = -999.; mRImapID = 0; mRIdrawnTargetItem = NULL; mRIskipCenTimeCrit = 15; mRIskipCenErrorCrit = 0.; mRIabsTargetX = mRIabsTargetY = 0.; mRImaximumIS = 1.; mDistWeightThresh = 5.f; mRIweightSigma = 3.f; mTypeOfSavedState = STATE_NONE; mLastTypeWasMont = false; mLastMontFitToPoly = false; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mGridLimits[i] = 0.; mTestParams[i] = 0.; } mStateArray.SetSize(0, 4); mStateDlg = NULL; mStatePlacement.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mRotAlignDlg = NULL; mRotAlignCenter = 0.f; mRotAlignRange = 20.f; mSearchRotAlign = true; mRotAlignPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mMultiShotDlg = NULL; mMultiShotPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mHoleFinderPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mMultiCombinerDlg = NULL; mMultiCombinerPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mAutoContDlgPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mMultiGridDlg = NULL; mMultiGridPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mMGSettingsDlg = NULL; mMGSettingsPlace.rcNormalPosition.right = NO_PLACEMENT; mComaVsISCalDlg = NULL; mRIdefocusOffsetSet = 0.; mRIbeamShiftSetX = mRIbeamShiftSetY = 0.; mRIbeamTiltSetX = mRIbeamTiltSetY = 0.; mRIalphaSet = -999; mRIuseBeamOffsets = false; mRITiltTolerance = 2.; mRIdefocusChangeLimit = 0.; mContinuousRealign = 0; mGridGroupSize = 5.; mDivideIntoGroups = false; mConvertMaps = true; mLoadMapsUnbinned = true; mWriteNavAsXML = false; mTryRealignScaling = true; mPlusMinusRIScaling = false; mRealignTestOptions = 3; // TEMPORARY mAutoBacklashMinField = 5.f; mAutoBacklashNewMap = 1; // ASK mPointLabelDrawThresh = 15; mUseLabelInFilenames = false; mEnableMultiShot = 0; mMultiShotParams.beamDiam = 0.2f; mMultiShotParams.spokeRad[0] = 0.5f; mMultiShotParams.numShots[0] = 6; mMultiShotParams.spokeRad[1] = 0.25f; mMultiShotParams.numShots[1] = 3; mMultiShotParams.doSecondRing = false; mMultiShotParams.doCenter = 1; mMultiShotParams.saveRecord = false; mMultiShotParams.doEarlyReturn = 0; mMultiShotParams.numEarlyFrames = 0; mMultiShotParams.extraDelay = 2.; mMultiShotParams.adjustBeamTilt = false; mMultiShotParams.useIllumArea = false; mMultiShotParams.numHoles[0] = 2; mMultiShotParams.numHoles[1] = 2; mMultiShotParams.numHexRings = 1; mMultiShotParams.doHexArray = false; mMultiShotParams.skipCornersOf3x3 = false; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i < 2) { mMultiShotParams.holeISXspacing[i] = 1.; mMultiShotParams.holeISYspacing[i] = 1.; } mMultiShotParams.hexISXspacing[i] = 1.; mMultiShotParams.hexISYspacing[i] = 1.; } mMultiShotParams.inHoleOrMultiHole = 1; mMultiShotParams.useCustomHoles = false; mMultiShotParams.holeDelayFactor = 1.5f; mMultiShotParams.holeMagIndex[0] = 0; mMultiShotParams.holeMagIndex[1] = 0; mMultiShotParams.customMagIndex = 0; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfHoleArray[0] = -999.; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfHoleArray[1] = -999.; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfCustomHoles = -999.; mMultiShotParams.holeFinderAngle = -999.; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjLDarea = 2; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjWhichMag = 0; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjOtherMag = -1; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjSetDefOff = false; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjDefOffset = -10; mMultiShotParams.origMagOfArray[0] = 0; mMultiShotParams.origMagOfArray[1] = 0; mMultiShotParams.origMagOfCustom = 0; mMultiShotParams.xformFromMag = 0; mMultiShotParams.xformToMag = 0; mMultiShotParams.adjustingXform = {0., 0., 0., 0.}; mMultiShotParams.doAutoAdjustment = false; mMultiShotParams.autoAdjHoleSize = 1.f; mMultiShotParams.autoAdjMethod = 0; mMultiShotParams.autoAdjLimitFrac = 0.5f; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjSetPrevExp = false; mMultiShotParams.stepAdjPrevExp = 1.0; mMultiShotParams.canUndoRectOrHex = 0; mMinAutoAdjCropSize = 150; mMinAutoAdjHexRatio = 0.15f; mMinAutoAdjSquareRatio = 0.33f; mMaxAutoAdjHoleRatio = 0.75f; mSkipAstigAdjustment = 0; mNavAlignParams.maxAlignShift = 1.; mNavAlignParams.resetISthresh = 0.2f; mNavAlignParams.maxNumResetIS = 0; mNavAlignParams.leaveISatZero = false; mNavAlignParams.loadAndKeepBuf = 'S' - 'A'; mNavAlignParams.scaledAliMaxRot = -1.; mNavAlignParams.scaledAliPctChg = -1.; mNavAlignParams.scaledAliExtraFOV = 0.5f; mNavAlignParams.scaledAliLoadBuf = MAX_BUFFERS - 1; float thresholds[] = {2.4f, 3.6f, 4.8f}; mHoleFinderParams.thresholds.insert(mHoleFinderParams.thresholds.begin(), &thresholds[0], &thresholds[3]); float sigmas[] = {1.5f, 2.f, 3.f, -3.f}; mHoleFinderParams.sigmas.insert(mHoleFinderParams.sigmas.begin(), &sigmas[0], &sigmas[4]); mHoleFinderParams.spacing = 2.; mHoleFinderParams.diameter = 1.; mHoleFinderParams.hexagonalArray = false; mHoleFinderParams.hexDiameter = 0.3f; mHoleFinderParams.hexSpacing = 0.62f; mHoleFinderParams.maxError = 0.05f; mHoleFinderParams.useBoundary = false; mHoleFinderParams.bracketLast = false; mHoleFinderParams.lowerMeanCutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mHoleFinderParams.upperMeanCutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mHoleFinderParams.SDcutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mHoleFinderParams.blackFracCutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mHoleFinderParams.edgeDistCutoff = 0.; mHoleFinderParams.showExcluded = true; mHoleFinderParams.layoutType = 0; mHoleFinderParams.useHexDiagonals = false; mAutoContourParams.targetPixSizeUm = 2.f; mAutoContourParams.targetSizePixels = 1500; mAutoContourParams.usePixSize = true; mAutoContourParams.minSize = 30; mAutoContourParams.maxSize = 70; mAutoContourParams.relThreshold = 0.75f; mAutoContourParams.absThreshold = 0.; mAutoContourParams.useAbsThresh = false; mAutoContourParams.numGroups = 5; mAutoContourParams.groupByMean = false; mAutoContourParams.lowerMeanCutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mAutoContourParams.upperMeanCutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mAutoContourParams.minSizeCutoff = 0.; mAutoContourParams.SDcutoff = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; mAutoContourParams.irregularCutoff = 1.; mAutoContourParams.borderDistCutoff = 0.; mAutoContourParams.useCurrentPolygon = false; float widths[] = {4, 2, 1.5}, increments[] = {3., 1.5, 1.}; int numCircles[] = {7, 3, 1}; mHFwidths.insert(mHFwidths.begin(), &widths[0], &widths[3]); mHFincrements.insert(mHFincrements.begin(), &increments[0], &increments[3]); mHFnumCircles.insert(mHFnumCircles.begin(), &numCircles[0], &numCircles[3]); mHFtargetDiamPix = 50.; mHFretainFFTs = 1; mHFminNumForTemplate = 5; mHFfractionToAverage = 0.5f; mHFmaxDiamErrFrac = 0.2f; mHFavgOutlieCrit = 4.5f; mHFfinalPosOutlieCrit = 4.5f; mHFfinalNegOutlieCrit = 9; mHFfinalOutlieRadFrac = 0.9f; mHFpcToPcSameFrac = 0.5f; mHFpcToFullSameFrac = 0.5f; mHFsubstOverlapDistFrac = 0.; mHFusePieceEdgeDistFrac = 0.25f; mHFaddOverlapFrac = 0.75f; mRIdidSaveState = false; mMHCcombineType = COMBINE_ON_IMAGE; mMHCenableMultiDisplay = false; mMHCturnOffOutsidePoly = true; mMHCdelOrTurnOffIfFew = 0; mMHCthreshNumHoles = 2; mMHCskipAveragingPos = false; mEditReminderPrinted = false; mCollapseGroups = false; mShowTableIndexes = false; mRIstayingInLD = false; mRIuseCurrentLDparams = false; mNav = NULL; mExtDrawnOnID = 0; mDoingMultipleFiles = 0; mCurAcqParamIndex = 0; mSettingState = false; mOKtoUseHoleVectors = 0; mMarkerShiftApplyWhich = 0; mMarkerShiftSaveType = 0; mReverseAutocontColors = false; mKeepColorsForPolygons = true; mMaxMontReuseWaste = 0.2f; mRISkipNextZMove = false; mRIErasePeriodicPeaks = false; mScaledAliDfltMaxRot = 3.; mScaledAliDfltPctChg = 4.; mRISkipItemPosMinField = 10.; mRIJustMoving = false; mShowStateNumbers = false; mDoingMultiGridFiles = false; mOpenedMultiGrid = false; } CNavHelper::~CNavHelper(void) { ClearStateArray(); delete mFindHoles; delete mCombineHoles; delete mHoleFinderDlg; delete mAutoContouringDlg; } void CNavHelper::ClearStateArray(void) { int i; StateParams *param; for (i = 0; i < mStateArray.GetSize(); i++) { param = mStateArray.GetAt(i); delete param; } mStateArray.RemoveAll(); } void CNavHelper::Initialize(void) { mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; InitAcqActionFlags(false); } // Initialization when navigator is opened void CNavHelper::NavOpeningOrClosing(bool open) { if (open) { mNav = mWinApp->mNavigator; mItemArray = mNav->GetItemArray(); mTSparamArray = mNav->GetTSparamArray(); mFileOptArray = mNav->GetFileOptArray(); mMontParArray = mNav->GetMontParArray(); mGroupFiles = mNav->GetScheduledFiles(); mAcqStateArray = mNav->GetAcqStateArray(); InitAcqActionFlags(true); mNav->SetCurAcqParmActions(mCurAcqParamIndex); } else mNav = NULL; } // Make sure bad flags haven't come in from settings and hide irrelevant actions void CNavHelper::InitAcqActionFlags(bool opening) { int i; bool setFlag; NavAcqAction *actions; bool canHWDR = mWinApp->GetHasK2OrK3Camera() || mWinApp->GetDEcamCount() > 0; mAcqActions = &mAllAcqActions[mCurAcqParamIndex][0]; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { actions = &mAllAcqActions[i][0]; if (opening) { setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_HW_DARK_REF].flags, NAA_FLAG_ALWAYS_HIDE, canHWDR ? 0 : 1); if (!canHWDR) setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_HW_DARK_REF].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, 0); setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_HW_DARK_REF].flags, NAA_FLAG_HAS_SETUP, mWinApp->GetDEcamCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0); } else { if (!FEIscope) actions[NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS].name = "Manage Nitrogen"; // Manage Refine ZLP setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_REFINE_ZLP].flags, NAA_FLAG_ALWAYS_HIDE, mWinApp->ScopeHasFilter() ? 0 : 1); if (!mWinApp->ScopeHasFilter()) setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_REFINE_ZLP].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, 0); // Manage Flash FEG setFlag = !((FEIscope && mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() >= ASI_FILTER_FEG_LOAD_TEMP) || (JEOLscope && mScope->GetJeolHasNitrogenClass())) || mScope->GetScopeCanFlashFEG() <= 0; setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_FLASH_FEG].flags, NAA_FLAG_ALWAYS_HIDE, setFlag ? 1 : 0); if (setFlag) setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_FLASH_FEG].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, 0); // Manage Check dewars setFlag = !(FEIscope || (JEOLscope && mScope->GetJeolHasNitrogenClass() && mScope->GetDewarVacCapabilities() > 0) || mScope->GetHasSimpleOrigin()); setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS].flags, NAA_FLAG_ALWAYS_HIDE, setFlag ? 1 : 0); if (setFlag) setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_CHECK_DEWARS].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, 0); // Manage Condition VPP setFlag = mScope->GetScopeHasPhasePlate() <= 0; setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_CONDITION_VPP].flags, NAA_FLAG_ALWAYS_HIDE, setFlag ? 1 : 0); if (setFlag) setOrClearFlags(&actions[NAACT_CONDITION_VPP].flags, NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT, 0); } } } void CNavHelper::UpdateSettings() { // Don't do this while running, it screws up use of temp params if (mNav && mNav->GetAcquiring()) return; InitAcqActionFlags(false); if (mNav) { InitAcqActionFlags(true); mNav->SetCurAcqParmActions(mCurAcqParamIndex); mNav->SetCollapsing(mCollapseGroups); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// REALIGN TO ITEM ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Finds the best map for realigning to the given item and sets all the member variables * for the realign operation */ int CNavHelper::FindMapForRealigning(CMapDrawItem * inItem, BOOL restoreState) { int mapInd, magMax, ix, iy, ixPiece, iyPiece, ixSafer, iySafer, xFrame, yFrame, binning; CMapDrawItem *item; int maxAligned, alignedMap, maxDrawn, drawnMap, samePosMap, maxSamePos; float toEdge, netViewShiftX, netViewShiftY; float incLowX, incLowY, incHighX, incHighY, targetX, targetY, borderDist, borderMax; double firstISX, firstISY; BOOL betterMap, differentMap, stayInLD, mapInLM, maxInLM; ScaleMat aMat, bMat; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); float delX, delY, distMin, distMax, firstDelX, firstDelY; int magIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); // Look at all maps that point is inside and find one with most distance from a frame // center to the borders, since we will go to the center point for initial localization distMax = 0.; maxAligned = 0; maxDrawn = 0; maxSamePos = 0; borderMax = 0.; maxInLM = false; mRIstartingMagInd = magIndex; for (mapInd = 0; mapInd < mItemArray->GetSize(); mapInd++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(mapInd); if (item->IsNotMap() || item->mRegistration != inItem->mRegistration || item->mImported || item->mColor == NO_REALIGN_COLOR) continue; // Allow low mag mode if the camera field of view is smaller than the limit, which is // determined by objective aperture size mapInLM = item->mMapMagInd < mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag(&mCamParams[item->mMapCamera]); if (mapInLM && mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd) * B3DMAX(mCamParams[item->mMapCamera].sizeX, mCamParams[item->mMapCamera].sizeY) > mRImaxLMfield) continue; // Get the target which we need to go to at this mag - this will be different from // absolute target if the user does not have apply offsets on and it is clear that // we will end up at another mag from this item targetX = inItem->mStageX; targetY = inItem->mStageY; // Accumulate the net stage shift needed to work at this mag relative to the final one firstDelX = firstDelY = 0.; alignedMap = 0; differentMap = inItem->IsMap() && inItem->mMapID != item->mMapID; incHighX = incHighY = incLowX = incLowY = 0.; if (differentMap || ((restoreState || mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) && !(mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (item->mNetViewShiftX != 0 || item->mNetViewShiftY != 0)))) { // Get potential adjustment for mag change if either the input item is a different // map from the current item or we will be restoring state at the end or we are in // low dose ConvertIStoStageIncrement(item->mMapMagInd, item->mMapCamera, 0., 0., item->mMapTiltAngle, incLowX, incLowY); if (differentMap) ConvertIStoStageIncrement(inItem->mMapMagInd, inItem->mMapCamera, 0., 0., item->mMapTiltAngle, incHighX, incHighY); else { ix = magIndex; // if in low dose, align at the mag of the area we are going back to since that // constitutes the restored state if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { iy = mNav->TargetLDAreaForRealign(); if (iy >= 0 && ldp[iy].magIndex) ix = ldp[iy].magIndex; } ConvertIStoStageIncrement(ix, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), 0., 0., item->mMapTiltAngle, incHighX, incHighY); } firstDelX += incHighX - incLowX; firstDelY += incHighY - incLowY; } // And if there is a recorded error when aligning to this map, set flag // Also subtract from target to get back to the original stage position that was // aligned to in map and presumably marked. if (inItem->IsMap() && inItem->mRealignedID == item->mMapID && inItem->mRealignReg == item->mRegistration) { targetX -= inItem->mRealignErrX; targetY -= inItem->mRealignErrY; alignedMap = 1; } drawnMap = inItem->mDrawnOnMapID == item->mMapID ? 1 : 0; samePosMap = (differentMap && inItem->mAtSamePosID > 0 && inItem->mAtSamePosID == item->mAtSamePosID) ? 1 : 0; if (InsideContour(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints, targetX, targetY)) { // Get minimum distance to the border borderDist = 100000000.; for (ix = 0; ix < item->mNumPoints - 1; ix++) { toEdge = PointSegmentDistance(targetX, targetY, item->mPtX[ix], item->mPtY[ix], item->mPtX[ix+1], item->mPtY[ix+1]); borderDist = B3DMIN(borderDist, toEdge); } // Find piece that target is closest to center of, and possibly safer piece that is // farther from edge of a montage; distMin is minimum distance from center of that // piece to edge of map if (DistAndPiecesForRealign(item, targetX, targetY, inItem->mPieceDrawnOn, mapInd, aMat, delX, delY, distMin, ixPiece, iyPiece, ixSafer, iySafer, ix, iy, false, xFrame, yFrame, binning)) continue; // Now can determine net view shift and adjust initial stage delta stayInLD = CanStayInLowDose(item, xFrame, yFrame, binning, ix, netViewShiftX, netViewShiftY, false); // If realigning to a second map at record mag, need to adjust the target by the // calibration shift unless staying in low dose, in which case need to clear out // the initial image shift. Sadly, this is all empirical. if (differentMap && ((mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || item->mNetViewShiftX || item->mNetViewShiftY) && (inItem->mMapMagInd == ldp[RECORD_CONSET].magIndex || inItem->mMapMagInd == ldp[VIEW_CONSET].magIndex))) { if (stayInLD && (item->mNetViewShiftX || item->mNetViewShiftY)) { firstDelX = 0.; firstDelY = 0.; } else if (!stayInLD) { targetX += mRIcalShiftX; targetY += mRIcalShiftY; } // If the user changed the view shift and this map was taken at the same // position (and presumably all under the old shift), revise the target by the // change in the view shift. if (samePosMap) { targetX += mRIviewShiftChangeX; targetY += mRIviewShiftChangeY; } } firstDelX += netViewShiftX; firstDelY += netViewShiftY; SEMTrace('h', "net shift %.2f %.2f target %.2f %.2f firstDel %.2f %.2f", netViewShiftX, netViewShiftY, targetX, targetY, firstDelX, firstDelY); // Convert the net stage shift to an image shift to apply instead bMat = MatMul(ItemStageToCamera(item), MatInv(mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(item->mMapMagInd, item->mMapCamera))); firstISX = firstDelX * bMat.xpx + firstDelY * bMat.xpy; firstISY = firstDelX * bMat.ypx + firstDelY * bMat.ypy; // Treat any edge distance larger than this margin equally distMin = B3DMIN(distMin, mMaxMarginNeeded); // A map is "better" if has a bigger edge distance, or if it is at a higher mag // for the same effective distance, or if the target is more interior for same // effective distance betterMap = distMin > distMax || (distMin == distMax && magMax < item->mMapMagInd) || (distMin == distMax && borderDist > borderMax); // Same pos map trumps all: so if this is a same pos map and previous wasn't, accept // it if it is better or at least good enough // Then apply all the other conditions only if either previous map wasn't at same // pos or it was not quite good enough. In this case: // If both or neither are aligned, take the better map // If new one is aligned and old one isn't, take it if it is beyond wanted dist // or better. If new one is better and not aligned, take it unless old one is // aligned and beyond wanted distance or if the target is more interior // Treat drawn on map same way as aligned to map - maybe it should count for more // but there is no criterion for "enough" border to apply here SEMTrace('h',"Map %d: spm %d msp %d betm %d dmin %.2f mmw %.2f alm %d mal %d drm %d" " mdr %d dmax %f bdis %.2f bmax %.2f", mapInd, samePosMap, maxSamePos, betterMap, distMin, mMinMarginWanted, alignedMap, maxAligned, drawnMap, maxDrawn, distMax, borderDist, borderMax); if ((samePosMap && !maxSamePos && (betterMap || distMin >= mMinMarginWanted || (maxInLM && !mapInLM))) || ((!maxSamePos || distMin < mMinMarginWanted) && (((alignedMap == maxAligned || drawnMap == maxDrawn) && betterMap) || (((alignedMap && !maxAligned) || (drawnMap && !maxDrawn)) && (betterMap || distMin >= mMinMarginWanted || (maxInLM && !mapInLM))) || (betterMap && (!(((!alignedMap && maxAligned) || (!drawnMap && maxDrawn)) && (distMax >= mMinMarginWanted || (mapInLM && !maxInLM))) || (distMin == distMax && borderDist > borderMax)))))) { SEMTrace('h', "Accepted %d as better", mapInd); distMax = distMin; borderMax = borderDist; maxAligned = alignedMap; maxDrawn = drawnMap; maxSamePos = samePosMap; maxInLM = mapInLM; mRIitemInd = mapInd; magMax = item->mMapMagInd; mRImat = aMat; mRIdelX = delX; mRIdelY = delY; mRIix = ixPiece; mRIiy = iyPiece; mRIixSafer = ixSafer; mRIiySafer = iySafer; mRItargetX = targetX; mRItargetY = targetY; mRIfirstISX = firstISX; mRIfirstISY = firstISY; } } } if (distMax < mMinMarginNeeded) return distMax ? 5 : 4; return 0; } /* * Find distance to edge of map; for a montage, find the best piece for initial and * target alignments */ int CNavHelper::DistAndPiecesForRealign(CMapDrawItem *item, float targetX, float targetY, int pcDrawnOn, int mapInd, ScaleMat &aMat, float &delX, float &delY, float &distMin, int &ixPiece, int &iyPiece, int &ixSafer, int &iySafer, int &imageX, int &imageY, bool keepStore, int &xFrame, int &yFrame, int &binning) { KImageStore *imageStore; int curStore, ix, iy, xst, yst, imX, imY, idx, idy, ind, midDist; int xFrameDel, yFrameDel, finalMidMin, saferMidMin; float useWidth, useHeight, loadWidth, loadHeight, edgeDist, finalEdgeDist; float saferEdgeMin; MontParam *montP; float pixel, halfX, halfY; bool drawnOnPiece, finalDrawnOn = false, saferDrawnOn = false; // Get dimensions. For montage, get pointers to file so that frame sizes, // etc are available if (item->mMapMontage) { montP = &mMapMontParam; if (mNav->AccessMapFile(item, imageStore, curStore, montP, useWidth, useHeight)) return 1; xFrameDel = (montP->xFrame - montP->xOverlap); loadWidth = (float)(montP->xFrame + (montP->xNframes - 1) * xFrameDel); yFrameDel = (montP->yFrame - montP->yOverlap); loadHeight = (float)(montP->yFrame + (montP->yNframes - 1) * yFrameDel); mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(imageStore, montP, item->mMapSection, mPieceSavedAt); xFrame = montP->xFrame; yFrame = montP->yFrame; if (keepStore) { mMapMontP = montP; mMapStore = imageStore; mCurStoreInd = curStore; } else { if (curStore < 0) delete imageStore; } binning = item->mMontBinning ? item->mMontBinning : montP->binning; } else { xFrame = item->mMapWidth; yFrame = item->mMapHeight; loadWidth = useWidth = (float)item->mMapWidth; loadHeight = useHeight = (float)item->mMapHeight; binning = item->mMapBinning; } // Get transform to the unrotated full-sized image aMat = item->mMapScaleMat; aMat.xpx *= loadWidth / useWidth; aMat.xpy *= loadWidth / useWidth; aMat.ypx *= loadHeight / useHeight; aMat.ypy *= loadHeight / useHeight; delX = (item->mMapWidth / useWidth) * loadWidth / 2.f - aMat.xpx * item->mStageX - aMat.xpy * item->mStageY; delY = (2.f - item->mMapHeight / useHeight) * loadHeight / 2.f - aMat.ypx * item->mStageX - aMat.ypy * item->mStageY; pixel = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd) * binning; // For single frame, distance is just half the minimum frame size if (!item->mMapMontage) { halfX = 0.5f * pixel * loadWidth; halfY = 0.5f * pixel * loadHeight; distMin = B3DMIN(halfX, halfY); } else { // For montage, need to figure out the frame that the point is in. Do this in // right-handed coordinates. Find piece with center closest to point but far // enough away from edge imX = (int)(aMat.xpx * targetX + aMat.xpy * targetY + delX); imY = (int)(loadHeight - (aMat.ypx * targetX + aMat.ypy * targetY + delY)); if (imX < 0 || imY < 0 || imX > loadWidth || imY > loadHeight) return 2; finalMidMin = 1000000000; saferMidMin = 1000000000; saferEdgeMin = -1.; for (ix = 0; ix < montP->xNframes; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < montP->yNframes; iy++) { xst = ix * xFrameDel; yst = iy * yFrameDel; ind = iy + ix * montP->yNframes; if (mPieceSavedAt[ind] >= 0) { idx = imX - (xst + montP->xFrame / 2); idy = imY - (yst + montP->yFrame / 2); // Get distance of center from target, and minimum distance to edge midDist = idx * idx + idy * idy; edgeDist = PieceToEdgeDistance(montP, ix, iy) * pixel; drawnOnPiece = ix * montP->yNframes + iy == pcDrawnOn; // Take this as a new safer piece either if we haven't gotten far enough // from the edge yet and this piece is farther from edge; or if this // piece is either beyond the desired margin or as good as the last piece // and it is closer to the target than the last piece, as long as the last piece // wasn't the one drawn on; or if the edge distance is adequate and this is // the piece drawn on if ((saferEdgeMin < mMinMarginWanted && edgeDist > saferEdgeMin) || ((edgeDist >= mMinMarginWanted || edgeDist == saferEdgeMin) && midDist < saferMidMin && !saferDrawnOn) || (edgeDist >= mMinMarginWanted && drawnOnPiece)) { saferEdgeMin = edgeDist; saferMidMin = midDist; saferDrawnOn = edgeDist >= mMinMarginWanted && drawnOnPiece; ixSafer = ix; iySafer = iy; } if ((imX >= xst && imX <= xst + montP->xFrame && imY >= yst && imY <= yst + montP->yFrame) || drawnOnPiece) { // Take this as a new final piece if point is in it and it is // closer to the target, or if it is the piece drawn on if ((midDist < finalMidMin && !finalDrawnOn) || drawnOnPiece) { finalMidMin = midDist; finalDrawnOn = drawnOnPiece; ixPiece = ix; iyPiece = iy; finalEdgeDist = edgeDist; imageX = imX; imageY = imY; } } } } } // Skip if no pieces found containing point if (finalMidMin == 1000000000) return 2; // If the final piece is good enough or somehow no safer piece was identified, // use the final one as the safer one SEMTrace('h', "Map %d : saferMidMin %.2f saferEdgeMin %.2f safer ix,iy %d" " %d", mapInd, pixel * sqrt((double)saferMidMin), saferEdgeMin, ixSafer, iySafer); SEMTrace('h', " finalMidMin %.2f drawnOn %s finalEdgeDist %.2f final ix,iy %d" " %d", pixel * sqrt((double)finalMidMin), finalDrawnOn ? "Y" : "N", finalEdgeDist, ixPiece, iyPiece); if (finalEdgeDist >= mMinMarginWanted || saferEdgeMin < 0) { ixSafer = ixPiece; iySafer = iyPiece; saferEdgeMin = finalEdgeDist; } distMin = saferEdgeMin; } return 0; } // Align to the given item with image shift after realign to the map it is drawn on, // which must be a second-round map int CNavHelper::RealignToDrawnOnMap(CMapDrawItem * item, BOOL restoreState) { int err; CMapDrawItem *mapItem = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(item->mDrawnOnMapID, true); if (!mapItem) return item->mDrawnOnMapID ? 9 : 8; mRIdrawnTargetItem = item; err = RealignToItem(mapItem, restoreState, 0., 0, 0, 0, -1); if (err) mRIdrawnTargetItem = NULL; return err; } /* * REALIGN TO ITEM: Realign to the coordinates in the given item by correlating with maps */ int CNavHelper::RealignToItem(CMapDrawItem *inItem, BOOL restoreState, float resetISalignCrit, int maxNumResetAlign, int leaveZeroIS, int realiFlags, int setForScaled) { int i, ix, iy, ind, axes, action; BOOL justMoveIfSkipCen = (realiFlags & REALI2ITEM_JUST_MOVE) ? 1 : 0; CMapDrawItem *item; KImageStore *imageStore; float useWidth, useHeight, montErrX, montErrY, itemBackX, itemBackY, field; MontParam *montP; ScaleMat aMat; NavAcqParams *navParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(GetAcqParamIndexToUse()); CenterSkipData cenSkip; LowDoseParams *ldParams = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); float finalX, finalY, stageX, stageY, firstDelX, firstDelY, mapAngle, angle; ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + TRACK_CONSET; ControlSet *consForScale; i = FindMapForRealigning(inItem, restoreState); mRIContinuousMode = mContinuousRealign; mContinuousRealign = 0; if (i) return i; // Save the absolute target stage coordinate that gets adjusted on mag-dependent basis mRIabsTargetX = inItem->mStageX; mRIabsTargetY = inItem->mStageY; item = mItemArray->GetAt(mRIitemInd); mThirdRoundID = 0; mRIresetISAfter3rdRound = false; mRISetNumForScaledAlign = -1; mRIResetISmagInd = item->mMapMagInd; if (inItem->IsMap() && item->mMapID != inItem->mMapID && inItem->mColor != NO_REALIGN_COLOR) mThirdRoundID = inItem->mMapID; else if (mRIdrawnTargetItem) return 10; else if (setForScaled >= 0 && inItem->mMapID) { ind = mRIstartingMagInd; if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { ix = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(setForScaled); ind = ldParams[ix].magIndex; } if (ind > item->mMapMagInd) { // Set up third round if mag is higher and size is big enough mThirdRoundID = inItem->mMapID; mRISetNumForScaledAlign = setForScaled; mRIContinuousMode = 0; consForScale = mWinApp->GetConSets() + setForScaled; mRIResetISmagInd = ind; field = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, ind) * (float)sqrt((consForScale->right - consForScale->left) * (consForScale->bottom - consForScale->top)); if (field >= mRISkipItemPosMinField) justMoveIfSkipCen = true; if (resetISalignCrit > 0 && (field > mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetMinRSRAField() || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && setForScaled != PREVIEW_CONSET && setForScaled != RECORD_CONSET))) mRIresetISAfter3rdRound = true; } } SEMTrace('1', "(Initial) alignment to map %d (%s)", mRIitemInd, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); // Use the passed-in values for resetting IS and leaving IS at 0 if no thirs round mRIresetISCritForAlign = (mThirdRoundID && !mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) ? 0.f : resetISalignCrit; mRIresetISmaxNumAlign = (mThirdRoundID && !mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) ? 0 : maxNumResetAlign; mRIresetISleaveZero = (mThirdRoundID && !mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) ? 0 : leaveZeroIS; mRIresetISnumDone = 0; // Get access to map file again mMapMontP = &mMapMontParam; i = mNav->AccessMapFile(item, imageStore, mCurStoreInd, mMapMontP, useWidth, useHeight); if (i) return i; montP = mMapMontP; mMapStore = imageStore; // Get rotation matrix of map images due to transformations only aMat = ItemStageToCamera(item); mRIrotAngle = mNav->RotationFromStageMatrices(aMat, mRImat, mRIinverted); mRIrMat = GetRotationMatrix(mRIrotAngle, mRIinverted); // Set up to get target montage error in adjustment coming next montErrX = montErrY = 0.; mUseMontStageError = false; if (item->mMapMontage) { mUseMontStageError = (mRealignTestOptions & 2) != 0 && item->mRegistration == item->mOriginalReg; mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(mMapStore, mMapMontP, item->mMapSection, mPieceSavedAt); } // Set the initial component of previous error so it can now be applied to frame // positions, and adjust the target position to be in same shifted coordinates // But previous error only works if we are in the same registration... mPreviousErrX = mPreviousErrY = 0.; mPrevLocalErrX = mPrevLocalErrY = 0.; mLocalErrX = mLocalErrY = 0.; if (inItem->mRealignedID == item->mMapID && inItem->mRealignReg == item->mRegistration){ if (mUseMontStageError) InterpMontStageOffset(mMapStore, mMapMontP, ItemStageToCamera(item), mPieceSavedAt, mRItargetX - item->mStageX, mRItargetY - item->mStageY, montErrX, montErrY); mPreviousErrX = inItem->mRealignErrX - inItem->mLocalRealiErrX - montErrX; mPreviousErrY = inItem->mRealignErrY - inItem->mLocalRealiErrY - montErrY; mRItargetX += mPreviousErrX; mRItargetY += mPreviousErrY; mPrevLocalErrX = inItem->mLocalRealiErrX; mPrevLocalErrY = inItem->mLocalRealiErrY; } SEMTrace('1', "Target X, Y: %.3f %.3f", mRItargetX, mRItargetY); montErrX = montErrY = 0.; stageX = item->mStageX + mPreviousErrX; stageY = item->mStageY + mPreviousErrY; if (item->mMapMontage) { // Get stage position of final piece StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, mRImat, mRIdelX, mRIdelY, mRIix, mRIiy, finalX, finalY, montErrX, montErrY); // Test for whether a montage center exists in its entirety ix = (mMapMontP->xNframes - 1) / 2; iy = (mMapMontP->yNframes - 1) / 2; ind = iy + ix * mMapMontP->yNframes; mUseMontCenter = false; if (mPieceSavedAt[ind] >= 0 && ((!(montP->xNframes % 2) && !(montP->yNframes % 2) && mPieceSavedAt[ind + 1] >= 0 && mPieceSavedAt[ind + montP->yNframes] >= 0 && mPieceSavedAt[ind + montP->yNframes + 1] >= 0) || ((montP->xNframes % 2) && !(montP->yNframes % 2) && mPieceSavedAt[ind + 1] >= 0) || (!(montP->xNframes % 2) && (montP->yNframes % 2) && mPieceSavedAt[ind + montP->yNframes] >= 0))) { // Then see if the target is closer to the montage center than to piece center mUseMontCenter = (pow(finalX - mRItargetX, 2) + pow(finalY - mRItargetY, 2)) > (pow(stageX - mRItargetX, 2) + pow(stageY - mRItargetY, 2)); } // TODO: DECIDE WHAT TO DO ABOUT THIS mUseMontCenter = false; // Get stage position of safer piece StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, mRImat, mRIdelX, mRIdelY, mRIixSafer, mRIiySafer, stageX, stageY, montErrX, montErrY); SEMTrace('1', "First round alignment to piece %d %d at %.2f %.2f, montErr %.2f %.2f", mRIixSafer, mRIiySafer, stageX, stageY, montErrX, montErrY); } // Better make sure stage is ready if (mScope->WaitForStageReady(5000)) { SEMMessageBox("The stage is busy or not ready trying to realign to an item"); if (mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; return 6; } // Set up to use scaling in first if option selected and not low dose mRItryScaling = mTryRealignScaling && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); mRIautoAlignFlags = ((!mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mShiftManager->GetErasePeriodicPeaks()) || (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mRIErasePeriodicPeaks)) ? AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS : AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS; // Save state if desired; which will only work by forgetting prior state mRIdidSaveState = false; if (restoreState || mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) { mRIdidSaveState = true; ForgetSavedState(); SaveCurrentState(STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE, 0, item->mMapCamera, 0); } mNav->BacklashForItem(item, itemBackX, itemBackY); mRIfirstStageX = stageX + montErrX; mRIfirstStageY = stageY + montErrY; mRItargMontErrX = 0.; mRItargMontErrY = 0.; if (mUseMontStageError) InterpMontStageOffset(mMapStore, mMapMontP, ItemStageToCamera(item), mPieceSavedAt, mRItargetX - (item->mStageX + mPreviousErrX), mRItargetY - (item->mStageY + mPreviousErrY), mRItargMontErrX, mRItargMontErrY); // If the mapID doesn't match, clear the center skip list; otherwise look up this // position in the list, and if time is within limit, skip first round firstDelX = firstDelY = 0.; action = TASK_FIRST_MOVE; if (mRImapID != item->mMapID) mCenterSkipArray.RemoveAll(); mCenSkipIndex = -1; mRIJustMoving = false; for (ind = 0; ind < mCenterSkipArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mRIfirstStageX == mCenterSkipArray[ind].firstStageX && mRIfirstStageY == mCenterSkipArray[ind].firstStageY && mRIfirstISX == mCenterSkipArray[ind].firstISX && mRIfirstISY == mCenterSkipArray[ind].firstISY) { mCenSkipIndex = ind; if (mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp() - mCenterSkipArray[ind].timeStamp <= mRIskipCenTimeCrit) { firstDelX = mCenterSkipArray[ind].baseDelX + mRItargetX + mRItargMontErrX; firstDelY = mCenterSkipArray[ind].baseDelY + mRItargetY + mRItargMontErrY; action = TASK_SECOND_MOVE; if (justMoveIfSkipCen && !mThirdRoundID) { mRIJustMoving = true; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Just moving to target after skipping first" " round alignment to center"); } else if (justMoveIfSkipCen && mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) { mRIJustMoving = true; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Just moving to target and skipping both " " rounds of alignment to map"); } else { if (LoadForAlignAtTarget(item)) return 7; mWinApp->AppendToLog("Skipping first round alignment to center of map frame"); } } break; } } // This sets mRInetViewShiftX/Y, mRIconSetNum, and mRIstayingInLD, and mrIcalShiftX/Y // Here is where low dose gets turned off if so if (!mRIJustMoving) { PrepareToReimageMap(item, mMapMontP, conSet, TRIAL_CONSET, (restoreState || !(mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && item->mMapLowDoseConSet < 0)) ? 1 : 0, 1); } else { mRIstayingInLD = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() == TRUE; mRIconSetNum = TRIAL_CONSET; mRInetViewShiftX = mRInetViewShiftY = 0.; mRIcalShiftX = mRIcalShiftY = 0.; } if (mRIstayingInLD) mRIContinuousMode = 0; // To avoid this, need to set/restore mode in LD conset if (mRIContinuousMode) { conSet->mode = CONTINUOUS; mCamera->ChangePreventToggle(1); } if (!mRIstayingInLD) SetMapOffsetsIfAny(item); // If there was no match, add this operation to the array with a zero time stamp since // it is not completely usable yet if (mCenSkipIndex < 0) { cenSkip.firstStageX = mRIfirstStageX; cenSkip.firstStageY = mRIfirstStageY; cenSkip.firstISX = mRIfirstISX; cenSkip.firstISY = mRIfirstISY; cenSkip.timeStamp = 0; mCenterSkipArray.Add(cenSkip); mCenSkipIndex = (int)mCenterSkipArray.GetSize() - 1; } // Go to Z position of item unless this is after doing eucentricity in acquire axes = axisXY; if (!(mNav->GetAcquiring() && (mNav->GetDidEucentricity() || navParams->skipZmoves)) && !(mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro() && mRISkipNextZMove)) axes |= axisZ; mRISkipNextZMove = false; // Go to map tilt angle or 0 if current angle differs by more than tolerance mapAngle = (float)B3DCHOICE(item->mMapTiltAngle > -1000., item->mMapTiltAngle, 0.); angle = (float)mScope->GetTiltAngle(); if (fabs(angle - mapAngle) > B3DMAX(cos(DTOR * angle), 0.5) * mRITiltTolerance) axes |= axisA; // Adjust the net view shift down by the amount that will be added in AdjustAndMove so // that just it will be applied as an offset to the stage position mRInetViewShiftX -= mRIcalShiftX; mRInetViewShiftY -= mRIcalShiftY; SEMTrace('h', "Subtract %.2f %.2f from net shift", mRIcalShiftX, mRIcalShiftY); // 9/14/12: We have to use the aligning-to item's Z here to end up at the right Z // Add the view shift just to the coordinates being moved to, all the evaluations // of error below depend on comparisons to original first stage pos without it SEMTrace('h', "first stage %.2f %.2f net view shift %.2f %.2f firstdel %.2f %.2f" " VS change %.2f %.2f firstIS %.2f %.2f", mRIfirstStageX ,mRIfirstStageY, mRInetViewShiftX, mRInetViewShiftY, firstDelX, firstDelY, mRIviewShiftChangeX, mRIviewShiftChangeY, mRIfirstISX, mRIfirstISY); mRealigning = 1; mNav->AdjustAndMoveStage(mRIfirstStageX + mRInetViewShiftX + firstDelX - mRIviewShiftChangeX, mRIfirstStageY + mRInetViewShiftY + firstDelY - mRIviewShiftChangeY, inItem->mStageZ, axes, itemBackX, itemBackY, mRIfirstISX + mRIleaveISX, mRIfirstISY + mRIleaveISY, mapAngle); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, action, 30000); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "REALIGNING TO ITEM"); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); mRInumRounds = 0; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 0; } /* * Perform the next task in the realign sequence */ void CNavHelper::RealignNextTask(int param) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(mRIitemInd); std::vector pieceDone; ScaleMat aMat, bMat = ItemStageToCamera(item); ScaleMat bInv = MatInv(bMat); float stageDelX, stageDelY, peakMax, peakVal, shiftX, shiftY, stageX, stageY, scaling; float cenMontErrX, cenMontErrY, itemCenX, itemCenY, imagePixelSize; float CCC = 0.; float bestDelX, bestDelY, pcDelX, pcDelY, pcShiftX, pcShiftY, pcErrX, pcErrY, overlapMax; float pcStageX, pcStageY, pcMontErrX, pcMontErrY, wgtPeakMax, wgtPeakVal, overlap; double delISX, delISY; float samePosCrit = 0.35f; float closeCCCcrit = 0.8f; double overlapPow = 0.16667; bool betterPeak, setShiftInImage; int i, ixNew, iyNew, ixCen, iyCen, ix, iy, ind, indBest; CString report; if (!mRealigning) return; if (mRIJustMoving) { if (mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) { StartThirdRound(); mRIJustMoving = false; } else StopRealigning(); return; } if (item->mMapMontage) pieceDone.resize(mMapMontP->xNframes * mMapMontP->yNframes); itemCenX = item->mStageX + mPreviousErrX; itemCenY = item->mStageY + mPreviousErrY; cenMontErrX = cenMontErrY = 0.; switch (param) { case TASK_FIRST_MOVE: StartRealignCapture(mRIContinuousMode != 0, TASK_FIRST_SHOT); return; case TASK_FIRST_SHOT: scaling = 0.; if (item->mMapMontage) { for (i = 0; i < mMapMontP->xNframes * mMapMontP->yNframes; i++) pieceDone[i] = false; ixNew = mRIixSafer; iyNew = mRIiySafer; ixCen = -1; wgtPeakMax = peakMax = -1.e20f; bestDelX = bestDelY = overlapMax = 0; // Evaluate up to 9 pieces around the central piece while (ixNew != ixCen || iyNew != iyCen) { ixCen = ixNew; iyCen = iyNew; for (ix = ixCen - 1; ix <= ixCen + 1; ix++) { for (iy = iyCen - 1; iy <= iyCen + 1; iy++) { if (ix < 0 || ix >= mMapMontP->xNframes || iy < 0 || iy >= mMapMontP->yNframes) continue; ind = iy + ix * mMapMontP->yNframes; // For a valid piece not done yet, read, rotate and align if (!pieceDone[ind] && mPieceSavedAt[ind] >= 0) { mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, mPieceSavedAt[ind], 1, true); mImBufs[1].mBinning = item->mMontBinning; if (RotateForAligning(1)) { RealignCleanup(1); return; } // Align without shifting image mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, -1, false, mRIautoAlignFlags, &peakVal, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., &CCC, &overlap, GetDebugOutput('1'), &pcShiftX, &pcShiftY); pieceDone[ind] = true; // Compute the change in position that this correlation implies and // disparity from original stage position for this move StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, mRImat, mRIdelX, mRIdelY, ix, iy, pcStageX, pcStageY, pcMontErrX, pcMontErrY); pcErrX = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * pcShiftX - bInv.xpy * pcShiftY); pcErrY = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * pcShiftX - bInv.ypy * pcShiftY); pcDelX = pcErrX + mPrevLocalErrX + mRItargetX + mRItargMontErrX - (pcStageX + pcMontErrX); pcDelY = pcErrY + mPrevLocalErrY + mRItargetY + mRItargMontErrY - (pcStageY + pcMontErrY); pcErrX += mRIfirstStageX - (pcStageX + pcMontErrX), pcErrY += mRIfirstStageY - (pcStageY + pcMontErrY); pcErrX = (float)sqrt(pcErrX * pcErrX + pcErrY * pcErrY); wgtPeakVal = (float)(CCC * pow((double)overlap, overlapPow)) * mDistWeightThresh / B3DMAX(mDistWeightThresh, pcErrX); // If this position is essentially the same as the best one, take it if // the CCC is sufficiently higher, reject if it is sufficiently lower, // and otherwise pick the one with the biggest overlap if (fabs((double)(pcDelX - bestDelX)) < samePosCrit && fabs((double)(pcDelY - bestDelY)) < samePosCrit) { if (peakMax <= 1.e-20 || peakMax / CCC < closeCCCcrit) betterPeak = true; else if (CCC / peakMax < closeCCCcrit) betterPeak = false; else betterPeak = overlap > overlapMax; } else { // But for different positions, use the weighted CCC to decide betterPeak = wgtPeakVal > wgtPeakMax; } SEMTrace('n', "Align to %d %d, peak= %.6g CCC= %.4f frac= " "%.2f delXY= %.2f, %.2f err= %.2f wgtCCC= %.4f%s", ix, iy, peakVal, CCC, overlap, pcDelX, pcDelY, pcErrX, wgtPeakVal, betterPeak? "*" : ""); // If a new maximum is found, record position of peak and get the // stage position and alignment shifts for this piece if (betterPeak) { peakMax = CCC; wgtPeakMax = wgtPeakVal; overlapMax = overlap; ixNew = ix; iyNew = iy; indBest = ind; bestDelX = pcDelX; bestDelY = pcDelY; StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, mRImat, mRIdelX, mRIdelY, ix, iy, stageX, stageY, cenMontErrX, cenMontErrY); shiftX = pcShiftX; shiftY = pcShiftY; } } } } } // Restore best shift to A and image in B setShiftInImage = true; if (ind != indBest || mRItryScaling) { mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, mPieceSavedAt[indBest], 1, true); mImBufs[1].mBinning = item->mMontBinning; RotateForAligning(1); if (mRItryScaling) AlignWithScaling(shiftX, shiftY, scaling); // Scaling will be 0 if it failed or wasn't done; either way, restore shifts setShiftInImage = scaling == 0.; } if (setShiftInImage) { mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(shiftX, shiftY); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); mNav->Redraw(); } } else { // If single frame, read into B, rotate, align and set stage and shift values mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, item->mMapSection, 1); mImBufs[1].mBinning = item->mMapBinning; if (RotateForAligning(1)) { RealignCleanup(1); return; } if (mRItryScaling) AlignWithScaling(shiftX, shiftY, scaling); if (!scaling) { mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, -1, false, mRIautoAlignFlags, &peakVal, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., NULL, NULL, GetDebugOutput('1')); mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); } stageX = itemCenX; stageY = itemCenY; } // Now get the montage offset interpolated to the target position instead if (mUseMontStageError) { SEMTrace('1', "Change in montage error from center to target %.2f %.2f", mRItargMontErrX - cenMontErrX, mRItargMontErrY - cenMontErrY); } // Now we have a center stage position and the image alignment shift needed to get // there, so determine stage shift needed to get to target // Incorporate the change in montage error into this move instead of adding it to // the stage position in the move as was done in the initial move mStageErrX = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * shiftX - bInv.xpy * shiftY); mStageErrY = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * shiftX - bInv.ypy * shiftY); mRegistrationAtErr = mNav->GetCurrentRegistration(); mRImapID = item->mMapID; report.Format("Disparity in stage position after aligning to center of map frame: " "%.2f %.2f", mStageErrX + mRIfirstStageX - (stageX + cenMontErrX), mStageErrY + mRIfirstStageY - (stageY + cenMontErrY)); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].baseDelX = mStageErrX + mPrevLocalErrX - (stageX + cenMontErrX); mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].baseDelY = mStageErrY + mPrevLocalErrY - (stageY + cenMontErrY); stageDelX = mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].baseDelX + mRItargetX + mRItargMontErrX; stageDelY = mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].baseDelY + mRItargetY + mRItargMontErrY; mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].timeStamp = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); // If there is scaling, the distance from center to target has shrunk from the // original image, so adjust by the change in this distance // Sign verified on 9% shrunk map, + gets to target, - doesn't if (scaling) { stageDelX += (1.f / scaling - 1.f) * (mRItargetX - stageX); stageDelY += (1.f / scaling - 1.f) * (mRItargetY - stageY); } mRInumRounds++; // If shift can be done with image shift, do that then go to second round if (sqrt(stageDelX * stageDelX + stageDelY * stageDelY) < mRImaximumIS && !(mRIresetISleaveZero > 0 || mRIresetISmaxNumAlign > 0)) { aMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedISToCamera(mImBufs); bInv = MatMul(bMat, MatInv(aMat)); // Subtract the local error which is assumed to be from stage moves stageDelX -= mPrevLocalErrX; stageDelY -= mPrevLocalErrY; delISX = bInv.xpx * stageDelX + bInv.xpy * stageDelY; delISY = bInv.ypx * stageDelX + bInv.ypy * stageDelY; mScope->IncImageShift(delISX, delISY); mShiftManager->SetISTimeOut(mShiftManager->GetLastISDelay()); report.Format("Aligning to target with image shift equivalent to stage shift:" " %.2f %.2f", stageDelX, stageDelY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); // Shift the image as well (will need an override for debugging) //mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); shiftX = -(float)((aMat.xpx * delISX + aMat.xpy * delISY) / mImBufs->mBinning); shiftY = (float)((aMat.ypx * delISX + aMat.ypy * delISY) / mImBufs->mBinning); mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(shiftX , shiftY); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); mNav->Redraw(); // 1/31/24: Gave up on revising the error from adjusted stage position and // offsets, it just didn't work StartThirdRound(); return; } // Otherwise first load images for aligning the next shot, get stage pos of center SEMTrace('1', "Moving to target with stage shift: %.2f %.2f", stageDelX, stageDelY); mRIscaling = scaling; if (LoadForAlignAtTarget(item)) return; // Finally, move the stage, relative to the first stage move, adding the view shift // because it is not in the adjustment applied to the stage position mNav->BacklashForItem(item, shiftX, shiftY); mNav->AdjustAndMoveStage(mRIfirstStageX + mRInetViewShiftX + stageDelX - mRIviewShiftChangeX, mRIfirstStageY + mRInetViewShiftY + stageDelY - mRIviewShiftChangeY, 0., axisXY, shiftX, shiftY, mRIfirstISX + mRIleaveISX, mRIfirstISY + mRIleaveISY); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CEMscope::TaskStageBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, TASK_SECOND_MOVE, 30000); return; case TASK_SECOND_MOVE: if (mRIresetISleaveZero > 0 && mRIresetISmaxNumAlign <= 0) StartThirdRound(); else StartRealignCapture(mRIContinuousMode != 0, TASK_SECOND_SHOT); return; case TASK_SECOND_SHOT: imagePixelSize = (float)mImBufs->mBinning * mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd); SEMTrace('h', "Aligning with expected shift %.1f %.1f sigma %1f", mExpectedXshift, mExpectedYshift, mRIweightSigma / imagePixelSize); mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, -1, true, mRIautoAlignFlags, &peakVal, mExpectedXshift, mExpectedYshift, 0., mRIscaling, 0., NULL, NULL, GetDebugOutput('1'), NULL, NULL, mRIweightSigma / imagePixelSize); mImBufs[1].mImage->setShifts(-mExpectedXshift, -mExpectedYshift); mImBufs[1].SetImageChanged(1); mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); mLocalErrX = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * shiftX - bInv.xpy * shiftY); mLocalErrY = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * shiftX - bInv.ypy * shiftY); SEMTrace('1', "Aligned to target with image shift of %.1f %.1f pixels\r\n" " local stage err %.2f %.2f, implied total err %.2f %.2f", shiftX, shiftY, mLocalErrX, mLocalErrY, mLocalErrX + mStageErrX, mLocalErrY + mStageErrY); mRInumRounds++; // 1/31/24: Gave up on computing the error from adjusted stage position and offsets, // it just didn't work, so add the local error here mStageErrX += mLocalErrX; mStageErrY += mLocalErrY; report.Format("Disparity in stage position after aligning to target position: " "%.2f %.2f (2nd move error %.2f %.2f)", mStageErrX, mStageErrY, mLocalErrX, mLocalErrY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); // Evaluate whether center alignment can be re-used // Cancel re-use if error is bigger than a fraction of field size or if an error // crit is set and the error is above that; // otherwise if an error crit is set, renew the time stamp shiftX = (float)sqrt(mLocalErrX * mLocalErrX + mLocalErrY * mLocalErrY); if (shiftX > 0.17 * imagePixelSize * B3DMIN(mImBufs->mImage->getWidth(), mImBufs->mImage->getHeight()) || (mRIskipCenErrorCrit > 0. && shiftX > mRIskipCenErrorCrit)) { mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].timeStamp = 0; } else if (mRIskipCenErrorCrit > 0.) { mCenterSkipArray[mCenSkipIndex].timeStamp = mWinApp->MinuteTimeStamp(); } if (mRIresetISmaxNumAlign > 0 && !mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) { StartResetISorFinish(mRIResetISmagInd); return; } StartThirdRound(); return; case TASK_FINAL_SHOT: item = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mThirdRoundID, mRISetNumForScaledAlign < 0); if (!item) { SEMMessageBox("Could not find item for third round of alignment"); StopRealigning(); return; } if (mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) { mWinApp->mMainView->GetMapItemsForImageCoords(&mImBufs[mRIbufWithMapToScale], true); mWinApp->mMainView->GetItemImageCoords(&mImBufs[mRIbufWithMapToScale], item, shiftX, shiftY, item->mPieceDrawnOn); if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->AlignBetweenMagnifications(mRIbufWithMapToScale, shiftX, shiftY, -mNavAlignParams.scaledAliExtraFOV, GetScaledRealignPctChg() / 100.f, GetScaledRealignMaxRot() * 2.f, true, scaling, overlap, mRIautoAlignFlags, report)) { SEMMessageBox("Failure aligning to scaled map: " + report); StopRealigning(); return; } } else { mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0, true, mRIautoAlignFlags, NULL, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., NULL, NULL, GetDebugOutput('1')); } mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); SEMTrace('1', "Realigned to %s with image shift of %.1f %.1f pixels", mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0 ? "scaled map" : "map item itself", shiftX, shiftY); mRInumRounds++; // Get new stage position and revise and report error, based on target position of // map itself. Do this before changing mag to get correct estimate mNav->GetAdjustedStagePos(stageX, stageY, cenMontErrX); mStageErrX = stageX - mRIabsTargetX; mStageErrY = stageY - mRIabsTargetY; if (mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) bMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mImBufs->mCamera, mImBufs->mMagInd); else bMat = ItemStageToCamera(item); bInv = MatInv(bMat); stageX = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * shiftX - bInv.xpy * shiftY); stageY = -mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * shiftX - bInv.ypy * shiftY); report.Format("Disparity in stage position after aligning to %s: %.2f %.2f " "(align shift %.2f %.2f)", mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0 ? "scaled map" : "map item itself", mStageErrX, mStageErrY, stageX, stageY); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); report.Format("Finished aligning to item in %d rounds", mRInumRounds); if (mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) { StartResetISorFinish(mRIResetISmagInd); return; } // If centering on a marked point on this map, now shift to the point and shift the // image to match if (mRIdrawnTargetItem) { stageDelX = mRIdrawnTargetItem->mStageX - item->mStageX; stageDelY = mRIdrawnTargetItem->mStageY - item->mStageY; bInv = MatMul(bMat, mShiftManager->CameraToIS(item->mMapMagInd)); ApplyScaleMatrix(bInv, stageDelX, stageDelY, delISX, delISY); mScope->IncImageShift(delISX, delISY); ApplyScaleMatrix(bMat, -stageDelX / mImBufs->mBinning, -stageDelY / mImBufs->mBinning, stageX, stageY); mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(shiftX + stageX, shiftY - stageY); report.Format("Aligned to marked target with image shift (%.1f %1.f pixels)", stageX, stageY); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); } mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); StopRealigning(); return; // After a reset, take an image if realign needed, or finish up case TASK_RESET_IS: mRIresetISnumDone++; if (mRIresetISneedsAlign) { if (mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) { mCamera->InitiateCapture(mRISetNumForScaledAlign); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, TASK_RESET_SHOT, 0); } else StartRealignCapture(mRIContinuousMode != 0, TASK_RESET_SHOT); } else if (mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) StopAndReportFinish(); else StartThirdRound(); return; // Realign the shot after a reset, then do another operation or finish up case TASK_RESET_SHOT: mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0, true, mRIautoAlignFlags); StartResetISorFinish(mRIResetISmagInd); return; } } // Evaluate whether a realignment or just a reset IS is to be done and start a reset // in either case, or else finish up void CNavHelper::StartResetISorFinish(int magInd) { double delISX, delISY, stz; float backlashX, backlashY; mScope->GetLDCenteredShift(delISX, delISY); delISX = mShiftManager->RadialShiftOnSpecimen(delISX, delISY, magInd); mRIresetISneedsAlign = delISX >= mRIresetISCritForAlign && mRIresetISnumDone < mRIresetISmaxNumAlign; if (mRIresetISneedsAlign || mRIresetISleaveZero > 0) { SEMTrace('1', "Starting Reset IS%s, IS dist = %.2f", mRIresetISneedsAlign ? " and realign" : "", delISX); mScope->GetStagePosition(delISX, delISY, stz); mShiftManager->ResetImageShift(mScope->GetValidXYbacklash(delISX, delISY, backlashX, backlashY), false); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TaskRealignBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, TASK_RESET_IS, 0); return; } SEMTrace('1', "Leaving final IS dist = %.2f", delISX); if (!mRIresetISAfter3rdRound) StartThirdRound(); else StopAndReportFinish(); } // Load the image needed for second round alignment, rotate if needed, and compute // expected shift for aligning int CNavHelper::LoadForAlignAtTarget(CMapDrawItem *item) { float shiftX = item->mStageX + mPreviousErrX; float shiftY = item->mStageY + mPreviousErrY; int ind, i, retval = 0; float tmpX, tmpY; ScaleMat bMat = ItemStageToCamera(item); for (i = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); i > 0 ; i--) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(i - 1, i); if (item->mMapMontage) { if (mUseMontCenter) { SEMTrace('1', "Second round alignment to montage center"); retval = mWinApp->mMontageController->ReadMontage(item->mMapSection, mMapMontP, mMapStore, true); } else { ind = mRIiy + mRIix * mMapMontP->yNframes; retval = mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, mPieceSavedAt[ind], 0, true); StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, mRImat, mRIdelX, mRIdelY, mRIix, mRIiy, shiftX, shiftY, tmpX, tmpY); SEMTrace('1', "Second round alignment to piece %d %d at %.2f %.2f", mRIix, mRIiy, shiftX, shiftY); } } else { retval = mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, item->mMapSection, 0); } mImBufs[0].mBinning = item->mMapMontage ? item->mMontBinning : item->mMapBinning; // Rotate image then get expected shift in aligning to the given image if (!retval) retval = RotateForAligning(0); if (retval) { RealignCleanup(1); return 1; } shiftX = mRItargetX - shiftX; shiftY = mRItargetY - shiftY; mExpectedXshift = (bMat.xpx * shiftX + bMat.xpy * shiftY) / mImBufs->mBinning; mExpectedYshift = -(bMat.ypx * shiftX + bMat.ypy * shiftY) / mImBufs->mBinning; if (mUseMontCenter) mWinApp->mMontageController->AdjustShiftInCenter(mMapMontP, mExpectedXshift, mExpectedYshift); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); return 0; } // This task is used for checking external operations still busy (just Reset IS so far) int CNavHelper::TaskRealignBusy(void) { CSerialEMApp *winApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); return winApp->mShiftManager->ResettingIS() ? 1 : 0; } void CNavHelper::RealignCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out realigning to Navigator position")); StopRealigning(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } // To end the realigning and restore conditions void CNavHelper::StopRealigning(void) { ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + TRACK_CONSET; if (!mRealigning) return; mRealigning = 0; mRIJustMoving = false; // Close file if not part of open sets if (mCurStoreInd < 0 && mMapStore) delete mMapStore; // Restore state if saved RestoreForStopOrScaledAlign(); mCamera->ChangePreventToggle(-1); if (mRIContinuousMode == 1) mCamera->StopCapture(0); if (mRIContinuousMode > 1) conSet->mode = CONTINUOUS; mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mRIdrawnTargetItem = NULL; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } void CNavHelper::StopAndReportFinish(void) { CString report; StopRealigning(); report.Format("Finished aligning to item in %d rounds", mRInumRounds); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_SWALLOW_IF_CLOSED); return; } // Restore state if saved when stopping or when going from first stage to scaled map align void CNavHelper::RestoreForStopOrScaledAlign() { RestoreLowDoseConset(); RestoreMapOffsets(); if (mRIdidSaveState) RestoreSavedState(); else if (!mRIstayingInLD && mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bLowDoseMode ? 1 : 0) { mSettingState = true; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); mSettingState = false; } mRIdidSaveState = false; } /* * If aligning to a map item or scaled up image after the two rounds at lower mag, * set up conditions */ void CNavHelper::StartThirdRound(void) { float useWidth, useHeight; CString report; ScaleMat aMat; KImageStore *imageStore; CMapDrawItem *item; int buf, readBuf, nonRoll, copyFromBuf = -1; float shiftX, shiftY; BOOL rotSave, unbinSave; // Undo the image shift imposed before the first round if any if (mRIfirstISX || mRIfirstISY) mScope->IncImageShift(-mRIfirstISX, -mRIfirstISY); if (mRISetNumForScaledAlign >= 0) { mRIbufWithMapToScale = -1; item = mItemArray->GetAt(mRIitemInd); readBuf = mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); nonRoll = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire() + (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 2 : 1); // Aligning to scaled map: find map in non-rolling, non-read-in buffer and either // not a montage or it is an unbinned montage for (buf = MAX_BUFFERS - 1; buf >= 1; buf--) { if (mImBufs[buf].mImage) mImBufs[buf].mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); if (mImBufs[buf].mImage && mRImapID == mImBufs[buf].mMapID && !shiftX && !shiftY && ((item->mMapMontage && item->mMontBinning == mImBufs[buf].mBinning) || !item->mMapMontage) && mImBufs[buf].mUseWidth) { if (buf != readBuf && buf >= nonRoll) { mRIbufWithMapToScale = buf; break; } copyFromBuf = buf; } } if (mRIbufWithMapToScale < 0) { // If we don't find it, load it without rotation and unbinned; make sure user's // buffer is still suitable mRIbufWithMapToScale = mNavAlignParams.scaledAliLoadBuf; if (mRIbufWithMapToScale < nonRoll || mRIbufWithMapToScale == readBuf) mRIbufWithMapToScale = MAX_BUFFERS - 1; if (copyFromBuf < 0) { rotSave = item->mRotOnLoad; unbinSave = mLoadMapsUnbinned; item->mRotOnLoad = false; mLoadMapsUnbinned = true; SEMTrace('1', "Loading into %d", mRIbufWithMapToScale); buf = mNav->DoLoadMap(true, item, mRIbufWithMapToScale, false); item->mRotOnLoad = rotSave; mLoadMapsUnbinned = unbinSave; if (buf) { RealignCleanup(1); return; } } else { SEMTrace('1', "Copying %d to %d", copyFromBuf, mRIbufWithMapToScale); mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(copyFromBuf, mRIbufWithMapToScale, false); } } RestoreForStopOrScaledAlign(); mCamera->InitiateCapture(mRISetNumForScaledAlign); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, TASK_FINAL_SHOT, 0); return; } // Regular align to higher mag item item = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mThirdRoundID); if (!item) { StopAndReportFinish(); return; } if (mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; mMapStore = NULL; if (mNav->AccessMapFile(item, imageStore, mCurStoreInd, mMapMontP, useWidth, useHeight)) { SEMMessageBox("Failed to access map file of item being aligned to"); RealignCleanup(1); return; } mMapStore = imageStore; mRealigning = 2; // Get a new rotation matrix for this item aMat = ItemStageToCamera(item); mRIrotAngle = mNav->RotationFromStageMatrices(aMat, item->mMapScaleMat, mRIinverted); mRIrMat = GetRotationMatrix(mRIrotAngle, mRIinverted); ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + TRACK_CONSET; RestoreLowDoseConset(); PrepareToReimageMap(item, mMapMontP, conSet, TRIAL_CONSET, 1, 1); if (mRIstayingInLD) RestoreMapOffsets(); else SetMapOffsetsIfAny(item); if (mRIContinuousMode) { mCamera->StopCapture(0); if (mRIContinuousMode > 1) conSet->mode = CONTINUOUS; } // Load the image to align to and rotate as usual for (int i = mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); i > 0 ; i--) mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(i - 1, i); if (item->mMapMontage) { mWinApp->mMontageController->ReadMontage(item->mMapSection, mMapMontP, mMapStore, true); } else { mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mMapStore, item->mMapSection, 0); } mImBufs[0].mBinning = item->mMapMontage ? item->mMontBinning : item->mMapBinning; if (RotateForAligning(0)) { RealignCleanup(1); return; } // Fire off the shot - AGAIN TIMEOUT WAS 300000 StartRealignCapture(mRIContinuousMode > 1, TASK_FINAL_SHOT); } // Start a capture for Realign if not using continuous mode or startContinuous is true, // and set up the idel task appropriately void CNavHelper::StartRealignCapture(bool useContinuous, int nextTask) { if (!useContinuous || !mCamera->DoingContinuousAcquire()) mCamera->InitiateCapture(mRIconSetNum); if (useContinuous) { mCamera->SetTaskWaitingForFrame(true); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(CCameraController::TaskGettingFrame, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, nextTask, 0); } else { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_NAV_REALIGN, nextTask, 0); } } // Set scope and filter parameters and set up a control set imaging a map area void CNavHelper::PrepareToReimageMap(CMapDrawItem *item, MontParam *param, ControlSet *conSet, int baseNum, int hideLDoff, int noFrames) { ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); int binning, xFrame, yFrame, area, top, left, bottom, right; float defocus; StateParams stateParam; LowDoseParams *ldp; CString *names = mWinApp->GetModeNames(); CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + item->mMapCamera; bool filtered = (camP->GIF || mScope->GetHasOmegaFilter()) && item->mMapSlitWidth > 0.; StoreMapStateInParam(item, param, baseNum, &stateParam); // If coming from Realign to Item, see if we can STAY in low dose instead of hiding it mRIstayingInLD = false; mRIleaveISX = mRIleaveISY = 0.; if (hideLDoff) { if (item->mMapMontage) { xFrame = param->xFrame; yFrame = param->yFrame; binning = item->mMontBinning ? item->mMontBinning : param->binning; } else { xFrame = item->mMapWidth; yFrame = item->mMapHeight; binning = item->mMapBinning; } mRIstayingInLD = CanStayInLowDose(item, xFrame, yFrame, binning, mRIconSetNum, mRInetViewShiftX, mRInetViewShiftY, true); // If staying in low dose, go there now, so that the stage move will be adjusted at // the same mag as the anticipated adjustment was computed if (mRIstayingInLD) { if (mRIuseCurrentLDparams) SEMTrace('1', "Map matches low dose %s; staying in low dose with current " "parameters but binning %g", (LPCTSTR)names[mRIconSetNum], binning / BinDivisorF(camP)); else SEMTrace('1', "Map matches low dose %s; staying in low dose but with exp %.3f " "intensity %.5f bin %g", (LPCTSTR)names[mRIconSetNum], item->mMapExposure, item->mMapIntensity, binning / BinDivisorF(camP)); // Save the conSet and modify it to the map parameters mSavedConset = conSets[mRIconSetNum]; /*StateCameraCoords(item->mMapCamera, xFrame, yFrame, binning, conSets[mRIconSetNum].left, conSets[mRIconSetNum].right, conSets[mRIconSetNum].top, conSets[mRIconSetNum].bottom);*/ top = mSavedConset.top / binning; left = mSavedConset.left / binning; bottom = mSavedConset.bottom / binning; right = mSavedConset.right / binning; mCamera->AdjustSizes(xFrame, camP->sizeX, camP->moduloX, left, right, yFrame, camP->sizeY, camP->moduloY, top, bottom, binning, item->mMapCamera); conSets[mRIconSetNum].top = top * binning; conSets[mRIconSetNum].left = left * binning; conSets[mRIconSetNum].bottom = bottom * binning; conSets[mRIconSetNum].right = right * binning; conSets[mRIconSetNum].binning = binning; if (!mRIuseCurrentLDparams) { conSets[mRIconSetNum].exposure = item->mMapExposure; conSets[mRIconSetNum].saveFrames = 0; conSets[mRIconSetNum].mode = SINGLE_FRAME; // Also save the low dose params and use map beam and slit conditions area = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(item->mMapLowDoseConSet); ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + area; mRIsavedLDparam = *ldp; ldp->intensity = item->mMapIntensity; ldp->spotSize = item->mMapSpotSize; if (filtered) { ldp->slitIn = item->mMapSlitIn; ldp->slitWidth = item->mMapSlitWidth; } } mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mRIconSetNum)); mRIareaDefocusChange = 0.; if (!mRIuseCurrentLDparams && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(mRIconSetNum)) { defocus = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area); if (fabs(item->mDefocusOffset - defocus) > 0.1) { mRIareaDefocusChange = item->mDefocusOffset - defocus; mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(item->mDefocusOffset, area); mScope->IncDefocus(mRIareaDefocusChange); } } return; } // If leaving LD, set the base IS to leave on stage moves ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; mRIleaveISX = ldp->ISX; mRIleaveISY = ldp->ISY; } SEMTrace('I', "PrepareToReimageMap set intensity to %.5f %.3f%%", stateParam.intensity , mScope->GetC2Percent(stateParam.spotSize, stateParam.intensity, stateParam.probeMode)); SetStateFromParam(&stateParam, conSet, baseNum, hideLDoff); // Prevent frame saving, retain frame-aligning if (noFrames > 0) { conSets[mRIconSetNum].saveFrames = 0; if (conSets[mRIconSetNum].alignFrames && (conSets[mRIconSetNum].useFrameAlign > 1 || noFrames > 1)) conSets[mRIconSetNum].alignFrames = 0; } } // Determine if the realign routine can stay in low dose bool CNavHelper::CanStayInLowDose(CMapDrawItem *item, int xFrame, int yFrame, int binning, int &setNum, float &retShiftX, float &retShiftY, bool forReal) { int mapLDconSet = item->mMapLowDoseConSet; int area = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mapLDconSet); double netX, netY, fullX, fullY; bool match = true; LowDoseParams *ldp; CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); bool hasAlpha = JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha(); setNum = TRACK_CONSET; // Start out with the item's net view/search shifts in these, but if they are non-zero, // replace them with the current net shift (as a stage move) and keep track of how much // the view shift changed retShiftX = item->mNetViewShiftX; retShiftY = item->mNetViewShiftY; mRIviewShiftChangeX = mRIviewShiftChangeY = 0; if (retShiftX || retShiftY) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetNetViewShift(netX, netY, area); SimpleIStoStage(item, netX, netY, retShiftX, retShiftY); mRIviewShiftChangeX = retShiftX - item->mNetViewShiftX; mRIviewShiftChangeY = retShiftY - item->mNetViewShiftY; } // Compute the amount of mag offset calibration shift that the requested stage position // will be adjusted by so that it can be added onto the requested position, since the // view shifts applied when going to low dose area incorporate the calibration as well mRIcalShiftX = mRIcalShiftY = 0.; if ((retShiftX || retShiftY) && !mScope->GetApplyISoffset()) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetNetViewShift(netX, netY, area); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetFullViewShift(fullX, fullY, area); fullX -= netX; fullY -= netY; SimpleIStoStage(item, fullX, fullY, mRIcalShiftX, mRIcalShiftY); } // Now if in low dose, look for matching set if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mapLDconSet >= 0 && mapLDconSet <= SEARCH_CONSET && mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() == item->mMapCamera) { ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + area; // Check mag/spot/alpha and filter if (item->mMapCamera != mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() || item->mMapMagInd != ldp->magIndex || (item->mMapProbeMode >= 0 && item->mMapProbeMode != ldp->probeMode) || (hasAlpha && (item->mMapAlpha >= 0 || ldp->beamAlpha >= 0) && item->mMapAlpha != ldp->beamAlpha) || item->mMapBinning <= 0) { if (forReal) SEMTrace('1', "Leaving LD, map bin %d map/LD cam %d/%d mag %d/%d" " probe %d/%d alpha %d/%.0f", item->mMapMontage ? item->mMontBinning : item->mMapBinning, item->mMapCamera, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), item->mMapMagInd, ldp->magIndex, item->mMapProbeMode >= 0 ? item->mMapProbeMode : -1, item->mMapProbeMode >= 0 ? ldp->probeMode : -1, hasAlpha ? item->mMapAlpha : -1, hasAlpha ? ldp->beamAlpha : -1.); match = false; } // Check for defocus offset change if a limit is set as a trap-door if (match && IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(item->mMapLowDoseConSet) && mRIdefocusChangeLimit > 0. && fabs(item->mDefocusOffset - mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area)) > mRIdefocusChangeLimit) { if (forReal) SEMTrace('1', "Leaving LD, defocus offset map %.1f LD %.1f", item->mDefocusOffset, mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area)); match = false; } // Found a match! Zero out the returned shifts if (match) { setNum = item->mMapLowDoseConSet; retShiftX = 0.; retShiftY = 0.; return true; } } // But if not staying in low dose, need to adjust the returned shift to be a full view // shift by adding the calibration back on retShiftX += mRIcalShiftX; retShiftY += mRIcalShiftY; return false; } // Set some special items if appropriate for the given item: defocus offset, alpha change, // and beam shift and tilt if enable by properties. void CNavHelper::SetMapOffsetsIfAny(CMapDrawItem *item) { // First restore existing offsets RestoreMapOffsets(); // Handle defocus offset mRIdefocusOffsetSet = item->mDefocusOffset; if (item->mDefocusOffset) mScope->IncDefocus(item->mDefocusOffset); // Handle alpha change if (item->mMapAlpha >= 0) { mRIalphaSaved = mScope->GetAlpha(); if (mRIalphaSaved >= 0) { mScope->ChangeAlphaAndBeam(mRIalphaSaved, item->mMapAlpha); mRIalphaSet = item->mMapAlpha; } } // Handle a beam shift/tilt after the alpha change, as in low dose if (mRIuseBeamOffsets) { mRIbeamShiftSetX = item->mViewBeamShiftX; mRIbeamShiftSetY = item->mViewBeamShiftY; if (mRIbeamShiftSetX || mRIbeamShiftSetY) mScope->IncBeamShift(mRIbeamShiftSetX, mRIbeamShiftSetY); mRIbeamTiltSetX = item->mViewBeamTiltX; mRIbeamTiltSetY = item->mViewBeamTiltY; if (mRIbeamTiltSetX || mRIbeamTiltSetY) mScope->IncBeamTilt(mRIbeamTiltSetX, mRIbeamTiltSetY); } } // Restore any special offsets or changes set by SetMapOffsetsIfAny void CNavHelper::RestoreMapOffsets() { // Restore defocus offset if (mRIdefocusOffsetSet) mScope->IncDefocus(-mRIdefocusOffsetSet); mRIdefocusOffsetSet = 0.; // Then restore alpha. Do alpha and other beam changes in the same order as when // changing low dose areas, since that is what this mimics SEMTrace('b', "RestoreMapOffsets restore alpha %d to %d",mRIalphaSet + 1, mRIalphaSaved + 1); if (mRIalphaSet >= 0 && mRIalphaSaved >= 0) mScope->ChangeAlphaAndBeam(mRIalphaSet, mRIalphaSaved); mRIalphaSet = -999; // Restore beam shift/tilt SEMTrace('b', "RestoreMapOffsets restore bs %f %f bt %f %f", mRIbeamShiftSetX, mRIbeamShiftSetY, mRIbeamTiltSetX, mRIbeamTiltSetY); if (mRIbeamShiftSetX || mRIbeamShiftSetY) mScope->IncBeamShift(-mRIbeamShiftSetX, -mRIbeamShiftSetY); if (mRIbeamTiltSetX || mRIbeamTiltSetY) mScope->IncBeamTilt(-mRIbeamTiltSetX, -mRIbeamTiltSetY); mRIbeamShiftSetX = mRIbeamShiftSetY = 0.; mRIbeamTiltSetX = mRIbeamTiltSetY = 0.; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// STATE SAVING, SETTING, RESTORING ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Restore state if it was saved void CNavHelper::RestoreSavedState(bool skipScope) { int area, destCam, ind, setNum, ifse, curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); ControlSet *conSets; LowDoseParams *ldp; LowDoseParams ldsaParams; if (mTypeOfSavedState == STATE_NONE) return; for (ind = (int)mSavedStates.GetSize() - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { area = AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(&mSavedStates[ind], &setNum); destCam = mSavedStates[ind].camForParams < 0 ? mSavedStates[ind].camIndex : mSavedStates[ind].camForParams; if (ind) { // For added LD states: Restore the LD Params for THIS camera // First set the existing params if those are master and in this area ldp = mWinApp->GetLDParamsForCamera(destCam); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == area && ldp == mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams()) { ldsaParams = ldp[area]; mScope->SetLdsaParams(&ldsaParams); mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(area); // But if this is trial or focus and the axis position is changing, or if it view // or search and the offset is changing, have to go // to Record to avoid changing the position or offset while in the area ifse = area == SEARCH_AREA ? 1 : 0; /*PrintfToLog("cur shift %f %f param %f %f", mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftX[ifse], mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftY[ifse], mSavedStates[ind].ldShiftOffsetX, mSavedStates[ind].ldShiftOffsetY);*/ if (((area == FOCUS_CONSET || area == TRIAL_CONSET) && (fabs(ldp[area].ISX - mSavedStates[ind].ldParams.ISX) > 1.e-4 || fabs(ldp[area].ISY - mSavedStates[ind].ldParams.ISY) > 1.e-4)) || ((area == VIEW_CONSET || ifse) && (fabs(mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftX[ifse] - mSavedStates[ind].ldShiftOffsetX) > 1.e-4 || fabs(mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftY[ifse] - mSavedStates[ind].ldShiftOffsetY) > 1.e-4))) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); } ldp[area] = mSavedStates[ind].ldParams; if (mSavedStates[ind].ldDefocusOffset > -9990.) { mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(mSavedStates[ind].ldDefocusOffset, area); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.UpdateSettings(); } // Restore the consets for current cam or master sets; the routine will copy to // master if it is current cam if (destCam == mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()) conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); else conSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + destCam * MAX_CONSETS; SetConsetsFromParam(&mSavedStates[ind], conSets + setNum, setNum); } else { // For the original state: it will switch to the camera before the restore if (destCam == mSavedStates[ind].camIndex) conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); else conSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + destCam * MAX_CONSETS; SetStateFromParam(&mSavedStates[0], conSets + setNum, setNum, 0, skipScope); if (mSavedStates[0].lowDose && mSavedLowDoseArea >= 0) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(mSavedLowDoseArea); } } SEMTrace('I', "RestoreSavedState restored intensity to %.5f", mSavedStates[0].lowDose ? mSavedStates[0].ldParams.intensity : mSavedStates[0].intensity); ForgetSavedState(); } // Set the scope and camera parameter state to that used to acquire a map item int CNavHelper::SetToMapImagingState(CMapDrawItem * item, bool setCurFile, int hideLDoff, int noFrames) { int camera, curStore, err, retval = 0; float width, height; ControlSet tmpSet; ControlSet *masterSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; KImageStore *imageStore; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); if (item->IsNotMap() || item->mImported) return 1; mMapMontP = NULL; SaveCurrentState(STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE, 0, item->mMapCamera, 0); mMapStateItemID = item->mMapID; mSavedStoreName = ""; mNewStoreName = ""; if (setCurFile) { mMapMontP = &mMapMontParam; // Open the file or get the store # if it is currently open err = mNav->AccessMapFile(item, imageStore, curStore, mMapMontP, width, height, setCurFile); if (err) { SEMMessageBox("The file for that map item can no longer be accessed", MB_EXCLAME); mMapMontP = NULL; curStore = -1; retval = 1; } else { // Save current name if we are going to a new file if (mWinApp->mStoreMRC && (curStore >= 0 || mDocWnd->GetNumStores() < MAX_STORES)) mSavedStoreName = mWinApp->mStoreMRC->getName(); // Change to the file if it is already open if (curStore >= 0 && mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore() != curStore) mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(curStore); // Otherwise define it as new open store if there is enough space if (curStore < 0) { if (mDocWnd->GetNumStores() < MAX_STORES) { mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); mWinApp->mStoreMRC = imageStore; mNewStoreName = imageStore->getName(); if (item->mMapMontage) { *masterMont = *mMapMontP; mWinApp->SetMontaging(true); } mDocWnd->AddCurrentStore(); } else { SEMMessageBox("The file for that map item cannot be opened for saving.\n" "There are too many other files open right now", MB_EXCLAME); delete imageStore; retval = 1; } } } } tmpSet = *conSet; PrepareToReimageMap(item, mMapMontP, &tmpSet, RECORD_CONSET, hideLDoff, noFrames); camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); /*if (conSet->binning != tmpSet.binning || conSet->exposure != tmpSet.exposure || conSet->drift != tmpSet.drift) mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nCamera parameters were changed in setting to map item " "state", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); */ *conSet = tmpSet; masterSets[camera * MAX_CONSETS + RECORD_CONSET] = tmpSet; UpdateStateDlg(); return retval; } // Restore state from setting to a map state int CNavHelper::RestoreFromMapState(void) { ControlSet *masterSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + RECORD_CONSET; int camera, store; RestoreLowDoseConset(); if (mTypeOfSavedState != STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE) return 1; RestoreSavedState(); camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); masterSets[camera * MAX_CONSETS + RECORD_CONSET] = *conSet; // Close new file if it was opened just for this purpose if (!mNewStoreName.IsEmpty()) { store = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(mNewStoreName); if (store >= 0) { mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(store); mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); } } // Restore original file if it is still open if (!mSavedStoreName.IsEmpty()) { store = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(mSavedStoreName); if (store >= 0) mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(store); } UpdateStateDlg(); return 0; } // Store the current scope state or a set of low dose params into the state param // 0 for non-lowdose, 1 for current state, or < 0 for specific state void CNavHelper::StoreCurrentStateInParam(StateParams *param, int lowdose, int saveLDfocusPos, int camNum, int saveTargOffs) { LowDoseParams *ldp; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); ControlSet *conSets; double shiftX, shiftY; int curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int consInd, ldInd = RECORD_CONSET; int montInd = MONT_USER_CONSET; if (camNum < 0) camNum = curCam; if (lowdose < 0 && !param->montMapConSet) { ldInd = -1 - lowdose; } else if (lowdose > 0) { if (mScope->GetLowDoseArea() >= 0 && !param->montMapConSet) ldInd = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); lowdose = -1 - ldInd; } // Get the right LD params for the camera, and the right consets too ldp = mWinApp->GetLDParamsForCamera(camNum) + ldInd; consInd = ldInd; if (ldInd == SEARCH_AREA) consInd = mWinApp->GetUseViewForSearch() ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_CONSET; if (ldInd == RECORD_CONSET && param->montMapConSet) { consInd = MONT_USER_CONSET; montInd = RECORD_CONSET; } // Should it do this or just access the master? Map state accesses the master if (camNum == curCam) conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); else conSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets() + camNum * MAX_CONSETS; param->camForParams = camNum; param->lowDose = lowdose; if (lowdose) { param->ldParams = *ldp; param->probeMode = ldp->probeMode; if (IS_AREA_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(ldInd)) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetFullViewShift(shiftX, shiftY, ldInd); param->ldShiftOffsetX = (float)shiftX; param->ldShiftOffsetY = (float)shiftY; } } else { param->magIndex = mScope->GetMagIndex(); param->intensity = mScope->GetIntensity(); param->spotSize = mScope->GetSpotSize(); param->probeMode = mScope->ReadProbeMode(); param->beamAlpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); // Store filter parameters unconditionally here; they will be set conditionally param->slitIn = filtParam->slitIn; param->slitWidth = filtParam->slitWidth; param->energyLoss = filtParam->energyLoss; param->zeroLoss = filtParam->zeroLoss; } // Save either the defocus target or the LD defocus offset - the caller knows what kind // of state has this in it if (saveTargOffs < 0) param->targetDefocus = mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus(); if (saveTargOffs > 0 && lowdose) param->ldDefocusOffset = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(saveTargOffs - 1); param->camIndex = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); param->binning = conSets[consInd].binning; param->exposure = conSets[consInd].exposure; param->drift = conSets[consInd].drift; param->shuttering = conSets[consInd].shuttering; param->K2ReadMode = conSets[consInd].K2ReadMode; param->singleContMode = conSets[consInd].mode; param->saveFrames = conSets[consInd].saveFrames; param->doseFrac = conSets[consInd].doseFrac; param->frameTime = conSets[consInd].frameTime; param->processing = conSets[consInd].processing; param->alignFrames = conSets[consInd].alignFrames; param->useFrameAlign = conSets[consInd].useFrameAlign; param->faParamSetInd = conSets[consInd].faParamSetInd; param->xFrame = (conSets[consInd].right - conSets[consInd].left) / param->binning; param->yFrame = (conSets[consInd].bottom - conSets[consInd].top) / param->binning; SaveLDFocusPosition(lowdose ? saveLDfocusPos : 0, param->focusAxisPos, param->rotateAxis , param->axisRotation, param->focusXoffset, param->focusYoffset, true); param->readModeView = lowdose ? -1 : conSets[VIEW_CONSET].K2ReadMode; param->readModeFocus = lowdose ? -1 : conSets[FOCUS_CONSET].K2ReadMode; param->readModeTrial = lowdose ? -1 : conSets[TRIAL_CONSET].K2ReadMode; param->readModePrev = lowdose ? -1 : conSets[PREVIEW_CONSET].K2ReadMode; param->readModeSrch = (lowdose || mWinApp->GetUseViewForSearch()) ? -1 : conSets[SEARCH_CONSET].K2ReadMode; param->readModeMont = (lowdose || mWinApp->GetUseRecordForMontage()) ? -1 : conSets[montInd].K2ReadMode; } // Save the low dose focus area for the current camera in the given parameters // The returned axisPos is the full R to F offset, not the net offset stored in low dose // parameters void CNavHelper::SaveLDFocusPosition(int saveIt, float &axisPos, BOOL &rotateAxis, int &axisRotation, int &xOffset, int &yOffset, bool traceIt) { ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + FOCUS_CONSET; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + (saveIt > 1 ? TRIAL_CONSET : FOCUS_CONSET); LowDoseParams *ldrec = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; CameraParameters *camParam = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(); xOffset = yOffset = 0; axisPos = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; rotateAxis = false; axisRotation = 0; if (saveIt) { // Make sure axis position is up to date in ld params if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { if (ldp->magIndex) ldp->axisPosition = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneIStoAxis(ldp->magIndex, ldp->ISX, ldp->ISY); if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ShiftsBalanced() && ldrec->magIndex) ldrec->axisPosition = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneIStoAxis(ldrec->magIndex, ldrec->ISX, ldrec->ISY); } // Return the full offset from R to F if R not at 0 xOffset = (conSet->right + conSet->left) / 2 - camParam->sizeX / 2; yOffset = (conSet->bottom + conSet->top) / 2 - camParam->sizeY / 2; axisPos = (float)(ldp->axisPosition - B3DCHOICE(fabs(ldrec->axisPosition) > 1.e-5, ldrec->axisPosition, 0.)); rotateAxis = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bRotateAxis; axisRotation = rotateAxis ? mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_iAxisAngle : 0; if (traceIt) SEMTrace('1', "Saved focus in state: axis pos %.2f rot %d offsets %d %d", axisPos, axisRotation, xOffset, yOffset); } } // Store the acquire state defined in a map item into a state param, accessing the // montage param if non-NULL, or the camera conset specified by baseNum for some values void CNavHelper::StoreMapStateInParam(CMapDrawItem *item, MontParam *montP, int baseNum, StateParams *param) { ControlSet *camSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); ControlSet *conSet; // Start by filling with the current state in case some map items are not there StoreCurrentStateInParam(param, 0, 0, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), 0); param->magIndex = item->mMapMagInd; if (item->mMapIntensity) param->intensity = item->mMapIntensity; if (item->mMapSpotSize) param->spotSize = item->mMapSpotSize; param->probeMode = item->mMapProbeMode; param->beamAlpha = item->mMapAlpha; if (item->mMapCamera >= 0) { param->camIndex = item->mMapCamera; param->camForParams = item->mMapCamera; } param->slitWidth = 0.; if ((mCamParams[param->camIndex].GIF || mWinApp->ScopeHasFilter()) && item->mMapSlitWidth) { param->slitIn = item->mMapSlitIn; param->slitWidth = item->mMapSlitWidth; param->energyLoss = 0.; param->zeroLoss = true; } if (item->mMapBinning > 0) param->binning = item->mMapBinning; if (item->mShutterMode >= 0) { param->exposure = item->mMapExposure; param->drift = item->mMapSettling; param->shuttering = item->mShutterMode; param->K2ReadMode = item->mK2ReadMode; } param->singleContMode = SINGLE_FRAME; param->saveFrames = 0; param->doseFrac = 0; param->processing = GAIN_NORMALIZED; if (item->mMapMontage) { if (montP) { param->xFrame = montP->xFrame; param->yFrame = montP->yFrame; param->binning = item->mMontBinning ? item->mMontBinning : montP->binning; } else { if (baseNum == SEARCH_CONSET && mWinApp->GetUseViewForSearch()) baseNum = VIEW_CONSET; // If no param is entered, take current frame size, adjust for binning // Use the indicated conset from camera sets as the base for this info conSet = &camSets[param->camIndex * MAX_CONSETS + baseNum]; param->binning = item->mMontBinning ? item->mMontBinning : conSet->binning; param->xFrame = (conSet->right - conSet->left) / param->binning; param->yFrame = (conSet->bottom - conSet->top) / param->binning; } } else { param->xFrame = item->mMapWidth; param->yFrame = item->mMapHeight; param->binning = item->mMapBinning; } } // Set scope state and control set state from the given state param void CNavHelper::SetStateFromParam(StateParams *param, ControlSet *conSet, int baseNum, int hideLDoff, bool skipScope) { int i, alpha, ldArea; FilterParams *filtParam = mWinApp->GetFilterParams(); CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[param->camIndex]; int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); LowDoseParams ldsaParams; bool gotoArea = false; mSettingState = true; // Set camera first in case there is an automatic mag change and EFTEM change for (i = 0; i < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); i++) { if (activeList[i] == param->camIndex) { if (param->camIndex != mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera()) mWinApp->SetActiveCameraNumber(i); break; } } if (param->lowDose) { ldArea = AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(param, NULL); ldp = mWinApp->GetLDParamsForCamera( param->camForParams < 0 ? param->camIndex : param->camForParams) + ldArea; // If it is already in low dose and in this area, need to save the params and tell it // to use those as current params; then need to go to area after changing params if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mScope->GetLowDoseArea() == ldArea) { ldsaParams = *ldp; mScope->SetLdsaParams(&ldsaParams); gotoArea = true; } if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) ldp->axisPosition = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneIStoAxis( ldp->magIndex, ldp->ISX, ldp->ISY); param->ldParams.axisPosition = ldp->axisPosition; *ldp = param->ldParams; if (IS_AREA_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(ldArea)) { if (param->ldShiftOffsetX > -9990.) { i = ldArea == SEARCH_AREA ? 1 : 0; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftX[i] = param->ldShiftOffsetX; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.mViewShiftY[i] = param->ldShiftOffsetY; } mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(false); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(true); } else mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldp->magIndex, ldp->axisPosition, ldp->ISX, ldp->ISY); if (gotoArea) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(ldArea); else mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); } else { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false, hideLDoff > 0); if (!skipScope) { mScope->SetMagIndex(param->magIndex); if (param->probeMode >= 0) mScope->SetProbeMode(param->probeMode, true); if (param->beamAlpha >= 0) { alpha = mScope->GetAlpha(); if (alpha >= 0) mScope->ChangeAlphaAndBeam(alpha, param->beamAlpha); } // Set the spot size before intensity to make sure the intensity is legal for this // spot size on a FEI, and maybe to handle spot-size dependent changes elsewhere mScope->SetSpotSize(param->spotSize); if (!camP->STEMcamera) mScope->DelayedSetIntensity(param->intensity, GetTickCount(), param->spotSize, param->probeMode); } // Modify filter parameters if they are present but don't update unless in filter mode if (param->slitWidth > 0.) { filtParam->slitIn = param->slitIn; filtParam->slitWidth = param->slitWidth; filtParam->zeroLoss = param->zeroLoss; filtParam->energyLoss = param->energyLoss; if (mWinApp->GetFilterMode()) { mCamera->SetIgnoreFilterDiffs(true); mWinApp->mFilterControl.UpdateSettings(); // Do setup on JEOL for same reasons as it is done when changing low dose area if (JEOLscope && !skipScope) mCamera->SetupFilter(); } } } if (param->targetDefocus > -9990.) { mScope->IncDefocus(param->targetDefocus - mWinApp->mFocusManager->GetTargetDefocus()); mWinApp->mFocusManager->SetTargetDefocus(param->targetDefocus); mWinApp->mAlignFocusWindow.UpdateSettings(); } if (param->ldDefocusOffset > -9990.) { mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(param->ldDefocusOffset, ldArea); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.UpdateSettings(); } SetConsetsFromParam(param, conSet, baseNum); mSettingState = false; } // Set control sets as appropriate for the given param, modifying the passed one void CNavHelper::SetConsetsFromParam(StateParams *param, ControlSet *conSet, int baseNum) { int i, curCam = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[param->camIndex]; ControlSet *workSets; ControlSet *camSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); int destCam = param->camForParams < 0 ? param->camIndex : param->camForParams; int montInd = baseNum == MONT_USER_CONSET ? RECORD_CONSET : MONT_USER_CONSET; // Set the working sets to either the current ones or ones in the master. The caller // was responsible for passing in conSet as current or master depending on whether // the camera was the current one if (destCam == curCam) workSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); else workSets = camSets + destCam * MAX_CONSETS; // Copy control set in case need to fill in missing stuff (camera switch // copied the camera conset in) if (baseNum == SEARCH_CONSET && mWinApp->GetUseViewForSearch()) baseNum = VIEW_CONSET; *conSet = *(workSets + baseNum); StateCameraCoords(destCam, param->xFrame, param->yFrame, param->binning, conSet->left, conSet->right, conSet->top, conSet->bottom); conSet->binning = param->binning; conSet->mode = param->singleContMode; conSet->exposure = param->exposure; if (!camP->STEMcamera) conSet->drift = param->drift; conSet->shuttering = param->shuttering; conSet->K2ReadMode = param->K2ReadMode; conSet->doseFrac = param->doseFrac; conSet->saveFrames = param->saveFrames; if (param->frameTime > 0) conSet->frameTime = param->frameTime; if (param->processing >= 0) conSet->processing = param->processing; if (param->alignFrames >= 0) conSet->alignFrames = param->alignFrames; if (param->useFrameAlign >= 0) conSet->useFrameAlign = param->useFrameAlign; if (param->faParamSetInd >= 0) { conSet->faParamSetInd = param->faParamSetInd; B3DCLAMP(conSet->faParamSetInd, 0, mCamera->GetNumFrameAliParams()); } // Set axis position and subarea of focus area if it was stored in param if (param->lowDose && param->focusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { SetLDFocusPosition(param->camIndex, param->focusAxisPos, param->rotateAxis, param->axisRotation, param->focusXoffset, param->focusYoffset, "state", param->lowDose == -1 - TRIAL_CONSET); } if (param->readModeView >= 0) workSets[VIEW_CONSET].K2ReadMode = param->readModeView; if (param->readModeFocus >= 0) workSets[FOCUS_CONSET].K2ReadMode = param->readModeFocus; if (param->readModeTrial >= 0) workSets[TRIAL_CONSET].K2ReadMode = param->readModeTrial; if (param->readModePrev >= 0) workSets[PREVIEW_CONSET].K2ReadMode = param->readModePrev; if (param->readModeSrch >= 0 && !mWinApp->GetUseViewForSearch()) workSets[SEARCH_CONSET].K2ReadMode = param->readModeSrch; if (param->readModeMont >= 0 && !mWinApp->GetUseRecordForMontage()) workSets[montInd].K2ReadMode = param->readModeMont; // Copy back to the camera sets IF this is the current camera if (destCam == curCam) for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSETS; i++) camSets[destCam * MAX_CONSETS + i] = workSets[i]; } // Set the low dose axis position and Focus area offset from given parameters void CNavHelper::SetLDFocusPosition(int camIndex, float axisPos, BOOL rotateAxis, int axisRotation, int xOffset, int yOffset, const char *descrip, bool forTrial) { int area = forTrial ? TRIAL_CONSET : FOCUS_CONSET; int otherArea = forTrial ? FOCUS_CONSET : TRIAL_CONSET; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + area; LowDoseParams *ldRec = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + RECORD_CONSET; ControlSet *camSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); ControlSet *focusSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + area; CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[camIndex]; int oldRotation = mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bRotateAxis ? mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_iAxisAngle : 0; bool changed = fabs(ldp->axisPosition - axisPos) > 1.e-3 || oldRotation != axisRotation; bool needConversions = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && ldp->magIndex; bool subChanged; int curArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); bool needGotoRec = mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && (curArea == area || (curArea == otherArea && (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bTieFocusTrial || mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetTieFocusTrialPos()))); if (needGotoRec) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(RECORD_CONSET); if (oldRotation != axisRotation && needConversions) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(false); mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bRotateAxis = rotateAxis; if (rotateAxis) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_iAxisAngle = axisRotation; if (oldRotation != axisRotation && needConversions) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertAxisPosition(true); // The passed-in position is the full offset from R to F, but the axis position stored // in low-dose params is the net offset from the center ldp->axisPosition = axisPos + B3DCHOICE(fabs(ldRec->axisPosition) > 1.e-5, ldRec->axisPosition, 0.); if (needConversions) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ConvertOneAxisToIS(ldp->magIndex, ldp->axisPosition, ldp->ISX, ldp->ISY); if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bTieFocusTrial) { ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); ldp[otherArea] = ldp[area]; } else if (mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetTieFocusTrialPos()) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SyncPosOfFocusAndTrial(area); } mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.ManageAxisPosition(); subChanged = ModifySubareaForOffset(camIndex, xOffset, yOffset, focusSet->left, focusSet->top, focusSet->right, focusSet->bottom); if (subChanged || changed) PrintfToLog("%s area changed from stored %s, axis position %.2f angle %d, subarea" " offset %d %d", forTrial ? "Trial" : "Focus", descrip, axisPos, rotateAxis ? axisRotation : 0, xOffset / focusSet->binning, yOffset / focusSet->binning); camSets[camIndex * MAX_CONSETS + area] = *focusSet; } // Save the current state if it is not already saved void CNavHelper::SaveCurrentState(int type, int saveLDfocusPos, int camNum, int saveTargOffs, BOOL montMap) { StateParams state; if (mTypeOfSavedState != STATE_NONE) return; state.montMapConSet = montMap; mTypeOfSavedState = type; mPriorState.montMapConSet = montMap; StoreCurrentStateInParam(&mPriorState, mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 1 : 0, 0, mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), 0); StoreCurrentStateInParam(&state, mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 1 : 0, saveLDfocusPos, camNum, saveTargOffs); SEMTrace('I', "SaveCurrentState saved intensity %.5f", mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? state.ldParams.intensity : state.intensity); mSavedStates.Add(state); mSavedLowDoseArea = mScope->GetLowDoseArea(); } // Adds additional state to the array of saved states for other area - the point is // to save the state that can be modified void CNavHelper::SaveLowDoseAreaForState(int area, int camNum, bool saveTargOffs, BOOL montMap) { int savedArea, ind; StateParams state; LowDoseParams *param = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + area; if (mTypeOfSavedState == STATE_NONE || area < 0) return; for (ind = 0; ind < mSavedStates.GetSize(); ind++) { state = mSavedStates.GetAt(ind); savedArea = AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(&state, NULL); if (savedArea == area && BOOL_EQUIV(montMap, state.montMapConSet)) return; } state.montMapConSet = montMap; StoreCurrentStateInParam(&state, -1 - area, 0, camNum, saveTargOffs ? area + 1 : 0); mSavedStates.Add(state); } // Return the low dose area (-1 for none) and optionally the control set number from the // lowDose value in a state int CNavHelper::AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(StateParams *param, int *setNum) { int area = -1; if (param->lowDose) { area = RECORD_CONSET; if (param->lowDose < 0) area = -1 - param->lowDose; } if (setNum) { if (area >= 0) *setNum = area; else *setNum = RECORD_CONSET; if (area == SEARCH_AREA) *setNum = SEARCH_CONSET; if (*setNum == RECORD_CONSET && param->montMapConSet) *setNum = MONT_USER_CONSET; } return area; } // Set type of state saved to None and clear out the array of saved states void CNavHelper::ForgetSavedState(void) { mTypeOfSavedState = STATE_NONE; mSavedStates.RemoveAll(); } // Returns a copy of the first saved state if any and true, or returns false if none bool CNavHelper::GetSavedPriorState(StateParams &state) { if (!mSavedStates.GetSize()) return false; state = mPriorState; return true; } // If stayed in Low Dose for a map imaging instead of switching to a map state, restore // the saved conSet void CNavHelper::RestoreLowDoseConset(void) { int area; float defocus; LowDoseParams *ldp; ControlSet *workSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); ControlSet *camSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); if (!mRIstayingInLD) return; workSets[mRIconSetNum] = mSavedConset; camSets[mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera() * MAX_CONSETS + mRIconSetNum] = mSavedConset; if (!mRIuseCurrentLDparams) { area = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(mRIconSetNum); ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams() + area; *ldp = mRIsavedLDparam; if (mRIareaDefocusChange) { defocus = mScope->GetLDViewDefocus(area); mScope->SetLDViewDefocus(defocus - mRIareaDefocusChange, area); mScope->IncDefocus(-mRIareaDefocusChange); } } // And be sure to turn flag off in case this is called from other situations mRIstayingInLD = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// VARIOUS UTILITIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actually compute from the given stage coordinates and other image properties void CNavHelper::ComputeStageToImage(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float stageX, float stageY, BOOL needAddIS, ScaleMat &aMat, float &delX, float &delY) { float angle = RAW_STAGE_TEST - 1000.; BOOL hasAngle = imBuf->GetTiltAngle(angle); // Convert any image shift of image into an additional stage shift if (needAddIS) ConvertIStoStageIncrement(imBuf->mMagInd, imBuf->mCamera, imBuf->mISX, imBuf->mISY, angle, stageX, stageY, imBuf); // Sign woes as usual. This transform is a true transformation from the stage // to the camera coordinate system, but invert Y to get to image coordinate system // | 1 0 | * | xpx xpy | * | X | = | xpx xpy | * | X | // | 0 -1 | | ypx ypy | | Y | | -ypx -ypy | | Y | aMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(imBuf); aMat.xpx /= imBuf->mBinning; aMat.xpy /= imBuf->mBinning; aMat.ypx /= -imBuf->mBinning; aMat.ypy /= -imBuf->mBinning; // If tilt angle is available and it makes more than 0.02% difference, adjust matrix if (hasAngle && fabs((double)angle) > 1.) mShiftManager->AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(aMat, angle); delX = imBuf->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f - aMat.xpx * stageX - aMat.xpy * stageY; delY = imBuf->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f - aMat.ypx * stageX - aMat.ypy * stageY; } // If scaling exists, convert the image shift into additional stage shift BOOL CNavHelper::ConvertIStoStageIncrement(int magInd, int camera, double ISX, double ISY, float angle, float &stageX, float &stageY, EMimageBuffer *imBuf) { ScaleMat aMat, bMat, s2c; // If scope did not already subtract mag offsets, do so now for given camera type if (!mScope->GetApplyISoffset()) { int gif = mCamParams[camera].GIF ? 1 : 0; ISX -= mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISX[gif]; ISY -= mMagTab[magInd].calOffsetISY[gif]; } // If shifting to tilt axis is on, convert offset to stage and adjust position to get // back to coordinates in unshifted system if (mScope->GetShiftToTiltAxis()) { aMat = mShiftManager->SpecimenToStage(1., 1.); stageX += aMat.xpy * mScope->GetTiltAxisOffset(); stageY += aMat.ypy * mScope->GetTiltAxisOffset(); } // Here the plus sign replicates the plus in image shift reset if (imBuf) aMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedISToCamera(imBuf); if (!imBuf || !aMat.xpx || magInd != imBuf->mMagInd || camera != imBuf->mCamera) aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(magInd, camera); if (aMat.xpx) { if (imBuf) s2c = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(imBuf); if (!imBuf || !s2c.xpx || magInd != imBuf->mMagInd || camera != imBuf->mCamera) s2c = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camera, magInd); bMat = MatInv(s2c); if (angle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)angle) > 1.) mShiftManager->AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(bMat, angle); aMat = MatMul(aMat, bMat); stageX += (float)(aMat.xpx * ISX + aMat.xpy * ISY); stageY += (float)(aMat.ypx * ISX + aMat.ypy * ISY); return true; } return false; } // Get the stage position of the center of a montage piece, adding previously found error void CNavHelper::StagePositionOfPiece(MontParam * param, ScaleMat aMat, float delX, float delY, int ix, int iy, float &stageX, float & stageY, float &montErrX, float &montErrY) { int retval; int imX = ix * (param->xFrame - param->xOverlap) + param->xFrame / 2; int imY = (param->yNframes - 1 - iy) * (param->yFrame - param->yOverlap) + param->yFrame / 2; ScaleMat aInv = MatInv(aMat); stageX = aInv.xpx * (imX - delX) + aInv.xpy * (imY - delY) + mPreviousErrX; stageY = aInv.ypx * (imX - delX) + aInv.ypy * (imY - delY) + mPreviousErrY; montErrX = montErrY = 0.; // Return stage error when acquiring montage if one was obtained and flag is set if (mUseMontStageError) { int adocInd = mMapStore->GetAdocIndex(); if (adocInd < 0 || AdocGetMutexSetCurrent(adocInd) < 0) return; retval = LookupMontStageOffset(mMapStore, mMapMontP, ix, iy, mPieceSavedAt, montErrX, montErrY); AdocReleaseMutex(); if (retval) return; } } // Return a matrix for rotation including an inversion if any ScaleMat CNavHelper::GetRotationMatrix(float rotAngle, BOOL inverted) { ScaleMat rMat; float sign; rMat.xpx = (float)cos(DTOR * rotAngle); rMat.ypx = (float)sin(DTOR * rotAngle); sign = inverted ? -1.f : 1.f; rMat.xpy = -sign * rMat.ypx; rMat.ypy = sign * rMat.xpx; return rMat; } // Test for whether montage adjustments are needed; return -1 if not, 0 if so with // unrotated montage, or 1 for rotated map. Return transformations in that case int CNavHelper::PrepareMontAdjustments(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, ScaleMat &rMat, ScaleMat &rInv, float &rDelX, float &rDelY) { CMapDrawItem *item = NULL; float width = (float)imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); float height = (float)imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); // No offsets, nothing to do if (!imBuf->mMiniOffsets) return -1; if (mNav) item = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(imBuf->mMapID); if (item || imBuf->mStage2ImMat.xpx) { // If its a map with an item still and there is some sign of rotation, // prepare the rotation transform and its inverse for inverted Y if (imBuf->mRotAngle || imBuf->mInverted || width != imBuf->mLoadWidth || height != imBuf->mLoadHeight) { rMat = GetRotationMatrix(imBuf->mRotAngle, imBuf->mInverted); rMat.xpy *= -1.; rMat.ypx *= -1.; rInv = MatInv(rMat); rDelX = (float)(width / 2. - rMat.xpx * (imBuf->mLoadWidth / 2.) - rMat.xpy * (imBuf->mLoadHeight / 2.)); rDelY = (float)(height / 2. - rMat.ypx * (imBuf->mLoadWidth / 2.) - rMat.ypy * (imBuf->mLoadHeight / 2.)); return 1; } // If it's a map with no item, forbid adjustment if obviously rotated } else if (!item && (imBuf->mRotAngle || imBuf->mInverted)) return -1; return 0; } // Adjust the given position if there is a montage with piece offsets in the buffer void CNavHelper::AdjustMontImagePos(EMimageBuffer *imBuf, float & inX, float & inY, int *pcInd, float *xInPiece, float *yInPiece) { ScaleMat rMat, rInv; float rDelX, rDelY, testX, testY, minXinPc, minYinPc; MiniOffsets *mini = imBuf->mMiniOffsets; int minInd; int adjust = PrepareMontAdjustments(imBuf, rMat, rInv, rDelX, rDelY); if (pcInd) *pcInd = -1; if (xInPiece) *xInPiece = -1.; if (yInPiece) *yInPiece = -1.; // if nothing to adjust return; if (adjust < 0) return; testX = inX; testY = inY; // If rotations, back-rotate coordinates to original map if (adjust) { testX = rInv.xpx * (inX - rDelX) + rInv.xpy * (inY - rDelY); testY = rInv.ypx * (inX - rDelX) + rInv.ypy * (inY - rDelY); } if (OffsetMontImagePos(mini, 0, mini->xNframes - 1, 0, mini->yNframes - 1, testX, testY, minInd, minXinPc, minYinPc)) return; if (pcInd) *pcInd = minInd; // Return unbinned, right-handed coordinates in the piece if (xInPiece) *xInPiece = minXinPc * B3DMAX(1, imBuf->mOverviewBin); if (yInPiece) *yInPiece = minYinPc * B3DMAX(1, imBuf->mOverviewBin); inX = testX; inY = testY; if (adjust) { inX = rMat.xpx * testX + rMat.xpy * testY + rDelX; inY = rMat.ypx * testX + rMat.ypy * testY + rDelY; } } int CNavHelper::OffsetMontImagePos(MiniOffsets *mini, int xPcStart, int xPcEnd, int yPcStart, int yPcEnd, float &testX, float &testY, int &pcInd, float &xInPiece, float &yInPiece) { int ix, iy, index, xst, xnd, yst, ynd, xDist, yDist, minInd, minDist, xTest, yTest; // When there are two frames, the base is 0 and the delta is frame - overlap / 2 // So get a correct adjustment from xst/yst to real start of second piece // which is also the amount to fix xnd/ynd when there are two pieces int xstAdjForInPc = mini->xNframes == 2 ? mini->xFrame - mini->xDelta : mini->xBase; int ystAdjForInPc = mini->yNframes == 2 ? mini->yFrame - mini->yDelta : mini->yBase; xTest = (int)testX; yTest = (int)testY; // Loop on pieces in given range; this piece numbering iy is inverted in Y! minDist = 100000000; pcInd = -1; xInPiece = yInPiece = -1.f; for (ix = xPcStart; ix <= xPcEnd; ix++) { for (iy = yPcStart; iy <= yPcEnd; iy++) { // Piece index in the array; Y was done before X and in order, so these indexes // follow normal right-hand numbering; incoming coordinates are inverted index = (ix + 1) * mini->yNframes - 1 - iy; if (mini->offsetX[index] == MINI_NO_PIECE) continue; // Get the boundaries for this piece, adding the offsets xst = mini->xBase + ix * mini->xDelta + mini->offsetX[index]; xnd = xst + mini->xDelta; if (!ix) xst = mini->offsetX[index]; if (ix == mini->xNframes - 1) { xnd = mini->xFrame + ix * mini->xDelta + mini->offsetX[index]; if (mini->xNframes == 2) xnd -= xstAdjForInPc; } yst = mini->yBase + iy * mini->yDelta + mini->offsetY[index]; ynd = yst + mini->yDelta; if (!iy) yst = mini->offsetY[index]; if (iy == mini->yNframes - 1) { ynd = mini->yFrame + iy * mini->yDelta + mini->offsetY[index]; if (mini->yNframes == 2) ynd -= ystAdjForInPc; } // Get the "distance" from point to piece, negative if inside if (xTest < xst) xDist = xst - xTest; else if (xTest > xnd) xDist = xTest - xnd; else xDist = -B3DMIN(xTest - xst, xnd - xTest); if (yTest < yst) yDist = yst - yTest; else if (yTest > ynd) yDist = yTest - ynd; else yDist = -B3DMIN(yTest - yst, ynd - yTest); xDist = B3DMAX(xDist, yDist); // Keep track of closest piece if (xDist < minDist) { minDist = xDist; minInd = index; if (!mini->subsetLoaded) { pcInd = minInd; // Return coordinates in piece with the binning of overview, but right-handed // Need to adjust starting coordinates by the base to be the actual coordinate // of the full piece and not of the subset pasted in to the overview xInPiece = (float)(testX - (xst - B3DCHOICE(ix > 0, xstAdjForInPc, 0))); yInPiece = (float)(mini->yFrame + (yst - B3DCHOICE(iy > 0, ystAdjForInPc, 0)) - testY); } } } } if (minDist >= 10000000) return 1; // Subtract offsets to get coordinates in unshifted piece testX -= mini->offsetX[minInd]; testY -= mini->offsetY[minInd]; return 0; } // Get the montage stage offset for the given piece; assumes the autodoc index has been // set successfully and mutex is held int CNavHelper::LookupMontStageOffset(KImageStore *storeMRC, MontParam *param, int ix, int iy, std::vector &pieceSavedAt, float &montErrX, float &montErrY) { int iz = pieceSavedAt[iy + ix * param->yNframes]; if (iz < 0) return 1; if (AdocGetTwoFloats(storeMRC->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_ADOC ? ADOC_IMAGE : ADOC_ZVALUE, iz, ADOC_STAGEOFF, &montErrX, &montErrY)) return 1; return 0; } // Finds a value for stage offset for the given position delX, delY relative to the // center of the montage by interpolating from 4 surrounding piece centers void CNavHelper::InterpMontStageOffset(KImageStore *imageStore, MontParam *montP, ScaleMat aMat,std::vector &pieceSavedAt, float delX, float delY, float &montErrX, float &montErrY) { int adocInd, pcxlo, pcxhi, pcylo, pcyhi; float pcX, pcY, cenX, cenY, fx, fy; float errX00, errX01, errX10, errX11, errY00, errY01, errY10, errY11; montErrX = montErrY = 0.; cenX = (aMat.xpx * delX + aMat.xpy * delY) / montP->binning; cenY = (aMat.ypx * delX + aMat.ypy * delY) / montP->binning; // Get fractional piece position, where 0,0 is middle of lower left piece pcX = (float)(cenX / (montP->xFrame - montP->xOverlap) + (montP->xNframes - 1.) / 2.); pcY = (float)(cenY / (montP->yFrame - montP->yOverlap) + (montP->yNframes - 1.) / 2.); // Determine lower and upper piece index and interpolation fraction fx = 0.; if (pcX < 0.) { pcxlo = pcxhi = 0; } else if (pcX >= montP->xNframes - 1.) { pcxlo = pcxhi = montP->xNframes - 1; } else { pcxlo = (int)pcX; pcxhi = pcxlo + 1; fx = pcX - pcxlo; } fy = 0.; if (pcY < 0.) { pcylo = pcyhi = 0; } else if (pcY >= montP->yNframes - 1.) { pcylo = pcyhi = montP->yNframes - 1; } else { pcylo = (int)pcY; pcyhi = pcylo + 1; fy = pcY - pcylo; } // Try to get the 4 mont errors and interpolate adocInd = imageStore->GetAdocIndex(); if (adocInd >= 0 && AdocGetMutexSetCurrent(adocInd) >= 0) { if (!LookupMontStageOffset(imageStore, montP, pcxlo, pcylo, pieceSavedAt, errX00, errY00) && !LookupMontStageOffset(imageStore, montP, pcxhi, pcylo, pieceSavedAt, errX10, errY10) && !LookupMontStageOffset(imageStore, montP, pcxlo, pcyhi, pieceSavedAt, errX01, errY01) && !LookupMontStageOffset(imageStore, montP, pcxhi, pcyhi, pieceSavedAt, errX11, errY11)) { montErrX = (1.f - fy) * ((1.f - fx) * errX00 + fx * errX10) + fy * ((1.f - fx) * errX01 + fx * errX11); montErrY = (1.f - fy) * ((1.f - fx) * errY00 + fx * errY10) + fy * ((1.f - fx) * errY01 + fx * errY11); } AdocReleaseMutex(); } } // Rotating the image in the given buffer by current rotation matrix, or skip if identity int CNavHelper::RotateForAligning(int bufNum, ScaleMat *useMat) { int width, height, err; float sizingFrac = 0.5f; EMimageBuffer *imBuf = &mImBufs[bufNum]; if (useMat) mRIrMat = *useMat; if (fabs(mRIrMat.xpx - 1.) < 1.e-6 && fabs(mRIrMat.xpy) < 1.e-6 && fabs(mRIrMat.ypx) < 1.e-6 && fabs(mRIrMat.ypy - 1.) < 1.e-6) return 0; width = imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); height = imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); err = TransformBuffer(imBuf, mRIrMat, width, height, sizingFrac, mRIrMat); if (err) SEMMessageBox("Insufficient memory to rotate the image for aligning", MB_EXCLAME); return err; } // Transforms the image in imBuf by the matrix in rMat. Determines the size of the new // image by applying the matrix in sizingMat to the sizes in sizingWidth and sizingHeight // and then allowing the fraction sizingFrac of the implied increase in size int CNavHelper::TransformBuffer(EMimageBuffer * imBuf, ScaleMat sizingMat, int sizingWidth, int sizingHeight, float sizingFrac, ScaleMat rMat) { int width, height, sizeX, sizeY, tmpS, type; EMimageExtra *extra; void *array; sizeX = (int)fabs(sizingMat.xpx * sizingWidth + sizingMat.xpy * sizingHeight); tmpS = (int)fabs(sizingMat.xpx * sizingWidth - sizingMat.xpy * sizingHeight); sizeX = (int)(sizingFrac * (B3DMAX(sizeX, tmpS) - sizingWidth) + sizingWidth); sizeY = (int)fabs(sizingMat.ypx * sizingWidth + sizingMat.ypy * sizingHeight); tmpS = (int)fabs(sizingMat.ypx * sizingWidth - sizingMat.ypy * sizingHeight); sizeY = (int)(sizingFrac * (B3DMAX(sizeY, tmpS) - sizingHeight) + sizingHeight); sizeX = 4 * (sizeX / 4); sizeY = 2 * (sizeY / 2); // Get the array for the rotation type = imBuf->mImage->getType(); if (type == kUBYTE) { NewArray2(array, unsigned char, sizeX, sizeY); } else if (type == kRGB) { NewArray2(array, unsigned char, 3 * sizeX, sizeY); } else if (type == kFLOAT) { NewArray2(array, float, sizeX, sizeY); } else { NewArray2(array, short int, sizeX, sizeY); } if (!array) return 2; // Get the real rotation matrix and do rotation imBuf->mImage->Lock(); width = imBuf->mImage->getWidth(); height = imBuf->mImage->getHeight(); XCorrFastInterp(imBuf->mImage->getData(), type, array, width, height, sizeX, sizeY, rMat.xpx, rMat.xpy, rMat.ypx, rMat.ypy, width / 2.f, height / 2.f, 0., 0.); imBuf->mImage->UnLock(); // This buffer could be anywhere, so let's do all the replacement steps here extra = imBuf->mImage->GetUserData(); imBuf->mImage->SetUserData(NULL); imBuf->DeleteImage(); if (type == kUBYTE) imBuf->mImage = new KImage; else if (type == kRGB) imBuf->mImage = new KImageRGB; else if (type == kFLOAT) imBuf->mImage = new KImageFloat; else { imBuf->mImage = new KImageShort; imBuf->mImage->setType(type); } imBuf->mImage->useData((char *)array, sizeX, sizeY); if (extra) imBuf->mImage->SetUserData(extra); imBuf->SetImageChanged(1); return 0; } // Returns distance from ptX,ptY to line segment between x1,y1 and x2,y2 float CNavHelper::PointSegmentDistance(float ptX, float ptY, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float tmin, distsq, dx, dy; tmin=((ptX-x1)*(x2-x1)+(ptY-y1)*(y2-y1))/((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)); tmin=B3DMAX(0.f,B3DMIN(1.f,tmin)); dx = (x1+tmin*(x2-x1)-ptX); dy = (y1+tmin*(y2-y1)-ptY); distsq = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (distsq < 0) return 0.; return (float)sqrt(distsq); } // Compute the minimum distance to any edge of a montage from the center of the given // piece. Requires that mPieceSavedAt already be filled in for the section float CNavHelper::PieceToEdgeDistance(MontParam * montP, int ixPiece, int iyPiece) { int ind, j, xFrameDel, yFrameDel, ix, iy; float xpcen, ypcen, xCen, yCen, x1, x2, y1, halfX, halfY, dist, distMin, y2; int ixDir[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0}; int iyDir[] = {0, -1, 0, 1}; xFrameDel = (montP->xFrame - montP->xOverlap); yFrameDel = (montP->yFrame - montP->yOverlap); halfX = montP->xFrame / 2.f; halfY = montP->yFrame / 2.f; xCen = ixPiece * xFrameDel + halfX; yCen = iyPiece * yFrameDel + halfY; distMin = 100000000.; for (ix = 0; ix < montP->xNframes; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < montP->yNframes; iy++) { ind = iy + ix * montP->yNframes; if (mPieceSavedAt[ind] < 0) continue; xpcen = ix * xFrameDel + halfX; ypcen = iy * yFrameDel + halfY; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // Loop over the 4 directions; if there is no piece in a direction, // compose the coordinates of the edge and get distance to edge segment ind = iy + iyDir[j] + (ix + ixDir[j]) * montP->yNframes; if (ix + ixDir[j] < 0 || ix + ixDir[j] >= montP->xNframes || iy + iyDir[j] < 0 || iy + iyDir[j] >= montP->yNframes || mPieceSavedAt[ind] < 0) { if (ixDir[j]) { x1 = x2 = xpcen + ixDir[j] * halfX; } else { x1 = xpcen - halfX; x2 = xpcen + halfX; } if (iyDir[j]) { y1 = y2 = ypcen + iyDir[j] * halfY; } else { y1 = ypcen - halfY; y2 = ypcen + halfY; } dist = PointSegmentDistance(xCen, yCen, x1, y1, x2, y2); distMin = B3DMIN(dist, distMin); } } } } return distMin; } // Return the last stage error and the registration it was taken at int CNavHelper::GetLastStageError(float &stageErrX, float &stageErrY, float &localErrX, float &localErrY) { stageErrX = mStageErrX; stageErrY = mStageErrY; localErrX = mLocalErrX; localErrY = mLocalErrY; return mRegistrationAtErr; } // Return the target position where last stage error was found, and ID of map used int CNavHelper::GetLastErrorTarget(float & targetX, float & targetY) { targetX = mRIabsTargetX; targetY = mRIabsTargetY; return mRImapID; } // Function to change registrations of all buffers matching the mapID void CNavHelper::ChangeAllBufferRegistrations(int mapID, int fromReg, int toReg) { POSITION pos = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CSerialEMView *pView = (CSerialEMView *)mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetNextView(pos); pView->ChangeAllRegistrations(mapID, fromReg, toReg); } } // Get the image and beam shift and beam tilt for View or search from current parameters void CNavHelper::GetViewOffsets(CMapDrawItem * item, float &netShiftX, float &netShiftY, float &beamShiftX, float & beamShiftY, float &beamTiltX, float &beamTiltY, int area) { double shiftX, shiftY; LowDoseParams *ldParm = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); beamTiltX = beamTiltY = 0.; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetNetViewShift(shiftX, shiftY, area); SimpleIStoStage(item, shiftX, shiftY, netShiftX, netShiftY); // Store incremental beam shift and tilt if any beamShiftX = (float)(ldParm[area].beamDelX - ldParm[RECORD_CONSET].beamDelX); beamShiftY = (float)(ldParm[area].beamDelY - ldParm[RECORD_CONSET].beamDelY); if (mScope->GetLDBeamTiltShifts()) { beamTiltX = (float)(ldParm[area].beamTiltDX - ldParm[RECORD_CONSET].beamTiltDX); beamTiltY = (float)(ldParm[area].beamTiltDY - ldParm[RECORD_CONSET].beamTiltDY); } } // Convert IS to a stage position: for the callers to this, it works better to use 0-focus // stage calibration instead of defocused one void CNavHelper::SimpleIStoStage(CMapDrawItem * item, double ISX, double ISY, float &stageX, float &stageY) { ScaleMat aMat, bMat; stageX = stageY = 0.; aMat = mShiftManager->IStoGivenCamera(item->mMapMagInd, item->mMapCamera); if (aMat.xpx && (ISX || ISY)) { //aMat = MatMul(aMat, MatInv(ItemStageToCamera(item))); bMat = MatInv(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd)); if (item->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)item->mMapTiltAngle) > 1) mShiftManager->AdjustCameraToStageForTilt(bMat, item->mMapTiltAngle); aMat = MatMul(aMat, bMat); stageX = (float)(aMat.xpx * ISX + aMat.xpy * ISY); stageY = (float)(aMat.ypx * ISX + aMat.ypy * ISY); } } // Get the stage to camera matrix for an item, adjusting for defocus ScaleMat CNavHelper::ItemStageToCamera(CMapDrawItem * item) { ScaleMat aMat; if (IS_SET_VIEW_OR_SEARCH(item->mMapLowDoseConSet)) aMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd, item->mMapSpotSize, item->mMapProbeMode, item->mMapIntensity, item->mDefocusOffset); else aMat = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd); if (item->mMapTiltAngle > RAW_STAGE_TEST && fabs((double)item->mMapTiltAngle) > 1) mShiftManager->AdjustStageToCameraForTilt(aMat, item->mMapTiltAngle); return aMat; } // Get the coordinates for a camera set from the state parameters void CNavHelper::StateCameraCoords(int camIndex, int xFrame, int yFrame, int binning, int &left, int &right, int &top, int &bottom) { CameraParameters *camP = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + camIndex; mCamera->CenteredSizes(xFrame, camP->sizeX, camP->moduloX, left, right, yFrame, camP->sizeY, camP->moduloY, top, bottom, binning, camIndex); left *= binning; right *= binning; top *= binning; bottom *= binning; } // Get number of holes defined in multi-shot params, or 0,0 for a custom pattern // Return false if custom or not defined (0, 0) bool CNavHelper::GetNumHolesFromParam(int &xnum, int &ynum, int &numTotal) { xnum = 0; ynum = 0; if (mMultiShotParams.useCustomHoles && mMultiShotParams.customHoleX.size() > 0) { numTotal = (int)mMultiShotParams.customHoleX.size(); } else if (mMultiShotParams.doHexArray) { xnum = mMultiShotParams.numHexRings; ynum = -1; numTotal = 3 * (xnum + 1) * xnum + 1; } else { xnum = mMultiShotParams.numHoles[0]; ynum = mMultiShotParams.numHoles[1]; numTotal = xnum * ynum; if (mMultiShotParams.skipCornersOf3x3 && xnum == 3 && ynum == 3) { xnum = ynum = -3; numTotal = 5; } } if (!MultipleHolesAreSelected()) numTotal = 1; return xnum != 0 && ynum != 0; } // Return the number of holes that would be acquired for the current item, or the given // default if no items int CNavHelper::GetNumHolesForItem(CMapDrawItem *item, int numDefault) { int numForItem = numDefault; if (item->mNumXholes && item->mNumYholes) { if (item->mNumXholes == -3 && item->mNumYholes == -3) numForItem = 5; else if (item->mNumXholes > 0 && item->mNumYholes == -1) numForItem = 3 * (item->mNumXholes + 1) * item->mNumXholes + 1; else numForItem = item->mNumXholes * item->mNumYholes; numForItem -= item->mNumSkipHoles; } return numForItem; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// MARKER SHIFT FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clear out the saved shifts before saving any new ones for a new operation void CNavHelper::ClearSavedMapMarkerShifts() { mSavedMaShMapIDs.clear(); mSavedMaShCohortIDs.clear(); mSavedMaShXshift.clear(); mSavedMaShXshift.clear(); } // Save existing cohort ID and marker shifts for a map and apply new ones void CNavHelper::SaveMapMarkerShiftToLists(CMapDrawItem * item, int cohortID, float newXshift, float newYshift) { if (item->IsNotMap()) return; mSavedMaShMapIDs.push_back(item->mMapID); mSavedMaShCohortIDs.push_back(item->mShiftCohortID); mSavedMaShXshift.push_back(item->mMarkerShiftX); mSavedMaShYshift.push_back(item->mMarkerShiftY); item->mShiftCohortID = cohortID; item->mMarkerShiftX = newXshift; item->mMarkerShiftY = newYshift; } // Find the saved marker shift for an item and restore it void CNavHelper::RestoreMapMarkerShift(CMapDrawItem * item) { int ind; if (item->IsNotMap()) return; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mSavedMaShMapIDs.size(); ind++) { if (mSavedMaShMapIDs[ind] == item->mMapID) { item->mShiftCohortID = mSavedMaShCohortIDs[ind]; item->mMarkerShiftX = mSavedMaShXshift[ind]; item->mMarkerShiftY = mSavedMaShYshift[ind]; break; } } } // Find the base marker shift that matches the fromMag and is nearest to toMag BaseMarkerShift *CNavHelper::FindNearestBaseShift(int fromMag, int toMag) { int ind, magDist, minDist = 1000, minInd = -1; if (!fromMag || !toMag) return NULL; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mMarkerShiftArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd == fromMag) { magDist = B3DABS(mMarkerShiftArray[ind].toMagInd - toMag); if (magDist < minDist) { minInd = ind; minDist = magDist; } } } if (minInd < 0) return NULL; return &mMarkerShiftArray[minInd]; } // Test if it is possible to apply store marker shift: there must be at least on marker // shift for which an unshifted map at the fromMag exists bool CNavHelper::OKtoApplyBaseMarkerShift() { int shInd, itInd, reg; CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mNav) return false; reg = mNav->GetCurrentRegistration(); for (shInd = 0; shInd < (int)mMarkerShiftArray.GetSize(); shInd++) { for (itInd = 0; itInd < (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); itInd++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(itInd); if (item->IsMap() && item->mRegistration == reg && item->mMapMagInd == mMarkerShiftArray[shInd].fromMagInd && (!item->mShiftCohortID || item->mMarkerShiftX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST)) return true; } } return false; } // Apply a base marker shift: determine parameters and query user in order to call // shift routine in Nav void CNavHelper::ApplyBaseMarkerShift() { int ind, magVal, magInd, nearMag = -20, itemMag = 0, curMag = mScope->GetMagIndex(); int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int useInd, toMag; IntVec shiftInds, shiftToMags; CString matchText1, matchText, str; bool itemMatch = false; CMapDrawItem *item = mNav->GetCurrentItem(); // Set up a default mag based either on the mag of the current item if it is a map, // or the mag nearest to the current mag if (item && item->IsMap()) itemMag = item->mMapMagInd; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mMarkerShiftArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd == itemMag) itemMatch = true; if (B3DABS(nearMag - mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd) > B3DABS(curMag - mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd)) nearMag = mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd; } // Find out a mag from the user and get index for it magVal = MagForCamera(camera, itemMatch ? itemMag : nearMag); if (!KGetOneInt("Shifts will be applied to unshifted maps and items marked on them.", "Magnification of maps to apply stored shift to:", magVal)) return; magInd = FindIndexForMagValue(magVal, camera); magVal = MagForCamera(camera, magInd); // See how many shifts match that for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mMarkerShiftArray.GetSize(); ind++) { if (mMarkerShiftArray[ind].fromMagInd == magInd) { shiftInds.push_back(ind); shiftToMags.push_back(MagForCamera(camera, mMarkerShiftArray[ind].toMagInd)); } } // If none, bail out if (!shiftInds.size()) { str.Format("There are no stored shifts at magnification %dx", magVal); AfxMessageBox(str, MB_EXCLAME); return; } // If multiple, get the one to use, looping to get a useful answer if needed useInd = shiftInds.size() > 1 ? -1 : shiftInds[0]; while (useInd < 0) { matchText = ""; matchText1.Format("Values have been saved for Shift to Marker from a point " "at %dx to images at", magVal); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)shiftInds.size(); ind++) { if (ind && (int)shiftInds.size() > 2) matchText += ", "; if (ind == (int)shiftInds.size() - 1) matchText += " and"; str.Format(" %dx", shiftToMags[ind]); matchText += str; } matchText += ". Enter the image magnification of the one to use:"; toMag = shiftToMags[0]; if (!KGetOneInt(matchText1, matchText, toMag)) return; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)shiftInds.size(); ind++) if (shiftToMags[ind] == toMag) useInd = ind; } // Final info to user and confirmation str.Format("A shift of %.2f, %.2f will be applied to all maps at\n %dx that have not " "been shifted before, and items marked on them.\n\nDo you want to proceed?", mMarkerShiftArray[useInd].shiftX, mMarkerShiftArray[useInd].shiftY, magVal); if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return; // Do the shift; it saves parameters for undo mNav->ShiftCohortOfItems(mMarkerShiftArray[useInd].shiftX, mMarkerShiftArray[useInd].shiftY, mNav->GetCurrentRegistration(), magInd, mNav->MakeUniqueID(), false, false, 1); } // Centralized routine for testing the conditions for Shift to Marker bool CNavHelper::OKtoShiftToMarker() { EMimageBuffer *imBuf = mWinApp->mActiveView->GetActiveImBuf(); return (mNav && mNav->NoDrawing() && !mNav->GetAcquiring() && !mWinApp->DoingTasks() && imBuf && imBuf->mHasUserPt && mNav->GetItemType() >= 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// SETTING FILES, TS PARAMS, STATES FOR ACQUIRES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate the next filename in a series given a filename // The rules are that digits before an extension or at the end of the filename, // or digits followed by one non-digit before the extension or at the end, // will be incremented by 1 and output with the same number of digits or more if needed // If there are no digits, a "2" is added before the extension or at the end of the name CString CNavHelper::NextAutoFilename(CString inStr, CString oldLabel, CString newLabel) { int curnum, numdig; CString str, format, extra, ext = ""; if (mUseLabelInFilenames && !oldLabel.IsEmpty() && oldLabel != newLabel) { UtilSplitPath(inStr, str, format); if (format.Find(oldLabel) >= 0) { curnum = format.GetLength() + 1 - oldLabel.GetLength(); while (curnum >= 0 && format.Find(oldLabel, curnum) < 0) curnum--; if (curnum >= 0) { extra = format.Mid(curnum); if (curnum) format = format.Left(curnum); else format = ""; extra.Replace(oldLabel, newLabel); if (str.GetAt(str.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') str += "\\"; inStr = str + format + extra; return inStr; } } } inStr = DecomposeNumberedName(inStr, ext, curnum, numdig, extra); if (numdig) { format.Format("%%0%dd", numdig); str.Format((LPCTSTR)format, curnum + 1); str = inStr + str + extra + ext; } else { str = inStr + "2" + ext; } return str; } // Splits a name into an unnumbered root, a number if any, an optional character between // the number and extension, and the extension including its dot, if any. Also returns // the number of digits, or 0 if there is no number. CString CNavHelper::DecomposeNumberedName(CString inStr, CString &ext, int &curnum, int &numdig, CString &extra) { int dirInd, extInd, numroot, digInd; CString str; ext = ""; extra = ""; curnum = 0; numdig = 0; dirInd = inStr.ReverseFind('\\'); extInd = inStr.ReverseFind('.'); if (extInd > dirInd && extInd > 0) { ext = inStr.Right(inStr.GetLength() - extInd); inStr = inStr.Left(extInd); } str = inStr; str = str.MakeReverse(); digInd = str.FindOneOf("0123456789"); if (digInd == 0 || digInd == 1) { if (digInd == 1) { extra = str.Left(1); str = str.Right(str.GetLength() - 1); } str = str.SpanIncluding("0123456789"); str = str.MakeReverse(); curnum = atoi((LPCTSTR)str); numdig = str.GetLength(); numroot = inStr.GetLength() - numdig - digInd; if (numroot) str = inStr.Left(numroot); return str; } else { return inStr; } } // Checks a given filename for whether its unnumbered root, extension, and extra character // match the given ones void CNavHelper::CheckForSameRootAndNumber(CString &root, CString &ext, CString &extra, CString name, int &maxNum, int &numDig) { CString ext2, extra2; int num2, numDig2; name.MakeUpper(); if (!name.IsEmpty() && name.Find(root) == 0) { DecomposeNumberedName(name, ext2, num2, numDig2, extra2); if (!ext2.CompareNoCase(ext) && !extra2.CompareNoCase(extra) && num2 > maxNum) { maxNum = num2; ACCUM_MAX(numDig, numDig2); } } } // Check whether the name is already used in the lists of ones to open bool CNavHelper::NameToOpenUsed(CString name) { CMapDrawItem *item; ScheduledFile *sched; int i; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (!item->mFileToOpen.IsEmpty() && item->mFileToOpen == name) return true; } for (i = 0; i < mGroupFiles->GetSize(); i++) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(i); if (sched->filename == name) return true; } return false; } // Set up a new file to open for an item or group. Returns -1 if user cancels, or >0 // for other errors; cleans up references in either case int CNavHelper::NewAcquireFile(int itemNum, int listType, ScheduledFile *sched) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); CMapDrawItem *item2; ScheduledFile *sched2; StateParams *state; MontParam *montp; int i, index; bool breakForFit = false; int *propIndexp = &item->mFilePropIndex; int *montIndexp = &item->mMontParamIndex; int *stateIndexp = &item->mStateIndex; CString autoName = ""; CString *namep = &item->mFileToOpen; if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP) { propIndexp = &sched->filePropIndex; montIndexp = &sched->montParamIndex; stateIndexp = &sched->stateIndex; namep = &sched->filename; } *propIndexp = *montIndexp = *stateIndexp = -1; // First check for low dose state mismatch for tilt series if (listType == NAVFILE_TS && !mDoingMultiGridFiles) { for (i = itemNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && item2->mStateIndex >= 0) { state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(item2->mStateIndex); if (state->lowDose && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode() || !state->lowDose && mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { autoName.Format("Low dose mode is currently %s but it is %s in the imaging " "state\nparameters of a previous item selected for a tilt series.\n\n" "If you do want to change modes between series, you should set the imaging\n" "state for this series and also set the tilt series parameters.", state->lowDose ? "OFF" : "ON", state->lowDose ? "ON" : "OFF"); AfxMessageBox(autoName, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } break; } } } // First look for a prior item of the same kind to get names/references from for (i = itemNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (listType == NAVFILE_TS) { if (item2->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { item->mTSparamIndex = item2->mTSparamIndex; *propIndexp = item2->mFilePropIndex; *montIndexp = item2->mMontParamIndex; autoName = NextAutoFilename(item2->mFileToOpen, item2->mLabel, item->mLabel); ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, item->mTSparamIndex, 1); } } else if (item2->mTSparamIndex < 0) { if (item2->mFilePropIndex >= 0) { // Force a new parameter set if last one is fitting to polygon and this is a // polygon item - otherwise let it inherit the fit autoName = NextAutoFilename(item2->mFileToOpen, item2->mLabel, item->mLabel); if (item2->mMontParamIndex >= 0) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(item2->mMontParamIndex); breakForFit = montp->wasFitToPolygon && item->IsPolygon(); } *propIndexp = item2->mFilePropIndex; *montIndexp = item2->mMontParamIndex; } else { index = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item2->mGroupID); if (index >= 0) { sched2 = mGroupFiles->GetAt(index); *propIndexp = sched2->filePropIndex; *montIndexp = sched2->montParamIndex; autoName = NextAutoFilename(sched2->filename, item2->mLabel, item->mLabel); } } } // If succeeded, increment the remaining reference counts if (*propIndexp >= 0) { ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, *propIndexp, 1); if (*montIndexp >= 0) ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, *montIndexp, 1); // Check for uniqueness of filenames if (breakForFit) break; while (NameToOpenUsed(autoName) || mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(autoName) >= 0) autoName = NextAutoFilename(autoName); *namep = autoName; return 0; } } // If nothing found, need to create file options and filename index = SetFileProperties(itemNum, listType, sched, false, (breakForFit && mSkipMontFitDlgs) || mDoingMultipleFiles > 2 || mDoingMultiGridFiles); if (index) { *propIndexp = *montIndexp = -1; RecomputeArrayRefs(); return index; } // Assign and use up the name from multigrid on the first file if (mDoingMultiGridFiles && !mFirstMontFilename.IsEmpty()) { autoName = mFirstMontFilename; mFirstMontFilename = ""; } // If there is a problem with the name, abort the whole thing if (autoName.IsEmpty()) { index = SetOrChangeFilename(itemNum, listType, sched); if (index) { *propIndexp = *montIndexp = -1; RecomputeArrayRefs(); return index; } } else { // But use the name if one was inherited for a new poly fit while (NameToOpenUsed(autoName) || mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(autoName) >= 0) autoName = NextAutoFilename(autoName); *namep = autoName; } // Do TS params last so the montaging is already known if (listType == NAVFILE_TS) { index = SetTSParams(itemNum); if (index) { *propIndexp = *montIndexp = -1; *namep = ""; RecomputeArrayRefs(); } } return index; } // Set or adjust tilt series params int CNavHelper::SetTSParams(int itemNum) { TiltSeriesParam *tsp, *tspSrc; MontParam *montp; int err, i; CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); CMapDrawItem *item2; bool needNew = false; int future = 1, futureLDstate = -1, ldMagInd = 0, overrideFlags = 0; int prevIndex = item->mTSparamIndex; CString inheritors; // If parameters already exist, copy them to the master; otherwise just edit the master if (prevIndex >= 0) { tspSrc = mTSparamArray->GetAt(prevIndex); mWinApp->mTSController->CopyParamToMaster(tspSrc, false); future = 2; } // Set some parameters if montaging: magLocked indicates montaging tsp = mWinApp->mTSController->GetTiltSeriesParam(); tsp->magLocked = item->mMontParamIndex >= 0; if (tsp->magLocked) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(item->mMontParamIndex); mWinApp->mTSController->MontageMagIntoTSparam(montp, tsp); tsp->binning = montp->binning; } // Find the last state set for a TS param and set the future LD state from it for (i = itemNum; i >= 0; i--) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && item2->mStateIndex >= 0) { StateParams *state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(item2->mStateIndex); futureLDstate = state->lowDose ? 1 : 0; if (state->lowDose) ldMagInd = state->ldParams.magIndex; break; } } // Set flags for special parameters set in the Nav item if (item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { overrideFlags |= NAV_OVERRIDE_TILT; if (item->mTSbidirAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) overrideFlags |= NAV_OVERRIDE_BIDIR; } if (item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) overrideFlags |= NAV_OVERRIDE_DEF_TARG; err = mWinApp->mTSController->SetupTiltSeries(future, futureLDstate, ldMagInd, overrideFlags); if (err) return err; // Now that we have success, either copy it back to source or make a new one if (item->mTSparamIndex < 0) needNew = true; else { // See if this is a reference shared with an earlier item, if so split it off for (i = 0; i < itemNum && !needNew; i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); needNew = item2->mTSparamIndex == prevIndex; if (needNew) NoLongerInheritMessage(itemNum, i, "tilt series parameters"); } } if (prevIndex >= 0) AddInheritingItems(itemNum, prevIndex, NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, inheritors); if (needNew) { tsp = new TiltSeriesParam; mWinApp->mTSController->CopyMasterToParam(tsp, false); mTSparamArray->Add(tsp); tsp->refCount = 0; tsp->navID = mNav->MakeUniqueID(); // For this item and all following ones with the same original index, assign to the // new index and adjust the reference counts for (i = itemNum; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mTSparamIndex == prevIndex && (i == itemNum || prevIndex >= 0)) { if (prevIndex >= 0) ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, prevIndex, -1); item2->mTSparamIndex = (int)mTSparamArray->GetSize() - 1; tsp->refCount++; } } } else mWinApp->mTSController->CopyMasterToParam(tspSrc, false); BeInheritedByMessage(itemNum, inheritors, "Changes in tilt series parameters"); return 0; } // Set the file properties for a file to be opened for item or group, either by editing // existing properties for that item or by cloning shared properties and editing those int CNavHelper::SetFileProperties(int itemNum, int listType, ScheduledFile *sched, bool fromFilePropButton, bool skipFitDlgs) { CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); CMapDrawItem *item2; ScheduledFile *sched2; CNavFileTypeDlg typeDlg; MontParam *montpSrc = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); MontParam *newMontp; FileOptions *fileOptSrc = mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); FileOptions *newFileOpt; CString inheritors; bool madeNewOpt = false, gotThisSched = false; int movingStage = 0, prevIndex, i, j, sharedInd; int *propIndexp = &item->mFilePropIndex; int *montIndexp = &item->mMontParamIndex; prevIndex = *montIndexp; if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP) { propIndexp = &sched->filePropIndex; montIndexp = &sched->montParamIndex; } if (mDoingMultiGridFiles) { montpSrc = mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetMMMmontParam(); mLastTypeWasMont = true; mLastMontFitToPoly = true; mSkipMontFitDlgs = true; skipFitDlgs = true; } if (prevIndex >= 0) montpSrc = mMontParArray->GetAt(prevIndex); if (*propIndexp >= 0) fileOptSrc = mFileOptArray->GetAt(*propIndexp); typeDlg.m_iSingleMont = mLastTypeWasMont ? 1 : 0; if (*propIndexp >= 0) typeDlg.m_iSingleMont = prevIndex >= 0 ? 1 : 0; typeDlg.mPolyFitOK = item->IsPolygon() && listType == NAVFILE_ITEM; typeDlg.m_bFitPoly = mLastMontFitToPoly; typeDlg.m_bSkipDlgs = mSkipMontFitDlgs; typeDlg.m_iReusability = 0; if (prevIndex >= 0 && montpSrc->reusability) typeDlg.m_iReusability = 2; if (mDoingMultipleFiles > 1) { typeDlg.m_iReusability = 1; typeDlg.m_bFitPoly = true; typeDlg.m_iSingleMont = 1; typeDlg.mOnlyLeaveOpenOK = true; } if (*montIndexp >= 0) { newMontp = mMontParArray->GetAt(*montIndexp); typeDlg.m_iReusability = newMontp->reusability; typeDlg.mJustChangeOK = newMontp->wasFitToPolygon; } if (prevIndex >= 0 && typeDlg.mPolyFitOK) typeDlg.m_bFitPoly = montpSrc->wasFitToPolygon; if (!skipFitDlgs && typeDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return -1; mLastTypeWasMont = typeDlg.m_iSingleMont != 0; mLastMontFitToPoly = typeDlg.m_bFitPoly; if (mLastTypeWasMont && mLastMontFitToPoly && typeDlg.mJustChangeOK && typeDlg.m_bChangeReusable) { newMontp->reusability = typeDlg.m_iReusability; return 0; } mSkipMontFitDlgs = typeDlg.m_bSkipDlgs; AddInheritingItems(itemNum, prevIndex, NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, inheritors); // If it is now supposed to be a montage, get parameters from existing param or // master ones, do dialog, then save params if (typeDlg.m_iSingleMont) { CMontageSetupDlg montDlg; montDlg.mParam = *montpSrc; if (prevIndex < 0) mDocWnd->InitMontParamsForDialog(&montDlg.mParam, 0); montDlg.mSizeLocked = false; montDlg.mConstrainSize = false; if (listType == NAVFILE_TS) montDlg.mParam.moveStage = false; if (typeDlg.m_bFitPoly && typeDlg.mPolyFitOK) { // This assumes that it is the current item if (mNav->PolygonMontage(&montDlg, skipFitDlgs)) return -1; montDlg.mParam.wasFitToPolygon = true; } else if (montDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return -1; // Set some params after the dialog: note makeNewMap is irrelevant in Nav acquire // 5/11/18: give up on setting very sloppy for stage montDlg.mParam.warnedCalOpen = true; montDlg.mParam.warnedCalAcquire = true; movingStage = montDlg.mParam.moveStage ? 1 : 0; montDlg.mParam.reusability = typeDlg.m_iReusability; // Need to make a new param if there is not one in array, or if the reference count // was greater than 1 and it is shared with earlier ones if (prevIndex < 0 || (montDlg.mParam.refCount > 1 && EarlierItemSharesRef(itemNum, prevIndex, NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, sharedInd))) { newMontp = new MontParam; *newMontp = montDlg.mParam; mMontParArray->Add(newMontp); newMontp->refCount = 0; newMontp->navID = mNav->MakeUniqueID(); if (prevIndex >= 0 && sharedInd >= 0) NoLongerInheritMessage(itemNum, sharedInd, "montage parameters"); for (i = itemNum; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); // Adjust indices of inheriting items and item itself if not doing a group file if (item2->mMontParamIndex == prevIndex && (prevIndex >= 0 || (i == itemNum && listType != NAVFILE_GROUP))) { if (prevIndex >= 0) montpSrc->refCount--; item2->mMontParamIndex = (int)mMontParArray->GetSize() - 1; newMontp->refCount++; } // Adjust indices of group files j = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item2->mGroupID); if (j >= 0) { sched2 = mGroupFiles->GetAt(j); if (sched2->montParamIndex == prevIndex && (prevIndex >= 0 || (sched2 == sched && listType == NAVFILE_GROUP))) { if (prevIndex >= 0) montpSrc->refCount--; sched2->montParamIndex = (int)mMontParArray->GetSize() - 1; newMontp->refCount++; if (sched2 == sched) gotThisSched = true; } } } if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP && !gotThisSched) { sched->montParamIndex = (int)mMontParArray->GetSize() - 1; newMontp->refCount++; } } else *montpSrc = montDlg.mParam; BeInheritedByMessage(itemNum, inheritors, "Changes in montage parameters"); } else if (prevIndex >= 0) { // If it used to be a montage and is no more, reduce reference count and set index to // -1 for each item for (i = itemNum; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mMontParamIndex == prevIndex) { ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, prevIndex, -1); item2->mMontParamIndex = -1; } } BeInheritedByMessage(itemNum, inheritors, "Changing from montage to single frame"); movingStage = -1; } inheritors = ""; sharedInd = -1; // Now do file options dialog but create a new copy first if needed newFileOpt = fileOptSrc; prevIndex = *propIndexp; if (prevIndex < 0 || (fileOptSrc->refCount > 1 && EarlierItemSharesRef(itemNum, prevIndex, NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, sharedInd))) { newFileOpt = new FileOptions; mDocWnd->SetFileOptsForSTEM(); *newFileOpt = *fileOptSrc; mDocWnd->RestoreFileOptsFromSTEM(); newFileOpt->refCount = 0; madeNewOpt = true; } // Prepare the file options as appropriate for single frame or montage newFileOpt->TIFFallowed = 0; newFileOpt->montageInMdoc = false; newFileOpt->typext &= ~MONTAGE_MASK; if (*montIndexp < 0) { if (movingStage < 0) newFileOpt->typext &= ~VOLT_XY_MASK; } else { newFileOpt->mode = B3DMAX(newFileOpt->mode, 1); newMontp = mMontParArray->GetAt(*montIndexp); if ((newMontp->xNframes - 1) * (newMontp->xFrame - newMontp->xOverlap) > 65535 || (newMontp->yNframes - 1) * (newMontp->yFrame - newMontp->yOverlap) > 65535) newFileOpt->montageInMdoc = true; else newFileOpt->typext |= MONTAGE_MASK; if (movingStage > 0) newFileOpt->typext |= VOLT_XY_MASK; } if (mDocWnd->FilePropForSaveFile(newFileOpt, B3DCHOICE(skipFitDlgs, mDoingMultiGridFiles ? -2 : -1, fromFilePropButton ? 1 : 0))) { if (madeNewOpt) delete newFileOpt; return -1; } if (prevIndex >= 0 && sharedInd >= 0) NoLongerInheritMessage(itemNum, sharedInd, "file properties"); AddInheritingItems(itemNum, prevIndex, NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, inheritors); // For a new file option, add it to the array and dereference this item and any // following ones that shared it from the old options and point them to the new one if (madeNewOpt) { newFileOpt->navID = mNav->MakeUniqueID(); mFileOptArray->Add(newFileOpt); gotThisSched = false; for (i = itemNum; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); // Do the item itself only if not doing a file at group if (item2->mFilePropIndex == prevIndex && (prevIndex >= 0 || (i == itemNum && listType != NAVFILE_GROUP))) { if (prevIndex >= 0) fileOptSrc->refCount--; item2->mFilePropIndex = (int)mFileOptArray->GetSize() - 1; newFileOpt->refCount++; } // Check and switch any scheduled groups too, keep track if do the passed schedule // A new one is not yet in array j = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item2->mGroupID); if (j >= 0) { sched2 = mGroupFiles->GetAt(j); if (sched2->filePropIndex == prevIndex && (prevIndex >= 0 || (sched2 == sched && listType == NAVFILE_GROUP))) { if (prevIndex >= 0) fileOptSrc->refCount--; sched2->filePropIndex = (int)mFileOptArray->GetSize() - 1; newFileOpt->refCount++; if (sched2 == sched) gotThisSched = true; } } } if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP && !gotThisSched) { sched->filePropIndex = (int)mFileOptArray->GetSize() - 1; newFileOpt->refCount++; } } BeInheritedByMessage(itemNum, inheritors, "Changes in file properties"); // A successful pass through the dialog should (?) update the program master mDocWnd->CopyMasterFileOpts(newFileOpt, COPY_TO_MASTER); return 0; } // Get a new filename for the item or group, defaulting the dialog to an existing one // Return -1 if user cancels the dialog, or 1 if file already open, 2 if it is scheduled // for a group, or 3 if it is scheduled for an item int CNavHelper::SetOrChangeFilename(int itemNum, int listType, ScheduledFile *sched) { int i, numacq, fileType = STORE_TYPE_MRC; CString filename, label, lastlab; ScheduledFile *sched2; CMapDrawItem *item2; LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL; CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); CString *namep = &item->mFileToOpen; FileOptions *fileOptp = NULL; i = item->mFilePropIndex; if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP) { namep = &sched->filename; i = sched->filePropIndex; } if (i >= 0) { fileOptp = mFileOptArray->GetAt(i); fileType = fileOptp->useMont() ? fileOptp->montFileType : fileOptp->fileType; } filename = *namep; if (!namep->IsEmpty()) lpszFileName = (LPCTSTR)filename; else if (mUseLabelInFilenames) { filename = item->mLabel; if (fileType == STORE_TYPE_MRC) filename += ".mrc"; if (fileType == STORE_TYPE_TIFF) filename += ".tif"; lpszFileName = (LPCTSTR)filename; } if (mDocWnd->FilenameForSaveFile(fileType, lpszFileName, filename)) return -1; // Check for file already open i = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(filename); if (i >= 0) { label.Format("This file is already open (file #%d).\n\nPick another file name," " or close the file (in which case it will be overwritten)", i + 1); AfxMessageBox(label, MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Check for duplication with group files for (i = 0; i < mGroupFiles->GetSize(); i++) { sched2 = mGroupFiles->GetAt(i); if (listType == NAVFILE_GROUP && sched2->groupID == sched->groupID) continue; if (sched2->filename == filename) { mNav->CountItemsInGroup(sched2->groupID, label, lastlab, numacq); SEMMessageBox("This filename is already set up for the group\n" "with labels from " + label + " to " + lastlab + "\n\nPick another name.", MB_EXCLAME); return 2; } } // Check for duplication with other defined files for items for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { if (i == itemNum) continue; item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mFilePropIndex >= 0 && item2->mFileToOpen == filename) { label.Format("This filename is already set up to be opened for item #%d with" " label %s\r\nPick another name.", i, (LPCTSTR)item2->mLabel); SEMMessageBox(label, MB_EXCLAME); return 3; } } // Copy name and return for success *namep = filename; return 0; } void CNavHelper::NoLongerInheritMessage(int itemNum, int sharedInd, char * typeText) { CString str; CMapDrawItem *item1 = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); CMapDrawItem *item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(sharedInd); if (mDoingMultipleFiles != 1) return; str.Format("Item # %d (%s) no longer inherits changes in %s from item # %d (%s)", itemNum + 1, (LPCTSTR)item1->mLabel, typeText, sharedInd + 1, (LPCTSTR)item2->mLabel); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); } void CNavHelper::AddInheritingItems(int num, int prevIndex, int type, CString & listStr) { CString str; CMapDrawItem *item; if (prevIndex < 0) return; for (int i = num + 1; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if ((type == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT && item->mFilePropIndex == prevIndex) || (type == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM && item->mMontParamIndex == prevIndex) || (type == NAVARRAY_TSPARAM && item->mTSparamIndex == prevIndex)) { str.Format("%d (%s)", i + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); if (!listStr.IsEmpty()) listStr += ", "; listStr += str; } } } void CNavHelper::BeInheritedByMessage(int itemNum, CString & listStr, char * typeText) { CString str; CMapDrawItem *item = mItemArray->GetAt(itemNum); if (listStr.IsEmpty()) return; str.Format("%s for item # %d (%s) are being inherited by these items:", typeText, itemNum + 1, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); mWinApp->AppendToLog(str); mWinApp->AppendToLog(" " + listStr); } // Remove a param from one of the arrays and delete it, and decrease any references to // ones above it void CNavHelper::RemoveFromArray(int which, int index) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; int i; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT && item->mFilePropIndex > index) item->mFilePropIndex--; if (which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM && item->mMontParamIndex > index) item->mMontParamIndex--; if (which == NAVARRAY_TSPARAM && item->mTSparamIndex > index) item->mTSparamIndex--; if (which == NAVARRAY_STATE && item->mStateIndex > index) item->mStateIndex--; } for (i = 0; i < mGroupFiles->GetSize() && which != NAVARRAY_TSPARAM; i++) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(i); if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT && sched->filePropIndex > index) sched->filePropIndex--; if (which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM && sched->montParamIndex > index) sched->montParamIndex--; if (which == NAVARRAY_STATE && sched->stateIndex > index) sched->stateIndex--; } if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT) { FileOptions *opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(index); delete opt; mFileOptArray->RemoveAt(index); } else if (which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM) { MontParam *montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(index); delete montp; mMontParArray->RemoveAt(index); } else if (which == NAVARRAY_TSPARAM) { TiltSeriesParam *tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(index); delete tsp; mTSparamArray->RemoveAt(index); } else if (which == NAVARRAY_STATE) { StateParams *state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(index); delete state; mAcqStateArray->RemoveAt(index); } } // Reduce the reference count of the given param, and remove it if it is zero void CNavHelper::ChangeRefCount(int which, int index, int dir) { int newCount; if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT) { FileOptions *opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(index); opt->refCount += dir; newCount = opt->refCount; } else if (which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM) { MontParam *montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(index); montp->refCount += dir; newCount = montp->refCount; } else if (which == NAVARRAY_TSPARAM) { TiltSeriesParam *tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(index); tsp->refCount += dir; newCount = tsp->refCount; } if (!newCount) RemoveFromArray(which, index); } // A garbage collection routine to handle cancels that leave things in strange states void CNavHelper::RecomputeArrayRefs(void) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; FileOptions *opt; MontParam *montp; TiltSeriesParam *tsp; ShortVec used; int i, loop, limit, fileInd, montInd, tsInd, stateInd; int numStates = (int)mAcqStateArray->GetSize(); // First zero all the references for (i = 0; i < mFileOptArray->GetSize(); i++) { opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(i); opt->refCount = 0; } for (i = 0; i < mMontParArray->GetSize(); i++) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(i); montp->refCount = 0; } for (i = 0; i < mTSparamArray->GetSize(); i++) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(i); tsp->refCount = 0; } // NO references for state, just build list of ones used used.resize(numStates); // Add up the references again limit = (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { if (loop) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(i); fileInd = sched->filePropIndex; montInd = sched->montParamIndex; stateInd = sched->stateIndex; tsInd = -1; } else { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); fileInd = item->mFilePropIndex; montInd = item->mMontParamIndex; tsInd = item->mTSparamIndex; stateInd = item->mStateIndex; } if (fileInd >= 0) { opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(fileInd); opt->refCount++; } if (montInd >= 0) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInd); montp->refCount++; } if (tsInd >= 0) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(tsInd); tsp->refCount++; } if (stateInd >= 0 && stateInd < numStates) used[stateInd] = 1; } limit = (int)mGroupFiles->GetSize(); } // Remove items with no references from top down for (i = (int)mFileOptArray->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(i); if (!opt->refCount) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, i); } for (i = (int)mMontParArray->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(i); if (!montp->refCount) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, i); } for (i = (int)mTSparamArray->GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(i); if (!tsp->refCount) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, i); } for (i = numStates - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!used[i]) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_STATE, i); } // See if an earlier item shares a reference to the given type of index bool CNavHelper::EarlierItemSharesRef(int itemNum, int refInd, int which, int &shareInd) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; int i, index; shareInd = -1; for (i = 0; i < itemNum; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT && item->mFilePropIndex == refInd || which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM && item->mMontParamIndex == refInd) { shareInd = i; return true; } index = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (index >= 0) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(index); if (which == NAVARRAY_FILEOPT && sched->filePropIndex == refInd || which == NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM && sched->montParamIndex == refInd) return true; } } return false; } // Takes care of removing references and resetting indexes when either acquire is // turned off or tilt series or new file at item is. Acquire should already be set false // if appropriate void CNavHelper::EndAcquireOrNewFile(CMapDrawItem * item, bool endGroupFile) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item2; int i, index; bool active = false; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_TSPARAM, item->mTSparamIndex, -1); item->mTSparamIndex = -1; } if (!mWinApp->GetDummyInstance()) { if (!item->mAcquire && item->mTSparamIndex < 0) { item->mFocusAxisPos = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; item->mTargetDefocus = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } if (item->mTSparamIndex < 0) { item->mTSstartAngle = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; item->mTSbidirAngle = EXTRA_NO_VALUE; } } if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) { ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, item->mFilePropIndex, -1); item->mFilePropIndex = -1; if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0) ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, item->mMontParamIndex, -1); item->mMontParamIndex = -1; item->mFileToOpen = ""; if (item->mStateIndex >= 0) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_STATE, item->mStateIndex); item->mStateIndex = -1; } else { index = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (index >= 0) { // Are there other acquire items with the same group ID? for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item2->mGroupID == item->mGroupID && item2->mAcquire) { active = true; break; } } if (!active || endGroupFile) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(index); ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_FILEOPT, sched->filePropIndex, -1); if (sched->montParamIndex >= 0) ChangeRefCount(NAVARRAY_MONTPARAM, sched->montParamIndex, -1); if (sched->stateIndex >= 0) RemoveFromArray(NAVARRAY_STATE, sched->stateIndex); delete sched; mGroupFiles->RemoveAt(index); } } } } /* * Turn off all new file at item and tilt series */ void CNavHelper::EndAllNewFilesSetToOpen() { CMapDrawItem *item; int ind; bool changed = false; for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 || item->mMontParamIndex >= 0) { changed = true; EndAcquireOrNewFile(item); } } if (mNav && changed) { mNav->FillListBox(true, true); mNav->SetChanged(true); } } // Gets the file type and returns the scheduled file object if any for an item ScheduledFile * CNavHelper::GetFileTypeAndSchedule(CMapDrawItem * item, int & fileType) { ScheduledFile *sched = NULL; int index = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); fileType = -1; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { fileType = NAVFILE_TS; } else if (index >= 0) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(index); fileType = NAVFILE_GROUP; } else if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) fileType = NAVFILE_ITEM; return sched; } // Clean up all the Navigator arrays for closing or reading new file void CNavHelper::DeleteArrays(void) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; FileOptions *opt; MontParam *montp; TiltSeriesParam *tsp; StateParams *state; int i; for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); delete item; } mItemArray->RemoveAll(); for (i = 0; i < mGroupFiles->GetSize(); i++) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(i); delete sched; } mGroupFiles->RemoveAll(); for (i = 0; i < mFileOptArray->GetSize(); i++) { opt = mFileOptArray->GetAt(i); delete opt; } mFileOptArray->RemoveAll(); for (i = 0; i < mMontParArray->GetSize(); i++) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(i); delete montp; } mMontParArray->RemoveAll(); for (i = 0; i < mTSparamArray->GetSize(); i++) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(i); delete tsp; } mTSparamArray->RemoveAll(); for (i = 0; i < mAcqStateArray->GetSize(); i++) { state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(i); delete state; } mAcqStateArray->RemoveAll(); } // Make a new state param and add it to states here, or in navigator StateParams *CNavHelper::NewStateParam(bool navAcquire) { StateParams *param = new StateParams; if (navAcquire) mAcqStateArray->Add(param); else mStateArray.Add(param); return param; } // Return a state param by index from either states here or in navigator StateParams *CNavHelper::ExistingStateParam(int index, bool navAcquire) { if (index < 0 || (navAcquire && index >= mAcqStateArray->GetSize()) || (!navAcquire && index >= mStateArray.GetSize())) return NULL; if (navAcquire) return mAcqStateArray->GetAt(index); else return mStateArray.GetAt(index); } void CNavHelper::OpenStateDialog(void) { if (mStateDlg) { mStateDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mStateDlg = new CStateDlg(); mStateDlg->Create(IDD_STATEDLG); if (mStatePlacement.rcNormalPosition.right != NO_PLACEMENT) mStateDlg->SetWindowPlacement(&mStatePlacement); mStateDlg->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetStatePlacement(void) { if (mStateDlg) mStateDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mStatePlacement); return &mStatePlacement; } // Update the dialogs we are responsible for void CNavHelper::UpdateStateDlg(void) { if (mStateDlg) mStateDlg->Update(); if (mRotAlignDlg) mRotAlignDlg->Update(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// DUAL MAP (THE ORIGINAL NAME) NOW ANCHOR MAP ///////////////////////////////////////////////// int CNavHelper::MakeDualMap(CMapDrawItem *item) { EMimageBuffer *imBuf; KImageStore *store; int err, ind, curStore, numAvailable = 0, indAvail; int bufInd = mWinApp->Montaging() && mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW ? 1 : 0; mIndexAfterDual = mNav->GetCurListSel(); if (!item) { SEMMessageBox("Cannot find the item that was to be used for the map acquire state", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Make a map if it is not already one and it is suitable imBuf = &mImBufs[bufInd]; if (!imBuf->mMapID && imBuf->mMagInd > item->mMapMagInd) { err = mNav->NewMap(true); if (err > 0) return 2; if (!err) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Made a new map from the existing image before getting" " anchor map"); mIndexAfterDual = mNav->GetCurListSel(); } else if (!bufInd) { // If this fails for buffer A, look for another non-montage file it can work in curStore = mDocWnd->GetCurrentStore(); for (ind = 0; ind < mDocWnd->GetNumStores(); ind++) { if (ind == curStore || mDocWnd->GetStoreMontParam(ind)) continue; store = mDocWnd->GetStoreMRC(ind); if (store && mBufferManager->IsBufferSavable(imBuf, store)) { numAvailable++; indAvail = ind; } } // If there is only one, switch to it, make map, switch back if (numAvailable == 1) { mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(indAvail); err = mNav->NewMap(true); mDocWnd->SetCurrentStore(curStore); if (err > 0) return 2; if (!err) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Saved existing image in only suitable file and made it" " a new map before getting anchor map"); mIndexAfterDual = mNav->GetCurListSel(); } // Otherwise give message or warning } else if (numAvailable) { if (SEMMessageBox("The existing image in buffer A cannot be made into a\n" "map because it could be saved into more than one open file but not the current" " file.\n\nDo you want to stop making an anchor map and\nswitch to the " "appropriate file for saving the existing image first?", MB_QUESTION) == IDYES) return 1; } else { mWinApp->AppendToLog("WARNING: could not make a map from the existing image in " "buffer A\r\n"" because there is no open file into which it can be saved"); } } } // If already in a map acquire state, save the ID of that and restore before new state // But if in any other set state, forget the prior state so we return to this state mSavedMapStateID = 0; if (mTypeOfSavedState == STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE) { mSavedMapStateID = mMapStateItemID; RestoreFromMapState(); } else { ForgetSavedState(); } // Go to imaging state, apply any defocus offset if (SetToMapImagingState(item, true, 1)) { RestoreFromMapState(); return 3; } if (!mRIstayingInLD) SetMapOffsetsIfAny(item); mAcquiringDual = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); if (item->mMapMontage) { mWinApp->StartMontageOrTrial(false); } else { mCamera->SetCancelNextContinuous(true); mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(mRIstayingInLD ? mRIconSetNum : RECORD_CONSET); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_DUAL_MAP, 0, 0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, "MAKING ANCHOR MAP"); return 0; } int CNavHelper::DualMapBusy(void) { int err = mCamera->TaskCameraBusy(); if (err < 0) return err; return (err || mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage()) ? 1 : 0; } void CNavHelper::DualMapDone(int param) { CMapDrawItem *item; int savedIndex = -1; if (!mAcquiringDual) return; if (!(mWinApp->Montaging() && mWinApp->mMontageController->GetLastFailed())) { if (!mWinApp->Montaging()) { if (!mBufferManager->IsBufferSavable(mImBufs)) { AfxMessageBox("The file into which the anchor map was to be saved has changed\n" "and this image cannot be saved there", MB_EXCLAME); StopDualMap(); return; } mBufferManager->SaveImageBuffer(mWinApp->mStoreMRC); } if (!mScope->GetSimulationMode()) mNav->SetSkipBacklashType(2); if (!mNav->NewMap()) { item = mNav->GetCurrentItem(); if (item) { // restore nav current item; adjust note and copy the defocus offset savedIndex = mNav->GetCurrentIndex(); mNav->SetCurListSel(mIndexAfterDual); item->mNote = "Anchor - " + item->mNote; mNav->UpdateListString((int)mItemArray->GetSize() - 1); if (!mRIstayingInLD) { item->mDefocusOffset = (float)mRIdefocusOffsetSet; item->mMapAlpha = mRIalphaSet; } } } } StopDualMap(); if (savedIndex >= 0) mNav->AdjustBacklash(savedIndex, true); } void CNavHelper::DualMapCleanup(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) AfxMessageBox(_T("Time out acquiring anchor map"), MB_EXCLAME); StopDualMap(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } void CNavHelper::StopDualMap(void) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mAcquiringDual) return; mAcquiringDual = false; RestoreMapOffsets(); RestoreFromMapState(); // Restore the prior map imaging state if any and if it still exists if (mSavedMapStateID) { item = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mSavedMapStateID); if (item) SetToMapImagingState(item, true); } mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, ""); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// ACQUIRE-RELATED ROUTINES, CHECKING AND LISTING ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check for problems in the set of items/files/etc to acquire int CNavHelper::AssessAcquireProblems(int startInd, int endInd) { NavAcqParams *navParam = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(GetAcqParamIndexToUse(true)); mAcqActions = mAllAcqActions[GetAcqParamIndexToUse(true)]; if (AssessAcquireForParams(navParam, mAcqActions, mMultiShotParams, startInd, endInd, "")) return 1; return 0; } #define WILL_DO_ACTION(a) ((acqActions[a].flags & NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT) ? 1 : 0) int CNavHelper::AssessAcquireForParams(NavAcqParams *navParam, NavAcqAction *acqActions, MultiShotParams &MSparams, int startInd, int endInd, CString prefix) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item, *item2; MontParam *montp; StateParams *state; TiltSeriesParam *tsp; CString mess, mess2, label; int montParInd, stateInd, camMismatch, binMismatch, numNoMap, numAtEdge, err, numClose; int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); ControlSet *masterSets = mWinApp->GetCamConSets(); int lastBin[MAX_CAMERAS]; int cam, bin, i, j, k, ind, stateCam, numBroke, numGroups, curGroup, fileOptInd, setNum; int lastMap = -1, curMap, numNoVec = 0, numNoXform = 0, numMaps = 0; float delX, delY, critDist, critDistSq; double holeDist, dists[3], angle; bool seen; BOOL savingMulti = navParam->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && IsMultishotSaving(NULL, &MSparams); int *seenGroups; camMismatch = 0; binMismatch = 0; numNoMap = numAtEdge = numBroke = numGroups = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERAS; i++) lastBin[i] = -1; if (endInd < 0) endInd = (int)mItemArray->GetSize() - 1; // Check the user actions for (ind = 0; ind < mNumAcqActions; ind++) { if (WILL_DO_ACTION(ind) && (acqActions[ind].flags &NAA_FLAG_OTHER_SITE)) { if (acqActions[ind].labelOrNote.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox(prefix + "There is no text for the " + CString((acqActions[ind].flags & NAA_FLAG_MATCH_NOTE) ? "note" : "label") + " for doing " + acqActions[ind].name + " at the nearest matching item"); return 1; } if (FindNearestItemMatchingText(0., 0., acqActions[ind].labelOrNote, (acqActions[ind].flags & NAA_FLAG_MATCH_NOTE) != 0) < 0) { SEMMessageBox(prefix + "There is no item whose " + CString((acqActions[ind].flags & NAA_FLAG_MATCH_NOTE) ? "note" : "label") + " starts with " + acqActions[ind].labelOrNote + " for doing " + acqActions[ind].name + " at the nearest matching item"); return 1; } } } if (WILL_DO_ACTION(NAACT_ALIGN_TEMPLATE)) { item = mNav->FindItemWithString(mNavAlignParams.templateLabel, false, true); if (!item) mess = "Cannot find the template map in Navigator table for aligning to template"; else if (item->IsNotMap()) mess = "The item matching the label for aligning to template is not a map"; else if (item->mMapMontage) mess = "The item matching the label for aligning to template is a montage"; if (!mess.IsEmpty()) { SEMMessageBox(prefix + mess); return 1; } } if (FEIscope && WILL_DO_ACTION(NAACT_FLASH_FEG) && mScope->GetAdvancedScriptVersion() < ASI_FILTER_FEG_LOAD_TEMP) { SEMMessageBox(prefix + "The version of advanced scripting has not been identified as" " high enough to support FEG flashing", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } // Check that positions are not too close together if doing multishot hex or >= 2x2 if (navParam->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && !MSparams.useCustomHoles && (MSparams.doHexArray || (MSparams.numHoles[0] > 1 && MSparams.numHoles[1] > 1))) { GetMultishotDistAndAngles(&MSparams, MSparams.doHexArray, dists, holeDist, angle); if (holeDist > 0.) { numClose = 0; critDist = (float)(1.3 * holeDist); critDistSq = critDist * critDist; // Loop on pairs, considering only ones that are complete with given pattern for (i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && item->mAcquire && !item->mNumSkipHoles) { for (j = startInd; j <= endInd; j++) { if (j == i) continue; item2 = mItemArray->GetAt(j); if (item2->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && item2->mAcquire && !item2->mNumSkipHoles) { delX = item->mStageX - item2->mStageX; delY = item->mStageY - item2->mStageY; // Count close ones, save last labels if (delX > -critDist && delX < critDist && delY > -critDist && delY < critDist && delX * delX + delY * delY < critDistSq) { numClose++; label = item->mLabel; mess2 = item2->mLabel; } } } } } // Ask the user what to do if (numClose > 0) { mess.Format("%d item pairs (e.g., %s and %s) are less than %.2f um apart," " not much more than the hole spacing of %.2f um.\n\n" "Was the Multi-hole Combiner not run on some points?\n\n" "Press \"Yes - Stop\" to stop and fix the problem\n\n" "Press \"No - Go On\" to ignore this and continue with acquisition", numClose, (LPCTSTR)label, (LPCTSTR)mess2, critDist, holeDist); if (SEMThreeChoiceBox(prefix + mess, "Yes - Stop", "No - Go On", "", MB_YESNO, 0, false) == IDYES) return 1; } } } // Check for problems if map holes are to be used if (navParam->acquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && !MSparams.useCustomHoles && navParam->useMapHoleVectors && !mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->GetDoingMulGridSeq()) { numNoMap = 0; for (i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && item->mAcquire) { curMap = i; ind = mNav->GetMapOrMapDrawnOn(i, item2, mess); if (ind < 0) curMap = mNav->GetFoundItem(); if (ind > 0) { numNoMap++; } else if (curMap != lastMap) { numMaps++; lastMap = curMap; // For multigrid, it is allowed to have vector just on first item if (item2->mXHoleISSpacing[0] == 0. && item2->mYHoleISSpacing[0] == 0. && (numMaps == 1 || !prefix.IsEmpty())) numNoVec++; else if (MSparams.xformFromMag && MSparams.adjustingXform.xpx && item2->mMapMagInd != MSparams.xformFromMag) numNoXform++; } } } // Compose message with problems if (numNoMap || numNoVec || numNoXform) { mess = "The option to use map hole vectors for shifts is selected but" " the following problems will arise:\n\n"; if (numNoMap) { mess2.Format("Could not find the map the item was drawn on for %d items.\n", numNoMap); mess += mess2; } if (numNoVec) { mess2.Format("Hole vector shifts were not stored for %d of %d maps.\n", numNoVec, numMaps); mess += mess2; } if (numNoXform) { mess2.Format("The map was at a different magnification from the adjusting " "transform for %d of %d maps.\n", numNoXform, numMaps); mess += mess2; } mess += "\nPress \"Yes - Stop\" to stop and address the problems\n\n" "Press \"No - Go On\" to ignore this and continue with acquisition"; if (SEMThreeChoiceBox(prefix + mess, "Yes - Stop", "No - Go On", "", MB_YESNO, 0, false) == IDYES) return 1; } } seenGroups = new int[mItemArray->GetSize()]; for (i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && ((item->mAcquire && navParam->acquireType != ACQUIRE_DO_TS) || (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0 && navParam->acquireType == ACQUIRE_DO_TS))) { // Get parameter index for item or group, ignore current group montParInd = item->mMontParamIndex; fileOptInd = item->mFilePropIndex; stateInd = item->mStateIndex; j = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (j >= 0 && item->mGroupID != curGroup) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(j); // Check for file open k = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(sched->filename); if (k >= 0) { mNav->CountItemsInGroup(sched->groupID, label, mess2, j); mess.Format("The file set to be opened for the group with\n" "labels from %s to %s is already open." "\n(file # %d, %s)\n\nYou should set a different name for the file to open," "\nor close the file (in which case it will be overwritten)", (LPCTSTR)label, (LPCTSTR)mess2, k + 1, sched->filename); AfxMessageBox(prefix + mess, MB_EXCLAME); delete[] seenGroups; return 1; } // First see if group has been seen before seen = false; for (k = 0; k < numGroups; k++) { if (item->mGroupID == seenGroups[k]) { seen = true; break; } } // If seen, it is bad; if not get parameter indices and add to seen list // Either way, make it current group so further items in this group are ignored curGroup = item->mGroupID; if (seen) numBroke++; else { montParInd = sched->montParamIndex; fileOptInd = sched->filePropIndex; stateInd = sched->stateIndex; seenGroups[numGroups++] = curGroup; if (savingMulti && montParInd >= 0) { mNav->CountItemsInGroup(sched->groupID, label, mess2, j); mess.Format("The file set to be opened for the group with" " labels from %s to %s is set up for montaging.\n\n" "This will not work when taking Multiple Records.\n" "You must set all files to open to be single-frame.", (LPCTSTR)label, (LPCTSTR)mess2); AfxMessageBox(prefix + mess, MB_EXCLAME); delete[] seenGroups; return 1; } } } // Check file already open if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) { k = mDocWnd->StoreIndexFromName(item->mFileToOpen); if (k >= 0) { mess.Format("The file set to be opened for item # %d, label %s is already open" "\n(file # %d, %s)\n\nYou should set a different name for the file to open," "\nor close the file (in which case it will be overwritten)", i + 1, item->mLabel, k + 1, item->mFileToOpen); AfxMessageBox(prefix + mess, MB_EXCLAME); delete[] seenGroups; return 1; } if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0 && savingMulti) { mess.Format("The file set to be opened for item # %d, label %s is set up for" " montaging.\n\n" "This will not work when taking Multiple Records.\n" "You must set all files to open to be single-frame.", i + 1, item->mLabel); AfxMessageBox(prefix + mess, MB_EXCLAME); delete[] seenGroups; return 1; } } // If there is new file for item not group, cancel current group if (j < 0 && item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) curGroup = 0; // Check that realign to map can work if requested now that file indices are known if (WILL_DO_ACTION(NAACT_REALIGN_ITEM)) { mNav->SetNextFileIndices(fileOptInd, montParInd); err = FindMapForRealigning(item, navParam->restoreOnRealign || navParam->acquireType != ACQUIRE_RUN_MACRO); if (err == 4) numNoMap++; if (err == 5) numAtEdge++; if (prefix.IsEmpty()) { // Get camera and binning from state first stateCam = -1; if (stateInd >= 0) { state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(stateInd); for (j = 0; j < mWinApp->GetNumActiveCameras(); j++) { if (activeList[j] == state->camIndex) { stateCam = j; lastBin[j] = state->binning; break; } } } // Get defined camera and binning from the parameter sets setNum = RECORD_CONSET; if (montParInd >= 0) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(montParInd); cam = montp->cameraIndex; bin = montp->binning; setNum = MontageConSetNum(montp, true); } else if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(item->mTSparamIndex); cam = tsp->cameraIndex; bin = tsp->binning; } else continue; // If the camera does not match the one defined in this item's state, it's mismatch if (stateCam >= 0 && cam != stateCam) camMismatch++; // No binning defined by state defined yet: get the binning from the camera conset if (lastBin[cam] < 0) lastBin[cam] = masterSets[activeList[cam] * MAX_CONSETS + setNum].binning; // See "Adjust exposure..." in StartMontage for this exception if (lastBin[cam] != bin && !(montParInd >= 0 && mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && bin > lastBin[cam] && bin <= 2 * lastBin[cam])) binMismatch++; // This param binning becomes the binning for next time unless there is a state lastBin[cam] = bin; } } } } delete[] seenGroups; if (numNoMap || numAtEdge) { mess = "You selected 'Realign to Item' but:\n"; if (numNoMap) { mess2.Format(" %d items are not located within a map that can be used for" " realigning\n", numNoMap); mess += mess2; } if (numAtEdge) { mess2.Format(" %d items are located too close to the edge of a map for " "realigning to be reliable\n", numAtEdge); mess += mess2; } mess += "\nDo you want to proceed anyway and just go to the\n" "nominal stage coordinates for those items?"; if (AfxMessageBox(prefix + mess, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return 1; } if (numBroke) { mess.Format("There is a new file opened for another item in the middle of a group " "with a designated file, so some of the items in that group would be " "acquired into the new file. This happens %d times.\n\nPress:\n" "\"Stop && Fix\" to stop and try to fix this,\n\"Go On\" to just go on.", numBroke); if (SEMThreeChoiceBox(prefix + mess, "Stop && Fix", "Go On", "", MB_QUESTION) == IDYES) return 1; } if (camMismatch || binMismatch) { mess = ""; if (camMismatch) mess.Format("There are %d mismatches between the camera specified in the montage " "or tilt series parameters for an item and the camera in the imaging state " "to be set for that item. This is odd.\n\n", camMismatch); if (binMismatch) { mess2.Format("The binning specified in the montage or tilt series parameters for " "an item differs from the existing binning for the " "particular camera and parameter set. " "This happens %d times.\nThe exposure time would be changed to compensate, but" " this is probably undesirable\n\n", binMismatch); mess += mess2; } mess += "Press:\n\"Stop && Fix\" to stop and fix these problems by resetting state" " parameters,\n\n" "\"Go On\" to go on regardless of these problems."; if (SEMThreeChoiceBox(mess, "Stop && Fix", "Go On", "", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) return 1; } if (CheckForBadParamIndexes(prefix)) return 1; return 0; } // Make sure no indexes are out of range, which can crash when indexes are not checked int CNavHelper::CheckForBadParamIndexes(CString prefix) { int ind, numBadTS = 0, numBadProp = 0, numBadMont = 0, numBadState = 0; int numTS = (int)mTSparamArray->GetSize(); int numMont = (int)mMontParArray->GetSize(); int numProp = (int)mFileOptArray->GetSize(); int numStates = (int)mAcqStateArray->GetSize(); CMapDrawItem *item; CString str, badTSlist, badMontList, badPropList, badStateList, mess; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mTSparamIndex >= numTS) { str.Format(" %d", ind + 1); numBadTS++; badTSlist += str; item->mTSparamIndex = -1; } if (item->mMontParamIndex >= numMont) { str.Format(" %d", ind + 1); numBadMont++; badMontList += str; item->mMontParamIndex = -1; } if (item->mFilePropIndex >= numProp) { str.Format(" %d", ind + 1); numBadProp++; badPropList += str; item->mFilePropIndex = -1; } if (item->mStateIndex >= numStates) { str.Format(" %d", ind + 1); numBadState++; badStateList += str; item->mStateIndex = -1; } } if (numBadTS) { mess.Format("%d items had tilt series parameter indexes out of range:\r\n", numBadTS); mess += badTSlist + "\r\n\r\n"; } if (numBadMont) { str.Format("%d items had montage parameter indexes out of range:\r\n", numBadMont); mess += str + badMontList + "\r\n\r\n"; } if (numBadProp) { str.Format("%d items had file property parameter indexes out of range:\r\n", numBadProp); mess += str + badPropList + "\r\n\r\n"; } if (numBadState) { str.Format("%d items had state parameter indexes out of range:\r\n", numBadState); mess += str + badStateList + "\r\n\r\n"; } if (!mess.IsEmpty()) { mess += "These indexes have all been cleared out"; mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess); SEMMessageBox(prefix + mess); } return 0; } // Return the index of acquire parameters to use: mCurAcqParamIndex or 2 if using temp int CNavHelper::GetAcqParamIndexToUse(bool starting) { return (mNav && (mNav->GetAcquiring() || starting) && mNav->GetUseTempAcqParams()) ? 2 : mCurAcqParamIndex; } // Test if multishot would save with current params and set allZero if it is because // it is set for all empty early returns BOOL CNavHelper::IsMultishotSaving(bool *allZeroER, MultiShotParams *params) { if (!params) params = &mMultiShotParams; if (allZeroER) *allZeroER = false; UpdateMultishotIfOpen(false); if (mWinApp->GetHasK2OrK3Camera() && params->doEarlyReturn == 2 && !params->numEarlyFrames) { if (allZeroER) *allZeroER = true; return false; } return params->saveRecord; } void CNavHelper::GetMultishotDistAndAngles(MultiShotParams *params, BOOL hexGrid, double dists[3], double &avgDist, double &angle) { int dir, numDir = hexGrid ? 3 : 2, hexInd = hexGrid ? 1 : 0; double *xVec, *yVec; double delX, delY, angles[3]; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); avgDist = 0.; if (!params->holeMagIndex[hexGrid]) return; ScaleMat s2c = mShiftManager->StageToCamera(camera, params->holeMagIndex[hexGrid]); ScaleMat is2c = mShiftManager->IStoCamera(params->holeMagIndex[hexGrid]); if (s2c.xpx && is2c.xpx) { ScaleMat bMat = MatMul(is2c, MatInv(s2c)); xVec = hexGrid ? ¶ms->hexISXspacing[0] : ¶ms->holeISXspacing[0]; yVec = hexGrid ? ¶ms->hexISYspacing[0] : ¶ms->holeISYspacing[0]; for (dir = 0; dir < numDir; dir++) { ApplyScaleMatrix(bMat, xVec[dir], yVec[dir], delX, delY); dists[dir] = sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY); avgDist += dists[dir] / numDir; angles[dir] = atan2(delY, delX) / DTOR - dir * 180. / numDir; } angles[1] = UtilGoodAngle(angles[1] - angles[0]) / 2.; angle = (float)(0.1 * B3DNINT(10. * (angles[0] + angles[1]))); } } // Find the item whose note or label starts with the given text int CNavHelper::FindNearestItemMatchingText(float stageX, float stageY, CString &text, bool matchNote) { int ind, nearPosInd = -1; double dist, minDist = 1.e30; CMapDrawItem *item; CString *strPtr; for (ind = 0; ind < mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); strPtr = matchNote ? &item->mNote : &item->mLabel; if (strPtr->Find(text) == 0) { dist = sqrt(pow(stageX - item->mStageX, 2.f) + pow(stageY - item->mStageY, 2.f)); if (dist < minDist) { nearPosInd = ind; minDist = dist; } } } return nearPosInd; } // Return whether we are acquiring with no MB on error set BOOL CNavHelper::GetNoMessageBoxOnError() { NavAcqParams *params; if (!mNav || !mNav->GetAcquiring()) return false; params = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(GetAcqParamIndexToUse()); return params->noMBoxOnError; } // List files, tilt series, montages, and states void CNavHelper::ListFilesToOpen(void) { ScheduledFile *sched; CMapDrawItem *item; MontParam *montp; StateParams *state; TiltSeriesParam *tsp; CString mess, mess2, label, lastlab; CString *namep; int mag, active, magInd, spot, probe; double intensity; int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); MagTable *magTab = mWinApp->GetMagTable(); CameraParameters *camp; int montParInd, stateInd, num, numacq; int i, j, k, numGroups = 0; float starting, ending, bidir; ControlSet *focusSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + FOCUS_CONSET; bool seen, needed, single = false; if (!mItemArray->GetSize()) return; int *seenGroups = new int[mItemArray->GetSize()]; mWinApp->AppendToLog("\r\nListing of files to open and states to be set", LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); for (i = 0; i < mItemArray->GetSize(); i++) { needed = true; item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && (item->mAcquire || item->mTSparamIndex >= 0)) { namep = NULL; if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0) { namep = &item->mFileToOpen; montParInd = item->mMontParamIndex; stateInd = item->mStateIndex; } j = mNav->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (j >= 0) { // First see if group has been seen before seen = false; for (k = 0; k< numGroups; k++) { if (item->mGroupID == seenGroups[k]) { seen = true; break; } } if (!seen) { sched = mGroupFiles->GetAt(j); montParInd = sched->montParamIndex; stateInd = sched->stateIndex; namep = &sched->filename; seenGroups[numGroups++] = item->mGroupID; } } if (namep) { if (j >= 0) { num = mNav->CountItemsInGroup(sched->groupID, label, lastlab, numacq); mess.Format("Group of %d items (%d set to Acquire), labels from %s to %s\r\n", num, numacq, (LPCTSTR)label, (LPCTSTR)lastlab); } else if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) { tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(item->mTSparamIndex); camp = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(tsp->cameraIndex); starting = tsp->startingTilt; ending = tsp->endingTilt; bidir = tsp->bidirAngle; if (item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { starting = item->mTSstartAngle; ending = item->mTSendAngle; if (item->mTSbidirAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) bidir = item->mTSbidirAngle; } mess2.Format("%.1f to %.1f at %.2f", starting, ending, tsp->tiltIncrement); if (tsp->doBidirectional) { mess.Format(", start %.1f", bidir); mess2 += mess; } mess.Format("Tilt series with camera %d, binning %d, %s " "deg%s, item # %d, label %s\r\n", tsp->cameraIndex + 1, tsp->binning / BinDivisorI(camp), (LPCTSTR)mess2, item->mTSstartAngle > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST ? "*" : "", i, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); single = true; } else { mess.Format("Single item # %d, label %s\r\n", i, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); single = true; } mess += CString(" ") + *namep; if (montParInd >= 0) { montp = mMontParArray->GetAt(montParInd); needed = montp->reusability < 2; mess2.Format(" %d x %d montage", montp->xNframes, montp->yNframes); mess += mess2; if (item->mTSparamIndex < 0) { camp = mWinApp->GetActiveCamParam(montp->cameraIndex); mess2.Format(" with camera %d binning %d", montp->cameraIndex + 1, montp->binning / BinDivisorI(camp)); mess += mess2; } } if (needed) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); if (stateInd >= 0) { state = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(stateInd); magInd = state->lowDose ? state->ldParams.magIndex : state->magIndex; camp = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + state->camIndex; mag = MagForCamera(camp, magInd); active = mWinApp->LookupActiveCamera(state->camIndex) + 1; spot = state->lowDose ? state->ldParams.spotSize : state->spotSize; intensity = state->lowDose ? state->ldParams.intensity : state->intensity; probe = state->lowDose ? state->ldParams.probeMode : state->probeMode; mess.Format(" New state: %s cam %d mag %d spot %d %s %.2f%s exp " "%.3f bin %d %dx%d", state->lowDose ? "LD" : "", active, mag, spot, mScope->GetC2Name(), mScope->GetC2Percent(spot, intensity, probe), mScope->GetC2Units(), state->exposure, state->binning / BinDivisorI(camp), state->xFrame, state->yFrame); if (state->lowDose) { mess2.Format(" F pos %.2f angle %d off %d %d", state->focusAxisPos, state->axisRotation, state->focusXoffset / focusSet->binning, state->focusYoffset / focusSet->binning); mess += mess2; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } } if (item->mFocusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mess = ""; if (!single) mess.Format("Item # %d, label %s", i, (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel); if (item->mFocusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mess2.Format(" F pos %.2f angle %d off %d %d", item->mFocusAxisPos, item->mFocusAxisAngle, item->mFocusXoffset / focusSet->binning, item->mFocusYoffset / focusSet->binning); mess += mess2; } if (item->mTargetDefocus > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { mess2.Format(" F targ %.2f", item->mTargetDefocus); mess += mess2; } mWinApp->AppendToLog(mess, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); } } } delete [] seenGroups; } // return count of items marked for acquire and tilt series, or -1 if Nav not open void CNavHelper::CountAcquireItems(int startInd, int endInd, int &numAcquire, int &numTS) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mNav) { numAcquire = -1; numTS = -1; return; } if (endInd < 0) endInd = (int)mItemArray->GetSize() - 1; numAcquire = 0; numTS = 0; for (int i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration()) { if (item->mAcquire) numAcquire++; if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) numTS++; } } } // Return number of positions and number of holes to be acquired with current or item // multishot parameters, excluding ones that would acquire fewer than minHoles. void CNavHelper::CountHoleAcquires(int startInd, int endInd, int minHoles, int &numCenters, int &numHoles, int &numRecs) { CMapDrawItem *item; int numDefault, numForItem, xt, yt; if (!mNav) { numCenters = -1; numHoles = -1; return; } if (endInd < 0 || endInd >= (int)mItemArray->GetSize()) endInd = (int)mItemArray->GetSize() - 1; startInd = B3DMAX(0, startInd); numCenters = 0; numHoles = 0; // Get the default from parameters if (mMultiShotDlg && endInd > startInd) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateAndUseMSparams(false); GetNumHolesFromParam(xt, yt, numDefault); // Get value for each item to be acquired in range for (int i = startInd; i <= endInd; i++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(i); if (item->mRegistration == mNav->GetCurrentRegistration() && item->mAcquire) { numForItem = GetNumHolesForItem(item, numDefault); if (numForItem >= minHoles) { numCenters++; numHoles += numForItem; } } } xt = 1; if (mMultiShotParams.inHoleOrMultiHole & 1) xt = (mMultiShotParams.doCenter ? 1 : 0) + mMultiShotParams.numShots[0] + (mMultiShotParams.doSecondRing ? mMultiShotParams.numShots[1] : 0); numRecs = numHoles * xt; } // Return true if there are any montage maps bool CNavHelper::AnyMontageMapsInNavTable() { CMapDrawItem *item; if (!mNav) return false; for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsMap() && item->mMapMontage) return true; } return false; } // Given the list of parameter indexes, analyze for matching geometry and change the sizes // so a subset of files can be used repeatedly void CNavHelper::ModifyMontsForReusability(IntVec &montInds) { int checkStart, check, numXpiece, numYpiece, minXoverlap, minYoverlap, numFiles = 0; int maxXsize, maxYsize, magIndex, binning, camera, indMinWaste; bool firstFile; float waste, minWaste; int numMont = (int)montInds.size(); MontParam *param; for (check = 0; check < numMont; check++) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInds[check]); param->reusability = 0; } // Find next unassigned montage checkStart = 0; while (checkStart < numMont) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInds[checkStart]); if (param->reusability) { checkStart++; continue; } // Set geometry, start limits numXpiece = param->xNframes; numYpiece = param->yNframes; minXoverlap = param->xOverlap; minYoverlap = param->yOverlap; maxXsize = param->xFrame; maxYsize = param->yFrame; magIndex = param->magIndex; binning = param->binning; camera = param->cameraIndex; // Loop on rest to accumulate limits from eligible ones for (check = checkStart; check < numMont; check++) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInds[check]); if (param->reusability || numXpiece != param->xNframes || numYpiece != param->yNframes || magIndex != param->magIndex || binning != param->binning || camera != param->cameraIndex) continue; ACCUM_MIN(minXoverlap, param->xOverlap); ACCUM_MIN(minYoverlap, param->yOverlap); ACCUM_MAX(maxXsize, param->xFrame); ACCUM_MAX(maxYsize, param->yFrame); } // Find file with minimum waste and make sure it is assigned minWaste = 2.; indMinWaste = checkStart; for (check = checkStart; check < numMont; check++) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInds[check]); if (param->reusability || numXpiece != param->xNframes || numYpiece != param->yNframes || magIndex != param->magIndex || binning != param->binning || camera != param->cameraIndex) continue; waste = 1.f - ((float)param->xFrame * param->yFrame) / (maxXsize * maxYsize); if (waste < minWaste) { minWaste = waste; indMinWaste = check; } } // Go through files again and set eligible ones without too much waste to this size numFiles++; firstFile = true; for (check = checkStart; check < numMont; check++) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(montInds[check]); if (param->reusability || numXpiece != param->xNframes || numYpiece != param->yNframes || magIndex != param->magIndex || binning != param->binning || camera != param->cameraIndex) continue; if (param->xFrame * param->yFrame > maxXsize * maxYsize * (1. - mMaxMontReuseWaste) || check == indMinWaste) { param->reusability = firstFile ? 1 : 2; firstFile = false; param->xFrame = maxXsize; param->yFrame = maxYsize; param->xOverlap = minXoverlap; param->yOverlap = minYoverlap; } } } PrintfToLog("%d files will be needed for %d montages", numFiles, numMont); } // Find reusable file for either using it or closing it int CNavHelper::FindLastFileWithMatchingMontParams(MontParam *param1) { MontParam *param2; int store; if (!param1->reusability) return -1; for (store = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetNumStores() - 1; store >= 0; store--) { param2 = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetStoreMontParam(store); if (param2 && param2->reusability > 0 && param1->magIndex == param2->magIndex && param1->binning == param2->binning && param1->cameraIndex == param2->cameraIndex && param1->xOverlap == param2->xOverlap && param1->yOverlap == param2->yOverlap && param1->xNframes == param2->xNframes && param1->yNframes == param2->yNframes && param1->xFrame == param2->xFrame && param1->yFrame == param2->yFrame) return store; } return -1; } // See if the only files set to open are reusable montages bool CNavHelper::AreOnlyReusableMontagesSetToOpen() { MontParam *param; CMapDrawItem *item; for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mTSparamIndex >= 0) return false; if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 && item->mMontParamIndex < 0) return false; if (item->mMontParamIndex >= 0) { param = mMontParArray->GetAt(item->mMontParamIndex); if (!param->reusability) return false; } } return true; } // See if a read-in image is actually a map and return the map ID, except when a map is // being loaded int CNavHelper::FindMapIDforReadInImage(CString filename, int secNum, int ignoreLoad) { CString navDir, navPath, str; CMapDrawItem *item; CFileStatus status; if (!mNav || (!ignoreLoad && mNav->GetLoadingMap())) return 0; mNav->GetCurrentNavDir(navDir); while (navDir.Replace("\\\\", "\\")) {}; while (filename.Replace("\\\\", "\\")) {}; for (int ind = 0; ind < (int)mItemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsMap() && secNum == item->mMapSection) { str = item->mMapFile; while (str.Replace("\\\\", "\\")) {}; if (str == filename) return item->mMapID; navPath = navDir + item->mTrimmedName; if (navPath == filename && !CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)item->mMapFile, status)) return item->mMapID; } } return 0; } // Check the validity of tilt series angles entered in script call or when about to be // used and return error message int CNavHelper::CheckTiltSeriesAngles(int paramInd, float start, float end, float bidir, CString &errMess) { float minAng = B3DMIN(start, end); float maxAng = B3DMAX(start, end); float minSep = 6.; TiltSeriesParam *tsp = mTSparamArray->GetAt(paramInd); if (fabs(start) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle() || fabs(end) > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()) { errMess.Format("The starting or ending tilt angle (%.1f and %.1f) stored in the " "Navigator item is beyond the maximum angle (%.1f)", start, end, mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle()); return 1; } if (maxAng < minAng + 2.) { errMess.Format("The starting or ending tilt angle (%.1f and %.1f) stored in the " "Navigator item do not have enough range", start, end); return 1; } if (bidir > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && tsp->doBidirectional && (bidir < minAng + minSep || bidir > maxAng - minSep)) { errMess.Format("The bidirectional starting angle (%.1f) stored in the " "Navigator item is too close to one end of the range (%.1f to %.1f)", bidir, start, end); return 1; } return 0; } // Set a user value in the map: returns 1 for number out of range int CNavHelper::SetUserValue(CMapDrawItem *item, int number, CString &value) { if (number < 1 || number > MAX_NAV_USER_VALUES) return 1; std::string sstr = (LPCTSTR)value; std::map::iterator iter; if (item->mUserValueMap.count(number)) { iter = item->mUserValueMap.find(number); iter->second = sstr; } else item->mUserValueMap.insert(std::pair(number, sstr)); return 0; } // Get a user value from the map; returns 1 for number out of range and -1 if not found int CNavHelper::GetUserValue(CMapDrawItem *item, int number, CString &value) { std::map::iterator iter; if (number < 1 || number > MAX_NAV_USER_VALUES) return 1; if (item->mUserValueMap.count(number)) { iter = item->mUserValueMap.find(number); value = iter->second.c_str(); return value.IsEmpty() ? -1 : 0; } return -1; } // Align an image, searching for best rotation, with possible scaling as well int CNavHelper::AlignWithRotation(int buffer, float centerAngle, float angleRange, float &rotBest, float &shiftXbest, float &shiftYbest, float scaling, int doPart, float *maxPtr, float shiftLimit, int corrFlags) { float step = 1.5f; int numSteps = B3DNINT(angleRange / step) + 1; int ist, idir, istMax = 1, numStepCuts = 5; float peakmax = -1.e30f; float rotation, curMax, peak, shiftX, shiftY, CCC, fracPix; float peakBelow = -1.e30f, peakAbove = -1.e30f; float *CCCp = &CCC, *fracPixP = &fracPix; double overlapPow = 0.166667; int smallPad = shiftLimit > 0 ? 1 : 0; FloatVec vecRot, vecPeak; CString report; if (!scaling) { CCCp = NULL; fracPixP = NULL; } step = 0.; if (numSteps > 1) step = angleRange / (numSteps - 1); if (doPart && !maxPtr) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("Program error, no pointer for max peak supplied for doing part" " of rotation alignment"); return 4; } if (doPart > 1) { numSteps = 3; angleRange = 3 * step; } // Scan for the number of steps for (ist = 0; ist < numSteps; ist++) { rotation = centerAngle - 0.5f * angleRange + (float)ist * step; if (doPart > 1 && ist == 1) { peak = *maxPtr; } else { if (shiftLimit > 0) mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(shiftLimit); if (mShiftManager->AutoAlign(buffer, smallPad, false, (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP) ? ((corrFlags & ~AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS) | AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS) : corrFlags, &peak, 0., 0., 0., scaling, rotation, CCCp, fracPixP, true, &shiftX, &shiftY)) { if (shiftLimit > 0) continue; return 3; } if (CCCp) peak = (float)(CCC * pow((double)fracPix, overlapPow)); } vecRot.push_back(rotation); vecPeak.push_back(peak); if (peak > peakmax) { peakmax = peak; rotBest = rotation; istMax = ist; shiftXbest = shiftX; shiftYbest = shiftY; } SEMTrace('p', "Rotation %.2f peak %g frac %.3f shift %.1f %.1f", rotation, peak, fracPix, shiftX, shiftY); } if (istMax < 0) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("No correlation peak was found within the limits for any " "rotation tested"); return 2; } if (numSteps > 2 && (istMax == 0 || istMax == numSteps - 1)) { mWinApp->AppendToLog("The best correlation was found at the end of the range tested;" "\r\nyou should redo this with a different angular range"); if (CCCp) return 1; } if (maxPtr) *maxPtr = peakmax; if (doPart == 1) return 0; // Cut the step and look on either side of the peak if (numSteps > 2 && !(istMax == 0 || istMax == numSteps - 1) && doPart >= 0) { for (ist = 0; ist < numStepCuts; ist++) { step /= 2.f; curMax = rotBest; for (idir = -1; idir <= 1; idir += 2) { rotation = curMax + idir * step; if (shiftLimit > 0) mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(shiftLimit); if (mShiftManager->AutoAlign(buffer, smallPad, false, (corrFlags & AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP) ? ((corrFlags & ~AUTOALIGN_FILL_SPOTS) | AUTOALIGN_KEEP_SPOTS) : corrFlags, &peak, 0., 0., 0., scaling, rotation, CCCp, fracPixP, true, &shiftX, &shiftY)) { if (shiftLimit > 0) continue; return 3; } if (CCCp) peak = (float)(CCC * pow((double)fracPix, overlapPow)); // When autoalign is called with shift pointers, it does not put the shift in the // image, so it needs to come from the call not the image vecRot.push_back(rotation); vecPeak.push_back(peak); if (peak > peakmax) { peakmax = peak; rotBest = rotation; shiftXbest = shiftX; shiftYbest = shiftY; } SEMTrace('p', "Rotation %.2f peak %g frac %.3f shift %.1f %.1f", rotation, peak, fracPix, shiftX, shiftY); } } } // Get interpolated value UtilInterpolatePeak(vecRot, vecPeak, step, peakmax, rotBest); mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); report.Format("The two images correlate most strongly with a rotation of %.2f", rotBest); mWinApp->AppendToLog(report, LOG_OPEN_IF_CLOSED); return 0; } // Top-level call for aligning with both scaling and rotation int CNavHelper::AlignWithScaleAndRotation(int buffer, bool doImShift, float scaleRange, float angleRange, float &scaleMax, float &rotation, float shiftLimit, int corrFlags) { float startScale = -1.; float maxPeak, shiftXbest, shiftYbest; int err; rotation = 0.; scaleMax = 1.; if (scaleRange > 0.) { err = mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AlignWithScaling(buffer, doImShift, scaleMax, -1., rotation, scaleRange, angleRange > 0 ? 1 : 0, &maxPeak, shiftLimit, corrFlags | AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP); if (err || angleRange <= 0.) return err; } err = AlignWithRotation(buffer, 0., angleRange, rotation, shiftXbest, shiftYbest, scaleMax, -1, &maxPeak, shiftLimit, (scaleRange > 0. ? AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP : 0) |corrFlags); if ((err && err != 1) || scaleRange <= 0.) { if (scaleRange <= 0.) { mImBufs->mImage->setShifts(shiftXbest, shiftYbest); mImBufs->SetImageChanged(1); } return err == 1 ? 0 : err; } return mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AlignWithScaling(buffer, doImShift, scaleMax, -scaleMax, rotation, scaleRange, 2, &maxPeak, shiftLimit, corrFlags | AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP); } // Returns whether the Align with Rotation dialog can be opened int CNavHelper::OKtoAlignWithRotation(void) { ScaleMat aMat; float delX, delY; int readBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); int registration, topBuf; topBuf = BufferForRotAlign(registration); if (!mImBufs[topBuf].mImage || !mNav->BufferStageToImage(&mImBufs[topBuf], aMat, delX, delY) || mImBufs[topBuf].mCaptured == BUFFER_PROCESSED || mImBufs[topBuf].mCaptured == BUFFER_FFT) return 0; if (!mImBufs[readBuf].mImage || !mImBufs[readBuf].mMapID || mImBufs[readBuf].mRegistration == registration || !mNav->FindItemWithMapID(mImBufs[readBuf].mMapID)) return 0; return 1; } void CNavHelper::OpenRotAlignDlg(void) { if (mRotAlignDlg) { mRotAlignDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mRotAlignDlg = new CNavRotAlignDlg(); mRotAlignDlg->Create(IDD_NAVROTALIGN); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mRotAlignDlg, &mRotAlignPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetRotAlignPlacement(void) { if (mRotAlignDlg) { mRotAlignDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mRotAlignPlace); mRotAlignDlg->UnloadData(); } return &mRotAlignPlace; } // Returns the buffer number for rotation align, and the registration of it int CNavHelper::BufferForRotAlign(int ®istration) { int topBuf = 0; if (mImBufs[1].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_OVERVIEW && mImBufs[0].mCaptured == BUFFER_MONTAGE_CENTER) topBuf = 1; registration = mImBufs[topBuf].mRegistration ? mImBufs[topBuf].mRegistration : mNav->GetCurrentRegistration(); return topBuf; } int CNavHelper::AlignWithScaling(float & shiftX, float & shiftY, float & scaling) { if (mWinApp->mMultiTSTasks->AlignWithScaling(1, false, scaling, mPlusMinusRIScaling ? -1.f : 0.f)) { scaling = 0; return 1; } mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(shiftX, shiftY); return 0; } // Opens the multishot dialog or raises it, manages position void CNavHelper::OpenMultishotDlg(void) { int *activeList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); if (mMultiShotDlg) { mMultiShotDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mMultiShotDlg = new CMultiShotDlg(); mMultiShotDlg->mHasIlluminatedArea = mScope->GetUseIllumAreaForC2(); mMultiShotDlg->mCanReturnEarly = false; for (int ind = 0; ind < mWinApp->GetActiveCamListSize(); ind++) if (mCamParams[activeList[ind]].K2Type) mMultiShotDlg->mCanReturnEarly = true; mMultiShotDlg->Create(IDD_MULTI_SHOT_SETUP); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mMultiShotDlg, &mMultiShotPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetMultiShotPlacement(bool update) { if (mMultiShotDlg) { mMultiShotDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mMultiShotPlace); if (update) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateAndUseMSparams(false); } return &mMultiShotPlace; } // Convenience function so others don't need to test void CNavHelper::UpdateMultishotIfOpen(bool draw) { if (mMultiShotDlg) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateAndUseMSparams(draw); } // Rotate either the regular or custom pattern in the given parameters by the given angle int CNavHelper::RotateMultiShotVectors(MultiShotParams *params, float angle, int customOrHex) { ScaleMat aMat, aProd, rotMat; int magInd = customOrHex > 0 ? params->customMagIndex : params->holeMagIndex[customOrHex < 0 ? 1 : 0]; if (!magInd) return 1; // Need to transform IS to specimen, rotate, then specimen to IS aMat = mShiftManager->IStoSpecimen(magInd); if (!aMat.xpx) return 2; rotMat.xpx = rotMat.ypy = (float)cos(angle * DTOR); rotMat.ypx = (float)sin(angle * DTOR); rotMat.xpy = -rotMat.ypx; aProd = MatMul(MatMul(aMat, rotMat), MatInv(aMat)); // Transform hole positions TransformMultiShotVectors(params, customOrHex, aProd); if (customOrHex > 0) params->origMagOfCustom = 0; else params->origMagOfArray[customOrHex < 0 ? 1 : 0] = 0; return 0; } // Checks preconditions and applies the adjusting transform to a given set of multishot // vectors int CNavHelper::AdjustMultiShotVectors(MultiShotParams *params, int customOrHex, bool statusOnly, CString &mess) { int hexInd = customOrHex < 0 ? 1 : 0; int camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); int magInd = customOrHex > 0 ? params->customMagIndex : params->holeMagIndex[hexInd]; int origInd = customOrHex > 0 ? params->origMagOfCustom : params->origMagOfArray[hexInd]; if (!params->xformFromMag || !params->adjustingXform.xpx) { mess = statusOnly ? "No adjustment transform available" : "No transform has been saved for adjusting hole positions"; return 1; } if (customOrHex > 0 && (!params->customHoleX.size() || !magInd)) { mess = statusOnly ? "" : "No custom hole positions have been defined"; return 1; } if (!magInd) { mess.Format("No %s hole array has been defined", hexInd ? "hexagonal" : "regular"); if (statusOnly) mess = ""; return 1; } if (!origInd) { mess = statusOnly ? "Not enough information to use adjustment transform" : "The requested hole vectors are not eligible for applying the adjustment transform"; return 1; } if (origInd > 0) { mess = statusOnly ? "Adjustment transform already applied" : "The requested hole vectors have already had the adjustment transform applied"; return 1; } if (-origInd != params->xformFromMag) { if (statusOnly) mess.Format("Shifts defined at %dx, adjustment transform at %dx", MagForCamera(camera, -origInd), MagForCamera(camera, params->xformFromMag)); else mess = "The requested hole vectors were not defined at the same magnification as " "the adjustment transform"; return 1; } if (statusOnly) { mess.Format("Adjustment transform available from %dx to %dx", MagForCamera(camera, params->xformFromMag), MagForCamera(camera, params->xformToMag)); return 0; } // Finally apply transform and mark as transformed by changing sign of original mag, // set mag index to target mag of transform TransformMultiShotVectors(params, customOrHex, params->adjustingXform); if (customOrHex > 0) { params->customMagIndex = params->xformToMag; params->origMagOfCustom = -params->origMagOfCustom; } else { params->holeMagIndex[hexInd] = params->xformToMag; params->origMagOfArray[hexInd] = -params->origMagOfArray[hexInd]; } if (mMultiShotDlg) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNav) mNav->Redraw(); return 0; } // Common routine for apply a transformation to a given set of multishot vectors void CNavHelper::TransformMultiShotVectors(MultiShotParams *params, int customOrHex, ScaleMat &aProd) { int ind; float transISX, transISY; double *xSpacing = customOrHex < 0 ? ¶ms->hexISXspacing[0] : ¶ms->holeISXspacing[0]; double *ySpacing = customOrHex < 0 ? ¶ms->hexISYspacing[0] : ¶ms->holeISYspacing[0]; if (customOrHex > 0) { for (ind = 0; ind < (int)params->customHoleX.size(); ind++) { ApplyScaleMatrix(aProd, params->customHoleX[ind], params->customHoleY[ind], transISX, transISY); params->customHoleX[ind] = transISX; params->customHoleY[ind] = transISY; } } else { for (ind = 0; ind < (customOrHex < 0 ? 3 : 2); ind++) { ApplyScaleMatrix(aProd, (float)xSpacing[ind], (float)ySpacing[ind], transISX, transISY); xSpacing[ind] = transISX; ySpacing[ind] = transISY; } } } // Use the hole vectors from a map item, stored when holes were found void CNavHelper::AssignNavItemHoleVectors(CMapDrawItem * item) { int dir, hexInd = (item->mXHoleISSpacing[2] || item->mYHoleISSpacing[2]) ? 1 : 0; double *xSpacing = hexInd ? &mMultiShotParams.hexISXspacing[0] : &mMultiShotParams.holeISXspacing[0]; double *ySpacing = hexInd ? &mMultiShotParams.hexISYspacing[0] : &mMultiShotParams.holeISYspacing[0]; for (dir = 0; dir < 2 + hexInd; dir++) { xSpacing[dir] = item->mXHoleISSpacing[dir]; ySpacing[dir] = item->mYHoleISSpacing[dir]; } mMultiShotParams.origMagOfArray[hexInd] = -item->mMapMagInd; mMultiShotParams.holeMagIndex[hexInd] = item->mMapMagInd;; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfHoleArray[hexInd] = item->mMapTiltAngle; mMultiShotParams.doHexArray = hexInd > 0; mMultiShotParams.canUndoRectOrHex = 0; if (mMultiShotDlg) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNav) mNav->Redraw(); } // If OK to use the current navigator group to define hole vectors, return 1 for regular/ // hex or 2 for custom, 0 if not. Return limits of group, transform matrix, and reason if // it is not OK. Pattern should be 0 for regular, 1 for hex, 2 for custom from script // (i.e., force custom), 3 for custom from dialog int CNavHelper::OKtoUseNavPtsForVectors(int pattern, int &groupStart, int &groupEnd, ScaleMat *ISmat, CString *reason) { int itemInd, numInGroup, magInd, custom; BOOL doHex = false; CNavigatorDlg *nav = mWinApp->mNavigator; ScaleMat stage2IS; CMapDrawItem *item; // Make custom be 1 from script, 2 from dialog if (pattern > 1) { custom = pattern - 1; } else { custom = 0; doHex = pattern > 0; } if (!nav) { if (reason) *reason = "The Navigator is not open"; return 0; } // Get matrix magInd = mWinApp->mScope->GetMagIndex(); stage2IS = MatMul(mShiftManager->StageToCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd), mShiftManager->CameraToIS(magInd)); if (!stage2IS.xpx) { if (reason) *reason = "There is no matrix for stage to image shift at current magnification"; return 0; } if (ISmat) *ISmat = stage2IS; itemInd = nav->GetCurrentOrAcquireItem(item); if (itemInd < 0) { if (reason) *reason = "There is no current Navigator item"; return 0; } // Get group limits numInGroup = nav->LimitsOfContiguousGroup(itemInd, groupStart, groupEnd); if (numInGroup == 1) { if (reason) *reason = "There is only one item in the current group"; return 0; } // Regular/ hex if number matches and not custom if (!custom && numInGroup == (doHex ? 6 : 4)) return 1; // From dialog, any other size is assumed to be custom if custom is not yet defined // But if they are defined, custom must be on // From script, custom entry must rule if (custom == 1 || (mMultiShotParams.customHoleX.size() > 0 && custom > 1) || !mMultiShotParams.customHoleX.size()) return 2; if (reason) reason->Format("The current group has the wrong number of points to define %s " "vectors", doHex ? "hexagonal" : "regular"); return 0; } // Use group of Nav points for hole vectors; pattern as defined above in OKtoUse // UpdateAndUseMSParams should be called before this int CNavHelper::UseNavPointsForVectors(int pattern, int numXholes, int numYholes) { int magInd, type, dir, ind, groupStart, groupEnd, hexInd = (pattern == 1 ? 1 : 0); int numHoles[2]; CNavigatorDlg *nav = mWinApp->mNavigator; ScaleMat stage2IS; CMapDrawItem *item, *prevItem; FloatVec ISXvec, ISYvec; int startInd1[2] = {0, 0}, endInd1[2] = {1, 3}, startInd2[2] = {3, 1}, endInd2[2] = {2, 2}; type = OKtoUseNavPtsForVectors(pattern, groupStart, groupEnd, &stage2IS); if (!type) return 1; magInd = mWinApp->mScope->GetMagIndex(); if (numXholes <= 0) numXholes = hexInd ? mMultiShotParams.numHexRings : mMultiShotParams.numHoles[0]; if (numYholes <= 0) numYholes = mMultiShotParams.numHoles[1]; numHoles[0] = numXholes; numHoles[1] = numYholes; // Convert all to image shift relative to first, arbitrary but minimizes error prevItem = nav->GetOtherNavItem(groupStart); ISXvec.resize(groupEnd + 1 - groupStart); ISYvec.resize(groupEnd + 1 - groupStart); for (ind = groupStart; ind <= groupEnd; ind++) { item = nav->GetOtherNavItem(ind); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(stage2IS, item->mStageX - prevItem->mStageX, item->mStageY - prevItem->mStageY, ISXvec[ind - groupStart], ISYvec[ind - groupStart]); } if (type > 1) { // Custom holes ISXvec.erase(ISXvec.begin()); mMultiShotParams.customHoleX = ISXvec; ISYvec.erase(ISYvec.begin()); mMultiShotParams.customHoleY = ISYvec; mMultiShotParams.customMagIndex = magInd; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfCustomHoles = (float)mWinApp->mScope->GetTiltAngle(); mMultiShotParams.origMagOfCustom = -magInd; } else { // Regular holes of each type if (hexInd) { for (dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++) { mMultiShotParams.hexISXspacing[dir] = 0.5 * (ISXvec[dir] - ISXvec[dir + 3]) / numXholes; mMultiShotParams.hexISYspacing[dir] = 0.5 * (ISYvec[dir] - ISYvec[dir + 3]) / numXholes; } } else { for (dir = 0; dir < 2; dir++) { mMultiShotParams.holeISXspacing[dir] = 0.5 * ((ISXvec[endInd1[dir]] - ISXvec[startInd1[dir]]) + (ISXvec[endInd2[dir]] - ISXvec[startInd2[dir]])) / B3DMAX(1, numHoles[dir] - 1); mMultiShotParams.holeISYspacing[dir] = 0.5 * ((ISYvec[endInd1[dir]] - ISYvec[startInd1[dir]]) + (ISYvec[endInd2[dir]] - ISYvec[startInd2[dir]])) / B3DMAX(1, numHoles[dir] - 1); } } mMultiShotParams.holeMagIndex[hexInd] = magInd; mMultiShotParams.tiltOfHoleArray[hexInd] = (float)mWinApp->mScope->GetTiltAngle(); mMultiShotParams.origMagOfArray[hexInd] = -magInd; } // Update if (mMultiShotDlg) mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); if (mNav) mNav->Redraw(); return 0; } void CNavHelper::OpenHoleFinder(void) { if (mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) { mHoleFinderDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mHoleFinderDlg->Create(IDD_HOLE_FINDER); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mHoleFinderDlg, &mHoleFinderPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CNavHelper::GetHoleFinderPlacement(void) { if (mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) { mHoleFinderDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mHoleFinderPlace); } return &mHoleFinderPlace; } void CNavHelper::OpenMultiCombiner(void) { if (mMultiCombinerDlg) { mMultiCombinerDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mMultiCombinerDlg = new CMultiCombinerDlg(); mMultiCombinerDlg->Create(IDD_MULTI_COMBINER); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mMultiCombinerDlg, &mMultiCombinerPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetMultiCombinerPlacement() { if (mMultiCombinerDlg) { mMultiCombinerDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mMultiCombinerPlace); } return &mMultiCombinerPlace; } void CNavHelper::OpenComaVsISCal(void) { if (mComaVsISCalDlg) { mComaVsISCalDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mComaVsISCalDlg = new CComaVsISCalDlg(); mComaVsISCalDlg->Create(IDD_COMA_VS_IS_CAL); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mComaVsISCalDlg, &mMultiCombinerPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CNavHelper::GetComaVsISDlgPlacement() { if (mComaVsISCalDlg) { mComaVsISCalDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mMultiCombinerPlace); } return &mMultiCombinerPlace; } void CNavHelper::OpenAutoContouring(bool fromMulti) { if (mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) { mAutoContouringDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mAutoContouringDlg->mOpenedFromMultiGrid = fromMulti; mAutoContouringDlg->Create(IDD_AUTOCONTOUR); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mAutoContouringDlg, &mAutoContDlgPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetAutoContDlgPlacement(void) { if (mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) { mAutoContouringDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mAutoContDlgPlace); } return &mAutoContDlgPlace; } void CNavHelper::OpenMultiGrid(void) { CArray *cartInfo = mScope->GetJeolLoaderInfo(); if (mMultiGridDlg) { mMultiGridDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mMultiGridDlg = new CMultiGridDlg(); mMultiGridDlg->Create(IDD_MULTI_GRID); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mMultiGridDlg, &mMultiGridPlace); if (mStateDlg) mStateDlg->Update(); if (cartInfo->GetSize()) { mMultiGridDlg->SetNumUsedSlots((int)cartInfo->GetSize()); mMultiGridDlg->ReloadTable(1, 2); mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); mMultiGridDlg->NewGridOnStage(-1); } mWinApp->mMultiGridTasks->SetLoadedGridIsAligned(0); mOpenedMultiGrid = true; mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetMultiGridPlacement(void) { if (mMultiGridDlg) { mMultiGridDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mMultiGridPlace); } return &mMultiGridPlace; } void CNavHelper::OpenMGSettingsDlg(int jcdInd) { if (mMGSettingsDlg) { mMGSettingsDlg->BringWindowToTop(); return; } mMGSettingsDlg = new CMGSettingsManagerDlg; mMGSettingsDlg->mJcdIndex = jcdInd; mMGSettingsDlg->Create(IDD_MULGRID_SETTINGS); mWinApp->SetPlacementFixSize(mMGSettingsDlg, &mMGSettingsPlace); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } WINDOWPLACEMENT * CNavHelper::GetMGSettingsPlacement(void) { if (mMGSettingsDlg) mMGSettingsDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mMGSettingsPlace); return &mMGSettingsPlace; } WINDOWPLACEMENT *CNavHelper::GetAcquireDlgPlacement(bool fromDlg) { if (fromDlg && mNav && mNav->mNavAcquireDlg) { mNav->mNavAcquireDlg->GetWindowPlacement(&mAcquireDlgPlace); } return &mAcquireDlgPlace; } // This is called on file changes to update the acquire dialog void CNavHelper::UpdateAcquireDlgForFileChanges() { if (mNav && mNav->mNavAcquireDlg && !mNav->GetIgnoreUpdates()) { mNav->EvaluateAcquiresForDlg(mNav->mNavAcquireDlg); mNav->mNavAcquireDlg->ManageOutputFile(); } } // Copy a set of params into temp set for possible modification void CNavHelper::CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(int which) { CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(&mAllAcqActions[which][0], mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(which), &mAcqActCurrentOrder[which][0]); } void CNavHelper::CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(NavAcqAction *useAct, NavAcqParams *useParam, int *useOrder) { NavAcqAction *actions = &mAllAcqActions[2][0]; NavAcqParams *params = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(2); int *order = &mAcqActCurrentOrder[2][0]; CopyAcqParamsAndActions(useAct, useParam, useOrder, actions, params, order); if (params->acquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP && params->skipSaving && !params->saveAsMapChoice) params->acquireType = ACQUIRE_IMAGE_ONLY; if (params->nonTSacquireType == ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP && params->skipSaving && !params->saveAsMapChoice) params->nonTSacquireType = ACQUIRE_IMAGE_ONLY; } void CNavHelper::CopyAcqParamsAndActions(NavAcqAction *useAct, NavAcqParams *useParam, int *useOrder, NavAcqAction *actions, NavAcqParams *params, int *order) { *params = *useParam; for (int ind = 0; ind < mNumAcqActions; ind++) { order[ind] = useOrder[ind]; actions[ind] = useAct[ind]; } } // Loads a piece or synthesizes piece containing the given item void CNavHelper::LoadPieceContainingPoint(CMapDrawItem *ptItem, int mapIndex) { int cenX[2], cenY[2], xFrame, yFrame, xOverlap, yOverlap, err, yNframes, binning; int imageX, imageY, ix, iy; ScaleMat aMat; float distMin, delX, delY, stageX = 0., stageY = 0., montErrX, montErrY, tmpX, tmpY; float useShiftedRatio = 1.25; CMapDrawItem *map = mItemArray->GetAt(mapIndex); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); err = DistAndPiecesForRealign(map, ptItem->mStageX, ptItem->mStageY, ptItem->mPieceDrawnOn, mapIndex, aMat, delX, delY, distMin, cenX[0], cenY[0], cenX[1], cenY[1], imageX, imageY, true, xFrame, yFrame, binning); if (err > 1 && mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; if (err) return; cenX[1] = cenX[0]; cenY[1] = cenY[0]; xOverlap = mMapMontP->xOverlap; yOverlap = mMapMontP->yOverlap; yNframes = mMapMontP->yNframes; // Adjust coordinate relative to edge of frame then shift to using two frames // if it is possible and the distance to the edge in shifted frame is enough bigger // than the distance in the real frame imageX -= cenX[0] * (xFrame - xOverlap); if (cenX[0] > 0 && (xFrame + xOverlap) / 2. - imageX > useShiftedRatio * imageX) cenX[0]--; else if (cenX[0] < mMapMontP->xNframes - 1 && imageX - (xFrame - xOverlap) / 2. > useShiftedRatio * (xFrame - imageX)) cenX[1]++; imageY -= cenY[0] * (yFrame - yOverlap); if (cenY[0] > 0 && (yFrame + yOverlap) / 2. - imageY > useShiftedRatio * imageY) cenY[0]--; else if (cenY[0] < yNframes - 1 && imageY - (yFrame - yOverlap) / 2. > useShiftedRatio * (yFrame - imageY)) cenY[1]++; // But make sure the added piece exists, or at least one of two added ones, and if // they don't, then revert the index back to the main piece if (cenX[0] < cenX[1] && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[0] + cenX[0] * yNframes] < 0 && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[1] + cenX[0] * yNframes] < 0) cenX[0]++; if (cenX[0] < cenX[1] && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[0] + cenX[1] * yNframes] < 0 && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[1] + cenX[1] * yNframes] < 0) cenX[1]--; if (cenY[0] < cenY[1] && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[0] + cenX[0] * yNframes] < 0 && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[0] + cenX[1] * yNframes] < 0) cenY[0]++; if (cenY[0] < cenX[1] && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[1] + cenX[0] * yNframes] < 0 && mPieceSavedAt[cenY[1] + cenX[1] * yNframes] < 0) cenY[1]--; // Set the center frames and read the montage mWinApp->mMontageController->SetFramesForCenterOnly(cenX[0], cenX[1], cenY[0], cenY[1]); if (mWinApp->mMontageController->ReadMontage(map->mMapSection, mMapMontP, mMapStore, true)) { if (mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; return; } // Get the stage position of this piece by averaging all contributing pieces mPreviousErrX = mPreviousErrY = 0.; mUseMontStageError = false; for (ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) { for (iy = 0; iy < 2; iy++) { StagePositionOfPiece(mMapMontP, aMat, delX, delY, cenX[ix], cenY[iy], tmpX, tmpY, montErrX, montErrY); stageX += tmpX / 4.f; stageY += tmpY / 4.f; } } // Adjust buffer properties mImBufs->mStage2ImMat = aMat; mImBufs->mStage2ImDelX = mImBufs->mImage->getWidth() / 2.f - aMat.xpx * stageX - aMat.xpy * stageY; mImBufs->mStage2ImDelY = mImBufs->mImage->getHeight() / 2.f - aMat.ypx * stageX - aMat.ypy * stageY; mImBufs->mLoadWidth = mImBufs->mImage->getWidth(); mImBufs->mLoadHeight = mImBufs->mImage->getHeight(); mImBufs->mISX = mImBufs->mISY = 0.; mImBufs->mRotAngle = 0.; mImBufs->mInverted = false; mImBufs->mCamera = map->mMapCamera; mImBufs->mCaptured = BUFFER_MONTAGE_PIECE; // Rotate buffer just like map if (map->mRotOnLoad && !map->mImported) mNav->RotateMap(mImBufs, false); if (mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EXTERNAL ITEM PROCESSING ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DO complete checks and conversions for the given item int CNavHelper::ProcessExternalItem(CMapDrawItem *item, int extType) { int ind, retval, drawnOn, adocSave; ScaleMat aMat; mMapMontP = &mMapMontParam; CMapDrawItem *mapItem; float xInPc, yInPc; if (!item->mDrawnOnMapID) return NEXERR_NO_DRAWN_ON; mapItem = mNav->FindItemWithMapID(item->mDrawnOnMapID, true); if (!mapItem) return NEXERR_NO_MAP_WITH_ID; if (extType != NAVEXT_ON_MAP && !mapItem->mMapMontage) return NEXERR_MAP_NOT_MONT; if (item->mDrawnOnMapID != mExtDrawnOnID) { // If the ID does not match, first handle previous file and ID CleanupFromExternalFileAccess(); // Then access a montage or just get parameters from single-frame map mCurStoreInd = 0; if (mapItem->mMapMontage) { adocSave = AdocGetCurrentIndex(); if (mNav->AccessMapFile(mapItem, mMapStore, mCurStoreInd, mMapMontP, mExtUseWidth, mExtUseHeight)) return NEXERR_ACCESS_FILE; mExtDrawnOnID = item->mDrawnOnMapID; mExtXframe = mMapMontP->xFrame; mExtYframe = mMapMontP->yFrame; mExtXspacing = mExtXframe - mMapMontP->xOverlap; mExtYspacing = mExtYframe - mMapMontP->yOverlap; mExtLoadWidth = (float)(4 * ((mExtXframe + (mMapMontP->xNframes - 1) * mExtXspacing + 3) / 4)); mExtLoadHeight = (float)(mExtYframe + (mMapMontP->yNframes - 1) * mExtYspacing); mExtTypeOfOffsets = -1; if (adocSave >= 0) AdocSetCurrent(adocSave); } else { mExtXframe = mapItem->mMapWidth; mExtYframe = mapItem->mMapHeight; mExtLoadWidth = mExtUseWidth = (float)mapItem->mMapWidth; mExtLoadHeight = mExtUseHeight = (float)mapItem->mMapHeight; } mExtDrawnOnID = item->mDrawnOnMapID; // Get transformation from image to stage coordinates aMat = mapItem->mMapScaleMat; aMat.xpx *= mExtLoadWidth / mExtUseWidth; aMat.xpy *= mExtLoadWidth / mExtUseWidth; aMat.ypx *= -mExtLoadHeight / mExtUseHeight; aMat.ypy *= -mExtLoadHeight / mExtUseHeight; mExtDelX = (mExtLoadWidth * mapItem->mMapWidth / mExtUseWidth) / 2.f - (aMat.xpx * mapItem->mStageX + aMat.xpy * mapItem->mStageY); mExtDelY = (mExtLoadHeight * mapItem->mMapHeight / mExtUseHeight) / 2.f - (aMat.ypx * mapItem->mStageX + aMat.ypy * mapItem->mStageY); mExtInv = MatInv(aMat); } // Transform the center stage position and all the points retval = TransformExternalCoords(item, extType, mapItem, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, item->mPieceDrawnOn, xInPc, yInPc); if (xInPc >= 0. && yInPc >= 0.) { item->mXinPiece = xInPc; item->mYinPiece = yInPc; } if (retval) return retval; for (ind = 0; ind < item->mNumPoints; ind++) { retval = TransformExternalCoords(item, extType, mapItem, item->mPtX[ind], item->mPtY[ind], drawnOn, xInPc, yInPc); if (retval) return retval; } return 0; } // Convert the pixel coordinates in fx, fy to stage coordinates for the item of the given // type on the given map; returns pieceDrawnOn for cases of aligned montages int CNavHelper::TransformExternalCoords(CMapDrawItem *item, int extType, CMapDrawItem *mapItem, float &fx, float &fy, int &pieceDrawnOn, float &xInPc, float &yInPc) { int pcX, pcY, adocInd, adocSave, numPieces, xPiece, yPiece, ipc, nameInd, iz; int pcZ, retval, adjX, adjY, adjZ; float tempx; char *names[2] = {ADOC_ZVALUE, ADOC_IMAGE}; char *keys[2] = {ADOC_ALI_COORD, ADOC_ALI_COORDVS}; xInPc = -1; yInPc = -1; // Convert piece coordinate to coordinate in full image if (extType == NAVEXT_ON_PIECE) { if (item->mPieceDrawnOn < 0) return EXTERR_NO_PIECE_ON; xInPc = fx; yInPc = fy; xPiece = item->mPieceDrawnOn / mMapMontP->yNframes; yPiece = item->mPieceDrawnOn % mMapMontP->yNframes; fx += (float)(xPiece * mExtXspacing); fy += (float)(yPiece * mExtYspacing); } else if (extType == NAVEXT_ON_ALIMONT || extType == NAVEXT_ON_VSMONT) { numPieces = mMapMontP->xNframes * mMapMontP->yNframes; // Need new offsets if they don't match if (extType != mExtTypeOfOffsets) { // First make sure there's an mdoc adocInd = mMapStore->GetAdocIndex(); if (adocInd < 0) return EXTERR_NO_MDOC; // Get pieceSavedAt of montage if not loaded yet if (mExtTypeOfOffsets < 0) { mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(mMapStore, mMapMontP, mapItem->mMapSection, mPieceSavedAt); } // Get access to mdoc and get the offsets sized adocSave = AdocGetCurrentIndex(); if (AdocSetCurrent(adocInd) < 0) return EXTERR_BAD_MDOC_IND; mExtTypeOfOffsets = 0; CLEAR_RESIZE(mExtOffsets.offsetX, short int, numPieces); CLEAR_RESIZE(mExtOffsets.offsetY, short int, numPieces); nameInd = mMapStore->getStoreType() == STORE_TYPE_ADOC ? 1 : 0; // loop on pieces for (ipc = 0; ipc < numPieces; ipc++) { iz = mPieceSavedAt[ipc]; if (iz < 0) { mExtOffsets.offsetX[ipc] = MINI_NO_PIECE; mExtOffsets.offsetY[ipc] = MINI_NO_PIECE; continue; } // Get piece coordinate then adjusted coordinate, difference is offset but // Y is inverted retval = 0; if (AdocGetThreeIntegers(names[nameInd], iz, ADOC_PCOORD, &pcX, &pcY, &pcZ)) retval = EXTERR_NO_PC_COORD; if (!retval && AdocGetThreeIntegers(names[nameInd], iz, keys[extType - 1], &adjX, &adjY, &adjZ)) retval = EXTERR_NO_ALI_COORDS; if (retval) break; mExtOffsets.offsetX[ipc] = (short)(adjX - pcX); mExtOffsets.offsetY[ipc] = (short)(pcY - adjY); } // Restore to nav autodoc if (adocSave >= 0) AdocSetCurrent(adocSave); if (retval) return retval; // Finish setting up the offsets mExtTypeOfOffsets = extType; mExtOffsets.subsetLoaded = false; mWinApp->mMontageController->SetMiniOffsetsParams(mExtOffsets, mMapMontP->xNframes, mExtXframe, mExtXspacing, mMapMontP->yNframes, mExtYframe, mExtYspacing); } // Adjust the Y-inverted position and get piece it is on fy = mExtLoadHeight - fy; OffsetMontImagePos(&mExtOffsets, 0, mMapMontP->xNframes - 1, 0, mMapMontP->yNframes - 1, fx, fy, pieceDrawnOn, xInPc, yInPc); fy = mExtLoadHeight - fy; } // Transform full image coordinate to stage tempx = (float)((fx - mExtDelX) * mExtInv.xpx + (fy - mExtDelY) * mExtInv.xpy); fy = (float)((fx - mExtDelX) * mExtInv.ypx + (fy - mExtDelY) * mExtInv.ypy); fx = tempx; return 0; } // Remove an open store if necessary void CNavHelper::CleanupFromExternalFileAccess() { if (mExtDrawnOnID) { if (mCurStoreInd < 0) delete mMapStore; mExtDrawnOnID = 0; } } // Shift the subarea defined by the given coordinates by the offsets and keep it within // legal bounds bool CNavHelper::ModifySubareaForOffset(int camera, int xOffset, int yOffset, int &left, int &top, int &right, int &bottom) { bool retval; CameraParameters *camP = &mCamParams[camera]; int xFrame, yFrame, tleft, tright, ttop, tbottom; xFrame = right - left; yFrame = bottom - top; tleft = B3DMAX(0, (camP->sizeX - xFrame) / 2 + xOffset); tright = B3DMIN(camP->sizeX, tleft + xFrame); tleft = tright - xFrame; ttop = B3DMAX(0, (camP->sizeY - yFrame) / 2 + yOffset); tbottom = B3DMIN(camP->sizeY, ttop + yFrame); ttop = tbottom - yFrame; retval = (top != ttop || bottom != tbottom || left != tleft || right != tright); left = tleft; right = tright; top = ttop; bottom = tbottom; return retval; } // Get the focus position for the current item based on its state or the focus position // stored in it, or the state or stored focus position for a previous acquire item of the // type. If there is no current or prior setting, or Nav is not open or there is no // current item, it returns the defined Low Dose focus position void CNavHelper::FindFocusPosForCurrentItem(StateParams &state, bool justLDstate, int registration, int curInd) { CMapDrawItem *item; StateParams *statePtr; int ind, firstInd; bool tilts; // initialize to current state state.camIndex = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); SaveLDFocusPosition(1, state.focusAxisPos, state.rotateAxis, state.axisRotation, state.focusXoffset, state.focusYoffset, false); if (!mNav || justLDstate) return; if (curInd < 0) curInd = mNav->GetCurrentIndex(); if (curInd < 0 || curInd >= (int)mItemArray->GetSize()) return; item = mItemArray->GetAt(curInd); tilts = item->mTSparamIndex >= 0; // Look back for last state if any for (ind = curInd; ind >= 0; ind--) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mRegistration == registration && (BOOL_EQUIV(item->mAcquire, !tilts) || BOOL_EQUIV(item->mTSparamIndex >= 0, tilts))) { if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 && item->mStateIndex >= 0) { statePtr = mAcqStateArray->GetAt(item->mStateIndex); state = *statePtr; break; } } } // Now look back for item focus set firstInd = B3DMAX(0, ind); for (ind = curInd; ind >= firstInd; ind--) { item = mItemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->mRegistration == registration && (BOOL_EQUIV(item->mAcquire, !tilts) || BOOL_EQUIV(item->mTSparamIndex >= 0, tilts)) && item->mFocusAxisPos > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { state.focusAxisPos = item->mFocusAxisPos; state.rotateAxis = item->mRotateFocusAxis; state.axisRotation = item->mFocusAxisAngle; state.focusXoffset = item->mFocusXoffset; state.focusYoffset = item->mFocusYoffset; break; } } }