#pragma once #include class CMapDrawItem; class HoleFinder; class CNavHelper; class CNavigatorDlg; enum { COMBINE_ON_IMAGE = 0, COMBINE_IN_POLYGON, COMBINE_IN_GROUP }; struct PositionData { short xCen, yCen; short useXcen, useYcen; short startX, endX; short startY, endY; short numAcquires; short cenMissing; }; class CMultiHoleCombiner { public: CMultiHoleCombiner(void); ~CMultiHoleCombiner(void); int CombineItems(int boundType, BOOL turnOffOutside, int inXholes = -9, int inYholes = -9); void AddItemToCenters(FloatVec &xCenters, FloatVec &yCenters, IntVec &navInds, CMapDrawItem *item, int ind, int &drawnOnID); bool OKtoUndoCombine(void); void UndoCombination(void); bool IsItemInUndoList(int mapID); const char *GetErrorMessage(int error); MapItemArray *GetPreCombineHoles() { return &mPreCombineHoles; }; void ClearSavedItemArray(bool originalToo, bool updateDlg); private: CNavHelper *mHelper; CSerialEMApp *mWinApp; CNavigatorDlg *mNav; HoleFinder *mFindHoles; EMimageBuffer *mImBuf; // The associate image buffer if one can be found bool mUseImageCoords; // Flag that analysis is being done with image coord ScaleMat mBITSmat; // Matrix for image to stage float mBSTIdelX, mBSTIdelY; // Delta value from stage to image int mNxGrid, mNyGrid; // Size of grid points seem to fall on int mNumXholes, mNumYholes; // Number of holes in current pattern int **mGrid; // Line pointers to grid array MapItemArray mSavedItems; // Items removed from Nav array MapItemArray mPreCombineHoles; // All items that have been cleared out IntVec mIDsForUndo; // IDs of the multi-shot items added IntVec mIndexesForUndo; // Their indexes: for rapid checking, can be changed IntVec mOrphanIDsToUndo; // ID's of items turned off because not assigned std::set mSetOfUndoIDs; // A set so they can be looked up easily std::set mGroupIDsInPoly; // The group ID's of items in polygon std::set mIDsOutsidePoly; // IDs of ones turned off ScaleMat mSkipXform; // Transform to get from stage to IS space skip list bool mTransposeSize; // Flag to transpose sizes from stage to IS space IntVec mHexDelX, mHexDelY; // Lists of indexes in the hexagon IntVec mOneDIndexToHexRing; // Maps from a 1D index of hole number in rect pattern IntVec mOneDIndexToPosInRing; // to rung number and position int mNumRings; // Number of rings in hex pattern IntVec mHexToItemIndex; // Map from hex number to item number as array is built int mDebug; void TryBoxStartsOnLine(int otherStart, bool doCol, CArray &fullArray); void EvaluateLineOfBoxes(int xStart, int yStart, bool doCol, CArray &posArray, float &sdOfNums, int &cenMissing); void EvaluateBoxAtPosition(int xStart, int yStart, PositionData &data); void EvaluateCrossAtPosition(int xCen, int yCen, PositionData &data); int EvaluateArrangementOfHexes(int xCen, int yCen, bool pitchDown, CArray &posArray, float &sdOfNums, int &cenMissing); void EvaluateHexAtPosition(int xCen, int yCen, PositionData &data, IntVec *boxAssigns); void AddPointsToHexItem(MapItemArray *itemArray, PositionData &data, int hex, IntVec &boxAssigns, IntVec &navInds, FloatVec &xCenters, FloatVec &yCenters, ScaleMat gridMat, IntVec &ixSkip, IntVec &iySkip, int &numAdded); void mergeBoxesAndEvaluate(CArray &posArray, float &sdOfNums); void SetBoxAcquireLimits(int start, int end, int numHoles, int nGrid, int &acqStart, int &acqEnd); void AddMultiItemToArray(MapItemArray *itemArray, int baseInd, float stageX, float stageY, int numXholes, int numYholes, float boxXcen, float boxYcen, IntVec &ixSkip, IntVec &iySkip, int groupID, int numInBox, int &numAdded); };