// MultiGridTasks.cpp : For operations involved in handling multiple grids // // Copyright (C) 2024 by the Regents of the University of // Colorado. See Copyright.txt for full notice of copyright and limitations. // // Author: David Mastronarde // #include "stdafx.h" #include "SerialEM.h" #include "SerialEMDoc.h" #include "SerialEMView.h" #include "MultiGridTasks.h" #include "ComplexTasks.h" #include "EMscope.h" #include "StateDlg.h" #include "LogWindow.h" #include "ProcessImage.h" #include "ShiftManager.h" #include "ShiftCalibrator.h" #include "EMbufferManager.h" #include "NavHelper.h" #include "ParticleTasks.h" #include "HoleFinderDlg.h" #include "MultiShotDlg.h" #include "AutoContouringDlg.h" #include "ParameterIO.h" #include "NavigatorDlg.h" #include "MultiGridDlg.h" #include "CameraController.h" #include "EMmontageController.h" #include "MacroProcessor.h" #include "Shared\b3dutil.h" #include "Shared\autodoc.h" #include "Utilities\XCorr.h" #include "Utilities\KGetOne.h" #include #include static const char *sActionNames[] = {"Remove objective aperture", "Set condenser aperture" , "Replace objective aperture", "Move to reference position", "Restore condenser aperture" , "Set grid map state", "Unload grid", "Take reference image", "Move to survey position", "Take survey image", "Find eucentricity", "Move to center of grid map", "Load grid", "Take grid map", "Realign to grid map", "Autocontour grid squares", "Set MMM state", "Take MMMs", "Set state for final acquire", "Do final acquisition", "Set up MMM files", "Restore state", "Turn Low Dose on", "Turn Low Dose off", "Set Z height", "Check & apply Shift to Marker", "Set Focus area position", "Run script", "Refine grid alignment", "Grid done"}; CMultiGridTasks::CMultiGridTasks() { SEMBuildTime(__DATE__, __TIME__); mWinApp = (CSerialEMApp *)AfxGetApp(); mImBufs = mWinApp->GetImBufs(); mReplaceSpaces = true; mAllowOptional = false; mUseCaretToReplace = false; mDoingMultiGrid = 0; mDoingMulGridSeq = false; mSuspendedMulGrid = false; mRRGcurDirection = -2; mRRGMaxRotation = 15.f; mRRGmaxCenShift = 50.; mRRGShiftLimitForXform = 70.; mRRGRotLimitForXform = 17.f; mRRGResidLimitForXform = 7.5f; mParams.appendNames = false; mParams.useSubdirectory = true; mParams.LMMstateType = 0; mParams.setLMMstate = false; mParams.LMMstateNum = 0; mParams.removeObjectiveAp = false; mParams.setCondenserAp = false; mParams.condenserApSize = 150; mParams.C1orC2condenserAp = 0; mParams.LMMmontType = 0; mParams.LMMnumXpieces = 5; mParams.LMMnumYpieces = 5; mParams.MMMnumXpieces = 2; mParams.MMMnumYpieces = 2; mParams.LMMoverlapPct = 10; mParams.setLMMoverlap = true; mParams.autocontour = false; mParams.MMMstateType = 0; mParams.MMMimageType = 0; mParams.acquireLMMs = true; mParams.acquireMMMs = false; mParams.runFinalAcq = false; mParams.runMacroAfterLMM = false; mParams.refineAfterRealign = false; mParams.refineImageType = 1; mParams.refineStateNum = 0; mParams.macroToRun = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mParams.MMMstateNums[i] = -1; mParams.finalStateNums[i] = -1; mMontSetupConsetSizes[i] = 0; } mParams.framesUnderSession = false; mPctStatMidCrit = 0.33f; mPctStatRangeCrit = 0.45f; mPctRightAwayFrac = 0.5f; mMinFracOfPiecesUsable = 0.15f; mPctUsableFrac = 0.05f; mAppendNames = false; mStartedLongOp = false; mRestoringOnError = false; mNumMMMstateCombos = 2; mNumFinalStateCombos = 4; mSavedMultiShot = NULL; mSavedHoleFinder = NULL; mSavedAutoCont = NULL; mSavedGeneralParams = NULL; mSavedFocusPos = NULL; mCamNumForFrameDir = -1; InitOrClearSessionValues(); mAdocChanged = false; mSkipGridRealign = false; mRRGstore = NULL; mRRGdidSaveState = false; mUseCustomOrder = false; mLastNumSlots = 0; mRefineMinField = 8.; mShowRefineAfterRealign = false; mRefineUsedLDorState = 0; mMaxSizeForRefinePolys = 250.; mMaxRefineShiftDiff = 5.; } CMultiGridTasks::~CMultiGridTasks() { } void CMultiGridTasks::Initialize() { mScope = mWinApp->mScope; mCamera = mWinApp->mCamera; mShiftManager = mWinApp->mShiftManager; mNavHelper = mWinApp->mNavHelper; mCartInfo = mScope->GetJeolLoaderInfo(); mStateArray = mNavHelper->GetStateArray(); mSingleGridMode = !mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader(); if (!mShowRefineAfterRealign && !mSkipGridRealign) mParams.refineAfterRealign = false; mUseTwoJeolCondAp = JEOLscope && mScope->GetJeolHasExtraApertures() && mScope->GetJeolCondenserApIDtoUse() < 0; mSingleCondenserAp = mScope->GetJeolCondenserApIDtoUse() < 0 ? CONDENSER_APERTURE : mScope->GetJeolCondenserApIDtoUse(); } /* * Clear out non-text items for a new session */ void CMultiGridTasks::InitOrClearSessionValues() { mInitializedGridMont = false; mInitializedMMMmont = false; mReferenceCounts = 0.; mLMMneedsLowDose = 0; mLMMusedStateNum = -1; mHaveAutoContGroups = false; mLMMmagIndex = 0; mSkipMarkerShifts = 0; mNamesLocked = false; mLoadedGridIsAligned = 0; } /* * Function to replace undesirable characters in grid name from scope or user */ int CMultiGridTasks::ReplaceBadCharacters(CString &str) { const char *mandatory = "`\'\"$?:*\\/"; const char *optional = "!#%&(){};|"; const char *charList = mandatory; int indCh, loop, retVal = 0; char replacement = B3DCHOICE(mReplaceSpaces, mUseCaretToReplace ? '^' : '@', '_'); for (loop = 0; loop < (mAllowOptional ? 1 : 2); loop++) { for (indCh = 0; indCh < (int)strlen(charList); indCh++) if (str.Find(charList[indCh]) >= 0) retVal += str.Replace(charList[indCh], replacement); charList = optional; } for (indCh = 0; indCh < str.GetLength(); indCh++) { if ((unsigned char)(str.GetAt(indCh)) > 127) { str.SetAt(indCh, replacement); retVal++; } } if (mReplaceSpaces && str.Find(' ') >= 0) retVal += str.Replace(' ', '_'); return retVal; } /* * Get the routine in creative ways frm the user name */ CString CMultiGridTasks::RootnameFromUsername(JeolCartridgeData &jcd) { CString str, str2; int ind1, ind2, lenPref = mPrefix.GetLength(); int extra = 0, nameLen = jcd.userName.GetLength(); bool skipC = !mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader(); char last; str = mPrefix; // If name is being appended and contains Car and the right grid #,, do not add C# if (mAppendNames && jcd.userName.Find("Car") == 0 && nameLen > 3) { str2 = jcd.userName.Mid(3); if (atoi((LPCTSTR)str2) == jcd.id) skipC = true; } if (!skipC) { // If prefix ends with - or _, take into account when seeing if it already has Car or // grid if (lenPref > 1) { last = str.GetAt(lenPref - 1); if (last == '-' || last == '_') extra = 1; } // See if it ends with car or grid and do not add C ind1 = str.Find("Car"); ind2 = str.Find("car"); ACCUM_MAX(ind1, ind2); if (ind1 >= 0 && (ind1 == lenPref - (3 + extra))) { skipC = true; } else { ind1 = str.Find("Grid"); ind2 = str.Find("grid"); ACCUM_MAX(ind1, ind2); if (ind1 >= 0 && (ind1 == lenPref - (4 + extra))) skipC = true; } // Compose number and whatever preceeds it, if anything; add to prefix if (!skipC) str += "C"; str2.Format("%d", jcd.id); str += str2; } // Add name if (mAppendNames && !jcd.userName.IsEmpty()) str += "_" + jcd.userName; return str; } /* * Call to get an inventory */ int CMultiGridTasks::GetInventory() { int err, operations = LONG_OP_INVENTORY; float hours = 0.; err = mScope->StartLongOperation(&operations, &hours, 1); if (err) { SEMMessageBox("Could not run inventory; " + CString(err == 1 ? "the long operation thread is busy" : "program error starting operation")); return 1; } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "RUNNING INVENTORY"); mDoingMultiGrid = MG_INVENTORY; mStartedLongOp = true; if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULTI_GRID, MG_INVENTORY, 0); return 0; } /* * Call to load or unload a grid, used interactively or from sequence */ int CMultiGridTasks::LoadOrUnloadGrid(int slot, int taskParam) { int err; CString errStr; mStartedLongOp = true; if (mScope->StageBusy()) { SEMTrace('q', "Stage busy before load/unload!!! waiting until done"); mScope->WaitForStageReady(15000); } if (slot > 0) { SEMTrace('q', "loading slot/index %d", slot); err = mScope->LoadCartridge(slot, errStr); } else { err = mScope->UnloadCartridge(errStr); } if (JEOLscope && err == 5 && mUnloadErrorOK > 0) err = 0; if (err) { mStartedLongOp = false; SEMMessageBox("Could not " + CString(slot > 0 ? "load" : "unload") + " grid: " + errStr); return err; } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, slot > 0 ? "LOADING GRID" : "UNLOADING GRID"); if (!mDoingMultiGrid) { mDoingMultiGrid = taskParam; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULTI_GRID, taskParam, 300000); return 0; } /* * Multipurpose routine for next task */ void CMultiGridTasks::MultiGridNextTask(int param) { int ind, id; JeolCartridgeData jcd; CString str; int curInd = B3DMAX(0, mRRGcurDirection); bool forMulGrid = param == MG_RUN_SEQUENCE || param == MG_RESTORING; // A tricky test for when the relevant operation is already stopped if ((!mDoingMultiGrid && !forMulGrid) || (!mDoingMulGridSeq && forMulGrid)) return; switch (param) { // Inventory or internal load or unload, just stop case MG_INVENTORY: case MG_SEQ_LOAD: StopMultiGrid(); return; // After a load, get the cartridge at stage and load the Nav file case MG_USER_LOAD: ind = mScope->FindCartridgeAtStage(id); if (ind >= 0) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(ind); if (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED) { str = FullGridFilePath(-ind - 1, ".nav"); if (mWinApp->mNavigator) mWinApp->mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(); mWinApp->mMenuTargets.OpenNavigatorIfClosed(); mWinApp->mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, false, &str); } } StopMultiGrid(); return; // Realign moved stage case MG_RRG_MOVED_STAGE: mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); if (mBigRotation || mRRGcurDirection >= 0) { for (ind = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); ind > 0; ind--) mWinApp->mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(ind - 1, ind); // Load image and rotate it with current rotation matrix if (mWinApp->mBufferManager->ReadFromFile(mRRGstore, mRRGpieceSec[curInd], 0, true)) { StopMultiGrid(); return; } if (mNavHelper->RotateForAligning(0, &mRRGrotMat)) { StopMultiGrid(); return; } } mCamera->InitiateCapture(mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD() ? mNavHelper->GetRIconSetNum() : TRACK_CONSET); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_MULTI_GRID, MG_RRG_TOOK_IMAGE, 0); break; // Realign took image case MG_RRG_TOOK_IMAGE: AlignNewReloadImage(); break; // Refine took image or moved stage case MG_REFINE_IMAGE: case MG_REFINE_MOVED: RefineRealignNextTask(param); break; // Action in MulGrid sequence: do next or ignore if doing restore case MG_RUN_SEQUENCE: if (mRestoringOnError) break; DoNextSequenceAction(0); break; // Restoring after stop, return to stop return case MG_RESTORING: StopMulGridSeq(); break; } } /* * Busy function for grid load/unload and realign task */ int CMultiGridTasks::MultiGridBusy() { if (mStartedLongOp) return mScope->LongOperationBusy(); return 0; } /* * Cleanup function */ void CMultiGridTasks::CleanupMultiGrid(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out in a multiple grid handling routine")); StopMultiGrid(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } /* * Stop routine for grid load/unload and realign task */ void CMultiGridTasks::StopMultiGrid() { if (!mDoingMultiGrid) return; // Reset things from the reload realign if (mDoingMultiGrid == MG_REALIGN_RELOADED) { if (mRRGcurStore < 0) B3DDELETE(mRRGstore); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(0); mNavHelper->RestoreLowDoseConset(); mNavHelper->RestoreMapOffsets(); if (mRRGdidSaveState) mNavHelper->RestoreFromMapState(); else if (!mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD() && mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.m_bLowDoseMode ? 1 : 0) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); mRRGdidSaveState = false; mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, ""); } RestoreFromRefine(); mDoingMultiGrid = 0; mWinApp->SetBufToggleCount(0); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); } /* * Busy routine for multigrid sequence */ int CMultiGridTasks::MulGridSeqBusy() { if (mStartedLongOp) return mScope->LongOperationBusy(); if ((mMovedAperture && mScope->GetMovingAperture()) || mDoingMultiGrid || (mDoingEucentricity && mWinApp->mComplexTasks->DoingEucentricity()) || (mDoingMontage && mWinApp->mMontageController->DoingMontage()) || (mAutoContouring && mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->DoingAutoContour()) || (mRunningMacro && mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->DoingMacro()) || (mSettingUpNavFiles && mWinApp->mNavigator&& mWinApp->mNavigator->DoingNewFileRange()) || (mStartedNavAcquire && mWinApp->mNavigator && mWinApp->mNavigator->GetAcquiring())) return 1; return 0; } /* * Error cleanup for multigrid sequence */ void CMultiGridTasks::CleanupMulGridSeq(int error) { if (error == IDLE_TIMEOUT_ERROR) SEMMessageBox(_T("Time out in the multiple grid sequence routine")); StopMulGridSeq(); mWinApp->ErrorOccurred(error); } /* * Stop function for multigrid sequence */ void CMultiGridTasks::StopMulGridSeq() { MontParam *montP; HoleFinderParams *hfParam = mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); if (!mDoingMulGridSeq || mWinApp->GetAppExiting()) return; // restore state and lowdose if (mStateWasSet) RestoreState(); if (!BOOL_EQUIV(mWinApp->LowDoseMode(), mSavedLowDose)) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(mSavedLowDose); montP = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); *montP = mSaveMasterMont; RestoreImposedParams(); mCamNumForFrameDir = -1; // Start restoring apertures, loop back in until done if (mReinsertObjAp || mRestoreCondAp) { mMovedAperture = true; mRestoringOnError = true; if (mReinsertObjAp) { mScope->SetApertureSize(OBJECTIVE_APERTURE, mInitialObjApSize); mReinsertObjAp = false; } else if (mRestoreCondAp > 0) { if (mRestoreCondAp > 1 && mUseTwoJeolCondAp) mScope->SetApertureSize(JEOL_C1_APERTURE, mInitialC1CondSize); else mScope->SetApertureSize(mSingleCondenserAp, mInitialCondApSize); mRestoreCondAp--; } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "RESTORING APERTURE"); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULGRID_SEQ, MG_RESTORING, 0); return; } CommonMulGridStop(false); } #define RESTORE_PARAMS(grName, svName) \ if (mSaved##svName) { \ GridTo##grName##Settings(*mSaved##svName); \ delete mSaved##svName; \ mSaved##svName = NULL; \ } /* * Restore saved parameters if ones were imposed */ void CMultiGridTasks::RestoreImposedParams() { CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); RESTORE_PARAMS(MultiShot, MultiShot); RESTORE_PARAMS(HoleFinder, HoleFinder); RESTORE_PARAMS(AutoCont, AutoCont); RESTORE_PARAMS(General, GeneralParams); RESTORE_PARAMS(FocusPos, FocusPos); // Restore camera settings if saved: this can happen multiple times if (mCamNumForFrameDir >= 0) { mCamera->SetCameraFrameFolder(&camParams[mCamNumForFrameDir], mSavedDirForFrames); if (!mSavedFrameBaseName.IsEmpty()) mCamera->SetFrameBaseName(mSavedFrameBaseName); if (mLastSetFrameNum > -2 && mLastSetFrameNum != mCamera->GetLastUsedFrameNumber() && mCurrentGrid >= 0 && mCurrentGrid < mCartInfo->GetSize()) { JeolCartridgeData &jcdEl = mCartInfo->ElementAt(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid]); jcdEl.lastFrameNumber = mCamera->GetLastUsedFrameNumber(); mAdocChanged = true; } mLastSetFrameNum = -2; mCamera->SetLastUsedFrameNumber(mSavedLastFrameNum); mCamera->SetNumberedFramePrefix(mSavedNumberedPrefix); mCamera->SetNumberedFrameFolder(mSavedNumberedFolder); } } /* * Externally called suspend routine */ void CMultiGridTasks::SuspendMulGridSeq() { if (!mDoingMulGridSeq) return; CommonMulGridStop(true); } /* * Common routine to set flags and status text and update when stopping/suspending */ void CMultiGridTasks::CommonMulGridStop(bool suspend) { mSuspendedMulGrid = suspend; mDoingMulGridSeq = false; mRestoringOnError = false; mWinApp->mNavigator->ManageListHeader(""); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, suspend ? "MULTIGRID SUSPENDED" : ""); mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, ""); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mWinApp->FlashTaskbar(); } /* * End simply sets a flag when running, or completes the stop when suspended */ void CMultiGridTasks::EndMulGridSeq() { if (mDoingMulGridSeq) { mEndWhenGridDone = true; mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, "PAUSING MULTIGRID"); } else if (mSuspendedMulGrid && !mRestoringOnError) { mDoingMulGridSeq = true; mSuspendedMulGrid = false; StopMulGridSeq(); } } /* * To resume, restore doing flag, clear suspended flag, and either set a new idle task * when resume is secondary to some other routine restarting, or call next action routine */ int CMultiGridTasks::ResumeMulGridSeq(int resumeType) { if (!mSuspendedMulGrid || mDoingMulGridSeq) return 1; mSuspendedMulGrid = false; mDoingMulGridSeq = true; mStoppedAtGridEnd = false; mEndWhenGridDone = false; if (resumeType <= 0) { if (!resumeType) mSeqIndex--; mDoingMontage = mStoppedInLMMont; mStartedNavAcquire = mStoppedInNavRun; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULGRID_SEQ, MG_RUN_SEQUENCE, 0); return 0;; } DoNextSequenceAction(resumeType); return 0; } /* * When the user wants to resume, ask if it should repeat step, do next next, or skip * to next grid and call resume function with the choice */ void CMultiGridTasks::UserResumeMulGridSeq() { CString mess; int resume,answer; if (!mSuspendedMulGrid || mDoingMulGridSeq) { SEMMessageBox("Program error: the multi-grid operation is not resumable"); return; } if (mCurrentGrid < 0 || mCurrentGrid >= (int)mCartInfo->GetSize()) { mess.Format("Cannot resume; the current grid number is no longer\nvalid (value %d, " "table size %d)\n\nPlease report the steps leading to this problem to the " "developers", mCurrentGrid, mCartInfo->GetSize()); SEMMessageBox(mess); return; } if (mStoppedAtGridEnd) { resume = 1; } else { mess.Format("The last multi-grid operation run was \"%s\"\n" "The next operation will be \"%s\". Select:\n\n" "\"Redo Last\" to resume by redoing the last operation (which may be inappropriate)" "\n\n\"Do Next\" to start with the next operation", sActionNames[mActSequence[B3DMAX(mSeqIndex - 1, 0)]], sActionNames[mActSequence[mSeqIndex]]); if (!mSingleGridMode) mess += "\n\n\"Skip to Next Grid\" to abandon this grid and go to the next one"; answer = SEMThreeChoiceBox(mess, "Redo Last", "Do Next", mSingleGridMode ? "" : "Skip to Next Grid", 1); if (answer == IDYES) resume = 1; else if (answer == IDNO) resume = 2; else resume = 3; } ResumeMulGridSeq(resume); } /* * Store the error string from a SEMMessageBox call from any external task */ void CMultiGridTasks::ExternalTaskError(CString &errStr) { mExternalFailedStr = errStr; } /* * The other route for errors is through ErrorOccurred but user STOP comes this way too */ void CMultiGridTasks::SetExtErrorOccurred(int inVal) { if (mWinApp->mCameraMacroTools.GetUserStop() && !inVal) mExtErrorOccurred = 2; // User stop else if (mExtErrorOccurred < 0) mExtErrorOccurred = 1; // Other error SEMTrace('q', "Ext error set to %d from inval %d", mExtErrorOccurred, inVal); } /* * Calls SEMMessageBox for error in these routines, without triggering it to be treated as * an external error */ void CMultiGridTasks::MGActMessageBox(CString &errStr) { mInternalError = true; SEMMessageBox(errStr); mInternalError = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REALIGN TO RELOADED GRID ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Start procedure to realign after loading grid */ int CMultiGridTasks::RealignReloadedGrid(CMapDrawItem *item, float expectedRot, bool moveInZ, float maxRotation, int transformNav, CString &errStr) { ControlSet *conSet = mWinApp->GetConSets() + TRACK_CONSET; int numPieces, numFull, ixMin, iyMin, ixMax, iyMax, midX, midY, delX, delY; int minInd[4], bestInd[5], minCenInd[4], pci, dir, indAng, numAngles = 18, bestAngInd; int numClose, ind, corn, err = 0, ixpc, iypc, xTarg, yTarg, binning; int meanIXcen, meanIYcen, pctlIXcen, pctlIYcen, numPctl, numAbove; float useWidth, useHeight, radDist[4], bestDist[4], maxAxis = 0., ang; float minDel, cenAngle, delAng, shortAxis, minAng, maxAng, rad, zStage; float meanSXcen, meanSYcen, pctlSXcen, pctlSYcen; double wxSum = 0., wySum = 0.; float stageXcen = 0., stageYcen = 0.; bool indIsDup, bestIsDup, usePctls = true; IntVec ixVec, iyVec, pieceSavedAt; FloatVec xStage, yStage, meanVec, midFracs, rangeFracs; MiniOffsets *mini, myMini; MontParam *montP = &mRRGmontParam; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); float distFrac = 0.75f, meanRatioCrit = 1.5f, pctlRatioCrit = 2.0; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; mRRGangleRange = 2.f * maxRotation; mRRGtransformNav = B3DMAX(0, B3DMIN(2, transformNav)); mRRGitem = item; mRRGWasAboveXformLimit = false; // Require a montage with autodoc info if (!mNavigator) { errStr = "The Navigator is not open"; return 1; } if (!item || !item->IsMap() || !item->mMapMontage) { errStr = "The item to realign to must be a montage map"; return 1; } mBigRotation = fabs(expectedRot) > 1.; // If not doing big rotation, see if map is already available if (!mBigRotation) { if (LoadOrReloadMapIfNeeded(item, 2, errStr)) return 1; } // Now access the map file regardless and make sure there is an adoc if (mNavigator->AccessMapFile(item, mRRGstore, mRRGcurStore, montP, useWidth, useHeight)) { errStr = "Error trying to access map file " + item->mMapFile; return 1; } if (mRRGstore->GetAdocIndex() < 0) { errStr = "The map has no autodoc information (in .mdoc, .idoc, or .hdf file)"; if (mRRGcurStore < 0) B3DDELETE(mRRGstore); return 1; } // Get piece coords and stage coords numPieces = mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(mRRGstore, montP, item->mMapSection, pieceSavedAt, &ixVec, &iyVec, &xStage, &yStage, &meanVec, moveInZ ? &zStage : NULL, &midFracs, &rangeFracs); if (!numPieces || !xStage.size()) { errStr = "Error getting the montage piece coordinates or stage coordinates from " "autodoc"; if (mRRGcurStore < 0) B3DDELETE(mRRGstore); return 1; } mScope->SetLDCenteredShift(0., 0.); if (!mNavigator->BacklashForItem(item, mRRGbacklashX, mRRGbacklashY) && !mBigRotation) { mRRGbacklashX = item->mBacklashX; mRRGbacklashY = item->mBacklashY; } mRRGmapZvalue = moveInZ ? zStage : EXTRA_NO_VALUE; // Find the middle coordinate numFull = montP->xNframes * montP->yNframes; ixMin = VECTOR_MIN(ixVec); ixMax = VECTOR_MAX(ixVec) + montP->xFrame; iyMin = VECTOR_MIN(iyVec); iyMax = VECTOR_MAX(iyVec) + montP->yFrame; midX = (ixMin + ixMax) / 2; midY = (iyMin + iyMax) / 2; mRRGexpectedRot = expectedRot; // See if percentiles can be used CentroidsFromMeansAndPctls(ixVec, iyVec, xStage, yStage, meanVec, midFracs, rangeFracs, mPctUsableFrac, meanIXcen, meanIYcen, meanSXcen, meanSYcen, pctlIXcen, pctlIYcen, pctlSXcen, pctlSYcen, numPctl, numAbove); usePctls = numPctl == numPieces; if (usePctls) { midX = pctlIXcen + montP->xFrame / 2; midY = pctlIXcen + montP->yFrame / 2; stageXcen = pctlSXcen; stageYcen = pctlSYcen; } else { midX = meanIXcen + montP->xFrame / 2; midY = meanIXcen + montP->yFrame / 2; stageXcen = meanSXcen; stageYcen = meanSYcen; } // Scan angles in 4 directions finding farthest piece intersected by ray for (indAng = 0; indAng < numAngles; indAng++) { for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) { radDist[dir] = 0.; minDel = 1.e10f; cenAngle = (float)((indAng * 90.) / numAngles + dir * 90.); for (pci = 0; pci < numFull; pci++) { if (pieceSavedAt[pci] < 0 || (usePctls && midFracs[pci] < mPctUsableFrac)) continue; // Find angles of the 4 corners and their difference from the ray, get the // min and max differences minAng = 999.; maxAng = -999.; for (corn = 0; corn < 4; corn++) { delX = ixVec[pci] + montP->xFrame * (corn % 2) - midX; delY = iyVec[pci] + montP->yFrame * (corn / 2) - midY; ang = (float)(atan2(delY, delX) / DTOR); delAng = (float)UtilGoodAngle(ang - cenAngle); ACCUM_MIN(minAng, delAng); ACCUM_MAX(maxAng, delAng); } // If the piece intersects the ray, get distance of its middle and accumulate max if (fabs(minAng) < 90. && fabs(maxAng) < 90. && minAng < 0. && maxAng > 0.) { delX = ixVec[pci] + montP->xFrame / 2 - midX; delY = iyVec[pci] + montP->yFrame / 2 - midY; rad = (float)sqrt(delX * delX + delY * delY); if (rad > radDist[dir]) { minInd[dir] = pci; radDist[dir] = rad; } } } } // Keep track of the direction with the longest short axis shortAxis = B3DMIN(radDist[0] + radDist[2], radDist[1] + radDist[3]); if (shortAxis > maxAxis) { maxAxis = shortAxis; bestAngInd = indAng; for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) { bestInd[dir] = minInd[dir]; bestDist[dir] = radDist[dir]; } } } // Find the pieces closest to stage center pos numClose = 0; for (pci = 0; pci < numFull; pci++) { if (pieceSavedAt[pci] >= 0) MaintainClosestFour(xStage[pci] - stageXcen, yStage[pci] - stageYcen, pci, radDist, minCenInd, numClose); } bestInd[4] = minCenInd[0]; // Loop on directions backwards so it is easy to check duplicates for (dir = 3; dir >= 0; dir--) { cenAngle = (float)((bestAngInd * 90.) / numAngles + dir * 90.); xTarg = (int)(distFrac * bestDist[dir] * cos(DTOR * cenAngle)) + midX; yTarg = (int)(distFrac * bestDist[dir] * sin(DTOR * cenAngle)) + midY; // Find the 4 closest pieces to the target numClose = 0; for (pci = 0; pci < numFull; pci++) { if (pieceSavedAt[pci] >= 0) MaintainClosestFour((float)(ixVec[pci] + montP->xFrame / 2 - xTarg), (float)(iyVec[pci] + montP->yFrame / 2 - yTarg), pci, radDist, minInd, numClose); } // Pick a different one from closest if it is brighter enough or if best one is // a duplicate; but don't pick this one if it is a duplicate bestInd[dir] = minInd[0]; for (ind = 1; ind < numClose; ind++) { bestIsDup = IsDuplicatePiece(bestInd[dir], bestInd, dir + 1, 4); indIsDup = IsDuplicatePiece(minInd[ind], bestInd, dir + 1, 4); if (((!usePctls && meanVec[minInd[ind]] > meanVec[bestInd[dir]] * meanRatioCrit) || (usePctls && midFracs[minInd[ind]] > midFracs[bestInd[dir]] * pctlRatioCrit) || bestIsDup) && !indIsDup) bestInd[dir] = minInd[ind]; } } // Now pick a different center one if much brighter and not a duplicate for (ind = 1; ind < numClose; ind++) if ((!usePctls && meanVec[minCenInd[ind]] > meanVec[bestInd[4]] * meanRatioCrit) || (usePctls && midFracs[minCenInd[ind]] > midFracs[bestInd[4]] * pctlRatioCrit) && !IsDuplicatePiece(minCenInd[ind], bestInd, 0, 3)) bestInd[4] = minCenInd[ind]; // The fitting equations should work with two unique pieces, make sure there are numClose = 0; for (dir = 0; dir < 5; dir++) if (!IsDuplicatePiece(bestInd[dir], bestInd, dir + 1, 4)) numClose++; if (numClose < 2) { errStr = "Only one piece could be found for realigning to"; return 1; } // Get image coordinate of center of this piece if aligning to map // Use inverted Y piece number as in OffsetMontImagePos if (!mBigRotation) { ixpc = bestInd[4] / montP->yNframes; iypc = (montP->yNframes - 1) - (bestInd[4] % montP->yNframes); mini = mImBufs[mMapBuf].mMiniOffsets; if (!mini) { binning = mImBufs[mMapBuf].mOverviewBin; mini = &myMini; mWinApp->mMontageController->SetMiniOffsetsParams(myMini, montP->xNframes, montP->xFrame / binning, (montP->xFrame - montP->xOverlap) / binning, montP->yNframes, montP->yFrame / binning, (montP->yFrame - montP->yOverlap) / binning); } if (!ixpc) mMapCenX = mini->xFrame / 2; else if (ixpc == mini->xNframes - 1) mMapCenX = mImBufs[mMapBuf].mImage->getWidth() - mini->xFrame / 2; else mMapCenX = mini->xBase + ixpc * mini->xDelta + mini->xFrame / 2 - (mini->xFrame - mini->xDelta) / 2; if (!iypc) mMapCenY = mini->yFrame / 2; else if (iypc == mini->yNframes - 1) mMapCenY = mImBufs[mMapBuf].mImage->getHeight() - mini->yFrame / 2; else mMapCenY = mini->yBase + iypc * mini->yDelta + mini->yFrame / 2 - (mini->yFrame - mini->yDelta) / 2; if ((int)mini->offsetX.size() > bestInd[4] && mini->offsetX[bestInd[4]] != MINI_NO_PIECE) { mMapCenX += mini->offsetX[bestInd[4]]; mMapCenY += mini->offsetY[bestInd[4]]; } SEMTrace('q', "Align to pc %d %d (y inv), center coord %d %d", ixpc, iypc, mMapCenX, mMapCenY); } // Save section numbers and stage positions of chosen pieces, center in first one for (dir = 0; dir < 5; dir++) { ind = (dir + 1) % 5; mRRGpieceSec[ind] = pieceSavedAt[bestInd[dir]]; mRRGxStages[ind] = xStage[bestInd[dir]]; mRRGyStages[ind] = yStage[bestInd[dir]]; } // Compute actual max shift given center position and max rotation mRRGmaxInitShift = mRRGmaxCenShift + sinf(mRRGMaxRotation * (float)DTOR) * sqrtf(mRRGxStages[0] * mRRGxStages[0] + mRRGyStages[0] * mRRGyStages[0]); if (mScope->GetColumnValvesOpen() < 1) mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(true); mRRGdidSaveState = true; //!mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); if (mRRGdidSaveState) { mNavHelper->SetTypeOfSavedState(STATE_NONE); mNavHelper->SaveCurrentState(STATE_MAP_ACQUIRE, 0, item->mMapCamera, 0); } mNavHelper->PrepareToReimageMap(item, montP, conSet, TRIAL_CONSET, (mRRGdidSaveState || !(mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && item->mMapLowDoseConSet < 0)) ? 1 : 0, 1); if (!mNavHelper->GetRIstayingInLD()) mNavHelper->SetMapOffsetsIfAny(item); mCamera->SetRequiredRoll(1); if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode() && mDoingMulGridSeq) mScope->SetFocusToStandardIfLM(item->mMapMagInd); // For non-big rotation, Set up to to align to map extract, then regular align to // center piece with index 0 mRRGshiftX = mRRGshiftY = 0.; mRRGcurDirection = mBigRotation ? 0 : -1; mDoingMultiGrid = MG_REALIGN_RELOADED; mLoadedGridIsAligned = 0; if (MoveStageToTargetPiece()) { StopMultiGrid(); return 1; } mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "REALIGNING RELOADED GRID"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); return 0; } /* * Reload map if needed to have a maximum binning, make sure it is in non-rolling buffer */ int CMultiGridTasks::LoadOrReloadMapIfNeeded(CMapDrawItem *item, int maxBin, CString &errStr) { int readBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); int rolls = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mMapBuf = mNavigator->FindBufferWithMapID(item->mMapID); // If not or if it is binned a lot, reload it with no binning & alignment in overview if (mMapBuf < 0 || mImBufs[mMapBuf].mOverviewBin > maxBin) { if (ReloadGridMap(item, 1, errStr)) return 1; mMapBuf = readBuf; } // If buffer is in rolling range, copy it to read buffer or safe buffer if (mMapBuf <= rolls) { if (readBuf <= rolls) readBuf = rolls + (mWinApp->LowDoseMode() ? 3 : 2); mWinApp->mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(mMapBuf, readBuf); mMapBuf = readBuf; } return 0; } /* * Use the stage and piece coordinates and mean and percentile fractions to derive * weighted mean stage and piece coordinates, beas on either the means or the percentile * values (mean of the range and midpoint values) that are above fracThresh */ void CMultiGridTasks::CentroidsFromMeansAndPctls(IntVec &ixVec, IntVec &iyVec, FloatVec &xStage, FloatVec &yStage, FloatVec &meanVec, FloatVec &midFracs, FloatVec &rangeFracs, float fracThresh, int &meanIXcen, int &meanIYcen, float &meanSXcen, float &meanSYcen, int &pctlIXcen, int &pctlIYcen, float &pctlSXcen, float &pctlSYcen, int &numPcts, int &numAbove) { float meanSum = 0., fracSum = 0., ixMSum = 0., ixPSum = 0., iyMSum = 0., iyPSum = 0.; float sxMSum = 0., sxPSum = 0., syMSum = 0., syPSum = 0., mean, frac; int ind, numPiece = (int)ixVec.size(); numPcts = 0; numAbove = 0; // FLAW: should subtract a min, what about STEM? for (ind = 0; ind < numPiece; ind++) { mean = meanVec[ind]; meanSum += mean; ixMSum += mean * (float)ixVec[ind]; iyMSum += mean * (float)iyVec[ind]; sxMSum += mean * xStage[ind]; syMSum += mean * yStage[ind]; // Until something else happens, just collapse these into one value here midFracs[ind] = (midFracs[ind] + rangeFracs[ind]) / 2.f; frac = midFracs[ind]; if (frac >= 0.) { numPcts++; if (frac >= fracThresh) { fracSum += frac; numAbove++; ixPSum += frac * (float)ixVec[ind]; iyPSum += frac * (float)iyVec[ind]; sxPSum += frac * xStage[ind]; syPSum += frac * yStage[ind]; } } } if (!meanSum) meanSum = 0.001f; meanIXcen = B3DNINT(ixMSum / meanSum); meanIYcen = B3DNINT(iyMSum / meanSum); meanSXcen = sxMSum / meanSum; meanSYcen = syMSum / meanSum; if (numAbove > 0) { pctlIXcen = B3DNINT(ixPSum / fracSum); pctlIYcen = B3DNINT(iyPSum / fracSum); pctlSXcen = sxPSum / fracSum; pctlSYcen = syPSum / fracSum; } } /* * Keep a list of the 4 closest pieces to the desired position, delX, delY away */ void CMultiGridTasks::MaintainClosestFour(float delX, float delY, int pci, float radDist[4], int minInd[4], int &numClose) { int ind, jnd; bool inserted = false; float rad = sqrtf(delX * delX + delY * delY); for (ind = 0; ind < numClose; ind++) { if (rad < radDist[ind]) { numClose = B3DMIN(numClose + 1, 4); for (jnd = ind + 1; jnd < numClose; jnd++) { radDist[jnd] = radDist[jnd - 1]; minInd[jnd] = minInd[jnd - 1]; } radDist[ind] = rad; minInd[ind] = pci; inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted && numClose < 4) { minInd[numClose] = pci; radDist[numClose++] = rad; } } /* * Checks whether a a piece number in minInd matches one on the list in bestInd within * the specified range of indexes */ bool CMultiGridTasks::IsDuplicatePiece(int minInd, int bestInd[5], int startInd, int endInd) { for (int ind = startInd; ind <= endInd; ind++) if (minInd == bestInd[ind]) return true; return false; } /* * Compute a transformed coordinate for the target piece based on current rotation angle * and start the stage move there */ int CMultiGridTasks::MoveStageToTargetPiece() { float xSign = mShiftManager->GetInvertStageXAxis() ? -1.f : 1.f; int curInd = B3DMAX(0, mRRGcurDirection); BOOL doBacklash = mRRGbacklashX && mRRGbacklashY && mRRGbacklashX > -100. && mRRGbacklashY > -100.; mRRGrotMat = mNavHelper->GetRotationMatrix(mRRGexpectedRot, false); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(mRRGrotMat, xSign * mRRGxStages[curInd], mRRGyStages[curInd], mMoveInfo.x, mMoveInfo.y); mMoveInfo.x *= xSign; SEMTrace('q', "dir %d pc pos %.2f %.2f transformed %.2f %.2f -> %.2f %.2f", curInd, mRRGxStages[curInd], mRRGyStages[curInd], mMoveInfo.x, mMoveInfo.y, mMoveInfo.x + mRRGshiftX, mMoveInfo.y + mRRGshiftY); mMoveInfo.x += mRRGshiftX; mMoveInfo.y += mRRGshiftY; mMoveInfo.axisBits = axisXY; mMoveInfo.backX = mRRGbacklashX; mMoveInfo.backY = mRRGbacklashY; if (mRRGcurDirection <= 0 && mRRGmapZvalue > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST && (mMoveInfo.axisBits & axisZ) == 0) { mMoveInfo.z = mRRGmapZvalue; mMoveInfo.axisBits |= axisZ; mMoveInfo.backZ = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetFEBacklashZ(); } if (!mScope->MoveStage(mMoveInfo, doBacklash)) return 1; mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_MULTI_GRID, MG_RRG_MOVED_STAGE, 120000); mWinApp->SetStatusText(SIMPLE_PANE, "MOVING STAGE"); return 0; } /* * Do the alignment and other operations needed when an image is gotten, and finish up */ void CMultiGridTasks::AlignNewReloadImage() { int err, ind, oldReg, newReg; float xShift, yShift, xSign, rotBest, scaleMax, xTiltFac, yTiltFac, dxy[2], incDxy[2]; float newXform[6], oldInvXf[6], incXform[6], theta, resid; double xStage, yStage, zStage, transX, transY; bool simpleAlign; int curInd = B3DMAX(0, mRRGcurDirection); CString mess, str; ScaleMat bMat, bInv, incMat; mess = "Error in autoalign routine aligning to map piece"; simpleAlign = (mBigRotation && mRRGcurDirection > 0) || (!mBigRotation && mRRGcurDirection >= 0); // Do the appropriate kind of alignment: regular align after the first round sets the // rotation, or align with rotation around the expected rotation for big rotation, // or align to extract of map for small rotation. if (simpleAlign) { mShiftManager->SetNextAutoalignLimit(50.); err = mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., NULL, NULL, false); } else if (mBigRotation) { err = mNavHelper->AlignWithRotation(1, mRRGexpectedRot, mRRGangleRange, rotBest, xShift, yShift, 0., 0, NULL, -1., 0); mess += " with rotation"; if (err == 1) mess.Format("Rotation found when aligning to map piece was at the end of the " "search range.\r\nThe angular range for the search needs to be higher than %.1f" , mRRGangleRange); if (!err) err = mShiftManager->AutoAlign(1, 0, false, 0, NULL, 0., 0., 0., 0., rotBest, NULL, NULL, false); } else { err = mWinApp->mProcessImage->AlignBetweenMagnifications(mMapBuf, (float)mMapCenX, (float)mMapCenY, mRRGmaxInitShift, 0., mRRGangleRange, false, scaleMax, rotBest, AUTOALIGN_SEARCH_KEEP, mess); } mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(xShift, yShift); // TEMP if (mScope->GetSimulationMode() && err < 0) { xShift = 0.; yShift = 0.; err = 0; } if (err) { SEMMessageBox(mess); StopMultiGrid(); return; } // Compute the stage position at center of shifted image. The shift is amount that // image is shifted in inverted coordinates, so invert for RH camera coordinates // The rest is the same as in SetAlignShifts for getting stage move yShift = -yShift; bMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(mImBufs); bInv = MatInv(bMat); mShiftManager->GetStageTiltFactors(xTiltFac, yTiltFac); mScope->GetStagePosition(xStage, yStage, zStage); xStage -= mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * xShift + bInv.xpy * yShift) / xTiltFac; yStage -= mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * xShift + bInv.ypy * yShift) / yTiltFac; mRRGnewXstage[curInd] = (float)xStage; mRRGnewYstage[curInd] = (float)yStage; SEMTrace('q', "dir %d shift %.1f %.1f new stage %.2f %.2f stage diff %.2f %.2f", mRRGcurDirection, xShift, yShift, xStage, yStage, xStage - mMoveInfo.x, yStage - mMoveInfo.y); mWinApp->mMainView->DrawImage(); mWinApp->ToggleBuffers(1, 300, 16); // For first position, set the post-rotation shift and adjust the expected rotation if (!simpleAlign) { xSign = mShiftManager->GetInvertStageXAxis() ? -1.f : 1.f; mRRGexpectedRot -= rotBest; // Recompute the transformed position with the new rotation and set the shift that // will regenerate the found location mRRGrotMat = mNavHelper->GetRotationMatrix(mRRGexpectedRot, false); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(mRRGrotMat, xSign * mRRGxStages[0], mRRGyStages[0], transX, transY); transX *= xSign; SEMTrace('q', "pc pos %.2f %.2f transformed %.2f %.2f", mRRGxStages[0], mRRGyStages[0], transX, transY); mRRGshiftX = (float)(xStage - transX); mRRGshiftY = (float)(yStage - transY); SEMTrace('q', "shift set to %.2f %.2f", mRRGshiftX, mRRGshiftY); } else if (mRRGcurDirection <= 0) { // On second shot of center with small rotations, revise the shift mRRGshiftX += (float)(xStage - mMoveInfo.x); mRRGshiftY += (float)(yStage - mMoveInfo.y); SEMTrace('q', "shift revised to %.2f %.2f", mRRGshiftX, mRRGshiftY); } // Set up to go to next position unless done if (mRRGcurDirection < 4) { mRRGcurDirection++; if (MoveStageToTargetPiece()) StopMultiGrid(); return; } StopMultiGrid(); // Get transformation bMat = FindReloadTransform(dxy, theta, resid); if (mRRGtransformNav > 1) { mess = ""; xShift = sqrtf(dxy[0] * dxy[0] + dxy[1] * dxy[1]); if (mRRGShiftLimitForXform > 0. && xShift > mRRGShiftLimitForXform) mess.Format("Realignment shift of %.1f um is above limit of %1.f", xShift, mRRGShiftLimitForXform); if (mRRGRotLimitForXform > 0. && fabs(theta) > mRRGRotLimitForXform) { str.Format("Realignment rotation of %.1f deg is above limit of %.1f", theta, mRRGRotLimitForXform); if (!mess.IsEmpty()) mess += "\r\n"; mess += str; } if (mRRGResidLimitForXform > 0. && resid > mRRGResidLimitForXform) { str.Format("Mean residual from fit is %.1f um, more than the limit of " "%.1f um", resid, mRRGResidLimitForXform); if (!mess.IsEmpty()) mess += "\r\n"; mess += str; } if (!mess.IsEmpty()) { mess += "\r\nPoints were not transformed"; mRRGWasAboveXformLimit = true; SEMAppendToLog(mess); } } // Transform points if (mRRGtransformNav && mWinApp->mNavigator && !mRRGWasAboveXformLimit) { // Find new registration # oldReg = mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration(); newReg = oldReg; while (newReg <= MAX_CURRENT_REG) { newReg++; if (mNavigator->RegistrationUseType(newReg) == NAVREG_UNUSED) break; } if (newReg > MAX_CURRENT_REG) { newReg = -1; while (newReg < oldReg) { newReg++; if (mNavigator->RegistrationUseType(newReg) == NAVREG_UNUSED) break; } if (newReg >= oldReg) { SEMMessageBox("There are no new unused registration numbers to transform " "items to"); } } mNavigator->SetCurrentRegistration(newReg); // Get the incremental transform to apply if there is a previous one done incMat = bMat; incDxy[0] = dxy[0]; incDxy[1] = dxy[1]; mShiftManager->ScaleMatToIMODxform(bMat, dxy[0], dxy[1], newXform); if (mRRGitem->mGridMapXform) { xfInvert(mRRGitem->mGridMapXform, oldInvXf, 2); xfMult(oldInvXf, newXform, incXform, 2); incMat = mShiftManager->IMODxformToScaleMat(incXform, incDxy[0], incDxy[1]); SEMTrace('q', "Incremental xform %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.1f %.1f", incMat.xpx, incMat.xpy, incMat.ypx, incMat.ypy, incDxy[0], incDxy[1]); } // Transform items incrementally, and store the new full xform // Pull off the marker shift beforehand and reapply it UndoOrRedoMarkerShift(false); ind = mNavigator->TransformToCurrentReg(oldReg, incMat, incDxy, 0, 0); UndoOrRedoMarkerShift(true); PrintfToLog("%d items transformed to new registration", ind); if (!mRRGitem->mGridMapXform) mRRGitem->mGridMapXform = new float[6]; for (ind = 0; ind < 6; ind++) mRRGitem->mGridMapXform[ind] = newXform[ind]; mLoadedGridIsAligned = 1; } } /* * Compute transform from results */ ScaleMat CMultiGridTasks::FindReloadTransform(float dxyOut[2], float &thetaOut, float &residOut) { ScaleMat aM[6], strMat, usMat, usInv; const int MSIZE = 5, XSIZE = 5; float x[5][XSIZE], sx[MSIZE], xm[MSIZE], sd[MSIZE]; float ss[MSIZE][MSIZE], ssd[MSIZE][MSIZE], d[MSIZE][MSIZE], r[MSIZE][MSIZE]; float dxy[6][2], smagMean, str, sinth, costh, devAvg, devSD, tmp; double thetad, alpha, theta[6], lvoMax, dmaxMin, dsumMin, sdMin; double devMax[6], devSum[6], devSumSq[6], devX, devY, devPnt, xx, yy, leaveOut[5]; int ind, skip, nPairs, i, nCol = 3, ptMax[6]; int use, ptLvoMax = -1, ptMaxMin = -1, ptSumMin = -1, ptSDmin = -1; float threshForStretch = 10.; float leaveCrit = 3.f; float minLeaveOutForElim = 2.f; strMat.xpx = 0.; if (fabs(mRRGexpectedRot) > threshForStretch) { strMat = mShiftManager->GetStageStretchXform(); if (strMat.xpx) { SEMAppendToLog("getting stretch matrix"); usMat = mShiftManager->UnderlyingStretch(strMat, smagMean, thetad, str, alpha); usInv = MatInv(usMat); } } for (skip = 0; skip < 6; skip++) { // Load the data matrix nPairs = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < 5; ind++) { if (ind == skip) continue; i = nPairs; x[nPairs][0] = mRRGxStages[ind]; x[nPairs][1] = mRRGyStages[ind]; x[nPairs][2] = 0.; x[nPairs][3] = mRRGnewXstage[ind]; x[nPairs++][4] = mRRGnewYstage[ind]; if (strMat.xpx) { mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(usInv, x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][0], x[i][1]); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(usInv, x[i][3], x[i][4], x[i][3], x[i][4]); } if (skip == 5) SEMTrace('q', "%d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f", ind, x[i][0], x[i][1], x[i][3], x[i][4]); } StatCorrel(&x[0][0], XSIZE, 5, MSIZE, &nPairs, sx, &ss[0][0], &ssd[0][0], &d[0][0], &r[0][0], xm, sd, &nCol); theta[skip] = atan2(-(ssd[1][3] - ssd[0][4]), (ssd[0][3] + ssd[1][4])); sinth = (float)sin(theta[skip]); costh = (float)cos(theta[skip]); aM[skip].xpx = costh; aM[skip].xpy = -sinth; aM[skip].ypx = sinth; aM[skip].ypy = costh; dxy[skip][0] = xm[3] - xm[0] * costh + xm[1] * sinth; dxy[skip][1] = xm[4] - xm[0] * sinth - xm[1] * costh; // Get summed and maximum deviation devMax[skip] = -1.; devSum[skip] = 0.; devSumSq[skip] = 0.; for (i = 0; i < nPairs; i++) { mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aM[skip], x[i][0], x[i][1], xx, yy); devX = xx + dxy[skip][0] - x[i][3]; devY = yy + dxy[skip][1] - x[i][4]; devPnt = sqrt(devX * devX + devY * devY); devSum[skip] += devPnt; devSumSq[skip] += devPnt * devPnt; if (devMax[skip] < devPnt) { devMax[skip] = devPnt; ptMax[skip] = i < skip ? i : i + 1; } } // Get the leave-out error for a skipped point if (skip < 5) { mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(aM[skip], mRRGxStages[skip], mRRGyStages[skip], xx, yy); devX = xx + dxy[skip][0] - mRRGnewXstage[skip]; devY = yy + dxy[skip][1] - mRRGnewYstage[skip]; leaveOut[skip] = sqrt(devX * devX + devY * devY); } SEMTrace('q', "skip %d theta %.2f dev mean %.2f max %.2f leave-out %.2f", skip, theta[skip] / DTOR, devSum[skip] / nPairs, devMax[skip], skip < 5 ? leaveOut[skip] : 0.); } // Find point with lowest max, lowest mean/sum, and highest leave-out dmaxMin = 1.e10; dsumMin = 1.e10; lvoMax = -1.; sdMin = 1.e10; for (skip = 0; skip < 5; skip++) { if (ptMaxMin < 0 || dmaxMin > devMax[skip]) { dmaxMin = devMax[skip]; ptMaxMin = skip; } if (ptSumMin < 0 || dsumMin > devSum[skip]) { dsumMin = devSum[skip]; ptSumMin = skip; } if (ptLvoMax < 0 || lvoMax < leaveOut[skip]) { lvoMax = leaveOut[skip]; ptLvoMax = skip; } sumsToAvgSDdbl(devSum[skip], devSumSq[skip], 4, 1, &devAvg, &devSD); if (ptSDmin < 0 || sdMin > devSD) { sdMin = devSD; ptSDmin = skip; } } SEMTrace('q', "max min %d mean min %d SD min %d leave max %d", ptSumMin, ptMaxMin, ptSDmin, ptLvoMax); // They should all match; if so make sure that one has the highest error in // the other solution and that its leave-out error is statistically // above the deviations of the rest use = 5; if (ptMaxMin == ptSumMin && ptMaxMin == ptLvoMax && ptMaxMin == ptSDmin && lvoMax > minLeaveOutForElim) { ind = 0; for (skip = 0; skip < 5; skip++) if (skip != ptLvoMax && ptMax[skip] == ptLvoMax) ind++; sumsToAvgSDdbl(devSum[ptLvoMax], devSumSq[ptLvoMax], 4, 1, &devAvg, &devSD); if (ind == 4 && fabs(lvoMax - devAvg) > leaveCrit * devSD) use = ptLvoMax; SEMTrace('q', "dev mean %.2f SD %.2f # SD %.2f use %d", devAvg, devSD, fabs(lvoMax - devAvg) / devSD, use); } // Adjust for the stretch by multiplying us inverse * matrix * us if (strMat.xpx) { tmp = dxy[use][0] * usMat.xpx + dxy[use][1] * usMat.xpy; dxy[use][1] = dxy[use][0] * usMat.ypx + dxy[use][1] * usMat.ypy; dxy[use][0] = tmp; aM[use] = MatMul(MatMul(usInv, aM[use]), usMat); } dxyOut[0] = dxy[use][0]; dxyOut[1] = dxy[use][1]; thetaOut = (float)(theta[use] / DTOR); residOut = (float)(devSum[use] / (use < 5 ? 4 : 5)); PrintfToLog("Grid rotation %.2f shift %.1f %.1f mean deviation %.2f um", thetaOut, dxyOut[0], dxyOut[1], residOut); return aM[use]; } /* * Take off or put back the marker shift for every item so transformation is based on * coordinates that apply to the original grid map */ void CMultiGridTasks::UndoOrRedoMarkerShift(bool redo) { MapItemArray *itemArr = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); int ind; float shiftX, shiftY; CMapDrawItem *item; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArr->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArr->GetAt(ind); if (item->mShiftCohortID && item->mMarkerShiftX > EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { shiftX = (redo ? 1.f : -1.f) * item->mMarkerShiftX; shiftY = (redo ? 1.f : -1.f) * item->mMarkerShiftY; item->mStageX += shiftX; item->mStageY += shiftY; mNavigator->ShiftItemPoints(item, shiftX, shiftY); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REFINING GRID ALIGNMENT WITH MEDIUM_MAG IMAGES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Main routine for aligning to grid map from higher mag: takes the control set to use, * but imaging conditions must already be set up. */ int CMultiGridTasks::AlignGridMapAcrossMags(CMapDrawItem *mapItem, int setNum, float findNearX, float findNearY, float maxDiff, CString &errStr) { FloatVec polySizes, tempSizes, fitX, fitY, fitDist, angles, pcCenDists; IntVec candidates; MapItemArray *itemArray; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); int ind, ldArea, magInd, numPoly, bestInd = -1, camSize, cen, jnd, dir, lastJnd; int numFit, cornInd[3], numSteps, nxIm, nyIm, type, boxLen, boxWidth, knd, indMinCen; float pctCrit = 0.9f, perimFrac = 0.1f; float cenOffset = 0.1f, edgeTestLen = 5., edgeCritFrac = 0.33f; float xSum = 0., ySum = 0., size, dist, FOV; float perim, minLength, intcp, slope, ro, vecX[2], vecY[2], frac; float intcp2, slope2, ro2, delX, delY, cenXdel, cenYdel; float nearXstage, nearYstage, farXstage, farYstage, nearXim, nearYim, farXim, farYim; float xCorn, yCorn; float maxCenDist = -1.e30f, minCenDist = 1.e30f, bestTargDist; ScaleMat aMat; ControlSet *conSets = mWinApp->GetConSets(); CMapDrawItem *item; const char *badInfo = "Image buffer does not have enough information to convert " "stage coordinates"; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; mMaxRefineDiff = maxDiff; // Initial sanity checks if (!mNavigator) { errStr = "Navigator must be open to refine grid map alignment"; return 1; } if (!mapItem->mMapID || !mapItem->IsMap()) { errStr = "The item passed to AlignGridMapAcrossMags must be a map"; return 1; } // Get mag, field size and pixel size, make sure FOV is big enough if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) { ldArea = mCamera->ConSetToLDArea(setNum); magInd = ldp[ldArea].magIndex; } else { magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); } camSize = B3DMIN(conSets[setNum].right - conSets[setNum].left, conSets[setNum].bottom - conSets[setNum].top); FOV = mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), magInd) * (float)camSize; if (FOV < mRefineMinField) { errStr.Format("The minimum dimension of the camera field is only %.1f um, less than " "the %.1f required to refine grid map alignment", FOV, mRefineMinField); return 1; } // Get the map unbinned into a stable buffer if (LoadOrReloadMapIfNeeded(mapItem, 1, errStr)) return 1; // Prepare to get image coordinates if (!mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY)) { errStr = badInfo; return 1; } // Get candidates itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPolygon() && item->mDrawnOnMapID == mapItem->mMapID) { size = sqrtf(mNavigator->ContourArea(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints)); if (item->mGroupID > 0 || size < mMaxSizeForRefinePolys) { polySizes.push_back(size); candidates.push_back(ind); xSum += item->mStageX; ySum += item->mStageY; mWinApp->mMainView->ExternalStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, slope, slope2, &dist); ACCUM_MAX(maxCenDist, dist); if (dist < minCenDist) { minCenDist = dist; indMinCen = (int)pcCenDists.size(); } pcCenDists.push_back(dist); } } } // Make sure there are some numPoly = (int)polySizes.size(); if (!numPoly) { errStr.Format("To refine grid map alignment, there must be polygons either from " "autocontouring or smaller than %.0f microns in size", mMaxSizeForRefinePolys); return 1; } // If center for selection not specified, use center of candidate polygons if (findNearX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || findNearY < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST) { findNearX = xSum / numPoly; findNearY = ySum / numPoly; } item = itemArray->GetAt(candidates[indMinCen]); bestTargDist = sqrtf(powf(item->mStageX - findNearX, 2.f) + powf(item->mStageY - findNearY, 2.f)); bestInd = indMinCen; SEMTrace('q', "Initial polygon %s at %.1f, %.1f %.1f from piece cen %.1f from target", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, pcCenDists[bestInd], bestTargDist); // Look for nearly as good polygons closer to specified center for (ind = 0; ind < numPoly; ind++) { if (pcCenDists[ind] - minCenDist < 0.05 * maxCenDist || pcCenDists[ind] < 0.1 * maxCenDist) { item = itemArray->GetAt(candidates[ind]); dist = sqrtf(powf(item->mStageX - findNearX, 2.f) + powf(item->mStageY - findNearY, 2.f)); if (dist < bestTargDist && (bestTargDist - dist > 0.1 * maxCenDist || minCenDist > pcCenDists[ind] / 2.f)) { bestTargDist = dist; bestInd = ind; } } } // Get perimeter item = itemArray->GetAt(candidates[bestInd]); SEMTrace('q', "Chose polygon %s at %.1f, %.1f %.1f from piece cen %.1f from target", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, item->mStageX, item->mStageY, pcCenDists[bestInd], bestTargDist); perim = 0.; for (ind = 1; ind < item->mNumPoints; ind++) perim += sqrtf(powf(item->mPtX[ind] - item->mPtX[ind - 1], 2.f) + powf(item->mPtY[ind] - item->mPtY[ind - 1], 2.f)); minLength = perimFrac * perim; // Walk around, fit lines in two directions from each point out to 1/10 of perimeter candidates.clear(); for (cen = 0; cen < item->mNumPoints - 1; cen++) { for (dir = -1; dir <= 1; dir += 2) { dist = 0.; lastJnd = cen; fitX.clear(); fitY.clear(); fitDist.clear(); fitX.push_back(item->mPtX[cen]); fitY.push_back(item->mPtY[cen]); fitDist.push_back(0.); for (ind = (!cen && dir < 0) ? 2 : 1; ind < item->mNumPoints; ind++) { jnd = (ind * dir + cen + item->mNumPoints) % item->mNumPoints; dist += sqrtf(powf(item->mPtX[jnd] - item->mPtX[lastJnd], 2.f) + powf(item->mPtY[jnd] - item->mPtY[lastJnd], 2.f)); fitX.push_back(item->mPtX[jnd]); fitY.push_back(item->mPtY[jnd]); fitDist.push_back(dist); lastJnd = jnd; if (dist > minLength) break; } // Get X and Y as function of distance, and vector numFit = (int)fitX.size(); lsFit(&fitDist[0], &fitX[0], numFit, &slope, &intcp, &ro); vecX[(dir + 1) / 2] = slope * fitDist[numFit - 1]; lsFit(&fitDist[0], &fitY[0], numFit, &slope2, &intcp2, &ro2); vecY[(dir + 1) / 2] = slope2 * fitDist[numFit - 1]; //PrintfToLog("n %d X int %.3f slo %.3f ro %.3f Y int %.3f slo %.3f ro %.3f vec %.1f %.1f", //numFit, intcp, slope, ro, intcp2, slope2, ro2, vecX[(dir + 1) / 2], vecY[(dir + 1) / 2]); } // Get angle angles.push_back((float)(acos((vecX[0] * vecX[1] + vecY[0] * vecY[1]) / sqrtf((vecX[0] * vecX[0] + vecY[0] * vecY[0]) * (vecX[1] * vecX[1] + vecY[1] * vecY[1]))) / DTOR)); candidates.push_back(cen); //SEMTrace('q', "pt %d at %.1f %.1f angle %.1f", cen, item->mPtX[cen], //item->mPtY[cen], angles[cen]); } if (!mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY)) { errStr = badInfo; return 1; } type = mImBufs[mMapBuf].mImage->getType(); mImBufs[mMapBuf].mImage->getSize(nxIm, nyIm); // Sort them to find smallest angles and find points that are well-separated rsSortIndexedFloats(&angles[0], &candidates[0], item->mNumPoints - 1); jnd = 0; while (jnd < 3 && minLength > 1.) { for (cen = 0; cen < item->mNumPoints - 1; cen++) { if ((jnd && candidates[cen] == cornInd[0]) || (jnd > 1 && candidates[cen] == cornInd[1])) continue; dir = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < jnd; ind++) { if (sqrtf(powf(item->mPtX[candidates[cen]] - item->mPtX[cornInd[ind]], 2.f) + powf(item->mPtY[candidates[cen]] - item->mPtY[cornInd[ind]], 2.f)) < minLength) { dir = 1; break; } } if (!dir) { // The next candidate is far enough from the other accepted points. Try to look // in image for the actual edge/corner ind = candidates[cen]; // Get stage positions closer and farther from center along the sample line xCorn = item->mPtX[ind]; yCorn = item->mPtY[ind]; cenXdel = xCorn - item->mStageX; cenYdel = yCorn - item->mStageY; dist = sqrtf(powf(cenXdel, 2.f) + powf(cenYdel, 2.f)); nearXstage = xCorn - 0.5f * cenXdel * edgeTestLen / dist; nearYstage = yCorn - 0.5f * cenYdel * edgeTestLen / dist; farXstage = xCorn + 0.5f * cenXdel * edgeTestLen / dist; farYstage = yCorn + 0.5f * cenYdel * edgeTestLen / dist; // Convert to image coords mWinApp->mMainView->ExternalStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY, nearXstage, nearYstage, nearXim, nearYim); mWinApp->mMainView->ExternalStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY, farXstage, farYstage, farXim, farYim); // Set up for maximum of 100 step sample dist = sqrtf(powf(farXim - nearXim, 2.f) + powf(farYim - nearYim, 2.f)); numSteps = B3DMIN(100, B3DNINT(dist)); if (nearXim > 2 && nearXim < nxIm - 3 && nearYim > 2 && nearYim < nyIm - 3 && farXim > 2 && farXim < nxIm - 3 && farYim > 2 && farYim < nyIm - 3 && numSteps > 20) { // If both ends are inside the image and there are at least 20 steps, set a box // size of at least 25 pixels, use square since it is going into a corner //SEMTrace('q', "near st %.2f %.2f im %.0f %.0f far st %.2f %.2f im %.0f %.0f", //nearXstage, nearYstage, nearXim, nearYim, farXstage, farYstage, farXim, farYim); frac = dist / (float)numSteps; boxLen = B3DNINT(5. * frac); boxWidth = B3DNINT(5. * frac); fitX.resize(numSteps + 1); fitY.resize(numSteps + 1); fitDist.resize(6); for (knd = 0; knd < 5; knd++) fitDist[knd] = (float)(3 - knd); // Get means and near and get average garident by fits to 5 points ProcBoxMeansAlongLine(mImBufs[mMapBuf].mImage->getData(), type, nxIm, nyIm, 2, boxLen, boxWidth, B3DNINT(nearXim), B3DNINT(nearYim), B3DNINT(farXim), B3DNINT(farYim), numSteps, &fitX[0]); for (knd = 2; knd < numSteps - 2; knd++) { lsFit(&fitDist[0], &fitX[knd - 2], 5, &fitY[knd], &intcp, &ro); //SEMTrace('q', "%d %.2f %.3f", knd, fitY[knd], ro); } float firstPeak = -1.e10, secondPeak = -1.e10; int firstInd = 0, secondInd = 0; // Find two highest peaks with monotonic fall of two boxes each side for (knd = 4; knd < numSteps - 4; knd++) { if (fitY[knd] > fitY[knd - 1] && fitY[knd] > fitY[knd + 1] && fitY[knd - 1] > fitY[knd - 2] && fitY[knd + 1] > fitY[knd + 2]) { if (fitY[knd] > firstPeak) { secondPeak = firstPeak; secondInd = firstInd; firstPeak = fitY[knd]; firstInd = knd; } else if (fitY[knd] > secondPeak) { secondPeak = fitY[knd]; secondInd = knd; } } } SEMTrace('q', "first peak %.3f at %d second %.3f at %d", firstPeak, firstInd, secondPeak, secondInd); knd = 0; if (firstInd > 0) { if (!secondInd) { knd = firstInd; } else if (firstInd > secondInd) { knd = firstInd; } else if (secondPeak > 0.5 * firstPeak || (secondPeak > numSteps / 4 - 2 && firstPeak < numSteps / 4)) { knd = secondInd; } else { knd = firstInd; } } if (knd) { if (knd < numSteps / 4) { SEMTrace('q', "Gradient peak at %d of %d: inside polygon", knd + 1, numSteps); } else { // If all is good, get fractional way out from polygon point and revise frac = 2.f * (float)knd / (float)numSteps - 1.f; SEMTrace('q', "Revising corner by %.2f from %.2f, %.2f to %.2f, %.2f", frac * edgeTestLen / 2.f, xCorn, yCorn, xCorn + frac * (farXstage - xCorn), yCorn + frac * (farYstage - yCorn)); xCorn += frac * (farXstage - xCorn); yCorn += frac * (farYstage - yCorn); } } } // Now compute position that offsets the corner from the center of field frac = cenOffset * FOV / dist; mRRGxStages[jnd] = frac * item->mStageX + (1.f - frac) * xCorn; mRRGyStages[jnd] = frac * item->mStageY + (1.f - frac) * yCorn; cornInd[jnd++] = ind; if (jnd >= 3) break; } } minLength /= 2.f; } if (jnd < 3) { errStr = "Cannot find three well-separated corners of the chosen polygon"; return 1; } SEMTrace('q', "Corner points %d %d %d", cornInd[0], cornInd[1], cornInd[2]); if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->GotoLowDoseArea(ldArea); // Prepare to proceed with task mRefineStepIndex = 0; mRefineItem = mapItem; mRefineSetNum = setNum; mDoingMultiGrid = MG_REFINE_REALIGNED; mWinApp->SetStatusText(MEDIUM_PANE, "REFINING GRID ALIGNMENT"); mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); MoveStageForRefineMapAlign(); return 0; } // Make a standard Navigator move to the current position to evaluate void CMultiGridTasks::MoveStageForRefineMapAlign() { float backX, backY, montErrX, montErrY; mNavigator->MontErrForItem(mRefineItem, montErrX, montErrY); mNavigator->BacklashForItem(mRefineItem, backX, backY); mNavigator->AdjustAndMoveStage(mRRGxStages[mRefineStepIndex] + montErrX, mRRGyStages[mRefineStepIndex] + montErrY, mRefineItem->mStageZ, axisX | axisY | (mRefineStepIndex ? 0 : axisZ), backX, backY); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_MULTI_GRID, MG_REFINE_MOVED, 300000); } // Next task for refining alignment void CMultiGridTasks::RefineRealignNextTask(int param) { ScaleMat aMat; float delX, delY, imageX, imageY, scale, rot, xShift, yShift, xDeltas[3], yDeltas[3]; float delDiffs[3], minDiff = 1.e10, maxDiff = -1.e10; float badDiffCrit = 1., useTwoCritFac = 2.f, useTwoAbsCrit = 0.5f; int ind, twoInd, maxInd, midInd, drop = -1; double xStage, yStage; CString errStr; // Take image if (param == MG_REFINE_MOVED) { mWinApp->mCamera->InitiateCapture(mRefineSetNum); mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_MULTI_GRID, MG_REFINE_IMAGE, 0); } else { // Or align to image: get the image position mNavigator->BufferStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY); mWinApp->mMainView->ExternalStageToImage(&mImBufs[mMapBuf], aMat, delX, delY, mRRGxStages[mRefineStepIndex], mRRGyStages[mRefineStepIndex], imageX, imageY); // Align if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->AlignBetweenMagnifications(mMapBuf, imageX, imageY, -0.8f, mNavHelper->GetScaledAliDfltPctChg() / 100.f, 2.f * mRRGMaxRotation, false, scale, rot, 0, errStr)) { StopMultiGrid(); SEMMessageBox("Error aligning to grid map: " + errStr); return; } mWinApp->ToggleBuffers(1, 300, 10); // Get shift and equivalent stage position mImBufs->mImage->getShifts(xShift, yShift); ScaleMat bMat, bInv; float xTiltFac, yTiltFac; // The shift is amount that // image is shifted in inverted coordinates, so invert for RH camera coordinates // The rest is the same as in SetAlignShifts for getting stage move yShift = -yShift; bMat = mShiftManager->FocusAdjustedStageToCamera(mImBufs); bInv = MatInv(bMat); mShiftManager->GetStageTiltFactors(xTiltFac, yTiltFac); xStage = mRRGnewXstage[mRefineStepIndex] = mRRGxStages[mRefineStepIndex] - mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.xpx * xShift + bInv.xpy * yShift) / xTiltFac; yStage = mRRGnewYstage[mRefineStepIndex] = mRRGyStages[mRefineStepIndex] - mImBufs->mBinning * (bInv.ypx * xShift + bInv.ypy * yShift) / yTiltFac; SEMTrace('q', "corner %d shift: %.3f %.3f", mRefineStepIndex, xStage - mRRGxStages[mRefineStepIndex], yStage - mRRGyStages[mRefineStepIndex]); // Move to next if (mRefineStepIndex < 2) { mRefineStepIndex++; MoveStageForRefineMapAlign(); return; } // Or finish up with result // Get the shift amounts for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { xDeltas[ind] = mRRGnewXstage[ind] - mRRGxStages[ind]; yDeltas[ind] = mRRGnewYstage[ind] - mRRGyStages[ind]; } // Compute difference between each pair of shifts and keep track of pair with minimum for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { delDiffs[ind] = sqrtf(powf(xDeltas[(ind + 1) % 3] - xDeltas[ind], 2.f) + powf(yDeltas[(ind + 1) % 3] - yDeltas[ind], 2.f)); if (!ind || delDiffs[ind] < minDiff) { minDiff = delDiffs[ind]; twoInd = ind; } if (!ind || delDiffs[ind] > maxDiff) { maxDiff = delDiffs[ind]; maxInd = ind; } } for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) if (ind != maxInd && ind != twoInd) midInd = ind; SEMTrace('q', "Differences between shifts: %.3f %.3f %.3f", minDiff, delDiffs[midInd], maxDiff); StopMultiGrid(); // If applying and it exceeds limit, report that as error if (mMaxRefineDiff > 0) badDiffCrit = mMaxRefineDiff; if (mMaxRefineDiff >= 0. && minDiff > badDiffCrit) { errStr.Format("Differences between all three shifts exceed %.1f microns, items " "are not being shifted", minDiff); SEMMessageBox(errStr); } else { // Otherwise average two or three positions if (delDiffs[midInd] > useTwoCritFac * minDiff && maxDiff > useTwoAbsCrit) drop = (twoInd + 2) % 3; xShift = yShift = 0.; for (ind = 0; ind < 3; ind++) { if (ind != drop) { xShift += xDeltas[ind]; yShift += yDeltas[ind]; } } xShift /= (drop < 0 ? 3.f : 2.f); yShift /= (drop < 0 ? 3.f : 2.f); // Shift or just report if (mMaxRefineDiff >= 0.) { ind = mNavigator->ShiftItemsAtRegistration(xShift, yShift, mNavigator->GetCurrentRegistration(), 0); PrintfToLog("%d items shifted by %.3f %.3f microns from average of %d positions", ind, xShift, yShift, drop < 0 ? 3 : 2); } else { PrintfToLog("Average shift from %d positions was %.3f %.3f microns", drop < 0 ? 3 : 2, xShift, yShift); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MULTIPLE GRID RUNS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Start a series of runs given the parameters */ int CMultiGridTasks::StartGridRuns(int LMneedsLD, int MMMneedsLD, int finalNeedsLD, int finalCamera, bool undoneOnly) { int err, grid, ind, apSize = 0, numAcq, numTS, acqType, numFail = 0, numDark = 0; int magInd, camera, ldArea; float halfx, halfy, size; ScaleMat cam2st; CFileStatus status; JeolCartridgeData jcd; CString str, directory, fname; NavAcqParams *mapParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(0); NavAcqParams *finalParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(1); NavAcqAction *mapActions = mNavHelper->GetAcqActions(0); NavAcqAction *finalActions = mNavHelper->GetAcqActions(1); NavAcqParams *testAcqParams; NavAcqAction *testActions; MultiShotParams testMSparams; ZbyGParams *zbygParam; StateParams *state; int *stateNums; IntVec dlgIndToJcdInd; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams() + finalCamera; LowDoseParams *ldp = mWinApp->GetLowDoseParams(); CMapDrawItem *item, *mapItem; MapItemArray *itemArray; BOOL LDforZbyG, usingView; bool noFrameSubs, movable, doRefine; bool apForLMM = false; bool stateForLMM = false; bool stateForMMM = false; bool stateForAcq = false; bool needForget = false; BOOL mapLacksMarkerShift = mParams.acquireLMMs; bool didLMMforGrid = false, didMMMforGrid = false, didAcqForGrid = false; bool lastMMMforGrid = false, lastAcqForGrid = false; bool setupLMMimaging = false, skipRealign = false; mSkipEucentricity = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetFEMaxTilt() > mScope->GetMaxTiltAngle() + 1.; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; mSingleGridMode = !mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader(); doRefine = (mShowRefineAfterRealign || mSkipGridRealign) && mParams.refineAfterRealign && !mSingleGridMode; if (doRefine) itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); mMGdlg = mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg; dlgIndToJcdInd = mMGdlg->GetDlgIndToJCDindex(); mReinsertObjAp = false; mRestoreCondAp = 0; mNoMarkerShifts = false; mSavedLowDose = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); // Get the various setup parameters and lock them in if (!mNamesLocked) { mPrefix = mMGdlg->m_strPrefix; mAppendNames = mParams.appendNames; mUseSubdirs = mParams.useSubdirectory; mWorkingDir = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetInitialDir(); mNamesLocked = true; mMGdlg->UpdateEnables(); mMGdlg->UpdateCurrentDir(); } // Assign these items as what will be used if doing LMMs, otherwise use existing values if (mParams.acquireLMMs) { mLMMneedsLowDose = LMneedsLD; mLMMusedStateNum = mParams.setLMMstate ? mParams.LMMstateNum : -1; mLMMusedStateName = mParams.LMMstateName; mLMMmagIndex = mGridMontParam.magIndex; } // Get the grid lists mNumGridsToRun = mMGdlg->GetListOfGridsToRun(mJcdIndsToRun, mSlotNumsToRun); if (!mNumGridsToRun) return 0; mActiveCameraList = mWinApp->GetActiveCameraList(); // Get state of apertures if they are to be changed and error out if bad if (mParams.removeObjectiveAp) { apSize = mScope->GetApertureSize(OBJECTIVE_APERTURE); mInitialObjApSize = apSize; } if (apSize >= 0 && mParams.setCondenserAp) { apSize = mScope->GetApertureSize(mSingleCondenserAp); mInitialCondApSize = apSize; if (apSize && mUseTwoJeolCondAp) mInitialC1CondSize = mScope->GetApertureSize(JEOL_C1_APERTURE); } if (apSize < 0) { SEMMessageBox("Aperture control appears not to work on this scope"); return 1; } if (mParams.setCondenserAp && JEOLscope) { ind = mScope->FindApertureIndexFromSize( (mUseTwoJeolCondAp && !mParams.C1orC2condenserAp) ? JEOL_C1_APERTURE : mSingleCondenserAp, mParams.condenserApSize, str); if ((mParams.condenserApSize && !ind) || ind < 0) { SEMMessageBox("There is a problem with condenser aperture size: \r\n" + str); return 1; } } if (mSingleGridMode && !mReferenceCounts && mParams.acquireLMMs) { if (!KGetOneFloat("Enter the reference counts in a low mag mapping image with no beam" , mReferenceCounts, 0) || !mReferenceCounts) return 1; } // If not doing LM maps or reference counts exist and grid on stage is to be done first, // make sure grid is aligned if it might be, and set to skip realign if it is if (mMGdlg->GetOnStageDlgIndex() >= 0 && (!mParams.acquireLMMs || mReferenceCounts > 0.)) { ind = dlgIndToJcdInd[mMGdlg->GetOnStageDlgIndex()]; if (ind == mJcdIndsToRun[0] && mLoadedGridIsAligned < 0 && !mSkipGridRealign && (mParams.acquireMMMs || mParams.runFinalAcq)) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(ind); str.Format("Is the grid on the stage, # %d, still aligned to the grid" " map or has it been disturbed since it was aligned? Press:\n\n" "\"Aligned\" if it is still aligned\n" "\"Disturbed\" if the realign to grid map routine needs to be run", jcd.id); if (SEMThreeChoiceBox(str, "Aligned", "Disturbed", "") == IDYES) mLoadedGridIsAligned = 1; else mLoadedGridIsAligned = 0; } skipRealign = ind == mJcdIndsToRun[0] && mLoadedGridIsAligned > 0; } // Check for dark and failed and make sure they want to proceed with failed for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun; grid++) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[grid]); if (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED) numFail++; if (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_TOO_DARK) numDark++; } if (numDark) { SEMMessageBox("Grids that were found to be too dark cannot be included because " "they can not be realigned"); return 1; } if (numFail) { str.Format("The selected grids include %d grids where something failed " "previously\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with them?", numFail); if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return 1; for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun; grid++) ChangeStatusFlag(grid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 0); } // Make sure there are groups if autocontouring if (mParams.acquireLMMs && mParams.autocontour && !mHaveAutoContGroups) { mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) CopyAutoContGroups(); err = 0; if (mHaveAutoContGroups) for (ind = 0; ind < MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) err += mAutoContGroups[ind]; if (!err) { SEMMessageBox("You have selected to do autocontouring but have\nnot yet selected" " any contour groups to be converted to polygons.\n\nUse the Setup button" " to open the Autocontouring dialog for selecting groups"); return 1; } } // Make sure script is runnable if (mParams.acquireLMMs && mParams.runMacroAfterLMM) { if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->EnsureMacroRunnable(mParams.macroToRun)) return 1; } // If starting with MMMs and fitting polygons, check all nav files for files to open if ((mParams.acquireMMMs || mParams.runFinalAcq) && !mParams.acquireLMMs) { mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(); for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun; grid++) { fname = FullGridFilePath(grid, ".nav"); jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[grid]); if (mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, false, &fname)) { str.Format("Error reopening Navigator file for grid # %d:\n %s", jcd.id, (LPCTSTR)fname); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } mNavHelper->CountAcquireItems(0, -1, numAcq, numTS); if ((mParams.acquireMMMs && !numAcq) || (!mParams.acquireMMMs && !numAcq && !numTS)) { str.Format("There are no items set for Acquire%s in this Navigator file for " "grid # %d", mParams.acquireMMMs ? "" : " or tilt series", jcd.id); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } // Check if map has a marker shift if (!PrepareAlignToGridMap(mJcdIndsToRun[grid], false, &mapItem, str) && (mapItem->mMarkerShiftX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST || !mapItem->mShiftCohortID)) mapLacksMarkerShift = true; // Make sure polygons exist for refine operation if (doRefine) { numAcq = 0; itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPolygon() && item->mDrawnOnMapID == mapItem->mMapID) { if (item->mGroupID > 0) { numAcq = 1; break; } size = sqrtf(mNavigator->ContourArea(item->mPtX, item->mPtY, item->mNumPoints)); if (size < mMaxSizeForRefinePolys) { numAcq = 1; break; } } } if (!numAcq) { str.Format("There are no polygons suitable for refining grid alignment in the" " Navigator file for grid # %d", jcd.id); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } } if (mParams.acquireMMMs && mParams.MMMimageType > 0 && mNavHelper->AreAnyFilesSetToOpen()) { if (mParams.MMMimageType == 1 && mNavHelper->AreOnlyReusableMontagesSetToOpen()) { mNavHelper->EndAllNewFilesSetToOpen(); PrintfToLog("There were files set to open for polygon montages for grid # %d;" "\r\n these have been cleared out so that new files can be set up", jcd.id); mNavigator->DoSave(false); } else { str.Format("There are files set to open in this Navigator file for grid # %d;" " this is not allowed when saving montages", jcd.id); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } } // Determine nav and multishot settings and run the acquire check testAcqParams = mParams.acquireMMMs ? mapParams : finalParams; testActions = mParams.acquireMMMs ? mapActions : finalActions; if (!mParams.acquireMMMs && jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= 0) { MGridAcqItemsParams acqParam = mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetAt(jcd.finalDataParamIndex); testAcqParams = &acqParam.params; testActions = acqParam.actions; } acqType = testAcqParams->acquireType; testAcqParams->acquireType = testAcqParams->nonTSacquireType; if (jcd.multiShotParamIndex >= 0) { MGridMultiShotParams mgParam = mMGMShotParamArray.GetAt(jcd.multiShotParamIndex); GridToMultiShotSettings(mgParam, &testMSparams); } str.Format("FOR GRID # %d:\r\n", jcd.id); err = mNavHelper->AssessAcquireForParams(testAcqParams, testActions, (jcd.multiShotParamIndex >= 0) ? testMSparams : *(mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams()), 0, -1, str); testAcqParams->acquireType = acqType; if (err) return 1; // try to assess Z by G cal if ((testActions[NAACT_EUCEN_BY_FOCUS].flags & NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT) != 0) { magInd = mScope->GetMagIndex(); camera = mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(); if (mParams.acquireMMMs) { LDforZbyG = MMMneedsLD; stateNums = mParams.MMMstateNums; } else { LDforZbyG = finalNeedsLD; stateNums = mParams.finalStateNums; if (jcd.acqStateNums[0] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[1] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[2] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[3] >= 0) stateNums = &jcd.acqStateNums[0]; } // Check states for different camera or low-dose value state = NULL; for (ind = 0; stateNums && ind < 4; ind++) { if (stateNums[ind] >= 0) { state = mStateArray->GetAt(stateNums[ind]); camera = state->camIndex; if (state->lowDose != 0) LDforZbyG = true; } } ldArea = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->GetLDAreaForZbyG(LDforZbyG, -1, usingView); // If in low dose, get mag from currenr area or matching state if (ldArea >= 0) { magInd = ldp[ldArea].magIndex; for (ind = 0; stateNums && ind < 4; ind++) { if (stateNums[ind] >= 0) { state = mStateArray->GetAt(stateNums[ind]); if (mNavHelper->AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(state, &ind) == ldArea) { magInd = state->ldParams.magIndex; break; } } } // Outside of low dose, it could come from state } else if (state) { magInd = state->magIndex; } zbygParam = mWinApp->mParticleTasks->FindZbyGCalForMagAndArea(magInd, ldArea, camera, ind, err); // Outside of low dose, spot and probe/alpha have to match if (zbygParam && ldArea < 0) { if (zbygParam->spotSize != (state ? state->spotSize : mScope->FastSpotSize()) || (FEIscope && zbygParam->probeOrAlpha != (state ? state->probeMode : mScope->GetProbeMode())) || (JEOLscope && !mScope->GetHasNoAlpha() && zbygParam->probeOrAlpha != (state ? state->beamAlpha : mScope->FastAlpha()))) zbygParam = NULL; } if (!zbygParam) { str.Format("Eucentricity by Focus is selected to be run for grid # %d" " but there is no calibration available for the acquisition conditions being" " used", jcd.id); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } } } } // A couple of sanity checks if (mParams.acquireMMMs || mParams.runFinalAcq) { // Make sure refine will work if (doRefine && mMGdlg->CheckRefineOptions(size, grid, ind, &state, str)) { SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } // Check for shift offsets and marker shifts unless user has said to skip the latter if (!mSkipMarkerShifts) { err = CheckShiftsForLMmode(mLMMmagIndex); if (err < 0) return 1; // There has to be/have been something! if (err == 0) { str.Format("To use grid map locations at higher magnification,\n" "you must acquire maps with Low Dose View or Search with a\n" "shift offset defined, or have a marker shift stored for magnification %d", MagForCamera(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), mLMMmagIndex)); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } // No marker shifts but offsets, so don't try for shifts if (err == 2) mNoMarkerShifts = true; // Both and they have not been applied yet: ask what to do and record answer if (err == 3 && mapLacksMarkerShift) { str = "There is both a shift offset for the Low Dose area\n" "used for the grid map, and a marker shift stored for the\n" "grid map magnification"; if (!mParams.acquireLMMs) str += " that has not been applied yto some maps yet"; str += ".\n\nDo you want to apply the marker shift?\n" "(Answer No if the LD shift offset supercedes the marker shift;\n" "or Yes if the marker shift is needed even with the LD shift offset.)"; if (AfxMessageBox(str, MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) mSkipMarkerShifts = 1; else mSkipMarkerShifts = -1; } } // Set run-time flag to skip if session flag is now set if (mSkipMarkerShifts > 0) mNoMarkerShifts = true; } if (mParams.acquireLMMs && mParams.acquireMMMs && !mParams.autocontour) { SEMMessageBox("To do both grid maps and medium mag maps in the same run," " you need to select Autocontouring so that there are items to acquire"); return 1; } mUsingHoleFinder = mParams.acquireMMMs && (mapActions[NAACT_HOLE_FINDER].flags & NAA_FLAG_RUN_IT) != 0; if (mParams.acquireMMMs && mParams.runFinalAcq) { if (!mUsingHoleFinder) { SEMMessageBox("To do both medium mag maps and final acquisition in the same run," " you need to select hole finding as a mapping task"); return 1; } if (!mapParams->runHoleCombiner && finalParams->nonTSacquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && AfxMessageBox("You selected Multiple Records for final\nacquisition but did not" " set the option to use the hole combiner.\n\nDo you really want to proceed?", MB_QUESTION) == IDNO) return 1; if (!finalParams->useMapHoleVectors && finalParams->nonTSacquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT && mNumGridsToRun > 1) { AfxMessageBox("You are trying to do Multiple Records on \n" "more than one grid and did not select to use map hole vectors for shifts", MB_EXCLAME); return 1; } } // Set flags for parameter swaps needed // Testing nonTSacquireType because regular acquireType is still 0 for read-in // parameters and/or comes through as 0 in what is tested mUsingAutoContour = mParams.acquireLMMs && mParams.autocontour; if (mParams.runFinalAcq) { mUsingMultishot = finalParams->nonTSacquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT; if (!mUsingMultishot && mMGMShotParamArray.GetSize() > 0) { for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun && !mUsingMultishot; grid++) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[grid]); if (jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= 0) { MGridAcqItemsParams acqParam = mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetAt(jcd.finalDataParamIndex); if (acqParam.params.nonTSacquireType == ACQUIRE_MULTISHOT) mUsingMultishot = true; } } } } // Make the directories if they don't exist yet. if (mUseSubdirs) { for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun; grid++) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[grid]); directory = mWorkingDir + "\\" + RootnameFromUsername(jcd); if (!CFile::GetStatus((LPCTSTR)directory, status)) { if (_mkdir((LPCTSTR)directory)) { err = GetLastError(); str.Format("Error (%d) trying to create directory %s", err, (LPCTSTR)directory); SEMMessageBox(str); return 1; } } } } // Save directory for frame saving if doing final and camera permits it if (mParams.runFinalAcq && ((camParams->canTakeFrames & 1) || mCamera->IsDirectDetector(camParams))) { mCamNumForFrameDir = finalCamera; mSavedDirForFrames = mCamera->GetCameraFrameFolder(camParams, noFrameSubs, movable); mSavedLastFrameNum = mCamera->GetLastUsedFrameNumber(); mSavedFrameBaseName = mCamera->GetFrameBaseName(); mSavedNumberedFolder = mCamera->GetNumberedFrameFolder(); mSavedNumberedPrefix = mCamera->GetNumberedFramePrefix(); } // Determine 4 positions around center for eucentricity if (mParams.acquireLMMs && !mSkipEucentricity) { cam2st = MatInv(mShiftManager->StageToCamera( mActiveCameraList[mGridMontParam.cameraIndex], mGridMontParam.magIndex)); halfx = (float)(mGridMontParam.xFrame * mGridMontParam.binning / 2); halfy = (float)(mGridMontParam.yFrame * mGridMontParam.binning / 2); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(cam2st, halfx, halfy, mEucenXtrials[0], mEucenYtrials[0]); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(cam2st, -halfx, halfy, mEucenXtrials[1], mEucenYtrials[1]); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(cam2st, -halfx, -halfy, mEucenXtrials[2], mEucenYtrials[2]); mShiftManager->ApplyScaleMatrix(cam2st, halfx, -halfy, mEucenXtrials[3], mEucenYtrials[3]); } mActSequence.clear(); for (grid = 0; grid < mNumGridsToRun; grid++) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[grid]); // Low mag map operations if (mParams.acquireLMMs && (!undoneOnly || (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED) == 0)) { if (!setupLMMimaging || lastMMMforGrid || lastAcqForGrid) { AddToSeqForLMimaging(apForLMM, stateForLMM, mLMMneedsLowDose); setupLMMimaging = true; } // Get reference counts on first grid if (!mReferenceCounts && !grid && !mSingleGridMode) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REF_MOVE); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REF_IMAGE); } // Load grid and take up to 4 survey images if (!mSingleGridMode) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_LOAD_GRID); if (!mSkipEucentricity) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SURVEY_STAGE_MOVE); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SURVEY_IMAGE); // Last one will move to best place if needed, after which eucentricity, or not mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SURVEY_STAGE_MOVE); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_EUCENTRICITY); } // Go to center and take montage, allow extra actions if eucentricity failed mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_LMM_CENTER_MOVE); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_TAKE_LMM); if (!mSkipEucentricity) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SURVEY_STAGE_MOVE); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_EUCENTRICITY); } // Autocontour if (mParams.autocontour) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_AUTOCONTOUR); // Script if (mParams.runMacroAfterLMM) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_RUN_MACRO); didLMMforGrid = true; } // For medium mag maps if (mParams.acquireMMMs && (!undoneOnly || (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_MMM_DONE) == 0)) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_MARKER_SHIFT); // If LMM wasn't just done, set state for LM, load grid, and realign to grid if (!didLMMforGrid && !mSingleGridMode && !skipRealign) { AddToSeqForReloadRealign(apForLMM, stateForLMM); } // Restore from LM imaging if set AddToSeqForRestoreFromLM(apForLMM, stateForLMM); // Refine alignment if grid was reloaded or if show refine property is set if (doRefine && (!didLMMforGrid || mShowRefineAfterRealign)) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REFINE_ALIGN); } // Manage low dose if needed if (MMMneedsLD) mActSequence.push_back(MMMneedsLD > 0 ? MGACT_LOW_DOSE_ON : MGACT_LOW_DOSE_OFF); // Set state for MMM if ((mParams.MMMstateNums[0] >= 0 || mParams.MMMstateNums[1] >= 0 || mParams.MMMstateNums[2] >= 0 || mParams.MMMstateNums[3] >= 0) && !stateForMMM) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_MMM_STATE); stateForMMM = true; } // Set up files to open or open files mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SETUP_MMM_FILES); // Acquire mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_TAKE_MMM); didMMMforGrid = true; } // For final acquisition if (mParams.runFinalAcq && (!undoneOnly || (jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_ACQ_DONE) == 0)) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_MARKER_SHIFT); // Reload and realign unless it was just done if (!didLMMforGrid && !didMMMforGrid && !mSingleGridMode && !skipRealign) { AddToSeqForReloadRealign(apForLMM, stateForLMM); } AddToSeqForRestoreFromLM(apForLMM, stateForLMM); // Refine alignment if (doRefine && !didMMMforGrid) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REFINE_ALIGN); } // Manage low dose if needed if (finalNeedsLD) mActSequence.push_back(finalNeedsLD > 0 ? MGACT_LOW_DOSE_ON : MGACT_LOW_DOSE_OFF); // Set state for final acq if ((mParams.finalStateNums[0] >= 0 || mParams.finalStateNums[1] >= 0 || mParams.finalStateNums[2] >= 0 || mParams.finalStateNums[3] >= 0) && !stateForAcq) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_FINAL_STATE); stateForAcq = true; } // Set Focus position if (jcd.focusPosParamIndex >= 0) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_FOCUS_POS); // Acquire mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_FINAL_ACQ); didAcqForGrid = true; } // Restore all states if (apForLMM || stateForMMM || stateForAcq) needForget = true; if (mParams.acquireMMMs || mParams.runFinalAcq || grid == mNumGridsToRun - 1) AddToSeqForRestoreFromLM(apForLMM, stateForLMM); if (stateForMMM || stateForAcq) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_RESTORE_STATE); stateForMMM = stateForAcq = false; mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_GRID_DONE); lastMMMforGrid = didMMMforGrid; lastAcqForGrid = didAcqForGrid; didLMMforGrid = false; didMMMforGrid = false; didAcqForGrid = false; skipRealign = false; } if (GetDebugOutput('q')) { for (ind = 0; ind < (int)mActSequence.size(); ind++) { if (mActSequence[ind] < sizeof(sActionNames) / sizeof(char *)) PrintfToLog("%d %d %s", ind, mActSequence[ind], sActionNames[mActSequence[ind]]); } } if (needForget && mNavHelper->GetTypeOfSavedState() != STATE_NONE) { if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) mNavHelper->mStateDlg->OnButForgetState(); else mNavHelper->ForgetSavedState(); } if (!mWinApp->mLogWindow) mWinApp->AppendToLog(mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle()); if (!mSingleGridMode) { mMainLogName = mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetSaveFile(); if (mMainLogName.IsEmpty()) { mMainLogName = mSessionFilename; mWinApp->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, mMainLogName); mMainLogName = mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetSaveFile(); } } // Clear out the navigator and initialize all flags then start mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(); mSeqIndex = -1; mCurrentGrid = 0; mStateWasSet = false; mMovedToFirstTrial = false; mSurveyIndex = 0; mInternalError = false; mStartedLongOp = false; mDoingEucentricity = false; mMovedAperture = false; mAutoContouring = false; mSettingUpNavFiles = false; mStartedNavAcquire = false; mUnloadErrorOK = -1; mRestoringOnError = false; mFailureRetry = 0; mExternalFailedStr = ""; mExtErrorOccurred = -1; mSuspendedMulGrid = false; mEndWhenGridDone = false; mStoppedAtGridEnd = false; mPctPatchSize = -1; mSaveMasterMont = *(mWinApp->GetMontParam()); mDoingMulGridSeq = true; mWinApp->UpdateBufferWindows(); mRunStartTime = GetTickCount(); mRemainingTime = -1.; OutputGridStartLine(); UpdateGridStatusText(); MultiGridNextTask(MG_RUN_SEQUENCE); return 0; } // Set low dose, state, and aperture settings for imaging grid map void CMultiGridTasks::AddToSeqForLMimaging(bool &apForLMM, bool &stateForLMM, int needsLD) { if (needsLD) mActSequence.push_back(needsLD > 0 ? MGACT_LOW_DOSE_ON : MGACT_LOW_DOSE_OFF); if (mParams.setLMMstate && !stateForLMM) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_LMM_STATE); stateForLMM = true; } // Set aperture for LM imaging if (mParams.removeObjectiveAp && !apForLMM) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REMOVE_OBJ_AP); if (mParams.setCondenserAp && !apForLMM) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SET_CONDENSER_AP); apForLMM = mParams.removeObjectiveAp || mParams.setCondenserAp; } // Add to sequence for loadinga grid and realigning if appropriate // Include an unload in case it has to iterate void CMultiGridTasks::AddToSeqForReloadRealign(bool &apForLMM, bool &stateForLMM) { if (!mSkipGridRealign) AddToSeqForLMimaging(apForLMM, stateForLMM, mLMMneedsLowDose); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_LOAD_GRID); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_SET_ZHEIGHT); if (!mSkipGridRealign) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REALIGN_TO_LMM); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID); } } // If aperture was set for LM, set up to restore it void CMultiGridTasks::AddToSeqForRestoreFromLM(bool &apForLMM, bool &stateForLMM) { if (stateForLMM) { mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_RESTORE_STATE); stateForLMM = false; } if (apForLMM) { if (mParams.removeObjectiveAp) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_REPLACE_OBJ_AP); if (mParams.setCondenserAp) { if (mUseTwoJeolCondAp) mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_RESTORE_C1_AP); mActSequence.push_back(MGACT_RESTORE_COND_AP); } apForLMM = false; } } /* * DO THE NEXT OPERATION IN THE SEQUENCE AFTER POST_PROCESSING PREVIOUS ONE */ void CMultiGridTasks::DoNextSequenceAction(int resume) { int err, ind, nx, ny, setNum, fileType, timeout = 0, numPieces, meanIXcen, meanIYcen; int pctlIXcen, pctlIYcen, numPctl, numAbove, bestInd, firstInd, lastInd, groupInd; int action, size, addIdleTask = 1; float lowMean, highMean, zStage, meanSXcen, meanSYcen, pctlSXcen, pctlSYcen; float dist, bestDist, avgFrac; CString errStr, str, label, str2, str3; int *stateNums = &mParams.MMMstateNums[0]; StageMoveInfo moveInfo; JeolCartridgeData jcd = mCartInfo->ElementAt(mJcdIndsToRun[B3DMIN(mCurrentGrid, (int)mJcdIndsToRun.size() - 1)]); JeolCartridgeData &jcdEl = mCartInfo->ElementAt(mJcdIndsToRun[B3DMIN(mCurrentGrid, (int)mJcdIndsToRun.size() - 1)]); AutoContourParams *acParam; MapItemArray *itemArr; CMapDrawItem *item; BaseMarkerShift baseShift; MGridHoleFinderParams hfParam; MGridAutoContParams acParm; MGridMultiShotParams msParam; MGridGeneralParams genParam; MGridAcqItemsParams fdParam; MGridFocusPosParams fpParam; NavAcqParams *acqParams; CameraParameters *camParams = mWinApp->GetCamParams(); FileOptions fileOpt; IntVec ixVec, iyVec, pieceSavedAt; FloatVec xStage, yStage, meanVec, midFracs, rangeFracs; bool skipEucen = false, skipGrid = false, fileAtFirst = false; bool movable, noFrameSubs; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; if (!mDoingMulGridSeq) return; if (mParams.acquireLMMs) setNum = MontageConSetNum(&mGridMontParam, true); // First check for error or stop in the last action if (mSeqIndex >= 0 && !resume) { action = mActSequence[mSeqIndex]; if (!mExternalFailedStr.IsEmpty() || mExtErrorOccurred >= 0) { SEMTrace('q', "NextAction ext %d", mExtErrorOccurred); mStoppedInLMMont = mStoppedInNavRun = false; if (mExtErrorOccurred > 1) { mStoppedInLMMont = action == MGACT_TAKE_LMM; mStoppedInNavRun = action == MGACT_TAKE_MMM || action == MGACT_FINAL_ACQ; SuspendMulGridSeq(); if (mStoppedInLMMont || mStoppedInNavRun) return; action = -1; } switch (action) { // Abandon hope case MGACT_LMM_STATE: case MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID: case MGACT_MMM_STATE: case MGACT_FINAL_STATE: case MGACT_FOCUS_POS: case MGACT_SETUP_MMM_FILES: case MGACT_RESTORE_STATE: case MGACT_LOW_DOSE_ON: case MGACT_LOW_DOSE_OFF: errStr = "Stopping multiple grid operations"; if (mExternalFailedStr.IsEmpty()) str.Format(" because of an error in the current operation (action %s)", sActionNames[action]); else str = " after this error:\n\n" + mExternalFailedStr; MGActMessageBox(errStr + str); StopMulGridSeq(); return; // Skip to next grid case MGACT_LOAD_GRID: case MGACT_TAKE_LMM: case MGACT_REALIGN_TO_LMM: case MGACT_REFINE_ALIGN: case MGACT_AUTOCONTOUR: case MGACT_RUN_MACRO: case MGACT_TAKE_MMM: case MGACT_FINAL_ACQ: errStr.Format("Skipping to next grid and marking grid %d as failed because of ", jcd.id); if (mExternalFailedStr.IsEmpty()) str.Format("an error in the current operation (action %s)", sActionNames[action]); else str = "this error:\n" + mExternalFailedStr; ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr + str)) return; action = -1; break; // Retry then give up case MGACT_REMOVE_OBJ_AP: case MGACT_SET_CONDENSER_AP: case MGACT_REPLACE_OBJ_AP: case MGACT_REF_MOVE: case MGACT_RESTORE_COND_AP: case MGACT_RESTORE_C1_AP: case MGACT_SURVEY_STAGE_MOVE: case MGACT_REF_IMAGE: case MGACT_SURVEY_IMAGE: case MGACT_LMM_CENTER_MOVE: case MGACT_SET_ZHEIGHT: if (mFailureRetry) { errStr = "Stopping multiple grid operations after retrying because of "; if (mExternalFailedStr.IsEmpty()) str.Format("an error in the current operation (action %s)", sActionNames[action]); else str = "this error:\n\n" + mExternalFailedStr; MGActMessageBox(errStr + str); StopMulGridSeq(); return; } mFailureRetry++; errStr.Format("Retrying the current operation (action %s) because of ", sActionNames[action]); if (mExternalFailedStr.IsEmpty()) errStr += "an error"; else errStr += "this error:\n" + mExternalFailedStr; SEMAppendToLog(errStr); mSeqIndex--; action = -1; break; default: break; } } if (resume == 3) { errStr.Format("Skipping further action with grid %d because you selected to resume" " this way", jcd.id); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } else if (mSuspendedMulGrid) action = mActSequence[mSeqIndex]; if (action >= 0) mFailureRetry = 0; if (resume) action = -1; /* * Do operations required when an action is done */ switch (action) { // After reference image, record the image mean as the reference counts case MGACT_REF_IMAGE: mReferenceCounts = (float)mWinApp->mProcessImage->WholeImageMean(mImBufs); SEMTrace('q', "Reference counts: %.2f", mReferenceCounts); break; // After a survey image for eucentricity case MGACT_SURVEY_IMAGE: mDidEucentricity = false; mImBufs->mImage->getSize(nx, ny); mPctPatchSize = B3DNINT(1.6 * pow((double)nx * ny, 0.25)); B3DCLAMP(mPctPatchSize, 50, 100); // Get percentile stats, if they are good enough proceed on this position if (mWinApp->mProcessImage->PatchPercentileStats(mImBufs, 1., 99., mPctStatMidCrit * mReferenceCounts, mPctStatRangeCrit * mReferenceCounts, mPctPatchSize, lowMean, highMean, mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex], mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex], errStr)) { str.Format("WARNING: Error finding percentile statistics from survey image " "for grid %d: ", jcd.id); SEMAppendToLog(str + errStr); skipEucen = true; } else { avgFrac = 0.5f * (mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex] + mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex]); SEMTrace('q', "Pctl stats at %.2f,%.2f: low %.1f high %.1f midFrac %.3f " " rangeFrac %.3f avg %.3f", mEucenXtrials[mSurveyIndex], mEucenXtrials[mSurveyIndex], lowMean, highMean, mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex], mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex], avgFrac); if (avgFrac >= mPctRightAwayFrac) { // In order to do it right here, skip stage move mSeqIndex++; } else if (mSurveyIndex < 3) { // Otherwise back 2 to to do next trial mSeqIndex -= 2; mSurveyIndex++; } else { // Trials done, find the best of the possibly bad lot mSurveyIndex = 0; for (ind = 1; ind < 4; ind++) { if (mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex] + mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex] < mPctMidFracs[ind] + mPctRangeFracs[ind]) mSurveyIndex = ind; } SEMTrace('q', "Best one %d, avg frac %.3f", mSurveyIndex, 0.5 * (mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex] + mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex])); // If no good, skip it; otherwise if (0.5 * (mPctMidFracs[mSurveyIndex] + mPctRangeFracs[mSurveyIndex]) < mPctUsableFrac) { skipEucen = true; } else { mMovedToFirstTrial = false; } } } // Skip over stage move and eucentricity if (skipEucen) { PrintfToLog("Skipping eucentricity before map for grid %d; no sampled areas are" " bright enough", jcd.id); mSeqIndex += 2; } break; // After eucentricity, see if failed or not case MGACT_EUCENTRICITY: mDoingEucentricity = false; mDidEucentricity = !mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetFELastCoarseFailed(); if (mSurveyIndex == 4) { // If this was done after LM map, it's a failure or need to update the Z if (!mDidEucentricity) { errStr.Format("Could not find eucentricity for grid # %d even in a usable " "place; marking it as failed", jcdEl.id); ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); skipGrid = true; } else if (mNavigator->DoUpdateZ(0, 0)) { errStr.Format("Inexplicable error updating Z for grid # %d;" " marking it as failed", jcdEl.id); ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); skipGrid = true; } else { // Record the Z value to change to upon reload item = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(jcdEl.LMmapID); if (!item) item = mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(0); jcdEl.zStage = item->mStageZ; mAdocChanged = true; } } SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (skipGrid && SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; break; // After the grid montage, make it a map, record Z case MGACT_TAKE_LMM: mDoingMontage = false; mNavigator->NewMap(true, 1); mNavigator->SetReloadTableOnNextAdd(true); item = mNavigator->GetCurrentItem(); ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED, 1); jcdEl.LMmapID = item->mMapID; numPieces = mWinApp->mMontageController->ListMontagePieces(mWinApp->mStoreMRC, &mGridMontParam, 0, pieceSavedAt, &ixVec, &iyVec, &xStage, &yStage, &meanVec, &zStage, &midFracs, &rangeFracs); jcdEl.zStage = zStage; mWinApp->mDocWnd->DoCloseFile(); mNavigator->DoSave(false); mLoadedGridIsAligned = true; mAdocChanged = true; // Copy to read buffer in case eucentricity has to happen mWinApp->mBufferManager->CopyImageBuffer(1, mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(), false); if (!numPieces || !xStage.size()) { ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); errStr.Format("Error getting piece or stage coordinates from the LM map" "for grid %d; marking it as failed", jcdEl.id); skipGrid = true; } else { // Get percentile stats and see if grid has enough usable pieces CentroidsFromMeansAndPctls(ixVec, iyVec, xStage, yStage, meanVec, midFracs, rangeFracs, mPctUsableFrac, meanIXcen, meanIYcen, meanSXcen, meanSYcen, pctlIXcen, pctlIYcen, pctlSXcen, pctlSYcen, numPctl, numAbove); if (numPctl < 0.75 * numPieces) { ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); PrintfToLog("Not enough percentile statistics for grid %d to know if" " it is OK; marking it as failed", jcdEl.id); skipGrid = true; } else if (numAbove < mMinFracOfPiecesUsable * numPctl) { ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_TOO_DARK, 1); errStr.Format("Only %d of %d pieces are bright enough to be usable for grid %d;" " marking it as too dark", numAbove, numPieces, jcdEl.id); skipGrid = true; } } SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (skipGrid) { if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } else if (!mDidEucentricity && !mSkipEucentricity) { // If eucentricity not done yet, find best place, close to center if possible bestInd = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < numPieces; ind++) { if (midFracs[ind] > mPctUsableFrac) { dist = B3DMAX(100.f, powf(xStage[ind] * xStage[ind] + yStage[ind] * yStage[ind], 0.5f)); if (bestInd < 0 || midFracs[ind] / dist * dist < midFracs[ind] / bestDist) { bestDist = dist * dist; bestInd = ind; } } } // Stick that in position 5 mSurveyIndex = 4; SEMTrace('q', "Doing eucentricity at %.1f, %.1f", xStage[bestInd], yStage[bestInd]); mEucenXtrials[4] = xStage[bestInd]; mEucenYtrials[4] = yStage[bestInd]; } else if (!mSkipEucentricity) { // Skip eucentricity if not needed mSeqIndex += 2; } break; // After autocontouring case MGACT_AUTOCONTOUR: mAutoContouring = false; // Create polygons if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->ExternalCreatePolys(-1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., errStr)) { errStr += "\r\nMarking grid as failed due to this failure in autocontouring"; ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } itemArr = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); for (ind = 1; ind < (int)itemArr->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArr->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsPolygon()) item->mAcquire = true; } // Set them all to acquire mNavigator->FillListBox(); mNavigator->SetChanged(true); mNavigator->ManageCurrentControls(); mNavigator->Redraw(); break; // After script: case MGACT_RUN_MACRO: mRunningMacro = false; if (mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->GetLastAborted()) { ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); errStr.Format("Marking grid %d as failed because script did not complete", jcd.id); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } break; // After setting up files for MMM's, clear flag case MGACT_SETUP_MMM_FILES: mSettingUpNavFiles = false; break; // After either navigator acquire, close files, save Nav and record status case MGACT_TAKE_MMM: case MGACT_FINAL_ACQ: mStartedNavAcquire = false; mWinApp->mDocWnd->OnCloseAllFiles(); mNavigator->DoSave(false); if (mNavigator->GetAcquireEnded()) ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, mActSequence[mSeqIndex] == MGACT_TAKE_MMM ? MGSTAT_FLAG_MMM_DONE : MGSTAT_FLAG_ACQ_DONE, 1); else ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); str = mWinApp->mLogWindow->GetSaveFile(); mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); mWinApp->mLogWindow->CloseLog(); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle()); PrintfToLog("Navigator Acquire %s for grid # %d", mNavigator->GetAcquireEnded() ? "finished" : "failed", jcd.id); SEMAppendToLog("Log for Acquire is in " + str); mWinApp->mLogWindow->ReadAndAppend(mMainLogName); SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); break; // After grid load/unload, clear flags case MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID: if (mRealignIteration) mSeqIndex -= 4; case MGACT_LOAD_GRID: mStartedLongOp = false; mUnloadErrorOK = 0; mSurveyIndex = 0; break; // After realign, see if transform was within limits case MGACT_REALIGN_TO_LMM: if (mRRGWasAboveXformLimit) { if (mRealignIteration) { ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); errStr.Format("Marking grid %d as failed because realign transformation " "exceeded limits", jcd.id); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } else { // Let it go on to unload, it will have to back up by 4 after the unload mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); PrintfToLog("Realign transformation exceeded limits; reloading grid %d to " "try again", jcd.id); mRealignIteration++; } } else { // Skip the unload and iterating if (!mRealignIteration) mSeqIndex++; mRealignIteration = 0; } default: break; } } if (resume > 1) { errStr = ""; if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } // Advance sequence index: if playing games with that, set it to one below needed value // Need to back up 1 for resume 1, not increment for resume 2, increment otherwise // including resume with skip to next grid, consistent with other skips if (resume == 1) mSeqIndex--; else if (!resume || resume == 3) mSeqIndex++; mExternalFailedStr = ""; mExtErrorOccurred = -1; if (mSeqIndex >= (int)mActSequence.size()) { StopMulGridSeq(); return; } // Suspend after index incremented, it needs to be dropped 1 to resume if (mSuspendedMulGrid) return; // Renew the jcd in case it skipped to next grid; it will need a new jcdEl if it used // below jcd = mCartInfo->ElementAt(mJcdIndsToRun[B3DMIN(mCurrentGrid, (int)mJcdIndsToRun.size() - 1)]); action = mActSequence[mSeqIndex]; if (mSeqIndex >= 0 && action < sizeof(sActionNames) / sizeof(char *)) SEMTrace('q', "Index %d action %d %s", mSeqIndex, action, sActionNames[action]); if (action != MGACT_LOAD_GRID && action != MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID && action != MGACT_GRID_DONE && action != MGACT_RESTORE_COND_AP && action != MGACT_RESTORE_C1_AP && action != MGACT_RESTORE_STATE && action != MGACT_REPLACE_OBJ_AP && mScope->GetColumnValvesOpen() < 1) mScope->SetColumnValvesOpen(true); /* * NOW START THE NEXT ACTION */ switch (action) { // Start removing objective aperture case MGACT_REMOVE_OBJ_AP: mScope->SetApertureSize(OBJECTIVE_APERTURE, 0); mMovedAperture = true; mReinsertObjAp = true; break; // Start changing the condenser aperture case MGACT_SET_CONDENSER_AP: ind = (mUseTwoJeolCondAp && !mParams.C1orC2condenserAp) ? JEOL_C1_APERTURE : mSingleCondenserAp; size = mScope->FindApertureIndexFromSize(ind, mParams.condenserApSize, str); mScope->SetApertureSize(ind, size); mMovedAperture = true; mRestoreCondAp = mUseTwoJeolCondAp ? 2 : 1; break; // Start putting objective aperture back in case MGACT_REPLACE_OBJ_AP: mScope->SetApertureSize(OBJECTIVE_APERTURE, mInitialObjApSize); mMovedAperture = true; mReinsertObjAp = false; break; // Start getting back to original condenser aperture(s) // restore C1 first so a restore value of 1 always means restore condenser case MGACT_RESTORE_C1_AP: mScope->SetApertureSize(JEOL_C1_APERTURE, mInitialC1CondSize); mMovedAperture = true; mRestoreCondAp--; break; case MGACT_RESTORE_COND_AP: mScope->SetApertureSize(mSingleCondenserAp, mInitialCondApSize); mMovedAperture = true; mRestoreCondAp--; break; // Start unloading grid, allow for error if no grid loaded first time (?) case MGACT_UNLOAD_GRID: if (!mRealignIteration) SEMAppendToLog("Removing loaded grid to take blank reference image"); if (mUnloadErrorOK < 0) mUnloadErrorOK = 1; LoadOrUnloadGrid(-1, MG_SEQ_LOAD); break; // Start loading grid, allow for error if grid is known to be on stage case MGACT_LOAD_GRID: if (jcd.station == JAL_STATION_STAGE) mUnloadErrorOK = 1; LoadOrUnloadGrid(mSlotNumsToRun[mCurrentGrid], MG_SEQ_LOAD); break; // Start moving stage to Z height if known case MGACT_SET_ZHEIGHT: if (jcd.zStage < -900.) break; moveInfo.z = jcd.zStage; moveInfo.axisBits = axisZ; moveInfo.backZ = mWinApp->mComplexTasks->GetFEBacklashZ(); mScope->MoveStage(moveInfo, true); timeout = 60000; addIdleTask = 2; break; // Start routine to realign to grid map case MGACT_REALIGN_TO_LMM: if (RealignToGridMap(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid], false, true, errStr)) { errStr += "\r\nMarking grid as failed due to this failure to realign to map"; ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } break; // Start routine to refine alignment to grid map case MGACT_REFINE_ALIGN: if (RefineGridMapAlignment(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid], mParams.refineStateNum, true, errStr)) { errStr += "\r\nMarking grid as failed due to this failure to refine alignment to" " map"; ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); SaveSessionFileWarnIfError(); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; } break; // Turn on low dose if off case MGACT_LOW_DOSE_ON: if (!mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); break; // Turn off low dose if on case MGACT_LOW_DOSE_OFF: if (mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false); break; // Set state(s) for MM mapping case MGACT_LMM_STATE: if (CStateDlg::DoSetImState(mParams.LMMstateNum, errStr)) { SEMMessageBox("Error trying to set LM state: " + errStr); StopMulGridSeq(); return; } mStateWasSet = true; break; // Set state(s) for final acquire case MGACT_FINAL_STATE: stateNums = &mParams.finalStateNums[0]; if (jcd.acqStateNums[0] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[1] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[2] >= 0 || jcd.acqStateNums[3] >= 0) stateNums = &jcd.acqStateNums[0]; case MGACT_MMM_STATE: // Fall through to states for MMM err = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { if (stateNums[ind] >= 0) { err = CStateDlg::DoSetImState(stateNums[ind], errStr); if (!err) mStateWasSet = true; else break; } } if (err) { str.Format("Error trying to set state # %d %s\n", stateNums[ind] + 1, action == MGACT_MMM_STATE ? "for medium mag maps:" : "for final acquisition"); SEMMessageBox(str + errStr); StopMulGridSeq(); return; } break; case MGACT_FOCUS_POS: if (jcd.focusPosParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.focusPosParamIndex < (int)mMGFocusPosParamArray.GetSize()) { fpParam = mMGFocusPosParamArray.GetAt(jcd.focusPosParamIndex); GridToFocusPosSettings(fpParam); } break; // Restore state case MGACT_RESTORE_STATE: RestoreState(); break; // Start taking reference or survey image case MGACT_REF_IMAGE: case MGACT_SURVEY_IMAGE: if (!mSurveyIndex && !mWinApp->LowDoseMode()) mScope->SetFocusToStandardIfLM(mLMMmagIndex); mCamera->InitiateCapture(setNum); addIdleTask = 2; break; // Move the stage for ref or survey image, skip move if already there for ref case MGACT_SURVEY_STAGE_MOVE: if (!mSurveyIndex && mMovedToFirstTrial) break; case MGACT_REF_MOVE: moveInfo.x = mEucenXtrials[mSurveyIndex]; moveInfo.y = mEucenYtrials[mSurveyIndex]; moveInfo.axisBits = axisXY; mScope->MoveStage(moveInfo); timeout = 60000; mMovedToFirstTrial = true; addIdleTask = 2; break; // Start eucentricity with the LM mapping parameter set case MGACT_EUCENTRICITY: mWinApp->mComplexTasks->SetFENextCoarseConSet(setNum); mWinApp->mComplexTasks->FindEucentricity(FIND_EUCENTRICITY_COARSE); mDoingEucentricity = true; break; // Start moving to center of montage case MGACT_LMM_CENTER_MOVE: moveInfo.x = mGridMontParam.fullMontStageX; moveInfo.y = mGridMontParam.fullMontStageY; moveInfo.axisBits = axisXY; mScope->MoveStage(moveInfo); timeout = 60000; addIdleTask = 2; break; // Start taking Grid map case MGACT_TAKE_LMM: // Open new Nav file, i.e. save old, clear out nav, and define new name str = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, ".nav"); if (UtilFileExists(str)) { str2 = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, "-1.nav"); NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(str2); UtilRenameFile(str, str2); UtilSplitPath(str2, label, str3); UtilSplitPath(str, label, str2); PrintfToLog("Renamed existing Navigator file %s to %s", (LPCTSTR)str2, (LPCTSTR)str3); } mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(); mNavigator->SetCurrentNavFile(str); // Prepare to open image file and guarantee an mdoc str = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, "_LMM_1."); if (OpenNewMontageFile(mGridMontParam, str)) return; // start it SEMAppendToLog("Opened new file for grid map: " + str); if (mPctPatchSize < 0) { mPctPatchSize = B3DNINT(1.6 * pow((double)mGridMontParam.xFrame * mGridMontParam.yFrame, 0.25)); B3DCLAMP(mPctPatchSize, 50, 100); } mWinApp->mMontageController->SetPercentileStatParams(mPctPatchSize, 1., 99., mPctStatMidCrit * mReferenceCounts, mPctStatRangeCrit * mReferenceCounts); mWinApp->mMontageController->StartMontage(0, false); mDoingMontage = true; break; // Start autocontouring case MGACT_AUTOCONTOUR: mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); acParam = mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) CopyAutoContGroups(); if (mHaveAutoContGroups) { mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->ExternalSetGroups(acParam->numGroups, acParam->groupByMean, mAutoContGroups, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS); } ind = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto(); mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->AutoContourImage(&mImBufs[ind], acParam->usePixSize ? acParam->targetPixSizeUm : acParam->targetSizePixels, acParam->minSize, acParam->maxSize, acParam->useAbsThresh ? 0.f : acParam->relThreshold, acParam->useAbsThresh ? acParam->absThreshold : 0.f, false); mAutoContouring = true; break; // Run script case MGACT_RUN_MACRO: mWinApp->mMacroProcessor->Run(mParams.macroToRun); mRunningMacro = true; break; // Shift to marker if necessary and grid startup stuff case MGACT_MARKER_SHIFT: // Take care of hole, multishot, autocontour parameters if needed if (mUsingHoleFinder && jcd.holeFinderParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.holeFinderParamIndex < (int)mMGHoleParamArray.GetSize()) { if (!mSavedHoleFinder) { mSavedHoleFinder = new MGridHoleFinderParams; HoleFinderToGridSettings(*mSavedHoleFinder); } hfParam = mMGHoleParamArray.GetAt(jcd.holeFinderParamIndex); GridToHoleFinderSettings(hfParam); } if (mUsingMultishot && jcd.multiShotParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.multiShotParamIndex < (int)mMGMShotParamArray.GetSize()) { if (!mSavedMultiShot) { mSavedMultiShot = new MGridMultiShotParams; MultiShotToGridSettings(*mSavedMultiShot); } msParam = mMGMShotParamArray.GetAt(jcd.multiShotParamIndex); GridToMultiShotSettings(msParam); } if (mUsingAutoContour && jcd.autoContParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.autoContParamIndex < (int)mMGAutoContParamArray.GetSize()) { if (!mSavedAutoCont) { mSavedAutoCont = new MGridAutoContParams; AutoContToGridSettings(*mSavedAutoCont); } acParm = mMGAutoContParamArray.GetAt(jcd.autoContParamIndex); GridToAutoContSettings(acParm); } // Do general params unconditionally if (jcd.generalParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.generalParamIndex < (int)mMGGeneralParamArray.GetSize()) { if (!mSavedGeneralParams) { mSavedGeneralParams = new MGridGeneralParams; GeneralToGridSettings(*mSavedGeneralParams); } genParam = mMGGeneralParamArray.GetAt(jcd.generalParamIndex); GridToGeneralSettings(genParam); } // Just save focus position here, set it after state if (jcd.focusPosParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.focusPosParamIndex < (int)mMGFocusPosParamArray.GetSize() && !mSavedFocusPos) { mSavedFocusPos = new MGridFocusPosParams; FocusPosToGridSettings(*mSavedFocusPos); } mRealignIteration = 0; err = OpenNavFileIfNeeded(jcd); if (err > 1) return; if (err) break; item = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(jcd.LMmapID); if (!item) { errStr.Format("Skipping grid %d because of failure to find grid map", jcd.id); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; break; } if (!mNoMarkerShifts && (!item->mShiftCohortID || item->mMarkerShiftX < EXTRA_VALUE_TEST)) { // It wasn't shifted: find shift and do it if (MarkerShiftIndexForMag(item->mMapMagInd, baseShift) < 0) { errStr.Format("Skipping grid %d because no Shift to Marker was done on the " "grid map yet\r\n and there is no saved shift for magnification %d", jcd.id, MagForCamera(item->mMapCamera, item->mMapMagInd)); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return; break; } mNavigator->ShiftItemsAtRegistration(baseShift.shiftX, baseShift.shiftY, item->mRegistration, 1); PrintfToLog("Applied marker shift of %.2f, %.2f to Navigator items for grid %d", baseShift.shiftX, baseShift.shiftY, jcd.id); } break; // Start setting up MM map file(s) case MGACT_SETUP_MMM_FILES: err = OpenNavFileIfNeeded(jcd); if (err > 1) return; if (err) break; itemArr = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); // Find out if there is a file at first acquire item firstInd = -1; for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArr->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArr->GetAt(ind); if (item->mAcquire) { if (firstInd < 0) { firstInd = ind; label = item->mLabel; groupInd = mNavigator->GroupScheduledIndex(item->mGroupID); if (item->mFilePropIndex >= 0 || groupInd >= 0) fileAtFirst = true; } lastInd = ind; } } // For polygon montage, start process of setting up files fileOpt = *(mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFileOpt()); if (mParams.MMMimageType == 1) { fileType = fileOpt.separateForMont ? fileOpt.montFileType : fileOpt.fileType; str = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, "_MMM_" + label); str += fileType == STORE_TYPE_HDF ? ".hdf" : ".mrc"; NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(str); mNavHelper->SetFirstMontFilename(str); mSettingUpNavFiles = true; mNavigator->ToggleNewFileOverRange(firstInd, lastInd, 1); } else if (!fileAtFirst) { // Otherwise, open a file if nothing already set up (how could it be?) str = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, "_MMM_1."); if (mParams.MMMimageType) { if (OpenNewMontageFile(mMMMmontParam, str)) return; } else { str += fileOpt.fileType == STORE_TYPE_HDF ? "hdf" : "mrc"; NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(str); if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->DoOpenNewFile(str)) { StopMulGridSeq(); return; } } SEMAppendToLog("Opened new file for medium-mag maps: " + str); } break; // Start taking medium mag maps case MGACT_TAKE_MMM: mNavHelper->CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(0); acqParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(2); acqParams->noMBoxOnError = true; if (mParams.MMMimageType > 0) { acqParams->acquireType = ACQUIRE_TAKE_MAP; } else { acqParams->mapWithViewSearch = 2 - mParams.MMMstateType; } mNavigator->SetCurAcqParmActions(2); CloseMainLogOpenForGrid("_MMM.log"); mNavigator->AcquireAreas(NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_MMM, false, true); mStartedNavAcquire = true; break; // Start final acquisition case MGACT_FINAL_ACQ: err = OpenNavFileIfNeeded(jcd); if (err > 1) return; if (err) break; if (jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= 0) { if (jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= (int)mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetSize()) { str.Format("Skipping grid %d because index of Final Data parameters stored for " "it is out of range (%d >= %d)\r\n", jcd.finalDataParamIndex, mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetSize()); SkipToNextGrid(str); break; } fdParam = mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetAt(jcd.finalDataParamIndex); mNavHelper->CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(&fdParam.actions[0], &fdParam.params, &fdParam.actOrder[0]); } else mNavHelper->CopyAcqParamsAndActionsToTemp(1); acqParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(2); acqParams->noMBoxOnError = true; CloseMainLogOpenForGrid("_final.log"); mNavigator->SetCurAcqParmActions(2); mOpeningForFinalFailed = false; // Take care of frames directory mLastSetFrameNum = -2; if (mCamNumForFrameDir >= 0) { mCamera->GetCameraFrameFolder(&camParams[mCamNumForFrameDir], noFrameSubs, movable); str = RootnameFromUsername(jcd); if (!noFrameSubs) { if (!movable || !mParams.framesUnderSession) str = mSavedDirForFrames + "\\" + str; else if (mUseSubdirs) str = mWorkingDir + "\\" + str + "\\frames"; else str = mWorkingDir + "\\" + str + "_frames"; } mCamera->SetCameraFrameFolder(&camParams[mCamNumForFrameDir], str); if (!mSavedFrameBaseName.IsEmpty()) { str = mSavedFrameBaseName + "_" + jcd.userName; mCamera->SetFrameBaseName(str); } mLastSetFrameNum = mCamera->GetLastUsedFrameNumber(); if (jcd.lastFrameNumber >= 0) { mLastSetFrameNum = jcd.lastFrameNumber; mCamera->SetKeepLastUsedFrameNum(true); mCamera->SetLastUsedFrameNumber(jcd.lastFrameNumber); } } mNavigator->AcquireAreas(NAVACQ_SRC_MG_RUN_ACQ, false, true); if (mOpeningForFinalFailed) { StopMulGridSeq(); return; } mStartedNavAcquire = true; break; // Grid done: increment the grid number. Operations here need to be replicated in the // skip function case MGACT_GRID_DONE: if (mEndWhenGridDone) { if (mCurrentGrid == mNumGridsToRun - 1) { StopMulGridSeq(); } else { SuspendMulGridSeq(); mStoppedAtGridEnd = true; } return; } FinishWithGrid(); break; default: break; } // Add idle task with specific busy check or generic stage/camera check if (addIdleTask == 1) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(TASK_MULGRID_SEQ, MG_RUN_SEQUENCE, timeout); } else if (addIdleTask == 2) { mWinApp->AddIdleTask(SEMStageCameraBusy, TASK_MULGRID_SEQ, MG_RUN_SEQUENCE, timeout); } } /* * Skip to a selected action, used only ot skip ot next grid */ int CMultiGridTasks::SkipToAction(int mgAct) { int ind = mSeqIndex; for (; ind < (int)mActSequence.size(); ind++) { if (mActSequence[ind] == mgAct) { mSeqIndex = ind; return 0; } } return 1; } /* * Skip to next grid after printing the errStr in red; stpo if error or end flag set */ int CMultiGridTasks::SkipToNextGrid(CString &errStr) { mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(WARNING_COLOR_IND, 0); SEMAppendToLog(errStr); if (SkipToAction(MGACT_GRID_DONE)) { SEMMessageBox("Program error: could not skip to end of actions for current " "grid"); StopMulGridSeq(); return 1; } if (mEndWhenGridDone) { StopMulGridSeq(); return 1; } // Increment the current grid here because the seqindex will always be incremented // before the case is hit FinishWithGrid(); return 0; } /* * Common tasks when done with grid */ void CMultiGridTasks::FinishWithGrid() { double timePerGrid; CString str; RestoreImposedParams(); mCurrentGrid++; timePerGrid = SEMTickInterval(mRunStartTime) / mCurrentGrid; if (mCurrentGrid < mNumGridsToRun) { mRemainingTime = timePerGrid * (mNumGridsToRun - 1 - mCurrentGrid); str.Format("Estimated time left after current grid (%d/%d): ", mCurrentGrid + 1, mNumGridsToRun); CTimeSpan ts(B3DNINT(mRemainingTime / 1000.)); if (ts.GetDays() > 0) str += ts.Format(" %D da %H:%M:%S"); else str += ts.Format(" %H:%M:%S"); mWinApp->mNavigator->ManageListHeader(str); } OutputGridStartLine(); UpdateGridStatusText(); } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Support routines //////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Set status text with grid # */ void CMultiGridTasks::UpdateGridStatusText() { if (mCurrentGrid < 0 || mCurrentGrid >= mNumGridsToRun) return; JeolCartridgeData jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid]); CString str; str.Format("DOING MULTIGRID %d", jcd.id); mWinApp->SetStatusText(COMPLEX_PANE, str); } /* * Do standard separator and output when starting a grid */ void CMultiGridTasks::OutputGridStartLine() { if (mCurrentGrid >= mNumGridsToRun) return; JeolCartridgeData jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid]); mWinApp->SetNextLogColorStyle(0, 1); PrintfToLog("-----------------------------------------------------------------" "---------------\r\nStarting grid # %d\r\n", jcd.id); } /* * Return full path to grid file and rootname, optionally appending a suffix */ CString CMultiGridTasks::FullGridFilePath(int gridInd, CString suffix) { CString str, str2; JeolCartridgeData jcd; int jcdInd; if (gridInd < 0) jcdInd = -(gridInd + 1); else jcdInd = mJcdIndsToRun[gridInd]; jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(jcdInd); str = mWorkingDir; str2 = RootnameFromUsername(jcd); if (mUseSubdirs) str += "\\" + str2; str += "\\" + str2; return str + suffix; } /* * Calls for next autonumbered file if th given file exists */ void CMultiGridTasks::NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(CString &str) { CFileStatus status; while (CFile::GetStatus(str, status)) str = mNavHelper->NextAutoFilename(str); } /* * Close the main log and open the grid-specific one */ void CMultiGridTasks::CloseMainLogOpenForGrid(const char *suffix) { if (!mSingleGridMode) { mWinApp->mLogWindow->DoSave(); mWinApp->mLogWindow->CloseLog(); mWinApp->AppendToLog(mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeForTitle()); mWinApp->mLogWindow->UpdateSaveFile(true, FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, suffix)); } } /* * Opens the montage file for grid map or MM map */ int CMultiGridTasks::OpenNewMontageFile(MontParam &montP, CString &str) { FileOptions fileOpt = *(mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFileOpt()); int fileType = fileOpt.separateForMont ? fileOpt.montFileType : fileOpt.fileType; // Prepare to open image file and guarantee an mdoc fileOpt.TIFFallowed = false; if (fileType == STORE_TYPE_HDF) { fileOpt.montageInMdoc = true; str += "hdf"; } else { fileOpt.montageInMdoc = false; fileOpt.montUseMdoc = fileOpt.useMdoc = true; fileOpt.typext |= MONTAGE_MASK | VOLT_XY_MASK; fileOpt.fileType = fileOpt.montFileType = STORE_TYPE_MRC; str += "mrc"; } montP.zCurrent = 0; montP.zMax = -1; NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(str); // Leave current file (it replaces the mast mont), copy to the master mWinApp->mDocWnd->LeaveCurrentFile(); *(mWinApp->GetMontParam()) = montP; mWinApp->mStoreMRC = mWinApp->mDocWnd->OpenNewFileByName(str, &fileOpt); if (!mWinApp->mStoreMRC) { mWinApp->mDocWnd->RestoreCurrentFile(); SEMMessageBox("An error occurred attempting to open a new file:\n" + str); StopMulGridSeq(); return 1; } // set up montaging mWinApp->SetMontaging(true); mWinApp->mDocWnd->AddCurrentStore(); return 0; } // If Nav discovers that a file is needed int CMultiGridTasks::OpenFileForFinalAcq() { FileOptions *fileOpt = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetFileOpt(); CString name = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, "_Final_1."); name += fileOpt->fileType == STORE_TYPE_HDF ? "hdf" : "mrc"; NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(name); if (mWinApp->mDocWnd->DoOpenNewFile(name)) { mOpeningForFinalFailed = true; return 1; } SEMAppendToLog("Opened new file for final data: " + name); return 0; } /* * Finds grid map for given item in catalogue, reloading nav file if necessary, * and starts realign routine which will reload map if needed */ int CMultiGridTasks::RealignToGridMap(int jcdInd, bool askIfSave, bool applyLimits, CString &errStr) { CMapDrawItem *item; if (PrepareAlignToGridMap(jcdInd, askIfSave, &item, errStr)) return 1; if (RealignReloadedGrid(item, 0., true, mRRGMaxRotation, applyLimits ? 2 : 1, errStr)) return 1; return 0; } /* * Finds grid map for given item in catalogue, reloading nav file if necessary, */ int CMultiGridTasks::PrepareAlignToGridMap(int jcdInd, bool askIfSave, CMapDrawItem **itemP, CString &errStr) { JeolCartridgeData jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(jcdInd); CMapDrawItem *item = NULL; CString str; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; if (jcd.LMmapID) { item = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(jcd.LMmapID); // Reopen nav file if can't find it in current one if (!item) { if (mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(askIfSave) < 0) return -1; str = FullGridFilePath(-jcdInd - 1, ".nav"); if (mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, false, &str)) { errStr.Format("Error reloading Navigator file for grid # %: %s", jcd.id, (LPCTSTR)str); return 1; } item = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(jcd.LMmapID); } } if (!item) { if (!mNavigator->GetNumberOfItems()) { errStr = "Cannot find grid map entry; the Navigator table is empty"; return 1; } // Fallback to getting first item! item = mNavigator->GetOtherNavItem(0); } *itemP = item; return 0; } /* * Top-level routine for starting refinement of grid map alignment for operations here */ int CMultiGridTasks::RefineGridMapAlignment(int jcdInd, int stateNum, bool askIfSave, CString &errStr) { CMapDrawItem *item; StateParams *state; BOOL inLD = mWinApp->LowDoseMode(); int ldArea, consNum = RECORD_CONSET; if (PrepareAlignToGridMap(jcdInd, askIfSave, &item, errStr)) return 1; if (mParams.refineImageType < 2) { consNum = mParams.refineImageType ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_CONSET; if (!inLD) { mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(true); mRefineUsedLDorState = 1; } } else { state = mStateArray->GetAt(stateNum); ldArea = mNavHelper->AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(state, &consNum); if (ldArea >= 0 && ldArea != VIEW_CONSET && ldArea != SEARCH_AREA) { errStr = "The state for refining grid map alignment must be View, Search, or " "a non Low Dose state"; return 1; } if (CStateDlg::DoSetImState(stateNum, errStr)) { errStr = "Error trying to set state for refining grid map alignment:\r\n" + errStr; return 1; } mRefineUsedLDorState = -1; } // Start the routine, with the property value as maximum difference if (AlignGridMapAcrossMags(item, consNum, EXTRA_NO_VALUE, EXTRA_NO_VALUE, mMaxRefineShiftDiff, errStr)) { RestoreFromRefine(); return 1; } return 0; } // Load the map for the given item in way appropriate for realign int CMultiGridTasks::ReloadGridMap(CMapDrawItem *item, int useBin, CString &errStr) { BOOL saveShift, saveRot; int ind, err; MontParam *masterMont = mWinApp->GetMontParam(); saveRot = item->mRotOnLoad; ind = masterMont->overviewBinning; saveShift = masterMont->shiftInOverview; item->mRotOnLoad = false; masterMont->shiftInOverview = true; masterMont->overviewBinning = useBin; err = mNavigator->DoLoadMap(true, item, -1, false); item->mRotOnLoad = saveRot; masterMont->overviewBinning = ind; masterMont->shiftInOverview = saveShift; return err; } // Open nav file for the current grid if it is not the current open file int CMultiGridTasks::OpenNavFileIfNeeded(JeolCartridgeData &jcd) { CString str = FullGridFilePath(mCurrentGrid, ".nav"); CString errStr; if (!str.Compare(mNavigator->GetCurrentNavFile())) return 0; mNavigator->SaveAndClearTable(); if (mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, false, &str)) { errStr.Format("Error reloading Navigator file for grid %d; marking grid as" " failed", jcd.id); ChangeStatusFlag(mCurrentGrid, MGSTAT_FLAG_FAILED, 1); if (SkipToNextGrid(errStr)) return 2; return 1; } return 0; } /* * Look for a marker shift at the given mag */ int CMultiGridTasks::MarkerShiftIndexForMag(int magInd, BaseMarkerShift &baseShift) { int ind; CArray *shiftArray = mNavHelper->GetMarkerShiftArray(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)shiftArray->GetSize(); ind++) { baseShift = shiftArray->GetAt(ind); if (baseShift.fromMagInd == magInd) return ind; } return -1; } /* * Look for marker shift AND View/Search shift offsets for grid map */ int CMultiGridTasks::CheckShiftsForLMmode(int magInd) { int retVal = 0, ldArea = -1; BaseMarkerShift baseShift; StateParams *state; double shiftX, shiftY; if (MarkerShiftIndexForMag(magInd, baseShift) >= 0) retVal = 1; if (mParams.LMMstateType < 2) { ldArea = mParams.LMMstateType ? VIEW_CONSET : SEARCH_AREA; mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.GetFullViewShift(shiftX, shiftY, ldArea); if (shiftX || shiftY) retVal += 2; } else { // The dialog should be open when this check is called, but... if (mMGdlg) { if (!mMGdlg->GetOrRefindState(mParams.LMMstateNum, mParams.LMMstateName, "state for grid map", mMGdlg->m_comboLMMstate)) return -1; } else if (mParams.LMMstateNum < 0 || mParams.LMMstateNum >= mStateArray->GetSize()) { AfxMessageBox("The state number for grid mapping is out of range", MB_EXCLAME); return -1; } state = mStateArray->GetAt(mParams.LMMstateNum); ldArea = mNavHelper->AreaFromStateLowDoseValue(state, NULL); if ((ldArea == VIEW_CONSET || ldArea == SEARCH_AREA) && state->ldShiftOffsetX > -9000.) retVal += 2; } return retVal; } /* * Restore state and update dialog */ void CMultiGridTasks::RestoreState() { mNavHelper->RestoreSavedState(); if (mNavHelper->mStateDlg) { mNavHelper->mStateDlg->Update(); mNavHelper->mStateDlg->DisableUpdateButton(); mNavHelper->mStateDlg->SetCamOfSetState(-1); } mStateWasSet = false; } void CMultiGridTasks::RestoreFromRefine() { if (mRefineUsedLDorState > 0) mWinApp->mLowDoseDlg.SetLowDoseMode(false); else if (mRefineUsedLDorState < 0) RestoreState(); mRefineUsedLDorState = 0; } /* * Return grid montage param, copying from master the first time if not read in */ MontParam *CMultiGridTasks::GetGridMontParam() { if (!mInitializedGridMont) { mGridMontParam = *(mWinApp->GetMontParam()); mWinApp->mDocWnd->InitMontParamsForDialog(&mGridMontParam, 0); mInitializedGridMont = true; } return &mGridMontParam; } /* * Return MMM montage param, copying from master the first time if not read in */ MontParam *CMultiGridTasks::GetMMMmontParam() { if (!mInitializedMMMmont) { mMMMmontParam = *(mWinApp->GetMontParam()); mWinApp->mDocWnd->InitMontParamsForDialog(&mMMMmontParam, 0); mInitializedMMMmont = true; } return &mMMMmontParam; } /* * Set or clear a bit in the status flags */ void CMultiGridTasks::ChangeStatusFlag(int gridInd, b3dUInt32 flag, int state) { int jcdInd = mJcdIndsToRun[gridInd]; JeolCartridgeData &jcd = mCartInfo->ElementAt(jcdInd); setOrClearFlags((b3dUInt32 *)(&jcd.status), flag, state); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetStatusText(jcdInd); mAdocChanged = true; } /* * Get the autocontouring groups so they can be set properly */ void CMultiGridTasks::CopyAutoContGroups() { int *showGroup = mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->GetShowGroup(); for (int ind = 0; ind < MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; ind++) mAutoContGroups[ind] = showGroup[ind]; mHaveAutoContGroups = true; } /* * Macro and function for copying grid multishot settings to main settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) msParam->mem = B3DNINT(mgParam.values[MS_##mem]); void CMultiGridTasks::GridToMultiShotSettings(MGridMultiShotParams &mgParam, MultiShotParams *msParam) { msParam->numShots[0] = B3DNINT(mgParam.values[MS_numShots0]); msParam->numShots[1] = B3DNINT(mgParam.values[MS_numShots1]); msParam->numHoles[0] = B3DNINT(mgParam.values[MS_numHoles0]); msParam->numHoles[1] = B3DNINT(mgParam.values[MS_numHoles1]); msParam->spokeRad[0] = mgParam.values[MS_spokeRad0]; msParam->spokeRad[1] = mgParam.values[MS_spokeRad1]; COPY_MEMBER(doSecondRing); COPY_MEMBER(doCenter); COPY_MEMBER(inHoleOrMultiHole); COPY_MEMBER(skipCornersOf3x3); msParam->doHexArray = mgParam.values[MS_numHexRings] != 0; if (msParam->doHexArray) COPY_MEMBER(numHexRings); if (mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiShotDlg->UpdateSettings(); } #undef COPY_MEMBER // Macro-callable version void CMultiGridTasks::GridToMultiShotSettings(MGridMultiShotParams &mgParam) { GridToMultiShotSettings(mgParam, mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams()); } /* * Macro and function for copying main multishot settings to grid settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) mgParam.values[MS_##mem] = (float)msParam->mem; void CMultiGridTasks::MultiShotToGridSettings(MGridMultiShotParams &mgParam) { MultiShotParams *msParam = mNavHelper->GetMultiShotParams(); mNavHelper->UpdateMultishotIfOpen(); mgParam.values[MS_spokeRad0] = msParam->spokeRad[0]; mgParam.values[MS_spokeRad1] = msParam->spokeRad[1]; mgParam.values[MS_numShots0] = (float)msParam->numShots[0]; mgParam.values[MS_numShots1] = (float)msParam->numShots[1]; mgParam.values[MS_numHoles0] = (float)msParam->numHoles[0]; mgParam.values[MS_numHoles1] = (float)msParam->numHoles[1]; COPY_MEMBER(doSecondRing); COPY_MEMBER(doCenter); COPY_MEMBER(inHoleOrMultiHole); COPY_MEMBER(skipCornersOf3x3); mgParam.values[MS_numHexRings] = (float) (msParam->doHexArray ? msParam->numHexRings : 0); } #undef COPY_MEMBER /* * Macro and function for copying grid hole finder settings to main settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) hfParam->mem = mgParam.values[HF_##mem]; void CMultiGridTasks::GridToHoleFinderSettings(MGridHoleFinderParams &mgParam) { HoleFinderParams *hfParam = mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); hfParam->thresholds = mgParam.thresholds; hfParam->sigmas = mgParam.sigmas; COPY_MEMBER(lowerMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(upperMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(SDcutoff); COPY_MEMBER(blackFracCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(edgeDistCutoff); hfParam->hexagonalArray = mgParam.values[HF_hexagonalArray] != 0; if (hfParam->hexagonalArray) { hfParam->hexSpacing = mgParam.values[HF_spacing]; hfParam->hexDiameter = mgParam.values[HF_diameter]; } else { COPY_MEMBER(spacing); COPY_MEMBER(diameter); } if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->UpdateSettings(); } #undef COPY_MEMBER /* * Macro and function for copying main hole finder settings to grid settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) mgParam.values[HF_##mem] = hfParam->mem; void CMultiGridTasks::HoleFinderToGridSettings(MGridHoleFinderParams &mgParam) { HoleFinderParams *hfParam = mNavHelper->GetHoleFinderParams(); if (mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mHoleFinderDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); mgParam.thresholds = hfParam->thresholds; mgParam.sigmas = hfParam->sigmas; COPY_MEMBER(lowerMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(upperMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(SDcutoff); COPY_MEMBER(blackFracCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(edgeDistCutoff); mgParam.values[HF_hexagonalArray] = hfParam->hexagonalArray ? 1.f : 0.f; mgParam.values[HF_spacing] = hfParam->hexagonalArray ? hfParam->hexSpacing : hfParam->spacing; mgParam.values[HF_diameter] = hfParam->hexagonalArray ? hfParam->hexDiameter : hfParam->diameter; } #undef COPY_MEMBER /* * Macro and function for copying grid autocontouring settings to main settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) acParam->mem = mgParam.values[AC_##mem]; void CMultiGridTasks::GridToAutoContSettings(MGridAutoContParams &mgParam) { AutoContourParams *acParam = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); COPY_MEMBER(minSize); COPY_MEMBER(maxSize); COPY_MEMBER(relThreshold); COPY_MEMBER(lowerMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(upperMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(borderDistCutoff); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->UpdateSettings(); } #undef COPY_MEMBER /* * Macro and function for copying main autocontouring settings to grid settings */ #define COPY_MEMBER(mem) mgParam.values[AC_##mem] = acParam->mem; void CMultiGridTasks::AutoContToGridSettings(MGridAutoContParams &mgParam) { AutoContourParams *acParam = mWinApp->mNavHelper->GetAutocontourParams(); if (mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->IsOpen()) mNavHelper->mAutoContouringDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); COPY_MEMBER(minSize); COPY_MEMBER(maxSize); COPY_MEMBER(relThreshold); COPY_MEMBER(lowerMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(upperMeanCutoff); COPY_MEMBER(borderDistCutoff); } #undef COPY_MEMBER /* * Functions for copying general settings back and forth */ void CMultiGridTasks::GridToGeneralSettings(MGridGeneralParams &mgParam) { mShiftManager->SetDisableAutoTrim(mgParam.values[GP_disableAutoTrim]); mShiftManager->SetErasePeriodicPeaks(mgParam.values[GP_erasePeriodicPeaks]); mNavHelper->SetRIErasePeriodicPeaks(mgParam.values[GP_RIErasePeriodicPeaks]); mWinApp->mAlignFocusWindow.UpdateSettings(); } void CMultiGridTasks::GeneralToGridSettings(MGridGeneralParams &mgParam) { mgParam.values[GP_disableAutoTrim] = mShiftManager->GetDisableAutoTrim(); mgParam.values[GP_erasePeriodicPeaks] = mShiftManager->GetErasePeriodicPeaks(); mgParam.values[GP_RIErasePeriodicPeaks] = mNavHelper->GetRIErasePeriodicPeaks(); } /* * Functions for copying focus position back and forth */ void CMultiGridTasks::GridToFocusPosSettings(MGridFocusPosParams &fpParam) { mNavHelper->SetLDFocusPosition(mWinApp->GetCurrentCamera(), fpParam.values[FP_focusAxisPos], B3DNINT(fpParam.values[FP_rotateAxis]), B3DNINT(fpParam.values[FP_axisRotation]), B3DNINT(fpParam.values[FP_focusXoffset]), B3DNINT(fpParam.values[FP_focusYoffset]), "grid settings", false); } void CMultiGridTasks::FocusPosToGridSettings(MGridFocusPosParams &fpParam) { int rotateAxis, axisRot, xOffset, yOffset; mNavHelper->SaveLDFocusPosition(1, fpParam.values[FP_focusAxisPos], rotateAxis, axisRot, xOffset, yOffset, BOOL_EQUIV(GetDebugOutput('q'), true)); fpParam.values[FP_rotateAxis] = (float)rotateAxis; fpParam.values[FP_axisRotation] = (float)axisRot; fpParam.values[FP_focusXoffset] = (float)xOffset; fpParam.values[FP_focusYoffset] = (float)yOffset; } /* * Loads all of the grid maps from the session, or if there is no session or no LM maps * done yet, tries to load them from the current nav file, with startBuf as preferred * starting buffer if possible, or -1 to start past the read buffer */ int CMultiGridTasks::LoadAllGridMaps(int startBuf, CString &errStr) { int ind, jcdInd, numMaps = 0, numLoaded = 0, lowestMag = 999, saveRolls; float pixel, biggestMap, size; float minGridMapSize = 400.; IntVec mapOrJcdInds; CString str; std::string sstr; JeolCartridgeData jcd; MapItemArray *itemArray; CMapDrawItem *item; int maxLoad = MAX_BUFFERS - 2; mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; // If there is grid info AND there has been any mapping, count up maps from flags/IDs if (mCartInfo->GetSize() && mLMMmagIndex > 0) { if (!mNavigator) mWinApp->mMenuTargets.OpenNavigatorIfClosed(); mNavigator = mWinApp->mNavigator; for (jcdInd = 0; jcdInd < (int)mCartInfo->GetSize(); jcdInd++) { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(jcdInd); if ((jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED) && jcd.LMmapID > 0) { numMaps++; mapOrJcdInds.push_back(jcdInd); } } if (!numMaps) { errStr = "No grids in the session are marked as having a grid map"; return 2; } } else { // Otherwise require nav open, look for the lowest mag maps if (!mNavigator) { errStr = "The Navigator must be open to look for multiple maps in a Navigator " "table"; return 1; } itemArray = mNavigator->GetItemArray(); for (ind = 0; ind < (int)itemArray->GetSize(); ind++) { item = itemArray->GetAt(ind); if (item->IsMap()) { if (item->mMapMagInd < lowestMag) { lowestMag = item->mMapMagInd; biggestMap = 0.; numMaps = 0; mapOrJcdInds.clear(); } // At the lowest mag, keep track of biggest size if (item->mMapMagInd == lowestMag) { pixel = (float)(mShiftManager->GetPixelSize(item->mMapCamera, lowestMag) * item->mMapBinning); size = (float)(pixel * (item->mMapWidth + item->mMapHeight) / 2.); ACCUM_MAX(biggestMap, size); numMaps++; mapOrJcdInds.push_back(ind); } } } if (!numMaps) { errStr = "No maps were found in the Navigator table"; return 2; } if (lowestMag >= mScope->GetLowestNonLMmag() || biggestMap < minGridMapSize) { errStr = "No LM maps covering a large enough area were found in the Navigator " "table"; return 3; } } // Set up where it loads and make sure rolling doesn't occur there while loading if (startBuf < 0) startBuf = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetBufToReadInto() + 1; ACCUM_MIN(numMaps, maxLoad); B3DCLAMP(startBuf, 2, maxLoad - numMaps); saveRolls = mWinApp->mBufferManager->GetShiftsOnAcquire(); mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(B3DMIN(saveRolls, startBuf - 1)); mMultiLoadLabelMap.clear(); // Loop on maps to load for (jcdInd = 0; jcdInd < (int)mapOrJcdInds.size(); jcdInd++) { if (mCartInfo->GetSize() && mLMMmagIndex > 0) { // For session map, need to load nav, find map jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(jcdInd); str = FullGridFilePath(-jcdInd - 1, ".nav"); if (mNavigator->LoadNavFile(false, false, &str)) { SEMAppendToLog("Error loading Navigator file " + str); continue; } item = mNavigator->FindItemWithMapID(jcd.LMmapID); if (!item) { PrintfToLog("Could not find map with ID %d in file %s", item->mMapID, (LPCTSTR)str); continue; } } else { // Otherwise get the item item = itemArray->GetAt(jcdInd); } // Load and report if (mNavigator->DoLoadMap(true, item, startBuf + numLoaded, false)) { PrintfToLog("Error loading map with label %s from file %s", (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, (LPCTSTR)str); continue; } sstr = (LPCTSTR)(item->mLabel + " - " + item->mNote); mMultiLoadLabelMap.insert(std::pair(item->mMapID, sstr)); PrintfToLog("%c: %s - %s", (char)('A' + startBuf + numLoaded), (LPCTSTR)item->mLabel, (LPCTSTR)item->mNote); numLoaded++; } mWinApp->SetCurrentBuffer(startBuf); mWinApp->mBufferManager->SetShiftsOnAcquire(saveRolls); return 0; } bool CMultiGridTasks::GetGridMapLabel(int mapID, CString &value) { std::map::iterator iter; if (!mMultiLoadLabelMap.count(mapID)) return false; iter = mMultiLoadLabelMap.find(mapID); value = iter->second.c_str(); return !value.IsEmpty(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SAVING AND READING THE SESSION FILE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Names and macros #define MGDOC_APPEND "AppendNames" #define MGDOC_PREFIX "NamePrefix" #define MGDOC_TOPDIR "WorkingDir" #define MGDOC_LOCKED "NamesLocked" #define MGDOC_SUBDIRS "UseSubDirs" #define MGDOC_GRID "Grid" #define MGDOC_ID "ID" #define MGDOC_NAME "Name" #define MGDOC_STATION "Station" #define MGDOC_SLOT "Slot" #define MGDOC_TYPE "Type" #define MGDOC_ROTATION "Rotation" #define MGDOC_ZSTAGE "Zstage" #define MGDOC_USERNAME "UserName" #define MGDOC_STATUS "Status" #define MGDOC_REFCOUNT "ReferenceCounts" #define MGDOC_LMMAPID "LMmapID" #define MGDOC_LMMINLD "LMneedsLD" #define MGDOC_LMM_STNUM "LMMstateNum" #define MGDOC_LMM_STNAME "LMMstateName" #define MGDOC_CONT_GROUP "AutoContGroups" #define MGDOC_LMM_MAGIND "LMMmagIndex" #define MGDOC_SKIP_MARKER "SkipMarkerShift" #define MGDOC_HOLE_PARAM "HoleFinderParams" #define MGDOC_HOLE_THRESH "HoleThresholds" #define MGDOC_HOLE_FILTER "HoleFilters" #define MGDOC_MS_PARAM "MultiShotParams" #define MGDOC_AC_PARAM "AutoContourParams" #define MGDOC_GEN_PARAM "GeneralParams" #define MGDOC_FINAL_PARAM "FinalDataParamInd" #define MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NUM "AcqStateNum" #define MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NAME "AcqStateName" #define MGDOC_SEP_ACQ_ST "SeparateAcqState" #define MGDOC_IS_ALIGNED "LoadedIsAligned" #define MGDOC_FRAME_NUM "LastFrameNumber" #define MGDOC_FP_PARAM "FocusPosParams" #define MGDOC_NOTE "Note" #define MGDOC_ORDER "RunOrder" #define MGDOC_LMM_CONSXY "LMMConsetSizes" #define MGDOC_MMM_CONSXY "MMMConsetSizes" #define MGNAV_ACQ_SUFFIX "_navAcq.txt" #define ADOC_PUT(a) err += AdocSet##a; #define ADOC_ARG "MontParam",sectInd #define NAV_MONT_PARAMS #define BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Integer(ADOC_ARG, a, b ? 1 : 0)); #define INT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Integer(ADOC_ARG, a, b)); #define FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_PUT(Float(ADOC_ARG, a, b)); #define WRITE_GRID_PARAMS(namel, arr, BREV, brev, typ) \ if (jcd.namel##ParamIndex >= 0 && \ jcd.namel##ParamIndex < mMG##arr##ParamArray.GetSize()) { \ brev##Param = mMG##arr##ParamArray.GetAt(jcd.namel##ParamIndex); \ if (AdocSet##typ##Array(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_##BREV##_PARAM, \ brev##Param.values, BREV##_noParam)) \ err++; \ } /* * Save session information to current or new file */ int CMultiGridTasks::SaveSessionFile(CString &errStr) { CString date, time, str, dir, name; int adocInd, grid, mont, ind, sectInd, err = 0; JeolCartridgeData jcd; MontParam *montParam = &mGridMontParam; char keyBuf[32]; MGridHoleFinderParams hfParam; MGridAutoContParams acParam; MGridMultiShotParams msParam; MGridGeneralParams genParam; MGridAcqItemsParams acqParams; MGridFocusPosParams fpParam; // Get current parameters if names have not been locked if (!mNamesLocked) { if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SyncToMasterParams(); mAppendNames = mParams.appendNames; mUseSubdirs = mParams.useSubdirectory; mWorkingDir = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetInitialDir(); } // Make up a unique filename if none if (mSessionFilename.IsEmpty()) { mWinApp->mDocWnd->DateTimeComponents(date, time, false, false); mSessionFilename = mWorkingDir + "\\multiGrid_" + date + "_1.adoc"; NextAutoFilenameIfNeeded(mSessionFilename); mBackedUpSessionFile = true; mBackedUpAcqItemsFile = true; } else { // Otherwise check if it has moved because of new directory being chosen UtilSplitPath(mSessionFilename, dir, name); dir.TrimRight("/\\"); mWorkingDir.TrimRight("/\\"); if (dir.CompareNoCase(mWorkingDir)) { if (UtilRenameFile(mSessionFilename, mWorkingDir + "\\" + name, &date, true)) SEMAppendToLog(date + "; new file will be written in new location"); // Manage acquire param file too UtilSplitExtension(mSessionFilename, str, time); str += MGNAV_ACQ_SUFFIX; mSessionFilename = mWorkingDir + "\\" + name; if (UtilFileExists(str)) { UtilSplitExtension(mSessionFilename, name, time); name += MGNAV_ACQ_SUFFIX; if (UtilRenameFile(str, name, &date, true)) SEMAppendToLog(date + "; new file will be written in new location"); } } } mWinApp->mDocWnd->ManageBackupFile(mSessionFilename, mBackedUpSessionFile); UpdateDialogForSessionFile(); // Write any items in the final data acquire param array if (mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetSize() > 0) { UtilSplitExtension(mSessionFilename, str, time); str += MGNAV_ACQ_SUFFIX; if (UtilFileExists(str)) mWinApp->mDocWnd->ManageBackupFile(str, mBackedUpAcqItemsFile); if (mWinApp->mParamIO->WriteMulGridAcqParams(str, errStr)) return 1; } // Get the autodoc if (!AdocAcquireMutex()) { errStr = "Failed to acquire autodoc mutex for saving session file"; return 1; } adocInd = AdocNew(); if (adocInd < 0) { errStr = "Failed to create new autodoc structure"; err = 1; } // Save global values if (!err) { if (!mPrefix.IsEmpty()) err += AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_PREFIX, (LPCTSTR)mPrefix); err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_APPEND, mAppendNames ? 1 : 0); err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LOCKED, mNamesLocked ? 1 : 0); err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_SUBDIRS, mUseSubdirs ? 1 : 0); if (mReferenceCounts > 0.) err += AdocSetFloat(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_REFCOUNT, mReferenceCounts); if (!mWorkingDir.IsEmpty()) err += AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_TOPDIR, (LPCTSTR)mWorkingDir); err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMMINLD, mLMMneedsLowDose); err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_SKIP_MARKER, mSkipMarkerShifts); if (mLMMusedStateNum >= 0) { err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_STNUM, mLMMusedStateNum); err += AdocSetKeyValue(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_STNAME, (LPCTSTR)mLMMusedStateName); } err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_IS_ALIGNED, mLoadedGridIsAligned); if (mHaveAutoContGroups) err += AdocSetIntegerArray(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_CONT_GROUP, mAutoContGroups, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS); if (mLMMmagIndex) err += AdocSetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_MAGIND, mLMMmagIndex); if (mUseCustomOrder) err += AdocSetIntegerArray(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_ORDER, &mCustomRunDlgInds[0], (int)mCustomRunDlgInds.size()); if (mInitializedGridMont) err += AdocSetTwoIntegers(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_CONSXY, mMontSetupConsetSizes[0], mMontSetupConsetSizes[1]); if (mInitializedMMMmont) err += AdocSetTwoIntegers(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_MMM_CONSXY, mMontSetupConsetSizes[2], mMontSetupConsetSizes[3]); } // Save grid values for (grid = 0; grid < (int)mCartInfo->GetSize() && !err; grid++) { date.Format("%d", grid); sectInd = AdocAddSection(MGDOC_GRID, date); if (sectInd < 0) { errStr = "Error adding autodoc section for grid"; } else { jcd = mCartInfo->GetAt(grid); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_ID, jcd.id); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_STATION, jcd.station); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_SLOT, jcd.slot); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_ROTATION, jcd.rotation); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_TYPE, jcd.type); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_STATUS, jcd.status); err += AdocSetFloat(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_ZSTAGE, jcd.zStage); err += AdocSetKeyValue(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_NAME, (LPCTSTR)jcd.name); err += AdocSetKeyValue(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_USERNAME, (LPCTSTR)jcd.userName); err += AdocSetKeyValue(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_NOTE, (LPCTSTR)jcd.note); if (jcd.LMmapID) err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_LMMAPID, jcd.LMmapID); if (jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= 0) err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_FINAL_PARAM, jcd.finalDataParamIndex); if (jcd.lastFrameNumber >= 0) err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_FRAME_NUM, jcd.lastFrameNumber); // Write states if (jcd.separateState) { err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_SEP_ACQ_ST, jcd.separateState); for (ind = 0; ind < 4; ind++) { if (jcd.acqStateNums[ind] >= 0) { snprintf(keyBuf, 31, "%s%d", MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NUM, ind); err += AdocSetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, keyBuf, jcd.acqStateNums[ind]); } if (!jcd.acqStateNames[ind].IsEmpty()) { snprintf(keyBuf, 31, "%s%d", MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NAME, ind); err += AdocSetKeyValue(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, keyBuf, (LPCTSTR)jcd.acqStateNames[ind]); } } } // Write hole finder params if (jcd.holeFinderParamIndex >= 0 && jcd.holeFinderParamIndex < mMGHoleParamArray.GetSize()) { hfParam = mMGHoleParamArray.GetAt(jcd.holeFinderParamIndex); if (AdocSetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_HOLE_PARAM, hfParam.values, HF_noParam)) err++; if (hfParam.thresholds.size() > 0 && AdocSetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_HOLE_THRESH, &hfParam.thresholds[0],(int) hfParam.thresholds.size())) err++; if (hfParam.sigmas.size() > 0 && AdocSetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, sectInd, MGDOC_HOLE_FILTER, &hfParam.sigmas[0], (int)hfParam.sigmas.size())) err++; } // Get multishot, autocontour, general, focusPos params WRITE_GRID_PARAMS(multiShot, MShot, MS, ms, Float); WRITE_GRID_PARAMS(autoCont, AutoCont, AC, ac, Float); WRITE_GRID_PARAMS(general, General, GEN, gen, Integer); WRITE_GRID_PARAMS(focusPos, FocusPos, FP, fp, Float); if (err) { errStr = "Errors writing data to a grid section of the autodoc"; } } } // Save montage params if they have been initialized for (mont = 0; mont < 2 && !err; mont++) { if ((mont ? mInitializedMMMmont : mInitializedGridMont)) { date.Format("%d", mont); sectInd = AdocAddSection("MontParam", date); if (sectInd < 0) { err++; errStr = "Error creating new section for MontParam in session autodoc"; } else { #include "NavAdocParams.h" } err += AdocSetFloat("MontParam", mont, "MinUmOverlap", montParam->minMicronsOverlap); err += AdocSetFloat("MontParam", mont, "MinOverlapFac", montParam->minOverlapFactor); if (err) errStr = "Error writing MontParam section of session autodoc"; } montParam = &mMMMmontParam; } if (!err) { err += AdocWrite((LPCTSTR)mSessionFilename); if (err) errStr = "Error writing autodoc to file: " + mSessionFilename; } AdocClear(adocInd); AdocReleaseMutex(); if (!err) mAdocChanged = false; return err; } /* * Saves and gives a standard warning if there is an error */ void CMultiGridTasks::SaveSessionFileWarnIfError() { CString errStr; if (SaveSessionFile(errStr)) SEMAppendToLog("WARNING: Could not write session file - " + errStr); if (mCurrentGrid >= 0 && mCurrentGrid < (int)mJcdIndsToRun.size() && mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetStatusText(mJcdIndsToRun[mCurrentGrid]); } #undef NAV_MONT_PARAMS #undef ADOC_ARG #undef BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN #undef INT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN /* * Clear out everything that might be read in from a file and other items for fresh start */ void CMultiGridTasks::ClearSession(bool keepAcqParams) { mCartInfo->RemoveAll(); InitOrClearSessionValues(); mPrefix = ""; mWorkingDir = ""; mNamesLocked = false; mUseCustomOrder = false; mLastNumSlots = 0; mLMMusedStateName = ""; mSessionFilename = ""; mMGAutoContParamArray.RemoveAll(); mMGHoleParamArray.RemoveAll(); mMGMShotParamArray.RemoveAll(); mMGGeneralParamArray.RemoveAll(); mMGFocusPosParamArray.RemoveAll(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) mMontSetupConsetSizes[i] = 0; mInitializedGridMont = false; mInitializedMMMmont = false; if (!keepAcqParams) mMGAcqItemsParamArray.RemoveAll(); if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) { mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->m_strPrefix = ""; mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetRootname(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateData(false); if (!mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader()) { mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->InitForSingleGrid(); } else { mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetNumUsedSlots(0); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->ReloadTable(0, 0); } mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->CheckIfAnyUndoneToRun(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateSettings(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateCurrentDir(); } mAdocChanged = false; } /* * Turning off subset is separate because it would not get restored by reading in session */ void CMultiGridTasks::TurnOffSubset() { NavAcqParams *navParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(0); navParams->multiGridSubset = -B3DABS(navParams->multiGridSubset); navParams = mWinApp->GetNavAcqParams(1); navParams->multiGridSubset = -B3DABS(navParams->multiGridSubset); } /* * Macros for reading a file: montage params etc */ #define ADOC_REQUIRED(a) \ retval = a; \ if (retval) \ err++; #define ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(a) \ if (!retval) \ a = index != 0; #define INT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &b)); #define BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetInteger(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &index));\ ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN(b); #define FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN(a, b) ADOC_REQUIRED(AdocGetFloat(SECT_NAME, ind1, a, &b)); #define NAV_MONT_PARAMS #define SECT_NAME "MontParam" #define SKIP_ADOC_PUTS #define GET_STRING(scname, scnum, key, var) \ retval = AdocGetString(scname, scnum, key, &string); \ if (!retval) { \ var = string; \ free(string); \ } else if (retval < 0) { \ err++; \ } #define GET_GRID_PARAMS(NameC, namel, arr, BREV, brev, typ) \ NameC##ToGridSettings(brev##Param); \ ind1 = 0; \ val = AdocGet##typ##Array(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_##BREV##_PARAM, brev##Param.values,\ &ind1, BREV##_noParam); \ if (val < 0) \ err++; \ if (!val) { \ jcd.namel##ParamIndex = (int)mMG##arr##ParamArray.GetSize(); \ mMG##arr##ParamArray.Add(brev##Param); \ } /* * Reading a session file */ int CMultiGridTasks::LoadSessionFile(bool useLast, CString &errStr) { int adocInd, numSect, grid, err = 0, val, retval, ind1, index = IDOK, stageInd = -1; int stageID = -1, acqParamErr = 0; bool haveHF; char *string; static char szFilter[] = "Autodoc files (*.adoc)|*.adoc|All files (*.*)|*.*||"; char keyBuf[32]; JeolCartridgeData jcd; MontParam *montParam; LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL; CString useName = mSessionFilename; CString filename, direc = mWinApp->mDocWnd->GetInitialDir(), acqParmName, ext; MGridHoleFinderParams hfParam; MGridAutoContParams acParam; MGridMultiShotParams msParam; MGridGeneralParams genParam; MGridFocusPosParams fpParam; float values[MS_noParam]; ShortVec inRunList; int intVals[50]; int isAligned = 0; if (useName.IsEmpty()) useName = mLastSessionFile; if (!useLast || useName.IsEmpty()) { // Start in the directory of the current file and get name if (mWorkingDir) direc = mWorkingDir; if (!useName.IsEmpty()) { UtilSplitPath(useName, direc, filename); lpszFileName = useName; } // Use file dialog directly since it allows filling in previous name MyFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, ".adoc", lpszFileName, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilter, NULL, !direc.IsEmpty()); if (!direc.IsEmpty()) fileDlg.mfdTD.lpstrInitialDir = direc; index = fileDlg.DoModal(); if (index == IDOK) mSessionFilename = fileDlg.GetPathName(); } mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); if (index != IDOK) return -1; mBackedUpSessionFile = false; mBackedUpAcqItemsFile = false; UpdateDialogForSessionFile(); // Read in file if (!AdocAcquireMutex()) { errStr = "Failed to acquire autodoc mutex"; return 1; } adocInd = AdocRead(mSessionFilename); if (adocInd < 0) { errStr = "Error reading session autodoc file"; AdocReleaseMutex(); return 1; } mLastSessionFile = mSessionFilename; // Clear out and process global entries ClearSession(); mSessionFilename = mLastSessionFile; // Look for nav acquire params UtilSplitExtension(mSessionFilename, acqParmName, ext); acqParmName += MGNAV_ACQ_SUFFIX; if (UtilFileExists(acqParmName)) { if (mWinApp->mParamIO->ReadAcqParamsFromFile(NULL, NULL, NULL, acqParmName, errStr)) { AdocReleaseMutex(); return 1; } if (!errStr.IsEmpty()) SEMAppendToLog("WARNING: " + errStr); } numSect = AdocGetNumberOfSections(MGDOC_GRID); if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_APPEND, &val)) err = 1; mAppendNames = val != 0; val = 0; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LOCKED, &val) < 0) err++; mNamesLocked = val != 0; val = 0; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_SUBDIRS, &val) < 0) err++; mUseSubdirs = val != 0; if (AdocGetFloat(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_REFCOUNT, &mReferenceCounts) < 0) err++; GET_STRING(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_PREFIX, mPrefix); GET_STRING(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_TOPDIR, mWorkingDir); if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMMINLD, &mLMMneedsLowDose) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_STNUM, &mLMMusedStateNum) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_MAGIND, &mLMMmagIndex) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_IS_ALIGNED, &isAligned) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_SKIP_MARKER, &mSkipMarkerShifts) < 0) err++; GET_STRING(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_STNAME, mLMMusedStateName); ind1 = MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS; val = AdocGetIntegerArray(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_CONT_GROUP, mAutoContGroups, &ind1, MAX_AUTOCONT_GROUPS); if (val < 0) err++; mHaveAutoContGroups = val == 0; ind1 = 0; val = AdocGetIntegerArray(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_ORDER, intVals, &ind1, 50); if (val < 0) err++; if (val == 0) { mUseCustomOrder = true; mCustomRunDlgInds.clear(); inRunList.resize(numSect); for (val = 0; val < ind1; val++) { if (intVals[val] >= 0 && intVals[val] < numSect && !inRunList[intVals[val]]) { mCustomRunDlgInds.push_back(intVals[val]); inRunList[intVals[val]] = 1; } } } if (AdocGetTwoIntegers(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_LMM_CONSXY, &mMontSetupConsetSizes[0], &mMontSetupConsetSizes[1]) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetTwoIntegers(ADOC_GLOBAL_NAME, 0, MGDOC_MMM_CONSXY, &mMontSetupConsetSizes[1], &mMontSetupConsetSizes[3]) < 0) err++; if (err) errStr = "Error reading values from global section of autodoc"; if (!mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader()) mCartInfo->RemoveAll(); // Process grid entries acqParmName = ""; for (grid = 0; grid < numSect && !err; grid++) { jcd.Init(); if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_ID, &jcd.id)) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_STATION, &jcd.station) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_SLOT, &jcd.slot)) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_ROTATION, &jcd.rotation) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_TYPE, &jcd.type) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_LMMAPID, &jcd.LMmapID) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_STATUS, &jcd.status) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetFloat(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_ZSTAGE, &jcd.zStage) < 0) err++; GET_STRING(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_NAME, jcd.name); GET_STRING(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_USERNAME, jcd.userName); GET_STRING(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_NOTE, jcd.note); if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_STATUS, &jcd.status) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_SEP_ACQ_ST, &jcd.separateState) < 0) err++; if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_FRAME_NUM, &jcd.lastFrameNumber) < 0) err++; if (jcd.separateState) { for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < 4; ind1++) { snprintf(keyBuf, 31, "%s%d", MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NUM, ind1); if (AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, keyBuf, &jcd.acqStateNums[ind1]) < 0) err++; snprintf(keyBuf, 31, "%s%d", MGDOC_ACQ_ST_NAME, ind1); GET_STRING(MGDOC_GRID, grid, keyBuf, jcd.acqStateNames[ind1]); } } if (jcd.LMmapID && !(jcd.status & MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED)) { jcd.status |= MGSTAT_FLAG_LM_MAPPED; ext.Format("Grid %d had an LMmapID entry but the status entry did not\r\n" "have the LM mapped flag set; the flag is now being set", jcd.id); if (!acqParmName.IsEmpty()) acqParmName += "\r\n"; acqParmName += ext; } // Get the final data parameter index and check if out of range val = AdocGetInteger(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_FINAL_PARAM, &jcd.finalDataParamIndex); if (val < 0) err++; if (!val && jcd.finalDataParamIndex >= (int)mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetSize()) { ext.Format("Index of Final Data parameters stored for grid %d is out of range" " (%d >= %d)\r\n No parameters are now assigned for that grid", jcd.id, jcd.finalDataParamIndex, mMGAcqItemsParamArray.GetSize()); if (!acqParmName.IsEmpty()) acqParmName += "\r\n"; acqParmName += ext; jcd.finalDataParamIndex = -1; } // Get hole finder params, thresholds, sigmas HoleFinderToGridSettings(hfParam); haveHF = false; ind1 = 0; val = AdocGetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_HOLE_PARAM, hfParam.values, &ind1, HF_noParam); if (val < 0) err++; if (!val) haveHF = true; ind1 = 0; val = AdocGetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_HOLE_THRESH, values, &ind1, MS_noParam); if (val < 0) err++; if (!val) { haveHF = true; hfParam.thresholds.resize(ind1); for (val = 0; val < ind1; val++) hfParam.thresholds[val] = values[val]; } ind1 = 0; val = AdocGetFloatArray(MGDOC_GRID, grid, MGDOC_HOLE_FILTER, values, &ind1, MS_noParam); if (val < 0) err++; if (!val) { haveHF = true; hfParam.sigmas.resize(ind1); for (val = 0; val < ind1; val++) hfParam.sigmas[val] = values[val]; } if (haveHF) { jcd.holeFinderParamIndex = (int)mMGHoleParamArray.GetSize(); mMGHoleParamArray.Add(hfParam); } // Get multishot, autocontour, general, focusPos params GET_GRID_PARAMS(MultiShot, multiShot, MShot, MS, ms, Float); GET_GRID_PARAMS(AutoCont, autoCont, AutoCont, AC, ac, Float); GET_GRID_PARAMS(General, general, General, GEN, gen, Integer); GET_GRID_PARAMS(FocusPos, focusPos, FocusPos, FP, fp, Float); if (!err && jcd.station == JAL_STATION_STAGE) { stageInd = grid; stageID = jcd.id; } mCartInfo->Add(jcd); if (err) errStr = "Error reading values from a grid section of the autodoc"; } // Get montage params and mark as initialized numSect = AdocGetNumberOfSections(SECT_NAME); for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < numSect && !err; ind1++) { if (AdocGetSectionName(SECT_NAME, ind1, &string) != 0) { err++; } else { if (string[0] == '0') { mInitializedGridMont = true; montParam = &mGridMontParam; } else { mInitializedMMMmont = true; montParam = &mMMMmontParam; } free(string); #include "NavAdocParams.h" mWinApp->mNavigator->FinishMontParamLoad(montParam, ind1, err); montParam->warnedConSetBin = true; if (AdocGetFloat(SECT_NAME, ind1, "MinUmOverlap", &montParam->minMicronsOverlap)) err++; if (AdocGetFloat(SECT_NAME, ind1, "MinOverlapFac", &montParam->minOverlapFactor)) err++; if (err) errStr = "Error reading MontParam section of autodoc"; } } AdocClear(adocInd); // Adjust dialog and other parameters if (err) { ClearSession(); errStr = acqParmName + errStr; } else { if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) { mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetNumUsedSlots((int)mCartInfo->GetSize()); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->m_strPrefix = mPrefix; mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetRootname(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateData(false); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->ReloadTable(1, 1 + (mUseCustomOrder ? 1 : 0)); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->CheckIfAnyUndoneToRun(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateCurrentDir(); } IdentifyGridOnStage(stageID, stageInd); if (stageInd >= 0) mLoadedGridIsAligned = isAligned ? -1 : 0; mParams.appendNames = mAppendNames; mParams.useSubdirectory = mUseSubdirs; if (!mWorkingDir.IsEmpty() && !mNamesLocked) { if (!_chdir((LPCTSTR)mWorkingDir)) mWinApp->mDocWnd->SetInitialDirToCurrentDir(); } if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) { mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateSettings(); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->UpdateEnables(); } if (!acqParmName.IsEmpty()) { errStr = acqParmName; err = -1; } } AdocReleaseMutex(); mAdocChanged = false; return err; } // Maintain the filename on the dialog title bar void CMultiGridTasks::UpdateDialogForSessionFile() { CString direc, filename; if (!mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) return; UtilSplitPath(mSessionFilename, direc, filename); mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->SetWindowText("Multiple Grid Operations: " + filename); } #undef ADOC_REQUIRED #undef ADOC_BOOL_ASSIGN #undef INT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef BOOL_SETT_ASSIGN #undef FLOAT_SETT_ASSIGN #undef SECT_NAME #undef NAV_MONT_PARAMS #undef SKIP_ADOC_PUTS #undef GET_STRING /* * Function to let the user specify the grid on the stage; the ID and index are of what * is thought to be on the stage if anything */ void CMultiGridTasks::IdentifyGridOnStage(int stageID, int &stageInd) { CString direc; int ind1, newID = stageID; if (!mScope->GetScopeHasAutoloader()) { stageInd = 0; return; } direc.Format("Enter %s of grid on stage or -1 if none:", JEOLscope ? "ID" : "slot #"); if (KGetOneInt(direc, newID)) { stageInd = -1; // Make sure at most one grid is on the stage, fix any goofs no matter they happened for (ind1 = 0; ind1 < (int)mCartInfo->GetSize(); ind1++) { JeolCartridgeData &jcdEl = mCartInfo->ElementAt(ind1); if (jcdEl.id == newID) { stageInd = ind1; if (jcdEl.station != JAL_STATION_STAGE) mAdocChanged = true; jcdEl.station = JAL_STATION_STAGE; } else if (jcdEl.station == JAL_STATION_STAGE) { jcdEl.station = JAL_STATION_MAGAZINE; mAdocChanged = true; } } if (stageInd < 0 && newID >= 0) AfxMessageBox("That number is not in the inventory", MB_EXCLAME); } if (mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg) mNavHelper->mMultiGridDlg->NewGridOnStage(stageInd); mScope->SetSimCartridgeLoaded(newID); mWinApp->RestoreViewFocus(); } /*static float RRGfunk(float *y, float *err) { int ind; float dx, dy; float cosRot = (float)cos(y[0] * DTOR); float sinRot = (float)sin(y[0] * DTOR); *err = 0.; for (ind = 0; ind < 5; ind++) { if (ind == sSkipInd) continue; dx = sOrigXstage[ind] * (cosRot + y[1]) - sOrigYstage[ind] * (sinRot - y[2]) + y[3] - sNewXstage[ind]; dy = sOrigXstage[ind] * (sinRot + y[2]) + sOrigYstage[ind] * (cosRot - y[1]) + y[4] - sNewYstage[ind]; *err += dx * dx + dy * dy; } }*/