#ifndef MONTAGEPARAM_H #define MONTAGEPARAM_H #include #define MAX_MONT_PIECES 65535 #define MIN_Y_MONT_REALIGN 5 #define MINI_NO_PIECE -30000 // IF YOU ADD SOMETHING: See if it either should be saved in NavAdocParams or initialized // on read-in from adoc struct MontParam { int xFrame, yFrame; // Frame size int xNframes, yNframes; // # of frames in X and Y int xOverlap, yOverlap; // overlap int binning; // binning int magIndex; // index in mag table int cameraIndex; // index to camera # to use out of active list int zCurrent; // Current Z value int zMax; // Maximum Z in file int overviewBinning; // Binning for overview int prescanBinning; // Binning for prescan images int maxPrescanBin; // Initial, maximum binning for prescan int maxOverviewBin; // Initial, maximum binning for overview BOOL moveStage; // Use stage movement instead of image shift BOOL settingsUsed; // Mag and binning were used for acquisition BOOL warnedCalOpen; // User was warned about calibration when file opened BOOL warnedCalAcquire; // User was warned about calibration on acquire BOOL warnedBinChange; // User was warned about changing binning BOOL warnedMagChange; // User was warned about changing mag BOOL warnedCamChange; // User was warned about changing camera BOOL warnedStageChange; // User was warned about changing move stage BOOL warnedConSetBin; // User was warned about binning different from parameter set BOOL makeNewMap; // Make a map from montage BOOL closeFileWhenDone; // Close the file after montage if not Nav or script or TS BOOL adjustFocus; // Change focus for column BOOL correctDrift; // Use drift correction BOOL focusAfterStage; // Autofocus after each stage move BOOL repeatFocus; // Repeat focus until drift is low enough float driftLimit; // Limiting drift amount in nm/sec BOOL showOverview; // Show overview at end BOOL shiftInOverview; // Shift pieces when putting into overview BOOL verySloppy; // Use correlation parameters for very sloppy montages BOOL evalMultiplePeaks; // Examine multiple peaks with weighting by expected shift int numToSkip; // Number of pieces to skip std::vector skipPieceX; // Piece numbers to skip, numbered from 0 std::vector skipPieceY; int fitToPolygonID; // ID of polygon it was fit to BOOL ignoreSkipList; // User can select to take full rectangle int insideNavItem; // Navigator item to take frames inside of BOOL skipOutsidePoly; // Flag to skip frames outside that item BOOL wasFitToPolygon; // Flag if it was fit to a polygon float minOverlapFactor; // Minimum overlap factor for stage montage float minMicronsOverlap; // And minimum overlap in microns float byteMinScale; // Scaling factors for converting to bytes when read float byteMaxScale; BOOL useMontMapParams; // Flag to use the montage mapping parameters BOOL useViewInLowDose; // Flag to use View parameters in low dose mode BOOL useSearchInLowDose; // Flag to use Search parameters/area in low dose BOOL usePrevInLowDose; // Internal-use only flag to use preview in low dose BOOL useMultiShot; // Flag to use Multiple Record routine BOOL setupInLowDose; // Flag that params were set up in low dose BOOL useContinuousMode; // Flag to use continuous mode if possible float continDelayFactor; // Delay (settling) factor for continuous mode BOOL noDriftCorr; // Turn off drift correction for non HQ stage montage BOOL noHQDriftCorr; // Turn off drift correction for HQ stage montage BOOL useHqParams; // Enable all HQ-type params BOOL focusInBlocks; // Focus in blocks int focusBlockSize; // Size of blocks for focusing in when doing stage BOOL imShiftInBlocks; // Use image shift in blocks float maxBlockImShiftNonLM; // Maximum IS of blocks outside of LM float maxBlockImShiftLM; // Maximum IS of blocks in LM BOOL realignToPiece; // Periodically realign to a full piece int realignInterval; // Interval at which to do it float maxAlignFrac; // Maximum fraction of field to allow alignment float hqDelayTime; // Extra long delay after moving stage BOOL ISrealign; // Realign with image shift float maxRealignIS; // Maximum image shift for realigning BOOL useAnchorWithIS; // Flag to have a center anchor image int anchorMagInd; // Mag index for anchor BOOL skipCorrelations; // Flag to skip the correlation step BOOL skipRecReblanks; // Flag to skip the reblank in Record readout BOOL forFullMontage; // Flag that it should use stage positions saved next float fullMontStageX; float fullMontStageY; int refCount; // Reference count for multiple use int navID; // ID for avoiding duplication when merging nav files int reusability; // 1 open and leave open, 2 open only if needed for geometry }; // Structure to keep track of offsets applied in making montage overview struct MiniOffsets { std::vector offsetX; // The offsets: True offset of piece / minizoom with std::vector offsetY; // Y inverted; indexed by ixpc * nYframes + iypc int xNframes, yNframes; // # of frames in X and Y int xDelta, yDelta; // Spacing between effective frame boundaries int xFrame, yFrame; // frame sizes int xBase, yBase; // base values for boundaries bool subsetLoaded; // Only a subset of frames was loaded }; #endif