// MacroProcessor.h: interface for the CMacroProcessor class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_MACROPROCESSOR_H__33178182_58A1_4F3A_B8F4_D41F94866517__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_MACROPROCESSOR_H__33178182_58A1_4F3A_B8F4_D41F94866517__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include #include #include #include class CMapDrawItem; class COneLineScript; struct ScriptLangPlugFuncs; struct MultiShotParams; #define MAX_LOOP_DEPTH 40 #define MAX_CALL_DEPTH (2 * MAX_TOT_MACROS) #define MAX_MACRO_LABELS 100 #define MAX_MACRO_SKIPS 100 #define MACRO_NO_VALUE -123456789. #define MAX_CUSTOM_INTERVAL 20000 #define MAX_MACRO_TOKENS 60 #define MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS 20 #define LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_TRY -2146000000 #define LOOP_LIMIT_FOR_IF -2147000000 #define SCRIPT_EVENT_NAME "SEMScriptLangEvent" #define SCRIPT_NORMAL_EXIT -123456 #define SCRIPT_EXIT_NO_EXC -654321 #define SCRIPT_USER_STOP -234561 #define VARTYPE_ADD_FOR_NUM 10 enum {VARTYPE_REGULAR, VARTYPE_PERSIST, VARTYPE_INDEX, VARTYPE_REPORT, VARTYPE_LOCAL}; enum {SKIPTO_ENDIF, SKIPTO_ELSE_ENDIF, SKIPTO_ENDLOOP, SKIPTO_CATCH, SKIPTO_ENDTRY}; enum {TXFILE_READ_ONLY, TXFILE_WRITE_ONLY, TXFILE_MUST_EXIST, TXFILE_MUST_NOT_EXIST, TXFILE_QUERY_ONLY}; #define MAC_SAME_NAME(nam, req, flg, cme) CME_##cme, #define MAC_DIFF_NAME(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) CME_##cme, #define MAC_SAME_FUNC(nam, req, flg, fnc, cme) CME_##cme, #include "DefineScriptMacros.h" // An enum with indexes to true commands, preceded by special operations enum { #include "MacroMasterList.h" CME_ENUM_LENGTH }; #define CME_NOTFOUND -1 struct MacroFunction { CString name; int numNumericArgs; bool ifStringArg; int startIndex; bool wasCalled; CArray argNames; }; struct ArrayRow { CString value; int numElements; }; struct Variable { CString name; CString value; int type; // Regular, persistent, index, report, or local int callLevel; // call level at which variable defined int index; // index with loop level for index, or for report, or script # bool isNumeric; // True if the value was originally numeric MacroFunction *definingFunc; // Function it was defined in int numElements; // Number of elements for a 1D array CArray *rowsFor2d; // Pointer to array of rows for 2D array }; // For keeping track of open text files struct FileForText { CStdioFile *csFile; // Pointer to file BOOL readOnly; // If read-only, otherwise write-only bool persistent; // If kept open at end of script CString ID; // Arbitrary ID }; // For communicating with a scripting language struct ScriptLangData { int functionCode; // Command code (index) from plugin CString strItems[MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS]; // String items from plugin (use from 1) BOOL itemEmpty[MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS]; // Flag if item empty, from plugin int itemInt[MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS]; // Integer value by atoi, from plugin double itemDbl[MAX_SCRIPT_LANG_ARGS]; // double value from plugin int lastNonEmptyInd; // Index of last non-empty item from plugin CString reportedStrs[6]; // Reported string values after command double reportedVals[6]; // Reported double values after command bool repValIsString[6]; // Flag for whether reported value is string int highestReportInd; // Index of highest reported value (from 0) int errorOccurred; // Flag that an error occurred in the command int commandReady; // Flag set by plugin that command is ready bool gotExceptionText; // Flag that strItems has exception text // Variables used only by SerialEM int waitingForCommand; // Flag that SerialEM is waiting for command int threadDone; // Flag that script run thread has exited int exitStatus; // Exit status of script run thread bool exitedFromWrapper; // Flag that exit was called from exception int externalControl; // -1 to request it, 0 if not, 1 if under it bool disconnected; // Flag that the socket disconnected }; typedef int(CMacCmd::*DispEntry)(void); struct CmdItem { const char *mixedCase; int minargs; int arithAllowed; DispEntry func; std::string cmd; }; ScriptLangData DLL_IM_EX *SEMGetScriptLangData(); class DLL_IM_EX CMacroProcessor : public CCmdTarget { public: void SetIntensityFactor(int iDir); void RunOrResume(); void StartRunningScrpLang(void); void Stop(BOOL ifNow); void Resume(); void Run(int which); void ClearGraphVariables(); int TaskBusy(); void CleanupExternalProcess(); void CheckAndSetupExternalControl(void); void Initialize(); CMacroProcessor(); virtual ~CMacroProcessor(); void ShutdownScrpLangScripting(); BOOL DoingMacro() { return mDoingMacro && mCurrentMacro >= 0; }; BOOL IsResumable(); void SetNonResumable() { mCurrentMacro = -1; }; void SetMontageError(float inErr) { mLastMontError = inErr; }; void SuspendMacro(int abort = 0); void AbortMacro(bool ending = false); GetMember(BOOL, LastCompleted) GetMember(BOOL, LastAborted) GetMember(BOOL, OpenDE12Cover); GetSetMember(int, NumToolButtons); GetSetMember(int, ToolButHeight); GetMember(int, NumCamMacRows); GetMember(int, NumStatusLines); GetSetMember(int, AutoIndentSize); GetMember(BOOL, UseMonoFont); void SetUseMonoFont(BOOL inVal); GetSetMember(BOOL, ShowIndentButtons); GetSetMember(CString, MonoFontName); CString *GetStatusLines() {return &mStatusLines[0]; }; bool *GetHighlightStatus() { return &mHighlightStatus[0]; }; GetSetMember(BOOL, MonospaceStatus); SetMember(int, KeyPressed); GetSetMember(bool, WaitingForFrame); GetMember(bool, UsingContinuous); GetMember(bool, DisableAlignTrim); GetMember(bool, CompensatedBTforIS); GetMember(bool, NoMessageBoxOnError); GetMember(int, TryCatchLevel); GetMember(bool, SuspendNavRedraw); GetMember(bool, DeferLogUpdates); GetMember(bool, NonMacroDeferring); GetMember(float, CumulRecordDose); GetMember(bool, C2ApForScalingWasSet); void SetNonMacroDeferLog(bool inVal) { mDeferLogUpdates = inVal; mNonMacroDeferring = inVal; }; GetMember(bool, LoopInOnIdle); GetMember(bool, RunningScrpLang); GetMember(int, LastPythonErrorLine); GetSetMember(BOOL, RestoreMacroEditors); SetMember(CString, PyModulePath); GetMember(CString, EnteredName); SetMember(HWND, FocusedWndWhenSavedStatus); GetSetMember(BOOL, KeepOneLineFocus); GetSetMember(CString, PyIncludePath); GetSetMember(int, NextParamSetForMont); GetMember(CString, ScriptWindowTitle); bool *GetNoCatchOutput() {return &mNoCatchOutput[0] ; }; std::vector *GetVersionsOfPython() { return &mVersionsOfPython; }; int GetReadOnlyStart(int macNum) { return mReadOnlyStart[macNum]; }; void SetReadOnlyStart(int macNum, int start) { mReadOnlyStart[macNum] = start; }; std::map *GetCustomTimeMap() { return &mCustomTimeMap; }; bool GetAlignWholeTSOnly() { return DoingMacro() && mAlignWholeTSOnly; }; bool SkipCheckingFrameAli() { return DoingMacro() && mSkipFrameAliCheck; }; EMimageBuffer *ImBufForIndex(int ind) { return (ind >= 0 ? &mImBufs[ind] : &mFFTBufs[-1 - ind]); }; IntVec *GetStoredGraphTypes() { return &mStoredGraphTypes; }; std::vector *GetStoredGraphValues() { return &mStoredGraphValues; }; COneLineScript *mOneLineScript; static ScriptLangData mScrpLangData; // Data structure for external scripting static ScriptLangPlugFuncs *mScrpLangFuncs; // The functions of a scripting plugin static HANDLE mScrpLangDoneEvent; // Event to notify server thread command done static std::set mPythonOnlyCmdSet; // Set of commands available only from Python static HANDLE mPyProcessHandle; // Process handle so we can kill it protected: // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CMacroProcessor) afx_msg void OnMacroEnd(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroStop(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnMacroStop(); afx_msg void OnMacroResume(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroResume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnMacroControls(); //}}AFX_MSG afx_msg void OnMacroEdit(UINT nID); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroEdit(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnMacroRun(UINT nID); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroRun(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnMacroToolbar(); afx_msg void OnMacroSetlength(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() protected: MacroControl * mControl; CSerialEMApp * mWinApp; MagTable *mMagTab; CString * mModeNames; EMimageBuffer *mImBufs; EMimageBuffer *mFFTBufs; CEMscope *mScope; CShiftManager *mShiftManager; CCameraController *mCamera; EMbufferManager *mBufferManager; CNavHelper *mNavHelper; CProcessImage *mProcessImage; CFocusManager *mFocusManager; CParameterIO *mParamIO; CSerialEMDoc *mDocWnd; ControlSet *mConSets; CMacroEditer **mMacroEditer; CString mModeCaps[5]; CString *mMacNames; CString mStrNum[MAX_MACROS]; CArray mFuncArray[MAX_TOT_MACROS]; std::set mArithAllowed; std::set mArithDenied; std::map mCmdHashMap; std::set mFunctionSet1; std::set mFunctionSet2; std::set mReservedWords; std::map mCustomTimeMap; int mReadOnlyStart[MAX_TOT_MACROS]; CString *mMacros; CmdItem *mCmdList; int mNumCommands; CString mStrItems[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; BOOL mItemEmpty[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; int mItemInt[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; double mItemDbl[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; float mItemFlt[MAX_MACRO_TOKENS]; BOOL mDoingMacro; // Flag for whether running int mCurrentMacro; // Currently running macro int mCurrentIndex; // Index into macro int mLoopStart[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; // Index of start of loop int mLoopLimit[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; // Times to do loop or special values for IF/TRY int mLoopCount[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; // Count (index) in loop, from 1 int mLoopIncrement[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; // Increment to add to index (negative OK) int mLastIndex; // Index of last command (the one just run) BOOL mStopAtEnd; // Flag to stop at end of loop or macro BOOL mAskRedoOnResume; // Flag to ask about redoing current command when resume int mNumRuns; // Counter for number of runs float mLastMontError; // Last Montage Error BOOL mTestScale; // flag to test for image intensity BOOL mTestMontError; // flag to test for montage error BOOL mTestTiltAngle; // flag to test tilt angle CString mMacroPaneText; // Text to place in status pane float mAccumShiftX; // Accumulated reported shifts float mAccumShiftY; float mAccumDiff; // Accumulated difference DWORD mStartClock; // Clock at start of macro double mIntensityFactor; // Cosine factor for last tilt change CArray mVarArray; // Array of variable structures CArray mTextFileArray; // Array of open text files int mBlockLevel; // Index for block level, 0 in top block or -1 if not in block int mCallLevel; // Index for call level, 0 in main macro int mTryCatchLevel; // Level of try blocks, raised at Try, dropped at Catch bool mInInitialSubEval; // Flag to test if in a block-raising statement if error bool mNoCatchOutput[MAX_LOOP_DEPTH]; // Flag to suppress output, index 0 for level 1 int mBlockDepths[MAX_CALL_DEPTH]; // Block level reached in current call level int mCallMacro[MAX_CALL_DEPTH]; // Current macro for given call level int mCallIndex[MAX_CALL_DEPTH]; // Current index into macro for given call level MacroFunction *mCallFunction[MAX_CALL_DEPTH]; // Pointer to function being called BOOL mAlreadyChecked[MAX_TOT_MACROS]; // Flag that this macro was already checked WINDOWPLACEMENT mToolPlacement; int mNumToolButtons; // Number of tool bottons to show int mToolButHeight; // Height of tool buttons int mNumCamMacRows; // Number of rows of buttons in camera-macro tool panel int mNumStatusLines; // Number of message lines in camera-macro tool panel WINDOWPLACEMENT mEditerPlacement[MAX_MACROS]; WINDOWPLACEMENT mOneLinePlacement; int mLogErrAction; // Log argument for error messages int mLogAction; // Parameterized log argument for suppressing reports int mLogInfoAction; // Log argument for info messages std::vector mConsetsSaved; // COntrol sets saved from changes std::vector mChangedConsets; // Modified Control sets if suspend std::vector mSavedSettingNames; // Names and values of user settings that std::vector mSavedSettingValues; // were changed and need restoring std::vector mNewSettingValues; // and value sthey were changed to ShortVec mConsetNums; // #'s of control sets saved int mCamWithChangedSets; // Number of camera with changed sets on suspend bool mRestoreConsetAfterShot; // Flag to restore a control set after a shot int mCropXafterShot, mCropYafterShot; // Size to crop to after a shot std::vector mLDParamsSaved; // Saved low dose sets ShortVec mLDareasSaved; // Numbers of areas saved short int mKeepOrRestoreArea[MAX_LOWDOSE_SETS]; // -1 to keep or 1 to restore an area double mSleepStart; // Starting time to sleep from double mSleepTime; // Number of ticks (msec) to sleep bool mWaitingForMarker; // Flag that we are waiting for a new marker point BOOL mStartedWithMarker; // Flag that there was a marker on that image already float mOldMarkerX, mOldMarkerY; // Starting value if any double mMarkerTimeStamp; // Time stamp of image int mMarkerImageCapFlag; // mCaptured value of image too BOOL mMovedStage; // Flag that stage should be checked BOOL mExposedFilm; // Flag that film should be checked BOOL mMovedScreen; BOOL mStartedLongOp; // Flag that long operation was started BOOL mRanGatanScript; // Flag that a DM script was started BOOL mRanCtfplotter; // Flag that ctfplotter was run BOOL mRanExtProcess; // Flag that BOOL mMovedPiezo; // Flag that a piezo movement was started BOOL mMovedAperture; // Flag that an aperture/phase plate movement was started BOOL mLoadingMap; // Flag that an asynchronous map load was started BOOL mMakingDualMap; // Flag that anchor map has been started BOOL mAutoContouring; // Flag that autocontouring was started double mDoseStart; // Starting cumulative dose double mDoseTarget; // Target dose to accumulate double mDoseTime; // Time it started double mDoseNextReport; // Dose at which to report next int mNumDoseReports; // Number of reports wanted BOOL mLastCompleted; // Flag that last macro ran to completion BOOL mLastAborted; // Flag that last macro stopped through the Abort call BOOL mInitialVerbose; // Initial verbose setting from menu int mVerbose; // Run-time verbose setting CString mMailSubject; // Subject line for email messages BOOL mOverwriteOK; // Flag that overwriting an existing file is allowed CString mEnteredName; // Filename entered from text box BOOL mOpenDE12Cover; // Flag that DE-12 protection cover can be open int mNumStatesToRestore; // Number of states to restore when macro stops double mFocusToRestore; // Saved focus value; float mFocusOffsetToRestore; // Saved value of autofocus offset to restore float mDEframeRateToRestore; // Saved frame rate of DE camera int mDEcamIndToRestore; // Index of that camera int mLDSetAddedBeamRestore; // Saved state of low dose SET function for beam shift double mBeamTiltXtoRestore[2]; // Saved beam tilt values to restore for two probe double mBeamTiltYtoRestore[2]; // modes double mAstigXtoRestore[2]; // Saved stigamtor values to restore for two probe double mAstigYtoRestore[2]; // modes int mK3CDSmodeToRestore; // -1 or value of mode to restore at end float mGridLimitsToRestore[4]; // User grid limits to restore at end bool mRestoreGridLimits; FileOptions *mFileOptToRestore; // Main file options to restore at the end FileOptions *mOtherFileOptToRestore; // Other file options to restore at the end int mSavedFrameNameFormat; // set >=0 if this needs to be restored CString mSavedFrameBaseName; // It needs to be restored also if non-empty bool mCompensatedBTforIS; // Flag that beam tilt was compensated for an IS change int mKeyPressed; // Key pressed after macro starts int mStoppedContSetNum; // Set number for continuous acquire that was stopped float mMinDeltaFocus; // Defocus change and absolute focus limits for autofocus float mMaxDeltaFocus; double mMinAbsFocus; double mMaxAbsFocus; bool mWaitingForFrame; // Flag that we are waiting for next continuous frame bool mUsingContinuous; // Flag to continue execution during continuous acquire CString mEmailOnError; // Message to send when error message box goes up BOOL mLastTestResult; // result of "Test" command int mOnStopMacroIndex; // Macro number for function to call on stop int mOnStopLineIndex; // And start index for function bool mExitAtFuncEnd; // And flag to end when that function ends int mRetryReadOther; // Number of retries for readOtherFile double mFrameWaitStart; // Time from which waiting for next frame starts CWinThread *mProcessThread; // Thread for running a process bool mNoMessageBoxOnError; // Flag for no message box on error CString mBoxOnScopeText; // Text for a scope message box float mBoxOnScopeInterval; // Interval in hours for message box int mBoxOnScopeType; int mShowedScopeBox; // Flag so reply can be assigned to variable bool mLoopIndsAreLocal; // Flag that loop indexes are local int mAutoIndentSize; // Number of spaces for autoindent of macro BOOL mUseMonoFont; // setting to use monospaced font if possible CString mMonoFontName; // Priority font to use BOOL mShowIndentButtons; // setting for whether editor shows indent buttons bool mSkipFrameAliCheck; // Flag for camera controller to skip checking frame ali param bool mAlignWholeTSOnly; // Flag for alignment to happen is if in TS with Whole TS bool mStartNavAcqAtEnd; // Flag to start Nav acquire on successful completion bool mUseTempNavParams; // Flag to do that with temp params at index 2; CString mPackToLoadAtEnd; // Name of script package to load at end if successful bool mSaveCurrentPack; // Flag to save current package first int mTestNextMultiShot; // 1 or 2 to test image area or coma bool mDisableAlignTrim; // Flag to disable trimming in autoalign BOOL mRestoreMacroEditors; // Flag to reopen the editor windows on startup/settings CString mNextProcessArgs; // Argument string for next process to create int mRunToolArgPlacement; // Whether to replace (0), prepend (-1), or append (1) int mNumTempMacros; // Number of temporary macros assigned from script int mNeedClearTempMacro; // Flag that the current temporary needs to be cleared int mClearTempAtCallLevel; // Call level at which to clear temp macro bool mParseQuotes; // Flag that strings are parsed with quoting bool mCheckingParseQuotes; // Flag it is happening during checking bool mSuspendNavRedraw; // Flag to save redrawing of Nav table and display to end bool mDeferLogUpdates; // Flag for log window to defer its updates and accumulate bool mNonMacroDeferring; // Flag that some other module is deferring bool mDeferSettingsUpdate; // Flag not to update windows after SetUserSetting bool mLoopInOnIdle; // Flag for OnIdle to keep calling TaskDone int mNumCmdSinceAddIdle; // Number of commands run with looping in OnIdle double mLastAddIdleTime; // Time of last call to AddIdleTask int mMaxCmdToLoopOnIdle; // Maximum number of commands before returning to event loop float mMaxSecToLoopOnIdle; // Maximum number of seconds before doing so ControlSet *mCamSet; // Control set, set by call to CheckAndConvertCameraSet bool mNoLineWrapInMessageBox; // Flag for messages boxes without line wrap bool mMonospacedMessageBox; // Flag to use monospaced font bool mRunningScrpLang; // Flag that external interpreter is running the script bool mCalledFromScrpLang; // Flag that regular script called from language script bool mCalledFromSEMmacro; // Flag that language script called from regular one CString mMacroForScrpLang; // String actually passed with other scripts included static CWinThread *mScrpLangThread; IntVec mLineInSrcMacro; // Map from line in composite script to line in source IntVec mIndexOfSrcLine; // And the character index of that line in the source IntVec mMacNumAtScrpLine; // Macro number for each block of composite script IntVec mMacStartLineInScrp; // And the starting line of that block in the composite IntVec mFirstRealLineInPart; // Macro line number of first non-blank line in a block int mLastPythonErrorLine; // Last line number and error happened on std::vector mIncludedFiles; std::vector mPathsToPython; std::vector mVersionsOfPython; CString mPyModulePath; // Module path set by property or set as default int mScriptNumFound; // Last script number (0-based) for FindScriptByName float mCumulRecordDose; // Cumulative Record dose for tilt series FloatVec mAreaRecordDoses; // Record doses for separate areas int mAreaForCumulDose; // Current area index ImodImageFile *mShrMemFile; // Shared memory file for a process DWORD mExtProcExitStatus; // Exit status from external process run sychronously IntVec mGraphTypeList; // Entered type list for graphs IntVec mGraphColumns; // Columns to graph IntVec mGraphSymbols; // Symbol numbers CString mGraphAxisLabel; // Bottom axis label std::vector mGraphKeys; // Key labels bool mConnectGraph; // Flag to connect int mGraphVsOrdinals; // Flag to do ordinals int mGraphColorOpt; // Use colors, except black for given group # int mGraphXlogSqrt; // 1 or 2 for log/sqrt for X float mGraphXlogBase; // Base to add for log/sqrt int mGraphYlogSqrt; float mGraphYlogBase; float mGraphXmin; // MIn and max in X and Y float mGraphXmax; float mGraphYmin; float mGraphYmax; CString mGraphSaveName; // Name of file to save and exit bool mGraphSaveTiff; // Whether to save tiff instead of png IntVec mStoredGraphTypes; // Stored type data std::vector mStoredGraphValues; // Stored values from last graph or others CString mInputToNextProcess; // Input to pipe in when running next process CString mVarForProcOutputPipe; // Name of variable to place output in int mGotPipedOutputOrErr; // 1 if got output, -1 for impossible error, 2 exitcode CString mPipeOutput; // A string just for this HWND mFocusedWndWhenSavedStatus; CString mSavedStatusPanes[3]; CString mStatusLines[NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES]; bool mHighlightStatus[NUM_CM_MESSAGE_LINES]; BOOL mMonospaceStatus; BOOL mKeepOneLineFocus; CString mPyIncludePath; int mSaveCtfplotGraph; // 1 for png, 2 for tiff to save next ctfplotter graph int mBufForCtfplotGraph; // Buffer to load into when gotten (-1 not to) CString mCtfplotGraphName; // FIlename to save next ctfplotter graph to CString mLastPluginCalled; // Keep track so it is easier to call again with ":" int mNextParamSetForMont; // Parameter set to use for next montage opened bool mRamperStarted; // Flag for focus ramper started CString mScriptWindowTitle; // Title for window opened by script float mBinningForCameraMatrix; // Adjust camera matrices to this user binning MultiShotParams *mSavedMultiShot; // Saved parameters for running step & adjust bool mC2ApForScalingWasSet; // Flag that C2 aperture size was set public: void SetNumCamMacRows(int inVal); void SetNumStatusLines(int inVal); void GetNextLine(CString * macro, int & currentIndex, CString &strLine, bool commentOK = false); int ScanForName(int macroNumber, CString *macro = NULL); bool SetVariable(CString name, CString value, int type, int index, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr = NULL, CArray *rowsFor2d = NULL); bool SetVariable(CString name, double value, int type, int index, bool mustBeNew, CString *errStr = NULL, CArray *rowsFor2d = NULL); Variable *LookupVariable(CString name, int &ind); void ListVariables(int type = -1); void ClearVariables(int type = -1, int level = -1, int index = -1); int SubstituteVariables(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line); int EvaluateExpression(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, int ifArray, int &numItems, int &numOrig); int EvaluateArithmeticClause(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, int &numItems); void SetReportedValues(double val1 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val2 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val3 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val4 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val5 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val6 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); void SetReportedValues(CString *strItems = NULL, double val1 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val2 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val3 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val4 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val5 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val6 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); void SetRepValsAndVars(int firstInd, double val1 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val2 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val3 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val4 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val5 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE, double val6 = EXTRA_NO_VALUE); void ToolbarMacroRun(UINT nID); WINDOWPLACEMENT * GetToolPlacement(void); WINDOWPLACEMENT * GetEditerPlacement(void) { return &mEditerPlacement[0]; }; WINDOWPLACEMENT * GetOneLinePlacement(void); void ToolbarClosing(void); void OneLineClosing(void); int CheckBlockNesting(int macroNum, int startLevel, int &tryLevel); int SkipToBlockEnd(int type, CString line, int *numPops = NULL, int *delTryLevel = NULL); BOOL ItemToDouble(CString str, CString line, double & value); int EvaluateComparison(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth); int EvaluateIfStatement(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth); int EvaluateBooleanClause(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString line, BOOL &truth); void ReplaceWithResult(double result, CString * strItems, int index, int & numItems, int numDrop, CString format = ""); void OpenMacroToolbar(void); void SetComplexPane(void); WINDOWPLACEMENT *FindEditerPlacement(int index); BOOL MacroRunnable(int index); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroEnd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int FindCalledMacro(CString strLine, bool scanning, CString useName = ""); int FindMacroByNameOrTextNum(CString name); BOOL WordIsReserved(CString str); int CheckIntensityChangeReturn(int err); int CheckConvertFilename(CString * strItems, CString strLine, int index, CString & strCopy); afx_msg void OnMacroVerbose(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroVerbose(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); CmdItem * GetCommandList(int & numCommands); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit15(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit20(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit25(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit30(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit35(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit40(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit45(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit50(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit55(); afx_msg void OnMacroEdit60(); void PrepareForMacroChecking(int which); afx_msg void OnMacroReadMany(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMacroReadMany(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateNoTasks(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); void OpenMacroEditor(int index); bool ConvertBufferLetter(CString strItem, int emptyDefault, bool checkImage, int &bufIndex, CString & message, bool fftAllowed = false); void ConvertApertureNameToNum(); bool CheckCameraBinning(double binDblIn, int &binning, CString &message); void SaveControlSet(int index); bool CheckAndConvertCameraSet(CString &strItem, int &itemInt, int &index, CString &message); bool RestoreCameraSet(int index, BOOL erase); void FormatCartridgeInfo(int index, int &id, int &station, int &slot, int &type, int &rotation, CString &name, CString &report, CString &rowVal); int SkipToLabel(CString label, CString line, int &numPops, int &delTryLevel); void LeaveCallLevel(bool popBlocks); int CheckBalancedParentheses(CString * strItems, int maxItems, CString &strLine, CString &errmess, bool useQuotes); int SeparateParentheses(CString * strItems, int maxItems, bool useQuotes); void ClearFunctionArray(int index); MacroFunction * FindCalledFunction(CString strLine, bool scanning, int ¯oNum, int &argInd, int currentMac = -1); void ScanMacroIfNeeded(int index, bool scanning); int PiecesForMinimumSize(float minMicrons, int camSize, float fracOverlap); afx_msg void OnMacroListFunctions(); int EnsureMacroRunnable(int macnum); int CheckForScriptLanguage(int macNum, bool justCheckStart, int argInd = 0, int currentInd = 0, int lastInd = -1, int startLine = 0); void IndentAndAppendToScript(CString &source, CString ©, CString &indentStr, bool isPython); void DoReplacementsInPythonLine(CString &line); bool IsEmbeddedPythonOK(int macNum, int currentInd, int &lastInd, int &newCurrentInd); int CountLinesToCurIndex(int macNum, int curIndex); void EnhancedExceptionToLog(CString &str); void SetPathToPython(CString &version, CString &path); void SendEmailIfNeeded(void); int TestAndStartFuncOnStop(void); int TestTryLevelAndSkip(CString *mess); int CheckForArrayAssignment(CString * strItems, int &firstInd); void FindValueAtIndex(CString &value, int arrInd, int & beginInd, int & endInd); int ConvertArrayIndex(CString strItem, int leftInd, int rightInd, CString name, int numElements, CString * errMess); void FillVectorFromArrayVariable(FloatVec *fvec, IntVec *ivec, Variable *var); static UINT RunInShellProc(LPVOID pParam); static UINT RunScriptLangProc(LPVOID pParam); static int CreateOnePipe(HANDLE *childRd, HANDLE *childWr, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *saAttr, bool setForWrite, const char *descrip); static UINT StdoutToLogProc(LPVOID pParam); static void TerminateScrpLangProcess(void); afx_msg void OnScriptSetIndentSize(); afx_msg void OnScriptListPersistentVars(); afx_msg void OnScriptClearPersistentVars(); afx_msg void OnUpdateClearPersistentVars(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnScriptRunOneCommand(); afx_msg void OnUpdateScriptRunOneCommand(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int StartNavAvqBusy(void); int CheckLegalCommandAndArgNum(CString * strItems, int cmdIndex, CString strLine, int macroNum); bool ArithmeticIsAllowed(CString & str); int AdjustBeamTiltIfSelected(double delISX, double delISY, BOOL doAdjust, CString &message); bool AdjustBeamTiltAndAstig(double delISX, double delISY, double &BTX, double &BTY, double &astigX, double &astigY); int AdjustBTApplyISSetDelay(double delISX, double delISY, BOOL doAdjust, BOOL setDelay, double scale, CString &message); int TestIncrementalImageShift(double delISX, double delISY); afx_msg void OnOpenEditorsOnStart(); afx_msg void OnUpdateOpenEditorsOnStart(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); void TransferOneLiners(bool fromDialog); void OpenOrJustCloseOneLiners(bool reopen); unsigned int StringHashValue(const char * str); int LookupCommandIndex(CString & item); int LocalVarAlreadyDefined(CString & item, CString &strLine); int FindAndCheckArrayIndexes(CString & item, int leftIndex, int & right1, int & right2, CString *errStr); int EvalExpressionInIndex(CString & indStr); Variable * GetVariableValuePointers(CString & name, CString ** valPtr, int ** numElemPtr, const char *action, CString & errStr); void SetOneReportedValue(CString * strItem, CString * ValtStr, double value, int index); void SetOneReportedValue(CString &valStr, int index); void SetOneReportedValue(double value, int index); void SetOneReportedValue(CString *strItem, CString &valStr, int index); void SetOneReportedValue(CString *strItem, double value, int index); FileForText *LookupFileForText(CString & ID, int checkReadOrWrite, CString &strLine, int &index); void CloseFileForText(int index); int RunScriptFromFile(CString &filename, bool deleteFile, CString &mess); void SubstituteLineStripItems(CString & strLine, int numStrip, CString & strCopy); void JustStripItems(CString & strLine, int numStrip, CString & strCopy, bool allowComment = false); int CheckAndConvertLDAreaLetter(CString & item, int needOnOrOff, int & index, CString &strLine); void RestoreLowDoseParams(int index); void RestoreMultiShotParams(); bool IsLowDoseAreaSaved(int which); void UpdateLDAreaIfSaved(); int MakeNewTempMacro(CString &strVar, CString &strIndex, bool tempOnly, CString &strLine); bool SetupStageRestoreAfterTilt(CString * strItems, double &stageX, double &stageY); int DoStageRelaxation(double delx); CMapDrawItem *CurrentOrIndexedNavItem(int &index, CString &strLine); float * FloatArrayFromVariable(CString name, int &numVals, CString & report); int GetPairedFloatArrays(int itemInd, float **xArray, float **yArray, int &numVals, CString & report); void SetGraphListVec(IntVec &graphList); afx_msg void OnScriptLoadNewPackage(); int LoadNewScriptPackage(CString &filename, bool saveCurrent); void UpdateAllForNewScripts(bool oneLinersToo); afx_msg void OnScriptSavePackage(); afx_msg void OnScriptSavePackageAs(); afx_msg void OnRunOnProgramStart(); afx_msg void OnUpdateRunOnProgramStart(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnRunAtProgramEnd(); afx_msg void OnUpdateRunAtProgramEnd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); int SelectScriptAtStartEnd(CString &name, const char *when); void SaveStatusPanes(int macNum); afx_msg void OnUseMonospacedFont(); afx_msg void OnUpdateUseMonospacedFont(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OntShowIndentButtons(); afx_msg void OnUpdateShowIndentButtons(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnScriptSetpanelrows(); afx_msg void OnUpdateScriptSetpanelrows(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnRunSerialemSnapshot(); afx_msg void OnUpdateRunSerialemSnapshot(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnRunIfProgramIdle(); afx_msg void OnUpdateRunIfProgramIdle(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnScriptSetNumStatus(); afx_msg void OnMonospaceStatusLines(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMonospaceStatusLines(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnKeepFocusOnOneLine(); afx_msg void OnUpdateKeepFocusOnOneLine(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); }; #include "MacroCommands.h" #endif // !defined(AFX_MACROPROCESSOR_H__33178182_58A1_4F3A_B8F4_D41F94866517__INCLUDED_)